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Chapter 9. Coffee Beans and Processing


Abstract and Figures

The mode of coffee processing strongly influences the quality of green coffee and thereby establishes the characteristic differences in the flavor of wet and dry processed coffees. These variations are due to differences in the metabolic processes occurring within the vital coffee seeds during the course of processing. Biochemical and molecular biological studies revealed that germination is initiated during postharvest treatment, and stress metabolism is induced in the coffee beans, especially while drying. The detected differences in the time courses and amplitudes of metabolic processes are responsible for the distinct substantial composition characteristic of differently processed green coffees, and the peculiarities of wet and dry process coffees are established. Accordingly, it should be possible to modify the substantial composition of green coffee by deliberately changing the processing conditions, thereby improving its quality and health promoting effects.
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Metabolic Responses
of coffee beans duRing
pRocessing and theiR
iMpact on coffee flavoR*
* is chapter is dedicated to Böle Biehl and Hans Gerhard Maier, two outstanding
scientists and true cocoa and coffee lovers, who actually gave the initial spark for the
interdisciplinary investigations of coffee postharvest treatment.
12.1 Introduction 432
12.2 Coffee Flavor Varies with the Process 432
12.3 Process-Specific Material Differences in Green
CoffeeBeans 434
12.3.1 Caffeine, Chlorogenic Acids, and Trigonelline 434
12.3.2 Free Amino Acids, Proteins, Peptides, and
Biogenic Amines 435
12.3.3 Low and High Molecular Carbohydrates 437
12.3.4 Lipids 440
12.4 Coffee Seeds Represent Living OrganismsExhibiting
anActive Metabolism 441
12.5 Germination Physiology during Green Coffee Processing 446
12.6 Green Coffee Beans Experience Drought Stress While
Drying 451
12.7 Capabilities to Improve Quality byDeliberatelyInfluencing
the Metabolic Events in GreenCoffee 457
12.7.1 Intermediate Storage of Progressively Processed
Green Coffees 457
12.7.2 Quality Effect of Barning 459
12.8 Conclusion 461
References 462
432 CoCoa and Coffee fermentations
12.1 Introduction
e flavor of a cup of coffee is determined by many preharvest and
postharvest factors. e preharvest factors include the cultivar of the
coffee bean, how it is farmed, and the stage of maturity at harvest
(Chapters 10 and 11). e postharvest factors include the wet and dry
processes for removal of the pulp and mucilage, drying of the beans
(Chapters 10 and 11), and subsequent storage and transport. Within
the last few years, substantial progress has been made in the under-
standing of the metabolic processes occurring within coffee seeds dur-
ing the course of postharvest treatments. It was demonstrated that
seed germination is initiated during processing, and—especially while
drying—a stress metabolism is executed in the coffee beans. Moreover,
it was shown that the metabolic reactions involved are strongly deter-
mined by the mode of postharvest treatment, thereby specifically
influencing the coffee quality. ese insights led to a paradigm shift
in coffee research: today, the green coffee beans should no longer be
considered just as an inanimate commodity, but rather as viable organ-
isms, whose physiological capacity offer potential for quality improve-
ment. is, however, requires the comprehensive knowledge of the
related metabolic processes, especially that of their time courses and
their successions. Applying modern techniques of plant biochemistry
and molecular biology combined with field and model experiments
close to praxis, it becomes possible to resolve the extent and amplitude
of these processes, outlined in this chapter: the keys to endogenous
quality development of green coffee by its processing. is chapter
gives an overview of the metabolic responses of coffee beans during
postharvest processing and discusses their potential impacts on coffee
12.2 Coffee Flavor Varies with the Process
It is well known that the mode of coffee processing, by either the
wet method or the dry method, strongly influences and determines
the quality of the corresponding green coffees, thereby establishing
characteristic flavor differences. Whereas coffee beverages prepared
from coffees obtained from the wet process (often described as washed
Arabicas) are characterized by their full aroma and pleasant acidity,
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metaboliC responses of Coffee beans
the corresponding dry-processed coffees typically exhibit a so-called
full body (Streuli 1974; Sivetz and Desrosier 1979a,b,c; Illy and Viani
1995, 2005; Mazzafera and Padilha-Purcino 2005).
In the past, a classical explanation for this phenomenon was given
on the basis of two facts: first, that generally mature fruits (“ripe cof-
fee cherries”) are used for wet processing, whereas dry processing uses
fruits from all maturation stages; and second, that much greater dili-
gence was given in the course of wet processing (Illy and Viani 1995;
Njoroge 1998; Brando 2004). us, the maturation state of the coffee
cherries processed and their heterogeneity were thought to be of spe-
cial concern. ere is no doubt that the specific flavor differences—at
least in part—could be due to such dissimilarities. However, according
to recent research, these aspects appear to play merely supporting roles
among others (Selmar et al. 2002, 2005; Selmar and Bytof 2006).
In this context, the most decisive insight was the finding that
after field experiments in Brazil, the typical differences in cup qual-
ity between washed and unwashed Arabicas also occurred when
virtually identical and thoroughly sorted starting material was
used for either method of coffee processing (Selmar etal. 2002).
Corresponding hints had been published earlier (Chassevent etal.
1970; Mutiso 1971; Vincent et al. 1979; Balyaya and Clifford
1995a,b; Guyot etal. 1995; Puerta-Quintero 1999), of which some
experiments had been done with Arabica, others with Robusta, and
one even also with the hybrid Arabusta. It should be noted, however,
that at least the two field experiments with Arabica coffee (Mutiso
1971; Puerta-Quintero 1999) did probably not reflect optimum con-
ditions for both ways of processing, but only for the wet process.
Consequently, the corresponding results that ascribed better quality
to the wet process may be due to these imbalances. A fair compara-
ble judgment of cup quality can only be expected, if (1) comparable
starting material is used; and (2) the conditions chosen are suitable
to produce good-quality coffee with either way of processing.
In contrast, the conditions for the field experiments undertaken in
Brazil mentioned above were most suitable for such a comparison,
because the chosen production site (fazenda) in Minas Gerais rou-
tinely produced both wet and dry process Arabica coffee, which would
meet any quality standard of either way. A thorough manual sorting
of the fruits provided a homogenous starting material of sound, fully
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434 CoCoa and Coffee fermentations
ripe coffee cherries, which were subsequently submitted to the dry and
wet procedure, respectively. e roasted coffees were assessed by expe-
rienced cuppers who testified that no undesired off-note had spoiled
the coffees—and still, the dry process coffee revealed its own specific
sensorial characteristics, as did the wet process coffee (Selmar et al.
2002). Similar experiments undertaken later with Robusta confirmed
these results (Leloup etal. 2005). is means that process-immanent
factors should be responsible for the specific flavor expressions of dif-
ferentially processed coffees. us, these factors must generate directly
or indirectly specific material differences, that is, differences in those
constituents of green coffee, which—during roasting—give rise to fla-
vor components that in sum express the sensorial characteristic of a
dry or a wet process coffee.
Also a more global approach, using attenuated total reflection
Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FT-IR) spectroscopy, demon-
strated that apparently any substantial change in the postharvest
fermentation and drying procedure, respectively, inevitably affects
the composition of the green beans and that of the resulting coffee
brews (Lyman et al. 2011).
12.3 Process-Specific Material Differences in Green Coffee Beans
As mentioned above, the well-known differences between dry and wet
process coffees are due to differences in the composition of certain
substances. In living organisms, the substance spectrum is influenced
directly by their metabolism. Consequently, when the influence of pro-
cess-immanent factors on the different quality expression should be
investigated, the metabolic reactions occurring in green coffee beans
while processing have to be analyzed. e following chapter summa-
rizes corresponding biochemical and molecular biological findings
and results, which mostly have been elaborated in the past decade, and
which form the background for the novel plant biology-based insight
in the understanding of green coffee processing.
12.3.1 Caffeine, Chlorogenic Acids, and Trigonelline
While caffeine is barely affected by roasting, the chlorogenic acids
undergo drastic changes (Purdon and McCamey 1987), which lead
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metaboliC responses of Coffee beans
to the generation of a wide range of coffee flavor-determining com-
pounds (Clifford 2007). Consequently, if the chlorogenic acid com-
position of the green coffee beans is also specifically affected by the
way of processing, the chlorogenic acids and their roast products
might be involved in characterizing the distinct flavor portfolios of
washed or unwashed coffees. Trigonelline is also severely affected
by roasting (Viani and Horman 1974), its roast products being less
prominent as flavor components, but quite important for human
nutrition and health (Stadler et al. 2002; Somoza et al. 2003;
Balyaya and Clifford investigated the effects of wet and dry pro-
cessing on the contents of caffeine and chlorogenic acids of Arabica
and Robusta coffees (Balyaya and Clifford 1995a,b). Whereas these
authors did not find significant differences with regard to caffeine,
Guyot and coworkers reported small losses of caffeine (3%) during
the soaking phase of the wet process as compared to the dry pro-
cess (Guyot etal. 1995). However, other workers confirmed the first
observation that caffeine remained unchanged (Leloup etal. 2005;
Duarte etal. 2010; Joët etal. 2010). In contrast, chlorogenic acids
were proved to be affected by processing—not only with reference
to total chlorogenic acids but also to chlorogenic acid subgroups or
individual chlorogenic acids (Balyaya and Clifford 1995a,b; Guyot
etal. 1995; Leloup etal. 2005; Duarte etal. 2009, Joët etal. 2010).
A strong influence by the maturation stage of the coffee fruits was
reported (Clifford etal. 1986; Clifford and Kazi 1987; De Menezes
and Clifford 1988; de Menezes 1994). Consequently, at least part of
the observed differences might be related to the maturation state of
the coffee cherries used for wet and dry processing.
Whereas in an older work (Chassevent etal. 1970), no influence
of processing was found on the content of trigonelline in Robusta
green coffee beans, in a more recent work, trigonelline was found to
be reduced by wet treatment (Leloup etal. 2005).
12.3.2 Free Amino Acids, Proteins, Peptides, and Biogenic Amines
Owing to their significance for the roast aroma and cup quality, free
amino acids of the green beans are assigned to be the most important
coffee constituents (Macrae 1985). Consequently, their determination
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436 CoCoa and Coffee fermentations
has been the subject of several early investigations (Underwood and
Deatherage 1952; Barbiroli 1965; Walter etal. 1970; Campos and
Rodrigues 1973; Pereira and Pereira 1973; Pokorny etal. 1974; Tressl
etal. 1983). Free amino acids represent around 5% of the nitrogen frac-
tion of green coffee beans and are degraded during roasting to a very
high degree (Flament 2001). e specific impact of processing on the
composition of free amino acids in green coffee beans was first investi-
gated by Arnold and Ludwig (1996). ese authors analyzed samples
of well-defined sources as well as material resulting from laboratory
model-processing experiments. Unfortunately, they were not able to
demonstrate a clear effect of processing on individual or total free
amino acids. Looking more closely to the experimental conditions cho-
sen, one must concede that their effort of mimicking the dry posthar-
vest process did not really reflect the conditions in the field, but rather
corresponded to an intermediate way of processing, generally referred
to as “semidry processing”: instead of drying the coffee beans inside the
whole fruit, as the dry process demands, the beans were pulped manu-
ally and directly submitted to drying in a laboratory oven.
In contrast to this study, later investigations demonstrated specific
influences of processing on the amino acid contents (Bytof etal. 2005).
ese differences do not only concern the total free protein amino
acids (Selmar etal. 2002) but also individual compounds, for example,
glutamic acid and gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA) (Bytof etal.
2005). Specifically, during dry processing, in green coffee beans there
is a rapid decrease of glutamic acid, which is accompanied by a strong
rise in the content of GABA. e fresh, untreated coffee beans hardly
contain any GABA and furthermore, coffee beans properly processed
via the wet method exhibit only very small amounts of GABA. ese
investigations proved for the first time that significant material differ-
ences occur in green coffee beans, which are solely to be attributed to
the mode of processing (Bytof etal. 2005). e physiological back-
ground of this phenomenon is outlined in the following section.
Apart from the free amino acids, the bound amino acids present
in proteins and peptides also take part in flavor-giving reactions dur-
ing coffee roasting (Ludwig etal. 1995, 1998, 2000; Montavon etal.
2003a,b). Although considerable protease activities could be extracted
from coffee beans—even if stored over several months (Ludwig et
al. 2000)—no specific impact of processing on the proteins of green
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metaboliC responses of Coffee beans
coffee beans has been reported so far. However, there is one curi-
ous exception, the “herbivorous method of coffee processing.” e
corresponding Kopi Luwak from Indonesia is prepared from beans,
which had been eaten by the palm civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus)
as entire coffee cherries. e digested and excreted beans are manu-
ally collected, washed, dried, and finally roasted to produce one of
the most expensive coffees of the world. e digestion process seems
to have an effect on the protein composition of the unroasted beans
(Marcone 2004) and also on the composition of free amino acids
(eis etal. 2008).
Bioactive amines of green coffee have been analyzed by several
authors, mostly rather in relation to off-flavors (Amorim etal. 1977;
Casal etal. 2002a,b, 2004; Dias et al. 2012; Cirilo etal. 2003; Oliveira
etal. 2005; Vasconcelos et al. 2005, 2007; Silveira etal. 2009). Based
on their statistical evaluation, some authors proposed to use the con-
tents of biogenic amines for the discrimination between green coffees
subjected to different postharvest processes (Casal et al. 2004).
12.3.3 Low and High Molecular Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates represent a further important group of coffee con-
stituents, and comprise approximately half of the dry matter of the
bean (Bradbury 2001). Both fractions, low and high molecular car-
bohydrates present in green coffee, undergo extensive changes during
roasting. e low molecular carbohydrates take part in caramelization,
and—together with amino acids—they produce important coffee fla-
vor compounds via Maillard reactions (Flament 2001; Redgwell and
Fischer 2006). Moreover, they are precursors of various aliphatic acids
(Ginz etal. 2000), and thus contribute to the acidity of the coffee bev-
erage. Coffee polysaccharides are involved in the formation of mela-
noidins during coffee roasting, which contribute to the color and flavor
of coffee brews and turned out to be physiologically active components
(Gniechwitz etal. 2008). Finally, coffee polysaccharides are consid-
ered to be responsible for various facets of the mouthfeeling of the
beverage, for example, viscosity and foam stability (Nunes etal. 1997;
Navarini etal. 2004a,b). Consequently, process-specific influences on
the composition of the carbohydrates could be the further cause for the
characteristic flavor differences between dry and wet process coffees.
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438 CoCoa and Coffee fermentations
Like in many other plants, in coffee, the composition of low molec-
ular carbohydrates like sucrose, fructose, and glucose largely depends
on mechanisms already acting during seed development (Rogers etal.
1999; Geromel etal. 2006). As for sucrose, the contents in Robusta
and Arabica beans differ significantly from another, evidently owing
to genetically different control of anabolic and catabolic enzyme
activities in the later stages of seed development (Privat etal. 2008).
ere is also evidence that environmental influences, like sun, shade,
and altitude have a decisive impact on the sugar composition of the
coffee beans (Guyot et al. 1996; Geromel etal. 2008). Further influ-
ences on green coffee carbohydrates occur during postharvest treat-
ments as outlined below.
In some early reports, the loss of sugars from Arabica coffee
beans during the fermentation step of wet processing was described
(Wootton 1973). Later experiments with Robusta beans revealed that
dry-processing resulted in a lower content of fructose as compared to
its content in beans obtained by wet treatment (Guyot et al. 1995).
Moreover, a correlation between the content of sucrose and the mode
of treatment was claimed to be established. However, Bucheli et al.
(1996) disagreed with those results after not being able to detect any
influence of the postharvest treatment on the sucrose contents of the
coffee samples analyzed, neither for Arabica nor for Robusta.
A more recent study, using field-experimentally processed green
Arabica coffees from Brazil, confirmed that sucrose is not signifi-
cantly affected by the mode of processing (Knopp etal. 2006). In
the same manner, no specific impact of processing on the contents
of the oligosaccharides stachyose, raffinose, and rhamnose could be
detected. In contrast, the contents of fructose and glucose are strongly
influenced by the postharvest treatment. While unwashed Arabicas
(green coffees prepared by dry processing) contain relatively high
contents of fructose and glucose, the washed Arabicas (processed in
parallel by the wet method) exhibit markedly lower amounts of these
hexoses (Knopp etal. 2006). Additional model processing experi-
ments, including a comparison with the untreated, fresh coffee beans,
demonstrated that the glucose and fructose concentrations in the
dry-process beans remained as high as those in the untreated con-
trol or even increased significantly. In contrast, in the wet process
coffee beans, the final content of glucose and fructose was reduced
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metaboliC responses of Coffee beans
drastically (up to 80–90%) as compared to the initial amount present
in the freshly harvested beans (Knopp etal. 2006). ese findings
have been confirmed by other groups for Arabica (Bonnländer etal.
2007b; Joët etal. 2010). Without naming individual compounds,
Leloup etal. (2005) reported a reduction of free monosaccharides in
the wet processing of Robusta coffees. Also, the contents of the minor
free sugars, arabinose and mannose, were shown to decline during the
wet model processing (Knopp et al. 2006).
Semiwashed green coffees contain an intermediate amount of
glucose and fructose (Knopp etal. 2006). ese coffees, which are
characterized by qualities that are also situated between washed and
unwashed coffees (Illy and Viani 1995), are prepared by directly dry-
ing the depulped beans. Later, the results concerning semiwashed
Arabicas were confirmed by other authors (Bonnländer etal. 2007a,b).
is is where a clear statement to the alleged interconnection of
sugars and the flavor characteristics of unwashed Arabica should be
made: ere is the picture drawn from repeated scientific evidence
that during the dry processing the beans content of sucrose and other
low molecular sugars is virtually unaffected (see above). is picture
clearly stands in contradiction to the wide spread opinion, during the
drying of the whole fruits, sugars would migrate from the fruit flesh
through the parchment into the bean. Not only that the latter opinion
lacks any scientific evidence, one should find it difficult to imagine
suitable mechanisms or routes in an entity where the major transport
direction is the water diffusion from inside to the outside. e same
arguments apply when it comes to explain the intermediate flavor of
semiwashed coffee beans: the wet process includes mechanisms for
reducing sugar contents in the beans, the dry process does not. Other
phenomena must be responsible for the stronger expression of “body”
in the brew derived from unwashed Arabica.
e polysaccharide contents of Arabica and Robusta coffee seeds
account for a similar percentage (approximately 55%) of the dry
weight of the bean and reveal a similar composition (Fischer etal.
2001); however, there are some hints for specific differences in their
structural features, and in the percentage of mannose and galactose of
the total polysaccharides (Fischer etal. 2002; Redgwell etal. 2002).
It is assumed again that specifically different gene expression during
seed maturation might be responsible for that (Pré etal. 2008).
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440 CoCoa and Coffee fermentations
Like low molecular carbohydrates, the high molecular ones are
also affected by coffee postharvest treatment: for Robusta coffee, the
amount of polysaccharides (i.e., cell wall polysaccharides (CWP)
like arabinogalactans and storage polysaccharides like mannans) was
reported to increase during the course of wet processing (Leloup
etal.2005). As we can assume that the amount of polymeric stor-
age carbohydrates will not increase during germination, this finding
seems to be contradictory. However, we have to consider that the
extractability of complex carbohydrates will increase during germina-
tion and this might explain the putative increase in their content. In
this manner, just recently, it was reported that postharvest treatments
in general enhance the extractability of the polysaccharides present in
coffee beans, demonstrating a significant impact of the processing on
the high molecular carbohydrate fraction. is effect was strongest
in the case of wet processing and less pronounced when the beans
had been processed by the dry or the semidry method (Tarzia et al.
2010). Likewise, a significant increase in the overall content of CWP
during wet processing was reported (Joët etal. 2010). It was not ruled
out that the putative CWPs, which were determined by measuring
the defatted alcohol insoluble residue of coffee seed, comprise other
compounds that might account for the observed changes (Joët etal.
12.3.4 Lipids
Although the lipids of coffee beans are not involved in Maillard reac-
tions during roasting, they reveal an important influence on the fla-
vor of the beverage, primarily because they solve hydrophobic flavor
components and thus significantly contribute to the mouthfeeling of
the product (Illy and Viani 1995, 2005). Undesired oxidations of tri-
glycerides or free fatty acids are considered to be the predominant
cause of green coffee staling during storage (Multon 1974; Nikolova-
Damyanova etal. 1998; Dussert etal. 2006; Speer and Kölling-Speer
2006). Examples of coffee flavor compounds derived from the lipid
fraction of coffee are the linalool enantiomers (Bonnländer et al.
2006) and the rather unpleasant “woody” off-note represented by
trans-2-nonenal (Parliment etal. 1973; Bonnländer etal. 2007a,b), a
well-known indicator for old crop coffee.
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metaboliC responses of Coffee beans
It has been suggested to use the fatty acid profile of green and of
roasted coffee samples as a coffee species or variety marker, which
may also provide information on the provenience background of a
coffee (Alves et al. 2003; Bertrand et al. 2008). However, recently, it
was shown that climatic and environmental factors have such a strong
impact on the fatty acid profile that they prevent any deductions of
coffee origin by this parameter (Villarreal etal. 2009). On the other
hand, this finding gives reason to expect that the lipids will also be
differentially affected by the specific environments of different kinds
of processing. Yet, up to now, only few attempts have been made to
investigate the impact of processing on the composition of triglycer-
ides. In this context, just the influence of variations in the dry pro-
cessing was analyzed; unfortunately, no clear results were obtained
(Jham et al. 2001, 2003). More recently, Bonnländer et al. (2006)
demonstrated that the postharvest treatment of coffee influences the
enantiomeric ratio of linalool. Whereas wet processed coffees reveal
nearly a racemic mixture of linalool, in corresponding dry processed
coffees, an excess of S-(+)-linalool was detected (Bonnländer etal.
2006). Moreover, Joët et al. reported a significant increase in the lipid
contents as a result of wet processing, however without giving a physi-
ological explanation (Joët et al. 2010).
In conclusion, it has to be stated that the composition of numerous
metabolites, particularly that of amino acids (Bytof etal. 2005), car-
bohydrates (Knopp etal. 2006), and chlorogenic acids (Balyaya and
Clifford 1995a,b; Guyot etal. 1995; Leloup etal. 2005; Duarte etal.
2009), differs significantly in wet and dry processed green coffees
even if entirely identical starting material was used. Table 12.1 gives
an overview of the green coffee components affected by postharvest
treatment. Consequently, the mode and extent of metabolic processes
occurring within the living coffee seeds and thus the metabolic status
of these coffee beans must differ, too.
12.4 Coffee Seeds Represent Living OrganismsExhibiting
an Active Metabolism
When plant fruits acquire maturity, the contained seeds are already
fully developed. However, in many cases, these seeds are not yet
able to germinate. A specific maturation drying may be required to
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442 CoCoa and Coffee fermentations
Table 12.1 Compilation of Green Coffee Constituents and the Effect of Coffee Postharvest Treatment
Caffeine 1.0%(1)
0.6% for the mutant Laurina (2)
2.0%(1) Not affected(35)
Trigonelline 0.79–1.05%(6) 0.32–0.68%(6) Slight reduction during wet treatment with Robusta(3)
and Arabica(11)
Chlorogenic acids 5–7.5%(7) 7–10%(7) Changes in total chlorogenic acids changes in
individual chlorogenic acids and subgroups(3,812)
Free amino acids 0.27–0.48%(13)
GABA: 0.08%(14)
GABA: 0.06%(14)
Conversion of glutamic acid into γ-aminobutyric acid
(GABA) to various extents during dry processing(15)
Bioactive amines 0.007%(16)–0.011% (17) 0.002%(16) Spermine/spermidine/putrescine may be suitable for
the statistical distinction between wet and dry
process Arabicas(16)
Peptides and proteins Proteins: 8.7–9.6%(18)
Peptides: 0.34–0.95%(19)
Protein: 9.2–9.7%(18)
Peptides: 0.30–0.59%(19)
No specific impact of processing on proteins and
Carbohydrates Total: 55.8%(20)
Sucrose: 6.25–8.3%(21)
Glucose: 0.01–0.45%(21)
Fructose: 0.02–0.4%(21)
Mannan: 22%(22)
Cellulose: 6.7–7.8%(22)
Arabinogalactan: 14%(22)
Total: 55.5%(20)
Sucrose: 1.3–4.9%(21)
Glucose: 0.01–0.5%(21)
Fructose: 0.2–0.55%(21)
Mannan: 22%(22)
Cellulose: 7.8–8.7%(22)
Arabinogalactan: 17%(22)
Sucrose not affected(5,23)
Fructose and glucose drastically reduced during wet
Polysaccharides are better extractable after wet
Lipids 15%(25) 10%(25) Increase of lipids during wet processing(5)
1: Ashihara etal. (2008); 2: Baumann etal. (1998); 3: Leloup etal. (2005); 4: Duarte etal. (2010); 5: Joët etal. (2010); 6: Stennart and Maier (1993); 7: Clifford (1985); 8:
Balyaya and Clifford (1995a,b); 9: Guyot etal. (1995); 10: Duarte etal. (2009); 11: Duarte etal. (2010); 12: Joët etal. (2010); 13: Arnold and Ludwig (1996); 14: Casal etal.
(2003); 15: Bytof etal. (2005); 16: Casal etal. (2004); 17: Oliveira etal. (2005); 18: Thaler and Gaigl (1962); 19: Ludwig etal. (2000); 20: Fischer etal. (2002); 21: Silwar
and Lüllmann (1988); 22: Bradbury (2001); 23: Knopp etal. (2006); 24: Tarzia etal. (2010); 25: Speer and Kölling-Speer (2006).
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metaboliC responses of Coffee beans
complete seed ripening, resulting in so-called dormant seeds, which
are characterized by their inability to germinate even after appropri-
ate reimbibition. Only when the dormancy is broken, for example, by
deep temperatures, the seeds are able to germinate. Seeds exhibit-
ing such an attitude are referred to as “orthodox seeds” (Roberts 1973;
Bewley and Black 1994). e biological significance of this feature is
given by the fact that—especially in temperate climatic zones—the
seeds that are becoming mature in late summer are hindered to ger-
minate before next wintertime, and thus to prevent any dieback of the
tender seedlings in the cold time of the year. Yet, such seasonal regu-
lation is not required in tropical climates. Consequently, the seeds
of most tropical plants do not exhibit any maturation drying. ese
seeds, which characteristically reveal a relatively high water content,
are ready to germinate already in the mature fruits. However, in gen-
eral, any germination process within the fruits is prevented by various
active mechanisms, for example, by germination inhibitors, by phyto-
hormones like abscisic acid, or by a high osmotic potential of the pulp
(Bewley and Black 1994). erefore, as soon as such seeds are released
from the pulp, germination will proceed. Owing to their high water
content, such seeds could not be stored for a longer time period. As
any attempt to elongate this storage time (e.g., by drying the seeds)
usually fails, these seeds are not suitable for longer storing in seed
banks and were classified as “recalcitrant” (Roberts 1973; Bewley and
Black 1994).
Coffee seeds (Coffea arabica L.) reveal an intermediate behavior, sit-
uated between orthodox and recalcitrant seeds (Ellis et al. 1990, 1991;
Hong and Ellis 1990, 1992, 1995; Eira etal. 1999). Like recalcitrant
seeds, the water content of coffee seeds inside the ripe fruit is relatively
high (about 52% on fresh weight basis, Eira etal. 2006). Moreover, a
true maturation drying of coffee seeds is lacking, or it is not very pro-
nounced (de Castro and Marraccini 2006; Eira etal. 2006; Hinniger
etal. 2006). Coffee seeds are able to germinate already when iso-
lated from yellowish-green fruits at around 225 days after anthesis,
weeks before a fully red exocarp indicates fruit maturity (de Castro
and Marraccini 2006; Eira etal. 2006)—further properties charac-
teristic for recalcitrant seeds. However, in contrast to typical recalci-
trant seeds, and like orthodox seeds, coffee seeds can be dried down
to a water content of less than 10% without immediate loss of their
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444 CoCoa and Coffee fermentations
viability. In contrast to orthodox seeds, this drying will not prolong
the viability during storage; the opposite effect is described for coffee
seeds: a prolongation of viability during storage is achieved by high
moisture content (Valio 1976; Van der Vossen 1980).
Owing to the features mentioned above, it can be deduced that
directly after the harvest of the coffee cherries the mature coffee seeds
must be metabolically active. is activity should be maintained dur-
ing the course of processing. is can be easily demonstrated by a
standard viability test, using triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC)
(Dias and da Silva 1986). When green coffee seeds, either wet or
dry processed, are incubated with TTC, the reaction is quite evident
(Figure 12.1). e deep red color points out the extensive viability
and metabolic activity: the cells take up the TTC and due to the
presence of active dehydrogenases and sufficient amounts of reduction
equivalents—preferentially NADH + H+—the compound is reduced
to yield the red-dyed formazan.
A further evidence for their metabolic activity is given by the find-
ing that the dry weight of coffee seeds decreases during processing
(Figure 12.2). In field experiments in Mexico, Gonzales-Rios and co-
workers (2007a) compared different ways of coffee fermentation with
the mechanical way of mucilage removal, a treatment which omits
the fermentation step. e results also reflected a loss of dry mat-
ter in beans submitted to tank fermentation plus subsequent drying
as compared to beans submitted to mechanical washing plus drying:
Figure 12.1 Green coffee beans are viable and metabolically active. A coffee bean was sliced
in thin disks and incubated in triphenyltetrazoliumchloride (TTC) solution as described by Selmar
etal. (2008). After the viable and metabolic active cells have imported the TTC, it is reduced and a
red dye is formed.
Downloaded by [Gerhard Bytof] at 00:44 20 November 2014
metaboliC responses of Coffee beans
the yield of the latter expressed in weight of green beans/weight of
cherries, was found out to be 15% higher. Indeed, to a certain extent,
the loss of biomass might be due to leaching of substances (Wootton
1973), for example, from injured seeds. However, as the decrease of
dry matter continues, throughout the drying on the patio, leaching
processes must be considered as a minor cause for the dry matter loss
during processing (Bytof 2003). e results from semiwashed coffee
beans (i.e., depulped and dried, see Figure 12.2), which did not expe-
rience tank fermentation were significantly lower than those depulped
fermented, but not dried on the patio, yet, but on the same level as
those fully washed (i.e., depulped, fermented, and dried) suggesting
that the major loss of dry matter did not take place in the tank but
rather on the patio. Consequently, the major loss of biomass must be
due to the consumption of organic matter by metabolic processes, that
is, respiration and/or anaerobic fermentation. A decrease of pH in the
beans as recorded for both, Arabica and Robusta coffee tank fermen-
tation (Velmourougane 2013), may primarily suggest the occurrence
of lactic acid fermentation in the tissue of the endosperm. Although
experimental proof for this theory is missing, the conclusion is quite
Seed dry matter (mg)
FreshDepulped Depulped
and dried
and dried
Figure 12.2 Loss of dry matter during the course of green coffee processing. Coffee beans—
still surrounded by the parchment (=pergaminho)—had been taken directly out of a commercial
processing facility, either directly after depulping or after 24 h of fermentation. For the “dried” vari-
ant, the parchment beans additionally were dried for 24 h. In the “fresh” trial, the parchment beans
were taken directly out of the fruits before the dry weight was determined. For this, the beans were
dried in a laboratory oven at 110°C for 36 h. Prior to weighing, the beans were hulled to remove the
parchment. For each trial, five samples of 1000 seeds were analyzed. (Adapted from Bytof, G. 2003.
Einfluss der Nacherntebehandlung auf die Qualitätsausprägung bei Arabica-Kaffee (Coffea arabica
L.). Braunschweig, Technische Universität, Germany.)
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446 CoCoa and Coffee fermentations
self-evident. Such a proof could be expected, for example, from an
aseptic (to rule out microbial activity!) incubation of coffee seeds in a
Warburg manometer apparatus.
As mentioned above, the most convincing proof that coffee seeds
indeed are metabolically active while they are processed is given by
the fact that the composition of several substances undergoes changes
particularly distinctively in wet and dry processed green coffee beans.
Whereas the content of glucose and fructose remains relatively
unchanged throughout dry processing, it decreases by up to 90% in
wet processing (Knopp etal. 2006).
Moreover, the amino acid spectrum of the differentially processed
coffee beans differs significantly (Bytof etal. 2005). It turned out that
the overall content of amino acids reveal high individual variations: even
when the mature coffee cherries are harvested at the same plantation, but
several weeks later, the corresponding differences might be higher than
the differences between wet and dry processed beans (Selmar etal. 2005).
It was concluded that there must be a significant metabolic involvement
of amino acids in mature coffee seeds, which obviously persists through-
out the course of processing and which results in the differences in amino
acid contents in wet and dry processed coffee beans.
Altogether, there should be no doubt that metabolic reactions occur
in coffee beans while being processed, their extent depending on the
outer conditions of the processing applied.
12.5 Germination Physiology during Green Coffee Processing
As outlined above, germination in mature coffee cherries is sup-
pressed by various active principles present in the fruit flesh. As soon
as the pulp is removed, for example, in the course of wet processing,
germination will be initiated. Although these facts should be obvious,
their consequences for green coffee processing have been considered
only during the last 10 years.
ere are several approaches to analyze the onset of germination of
a plant seed and to quantify its progress. In the past, the most promi-
nent procedure was based on the determination of the activities of
germination-specific enzymes. However, such analyses are problem-
atic, since seeds like cocoa or coffee contain lots of phenolic com-
pounds that might inactivate the enzymes by tanning reactions. To
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metaboliC responses of Coffee beans
avoid this problem, the expression of germination-specific enzymes is
now analyzed.
One of the first enzymes expressed during the germination of seeds
is the isocitrate lyase (ICL), the key enzyme of the glyoxylate cycle,
which is responsible for the conversion of fatty acids into carbohydrates
(Zhang etal. 1993; Reynolds and Smith 1995). Expression of ICL is
considered suitable to determine the transition from late embryogene-
sis to germination (Goldberg et al. 1989). Accordingly, ICL expression
in coffee seeds during the course of green coffee processing was ana-
lyzed (Bytof etal. 2007). However, after the overall expression of ICL
in coffee seeds during early germination turned out to be too low for a
reliable Northern blot evaluation (Selmar etal. 2006), the correspond-
ing expression studies were performed as a competitive RT-PCR using
an internal standard. ese analyses revealed that ICL is expressed in
coffee seeds during the course of wet processing as well as during dry
processing, and confirmed the postulate that coffee seeds do germi-
nate during the course of processing. However, the corresponding time
frames of ICL expression are quite different. In the course of wet pro-
cessing, maximum expression occurs within 2 days after the start of
the treatment (Figure12.3), whereas in dry processed coffee seeds the
highest transcription level of ICL was only detectable about 1 week
after the commencement of processing (Selmar et al. 2006; Bytof
etal. 2007). e extent of germination-related metabolism is evidently
reduced by the decrease of water in the coffee beans submitted to dry-
ing, retarding all metabolic reactions and virtually ceasing them as soon
as the final residual water content in the coffee bean of about 11% is
Since a reliable, monofactorial estimation of the onset and prog-
ress of germination is quite problematic—especially in recalcitrant and
intermediate seeds—additionally, the cell cycle activity in the embryo
was analyzed (Bytof etal. 2007). For this, the presence of β-tubulin
was quantified as well as the ratio of 4C to 2C nuclei,* which was mea-
sured by flow cytometry as previously applied for the seeds of various
* Arabica coffee (Coffea arabica, L.) is already tetraploid (4C). Consequently, the tech-
nically correct term for a nucleus with doubled sets of chromosomes would actually
be 8C. However, in order to make things less complicated, we decided to maintain
the traditional nomenclature, where 2C stands for regular, vegetative cells and 4C
for cells containing a doubled set of chromosomes.
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448 CoCoa and Coffee fermentations
plant species (de Castro etal. 1995, 1998; Hilhorst etal. 1998; Jing
etal. 1999; Vázquez-Ramos and Sánchez 2003). e well-reviewed
tomato, Solanum lycopersicon, offers itself as a comparison model for cof-
fee seed biology, from which many biological aspects might be trans-
ferred: Tomato and coffee belong to the sister families Solanaceae and
Rubiaceae; their seeds have many morphological features in common
(Pinto et al. 2007), and also extensively share a common gene repertoire
(Lin etal. 2005; Lefebvre-Pautigny etal. 2010). e results concerning
the cell cycle activity of the coffee embryo fully confirm the data on the
ICL expression: in wet processed seeds, the highest β-tubulin accumu-
lation was detected 2 days after the start of treatment (Figure12.3),
corresponding to the first day of drying of the parchment coffee. In
contrast, during dry processing, the strongest signals were detected 6
days after initiation of processing, albeit at comparable maximum lev-
els as in the wet processed seeds. e flow cytometric data for coffee
embryos, extracted from differentially processed coffee seeds, revealed
a pattern similar to that derived from β-tubulin analysis (Figure 12.3).
Maximum 4C content was found in samples with the highest β-tubulin
accumulation. e rate of DNA replication (increase in the frequency
of 4C nuclei) was higher in embryos from wet processed beans com-
pared to those from dry processed ones. Nevertheless, the maximum
frequency of 4C nuclei was much lower in the dry processed beans.
is relative reduction in 4C nuclei content as compared to the levels
of β-tubulin might be related to a requirement for higher seed moisture
levels for initiation of DNA replication compared to the initiation of
β-tubulin accumulation, as previously observed in priming experiments
with tomato seeds (Groot etal. 1997).
Taken together, these data substantiate that germination processes
take place in coffee seeds during processing and that the time frame
of the related reactions differs clearly in wet and dry processed beans.
is leads to the question if germination metabolism and possibly also
reserve mobilization may be responsible for the processing-related
material differences in coffee beans specified in Section 12.2—a ques-
tion that can only be answered on the basis of investigations of coffee
seed physiology.
Apart from the experiments mentioned above, there are not
much data on coffee germination that could be interpreted with
respect to their impact on metabolic processes of coffee beans under
Downloaded by [Gerhard Bytof] at 00:44 20 November 2014
metaboliC responses of Coffee beans
processing. Indeed, there are many more other studies on coffee
seed germination. However, the majority of these studies and the
corresponding cognitions originate from experiments with coffee
seeds, which had already run through the whole sequence of wet
coffee processing, including drying, and then were reimbibed. As
it was already outlined above, germination is initiated after pulp-
ing and shut down by the drying procedure. Consequently, such
experiments with already wet-processed and reimbibed coffee seeds
would never reflect the whole episode of coffee germination sensu
stricto but at most a sequel of the interrupted metabolism, which
once came to halt with the drying of the coffee beans. e outcome
of those experiments would be rather irrelevant for an interpreta-
tion of coffee seed physiology during processing. With respect to
common nomenclature of seed physiologists, the seeds used in such
Wet processing
Amount of ICL-RNA
(pg/100 ng total-RNA)
Content of β-tubulin
(relative units)
Amount of
4C-nuclei (%)
0.0 0
Ferm.Drying Drying
123457 01 2345 7910 146
Abundance of β-tubulin
Changes in the 4C-nuclei-content
Dry processing
Figure 12.3 Quantification of germination-related processes during wet and dry processing.
Coffee beans resulting from model processing under definite conditions were used for the quanti-
fication of common markers for germination. ICL expression was quantified by competitive RT-PCR
using an internal standard, the abundance of β-tubulin was determined by immunostaining of
Western blots, and the amount of C4 nuclei was estimated by flow cytometry. The data are compiled
from earlier publications. (Adapted from Bytof, G. et al. 2007. Annals of Botany, 100:61–66; Selmar,
D. and Bytof, G. 2007. Green coffee is alive! A review on the metabolic processes taking place in
coffee beans during processing and their implication for modern coffee research. 21ème Colloque
Scientifique International sur le Café, Montpellier, France, pp. 423–433.)
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450 CoCoa and Coffee fermentations
experiments would be classified as “primed seeds” (McDonald 2000;
Varier et al. 2010). We can only speculate that practical reasons may
be the key for such an experimental design. However, it is self-evi-
dent that no one can expect the same physiological events to occur
and time courses in germinating fresh seeds as compared to “primed
seeds” after reimbibition.
In the case of a so-called endosperm-limited germination, the
endosperm acts as a mechanical barrier for radicule protrusion.
Coffee seeds (Arabica as well as Robusta) exhibit a case of a so-
called endosperm-limited germination, meaning, a special part of
the tissue, the so-called endosperm-cap, acts as a mechanical bar-
rier for radicule protrusion (Pinto etal. 2007). After germination
is initiated, in such seeds, a decline in the mechanical resistance
of the micropylar endosperm is caused by the activity of various
hydrolases against the structures of the cell walls (Leubner-Metzger
2003; Nonogaki et al. 2007). In the case of coffee, correspond-
ing enzyme activities have been described by various groups: cel-
lulases, mannanases, mannosidases, and galactosidases (Petek and
Dong 1961; Courtois and Le Dizet 1966; Shadaksharaswamy and
Ramachandra 1968; Takaki and Dietrich 1979; Giorgini 1992;
Giorgini and Comoli 1996; Marraccini etal. 2001, 2005; da Silva et
al. 2005; Shen etal. 2008). Two distinct endo-ß-mannanase genes,
manA and manB, have been isolated and cloned from germinating
coffee beans (Marraccini et al. 2001). In coffee seeds, the endo-
ß-mannanase enzyme is also present in the endosperm cap, but
unlike in tomato the increase of its activity was strongly suppressed
by the plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) (da Silva etal. 2005).
Surprisingly, in coffee, the expression of manA and manB and thus
the activity of endo-ß-mannanase is strongly inhibited by exogenous
application of the plant hormone gibberellic acid (GA3) (Marraccini
etal. 2001), while endogenous GAs nonetheless are required for
germination (da Silva etal. 2005). A suitable explanation for this
unusual response to phytohormones might be the involvement of
two distinct functions, that is, endosperm weakening and mobiliza-
tion of reserves (Nonogaki etal. 2007). Yet, the activities of these
enzymes do not sooner increase than approximately 4 days (96 h)
after imbibition (Marraccini etal. 2001, 2005; da Silva etal. 2005).
Consequently, these activities are associated with a phase occurring
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metaboliC responses of Coffee beans
rather too late during germination for playing a major role in cof-
fee processing: with a time frame of 12–90 h for tank fermentation
(Rolz etal. 1973), the wet phase of coffee processing seldomly lasts
this long—and in the case of dry processing, germination processes
are turned down already during the early germination phase (see
above). However, an involvement of cell wall hydrolyzing enzymes
in the degradation of galacto-mannans during processing cannot be
totally excluded.
Apart from the enzymatic activities so far mentioned, only one
more metabolic event has been described to occur in germinating cof-
fee seeds within the time frame of green coffee processing: the expres-
sion of oleosin (Simkin etal. 2006). e expression of at least one
of the oleosin genes significantly increases within the first days after
the onset of germination. Since one function of oleosins is to orga-
nize the lipid reserves of seeds in small, easily accessible structures
(Huang 1992), any changes of their amounts could have an impact
on the general metabolism of germinating seeds: owing to the much
higher surface of the seed oil bodies formed, lipase-mediated hydro-
lysis of triacylglycerols into free fatty acids is believed to be facilitated
(Huang 1996).
Based on all data mentioned so far, we conclude that our current
knowledge on the germination processes occurring during green
coffee processing and their significance on coffee quality is limited.
Much more research is needed to elucidate this fascinating field of
plant biology and its impact on the sensory profile of coffee.
12.6 Green Coffee Beans Experience Drought Stress While Drying
No matter whether green coffee is processed by the wet or dry method,
in any case, the beans have to be dried in order to produce tradable,
standard green coffees. In the dry process, the drying of coffee beans
from initially 50% water content down to 12% takes place inside the
fruit. Owing to the water-rich fruit flesh, the drying of the entire
fruit (approximately 70% water content) takes about 3 weeks. In con-
trast, drying of the pulped and fermented parchment coffees on the
patio only requires several days (Brando 2004). Coffee drying may be
performed in different ways. In the case of the wet processed parch-
ment coffees, apart from the classical sun drying on a drying patio or
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452 CoCoa and Coffee fermentations
on drying racks, various mechanical dryers are in use (static dryers,
column dryers, round dryers, etc.; for review, see Brando 2004, and
Chapter 10). In contrast, mechanical drying of the entire fruits occurs
quite rarely, since dry processing is abundant especially in those areas,
where the climatic conditions favor sun drying. ere is no doubt
that the drying process has a marked impact on coffee quality, but
generally there are various practical and economical considerations,
which determine the mode and progression of drying on the planta-
tion. Consequently, coffee farmers have to ponder drying capacities,
energy costs, and coffee quality.
Although it is frequently mentioned in the literature that sun dry-
ing has a beneficial effect on green coffee quality (Wootton etal.
1968; Gibson 1973; Sivetz and Desrosier 1979a,b; Jham et al. 2001;
Pimenta and Vilella 2001), only little research work has been done to
assess the actual benefit of sun drying or the pros and cons of either
drying system. Including the few studies that were done over 40 years
ago (Wootton etal. 1968; Gibson 1973), these considerations are
based mainly on traditional knowledge and field experience, without
offering a scientific background. In the older literature, the quality
differences between machine- and sun-dried coffees are explained by
various effects of visible or UV light on the drying beans (Gibson
1973). However, in this context, it has to be conceded that the opaque,
hardly translucent parchment predominantly is impermeable for most
light qualities. us, there must be another explanation for the merits
of sun drying. Recent considerations refer to the fact that the major
difference between sun and machine drying is that machine drying
is performed continuously whereas sun drying follows a natural day-
and-night rhythm (Kleinwächter and Selmar 2010). Unfortunately,
up to now it could not be elucidated how the mode and extent of
the drying procedure indeed affects the overall quality of green cof-
fee. According to the deductions mentioned above, the different green
coffee qualities must be due to differences in the composition of sub-
stances present in the coffee beans. Yet, corresponding differences in
the physiological status of differentially dried seeds have been demon-
strated (Kleinwächter and Selmar 2010).
As stated above, during the wet process, the content of glu-
cose and fructose decreases (Knopp etal. 2006; Bonnländer et al.
2007a,b), and this mainly takes place during the first day of drying
Downloaded by [Gerhard Bytof] at 00:44 20 November 2014
metaboliC responses of Coffee beans
(Kleinwächter and Selmar 2010). us, the decrease in the sugar con-
tent cannot be due to leaching as proposed earlier (Wootton 1973),
but must be related to the metabolic events occurring during drying.
Further evidence for the occurrence of metabolic reactions during
drying has been presented by Bytof etal. (2005), who have shown
that the nonprotein amino acid, GABA, is produced in the course
of the drying process (see above). e extent of GABA accumula-
tion strongly depends on the drying conditions and is highest in dry
processed seeds (Bytof etal. 2005). In plants, GABA corresponds to
a stress metabolite, which is produced by enzymatic decarboxylation
of glutamic acid as a characteristic stress response. e key enzyme
is a glutamate decarboxylase that is rapidly activated by calcium/
calmodulin and, therefore, does not require the biogenetic route of
gene expression, which would otherwise be rather time consuming
(Satya Narayan and Nair 1990; Bown and Shelp 1997; Bouché and
Fromm 2004).
e presence of elevated amounts of GABA in green coffee had
already been reported in previous works (Walter etal. 1970; Pokorny
etal. 1974; Tressl etal. 1983; Trautwein and Erbersdobler 1989).
Similarly, Casal etal. (2002a,b, 2003) have already reported that
reduced amounts of glutamic acid seemed to be statistically associ-
ated with dry process green coffee beans. Although Trautwein (1987)
already recognized a reciprocal relation between the concentrations of
free glutamic acid and free GABA in commercial green coffee samples,
no suggestions for the biological cause of this phenomenon had been
made in the literature. Unfortunately, in many earlier investigations
of amino acids, the stress-induced GABA accumulation could not be
detected, apparently because the chosen methodology did not include
GABA (Arnold et al. 1994; Arnold and Ludwig 1996; Leloup etal.
2005). Applying a GC-MS method, just recently the significance of
the free amino acid GABA was not only confirmed for Arabica and
Robusta coffee but also for Liberica or Excelsa coffee (Coffea liberica
Hiern), however the impact of processing was only remotely discussed
(Lonzarich et al. 2013).
e hypothesis that the observed accumulation of GABA in green
coffees is due to stress-related reactions that occur during processing is
supported by further evidence. Just recently, the stress status of coffee
during the course of drying was investigated (Kramer et al. 2010). In
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454 CoCoa and Coffee fermentations
addition to the accumulation of GABA, the expression of dehydrins,
which are small proteins that play an important role in the desiccation
tolerance of plant cells, was also estimated. Apart from their relevance
for several types of stress conditions, dehydrins are also abundant in
late embryogenesis (Close 1997; Allagulova etal. 2003). Owing to
their great hydrophilicity and thermostability, it is assumed that dehy-
drins function as structure stabilizers with detergent- and chaperone-
like properties (Borovskii et al. 2000, 2002). As the occurrence of
dehydrins is related to drought stress and dehydration, they represent
reliable markers for these metabolic situations (Nylander etal. 2001;
Rodriguez et al. 2005; Samarah etal. 2006). More recently, several
groups investigated the expression or abundance of enzymes during
the drying of coffee beans, most of them generally associated with
stress, as there are superoxide dismutase, guaiacol peroxidise, gluta-
thion reductase (Rendón et al. 2013), peroxidases, esterases, and cata-
lase, plus the germination-associated endo-ß-mannanase (Santos et al.
e investigation of the metabolic processes in drying coffee
beans revealed that the corresponding situation is quite complex
(Kramer et al. 2010) and, like germination (see above), it repre-
sents an entire physiological syndrome where numerous reactions
seem to run in parallel and/or subsequently. is complexity is even
greater, because of the concomitance of the stress-related reactions
and the various germination-related processes, an issue that so far
has been observed for a number of plants (Crèvecoeur et al. 1976;
Hegarthy 1977; Hegarthy and Ross 1979, 1980/1981; Spyropoulos
and Lambiris 1980; Botha and Small 1985; de los Reyes etal. 2003).
In this context, it must be considered that all these metabolic reac-
tions will be slowed down when the water content is decreasing in
the course of drying, leading finally to a virtual shut off of the entire
metabolism due to water deficiency. Consequently, apart from the
various physiological up and down regulations of germination and
stress-related processes, the metabolism is also directly influenced by
the increasing water shortage. Accordingly, various phases of GABA
accumulation could be detected. e first phase, which apparently is
due to either mechanical irritation of the coffee beans caused by the
depulping procedure and/or due to a lack of oxygen, mostly will not
be recognized, since the accumulated GABA is rapidly degraded
Downloaded by [Gerhard Bytof] at 00:44 20 November 2014
metaboliC responses of Coffee beans
(Kramer et al. 2010) (see Figure 12.4). Yet, it is very likely that
this first phase of GABA accumulation is related to the strong
decrease of the oxygen concentration, which generally occurs dur-
ing tank fermentation (wet process). Corresponding anoxia-induced
GABA accumulations are quite common and have been reported
for instance for radish leaves (Streeter and ompson 1972) and for
Expression of marker genes for
Drought stress (dehydrins,
in endosperm and embryo?)
Start of
Induction of
drought stress
Accumulation of GABA related to
injuries Germination
(in endosperm and embryo?)
Figure 12.4 Scheme of the temporal succession of some metabolic events during wet coffee
processing. Performance of germination was estimated by determining the expression of isoci-
trate lyase (ICL), that of drought stress by analyzing the expression of dehydrins. The apparent
phases of GABA accumulation are thought to be related to different metabolic events (accord-
ing to Kramer et al. 2010; Bytof et al. 2007; Selmar and Bytof 2007). (Adapted from Bytof, G.
et al. 2007. Annals of Botany, 100:61–66; Selmar, D. and Bytof, G. 2007. Green coffee is alive!
A review on the metabolic processes taking place in coffee beans during processing and their
implication for modern coffee research. 21ème Colloque Scientifique International sur le Café,
Montpellier, France, pp. 423–433.) The first apex of GABA accumulation during drying is corre-
lated with the expression of isocitrate lyase, and thus, with germination processes in the coffee
seeds. Subsequent peaks of GABA accumulation are correlated with the corresponding maxima
of dehydrin expression and are thought to be induced directly by drought stress in the endosperm
tissue and the embryo, respectively. GABA accumulation in fresh green coffees prior to the drying
procedure is attributed to the strong decrease in oxygen concentration during fermentation, but
might also be due to bruising in the course of the mechanical depulping process.
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456 CoCoa and Coffee fermentations
rice roots (Reggiani etal. 1988, 2000). e second phase seems to be
associated with the germination-associated metabolism that is going
on during coffee processing (see above). Similar germination-related
GABA accumulations have been described for various other plants,
for example, mustard seeds, Sinapis alba (Vanderwalle and Olsson
1983), chestnut seeds, Castanea sativa (Desmaison and Tixier 1986),
or lentil seeds, Lens spec. (Rozan etal. 2001). e third phase of
GABA enhancement apparently is related to drought stress and
parallels the dehydrin expression (Figure 12.4). Interestingly, the
stress-related expression of dehydrins as well as the GABA accu-
mulation follows a bimodal pattern. It was proposed that the two
phases of stress induction possibly are due to temporal differences
in stress induction in different organs, that is, the endosperm and
the embryo (Kramer et al. 2010). In this context, it has to be con-
sidered that the embryo is more or less entirely embedded in the
endosperm. e drying process starts with the loss of water in the
outer parts of the endosperm before the water potential of the inte-
rior cells decreases. us, the embryo is embedded in a still relatively
moist milieu for a certain time during the drying process, and it will
maintain a higher water potential than the outer endosperm cells.
is effect is probably promoted by the thick nature of the galacto-
mannan cell walls of the endosperm cells, indicating that the man-
nans not only have the obvious function as a potential carbohydrate
reserve for seedling development but may also serve as a kind of
hygroscopic buffer, slowing down the otherwise too rapid and pos-
sibly deadly desiccation of the embryo (Bewley 1997). Accordingly,
when drought-stress-related reactions may already be induced in the
outer parts of the coffee endosperm, the coffee embryo may not suf-
fer drought stress for a longer time yet. Concerning the endosperm,
evidence from electronic microscopy demonstrated that the extent
of stress, reflected by a loss of cell membrane integrity, was par-
ticularly dependent on the rigor and temperature applied during the
drying of the coffee beans (Borém et al. 2007; Saath et al. 2010).
Summarizing, we can conclude that indeed stress-related processes
are taking place in the coffee beans while drying (drought stress) and
possibly also during fermentation (hypoxia). Moreover, we assume
numerous other metabolic processes running in parallel and/or sub-
sequent to each other, resulting in a very complex metabolic situation.
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metaboliC responses of Coffee beans
Much more research is needed to understand this phenomenon, and
to elucidate, how these processes influence the composition of aroma-
relevant compounds and how these insights could be used to modify
green coffee quality by deliberately changing the processing and dry-
ing conditions. Especially due to the high complexity outlined, a com-
prehensive analysis requires integrative research efforts, combining the
wide range of all modern research methods. In particular, genomics and
metabolomics approaches would be promising if combined with realistic
model-processing or field experiments. First omic approaches on coffee
seed physiology during processing produced very convincing support
for the occurrence of various and processing-specific metabolic events
(De Vos et al. 2007; Modonut etal. 2011). e elucidation of the causal
relationship between metabolic events and the occurrence of certain
aroma compounds is a great challenge for coffee research in the future.
12.7 Capabilities to Improve Quality by DeliberatelyInfluencing
the Metabolic Events in Green Coffee
It is self-evident that deliberate changes in the processing and drying
conditions influence green coffee quality. Generally, experienced pro-
cessors are cautious to stray off from standard procedures in order to
avoid any negative effects such as an increased microbial spoilage or a
decline of quality. Only few processors are eager to favor new attempts
of endogenous quality improvement. Up to now, most approaches
have been applied exclusively on the basis of empirical acquirement
and practical experience of the green coffee producers.
12.7.1 Intermediate Storage of Progressively Processed Green Coffees
Based on the knowledge of the metabolic impacts of certain changes
in the processing procedure, it should be possible to predict their con-
sequences for coffee quality. Although we are still far away from a
comprehensive understanding of the complex metabolic events that
occur in coffee beans during processing, a plant biological-based
approach shall be highlighted here: namely, the introduction of an
intermediate moist storage phase of mechanically pulped green coffee
in order to achieve a quality equal to that of traditionally wet process
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458 CoCoa and Coffee fermentations
Owing to aggravated environmental directives (i.e., wastewa-
ter management) and owing to an increasing cost pressure, greater
amounts of green coffee are being produced by new progressive meth-
ods, by which the mucilage is mechanically removed. Unfortunately,
the quality of the coffees produced by such progressive methods
does not reach the quality of those coffees produced by classical wet
processing—and the corresponding roast coffees or brews reveal dif-
ferent aroma profiles (Gonzales-Rios et al. 2007b; Steinhaus and
Schieberle 2007). From the viewpoint of plant biology—also when
applying the progressive methods—metabolic processes are unlocked
in coffee seeds as in wet processing. However, the time frames for
the corresponding reactions are different (Figure 12.5). As outlined
previously, the removal of the pulp initiates germination-related pro-
cesses: the suppressed metabolism is unlocked. Over time, when the
parchment beans are dried and the water content decreases, addi-
tional stress-related reactions are induced (see above). As long as the
water content is sufficient (i.e., estimated 25%), the seeds remain
metabolically active and various reactions run in parallel or subse-
quently. However, as soon as a certain moisture threshold is under-
shot, the entire metabolism is virtually shut down. Accordingly, in the
case of classical wet processing, the related time span of metabolic
activity is about 2–4 days (Figure 12.5). Over the years know-how
and field experiments have reflected that a controlled prolongation of
the moist treatment by applying a soaking step was beneficial for cup
quality (Wootton 1966; Gonzales-Rios 2007a; Lambot et al. 2011).
By comparison when mucilage is removed mechanically and a fer-
mentation step is omitted, the corresponding phase is much shorter.
Consequently, the overall extent of the reactions taking place during
processing is much lower. If we assume that at least some of these
reactions are advantageous for the generation of relevant aroma pre-
cursors, it becomes obvious to extend this time span, that is, by intro-
ducing an interim storage phase under moist conditions (Selmar etal.
2005). As a consequence of such approach, the relevant reactions in
the coffee seeds should proceed, thereby improving the quality of the
green coffee. As the introduction of such intermediate storage phase
indeed increases the coffee quality significantly (Selmar etal. 2005),
such approach represents a paragon of applying basic plant biological
knowledge to improve coffee quality.
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metaboliC responses of Coffee beans
12.7.2 Quality Effect of Barning
After wet processing, the parchment coffee is generally kept in
storage facilities (tulhas) for a minimum period of 1 month. e
implementation of this process, also called barning, is an example
of the exploitation of positive effects of a certain storage condition.
and sorting
Unlock of
Unlock of
Unlock of
Shutdown of
Shutdown of
Shutdown of
2–6 h
1–4 h
1–4 h
20–36 h
24–48 h
20–36 h24–48 h
2–4 days
1–2 days
2–4 days
24–48 h
About 25%
About 25%
About 25%
Classical wet fermentation:
Mechanical mucilage removal (e.g. BECOLSUB):
Introduction of an intermediate storage phase:
Fermentation Drying to 12% water cont.
Drying to 12% water cont.
Drying to 12% water cont.Storage
of mucilage
of mucilage
Figure 12.5 Divergent time frames of metabolic activity in differentially processed coffee
beans. Owing to the removal of the pulp, germination processes are unlocked. When the water con-
tent decreases during the course of drying, additionally stress-related reactions are induced. As
long as the water content is sufficient (i.e., estimated 25%), the seeds remain metabolically active.
However, as soon as certain moistness is undershot, all metabolic activities come to a standstill.
Whereas the related time span of metabolic activity is about 2–4 days in the case of classical wet
processing, due to the omission of a fermentation step, it is much shorter, when mucilage is removed
mechanically. An introduction of an interim storage phase enhances this time span and thereby lead-
ing to an improvement of green coffee quality.
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460 CoCoa and Coffee fermentations
It is based solely on the practical knowledge of coffee farmers, and
the scientific background still is scarce (Rendón et al. 2011). As a
matter of common knowledge, barning reduces the incidence of
certain undesired off-flavors, such as the “peasy” off-flavor, identi-
fied as 2-isopropyl-3-methoxy pyrazine (Becker etal. 1988), or the
“hard”/“hardish”/“Rio” off-note of coffee, identified as 2,4,6-trichlo-
roanisole (Spadone etal. 1990). Although the effects are frequently
reported in discussions with coffee producers, there are neither
systematic data available nor are there any scientific suggestions
for possible causes. In this context, another frequently mentioned
aspect, which also is based on the farmer’s experience, concerns the
viability of the coffee beans, which can be easily assessed with a
simple germination test or with the tetrazolium test (Rivas Vásquez
and Morillo 1961; Dias and da Silva 1986). e viability of the cof-
fee seeds is assumed to be directly linked to the potential cup quality
(Sivetz and Desrosier 1979a,b).
Corresponding scientific investigations have been performed only
recently. Selmar etal. (2008) demonstrated that the viability of coffee
beans stored in parchment (pergaminho) is extensively prolonged as
compared to the hulled coffee beans from the same batch and stored
under the same conditions (22°C, 63% relative humidity). In parallel,
significant changes in low molecular sugars (e.g., glucose) and in free
amino acids (e.g., glutamine) had been detected (Selmar etal. 2008).
It was already demonstrated earlier that, under unfavorable storage
conditions, yielding a so-called old crop coffee, massive changes in
low molecular sugars occur (Pokorny etal. 1975; Bucheli etal. 1998;
Dussert etal. 2006). is decline of glucose in the green coffee beans
appears to be related to the relative humidity during storage (Dussert
etal. 2006). However, despite clear effects on the viability, only minor
effects on cup qualities had been detected. Nevertheless, there seems
to be a tendency for a sensorial benefit of storing the green coffee
within the parchment (Selmar etal. 2008). In the recent time more
work has been done on this subject by several workgroups. Del Terra
et al. (2011) and Lambot et al. (2013) have confirmed the close asso-
ciation of seed viability and resulting cup quality. Since the strongest
impact on green coffee quality was to be expected from the lipid frac-
tion (Dussert et al. 2006; Speer and Kölling-Speer 2006), it was only
consequent to look closer for free fatty acids and lipid peroxidations in
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metaboliC responses of Coffee beans
order to establish green coffee markers for ageing (Lambot et al. 2013,
Saath etal. 2013a; Rendón et al. 2014). Lambot et al. (2013) also
looked at the influence of temperature, relative humidity, and envi-
ronmental oxygen and found diverse impacts on sugars, free amino
acids, acetic acids, and hexanal. Furthermore, certain late embryo-
genesis abundant (LEA) proteins seem not only be involved in the
stress metabolism during green coffee drying (see above) but also
seem to be promising markers for the development of old crop coffee
(Saath et al. 2013b). Finally, the decrease of a particular chlorogenic
acid, the 5-caffeoylquinic acid was suggested as a putative marker for
ageing during green coffee storage, just recently (Rendón et al. 2014).
12.8 Conclusion
Based on modern biochemical and molecular biological analyses, it
was shown that various metabolic reactions occur in coffee beans dur-
ing processing. Apart from germination, a stress-related metabolism
also takes place. e time courses of these processes are significantly
different in wet and dry processed seeds, demonstrating that these
metabolic reactions are strongly influenced by the processing condi-
tions. ese differences in the time courses and the amplitudes of the
metabolic events determine the distinction in the substantial compo-
sition of differentially processed green coffees, thereby affecting cof-
fee quality, and establishing the peculiarities of wet and dry process
coffees. Consequently, it should become possible to modify green
coffee quality by deliberately changing the processing conditions.
An intriguing example for such approach to modulate the metabolic
activity in green coffee beans is the introduction of an intermedi-
ate storage phase subsequent to mechanical demucilation in order to
enhance coffee quality.
However, the entire impacts and the overall consequences of the
endogenous metabolic processes taking place during coffee processing
are not yet known or even understood. In this context, it should be
mentioned that apart from these endogenous factors, many important
exogenous factors like microbial impacts on quality have to be con-
sidered (for review, see Chapter 11). Owing to the high complexity, a
comprehensive analysis of the metabolic effects and their impacts on
the coffee quality and their modification by external factors requires
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462 CoCoa and Coffee fermentations
further integrative research efforts, combining a wide range of all
modern research methods, including the promising genomics and
metabolomics approaches. e elucidation of the causal relationship
between metabolic events and the occurrence of certain aroma com-
pounds is a great challenge for coffee research in the future.
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... Curiously, the evidence suggests that during coffee drying there is an increase in GABA concentration, which is why it is considered a marker of water stress [25]. This is produced through the enzymatic decarboxylation reaction of glutamic acid catalyzed by glutamate decarboxylase (Fig. 1). ...
... Synthesis of γ-aminobutyric acid. Adapted from Reference[25]. ...
... The resulting concentration is 5 mg/mL. Draw 5,10,15,25,30,35,40,45, and 50 µL of the sample into a vial with a capacity of up to 10 mL and measure the absorbance at a wavelength of 330 nm. The standard curve regression equation was established with concentration as the ordinate and absorbance as the abscissa: ...
... Isomer proportion and composition can be useful as a means of distinguishing between species, and it is well documented that roseaceae such as apples, apricots, pears, plums, and peaches preferentially produce three substituted CGAs, whereas in most other plant families, the 5-isomer predominates [21,29]. Studies have shown that the ratio of different CGA content in coffee is influenced by a number of factors, including the variety of beans, maturity, country of origin, cultivation and climatic conditions, the presence of defective beans, and the method of processing wet or dry, washed or unwashed, beans after harvest [23,30]. Chlorogenic acid isomer ratios have been demonstrated to differentiate between various sources of coffee [22]. ...
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Sweet potato vine tips are abundant in chlorogenic acid (CGA). In this study, CGA was extracted from vegetable and conventional sweet potato vine tips using ethanol, followed by subsequent purification of the extract through a series of sequential steps. Over 4 g of the purified product was obtained from 100 g of sweet potato vine tip powder, producing more than 85% of purified CGA. The LC-MS analysis of all samples indicated that 4-CQA was the predominant isomer in both sweet potato cultivars. Significant variations of p-coumaroyl quinic acids, feruloyl quinic acids, dicaffeoyl quinic acids, and tricaffeoyl quinic acid were identified, whereas the mono-caffeoyl quinic acids did not vary when the two sweet potato varieties were compared. Compared to conventional sweet potatoes, vegetable sweet potatoes exhibit a high negative correlation between 4-CQA and 5-pCoQA, while showing a high positive correlation between 3,5-CQA and 3-pCoQA. A series of principal component analyses (PCA) using CGA isomers enables a clear differentiation between vine tips derived from vegetable and conventional sweet potatoes. The model of linear discriminant analysis, based on the characteristic CGA, achieved a 100% accuracy rate in distinguishing between vegetable and conventional sweet potatoes. The high purity of sweet potato CGA (SCGA) exhibited potent anti-breast cancer activity. The results demonstrated that SCGA significantly suppressed the clonogenicity of MB231 and MCF7 cells, and impeded the migratory, invasive, and lung metastatic potential of MB231 cells.
... The final step is cooling using water or cold air jets (Calvert et al. 2014). The processing method of coffee by dry and wet method represent below Fig. 3 as per (Kleinwächter et al. 2015). ...
... Processing flow chart of coffee cherry(Kleinwächter et al. 2015) ...
... Coffee beans with higher initial moisture contents undergo a slower dehydration process [5,42]. This is because water molecules need to be evaporated before the beans can dry out completely. ...
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This comprehensive study delves into advanced dehydration techniques and processing technologies in the realm of coffee manufacturing. It offers a comparative analysis of these techniques, specifically focusing on green coffee beans and instant coffee production. The examination encompasses the pivotal steps of grading, roasting, grinding, extraction, and dehydration, which form the core of the coffee manufacturing process. In the context of instant coffee production, two primary dehydration methods, spray-drying and freeze-drying, are scrutinized for their roles in water removal from coffee extracts and slurries and their impact on final product quality and efficiency. This study emphasizes the significance of dehydration processes as the linchpin of manufacturing optimization, considering their prominence in coffee production plants. Furthermore, the research extends to investigate the diverse extraction techniques, additional processes, and critical technologies, such as agglomeration, used in the production of coffee instant powder. Quality control, life cycle analysis, and assurance are scrutinized to provide insights into the overall sustainability of coffee manufacturing. The examination also explores the environmental impact, byproducts, and nuanced properties of coffee powder across different production systems. In essence, this review serves as a valuable resource for industry professionals, researchers, and coffee enthusiasts, offering a holistic understanding of advanced coffee dehydration techniques and their impact on quality, efficiency, and sustainability in the context of both green coffee beans and instant coffee production.
... Contents of volatile compounds in samples of special and traditional green coffee. flavor (Feria-Morales, 2002;Kleinwächter et al., 2015;Macrae, 1985). The literature itself reports that the NA content can vary from 0.002 to 1016 mg 100 g −1 of green coffee (Bressani & Navarrete, 1959;Casal et al., 1998Casal et al., , 2000Chirfa et al., 2020;Girma, 2020;Girma et al., 2020;Mazzafera, 1991), which is consistent with the levels found. ...
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Green coffee is the hulled coffee bean, rich in chemical compounds indicative of quality before roasting, making the classification special or traditional. This work aimed to determine compounds in green coffee beans and find the differentiation of green coffee beans into special or traditional ones through chemometrics. For that, the levels of phenolic compounds, reducing, nonreducing, and total sugars were quantified by spectrophotometry: caffeine, trigonelline, 5‐hydroxymethylfurfural (5‐HMF), 3‐hydroxybenzoic, 4‐hydroxybenzoic, chlorogenic, caffeic, and nicotinic acids (NAs) by high‐performance liquid chromatography–UV–Vis; acetaldehyde, acetone, methanol, ethanol, and isoamyl by HS‐GC‐FID. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to differentiate green coffee beans through the levels obtained in spectrophotometric and chromatographic analyses. Statistically, the contents of total phenolic compounds, caffeine, nonreducing sugars, total sugars, NA, 5‐HMF, acetaldehyde, ethanol, and ethanol/methanol showed significant differences. The PCA made it possible to classify green coffee beans into special and traditional, in addition to understanding the attributes that influenced the differentiation between coffees. In addition, it was possible to classify green coffee beans into special and traditional, either using all parameters evaluated or only using spectrophotometric analyses. In this way, some advantages allow classification without using a trained and experienced evaluator as their previous experience can influence the results due to their expertise in a certain type of coffee, in addition to being faster and cheaper, especially regarding spectrophotometric analyses.
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Coffee quality is a complex attribute influenced by a variety of factors, including postharvest processing methods. The goal of this study was to investigate the impact of coffee processing methods on coffee quality (raw, cup, and biochemical makeup) in Jimma, which represents the midland areas. Coffee samples were collected for Jimma agricultural research center and processed with three methods (washed, Semi-washed and dry process). The result indicated that washed coffee beans scored significantly the highest color (13.43) and odor [10] score than the other processing methods. The statistically best raw quality score (35.57 %) was therefore reported for washed coffee in Jimma. Cup quality attributes however were not significantly affected by processing methods. Among chemical composition studied, lipid was significantly affected by processing methods and highest lipid 13.74 and 13.17 g/100g was reported for semi-washed and washed coffee beans respectively. Generally, washed and semi-washed coffee were preferable in terms of bean color and odor quality. Correlations were found among cup quality attributes and chemical compositions. However, further research into the accessibility and economics of coffee processing methods in the area is necessary.
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Postharvest methods and roasting processes cause changes in the biochemical composition, physical structure, and organoleptic attributes of coffee. The purpose of this study was to conduct organoleptic tests on roasted red-picked premium Robusta coffee, based on postharvest methods, roasting temperature, and roasting time to obtain the most preferred roasted coffee beans by the panelists. The research design used the Taguchi design with three factors and three levels, Postharvest methods factors (full wash, honey, and natural), roasting temperature (150℃, 175℃, and 200℃), and roasting time (10 minutes, 12.5 minutes and 15 minutes) so that the orthogonal array matrix L9 (33) is obtained. The hedonic test (favorability level) in the organoleptic test form consists of a scale of 1-5 rating on each assessed attribute. The panelists consisted of 64 people who were chosen randomly. Data analysis was performed using one-way ANOVA using IBM SPSS Statistics 22. The difference between the means of each treatment was continued with the DMRT test. Postharvest methods, temperature, and roasting time affected the organoleptic of roasted coffee beans, P value or small sig of 0.05 (p<0.05). The most preferred roasted coffee beans by panelist were honey posthervest method, roasting temperature of 175℃, and roasting time of 15 minutes.
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The sections in this article are Introduction Imbibition and Water Relations of Seed Germination Testa/Endosperm Restraint and Embryo Growth Potential Approaches to Identify Additional Genes Involved in Germination
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Cup quality of coffee processed by either natural fermentation, mechanical removal of mucilage, without removal of mucilage; washing; without washing, well dried, kept as wet parchment coffee before drying or dry processed was evaluated. Aroma, acidity, bitterness body and global impression of coffee cups were measured by descriptive quantitative sensory analysis using 9 point's scale. By the wet coffee process washing with clean water, and drying carefully were produced the best coffee cups, in comparison to the others types and process conditions. It was found that either ripe or immature coffee beans processed by dry process present stinker defect. By drying coffee with its mucilage it was produced dark and sticky coffee beans, and ferment smell and flavor. The storage of wet parchment coffee affected the coffee cup quality due earthy, fermented, and dirty flavors perceived. It was demonstrated that by washing coffee after either natural or mechanical removal of mucilage, can be obtained good quality cups no strange flavors. It is concluded that coffee process has a significant effect on coffee quality. Drying process is one of the most important stages of the coffee process in order to maintain coffee quality.
Seed germination under water stress, and seedling growth immediately after germination, have been investigated in a series of experiments. In the majority of species used in these experiments it was found that seedling growth immediately after germination could proceed at water potentials lower than those that permitted germination. This differential sensitivity to water stress could be reduced (i.e., the water potential of seed germination made more negative) by growth regulators and was completely removed by a combination of ethrel and kinetin in two of the species investigated, red clover and lucerne. Evidence suggests that the initiation of cell elongation is the process in germination most sensitive to water stress, and the work with growth regulators confirms that there are different effects on the initiation of germination and on subsequent growth. Differential sensitivity to moisture stress is suggested as a form of dormancy and we speculate on possible mechanisms that govern its control.
Coffee quality is a parameter influenced by a wide range of factors. The criteria used to measure quality include raw bean size and shape as well as colour; roast bean appearance is measured by visual scoring. Cup quality is determined by organoleptic means. Samples are submitted to professional coffee tasters who assess body, acidity, flavour and general standard while off-flavours are distinguished. Owing to the role of quality in the pricing of coffee, it is important that coffee should be handled carefully at the farm and factory level. At all these levels, the recommended procedures of handling coffee should be adhered to, in order to obtain top quality coffee. Some of these procedures are discussed in the paper.
Small quantities of free quinic acid occur in green coffee beans. A greater quantity of quinic acid occurs as a series of esters (collectively) generally known as chlorogenic acids (CGA). Possibly the first report to describe these substances is attributable to Robiquet and Boutron.1 These workers, while searching for physiologically active substances in coffee, isolated from green coffee beans an acidic substance which gave a green pigment with ferric chloride. At that date this observation was interpreted as indicating the presence of a gallic acid residue. It is known now that a caffeic acid residue would have given a similar response.