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Brief loving-kindness meditation reduces racial bias, mediated by positive other-regarding emotions



The relationship between positive emotions and implicit racial prejudice is unclear. Interventions using positive emotions to reduce racial bias have been found wanting, while other research shows that positive affect can sometimes exacerbate implicit prejudice. Nevertheless, loving-kindness meditation (LKM) has shown some promise as a method of reducing bias despite increasing a broad range of positive emotions. A randomised control trial (n = 69) showed that a short-term induction of LKM decreased automatic processing, increased controlled processing, and was sufficient to reduce implicit prejudice towards the target’s racial group but not towards a group untargeted by the meditation. Furthermore, the reduction in bias was shown to be mediated by other-regarding positive emotions alongside increased control and decreased automaticity on the IAT. Non-other-regarding positive emotions conversely showed no correlation with bias. The study is the first to show that a short-term positive emotional induction can reduce racial prejudice, and aids the understanding of how positive emotions functionally differentiate in affecting bias.
Brief loving-kindness meditation reduces racial bias, mediated by positive other-regarding
Alexander J. Stell & Tom Farsides
University of Sussex, Brighton, UK
This is a pre-print version of a manuscript accepted for publication in Motivation & Emotion,
September 2015
APA Style Online First Citation:
Stell, A. J., & Farsides, T. (2015). Brief loving-kindness meditation reduces racial bias, mediated
by positive other-regarding emotions. Motivation and Emotion, 1-8. Advance online publication.
The relationship between positive emotions and implicit racial prejudice is unclear. Interventions
using positive emotions to reduce racial bias have been found wanting, while other research
shows that positive affect can sometimes exacerbate implicit prejudice. Nevertheless, loving-
kindness meditation (LKM) has shown some promise as a method of reducing bias despite
increasing a broad range of positive emotions. A randomised control trial (n = 69) showed that a
short-term induction of LKM decreased automatic processing, increased controlled processing,
and was sufficient to reduce implicit prejudice towards the target’s racial group but not towards a
group untargeted by the meditation. Furthermore, the reduction in bias was shown to be mediated
by other-regarding positive emotions alongside increased control and decreased automaticity on
the IAT. Non-other-regarding positive emotions conversely showed no correlation with bias. The
study is the first to show that a short-term positive emotional induction can reduce racial
prejudice, and aids the understanding of how positive emotions functionally differentiate in
affecting bias.
Keywords: loving-kindness meditation, implicit social cognition, prejudice, positive other-
regarding emotions, implicit association task
Brief loving-kindness meditation reduces racial bias, mediated by positive other-regarding
Short-term interventions using emotional inductions to reduce racial prejudice are usually
ineffective (Lai et al. 2014). Other research has shown that in comparison to negative affect,
general positive affect can lead to increased prejudiced thoughts and feelings toward racial out-
groups. Huntsinger et al. (2009) found that music that put white participants in a positive mood
elicited more stereotypic bias towards black people compared to music that primed a negative
mood. Similary, Bodenhausen et al. (1994) found that individuals induced to feel happy were
more likely to employ stereotypes in social judgements than those experiencing a neutral state.
One explanation for such findings is that positive states such as happiness may have the effect of
increasing reliance on internal knowledge structures such as heuristics (see Shiota 2014).
Nevertheless, research is beginning to show that positive emotions are not all alike in their
effects on implicit cognition. Griskevicius et al. (2010) compared the extent to which
participants’ persuasion processing was affected by six distinct positive emotions. Whilst those
induced with contentment, anticipatory enthusiasm, attachment love or amusement were more
persuaded by a weak argument, nurturant love and awe showed the opposite effect (Griskevicius
et al. 2010). This finding was taken by the authors to indicate that awe and nurturant love
contraindicate positive emotions’ usual reliance on automatic decision-making. If positive
emotions have divergent effects on automatic processing, it is possible they will also affect
implicit prejudice in varying ways. The present study explores the relative effects on bias of two
categories of positive emotions; those that are other-regarding or those that are non-other
The technique known to Buddhists as loving-kindness meditation (LKM) aims to self-
regulate an affective state of unconditional kindness towards the self and others. Although
techniques vary, practitioners of LKM typically repeat phrases such as ‘may you be happy and
healthy’ while visualizing a person (the target) experiencing the outcome of such wishes
(Salzberg 1995).
LKM is known to engender positive well-being outcomes for the individual, including
increases in general positive affect. This effect has been measured by self-report as well as with
autonomic processes such as vagal tone (Kok et al. 2013). Supporting traditional accounts that
regard LKM as a tool for interindividual harmony (Salzberg 1995), a few studies have now
highlighted LKM’s capacity to positively affect social cognition. Hutcherson et al. (2008)
showed that LKM significantly increased self-reported as well as implicit positive affect towards
a photo of a neutral stranger. Leiberg et al. (2011), demonstrated that a day-long induction of
LKM increased cooperative behaviour in a specially developed pro-social economic game.
Similarly, Weng et al. (2013) showed that LKM increased altruistic redistribution of funds to a
‘victim’ figure encountered outside the training context.
If LKM increases prosociality, inter-group processes would appear to be an area of
human life likely to benefit from such an effect. Hunsinger et al. (2012) investigated the effect of
LKM on explicit racial prejudice, comparing long-term meditators to a passive control (non-
meditators). Although this study found significantly less self-reported prejudice in long-term
LKM practitioners, the authors note the difficulty in drawing causal conclusions due to the
participants being a self-selecting sample, presumably drawn to the practice of meditation for
reasons that might also motivate the desire to express egalitarian values to a greater extent.
Nevertheless, more recent experimental work (Kang et al. 2013), has documented that a 6-week
LKM training has the capability to reduce implicit racial bias as measured by the implicit
association task (IAT) in comparison to both an active and a wait-list control group. Whilst such
work highlights the potential value of LKM as a method to decrease racial bias, it is unclear
which mechanism or set of mechanisms mediates the effect. Kang et al. (2013) proposed two
mediators – cognitive control and stress – but both were found to be ineffective. As LKM’s most
apparent outcome is that it increases positive emotions, its effectiveness appears to contradict
past research which shows that positive emotions are either unrelated to bias or that they increase
it. The current paper attempts to solve this question by proposing that LKM attenuates racial bias
to the extent that it increases positive other-regarding emotions, and it is these emotions which
mediate the effect on bias. Unlike most positive emotions, which increase self-focused attention
(e.g. Abele et al. 2005) other-regarding positive emotions are those in which the locus of the
emotion is turned outward, toward others. Such emotions may have evolved to facilitate fitness-
enhancing activities such as cooperation, reciprocity and bonding (Shiota 2014). Gratitude, for
instance, is a response to another’s benevolence while awe and elevation are elicited by another’s
virtue, whether or not the self benefits (Horberg et al. 2011). Compassionate and nurturant forms
of love likewise centre on the wellbeing of the other (Haidt 2003).
Functional-adaptive approaches suggest that positive other-regarding emotions are
normally expressed in the presence of and elicited by close others. However, by encouraging
such emotions towards non-close others, LKM may engender kin-like responses towards those
targeted by the meditation. Thus, people who are not usually placed within one’s ‘Moral circle’
(Singer 2011) may be experienced as such due to the emotion’s associated action-tendency.
It is not known whether LKM can affect bias after a short exposure to the practice.
Although Hutcherson et al. (2008) showed that just a few minutes of LKM can affect positive
evaluations of a single target and Kang et al. (2013) showed that a 6-week intervention can
reduce prejudice, it remains uncertain whether brief LKM can reduce prejudice. An additional
aim of the current study then is to ascertain whether a short-term induction is efficacious in
reducing prejudice.
Additionally, it is uncertain what the effect of targeting LKM to specific individuals or
groups is. Kang et al. (2013) for example allowed their participants to choose freely their
meditation targets. This would have made it likely that targets were of the same race. The present
study explores this issue by presenting a focal racial group – black people – as the target of
meditation and compares scores to a peripheral race untargeted by the meditation; specifically,
Asian people.
Finally, it is unclear whether LKM affects bias by decreasing automatic processing,
increasing controlled processing, or a combination of the two. Other meditative techniques are
believed to increase controlled processing (Moore and Malinowski 2009), yet changes in
automatic responding may also be predicted by LKM’s highly affective nature. Using a method
known as process disassociation procedure (PDP) analysis (Huntsinger et al. 2009), we will
measure LKM-induced changes in both controlled and automatic processing.
Present study
In this study we aimed to ascertain whether a short-term LKM induction was capable of
reducing implicit racial bias towards both a focal and a peripheral racial out-group. Additionally,
in order to explore possible mechanisms by which LKM may affect bias, we examined the
mediating effect of positive other-regarding emotions. Specifically, we predicted that although
LKM would lead to general increases in positive emotions, only those that were other-regarding
would successfully mediate LKM’s effect on bias. Finally we predicted that LKM would
decrease automatic and increase controlled processing on the IAT.
Seventy-one undergraduate students participated in a study advertised as “investigating
the effect of imagery on categorization”. Intended sample size was calculated a priori using a
power analysis in which we sought to detect a medium effect size with .80 power. This rough
effect size was based on prior research on LKM and bias (Kang et al. 2013, effect size between
LKM and control conditions). Participation was rewarded by entry into a random draw for two
cash prizes of £25. Only white people were sampled to avoid frequently observed inter-ethnic
differences in implicit bias (Nosek et al. 2006). To limit the risk of introducing biases in the
recruitment process, the data from non-whites signed up to the study was collected but not
analysed. This affected two study sign-ups. No participant reported meditating for more than 30
minutes per week. Two participants were excluded for making errors in over 40% of IAT trials1
leaving a total of sixty-nine participants (50 women; Mage = 23.7 years, SD = 4.24).
Implicit Association Task (IAT). Implicit racial bias was measured using the race
Implicit Association Test (IAT), following Greenwald et al.’s (2003) recommendations.
Category word “black” and category term “white” were presented in either corner at the
top of the screen. Below each was either the category term “good” or the category term “bad”.
Pairings of the words in each corner varied. A series of attribute terms (e.g., “wonderful”) and
photographs of either black or white people were presented in the middle of the screen.
Participants used one or other computer key to identify them as belonging to a category shown in
the top-left or the top-right. How long participants took to press the correct key following
presentation of the target word or photograph was recorded. Racial bias is thought to be indicated
by faster identification of positive attribute terms when the positive category term was paired
with the “white” (in-group) category term than when it was paired with the “black” (out-group)
1 Inclusion of these participants’ data did not alter the interpretation of any of the substantive
one, and also by faster identification of negative attribute terms when the negative category term
was paired with the out-group category term than when it was paired with the in-group one.
To explore whether LKM induces a race-specific reduction in bias, all participants
completed two IATs: one with “black” people as the out-group (IAT-1) and another with
“Asian” people as the out-group (IAT-2). The order in which these IATs were administered was
also counterbalanced and was found to have no effect on the dependent variables.
Positive other-regarding and positive non-other-regarding emotions. To assess the
effect of the manipulation on self-reported positive emotion, positive items from the modified
Differential Emotions Sub-scale (mDES; Fredrickson et al. 2003) were administered. This
measure asks participants to rate their strongest experience, during the manipulation, of each of
11 specific emotions on a 5-point scale (e.g. awe: “During the visualization exercise, I felt awe,
wonder, or amazement” 0 = not at all to 4 = extremely). As previous research on implicit bias
has shown that the specificity of an emotion in terms of its capability to provoke functional-
adaptive responses is more important than some general quality like valence (Dasgupta et al.
2009) we sub-divided these emotions into either other regarding or non-other-regarding based on
existing theoretical approaches (Haidt 2003; Horberg et al. 2011). Positive other-regarding
emotions were gratitude, elevation, love and awe (α = .92). Non-other-regarding emotions were:
amusement, buoyancy, hope, curiosity, happiness, pride and contentment (α = .85).
Face Images. For the LKM and Imagery manipulations, target images were one of eight
possible gender-matched black people acquired from the Centre of Vital Longevity’s face
database (Minear and Park 2004). Images for the IAT tasks were taken from the Multi-Category
Implicit Association Test (MC-IAT; Nosek et al. 2013) which feature colour, custom-morphed
images of white, black and Asian faces.
Procedure and Conditions
Participants were randomly allocated to either a loving-kindness meditation (LKM) or a
visualization (Imagery) condition. In each condition, instructions lasting approximately 7
minutes were given over headphones. Replicating Hutcherson et al.’s (2008) induction,
participants were asked to close their eyes, relax and take some deep breaths.
In the LKM condition (n = 34), participants were then instructed to imagine people who
‘deeply cared for them’ standing on either side of them, sending them love. Then after
approximately 4 minutes, they were asked to open their eyes and redirect the feelings of love
towards gender-matched black person shown in a photograph, and then wish them health,
happiness and wellbeing (Salzberg, 1995).
In the Imagery condition (n = 35), participants were first instructed to think about the
physical characteristics of two acquaintances for whom they had no strong feelings, after which
they were asked to open their eyes and pay close attention to the physical features of the same
gender-matched black person show in a photograph as was used in the LKM condition.
Thus, participants in each condition underwent a closely matched procedure but with
only those in the LKM condition imagining receiving and sending loving thoughts and feelings.
After the manipulation, participants were presented with the counter-balanced IATs
followed by the mDES. Finally, all participants were debriefed.
(Insert Table 1 about here)
Positive emotions. To gauge whether LKM increased positive emotions, a 2 (treatment:
LKM/Imagery) × 2 (emotion locus: other-regarding/non-other-regarding) mixed-model ANOVA
was conducted with the first factor between and the second factor within subjects. Effects were
found for treatment, F(1, 67) = 34.22, p < .001, = .34, emotion locus, F(1, 67) = 9.75, p =
.003, = .13, and emotion locus × treatment, F(1, 67) = 35.52, p < .001, = .35. In line with
our predictions, follow-up t-tests revealed that, compared to Imagery, LKM increased both other-
regarding (Imagery: M = .81, SD = .80; LKM: M = 2.46, SD = 1.14), t(67) = 7.02, p < .001, d =
1.67, and non-other regarding (Imagery: M = 1.60, SD = 0.68; LKM: M = 2.21, SD = 0.86),
t(67) = 3.27, p = .002, d = 0.78 positive emotions (see Table 1). Paired t-tests qualified the
significant emotion locus × treatment interaction by revealing that those induced with Imagery
exhibited larger amounts of non-other regarding (M = 1.60, SD = 0.68) than other-regarding (M
= 0.81, SD = 0.79) emotions , t(33) = -7.33, p < .001, d = 1.07, whereas this pattern was reversed
for the LKM group: participants induced with LKM exhibited larger amounts of other-regarding
(M = 2.46, SD = 1.14) than non-other-regarding (M = 2.21, SD = 0.86) emotions, although this
difference fell just short of significance, t(33) = 1.80, p = .08, d = 0.25. Thus, participants
induced with LKM experienced similar or heightened levels of positive affect directed towards
others as they felt pertaining to themselves, whereas the Imagery group exhibited significantly
more self- than other-directed positive affect.
Implicit Racial Prejudice. In order to test whether the LKM group exhibited a race-
specific reduction in bias, IAT d bias scores were submitted to a 2 (treatment: LKM/Imagery) ×
2 (Race: Black/Asian) mixed-model ANOVA with the first factor between and the second factor
within subjects. The d outcome measure was calculated in accordance with Greenwald et al.
(2003) by subtracting SD corrected latencies for in-group/positive responses from out-
group/positive responses and in-group/negative responses from out-group/negative responses.
Effects were found for race, F(1, 67) = 19.37, p < .001, = .22, and race × treatment, F(1, 67)
= 6.34, p = .01, = .09. No significant overall treatment effect emerged, F(1, 67) = 1.90, p =
.17, = .03 . These results were qualified by follow-up independent t-tests. For IAT-1 with
black people as the out-group, results indicated, as predicted a significant decrease in overall bias
for the LKM group (M = 0.33, SD = 0.41) in comparison to the Imagery group (M = 0.57, SD =
0.40), t(67) = -2.44, p = .02, with a moderate effect size (Cohen’s d = 0.59). However, in IAT-2
(with Asians as out-group), there was no significant differences in bias between the LKM (M =
0.24, SD = 0.47) and Imagery (M = 0.23, SD = 0.34) groups, t(67) = 0.04, p = .97, d = 0.02 (see
Table 1). Therefore, LKM was only effective at reducing bias towards the focal target group;
bias towards the peripheral group was unaffected.
PDP Analysis. To test whether LKM affected controlled or automatic processing (or
both), PDP analysis was used in accordance with Huntsinger et al. (2009). Two separate
estimates for controlled and automatic processing during the IATs were created. The controlled
estimate (C) was computed by subtracting the probability of incorrect responses on the
incompatible blocks from the probability of correct responses on the compatible blocks. The
automatic estimate (A) was computed by taking the probability of incorrect responses on the
incompatible blocks and dividing it by (1 – C). A 2 (treatment: LKM/Imagery) × 2 (processing
type: automatic/controlled) mixed-model ANOVA found effects for processing type, F(1, 67) =
68.45, p < .001, = .51, and processing type × treatment, F(1, 67) = 10.59, p = .002, = .14.
Follow-up independent t-tests showed that, as predicted, automatic processing was significantly
lower in the LKM (M = .55, SD = .25) than in the Imagery (M = .67, SD = .21) condition, t(67) =
-2.20, p = .03, d = 0.53. Furthermore, controlled processing was observed to be significantly
higher in the LKM (M = .90, SD = .06) than in the Imagery (M = .82, SD = .15) condition, t(67)
= 2.79, p = .01, d = 0.62. As the data for the controlled estimate exhibited non-normality and
heterogeneous variance, a Mann-Whitney U-test was also employed. The effect remained
significant, U = 391.50, p = .01. These results indicate that LKM increased controlled and
decreased automatic processing (see Table 1).
Mediation analysis. Mediation analysis was performed using Preacher and Hayes’ (2008)
INDIRECT macro for SPSS, which has been shown to have more power in smaller samples than
normal theory tests such as the Sobel test. Significance tests for indirect effects are reported as
bias corrected and accelerated 95% confidence intervals (Preacher and Hayes 2008) while direct
effects between IV, mediator and DV are reported using critical alpha values. First, to test
whether our primary candidate mediator, positive other-regarding emotions, accounted for the
effect of LKM on implicit prejudice, we used the overall bias score from IAT-1 as dependent
variable and conducted a single mediation analysis with treatment group as independent variable,
and either positive other-regarding or positive non-other-regarding emotions as proposed
mediators. LKM was associated with increases in other-regarding emotions (B = 1.66, SE = 0.24,
p < .001) and other-regarding emotions were associated with decreases in bias (B = -0.13, SE =
0.05, p = .02). Results of 5000 bias-corrected and accelerated bootstrapped samples confirmed a
significant indirect effect of LKM on bias though other-regarding positive emotions with 95%
bootstrapped confidence intervals (BCI) showing no overlap with zero (B = -0.21, SE = 0.10,
95% BCI [-0.44, -0.05]). Contrastingly, whilst positive non-other-regarding emotions were
increased by LKM, (B = 0.61, SE = 0.19, p = .002), there was no relationship between these
emotions and bias, (B = -0.05, SE = 0.06, p = .40) and accordingly, the indirect effect of LKM
on bias through non-other-regarding emotions was nonsignificant (B = 0.001, SE = 0.04, 95%
BCI [-0.09, 0.07]). Finally, we took an exploratory step and added the controlled and automatic
estimates from the PDP analysis as candidate mediators in a multiple mediator model that
included positive other-regarding emotions. Regression coefficients and BCIs for the final model
are presented in Figure 1. LKM was associated with decreases in automatic processing (B = -.12,
SE = .24, p < .001), and this mediator was associated with increases in bias (B = .43, SE = .20
, p = .03). LKM was associated with increases in controlled processing (B = -.08, SE = .24, p <
.001). However, although this candidate mediator evidenced significant zero-order negative
correlations with bias (r = -.28, p = .02), when controlling for the effect of the other mediators in
the multiple mediation model, it fell over the threshold for significance (B = .66, SE = .40, p =
.10). Nevertheless, bootstrapped estimates of indirect effects for both processing types were
significant (Automatic: B = -.05, SE = .04, 95% BCI [-.14, -.002], Controlled: B = -.05, SE = .03,
95% BCI [-.14, -.003]), indicating that, alongside inducing positive other-regarding emotions,
LKM reduces bias through reducing automatic as well as increasing controlled processing.
Additionally, it was observed that the effect of adding these three successful mediators to the
mediation model meant that the direct path from treatment group to implicit bias became non-
significant (B = -0.05, SE = 0.12, p = .71). This suggested that the mediators accounted for much
of the effect of LKM on bias.
(Insert Figure 1 about here)
We found that just seven minutes of loving-kindness meditation directed to a member of
a racial out-group was sufficient to reduce racial bias towards that out-group. The practice was
only effective in reducing bias for the focal race; implicit bias scores towards a peripheral racial
group – Asian people – were not impacted. Additionally, LKM’s effects on bias were mediated
by the presence of other-regarding but not non-other-regarding positive emotions. Furthermore,
LKM appears to gain efficacy both by increasing controlled processing and by decreasing
automatic processing.
The current study is the first to successfully find a short-term positive emotion induction
that reduces racial prejudice as measured by the IAT. Furthermore we have found support for
the possibility that it is the social locus of the positive emotion (whether or not it is other-
regarding) that is crucial in whether the emotion will decrease bias. Finally, we have shown,
again for the first time, how improved appraisals of others that result from LKM practice extend
beyond the metalized recipient (target) of LKM, towards those categorically related (the target’s
No previously published study has demonstrated that a short-term emotional induction
has the power to reduce racial bias as measured by the IAT (see Lai et al. 2014). Furthermore,
given that successful (non-affective) interventions in Lai et al. (2014) achieved a reduction of
bias by in some way priming negative construals of the in-group, LKM seems to constitute a
technique that may be more easily scaled up to programs promoting prejudice reduction in the
world outside the laboratory. It seems reasonable to suggest that LKM, with its reported benefits
for the individual, is a more acceptable method of bias reduction than, for example, interventions
that include priming reviled white figures such as Adolf Hitler and Ted Bundy (Lai et al. 2014;
intervention 5).
We found a decrease in prejudice towards a focal racial group but no difference in scores
for a group not targeted by the intervention, Asian people. This result appears to depart from
Kang et al. (2013), who found that prejudice towards black people was decreased by a 6-week
LKM training, despite this group not being explicitly directed to in the training. One possible
reason for this difference, that should be tested in future research, is that LKM enacts both a
specific effect on the target of meditation and their group, as well as a diffuse, but perhaps
weaker, effect on other groups. This diffuse effect may not have been measurable due to the
short-term nature of our intervention. Finding a specific effect of LKM is notable in the context
of previous work on the subject, where it has been unclear to what extent implicit positive
appraisals extend beyond the person who is the target of meditation (Hutcherson et al. 2008).
Presently, we have shown that the effects of LKM appear to extend at least to the target’s racial
Based on a social-functional understanding of emotions, we hypothesized that one sub-set
of positive emotions would serve to mediate LKM-induced reductions of bias. Specifically, we
predicted that positive other-regarding emotions – that is, emotions that have a direct linkage
with positive social aspects of inter-individual functioning – would predict bias reduction, but
that non-other-regarding positive emotions would not evidence such effects. Our results
indicated this to be the case. Although LKM was demonstrated to significantly increase a broad
range of other-focused and non-other-focused positive emotions, the latter category showed no
relationship with changes in implicit bias. This indicates that positive emotions need to implicate
others if they are to affect bias; feeling good per se – whilst an outcome of LKM practice is
probably not the mechanism by which it attenuates prejudice. Such observations then provide
reason to doubt the sufficiency of adapting valence-based theories to prejudice reduction (e.g.
Johnson and Fredrickson 2005) as it appears it is the social locus of the emotion, and not
valence, that matters.
Making the distinction between other- and non-other regarding positive emotions also
adds to the debate on the relationship between positive emotion and either automatic or
controlled cognitive processes. The process-dissociation procedure and mediation analysis
showed that positive emotions induced by LKM served to increase controlled and reduce
automatic processing, thereby reducing bias. That LKM increases control on the IAT may relate
to the practice’s close association with mindfulness, a construct linked to elevated attentional
performance and cognitive flexibility (Moore and Malinowski 2009). A more puzzling question
regards LKM’s role in decreasing automaticity when past research has shown positive emotions’
capacity to increase automatic thinking. One possibility is that this was due to relatively
pronounced other-regarding emotions which, instead of directing attention towards internal
knowledge structures (e.g. biases), focused attention outwards towards the elicitor. Some support
for this interpretation is found in Griskevicius et al.’s (2010) study in which six out of eight
positive emotions increased susceptibility to a weak argument. Awe and nurturant love, however
– two other-regarding emotions – had the opposite effect. This finding was interpreted in terms
of these emotions’ capacity, compared to the other positive emotions measured, to decrease
reliance on heuristics thereby reducing the persuasiveness of the argument.
It is important to consider the reasons why LKM succeeded in reducing bias despite
positive emotions’ (even those that are other-regarding) bad track record in this context. Recent
work focusing on elevation for example has shown it to be ineffective in changing racial bias,
even when it is elicited in the context of an admirable black person (Lai et al. 2014; Lai et al.
2013). One possibility is that LKM may differ from other positive emotion inductions by
recruiting multiple other-regarding emotions. Effect sizes are generally much smaller for positive
than negative emotional inductions (Westermann et al. 1996), so it is possible that the cumulative
effect of the various relevant positive emotions is enough to make the difference. Another,
related possibility is that LKM might gain efficacy by affecting sentiments (Prinz 2007) towards
the target directly. Sentiments are not emotions themselves but an orientation (e.g. liking,
disliking) towards a person or object that modulates the occurrence of specific emotions. Love
for instance appears to defy categorization as single, distinct emotion (Scherer 2005) and might
be better classified as a sentiment. LKM may work by modulating sentiments towards targets,
which produce emotions, rather than increasing emotions per se. Nevertheless, future research
will need to employ experimental manipulations of specific emotions and (or) sentiments to
investigate the relationship between positive emotions and bias reduction.
The present study helps identify the effect of positive emotions on implicit bias in loving-
kindness meditation, and isolates positive other-regarding emotions, alongside changes in
cognitive processing, as putative mechanisms towards inter-group harmony.
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(n = 34)
Neutral Imagery
(n = 35)
Age in years (SD)
23.29 (3.83)
24.09 (4.61)
Female (%)
Study Variable
Implicit Bias (IAT):
black people
.33 (.41)
.57 (.40)
t = -2.44*
Implicit Bias (IAT):
Asian people
.24 (.47)
.23 (.33)
t = .04
Automaticity on
.55 (.25)
.67 (.21)
t = -2.20*
Cognitive control on
.90 (.06)
.82 (.15)
t = 2.79*
Positive other-
regarding emotions
2.46 (1.14)
.81 (.80)
t = 7.02***
Positive non-other-
regarding emotions
2.21 (.86)
1.60 (.68)
t = 3.27**
Figure 1. Multiple Mediation Model showing variables that mediate LKM’s effect on implicit
racial bias. Values are unstandardised regression coefficients with bootstrapped confidence
intervals for each mediator’s specific indirect effect in square brackets.
*** p < .001, ** p < .01, * p < .05, + p = .10
Loving-Kindness Meditation
Positive Other-regarding
Implicit Racial Bias
Automatic Processing
Controlled Processing
-18 [-.44, -.02]
-.05 [-.14, -.002]
-.05 [-.12, -.003]
-.05 (ns)
... Most notably, interventions like concentrative meditations are situationally malleable and provide opportunity to manipulate the motivation for practicing an exercise. Research indicates that meditational practices have the propensity to facilitate both self-transcending (e.g., Boellinghaus et al., 2013;Stell & Farsides, 2016) and self-enhancing states (e.g., Gebauer et al., 2018), making meditation an ideal intervention framework for manipulating and evoking motives in virtue development. ...
... Specifically, experimentally manipulated loving-kindness practices have been associated with heightened social connection (Hutcherson et al., 2008) and patience (Schnitker, 2012). Other experimental work has linked loving-kindness meditation to decreased implicit racial prejudice (Kang et al., 2014;Stell & Farsides, 2016), mediated by self-transcendent positive emotions of gratitude, elevation, love, and awe (Stell & Farsides, 2016). Meditations encompassing a moral or otherfocused approach have the propensity to cultivate virtue and increase prosocial outcomes through self-transcendent positive emotions. ...
... Specifically, experimentally manipulated loving-kindness practices have been associated with heightened social connection (Hutcherson et al., 2008) and patience (Schnitker, 2012). Other experimental work has linked loving-kindness meditation to decreased implicit racial prejudice (Kang et al., 2014;Stell & Farsides, 2016), mediated by self-transcendent positive emotions of gratitude, elevation, love, and awe (Stell & Farsides, 2016). Meditations encompassing a moral or otherfocused approach have the propensity to cultivate virtue and increase prosocial outcomes through self-transcendent positive emotions. ...
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Current virtue theories emphasize the role of self-transcendent morality in virtue development, but there is limited empirical work exploring this. A three-week meditation-based intervention (N = 877) experimentally manipulated self-transcending (vs. instrumental) motives in the development of patience, generosity, social responsibility, gratitude, and honesty. We hypothesized that participants in the transcendent condition would report higher post-intervention virtue, self-transcendent emotions, and values of universalism and benevolence, and these patterns would persist for virtue after controlling for baseline levels. We further predicted self-transcendent emotions and self-enhancement would mediate this relation. Results indicated post-intervention differences between the two meditation conditions and the control, but not each other. The meditative conditions reported higher self-transcendence and self-enhancement, which mediated the pathway between baseline and post-intervention virtue. These findings hold important implications for research on meditation, the role of self-transcendence in virtue development, and implementing virtue-building interventions.
... For example, one randomized controlled trial found that participants who performed a brief LKM directed towards a racial out-group reduced their implicit racial bias compared to those in the control group [25]. Research also shows that LKM can increase feelings of social connectedness and positivity towards strangers [26] and simply exposing participants to loving kindness statements (e.g., "May you be at ease") can increase their sensitivity towards others' experiences [27]. ...
... Then, participants were randomly assigned to either a three-minute LKM intervention or a control condition. The 3-minute dosage and design of the LKM intervention were chosen to reduce participant burden based on previous studies using brief meditation interventions [25,33]. In the LKM condition, participants were instructed to write a message to their recipient (close other or stranger) showing concern about the stigmatizing scenario and wishing them health, happiness, and wellbeing. ...
... Although burgeoning work on LKM has shown successful reductions in implicit bias across other marginalized groups [25,37], we did not find evidence of this in the present investigation on weight stigma. One possible explanation for this may be the LKM paradigm used in the current study, which asked participants to perform a written LKM for a higher weight recipient. ...
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Weight stigma is highly prevalent. However, existing weight stigma interventions are only modestly effective at reducing anti-fat attitudes. The current research proposes a novel approach using a loving kindness meditation (LKM). Experiment 1 tests whether random assignment to the LKM intervention reduces explicit and implicit anti-fat bias and increases empathy based on the LKM recipient with higher weight (close other vs. stranger). Experiment 2 tests whether LKM outperforms an empathy intervention or control to increase empathy or reduce stigmatizing behavior. Results revealed that the LKM increased empathic care but did not reduce anti-fat bias compared to control; the LKM intervention, but not the empathy intervention, reported greater empathy compared to control in unadjusted analyses; and participants in the LKM and empathy interventions (vs. control) were more likely to engage in stigmatizing behavior. These findings suggest that the LKM may not be effective at reducing weight stigma despite increasing empathy.
... Eight weekly online mindfulness/cognitive behavioral therapy classes lessened affective polarization between Leavers and Remainers in post-Brexit Britain (Simonsson et al., 2022). Even short mindfulness interventions led to temporary reductions in implicit racial prejudice (Lueke & Gibson, 2015), and implicit (Stell & Farsides, 2016) or explicit (Parks et al., 2014) prejudice against homeless persons. However, no such intervention has been applied to dispositionally prejudiced individuals. ...
... In Study 1, we compared the effects of two mindfulness practices (vs. control): training the ability to focus attention on positive aspects of experience for which one can feel grateful (mindful-gratitude practice; Stell & Farsides, 2016) and training the ability to focus attention (mindful-attention practice or meditative experience monitoring; Lueke & Gibson, 2015). We did so to test whether mindful-gratitude practice rather than mindful-attention practice weakens prejudice at high levels of collective narcissism. ...
... Participants. We based our sample-size estimation on average effect sizes reported by studies testing the influence of brief mindfulness practice on prejudice ( f = 0.15; Lueke & Gibson, 2015;Stell & Farsides, 2016). We estimated the sample size required for a between-subjects design with three conditions (mindful-gratitude practice, mindful-attention practice, and control) and a continuous moderator (collective narcissism) for an alpha level of .05 and power of .80. ...
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This research tested the hypothesis that mindful-gratitude practice attenuates the robust association between collective narcissism and prejudice. In Study 1 (a between-subjects study using a nationally representative sample of 569 Polish adults; 313 female), 10 min of mindful-gratitude practice—compared to mindful-attention practice and control—did not decrease prejudice (anti-Semitism), but weakened the positive link between collective narcissism and prejudice. In Study 2 (a preregistered, randomized, controlled-trial study using a convenience sample of 219 Polish adults; 168 female), a 6-week mobile app supported training in daily mindful-gratitude practice decreased prejudice (anti-Semitism, sexism, homophobia, anti-immigrant sentiment) and its link with collective narcissism compared to a wait-list control. The hypothesis-consistent results emphasize the social relevance of mindful-gratitude practice, a time- and cost-effective intervention.
... In their systematic review, Oyler et al. (2022) also summarized the significant mediators of these relationships: lower intergroup anxiety when contact intentions or attitudes toward the outgroup was the outcome variable (Parks et al., 2014;Price-Blackshear & Bettencourt, 2020;Price-Blackshear et al., 2017), internal motivation to respond without sexism (Gervais & Hoffman, 2013), positive other-regarding emotions (Stell & Farsides, 2015), empathy (Hunsinger et al., 2014), psychological stress (Kang et al., 2014), acceptance and flexibility (Lillis & Hayes, 2007), and automaticity (Lueke & Gibson, 2014;Stell & Farsides, 2015), the latter measured in terms of automatic responding. Interestingly, the automaticity channel is consistent with the de-automatization model of mindfulness (Fuochi & Voci, 2020a;Kang et al., 2013) and supports the idea that one positive social outcome of de-automatization is reduced intergroup bias, in its many possible forms. ...
... In their systematic review, Oyler et al. (2022) also summarized the significant mediators of these relationships: lower intergroup anxiety when contact intentions or attitudes toward the outgroup was the outcome variable (Parks et al., 2014;Price-Blackshear & Bettencourt, 2020;Price-Blackshear et al., 2017), internal motivation to respond without sexism (Gervais & Hoffman, 2013), positive other-regarding emotions (Stell & Farsides, 2015), empathy (Hunsinger et al., 2014), psychological stress (Kang et al., 2014), acceptance and flexibility (Lillis & Hayes, 2007), and automaticity (Lueke & Gibson, 2014;Stell & Farsides, 2015), the latter measured in terms of automatic responding. Interestingly, the automaticity channel is consistent with the de-automatization model of mindfulness (Fuochi & Voci, 2020a;Kang et al., 2013) and supports the idea that one positive social outcome of de-automatization is reduced intergroup bias, in its many possible forms. ...
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Objectives Mindfulness might promote an open, accepting, less stereotypical view of people belonging to other social groups. We hypothesized positive cross-sectional (H1) and longitudinal (H2) associations between dispositional mindfulness — especially the Observing facet — and positive intergroup outcomes (i.e., better intergroup attitudes and contact experiences, lower intergroup prejudice, higher deprovincialization), and that those associations would be mediated by dispositional curiosity and reflection (H3). Method We tested H1 in Study 1 (two waves, 1-month interval, n = 102) and Study 2 (cross-sectional, n = 679), with linear models in which attitudes and prejudice toward immigrants, contact with immigrants (only in Study 2), and deprovincialization were predicted by mindfulness facets. We tested H2 in Study 1, with cross-lagged path models replicating the cross-sectional analyses, and H3 in Study 2, with structural equation models in which Reflection, Joyous Exploration, Stress Tolerance, and Social Curiosity mediated the relationships between facets of dispositional mindfulness and intergroup outcomes. Results Results largely supported hypotheses. Consistent with H1, in Studies 1 and 2, Observing was associated with all intergroup outcomes; in Study 2, Describing was associated with higher deprovincialization, better attitudes, and lower prejudice, and Nonjudging with higher deprovincialization and positive contact. As for H2, we found a unidirectional association from Observing to attitudes. Concerning H3, we found mediating paths between some mindfulness facets and intergroup outcomes through Reflection, Joyous Exploration, Stress Tolerance, and Social Curiosity. Conclusions Results support the possibility to build prejudice reduction interventions grounded on mindfulness, to increase awareness of negative stereotypes and openness to differences among people. Preregistration The study was not preregistered.
... Students completed the surveys 2 sequential school weeks apart. We decided to implement the intervention for a total of 4 school weeks based on the practical needs of the school setting, and on findings in the literature indicating that even brief and short-term LKM practices can result in optimal outcomes (e.g., Hutcherson et al., 2008;Stell & Farsides, 2016). First, we created a Google Classroom for students with access to the surveys for all participants; students in the treatment group were also provided access to recordings of a 10-minute, guided LKM practice designed and recorded by the researchers and adapted from Salzberg (1995). ...
Our study explored the impact of a 4-week, daily lovingkindness meditation practice on students' levels of hope and emotional intelligence. Our findings indicated no statistically significant difference between treatment and waitlist control groups in students' reported levels of hope and emotional intelligence. However, when students' frequency of practice was included in the model, the results showed that the between-subjects effects were significant. We offer implications for school counseling practice and future research.
... Prior research has provided support for the ability of AJM training to enhance various positive emotions in daily life . Positive emotions have been shown to benefit interpersonal relationships by reducing bias toward outgroups (Stell & Farsides, 2015). While the current study supported the idea that appreciative joy has contributions beyond positive emotions, it did not discount the potential importance of positive emotions in the entire AJM training process. ...
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Studies in psychology and sociology have documented that anti-rich mentality is a threat to the stability of society and harms personal mental health, but few studies have investigated ways to intervene in anti-rich mentality. In the current work, we took an initial step to explore whether anti-rich mentality can be reduced by appreciative joy, a positive psychological concept that refers to feeling happy for others with an appreciative and unenvious attitude. A cross-sectional questionnaire survey in Study 1 (n = 632) first established a negative association between appreciative joy and anti-rich mentality. In Study 2, a randomized controlled trial further evaluated the effects of appreciative joy intervention (n = 499). The results showed that the intervention increased appreciative joy and decreased anti-rich mentality. Moreover, two concepts closely related to anti-rich mentality (i.e., perceived fairness in allocation and envy) were influenced by appreciative joy intervention. Our findings not only confirm the possibility of a positive psychology intervention to relieve anti-rich mentality but also highlight the effectiveness of appreciative joy in changing attitudes toward social groups. Implications for practices and prospects for future research are discussed.
... In another study, participation in a six-week of mindfulness and compassion training reduced prejudice toward Palestinian Israelis among Jewish Israeli teenagers (Berger et al., 2018). Even short mindfulness practices led to temporary reduction in implicit racial prejudice (Lueke & Gibson, 2015), and implicit (Stell & Farsides, 2016) and explicit prejudice toward homeless people (Parks et al., 2014). However, no such intervention to date was shown to work on prejudiced people (Alkoby et al., 2017;Oyler et al., 2021). ...
... Then participants listened to a 15-min video on guided compassion practice. The practice adopted compassion meditation based on Buddhist teachings (Hutcherson et al., 2008;Stell & Farsides, 2016), which centers on recognizing the suffering of all people and cultivating compassion towards the self, loved ones, strangers, and difficult persons (refer to Fig. 2 for sample screenshots). ...
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This experimental study aimed to investigate the effect of a brief online compassion induction on the individuals’ responses towards different outgroups. A single-blinded randomized design was employed. Two hundred twenty-three participants (n = 223) completed the baseline questionnaire. They were randomly assigned to either the compassion condition (watch a 20-min video on guided compassion practice) or the attention control condition (watch a 20-min video on rock formation). Experimenters monitored participants’ attentiveness. A post-experiment questionnaire was administered immediately afterwards. Generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) were used for outcome analyses. The independent variables included experimental conditions (compassion vs. attention control), timepoint of the measurement (pre-experiment, post-experiment), and interactions between these variables. Outcome variables included negative outgroup emotions and attitudes, social distance, and donation behavior towards three outgroups (ethnic minorities, Mainland immigrants, people with opposite political views). Compared to the control condition, the compassion induction led to a small reduction in the overall negative emotions (d = 0.22), attitudes (d = 0.24), and social distance (d = 0.21) towards outgroup. Small reductions in negative emotions (d = 0.26), attitudes (d = 0.40), and social distance (d = 0.28) towards immigrants were also found. Additionly, a small reduction in negative emotions (d = 0.26) towards political partisans was observed. No effect was found for ethnic minorities, while the effect of compassion on donation behavior was not significant. A brief online compassion induction could facilitate more favorable responses towards outgroups, reducing intergroup psychological barriers. Generic compassion induction could potentially serve as a convenient tool for intergroup interventions targeting various social groups. This study is not preregistered.
Purpose Our research takes inspiration from stories of kindness in the context of the COVID-19 global pandemic and investigates what generational entrants, namely those entering the workforce in large numbers, dubbed emerging leaders (ages 19–39) think of the phenomenon of kindness and its potential role in organizations. Guiding the study is the question: “What can emerging leaders tell us about kindness and work?” Design/methodology/approach Adopting discourse analysis fused with kindness as research praxis, we conducted 66 qualitative interviews with young leaders (born between 1981 and 2001) across North America, Europe and Africa. Interviews were conducted in the summer and fall of 2020. Findings Our research sets out to expand theorizing related to kindness as a phenomenon, illustrates implications relevant to management and organizational studies and offers insights into the value of kindness as research praxis. This paper makes three related contributions and one methodological one: (1) it contributes to the literature on kindness and how it can be theorized in management and organizational studies, (2) it explores emerging leaders perceptions of kindness in a pandemic context, (3) it offers insights into how kindness might be leveraged as a model of moral and ethical behaviour valued in organizational environments, and (4) the paper promotes epistemic properties of kindness when fused with research praxis. Originality/value Authored during a rapidly unfolding scholarly conversation on the influences of the pandemic on organizational life, our research draws insights from experiences of kindness during COVID-19. This paper applies discourse analysis fused with kindness as research praxis to an understudied area of human behaviour (kindness) which has implications for management and organizational theory and practice. These implications include: (1) individual kindness capacity or inclination towards kindness behaviour that may be depleted by stressors such as the pandemic, (2) that kindness has socially contagious qualities, (3) and kindness as praxis has material benefits in the context of research methods, benefiting the research team and the research outputs.
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Extrapolating from B. L. Fredrickson's (1998, 2001) broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions, the authors hypothesized that positive emotions are active ingredients within trait resilience. U.S. college students (18 men and 28 women) were tested in early 2001 and again in the weeks following the September 11th terrorist attacks. Mediational analyses showed that positive emotions experienced in the wake of the attacks - gratitude, interest, love, and so forth - fully accounted for the relations between (a) precrisis resilience and later development of depressive symptoms and (b) precrisis resilience and postcrisis growth in psychological resources. Findings suggest that positive emotions in the aftermath of crises buffer resilient people against depression and fuel thriving, consistent with the broaden-and-build theory. Discussion touches on implications for coping.
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In reporting Implicit Association Test (IAT) results, researchers have most often used scoring conventions described in the first publication of the IAT (A. G. Greenwald, D. E. McGhee, & J. L. K. Schwartz, 1998). Demonstration IATs available on the Internet have produced large data sets that were used in the current article to evaluate alternative scoring procedures. Candidate new algorithms were examined in terms of their (a) correlations with parallel self-report measures, (b) resistance to an artifact associated with speed of responding, (c) internal consistency, (d) sensitivity to known influences on IAT measures, and (e) resistance to known procedural influences. The best-performing measure incorporates data from the IAT's practice trials, uses a metric that is calibrated by each respondent's latency variability, and includes a latency penalty for errors. This new algorithm strongly outperforms the earlier (conventional) procedure.
Disgust is linked to social evaluation. People with higher disgust sensitivity exhibit more sexual prejudice (Inbar, Pizarro, Knobe, & Bloom, 2009), and inducing disgust increases sexual prejudice (Dasgupta, DeSteno, Williams, & Hunsinger, 2009). We tested whether inducing moral elevation, the theoretical opposite of disgust, would reduce sexual prejudice. In four studies (N = 3,622), we induced elevation with inspiring videos and then measured sexual prejudice with implicit and explicit measures. Compared to control videos that elicited no particular affective state, we found that elevation reduced implicit and explicit sexual prejudice, albeit very slightly. No effect was observed when the target of social evaluation was changed to race (Black-White). Inducing amusement, another positive emotion, did not significantly affect sexual prejudice. We conclude that elevation weakly but reliably reduces prejudice toward gay men.
This authoritative handbook reviews the breadth of current knowledge about positive emotions: their nature, functions, and consequences for individuals and society. Specific emotions are analyzed in depth, including happiness, pride, romantic love, compassion, gratitude, awe, challenge, and hope. Major theoretical perspectives are presented and cutting-edge research methods explained. The volume addresses neurobiological and physiological aspects of positive emotions as well as their social and intrapersonal contexts. Implications for physical health, coping, and psychopathology are explored, as are connections to organizational functioning and consumer behavior.
What is ethics? Where do moral standards come from? Are they based on emotions, reason, or some innate sense of right and wrong? For many scientists, the key lies entirely in biology--especially in Darwinian theories of evolution and self-preservation. But if evolution is a struggle for survival, why are we still capable of altruism? In his classic study The Expanding Circle, Peter Singer argues that altruism began as a genetically based drive to protect one's kin and community members but has developed into a consciously chosen ethic with an expanding circle of moral concern. Drawing on philosophy and evolutionary psychology, he demonstrates that human ethics cannot be explained by biology alone. Rather, it is our capacity for reasoning that makes moral progress possible. In a new afterword, Singer takes stock of his argument in light of recent research on the evolution of morality.
This book argues that recent work in philosophy, neuroscience, and anthropology supports two radical hypotheses about the nature of morality: moral values are based on emotional responses, and these emotional responses are inculcated by culture, not hard-wired through natural selection. In the first half of the book, the hypothesis that morality has an emotional foundation is defended. Evidence from brain imaging, social psychology, and psychopathology suggest that, when we judge something to be right or wrong, we are merely expressing our emotions. The book claims that these emotions do not track objective features of reality; rather, the rightness and wrongness of an act consists in the fact that people are disposed to have certain emotions towards it. In the second half of the book, it turns to a defence of moral relativism. Moral facts depend on emotional responses, and emotional responses vary from culture to culture. The book surveys the anthropological record to establish moral variation, and draws on cultural history to show how attitudes toward practices such as cannibalism and marriage change over time. It also criticizes evidence from animal behaviour and child development that has been taken to support the claim that moral attitudes are hard-wired by natural selection. The book concludes that there is no single true morality, but also argues that some moral values are better than others; moral progress is possible.
Disgust is linked to social evaluation. People with higher disgust sensitivity exhibit more sexual prejudice, and inducing disgust increases sexual prejudice. We tested whether inducing moral elevation, the theoretical opposite of disgust, would reduce sexual prejudice. In four studies (N = 3622), we induced elevation with inspiring videos and then measured sexual prejudice with implicit and explicit measures. Compared to control videos that elicited no particular affective state, we found that elevation reduced implicit and explicit sexual prejudice, albeit very slightly. No effect was observed when the target of social evaluation was changed to race (Black-White). Inducing amusement, another positive emotion, did not significantly affect sexual prejudice. We conclude that elevation weakly but reliably reduces prejudice towards gay men.