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An update on the Pharmacovigilance Programme of India

Frontiers in Pharmacology

Abstract and Figures

Pharmacovigilance is a pharmacological science related to the detection, assessment, understanding and prevention of adverse effects, particularly long-term and short-term adverse effects of medicines (WHO-Essential Medicines and Health Products, 2002). It has been observed that a medication that is proven efficacious in large patient population often fails to work in some other patients of different ancestry. Ancestral background of the patients are controlled by genetic factors that influence drug response-drug targets, drug-metabolizing enzymes, drug transporters, and genes indirectly affecting drug action can modulate drug toxicity and contribute to its individual variability (Ma and Lu, 2011). Thus, adverse drug reactions are highly variable in individuals and are major limiting factor in drug therapy and development. For example people with Asian ancestry are at greater risk for serious cutaneous reactions when starting treatment with carbamazepine. Therefore, even though the drug had already been approved in some other country, clinical trial with robust pharmacovigilance monitoring is needed in the population of different race & ethnicity.
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published: 22 September 2015
doi: 10.3389/fphar.2015.00194
Frontiers in Pharmacology | 1September 2015 | Volume 6 | Article 194
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Frontiers in Pharmacology
Received: 21 May 2015
Accepted: 27 August 2015
Published: 22 September 2015
Lihite RJ and Lahkar M (2015) An
update on the Pharmacovigilance
Programme of India.
Front. Pharmacol. 6:194.
doi: 10.3389/fphar.2015.00194
An update on the Pharmacovigilance
Programme of India
Ratan J. Lihite *and Mangala Lahkar
Department of Pharmacology, ADR Monitoring Centre (Pharmacovigilance Programme of India), Gauhati Medical College
and Hospital, Guwahati, India
Keywords: ADR, Pharmacovigilance, PvPI, AMC
Pharmacovigilance is a pharmacological science related to the detection, assessment, understanding
and prevention of adverse effects, particularly long-term and short-term adverse effects of
medicines (WHO-Essential Medicines and Health Products, 2002). It has been observed that a
medication that is proven efficacious in large patient population often fails to work in some other
patients of different ancestry. Ancestral background of the patients are controlled by genetic factors
that influence drug response-drug targets, drug-metabolizing enzymes, drug transporters, and
genes indirectly affecting drug action can modulate drug toxicity and contribute to its individual
variability (Ma and Lu, 2011). Thus, adverse drug reactions are highly variable in individuals and
are major limiting factor in drug therapy and development. For example people with Asian ancestry
are at greater risk for serious cutaneous reactions when starting treatment with carbamazepine.
Therefore, even though the drug had already been approved in some other country, clinical trial
with robust pharmacovigilance monitoring is needed in the population of different race & ethnicity.
In India, a formal ADR monitoring system was started in 1986 with 12 regional centers. In 1997,
India became the member of WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring managed by
the Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC), Sweden. At inception, 6 regional centers were set up in
Mumbai, New Delhi, Kolkata, Lucknow, Pondicherry, and Chandigarh for ADR monitoring in the
country (Gupta, 2010). Of these 6 centers, only the centers in Mumbai and New Delhi were active
and thus spontaneous reporting of ADRs were poor. Therefore, in November 2004, Govt. of India
has launched National Pharmacovigilance Programme (NPvP) with an annual grant of US$0.1
million approved for 5 years from World Bank (Gupta, 2010). However, the World Bank funding
for this programme was ended in mid-2009 and this programme was temporarily suspended.
Recognizing the need for improved ADR monitoring in the country, in July, 2010, under the
aegis of Health Ministry, a nation-wide revised ADR monitoring programme was launched and
named as Pharmacovigilance Programme of India (PvPI) (Kalaiselvan et al., 2014a). Initially,
under this National programme, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi was the
National Coordination Centre (NCC) and in April, 2011, it was shifted to Indian Pharmacopoeia
Commission (IPC), Ghaziabad. Dr. G. N. Singh, Scientific Director of IPC was designated as
a National Coordinator of PvPI for ADR monitoring in the country (Rehan, 2013). Under
PvPI, ADRs are being identified and spontaneously reported by the healthcare professional of
Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring Centres (AMC). These AMCs are set up across the country
in medical colleges approved by Medical Council of India (MCI) (Rehan, 2013). These AMCs are
responsible for collecting adverse event as per Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), performing
follow up if require for the completeness of ADR reports and uploading these reports in net-
based software used for ADR reporting called as Vigiflow (Kalaiselvan et al., 2014b). These
drug safety information/Individual Case Safety Reports (ICSRs) are collected in predesigned
suspected ADR reporting form, broadly consist of 4 sections i.e., patient’s information, suspected
adverse reaction, suspected medication(s), and reporter’s information. These ICSRs are then
reported to NCC for Quality & Signal Review via Vigiflow after causality assessments of ADRs
performed using the WHO-UMC causality assessment system (Figure 1). The purpose of this
Lihite and Lahkar An update on the Pharmacovigilance Programme of India
programme is to collect, collate and analyze this reported data
to arrive at an inference to recommend regulatory interventions
for safeguarding the health of Indian population by ensuring that
benefit outweighs the risks associated with the use of medicines.
Under PvPI, AMC plays a vital role in collection and follow-up of
ADR reports from healthcare professionals. Initially there were
22 AMCs in the country. At present there are 150 AMCs under
this programme and categorized into four zones i.e., North,
South, East and West (Pharmacovigilance Programme of India
(PvPI) newsletter, 2013)1. In coming year, there will be 350 AMCs
across the country to make this programme one of the largest
Pharmacovigilance Programme in the world.
Under previous National Pharmacovigilance Programme,
11633 ICSRs were reported from January 2006 to December
2008 whereas under PvPI, till June 2014, 78672 ICSRs are
reported (Kalaiselvan et al., 2014b). Thus, it can be observed
that the rate of reporting has been increased under PvPI.
The safety database of PvPI is growing with the increase in
number of AMCs in each year. This database allows healthcare
providers and consumers to browse and view data on suspected
adverse drug reactions of various medicinal products. All data
contained herein is sourced from VigiBase R
, the WHO global
database for ADRs, maintained by the UMC available at http:// PvPI has generated helpline facility (Tel.
No. 18001803024) to make drug safety information available
FIGURE 1 | Programme Communication & flow of ADR reports.
for Indian population. Beside suspected ADR reporting form,
PvPI have developed medicine side effect reporting form for
consumers/patients in their regional language. PvPI have also
extended its reach to other National Health Programmes within
country. National coordinating center has collaborated with
Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme and National
Aids Control Organization to monitor the safety of drugs use in
their programme.
Under PvPI, several drugs are under scanner and quarterly
drug safety alerts on suspected unexpected serious adverse
reactions (SUSARs) are issued to healthcare professionals via
newsletters (Table 1). Based upon PvPI database, this year Drugs
Controller of India has instructed manufacturers to include
Steven Johnson Syndrome (SJS) in package insert of product
containing carbamazepine and advised to the physicians to
screen the patients for HLA-B*1502 allele before initiating
treatment with carbamazepine. However, India doesn’t have a
strong database on ADRs and has to depend on data from
Western countries to take decisions relating to banning and
suspension of drugs. The present database of PvPI available
on ADRs is not sufficient to represent the population which
consumes the drug or to which the drug has been prescribed
for. Epidemiological data on drug utility and outcomes of
treatments is inadequate. Therefore, for sufficient database on
ADRs, awareness among the healthcare providers of government
and corporate hospitals including rural areas are needed to be
created. The other healthcare institutes like dental, pharmacy,
Frontiers in Pharmacology | 2September 2015 | Volume 6 | Article 194
Lihite and Lahkar An update on the Pharmacovigilance Programme of India
TABLE 1 | SUSARs reported during 2011–2013.
Sl. No. Drug name Reported ADR SUSARs in PvPI database Global drug safety database (Vigibase)
1 Sodium valproate Slurred speech 11 14
2 Streptokinase Hepatitis 4 18
3 Liraglutide Ischemic coronary artery disorder (Anginal pain) 2 45
4 Bupivacaine Confusional state 2 13
5 Omeprazole Hypokalemia 1 49
6 Furosemide Breathing abnormalities (Tachypnoea) 1 33
7 Nitrofurantion Lip oedema 1 9
8 Amphotericin-B Hypernatremia 1 6
9 Tramadol Renal & urinary tract neoplasm 1 5
10 Metronidazole Thrombophlebitis 1 2
11 Gentamicin Thrombophlebitis 1 1
nursing, paramedical etc. associated with patients care by
providing safe and effective medication should be encouraged
for ADR reporting. Beside these, pharmaceutical companies need
to be involved in PvPI for better pharmacovigilance system.
Furthermore, incorporating a chapter on pharmacovigilance in
education curriculum of medicine, pharmacy, nursing etc. could
generate the culture of ADR reporting among young scholars.
It was observed that the percentage of ADR reporting by
physicians was higher as compare to pharmacists and other
healthcare providers (Kalaiselvan et al., 2014a). In India, system
of distribution does not leave much scope for pharmacists,
nurses, and other healthcare providers to be a significant source
of ADR reporting. Even though nurses are in closer contact
with the patients for a longer duration, in the event of ADRs
observed by them, they have to inform to the treating physician.
Similarly, pharmacist’s can also promote the development,
maintenance, and ongoing evaluation of a programme to reduce
the risks of ADRs by detecting, reporting, and assessing any
suspected ADRs. Therefore, co-ordination among clinician,
pharmacist, and nurse appears vital in contributing each of their
respective expertise and experience to promote the rational use
of medicines. It was also observed that the lack of knowledge
of where, what and how ADRs should be reported is also
affects reporting. The reason for poor reporting may also include
financial incentives, ignorance (only serious ADRs are to be
reported), apprehension of reporting serious ADRs, and lack
of time or over load. Thus, healthcare professionals should be
under an obligation to report ADR if detected while clinical
practice. However, several steps are taken to tackle the problems
of under reporting by addressing various issues in various
forum and conferences, circulating questionnaire form, writing
to professional bodies, scientific journals, etc. In an effort
to extent awareness among healthcare providers, continues
medical education are being organized in various medical
colleges across the country. In addition, Technical Associates are
recruited at AMC to facilitate ADR reporting from healthcare
In year 2013, India’s contribution to WHO–UMC’s global
drug safety database (Vigibase) was 2%. India was 7th in
position among top 10 counties contributing to global drug
safety database. Among Asian countries, India is the only country
having more than 1 lakhs ICSRs in Vigibase. According to WHO-
UMC Documentation Grading-Completeness Score, the average
completeness score of India in 3rd quarter of 2014 was 0.94 out
of 1 [(WHO-Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC), 2014)]. Thus,
from this completeness score it can be predicted that AMCs of
PvPI are collecting all the necessary information required for
ADR reporting via Vigiflow.
In conclusion, awareness about the ADR reporting among the
healthcare providers can improve the rate of reporting across
the country. Moreover, by developing own national database and
sharing information with other regulatory agencies will provide
the much needed information from worldwide data to take the
correct decision on medicines and products.
Gupta, Y. K. (2010). Pharmacovigilance Programme for India. Available online at:
Kalaiselvan, V., Prasad, T., Bisht, A., Singh, S., and Singh, G. N. (2014a). Adverse
drug reactions reporting culture in Pharmacovigilance Programme of India.
Indian J. Med. Res. 140, 563–564. Available online at:
Kalaiselvan, V., Sharma, S., and Singh, G. N. (2014b). Adverse reactions to
contrast media: an analysis of spontaneous reports in the database of
the Pharmacovigilance Programme of India. Drug Saf. 37, 703–710. doi:
Ma, Q., and Lu, A. Y. (2011). Pharmacogenetics, pharmacogenomics, and
individualized medicine. Pharmacol. Rev. 63, 437–459. doi: 10.1124/pr.110.
Rehan, H. S. (2013). Status of pharmacovigilance program of India. Tamil Nadu
J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 9, 417–420. Available online at:
WHO-Essential Medicines and Health Products. (2002). Pharmacovigilance.
Available online at:
WHO-Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC). (2014). Documentation
Grading - Completeness Score. Available online at: http://www.who-
Conflict of Interest Statement: The authors declare that the research was
conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could
be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Copyright © 2015 Lihite and Lahkar. This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The
use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the
original author(s) or licensor are credited and that the original publication in
this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use,
distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these
Frontiers in Pharmacology | 3September 2015 | Volume 6 | Article 194
... Prescribers have helped with the detection, monitoring, and treatment of patients and patient reporting of adverse events. [5][6][7] The pharmacovigilance (PhV) programme is critical in assuring patient safety, yet underreporting is one of the major obstacles to PvPI success. ...
Full-text available
Pharmacovigilance (PV or PhV), also known as drug safety, is the pharmacological science relating to the collection, detection, assessment, monitoring, and prevention of adverse effects with pharmaceutical products. The Pharmacovigilance Program of India (PvPI), which has been functioning since July 2010, was renamed by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of the Indian government. This study main objective to assess the current knowledge, attitude and practice of pharmacovigilance in community pharmacist.
...  Lack of Awareness: Many healthcare professionals and patients are unaware of the importance of reporting ADRs or how to report them [25] .  Inadequate Training: Healthcare professionals may lack the training needed to recognize and report ADRs effectively [26] .  Fear of Legal Consequences: Some healthcare providers may be reluctant to report ADRs due to concerns about potential legal consequences [27] . ...
... Prescribers have helped with the detection, monitoring, and treatment of patients and patient reporting of adverse events. [5][6][7] The pharmacovigilance (PhV) programme is critical in assuring patient safety, yet underreporting is one of the major obstacles to PvPI success. ...
Full-text available
Background: Pharmacovigilance (PV or PhV), also known as drug safety, is the pharmacological science relating to the collection, detection, assessment, monitoring, and prevention of adverse effects with pharmaceutical products. The Pharmacovigilance Program of India (PvPI), which has been functioning since July 2010, was renamed by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of the Indian government. This study main objective to assess the current knowledge, attitude and practice of pharmacovigilance in community pharmacist. Methods: Self-prepared and validated questionnaires were distributed among community pharmacists in India through online forms for 8 months, a cross-sectional questionnaire-based survey was used, with convenience sampling utilized. Responses from 2205 subjects were analyzed. Results: The primary objective of this study was to assess the demographic details of the community pharmacists as well as the distribution of knowledge, Attitude, Practice on Pharmacovigilance, out of 2205 Community Pharmacist 1109 (50.3%) were male and 1016 (49.7%) were female. More than half of the respondents (54%) was familiar about the definition of pharmacovigilance. Out of 2205 respondents, 240 respondents thought that reporting adverse drug reaction is unnecessary. Among 2205 respondents, 445 respondents have not experienced ADR in their patients during their professional practice. Conclusions This study determined the Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and practice of Pharmacovigilance among Community Pharmacist in India. According to this study, community pharmacists are good in attitude but they were not knowledgeable and not effective in practice.
... Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are a major problem that contribute significantly to morbidity, mortality, and additional expenses in both developed and developing countries. In many underdeveloped nations, such as India, pharmacovigilance (PV) and adverse drug reaction (ADR) monitoring are inadequate [29] .All healthcare facilities must promote PV efforts as they are crucial to ensuring patient safety [6,7] . The primary target group for the effective implementation of any healthcare initiative, including PV, is the HCPs because they make up the majority of a health care system's resources [8] . ...
Full-text available
Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) contribute serious health consequences and under reporting of ADRs by health care professionals (HCPs) is found to be a major problem due to the lack of awareness. The present study was carried out to evaluate the KAP about ADR reporting and pharmacovigilance among HCPs in a rural area in Palakkad District. A questionnaire-based observational survey was conducted among HCPs of a Community Health Centre and a private hospital in Palakkad District. The responses were analyzed and the results were entered in MS-Excel 2010, Statistical analysis was done using Graph pad Prism and chi-square test was done to find the level of significance. Out of 250 questionnaires circulated, 218 health care professionals positively completed and returned back of which 23 were from community health centre and 195 from a private hospital. Out of the total participants 104 (48%) were males and 114 (52%) were females. On analyzing the knowledge among health professionals, we found physicians and pharmacist have better knowledge than other HCPs and was found to have statistical relationship (p<0.05). We found a positive response toward attitude and practice and the major problem of under reporting was lack of time and knowledge. Lack of knowledge is found to be a major issue of under reporting and must be rectified by proper awareness campaigns, continuing education programs etc.
... [5] It is estimated that only 6-10% of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are reported worldwide. 6 and India contribute only 3% of ADRs reported globally , the spontaneous or voluntary reporting of ADR is the most common method of ADR reporting [7] The underreporting of ADR is due to lack of adequate knowledge, attitude and practice among healthcare professionals towards ADR reporting. Health care professional like physicians, pharmacist and nurses have immense responsibility in reporting ADR. ...
... Though reporting by our nurses is higher as compared to review study suggested by Salehi T et al 18 Other important barriers contributing to underreporting of ADRs were difficulty to diagnose ADR, lack of time to report ADR, nonremuneration for sending the ADR report, legal fear/confidentiality issue about reporting ADR, concern that extra work is required to fill and send the ADR report, lack of promotion, reminders and motivation by authorities, feeling that previously known ADR reporting is not necessary, nonavailability of ADR reporting form at the workplace and single unreported case may not affect the ADR database. These factors were also highlighted by other similar studies conducted among nursing staff [23][24][25][26][27][28] . Improvement and modification of these features in healthcare settings could increase the rates of ADR reporting. ...
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The review explores the vital dimensions of pharmacovigilance (PV) and adverse drug reaction (ADR) reporting in the healthcare industry, highlighting their importance for public health and patient safety. The review follows the development of PV from its historical beginnings in India, highlighting significant turning points and legislative frameworks that have influenced modern practices. Sibutramine, a well-known medication, is investigated to highlight the significance of watchful PV systems. Meanwhile, ADR reporting is significant in healthcare because it directly impacts public health and patient safety. However, there is still a need to address issues like healthcare providers' ignorance and underreporting. The suggested solution is to establish Regional Reporting Centres (RRCs), with successful models demonstrating the benefits they provide, including improved data collection and regional assistance. Despite the advantages, setting up RRCs has its share of difficulties, such as coordination and resource allocation. Effective RRC implementation improves ADR reporting, as shown by case studies and success stories. In order to improve ADR reporting and PV procedures, the research ends with suggestions for the future that call for more regulatory assistance, more training for healthcare workers, and public awareness campaigns.
Background India started the National Programme of Pharmacovigilance in 2005, which was renamed as Pharmacovigilance Programme of India in 2010. This is the main portal for detecting and reporting the adverse effects of drugs. Aim This study aimed to evaluate the knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) of pharmacovigilance (Pv) in a dental teaching institute in Western India. Materials and Methods The KAP questionnaire regarding Pv was distributed among the dental faculties. The knowledge-based questions were corrected and the scoring was given as excellent knowledge, good knowledge, fair knowledge, and poor knowledge for the scores between 0–5, 6–10, 11–15, and 16–20, respectively. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed which is presented as frequencies ( n ) and percentages (%) in all three sections of the questionnaire. Results and Observations The knowledge of 24 (44%) participants was found to be fair with scores between 6 and 10. The knowledge of 23 (42%) participants was found to be poor with scores between 0 and 5 and the knowledge of 8 (14%) participants was found to be good with scores between 11 and 15. A positive and promising attitude was exhibited by the dental faculties toward reporting adverse drug reactions (ADRs). Only two study participants had reported an ADR event. Conclusion The deficiencies in knowledge appear to be the underlying factor for the underreporting of adverse reactions encountered by dental practitioners.
Pharmacovigilance (PV) deals with the detection, collection, assessment, understanding, and prevention of adverse effects associated with drugs. The objective of PV is to ensure the safety of the medicines and patients by monitoring and reporting all adverse drug reactions (ADRs) associated with prescribed medicine usage. Findings have indicated that about 0.2- 24% of hospitalization cases are due to ADRs, of which 3.7% of patients have lethal ADRs. The reasons include the number of prescribed drugs, an increased number of new medicines in the market, an inadequate PV system for ADR monitoring, and a need for more awareness and knowledge about ADR reporting. Severe ADRs lead to enhanced hospital stays, increased treatment costs, risk of death, and many medical and economic consequences. Therefore, ADR reporting at its first instance is essential to avoid further harmful effects of the prescribed drugs. In India, the rate of ADR reporting is less than 1%, whereas worldwide, it is 5% due to a need for more awareness about PV and ADR monitoring among healthcare providers and patients. The main objective of this review is to highlight the current scenario and possible futuristic ways of ADR reporting methods in rural areas of India. We have searched the literature using PubMed, Google scholar, Indian citation index to retrieve the resources related to ADR monitoring and reporting in India's urban and rural areas. Spontaneous reporting is the most commonly used PV method to report ADRs in India's urban and rural areas. Evidence revealed that no effective ADR reporting mechanisms developed in rural areas causing underreporting of ADR, thus increasing the threat to the rural population. Hence, PV and ADR reporting awareness among healthcare professionals and patients, telecommunication, telemedicine, use of social media and electronic medical records, and artificial intelligence are the potential approaches for prevention, monitoring, and reporting of ADRs in rural areas.
Background Contrast media are used widely to improve medical imaging. Like all other pharmaceuticals, these agents are not completely devoid of risk, and continuous monitoring of adverse reactions with these agents is important. Spontaneous reporting is the simplest method for understanding the safety profile of pharmaceutical products after their approval. Objective Our objective was to identify the pattern and characteristics of adverse reactions attributed to contrast media in the Indian population reported to the National Coordination Centre for the Pharmacovigilance Programme of India (NCC-PvPI). Methods Individual case safety reports (ICSRs) attributed to contrast media submitted spontaneously to the NCC-PvPI were extracted from the database for July 2010 to September 2013. We analysed these reports for information related to reporter’s professional category, patient’s age and sex, reporter’s diagnosis of the reaction, seriousness of the reaction, type of contrast media exposure, system organ class (SOC) affected (as described in World Health Organization Adverse Reaction Terminology [WHO-ART]) and outcome. Results Of the total 59,915 ICSRs in the database, 415 (0.7 %) were suspected adverse reactions to contrast media; 44 reports were serious, including three fatal cases. The most affected SOCs were skin and appendage disorders, body as a whole–general disorders, gastrointestinal system disorders and respiratory system disorders. Hypersensitivity reactions were reported in the majority of ICSRs. The contrast media with the highest number of reports were iohexol (40.7 %), iomeprol (17.8 %), iopamidol (12 %) and diatrizoate (12 %). Conclusions Most of the reactions to contrast media were allergic-like, and no previously unrecognised adverse reactions were observed in the Indian population. Further data and increased awareness among healthcare professionals is required to signal and prevent the consequences of adverse reactions attributed to contrast media.
Individual variability in drug efficacy and drug safety is a major challenge in current clinical practice, drug development, and drug regulation. For more than 5 decades, studies of pharmacogenetics have provided ample examples of causal relations between genotypes and drug response to account for phenotypic variations of clinical importance in drug therapy. The convergence of pharmacogenetics and human genomics in recent years has dramatically accelerated the discovery of new genetic variations that potentially underlie variability in drug response, giving birth to pharmacogenomics. In addition to the rapid accumulation of knowledge on genome-disease and genome-drug interactions, there arises the hope of individualized medicine. Here we review recent progress in the understanding of genetic contributions to major individual variability in drug therapy with focus on genetic variations of drug target, drug metabolism, drug transport, disease susceptibility, and drug safety. Challenges to future pharmacogenomics and its translation into individualized medicine, drug development, and regulation are discussed. For example, knowledge on genetic determinants of disease pathogenesis and drug action, especially those of complex disease and drug response, is not always available. Relating the many gene variations from genomic sequencing to clinical phenotypes may not be straightforward. It is often very challenging to conduct large scale, prospective studies to establish causal associations between genetic variations and drug response or to evaluate the utility and cost-effectiveness of genomic medicine. Overcoming the obstacles holds promise for achieving the ultimate goal of effective and safe medication to targeted patients with appropriate genotypes.
Pharmacogenetics, pharmacogenomics, and individualized medicine
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  • A Y Lu
Ma, Q., and Lu, A. Y. (2011). Pharmacogenetics, pharmacogenomics, and individualized medicine. Pharmacol. Rev. 63, 437-459. doi: 10.1124/pr.110. 003533
Status of pharmacovigilance program of India <
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Pharmacovigilance Programme for India Available online at: http://www.pharmabiz
  • Y K Gupta
  • V Com Kalaiselvan
  • T Prasad
  • A Bisht
  • S Singh
  • G N Singh
Gupta, Y. K. (2010). Pharmacovigilance Programme for India. Available online at: Kalaiselvan, V., Prasad, T., Bisht, A., Singh, S., and Singh, G. N. (2014a). Adverse drug reactions reporting culture in Pharmacovigilance Programme of India.
Available online at: text.asp?
Indian J. Med. Res. 140, 563–564. Available online at: text.asp?2014/140/4/563/146273
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Rehan, H. S. (2013). Status of pharmacovigilance program of India. Tamil Nadu J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 9, 417-420. Available online at: tnjvas/tnjvas/vol9(6)/45-48.pdf WHO-Essential Medicines and Health Products. (2002). Pharmacovigilance. Available online at: efficacy/pharmvigi/en/ WHO-Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC). (2014). Documentation Grading -Completeness Score. Available online at: