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Experience in Teaching Practice of Pre-service Teachers: Analysis of Written Reflections

  • Vytautas Magnus University Education Academy

Abstract and Figures

Teacher training institutions have a mission of high responsibility to train competitive educators for change and future schools. Researchers highlight the need for relation between theory and practice as well as interaction between personal and professional experiences. The article reveals the characteristics of personal professional experience gained in accomplishment of objectives of teaching practice by students studying music pedagogy. The analysis of written reflections highlights positive and negative factors that may have impact on implementation of students’ pedagogical competencies during their teaching practice.
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Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 191 ( 2015 ) 1048 – 1053
Available online at
1877-0428 © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of WCES 2014
doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.04.526
WCES 2014
Experience in Teaching Practice of Pre-service Teachers: Analysis
of Written Reflections
Asta Rauduvaitơ
*, Jolanta Lasauskienơ
, Marijona Barkauskaitơ
Faculty of Education, Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Studentǐ st. 39, LT-08106 Vilnius, Lithuania
Teacher training institutions have a mission of high responsibility to train competitive educators for change and future schools.
Researchers highlight the need for relation between theory and practice as well as interaction between personal and professional
experiences. The article reveals the characteristics of personal professional experience gained in accomplishment of objectives of
teaching practice by students studying music pedagogy. The analysis of written reflections highlights positive and negative
factors that may have impact on implementation of students’ pedagogical competencies during their teaching practice.
© 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
lection and peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of WCES 2014.
Keywords: pre-service teachers of music, teaching practice, written reflections, positive experience, negative experience.
1. Introduction
Modern pedagogical theory and practice get more and more focused on responding to the challenges of the 21
century on implementing life-long learning, on assuring the quality of education, on training of individuals for
uccessful professional activities in rapidly changing social and cultural conditions (Education and Training 2020).
Teacher training institutions have a mission of high responsibility to train competitive educators for change and
future schools.
Works of researchers from different countries (Shaffer, 2004; Barkauskaitơ, Peþiuliauskienơ, 2009;
Black, Plowright, 2010; Raudelinjnaitơ, 2010) h
ighlight the significance of relation between theory and practice as
* Asta Rauduvaitơ. Tel.:+370-699-79154.
E-mail address:
© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of WCES 2014
Asta Rauduvaitė et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 191 ( 2015 ) 1048 – 1053
well as interaction between personal and professional experiences. These opportunities are revealed during teaching
practice, when students reflect on their personal experiences
(Pollard, 2008). Teaching practice is such a period of
studies when the initial professional steps are made, when the attitude towards teacher’s activity, rights, obligations
and responsibilities is shaped. It is the educational space where the quality of competencies acquired during the
studies is revealed. Hence, the purpose of teaching practice is to help pre-service teachers acquire professional
competencies and experience necessary for practical activity (Teacher Training Regulation, 2012). Pre-service
teachers should be practicians who continuously analyse and contemplate, i.e., reflect on their activities
(Peþiuliauskienơ, 2009). Reflection
during practical studies enables self-observation, adjustment of one’s goals,
learning achievements, weaknesses (Bubnys, Žydžinjnaitơ, 2010). A
nalysis of real educational problems and
reflecting on personal experiences allow pre-service teachers seek for fresh knowledge and competencies, which are
needed for the improvement of teaching practice as well as for the increase of professional motivation (Rodzeviþnjtơ,
1.1. Problem Statement
Yet in Lithuania, pecu
liarities of music pedagogy students’ experience in teaching practice have not yet been
evaluated to a wider extent and remain the problem of the research.
1.2. Purpose of Study
The aim of the research is to highlight the characteristics of pre-serv
ice music teachers’ experiences on the basis
of their written reflections in order to accomplish the objectives of teaching practice.
2. Research design
2.1. Participants
hirty four 3
and 4
year students (pre-service teachers) involved in the programme of music pedagogy at the
Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences participated in this research. The survey was anonymous. The
reflections were written after the students’ return from teaching practice in schools. The research was performed in
March 2013.
2.2. Data collection
The qualitative research method was chosen for this study, using semi-structured written student reflections (Yip,
), which prompted research participants to recollect, think over, reassess and describe in writing specific cases
experienced during the teaching practice.
The article analyses the considerations of the research participants, with regard to the following questions
formulated by the researchers: Describe the situations of the teaching practice, where you experienced success or
failure, positive or negative feelings; What did the teaching practice mean to you personally, what did you learn
about yourself as pre-service teacher of music? The research participants were free to choose the number of such
situations to describe, to provide specific examples.
2.3. Data analysis
he content of the written reflections was analysed on the basis of qualitative content analysis (Neuendorf, 2002).
The qualitative content analysis enabled the definition of the ways that reflection authors treat a successful case of
ing practice, determination of the ways of their reasoning and understanding, positive or negative feelings
revealed, the depth of the reflection. Qualitative content analysis is based on systemic realization of these steps:
multiple reading of the text; identifying of manifest categories based on key words; dividing the categories into
subcategories; interpreting of the categories with subcategories included their substantiation, based on extracted
1050 Asta Rauduvaitė et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 191 ( 2015 ) 1048 – 1053
evidence from the text.
2.4. Research ethics
The research ethics was grounded on the principles of goodwill, voluntarism, confidentiality (Miller, et al,
3. Results
analysis of the students reflections on their experiences during teaching practice, 6 qualitative categories
were distinguished, which can be subdivided into two groups (themes) positive and negative experience of
dents during teaching practice (see Table 1).
Table 1. Results of analysis of the students’ written reflections
Theme: positive experience of students during teaching practice
Theme: negative experience of students during teaching practice
Students’ positive
experience in terms
of relations with
x Humane interrelationship,
based on confidence, respect
Ability to arise pupils’ interest
in the music subject
x Effective lesson planning
x Class control
x Giving and getting feedback
Students’ negative
experience in terms of
relations with pupils
x Fear, worry, distrust
experienced by the student
Lack of skills and experience
x Pupils’ destructive beha
in class
Problems of conducting
educational activities
Students’ positive
experience in terms
of relations with the
mentors, other
Students’ negative
experience in terms of
relations with the
mentors, other teachers
x Lack of cooperation, feedback
x Unfulfilled expectations
Personality (self-)
development and
Lack of professional
readiness (directiveness)
x Disappointment with the
teacher’s profession
x Lack of cooperation with
x Boring, complicated university
actice tasks
3.1. Characteristics of the students’ positive experience during
teaching practice
3.1.1. Expression of positive experience in terms of relations with the pupils
Analysis of expression of positive experience in the students’ relation
s with pupils is dominated by such
subcategories as humane interrelation (based on confidence, respect), ability to arise pupils’ interest in music as
subject, effective lesson planning, class control, giving and getting feedback.
The research revealed that during their practice students succeed in establishing contact with pupils: Children
need love, understanding and support. Respect, confidence w
ere expressed by the pupils’ attentiveness, friendly
disposition; they were frank, willing to cooperate. According to the students : „<…>if y
ou talk to and treat children
as equals, good results can be achieved. T
he pupils’ confidence caused the students feel personally recognised
felt wanted, I could and was able to help the children”). On the other hand, it facilitated more successful musical
activities in class and allowed students feel good during the teaching practice.
3.1.2. Expression of p
ositive experience in terms of relations with the mentors and other teachers
Asta Rauduvaitė et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 191 ( 2015 ) 1048 – 1053
Upon analysis of expression of the students’ positive experience with the mentors and other teachers, the
reflections revealed such subcategories as a close cooperation, partner interrelationship, setting of a welcoming
atmosphere and inducement of the students’ self-confidence.
Mutual cooperation between the mentor, practice supervisor and the student is prerequisite in the attainment of
objectives of teaching practice, as students often look for teaching examples they can follow around them.
Moreover, a favourable atmosphere motivates students during their teaching practice: a welcoming reception and
acceptance in a school, assurance of the conditions necessary to conduct practice tasks, self-testing in new situations
of teaching activities, partnership, cooperation, effective feedback. It is assumed that thereby a psychological
security, students’ higher involvement in educational activities at school is preconditioned.
3.1.3. Expression of personality (self-) development and professional improvement
The third category of the st
udents’ positive experience reflects such subcategories as personality (self-)
development and professional improvement of pre-service teachers of music (see Table 2).
Table 2. Category: personality (self-) development and professional improvement
Fragments of reflections
Self-assessment opportunities, self-cognition is revealed during the practice; you are able to feel whether you
are accessible to pupils, teachers.
<…>during the teaching practice I learnt and experienced a lot. I saw my mistakes, I can correct them<…>.
The practice to me was like a challenge where I had to overcome myself, was able to better perceive my
calling, acquire fresh knowledge and courage, pedagogical self-confidence.
I realised that teacher’s ongoing work with himself/herself is one of the key conditions. For this purpose
children are the best teachers.
Gaining of new experience
Practice is very important for a developing teacher of music.
Practice is a perfect thing as I gain so much experience; acquire new feelings, moods, knowledge. I improve
my abilities and skills during the practice.
Enhancement of
professional motivations
I see my future as a teacher who is successful in performing
<...>I wish I could appear in school atmosphere again, as soon as possible, get acquainted with professional
teachers and learn something new, which I will definitely need in the future.
The content of the students’ reflections revealed that pupils, mentors and other teachers who students
communicated and cooperated with during their teaching practice caused the change of the students’ attitude
towards themselves as future educators: Opportunities of self-assessment, self-knowledge open up during
actice”. It is presumed that thereby the pre-service teachers of music could feel the value and meaning of
ucational activities; the development of professionalism and pride in the profession of a teacher of music were
facilitated. In a certain sense, the communication with pupils, mentors is the foundation of formation of professional
self-identification (Practice is very important to a developing teacher of music“)
. No doubt, such a positive
experience motivates pre-service teachers.
3.2. Characteristics of students’ negative experience d
uring teaching practice
Some students’ reflections revealed negative experience related to their teaching practice. In most cases it is
ociated with negative relations between students and pupils, students and mentors and other teachers, as well as
lack of professional readiness (directiveness).
Analysis of negative experiences of the students with regard to their relations with pupils showed that experience
of worry and distrust in oneself prevail in the reflections: „At the beginning of the practice, perhaps, worry disturbed
me during the lesson. The feeling of fear, distrust in oneself was mainly experienced by those students who were
ot able to control the class in cases of discipline problems: „<...>when exposed to unrest in the class, I did not
know how to deal with it“. Pupils from senior classes were the most difficult to deal with for the students. Problems
conducting educational activities appeared when the students were unable to appropriately plan the lesson
timing“, „s
elect the repertoire in accordance with the pupils age, etc.
1052 Asta Rauduvaitė et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 191 ( 2015 ) 1048 – 1053
The negative experiences with regard to mentors, other teachers and fellow students are associated with the lack
of cooperation, feedback. The feedback maintains the internal motivation to learn, encourages the student and
entor to cooperate, assess their own activities
There were students whose reflections revealed disappointment with the teacher’s profession (The
undisciplined senior pupils caused my disinclination to work as a teacher…“). Obviously, the disappointment with
the profession may be caused by a moderate teaching practice experience of the students, lack of communication,
disability to deal with pupils’ behavioural, discipline problems.
4. Discussion
st of foreign researchers focus on practical teaching activities (National System Overwiew on Education
systems in Europe and Ongoing Reforms, 2011). Teaching practice is considered the most important part of
agogical studies, which helps future teachers take a full part in the school life.
Results of the research conducted, in comparison to research data from other countries (Baskan, Yildiz, Tok,
2013; Fook, 2012; Güven, 2010; Li, Lowe, 2006), lead to the statement that teaching practice in different countries
is related to both positive and negative experiences of students and is basically exposed to identical problems of
accomplishment of objectives of teaching practice. They reflect pre-service teachers’ attitude towards teaching
practice in school, the prestige, social status of the teacher’s profession in different countries. The above mentioned
research data show that practical training of pre-service teachers should be enhanced and continuously improved.
Teaching practice allows students develop a distinct attitude towards their future educational activities. Such
considerations are predetermined by multiple factors (desire to become a teacher, subjective approach towards
studies, their goals, results, internal processes, which influence and comprise studies) (Martišauskienơ, 2007).
alysis of written reflections actualised the importance of pre-service teachers’ positive experience during teaching
practice, the transformation of their professional background into a role in a school community. The practicing
students described teacher’s activities as very complicated and bearing high responsibility, requiring a good subject-
related and psychological training, self-dependence, ability to reflect, person’s maturity, ability to perceive the
importance of teacher’s personality in respect of values (Barkauskaitơ, Peþiuliauskienơ, 200
9). Although some
students have difficulties with metacognitive assessment, generally the students’ approach towards their activities
and evaluation of teaching practice in school is quite favourable.
5. Conclusions and Recommendations
on analysis of the research material, the following areas of students’ experience during teaching practice were
established: 1) relations with pupils, 2) relations with mentors and other teachers, 3) personality (self-) development
and professional improvement.
Students’ positive experiences during teaching practice highly depend on humane interrelations (based on
respect, confidence), ability to arise pupils’ interest in the subject of music, effective lesson planning, class control,
giving and getting feedback, setting of a welcoming atmosphere. The positive purposefulness of personality (self-)
development and professional improvement during teaching practice depends on students’ ability to assess and
develop personal qualities, to gain new experience, to increase the motivation of choosing a teacher’s profession.
Students’ ne
gative experiences disclose contradictory emotional experiences (lack of confidence in themselves,
fear and dissatisfaction). The negative experiences of student
s’ relations with pupils, mentors which were gained
during the teaching practice are generally associated with pupils’ destructive behaviour in class, lack of professional
readiness (directiveness).
Therefore, in order to improve the organisation of teaching practice for pre-service teachers, the application of
reflection should be enforced in the process of pedagogical studies as the basis for combining and integrating
theoretical and practical knowledge, and for learning from the own experience. The contents of other subjects’
lts should also be supplemented with measures designed to develop the above mentioned abilities.
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... This is advantageous to the professional growth of these pre-service teachers. As Samuel (2010), Mannathoko (2013), and Rauduviate, Lasauskiene, and Barkauskaite (2015) have demonstrated, it is considered as a teaching-guided experience in which pre-service teachers take on more responsibility for leading learners' learning while also experiencing teaching. As a result, preservice teachers are provided an opportunity that inspires and helps them grasp their position as teachers with students in the actual classroom while contributing to their professional development. ...
... This is advantageous to the professional growth of these pre-service teachers. As Samuel (2010), Mannathoko (2013), and Rauduviate, Lasauskiene, and Barkauskaite (2015) have demonstrated, it is considered as a teaching-guided experience in which pre-service teachers take on more responsibility for leading learners' learning while also experiencing teaching. As a result, preservice teachers are provided an opportunity that inspires and helps them grasp their position as teachers with students in the actual classroom while contributing to their professional development. ...
... PBL is a student-centered learning technique that teaches practical-oriented concepts (Wafula & Odhiambo, 2016). PBL is one method that leads pedagogical technology towards interactive learning, including project preparation and presentation (Rauduvaitė, Lasauskienė, & Barkauskaitė, 2015). ...
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This study is an attempt to assess the level as well as factors associated with teaching practices among students and instructors in a higher learning institute in the United States. The sample population comprised 181 undergraduate and postgraduate students and 22 instructors from the School of Education. Questionnaires using a 6 point Likert-scale were administered to all 203 respondents whilst interviews were conducted with 5 undergraduates, postgraduates and instructors. In addition, document analysis was also conducted on the syllabus used for the 12 courses. Descriptive analysis indicated that most of the teaching practices (dimensions or overall) recorded above moderate level in higher education. Inferential statistical analysis indicated that many of the sub-variables seemed to have moderate influences on the dimensions of teaching practices. Results of independent-samples t-tests, indicated that gender did not have any influence on the perception of teaching practices. Generally, students' preference for feedback and active learning coincided with the concept of transformative learning. This should augur well especially in laying the foundations for more specific actions to further improve teaching practices in higher education in the United States as well as other universities which aspire to become research universities. (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of Prof. Dr. Huseyin Uzunboylu
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PISA which is an examination of assessing student groups aged 15 in subject areas of Mathematics, Social Sciences and Reading Skills is arranged by Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development OECD every three years and was applied in the years of 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009 and 2012. The success of Finnish students has attracted the attention of many other countries and countries whose success rate is low like Turkey have started searching education system and teacher training system of Finland. For this reason, the primary reason of this study is to explain the most important factors such as education system and teacher training system behind the outstanding success of Finnish students and the secondary reason is to discuss what lessons could be taken by Turkey considering the differences in educational policies between Turkey and Finland. (C) 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
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This study is set in the context of a postgraduate course for pharmacists where the participants were exposed to a systematic reflective learning strategy facilitated by a structured, written Reflective Portfolio. Data were generated using focus groups and individual interviews. An inductive approach to data analysis resulted in a Multi‐dimensional Model of Reflection that has not previously been presented elsewhere. It illustrates the complexities of reflective learning and therefore challenges the simplicity with which ‘reflection’ is often portrayed in the literature. It is argued that the research provides a significant contribution to an understanding of reflection for learning and professional practice development. It is further argued that the model of reflection is transferable or relatable to other professional areas.
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This study aims at determining teacher candidates’ positive and negative impressions of the schools where they do teaching practice as required by the course of School Experience II and of teaching practice teachers. The research group is composed of 82 final year students taking the course of School Experience II in the Vocational Education Faculty of Gazi University in the 2008–20099 academic year. Open-ended questions prepared by the researcher were used so as to determine the prospective teachers’ impressions. The quantitative research techniques were employed in the analysis of the data. The research findings revealed that in addition to positive impressions concerning the schools of practice teaching and practice teaching teachers, the prospective teachers also held some negative impressions. Based on the research findings, it might be recommended that the properties of schools should be considered in determining schools of practice teaching.
In reflective practice, social work students are encouraged to undergo self-reflection. It is a process of self-analysis, self-evaluation, self-dialogue and self-observation. Under appropriate conditions, social workers’ self-reflection can be very constructive, resulting in self-enhancement. However, under inappropriate conditions, social workers’ self-reflection in reflective practice can be destructive and create problems for their professional and self-development.
In this article, I propose a theory of pedagogical praxis. Pedagogical praxis begins with the premise that under the right conditions, computers and other information technologies can make it easier for students to become active participants in meaningful projects and practices in the life of their community and suggests that professional practices such as architecture, mediation, and journalism can provide constructive models for helping students learn from such experiences. In this vision, new technology reinvigorates Dewey's (1915) idea of linking school with society. Technology builds a bridge that allows young people to participate in the learning practices of professionals; in the process, they develop epistemological frameworks that organize the skills, habits, and understandings they need to thrive in a complex, postindustrial society. Although further work needs to be done to explore the processes through which such learning can take place, studies suggest that this perspective may be a productive avenue for continuing research. This article presents an overview of the theories and methods that inform such work.