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Using online video presentations is increasingly gaining ground in higher education. Our present paper discusses the initial results of a longer research project and investigates the effect that the availability of online videos introduced to complement live presentations has on learning performance. The quasi-experimental research covered each college year and each course of the college including the business faculty. Results have shown that the availability of online videos resulted in significant improvement in semester grades and it contributed to reducing dropout rates.

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... The process of transferring information, whatever the content, has been changing due to the convergence of three sectors: information technology, media and telecommunications. The users have also changed and their desire for autonomy is growing as they choose what type of information they are interested in and where to access it (Nagy & Bernschütz, 2015). Currently information, unlike other economic resources, is not scarce and in fact especially via the Internet it is abundant and to some extent excessive. ...
... Videos began to enter teaching in the 20th century during the 1980s. Rapid advances in communication and information technology have made them a resource with unlimited possibilities (Nagy & Bernschütz, 2015;Pink, 2007) accessible to non-professional users (Shrun, Duque & Brown, 2005). ...
... The survey results support the conclusion that the videos produced are welcome, there is an increase in student satisfaction rates and that they are considered useful for training, in line with other studies (Dupuis et al, 2013;. Evans, 2008;Kay, 2012;Nagy & Bernschütz, 2015;Williams et al, 2012). In addition, the characteristics of flexibility, ease of access and cost are valued, so there should be diversification and expansion to the supply of content. ...
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Purpose: The introduction of educational videos into university education is an indisputable reality. Numerous scientific publications have outlined the advantages to students: flexibility, motivation, encouraging self-learning, lower costs, etc. The aim of this paper is to explore the steps required to make educational videos and highlight the need for educational institutions to provide teachers with the means to enable them to improve the quality of their multimedia material productions. Policies in this direction would help to improve the training of future professionals and enhance the opportunities offered by podcasts.Design/methodology/approach: A literature review and a survey have been conducted. Starting in the first semester of the academic year 2012-2013, a questionnaire has been applied systematically to students and the corresponding population parameters estimated with a 95% confidence level.Findings: Students consider educational videos as supplementary material which complement traditional methodologies and favour self-learning as well as offering flexibility at no additional cost. Teachers can produce their own high-quality multimedia material, which in turn requires a consistent evolutionary process in elaborating within the changing possibilities that information technologies offer.Originality/value: This work deals with the treatment of technical issues and based on our studies suggests the process to be followed by teachers when making educational videos. References to this subject in the literature were found to be somewhat limited.
... in information communication technologies (ICTs) have turned into a very good resource with enormous possibilities (Nagy & Bernschütz, 2016). Research scholars have become increasingly sensitive to the way media is being used to curated ideologies pertaining to various aspects of pedagogy nowadays. ...
... These technologies have influenced the way people acquire knowledge and the resources that they can tap in. It was found that the availability of educational videos resulted in considerable improvement in the academic performance of college students (Nagy & Bernschütz, 2016). Even in hybrid teaching environments, it was observed that videos increased productivity and engagement levels of students (Tang & Austin, 2009). ...
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This study aims to analyze the impact of using educational videos on the academic performance of university students. It examines the impact of exposure to educational videos, attitude toward these videos and motivation for using them on the academic performance. Further, this study also analyzes the moderating effect of area (urban or rural) on the relationship of these three independent variables with the academic performance. A survey was conducted among students of various academic faculties of Virtual University of Pakistan. A total of 400 university students were sampled: 200 from urban areas and 200 from rural areas of the country. The results of this study demonstrate that all of the three independent variables have significant and positive impact on the academic performance of students. However, there is no statistically significant mediating effect of area (urban or rural) on the relationship between each of independent variables and the academic performance.
... In the 1980s, videos started to enter the teaching world. Development of information and communication technology (ICT) has made a good resource with huge possibilities (Nagy & Bernschütz, 2015). Moreover, with the rapid advancement of computer and software technology, the opportunity to produce, change and share videos have increased in university level (Kay and Kletskin, 2012). ...
... The rapid advancement of information technology, telecommunications and media are changing the process of transferring information. These technologies have a big influence on the way people select what types of knowledge they are interested in and where to find it (Nagy & Bernschütz, 2015). ...
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The study sought to analyse the effects of educational videos on university students' academic activities and performance. This research is useful for educators and video makers who utilize and/ or make free or commercial videos for educational purposes. The research was based on the quantitative method and data had been collected through a sample survey. The semi-structured questionnaire was utilized and 342 responses were retrieved. The study revealed that watching educational videos affected the academic activities and performance of the respondents positively. The majority of the respondents used mobile phones and laptops to watch videos. The study further confirmed that most of the respondents preferred short length videos and animated educational videos.
... The advancement of information and communication technology was transformed into the required resources for development and unlimited opportunities in the ICT sector (Nagy & Bernschütz 2016), Furthermore, with the rapid progress of software developments, the potential to create, modify, and distribute video content at the university level has risen. People may obtain information on subjects ranging from mathematics to politics from videos, especially on YouTube. ...
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This research aims to investigate what the influential factors are in creating videos to give a clear idea about educational video creators. Four influencing factors were identified for this research: clarity of YouTube videos, content, attractiveness, and understanding levels. The conceptual framework was developed, and a structured questionnaire was prepared. Ninety-two undergraduate university students in Sri Lanka were selected as a sample. A correlation was calculated between influencing factors and the academic achievement of the students. Hypothesis testing is done by calculating R2 and the model summary. The influencing factor level and its impact were discussed. Since the research was done from students' perspectives, these findings help teachers in the higher education sector when they create their videos for educational purposes. The findings reveal that current YouTube videos are not well supported in achieving the academic goals of students. However, YouTube provides a great opportunity for students to learn about the subject from experts in the field. YouTube provides the ability to watch the video with several functions, such as rewinding, pausing, and replaying. This will help students obtain a better understanding of difficult subject areas. Therefore, YouTube educational video creators need to consider how to enhance the academic quality of video production and provide support for students to achieve their academic goals.
... Webinar yang disediakan oleh Guru Binar berhasil mengurangi kehilangan belajar dan meningkatkan kinerja belajar guru. Webcast webinar dengan video online menunjukkan peningkatan yang signifikan dan penurunan tingkat putus sekolah (Nagy & Bernschütz, 2016). Sebagai MOOC baru untuk pengembangan profesional guru di Indonesia, Guru Binar responsif dan mampu memberikan isu-isu terkait transformasi pendidikan di Indonesia melalui webinar dan game dalam diskusi daring. ...
Berlalunya pandemi Covid-19 telah meninggalkan banyak ketertinggalan dalam pembelajaran baik bagi peserta didik maupun pendidik. Selama masa pandemi, berbagai pelatihan muncul dan merebak dalam bentuk dalam jaringan (daring) dan salah satunya adalah Kursus Masif Daring Terbuka. Sekalipun tidak menjadi jaminan utuh, Kursus Masif Daring Terbuka bisa menjadi salah satu solusi alternatif untuk mengatasi ketercapaian pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali bagaimana manajemen belajar swapacu dengan salah satu Kursus Masif Daring Terbuka yakni Guru Binar. Metode kualitatif dan wawancara terstruktur dilakukan kepada delapan rseponden penelitian dan tiga responden kelompok diskusi terfokus. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa Guru Binar memiliki manajemen penyelesaian pelatihan dan berhasil mengurangi meningkatkan ketercapaian belajar guru melalui acara diskusi dan webinar. Kelas-kelas yang dirancang sedemikian rupa secara daring secara tidak langsung meningkatkan pemanfaatan waktu melalui interaksi permainan. Sebagai kesimpulan, Guru Binar berhasil meningkatkan waktu ketercapaian pembelajaran dan disarankan untuk digunakan bagi guru dan calon guru untuk meningkatkan pengembangan profesi berkelanjutan
... Webinars provide by Guru Binar are managed to lessening the learning loss and increasing teachers' learning performance. The webinar-webcast with online-videos showed a significant improvement and reduced drop-out rate (Nagy & Bernschütz, 2015). As a new MOOC for teachers' professional development in Indonesia, Guru Binar is responsive and able to provide issues related to the transformation of education in Indonesia through webinars and games during online discussions. ...
Most of educational activities has been interrupted by the existence of Covid-19 pandemic. An alternative in online learning such as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) came up as the temporary solution. Despite their existence, MOOCs did not warrant the successful online learning. Both teachers and students experienced learning loss during the pandemic situation and this phenomenon was undeniable. The aim of this paper is to investigate how Guru Binar as one of the MOOCs succeeded in reducing teachers’ learning loss. This paper implemented qualitative method and a structured-interview was carried out to the selected participants of Guru Binar users in Indonesia from primary and secondary schools. Three focus group discussions were held and eight Guru Binar participated in this research. It was found that Guru Binar was successful in reducing teachers’ time loss via interactive talkshow and webinar and the online classes helped users spend qualified time with innovative games. To sum up, a platform like Guru Binar was successful in diminishing learning loss and was recommended for the in-service teachers and prospective teachers for continuous professional development.
... Regarding the challenges of distance learning, there is a tendency for the dropout rate of students to be higher than that of face-to-face classes (Phipps and Merisotis, 1999) and for students to be isolated from human relationships, making them more likely to become lonely (Galusha, 1997). On the other hand, there is a report that show that the use of online video has contributed to higher grades and lower dropout rates (Nagy and Bernschütz, 2016).Therefore, there is a need for a system that effectively enables students to attend online lectures and increase their satisfaction with learning. ...
Conference Paper
On-demand lectures are characterized by the fact that students themselves can freely arrange the lecture format, such as whether or not to take breaks during the lecture. This study aims to construct an effective lecture/training method suitable for on-demand lectures. Considering the time and location constraints of on-demand lectures, this study examines ways to provide adequate relaxation and a change of pace. Therefore, we propose listening to sutra chanting as an effective method during breaks in on-demand lectures. The effects of sutra chanting are considered to be a calm mind, moderate stimulation and a change of mood. An experiment was conducted to confirm the effect of sutra chanting during breaks in on-demand lectures. The participants were 20 university students. As a result, when attending on-demand lectures, we sought changes in subjective evaluation of listening to the sutra chanting during breaks.
... Peserta terhubung pada perangkat lunak yang mendukung narasumber untuk berbagi dan mengirim dokumen, menggunakan papan gambar, membuat jajak pendapat, dan memungkinkan peserta untuk berkontribusi baik secara lisan maupun tertulis menggunakan papan obrolan. (Nagy & Bernschütz, 2016) Salah satu aplikasi yang digunakan dalam penyelenggaraan webinar adalah Zoom. Zoom merupakan layanan konferensi video kolaboratif berbasis cloud yang menawarkan fitur termasuk rapat daring, layanan perpesanan grup, dan perekaman sesi konferensi untuk di simpan pada sistem cloud maupun komputer lokal. ...
Wabah corona atau pandemi Covid-19 membuka peluang untuk integrasi dan interaksi digital, tidak terkecuali dalam dunia penerbitan. Penelitian ini mengkaji pengaruh adanya webinar bedah buku terhadap jumlah pengakses buku elektronik LIPI Press. Penelitian menggunakan role press manager pada sistem OMP untuk dapat mengakses statistik akses buku elektronik, yakni sebelum, waktu promosi, dan saat kegiatan webinar berlangsung. Berdasarkan data statistik menunjukkan adanya kenaikan jumlah pengakses buku elektronik sejalan dengan kegiatan webinar.
... Sosialisasi tentang titik kritis halal melalui webinar juga telah dilakukan pada pengabdian sebelumnya, dimana terjadi peningkatan pesat dari mulai sebelum dan setelah pemaparan materi (Afifah et al., 2022). Pada tingkat Universitas, metode pembelajaran berbasis internet juga terbukti telah memberikan efek yang menguntungkan dari sisi hasil nilai (Nagy & Bernschütz, 2016). ...
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ABSTRAK Saat ini produk halal telah mampu menjadi primadona yang digunakan beberapa negara untuk meningkatkan devisa, tidak terkecuali di Indonesia. Kosmetika sebagai produk dalam memelihara kecantikan semakin berkembang seiring dengan perkembangan bioteknologi. LPPOM MUI mengungkapkan ada dua titik kritis yang perlu diperhatikan dalam kehalalan produk kosmetik yaitu bahan yang digunakan dan tembus air. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dalam bentuk webinar dan workshop mengenai titik kritis halal pada sediaan kosmetika herbal dilakukan untuk membantu mahasiswa memperoleh informasi dan keterampilan terkait kosmetik halal secara mendalam. Dalam kegiatan webinar, diketahui terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan antara sebelum dan setelah dilakukannya paparan materi (p-value < 0.005). Peserta dengan nilai terbaik selanjutnya mengikuti workshop pembuatan gel anti-acne dengan bahan herbal. Melalui kegiatan pengabdian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan titik kritis halal pada kosmetik herbal dan formulasi kosmetik herbal halal dapat diimplementasikan untuk pengembangan produk halal di kemudian hari. ABSTRACT Halal products have become the prominance that are used in several countries to increase foreign exchange, including Indonesia. Cosmetic continues to grow along with the development of biotechnology. LPPOM MUI revealed that there are two critical points that need to be considered in the halalness of cosmetic products, such as the materials used and water permeability. Webinar and workshop on halal critical points in herbal cosmetic preparations as community service activity were conducted to help students gain in-depth information and skills related to halal cosmetics. It is known that there is an increase in knowledge between before and after the webinar activity (p-value < 0.005). Participants with the best scores then took part in a workshop on making anti-acne gel with herbal ingredients. Through this service activity, it can be concluded that the application of halal critical points in herbal cosmetics and halal herbal cosmetic formulations can be implemented for the development of halal products in the future.
... Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL), as the application of tools such as discussion boards and conferencing systems, bound together in a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) offer distinct benefits to students and to their institutions. Benefits include on-demand learning characterised by recorded lectures (Syynimaa, 2019) and self-assessments (Wanner & Palmer, 2018), their reach across time zones with asynchronous tools such as discussion boards (Alzahrani, 2017;Blackmon, 2012), a reduction in geographic barriers with synchronous web conferencing and the availability of their recordings (Nagy & Bernschütz, 2016) and live chat systems (Blackmon, 2012). More innovative tools such as Audience Response Systems like TurningPoint (Good, 2013) and Social Annotation tools like Diigo (Sun and Gao, 2017) offer feedback and feedforward data that is unattainable without the supporting technology; for example, instant feedback from an almost unlimited audience (not necessarily co-located) to tutors questions during a session. ...
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International students contribute to the academic and cultural life of universities yet often face discrimination and isolation. Studies highlight that support from the host students can make the difference between an easy or difficult transition. This article is part of a larger project about host student perceptions of international students. Initial analysis indicated that social interactions among international and host students do not become intertwined informally and work best through planned interventions. During the pandemic institutions transitioned from face-to-face to online learning using zoom. We noticed a marked increase in interaction among students online and returned to our research participants to enquire what differences online learning had made to their intercultural experiences. This study focuses on the impact of Virtual Classrooms (VCs) on intercultural relationships, and shows that Zoom offers a platform for increased interaction than face-to-face classrooms.
... For this reason, education is an important tool in preventing FoMO. Conducting education using video media and/or webinars will be more effective in disseminating information and knowledge (Nagy and Bernschütz, 2016). This is supported by the fact from (Unesco, 2003) that the Indonesian people have very little interest in reading. ...
The COVID-19 pandemic situation causes many people to be confined at home and triggers people to tend to spend more time accessing social media. Social media basically shows activities carried out by other people and this can trigger the phenomenon of Fear of Missing Out (FoMO). The purpose of this study is to know the level of knowledge of the Indonesian society about the FoMO and how to overcome it in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic. This study is a type of descriptive survey study; it describes the level of society knowledge about FoMO through webinars during the COVID-19 pandemic. The sample is 779 people who have met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The data was obtained through a google form which was distributed to webinar participants, then processed and described in the form of a distribution table of respondents along with the average post-test results on a scale of 7 and 100 for the age group. The collected data were 779 respondents from different age groups (12-55 years). All existing age groups can answer more than half of the questions correctly. The average of questions answered correctly was almost the same in all age groups, with the 41–45-year-old group being in the top position. The average post-test result from all age ranges was 69.57. The average level of society knowledge about the FoMO phenomenon and how to solve it through webinar in the COVID-19 pandemic which was known from the post-test scores did not show much different results between each age range. This shows that all age ranges have the same susceptibility to experiencing FoMO.
... For this reason, education is an important tool in preventing FoMO. Conducting education using video media and/or webinars will be more effective in disseminating information and knowledge (Nagy and Bernschütz, 2016). This is supported by the fact from (Unesco, 2003) that the Indonesian people have very little interest in reading. ...
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This article investigates the policies of Wali Nangroe as having regional characteristics. Based on a qualitative analysis, through indepth interviews, participant observation, and data triangulation, all society elements in Aceh await the Wali Nanggroe Institution in providing an analysis study related to poverty in Aceh Province. In September 2020, the Aceh BPS report shocked Aceh Province that the number of poor people increased to 19,000. In percentage terms, the poverty rate reached 15.43% or the highest on Sumatra's island. This study results in the institutional structure of Wali Nanggroe is a complete institution for overcoming poverty problems because functional assemblies and structural institutions are at the forefront of Wali Nanggroe in analyzing and compiling institutional plans. However, the Wali Nanggroe institution was trapped in a conflict between parties and certain groups' interests.
... This ensures better focus on the theme and lessens the possibility of the webinar meandering pointlessly. [21] Creating a presenter One can create at least one depiction of the presenter for any live webinars one plans to oversee. Most webinar software will have a page for adding presenters where one could fill out their basic data. ...
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The topics for postgraduate teaching-learning tools are Journal club in-house with one speaker and a moderator, Seminars- with multiple speakers and a co-ordinator, and Webinars- online seminars with one or multiple speakers choosing multiple mediums of communication. They largely affect the working mechanism of a clinician as they help us upgrade with the recent development in our fields. Making them interesting for us as well as our colleagues is necessary. This article presents a few facts as well as tips and tricks to compile the literature in a manner, which includes all the necessary points for better learning.
... Online learning methods have some influences on students. Nagy, Judit T and Bernsch (Nagy & Bernschütz, 2016) show that lecture webcasts can significantly improve semester grades and reduce the dropout rate. The learning method of lecture recording is also widely used. ...
... A week before the session on "Mental Health Awareness" a questionnaire was shared among the webinar participants. As indicated by [8] although webinar-based approaches can be "biased" it also helps communities understand areas which needs to be addressed which helps plan future programs. We used a snowball sampling approach to distribute questionnaires online among Rotaract/ Rotary club members who had shown interest to register for the event. ...
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Social media popularity has grown among youth in the last two decades, according to the most recent global statistics nearly 4.48 billion users are currently active on social media platforms which is nearly 60% of the entire human population. Platforms such as Facebook and WhatsApp have shown major gains where Facebook is the most popular of all with nearly 2.85 billion users. Majority of the teen and young adults use social media to network and make connections across the global arena. This allows them to talk to people with across borders without any limitations. In Sri Lanka, a reported 7.9 million users are active on social media platforms. Although this number is lower than the global average, the internet speed and availability in the country is relatively higher than other countries. With the emergence of the pandemic, majority of the youth have been pushed towards online interaction where the use of social media has increased drastically. However, this could impact the future generation.
... Uzaktan eğitim modelinde, öğrencilerin ders içeriklerine daha özgün ve öz yeterliliklerini kullanarak ulaşmaları ve böylece yaratıcılık ve üreticiliklerinin artacağı beklenmektedir (Seiver ve Troja, 2014;Kirkwood ve Price, 2014). Ancak bu tür uygulamaların bir takım sorunlar doğurabileceği kaçınılmazdır; özellikle teknolojinin yeterli kullanılabilmesi ve yüz yüze eğitimdeki gibi dinamik bir tutumla bilgiye ulaşma çabası konularında sınırlılıklar söz konusu olabilir (Hart, 2015;Nagy, 2016). Bu çalışmada da günümüz uzaktan eğitim modelinde yapılan çevrimiçi sınavlarda öğrencilerin internet kullanımı ile ilgili yönelimleri tartışılmaktadır. ...
... A week before the session on "Mental Health Awareness" a questionnaire was shared among the webinar participants. As indicated by Nagy although webinar-based approaches can be "biased" it also helps communities understand areas which needs to be addressed which helps plan future programs [ [8]]. We used a snowball sampling approach to distribute questionnaires online among Rotaract/Rotary club members who had shown interest to register for the event. ...
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Since the establishment of internet social media usage is widespread among young adults globally. These platforms provide the youth with an opportunity to discuss trending issues without a language barrier. By the time youth reach adolescence majority of them are already immersed into the world of technology and social media. Although social media has become an integral of part of young teens/adults lives it has its own challenges as well. In this article, we look into the challenges and implications of using social media in the 21 st century where the study focused on the Western Province of Sri Lanka which is the commercial capital of the country. This study was based on the responses obtained by 81 participants through a webinar where young adults (18-30 years) were the target audience for this study. Using descriptive analysis this study was able to show that majority of the participants on average use 3-4 social media applications on a daily basis with Facebook and WhatsApp being the most popular and LinkedIn being the least popular. One of the main observations we identified in this study was that youth identified that social media has been affecting their physical activities and affects the overall academic performances. On this basis, this study was able to conclude that youth are aware of the risks and challenges imposed by social media platforms, however further studies with a wider geographical representation and sample size is required to prove this.
... Webinars provide by Guru Binar are managed to lessening the learning loss and increasing teachers' learning performance. The webinar-webcast with online-videos showed a significant improvement and reduced drop-out rate (Nagy & Bernschütz, 2015). As a new MOOC for teachers' professional development in Indonesia, Guru Binar responsive and able to provide issues related to the transformation of education in Indonesia through webinars and games during online discussions. ...
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The emergence of Covid-19 worldwide has disrupted education activities. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) turned up as the alternative of online learning. However, MOOC did not always guarantee the success of online learning. Learning loss during online learning was experienced both by students and teachers during this pandemic situation was unavoidable. The objective of this research to find put how Guru Binar as an MOOC managed to reducing teachers' learning loss. A qualitative method was implemented using a structured-interview among selected Guru Binar users from different educational institutions in Indonesia such as primary and secondary schools. There were totally three focus group discussions and eight Guru Binar users were involved in these FGD. The results pointed out that this self-phased learning platform was able to diminish teachers' loss time through interactive talkshow or webinars and the online classes aided its users in spending proper time with innovative games.
... Where finances are limited, online activities should be considered above in-person, as webinars were found to be cheaper than workshops in this study. Overall though, research suggests that the best results might be achieved by the implementation of traditional and e-learning systems together [26]. Follow-up visits (face-to-face) from experts following online training events have also proven to be effective [19], so this should be further tested in the context of REDD+ MRV. ...
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Four workshops and a webinar series were organized, with the aim of building capacity in countries to use Earth Observation Remote Sensing data to monitor forest cover changes and measure emissions reductions for REDD+ results-based payments. Webinars and workshops covered a variety of relevant tools and methods. The initiative was collaboratively organised by a number of Global Forest Observations Initiative (GFOI) partner institutions with funding from the World Bank’s Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF). The collaborative approach with multiple partners proved to be efficient and was able to reach a large audience, particularly in the case of the webinars. However, the impact in terms of use of tools and training of others after the events was higher for the workshops. In addition, engagement with experts was higher from workshop participants. In terms of efficiency, webinars are significantly cheaper to organize. A hybrid approach might be considered for future initiatives; and, this study of the effectiveness of both in-person and online capacity building can guide the development of future initiatives, something that is particularly pertinent in a COVID-19 era.
... Webinars, a portmanteau of web and seminars, offer a way to augment in-person programming (Stein et al. 2010) and have been found to be as effective, in some cases, as in-person events (Anderson 2018). Webinars are usually conducted through a platform that allows viewers across the world to watch a speaker present and interact with them by asking questions (Wang 2008, Stein et al. 2010, Bogdanou et al. 2013, Mihai 2014, Johnson and Schumacher 2016, Nagy and Bernschütz 2016, Wardynski et al. 2018. Webinars can be recorded for viewing at a later time (Young et al. 2012, Brady et al. 2016, Gaolach et al. 2018, Lobley et al. 2019) and many video platforms allow for comments to be posted below the video, providing a space for continued interaction after the initial live presentation. ...
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Information about invasive species needs to be spread rapidly across a wide geographic area following an invasion. However, in-person events can be time-consuming and costly for the participants, organizers, and presenters. Online programming like webinars can bridge this gap, but there is limited published data on how best to run these programs. We report on a 10-yr webinar program, Emerald Ash Borer University, and offer suggestions for improving their effectiveness as a communication tool. Webinar participants viewed the webinars positively and undertook recommended management actions. In addition, most of our survey respondents extended the reach of this program by widely sharing the information from the webinars. Posting the webinars on popular streaming platforms greatly extended their reach long after the live viewing event. Despite their longevity, viewers of recorded videos watched them differently than those viewing live events. We suggest modifying the format of future webinar presentations to accommodate these differences to improve information transfer.
... Zhang et al. (2006) claimed that better learning performance can be achieved using interactive videos. Nagy et al. (2015) showed the positive impact of webinar on learning performance. Verma et al. (2010) talked about the shift in the learning habits and technologies and the impact that webinar can make as a learning technology taking a case study from campus connect team of Infosys technology Ltd. ...
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In contemporary times online learning process has become indispensable for higher education in India. The common practice of chalk and talk method is no longer the only recommended method of pedagogy. As a result, blackboards are gradually being replaced by digital smart boards and LCD screens which allow both traditional and technological modes of teaching. Government of India also realises the immense potential that such technologies have. In this direction, ‘Digital India’ is a one step forward initiative of the Government of India to endorse e-resources and reinforce digital infrastructure all over the country. The digitization offers some of the best opportunities to provide the students with better resource and reduces disparity between institutions in terms of resource sharing. Webinar is one of the tools that help us move towards such inclusivity in education by improving accessibility as well as outreach. So, there is a high prospect of webinar in India. In this paper students’ opinion on some aspects of inclusion of webinar in higher education is studied and these opinions are statistically analysed. Perception of the students under study is assembled through questionnaire. Results illustrate that though students are well versed with the use of technology, there is a lack of awareness regarding webinars. Logistic regression exhibits how the factors like age, gender, location, stream of education, access of laptop, access of mobile, access of YouTube, experience of webinar, educational infrastructure affect in the opinion of the students to incorporate webinar in higher education in recent future. We have also identified the order of the students’ preference factors through a ranking process of their interest to include webinar for higher studies. The intermediate test shows that this preference probability is not uniform among the respondents. The Mann Whitney U statistic is used to differentiate the average perception of the students towards the preference of factors in the favour of webinar in higher education between the webinar experienced and the non-experienced groups.
... These systems share common features, such as allowing learners to watch live, web-based videos hosted by the instructor or interacting with instructor and peers through text chat, audio, and video. A number of studies have examined the use of synchronous technologies in online education (i.e., supplementing face-to-face classrooms, delivering fully online courses, or providing online tutoring), and the results have been mostly positive: synchronous communication technologies help create strong learning communities, improve immediacy and intimacy as perceived by distant learners, and contribute to higher learning achievement (Alnabelsi, Al-Hussaini, & Owens, 2015;Chappell, Arnold, Nunnery, & Grant, 2015;Cornelius, 2014;Hrastinski, Stenbom, Benjaminsson, & Jansson, 2019;Kear, Chetwynd, Williams, & Donelan, 2012;Martin & Parker, 2014;Nagy & Bernschütz, 2016). The learning environments covered in these studies, however, are all comprised of small classes. ...
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The growth of live video streaming (LVS) technology provides new possibilities for online tutoring in that it accommodates a massive number of learners simultaneously. Questions still exist, however, about the extent to which new technology can support interactions between an instructor and a vast number of learners, as well as which factors would influence learners’ interactions with the instructor and peer learners. This study explored these questions by conducting a survey involving 189 senior high school students participating in online LVS tutoring. The results indicated that learner–instructor interaction dominated social interaction in the online tutoring environment with the current system design. This design may also contribute to the development of the perceived presence of peer learners with few direct information exchanges among peers. Social Connectedness and perceived enjoyment positively influenced learner–instructor interaction, whereas social fears and the social presence of the instructor negatively influenced learner–learner interaction.
... O termo Webcast refere-se ao envio de vídeo de um único local para vários recetores. São tipicamente utilizados para aulas em formato vídeo, onde uma ou mais pessoas partilham o seu conhecimento com vários participantes (Giannakos & Vlamos, 2013;Nagy, 2016). Os Webcasts utilizam serviços de streaming para transmitir áudio e vídeo com recurso à Internet podendo, ainda, ser gravados para consulta posterior. ...
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With this article we intend to lengthen the understanding of Distance Education in Higher Education using Internet. Thus, based on Literature Review, it was made an extended research of support tools, interaction and communication processes, planning methodologies, content types, and assessment tools in Distance Education using Internet. From the analysis and triangulation of data, we concluded that Distance Education using Internet can assume different typologies, use various interaction and communication processes and use different support and evaluation technological tools, meeting the defined objectives and student learning needs.
... O termo Webcast refere-se ao envio de vídeo de um único local para vários recetores. São tipicamente utilizados para aulas em formato vídeo, onde uma ou mais pessoas partilham o seu conhecimento com vários participantes (Giannakos & Vlamos, 2013;Nagy, 2016). Os Webcasts utilizam serviços de streaming para transmitir áudio e vídeo com recurso à Internet podendo, ainda, ser gravados para consulta posterior. ...
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With this article we intend to lengthen the understanding of Distance Education in Higher Education using Internet. Thus, based on Literature Review, it was made an extended research of support tools, interaction and communication processes, planning methodologies, content types, and assessment tools in Distance Education using Internet. From the analysis and triangulation of data, we concluded that Distance Education using Internet can assume different typologies, use various interaction and communication processes and use different support and evaluation technological tools, meeting the defined objectives and student learning needs.
Using technology to improve the quality of teaching and learning especially with the outbreak of coronavirus in 2020 has been the fundamental milestone of our lives. Certain technological tools have been indispensable, especially in teaching English as a foreign language (EFL). The aim of this quantitative study was to investigate the perceptions of EFL instructors in using webinars for professional development purposes. The study was conducted with 78 EFL instructors at a foundation university in Turkey. The survey items were adapted from Venkatesh et al. and Gasket, and the internal reliability was checked both in the pilot and main study. The adopted theoretical framework was the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT). The results indicated differences between the EFL instructors who used webinars and the ones with no exposure to webinars, and instructors' attitudes toward webinars predicted performance expectancy. Based on the results, implications and recommendations were provided in this chapter.
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This study aimed at identifying the university staff members' view points, practice level, and the extent of their involvement in / coping with teaching English online over the pandemic of covid19. For achieving these aims, an interview, a checklist, and a questionnaire were prepared by the researcher. The interview had some questions to know their opinions on EFL online teaching. The checklist was categorized into eight dimensions related to practices of teaching online. The questionnaire included 30 items all of which are related to the study aims. After assuring their reliability and validity, the instruments were applied on 15 staff members in 2020/2021. The study findings showed positive and satisfactory reactions to the instruments. In the light of these findings, the researcher recommended reinforcing the teachers‖ role in activating and encouraging online teaching of English as a solution to the challenges imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. ‫جائحة‬ ‫كوفيد‬-91 ‫أثره‬ ‫و‬ ‫ا‬ ‫عمى‬ ‫تدريس‬ ‫المغة‬ ‫اإلنجميزية‬ ‫في‬ ‫التعميم‬ ‫العالي‬ ‫د‬. ‫امنية‬ ‫لطيف‬ ‫إ‬ ‫اهيم‬ ‫بر‬ ‫عبد‬ ‫المطيف‬ ‫أستاذ‬ ‫يس‬ ‫تدر‬ ‫المغة‬ ‫ية‬ ‫اإلنجميز‬ ‫كمغة‬ ‫أجنبية‬ (TEFL) ‫المساعد‬ ‫بقسم‬ ‫المناهج‬ ‫وطرق‬ ‫يس‬ ‫التدر‬-‫كمية‬ ‫بية‬ ‫التر‬ ‫جامعة‬ ‫المنيا‬ ‫مستخمص:‬ ‫عمي‬ ‫التعرف‬ ‫الي‬ ‫الحالية‬ ‫اسة‬ ‫الدر‬ ‫هدفت‬ ‫و‬ ‫اء‬ ‫ار‬ ‫ممارسات‬ ‫مستوي‬ ‫ومدي‬ ‫اعضاء‬ ‫مسايرة‬ ‫كورونا‬ ‫جائحة‬ ‫ظل‬ ‫فى‬ ‫التدريس‬ ‫لمتطمبات‬ ‫بالجامعة‬ ‫التدريس‬ ‫هيئة‬ ‫الهدف‬ ‫هذا‬ ‫ولتحقيق‬. ‫تم‬ ‫شخصية‬ ‫مقابمة‬ ‫اعداد‬ ‫و‬ ‫تصميم‬ (‫تدقيق‬ ‫قائمة‬ checklist ‫ابعاد‬ ‫ثمانية‬ ‫الي‬ ‫مقسمة‬) ‫استبانة‬ ‫و‬. ‫ثب‬ ‫من‬ ‫التأكد‬ ‫وبعد‬ ‫و‬ ‫ات‬ ‫صدق‬ ‫تطبيقهم‬ ‫تم‬ ‫ات‬ ‫االدو‬ ‫عمي‬ 91 ‫تدريس‬ ‫هيئة‬ ‫عضو‬ ‫الجامعي‬ ‫العام‬ ‫في‬ 0202 / 0209 ‫مستوي‬ ‫ان‬ ‫النتائج‬ ‫اوضحت‬ ‫وقد‬ ‫و‬ ‫اء‬ ‫ار‬ ‫ممارسات‬ ‫االنترنت‬ ‫عبر‬ ‫بالتدريس‬ ‫المتصمة‬ ‫لالبعاد‬ ‫التدريس‬ ‫هيئة‬ ‫اعضاء‬ ‫لمتطمبات‬ ‫مسايرتهم‬ ‫ومدي‬ ‫في‬ ‫التدريس‬ ‫ظ‬ ‫الجائحة‬ ‫ل‬ ‫كانت‬ ‫كبير‬ ‫حد‬ ‫الي‬ ‫ومقنعة‬ ‫ايجابية‬. ‫توصي‬ ‫النتائح‬ ‫هذه‬ ‫ظل‬ ‫وفي‬ ‫بتع‬ ‫الباحثة‬ ‫و‬ ‫تنشيط‬ ‫في‬ ‫المعمم‬ ‫دور‬ ‫زيز‬ ‫تشجيع‬ ‫االنجميزي‬ ‫المغة‬ ‫تعميم‬ ‫كحل‬ ‫االنترنت‬ ‫عبر‬ ‫ة‬ ‫فرضتها‬ ‫التي‬ ‫لمتحديات‬ ‫ا‬ ‫لجائحة‬. ‫المفتاحية:‬ ‫الكممات‬ ‫جائحة‬ ‫كوفيد‬-91 ، ‫تدريس‬ ‫المغة‬ ‫اإلنجميزية‬ ، ‫التعميم‬ ‫العالي
En el presente trabajo ofrecemos evidencia empírica sobre nuestra experiencia de uso de webinarios como instrumento de apoyo a la docencia presencial en el marco de educación superior universitaria en economía y empresa. Elaboramos una encuesta ad-hoc, que permite medir el porcentaje de estudiantado que, previo a la experiencia, conoce la herramienta y, tras la experiencia, observar las preferencias del alumnado entre las alternativas “presentaciones tradicionales en el aula” o “webinario”. Además, recogemos su opinión sobre la adquisición de competencias derivables de la experiencia. Gracias a la implementación en distintos grupos y asignaturas haciendo uso de dos alternativas digitales, contrastamos si las respuestas son contingentes del grupo-asignatura en que se implementa la experiencia y/o de la aplicación informática utilizada. Los resultados muestran un incremento del alumnado que optaría por usar webinario frente a presentación tradicional tras la experiencia. El alumnado admite, gracias al uso de webinario, sentir un menor miedo-escénico, estar mejor preparado para afrontar el uso de otras nuevas tecnologías en el futuro y, sentirse más preparado para su futuro profesional. Además, reconoce el webinario como un instrumento válido para dinamizar la docencia en el aula. Los resultados no son contingentes de la asignatura o herramienta digital utilizada para realizar el webinario.
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El momento en el cual se sitúa la sociedad y las modalidades educativas, implica que los docentes recurran a capacitaciones que les permitan autoformarse e innovar el conocimiento que ya poseen y el aprendizaje que imparten a sus estudiantes. A través de este trabajo se pretende abordar sobre el impacto del proyecto educativo EDUvsCOVID19 como iniciativa que ofrece el aprendizaje abierto, libre y gratuito a docentes de centros de educativos, a través de webinars, que son impartidos por docentes, investigadores y consultores de diferentes partes del mundo que poseen amplia experiencia en el desarrollo de las tecnologías dentro de la educación. El estudio tuvo un enfoque mixto con alcance tipo descriptivo – exploratorio, se realizaron encuestas a 289 docentes, un grupo focal con docentes que participaron de la iniciativa de Ecuador y Perú y entrevistas a expertos para conocer sus diferentes percepciones acera de esta iniciativa. Es así que se lograron identificar las categorías de conocimientos y autoformación, disminución de brechas y práctica docente y transformación de las escuelas. Como resultados se confirmaron que los espacios de formación abierta contribuyen a innovar o transformar las prácticas docentes dentro de las escuelas, pues aportan al desarrollo de los conocimientos de los docentes.
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Distance education has been the concern of educational institutions nowadays due to COVID 19 pandemic. The purpose of this study which was carried out during COVID-19 pandemic lockdown period in 2020 was to evaluate the effectiveness of webcast applications on teacher training. Since it was a sudden and an unpredicted transition from face-to-face education to webcast education, it was crucial to evaluate the outcome of teaching applications in order to compensate for the missing points in education. The evaluation framework in this study was based on Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy. The participants’ responses demonstrated that as a consequence of the webcast application in education, remembering, understanding, and analyzing skills were activated better than applying, evaluating, and creating thinking skills in the digital taxonomy. The findings would not be applicable to all webcast training but only to the course design that was delivered as an emergency remote course in a global pandemic.
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This paper addresses the concept of financial literacy in Islamic finance and suggests a methodology to elaborate an effective Islamic financial literacy policy (IFLP). Based on a literature review, the paper summarizes the conclusions of studies and surveys conducted in the field of conventional financial literacy while identifying the specificities of the Islamic finance industry. Indeed, the paper would help financial authorities and Islamic financial institutions in elaborating Islamic financial literacy policies (IFLPs) in order to contribute to the sustainable growth of the industry. It promotes the idea that qualitative aspects are worth studying when elaborating an Islamic financial literacy policy that has to take into account many factors such as the maturity of the industry, the objectives of the policy (inclusion or migration), the degree of Shari'ah awareness, the understanding of Arabic terminologies, etc. Finally, the IFLP measurement should include quantitative (Total reach and number of people reached) as well as qualitative aspects (level of financial literacy, impact on financial behaviour).
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Ineffective knowledge dissemination contributes to clinical practice and service improvements not being realised. Meaningful knowledge translation can occur through the understanding and matching of appropriate communication mediums that are relevant for different stakeholders or audiences. To this end, we present a dissemination instrument, the 'REAch and Diffusion of health iMprovement Evidence' (README) checklist, for the communication of research findings, integrating both traditional and newer communication mediums. Additionally, we propose a 'Strategic Translation and Engagement Planning' (STEP) tool, for use when deciding which mediums to select. The STEP tool challenges the need for communicating complex and simple information against the desire for passive or active stakeholder interaction. Used collaboratively by academics and health professionals, README and STEP can promote co-production of research, subsequent diffusion of knowledge, and develop the capacity and skills of all stakeholders.
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Video materials have become an integral part of university learning and teaching practice. While empirical research concerning the use of videos for educational purposes has increased, the literature lacks an overview of the specific effects of videos on diverse learning outcomes. To address such a gap, this paper presents preliminary results of a large-scale systematic review of peer-reviewed empirical studies published from 2007-2017. The study synthesizes the trends observed through the analysis of 178 papers selected from the screening of 2531 abstracts. The findings summarize the effects of manipulating video presentation, content and tasks on learning outcomes, such as recall, transfer, academic achievement, among others. The study points out the gap between large-scale analysis of fine-grained data on video interaction and experimental findings reliant on established psychological instruments. Narrowing this gap is suggested as the future direction for the research of video-based learning.
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Although the pedagogic use of film and video has a long history, its widespread use has always been limited by production costs and delivery difficulties. In recent years costs of production have fallen and the web has emerged as a mainstream educational distribution medium. Video itself can be used in many ways: 'talking head', interviews, video diaries, video labs, simulations, instructional sequences, 'fly on the wall', video help etc. Through the browser, 'streaming' video sequences can be linked to slides, text conferencing, whiteboards, video conferencing, shared applications, online assessment and third party web sites. A major element of the JISC/DNER Click and Go Video project is to move beyond the current understanding of video as a purely presentational tool. The seamless combination of digital video with other tools offers an opportunity to experiment with video as a focus for networked learning. However there is an acute lack of pedagogic resources, research and evaluation on the use of video streaming for teaching and learning. The pedagogical challenge faced by teaching staff and practitioners is not only to choose the appropriate streaming technology but also to design meaningful learning events. In this paper we introduce a way to analyse video use through what we have named the Three 'I's Framework - image, interactivity and integration. This conceptual framework seeks to provide a practical decision tool to help teaching staff and practitioners with the pedagogic design and development of video streaming resources for online learning. Our aim is to provide a way of understanding the role of video as it changes from a presentation tool to a focus for networked learning.
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A tudástőke szempontjából különösen fontos a GDP igazságos elosztása. Ha az elosztás – a korlátok figyelembe vétele mellett – nem igazodik a tudásbefektetésekhez, a gazdasági növekedés lassul, mivel romlik a tudásnak mint termelési tényezőnek a hatékonysága. A politikai váltógazdaság viszonyai között mindig onnan veszik el a jövedelmet, ahol a negatív hatások csak késéssel jelentkeznek, és ezzel tartósan sértik a tudástőke létrehozásában aktív társadalmi rétegek befektetésarányos jövedelmi elvárásait. Ennek a gyakorlatnak a folytatása a társadalmi kérdések kiéleződéséhez, a belső társadalmi béke megbomlásához, balkanizálódáshoz vezet.
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Educational webcasts are nowadays widely used by many organizations and institutions all over the world. However, the educational effectiveness of webcasts when used as an autonomous method is yet to be explored. In this paper, the clarification of certain issues concerning their educational effectiveness is attempted. Following specific instructions, an educational webcast was developed, and then a between group evaluation experiment was conducted. The experiment compared traditional learning and an educational webcast. A total of 66 gymnasium (middle school) students were placed in two groups based on a pretest method. The results of the evaluation showed that educational webcasts can be very effective on certain conditions. On the one hand, the educational effectiveness of the webcast was particularly high when applied to tasks that required simple comprehension. On the other hand, the webcast had poor performance in the consolidation of complex tasks. What is already known about this topic What this paper adds Implications for practice and/or policy
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This research describes the evaluation of video tutorials used in a graduate level online statistics course. The evaluation focused on attitudes toward the tutorials and differences in academic performance between online sections that used the tutorials and those that did not. Attitude results were based on 78 students who completed an online survey and indicated positive perceptions of the tutorials. The quantitative findings were supported by narrative comments that suggested the tutorials were an effective component of the course. However, comparisons of sections with and without access to the tutorials showed no statistically significant difference with respect to academic performance. These results suggest that video presentations used as supplemental materials may provide instructional designers with a tool to create online courses that are as effective as traditional face-to-face courses.
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Theory suggests that studying worked examples and engaging in self-explanation will improve learning and problem solving. A growing body of evidence supports the use of web-based assessments for improving undergraduate performance in traditional large enrollment courses. This article describes a study designed to investigate these techniques in a practical web-based setting. This study tracked introductory college chemistry students' use of a course quizzing system that provided both worked examples and strategy suggestions embedded within the quiz items. Student perceptions of the effectiveness of the enhancements were measured and correlated to use and performance. The findings indicate students made use of both the worked examples and self-explanation prompts, felt they were helpful, and the interventions improved performance.
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The use of online lecture recordings as a supplement to physical lectures is an increasingly popular tool at many universities. As its popularity grows, however, there is increasing evidence that some students are using these recordings as a substitute to attending the actual lectures, rather than as a complement that helps them revisit difficult content, or for study purposes. Does this trend matter? If students receive as much (if not more) benefit from viewing their lectures online as they do by attending in person, then this is surely the student’s right. However, this has potentially significant consequences for the delivery of lecture content in higher education. This paper combines survey data with student record data for students in a first year Microeconomics class to examine this issue. The main finding is that, whilst there are indeed some students using online lecture recordings as a substitute to attending lectures, they are ultimately at a fairly severe disadvantage in terms of their final marks. Controlling for a wide variety of student characteristics, we find that, relative to attending zero to six lectures (out of 26), those attending essentially all lectures in person (25 or 26 lectures) have a direct advantage of nearly eight marks. Moreover, students attending zero to six lectures do not close this gap by viewing more lectures online, despite having double the number of lecture recording hits as their colleagues who attended 25-26 lectures. In contrast to this, students who attend the majority of lectures in person do receive a benefit from additional use of the lecture recordings. The results provide evidence that, when used as a complementary tool, lecture recordings are a valuable supplement for students. However, when used as a substitute, lecture recordings provide no additional benefit.
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Schools and universities all over the world are continuously exploring ways to use the web technology in improving teaching effectiveness. The use of course web pages, discussion groups, bulletin boards, and e-mails have shown impact on teaching and learning in significant ways, across all disciplines. e-Learning has emerged as an alternative to traditional classroom-based education and training, especially for distance learning programs. Thus, this research study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of the implementation of webcasting technology in teaching in higher education. In this research, three modes of webcasting lectures were experimented on three different groups of students, using the pre test-post test-control group experimental design. The modes are live streaming, pre-recorded streaming and video on demand (VOD). The group that attended the face-to-face lecture acts as the control group. The overall analysis showed that the students who went through the VOD group showed the most gain in the tests.
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Video as a tool for teaching and learning in higher education is a multimedia application with considerable promise. Including video within the online support material for a module can help students to gain an understanding of the material and prepare for assessment. We have experi- mented with using short videos that summarise the lectures given, as an aid for students to use when revising. An interpretive method has been adopted to investigate the use students make of these videos, during the teaching term and when revising for assessment. In this paper a summary of ways that video can be used for supporting teaching and learning is given, the ways in which we used video are presented followed by discussion of some issues relating to producing sum- mary length videos. Preliminary research indicates that students find these summary lectures very useful for reviewing lecture material as well as for their revision.
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Web-enhanced educational programs such as Blackboard (2003; http://www. blackboard. com/) provide opportunities for instructors to make supplemental course materials available to students. However, little research has investigated the effects of unlimited access to course lectures on achievement and attendance in traditional postsecondary classroom settings. Thus, we investigated the effect of lecture presentation availability on class attendance and academic performance in 2 sections of introductory psychology courses. Students with unlimited access to lecture presentations earned significantly higher grades than students who did not have similar access. Although we did not find significant differences in attendance between classes, attendance moderated the relation between class format and course grade. We discuss further implications and future research.
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Interactive video in an e-learning system allows proactive and random access to video content. Our empirical study examined the influence of interactive video on learning outcome and learner satisfaction in e-learning environments. Four different settings were studied: three were e-learning environments—with interactive video, with non-interactive video, and without video. The fourth was the traditional classroom environment. Results of the experiment showed that the value of video for learning effectiveness was contingent upon the provision of interactivity. Students in the e-learning environment that provided interactive video achieved significantly better learning performance and a higher level of learner satisfaction than those in other settings. However, students who used the e-learning environment that provided non-interactive video did not improve either. The findings suggest that it may be important to integrate interactive instructional video into e-learning systems.
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This paper presents the first experimental evidence on the effects of live versus internet media of instruction. Students in a large introductory microeconomics course at a major research university were randomly assigned to live lectures versus watching these same lectures in an internet setting, where all other factors (e.g., instruction, supplemental materials) were the same. Counter to the conclusions drawn by a recent U.S. Department of Education meta-analysis of non-experimental analyses of internet instruction in higher education, we find modest evidence that live-only instruction dominates internet instruction. These results are particularly strong for Hispanic students, male students, and lower-achieving students. We also provide suggestions for future experimentation in other settings.
The diversity of the service sector makes it difficult to come up with managerially useful generalizations concerning marketing practice in service organizations. This article argues for a focus on specific categories of services and proposes five schemes for classifying services in ways that transcend narrow industry boundaries. In each instance insights are offered into how the nature of the service might affect the marketing task.
Podcasting is used commonly recreationally and is now increasingly used in education. The technology for podcasting is readily available, easy to use and inexpensive, making it an attractive option for providing additional flexible learning resources for students. However, little is known about how podcasts are used by students and the implications for learning. This paper describes how podcasts were used by students in a medical radiation program. In common with many other health science programs, the medical radiation program has a large content load, particularly in first year where courses such as anatomy and physiology are introduced. Students generally used podcasts to review lecture content, especially when they had difficulty with understanding lectures or new terminology. Students generally listened to the recordings whilst viewing the lecture PowerPoint presentations on a home computer. Results from this study indicate that academics need to contemplate the introduction of instructional methods such as podcast lectures within the broader context of instructional goals.
In higher education, many of the new teaching interventions are introduced in the format of audio-visual files distributed through the Internet. A pedagogical tool consisting of questions listed as learning objectives and answers presented using online videos was designed as a supplement for a molecular biology course and made available to a large class of upper-level undergraduate students. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the impact of online videos on test scores. For this, linear mixed-effect models were fitted to the data and used to jointly estimate the effect on exam scores of video access and a set other variables including gender, academic year, course segment and cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of students. On average, scores for the segment of the course corresponding to the introduction of the online videos increased by 2%. Interestingly, students with lower CGPAs benefited the most from access to online videos; if CGPA = 4.0/10, then average score increase was 6.2%. For students with a higher CGPA of 8.0/10.0, the average increase of scores was 1.0%. The measure of exam performance represents a preliminary evaluation of the educational intervention described. Overall, the availability of videos demonstrating the application of concepts to solve problems in molecular biology was associated with statistically significantly higher scores on the exams.
The objective of this study is to compare students' willingness and viewing behavior of using the online taped lecture video for their studies. The lecture video was taped from one class and made available to both sections of the same course. Students in one section can view online lecture video captured in their class, while students in the other section, taught by the same instructor, can also view the same lecture video from the other section. Data including course website usage statistics, student questionnaire, student interviews and course instructor interviews were collected and analyzed. The study yielded two main results: (1) Students are more willing to use the taped class lectures for reviewing purpose if the taped video is from their own class, as oppose to from another class; (2) students who viewed lecture video more frequently had higher application- specific self-efficacy than those that do not.
This paper investigates the impact of web based lecture recordings on learning and attendance at lectures. Student opinions regarding the perceived value of the recordings were evaluated in the context of usage patterns and final marks, and compared with attendance data and student perceptions regarding the usefulness of lectures. The availability of recordings was not seen to impact lecture attendance, although students showed some tendency to listen to the recording for a missed lecture. Students who achieved a high mark tended to supplement lecture attendance with recording usage more than students who achieved a low mark, but they did so with greater variation. If students perceived that a learning experience was of value to their learning, they were more likely to use it. Individual case studies describing perceptions, usage patterns, and attendance records of selected students highlight the fact that there is great variation in successful learning patterns, and suggest that engagement is an important factor impacting learning. Although the use of recordings to supplement lectures was seen to enhance the learning of some students, its uptake and effectiveness was not uniform across the cohort. This observation highlights the need for a range of learning modes in engineering education, appealing to a diverse set of individual learning styles. Future work is described in the context of these findings.
The problem of reconstructing the complex index of refraction of a weakly scattering object from a limited data set is addressed within the framework of diffraction tomography (DT). This problem is cast into a form that includes the well studied limited-view problem of conventional computed tomography (CT) as a special case, obtained in the limit of vanishing wavelength. The theory is developed in detail for the case of plane-wave probes (parallel-beam case) in a manner completely parallel to that usually employed in studies of the limited-view problem in CT. An integral equation formulation is employed that leads directly to a number of results that include a theorem that states that any reconstruction that is convolutionally related to the exact object function can always be implemented in the form of a filtered backpropagation algorithm.
Presentation of software instruction has been supported by manuals and textbooks consisting of screen captures, but a multimedia approach may increase learning outcomes. This study investigated the effects of modality (text, audio, or dual) on the achievement and attitudes of college students learning a software application through the computer. Participants in this study were presented with three variations of instruction over a software application. Differences between text only, audio only, and dual modality conditions were measured by achievement on a posttest, and attitudes toward instruction were collected by survey. Results from the research indicated no signifi cant effects were found in the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) for the modalities in test scores. However, statisti-cal signifi cance was found in two of the attitude items. First, dual modality was preferred in learning computer applica-tions. Second, audio did not appear to assist the learner in re-membering factual information. These results assist instruc-tors and corporate trainers in presenting software applications effectively and effi ciently in their respective occupations.
The present study investigated the impact of class lecture webcasts on students’ attendance and learning. The research design employed four data collection methods in two class sections—one with webcast access and another without—of the same course taught by the same instructors. Results indicated the following four major findings. (1) The availability of webcasts negatively impacted student attendance but the availability of other online resources such as PowerPoint slides had a greater negative impact on attendance. (2) Webcast access appeared to nullify the negative effects absenteeism had on student performance. (3) For most performance measures based on lecture content, more webcast viewing was associated with higher performance. (4) Most students in the webcast section reported positive learning experiences and benefits from using webcasts, even though a majority also reported using webcasts for missing a class. In summary, these results collectively suggest that webcasts could have positive effects on students’ learning experiences and performance, even if class attendance does decline.
Conference Paper
This experiment involved our software engineering course that is required for students majoring in Computer Science; however our experiences are applicable to most computer science courses. The Fall 2005 course was taught based on slide presentations during class and work on the course project outside of class. We inverted this arrangement during the Spring 2006 course: lectures were delivered as video podcasts outside class while class time was spent working on the course project and problem solving using Tablet PCs. The same textbook and slide presentations were used; exams were almost identical and the projects were similar. We discuss the conversion of an entire semester's worth of lectures into 65 video podcasts. About 30% of each podcast includes live video of students interacting with the instructor. We also discuss use of Tablet PCs during the class sessions. The students in both semesters had equivalent performance on exams, but the project grades in the Spring semester were substantially higher resulting in higher overall grades. We conclude with a description of our current efforts using podcasts and tablet PCs in a data structures course. This work was supported partially by NSF grant DUE 0341506 [10].
To what extent a blended learning configuration of face-to-face lectures, online on-demand video recordings of the face-to-face lectures and the offering of online quizzes with appropriate feedback has an additional positive impact on the performance of these students compared to the traditional face-to-face course approach? In a between-subjects design in which students were randomly assigned to a group having access to the online lectures including multiple choice quizzes and appropriate feedback or to a group having access to the online lectures only, 474 students (161 men and 313 women) of a course on European Law agreed to participate in the experiment. By using regression analysis we found that the course grade of the students was predicted by their grade point average, their study discipline, their grade goal for the course, the expected difficulty-level of the course, the number of online lectures they viewed, the number of lectures the students attended in person and the interaction between the lectures they viewed online and attended in person. Students who attended few lectures had more benefit from viewing online lectures than students who attended many lectures. In contrast to our expectations, the regression analysis did not show a significant effect of automated feedback on student performance. Offering recordings of face-to-face lectures is an easy extension of a traditional course and is of practical importance, because it enables students who are often absent from the regular face-to-face lectures to be able to improve their course grade by viewing the lectures online.
Az új média, kultúra, műveltség. Médiatudatosság az oktatásban
  • P Aczél
Aczél, P. (2014). Az új média, kultúra, műveltség. Médiatudatosság az oktatásban. Budapest: OFI.
Changing course: Ten years of tracking online education in the United States
  • I Allen
  • J Seaman
Allen, I., & Seaman, J. (2012). Changing course: Ten years of tracking online education in the United States. Babson Survey Research Group and Quahog Research Group.
Evaluating web lectures: A case study from HCI. Proceeding CHI ’06 extended abstracts on human factors in computing systems
  • J Day
  • J Foley
Day, J., & Foley, J. (2006). Evaluating web lectures: A case study from HCI. Proceeding CHI '06 extended abstracts on human factors in computing systems, 195-200.
Bevezetés a médiagazdaságtanba
  • M Gálik
  • Á Urbán
Gálik, M., & Urbán, Á. (2014). Bevezetés a médiagazdaságtanba. Budapest: Aula.
Szolgáltatásmarketing-, menedzsment
  • Z Kenesei
  • K Kolos
Kenesei, Z., & Kolos, K. (2007). Szolgáltatásmarketing-, menedzsment. Budapest: Alinea.
A comparative efficiency study between a live lecture and a Web-based live-switched multi-camera streaming video distance learning instructional unit
  • C Morales
  • C Cory
  • D Bozell
Morales, C., Cory, C., & Bozell, D. (2001). A comparative efficiency study between a live lecture and a Webbased live-switched multi-camera streaming video distance learning instructional unit, Ontario, Canada, 2001, pp. 63-66. Proceedings of the 2001 information resources management association international conference (pp: 63-66). Toronto.
Using IT tools in teaching-IVLE, webcast lectures and powerpoint
  • V Tan
Tan, V. (2007). Using IT tools in teaching-IVLE, webcast lectures and powerpoint. Cdtlink, 11(3), 1-2.
Growing up digital. The rise of the net generation. Education and Information Technologies
  • D Tapscott
Tapscott, D. (1998). Growing up digital. The rise of the net generation. Education and Information Technologies, 203-305.
  • Eacea Online
Online documents EACEA. (13 October 2014). LIFE-LONG LEARNING PROGRAMME 2007–2013: