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Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 192 ( 2015 ) 638 – 643
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1877-0428 © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of Academic World Research and Education Center.
doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.06.111
LINELT-2014, Dubai – United Arab Emirates, December 11 – 13, 2014
The Effect Of Playing Chess On The Concentration Of
ADHD Students In The 2
Dr.Badrie Mohammad Nour ElDaou
, Sara Ibrahim El-Shamieh
a Lebanese University-Faculty of Education, Fern El Shebek, Beirut, Lebanon
The study examines the effect of playing chess on the concentration of students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
(N=14, age: 11-13). The study hypothesized that chess improves concentration
period and listening language skills. The sample
was chosen from two schools with inclusion, students received chess training twice per week. Pre- and post- measurements of
nner’s Teachers Rating Scale: Revised-Long version, concentration tasks, and scores of school language listening tests were
e data collection tools of the study. Results showed improvement in concentration skill and period, and in listening score.
© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under responsibility of Academic World Research and Education Center.
Keywords: ADHD, Chess, concentration, listening skills
1. Introduction
Students diagnosed with ADHD can develop their reasonin
g skills and higher level thinking capabilities when
allowed to discuss and compare their ideas. Such skills as (Storey, 2000) advocated are reinforced through playing
chess. Research showed that chess instruction can strengthen student’s patience, perseverance, concentration and
creativity (Smith, 1998). Moreover, due to parent’s reservations towards providing their child with medication,
several studies were conducted about interventions to reduce ADHD symptoms. The importance of this study is that
it is a new topic in the research field that examines chess for the students having ADHD. The study will examine the
benefit of learning chess and its rules on the concentration skill and period, as well as on the school listening
language score of the 6
grade students with ADHD who receive special learning support.
* Badrie Mohammad Nour ElDaou Tel:+213617324234
E-mail address: badriyadaw@yahoo.com
© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of Academic World Research and Education Center.
Badrie Mohammad Nour ElDaou and Sara Ibrahim El-Shamieh / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 192 ( 2015 ) 638 – 643
A ADHD: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
B CTRS: R-L : Conner’s Teachers Rating Scale: Revised- Long version
C Chess
D Concentration
E Listening Skills
2. Literature Review
2.1 ADHD interventions studies
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a condition of
brain that causes children difficulty controlling their
behavior in school and social setting (Lerner&Johns, 2009). Studies sh
owed a positive effect of music therapy on
improving the attention and concentration of students with ADHD (Sze & Yu, 2004). Bailey (2009) showed the
decrease in certain undesirable behavior by half after a physical activity intervention. Some special diet were
gested for decreasing symptoms of ADHD, these diets include omega-3 fatty acids supplements (Portwood,
), the Feingold diet (removal of food additives, and controlling blood- sugar levels therapy (Hammerness,
2.2 Benefit of chess in education studies
Chess is a mental game played by two players using a board of
64 black and white squares and 16 pieces each.
Chess gained attention in the academic field since some researchers argues and proved that chess skills lead to the
mprovement of academic achievement due to their transferability to other areas (Smith, 1998). Furthermore,
concentration is an important notion in chess because the player must be able to detect various possibilities, threats,
and attack
s. An experiment of systematic outcomes of attention has been explained by experts’ superiority in
picking up information from a board position faster and more accurately (Saariluoma, 1984). In a study conducted
by Ferreira and Palhares (2008), it was found that chess players recorded a s
ignificant difference in pattern tests
between chess players students and non-chess players. The more experienced th
e player is, the better spatial and
logical abilities he has (Horgan & Morgan, 1990). Sigritmac(2012) proved the benefit of chess playing on learning
conceptual development of six-years-old children, but no significant difference was found between males and
emales. Chess can be a game that helps student on the fringe, it could be a valuable tool as an element of a
athematics lesson or students who receive special education services (Barret & Fish, 2011).
2.3 Overview of theories
The study was built on three theories of self-regulation, decision making, and attention. Self-regulation is to alter
avior with flexibility and adaptability to the social environment and situation (Schuck & Ertner, 200). El-Daw
7) stated that is is goal-directed learning as the individual decides on strateg
y to use for planning and calculating
actions. It is viewed by information processing theory as metacognitive awareness. As in chess, it is required from
the player to understand task, set a goal, choose suitable strategy and evaluate results. Moreover, decision making
theories provoke that the more experienced the person, the more patient he is in taking time for assessing new
situations and taking a decision (Zaghloul & Zaghloul, 2003). Flexible allocation of capacity theory of attention
considers attention flexible according to the variation of demands imposed by the task. It is affected by the difficulty
of the task or arousal sources (Kahneman, 1973). Increasing attention to relevant stimuli and decreasing attention to
the irrelevant stimuli leads to concentration (Castle & Buckler, 2009).
640 Badrie Mohammad Nour ElDaou and Sara Ibrahim El-Shamieh / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 192 ( 2015 ) 638 – 643
3. Purpose of the Study
The aim of the research is to investigate the effect of train
ing chess on the concentration and listening language
scores of students with ADHD.
4. Research Questions
The following questions will determine the problematic of the research:
x Does playing chess help students with ADHD in strengthening the period of concentration?
x Does playing chess improve the concentration
ability (less forgetting, less losing of
materials/tools...) of students with ADHD?
x Does playing chess and learning its rules improve the listening skills of students with ADHD?
5. Hypotheses
x Learning chess and learning its rules will increase the period of concentration of students
iagnosed with ADHD.
x Learning chess and learning its rules will increase the concentration of students with ADHD who
ave an average IQ.
6. Method
An experimental design was conducted to teach 14 students with ADHD the chess game in the years 2012-2013
d 2013-2014 for four months, twice a week.
6.1 Participants demography
Fourteen participants were chosen from t
wo inclusive schools in Saida, Lebanon, such that none of them have
any additional impairment, and they have been diagnosed with ADHD. All students have an average IQ, but struggle
to stay focused and attentive in class. Using CTRS_R-L scores prior of the intervention, all students were found to
ave same level of severity (percentile between 65 and 80) which is slightly atypical.
6.2 Training
Participants were trained by Sara El-Shamieh, an international chess player and clu
b trainer. Four of the students
were trained at the school during the last school period, while ten were trained at Ahli chess club in Saida after
school for four months twice per week of 30-45 minutes sessions. Students were taught first the movement of each
with its value, then chess-puzzles and position tasks were given, after th
an check mate approaches, and finally
playing a round with all pieces. Taking into consideration that children with ADHD can quickly get bored, several
motivational methods were used to keep their interest in the game including teaching videos and a behavioral chart.
Visual cues were provided for helping their memorization of chess pieces’ moves and values and posted on the wall
of the class. Four months later, post-measurements were conducted for students assessing their improvement.
6.3 Tools
The trainer used the translated Arabic version of CTRS:R-L, duration of playing until first disturbance behavior
sheet, concentration tasks (spot-difference task, and finding shape), in ad
dition to their language listening
school scores.
Badrie Mohammad Nour ElDaou and Sara Ibrahim El-Shamieh / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 192 ( 2015 ) 638 – 643
7. Results
Table 1. Summary of time recorded for appearance of first disruptive behavior
Results in table1 showed that the time taken by student until they show disruptive behavior (hitting someone,
ing aloud, etc..) has extended at the end of experiment.
Table 2. Score and time of students in pre- and post- test of Spot Difference task
Time (sec)
2 of 3
3 of 3
Results in table2 showed the slight increase (2 se
c) in time for solving the task, and an improvement in score
where all students found all differences after the intervention
Table 3. Score and time of students in pre- and post- test of Find Shape task
Score (/100)
Time (sec)
Results in table 3 showed an improvement in the score by 5 points and an increase in the time taken to solve the
task by 52 seconds.
Table 4. Students’ raw score on the inattention subscale of the CTRS:R-L
Results in table 4 represent the average of students on th
e inattention subscale (10 items, 30 is the maximum
score) showing a decrease in the average by 5 points. The less the score is the less inattentive the student is, thus this
decrease is considered and improvement in students’ behavior and a better attention.
Table 5. Average of Students’ Listening language school scores
Results in table 5 represent the average of students’ scores in the listening language sc
hool scores prior to the
intervention and at the end of the study. The results showed a slight improvement in the English and the Arabic
scores by 3 points of 100.
642 Badrie Mohammad Nour ElDaou and Sara Ibrahim El-Shamieh / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 192 ( 2015 ) 638 – 643
8. Discussion
8.1 investigating the first hypothesis
In the behavior disturbance duration recording, students n
eeded more time to exhibit unacceptable behavior at the
end of the intervention. It is justified by the students better control of reactions and more focus on task in hand as the
chess game trains students to take their time choosing their best move. In the concentration tasks (Spot-Difference,
and Fin
d-Shape) students’ scores revealed a better resu
lt in finding the answer in addition to more time recorded for
solving the task. As Smith(1998) claimed about gaining more patience, perseverance, concentration, and creativity
from chess due to the persistent changes created on the board during the game. Students learned from the game to
focus their attention on the important aspects of a task to engage the suitable processing required. This is the
ormation processing approach suggested by Demetriou(2000). Thus first hypothesis was confirmed with the
presented sample.
8.2 Investigating the second hypothesis
As the concentration skill was tested through the measurement of inattention items in the CTRS:R-L, results
a decrease in the total score of these items for each student (19.2%). The decrease means a better control of
behavior and reactions which is explained by the increase of attention. Focusing on a plan during a chess game and
evaluating of consequences of a move (Puddephatt, 2003) leads to gaining self-regulation for altering behavioral
lexibility (Baumeister & Vohs, 2007) justifying this improvement. Moreover, listening language scores also
showed a slight improvement (5%) in scores. During chess sessions oral instructions were provided for training their
auditory focus and concentration as they were asked to wait few minutes processing before giving out their answers.
This slight improvement justifies a better listening skills to instructions and explanations. Therefore, the second
hypothesis is validated for the present sample.
9. Conclusion
Through the mentioned results, training students with ADHD on playing chess has affected their concentration
period and sk
ill. It was shown that students take a longer duration until they started exhibiting undesirable and
unacceptable behaviors. Hence, it is important for students to learn chess as it trains them to stay longer on task,
control their actions, and maintain focus. Results also revealed an improvement in the concentration tasks and the
listening language scores at the end of the intervention. After the analysis of the results based on self-regulation,
ion-making, and attention theories, it was concluded that the hypotheses are proved in the present study
rding to its chosen sample of students. However, there is difficulty generalizing the results as the sample was
not representative.
10. Recommendations for Further Research
Based on previously mentioned findings, it was recommended that:
x The inclusion of chess game in the school curriculum for the benefits it has on the skills and
ental abilities of the individual
x A follow-up study with a larger sample and over a longer duration of time
x More studies about the benefit of chess for students with special needs
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