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Abstract and Figures

Studies on mechanical properties of linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) and natural rubber (NR) added by fillers such as carbon black, silica and calcium carbonate show an improvement in the mechanical properties. With the development of nanotechnology, the opportunity to increase the usage of LLDPE and NR composites are promising. The common method is by adding a small weight percentage of nano particles during the blending process. This study focuses on analyzing the partial discharge characteristic of different weight percentage (w%) of titania (TiO2) nano particle to LDPE and NR blend. The specimens were subjected to aging using CIGRE Method II system. Partial discharge pulses were counted for both polarities. Phase resolve pattern were used to characterize the aging process. A microscopic physical surface analysis using an optical microscope was also carried out. In contrast to the prediction, the results show that the PD pattern is negatively affected by nano titania particles, where no improvement was noted with a certain amount of w% of nano silica. The PD characteristic of virgin LDPE/NR is found to be better than the nano titania filled DLPE/NR. The physical investigation also shows a similar result, where a smaller damage on the surface of the specimens was observed for the case of virgin composite.
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Partial Discharge Characteristic of Linear Low Density Polyethylene and
Silica Nanocomposite
Aulia1,2,a, Z. Abdul-Malek1,b, Y.Z. Arief1,c, M.A.M. Piah1,d, M. Jaafar3,e
1Institute of High Voltage and High Current, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor 81310, Malaysia
2 Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Andalas, Padang, Indonesia, 075186
3 School of Material & Mineral Resources Engineering, Engineering Campus
USM,14300 Nibong Tebal, Penang.,,,,
Keywords: linear low density polyethylene, natural rubber, nano titania, partial discharge
Abstract Studies on mechanical properties of linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) and
natural rubber (NR) added by fillers such as carbon black, silica and calcium carbonate show an
improvement in the mechanical properties. With the development of nanotechnology, the
opportunity to increase the usage of LLDPE and NR composites are promising. The common
method is by adding a small weight percentage of nano particles during the blending process. This
study focuses on analyzing the partial discharge characteristic of different weight percentage (w%)
of titania (TiO2) nano particle to LDPE and NR blend. The specimens were subjected to aging
using CIGRE Method II system. Partial discharge pulses were counted for both polarities. Phase
resolve pattern were used to characterize the aging process. A microscopic physical surface analysis
using an optical microscope was also carried out. In contrast to the prediction, the results show that
the PD pattern is negatively affected by nano titania particles, where no improvement was noted
with a certain amount of w% of nano silica. The PD characteristic of virgin LDPE/NR is found to
be better than the nano titania filled DLPE/NR. The physical investigation also shows a similar
result, where a smaller damage on the surface of the specimens was observed for the case of virgin
Nanodielectrics material which consists of polymeric matrix and nanofillers has gained a
significant attention due to their potential advantageous in electrical power industries [1-3]. Only
when the processing is done correctly these advantageous can be fully explored and utilized [4].
Adding a nanoparticles to a matrix and accompanied by coupling agent will introduce a stable and
large interfacial thickness that related to the interaction zone that possibly could help to improve the
PD resistance [5].
Partial discharge, one of the most important factors leading to the breakdown in electrical
insulation has drawn tremendous attention by researchers worldwide. Through the incorporation of
nanofillers in polymer matrices, it could enhance the partial discharge properties of the insulation
materials. A limited reference about partial discharge (PD) characteristic of low density
polyethylene (LDPE) and nanosilica composite and related works were explained in [6-12]. There is
evidence that low density polyethylene (LDPE) and nanosilica (SiO2) composite is stronger than
the pure LDPE under PD stress even if during a longer period of time. The smoother surface of this
nanocomposite after the PD test shows the indication PD endurance of the material [8].
The CIGRE Method II was used by many authors to investigate the aging mechanism of
insulation. The main advantage of this method is that the discharge taken place in a concentrated
area. LDPE nanocomposite containing 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8w% of nanosilica were previously
investigated. The aim of this work is to determine the effects of nanosilica filler content on the
partial discharge characteristics of the LDPE composite based on CIGRE Method II test setup.
Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 554 (2014) pp 133-136
Online available since 2014/Jun/02 at
© (2014) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland
All rights reserved. No part of contents of this paper may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of TTP, (ID:, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia UTM, Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia-06/03/15,17:51:01)
Sample Preparation and Experimental Set-up
Sample Preparation. Cosmothene® F410-1 type of low density polyethylene (LDPE) was used
as the base insulating material. The filler material is Aldrich S5130 silica fumed powder with a
mean size of 7 nm. Compounding of LDPE and silica fillers was performed in two roll mill heaters.
The LDPE compounds were prepared according to the various filler contents (0wt%, 2wt%, 4wt%,
6wt% and 8w%, namely sample A, B, C, D and E). The temperature for both roll mills was set at
150°C. The mixing of LDPE and silica fillers took 10 min, followed by compression moulded into
rectangular specimens having 200 x 150 x 1 mm3 size in an electrically heated hydraulic press at
150°C and a pressure of 1500 psi. Preheating at the compression moulding was carried out for 4
min followed by 3 min for pressure using electrically heated hydraulic press model GT-7104-A30C.
The subsequent cooling under hydraulic pressure of 100 kg/cm3 was conducted for 3 minutes. The
specimens were prepared in the form of 40-mm-diameter circular sheets with a thickness of 1 mm.
PD Test Set-up. An AC voltage of 6.5 kV rms at 50 Hz was applied to the test electrode while
the plane electrode was earthed. Within the given experimental conditions, it was believed that no
PD took place from areas other than the void. Fig. 1 shows the laboratory set-up consisting of an
AC high voltage supply and its measuring system, the CIGRE METHOD II (CM-II) electrode
system [3], and the data acquisition system (PC-connected Picoscope 6). To detect the PD signals, a
high pass filter with a range of frequency between 10 kHz up to 400 kHz was used. Also to get the
50 Hz sinusoidal wave reference power supply, a step down transformer was used and then
connected to the Picoscope. The PD pulses were sampled for 10 s corresponding to 1000 cycles at
every 10 minutes.
Fig. 1 Test set-up for the partial discharge test
Results and Analysis
Positive (+ve) and Negative (-ve) PD Trend. Fig. 2 shows the positive and negative PD trend
of all samples and nanocomposite. The PD number for sample A is linearly increasing with time
both for positive (+ve) and negative (-ve) PD. The -ve PD number is slightly higher than +ve PD
number (Fig. 2 (a)). The PD number of sample B also increases linearly where the +ve PD number
is a little bit higher than the -ve PD number (Fig. 2 (b)). In contrast, for sample C, the +ve PD
number is lower than the -ve PD number (Fig. 2 (c)). This observation is also true for samples D
and E (Fig. 2 (d) and (e)).
Average Positive (+ve) and Negative (-ve) PD Number. The average PD number every ten
minutes for all samples are shown in Fig. 3. From this figure, it can be observed that the
consecutive 10-minute averages of all samples do not follow one common trend. For the virgin
sample, the 10-minute average PD number increases with time for both polarities. Sample C (4wt%
nanosilica) follows a trend of more or less constant value for both polarities. Samples B, D, and E
seem to follow a similar trend in that the PD number is fluctuating at every 10 minute
The Total PD Number of LDPE nanocomposites. Fig. 4 shows the total of PD number for the
LDPE nanocomposite. The total PD number increases for all samples as shown in Fig. 4 (a). The
PD number per interval decreases after about one hour PD test duration. The lowest PD number is
134 Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Fig. 2 Cumulative PD number
for various samples of LDPE
nanocomposites over 60
minutes duration (a) Sample A
(virgin LDPE), (b) Sample B,
(c) Sample C, (d) Sample D,
and (e) Sample E.
Fig. 3 10-minutely average PD
number for various samples of
LDPE nanocomposites (a)
Sample A (virgin LDPE), (b)
Sample B, (c) Sample C, (d)
Sample D, and (e) Sample E.
Fig. 4 The weight percentage (w%) effect of nanosilica filler to LDPE PD number, (a) PD trend for 60
minutes, and (b) PD trend every 10 minutes (c) The total PD numbers
Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 554 135
achieved by the LDPE blended with 8w% of nanosilica. Adding only 4w% nanosilica to the LDPE
blend apparently increases the PD numbers, but then it significantly decreases after a higher amount
of nanosilica is added to the LDPE. This could be explained by inspecting the dispersion of the
composite and surface condition of the sample before the test.
PD characteristic of LDPE nanosilica was presented and discussed in this paper with the
following results; adding a certain w% to LDPE blend will not improve PD characteristic directly,
but should be proved by experiment before a final conclusion remarked. Adding w% of nanosilica
to LDPE blend up to 4 w% increased the PD number, but a bigger w% of the filler, such as 8 w%,
cause the PD number to decrease significantly.
The Authors wish to thank Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), Ministry
of Education (MOE), and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (Research Vote Nos. 4S045, 03H59, and
4F291) for the financial aid.
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136 Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Partial Discharge Characteristic of Low Density Polyethylene and Silica Nanocomposite
DOI References
[1] L. Shengtao, Y. Guilai, G. Chen, L. Jianying, B. Suna, Z. Lisheng, et al., Short-term breakdown and long-
term failure in nanodielectrics: a review, IEEE Trans. on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 17 (2010)
... The results reveal that XLPE samples with untreated nanofillers show less erosion than the unfilled XLPE samples and that the erosion values for some of the XLPE samples filled with surface-functionalized nanofiller are higher (Figure 28b). Using LDPE and fumed silica powder with a mean size of 7 nm, Aulia et al. studied the PD effect on these samples by positive and negative pulse counts using the CIGRE Method II (CM-II) electrode system [143]. The authors observed that the addition of nano-SiO2 in amounts of up to 4 wt % increased the number of PDs, while even larger concentrations of fillers in the range of 6 to 8 wt % significantly reduced the number of impulses. ...
... Both, the amplitude and the number of PDs were lower in PE/MMT samples than in unfilled PE (under the test condition applied) [145]. Using LDPE and fumed silica powder with a mean size of 7 nm, Aulia et al. studied the PD effect on these samples by positive and negative pulse counts using the CIGRE Method II (CM-II) electrode system [143]. The authors observed that the addition of nano-SiO 2 in amounts of up to 4 wt % increased the number of PDs, while even larger concentrations of fillers in the range of 6 to 8 wt % significantly reduced the number of impulses. ...
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This review represents a comprehensive study of nanocomposites for power cables insulations based on thermoplastic polymers such as polyethylene congeners like LDPE, HDPE and XLPE, which is complemented by original results. Particular focus lies on the structure-property relationships of nanocomposites and the materials’ design with the corresponding electrical properties. The critical factors, which contribute to the degradation or improvement of the electrical performance of such cable insulations, are discussed in detail; in particular, properties such as electrical conductivity, relative permittivity, dielectric losses, partial discharges, space charge, electrical and water tree resistance behavior and electric breakdown of such nanocomposites based on thermoplastic polymers are described and referred to the composites’ structures. This review is motivated by the fact that the development of polymer nanocomposites for power cables insulation is based on understanding more closely the aging mechanisms and the behavior of nanocomposites under operating stresses.
... The no of PD pulses decreases with increasing nano filler loading. The no of PD pulses was 3900 for 4% and 750 for 8% SiO2 filler loadings [15]. ...
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Solid insulation materials are the backbone for all kinds of outdoor insulation applications. Environmental stresses degrade every outdoor insulation material with the passage of time. Internal partial discharges and external surface tracking are the two major factors governing the health of outdoor insulation. Best outdoor insulation is the one having lowest level of partial discharge and highest resistance to tracking. Improvement in tracking resistance of polymeric insulation materials has been a concern of many researchers. This study investigates the improvement in partial discharge and tracking resistance of LDPE under the effect of three different nano fillers including SiO 2 , TiO 2 , TiO 2 @SiO 2 . A very little has been reported on the effect of these nano fillers on the tracking performance of LDPE. TiO 2 @SiO 2 is a novel core–shell nano filler. No study has reported the effect of these core–shell nano fillers on the partial discharge and tracking performance of LDPE. It has been observed in this study that core–shell nano fillers are much more efficient in improving partial discharge and tracking resistance of solid insulation materials than ordinary nano fillers.
... This can be achieved by mixing two or more different types of polymers to form polymer blend materials [5][6][7]. Promising improvements of polymeric insulating materials against partial discharge activities were also reported when certain amounts of inorganic/organic nanofillers were mixed with polymers [8][9][10]. ...
... Hence, the PD resistance first increases with the nanofiller content and then decreases above the percolation threshold [62]. A similar behavior has been found for LDPE+SiO 2 compounds [92]. ...
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This review highlights the research conducted on polymers, especially on polymer nanocomposites for electrical energy storage applications in power capacitors. State-of-the-art neat polymers are addressed as well as blends of polymers. Special emphasis is given to polymers filled with ceramic nanoparticles — polymer nanocomposites. The aim of this contribution is to overview the different approaches being made to improve the properties of dielectric polymer films for power capacitors. It concludes with an outlook on the research topics that should be addressed in the future.
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This paper presents a statistical approach to analyze electrical tree inception voltage, electrical tree breakdown voltage and tree breakdown time of unsaturated polyester resin subjected to AC voltage. The aim of this work was to show that Weibull and lognormal distribution may not be the most suitable distributions for analysis of electrical treeing data. In this paper, an investigation of statistical distributions of electrical tree inception voltage, electrical tree breakdown voltage and breakdown time data was performed on 108 leaf-like specimen samples. Revelations from the test results showed that Johnson SB distribution is the best fit for electrical tree inception voltage and tree breakdown time data while electrical tree breakdown voltage data is best suited with Wakeby distribution. The fitting step was performed by means of Anderson-Darling (AD) Goodness-of-fit test (GOF). Based on the fitting results of tree inception voltage, tree breakdown time and tree breakdown voltage data, Johnson SB and Wakeby exhibit the lowest error value respectively compared to Weibull and lognormal.
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Electrical treeing is a common insulation pre-breakdown phenomenon. Due to prolonged stresses, polymeric insulating material cannot withstand the aging and degradation from voltage application, environmental factors and from several influenced factors. Therefore, this phenomenon needs to be explored from the initial stage for better understanding of its early inception. However, previous studies have shown that some initial parameters were analysed by using still-can-improved statistical techniques. Thus, in this paper, a more accurate statistical technique was performed in order to determine the value, the distribution and distribution statistical rank of tree inception voltage of silicone rubber and epoxy resin by fitting method. The electrical tree inception voltage was measured and recorded by applying a sequential of AC voltage between the point-to-plane electrodes via a camera-equipped online monitoring system. The experiment was performed based on IEC 1072:1991 "Methods of Test for Evaluating the Resistance of Insulating Materials Against the Initiation of Electrical Trees". The experimental results were analysed satistically and comparison was made between the best fitted distribution and Weibull distribution. Obtained results have shown that tree inception voltage depends on the material composition since other factors were kept constant. Based on the statistical analysis, the tree inception voltage of silicone rubber and epoxy resin were best fitted with Johnson S B distribution rather than Weibull distribution which showed higher fitting error. Based on the fitted distribution, the values of tree inception voltage of silicone rubber and epoxy resin were calculated and found to be 3.1529 kV and 4.6528 kV respectively. The results of fitting using Anderson-Darling goodness-of-fit test and Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness-of-fit were compared. It was found that the Johnson S B statistical distribution holds good for silicone rubber and epoxy resin for electrical treeing initiation. Therefore, it has been proved that Johnson S B distribution is better than Weibull distribution in representing the tree inception voltage distribution.
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Partial discharges (PDs) due to artificial void in samples of LDPE nanocomposite sheet have been investigated in this work. PDs may cause the degradation of insulating materials and may affect the lifetime of high-voltage apparatus. An experimental work using sphere ball-plane electrode system (CIGRE Method II) and a 1.0 mm LDPE composite sheet was carried out. Different weight percentages of nanosilica (0%, 2%, 4%, 6% and 8%) were used. PD experimental results, such as PD magnitude and PD number (both PD pulse polarities), as functions of the applied stress duration at a specified applied voltage were compared. The surface morphology of specimens was also presented and this conforms to the PD findings. The experimental results show that the PD characteristics of the LDPE generally improve with the introduction of nanosilica, the composite with the highest content of filler, namely the 8%(wt) nanosilica sample has the least partial discharge activities.
Electrical treeing in LDPE and three LDPE nanocomposites, with spherical silica and fibrous and laminar phyllosilicates, has been studied. Electrical tests were performed at a 50 Hz frequency and voltages between 8 and 29 kV, and the time to inception of the first electrical partial discharges (TTI) of the electrical trees and the time to breakdown (TBD), related to the electrical stability of the insulator, were determined. Above 15 kV all the nanocomposites show longer inception times and shorter tree growth times than LDPE. It is proposed that both observations are caused by the modification of the polymer crystalline morphology induced by the presence of the fillers and by the development of a large number of interfacial structures, both organo–inorganic and amorphous–crystalline. Below 15 kV the TBD is increased in the nanocomposites with the laminar silicate because of tortuosity and the TTI is increased in the fibrous silicate containing a nanocomposite because of the LDPE crystalline morphology in the presence of the silicate. The nanosilica particles decrease the electrical stability in the whole voltage range by decreasing both TTI and TBD.
In this short review, we discussed some aspects of nanocomposites regarding electrical tree growth and breakdown. It appears that nanoparticles, properly mixed and dispersed in the polymer matrix, increase the breakdown strength and hinder the growth of electrical trees in the nanocomposite. Nanoparticles act as barriers obstructing electrical tree growth and delaying dielectric breakdown. This article also put forward a tentative proposal for the mechanisms of treeing and breakdown in nanocomposites.
Conference Paper
Polyethylene/montmorillonite (LDPE/MMT) nano-composites are prepared by melting intercalation process. The characteristics of electrical breakdown and partial discharge (PD) of the nano-composites are investigated. The test results indicate that electrical breakdown strength of LDPE/MMT is obviously higher than that of LDPE, up to 1.35~1.70 times at the test temperature of 333 ~ 363 K, especially. The results of PD test indicate that under the same test condition both the amplitude and numbers of PD are smaller than pure PE.
Conference Paper
Generic PD (Partial discharge) resistance characteristics of polymer nanocomposites are discussed mainly on thermosetting epoxy nanocomposites containing silica, alumina, titania, silicon carbide and layered silicate nano fillers. Generic PD erosion process comprises a process of erosion of epoxy to be impeded by nano fillers and interfaces. It is stressed that only epoxy regions can be eroded. Three-dimensional (3D) segmentation of epoxy by nano fillers is a dominant factor to increase PD resistance. When nano fillers are small in size, and interfacial thickness is large, increased PD resistance can be expected. The interfacial thickness is related to interaction zones. Addition of coupling agents will increase and tighten the interaction zones. Nano fillers tend to remain on the surface of nanocomposites under test. This performance will also help increase PD resistance.
Conference Paper
In this paper the effect on dc and ac electrical properties of silica nano and micro particles dispersed in epoxy resins is discussed. In particular, space charge, conductivity, dielectric strength and partial discharge resistance is analyzed. The results show that nanostructured materials exhibit smaller space charge accumulation with respect to both base and microfilled materials. Regarding PD resistance, micro + nano filled materials display longer lifetimes with respect to base epoxy resin and materials including nanofillers or microfillers alone.
Conference Paper
In this research work the behaviour of LDPE nanostructured compounds under the action of surface partial discharges (SPD) is investigated. Films of unfilled LDPE and of LDPE nanocomposites were subjected to the action of SPD by the application of an AC voltage. The breakdown of the film specimens was chosen as the endpoint criterion: the lifetimes of the nanocomposite materials were recorded and compared to the unfilled polymer. The nanocomposites show longer durations than unfilled LDPE under the same stress conditions.