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The Science behind the Absence of Autism in the Amish Community: Energetic
Rajalakshmi Kandaswamy*
Autism Expert, Authentic Autism & ADHD Solutions, Energy Medicine Consultant, Pioneer-Intent Healing Featured On CNN-IBN, Chennai, India
*Corresponding author: Rajalakshmi K, Autism Expert, Authentic Autism & ADHD Solutions, Energy Medicine Consultant, Pioneer-Intent Healing Featured On CNN-
IBN, Chennai, India, Tel: 91-44-24836189; E-mail:
Rec Date: April 14, 2015; Acc Date: April 16, 2015; Pub Date: April 22, 2015
Copyright: © 2015 Rajalakshmi K. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
As one MIT researcher, Dr. Stephanie Seneff has already predicted,
if the current trendcontinues unabated and if nothing is done to shift
this momentum in a positive direction today, the incidence of Autism
would be 1 in 2 children in the U.S by 2025.
The statistics would be similar in other countries too as the
accelerated increase in autismincidence and prevalence is being
witnessed globally.
This editorial seeks to discuss the underlying science behind the
almost complete absence ofthe prevalence of autism in the Amish
community and to highlight the urgency of implementing solutions in
autism that are already showing results on the ground.
As far as the science behind the secret to the absence of autism in
the Amish community isconcerned, what I have chosen to do in this
editorial is to present an overview of the factors contributing to this
presentation in the Amish population, that can be explained by the
cutting-edge emerging scientific disciplines in various fields.
Making a choice not to vaccinate their children is a well-known
albeit controversial practice in the Amish population by and large.
What has been largely overlooked and misunderstood as to how their
immunity is robust without following the vaccination schedule as
advised by conventional medicine is the psychoneuroimmunological
basis that underlies their choices and hence the positive results they
are experiencing as a result of those choices in the form of almost all
their children being free from the symptoms of autism.
Psychoneuroimmunology is the nascent scientific discipline that
studies the interaction between the mind, body and social systems and
how this interaction influences health and healing. The Amish
community is world renowned for their way of life that is based on
leading life in a manner that honors the intelligence of the cells of the
body, trusting the signals that their
bodies send that reveal what resonates with well-being and acting on
those signals and impulses. Their social system and psychological
conditioning therefore prepares the groundfor their choice to not
vaccinate their children.
This extends onto the widespread belief that most in the
community hold on to tenaciously that in fact the opposite is true –
vaccination, if they make the choice to do so, causes more harm than
good. All the more so since the Amish community has become aware
that they have somehow been made “immune” to the usual
presentation of autism, because of their “no vaccination” mindset.
This forms the psychological platform on which their
immunological protection against not only most of the childhood
illnesses the vaccines are supposed to prevent, but also the absence of
manifestation of the debilitating symptoms of autism, is based.
The more obvious biomedical basis for the absence of autism in the
Amish community is the fact that throughout many centuries they
have rigorously followed organic farming and have been consuming
only organic produce grown mostly on their own farms, by
themselves. Their food is therefore pesticide free and is consistently
sustained as such over many generations. And the Amish continue to
maintain the same till today.
This practice reveals what may be interpreted as their belief and
understanding of biomedicine as “food being medicine”. This mindset
and conditioning is again in alignment with their reverence for the
land, respect for the values that they uphold, one such value being
living in harmony with the forces of nature and viewing their food as
being divine and pure. As the rest of the world is dealing with the rise
in the debilitating symptoms in autism at least partially precipitated by
genetically modified and pesticide-laden food, the Amish have been
protected from the same.
Energetic Immunity
The term “Energetic Immunity” can be defined as the immunity
generated by the system/beingin response to the chronically aligned
state of energies of the individual or system.
Quantum physics has discovered that everything in the universe is
ultimately made up ofenergy. And this field of energy includes the
mind, body and the ecosystem.
This is the Energy Medicine perspective that provides the (w)
holistic understanding of the almost complete absence of autism in the
Amish population. The psychoneuroimmunological andbiomedical
factors discussed above also fall under this umbrella of Energy
The Amish beliefs and practices discussed above translate as
advantages to their wellbeing that is provided by maintaining a healthy
and aligned Energy Field.
More or less chronically or consistently, and this field of aligned
energies is both at the micro as well as themacro level, at the molecular
level as well as at the clinical level as evidenced by the lack of
manifested symptoms of autism.
The scientific community needs to focus more on what is actually
working in autism so that more of the same can be replicated.
Autism-Open Access Rajalakshmi K, Autism-Open Access 2015, 5:1
Editorial AUO, open access journal
Autism-Open Access
ISSN:2165-7890 Open Access Volume 5 • Issue 1 • e131
What I have discussed above could form the platform for
developing a multi- pronged approach in dealing with the symptoms
in autism that has its foundation in Applied Energy Medicine that
establishes the Energetic Immunity in the individual. So that the
people with autism can be free from the limiting symptoms in autism
and can thrive with their unique giftsand talents.The additional benefit
of establishing such an Energetic Immunity in autism wouldbe the less
susceptibility to other infections and conditions that most people with
autism usually suffer from throughout their life span. Energetic
Immunity being established in the autistic person regardless of the age
of the person, using Applied Energy Medicine would thus decrease the
morbidity and increase the longevity and the quality of life in the
To get a clearer understanding of Applied Energy Medicine, it is
recommended that myeditorials and articles on this subject are
perused at
What is likely to raise opposing viewpoints would be the all too
familiar Autism-Vaccine debate. And that need not interfere in the
applying of the method that I am suggesting here, to see the results
right away because it can be easily implemented in the already
affectedchildren/people with autism who have already completed their
vaccine schedule. The solution as suggested in this editorial can be
presented to all and the question of vaccination in therelevant category
of children and parents can be left to the individual choice of the
parents, in most cases. Because to wait would be a costly mistake. With
the present statistics of 1 in 68 children being diagnosed with autism,
why wait, when there are solutions in autism that are already working?
1. Rupert Sheldrake (2012) Science Set Free. (1st edn), Deepak Chopra Books,
New York.
2. Lynne Mc Taggart (2008) The Intention Experiment: Using Your
Thoughts to Change Your Lifeand the World. (1stedn), Free Press, New
3. Rajalakshmi K (2014) The Way Forward in Autism: The Paradigm Shift
from the Problem to the Solution in Autism. Autism-Open Access Journal
4: 3.
4. Rajalakshmi K (2015) Epigenetics as a Solution in Autism: Control above
Autism Genes.Autism-Open Access Journal 5:1.
5. Rajalakshmi K , Premanand P (2008) Remote Healing As Evidence
BasedMedicine in Early Recovery of Difficult Cardiothoracic Cases.
Proceedings of InternationalCardiothoracic Conference, Pune, India.
6. Sean Adl Tabatabai (2015) Why Don’t Amish Children Get Autism. Your
News Wire.
Citation: Kandaswamy R (2015) The Science behind the Absence of Autism in the Amish Community: Energetic Immunity. Autism-Open Access
5: 1000e131. doi:10.4172/2165-7890.1000e131
Page 2 of 2
Autism-Open Access
ISSN:2165-7890 Open Access Volume 5 • Issue 1 • e131