
Analysis of perceptions of auditors/chartered accountants’ on selected Indian accounting standards

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Indian accounting standards are not only principle based but also based on users’ perceived ethical notions on professional ethics and compliance with professional code of conduct that are issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI).Codes of conduct for accountants give guidelines for proper behavior in the profession. The present study attempts to understand the perceptions of practicing auditors and professional Chartered Accountants (CAs) on the Indian accounting Standards and adherence to the professional code of conduct issued by the ICAI. The study is based on a survey conducted among a sample of qualified CAs. On the basis of the findings, the study concluded that ethical accounting standards are fundamentally necessary for accountants to produce quality financial reports free from material misstatements.

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As Nigeria converges to IFRS in 2012, this study draws from empirical works on the implementation of thestandards to highlight the benefits that would be derived by Nigerian firms from implementing a globalaccounting standard. Using a descriptive research approach, the study documents the benefits of converging toIFRS as being easy comparison of financial statements leading to global financial harmonization, access tocapital, enhanced cross-border listing, increased transparency, enhanced competitiveness and the elimination ofthe need for reconciliation of information reported under different national standards among others. The studyrecommends the adoption of the International Financial Reporting Standards by Nigerian companies in order forthem to take advantage of globalization effects.
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The good Corporate Governance ensures the better corporate performance and better relationship with stakeholders, where the proper practice of accounting standards assumes a lot of importance as it leads to the effective disclosure thus, good Corporate Governance. Hence, the practice of proper accounting standards is more relevant issue of good Corporate Governance. In India, the infancy stage of accounting standards gives more scope for the personal discretion, hence, the disclosure is ineffective. In view of the liberalization and globalization of the Indian economy, the formulation, development and practice of the proper accounting standards and reduction of the gap between Indian and International Accounting Standards are very much needed to ensure a good Corporate Governance.
The forces of globalisation prompt more and more countries to open their doors to foreign investment and as businesses expand across borders, the need arises to recognise the benefits of having commonly accepted and understood financial reporting standards. In this scenario of globalisation, India cannot insulate itself from the developments taking place worldwide.
This study is an empirical examination of Australian auditors' interpretation of selected key uncertainty expressions such as virtual certainty, expected, reasonable assurance and possible, contained in Australian accounting and auditing standards. The results showed three major findings. First, auditors demonstrated a reasonably high degree of variability in the interpretation of uncertainty expressions. In view of the proliferation of uncertainty expressions within international and Australian accounting and auditing standards, this lack of consistency in interpretation of uncertainty expressions raises some serious concerns. Second, compared with the less experienced auditors, the more experienced auditors demonstrated greater variability in their interpretations of uncertainty expressions. Third, contrary to expectations, this study did not find any difference in judgements between auditors in big-five and non-big-five firms. In aggregate, the findings of the study have implications for standard setting.
Accounting Standard Disclosure Compliance in Online Reporting by Indian Companies
  • A S H S Bajpayee
H S Bajpayee, A. S. (2009). Accounting Standard Disclosure Compliance in Online Reporting by Indian Companies. The IUP Journal of Accounting Research, VIII (2009)(1 (January)), 45-66. Retrieved May 15, 2015
Accounting Globalization: Issues and Challenges of IFRS Implementation in Indian
  • Dr
  • D D Samiksha Ojha
Dr. Samiksha Ojha, D. D. (2012, September). Accounting Globalization: Issues and Challenges of IFRS Implementation in Indian. Research Journal of Economics & Business Studies, vol.1(no.11), 47-53. Retrieved May 10, 2015, from
Accounting Globalization: Issues and Challenges of IFRS Implementation in Indian Expected Benefits of Implementing Global Accounting Standards by Nigerian Business Entities
  • Dr
  • D D T Samiksha Ojha
Dr. Samiksha Ojha, D. D. (2012, September). Accounting Globalization: Issues and Challenges of IFRS Implementation in Indian. Research Journal of Economics & Business Studies, vol.1(no.11), 47-53. Retrieved May 10, 2015, from [6] Nyor, T. (2012, August). Expected Benefits of Implementing Global Accounting Standards by Nigerian Business Entities. International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 7, (No. 15), 98-104.