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Original publication | Please cite as
Speicher, Maximilian, Andreas Both, and Martin Gaedke (2015). “INUIT: The Interface Usability
Instrument”. In: Design, User Experience, and Usability: Design Discourse. Ed. by Aaron Marcus.
Vol. 9186. LNCS. Springer, pp. 256–268.
year = {2015},
booktitle = {Design, User Experience, and Usability: Design Discourse},
volume = {9186},
series = {LNCS},
editor = {Marcus, Aaron},
title = {\textsc{Inuit}: The Interface Usability Instrument},
publisher = {Springer},
author = {Speicher, Maximilian and Both, Andreas and Gaedke, Martin},
pages = {256--268}
The final publication is available at
Inuit: The Interface Usability Instrument
Maximilian Speicher1,? , Andreas Both2, and Martin Gaedke1
1Technische Universität Chemnitz, 09111 Chemnitz, Germany
2R&D, Unister GmbH, 04109 Leipzig, Germany
Abstract. Explicit user testing tends to be costly and time-consuming
from a company’s point of view. Therefore, it would be desirable to infer
a quantitative usability score directly from implicit feedback, i.e., the
interactions of users with a web interface. As a basis for this, we require
an adequate usability instrument whose items form a usability score and
can be meaningfully correlated with such interactions. Thus, we present
Inuit, the first instrument consisting of only seven items that have the
right level of abstraction to directly reflect user behavior on the client.
It has been designed in a two-step process involving usability guideline
reviews and expert interviews. A confirmatory factor analysis shows that
our model reasonably well reflects real-world perceptions of usability.
Keywords: Instrument, Metrics, Questionnaire, Usability, Interfaces
1 Introduction
The usability of a website is a crucial factor for ensuring customer satisfaction
and loyalty [23]. However, adequate usability testing is often neglected in today’s
e-commerce industry due to costliness and time consumption. Particularly user
testing happens less frequently because it is “heavily constrained by available
time, money and human resources” [18]. Hence, stakeholders tend to partly
sacrifice usability by requesting cheaper and more efficient methods of conversion
maximization (e.g., in terms of clicks on advertisements), also potentially caused
by the demand for a short time-to-market. To tackle this shortcoming we require
a similarly efficient method that is more effective in measuring usability. A
straightforward approach would be to make use of real users’ interactions with a
web interface to infer knowledge about its usability. Optimally, such knowledge
would be present in terms of a key performance indicator (i.e., a usability score)
for easier communication with stakeholders who are not usability experts.
To be able to realize such a framework (Fig. 1), it is necessary to build
upon an adequate usability instrument for providing a quantitative measure that
combines ratings of the contained items. A corresponding formula for such a
measure could be
). As usability is a latent
The contents of this paper were developed while Mr. Speicher stayed at Unister
GmbH as an industrial PhD student. An earlier version has been published as [24].
(version A)
(version B)
UsabilityA = 99
UsabilityB = 42
Model Developer
Fig. 1. A model providing a quantitative metric of usability [24].
variable, we need to define factors thereof that can be meaningfully inferred from
interactions, e.g., faster and more unstructured cursor movements indicate user
confusion = 1. Numerous instruments for determining usability have
been developed (e.g., [5, 8, 10, 22]), but none has been specifically designed for
providing a key performance indicator for usability that can be directly inferred
from user interactions.
Thus, we propose Inuit—a new usability instrument for web interfaces
consisting of only seven items that have the right level of abstraction to directly
reflect users’ client-side interactions. The items have been determined in a two-
step process. First, we have reviewed more than 250 usability rules from which we
created a structure of usability based on ISO 9241-11 [14]. Second, we conducted
semi-structured expert interviews with nine experts working in the e-commerce
industry. Based on a user study with 81 participants, results of a confirmatory
factor analysis show that Inuit’s underlying model is a good approximation of
real-world perceptions of usability.
In the following, we give an overview of important background concepts and
related work (Sec. 2). After that, we explain the design of our new usability
instrument (Sec. 3). Sec. 4 presents the set-up and results of the evaluation
of Inuit. In Sec. 5 we discuss results and limitations before giving concluding
2 Background and Related Work
Web Interfaces.
Low-level user interactions on the client-side can be tracked
on a per-webpage basis, i.e., for an HTML document delivered by a server and
displayed in a web browser. Such interactions are commonly collected using
Ajax technology and are valid only for the given document. Due to the stateless
nature of HTTP
, they are difficult to track and put into context across multiple
webpages. Contrary, user interactions in the context of a whole website (i.e., a
set of interconnected, related webpages) are of a higher-level nature, such as
navigation paths between webpages. They are usually mined from server-side
1h, retrieved June 11, 2014.
Thus, in the remainder of this article, we consider a web interface to be a
single webpage. Particularly, this includes the HTML document’s content and
structure as determined within the
tag, and the appearance during a
user’s interaction with the webpage as determined by stylesheets and dynamic
scripts that alter the DOM tree2.
In [5], Brooke states that “Usability does not exist in any absolute
sense; it can only be defined with reference to particular contexts”. Thus, it is
necessary that we clarify our understanding of usability in the context of our
proposed approach. Orienting at ISO 25010 [13], the internal usability of a web
application is measured in terms of static attributes (not connected to software
execution); external usability relates to the behavior of the web application; and
usability in use is relevant in case the web application involves real users under
certain conditions. Therefore, given the fact that we intend to infer usability
from real users’ interactions, usability in use is the core concept we focus on. In
accordance with this, [12] uses the notions of “do-goals” (e.g., booking a flight)
and “be-goals” (e.g., being special) to distinguish between the pragmatic and
hedonic dimensions of user experience, a concept that has a large intersection with
usability. Particularly, he states that “Pragmatic quality refers to the product’s
perceived ability to support the achievement of ‘do-goals’ [and] calls for a focus
on the product – its utility and usability” [12]. Since a user’s interactions with an
interface are a direct reflection of what they do, for our purpose the pragmatic
dimension of usability is of particular interest.
Based on the above, in the remainder of this article usability refers to the
pragmatic [12] and in-use [13] dimensions of the definition given by ISO 9241-11
[14]. Internal/external usability [13] and the hedonic dimension (“the product’s
perceived ability to support the achievement of ‘be-goals’” [12]) of usability in
use are neglected.
Definition 1.
Usability: The extent to which a web interface can be used by
real users to achieve do-goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a
specified context of use. (adjusted definition by [14])
Instruments for Determining Usability and Related Concepts.
[22] has
investigated metrics for usability, design and performance of a website. His finding
is that the success of a website is a first-order construct and particularly connected
to measures such as download time, navigation, interactivity and responsiveness
(e.g., feedback options). The data used for analysis was collected from 1997
thru 2000, which indicates that the methods for website evaluation might be
out-of-date regarding the radical changes in website appearance and thus also in
the perception of usability. In particular, measures such as the download time
should be less of an issue nowadays (except for slow mobile connections).
[8] describe a usability instrument that is specifically aimed at websites of
small businesses. They evaluated the instrument in the specific case of website
2h, retrieved June 11, 2014.
navigation and found that navigation impacts ease of use and user return rates,
among others. The used questionnaire (i.e., the instrument) features some factors
of usability that we have identified for Inuit as well. However, it is rather elaborate
and thus potentially not adequate for evaluation of online web interfaces by real
users. Moreover, we do not want to focus on a specific type of website—such as
small businesses—but instead provide a general instrument.
[10] developed a website usability instrument based on the definition given by
ISO 9241-11 [14]. They have chosen five dimensions of usability: effectiveness,
efficiency, level of engagement, error tolerance, and ease of learning. Along with
these comes a total of 17 items to assess the dimensions. A factor analysis
showed no significant difference between their usability instrument and a set
of test data. However, like the above approach [8], the instrument seems to be
specifically focused on e-commerce websites. In particular, they found that, e.g.,
error tolerance is a significant indicator for the intention to perform a transaction
and that efficacy predicts the intention of further visits.
measures the hedonic and pragmatic user experience [12] of an
e-commerce product based on a dedicated instrument. UEQ
follows a similar
approach based on an instrument containing 26 bipolar items. In contrast to
Inuit, both of these are oriented towards measuring the user experience of
a software product as a whole. More similar to our instrument is the System
Usability Scale (SUS) [5], which measures the usability of arbitrary interfaces
by posing ten questions based on a 5-point Likert scale. The answers are then
summed up and normalized to a score between 0 and 100.
There are also numerous instruments in the form of usability checklists, which
can be used in terms of spreadsheets that automatically calculate usability scores
(e.g., [11, 27]). However, such checklists usually contain huge amounts of items
that are also very abstract in parts. They are therefore aimed at supporting
inspections by experts (cf. [19]) rather than having them answered by users.
The ISO definition of usability [14] states that satisfaction is a major aspect
of usability. [1] present a revalidation of the well-studied End-User Computing
Satisfaction Instrument (EUCS), which is an instrument for this particular
aspect. While certain items of EUCS clearly intersect with those of usability
instruments—e.g., in the dimension “Ease of Use”—it is clearly pointed out that
EUCS specifically measures satisfaction rather than usability.
Another aspect that is closely related to usability but not mentioned in the
ISO definition is the aesthetic appearance of a web interface. [15] present an
instrument for the concept and state that aesthetics cannot be neglected in the
context of effective interaction design. The instrument is clearly focused on very
subjective aspects of design and layout and shows less intersections with existing
usability instruments than EUCS.
3h, retrieved July 29, 2014.
4h, retrieved July 29, 2014.
3Inuit: The In terface Usability Instrument
The aim of Inuit is to provide a usability instrument that is adequate for
the novel concept of Usability-based Split Testing [25]. Particularly, it must be
possible to meaningfully infer ratings of its contained items from client-side user
interactions (e.g., unstructured cursor movements
confusion = 1). Also, the
instrument must be consistent with Definition 1 above. All of this poses the
following requirements:
The instrument’s number of items is kept to a minimum, so that real users
asked for explicit usability judgments through a corresponding questionnaire
are not deterred. This helps with collecting high-quality training data.
The contained items have the right level of abstraction, so that they can
be meaningfully mapped to client-side user interactions. For example, “ease
of use” is a higher-level concept that can be split into several sub-concepts
while “all links should have blue color” is clearly too specific. Contrary, an
item like “user confusion” can be mapped to interactions such as unstructured
cursor movements.
(R3) The contained items can be applied to a web interface as defined earlier.
Regarding these requirements, existing instruments lack meeting one or more
thereof. Instruments such as those described by [5], [8], [10] and [22] feature items
with a wrong level of abstraction (R2) or that cannot be applied to standalone
web interfaces (R3). Similar problems arise with questionnaires like AttrakDiff
and UEQ (R2, R3). Finally, usability checklists (e.g., [11, 27]) usually contain
huge amounts of items and therefore violate R1.
To meet the above requirements, the items contained in Inuit have been
determined in a two-step process. First, we have carried out a review of popular
and well-known usability guidelines that contained over 250 rules for good usability
in the form of heuristics and checklists. After we eliminated all rules not consistent
with the requirements above, a set of underlying factors of usability has been
extracted. That is, we grouped together rules that were different expressions of
the same (higher-level) factor. From these underlying factors, we have derived a
structure of usability based on ISO 9241-11 [14]. Second, we asked experts for
driving factors of web interface usability from their point of view and revised our
usability structure accordingly.
3.1 Guideline Reviews
As the first step of determining the items of Inuit, we have reviewed a set of
six well-known resources concerned with usability [7, 9, 17, 20, 26, 27]. They were
chosen based on the commonly accepted expertise of their authors and contain
guidelines by A List Apart
and Bruce Tognazzini (author of the first Apple
Human Interface Guidelines), among others. The investigated heuristics and
checklists contained a total of over 250 rules for good usability. In accordance
with requirements R2 and R3 above, we eliminated all rules that:
5h, retrieved June 11, 2014.
Table 1. Set of items derived from usability guideline reviews
Usability factor # related rules
Aesthetic appearance 8
Amount of distraction 6
Information density 6
Informativeness 6
Reachability of desired contenta4
Readability 5
Understandability 6
aWith respect to Fitt’s Law, i.e., “The time to acquire a target
is a function of the distance to and size of the target” [26].
–were too abstract, such as “Flexibility and efficiency of use” [20];
–were too specific, such as “Blue Is The Best Color For Links” [7];
would not make sense when applied to a web interface in terms of a single
webpage, e.g., “Because many of our browser-based products exist in a stateless
environment, we have the responsibility to track state as needed” [26].
The elimination process left a total of 32 remaining rules, from which we
extracted the driving factors of usability. Starting from ISO 9241-11 [14] and
Definition 1, one can roughly state that the concept of usability features the three
dimensions effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction. Our goal was to find those
factors that are one level of abstraction below these main dimensions and manifest
themselves in multiple more specific usability rules. Thus, we investigated which
of the remaining rules were different expressions of the same underlying principle
and extracted the intended factors from these. To give just one example, “The
site avoids advertisements, especially pop-ups” [27] and “Attention-attracting
features [...] are used sparingly and only where relevant” [27] are expressions
of the same underlying principle distraction, which is a driving factor of web
interface usability. Moreover, distraction is to a high degree disjoint from other
factors of usability at the same level of abstraction, e.g., it is different from the
factor confusion. To complete the given example, distraction can be situated as
follows regarding its relative level of abstraction (higher level of abstraction to
the right): presence of advertisements →distraction →efficiency →usability.
From the remaining rules, we extracted the underlying factors of usability as
shown in Table 1 (more than one related factor per rule was possible). Originally,
the factor “reachability” was named “accessibility”. To prevent confusion with
what is commonly understood by accessibility
, the factor was renamed lateron.
What we understand by “reachability” is how difficult it is for the user to find their
desired content within a web interface w.r.t. the temporal and spatial distance
from the initial viewport.
Using the seven factors from Table 1, we could describe all of the relevant
usability rules extracted from the reviewed guidelines. Subsequently, based on the
6h, retrieved June 12, 2014.
Effectiveness Efficiency
Information Density Confusion
Fig. 2.
Structure of usability derived from the guideline reviews. Struck through factors
were removed, factors in dashed boxes were added after the expert interviews.
definition given by ISO 9241-11 [14] and own experience with usability evaluations,
we constructed a structure of usability as shown in Figure 2.
3.2 Expert Interviews
As the second step of determining the items of Inuit, we conducted semi-
structured interviews with nine experts working in the e-commerce industry. The
experts were particularly concerned with front-end design and/or usability testing.
First, we presented them with the definition of usability given by ISO 9241-11
[14] (Fig. 3, bottom left). Based on this, we asked them to name—from their
point of view—driving factors of web interface usability with the intended level of
abstraction from requirement R2 in mind. That is, showing positive and negative
examples on the web, they should indicate factors that potentially directly affect
patterns of user interaction. All statements were recorded accordingly (Fig. 3,
bottom right).
Second, we presented the experts with a pen and a sheet of paper showing
the above structure of usability (Fig. 2) and asked them to modify it in such a
way that it reflected their perception of usability (Fig. 3, top middle).
After the interview, the experts were asked to answer additional demographic
questions (Fig. 3, top right). On average, they stated that they are knowledgeable
(m=3) in front-end design, interaction design and usability/UX (4-point scale,
1=no knowledge, 4=expert). Moreover, they indicated passing knowledge (m=2)
in web engineering. Two experts said they have a research background, three
indicated a practitioner background and four stated that they cannot exactly tell
or have both. The average age of the interviewees was 30.44 years (
=2.96; 2
Based on the interview transcripts, we mapped the usability factors identified
by the experts to the seven factors shown in Table 1. The experts mentioned
all of these factors multiple times, but a total of 38 statements remained that
did not fit into the existing set. Rather, all of these remaining statements were
expressions of an additional underlying concept mental overload or user confusion.
Fig. 3. Set-up of the expert interviews.
During the second part of the interview, the experts made the following general
Aesthetic appearance goes hand in hand with both effectiveness and efficiency.
Thus, it cannot be considered separate from these. Rather, the item “aesthetics”
should be a sub-factor of both effectiveness and efficiency.
An additional factor “ease of use” / “mental overload” / “user confusion”
should be added as a sub-factor of efficiency since this concept is not fully
reflected by the existing items.
“Fun” should be added as a sub-factor of effectiveness or a separate higher-level
factor “emotional attachment”.
Apart from this, the experts generally agreed with the structure of usability
that was given as a starting point (Fig. 2).
3.3 Items of Inuit
Based on the findings from the interviews and careful review of existing research [1,
15], we revised the structure of usability given in Figure 2. That is, we added user
confusion as a sub-factor of efficiency. Also, following requirement R2, we cleaned
up the construct by not considering any potential factors that are higher-level
latent variables themselves (i.e., satisfaction, aesthetics, emotional attachment,
fun) and cannot be directly mapped to user interactions in a meaningful way.
Particularly, removing satisfaction as a dimension of usability is in accordance
with [16], thus altering Definition 1 as originally given in Sec. 2. Taking the
Table 2. Inuit the Interface Usability Instrument
Usability factor Dimension Question
Informativeness Effectiveness Did you find the content you were looking for?
Understandability Effectiveness Could you easily understand the provided content?
Confusion Efficiency Were you confused while using the webpage?
Distraction Efficiency Were you distracted by elements of the webpage?
Readability Efficiency Did typography and layout add to readability?
Information Density Efficiency Was there too much information presented on
too little space?
Reachability Efficiency Was your desired content easily and quickly
reachable (concerning time and distance)?
resulting factors, we subsequently formulated corresponding questions to form
the intended usability instrument as given in Table 2.
The overall usability metric of Inuit can now be formed either by directly
summing up all items or by equally weighting the dimensions effectiveness and
4 Evaluation
To evaluate the new usability instrument, we have conducted a confirmatory
factor analysis [2, 6] with a model in which all of the seven items directly load on
the latent variable usability.
The data for evaluation were obtained in a user study with 81 par-
ticipants recruited via Twitter, Facebook and company-internal mailing lists.
Each participant was randomly presented with one of four online news articles
about the Higgs boson [3] (CERN, CNN, Yahoo! News, Scientific American) and
asked to find a particular piece of information within the content of the web
. Two of the articles did not contain the desired information (Yahoo!
News, Scientific American). Having found the piece of information or being
absolutely sure the article does not contain it, the participant had to indicate
they finished the task. Subsequently, they were presented with a questionnaire
containing the items from Table 2 and some demographic questions. As a first
simple approach, the Inuit questions could only be answered with “yes” or “no”
(i.e., the overall usability score has a value between 0 and 7) rather than providing
a Likert scale or similar. We believe this is reasonable since it reduces the user’s
perceived amount of work, which might increase the willingness to give answers
in a real-world setting. It was possible to take part a maximum of four times in
the study, being presented a different article each time.
We intended to choose a topic an average user would most probably not be familiar
with to ensure equality among the participants.
informativeness reachability
confusion readability
Fig. 4.
Model with standardized estimates (correlations
, squared multiple
correlations♥, regression weights♦).
To make the evaluated model more realistic, we introduced covariances be-
tween the residual errors of informativeness and information density as well as
between the residual errors of informativeness and reachability. This is a valid
approach [2, 6] and in this case theoretically grounded since users who cannot
find their desired content due to a high information density or bad reachability
will probably (incorrectly) indicate a bad informativeness and vice versa.
Of the 81 non-unique study participants, 66 were male (15 female) at
an average age of 28.43 (
=2.37). Only two of them indicated that they were
familiar with the news website the presented article was taken from.
Using IBM SPSS Amos 20 [2], we performed the confirmatory factor analysis
as described above. Our results (Fig. 4) suggest that the model used is a reasonably
good fit to the data set, with
=15.817 (df=12, p=0.2), a comparative fit index
(CFI) of 0.971 and a root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA)
For the complete set-up of the study and reproducing the confirmatory
factor analysis, please visit h
5 Discussion & Conclusions
We have introduced Inuit—a novel usability instrument consisting of only seven
items that has been specifically designed for meaningful correlation of its items
According to [2], an RMSEA value of 0.08 or less is “a reasonable error of approxi-
mation”. For detailed descriptions of the measures of fit and their shortcomings, the
interested reader may refer to [2].
with client-side user interactions. A corresponding CFA has been carried out
based on a user study with 81 test subjects. It indicates that our instrument can
reasonably well describe real-world perceptions of usability. As such, it paves the
way for providing models that make it possible to infer a web interface’s usability
score from user interactions alone. In fact, Inuit has already been applied in an
industrial case study [25] during which we were able to directly relate interactions
to usability factors, e.g., less confusion is indicated by a lower scrolling distance
from top (Pearson’s
= -0.44) and better reachability is indicated by fewer changes
in scrolling direction (-0.31).
Yet, we are aware of the fact that Inuit has several limitations. First, complex
concepts like satisfaction and aesthetics have been removed from our set of items
to keep the instrument simple according to the posed requirements. Particularly,
Inuit can only measure the specific type of usability described in Sec. 2, which
is a rather pragmatic interpretation of the concept leaving out potential hedonic
qualities (cf. [12]). Second, usability itself is a difficult-to-grasp concept that
cannot be forced into a structure consisting of yes/no questions in its entirety.
Therefore, the mapping between our model of usability and the real world should
be investigated with additional scales comprising more than two points (e.g., a
Likert scale). Third, for the CFA performed we have chosen a set-up in which all
factors directly load on the latent variable usability. Yet, it would be desirable
to also explore set-ups in which, e.g., the factors load on the two dimensions
effectiveness and efficiency, which then again load on the latent variable with
equal weight. This could unveil models that even better describe real-world
perceptions of usability than the one described above.
In accordance with the above, future work includes the investigation of Inuit
based on different scales as well as CFAs with different set-ups. In fact, the
instrument has already been applied in a separate user study [25] based on a
three-point scale. The gathered data will be prepared to further investigate Inuit
as intended and to confirm the good results of our CFA described in Sec. 4.
We thank our interviewees and all
participants of the Unister Friday PhD Symposia. This work
has been supported by the ESF and the Free State of Saxony.
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