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Mobile Apps for Omnichannel Retailing: Revealing the Emerging Showrooming Phenomenon



The transformation of the smartphone into a key integrating factor of the online & offline retailing environment has lead to the development of mobile applications that shape the omniretailing landscape. The present study provides evidence of the mobile retailing apps frequency of use inside physical stores and explores mobile retailing app assisted shoppers' preferences of in-store omniretailing practices & technologies. Results reveal that price comparison that could lead to showrooming is of utmost important for consumers. In parallel, consumers that attach great importance to such practice significantly differ from the rest, in terms of the importance they attach to salespeople & omnichannel integration criteria, in order to purchase offline. In contrast, there weren't found statistically significant differences in terms of the importance they attach to online & offline store atmosphere. Nevertheless , the importance attached to online store atmosphere is high among mobile retailing app assisted shoppers. Drawing on these results, the study provides feedback to retail entrepreneurs regarding the optimal design and features of the future physical retail store.
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Mobile Apps for Omnichannel Retailing:
Revealing the Emerging Showroom Phenomenon
Chris Lazaris
ELTRUN, School of Business, Department of Management Science & Technology, Greece(4-%.0!#-
Adam Vrechopoulos
ELTRUN, School of Business, Department of Management Science & Technology, Greece1-!$+,0!#-
Georgios Doukidis
ELTRUN, School of Business, Department of Management Science & Technology, Greece#& 0!#-
Aikaterini Fraidaki
ELTRUN, School of Business, Department of Management Science & Technology, Greece"-% '%0!#-
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Ninth Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS), Samos, Greece, 2015 1
Complete Research
Lazaris Chris, ELTRUN - The E-Business Research Center, Athens University of Economics &
Business, School of Business, Department of Management Science & Technology, Greece,
Vrechopoulos Adam, ELTRUN - The E-Business Research Center, Athens University of Economics
& Business, School of Business, Department of Management Science & Technology, Greece,
Doukidis Georgios, ELTRUN - The E-Business Research Center, Athens University of Economics &
Business, School of Business, Department of Management Science & Technology, Greece,
Fraidaki Katerina, ELTRUN - The E-Business Research Center, Athens University of Economics &
Business, School of Business, Department of Management Science & Technology, Greece,
The transformation of the smartphone into a key integrating factor of the online & offline retailing
environment has lead to the development of mobile applications that shape the omniretailing land-
scape. The present study provides evidence of the mobile retailing apps frequency of use inside physi-
cal stores and explores mobile retailing app assisted shoppers’ preferences of in-store omniretailing
practices & technologies. Results reveal that price comparison that could lead to showrooming is of
utmost important for consumers. In parallel, consumers that attach great importance to such practice
significantly differ from the rest, in terms of the importance they attach to salespeople & omnichannel
integration criteria, in order to purchase offline. In contrast, there weren’t found statistically signifi-
cant differences in terms of the importance they attach to online & offline store atmosphere. Neverthe-
less, the importance attached to online store atmosphere is high among mobile retailing app assisted
shoppers. Drawing on these results, the study provides feedback to retail entrepreneurs regarding the
optimal design and features of the future physical retail store.
Keywords: Omnichannel Retailing, Mobile Apps, Consumer Behaviour, Showrooming, Store Atmos-
1 Introduction
It is evident that smartphones have become an important part of everyday life. They could be de-
scribed as life companions, since users seem to integrate them into their daily activities
. This phe-
nomenon can be attributed to several factors. First of all, having internet access at all times provides
value added services that enhance the users’ physical activities. In addition to this, users are able to
Lazaris et al. / Mobile Apps for Omnichannel Retailing
Ninth Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS), Samos, Greece, 2015 2
take advantage of hardware-assisted internet features that smartphones provide them, such as sensors,
location based services and cameras. Finally, the combination of always-on internet access and hard-
ware supported features is complemented with new user interfaces that outperform the conventional
web environment experience provided by modern web browsers: the mobile applications (apps) GUI.
Mobile apps seem to be the driving force of smartphones, creating ecosystems that engage users and
influence their behaviour.
From a retailing perspective, smartphones play an important role integrating retailing channels, blend-
ing online with offline, since consumers inside physical stores are at the same time mobile-assisted
online shoppers. Multichannel retailing transforms into a complex, diversified form of retailing, re-
cently characterized as “omnichannel retailing” or “omniretailing”. On the one hand, reports
that physical retail stores will continue to be consumers’ preferred point of purchase and that online
sales will only account for a small portion of total sales. While there are several reasons for that fore-
cast, an obvious one is the clear superiority of the physical environment in comparison to the online
one: it attracts more physical senses, with tactile being the most important one, according to lab ex-
periments (Spence & Gallace, 2011).
Conversely, e-commerce provides unique benefits to shoppers that are absent from the physical store.
Online features such as instant price comparison, fast checkouts, recommender systems and product
reviews accessibility are quite popular in e-tailing. In early m-commerce era, such practices were im-
possible or difficult to perform within the physical store since mobile phones were not smart enough
(software and hardware-wise) for consumers to take fully advantage of them. Whilst smartphones’
hardware specifications continually evolve along with innovative software features in the form of mo-
bile apps, they provide consumers with a convenient access to the online retailing environment, inside
the physical one, transforming them into “omnishoppers”.
The purpose of this study is to explore the consumers’ retailing mobile app & in-store internet penetra-
tion within the physical store. Furthermore, the study attempts to clarify which omniretailing tech-
nologies & practices are most important for mobile app assisted in-store internet users. Finally, con-
sumers’ preferences are analyzed providing feedback for retailing entrepreneurs that are interested in
designing the future retail store and enhancing it with omniretailing features.
2 Literature Review, Research Hypotheses and Methodology
At first, internet services were meant to be utilized by the use of internet browsers. Early browsers
were optimized for the desktop environment, whereas web content consisted mainly of document files
(html) and few multimedia elements (e.g. images, audio). Next, the Web 2.0 era emerged as the inter-
net experience included dynamic web pages, asynchronous network communication and richer con-
tent, converting the web into an application environment (Mikkonen & Taivalsaari, 2011). Since the
introduction of the mobile as a new internet access device, several attempts were made in order to
transfer the internet experience on the move. Early mobile phones featured small, non-touch screens
and low hardware specs which resulted in poor internet browsing, which followed the WAP protocol.
As the devices became more powerful and their screens improved, both in size and in quality, the
internet experience could be offered by html browsers. Still, usability remained an issue, since small
keyboards, or even touch pens could not provide efficient and effective human-computer interaction.
It was the advent of the Apple iPhone that brought true revolution to this domain. The success of the
iPhone was not only because of its superior hardware (capacitive multi-touch screen, sensors, etc), but
also because of the mobile apps ecosystem it introduced, creating the true smartphone. Users were
now able to benefit from online services not only by using the internet browser, but also by utilizing
Lazaris et al. / Mobile Apps for Omnichannel Retailing
Ninth Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS), Samos, Greece, 2015 3
mobile applications, downloaded from the application store of the platform. Mobile apps soon became
a strong alternative to web sites, and the latter also became mobile friendly. Nowadays, online services
can be encountered in the following variants in smartphones: Standard web site (desktop version),
Web site featuring responsive design (desktop version adapts to smaller screens), Mobile web site
(separate from the desktop version), Native mobile app and Hybrid mobile app (web pages wrapped
into native mobile app). Overall, the key differences between mobile app and web site implementa-
tions are the following:
Mobile apps run compiled code, written in C & Objective C (Apple iOS), Java (Google Android),
.NET (Windows Phone), whereas mobile web sites typically utilize mobile frameworks, running
interpreted code (Charland & Leroux, 2011). Therefore, mobile apps perform faster than mobile
web sites (Huy & van Thanh, 2012).
Mobile apps are device-specific and difficult to implement and maintain, mobile web sites, on the
other hand, are typically cross-platform and can be instantly updated (Wisniewski, 2011).
Mobile apps offer deep mobile OS integration (e.g. alerts and notifications), featuring specific APIs
that access device hardware (sensors, cameras, gps, etc) directly, whereas web sites have limited
hardware API support, although HTML5 seems to gradually adapt to this situation (Charland &
Leroux, 2011; Wisniewski, 2011).
Mobile apps provide superior user interface (Charland & Leroux, 2011), suitable even for one-
handed operation, featuring hardware acceleration and customized software buttons and gestures,
web sites, conversely, rely on the web browser interface in order to interact with the user.
Based on the previous differences, it can be assumed that for retailing purposes mobile apps seem to
be a more suitable choice for consumers in-store, since they can assist users with more natural interac-
tion (e.g. augmented reality, camera-based product recognition), less clicks featuring one-hand opera-
tion (retailing optimized interface), employing more hardware functions (e.g. sensors, bluetooth), and
with faster response (Wisniewski, 2011; Mikkonen & Taivalsaari, 2011). In addition to this, mobile
apps seem to be the most appropriate way to seamlessly integrate online & offline features, due to di-
rect hardware API & OS support (Huy & van Thanh, 2012). In fact, this could be the key point achiev-
ing omnichannel state within the physical store.
Omnichannel stems from the latin word omnis (meaning: all, everything) and it was first introduced by
practitioners in order to differentiate from multichannel. The concept was that consumers utilize retail-
ing channels simultaneously and not just in parallel (Parker & Hand, 2009; Ortis & Casoli, 2009). In
academic literature, it was first encountered by Rigby (2011, p.4) who defined omnichannel retailing
as “an integrated sales experience that melds the advantages of physical stores with the information-
rich experience of online shopping”. Besides, Omniretailing was introduced as “a coordinated mul-
tichannel offering that provides a seamless experience when using all of the retailer’s shopping chan-
nels” (Levy, et al., 2013, p.67). Recently, Fairchild (2014, p.1) states that “omnichannel commerce
involves combining traditional commerce with online commerce by integrating processes in a harmo-
nious and complementary way throughout the organizational and IT chain, and includes external logis-
tics partners in these processes”. Finally, recent omnichannel-specific literature poses specific mention
to mobile apps and the mobile channel referring to it as a “disruptive change in the retail environment”
(Verhoef et al., 2015). Consequently, omnichannel includes several aspects of retailing ranging from
the consumer point to the retailer or even the whole supply chain. In the remaining of this study we
attempt to explore the consumers’ perspective regarding the simultaneous use of channels, inside the
physical retail store, utilizing mobile apps as the key integrating technology of the online & offline
There are several studies & reports that depict consumers’ omniretailing practices within the physical
store. Some refer to them as mobile-assisted shoppers (Luo et al., 2014; Quint et al., 2013) focusing on
Lazaris et al. / Mobile Apps for Omnichannel Retailing
Ninth Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS), Samos, Greece, 2015 4
consumers’ efforts to assist themselves in-store. Other focus on the online practices they use (Wurm-
ser, 2014; Lazaris et al., 2015) and there are also other studies that attempt to explain their behaviour
(Agrebi & Jallais, 2015; Lazaris et al., 2014). All studies and reports agree that mobile plays an impor-
tant role in in-store shopping and that there is a growing percentage of consumers that adopts omnire-
tailing practices (Adobe, 2013). Following these directions, our initial research question is whether
consumers utilize not only mobile internet in-store but also mobile apps. Also, if there is a relationship
between in-store internet frequency of use and retailing mobile apps frequency of use by shoppers.
Related literature shows that enjoyment, behavioural intention to use mobile internet, educational
level, subscription of a flat rate and ease of use are correlated with mobile internet usage criteria (Ger-
pott & Thomas, 2014). Ease of use is attributed to mobile apps (Charland & Leroux, 2011) and there-
fore we could assume that apps correlate with mobile internet usage criteria. In addition to this, it was
found that mobile apps increase internet traffic to the provider’s corresponding mobile website, and
therefore mobile internet use (Xu et al., 2014). For that reason, if mobile apps were used in-store, it
would also lead to increased in-store internet use. Therefore, the following research hypothesis is for-
H1: There are statistically significant differences between shoppers with different levels of retailing
mobile app frequency of use, in terms of their in-store Internet frequency of use levels.
An aftermath of this hypothesis is what retailing-assisting mobile app users want to do with internet
in-store. Previous insights suggest that they want to engage in omniretailing practices utilizing e-
commerce technologies that they are familiar with from the online channel, seeking for the omnichan-
nel experience. But which online practices & technologies are most important for them? In a recent
related business report, several omniretailing practices inside physical store are presented, with price
comparison appearing to be the most favourite (Wurmser, 2014, p.11). The report referred to price
comparison in-store, in relation to showrooming. Quint et al. (2013) were among the first that pre-
sented this topic in a report entitled: “Showrooming and the Rise of the Mobile-Assisted Shopper”,
where they also enlist other accompanying consumer practices. Showrooming, was only recently de-
fined in academia by Rapp et al. (2015, p.360) as “a practice whereby consumers visit a brick-and-
mortar retail store to (1) evaluate products/services firsthand and (2) use mobile technology while in-
store to compare products for potential purchase via any number of channels”. The study investigated
the role of the salesperson towards this behaviour. Similarly, Luo et al. (2014) examined the show-
rooming intention of mobile-assisted shoppers in a multichannel retailing environment, regarding it as
an important phenomenon, with pricing and employee knowledge competency to play an important
role in it. At the same time, Willmott (2014) presented several statistical findings and reports that
showrooming goes mainstream among mobile shoppers as a common practice.
Nonetheless, price comparison was also a favourite online practice years ago, when Burke (2002) in-
vestigated 128 different aspects of the shopping experience online & in-store, conducting a national
survey with 2.120 online users. Price comparison online was considered “must have” for 28,1% of
respondents and “should have” for 66,9% of them. Although the study incorporated in-store shopping
features, price comparison was not included among them at that time probably because neither smart-
phones nor efficient online price comparison shopping engines existed. Also, price comparison was
not included by Mahatanankoon et al. (2005) who explored consumer perception of 44 mobile applica-
tions at early days of m-commerce. Apart from price comparison and showrooming, several other re-
search papers offer recommendations about mobile app features. Zhao & Balagué (2015) provided
recommendations for branded mobile apps features and categorized them in tool-centric, game-centric,
social-centric, m-commerce centric & design centric. Similarly, Magrath and McCormick (2013) pre-
sented a product & services design m-marketing design framework depicting several features for mo-
bile fashion retail apps. Based on the previous studies and business reports, we selected 18 online
practices and technologies that are compatible with omnichannel retailing, in order to rank and explore
the importance that mobile retailing app consumers attach to them in-store. Consequently, based on
previous literature, the following research hypotheses are formulated:
Lazaris et al. / Mobile Apps for Omnichannel Retailing
Ninth Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS), Samos, Greece, 2015 5
H2: There are statistically significant differences across a series of online practices & technologies
applied inside physical stores in terms of the importance that in-store Internet retail mobile app as-
sisted shoppers attach to them.
In addition to this, we postulate that between retail mobile app and non mobile app assisted in-store
internet shoppers significant differences exist. The reason for this is the nature of mobile apps, the ad-
ditional hardware-assisted features that they support and the overall differentiated smartphone fea-
tures, as presented above. Therefore, we also propose the subsequent hypothesis:
H3: There are statistically significant differences between retail mobile app and non mobile app as-
sisted in-store Internet shoppers in terms of the importance they attach to a series of online practices
& technologies applied inside physical stores (18 sub-hypotheses in total, as the number of online
practices & technologies).
Next, a subsequent research question emerges: if price comparison and more specifically showroom-
ing intention is high among in-store internet users, what could be done to prevent it? This subject re-
mains an open issue and literature reveals several approaches that could be followed. Chiu et al.
(2011) provided 3 effects that have an impact on cross-channel free-riding behaviour, a term similar to
showrooming: searching for product information in retail channel and then purchasing it in another
one (Chiu et al., 2011, p.1). According to their study, the “push” effect is consumers’ perceived mul-
tichannel self-efficacy that positively influences showrooming. The “pull” effect is the attractiveness
of competitor’s physical retail store, which also has a positive effect on showrooming. In other words,
a consumer may leave a store in order to purchase from another one which has more attractive store
atmosphere. Finally, the “mooring” effect, which are lock-in levels within the retailer negatively im-
pact showrooming. That is, factors that make it difficult for the consumer to switch to another retailer
(e.g. time consuming or involving complicated procedures). Nevertheless, we should mention that this
study only examined free-riding from the online channel to the offline one (research online, purchase
offline). Next, Shukla & Babin (2013) discovered that regarding store switching behaviour, hedonic
values are more important that utilitarian ones and, therefore, retailers should pay attention to the retail
store environment in order to reduce consumer defection. In contrast, Heitz-Spahn (2013) addressed
three motives to cross-channel free-riding behaviour: shopping convenience, flexibility and price
comparison. Interestingly, they discover that channel aesthetics as components of store atmosphere,
although important, do not influence retailer & channel choice and therefore showrooming. They also
suggested that utilitarian motives (e.g. pricing) are more important than hedonic ones (e.g. design, er-
gonomics) towards this issue. They also proclaimed that mobile applications are turning to be a sig-
nificant research direction towards this area.
At this point it should be noted that store atmosphere notion is applicable both online and offline, with
different components and definitions characterizing it throughout the years. Eroglu & Machleit (1993),
reported that store atmospherics consist of “all of the physical and non-physical elements of a store
that can be controlled in order to enhance (or restrain) the behaviors of its occupants, both customers
and employees”. In parallel, Dailey (2004, p.796) stated that a web atmospheric cue is “comparable to
a brick-and-mortar atmospheric cue and can be defined as any web interface component within an in-
dividual’s perceptual field that stimulates one’s senses”. In fact, atmospherics also extend to the mo-
bile domain in the form of m-atmospherics (Manganari et al., 2007).
Only recently, Pantano & Viassone (2015) considered store atmosphere & channels availability to im-
pact purchase intention. These factors are also found to affect service quality perception, which is also
affected by technology and/or salesperson interaction. The study concluded indicating that consumers
evaluate all channels simultaneously and therefore retailers should integrate them seamlessly through
the use of mobile technologies such as iBeacon, mobile apps and smartphones. In fact, they suggested
that multichannel integration is the right step towards avoiding cross-channel free riding behaviour.
Also, regarding multichannel integration, Zhang & Oh (2013) exploring customer switching behavior,
proposed that retailers should focus on providing innovative cross-channel services in order to retain
customers and enhancing service convenience. As far as service is concerned, Monteleone & Wolf-
Lazaris et al. / Mobile Apps for Omnichannel Retailing
Ninth Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS), Samos, Greece, 2015 6
erseberger (2012) suggested that although pricing is an important showrooming aspect, store associ-
ates and in-store assisting technologies play important role as well. Correspondingly, Rapp et al.
(2015) elaborated on the relationship between showrooming and the salesperson and found out that
retailers should invest in salesperson-consumer interaction through specific strategies and behaviours.
In our case, we selected four criteria for consumers in order to purchase from a physical store, based
on the previous showrooming-related factors: conventional store atmosphere, online store atmosphere,
service support by salespeople utilizing sales supporting electronic technologies and a store’s mul-
tichannel integration in order to create a seamless shopping experience. Store atmosphere in both off-
line & online variants was included, since in our case we investigate the omniretailing environment.
The effect of retail salesperson was empowered with electronic technologies, in order to test omnire-
tailing effects to him, too. It should be noted that although salespeople could be regarded as part of the
conventional store atmosphere (human factor), in our case we examine them separately. The reason is
twofold: to test human (e.g. personal selling techniques) vs environmental atmospheric effects and to
separately examine the combination of human-technology effects on consumers’ preferences. Om-
nichannel effects to showrooming were also incorporated as a criterion, based on its definition: a mul-
tichannel integration in order to create a seamless shopping experience (Levy, et al., 2013, p.67). As a
result, our hypothesis is formulated as follows:
H4: There are statistically significant differences between in-store internet users with different levels
of showrooming intention, in terms of the importance they attach to conventional (H4.1) & online
store atmosphere (H4.2), salespeople (H4.3) & omnichannel integration (H4.4) criteria in order to
purchase from the physical store.
Finally, it would be intriguing to discover if there are any differences regarding retailing mobile app
and non app shoppers in relation to the previous offline purchase intention criteria. In other words, if
retail mobile app assisted in-store internet shoppers attach more importance to each of these criteria in
order to purchase from the physical store, in relation to non mobile app assisted in-store internet shop-
pers. That could be attributed to the enhanced mobile app UI and features, which could make these
users to differ in terms of the previous criteria in relation to the others. Therefore, the following hy-
pothesis could be originated:
H5: There are statistically significant differences between mobile app and non mobile app assisted in-
store internet shoppers, in terms of the importance they attach to conventional (H5.1) & online store
atmosphere (H5.2), salespeople (H5.3) & omnichannel integration (H5.4) criteria in order to pur-
chase from a physical store.
For testing the research hypotheses, the study employs an exploratory quantitative empirical research
design that took place in Greece in November 2014, in the context of an annual ELTRUN - The E-
Business Research Center eCommerce survey. The data collection instrument of the national survey
was an online questionnaire which received 815 valid answers from Internet users. The questionnaire
was created in the Google forms platform and internet users were invited to participate via e-mail
campaigns, display banners on popular Greek news sites & e-shops and social media. Questions in-
cluded frequency of internet use at various channels, retailing-assisting mobile app utilization, as well
as questions regarding 18 omniretailing practices & technologies within the physical store. These om-
niretailing practices & technologies were sorted according to the shopping process encounter, i.e. from
the store entrance to the store checkout. Finally, they were asked about the importance they attach to
the four aforementioned criteria, in order to purchase from a physical store. Statistical analysis was
performed using SPSS version 20, and its outputs are presented and discussed at the following sec-
3 Findings And Discussion
Descriptive statistics confirm the forecast that was made back in 2011 that mobile internet will surpass
desktop internet usage by 2014 (Wisniewski, 2011): 86% choose mobile phones for internet utiliza-
Lazaris et al. / Mobile Apps for Omnichannel Retailing
Ninth Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS), Samos, Greece, 2015 7
tion, whereas 78% use desktops. It was also found that 80% of retailing mobile app users use internet
in-store and 46% of them do it often. What’s more, 70% of in-store internet users use retailing mobile
apps in order to assist their purchases & 56% of them attach great importance to in-store retail-
assisting mobile app or mobile sites. Besides, 39% use them often, whereas 31% rarely. It seems obvi-
ous that they use them along with internet inside physical stores, in order to facilitate shopping, and
60% of them respond that they attach great importance to them. Our initial research question is par-
tially answered by the previous descriptive statistics. Retailing mobile app consumers definitely utilize
them in-store. However, in order to validate hypothesis H1 additional statistical tests should be ap-
plied. Specifically, ANOVA was performed in order to test whether there are significant statistical
differences between shoppers with different frequency of retailing mobile apps use, in terms of their
in-store internet use. Shoppers were separated into three groups in order to perform the test: Group 1:
Non-app users, Group 2: Rare mobile retailing app users, Group 3: Frequent mobile retailing app us-
ers. Frequency of in-store internet use was measured on a 5-point likert scale. Descriptive statistics of
these groups are shown in Table 1.
Std. Deviation
95% Confidence Interval
for Mean
Lower Bound
Upper Bound
Table 1: Descriptives of the Frequency of Internet use inside Physical Stores
ANOVA results (Table 2) reveal that the null hypothesis is rejected (p value < .05), and that signifi-
cant statistical differences exist only between frequent user group and all the others (Table 3).
Sum of Squares
Mean Square
Between Groups
Within Groups
Table 2: ANOVA for Groups of Different Frequency of Internet use inside Physical Stores
Dependent Variable: Frequency of Internet use inside Physical Stores - Tukey HSD
(I) Frequency
of Mobile Re-
tailing Apps
(J) Frequency
of Mobile Re-
tailing Apps
Mean Difference
95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound
Upper Bound
Table 3: ANOVA Post Hoc Multiple Comparisons Test
Lazaris et al. / Mobile Apps for Omnichannel Retailing
Ninth Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS), Samos, Greece, 2015 8
Figure 1: Frequency of Mobile Retailing Apps - In-Store Internet Use Plot
Drawing from the ANOVA results and also Figure 1 (Frequency of Mobile Retailing Apps - In-Store
Internet Use Plot) we predict a positive correlation between mobile apps use and in-store internet use,
which is statistically significant. Therefore, we validate our hypothesis by performing a correlation
test. A Pearson product-moment correlation was run (Table 4) to determine the relationship between
shoppers’ mobile apps use and their in-store internet use, which was found to be significant (r = .273,
n = 815, p < .05). Consequently, hypothesis H1 is accepted.
Frequency of Internet use
inside Physical Stores
Frequency of Mobile Re-
tailing Apps use
Frequency of Internet use
inside Physical Stores
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Frequency of Mobile Retail-
ing Apps use
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Table 4: Pearson Correlation for Frequency of Mobile Retailing Apps - In-Store Internet Use
In order to test hypothesis H2, we compared the 18 online practices & technologies inside the physical
stores separating them at 18 groups, while performing ANOVA between them, in terms of the impor-
tance that in-store Internet retail mobile app assisted users attach to them. In this way not only we will
grade them in terms of mean scores, but also we can identify significant statistical differences between
Online practices & technologies applied inside physical stores
Mobile Retailing
App Consumers
Non App
ers Means
attached by
16. Fast electronic checkouts without queues
3. Ability to buy in-store with internet prices, as a result of an elec-
tronic check-in in the physical store
6. In-store price comparison, which could lead to showrooming
1. Free in-store wifi
11. Product stock electronic availability
Lazaris et al. / Mobile Apps for Omnichannel Retailing
Ninth Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS), Samos, Greece, 2015 9
15. Product electronic search & map navigation to them
4. Special prices, coupons, offer alerts at the store’s entrance
12. Loyalty points electronic access
14. In-store location-based offers
8. Access to user opinions, product presentations & reviews
18. In-store retail-assisting mobile site (accessible via wifi) or mobile
17. Mobile payments
5. Access to electronic profile & purchase history
13. Self-service assisting technologies
7. Electronic recommender systems
9. Product/service posts and comments on social networks
10. Email send & receive
2. Electronic check-in in the physical store (e.g. via wifi, foursquare,
swarm, facebook, etc)
Table 5: Mean Ranking of Importance attached to Online Practices & Technologies Applied In-Store
by Mobile Retailing App Consumers Vs Non App Consumers
The ranking of these practices and technologies according to their mean scores is presented in Table 5.
The three most preferred ones are “Fast electronic checkouts without queues”, the “Ability to buy in-
store with internet prices, as a result of an electronic check-in in the physical store” and “In-store price
comparison, which could lead to showrooming”. It should be noted that they are the only ones with
mean scores above 4 in the 5-point likert scale and that ANOVA post-hoc comparison showed that
there are no significant statistical differences between them. In contrast, significant statistical differ-
ences do exist between these three practices and all the rest. The “Ability to buy in-store with internet
prices, as a result of an electronic check-in in the physical store” also depicts consumers’ price sensi-
tivity, which strikingly elevates the “Electronic check-in in the physical store” feature from the last
place (score: 2,83) to the second one (score: 4,20). In addition to this, we calculated the percentage of
consumers that attach great importance (over 4 points at the 5-point likert scale) to the previous prac-
tices. It appears that “In-store price comparison, which could lead to showrooming” now comes first,
surpassing the other two (Table 6). All these results advocate that hypothesis H2 is accepted.
Next, we aim at exploring hypothesis H3, that is whether the previous results differ in terms of
whether the users utilize mobile apps for retailing or not. Our test sample consisted only in-store inter-
net users, therefore it would be interesting to explore if web-only users have the same technology
preferences with mobile app users. Table 5 depicts their preferences (mean scores) by comparison. We
performed an independent samples t-test which showed that null hypothesis is rejected for 12 sub-
hypotheses. As a result there are significant statistical differences between mobile app and non mobile
app assisted in-store internet shoppers, in terms of the importance they attach to these 12 online prac-
tices & technologies applied inside physical stores. “In-store price comparison, which could lead to
showrooming” practice ranks first among non retailing mobile app consumers and wasn’t among the
12 ones supported by our hypotheses. Overall, the practices that didn’t show significant statistical dif-
ferences, and thus the related sub-hypotheses were rejected, were the following:
1. In-store price comparison, which could lead to showrooming
2. Product stock electronic availability
3. Product electronic search & map navigation to them
4. Special prices, coupons, offer alerts at the store’s entrance
5. In-store location-based offers
6. In-store retail-assisting mobile site (accessible via wifi) or mobile app
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Ninth Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS), Samos, Greece, 2015 10
Therefore, these practices are considered by both retail mobile app and non retail app customers to be
of equal high importance. Furthermore, half of these technologies feature location-based services (#3,
#4, #5). It seems that the attached importance to these services is equal to both user groups, although
only mobile app consumers have full access to them (e.g. iBeacon, gps). This finding shows that these
technologies should be implemented into both technology approaches (#6 verifies that, too). On the
other hand, there is low availability of these types of apps in the application stores. Therefore, non app
consumers may utilize apps if retailing apps that lie in these categories are available, since they share
the same preferences for them as the other mobile app consumer group.
Mobile Retailing
App Consumers
Non App Con-
sumers Percent-
6. In-store price comparison, which could lead to
16. Fast electronic checkouts without queues
3. Ability to buy in-store with internet prices, as a
result of an electronic check-in in the physical store
11. Product stock electronic availability
4. Special prices, coupons, offer alerts at the store’s
8. Access to user opinions, product presentations &
1. Free in-store wifi
12. Loyalty points electronic access
15. Product electronic search & map navigation to
18. In-store retail-assisting mobile site (accessible via
wifi) or mobile app
14. In-store location-based offers
17. Mobile payments
5. Access to electronic profile & purchase history
13. Self-service assisting technologies
7. Electronic recommender systems
10. Email send & receive
9. Product/service posts and comments on social net-
2. Electronic check-in in the physical store (e.g. via
wifi, foursquare, swarm, facebook, etc)
Table 6: Percentage of Consumers that attach great importance to the Online Practices & Technolo-
gies Applied In-Store
Finally, we calculated the percentage of non retail app users that regarded each technology of utmost
importance (4 & 5 in the 5-point likert scale of preference). At Table 6 we rank these preferences, in
comparison with mobile app users. In-store price comparison, which could lead to showrooming gath-
ers the highest percentage of the sample that consider it to be of utmost importance, highest than re-
tailer mobile app users (89% vs 83%). In addition to this, non app consumers score higher than mobile
app ones regarding “In-store price comparison, which could lead to showrooming” in the mean scores
(Table 5), which is striking since mobile apps feature easier price comparison techniques, e.g. through
camera barcode recognition. That could be attributed to either low performance of mobile apps in this
Lazaris et al. / Mobile Apps for Omnichannel Retailing
Ninth Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS), Samos, Greece, 2015 11
category (e.g. troublesome barcode recognition) or higher desire for appropriate apps by non app con-
sumers because they do not have them available.
Finally, we observe that “Email send & receive” & “Electronic recommender systems” are the two
technologies with the highest differences in percentages of users that regarded each technology of ut-
most importance (32% & 22% respectively). The differences are in favour of retailing mobile app con-
sumers, which, in the case of email, indicates that these users attach more importance to checking
emails via apps in-store than the others, since apps provide push mechanism though the OS, which is
more efficient. However, email activities rank 17
at our standings. The higher percentage of user
preference to “Electronic recommender systems” probably indicates that it is a feature best imple-
mented through apps, since it involves more complicated functionalities and UI.
Next, drawing from our results regarding in-store price comparison, which could lead to showroom-
ing, we aim at testing hypothesis H4 regarding showrooming intention. For this purpose we performed
an independent samples t-test between the respondents group that attach high importance to in-store
price comparison, which could lead to showrooming and those that don’t. Results show that in-store
internet users that attach great significance to in-store price comparison, which could lead them to
showrooming, consider service support by salespeople utilizing sales supporting electronic technolo-
gies (H4.3) and a store’s multichannel integration in order to create a seamless shopping experience
(H4.4) more important than those that don’t attach great significance to it (Table 8). Salespeople utiliz-
ing sales supporting electronic technologies is considered to be the most important (Table 7). In con-
trast, there are no statistically significant differences between these consumer groups in terms of the
importance they attach to online & offline store atmosphere in order to purchase from a physical store
(Table 8). Therefore, sub-hypotheses H4.1 & H4.2 are rejected.
In-store price comparison, which
could lead to showrooming
Std. Devia-
Std. Error
Store’s conventional atmosphere
>= 4,0
< 4,0
Service support by salespeople utilizing
sales supporting electronic technologies
>= 4,0
< 4,0
Online store’s atmosphere
>= 4,0
< 4,0
Multichannel integration in order to
create a seamless shopping experience
>= 4,0
< 4,0
Table 7: Descriptives of offline purchase intention criteria between in-store internet users with differ-
ent levels of showrooming intention
t-test for Equality of Means
Mean Differ-
Std. Error
95% Confidence Interval of
the Difference
Store’s conven-
tional atmos-
Eq. var.
Eq. var. not
Service support
Eq. var.
Lazaris et al. / Mobile Apps for Omnichannel Retailing
Ninth Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS), Samos, Greece, 2015 12
by salespeople
utilizing sales
supporting elec-
tronic technolo-
Eq. var. not
Online store’s
Eq. var.
Eq. var. not
integration in
order to create a
seamless shop-
ping experience
Eq. var.
Eq. var. not
Table 8: T-Test between in-store internet users with different levels of showrooming intention regard-
ing offline purchase intention criteria
We also performed Pearson’s correlation for each of the aforementioned criteria, regarding showroom-
ing intention. Results reveal that there is a positive correlation between showrooming intention and
importance attached to service support by salespeople utilizing sales supporting electronic technolo-
gies in order to purchase from a physical store, which is statistically significant (r = .244, n = 611, p <
.05). In addition, there is a positive correlation between showrooming intention and importance at-
tached to a store’s multichannel integration in order to create a seamless shopping experience in order
to purchase from a physical store (r = .187, n = 611, p < .05). On the contrary, there is no positive cor-
relation between showrooming intention and importance attached to a store’s online (r = .033, n = 611,
p=0.410) & offline (r = .043, n = 611, p=0.292) store atmosphere in order to purchase from a physical
Last but not least, regarding hypothesis H5, we perform an independent samples t-test between mobile
retailing app users and non app users regarding the same criteria of hypothesis H4. It turns out that
there are statistically significant differences between mobile app and non mobile app assisted in-store
internet shoppers, only in terms of the importance they attach to online store atmosphere (H5.2) in or-
der to purchase offline (Table 9). This result probably indicates that due to the additional and superior
UI that mobile app assisted in-store internet shoppers interact, they respond more to online atmospher-
ics, in order to purchase from the physical store. Thus, only sub-hypothesis H5.2 is accepted.
t-test for Equality of Means
Std. Error
95% Confidence Inter-
val of the Difference
Store’s conventional
Eq. var.
Eq. var.
not as-
Service support by
salespeople utilizing
sales supporting elec-
tronic technologies
Eq. var.
Eq. var.
not as-
Online store’s atmos-
Eq. var.
Eq. var.
not as-
Lazaris et al. / Mobile Apps for Omnichannel Retailing
Ninth Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS), Samos, Greece, 2015 13
Multichannel integra-
tion in order to create a
seamless shopping ex-
Eq. var.
Eq. var.
not as-
Table 9: T-Test between Mobile Retailing App Consumers and Non App Consumers regarding offline
purchase intention criteria
4 Implications for Retail Entrepreneurs
The present study provides several managerial implications for mobile app entrepreneurs, as well as
retail managers alike, towards developing the future retail store. Retailing mobile apps that provide
consumer assisting features are still at their infancy. Mobile app developers should focus not only pro-
viding a supplemental shopping assistant interface, but also integrate this interface with hardware fea-
tures that blend the physical and the online world seamlessly. In that way, they could provide the best
of the two worlds, creating a superior shopping environment that could deter showrooming and pro-
vide added-value services. It should be noted that some retailers have already leveraged mobile apps
as omniretailing assisting technologies either by providing in-store location based services & promo-
tions (e.g. Apple stores app, Macy’s Shopbeacon, Carrefour China app), loyalty points & social media
integration (Guess Mobile app) or augmented reality support (American Apparel).
Observing Tables 5&6 we can extract several guidelines regarding the features that omniretailing mo-
bile apps should offer. More specifically, they should offer deep integration with backend IS and POS
systems in order to facilitate fast checkouts, unified pricing and realtime stock availability. Additional
technologies such as in-store location based services are second runners, but shouldn’t be neglected,
In addition to this, it seems that mobile apps could prove to be even more beneficial for store associ-
ates. Consumers value the salespeople-technology combination the most, therefore mobile apps could
empower employees in a more powerful fashion. In that case, apps could be more effective by utiliz-
ing them on tablets, in order to provide a more spacious UI. Regarding, showrooming avoidance, lit-
erature also shows that specific personal selling techniques & strategies should also be adopted by
salespeople, since technology on its own is not enough (Rapp et al., 2015). Therefore, retailers should
invest on their human capital, while transforming into omniretailers, embracing omnichannel retailing
principles and guidelines. Taking into consideration Table 6, we should advice mobile app entrepre-
neurs to offer anti-showrooming services for salespeople’s mobile devices. Indicatively, these could
include price comparison and price matching functionalities. Towards these directions, new apps,
mainly for salespeople tablets, start to emerge (e.g. Shopkeep, Entersoft Mobile Retail Sales Assis-
In sum, the future retail store should offer deep omnichannel integration, providing a 360 degree view
of the customers (e.g. incorporating universal analytics), unifying the offline and the online shopping
experience. To that end, new omniretailing software platforms were recently introduced aiming at
merging online & offline operations providing universal analytics (e.g. Euclid Analytics, Index, Re-
tailNext, Prism). This integration could additionally be assisted with the use of apps, but stores should
be also enhanced with supplemental technologies that offer location-based services (e.g. iBeacon),
efficient & beneficial electronic check-in for consumers, as well as fast electronic checkouts without
queues. Towards the last direction, the store could support mobile payments, or even eliminate check-
outs completely. In vision of that, a recent Amazon patent (Amazon, 2015), employing RFID technol-
ogy and ubiquitous video cameras, shows that the online retailer may attempt to disrupt the physical
Lazaris et al. / Mobile Apps for Omnichannel Retailing
Ninth Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS), Samos, Greece, 2015 14
retail domain towards that direction by opening bricks ‘n’ mortar stores
that offer automated check-
5 Conclusions, Limitations and Future Research
As E-Commerce practices are desired by consumers in the physical stores, retailing mobile apps seem
to play an important role in this behaviour, integrating retail channels. Increased use of these apps has
been found to take place in-stores, accompanied with increased use of mobile internet. Price-centric
apps dominate users’ preferences with “In-store price comparison, which could lead to showrooming”
to gather the largest percentage of them that regard it of utmost importance. Hence, showrooming in-
tention is high among in-store internet users, both retailing mobile app and non app ones. Interestingly,
for that target consumer group (high showrooming intent), service support by salespeople utilizing
sales supporting electronic technologies and omnichannel integration were found to be regarded as
more important than the group that didn’t care about showrooming. This finding leads us to believe
that apart from price-matching strategies (since these consumers seem to be price-centric), increased
importance should be placed at the role of salespeople in the physical store, as well as at omnichannel
integration strategies.
Regarding the role of salespeople, the results are consistent with related studies (Zhang & Oh, 2013;
Monteleone & Wolferseberger, 2012; Rapp et al., 2015; Pantano & Viassone, 2015) which empha-
sized on the dominant role that store associates play, coping with that emerging consumer behaviour.
In particular, Zhang & Oh (2013) stressed on the role of service support, Monteleone & Wolferseber-
ger (2012) on salespeople assisting technologies, Rapp et al. (2015) on salesperson-consumer interac-
tion and Pantano & Viassone (2015) on service quality perception as an outcome of technology and/or
salesperson interaction. Therefore, our criterion of “Service support by salespeople utilizing sales sup-
porting electronic technologies” is validated as a means of battling showrooming, since users that tend
to engage in such behaviour attach significantly more importance to it (more than any other criteria) in
order to purchase from the physical store that they have visited.
As far as the omnichannel integration criterion in concerned, that is, a store’s multichannel integration
in order to provide a seamless shopping experience, Pantano & Viassone (2015) provided empirical
evidence that it can prevent showrooming and suggested the use of channel integrating technologies to
accomplish it (iBeacon, mobile apps and smartphones). This finding is also consistent with our statis-
tical findings regarding these technologies that gather increased attention by consumers. In addition to
this, Zhang & Oh (2013) also suggested that cross-channel services lead to customer retain. Neverthe-
less, Chiu et al. (2011) found that multichannel self-efficacy positively affects showrooming; therefore
multichannel integration should be carried out cautiously. On the other hand, store atmosphere, both in
conventional and online variants, though considered important, it doesn’t attract consumers with
showrooming intention more than the others. However, these results are not consistent with Shukla &
Babin (2013), Pantano & Viassone (2015) and Chiu et al. (2011) findings indicating that store atmos-
phere affects showrooming. On the contrary, they are in line with Heitz-Spahn (2013) claims that
channel aesthetics as components of store atmosphere do not influence cross-channel free-riding be-
haviour. However, they propose that this behaviour could be fought with appropriate mobile applica-
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Ninth Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS), Samos, Greece, 2015 15
Captivatingly, retailing mobile apps in-store internet users regard a store’s online store atmosphere of
utmost importance in order to purchase from that store’s physical counterpart. The importance mean
score they attach is even higher than the store’s conventional store atmosphere equivalent. What’s
more, among this consumer group and those that don’t use retailing mobile apps, there were found to
be statistical differences only regarding the online store atmosphere’s importance in order to purchase
offline. As a result, that could mean that proper mobile app atmospherics could also influence retailing
mobile app consumers’ showrooming intention in-store.
The study encloses several limitations that are mainly attributed to the research setting and method.
First of all, our sample consisted of solely internet users and, therefore, our results cannot be general-
ised to the whole population, who may not be interested in online practices within physical stores. In
addition to this, consumers were asked which practices & technologies they considered most important
in-store and not which they actually employ. The reason for that was the availability of most practices
& technologies, which were too advanced at that time for stores to support them, especially in the
form of mobile apps. For that reason, consumers could respond differently if they had actual experi-
ence of them in the conventional shopping environment. Last but not least, to the best of our knowl-
edge, the store atmosphere notion has not been transferred to the mobile apps domain. While web at-
mospherics components could be applied to mobile web one with little modifications (Manganari et
al., 2007), mobile apps, as discussed, provide features unique to the online world that may influence
our online atmosphere-related results.
In order to verify and expand our findings, researchers are encouraged to employ experimental design
approaches in real physical stores, in order to test omniretailing effects in practice. Field experiments
should definitely exploit the use of retailing mobile apps, since they are the most suitable choice to-
wards blending physical with virtual experiences. Also, the interplay of multiple atmospheric cues,
both online & offline, through omnichannel integration remain unexplored. Hence, in would be in-
triguing to explore consumer behaviour and the showrooming phenomenon specifically, inside the
future retail store, where the Omnichannel Retailing Store Atmosphere is present.
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... In contrast to Internet websites, consumers are spending more time on mobile devices and prefer to use mobile applications (MAs) (Cognizant, 2015). MAs can offer more convenience, faster speed of use (e.g., fewer clicks featuring one-hand operation and minimal time), more hardware functions (e.g., sensors, bluetooth), and quicker responses (Wisniewski, 2011;Lazaris et al., 2015) than Internet websites. Therefore, the MA sales strategy has been valued and expected by insurers to generate more substantial influence on insurance sales (Eling and Lehmann, 2018). ...
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While the impact of an Internet‐based sales strategy on sales performance has been well studied, there is little academic research that examines the impact of a mobile application (MA) sales strategy on the sales performance of insurers. Using a unique data set for term life insurance policies from a Chinese life insurer, we study the impact of implementing this strategy on insurance purchases. We find a significant growth in the insurance purchase quantity and somewhat lower growth in premiums received from new policies. This paper determines that this is due to improved channel accessibility and the cost reduction of the MA channel. Although sales of traditional distribution channels are cannibalized in the short term by the MA distribution strategy, this substitution effect does not persist in the long run. In addition, we find that this strategy reduces impulsive purchases.
... Omnichannel retailing aims to seamlessly integrate various retail channels, such as physical stores and online and mobile commerce platforms, into a single, seamless, and personalized shopping experience [2]. Traditional retailers have shown limited competence in providing these shopping experiences to contemporary customers, which poses the problem of deploying the omnichannel retail model [3][4][5]. One of the various solutions to push the omnichannel transition is implementing digital technologies such as immersive displays, wearables, and smartphones at different stages along the customer journey, i.e., the search, decision-making, purchase, and post-purchase phases, to provide a better shopping experience [6]. ...
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New digital technologies furnish retail managers with new means to enhance consumer experiences in omnichannel retailing. Conceptual academic literature and industry emphasize the promising use of immersive digital displays and their potential benefits for retailers. In this research, we present the design of a personal shopping assistance system that is based on optical see-through mixed-reality technology. Microsoft HoloLens 2 was leveraged as the archetype to realize this novel system, facilitating consumer information search and decision making. The design incorporates various shopping assistance elements (i.e., product information, reviews, recommendations, product availability, videos, a virtual cart, and an option to buy). Users can interact with these elements with gesture-based inputs to navigate through the interface. A qualitative study with 35 participants was conducted to collect users’ feedback and perceptions about the mixed-reality shopping assistant system. Derived from the qualitative feedback, we propose seven design principles that aim to support future designs and developments of mixed-reality shopping applications for head-mounted displays in omnichannel retail: rigor, informativeness, tangibility, summary, comparability, flexibility and holism.
... IoT by using sensors can detect customers entering the shop (with their mobile devices) and identify them and with the connection to the Omnichannel's touchpoints can figure out the customer's shopping history or recently searched items and offer related products in-store to the customers. By detecting entering customers to the shop, the number of cashiers and staffs which can fulfill their needs can be easily determined and it helps by decreasing waiting time, increase customer satisfaction and provide a good experience for customers and finally the chance of re-visiting the store will be increased [35][36][37][38]. ...
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The Importance of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is inevitable in fulfilling the collaboration and integration of different disciplines engaged in product development processes. However, PLM has faced with challenges in the context of Industry 4.0; especially in alignment with the Omnichannel strategy. The integration of the processes related to product promotion and digital marketing is recognized as one of those dominant challenges. There is an essential requirement for improving the interaction of PLM disciplines and Omnichannel processes. This chapter is investigating the challenges and restrictions raised by the Omnichannel strategy for PLM and the capabilities of the Omnichannel strategy to increase the effectiveness of PLM frameworks. Considering the Omnichannel strategy capabilities which are highly active in sales and promotions, the characteristics of bidirectional relation with PLM disciplines have been focused. For creating this bidirectional and synergic relation among Omnichannel strategy and PLM disciplines, the following perspectives are essential. Firstly, the configuration of Omnichannel strategy as an active agent among PLM disciplines. Secondly, the Omnichannel strategy’s capabilities to solve challenges and problems in PLM. Moreover, the consequences of decisions and interactions when integrating Omnichannel strategy in the PLM framework will be worthy to be analyzed.
... analytically show that when the manufacturer's strategic role in the distribution channel is considered, customers' tendency towards showrooming may result in higher profitability for B&M retailers rather lower. Customer usage of mobile applications to seek the best price has increased among showroomers (Lazaris et al., 2015). Our study suggests that by tapping into the mobile deal-seeking behavior of mobile-assisted shoppers, B&M retailers can benefit. ...
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Purpose This study aims to examine the positive impact of showrooming on the fashion retail business by examining the interrelationship between deal-seeking on mobile devices and digital coupon redemption intention on mobile shopping intention. Design/methodology/approach Purposive sampling was used to obtain data from 496 fashion apparel customers using the database of an online survey collection platform. Stimulus organism response (S-O-R) theory was used to examine the influence of showrooming on showroomers' mobile shopping intentions. Findings The findings suggest price consciousness is negatively related to showrooming and product involvement is positively related. In addition, showrooming affects the intention to redeem digital coupons and mobile deal-seeking. The intention to redeem digital coupons boosted mobile deal-seeking behavior. The impact of mobile deal-seeking on showroomers' mobile purchase intention is significant. Research limitations/implications This research focused on fashion product consumers and generalization of the findings may be limited. The literature on positive effect of showrooming phenomenon on brick-and-mortar stores are scarce further extensive research may provide substantial generalization. Practical implications This demonstrates how showroomers may be successfully enticed to make purchases on the Brick-and-Mortar (B&M) store's online channel. Originality/value This study provides insights on navigating the showroomers into online channel customers.
... Many e-commerce sites, for example, promote returns on garments and footwear, making the reverse flow of items critical. Retailers must be able to return things and replenish or liquidate them cost-effectively (Lazaris et al., 2015). To thrive, reverse logistics must establish itself as a distinct profession with management control and investment. ...
... In contrast to Internet websites, consumers are spending more time on mobile devices and prefer to use mobile applications (MAs) (Cognizant, 2015). MAs can offer more convenience, faster speed of use (e.g., fewer clicks featuring one-hand operation and minimal time), more hardware functions (e.g., sensors, bluetooth), and quicker responses (Wisniewski, 2011;Lazaris et al., 2015) than Internet websites. Therefore, the MA sales strategy has been valued and expected by insurers to generate more substantial influence on insurance sales (Eling and Lehmann, 2018). ...
The mobile Internet has profoundly changed people’s lifestyles. While the contribution of an Internet sales strategy to the sales performance of physical goods has been well studied in the retailing and marketing fields, there is little academic research investigating the impact of a mobile application (MA) sales strategy on insurance sales performance. Based on a unique term life insurance dataset from a life insurer in China, we examine the effects of implementing this strategy on insurance purchases. We find significant growth in insurance purchase quantities that is partly due to the channel accessibility. We also find that the increase in premiums received from new policies (PRNP) is less significant due to the cost reduction and the price elasticity being greater than one before the implementation. Further, we find that this strategy reduces impulsive purchases but produces some negative effects, such as the short-run cannibalization of traditional channels.
Purpose This study aims to explore the impact of channel integration on usage intention through mobile applications (apps) for customers in grocery retailers. Moreover, the study examines the moderating effect of customer commitment in the model. Design/methodology/approach Structural equation modeling was conducted on a sample of 536 consumers in Taiwan. Findings This study found that information integration, marketing integration and operational integration are three significant dimensions of channel integration in grocery retailers. Channel integration positively affects satisfaction and trust, which, in turn, increases usage intention. Moreover, customer commitment significantly moderates the relationships in the model. Research limitations/implications Sample bias may exist because the sample was obtained from an online survey conducted on social media platforms. Practical implications This study suggested that practitioners should confidently implement channel integration through mobile apps in stores. They may develop more valuable services connected with different channels or devices to assist customers in buying in-store. To improve customer trust in the service, practitioners can enhance their confidence in using mobile apps in their stores. Moreover, practitioners segment customers based on high and low levels of customer commitment to provide different strategies to increase usage intention in the retailer. Originality/value This study advanced the extant knowledge of channel integration theory and relationship marketing theory in the context of omnichannel retailing.
Technological advances and continued digitization are having a powerful impact on consumer behaviour, market development, and business-consumer interactions. Companies are trying to support these developments by providing multiple integrated channels. Omnichannel retail strategy is a new retail trend that has transformed retail industry by consolidating all customer touch points into one holistic experience. The present study aims to systematically review the extant literatures regarding key drivers that stimulate retailers to shift from multichannel to omnichannel strategy and the outcome of omnichannel strategy in the context of channel integration from the retailer’s perspective and seamless shopping experience form the customer’s perspective. A systematic literature review was conducted, and screenings criteria were performed to refine the articles. A total of 48 articles meet the selection criteria were reviewed analysed, and important information was extracted. The review result reveals that the omnichannel theme is emerging; showing relevance and novelty, but still requires a theory-driven research, comparative studies across cultures and qualitative approach to collect rich first-hand data from retailers and customers point of view. This article is timely and useful as it provides a holistic view of omnichannel retail research and provides literature-based evidence on the drivers and outcomes of omnichannel retail strategy from the perspective of retailers and customers. It also makes it possible to map scholarly activity on the subject, thus contributing to the advancement of future research.
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The increasing use of consumer supportive technologies and applications within the physical retail store in the context of the omnichannel retailing era has enhanced shopping experience & store atmosphere. In parallel, emerging consumer behavioural patterns indicate that physical retail store visitors interact with the offline and the online channel simultaneously, mainly through their smart mobile devices. Relevant research, however, has not thoroughly investigated that issue from a consumer perspective. The present study investigates the importance consumers attach to a series of online practices offered in the physical retail stores and explores consumers' preferences regarding the combined use of online & offline store atmosphere and omnichannel criteria that affect their purchasing intentions towards the physical store. The findings show that both in-store Internet users and non-users attach more or less the same importance to some specific online practices offered within the physical store. On the other hand, consumers with different levels of in-store internet use evaluate online & offline store atmosphere and omnichannel criteria in a differentiated manner. The study ends by providing some implications to practitioners and researchers regarding the omniretailing technologies that should be applied in the physical stores, as well as the importance of online & offline store atmosphere in order to purchase from them.
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Omni-channel commerce involves combining traditional commerce with online commerce by integrating processes in a harmonious and complementary way throughout the organizational and IT chain, and includes external logistics partners in these processes. The objective of this research is to aid retailers in the decision on these third party logistics (3PL) partners for product delivery. The intended methodology is to develop a logistics capability framework for 3PL channel partner assessment. Based on a SERVQUAL methodology and gap analysis, a partner preference model is developed.
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The world of retailing has changed dramatically in the past decade. The advent of the online channel and new additional digital channels such as mobile channels and social media have changed retail business models, the execution of the retail mix, and shopper behavior. Whereas multi-channel was in vogue in the last decade in retailing, we now observe a move to so-called omni-channel retailing. Omni-channel retailing is taking a broader perspective on channels and how shoppers are influenced and move through channels in their search and buying process. We discuss this development conceptually and subsequently discuss existing research in this multi-channel retailing. We also introduce the articles in this special issue on multi-channel retailing and position these articles in the new omni-channel movement. We end with putting forward a research agenda to further guide future research in this area.
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The development of mobile applications has represented a challenge and opportunity for companies to market their brands and products through a new channel; however, the branded mobile applications (branded apps) currently available in the market are far from perfect and existing app designs do not yet have well-established mobile and social features. This article offers systematic guidelines for branded app design by identifying different levels of strategies that should be taken into consideration by companies. We illustrate five business objectives (communication, customer relationship management, sales, product innovation, and marketing research) and identify five types of branded apps (tool-, game-, social-, m-commerce-, and design-centric). Three functional building blocks are proposed to specify how mobile features, social features, and brand mention elements should be incorporated into branded app development. Various examples of branded apps are provided to illustrate relevant best practices in order to guide marketers in improving branded app design.
A typical shopping scenario nowadays is that shoppers browse and try the products offline and then buy them online from a competing retailer. This phenomenon commonly described as "showrooming" occurs because of the ubiquity of mobile devices and the ease of switching between multiple retail channels. The presence of these mobile-assisted shoppers in a multichannel retailing environment is a serious challenge confronting all retailers. This study first identifies these cross-channel shoppers' reasons for and against showrooming and then uses the behavioral reasoning theory (BRT) to predict their showrooming intention. Next, we identify two factors, namely online-offline price difference and employee knowledge competency that can further impact showrooming intention and subsequently develop a 3x2 scenario-based experiment to examine the effectiveness of these two measures to influence showrooming. We provide theoretical and managerial implications arising from our research.
The rapid diffusion of more channels for shopping posits new challenges for retailers, who need to compete in a complex environment for avoiding the problem of consumer cross-channel free riding. To discourage this behaviour, we propose a new environment where one retailer simultaneously handles more channels. The emerging integrated environment would engage more consumers if compared to the single handled channel, which in turn would avoid switching behaviours towards competitors' channels. Our empirical research, based on the stimulus–organism–response paradigm, involves a sample of 237 consumers who were asked to explore the new retail settings simulated in a university lab. The results lead us to suggest the effective combination of multiple channels managed by one retailer as the new challenge for scholars and practitioners. We note that our participants showed positive emotional reactions towards the environment, which lead them to choose this environment for purchases.
Web apps are cheaper to develop and deploy than native apps, but can they match the native user experience?
The increasing product commoditization and price transparency afforded by online retail channels have left many brick and mortar stores bearing the costs associated with being used as a physical showroom without reaping the rewards of the final sale. As customers continue to take advantage of retail stores to gather information and turn to competing channels for purchasing, the role of the retail salesperson has shifted and retailers have been left without a clear understanding of how to manage this change in the retailing landscape. In this research, we first define “showrooming” – and investigate individual (i.e., salesperson)-level experiential consequences of perceived showrooming. We find negative relationships between perceived showrooming and salesperson self-efficacy and salesperson performance, which are positively moderated by salesperson coping strategies and cross-selling strategies. Our findings suggest that the negative effects of showrooming can be combated though specific salesperson behaviors and strategies. Further, exploratory findings at the store level reaffirm a negative relationship between perceived showrooming behaviors and performance. Finally, we discuss the theoretical and practical implications of our findings and offer specific managerial actions to address showrooming.
This research aims to propose an extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) that will provide better understanding of the acceptance of purchasing using smartphones. In fact, satisfaction toward the visit of the mobile Web site and the perceived enjoyment are added to the original model. A questionnaire was used to collect data from 400 French purchasers and non-purchasers. The structural model analysis has highlighted two differences between the two individuals’ profiles. The first is the positive and significant impact of perceived enjoyment on the intention to use smartphones to make purchases, since it is only significant amongst the purchasers. The second difference concerns the impact of satisfaction on the intention to use smartphones for purchases, which is significant only among the purchasers. Managerial implications are further discussed.