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The rural population of Ethiopia entirely depends on biomass for everyday energy needs except for light. The traditional system, particularly during cooking, incurs among others huge energy loss that could have been used otherwise. The system has been recognized as having significant effect on natural resource degradation, harmful health hazards and negative economic consequences. As a result, the government has been encouraging the use of energy saving technologies. Mirt and Gonze stoves are the two most dominantly promoted technologies. Promotion and efficiency evaluations were conducted. The result of the evaluation confirmed that households that use Mirt and Gonze stoves can save more than 33% and 20% of wood biomass that could have been used if traditional open stove was used, respectively. The time efficiency, length of time the stoves gave energy to bake additional Injera for Mirt and Gonze was increased by 63% and 50%, respectively. Thus, Mirt and stoves are efficient than the traditional open stoves. Due to durability, farmers preferred Mirt stove over Gonze. Utilization of Mirt stove can save 15% of wood biomass over Gonze. Promotion of Mirt stove in rural Ethiopia is vital to enhance biomass energy efficiency.
of Energy and Natural Resources
2015; 4(2): 27-33
Published online April 8, 2015 (
doi: 10.11648/j.jenr.20150402.11
ISSN: 2330-7366 (Print); ISSN: 2330-7404 (Online)
Enhancing Biomass Energy Efficiency in Rural Households
of Ethiopia
Dagninet Amare, Asmamaw Endeblhatu, Awole Muhabaw
Bahir Dar Agricultural Mechanization and Food Science Research Centre, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
Email address: (D. Amare), (A. Endeblhatu), (A. Muhabaw)
To cite this article:
Dagninet Amare, Asmamaw Endeblhatu, Awole Muhabaw. Enhancing Biomass Energy Efficiency in Rural Households of Ethiopia. Journal
of Energy and Natural Resources. Vol. 4, No. 2, 2015, pp. 27-33. doi: 10.11648/j.jenr.20150402.11
The rural population of Ethiopia entirely depends on biomass for everyday energy needs except for light. The
traditional system, particularly during cooking, incurs among others huge energy loss that could have been used otherwise. The
system has been recognized as having significant effect on natural resource degradation, harmful health hazards and negative
economic consequences. As a result, the government has been encouraging the use of energy saving technologies. Mirt and
Gonze stoves are the two most dominantly promoted technologies. Promotion and efficiency evaluations were conducted. The
result of the evaluation confirmed that households that use Mirt and Gonze stoves can save more than 33% and 20% of wood
biomass that could have been used if traditional open stove was used, respectively. The time efficiency, length of time the
stoves gave energy to bake additional Injera for Mirt and Gonze was increased by 63% and 50%, respectively. Thus, Mirt and
stoves are efficient than the traditional open stoves. Due to durability, farmers preferred Mirt stove over Gonze. Utilization of
Mirt stove can save 15% of wood biomass over Gonze. Promotion of Mirt stove in rural Ethiopia is vital to enhance biomass
energy efficiency.
Wood Biomass, Local Stove, Gonze, Mirt, Charcoal, Efficiency
1. Introduction
The use of wood as fuel source for heating and cooking is
as old as civilization itself. Almost all African countries still
rely on wood to meet basic energy need. Wood fuels account
for 90-98% of residential energy consumption in most sub-
Saharan Africa. Ethiopia consumed 0.566 million m
of wood
accounting for 9.1% of total African cooking and heating
wood consumption
. Fuel wood accounts for around 78% of
the total energy demand in Ethiopia
.In general, average
energy consumption of African households is significant. The
average per capita firewood consumption in some African
countries for families of 2-6 members was estimated at 1.14-
1.36 tons. Families with seven and greater members consume
on average 1.12 tons per capita with the annual to total
consumption for an average family of 4.7 persons being 6.4
1.1. Local Energy Consumption and Sources
Biomass fuels (firewood, agricultural residues, animal
wastes and charcoal) account for up to 90 percent of the
energy supply of Ethiopia
.The households of Zege, on
average, had a total annual tree based wood harvest of 3.12
tons per annum where 1.31 tons per annum is extracted for
fuel wood by families of 4.2 individuals. The average annual
tree based wood consumed was 0.34 tons on adult equivalent
and 0.32 tons on per capita bases
. In Dega and moist
Woina Dega agro-ecological zones of Ethiopia, the annual
per capita fuel wood consumption is estimated to be
and 882kg respectively
1.2. Source of Fuel Wood
In a study undertaken in Dera woreda, fuel wood was used
as source energy for 87.3% of the households while in
combination with animal dung for 12.2% of the households.
Homestead eucalyptus plantation was the major (56.6%)
.Church forests also provide fuel wood for the
population while trees in the farm land provide part of the
demand. In other studies, approximately 48% of the
households collect fuel wood from common areas
1.3. Impact of Traditional Energy Utilization System
Energy utilization in the developing world is a major threat
to the environment and health aspects occurring in the rural
28 Dagninet Amare, et al.: Enhancing Biomass Energy Efficiency in Rural Households of Ethiopia
and poor urban households. Lack of clean and affordable
energy is recognized as a significant barrier to development
and major contributor to a host of environmental and human
health problems
.Reliance on traditional energy sources of
biomass brought threat from overuse, creating additional
environmental challenges ranging from local land use to
global climate change and applications in smoky
.If current fuel wood utilization trends continue,
most developing countries are predicted to experience severe
shortage of fuel wood by 2025. In sum, it leads to depletion
of tree stocks or threat to biodiversity, desertification,
reduced water quality, sedimentation, dust storms, air
pollution and health problems such as respiratory illnesses
and allergies
[1] [2] [5][7]
1.4. Energy Utilization and Efficiency
In a scenario of climate change adaptation and biodiversity
degradation, reducing the burden on forests is a truthfully
critical intervention given the proportion of the population
dependent on fuel wood extraction for household energy
consumption. At the moment it is impossible to avoid the
dependence on wood repay to the lack of alternative energy
sources especially electricity. However, increasing the
efficiency of the available resource or maximizing the energy
will be a considerable contribution to the agenda
of the UN’s biodiversity conservation as most are produced
from natural forests of indigenous species. It is also
important for the country to catch up the rapid development
through facilitation of the conservation and management of
the natural resource base.
1.5. Defects of Traditional System
Given the available traditional energy utilization system,
there is extravagancy in energy utilization
. High biomass
energy consumption along with inefficient utilization has
contributed for deforestation, biodiversity loss and land
. In Ethiopia the common and dominant energy
system is the open stove system. This system has been
described as having several defects. For example much of the
energy is lost without purposes owe to its openness and wind
condition. Women are exposed for dual health problems. At
first the smoke coming from the stove does not have a
specific direction, it moves all ways resulting in open
exposure of the women for the smoke heat. It is not
uncommon to see significant population of the rural women
with leaking eyes. Moreover the heat coming from the stove
does heart the front leg of the women. It is also common to
see darkened and dry front legs of women. The family is also
in danger of the health effect as most are done inside or
around the house where baby children are also victims of this
technology. Thus, the traditional energy production system
for baking and cooking is a basic economical and health issue
problem at the household level.
1.6. Strategies Recommended
Household energy is one of the major problems to the
deforestation and subsequent degradation rural areas. Hence,
an appropriate energy supply and utilization should be part of
the development strategy of a project intervention
.Therefore, large-scale distribution of improved stoves
will help to reduce pressure on the biomass resources, eases
the conservation of forests, increase land productivity by
reducing crop residue and dung usage for fuel wood, and
helps to avoid rural health problems arising from smoke and
heat during food preparation. The way out is provision of
cheap and affordable fuel, afforestation and environmental
consciousness through environmental education
. Further,
policies that enhance integrated rural development and
promote sustainable energy utilization in rural communities
need to be put in place and implemented
efficiency of biomass energy utilization and reduction of
wastage in Ethiopia is an important intervention
this research activity was designed to evaluate, select and
promote the most viable energy saving technology to the
rural population of the country.
2. Objectives
The objective of this research was to evaluate, select and
promote the most efficient energy saving technology to the
2.1. Materials and Methods
The demonstration and evaluation was conducted in
Enqulal watershed of Dera woreda, Amhara region, North
West Ethiopia. Overall 29 female farmers were selected
randomly and trained. Out of which 3 female farmers were
selected based on accessibility and willingness for evaluation
of the stoves.
2.2. Technology Description
The Mirt and Gonze molds has totally eight different
materials each, it was manufactured from 1.5mm sheet metal,
round iron, flat iron and square pipe. It has two half circles,
the external diameter of the circle has 325mm and the
internal side of diameter 285mm which manufactures the
sides of the stoves. The mold also has two materials the wood
intern and the smock exit.
Mirt stove: A Mirt stove has groves that the components fit
to each other. The average price of the Mirt stove in much of
the markets in the region is 100 ETB. The components of
Mirt stove energy saving stove mold are side mold, exit
smock mold, wood intern mold and mold for dish.
Gonze stove: Gonze is made with mold but with no groves
rather each closing another component. Thus the Gonze thou
has a maximum diameter, to the size of the mold, does not
have a minimum diameter. It can be reduced to suit the
purpose or size of the stove.
Local stove: it is an open stove where three medium sized
stones are used to put the “Mitad”. It is open except the
spaces occupied by the stones.
Journal of Energy and Natural Resources 2015;
“Gonze” wood saving stove
Fig. 2. Mirt” wood
saving stove
2.3. Methodology of Training and Evalu
2.3.1. Initial Survey
Assessment on the status of kitchens and the availability of
will be carried out.
2.3.2. Selection of Farmers
As to the plan a site was selected in Dera woreda. The area
kebeles were selected. Women
were selected from Enqulal
watershed comprising 7 kebeles (29
) with
project technicians
. The women selected were from both men
(90%) and women headed households (
2.3.3. The Experimental Women’s Ki
The women selected for this evaluation were
40 years of age on average. They ar
e experienced bakers of
spanning for more than half of their age. They were
their time. The procedure provided to the
were installing in their kitchens
, prepar
according to the tradition and
stoves for two weeks.
2.3.4. Test Condition
Given the requirements of the test the team decided to take
Journal of Energy and Natural Resources 2015;
4(2): 27-33
Gonze wood saving stove
saving stove
Assessment on the status of kitchens and the availability of
local materials and other improved fuel saving technologies
As to the plan a site was selected in Dera woreda. The area
selected is Enqulal watershed whereby 29 female farmers
from both male and female headed households from 7
were selected from Enqulal
) with
the help of the
. The women selected were from both men
The women selected for this evaluation were
married and
e experienced bakers of
spanning for more than half of their age. They were
selected due to their houses accessibility (nearest to the road)
and willingness to undertake the evaluation by sacrificing
evaluation women
, prepar
ation of yeast
with the new
Given the requirements of the test the team decided to take
major energy using stages like the first firing and the last heat
that still helps to bake. Thus, it was reached that a sample
each of the three stoves on three women for
Injera baking,
the mo
st energy consuming activity,
Besides, the least energy consuming activities like
coffee and stew “wot” preparation were not considered
separately. This is due to the priority that much of the energy
consumption and health proble
which is the sole dominant bread for the Northern Ethiopian
2.4. Data Collection and Anal
2.4.1. Data Collection on
During data collection
, three replications for
model were conducted. E
ach stove
bake 10 Injera
but time was recorded when there is also
additional heating value. Consequently, with the acqu
of Mirt and Gonze stove, evaluations were done one after the
other in two cases and two para
of wood before baking
at first
wood left and amount of charcoal obtained after the time
where there was not possible to bake any more
using a spring balance
of time of energy available for baking additional
Farmers feedback was collected both
evaluation sites.
2.4.2. Data Analysis
ata was analyzed using simple descriptive statistics on
excel 2007 and
Stata 11 software.
Result and Discussion
3.1. Household
Energy Source Conditi
The area belongs to the highlands of Ethiopia, and from
observation it is highly degraded. Thou mixed farming takes
place, due to the feed problem, the amount of dung extracted
m animals is barely enough. The major energy source in
the area is eucalyptus tree. As a result, the women
participants expressed the presence of acute shortage of fuel
wood for cooking. The energy source for lightening in most
households, is gasoline thou
rural electrification all over the country. Besides, it is
to assume that the rural community will use
electricity for cooking activities given the supply of kitchen
appliances along with a price level deemed an
knowledge of utilization that is also low in the urban areas.
3.2. Energy Shortage
The vast majority of rural people who are also dependent
on traditional fuels use primitive and inefficient technologies
.As a result,
25.4% of the respondents indi
shortage is a problem in the area. However, only 4% of the
respondents use energy saving technology (fuel stoves made
from mud) as a means to compensate for energy shortage.
Focus group discussion participants, in Dera woreda,
demanded de
livery of cement made energy saving stoves.
made energy saving stoves
some households but they break up within days resulting in
st energy consuming activity,
was considered
Besides, the least energy consuming activities like
coffee and stew wot preparation were not considered
separately. This is due to the priority that much of the energy
consumption and health proble
ms occur in Injera baking,
which is the sole dominant bread for the Northern Ethiopian
s and Time
, three replications for
each stove
ach stove
was given a chance of to
but time was recorded when there is also
additional heating value. Consequently, with the acqu
of Mirt and Gonze stove, evaluations were done one after the
other in two cases and two para
llels in one case. The weight
at first
for each stove, the size of
wood left and amount of charcoal obtained after the time
where there was not possible to bake any more
Injera was
using a spring balance
of size 50kgs and the length
of time of energy available for baking additional
Farmers feedback was collected both
during the training and
ata was analyzed using simple descriptive statistics on
Stata 11 software.
Result and Discussion
Energy Source Conditi
on in the Area
The area belongs to the highlands of Ethiopia, and from
observation it is highly degraded. Thou mixed farming takes
place, due to the feed problem, the amount of dung extracted
m animals is barely enough. The major energy source in
the area is eucalyptus tree. As a result, the women
participants expressed the presence of acute shortage of fuel
wood for cooking. The energy source for lightening in most
there is extensive expansion
rural electrification all over the country. Besides, it is
to assume that the rural community will use
electricity for cooking activities given the supply of kitchen
appliances along with a price level deemed an
d the
knowledge of utilization that is also low in the urban areas.
The vast majority of rural people who are also dependent
on traditional fuels use primitive and inefficient technologies
25.4% of the respondents indi
cated that energy
shortage is a problem in the area. However, only 4% of the
respondents use energy saving technology (fuel stoves made
from mud) as a means to compensate for energy shortage.
Focus group discussion participants, in Dera woreda,
livery of cement made energy saving stoves.
made energy saving stoves
, mud, has been used by
some households but they break up within days resulting in
30 Dagninet Amare, et al.
: Enhancing Biomass Energy Efficiency in Rural Households of Ethiopia
reluctance to use them.
3.3. Training of the Women Farmers
3.3.1. Theoretical
House hold and hus
banded females were trained on the
the training manual prepared.
3.3.2. Practical Production of the Stoves
Two models of Mirt and G
onze wood saving
used for training.
During the practical training, the team
produced six Mirt and four
Gonze stoves. Ultimately, the
Total fuel wood available at first (kg)
Amount of fuel wood burnt (kg)
Amount of time burnt ( minutes)
Amount of fuel wood saved after burning (kg)
Size of charcoal obtained after the burn ( kg)
3.3.4. Amount Wood Consumed
The following graph shows the performance of the stoves
Fig. 3.
The weight of wood burned i
n the first womans kitchen,
(I) type of stove (J) type of stove
Mean Difference (I
Traditional Gonze 0.933
Mirt 1.50
Gonze Traditional -0.933
Mirt 0.567
Mirt Traditional -
Gonze -.56667
In the third woman’s kitchen the weight of wood burnt
Kitchen 1
: Enhancing Biomass Energy Efficiency in Rural Households of Ethiopia
banded females were trained on the
concepts of fuel wood crises and its effect on
ecology, by
displaying other region or countrys experience supporting
with pictures photos and movies using laptop and LCD
onze wood saving
stoves were
During the practical training, the team
Gonze stoves. Ultimately, the
stoves were
given to farmers training center for dis
including one model made of local material.
of encouragement some 33
and given to them for further works.
3.3.3. Stove
Energy Efficiency Evalua
The type of energy used in this locality is biomass energy
resources except for lightening at night which is either
kerosene or electricity for some households.
dependent on wood
biomass. The energy biomass from dung
is insignificant due to
herd and feed
table shows the evaluation condition at the beginning of the
Table 1. Fuel efficiency of the stoves.
Observation Mean Std. Dev.
9 8.49 0.75
9 3.76 1
9 59.11 15.01
9 4.88 1.09
9 0.10 0.09
The following graph shows the performance of the stoves
under three sample households (women).
The weight of
wood burnt by three stoves to bake ten
tradition flat breads) was evaluated at three different kitchen
cells of by three women.
of wood burnt by the respective stoves in each woman’s kitchens.
n the first woman’s kitchen,
the amount of wood burned by Gonze and local stoves looks
more of equal while the weight was more than half by Mirt
stove. In the second woman’s condition the amount of wood
burnt using local stove and
while Gonze was the smallest.
Table 2. LSD of wood burnt in kg.
Mean Difference (I
-J) Std. Error Sig.
95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound
0.709 0.236 -0.801
0.709 0.079 -0.234
0.709 0.236 -2.667
0.709 0.454 -1.167
.70868 .079 -3.2341
.70868 .454 -2.3007
In the third womans kitchen the weight of wood burnt
progressively increased from Mirt to Gonze and then local. In
Kitchen 1
Kitchen 2 Kitchen 3
weight of wood in Kg
: Enhancing Biomass Energy Efficiency in Rural Households of Ethiopia
given to farmers training center for dis
including one model made of local material.
For the purpose
s were bought from Addis
and given to them for further works.
Energy Efficiency Evalua
The type of energy used in this locality is biomass energy
resources except for lightening at night which is either
kerosene or electricity for some households.
They are entirely
biomass. The energy biomass from dung
herd and feed
reduction.The following
table shows the evaluation condition at the beginning of the
Min Max
7 9.2
2.4 5
39 80
3 6.6
0 0.24
wood burnt by three stoves to bake ten
Injera (Ethiopian
tradition flat breads) was evaluated at three different kitchen
stove. In the second womans condition the amount of wood
irt was comparably similar
95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound
Upper Bound
progressively increased from Mirt to Gonze and then local. In
weight of wood in Kg
Journal of Energy and Natural Resources 2015; 4(2): 27-33 31
general, the amount of wood burnt to bake 10 Injera was
averagely low for Mirt and the highest for local stove. One
way ANOVA showed the absence of statistical difference
(F=2.28, p= 0.1829) on the weight of wood consumed both
by the three stoves and the women’s kitchens. In general,
Mirt and Gonze consumed 67.15% and 79.56% of the wood
consumed by traditional stove. Mirt burned only 84.40% of
the amount of wood consumed by Gonze stove.
3.3.5. Length of Time
The length of time refers to the number of minutes the
three stoves under the three experimental women have
performed. Gonze stove was providing heat for baking Injera
for longer periods in the second woman’s kitchen.
More importantly, the length of time Mirt stove provided
heat to bake additional Injera after the 10
Injera was baked
and the wood is avoided was almost constantly similar.
Similarly, the length of time the local stove provided heat to
bake additional Injera was comparatively the lowest in all
three conditions. This condition does not considered the
amount of heat the stove provided parallel to stew making
and water boiling in adjacency.
Table 3. ANOVA for burning time.
Source SS df MS F Prob > F
Between groups 1216.22 2 608.11 6.22 0.0345
Within groups 586.67 6 97.78
Total 1802.89 8 225.36
Bartlett's testfor equal variances:chi2(2) =2.0244Prob>chi2 = 0.363.
ANOVA showed the presence of significant difference in
length of time the wood burned among the three stoves.The
length of time the stoves gave energy sufficient to bake
additional ‘Injera’ was 1.63 and 1.5 times the length of
traditional stove burned, for Mirt and Gonze respectively.
Mirt gave a burning time of 0.08 times longer than Gonze.
Fig. 4. Length of time of burning after baking of the 10
3.3.6. Amount of Charcoal Extracted
Fig. 5. Amount of charcoal extracted.
The amount of charcoal extracted after termination of the
evaluation was measured. The local stove for Injera baking
has no charcoal extract. The weight of charcoal extracted
from Mirt stove was averagely higher than that of Gonze.
The amount of charcoal extracted from burned wood of
traditional stove was nil due to the use of small size sticks
that are highly blazing. This is due to the inability to
continuously flap the heat to burn that the wood should be
mostly sliced thinly. This incurs damage to what would have
been saved as a by-product (charcoal) to be used for stew and
coffee making. Thou, the amount is zero here, it is extracted
in most cases however very grainy in observation from
Table 4. ANOVA for charcoal extracted.
Source SS df MS F Prob > F
Between groups
0.051 2 0.026 7.99 0.0204
Within groups 0.019 6 0 .0032
Total 0.071 8 0 .009
Bartlett's test for equal variances:chi2(1) =0.0102Prob>chi2 = 0.920
One way ANOVA showed the presence of significant
difference (F=7.99, p=0.0204) in amount of charcoal
extracted from the three stoves among the three stoves.
Local Gonze Mirt
Time of burning (mins)
32 Dagninet Amare, et al.: Enhancing Biomass Energy Efficiency in Rural Households of Ethiopia
3.3.7. Overall Evaluation
Fig. 6. Overall efficiency.
According to Dagninet et al. (2012)
, the annual wood
consumption for fuel will be 0.22 tons and 0.26 tons per
capita bases. On adult equivalent bases the annual wood
consumed will be 0.23 tons and 0.27 tons respectively for
Mirt and Gonze stoves. On the other hand annual
consumption efficiency can be calculated by considering the
area as a moist Woina Dega livelihood zone
. Thus, annual
per capita fuel wood consumption will roughly be 596kg and
703kg for Mirt and Gonze stoves respectively. It helps to
save 290kg and 180kg of fuel wood annually on per capita
bases. In general Mirt stove showed a comparatively better
performance in terms of burning time and charcoal extracted
relative to Gonze and traditional stoves. Gonze has a
comparatively energy efficiency and wood reduction
advantage compared to local stove. The Mirt stove has a
better energy efficiency compared to both traditional and
Gonze stoves.
Table 5. LSD of length of time wood burnt in minutes.
(I) type of stove (J) type of stove Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound Upper Bound
Traditional Gonze -21.33
8.07 0.038 -41.09 -1.58
Mirt -27.00
8.07 0.016 -46.76 -7.24
Gonze Traditional 21.33
8.07 0.038 1.58 41.09
Mirt -5.67 8.07 0.509 -25.42 14.09
Mirt Traditional 27.00
8.07 0.016 7.24 46.76
Gonze 5.67 8.07 0.509 -14.09 25.42
*Mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.
3.4. Women’s Feedback
The test women reflected during the trial on the benefits
and shortages of each stove. They preferred the Mirt stove
due to longevity of age and ability to contain the heat for
longer periods. Dissatisfaction on Gonze stove rose mainly
due to loss of energy and breakability. Compared to the local
stove, Mirt requires longer heating period and more solid
wood while it is possible with leaves and thin wood slots that
Injera is baked in local stove. All of the women preferred
Mirt stove due to the benefits of energy saving, avoidance of
smokes and front leg burning. Alongside women, male
partners showed a heightened interest for the Mirt stove.
Overall, they ranked from first to last Mirt, Gonze and
traditional according decreasing trend of preference.
3.5. Opportunities for Promotion
The most valuable opportunities for promotion and
adoption of the technology are the ever increasing shortage
of biomass energy resources, the consciousness of the male
partners about the health problems faced by their wives,
especially their eyes and legs and the willingness to pay the
market price of the stove (100-150birr). The policy
inclination towards stall feeding is forcing people to own
fewer sizes of cattle than used to be. This reduces the amount
of dung available for energy. Thus, the importance of energy
saving technologies will be crucial that makes promotion
easier. However, for this specific area, there was mismatch in
diameter of “Mitad” available in the local market and the
diameter of the stove. Hence there is a need to modify to the
Burnt wood (kg) Time of burning (mins) Size of charcoal extracted(kg)
Journal of Energy and Natural Resources 2015; 4(2): 27-33 33
required size.
4. Conclusion
The stoves increase efficiency of available energy
utilization. Mirt and Gonze stoves help to save 33% and 20%
of the average annual energy consumption per household,
respectively. Efficiency could also be improved since there
was a slight difference between the “Mitad” and the Mirt
stove. Hence, reduction of the diameter of Mirt stove for that
particular locality to encourage more adoption is vital. The
farmers explained that while Gonze is useful as it does not
permanently occupy a space, there is a problem of loss of
heat and hence uses more fuel wood. In the case of Mirt
stove, they explained that it takes longer time and relatively
high amount of wood at the beginning for heating but after
heating it helps to bake more than that can be done with local
stove while the avoidance of smoke is considered vital.In
general, the supply of a mold or Mirt stove design that fits to
the diameter of the local “Mitad”s (averagely 56cm from a
sample of 28 “Mitad”s compared to 62cm of the Mirt mold
availed) helps to improve rural energy efficiency in Ethiopia.
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[9] Masekoameng K.E., Simalenga T.E. and Saidi T,2005.
Household energy needs and utilization patterns in the Giyani
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[10] Dessie Tarekegn Bantelay, Nigus Gabbiye. Design,
Manufacturing and Performance Evaluation of House Hold
Gasifier Stove: A Case Study of Ethiopia. American Journal of
Energy Engineering. Vol. 2, No. 4, 2014, pp. 96-102. doi:
... These pans consume between 50 % and 75 % of total household energy and account for 60 %-70 % of the hydroelectric power generated in Ethiopia [5,7,10]. However, each existing electric Injera baking pan consumes a substantial amount of electricity, approximately 3.5 kW-3.9 kW per baking session, resulting in significant energy waste during the process [11,12]. The current electrical pan is often criticized for its inefficiency, stemming from its outdated design and manufacturing flaws dating back to the 1960s, with no design improvements made since then [3,13]. ...
... such as phase change materials and pressurized water vessels with auxiliary heating components. The solar system collects heat from solar radiation, transfers it to a working fluid or storage medium, and then delivers the heat to the pan for baking Injera [1,12,14]. The main issue is that the solar-powered Injera baking system is efficient only during sunlight hours. ...
... Where: Q loss,bm− s = Heat energy lost from the bottom enclosure of the pan to surroundings, without insulator (KJ), t T = Total time required for baking 10 injera, T bm , T a = Temperature of the bottom surface of the electric pan and ambient respectively, U bm− s = Allover heat transfer coefficient from the bottom surface of the baking pan to the surroundings evaluated by equation (12). d. ...
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Electric Injera baking Pan are prevalent in Ethiopia but are highly inefficient, resulting in significant heat loss, high energy consumption, and increased energy bills. This research investigates improving these devices using steel powder as an additive and gypsum as an insulator. The study examines thermal conductivity, baking time, energy consumption, heat loss, and insulation effectiveness. The objectives of this research are to improve the thermal conductivity of the baking surface while ensuring even heat distribution, enhance the insulation properties of the pan to reduce heat loss, improve the safety of the user by reducing the risk of excessive heat exposure to the outer surfaces, and reduce the overall energy consumption of the Injera baking process. Temperatures were measured using an infrared thermometer, digital thermometer, and thermocouple. Four samples (A0, A1, A2, & A3) with different steel powder compositions (0 %, 15 %, 25 %, and 35 %) and a constant 75 % clay soil composition were tested. The analysis showed an average baking energy of 0.45 kWh per kg of injera (0.198 kWh per injera) and a thermal efficiency of 86.4 % when baking 4.395 kg of injera. The total heat energy loss was 1402.78 KJ (14.08 % of 10300 KJ input energy). The losses were distributed among the retained (92.17 %), the baking plate (3.95 %), the bottom enclosure (2.08 %), the side enclosure (1.04 %), and the cover lid (0.76 %).
... As part of Sub-Saharan Africa, Ethiopia exhibits the same energy profile and problem, with biomass accounting for 90% of total energy consumption, with half of this energy going toward baking the sole flat thin plate bread known locally as injera [2,3]. Most Ethiopians consume injera on a daily basis, which is baked using various energy sources, the majority of which are biomass with low energy conversion percentages ranging from 6 to 12 energy efficient and 20 to 33% biomass fuel saving stove as compare to open three stone stove [4][5][6]. Cooking with renewable energy has been attempted using solar energy and some modified technology using biomass as an energy source [7,8] Solar injera baking systems can significantly help to improve the country's natural deterioration by replacing traditional baking energy consumption. At the same time, it reduces the labor force and the negative impact of indoor pollution on women. ...
... So, for α n = 90 • , the declination angle is calculated using Eq. (4). And this declination angle is found two times in a year as we can see from Fig. 13 and Table 2. ...
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The efficiency of renewable energy equipment is highly reliant on the mechanism for properly capturing the resource and the equipment's performance. For any solar-powered device tracking mechanism is critical; it must be able to follow the pattern of the sun's path. This research created a manual tracking mechanism for a solar-powered steam injera stove. The design of the tracking mechanism tracks the path of the sun seasonally and daily for 5 h, half in the morning and a half in the afternoon, beginning at solar noon, it tracks the sun's path every 10 min. It investigates the relationship between solar intensity and receiver surface temperature. There were two experimental tests, one with one receiver surface data point and the other with three data points. The correlation coefficient of solar intensity with heat temperature on the receiver surface was r = 0.726 at the first data point. And, for the three points where data was collected for one and a half hours in the afternoon, on three-point of the receiver surface lower points, the correlation of solar intensity and average heat temperate of those three points is r = 0.766. For both of the experiment, the relationship of the solar intensity pattern shows there is a strong positive correlation with the temperature on the surface of the receiver which indicates the manual tracking system move with the proper path of the sun and concentrates the sun on the point receiver of the solar injera stove.
... By reducing the diameter of the Mirt stove, because there is a difference between the mitad and Mirt stove, efficiency of the stove can be increased (Amare et al., 2015). And in Putez and Muller (2011), if some improvements made on Mirt stove it could increase the efficiency on fuel wood savings. ...
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The households of Ethiopia mainly depend on biomass energy for their day to day activity. This dependency on biomass resource with traditional cook stove contribute to the depletion of environmental resource and health problem specially for women's and children's from indoor air pollution. From this the government has been encouraging the uses of improved cook stove technology at the household level. However, the uses of improved cook stove were very low. Hence, this study aims to estimate households WTP for improved Mirt stove and to identify factors that determine their WTP in semi urban areas of Gurage zone using Contingent valuation method and seemingly unrelated Bivariate Probit model. A sample of 251 households was randomly selected. The result of this study shows that households mean WTP is significantly influenced by bid price, monthly household income, family size, age, sex, marital status, environmental awareness, house ownership and availability of children under five year. The mean WTP for improved Mirt stove from the double bounded dichotomous choice format computed using the Krinsky Robb method was estimated to be 234.11 Birr and the total willingness to pay for improved Mirt stove is 3,561,281 birr. From the total surveyed households, 94.6% have shown their willingness to pay if there is an improvement in Mirt stove. Thus, the result can inspire the stakeholders those work in this area to invest for improving the current Mirt stove.
... Te fuel wood is the main energy sources in the study area. Similarly, in Dera woreda of central Ethiopia, 87.3% of the households use fuel wood only as a source of energy, while 12.2% of the households use animal dung in combination with fuel wood [39]. According to Bewket [40] about 36% of the households consumed more than the average amount of fuel wood (2,252 kg), and dung accounts for 33.5% of the total biofuel consumption of the surveyed households in Northwestern highlands of Ethiopia. ...
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The level of sediment deposited in the Lake Ziway is increasing through time as a result of soil erosion, and eventually the depth of the lake has decreased. Therefore, the objective of the study was to assess farmers’ perception of soil erosion and the conservation measures to the surrounding areas of Lake Ziway in the central Rift Valley of Ethiopia. The survey was made using purposive sampling techniques. The survey has considered the 14 Kebeles from the 3 districts adjacent to the lake. From each Kebele, 10 respondents were selected randomly. Totally, 140 respondents were selected from the community. The descriptive statistic was used to compare the dependent variables. The majority of respondents (92.2%) have observed the presence of soil erosion in the study area. The hillsides and slope areas are the major sources of soil erosion, according to 80% of the respondents. The respondents that have identified the most and least susceptible soils to erosion by their textural classes are sand soil (Biyyo Chirecha) (57.1%) and soft clay soil (Biyyo Bole) (1.4%), respectively. The soil erosion is increasing in their cultivated land and surrounding areas. The study has found that most of the respondents (86.5%) are participating in soil and water conservation activities. Leucaena leucocephala, Faidherbia albida, Azadirachta indica, and Schinus molle are the dominant tree species planted in the study area for soil and water conservation purposes. In conclusion, there is heavy soil loss due to erosion on cultivated land from the upland which directly deposited to Lake Ziway as sediment which decreases the lake depth. The study recommends that appropriate soil and water conservation measures and land management should be implemented on erosion prone areas in the Lake Ziway watershed with full participation of all stakeholders including the local farmers.
... On a global scale, nearly three billion of the world's population has no access to modern energy alternative and still depending on biomass. In Ethiopia, 29.6% of the population live below the poverty line (Iscaro 2014) and most of the rural population entirely depends on biomass for its energy needs (Amare, Endeblhatu, and Muhabaw 2015). The categories of the biomass energy sources are as follows (L'Orange, DeFoort, and Willson 2012): woody biomass (78%), dung (8%), crop residue (7%) and the remaining is from petroleum (5%) (Eshete, Sonder, and Ter Heegde 2006). ...
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Rural Ethiopian communities rely mostly on biomass fuels for subsistence and productive purposes. With an increasing population and dwindling forest resources, wood fuel consumption has exceeded its supply. Besides, people do not know ways of maximising biomass efficiency. The study involves the burning efficiencies of woods with varied moisture contents. Eucalyptus wood of five different moisture contents was used in five identical wood-burning stoves purposefully constructed for this purpose. Tests were conducted over 5 days, thereby giving five replications. In the tests, food temperature, stove body temperature, and stove smoke outlet temperature measurements were conducted along with ambient air temperatures. Wood with 10% moisture content performs better during combustion with respect to low and high moisture content wood. High moisture content delayed the cooking onset and low moisture decreased the duration of effective cooking. The 50% moisture content or greater with respect to oven-dried wood failed to cook. Moisture content of around 30% delayed the time to reach cooking temperature by two and hence elongated the cooking time. There is also the extended smoke time as observed from the smoke outlet temperature.
... Mirt and Gonze can save up to 33% and 20% of the wood biomass consumed by the typical open three stone stove, respectively (Amare 2015) (Fekadu et al. 2019). When compared to Gonze, the Mirt stove can conserve 15% more biomass (Amare 2015), see (Figure 3 b and c). ...
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The performance of an Ethiopian-designed and built-in gasifier stove was studied and evaluated. The water boiling test (WBT) findings are reported. This test was conducted in a controlled setting utilizing eucalyptus, bamboo, and sawdust-cow dung briquettes as test feedstocks, in accordance with WBT's 4.2.3 standard process and test manuals. Based on moisture content, the net calorific values of eucalyptus, bamboo, and sawdust-cow dung briquettes were calculated and determined to be 15.77 MJ/kg, 14.70 MJ/kg, and 15.35 MJ/kg, respectively. The efficiency of this stove was calculated utilizing those three feedstocks. As a result, the gasifier stove’s efficiency having eucalyptus, sawdust-cow dung briquette, and bamboo as feedstock were 32.30 + 0.3%, 31.5+ 0.5%, and 26.25 + 0.25%, respectively. This proportion did not include the ultimate charcoal production, but when this yield was employed as an energy input for additional charcoal burners, it increased to 53 + 2%. The relationship between gasifier stove charcoal production and total efficiency is negatively related, with a linear equation of Y= - 0.7956X+ 22.766 and an R- squared value of 0.92.When compared to local stoves and foreign gasifier stoves, whose efficiency is in the range of 10 % to 39% this efficiency rating was exceptional due to the fact that space between the internal and external cylinder help the secondary air to preheat before combustion and also the interior hallow cylinder help the primary air to move evenly in the vertical circular pattern for proper gasification, it will also help the gases that are produced during gasification process to move to the top part for combustion, indicating that this study can be fostered for prospective use.
... In Ethiopia, biomass energy is primarily used for cooking in both residential and commercial settings. Biomass fuel demand is increasing at the same rate as food production (i.e., 6 percent annually) ( [5]. ...
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The quality and reliability of electric power supply systems determine the quality of life and the growth of a nation. Electricity is present in every aspect of our daily lives. Renewable energy is, without a doubt, one of the most critical drivers of a country's socio-economic growth, and its importance in this regard cannot be overstated. Electricity access plays a significant role in other sources of energy. Electricity has made life much more straightforward in various sectors and facets of human endeavors, such as education, health, agriculture, and all households. Efficient power consumption and energy savings have become a major issue these days as the need for power demand increases day to day in Ethiopia. Ethiopia’s electricity coverage and per capita consumption are among the lowest in sub-Saharan Africa. Only 44 percent of over 110 million Ethiopians have access to electricity. Around 83% of the population lives in areas with less than 2% of the population having access to electricity. Electricity is a necessary component of any modern economy. A country's economic growth and development are dependent on the availability of a sufficient power supply at a fair cost. However, to meet the demand and minimize greenhouse gas emissions, cost-effectiveness and efficiency in electricity generation and distribution must be improved further.
The performance of an Ethiopian-designed and built-in gasifier stove was studied and evaluated. The water boiling test (WBT) findings are reported. This test was conducted in a controlled setting utilizing eucalyptus, bamboo, and sawdust-cow dung briquettes as test feedstocks, in accordance with WBT's 4.2.3 standard process and test manuals. Based on moisture content, the net calorific values of eucalyptus, bamboo, and sawdust-cow dung briquettes were calculated and determined to be 15.77 MJ/kg, 14.70 MJ/kg, and 15.35 MJ/kg, respectively. The efficiency of this stove was calculated utilizing those three feedstocks. As a result, the gasifier stove’s efficiency having eucalyptus, sawdust-cow dung briquette, and bamboo as feedstock were 32.30 + 0.3%, 31.5+ 0.5%, and 26.25 + 0.25%, respectively. This proportion did not include the ultimate charcoal production, but when this yield was employed as an energy input for additional charcoal burners, it increased to 53 + 2%. The relationship between gasifier stove charcoal production and total efficiency is negatively related, with a linear equation of Y= - 0.7956X+ 22.766 and an R- a squared value of 0.92. When compared to local stoves and foreign gasifier stoves, whose efficiency is in the range of 10 % to 39% this efficiency rating was exceptional due to the fact that the space between the internal and external cylinder helps the secondary air to preheat before combustion and also the interior hollow cylinder help the primary air to move evenly in the vertical circular pattern for proper gasification, it will also help the gases that are produced during gasification process to move to the top part for combustion, indicating that this study can be fostered for prospective use. Keywords Performance Analysis of Gasifier StoveWBT (Water Boiling Test)Different feed Stock
Conference Paper
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Model simulations permit to identify and predict the levels of loss arising under different storage temperature and maturity conditions in the supply chain. In this research kinetic model was developed for predicting relationship between storage temperature andmango quality attributes. Three quality attributes of mango (color, firmness and total soluble solids (TSS)) were measured and used for the kinetic modeling by estimating the parameters of the model. Mangoes were stored at 7, 13 °C and room temperature. The measurements were carried out with eight repetitions at one week intervals. From the tested equations exponential model for color and TSS found to be the best fit and logistic model for firmness. The model parameters were estimated by the simulation and also validated with a separate experiment with acceptable standard errors and minimum confidence interval of 87.58% which means that the variation in the measured data could be explained by the model. After developing the model a ripening stagewere assigned from 1 to 5 with the corresponding quality values; where 1 is the mature green and 5 is the over ripe stage. The result shows that softening was the limiting quality factor for mangoes stored at 7 °C and color was the limiting quality factor for mangoes stored at 13 °C and room temperature. Equations used in this research could be used to estimate quality loss at different conditions of mango fruit in the supply chain. Keywords: Mango · Quality · Kinetic modeling · Firmness · Color · Total soluble solids · Temperature
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Biomass energy accounts for about 11% of the global primary energy supply, and it is estimated that about 2 billion people worldwide depend on biomass for their energy needs. Yet, most of the use of biomass is in an inefficient manner, primarily in developing countries, leading to a host of adverse implications on human health, environment, workplace conditions, and social wellbeing. Therefore, the utilization of biomass in a clean and efficient manner to deliver modern energy services to the world's poor remains an imperative for the development of community. One possible approach to do this is through the use of efficient biomass gasifiers. Although significant efforts have been directed towards developing and deploying biomass gasifiers in many countries, in Ethiopia especially the gasifiers have technical and economic barriers that hinder house hold gasifier dissemination and application. House hold gasifier stove design, manufacture and scaling up their dissemination remains an elusive goal. This article focuses on identification and evaluation of technical and economical limitations of house hold biomass gasifier stoves manufactured and distributed in Ethiopia. Then designing a family size standard gasifier stove and manufacture and evaluate the performance efficiency of the newly designed house hold gasifier stove. Finally device a mechanism that can improve the overall efficiency and applicability of house hold sized gasifier stoves.
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A study was conducted in the rural communities of the Giyani district in Limpopo Province, with the aim of identifying types of energy resources used and the patterns of utilization of such energy sources. Surveys were conducted in three villages and semi-structured questionnaires were used to interview 20 randomly selected households per village. Focus group discussions were also held in each of the surveyed villages. Data obtained in all surveyed villages showed that fuel wood is the main source of energy for cooking and heating while paraffin and candles are mainly used for lighting. Wood in these villages is very scarce and communities spend 5 to 6 hours per trip collecting fuel wood. Women using the load-head method of carrying wood and occasionally wheelbarrows are the main source of labour used in collecting fuel wood. The paper concludes that there is a need to promote sustainable energy resources and technologies such as the use of improved wood and charcoal stoves. Furthermore, the paper recommends the promotion of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, which have a potential of being adopted in the area. It is also argued that policies which enhance integrated rural development and promote sustainable energy utilization in rural communities need to be put in place and implemented.
On average rural women spend over two hours collecting firewood headloads of 24 kg air-dry mass comprising approximately 28 pieces of 2,40 m length with a diameter of 44 mm and a mass of 862 g. The number of headloads averaged over five per week and average per capita consumption of firewood was 1,14 tons. Women have good local knowledge of tree species collected for firewood. Acacia karoo was the most favoured species. The open fire is used for cooking two to three meals per day. Paraffin was the most favoured alternative fuel. Patterns of woodfuel usage are location specific and vary widely. Research is needed into the multiple use of woody vegetation, as well as appropriate means of conserving woodfuel.
Wood Fuel Usage and the Challenges on the Environment
  • David Idiata
  • Mitchell Ebiogbe
  • Henry Oriakhi
  • Osazuwa Iyalekhue
David. J Idiata, Mitchell Ebiogbe, Henry Oriakhi, and Osazuwa. L Iyalekhue, 2013.Wood Fuel Usage and the Challenges on the Environment. International Journal of Engineering Sciences, 2(4).Pps: 110-114.
Coping with Fuelwood Scarcity: Household Responses in Rural EthiopiaEnvironment for Development, discussion paper series
  • Abebe Damte
  • Steven F Koch
  • Alemu Mekonnen
Abebe Damte, Steven F. Koch, and Alemu Mekonnen, 2012. Coping with Fuelwood Scarcity: Household Responses in Rural EthiopiaEnvironment for Development, discussion paper series (EfD DP 12-01).
The Remnants Forest Patches of Zege Peninsula, Ethiopia: Livelihood Strategies, Institutional Arrangements and Forest Products Extraction
  • Dagninet Amare
  • Assefa Seyoum
  • Fekadu Beyene
Dagninet Amare, Assefa Seyoum and Fekadu Beyene, 2012. The Remnants Forest Patches of Zege Peninsula, Ethiopia: Livelihood Strategies, Institutional Arrangements and Forest Products Extraction. Lambert Academic Publishing AG & Co KG.
Biomass Energy Strategy Ethiopia
  • Susanne Geissler
  • Dietmar Hagauer
  • Alexander Horst
  • Michael Krause
  • Peter Sutcliffe
Susanne Geissler, Dietmar Hagauer, Alexander Horst, Michael Krause, Peter Sutcliffe,2013. Biomass Energy Strategy Ethiopia.23rd December, 2013. Energy for development Pdf.
Integrated Forest Management Plan in Five Selected Church Forests In Dera Woreda: Implication For Ecological Restoration and Biodiversity Conservation. Forest Management Plan Report Submitted to NABU Bahir Dar Office
  • Beyene Belay
  • Dagninet Amare
Beyene Belay and Dagninet Amare, 2014. Integrated Forest Management Plan in Five Selected Church Forests In Dera Woreda: Implication For Ecological Restoration and Biodiversity Conservation. Forest Management Plan Report Submitted to NABU Bahir Dar Office. Bahir Dar, Ethiopia. April 2104, unpublished.
Fuel wood consumption and desertification in Nigeria
  • E B Audu
Audu, E.B., 2103. Fuel wood consumption and desertification in Nigeria. International Journal of Science and Technology, 3(1). ISSN 2224-3577
Energy Policy of Ethiopia, Ministry of Mines and Energy
  • Melis Teka
Melis Teka, 2006. Energy Policy of Ethiopia, Ministry of Mines and Energy. Geothermal Energy Conference, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.24-29 November 2006.