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A study on the similarities of Deep
Belief Networks and Stacked
KTH, Royal Institute of Technology
A study on the similarities of
Deep Belief Networks and Stacked Autoencoders
Degree Project in Computer Science, Second Cycle (DD221X)
Master’s Program in Machine Learning
Supervisor Master student
Anders Holst Andrea de Giorgio
Anders Lansner
October 3rd, 2015
Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) and autoencoders have been used - in several variants
- for similar tasks, such as reducing dimensionality or extracting features from signals. Even
though their structures are quite similar, they rely on different training theories. Lately, they
have been largely used as building blocks in deep learning architectures that are called deep
belief networks (instead of stacked RBMs) and stacked autoencoders.
In light of this, the student has worked on this thesis with the aim to understand the extent
of the similarities and the overall pros and cons of using either RBMs, autoencoders or denoising
autoencoders in deep networks. Important characteristics are tested, such as the robustness to
noise, the influence on training of the availability of data and the tendency to overtrain. The
author has then dedicated part of the thesis to study how the three deep networks in exam
form their deep internal representations and how similar these can be to each other. In result
of this, a novel approach for the evaluation of internal representations is presented with the
name of F-Mapping. Results are reported and discussed.
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Contextandpurpose ................................. 1
1.2 Relatedwork ..................................... 2
1.2.1 Performance of basic architectures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2.2 Invariance in internal representations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Overviewofthethesis ................................ 3
2 Autoencoders and Restricted Boltzmann Machines 4
2.1 Multi-LayerPerceptron................................ 4
2.1.1 Training.................................... 5
2.1.2 Logisticregression .............................. 6
2.2 Autoencoders ..................................... 6
2.2.1 Structure ................................... 6
2.2.2 Training.................................... 7
2.3 DenoisingAutoencoders ............................... 8
2.4 Restricted Boltzmann Machines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.4.1 Structure ................................... 9
2.4.2 Gibbssampling ................................ 10
2.4.3 Contrastive Divergence (CD-k) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.4.4 Persistent Contrastive Divergence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.4.5 Training.................................... 11
3 Deep Learning 13
3.1 DeepBeliefNetworks................................. 13
3.2 StackedAutoencoders ................................ 15
3.3 Stacked denoising Autoencoders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.4 Relationbetweenmodels............................... 16
4 Methods 18
4.1 Dataset ........................................ 18
4.2 Implementation of the Deep Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.2.1 Programming language and framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.2.2 Hardware and experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.2.3 Trainingparameters ............................. 19 Numberoflayers.......................... 19 Layer-wise training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Fine-tuning of the deep networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.3 Evaluation of the Deep Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.3.1 Test robustness to noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.3.2 Createfilters ................................. 22
4.3.3 Exploit the internal representations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Histograms ............................. 24 The Gini coefficients: a measure of sparseness . . . . . . . . . . 24
4.3.4 Map the internal representations (F-Mapping) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.3.5 Comparison of sorted internal representations with F-Mapping . . . . . . 26
4.3.6 Verify the input reconstructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Single activations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Reconstruction of digits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Reconstruction of the mean-digits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Filtering the mean-digits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.3.7 Feeding internal representations to other architectures . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Inverse F-Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
5 Results 30
5.1 Training ........................................ 30
5.2 Robustnesstonoise.................................. 31
5.3 Filters ......................................... 32
5.4 Internalrepresentations................................ 37
5.4.1 Histograms .................................. 37
5.4.2 Sparseness................................... 45
5.5 Mapping of the internal representations (F-Mapping) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
5.5.1 Comparison of sorted filters using MSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
5.5.2 Comparison of sorted internal representations using MSE . . . . . . . . . 51
5.6 Inputreconstruction ................................. 51
5.6.1 Reconstruction of single activations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
5.6.2 Reconstruction of digits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Reconstruction of the mean-digits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Filtering the mean-digits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
5.6.3 Feeding internal representations to other architectures . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Inverse F-Mapped representations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
6 Discussion and conclusions 63
6.1 Overviewoftheresults................................ 63
6.2 Conclusions ...................................... 64
6.3 Futurework...................................... 64
Bibliography 66
Index 70
AE Autoencoder
ANN Artificial Neural Network
BM Boltzmann Machine
CD Contrastive Divergence
CNN Convolutional Neural Network
DBN Deep Belief Network
DN Deep Network
FNN Feedforward Neural Network
GPU Graphics Processing Unit
MLP Multi-Layer Perceptron
MRF Markov Random Field
MSE Mean Squared Error
NLL Negative Log Likelihood
PCA Principal Component Analysis
PCD Persistent Contrastive Divergence
RBM Restricted Boltzmann Machine
SA Stacked Autoencoder
SdA Stacked denoising Autoencoder
SE Squared Error
This thesis was possible thanks to:
Anders Holst, for his great ideas and support.
Erik Ylipää, for his generous contributions and corrections.
Morgan Svensson and Vanya Avramova, for their precious friendship.
Carlo de Giorgio and Roberta Eller Vainicher, per il loro supporto e amore infinito.
Chapter 1
1.1 Context and purpose
Deep Belief Networks (DBNs), Stacked Autoencoders (SAs) and Convolutional Neural Networks
(CNNs) are the three main networks used by a field of Machine Learning called deep learning
(Bengio, 2007).
CNNs are biologically-inspired variants of the Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), from Hubel
and Wiesel’s early work on the cat’s visual cortex (Hubel & Wiesel, 1968). CNNs are deeply
different w.r.t the other two architectures, DBNs and SAs, which are composed respectively by
Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) and autoencoders as building blocks stacked to form a
Deep Network (DN). In literature there are many different implementations of similar stacked
architectures that have been proposed, but always arbitrarily selecting the use of RBMs or
autoencoders without stating a precise reason for the choice.
By a quick glance the architectures look similar and it seems that their selection is totally
interchangeable. Therefore, the purpose given to this thesis is to compare DBNs, SAs and SdAs
with a focus on:
•robustness to noise;
•influence on training of the availability of more or less training data;
•tendency to overtrain;
•analysis of the internal representations formed at different layers;
•similarity of the internal representations.
When the task is to extract features automatically, invariance plays a key role in the way those
features are represented. Having invariance in the internal representations means that the
features extracted are independent of some details inherent to the data such as, for example,
temporal scale or spacial scale, rotation and translation. CNNs contains a complex arrangement
of cells, inspired by the visual cortex, that are sensitive to small regions of the visual field and
are tiled to fully cover it. These cells act as local filters over the input space and are well-suited
to exploit the strong spatially local correlation present in natural images. There are two basic
cell types, the simple cells that respond maximally to specific edge-like patterns within their
receptive field and the complex cells that have larger receptive fields and are locally invariant
to the exact position of the pattern. This means that CNNs have a built-in structure to obtain
invariance in the internal representations.
On the other hand, DBNs, SAs and SdAs are not able to produce invariant internal rep-
resentations without improving the algorithms (see subsection 1.2.2 for related work), so an
analysis of this property can not be included in the comparison presented in this thesis.
1.2 Related work
1.2.1 Performance of basic architectures
Since the introduction of unsupervised pre-training (Hinton et al., 2006) and Deep Networks
(DNs), many new building blocks and overall schemas for stacking layers have been proposed.
Most are focused on creating new training algorithms to build single-layer models which per-
forms better. Among the possible architectures considered in literature are RBMs (Hinton et al.,
2006; Krizhevsky & Hinton, 2009), sparse-coding (Olshausen et al., 1996; Lee et al., 2006; Yang
et al., 2009), sparse RBMs (Lee et al., 2008), sparse autoencoders (Goodfellow et al., 2009;
Poultney et al., 2006), denoising autoencoders (Vincent et al., 2008), marginalized denoising
autoencoders (Chen et al., 2014), “factored” (Krizhevsky et al., 2010) and mean-covariance
(Ranzato & Hinton, 2010) RBMs, as well as many others. Even though the learning module
appears to be the most heavily scrutinized component of DNs, the literature focus mostly on
incremental implementation of the same models.
In Tan & Eswaran (2008), Stacked Autoencoders are compared to stacked RBMs, i.e. DBNs,
and the results clearly show that the stacked RBMs perform better. This comparison is the
closest one to the purpose of this thesis. However they don’t compare the internal representa-
In Coates et al. (2011) there is an analysis of the compared performance of sparse au-
toencoders and sparse RBMs, as state-of-the-art architectures, with a third newly-introduced
architecture, to use as building blocks in DNs. Even in that case, the performance of sparse
autoencoders and sparse RBMs are shown to to be similar.
There is little or no work aimed to show that autoencoders and RBMs perform in the same
way, in spite of their training algorithms differences.
1.2.2 Invariance in internal representations
Goodfellow et al. (2009) presented a general set of tests for measuring invariances in the internal
representations of Deep Networks. A finding in their experiments with visual data is that
Stacked Autoencoders yield only modest improvements in invariance as depth increases. From
this comes the suggestion that a mere stacking of shallow architectures may not be sufficient
to exploit the full potential of deep architectures to learn invariant features.
Other authors preferred to introduce novel algorithms, such as in Sohn & Lee (2012), where
Transformation-Invariant RBMs (TIRBMs) and Sparse TIRBMs, that can achieve invariance
to a set of predefined transformations, are presented and compared to RBMs.
In Rasmus et al. (2014) the invariant representations in a denoising autoencoder are ob-
tained with modulated lateral connections. They show that invariance increases towards the
higher layers but significantly so only if the decoder has a suitable structure, i.e. the lateral
The overall idea is that invariance in internal representations is highly desired but non-
achievable with shallow architectures.
1.3 Overview of the thesis
In chapter 2 all the building blocks are presented and their theory explained.
In chapter 3, the deep learning methodology is introduced and the blocks are put together
to form the examined deep architectures.
All the details regarding the implementation, the training, the test and the methodology
behind all the operations executed to analyze the three architectures in exam are accurately
described in chapter 4.
Chapter 5 contains all the results, thoroughly labeled, but only partially commented.
Finally, in chapter 6, the results are discussed in their wholeness and some conclusions are
Chapter 2
Autoencoders and Restricted Boltzmann
2.1 Multi-Layer Perceptron
A Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) is an artificial neural network composed of an input layer,
one or more hidden layers and an output layer (see figure 2.1.1).
Figure 2.1.1: Graph of a multi-layer perceptron with one hidden layer. From bottom to top,
respectively, the input layer (white), the hidden layer (gray) and the output layer (white). xkis
an input unit, hjis a hidden unit and ykis an output unit. Connections are exclusively drawn
between different layers.
For a MLP with one hidden layer, the output vector yis obtained as a function of the input
vector x:
y=f(x) = Gb(2) +W(2) ·h(x)=Gb(2) +W(2) ·sb(1) +W(1) ·x
with bias vectors b(1),b(2), weight matrices W(1),W(2) and activation functions Gand s.
The hidden layer is the vector h(x).
Typical choices for sinclude tanh, with tanh(a) = (ea−e−a)/(ea+e−a), that has been
used in this thesis, or the logistic sigmoid function, with sigmoid(a)=1/(1 + e−a). A choice
for Gcan be the sof tmax function, especially when the MLP is used to identify multi-class
membership probabilities, such as in this work.
Using one hidden layer is sufficient to obtain from an MLP an universal approximator (i.e.
the neural network can represent a wide variety of interesting functions when given appropriate
parameters), but substantial benefits come from using many hidden layers, that is the very
premise of deep learning (LeCun et al., 2015).
2.1.1 Training
A typical training of a MLP is executed with backpropagation, an abbreviation for “backward
propagation of errors”, that is a common method of training artificial neural networks, used in
conjunction with an optimization method such as gradient descent. This method calculates
the gradient of a cost function, e.g. Negative Log Likelihood (NLL) or Mean Squared Error
(MSE), with respect to all the weights in the network. The gradient is then used to update the
weights, in an attempt to minimize the cost function. A local minimum of the cost function is
found taking steps proportional to the negative of the gradient (or of the approximate gradient)
of the cost function at the current point.
The backpropagation learning algorithm can be divided into two phases: propagation and
weight update.
The propagation involves the following steps:
•Forward propagation of a training pattern’s input through the neural network in order to
generate the network’s output activations.
•Backward propagation of the network’s output activations through the neural network
using the training pattern target in order to generate the deltas (the difference between
the input and output values) of all output and hidden neurons.
The weight update is performed in the following steps for each neuron:
•Multiply the neural output delta and input activation to get the gradient of the weight.
•Subtract a ratio (percentage) of the gradient from the weight. This ratio influences the
speed and quality of learning and it is called the learning rate. The greater the ratio,
the faster the neuron trains; the lower the ratio, the more accurate the training is. The
sign of the gradient of a weight indicates where the error is increasing, this is why the
weight must be updated in the opposite direction.
The two phases are repeated until the performance of the network is satisfactory.
2.1.2 Logistic regression
Logistic regression is a training algorithm inspired by a MLP with no hidden layers, so that
the input is directly connected to the output through a sigmoid or softmax function. It is used
as output layer in deep networks.
2.2 Autoencoders
An Autoencoder (AE), also called autoassociator or diabolo network, is an auto-associative
neural network derived from the multi-layer perceptron which aim to transform inputs into
outputs with the least possible amount of distortion (Bourlard & Kamp, 1988; Hinton & Zemel,
1994; Rumelhart et al., 1986). Autoencoders have been used as building blocks to train deep
networks, where each level is associated with an AE that can be trained separately. An almost
equal but more efficient implementation of the autoencoder is called denoising autoencoder (dA)
and it also used as building block of one of the deep network architectures, so it is independently
presented in section 2.3.
2.2.1 Structure
An autoencoder is respectively composed by an input layer, a hidden layer and an output layer
(see figure 2.2.1). It takes an input x∈[0,1]dand first maps it (with an encoder) to a hidden
representation y∈[0,1]d0through a deterministic mapping, e.g.:
y=s(Wx +b)
where sis a non-linearity such as a sigmoid function, e.g. s(t) = 1
1+e−t. The latent represen-
tation y, or code, is then mapped back (with a decoder) into a reconstruction zof the same
shape as x. The mapping happens through a similar transformation, e.g.:
Wy +¯
where zshould be seen as a prediction of x, given the code y.
Figure 2.2.1: Graph of an Autoencoder. From bottom to top, respectively, the input layer
(white), the hidden layer (gray) and the output layer (white). xkis an input unit, yjis a
hidden unit and zkis an output unit. Connections are exclusively drawn between different
It is a good approach to constrain the weight matrix ¯
Wof the reverse mapping to be the
transpose of the forward mapping: ¯
W=WTbecause the number of free parameters is reduced
and it simplifies the training. This is referred to as tied weights. The parameters of this model
(namely W,b,¯
band, if one doesn’t use tied weights, also ¯
W) are optimized such that the
average reconstruction error is minimized.
The reconstruction quality can be quantified with an error function, the traditional Squared
Error can do the trick:
L(x,z) = ||x−z||2.
If the input is interpreted as either bit vectors or vectors of bit probabilities, cross-entropy of
the reconstruction can be used:
LH(x,z) = −
[xklog zk+ (1 −xk) log(1 −zk)]
2.2.2 Training
Autoencoders are supervised neural networks which are trained using the gradient descent
method (see section 2.1).
If the number of hidden neurons is less than the number of input/output neurons, then the
network will be forced to learn some sort of compression.
Even when the number of hidden neurons is large, there are various tricks in cost functions
one can use to ensure that the network does something more interesting than learning the
identity function. In fact, a common problem is that with no constraint besides minimizing the
reconstruction error the autoencoder merely maps an input to its copy.
In Bengio (2007) there is the interesting discovery that, when trained with stochastic gradi-
ent descent, non-linear autoencoders with more hidden units than inputs (called over-complete)
yield good representations, in the sense that those representations can be fed to a next network
for classification, and it will have a low classification error.
Other ways by which an autoencoder with more hidden units than inputs could be prevented
from learning the identity function, capturing something useful about the input in its hidden
representation are the addition of sparsity (Poultney et al., 2006; Lee et al., 2008), i.e. forcing
many of the hidden units to be zero or near-zero, or the addition of noise in the transformation
from input to reconstruction (Vincent et al., 2008), a technique that is used for the denoising
autoencoders, discussed in section 2.3. .
2.3 Denoising Autoencoders
A denoising Autoencoder (dA) is an improved version of the basic autoencoders (Vincent et al.,
2008), the simple idea behind it is to force the Autoencoders to not learn the identity function,
but more robust features, by reconstructing the input from a corrupted version of it. The
only way for an Autoencoder to reconstruct a distorted input is to capture the statistical
dependencies between the inputs, and that is exactly what one would like. Note that being
able to predict any subset of variables from the rest is a sufficient condition for completely
capturing the joint distribution between a set of variables and this is also how Gibbs sampling
works in the Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) (see section 2.4 and subsection 2.4.2).
2.4 Restricted Boltzmann Machines
A Boltzmann Machine (BM) is a particular form of Markov Random Field (MRF) for which
the energy function is linear in its free parameters. Some of its variables, called hidden units,
are never observed, but allow the machine to represent complicated distributions internally.
A Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) was originally presented by Smolensky (1986)
with the name of Harmonium, and further restrict the BM by eliminating all the visible-visible
and hidden-hidden connections. A graphical depiction of an RBM is shown in figure 2.4.1. The
RBMs rose to prominence only after that Geoffrey Hinton and his collaborators invented fast
learning algorithms (see subsection 2.4.3) for RBMs in the mid-2000s.
Figure 2.4.1: Graph of a Restricted Boltzmann Machine. vjis a visible unit and hjis a hidden
unit. In an RBM, connections are exclusively drawn between visible units and hidden units.
2.4.1 Structure
The energy function of an RBM is defined as:
E(v,h) = −bTv−cTh−hTW v,(2.4.1)
where Wrepresents the weights connecting visible and hidden units and band care biases,
respectively, of the visible and hidden units
The free energy can also be expressed in the following form:
F(v) = −bTv−X
log X
By the property that visible and hidden units are conditionally independent of one-another,
p(h|v) = Y
p(hi|v) ;
p(v|h) = Y
Each sample p(x)can be obtained by running a Markov chain to convergence, using Gibbs
sampling (see subsection 2.4.2).
A common studied case is when binary units are used, so that vjand hi∈ {0,1}, and a
probabilistic version of the usual neural activation is obtained:
P(hi= 1|v) = sigm (ci+Wiv)
P(vj= 1|h) = sigm bj+WTjh.
The free energy of an RBM with binary units becomes:
F(v) = −bTv−X
log 1 + e(ci+Wiv).
2.4.2 Gibbs sampling
Gibbs sampling is used to obtain a sample p(x)by running a Markov chain to convergence,
the sampling of the joint of N random variables S= (S1, . . . , SN)is done through a sequence of
Nsampling sub-steps of the form Siwp(Si|S−i)where S−icontains the N−1other random
variables in S, excluding Si.
In RBMs the Gibbs sampling is a way to obtain values for visible or hidden units, starting
from the ones that are given.
Figure 2.4.2: Steps of Gibbs sampling in a Restricted Boltzmann Machine. vare visible units
and hare hidden units. Each step is performed from a visible unit to hidden unit, or vice versa.
A step in the Markov chain (see figure 2.4.2) estimates the hidden units from the visible
units (encoding of the input):
h(n+1) wsigm(WTv(n)+c),
or the visible units from the hidden units (reconstruction of the input):
v(n+1) wsigm(W h(n+1) +b),
where v(n)and h(n), respectively, refer to the set of all visible and hidden units at the n-th
step of the Markov chain.
When the number of steps tends to infinity, it is possible to consider p(v,h)as accurate
samples, but to get sufficiently close to this limit there is a need for immense computational
An algorithm called contrastive divergence is often used instead (see subsection 2.4.3).
2.4.3 Contrastive Divergence (CD-k)
Contrastive Divergence (CD-k) is based on two simple ideas.
The first algorithm was presented by Hinton (2002). It proposes that, since the true under-
lying distribution of the data p(v)wptrain (v)is desired, the Markov chain can be initialized
with a training sample, so that the first step can be already close to the convergence to the
final distribution.
The second idea for CD is to not wait for the chain to converge. It has been demonstrated
that, with the first modification, for only k steps of Gibbs sampling, especially with just one
sample (k= 1), the samples obtained are extremely good (Bengio & Delalleau, 2008).
In order to improve the contrastive divergence, another technique called persistent CD
has been proposed and it is presented in subsection 2.4.4.
2.4.4 Persistent Contrastive Divergence
Persistent Contrastive Divergence (PCD), presented by Tieleman (2008), uses another approx-
imation for sampling from p(v,h). It relies on a single Markov chain which has a persistent
state, i.e. the chain is not restarted for each observed example. This allows to extract new
samples by simply running the Markov chain for k-steps and the state is always preserved for
subsequent updates.
2.4.5 Training
Since RBMs are energy based models, i.e. associate a scalar energy to each configuration of the
variables of interest, learning corresponds to modifying that energy function so that its shape
has desirable properties, such as low energy configurations.
Energy-based probabilistic models define a probability distribution through an energy func-
tion, as follows:
p(x) = e−E(x)
The normalizing factor Zis called the partition function by analogy with physical systems:
An energy-based model can be learnt by performing (stochastic) gradient descent on the
empirical negative log-likelihood of the training data. The log-likelihood is defined first:
L(θ, D) = 1
log p(x(i))(2.4.5)
and then the loss function as being the negative log-likelihood:
l(θ, D) = −L(θ, D).(2.4.6)
A problem that regards the training of an RBM is about the impossibility to estimate the
log-likelihood log(P(x)) during the training because of the partition function in equation 2.4.3
that is unknown.
To solve this, a pseudo-likelihood (PL) is calculated as follows:
P L (x) = Y
logP L (x) = X
logP (xi|x−i),(2.4.8)
where x−idenotes the set of all bits of xexcept the i-th bit. The log-PL is therefore a sum
of the log-probabilities of each bit xiconditioned on the state of all other bits.
A stochastic approximation of log-PL can be also introduced:
g=N·logP (xi|x−i),(2.4.9)
where iwU(0, N), the uniform distribution, and
E[g] = logP L (x)(2.4.10)
is the expectation taken over the uniform random choice of index i, with Nas number of
visible units.
For binary units it becomes:
logP L (x)wN·log e−F E (x)
e−F E(x)+e−F E (¯
x)wN·log [sigm (F E (¯xi)−F E (x))] (2.4.11)
where ¯xirefers to xwith the i-th bit flipped.
The pseudo-likelihood is then used as a cost function for the training of the RBM with
gradient descent.
Chapter 3
Deep Learning
Deep Learning (deep machine learning, or deep structured learning, or hierarchical learning,
or sometimes DL) is an approach to machine learning that refers to a set of algorithms that
aim to model high-level abstractions in the input data by using complex model architectures,
mainly based on multiple non-linear transformations (Deng & Yu, 2014; Bengio et al., 2013;
Bengio, 2009; Schmidhuber, 2015). Various deep learning architectures such as stacked autoen-
coders, convolutional deep neural networks, deep belief networks (referring to stacked restricted
Boltzmann machines and rarely also extended to stacked autoencoders) and recurrent neural
networks have been applied to fields such as computer vision, automatic speech recognition,
natural language processing, audio recognition and bioinformatics where they have been shown
to produce state-of-the-art results on various tasks.
3.1 Deep Belief Networks
Deep Belief Networks (DBN) have been introduced by Hinton & Salakhutdinov (2006) as
stacked restricted Boltzmann machines with a fast-learning algorithm (Hinton et al., 2006)
that allowed the structure to achieve better results with less computational effort. It refers to
stacked RBMs, but rarely also to its counter-part realized with stacked autoencoders (Bengio
et al., 2007). In this thesis the acronym is referred exclusively to stacked RBMs.
A DBN is a graphical model which learns to extract a deep hierarchical representation of
the training data. It models the joint distribution between an observed vector xand lhidden
layers hkas follows:
Px,h1,...,hl= l−2
where x=h0,Phk|hk+1is a conditional distribution for the visible units conditioned on
the hidden units of the RBM at level k, and Phl−1|hlis the visible-hidden joint distribution
Figure 3.1.1: Layer-wise training of a Deep Belief Network, composed by stacked RBMs. From
the bottom, xis the input and hkare hidden layers. (1) The first layer is trained. (2) The
second layer is trained using the first hidden layer as visible units. (3) The third layer is trained
using the second hidden layer as visible units. (4) A regression layer is added and the resultant
DBN is ready for the fine-tuning.
in the top-level RBM (see figure 3.1.1).
Hinton et al. (2006) and Bengio et al. (2007) introduced a greedy layer-wise unsupervised
training that can be applied to DBNs with RBMs as building blocks for each layer. The
algorithm is the following:
1. Train the first layer as an RBM that models the raw input x=h0as its visible layer.
2. The first layer internal representation is then used as input data for the second layer.
This representation can be either the mean activations Ph(1) = 1|h(0)or samples of
Ph(1)|h(0). The second layer is thus trained.
3. Iterate 2 for the desired number of layers, each time propagating upward either samples
or mean values.
4. Fine-tune all the parameters of the deep network with respect to a supervised training
criterion, after having added a further layer to convert the learned deep representation
into supervised predictions. Such layer can be a simple linear classifier, e.g. a regression
Figure 3.2.1: Layer-wise training of a Stacked Autoencoder. From the bottom, xis the input
and ykare hidden layers and zis the output (reconstructed input). (1) The first layer is trained.
(2) The second layer is trained using the first hidden layer as input to reconstruct. (3) The
third layer is trained using the second hidden layer as input to reconstruct. (4) A regression
layer is added and the resultant Stacked Autoencoder is ready for the fine-tuning.
3.2 Stacked Autoencoders
Autoencoders can be stacked to form a deep network by feeding the internal representation
(output code) of the Autoencoder at the layer below as input to the considered layer. The
unsupervised pre-training of the architecture is done one layer at a time (see figure 3.2.1).
Once the first klayers are trained, it is possible to train the (k+ 1)-th layer using the internal
representation of the k-th layer.
When all the layers are pre-trained, a classification layer is added and the deep network can
be fine-tuned, exactly how it is done in a Deep Belief Network (see section 3.1).
The advantage of this architecture is that by using more hidden layers than a single autoen-
coder, a high-dimensional input data can be reduced to a much smaller code representing the
important features.
3.3 Stacked denoising Autoencoders
A Stacked denoising Autoencoder (SdA) is an extension of the stacked autoencoder and was
introduced by Vincent et al. (2008). The building blocks of this deep network are denoising
autoencoders (see section 2.3). The SdA is layer-wise trained and fine-tuned exactly as described
Figure 3.3.1: Layer-wise training of a Stacked denoising Autoencoder. From the bottom, xis
the input and ykare hidden layers and zis the output (reconstructed input). Each autoencoder,
given its input x, reconstructs a noisy version of it ¯x. (1) The first layer is trained. (2) The
second layer is trained using the first hidden layer as input to reconstruct. (3) The third layer
is trained using the second hidden layer as input to reconstruct. (4) A regression layer is added
and the resultant Stacked denoising Autoencoder is ready for the fine-tuning.
in section 3.2. In figure 3.3.1 it is shown how the training is performed, but there is basically
no difference w.r.t. the SA, with the only exception that each denoising autoencoder, given an
input x, reconstructs a noisy version of it, namely ¯x, and not the original input.
3.4 Relation between models
Comparing the structure of either a stacked autoencoder (SA) or a stacked denoising autoen-
coder (SdA) (they are equal) with the structure of a deep belief network (DBN), one can see
that the fundamental differences consist in the output layer and the direction of the connections
between layers. In the first architecture the output layer is separate from the input layer but
in the second architecture it coincides with it. This is also remarked by the arrows connecting
the layers. In a SA or SdA the information flows unidirectionally from the input layer, through
the hidden layer, up to the output layer. In a DBN the information flows both ways between
the visible (input/output) layer and the hidden layer.
By the point of view of the data flowing into the three structures, this suggests that they
may all behave in the same way.
If the input data given to the three structures is the same, a legit question is: what are
the similarities in the hidden layers, i.e. the internal representations, especially if the outputs
turned out to be very similar after the separate trainings?
The difference in the (layer-wise) training algorithms has already been delineated in this
chapter, a similarity in the structures has been hereby noted, in the following chapters the focus
is moved to the data.
Chapter 4
4.1 Dataset
The dataset chosen for the analysis of the deep networks is MNIST which contains a set of
hand-written digit samples from 0 to 9. Each digit is in the form of a grey-scale image, of size
28x28 pixels, with values in range [0,1]. Background is represented by low (0) values and the
digits have high values (around 1).
The dataset is composed by a total of 50’000 training samples, 10’000 validation samples
and 10’000 test samples.
The MNIST dataset has been distributed in three new datasets named MNIST-10, MNIST-
50 and MNIST-100 which contain, respectively, the 10%, 50% and 100% of the original dataset
training, validation and test samples. The composition of each dataset is summarized in table
Table 4.1: Composition of the MNIST-10, MNIST-50 and MNIST-100 datasets.
Dataset Percentage of MNIST Number of samples
Training Validation Test
MNIST-10 10% 5’000 1’000 1’000
MNIST-50 50% 25’000 5’000 5’000
MNIST-100 100% 50’000 10’000 10’000
4.2 Implementation of the Deep Networks
This section contains the details concerning the implementation of the deep learning architec-
4.2.1 Programming language and framework
All the code used in this work is written in the Python language, using Theano which is a
Python library that is used to define, optimize, and evaluate mathematical expressions in-
volving multi-dimensional arrays. Important features of Theano are the possibility to share
parameters between different networks and use the Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) to speed
up simulations. Theano has been employed for large-scale computationally intensive scientific
investigations since 2007 (Bergstra et al., 2010; Bastien et al., 2012).
4.2.2 Hardware and experiments
The analysis of the deep architectures, namely Deep Belief Network (DBN), Stacked Autoen-
coders (SA) and Stacked denoising Autoencoders (SdA), is done through three different train-
ings, validations and tests each, using the datasets MNIST-10, MNIST-50 and MNIST-100.
All the experiments are executed on a MacBook Pro with NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M 512MB
4.2.3 Training parameters
The training of deep architectures consists of two steps:
•a layer-wise pretraining of each building block;
•the fine-tuning of all the three architectures composed of all the layers, including the last
regression layer, with a backpropagation (see section 2.1.1) method applied considering
the whole architecture a multi-layer perceptron (see section 2.1).
In order to achieve a comparable performance for all the architectures, the training and fine-
tuning parameters have been set equally.
In this thesis a logistic regression classifier (see section 2.1.2) is used to classify the input
xbased on the output of the last hidden layer, h(l)for a DBN (see figure 3.1.1) or y(l)for SA
(see figure 3.2.1) and SdA (see figure 3.3.1). Fine-tuning is performed via supervised gradient
descent (see section 2.1.1) of the negative log-likelihood cost function. Number of layers
All the architectures have a same number of hidden layers, that is three, and for each hidden
layer the same size. The first layer has 900 hidden units, the second has 400 hidden units and
the third has 100 hidden units.
CHAPTER 4. METHODS Layer-wise training
Every layer, built with either an RBM, an autoencoder (AE) or a denoising autoencoder (dA),
is trained for 20 epochs, where one epoch corresponds to 500 iterations on MNIST-10, 2’500
iterations on MNIST-50 and 5’000 iterations on MNIST-100, given the different sizes of the three
datasets used and a mini-batch corresponding to 10 samples. This means that the gradient is
computed against 10 instead one training examples at each step of the gradient descent (see
section 2.1.1). This size for the mini-batches was chosen, after several try and error attempts,
and based on the fact that the databases contain 10 different digits, so this size of mini-batch
should carry at least a few different digits in the error evaluation per weights update. It also
allows for more training speed than in 1 sample mini-batches and still a good accuracy. For
layer-wise training times refer to table 4.2.
The training learning rate is set to 0.01, always after several try and error attempts with
the aim of maximizing the error reduction w.r.t. a shorter training time.
When training a denoising autoencoder, the parameter for the reconstruction noise is also
set to 30%, for the quantity of salt and pepper noise added to the samples before the input
reconstruction. Fine-tuning of the deep networks
The fine-tuning parameters include a learning rate, that is again set to 0.01, and a number
of maximum epochs at which the fine-tuning needs to be stopped in case the early-stopping
had not done it yet. This maximum value is set to 30 epochs, where one epoch corresponds to
500 iterations on MNIST-10, 2’500 iterations on MNIST-50 and 5’000 iterations on MNIST-
100, given the different sizes of the three datasets used and a mini-batch corresponding to 10
The early stopping has a patience parameter which varies at each epoch, increasing if a best
model is found, or decreasing if no best model is found. For fine-tuning times refer to table 4.2.
Table 4.2: Layer-wise training and fine-tuning times for the three architectures. The models
are evaluated on the validation and test sets at the end of every epoch, that is 500 iterations on
MNIST-10, 2’500 iterations on MNIST-50 and 5’000 iterations on MNIST-100. Whenever the
model performs better than the previous it is chosen as best model. The best model is found
with early-stopping or a forced-stop at epoch 30 in all cases.
Architecture Dataset Training time Best model on iteration
Layer-wise Fine-tuning
MNIST-10 1.49m 1.56m 14’500 (epoch 29)
MNIST-50 7.95m 6.78m 75’000 (epoch 30)
MNIST-100 14.45m 13.03m 150’000 (epoch 30)
MNIST-10 1.42m 0.57m 3’000 (epoch 6)
MNIST-50 7.94m 6.56m 70’000 (epoch 28)
MNIST-100 14.33m 12.37m 150’000 (epoch 30)
MNIST-10 1.51m 1.50m 10’500 (epoch 21)
MNIST-50 7.72m 6.47m 62’500 (epoch 25)
MNIST-100 14.51m 12.32m 150’000 (epoch 30)
4.3 Evaluation of the Deep Networks
This section contains all the methods used for the evaluation of the deep learning architectures.
The robustness to noise of the three architectures is evaluated with standard methods in
subsection 4.3.1. Filters are created and evaluated following an approach discussed in the latest
literature and presented in subsection 4.3.2.
About the similarities in the internal representations, a numeric standard evaluation cri-
terion is applied (see subsection 4.3.3), but the author has also found a way to compare the
internal representations with a technique that does not seem to exist in literature. The author
has chosen to call it F-Mapping (from Filter Mapping) and presents it in subsection 4.3.4.
Finally, the inputs are reconstructed using the internal representations to show the success
of the overall training and testing of the architectures and their learnt internal representations.
Numerical analysis is also applied to the reconstructed input as a final test (see subsection
4.3.1 Test robustness to noise
In order to test the robustness of each architecture to noisy inputs, all the samples in the test sets
are corrupted with salt and pepper noise in three different levels: 10%, 20% and 50%. The three
architectures are then trained and validated, respectively, with the uncorrupted training and
validation sets, then tested over the corrupted test sets. Note that the denoising autoencoder
continues to apply a 30% of salt and pepper noise to the training data to reconstruct by default.
It is to be noted that the salt and pepper noise is the same one used in the denoising
autoencoder as an addition to the input during the layer-wise training (for further details read
section 2.3).
4.3.2 Create filters
A way to visualize how the deep learning architectures are encoding the input data into their
internal representations is to exploit the information stored in the weight matrices, which can
be seen as filters used to transform the input data. As each architecture is composed by more
than one layer which means more than one Wmatrix, it is possible to project the Wmatrix
of the last layer down to the Wmatrix of the first layer, as described by Erhan et al. (2010),
mainly with three techniques:
1. Linear combination of previous units;
2. Output unit sampling;
3. Activation Maximization (AM).
In this experimental set it is chosen to use neither the activation maximization nor the output
unit sampling (can only be used for RBMs), but only the linear combination of previous units,
for it is a more general approach and can be immediately applied to the weight matrices to
show the filters.
In the first layer, the matrix W1can be immediately shaped as filters:
F1= (W1)T
From the second layer on, it is necessary to calculate the matrix product of that layer’s Wi
matrix up to W0:
F2= (W1×W2)T
F2= (W1×W2×W3)T
Where Fkrepresents a set of filters at layer k. Each row is a filter that can be shaped as an
image and should show what details are relevant in the input image in order to be represented
as the activation of the corresponding unit in the hidden layer. While the first layer or even
the second one’s filters are not significantly good for understanding how the deep architectures
encode the input data, in the third layer’s filters a high-level representation of the input images
details is expected.
Note that both the bias biand the sigmoid activation function - that would make the
equation non-linear - are obviously excluded from the filters. Also, the filters do not depend on
any input values.
The Wmatrices used in the three architectures here analyzed have the same dimensions for
the respective layers. Each input from the MNIST dataset is a digit image of 28x28 pixels that
is vectorized as 784 values. The first hidden layer encodes a vector of 900 values (visualized
as a tile of 30x30 pixels), the second hidden layer encodes a vector of 400 values (visualized a
tile of 20x20 pixels) and the third hidden layer encodes a vector of 100 values (visualized as a
tile of 10x10 pixels). So, the first Wmatrix has dimensions 784x900, the second 900x400, the
third 400x100.
A filter is a 28x28 image that contains the corresponding values of a single hidden unit per
layer. So, there are 900 filters for the first layer, 400 for the second and 100 for the third.
4.3.3 Exploit the internal representations
An internal representation is formed by all the hidden units activations at a given input. One
layer of hidden units can already encode the input data as features represented in a lower
dimensional space. In deep learning, adding more layers produces better low dimensional data
representations. In fact, stacked autoencoders have been used for dimensionality reduction
purposes (Hinton & Salakhutdinov, 2006). In general, deeper layers should correspond to
higher level features.
The only disadvantage of the internal representations for humans is that, being merely
an encoding, they are very difficult to understand in an intuitive way, e.g. as an image (see
figure 5.4.1), so it is difficult to attest the quality of the information carried in the internal
representations. A way to check the composition of an internal representation consists of
analyzing its informational content and its properties with a numerical approach.
Sparseness is one desired property because, as reported by Olshausen & Field (2004):
•“Early work on associative memory models, for example, showed that sparse representa-
tions are most effective for storing patterns, as they maximize memory capacity because
of the fact that there are fewer collisions (less cross-talk) between patterns.”
•“Later work has similarly showed that sparse representations would be advantageous for
learning associations in neural networks, as they enable associations to be formed effec-
tively using local (neurobiologically plausible) learning rules, such as Hebbian learning.”
•“In many sensory nervous systems neurons at later stages of processing are generally less
active than those at earlier stages. [...] The nervous system was attempting to form neural
representations with higher degrees of specificity. For example, a neuron in the retina
responds simply to whatever contrast is present at that point in space, whereas a neuron
in the cortex would respond only to a specific spatial configuration of light intensities (e.g.
an edge of a particular orientation. [...] Several computational studies conducted have
demonstrated concretely the relationship between sparsity and the statistics of natural
Since the architectures in exam perform a reduction of dimensionality when encoding the data in
the deep layers, a trade-off between density, i.e. the compressed data, and sparsity is expected.
If the training is successful, all architectures should entangle the main features in the data
through their internal representations. Histograms
One way to understand the numerical composition of an internal representation is to compute
an histogram, which allows to count the activations and to visualize if their distribution is
sparse or not. If an internal representation is sparse, only a few hidden units have high (1)
values and the rest have no activations, i.e. low (0) values. The information carried by an
internal representation can thus be studied w.r.t the number and intensity of its activations. The Gini coefficients: a measure of sparseness
A second numerical attempt can be made with a method presented in recent literature: the
Gini coefficients (Hurley & Rickard, 2009).
The Gini coefficients are a mean to quantify the sparseness of the high (1) and low (0)
activations in a sequence, by comparison with the Lorenz curve (Lorenz, 1905) generated from
the sequence to test. By looking at a Lorenz curve (see figure 4.3.1), greater equality means
that the line based on actual data is closer to a 45-degree line that shows a perfectly equal
distribution. Greater inequality means that the line based on actual data will be more bowed
away from the 45-degree line. The Gini coefficient is based on the ratio of the area between the
45-degree line and the actual data line, and the area under the data line.
Figure 4.3.1: A Lorenz curve for an internal representation. A is the area between the equality
45-degree line and the Lorenz curve generated by the sequence; B is the area under the Lorenz
curve. The Gini coefficient is proportional to the ratio of the areas A/B.
In order to obtain a Gini coefficient, a regularization of the sequence is made, so that the
sum of all the values is one. Then, a normalization of the Gini coefficients is executed by
dividing the obtained value for the Gini coefficient of the sparsest sequence (one activation, all
zeros) of the same length.
As a result of the described procedure, a Gini value of 1means that a sequence is sparse, a
Gini value of 0means that the sequence is non-sparse.
A high number of random with uniform distributions in [0,1] sequences have also been
generated and tested, their Gini coefficient tends to 1/3.
4.3.4 Map the internal representations (F-Mapping)
A simple numerical method can be used to compare the internal representations of the three
architectures with the Mean Squared Error (MSE). What is tricky is to obtain two internal
representations of the same input, created by two different architectures, that can be compared
to each other. In fact, there is no guarantee that two different representations may be able to
store the same information (common features created from the input) in the same shape.
This because each hidden unit that works on a different feature can be located at any
position of the internal representation for a given architecture.
But there is a way out. The filters, that have been shown before, represent a trace of the
information stored in each hidden unit of an hidden layer. The vector with all the activations
of the hidden units in a hidden layer is called an internal representation. So, for each element
of an internal representation vector there is a filter image telling what sort of information that
element carries.
Therefore, by sorting the filters Fiand Fjof the same layer of two different architectures i
and j, one can obtain a mapping function fMof their internal representations. This procedure
has been hereby referred as F-Mapping (from Filter Mapping) and can be described by the
following steps:
1. Two sets of filters Fiand Fj, corresponding to the same layer of architectures iand j, are
first normalized in range [−2,2]. For each row, namely one filter, the mean of the first
three values and last three values is used as background value. This allows to center the
background at value zero.
2. Two index tables are created for the filter set Fiand Fj, so that N indices, corresponding
to N filter positions are stored in each index table. k is initialized to 1.
3. Each filter of the set Fipresent in its index table is compared to each filter of the set Fj
present in its index table through mean squared error. The MSE gives more importance
to the values in ranges [−2,−1] and [1,2], that are the filters’ white and black marks,
leaving what is closer to the background, range [−1,1], less relevant. Also, positive and
negative values are treated equally. The couple of filters that minimize the sum of MSEs
of their values compared one by one, is chosen and mapped by their respective positions
in fi
M(k)and fj
M(k)and k is incremented of 1.
4. The position of each chosen filter is then removed from the respective set of filter index
table, now composed of N-1 elements each.
5. Steps 3 and 4 are repeated other N-1 times until the two sets Fiand Fjindex tables have
no elements left and all the mapping values fi
M(1), . . . , f i
M(N)and fj
M(1), . . . , f j
At the end of this process an F-Mapping function fMfor the two sets of filters is obtained, the
original filter sets can be compared using their F-Mappings. Since the idea for the F-Mapping
technique came out during the test of the architectures, images of the normalized filters used
during the F-Mapping are also presented, together with the results in section 5.5.1.
4.3.5 Comparison of sorted internal representations with F-Mapping
Once an F-Mapping fMis defined for each architecture pair, two internal representations vi
and vj, of the architectures iand j, can be sorted so that ¯
Mvican be supposed to
represent information in the same shape of ¯
Mvj. Using again the Mean Squared
Error to compare first viand vjand then ¯
viand ¯
vjallows to note if the F-Mapped internal
representations look more similar or not before and after this procedure.
The aim of this procedure is to align features in the internal representations, so that the
meaning of the whole internal representation vector can be comparable for different architec-
tures. For a numerical clue on the validity of this technique, refer to the results in subsection
4.3.6 Verify the input reconstructions
One internal representation can also be fed to each previous layer in order to obtain the recon-
structed input of that layer, using its reconstruction function, i.e. sampling the visible units
from the hidden units in RBMs or reconstructing the input (output) from the hidden units in
the autoencoders. Each reconstruction corresponds to the previous layer’s hidden representa-
tion, and the final one is the input of the deep architecture, or better a reconstruction of what
it would have been in order to trigger the highest layer internal representation considered. This
process is hereby referred to as input reconstruction.
It is possible to reconstruct different kind of internal representations from any layer. In
particular: single activations, digits, mean-digits and filtered mean-digits. Each of them is
further explained in the relative subsection. Single activations
When an internal representation - for any given architecture, at any given layer - is reconstructed
as input, it shows the information that the architecture stores about the real sample it was
trained with. One question then is: Can one single hidden unit alone contain an useful piece
of the whole information carried by the hidden layer?
An easy experiment can help answering this question. A number of handmade internal
representations equal to the number of the hidden units for that hidden layer is created. Then,
a very high activation (∼1000) is added only to one hidden unit per internal representation,
and the remaining values are all unactivated (0). Reconstruction of digits
A quick reconstruction of the first-10-digits samples in the test set can visually show the validity
of the internal representations created by each architecture. If the reconstruction fails it is a
clue that the architecture cannot decode the internal representation anymore.
CHAPTER 4. METHODS Reconstruction of the mean-digits
An interesting way to test the generalizations made by the internal representations in a high
layer is to try to reconstruct something that is not a valid internal representation, i.e. any-
thing that has not been produced by the architecture training, but contains some information
derived from other valid representations. What immediately appears to fit perfectly for this
purpose are the mean-digits, previously created for the histograms, as the mean of the internal
representations (the mean activations) of all the correctly classified test samples per digit are
used as input for reconstruction. Filtering the mean-digits
A problem tied to the use of the mean-digits as internal representations is that they are com-
posed of real values in range [0,1], as expected, while an internal representation - from all the
given architectures - tends to discriminate more between high (1) and low (0) activations. A
solution consists of filtering the mean-digits in order to obtain clearer high or low activations.
For this purpose it’s useful to create the variance-digits using the same procedure adopted for
the mean, and then set a criterion using both: a high activation in a filtered mean-digit is set
for each value that is αtimes greater than that mean-digit’s mean value, and its corresponding
variance-digit value is βtimes less than that variance-digit’s mean value. αand βare parame-
ters chosen with a trial and error approach, in order to get a number of high activations close to
the average number of high activations of a typical internal representation (all the digits have
a comparable number of high activations in the histograms).
4.3.7 Feeding internal representations to other architectures
Lastly, a way to check the similarity of an architecture’s internal representations with another’s
is to feed each internal representation to the other architecture and let it reconstruct an input
digit. Other than visually, the quality of the reconstructions can be attested with the MSE
calculated on the original input and the reconstructed input from an internal representation.
This is not always possible, in fact, the mean-digits and the filtered mean-digits have been
produced in the third layer and have no original input. In this case the first-10-digits original
input can be used to sample the quality of the reconstructions. Inverse F-Mapping
The F-Mapped internal representations described before can also be fed to any architectures,
once a reverse F-mapping is provided. In particular, if it’s true that, given two internal repre-
sentations viand vjfor two different architectures iand j:
then it is also possible to use the inverse F-Mappings f−1
Mand feed the following internal
representations to the architecture i:
viand ¯
It is then possible to reconstruct the F-Mapped internal representations of the first-10-
digits, the mean-digits and the filtered mean-digits, in order to evaluate if there is a gain in the
reconstruction. Again, a comparison with MSE is the best way to attests results.
Chapter 5
5.1 Training
The three architectures - Deep Belief Networks (DBNs), Stacked Autoencoders (SAs) and
Stacked denoising Autoencoders (SdAs) - have been trained, validated and tested with three
different percentages of samples in the same dataset: 10% for MNIST-10 (see figure 5.1.1),
50% MNIST-50 (see figure 5.1.2) and 100% for MNIST-100 (see figure 5.1.3). The MNIST-
100 dataset is composed by a total of 50’000 training samples, 10’000 validation samples and
10’000 test samples. The training is successfully stopped when the validation error touches its
minimum, so the best model is chosen before the maximum epoch. For training methods and
times refer to table 4.2 in subsection 4.2.3. Note that for all the plots, one epoch corresponds
to 500 iterations on MNIST-10, 2’500 iterations on MNIST-50 and 5’000 iterations on MNIST-
100, given the different sizes of the three datasets used and a mini-batch corresponding to 10
All the training curves show that the training error immediately becomes very low, while
the validation and test errors keep oscillating around an acceptable value, which is minimized
by the repeated training steps, until last epoch or early stopping. Overtrain may happen when
the training error is so low w.r.t. the validation and test errors, but all the architectures show a
good success rate on the test set (low error), and the validation error continue to decrease until
the training is ended with no significant increments in the test error. The training is successful
in all cases.
Figure 5.1.1: Training (black), validation (green) and test (pink), respectively, for a DBN (left),
SA (center) and SdA (right), trained on MNIST-10.
Figure 5.1.2: Training (black), validation (green) and test (pink), respectively, for a DBN (left),
SA (center) and SdA (right), trained on MNIST-50.
Figure 5.1.3: Training (black), validation (green) and test (pink), respectively, for a DBN (left),
SA (center) and SdA (right), trained on MNIST-100.
5.2 Robustness to noise
In order to test the robustness of each architecture to noisy inputs, all the samples in the test
sets have been corrupted with salt and pepper noise in three different levels: 10%, 20% and
50%. The architectures have been trained and validated, respectively, with the uncorrupted
training and validation sets, then tested over the corrupted test sets. Results are showed in
table 5.1.
For highly corrupted inputs and not much training data available, the stacked denoising
autoencoder and the stacked autoencoder perform both better than the deep belief network. For
highly corrupted inputs and more training data available, unintuitively - note that it happens
just in this one case so cannot be significant - the stacked autoencoder performs better than the
stacked denoising autoencoder, but both are still better than the deep belief network. Otherwise
the DBN has the best performance, but does not show significant results w.r.t. the other two
Table 5.1: Classification errors of the three architectures trained on different percentages of the
MNIST dataset and tested with three different levels of salt and pepper noise applied to the
test sets.
Architecture Dataset Classification Errors
Original Noise 10% Noise 20% Noise 50%
MNIST-10 64/1000 76/1000
MNIST-50 180/5000 198/5000
MNIST-100 167/10000 200/10000
MNIST-10 89/1000 103/1000
MNIST-50 218/5000 254/5000
MNIST-100 222/10000 263/10000
MNIST-10 71/1000 78/1000
MNIST-50 182/5000 207/5000
MNIST-100 173/10000 215/10000
5.3 Filters
A filter is a 28x28 image that contains the corresponding values of a single hidden unit per
layer. There are 900 filters for the first layer, 400 for the second and 100 for the third. All
the results are reported for a maximum of 100 filters per layer, where the exceeding ones are
randomly pruned.
It is possible to notice that the overall quality of a filter increases when more training
samples are given to the architectures (see figures from 5.3.1 to 5.3.9). At a quick glance it is
possible to note that the SdA and DBN filters are quite similar. Also the DBN seems to include
more of a digit-shaped figures distinguishable from the background, while all filters have some
clear white or black marks concentrated in a specific location of the filter. As expected the
deeper layers show more localized filters, and the quality of details of the shapes in the filters
increases with the quantity of training data used (from MNIST-10 to MNIST-100).
Figure 5.3.1: 100 random out of 900 first layer filters respectively for a DBN (left), SA (center)
and SdA (right), trained on MNIST-10.
Figure 5.3.2: 100 random out of 900 first layer filters respectively for a DBN (left), SA (center)
and SdA (right), trained on MNIST-50.
Figure 5.3.3: 100 random out of 900 first layer filters respectively for a DBN (left), SA (center)
and SdA (right), trained on MNIST-100.
Figure 5.3.4: 100 random out of 400 second layer filters respectively for a DBN (left), SA
(center) and SdA (right), trained on MNIST-10.
Figure 5.3.5: 100 random out of 400 second layer filters respectively for a DBN (left), SA
(center) and SdA (right), trained on MNIST-50.
Figure 5.3.6: 100 random out of 400 second layer filters respectively for a DBN (left), SA
(center) and SdA (right), trained on MNIST-100.
Figure 5.3.7: Third layer filters respectively for a DBN (left), SA (center) and SdA (right),
trained on MNIST-10.
Figure 5.3.8: Third layer filters respectively for a DBN (left), SA (center) and SdA (right),
trained on MNIST-50.
Figure 5.3.9: Third layer filters respectively for a DBN (left), SA (center) and SdA (right),
trained on MNIST-100.
5.4 Internal representations
After having looked at the filters, it can be expected to achieve better filtered internal represen-
tations when the available training samples are many. It is also expected, but difficult to attest,
that the internal representations in the third layer are of greater interest for a classification task,
i.e. easier to split in different and meaningful classes.
When the different architectures were compared using the filters, the stacked denoising au-
toencoder showed a better understanding of the input data with respect to its basic counterpart,
the stacked autoencoder, while the DBN had still a quite similar encoding to the SdA.
On the other hand, an internal representation, being a sequence of activations, can not be
shaped as interesting images and this is well understandable if one takes a look at the ones
obtained for the first 10 digits and presented in figure 5.4.1. So it is difficult to attest the
quality of the internal representations by eye inspection of the results. Histograms and Gini
coefficients may help to assess various properties of the retrieved internal representations.
Figure 5.4.1: Internal representations in the third layer of the first 10 digits of the MNIST-100
test set, respectively for a DBN (top), a SA (middle) and a SdA (bottom). These internal
representations are obtained by feeding the original digits to the network.
5.4.1 Histograms
The three architectures are able to classify a test set composed of 10 different digits (MNIST)
with just a few errors. If only the well classified data is selected, using the labels provided with
each input, what remains are 10 sets of correctly classified digits.
For each of those digits a third layer internal representation is created by the architecture
in analysis. So, a first approach to look numerically at the internal representations is to create
a histogram of all the activations per digit of the third layer, with real values in range [0,1]
split in 20 bins, as shown in figures 5.4.2, 5.4.3 and 5.4.4.
The histograms clearly show that most of the values are high (1) or low (0) activations,
independently from the training data available: MNIST-10, MNIST-50 and MNIST-100 have
almost the same (scaled) number of activations per corresponding values. In order to extract
further information from the previous histogram, it is possible to compute the mean of all the
internal representations for each classified digit, from now on referred as mean-digits. This
allows to visualize the sparseness of the high (1) and low (0) activations (see figures 5.4.5, 5.4.6
and 5.4.7).
The distribution tends to have an equal number of activations per value, this means that
the high (1) and low (0) activations do not take place in the same hidden units of the third
layer with different digit samples.
Figure 5.4.2: Histograms of third layer internal representations respectively for a DBN (top), SA
(middle) and SdA (bottom), trained on MNIST-10. The y-axis shows the number of activations,
the x-axis has 20 bins for values in range [0,1]. Each color represents a different digit.
Figure 5.4.3: Histograms of third layer internal representations respectively for a DBN (top), SA
(middle) and SdA (bottom), trained on MNIST-50. The y-axis shows the number of activations,
the x-axis has 20 bins for values in range [0,1]. Each color represents a different digit.
Figure 5.4.4: Histograms of third layer internal representations respectively for a DBN (top),
SA (middle) and SdA (bottom), trained on MNIST-100. The y-axis shows the number of
activations, the x-axis has 20 bins for values in range [0,1]. Each color represents a different
Figure 5.4.5: Histograms of third layer internal representations of the Mean-Digits respectively
for a DBN (top), SA (middle) and SdA (bottom), trained on MNIST-10. The y-axis shows the
number of activations, the x-axis has 20 bins for values in range [0,1]. Each color represents a
different digit.
Figure 5.4.6: Histograms of third layer internal representations of the Mean-Digits respectively
for a DBN (top), SA (middle) and SdA (bottom), trained on MNIST-50. The y-axis shows the
number of activations, the x-axis has 20 bins for values in range [0,1]. Each color represents a
different digit.
Figure 5.4.7: Histograms of third layer internal representations of the Mean-Digits respectively
for a DBN (top), SA (middle) and SdA (bottom), trained on MNIST-100. The y-axis shows
the number of activations, the x-axis has 20 bins for values in range [0,1]. Each color represents
a different digit.
5.4.2 Sparseness
The Gini coefficients are calculated for each digit’s third layer internal representation, as a
mean to quantify the sparseness of the high (1) and low (0) activations. For a more compact
reading the mean and the variance of the Gini coefficients is provided per each digit (see table
5.2). A Gini value of 1means that a vector is sparse, a Gini value of 0means that the vector
is non-sparse. Vectors with random values in the range [0,1] have a Gini coefficient that tends
to 0.¯
All the digits appear to have a representation that is sparser than a random sequence,
but not extremely sparse. This corresponds to the expected trade-off between density and
sparseness of the internal representations that the three architectures should provide. It is
worth to point out that all the architectures encode the information almost with the same
Table 5.2: Gini coefficients. A hidden representation is sparse if its Gini coefficient is close to 1.
Since a random sequence would have a Gini coefficient close to 0.¯
3, the internal representations
can be qualified as sparser than a random sequence.
Arch. Dataset
MNIST-10 Mean 0.6252 0.3424 0.5736 0.5432 0.5205 0.5318 0.5602 0.4806 0.5769 0.4971 0.5251
Var 0.0017 0.0020 0.0020 0.0029 0.0043 0.0035 0.0028 0.0031 0.0024 0.0025 0.0027
MNIST-50 Mean 0.5988 0.3941 0.5791 0.5263 0.4889 0.5295 0.5441 0.4795 0.5606 0.4959 0.5197
Var 0.0028 0.0028 0.0029 0.0026 0.0041 0.0038 0.0039 0.0032 0.0026 0.0028 0.0031
MNIST-100 Mean 0.6239 0.4354 0.6061 0.5941 0.5362 0.5374 0.5739 0.5163 0.5991 0.5251 0.5547
Var 0.0022 0.0026 0.0028 0.0029 0.0032 0.0031 0.0030 0.0030 0.0021 0.0025 0.0027
MNIST-10 Mean 0.5689 0.4330 0.5217 0.5241 0.5102 0.5102 0.5365 0.4929 0.5210 0.5035 0.5122
Var 0.0009 0.0006 0.0009 0.0009 0.0015 0.0009 0.0009 0.0010 0.0009 0.0011 0.0010
MNIST-50 Mean 0.5529 0.4411 0.5055 0.5100 0.5057 0.5096 0.5018 0.4889 0.5025 0.4949 0.5013
Var 0.0015 0.0004 0.0007 0.0007 0.0017 0.0010 0.0008 0.0008 0.0008 0.0009 0.0009
MNIST-100 Mean 0.5419 0.4837 0.5226 0.5250 0.5309 0.5159 0.5058 0.5428 0.5059 0.5157 0.5190
Var 0.0007 0.0003 0.0005 0.0005 0.0006 0.0005 0.0007 0.0006 0.0006 0.0006 0.0006
MNIST-10 Mean 0.6004 0.4145 0.5601 0.5528 0.5112 0.5446 0.5561 0.4897 0.5507 0.4987 0.5279
Var 0.0021 0.0009 0.0017 0.0026 0.0025 0.0021 0.0027 0.0019 0.0016 0.0015 0.0021
MNIST-50 Mean 0.6290 0.4265 0.5909 0.5584 0.5226 0.5610 0.5701 0.5208 0.5623 0.5124 0.5454
Var 0.0027 0.0018 0.0017 0.0027 0.0050 0.0033 0.0033 0.0026 0.0025 0.0037 0.0030
MNIST-100 Mean 0.5979 0.4456 0.5836 0.5671 0.5357 0.5406 0.5555 0.5040 0.5728 0.5152 0.5418
Var 0.0019 0.0030 0.0014 0.0018 0.0024 0.0026 0.0021 0.0023 0.0018 0.0025 0.0022
5.5 Mapping of the internal representations (F-Mapping)
As described in section 4.3.4, sorting the filters Fiand Fjof the same layer of two different
architectures iand j, one can obtain a mapping function fMof their internal representations
(F-Mapping). All the F-Mapped filters are analyzed in this section.
5.5.1 Comparison of sorted filters using MSE
Two sets of filters Fiand Fj, corresponding to the same layer of architectures iand j, are first
normalized in range [−2,2]. For each row, namely one filter, the mean of the first three values
and last three values is used as background value. This allows to center the background at
value zero (see figure 5.5.1).
Figure 5.5.1: Third layer normalized filters respectively for a DBN (left), SA (center) and SdA
(right), trained on MNIST-100.
Successively, the two filters are F-Mapped, i.e. sorted with the algorithm described in
section 4.3.4, in order to minimize the Mean Squared Error (see figure 5.5.2). The MSE gives
more importance to the values in ranges [−2,−1] and [1,2], that are the filters’ white and black
marks, leaving what is closer to the background, range [−1,1], less relevant. Also, positive and
negative values are treated equally. At the end of this process an F-Mapping function fMfor
the two sets of filters is obtained, the original filter sets can be shown coupled together using
their F-Mappings (see figures 5.5.3, 5.5.4 and 5.5.5).
As expected, the numerical results show that the total sum of Mean Squared Errors for two
sets of filters in the third layer is reduced by the sorting algorithm (see tab 5.3). In particular,
the filters produced with more training samples and produced by the SdA w.r.t. the SA are
more accurately compared one another.
Table 5.3: Sum of Mean Squared Errors applied to couples of architectures’ third layer filters,
before and after the F-Mapping.
Compared Architectures Dataset Sum of Mean Squared Errors
Before F-Mapping After F-Mapping
DBN and SA
MNIST-10 68.2926 50.6575
MNIST-50 64.5213 46.7702
MNIST-100 60.9511 43.0220
DBN and SdA
MNIST-10 70.9706 43.9734
MNIST-50 61.5818 38.7536
MNIST-100 56.5720 33.6455
Figure 5.5.2: Third layer normalized and sorted filters. The top row contains respectively a
DBN filter set (left) sorted to match a SA filter set (right). The bottom row contains respectively
the same DBN filter set (left) sorted to match a SdA filter set (right). All architectures are
trained on MNIST-100.
Figure 5.5.3: Third layer original sorted filters. The top row contains respectively a DBN filter
set (left) sorted to match a SA filter set (right). The bottom row contains respectively the same
DBN filter set (left) sorted to match a SdA filter set (right). All architectures are trained on
Figure 5.5.4: Third layer original sorted filters. The top row contains respectively a DBN filter
set (left) sorted to match a SA filter set (right). The bottom row contains respectively the same
DBN filter set (left) sorted to match a SdA filter set (right). All architectures are trained on
Figure 5.5.5: Third layer original sorted filters. The top row contains respectively a DBN filter
set (left) sorted to match a SA filter set (right). The bottom row contains respectively the same
DBN filter set (left) sorted to match a SdA filter set (right). All architectures are trained on
5.5.2 Comparison of sorted internal representations using MSE
Once an F-Mapping fMis defined for each architecture, the internal representations of different
architectures are compared to each other with MSE (see table 5.4). The reduction of MSE
after the F-Mapping suggests that the procedure can make a better comparison of two different
internal representations more significant, by aligning the information corresponding to same
features. A visual comparison is provided for MNIST-100 but it is still not very helpful (see
figure 5.5.6).
Table 5.4: Sum of Mean Squared Errors applied to couples of third layer first-10-digits samples
(one for each digit), before and after the F-Mapping.
Compared Architectures Dataset Sum of Mean Squared Errors
Before F-Mapping After F-Mapping
DBN and SA
MNIST-10 3.4568 2.4632
MNIST-50 3.8427 2.5062
MNIST-100 3.3708 2.6395
DBN and SdA
MNIST-10 3.5851 2.4489
MNIST-50 3.6783 2.4457
MNIST-100 3.6795 2.4540
Figure 5.5.6: F-Mapped internal representations in the third layer of the first 10 digits of the
MNIST-100 test set, respectively for a DBN (top), a SA (middle) and a SdA (bottom).
5.6 Input reconstruction
In this section, all the input reconstructions are presented and numerically compared using
5.6.1 Reconstruction of single activations
All the internal representations with the single activations (see Methods, subsection
are reconstructed as inputs (see figures from 5.6.1 to 5.6.9).
This reconstruction of the single activations didn’t prove to be very useful to understand
neither the information encoded in the internal representations nor the similarity of the archi-
tectures, since the images produced are difficult to read and quite confusing, both in the first
layers and the deepest ones. In spite of this, the single activations are related to the filters and
may eventually be used, in conjunction with the filters, to achieve a better understanding of the
internal representations. One algorithm proposed in literature is the activation maximization
(Erhan et al., 2010).
Figure 5.6.1: 100 random out of 900 input reconstructions of the single activations in a first
layer respectively for a DBN (left), SA (center) and SdA (right), trained on MNIST-10.
Figure 5.6.2: 100 random out of 900 input reconstructions of the single activations in a first
layer respectively for a DBN (left), SA (center) and SdA (right), trained on MNIST-50.
Figure 5.6.3: 100 random out of 900 input reconstructions of the single activations in a first
layer respectively for a DBN (left), SA (center) and SdA (right), trained on MNIST-100.
Figure 5.6.4: 100 random out of 400 input reconstructions of the single activations in a second
layer respectively for a DBN (left), SA (center) and SdA (right), trained on MNIST-10.
Figure 5.6.5: 100 random out of 400 input reconstructions of the single activations in a second
layer respectively for a DBN (left), SA (center) and SdA (right), trained on MNIST-50.
Figure 5.6.6: 100 random out of 400 input reconstructions of the single activations in a second
layer respectively for a DBN (left), SA (center) and SdA (right), trained on MNIST-100.
Figure 5.6.7: Input reconstructions of the single activations in a third layer respectively for a
DBN (left), SA (center) and SdA (right), trained on MNIST-10.
Figure 5.6.8: Input reconstructions of the single activations in a third layer respectively for a
DBN (left), SA (center) and SdA (right), trained on MNIST-50.
Figure 5.6.9: Input reconstructions of the single activations in a third layer respectively for a
DBN (left), SA (center) and SdA (right), trained on MNIST-100.
5.6.2 Reconstruction of digits
A reconstruction of the first-10-digits samples used before is shown in figure 5.6.10. This
confirms that all the structures are able to reconstruct their internal representations, but the
SA obtains a worse reconstruction.
Original Input
SA on MNIST-10
SdA on MNIST-10
SA on MNIST-50
SdA on MNIST-50
DBN on MNIST-100
SA on MNIST-100
SdA on MNIST-100
Figure 5.6.10: Reconstruction of the input, by each of the three architectures, starting from
the third layer internal representations of the first-10-digits in the test sets for MNIST-10,
MNIST-50 and MNIST-100. Reconstruction of the mean-digits
The mean-digits are internal representations artificially made in order to test the capacity of
the architectures to generalize over the internal representations learnt. The reconstructions of
the mean-digits are provided in figure 5.6.11.
Since the test is successful, it is possible to take into consideration hand-made modified
versions of the internal representations originally produced by the architectures. The DBN
appears less able than the SdA to reconstruct this kind of internal representations. The SA
fails to reconstruct the input in a good shape.
SA on MNIST-10
SdA on MNIST-10
SA on MNIST-50
SdA on MNIST-50
DBN on MNIST-100
SA on MNIST-100
SdA on MNIST-100
Figure 5.6.11: Reconstruction of the input, by each of the three architectures, starting from the
third layer internal representations of the mean-digits in the test sets for MNIST-10, MNIST-50
and MNIST-100. Filtering the mean-digits
Since the histograms on the mean-digits show that the activations are less sparse when the mean
is performed on the internal representations, it is interesting to filter the mean-digit internal
representations in order to restore proper values for the high (1) and low (0) activations.
The reconstructions of the filtered mean-digits are provided in figure 5.6.12 and the images
appear better than the reconstructions of the mean-digits. Only the SA fails to reconstruct the
input in a good shape.
SA on MNIST-10
SdA on MNIST-10
SA on MNIST-50
SdA on MNIST-50
DBN on MNIST-100
SA on MNIST-100
SdA on MNIST-100
Figure 5.6.12: Reconstruction of the input, by each of the three architectures, starting from the
third layer internal representations of the filtered mean-digits in the test sets for MNIST-10,
MNIST-50 and MNIST-100.
5.6.3 Feeding internal representations to other architectures
A first look at the reconstructions of the first-10-digits (see figure 5.6.13), the mean-digits (see
figure 5.6.15) and the filtered mean-digits (see figure 5.6.15) gives an idea of the plasticity of
the internal representations.
The images obtained are clearly not the expected input. This means that the raw internal
representations are not good to be used by other architectures.
Original Input
SA restored by DBN on MNIST-10
SdA restored by DBN on MNIST-10
DBN restored by SA on MNIST-10
DBN restored by SdA on MNIST-10
SA restored by DBN on MNIST-50
SdA restored by DBN on MNIST-50
DBN restored by SA on MNIST-50
DBN restored by SdA on MNIST-50
SA restored by DBN on MNIST-100
SdA restored by DBN on MNIST-100
DBN restored by SA on MNIST-100
DBN restored by SdA on MNIST-100
Figure 5.6.13: Reconstruction of the input of another architecture, by each of the three archi-
tectures, starting from the third layer internal representations of the first-10-digits in the test
sets for MNIST-10, MNIST-50 and MNIST-100.
SA restored by DBN on MNIST-10
SdA restored by DBN on MNIST-10
DBN restored by SA on MNIST-10
DBN restored by SdA on MNIST-10
SA restored by DBN on MNIST-50
SdA restored by DBN on MNIST-50
DBN restored by SA on MNIST-50
DBN restored by SdA on MNIST-50
SA restored by DBN on MNIST-100
SdA restored by DBN on MNIST-100
DBN restored by SA on MNIST-100
DBN restored by SdA on MNIST-100
Figure 5.6.14: Reconstruction of the input of another architecture, by each of the three archi-
tectures, starting from the third layer internal representations of the mean-digits in the test
sets for MNIST-10, MNIST-50 and MNIST-100.
SA restored by DBN on MNIST-10
SdA restored by DBN on MNIST-10
DBN restored by SA on MNIST-10
DBN restored by SdA on MNIST-10
SA restored by DBN on MNIST-50
SdA restored by DBN on MNIST-50
DBN restored by SA on MNIST-50
DBN restored by SdA on MNIST-50
SA restored by DBN on MNIST-100
SdA restored by DBN on MNIST-100
DBN restored by SA on MNIST-100
DBN restored by SdA on MNIST-100
Figure 5.6.15: Reconstruction of the input of another architecture, by each of the three archi-
tectures, starting from the third layer internal representations of the filtered mean-digits in the
test sets for MNIST-10, MNIST-50 and MNIST-100. Inverse F-Mapped representations
Using the inverse F-Mappings (see methods, subsection, it is now possible to reconstruct
the F-Mapped internal representations of the first-10-digits (see figure 5.6.16), the mean-digits
(see figure 5.6.17) and the filtered mean-digits (see figure 5.6.18) in order to evaluate if there
is a gain in the reconstruction.
The results are not always correct, but some input images are quite good reconstructions
of the respective internal representations. In particular, while the first-10-digits are not recon-
structed at all, the mean-digits work quite well for the SdA, and partially for the SA, but the
DBN fails. Using the filtered mean-digits instead, the DBN is finally able to restore some of
the hybrid internal representations.
Original Input
SA restored by DBN on MNIST-10
SdA restored by DBN on MNIST-10
DBN restored by SA on MNIST-10
DBN restored by SdA on MNIST-10
SA restored by DBN on MNIST-50
SdA restored by