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Sargassum accumulation may spell trouble for nesting sea turtles

Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment


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394 © The Ecological Society of America
Sargassum accumulation may spell
trouble for nesting sea turtles
Thigh-high mounds of sargassum seaweed line the
northern section of a beach on Long Island, Antigua –
an island in the West Indies – that hosts nesting hawksbill
sea turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) every summer. A meter
offshore – although it is difficult to tell where the shore
begins and the sea ends – the seaweed is crisp, even
crunchy underfoot. We plod through it to skirt a mangrove
tree during nightly patrols for nesting hawksbills, but the
thick seaweed soup makes wading slow and difficult. The
mass of seaweed varies with the prevailing winds and cur-
rents but often stretches over 10 m into the water. Closer
to shore, it is a warm, fly-infested mush in various states of
stinking decay. It collects on the beach to form a low but
substantial wall, at times approaching 1 m in height and
well over 2 m in width (Figure 1). And the sargassum keeps
coming. Unfortunately, this image of sargassum is becom-
ing widespread across much of the Caribbean region.
Sargassum, a genus of macroalgae that has garnered much
research attention in recent years, has been dubbed the
“floating rainforest” of the sea (Laffoley et al. 2011). The pri-
mary reason for this attention and the nickname lies in the
middle of the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre: the Sargasso
Sea, where predominant ocean currents create a vortex that
amasses huge quantities of the seaweed. This unique habitat
is essential for a diverse array of fauna (Laffoley et al. 2011);
for instance, open-ocean sargassum mats provide important
nurseries for sea turtles such as loggerheads (Caretta caretta;
Mansfield et al. 2014). But, over the past half-decade, sargas-
sum has been proliferating in unprecedented quantities and
is affecting areas far from the Sargasso Sea. Massive amounts
have appeared on coasts from Florida to South America,
even reaching western Africa. As a result, sargassum is gen-
erating substantial interest among the travel and tourism
sectors, commercial enterprises seeking to harvest the sea-
weed, and conservation organizations (Smetacek and
Zingone 2013). There is some speculation as to the source of
all of this biomass, but evidence from a peak year in 2011
points to a possible origin off the coast of Brazil, north of the
Amazon River mouth (Gower et al. 2013).
This coastal influx begs the question: what does all this
seaweed mean for the region’s populations of nesting sea
turtles? Although sargassum in the open sea is a critical
nursery ground, how will coastal accumulation affect
Caribbean nesting beaches? The wider Caribbean region
hosts numerous nesting sites for six of the seven extant
marine turtle species (Dow et al. 2007); globally, these six
species are categorized from Vulnerable to Critically
Endangered by the International Union for Conservation
of Nature (IUCN 2015).
The benefits of sargassum are largely recognized among
members of the conservation community. As mentioned,
oceanic sargassum is a key habitat for neonatal and juve-
nile sea turtles (Mansfield et al. 2014), and increased preva-
lence may improve prospects of survival for these age
classes. When washed onto nesting beaches, seaweed may
serve to stabilize against erosion. It also represents a mech-
anism for the transport of marine nutrients to terrestrial
ecosystems (Polis and Hurd 1996), which further enhances
stabilization by promoting the growth of sand-holding
plants. These are important functions, given that healthy
nesting beaches are critical components of population
recovery efforts, and especially considering that only an
estimated 1 in 1000 sea turtle eggs hatch and survive the
decade or more required to reach maturity (Frazer 1986).
Based on recent experiences at our
study site on Long Island, Antigua,
however, we suspect that sargassum
may pose an emerging threat on
some nesting beaches, where it can
act as a barrier. Crescent-shaped
Pasture Bay, the primary nesting
beach on Long Island, is windward
facing (in contrast to many other
hawksbill beaches) and oriented
north–northeast. This positioning
makes it an ideal area for accrual of
sand and a choice landing spot for
female hawksbills seeking a nesting
site. Unfortunately, the geography
and the typical prevailing currents
also mean it is a perfect sargassum
Nearly 90 individual hawksbills laid
Figure 1. Immense quantities of sargassum have been washing ashore on Long Island,
around Antigua, and across the Caribbean in waves over the past 5 years.
E De Neef
AS Maurer et al. Natural History Notes
© The Ecological Society of America
Andrew S Maurer1,2, Emma De Neef1,
and Seth Stapleton1,3*
1Jumby Bay Hawksbill Project, Long Island, Antigua, West
Indies; 2Department of Applied Ecology, North Carolina
State University, Raleigh, NC; 3Department of
Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Biology,
University of Minnesota, St Paul, MN
M Watkins-Gilkes
eggs at >310 nests on Long Island in 2014, with
the majority deposited along the 650-m-long
Pasture Bay. Such high nesting densities make
every section of suitable habitat valuable, and
over the past three decades, the northern por-
tion of Pasture Bay has been among the sites
most intensively used by hawksbills. During
2015, however, in those north stretches where
massive amounts of sargassum have accumulated
(~10% of Pasture Bay’s shoreline), there has
been virtually no nesting activity. We have
recorded little nesting activity in sections with
more variable presence of sargassum (an addi-
tional 10–15% of the Bay’s coastline). These
findings suggest that dense sargassum can hinder
or altogether preclude access to preferred nest-
ing locations, effectively shrinking the primary
nesting beach by as much as 25%. If the sargas-
sum persists, already high nesting densities will
climb higher in those areas unaffected by sargas-
sum, increasing the chances of nesting hawksbills digging
into previously laid nests. Such destruction of in situ
clutches has been observed here for more than a decade,
even without the sargassum further concentrating nests.
Impeded access to nesting sites is not the only potential
problem for sea turtles. We hypothesize that seaweed that
is pushed over incubating nests by waves on particularly
narrow beaches (such as northern Pasture Bay) or by
beach cleaners may create an anoxic and contaminated
incubation environment when it decomposes, and may
alter thermal conditions (our preliminary data suggest a
cooling effect, which could result in the production of
more male hatchlings since gender is temperature-depen-
dent in this taxon). Hatchlings that successfully emerge
from nests along sargassum-affected stretches of shoreline
will face further obstructions both on land and at sea
(Figure 2), and their use of wave direction to navigate
during the initial offshore migration (Salmon and
Lohmann 1989) may be compromised. These factors, in
turn, may increase mortality through hyperthermia,
exhaustion, drowning, and vulnerability to predation.
Sea turtles face a multitude of threats, including har-
vesting, degradation of key foraging and nesting sites, and
bycatch in the fisheries industries (Lutcavage et al. 1997;
Bräutigam and Eckert 2006). Although most threats are
well understood, mass seaweed stranding is a new phe-
nomenon, especially in the eastern Caribbean, and its
direct impacts on sea turtle nesting remain largely unex-
plored. While sargassum may enhance beach stability, we
do not view widespread coastal accumulation as an over-
whelming ecological positive. Indeed, the direct conse-
quences of sargassum accumulation on beaches may be a
detriment to nesting sea turtles and their offspring in
some areas. Sea turtles are ancient relics that have with-
stood the test of time, and their high reproductive output
can buffer against the occasional poor nesting season.
Nevertheless, new and sustained threats can have severe
consequences for populations that are already imperiled.
On Long Island, we have borne witness to a nearly
threefold increase in nesting numbers since the inception
of our monitoring program in 1987. This is encouraging
news for a critically endangered species (Mortimer and
Donnelly 2008). However, the altered nesting behavior
we have observed and the postulated impacts of sargas-
sum on nests and hatchlings are concerning.
Unanswered questions about the current sargassum
strandings make for an unpredictable future. Sargassum may
wash out with storms, and the rafts of seaweed may cease to
appear in nearshore waters, providing a respite to the
region’s beaches and sea turtles. Yet, any reprieve may be
short-lived; some scientists suggest that sargassum influxes
may reflect larger-scale climatic changes, so high concentra-
tions of seaweed may be a new reality that the Caribbean
region will have to contend with in the years to come.
The Jumby Bay Hawksbill Project is generously supported
by the Jumby Bay Island Company and is a member of the
Wider Caribbean Sea Turtle Conservation Network. J
Horrocks provided useful comments on an earlier version
of this text.
Please see WebReferences
Figure 2. Hatchlings, such as this neonatal hawksbill turtle that succumbed
in the nearshore waters of eastern Antigua, may struggle through the dense
mats of sargassum as they attempt to begin offshore migrations.
... De acuerdo con Maurer et al., (60), el sargazo ha proliferado fuera del Mar de los Sargazos, especialmente en el Golfo de México. (61) La fuente de nutrientes para esta cantidad masiva de algas, parece estar asociada con el río Amazonas. ...
... (62) Se han reportado floraciones de sargazo previas en 2011 (63,64) y 2014 (65) en el Caribe y Cuba. (66,67) En sitios como Antigua, donde estaban cubiertos del 10 % al 15 % de ciertas partes de la costa, (60) se registran por primera vez afectaciones a las tortugas marinas. Actualmente se trabaja en la predicción de la llegada de estas masas de algas, a partir de la modelación, para poder tomar las medidas necesarias de contención a escala local. ...
Introducción: El presente estudio pretende determinar la vulnerabilidad de las áreas de anidación de tortugas marinas del occidente del archipiélago cubano ante el cambio climático y otras amenazas. Los objetivos del presente trabajo fueron estimar la proporción sexual por temporada a partir de la temperatura y el período de incubación para las playas analizadas, evaluar la influencia de la presencia de la vegetación en la distribución de los nidos y el desarrollo embrionario, relacionar los cambios geomorfológicos ocurridos por el paso de tormentas tropicales en la Península de Guanahacabibes con el éxito reproductivo de las tortugas marinas y documentar los impactos que generan las acumulaciones masivas de sargazo sobre la conducta y el éxito reproductivo de tortugas marinas. Métodos: Para ello se analizaron 21 temporadas de anidación de tortugas marinas en la Península de Guanahacabibes. Resultados: Se observó una variación anual en el número de emergencias y nidos por hembra con un ciclo bienal bien definido. Se registró una reducción en el tamaño de la nidada, el período de incubación y la talla de las crías. Asimismo, se estimó una mayor producción de hembras, como consecuencia de las elevadas temperaturas de incubación. Además, se realizó un seguimiento de la dinámica de las playas en las que se encontraron cambios importantes en la distribución y características de la vegetación costera a partir del paso de eventos meteorológicos. Se determinaron las áreas vulnerables a inundaciones costeras y al impacto de las arribazones masivas de sargazo. Como conclusiones, las evidencias recopiladas constituyen una alerta para que los administradores de áreas protegidas tomen medidas de manejo dirigidas a mitigar los efectos de las elevadas temperaturas, de los impactos de eventos meteorológicos y de otros fenómenos naturales, como las arribazones de sargazo, en el éxito reproductivo de tortugas marinas en el archipiélago cubano. Asimismo, constituyen experiencias para otras áreas de anidación en la región del Gran Caribe donde se encuentran expuestas a similares amenazas.
... These characteristics have caused Sargassum algae to form what is known as the Sargasso Sea in the central part of the Atlantic Ocean (Wang et al., 2019), however, since 2011, massive Development of Nanocellulose Hydrogels from Sargassum Seaweed as Controlled Nutrient Release Systems and their Application in Germination stagnation events have occurred sargassum off the coasts of Caribbean islands and Mexico (Lu et al., 2019), although similar events have also been reported in West Africa, northern Brazil (Gower and King, 2019), and recently in Central America (Chopped, 2022). Associating the growth of this algae with the effects of climate change, marine currents, and excess nutrients in the sea (Maurer et al., 2015;Wang et al., 2018). ...
... Teir massive growth also has the potential to entangle marine mammals and turtles [8]. Not only that, but their presence along shorelines also has a detrimental efect on turtle nesting [9]. In addition to creating issues with solid waste management, macroalgal blooming also produces hydrogen sulfde gas, which is poisonous and corrosive, creates piles on shorelines that may decay, forming a bad smell, and produces methane that rigorously adds to the problem of climate change [10] and leads to the invasion of insects that can irritate the skin [11]. ...
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To increase the limited commercial utility and lessen the negative environmental effects of the massive growth of brown macroalgae, this work illustrates the feasibility of valorizing the invasively proliferated Sargassum latifolium into different value-added products. The proximate analysis recommends its applicability as a solid biofuel with a sufficient calorific value (14.82 ± 0.5 MJ/kg). It contains 6.00 ± 0.07% N + P2O5 + K2O and 29.61 ± 0.05% organic C. Its nutritional analysis proved notable carbohydrate, ash, protein, and fiber contents with a rational amount of lipid and a considerable amount of beneficial macronutrients and micronutrients, with a low concentration of undesirable heavy metals. That recommends its application in the organic fertilizer, food, medicine, and animal fodder industries. A proposed eco-friendly sequential integrated process valorized its biomass into 77.6 ± 0.5 mg/g chlorophyll, 180 ± 0.5 mg/g carotenoids, 5.86 ± 0.5 mg/g fucoxanthin, 0.93 ± 0.5 mg/g β-carotene, 21.97 ± 0.5% (w/w) alginate, and 16.40 ± 0.5% (w/w) cellulose, with different industrial and bioprocess applications. Furthermore, Aspergillus galapagensis SBWF1, Mucor hiemalis SBWF2, and Penicillium oxalicum SBWF3 (GenBank accession numbers OR636487, OR636488, and OR636489) have been isolated from its fresh biomass. Those showed wide versatility for hydrolyzing and saccharifying its polysaccharides. A Gram-negative Stutzerimonas stutzeri SBB1(GenBank accession number OR764547) has also been isolated with good capabilities to ferment the produced pentoses, hexoses, and mannitol from the fungal saccharification, yielding 0.25 ± 0.014, 0.26 ± 0.018, and 0.37 ± 0.020 g ethanol/g algal biomass, respectively. Furthermore, in a pioneering step for valuing the suggested sequential biomass hydrolysis and bioethanol fermentation processes, the spent waste S. latifolium disposed of from the saccharification process has been valorized into C-dots with potent biocidal activity against pathogenic microorganisms.
... Compared to historical data, sargassum's nitrogen content has increased by 35%, and phosphorus content decreased by 44%, suggesting that sargassum is phosphorus-limited and that terrestrial runoff promotes blooms [16]. The explosive sargassum growth has increased the frequency and severity of sargassum beaching events on the Atlantic coast of the USA, impacting coastal environment stability, tourism, local economies, and human health [17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25]. ...
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Background Symbioses between primary producers and bacteria are crucial for nutrient exchange that fosters host growth and niche adaptation. Yet, how viruses that infect bacteria (phages) influence these bacteria-eukaryote interactions is still largely unknown. Here, we investigate the role of viruses on the genomic diversity and functional adaptations of bacteria associated with pelagic sargassum. This brown alga has dramatically increased its distribution range in the Atlantic in the past decade and is predicted to continue expanding, imposing severe impacts on coastal ecosystems, economies, and human health. Results We reconstructed 73 bacterial and 3963 viral metagenome-assembled genomes (bMAGs and vMAGs, respectively) from coastal Sargassum natans VIII and surrounding seawater. S. natans VIII bMAGs were enriched in prophages compared to seawater (28% and 0.02%, respectively). Rhodobacterales and Synechococcus bMAGs, abundant members of the S. natans VIII microbiome, were shared between the algae and seawater but were associated with distinct phages in each environment. Genes related to biofilm formation and quorum sensing were enriched in S. natans VIII phages, indicating their potential to influence algal association in their bacterial hosts. In-vitro assays with a bacterial community harvested from sargassum surface biofilms and depleted of free viruses demonstrated that these bacteria are protected from lytic infection by seawater viruses but contain intact and inducible prophages. These bacteria form thicker biofilms when growing on sargassum-supplemented seawater compared to seawater controls, and phage induction using mitomycin C was associated with a significant decrease in biofilm formation. The induced metagenomes were enriched in genomic sequences classified as temperate viruses compared to uninduced controls. Conclusions Our data shows that prophages contribute to the flexible genomes of S. natans VIII-associated bacteria. These prophages encode genes with symbiotic functions, and their induction decreases biofilm formation, an essential capacity for flexible symbioses between bacteria and the alga. These results indicate that prophage acquisition and induction contribute to genomic and functional diversification during sargassum-bacteria symbioses, with potential implications for algae growth. 1vVC6YGWLCm_DZc419o4RCVideo Abstract
... Large quantities of Sargassum continuously arrive every year, leading to adverse consequences, such as changes in ocean temperature, disruption of seagrass communities, damage to nearshore coral reefs, eutrophication, and faunal mortality (Amador-Castro et al., 2021;Chávez et al., 2020;Orozco-González et al., 2022;Saldarriaga-Hernandez et al., 2021;van Tussenbroek et al., 2017). Additionally, the presence of Sargassum hampers the life cycles of certain species, including sea turtles, by obstructing the passage of females to nesting areas (Maurer et al., 2015). Recognizing the urgent need to mitigate the environmental effects of Sargassum tides, extracting valuable compounds, such as alginates and fucoidans, from this seaweed is a promising approach. ...
... Observed decreases in annual abundance of nesting turtles could be realized through changes to survival and/or nesting frequency (i.e. annual breeding probability). It is unlikely that changes to transience have played a major role (Kendall et al., 2019;Levasseur et al., 2019;, and although changes to nesting habitat have occurred (Maurer et al., 2015;Maurer, Gross & Stapleton, 2022; While an in-depth regional synthesis is merited, some initial et al., 2007). In tandem with better-described distributions for nesting habitats, this approach to exploring foraging area-derived population connectivity would be a powerful tool for conservation by giving practitioners a better sense of the necessary spatial and geopolitical scales of their efforts. ...
Outside of short, infrequent visits to reproductive habitats, sea turtle lifespans are largely spent in foraging areas. Supporting imperilled populations in an era of biodiversity declines and environmental change requires improvements in the understanding of foraging distributions, plus the migratory corridors that connect foraging and reproductive habitats. This study evaluates the migratory strategies and foraging geography of hawksbill sea turtles ( Eretmochelys imbricata ) in the Western Atlantic. The post‐nesting migrations of 22 females were tracked via satellite telemetry from Long Island, Antigua, during 2016–2019, and a state‐space model was utilized to estimate true turtle locations from Argos satellite fixes. Model output was used to characterize migratory routes and home ranges occupied during non‐migratory inter‐nesting and foraging periods. Hawksbill migrations ( N = 19) resulted in displacements to foraging areas ranging 7–2300 km. Foraging geography varied considerably—whereas eight turtles remained in the immediate vicinity of Antigua and Barbuda (<30 km), there were also longer‐distance migrations (>470 km) to locations such as The Bahamas and Nicaragua. Inter‐nesting core home ranges (50% utilization distributions) ranged from 7 to 72 km ² , while foraging core areas ranged from 7 to 46 km ² . These results add to evidence suggesting that, broadly, post‐nesting hawksbills forage in neritic habitats throughout the Wider Caribbean, including several high‐use areas. Short displacements to foraging habitats relatively nearby to nesting beaches appear to be the most common migratory behaviour, but individuals in a single population may exhibit various migratory strategies, resulting in basin‐wide connectivity between nesting and foraging sites. Given that a single individual or nesting population may inhabit several management jurisdictions, an idealized scenario for regional hawksbill conservation would entail data sharing between managers at linked nesting areas, foraging habitats and migratory corridors such that policies to protect key habitats and mitigate human impacts are designed and evaluated based on best‐available science.
... These blooms and beaching events (as defined by Fidai et al., 2020) have a variety of impacts on social aspects and economic activities and industries such as tourism, fisheries and aquaculture, as well as public health (Chávez et al., 2020;Solarin et al., 2014;Ramlogan et al., 2017;ANSES, 2017;Resiere et al., 2018). They also have detrimental environmental effects on coastal ecosystems, water quality and beach stability (McGlathery, 2001;Maurer et al., 2015;van Tussenbroek et al., 2017). The impact on these sectors is further exacerbated by accumulated sargassum that decomposes after a couple of days on the beach and produces gas, leachates and organic matter which interact with wave action, resulting in hypoxic conditions and deterioration of water quality as far as 480 m from the shore (Chávez et al., 2020;Rodríguez-Martínez et al., 2019). ...
The marine environment is an abundant source of organisms which are rich in functional/bioactive compounds. Many of these compounds exhibit a remarkable potential for medical, industrial and biotechnological applications. Handled appropriately, with a focus on sustainability, these organisms and compounds can offer new and renewable feedstocks for a variety of industries. The biomass from marine organisms also offers opportunities for clean and sustainable fuel generation, carbon sequestration and wastewater remediation. Focusing on the use of biomass from marine algae (both macro and micro), bacteria and yeasts this book looks at opportunities for producing high value chemicals with applications across multiple industries. It is an essential read for researchers interested in innovative, green feedstock sources, sustainability and the circular economy.
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Introducción: El Caribe es el segundo mar más contaminado por basura del mundo. Los residuos urbanos de esta región van a basureros a cielo abierto y el 85% de sus aguas residuales no son tratadas, arribando gran parte de estas a las playas. El Parque Nacional Guanahacabibes de Cuba es Reserva de la Biosfera y las tortugas marinas que anidan en sus playas están en la Lista Roja de especies amenazadas, existiendo peces asociados al arrecife coralino y aves marinas en el área. Objetivo: Determinar el riesgo de impacto ecológico de basura recalada en la playa “El Holandés” del Parque Nacional Guanahacabibes sobre la biota animal. Materiales y Métodos: La basura recolectada se cuantificó y clasificó por tipología, posible origen y color. Se determinó el riesgo de su impacto ecológico sobre la biota animal. Resultados y Discusión: Las áreas al este del campamento están más contaminadas. Predomina plástico blanco y azul (fundamentalmente tapas y envases); el número de fragmentos cuya función no fue identificada es grande. Existe riesgo de que el material plástico sea ingerido por tortugas marinas, aves y peces al ser confundidos con alimentos u obstaculice su comportamiento normal. La presencia de sargazo en grandes cantidades es una fuente de entrada de basura marina. Conclusiones: Se corrobora la importancia de realizar la recogida sistemática de basura marina, al ser riesgosa para la vida de tortugas marinas, peces y aves. Se cuenta con una línea base para un estudio longitudinal.
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Background Symbioses between primary producers and bacteria are crucial for host growth and niche adaptation. Here, we investigate the role of viruses on the genomic and functional adaptations of bacteria associated with the pelagic algae Sargassum, which has undergone a dramatic range expansion in the Atlantic in the past decade. Results We reconstructed 73 bacterial and 3,963 viral metagenome-assembled genomes (bMAGs and vMAGs, respectively) from coastal Sargassum and surrounding seawater. Sargassum bMAGs were enriched in prophages compared to seawater (28% and 0.02%, respectively), which was not explained by bMAG completion. Roseobacter and Synechococcus bMAGs, abundant members of the Sargassum microbiome, were shared between the algae and seawater but were associated with distinct phages in each environment. Genes related to biofilm formation and quorum sensing were enriched in Sargassum phages, indicating their potential to influence the switch from free-living to algal association in their bacterial host. In-vitro assays with a Sargassum-derived bacterial community depleted of free viruses demonstrated that Sargassum-associated prophages are inducible and that their induction led to a significant decrease in biofilm formation by the bacteria growing on Sargassum media. Conclusions Our data shows that prophages contribute to the flexible genomes in Sargassum-associated bacteria. These prophages encode genes with symbiotic functions, and their induction decreases biofilm formation, an essential capacity for the symbiosis between bacteria and the algae. These results indicate that prophage acquisition and induction contribute to genomic and functional diversification that mediates Sargassum-bacteria symbioses, with potential implications for algae growth.
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