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Livestock predation by big cats, i.e., lion (Panthera leo), tiger (Panthera tigris), leopard (Panthera pardus), jaguar (Panthera onca), snow leopard (Panthera uncia), puma (Puma concolor), and cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus), creates conflicts with humans which challenge biodiversity conservation and rural development. Deficiency of wild prey biomass is often described as a driver of such conflicts, but the question "at which level of prey density and biomass do big cats begin to kill livestock?" still remains unanswered. We applied logistic regression to meta-data compiled from recent peer-reviewed scientific publications and show that cattle predation is high when prey biomass is <812.41±1.26kg/km2, whereas sheep and goat predation is high at <544.57±1.19kg/km2, regardless of sizes of study areas and species, body masses, and population densities of big cats. Through mapping cases with known prey biomass and case-specific comparison of actual vs. threshold-predicted livestock predation we confirm the reliability of these thresholds in predicting livestock predation by big cats. The map also demonstrates that some protected areas of India, Nepal lowlands, and South Africa contain sufficient prey that makes big cats less likely to kill livestock, but in other sampled areas prey biomass is not high enough and the probabilities of livestock predation are moderate to high. We suggest that these thresholds represent important landmarks for predicting human-felid conflicts, identifying conflict hotspots, and setting priorities for targeted conservation actions. It is essential to maintain and restore wild prey to forestall local extinctions of big cats.
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Big cats kill more livestock when wild prey reaches a minimum threshold
Igor Khorozyan , Arash Ghoddousi, Mahmood Soo, Matthias Waltert
Workgroup on Endangered Species, J.F. Blumenbach Institute of Zoology and Anthropology, Georg-August University of Göttingen, Bürgerstrasse 50, Göttingen 37073, Germany
abstractarticle info
Article history:
Received 22 April 2015
Received in revised form 8 August 2015
Accepted 23 September 2015
Available online xxxx
Human-carnivore conict
Livestock predation
Prey biomass
Livestock predation by big cats, i.e., lion (Panthera leo), tiger (Panthera tigris), leopard (Panthera pardus), jaguar
(Panthera onca), snow leopard (Panthera uncia), puma (Puma concolor), and cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus), creates
conicts with humans which challenge biodiversity conservation and rural development. Deciency of wild prey
biomass is oftendescribed as a driver of such conicts, but the question at which level of prey density and bio-
mass do big cats begin to kill livestock?still remains unanswered. We applied logistic regression to meta-data
compiledfrom recent peer-reviewed scientic publications and showthat cattle predationis high when prey bio-
mass is b812.41 ± 1.26 kg/km
, whereas sheep and goat predation is high at b544.57 ± 1.19 kg/km
, regardless
of sizes of studyareas and species, bodymasses, and populationdensities of big cats. Through mappingcases with
known prey biomass and case-specic comparison of actual vs. threshold-predicted livestock predation we con-
rm the reliability of these thresholds in predicting livestock predation by big cats. The map also demonstrates
that some protected areas of India, Nepal lowlands, and South Africa contain sufcient prey that makes big
cats less likely to kill livestock, but in other sampled areas prey biomass is not high enough and the probabilities
of livestockpredation are moderate to high. We suggest that these thresholds represent important landmarks for
predicting humanfelid conicts, identifying conict hotspots, and setting priorities for targeted conservation
actions. It is essential to maintain and restore wild prey to forestall local extinctions of big cats.
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Mammalian carnivores inict socio-economic losses to rural
livelihoods, mainly due to predation on domestic livestock, and are in-
tensively wiped out because of retaliatory or preventive persecution
(Treves and Karanth, 2003; Baker et al., 2008; Gusset et al., 2009;
Loveridge et al., 2010). These losses and arising humancarnivore
conicts are particularly strong for small-scale households and near
protected areas, thus challenging a synergy between rural development
and biodiversity conservation (Treves and Karanth, 2003; Bauer and de
Iongh, 2005; Namgail et al., 2007; Baker et al., 2008; Lagendijk and
Gusset, 2008; Dar et al., 2009; Loveridge et al., 2010). Encroachment
of carnivore habitats by expanding human populations is a potential
spark for new conicts, which deteriorate the complex functioning of
the environment at all levels, from individuals to ecosystems (Ripple
et al., 2014). Big cats, namely the lion (Panthera leo), tiger (Panthera
tigris), leopard (Panthera pardus), jaguar (Panthera onca), snow leopard
(Panthera uncia), puma (Puma concolor), and cheetah (Acinonyx
jubatus), are amongthe best-known carnivores responsible for conicts
with humans (Inskip and Zimmermann, 2009). Retaliatory killing,
poaching and prey loss are the main threats for these species, of
which six are classied by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species as
Endangeredto Near Threatenedand only puma is still common
having the Least Concernstatus (Macdonald et al., 2010).
Albeit the density and biomass of livestock exceed those of wild prey
manifold, big cats would prefer to kill wild prey to avoid human retribu-
tion (Loveridge et al., 2010). When prey, especially medium-sized and
large ungulates, becomes scarce due to population declines or seasonal
migrations felids increase predation on livestock to survive (Polisar
et al., 2003; Bauer and de Iongh, 2005; Azevedo and Murray, 2007;
Kumaraguru et al., 2011; Mondal et al., 2011; Amador-Alcalá et al.,
2013; Zhang et al., 2013; Kabir et al., 2014). In some areas, cats kill
livestock mostly during the wet season when prey disperses into lush
vegetation, regains tness and thus becomes less available, whereas
livestock enters these areas for uncontrolled grazing (Polisar et al.,
2003; Patterson et al., 2004; Kissui, 2008). In other areas, livestock
predation is minimal during winter when prey attains high densities
in certain areas with little snow (Dar et al., 2009) or it is maximal during
the dry season when limited cover decreases hunting success, prey
moves away and livestock concentrates around a few waterholes
(Schiess-Meier et al., 2007). Overall, the relationships between prey
availability and livestock predation by big cats appear to be straightfor-
ward, but some more intricate cause-and-effectpatterns are also possi-
ble. For example, Harihar et al. (2011) found out that the natural
recovery of prey after relocation of local people has led to a sharp rise,
and not a decline as expected, of livestock predation by leopards be-
cause recovering tigers displaced them closer to villages. Moreover,
Biological Conservation 192 (2015) 268275
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (I. Khorozyan), (A. Ghoddousi), (M. Soo), (M. Waltert).
0006-3207/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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Suryawanshi et al. (2013) concluded that snow leopard predation on
livestock may intensify with more abundant prey, presumably because
higher stock of prey supports a greater number of cats. Therefore, these
authors recommend that prey recovery programs should be accompa-
nied by strengthening livestock protection measures.
If the causality between wild prey scarcity and increased livestock
predation is real, then a new question arises: at what threshold levels
of prey density/biomass are attacks on livestock triggered? We did not
nd such information in the scientic literature. Such a threshold may
vary with the species, body masses and population densities of big
cats, as well as with size of the study areas. Although being similar in
regard to obligatory meat eating, big cats may differ in livestock
predation patterns due to species-specic ecological properties. For ex-
ample, snow leopards are known for surplus killing and group-living
lions might be expected to kill more livestock than other cats, which
are solitary (Jackson et al., 2010; Loveridge et al., 2010). Livestock
predation can also be allometric, because large-bodied big cats select
cattle and buffaloes, and smaller species usually prefer sheep, goats,
and juveniles of larger species (Dar et al., 2009; Zarco-González et al.,
2013; Kabir et al., 2014). Population density of felids and other
carnivores is positively related to prey biomass and this relationship is
so strong that it allows estimating carnivore densities and carrying
capacity from current prey resources (Carbone and Gittleman, 2002;
Hayward et al., 2007; Carbone et al., 2011). However, this rule relies
only on bottomup processes (carnivores controlled by prey) and fails
when ever-increasing topdown processes (carnivores controlled by
humans, e.g., via poaching) limit carnivore numbers while prey remains
sufcient(Khorozyan et al., 2008; Kiffner et al., 2009; Zhang et al., 2013;
Bauer et al., 2014). Unlike other big cats, cheetah density is related more
to competition with larger competitors than to prey availability
(Carbone and Gittleman, 2002; Carbone et al., 2011). Sizes of study
areas are inversely related to carnivore and prey densities, so they can
mediate the strength of predatorprey relationships and livestock
predation (Carbone andGittleman, 2002).For instance, for practical rea-
sons prey populations are often studied in relatively small high-density
enclaves or protected areas, which may represent the areas of low
predation on livestock (Biswas and Sankar, 2002).
In this paper, we (a) study the linkage between livestock predation
by big cats, wild prey biomass and above-mentioned confounders,
(b) identify and estimate the minimum thresholds of prey biomass
that move predation rates up, and (c) discuss these thresholds as a
potentially useful metric for assessing and predicting humanfelid
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Literature
We retrieved peer-reviewed English language scienticarticlesand
book chapters dated 20002014 through the ISI Web of Knowledge
( and the IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist
Group Digital Library ( Only recent publications
were considered to assure the most accurate and consistent data on
predictors and confounders, especially on prey biomass, prey density,
and cat density, which are particularly demanding for up-to-date
research techniques. As information on wild prey density and its
derivate prey biomass was a priori assumed to be most limited
in livestock predation studies, we used the search words
panthera*prey density,acinonyx*prey densityand puma*prey
density. These combinations gave us more output than if we used
narrower options, e.g., panthera*livestock*prey density, because the
*prey densitycombination revealed control studies without livestock
predation. In an array of publications that met these criteria, we
selected those which contained at least some of the predictors and
confounders (see below) or held sufcient information so that we
could calculate them (Appendix A). Original data are provided in
Appendix B. Each publication contained one livestock predation/no
predation case (one study area for one big cat species) or more cases
(25 study areas for a species, e.g. different protected areas in a puma
study by Donadio et al. (2010) in which each protected area was consid-
ered a separate case). We took the cases as independent if they
described different big cat species, areas and/or study periods in the
same area. Otherwise, we considered the cases as dependent and
lumped them into a single case.
2.2. Input data
The numbers of livestock killed per year, which are reported in
publications, usually do not represent actual livestock losses to
carnivores. They come mostly from interviews and also from carnivore
diets, livestock carcasses, farm reports and authority appraisals for
compensation. Interviews may underestimate losses if remote or less
and accessible villages are under-represented, if villagers forget cases
or if they are reluctant to share information (Holmern et al., 2007;
Kissui, 2008). On the other hand, villagers may overestimate losses if
they assign other mortality causes to carnivore attacks, if they perceive
carnivores as evil disproportionally to actual threat or if they want to
attract attention or get compensation (Holmern et al., 2007; Gusset
et al., 2009; Suryawanshi et al., 2013). Such biases are common, since
in most cases villagers do not get compensations for losses and there-
fore they are not obliged to accurately document them. Although
some authors try to minimize these biases by eld verication of report-
ed losses, it is applicable only to the most recent and identiable cases
and when verifying researchers are available on place (Azevedo, 2008;
Kabir et al., 2014). Feces and livestock records suffer from low detection
probabilities and underestimate livestock losses (Bagchi and Mishra,
2006; Sollmann et al., 2013; but see Wegge et al., 2012). Authority
appraisals also tend to underestimate losses because they record only
the most recent cases conrmed by carcasses or other irrefutable
evidence (Sangay and Vernes, 2008). Farm reports are the most
accurate, but their published data are only few (Patterson et al., 2004;
Schiess-Meier et al., 2007; Wegge et al., 2012). As a result, inaccurate
data on livestock losses may hide a relationship between livestock
losses and predictors, which is present but goes undetected (type II
error of false negatives, non-detections or underestimations;
Zarco-González et al., 2013).
To overcomethese issues, we considered livestock predation rates in
terms of binary response variables: probability of cattle predation (CP)
and probability of sheep and goat predation (SP). We lumped sheep
and goats as shoatsas they usually graze together and chose cattle
and shoats because of their ubiquitous predation by big cats (Inskip
and Zimmermann, 2009; Loveridge et al., 2010). We coded CP and SP
as 1 if predation was high and 0 if it was none or minimal as described
in references. If a livestock species was not taken, we coded it as 0 only if
that species was bred, i.e. available for predation. Alternatively, we left
CP or SP blank, as in the case of shoats not bred on cattle ranches
(Rosas-Rosas et al., 2008).
Although the published numbers of livestock kills can be inaccurate,
they allow getting an impression of whether livestock losses in a study
are high or low, especially when they are discussed further by the au-
thors. Our recent studies (Khorozyan et al., 2015a, in press)showed
that the numbers of killed livestock are random and unpredictable
while the binary data of high and low predation can be well described
and predicted by variables. Dietary studies routinely use the correction
factors that estimate the proportions of the numbers of livestock
consumed to the numbers of all prey consumed, which are also useful
for classifying livestock predation as high or low (Marker et al., 2003;
Azevedo, 2008; Athreya et al., in press). The main criterion that we
used to separate the cases of high and low predation was whether the
studied big cat species depended on livestock as staple food (high
269I. Khorozyan et al. / Biological Conservation 192 (2015) 268275
predation) or they did not kill livestock or did that sporadically (low
The following predictors were considered and retrieved from the
references in Appendix A: (1) cattle holdings, individuals/household,
(2) shoats holdings, individuals/household, (3) cattle density,
, (4) shoats density, individuals/km
, (5) cattle biomass,
, (6) shoats biomass, kg/km
, (7) wild prey density, individuals/
, and (8) wild prey biomass, kg/km
. When predictors were not
provided in publications directly, we estimated them from other data
available in these publications, e.g. by estimating prey biomass from
species densities and body masses. Livestock and prey body masses
were reported as either average masses taken by a given big cat species
or as 3/4 of female body mass, to account for juveniles (Zhang et al.,
2013). We took wild prey density and biomass data mostly for ungu-
lates, which are the staple prey for big cats (Inskip and Zimmermann,
2009; Loveridge et al., 2010). However, we also included the capybara
(Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris), caiman (Caiman yacare), nine-banded
armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) and giant anteater (Myrmecophaga
tridactyla) for jaguar and the common langur (Semnopithecus entellus),
rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) and black-naped hare (Lepus
nigricollis) for leopard, which are intensively hunted by these cats
(Polisar et al., 2003; Azevedo and Murray, 2007; Kumaraguru et al.,
2011; Mondal et al., 2011; Bhattarai and Kindlmann, 2012).
We also considered four confounders which might affect the rela-
tionships between above-mentioned predictors and response variables:
(1) big cat species, (2) big cat body mass, kg, (3) big cat density, individ-
uals/100 km
, and (4) sizeof study area, km
(Appendix C). We took the
species-specic body masses from PanTHERIA database (Jones et al.,
2009). We obtained the sizes of study areas and big cat densities from
the references in Appendix A.
We took the coordinates of livestock predation/no predation cases
from the references (Appendix A) or, if unavailable there, from the
case locality names in Geoplaner v. 2.7 (
When a study included several cases, like Donadio et al. (2010)
mentioned above, we selected a midpoint as a plausible reference. We
took the country midpoints for the nationwide cheetah studies in
Namibia and for the jaguar and puma study in anonymous ranches of
Venezuela (Marker et al., 2003; Hoogesteijn and Hoogesteijn, 2008;
Marker et al., 2010). We mapped the cases in WGS84 georeference
system in QGIS v. 2.8.1 Wien (
2.3. Data analysis
First, we used chi-square (χ
) test to check the difference between
the actual and expected numbers of publications as the indicators of
their bias and representativeness for each big cat species. Predictors
and confounders were ln-transformed to reduce intrinsic variation
and minimize the effect of outliers. Estimation of lethal dose 50%
), which we borrowed for this study from toxicological practice
(see below), also uses ln-transformation of concentrations as predictors
(Faraggi et al., 2003). We identied signicant predictors by comparing
them between predation and no predation cases by MannWhitney
test. We tested the relationships between signicant predictors,
response variables and confounders by means of logistic regression
models. We studied the effect of confounders by comparing the values
and 95% condence intervals (95% CI) of the odds ratios exp(slope) of
signicant predictors with and without the confounders in the models
(Yan and Su, 2009). We excluded outlier predictors withCook's distance
~1 and higher and multicollinear predictors with signicant Spearman's
correlation coefcient r
(Yan and Su, 2009). We applied two-way
ANOVA and r
to check the dependence of big cat density upon density
and biomass of wild prey (Appendix D). The area under curve of
receiver operating characteristic (ROC), denoted as AUC, indicated
strong predictive capacity of logistic models if it exceeded 0.7
(Zarco-González et al., 2013).
We determined the threshold values of predictors from the best
logistic regression models by estimating the values of predictors,
which would cause CP and SP to equal 0.5, i.e. a 50:50 chance of
livestock to be killed by big cats. These threshold values were calculated
as -(intercept β
/slope β
) of the logistic model (Faraggi et al., 2003).
The standard errors (SE) and 95% CI of these thresholds were estimated
in Bioassay, Dose response and LD
option of Simt 7.0 package
(University of Manchester, UK). This approach is similar to determining
, the dose of an experimentally administered substance, which
kills 50% of subjected individuals. Apart from toxicological applications,
it is also efcient in wildlife ecology, for example in calculating the
critical size of protected areas, which ensures 50% probability of survival
of large carnivores inside these areas (Woodroffe and Ginsberg, 1998;
Woodroffe, 2001). We used Wilcoxon signed-rank test to check how
signicant, in the same cases, is the difference between the actual
predation/no predation status and the predation/no predation status
predicted by thresholds. All analyses were performed in SPSS 17.0
(IBM Corp., USA) at two-tailed signicance level P= 0.05.
3. Results
A total of 99 publications fullled the search criteria for leopard, 78
for lion, 74 for puma, 73 for tiger, 55 for cheetah, 38 for jaguar and 26
for snow leopard. They represented 315 publications, but only 107
(34.0%) of them contained at least part of required information and
served as references (leopard 38, 38.4%, lion 27, 34.6%, tiger 21,
28.8%, puma 20, 27.0%, jaguar 19,50.0%,cheetah15, 27.3%,
snow leopard 11, 42.3%; Appendices A and B). The numbers of these
references per species were signicantly different (χ
= 21.497, df =
6, P= 0.001), implying an objective reality that, for example, leopard
and lion are much better studied and published than snow leopard.
However, the numbers of references did not differ from the expected
ones within the species, given their unequal studiedness (χ
= 6.323,
df =6,P= 0.388); therefore, our meta-data were unbiased and repre-
sentative. Our dataset contained 146 geographically diverse livestock
predation/no predation cases, ranging from 11 cases from 5 countries
for cheetah to 33 cases from 12 countries for leopard (Table 1).
There were 39 cases of prey biomass from 13 countries and 63 cases
of prey density from 15 countries (Table 1). The cases with cattle preda-
tion had signicantly lower wild prey density (MannWhitney U=
259.5, P= 0.024) and prey biomass (U=87.0,P= 0.020) than those
without cattle predation. Similarly, the cases with sheep and goat pre-
dation had lower prey density (U=76.5,P= 0.006) and prey biomass
(U=29.5,P= 0.028) than those without it. No other predictors
showed signicant difference between predation and no predation
cases (PN0.05). The jaguar, lion and snow leopard took mostly cattle
and all big cats, except for tiger, exhibited strong predation on sheep
and goats (Fig. 1).
The signicant logistic regression models show that the probability
of cattle predation (CP) and the probability of sheep and goat predation
(SP) strongly depended on prey biomass (Table 2;Fig. 2). CP and SP also
depended on prey density (Wald = 4.855, P= 0.028 and Wald = 6.847,
P= 0.009, respectively), but we excluded these models because of low
predictive capacity of the CP model (AUC = 0.662) and the estimation
of SP N1 at low-density values.
The probability of livestock killing by big cats signicantly increased
when prey biomass fell below certain minimum thresholds. According
to the models in Table 2, the threshold values of ln-transformed prey
biomass were 6.70 ± 0.23 (95% CI =6.217.19) for CP and 6.30 ±
0.17 (95% CI =5.946.66) for SP (Fig. 2). Back-transformation of these
estimates produced the threshold values of prey biomass to equal
812.41± 1.26 kg/km
(95% CI = 497.701326.10 kg/km
) for CP and
544.57 ± 1.19 kg/km
(95% CI = 379.93780.55 kg/km
(Fig. 2). The map of 39 studied cases of prey biomass in relation to
these thresholds conrmed the areaswith and without known livestock
predation, with a few exceptions (Fig. 3). In Gir Protected Area (India),
270 I. Khorozyan et al. / Biological Conservation 192 (2015) 268275
the threshold model predicted low conicts while the actual conicts
are high. In the national parks of Emas (Brazil) and Pench (India) and
in the Wanda Mts. (China), the model predicted high predation but it
is not recorded. Despite this, in the same 39 cases the difference be-
tween the actual predation/no predation status and the status predicted
by the thresholds was insignicant (Wilcoxon Z=0.577, P= 0.564).
The parameters and performance of the models in Table 2 were not
confounded by big cat species, big cat body mass, big cat density and
size of study area as the odds ratios and their 95% CI from different
models signicantly overlapped (Table 3). In all models, the odds ratios
were b1 indicating that less prey biomass caused higher CP and SP
(Table 3).
4. Discussion
Our research shows that big cats are much more likely to kill cattle,
sheep, and goats when the biomass of wild prey is decreased (Table 2
and Fig. 2). This result is in agreement with local studies which
hypothesized a direct causal link between prey biomass and livestock
predation by big cats (Bagchi et al., 2003; Namgail et al., 2007;
Gusset et al., 2009; Harihar et al., 2011; Kumaraguru et al., 2011;
Amador-Alcalá et al., 2013; Kabir et al., 2014). The probability of
livestock killing by big cats signicantly increases when prey biomass
reaches some minimum thresholds. More specically, these
carnivores are more likely to kill cattle when prey biomass is less than
812.41 kg/km
and to kill sheep and goats when prey biomass is
below 544.57 kg/km
(Fig. 2). We suggest that these thresholds may
represent important landmarks for predicting humanfelid conicts
and identifying conict hotspots for priority actions in conict
mitigation and species conservation.
The map of cases with known prey biomass and predicted livestock
predation shows that some protected areas of India, Nepal lowlands,
and South Africa contain sufcient prey that makes big cats less likely
to kill livestock. In all other sampled areas, which included mostly
protected areas and also ranches and forestry areas, prey biomass is
insufcient and the probabilities of livestock predation are moderate
to high (Fig. 3). Our threshold model in Table 2 accurately predicted
the areas of high and low predation, but four exceptions were found.
From Banerjee et al. (2013), we have estimated prey biomass in Gir
Protected Area (India) to equal 1984.0 kg/km
, which is well above
the threshold. However, lion attacks on livestock (cattle) are common
in Gir because local people are ofcially permitted to graze livestock in-
side the park and to get compensations to tolerate conicts with lions.
Gir lions kill cattle proportionally to their availability and strongly prefer
wild ungulates (Banerjee et al., 2013). In Pench National Park (India),
Biswas and Sankar (2002) estimated prey biomass as 6013.25 kg/km
in 19981999 in a 61.1-km
area, whereas Majumder et al.'s (2013)
data collected in 20072010 over 758 km
enabled us to estimate
prey biomass as only 369.54 kg/km
for tiger and 314.03 kg/km
leopard. The discrepancy in prey biomass could ensue from spatial
inconsistency or prey declines over time, but none of these authors indi-
cated livestock predation in Pench. Possibly, this pattern resulted from a
preference for abundant, but smaller, prey like chital (Axis axis) instead
of livestock, which was available only along the park boundaries
(Majumder et al., 2013; also see below). With our threshold model,
we assume a conservative low estimate of prey biomass and predict
moderate to high livestock predation in Pench. The other two
exceptions from Emas National Park (Brazil) and the Wanda Mts.
(China) are described below.
Survival of the largest big cats tiger, lion and jaguar is signicantly
limited by the availability of large-bodied ungulates whose consumption
would offset high energetic costs associated with hunting, maintenance
of vast home ranges, and other activities (Carbone et al., 2011). The
snow leopard also demands high energy intake because of living in
cold, low productive and prey-poor highlands of Central Asia (Namgail
et al., 2007; Jackson et al., 2010). These four big cats are the rst
candidates to switch to killing the most protable, large-bodied domestic
animals such as cattle when wild prey biomass becomes insufcient and
drops below ca. 800 kg/km
(Fig. 1). Other big cats, especially leopard,
arealsoabletotakecattle(Loveridge et al., 2010;Fig. 1). When prey bio-
mass falls below ca. 540 kg/km
even cattle cannot compensate for the
lack of food and big cats turn to killing small livestock such as sheep
and goats. This strategy strives to maximize the net energy budget of
Table 1
The distributionof predictor samplesizes acrossthe big cat speciesand livestock(cattle and shoats= sheep and goats)in this study.Abbreviations:Bbiomass, Ddensity,Hholdings,
hh household, ind individuals, N number of studied cases.
Species N Livestock H(ind/hh) Livestock D(ind/km
) Livestock B(kg/km
) Prey D(ind/km
) Prey B(kg/km
Cattle Shoats Cattle Shoats Cattle Shoats
Cheetah 11 7 5 6 4 1 0 3 1
Jaguar 19 16 1 12 0 4 0 2 3
Leopard 33 17 16 16 9 5 2 17 13
Lion 22 12 10 10 6 3 1 9 5
Puma 29 17 5 19 6 3 1 7 2
Snow leopard 13 1 5 2 6 0 1 11 4
Tiger 19 6 3 7 3 3 1 14 11
Total 146 76 45 72 34 19 6 63 39
Fig. 1. The distribution of publications about predation vs. no predation on cattle (a) and
sheep and goats (b) by cheetah (CH), jaguar (JA), leopard (LE), lion (LI), puma (PU),
snow leopard (SL) and tiger (TI).
271I. Khorozyan et al. / Biological Conservation 192 (2015) 268275
surviving felids by taking out the best available alternative prey (cattle)
when prey biomass begins to dwindle, and by killing all available
alternative prey (cattle, sheep and goats) when prey resources are too
It is imperative to study, monitor, maintain and restore the popula-
tions of wild prey, especially preferred ungulates, to forestall livestock
predation, humanfelid conicts and further escalation of local
extinctions of big cats. Fig. 3 shows that even many protected areas
contain insufcient prey resources, implying an even worse status of
prey in unprotected lands. Suryawanshi et al. (2013) suggest that high
prey abundance may accelerate livestock-taking by supporting high
numbers of carnivores which need more food. Although we did not
nd support for this opinion, a possibility of bimodal distribution of
livestock predation at low and high levels of prey abundance is interesting
and deserves further investigations.
Apparently, big cats cannot survive when ln-transformed prey
biomass plummets to less than 2, i.e., prey biomass about 7 kg/km
(Fig. 2). The only known exception is the leopard, which can even attain
high densities in some prey-free anthropogenic landscapes by killing
domestic animals (Athreya et al., in press; Shehzad et al., 2015).
Our logistic model of the relationships between livestock predation
and wild prey biomass consists of three zones: high predation risk
zone (low prey and high predation on livestock), low predation risk
zone (high prey and low predation) and uncertainty zone (low prey
and low predation) (Fig. 2). The uncertainty zone is realistic in several
cases. Very small populations of big cats are likely to subsist on limited
prey resources without a need to depend on livestock (Zhang et al.,
2013). In the worst case, these populations may vanish and nullify
livestock predation in spite of existence of wild prey. Also, big cats can
select abundant, but smaller, prey species instead of raiding livestock
(e.g., jaguars specializing on killing giant anteaters Sollmann et al.,
2013; tigers and leopards selecting chitals Majumder et al., 2013).
These cases may explain why our threshold model predicted livestock
predation by tigers in the Wanda Mts., China (Zhang et al., 2013), tigers
and leopards in Pench National Park, India (Majumder et al., 2013)and
jaguars in Emas National Park, Brazil (Sollmann et al., 2013), but
actually this predation is none or minimal (Fig. 3). The other option
can take place in situations when low prey biomass drives big cats to
kill domestic animals, which were not considered in this study. In this
case, Fig. 2 would show false zeroes(no or low predation) because
our model was developed only for cattle, sheep, and goats. For example,
in areas with insufcient prey snow leopards can take mostly horses,
tigers can kill high numbers of buffaloes and leopards can rely mainly
on domestic dogs (Bagchi et al., 2003; Bagchi and Mishra, 2006;
Athreya et al., in press).
We did not observe a confounding effect of species on the relationship
between prey biomass and livestock predation. Perhaps, this discrepancy
was caused by an insufcient contrast between the species: only three
Table 2
The logisticregression modelsof the dependence of theprobability of cattlepredation (CP) and theprobability of sheepand goat predation (SP)upon wild prey biomass(preybio,kg/km
Abbreviations: AUC area under curve of Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC), P
signicance level of the model, P
signicance level of the AUC,SE standard error.
Model Wald statistic P
CP = 1 / [1 + exp(0.729 ln(preybio)4.885)] 6.889 0.009 0.791 ± 0.081 0.005
SP = 1 / [1 + exp(1.119 ln(preybio)7.054)] 4.422 0.035 0.885 ± 0.075 0.004
Fig. 2. The logistic regressions describing the effectof prey biomass on (a) the probability of cattle predation (CP) and (b) the probability of sheep and goat predation (SP) by big cats. See
their equations in Ta ble 2. The threshold valuesof ln-transformedprey biomass are provided in boxes. The standard error margins and the 95% condence intervalsof these thresholds are
marked by dark and light colors, respectively.
272 I. Khorozyan et al. / Biological Conservation 192 (2015) 268275
species avoided some livestock (cattle cheetah and puma, sheep and
goats tiger), while the others took them readily (Fig. 1). Also, the
habit to kill cattle or small livestock is variable within a species depending
on a pressure from larger competitors. For examples, leopards can kill
cattle when they are the top carnivores in the area, but tend to take
more sheep and goats when co-existing with ecologically dominant
lions or tigers (Holmern et al., 2007; Bhattarai and Kindlmann, 2012;
Thorn et al., 2013; Khorozyan et al., 2015b). The same pattern is
documented in pumas living in areas with and without jaguars
(Rominger et al., 2004; Azevedo, 2008; Rosas-Rosas et al., 2008;
Amador-Alcalá et al., 2013).
Likewise, we did not nd support for thehypothesis that body mass
of big cats would affect the prey biomasslivestock predation relation-
ship by skewing cattle killing to larger cats and sheep and goat killing
Fig. 3. The distribution of studied cases (n = 39) predicting theprobabilities of livestock predation by big cats from currently known preybiomass. Some overlapof cases may take place
when the same area is studied for different big cat species. High probability of predation N0.5 and low probability b0.5.
Table 3
The odds ratios and their 95% condence intervals (95% CI) of ln-transformed wild prey biomass (preybio, kg/km
) in livestock predation models with and without the confounders.
Confounders: big cat species (species, dummy variables) and ln-transformed big cat body mass (bodymass, kg), size of study area (studyarea,km
) and big cat density (catdens,individ-
uals/100 km
Models Probability of big cat predation on cattle (CP) Probability of big cat predation on shoats (SP)
Odds ratio 95% CI of odds ratio Odds ratio 95% CI of odds ratio
preybio 0.48 0.280.83 0.33 0.120.93
preybio +species 0.49 0.280.87 0.33 0.101.02
preybio species 0.61 0.331.13 0.45 0.141.48
preybio +bodymass 0.47 0.260.83 0.42 0.131.30
preybio bodymass 0.34 0.101.18 0.90 0.136.40
preybio +studyarea 0.57 0.331.00 0.07 0.003.13
preybio studyarea 0.51 0.280.94 0.04 0.002.78
preybio +catdens 0.58 0.251.41 −−
preybio catdens 0.69 0.271.75 −−
preybio +bodymass +studyarea 0.55 0.311.00 0.15 0.012.63
preybio +bodymass +catdens 0.59 0.241.44 −−
preybio +studyarea +catdens 0.96 0.332.81 −−
preybio +species +bodymass 0.47 0.250.87 0.38 0.111.29
preybio +species +studyarea 0.56 0.301.04 0.07 0.001.77
preybio +species +catdens 0.96 0.332.81 −−
preybio bodymass studyarea 0.50 0.270.93 0.05 0.002.88
preybio bodymass catdens 0.63 0.251.60 −−
preybio studyarea*catdens 0.60 0.241.49 −−
preybio species bodymass 0.57 0.311.04 0.50 0.151.64
preybio species studyarea 0.63 0.351.11 0.07 0.001.56
preybio species catdens 0.74 0.311.81 −−
preybio +bodymass studyarea 0.57 0.331.00 0.07 0.003.22
preybio +bodymass catdens 0.56 0.231.34 −−
preybio +studyarea catdens 0.57 0.251.29 −−
preybio +species bodymass 0.50 0.290.88 0.36 0.111.17
preybio +species catdens 0.61 0.251.47 −−
preybio +species studyarea 0.51 0.280.92 0.11 0.012.33
273I. Khorozyan et al. / Biological Conservation 192 (2015) 268275
to smaller cats. There are two possible reasons for this. The snow leop-
ard, which is the smallest and most light-weighted of big cats, is
known to actively kill cattle and also other large-bodied animals like
yaks and horses (Fig. 1;Bagchi and Mishra, 2006; Namgail et al., 2007;
Sangay and Vernes, 2008; Jackson et al., 2010). Also, all the largest big
cats, except for the tiger, are keen to kill sheep and goats (Fig. 1;Bauer
and de Iongh, 2005; Amador-Alcalá et al., 2013). Reliance of livestock
predation upon prey biomass appears to be stable regardless of big cat
densities and sizes of study areas. Higher prey biomass leads to higher
densities of big cats, which are inversely proportional to sizes of study
areas (Appendix D; Carbone and Gittleman, 2002; Carbone et al.,
2011; Zhang et al., 2013). On the other hand, more prey means less
livestock predation (Fig. 2), but we did not nd differences in big cat
densities or sizes of study areas in predation vs. no predation areas.
Our results did not conrm that high prey abundance may contribute
to higher predation on livestock by supporting more carnivores
(Suryawanshi et al., 2013).
A recent overview by Ripple et al. (2014) claims that expanding
animal husbandry, which strives to meet increasing human demand
for meat, poses a threat to carnivores by intensifying their clashes
with livestock. Machovina and Feeley (2014) further suggest that
reducing livestock numbers and their substituting by alternative
proteins, such as soybeans, would negate humancarnivore conicts.
We do not agree with these views, as we did not nd the effect of
livestock holdings, density or biomass on its predation by big cats.
Livestock predation depends more on favorable conditions for success-
ful hunting (e.g., dense cover or lax husbandry) rather than on mere
availability of livestock (Bagchi and Mishra, 2006; Sangay and Vernes,
2008; Kabir et al., 2014). Earlier studies have revealed that felid preda-
tion rates can increase with livestock abundance and density, decrease
or remain unaffected by them (Azevedo, 2008; Amador-Alcalá et al.,
2013; Zarco-González et al., 2013).
5. Conclusions
This study suggests that livestock predation by big cats can be
reliably determined and predicted by biomass of wild prey species.
Predation rates signicantly increase when prey biomass decreases
below certain minimum thresholds, which are higher for cattle
(812.41 kg/km
) than for sheep and goats (544.57 kg/km
). Being opti-
mal for net energy maximization by larger big cats and snow leopards,
cattle are expected to be killed by these species rst when prey biomass
becomes insufcient. When prey biomass is below ca. 540 kg/km
sheep and goats are more intensively killed along with cattle to
optimize energy intake. These threshold values of wild prey biomass
can be used as important predictors of humanfelid conicts allowing
the identication of conict hotspots and targeted conservation actions.
Therefore, more efforts are required to study, monitor, maintain, and
restore the populations of wild prey, especially preferred ungulates, to
forestall livestock predation, humanfelid conicts and further escala-
tion of local extinctions of big cats.
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at http://dx.
Funding for this work was provided by Alexander von Humboldt
Special Research Fellowship (#1151598), German Academic Exchange
Service/DAAD (#A/11/96604) and Erasmus Mundus/SALAM (#2013-
2437-001-001-EMA2). We appreciate constructive comments made
by M. Lucherini, J. Sanderson and three anonymous reviewers on the
earlier version of the manuscript. The authors declare no conicts of in-
terest. Animal images on Fig. 2 and the map of continents on Fig. 3 were
obtained from the public domains of Rolera LLC, USA (http://www. and ArcGIS, USA (, respectively.
The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis,
decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
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... High livestock depredation related to leopard attacks was observed in villages near KSNP, consistent with fnding from other studies [62,74,75]. Moreover, the decline in natural prey across Ethiopia, including KSNP, due to increasing human populations and the consequent pressure on wild habitats [10,76], has likely forced predators like leopards to shift their hunting strategies toward livestock, especially smaller animals [56,[77][78][79]. Tis may explain the higher incidence of depredation by leopard in areas close to the park. ...
... Tis suggests that edge efects within the park may negatively impact carnivore populations. Tis fnding is consistent with previous studies [13,17,21,53,57,77,[88][89][90][91], which indicates that livestock losses are associated with proximity to wildlife habitats, corridors, and migration routes, livestock husbandry, and management practices. ...
Full-text available
Resolving human–carnivore conflict is crucial for the sustainable coexistence of humans and wildlife. Achieving this, however, requires a comprehensive understanding of the causes and complexities associated with the conflict. This study aimed to assess the nature, underlying causes and costs of human–carnivore conflict, as well as the conservation challenges and potential mitigation measures in and around Kafta Sheraro National Park, Ethiopia. In 2020, we conducted 210 questionnaire interviews with villagers surrounding the park. The surveys gathered data on respondents’ reports of carnivore depredation, the extent and patterns of human–carnivore conflicts, incidents of carnivore killings, the economic impact of livestock depredation, threats to wildlife conservation, potential traditional mitigation measures for human–carnivore conflicts, and their socio-economic characteristics. A logistic regression model was used to identify factors contributing to livestock depredation. Seventy-one percent of respondents reported conflict with carnivore species in the 5 years preceding the study. A total of 1390 heads of stock were reported killed by carnivore species, resulting in an economic loss of US$ 170,741. Spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta) were responsible for most livestock depredation (37.8%), followed by leopards (Panthera pardus) (29.5%), caracals (Felis caracal) (8%), and common jackals (Canis aureus) (7.3%). Spotted hyenas killed all types of livestock [cattle (Bos taurus), goat (Capra hircus), sheep (Ovis aries), and donkey (Equus asinus)] across all the studied villages, while leopards, caracals, and jackals primarily targeted goats and sheep. Our findings indicated that most livestock depredations occurred at night and during the dry season. Although villagers employed several mitigation measures to prevent carnivore attacks, vigilance and bush fences were reported as the most effective methods. The study also revealed that agricultural land expansion and human settlements are major threats to wildlife conservation. Approximately 75% of surveyed households admitted to retaliatory killings of carnivore species in direct response to livestock losses. The study suggests that effective conflict mitigation and community conservation education should incorporate strategies to promote sustainable wildlife conservation and rural development.
... When other wild prey species similar in size or larger than white-tailed deer are scarce or absent, it can threaten the survival of wolf populations and other predators, as they rely on them for energetic requirements (López-Bao et al. 2013, Khorozyan et al. 2015, Parsons et al. 2022. White-tailed deer is the staple hunting trophy species throughout Mexico, with either excellent management practices or excessive unsustainable hunting practices. ...
... White-tailed deer is the staple hunting trophy species throughout Mexico, with either excellent management practices or excessive unsustainable hunting practices. The white-tailed deer's resilience in Mexico is threatened by habitat loss and competition with livestock for forage, leading to conflicts with livestock owners and disrupting the ecosystem's balance (Tourani et al. 2014, Khorozyan et al. 2015, Ripple et al. 2015, Flores-Armillas et al. 2020, Chinchilla et al. 2022. ...
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The reintroduction of the Mexican wolf in the wilds of northwestern Mexico has allowed us to address its trophic ecology and elucidate conflicts with livestock producers: their main mortality factor. Our objective was to determine the feeding habits of wolves in Mexico, as well as the quantity and frequency of livestock predation in relation to seasonal and individual variables, through the analysis of genetically identified scats. During 2012–2022 we collected 1171 Mexican wolf scats. We extracted and sequenced DNAm and identified individuals and their sex using microsatellite analysis. We washed the scat and separated the undigested components for taxonomic identification. We estimated the frequency of prey items, the biomass it contributed to the diet, and compared prey consumption between sexes and between the birth and dispersal seasons. We constructed generalized linear models to identify the relationship between livestock presence in the diet and dietary prey richness with respect to environmental and individual variables. We identified 68 wolves that had consumed 30 species of vertebrates. Of these, white‐tailed deer (36.12%), diversionary feeding (22.79%), and cattle (25.56%) had the highest contribution to biomass. The ingestion of items was independent of the sex of the wolves but was dependent on the season. The presence of deer and diversionary feeding decreased the likelihood of cattle being ingested but also decreased the richness of items of wild species in the wolf diet. Wolves in northwestern Mexico fed mainly on large prey available in the reintroduction area, including livestock. As wolves consume livestock, it increases the risk of retaliatory actions from ranchers. Our results serve as a basis for the implementation of strategies to reduce human–wolf conflicts and set a baseline for coexistence in northwestern Mexico.
... Globally, various large carnivores, including wolves, brown bears, pumas, and tigers, frequently prey on livestock, leading to widespread conflict (Kaczensky, 1999;Karanth, 2002;Sıkdokur et al., 2024). Managing HWC remains contentious, with livestock predation identified as the primary source of conflict (Khorozyan et al., 2015). The socio-economic costs of livestock losses can lead to negative attitudes towards carnivore conservation (Khorozyan et al., 2020;Soofi et al., 2022b). ...
... Wild prey availability significantly influences carnivore behavior; leopards may preface on livestock when wild prey is scarce (Khorozyan et al., 2015;Braczkowski et al., 2018). However, even in the presence of abundant wild prey, conflicts can arise due to increased predator populations and interactions with livestock (Soofi et al., 2022a). ...
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The Chelav Community Conserved Area, located along the southern Caspian Sea, hosts 39 livestock farms. Despite the pressures of traditional farming, the ecosystem remains vibrant, with an increase in leopard and bear sightings but a decline in wolf populations over the past 20 years. Ranchers have reported more frequent leopard and bear encounters, while wolf sightings have decreased. Approximately 94.87% of respondents express indifference toward leopard and bear attacks, and 89.74% feel the same about wolf attacks. Although most ranchers are indifferent, 10.25% indicated they would kill wolves that repeatedly attack their livestock. The presence of shepherds and guard dogs has been shown to reduce wildlife attacks, with shepherds notably more effective at deterring leopards compared to wolves. The absence of livestock bells has been linked to increased leopard and wolf attacks (p-value < 0.01). Inconsistent protective measures have likely allowed carnivores to remain in the area, as there are few reports of livestock attacks in adjacent basins. This study underscores the necessity for sustainable coexistence strategies that protect both local livelihoods and wildlife in the Chelav region.
... Given the overall negative effect of wild prey availability on livestock depredation in our study area (Table 1), we reiterate long-standing concerns that broad-scale trends in wild prey depletion will amplify human-carnivore conflict in many systems (Khorozyan et al., 2015;Wolf & Ripple, 2016). ...
... A common assumption is that wild prey availability is the primary driver of livestock depredation by large carnivores (Khorozyan et al., 2015), but our results enhance this narrative by showing that these patterns are likely underpinned by wildlife and livestock responses to fluctuations in primary resources. The co-occurrence of wildlife and free-roaming cattle generates complex ecological interactions in which livestock, wild prey, and predators must all adaptively respond to changes in resource availability. ...
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Because it can lead to retaliatory killing, livestock depredation by large carnivores is among the foremost threats to carnivore conservation, and it severely impacts human well‐being worldwide. Ongoing climate change can amplify these human–wildlife conflicts, but such issues are largely unexplored, though are becoming increasingly recognized. Here, we assessed how the availability of primary resources and wild prey interact to shape large carnivore selection for livestock rather than wild prey (i.e., via prey switching or apparent competition). Specifically, we combined remotely sensed estimates of primary resources (i.e., water availability and primary productivity), wild prey movement, and 7 years (2015–2021) of reports for livestock depredation by African lions (Panthera leo) in the Makgadikgadi Pans ecosystem, Botswana. Although livestock depredation did not vary between wet versus dry seasons, analyses at finer temporal scales revealed higher incidences of livestock depredation when primary production, water availability, and wild prey availability were lower, though the effects of wild prey availability were mediated by water availability. Increased precipitation also amplified livestock depredation events despite having no influence on wild prey availability. Our results suggest that livestock depredation is influenced by the diverse responses of livestock, wild prey, and lions to primary resource availability, a driver that is largely overlooked or oversimplified in studies of human–carnivore conflict. Our findings provide insight into tailoring potential conflict mitigation strategies to fine‐scale changes in resource conditions to efficiently reduce conflict and support human livelihoods.
... In the long-term, restoring natural prey populations and re-establishing large carnivore populations are critical. Ensuring the availability of wild prey, coupled with intraguild competitive interactions, may help maintain balanced wildlife populations (Ripple et al., 2014;Khorozyan et al., 2015). Comprehensive land management strategies and livelihoodfocused interventions can further alleviate pressures on local ecosystems (Wright et al., 2016). ...
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Mesocarnivores fill important roles in ecological communities globally, but their distribution and abundance are often understudied. Many species have historically been regarded as vermin and subject to lethal control due to their role in livestock predation. Identifying the factors influencing mesocarnivore populations can help disentangle their relationship within ecological communities and inform conflict mitigation and conservation priorities. To help identify these factors, we used camera traps to study the community of medium and large mammals in four communal conservancies of northeastern Namibia covering the wet and dry seasons using 99 and 97 camera trap stations, respectively. We modelled black-backed jackal (Lupulella mesomelas) abundance using the robust Royle-Nichols model. Black-backed jackal were widespread, with a mean per site abundance of 2.01 (SD=0.66) in the wet season and 2.41 (SD=0.49) in the dry season. Black-backed jackal showed seasonally contrasting covariate associations, with lower abundance in areas with medium and large-sized wild prey during the wet season, and higher abundance in areas with more villages and close to African wild dog (Lycaon pictus) dens in the dry season. We identified localized hotspots of black-backed jackal abundance during the dry season, which may indicate that when resources are scarce, black-backed jackals rely on anthropogenic food sources despite an elevated risk for conflict, and on carcass remains from African wild dog kills. These findings highlight potential drivers of mesocarnivore abundance that would be obscured in a conventional occurrence modelling framework, and illustrate how local abundance may be influenced by seasonal variability, wild and anthropogenic food sources, and a likely facilitative relationship with a large carnivore. Further investigations in areas with more complex carnivore guilds and higher density of dominant predators are needed to understand black-backed jackal-African wild dog interactions and impacts on population dynamics.
... livestock depredation and crop raiding) that could result in adversity and loss, whether physical, economic, and/or cultural (Smith et al. 2000). Soofi et al. (2022) reported that leopard depredation on livestock increased with an increase in wild prey; Khorozyan et al. (2015) noted that a minimum threshold may exist for large carnivores to increase depredation on livestock animals; and Bayani and Dandekar (2022) found that tigers preferred wild herbivores despite a higher population of cattle. Furthermore, the potential for interspecific competition between wildlife and domestic animals increases the likelihood for zoonotic diseases (Keesing and Ostfeld 2021), hence the need to understand the interface between livestock and wildlife demography in the park. ...
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Establishing conservation management requires an understanding of local livelihoods, human–wildlife interactions, and community risk perceptions of wildlife, particularly in fragile landscapes with residing human populations. The Iona National Park in Angola is characterized by a harsh but unique arid environment and is home to semi‐nomadic human residents. Due to the prolonged civil war, the park's management only resumed in the early 2000s. To understand the socio‐ecological needs of such systems, we conducted semi‐structured questionnaires with 356 respondents across all villages in the national park. We identified main livelihood strategies in Iona National Park as livestock production of goat and cattle, and cultivation of maize. Estimates of livestock biomass (8.42 kg ha‐1) indicated severe overstocking. Seventeen wild mammal species were reported as threatening livelihoods, of which leopard and cheetah presented the highest risk for cattle; leopard, fox species, and caracal for goats; and porcupine and baboon for crops. The complexity of human–wildlife conflict was highlighted by contrasting perceptions of species abundance, perceived risk, and culprit species. The restoration of arid African landscapes may require the implementation of community‐based natural resource management that is aligned with ecosystem carrying capacity. This study therefore provided new insights and baseline information for effective conservation management, both for the Iona National Park and for areas with a similar socio‐environmental context.
... Livestock depredation is commonly a primary cause of carnivore persecution (Miller, 2015), particularly in landscapes where natural prey availability has been diminished (Khorozyan et al., 2015). Livestock losses can have remarkable economic impacts on smallholder farmers, leading to retaliatory killing of large carnivores (Treves & Karanth, 2003). ...
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Aim The persistence of large carnivore populations depends on their survival outside protected areas, where they often impact local livelihoods through livestock depredation. Understanding the impacts of human behaviour on large carnivores in shared landscapes is thus important but is often overlooked in habitat assessments or conservation planning. We employed an integrated approach that considers human behaviour and landscape structure metrics to assess the potential for human‐puma (Puma concolor) coexistence in the Chaco region, a global deforestation and defaunation hotspot. Location Argentine Dry Chaco (~490,000 km²). Methods We identified suitable puma habitat patches and movement areas using occupancy modelling and combined it with a spatial human‐puma conflict risk model based on interview data to identify ‘safe’ and ‘unsafe’ habitat patches. We then used resistance surfaces to identify ‘safe’ and ‘unsafe’ movement areas, as well as ‘severed’ movement areas where anthropogenic land conversion inhibits movement. Results Safe puma habitat patches (i.e., suitable and safe) covered 29% of the region, whereas attractive sinks (i.e., suitable but risky) represented 12%. Movement areas corresponded to 60% of the region, while conflict risk and high landscape resistance undermined connectivity: unsafe and severed movement areas covered 10% and 11% of the region, respectively. Nearly 98% of safe habitat and movement areas occurred outside protected areas. Main Conclusions We provide an integrated conceptual framework and spatial explicit template for a three‐pronged conservation strategy to (1) protect safe habitat and movement areas, (2) mitigate livestock depredation in attractive sinks and unsafe movement areas and (3) restore landscape in severed and matrix areas to improve ecological connectivity. This would allow pumas to maintain viable populations while reducing negative impacts on local people. More generally, we show how integrating habitat and conflict risk models can reveal opportunities and challenges for human‐carnivore coexistence beyond protected areas.
... Only with sufficient food sources can the distribution of top predators be supported 21 . Studies have confirmed that when biomass is insufficient, the predator diet will increase the proportion of livestock 39 . Livestock killed by leopards will be paid for by the government, thus reducing the loss of farmers, which increases the funds for wildlife protection 40 . ...
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The Chinese government has introduced a carbon neutral policy to cope with the rapid changes in the global climate. It is not clear what impact this policy will have on wildlife. Therefore, this study analyzed the suitable habitat distribution of China’s unique leopard subspecies in northern Shaanxi, and simulated the potential suitable habitat distribution under different carbon emission scenarios at two time points of future carbon peak and carbon neutralization. We found that in the future SSPs 126 scenario, the suitable habitat area and the number of suitable habitat patches of North China leopard will continue to increase. With the increase of carbon emissions, it is expected that the suitable habitat of North China leopard will continue to be fragmented and shifted. When the annual average temperature is lower than 8 °C, the precipitation seasonality is 80–90 mm and the precipitation of the warmest quarter is greater than 260 mm, the probability of occurrence of North China leopard is higher. The increase in carbon emissions will lead to the reduction, migration, and fragmentation of the suitable habitat distribution of the North China leopard. Carbon neutrality policies can protect suitable wild habitats. In the future, the impact of carbon neutrality policies on future wildlife habitat protection should be carried out in depth to effectively promote the construction of wildlife protection projects.
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Transfrontier conservation landscapes, such as the Kavango–Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA TCA) in southern Africa, play a crucial role in preserving global biodiversity and promoting the sustainable development of local communities. However, resources to facilitate management could become scarce across large areas, leading to difficulties in obtaining baseline ecological information. Consequently, in the absence of sustainable management vast landscapes may experience loss of wildlife species, which could destabilize ecosystems. This effect is particularly significant if the loss involves top predators. Hence, understanding carnivore distributions is critical to informing management. We conducted a mammal survey in the Ondjou Conservancy in Namibia, an 8,729 km2 understudied area in the south-west of the KAZA TCA. We analysed camera-trapping data from a 2,304 km2 grid and identified high carnivore richness (18 species) despite widespread human activity and prey depletion. Using a multi-species occupancy framework we found that carnivore occurrence increased with increasing distance from the main village and with closer proximity to the Nyae Nyae Conservancy neighbouring the KAZA TCA, which has large and diverse carnivore populations. Carnivore occurrence was higher when local prey richness was high. The Ondjou Conservancy could function as an important buffer for the larger conservation network, yet rural communities in this area require support for fostering human–wildlife coexistence. Additionally, restoring the natural prey base will be critical to ensuring the long-term viability of carnivore populations in this and other human-impacted landscapes. With many remote areas of transfrontier conservation landscapes being understudied, our findings illustrate the conservation potential of such areas within large-scale conservation networks.
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Jaguars are endangered in Mexico, with negative interactions with livestock producers being one of the main threats to their populations. We collared three jaguars and search Global Positioning System (GPS) clusters to document prey species eaten by them in the Sierra del Abra-Tanchipa Biosphere Reserve (RBSAT) and surrounding agrolandscape, in northeastern Mexico, to determine the relative use of natural prey and livestock. We detected, through examination of the carcasses (scavenging and predation events), 35 individual prey at feeding sites, primarily collared peccary (40% of sites), cattle (23%), and white-tailed deer (20%). Cattle comprised 64% and wild ungulates provided 34% of the estimated biomass in jaguar diets (biomass was calculated based on the estimated mass consumed and the assumption of an edible portion), with cattle consumed only during the dry season. Seasonal use apparently reflected increased encounters between jaguars and livestock during the dry season, probably due to the presence of limited permanent water sources concentrating livestock (and natural prey) along with jaguars taking advantage of the increased vulnerability of livestock during the dry season (either through predation or scavenging).
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The cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) has long been regarded as a significant threat to the interests of farmers of both game and livestock in Namibia and for this reason has been removed in large numbers. However, the diet of these cheetahs has not been documented; such documentation is an important component of any effective conservation plan. We performed feeding trials to relate more accurately the remains found in cheetah scats to the number of prey animals consumed. Using scat analysis techniques, we found that cheetah prey size ranged from birds and hares to large antelope. They rarely preyed on domestic stock, with apparent selection towards common, indigenous game species. Information gathered from aerial sightings of kills was significantly biased towards larger prey species. Data on the number of times cheetahs were seen near livestock or game were found to not be representative of the type of prey taken when compared to corrected scat analysis. Due to the diurnal nature and wide-ranging habits of cheetahs, they are sighted relatively frequently near stock, which may contribute to an exaggerated perception of their predation on stock. From the results of this study, livestock predation by cheetahs was estimated to account for at least 0.01 calves and 0.004 sheep per km2 on the Namibian farmlands, and may be substantially more depending on cheetah density. Any stock losses as a result of cheetahs and other predators can have economic impacts for farmers, and management techniques for mitigating such losses are suggested. The use of controlled feeding trials and subsequent calculation of a correction factor for scat analysis could be a valuable tool for gaining a more accurate estimate of carnivore diet in future studies.
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Human-carnivore conflicts over livestock predation threaten biodiversity conservation and rural development, but the impact of climate and its change on such conflicts is insufficiently studied. The effect of climatic factors on diseases of predation-prone domestic animals and then on conflicts is unstudied, but potentially significant. This empirical case study addressed the conflict between people and leopards (Panthera pardus) in the Hyrcanian humid temperate forest (Iran). We analyzed our questionnaire and other data from all 34 villages around Golestan National Park in terms of probabilities of human-leopard conflicts over livestock predation, diseases of domestic animals and WorldClim bioclimatic variables. Using multiple predictive modeling approaches (generalized linear modeling GLM, Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines MARS, Bayesian Belief Network BBN, BIOCLIM and DOMAIN), we show that climate continentality and precipitation patterns affect diseases, and more diseases lead to more conflicts. The Community Climate System Model (CCSM4) scenarios forecast aridization of the study area in 2041-2080 and a resultant decline of disease and conflict probabilities by 18.4-21.4% and 10.4-11.9%, respectively. We conclude that diseases can drive human-carnivore conflicts which may become less intense with projected aridization of the studied humid environment.
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Human-carnivore conflicts challenge biodiversity conservation and local livelihoods, but the role of diseases of domestic animals in their predation by carnivores is poorly understood. We conducted a human-leopard (Panthera pardus) conflict study throughout all 34 villages around Golestan National Park, Iran in order to find the most important conflict determinants and to use them in predicting the probabilities of conflict and killing of cattle, sheep and goats, and dogs. We found that the more villagers were dissatisfied with veterinary services, the more likely they were to lose livestock and dogs to leopard predation. Dissatisfaction occurred when vaccination crews failed to visit villages at all or, in most cases, arrived too late to prevent diseases from spreading. We suggest that increased morbidity of livestock makes them particularly vulnerable to leopard attacks. Moreover, conflicts and dog killing were higher in villages located closer to the boundaries of the protected area than in distant villages. Therefore, we appeal for improved enforcement and coordination of veterinary services in our study area, and propose several priority research topics such as veterinarian studies, role of wild prey in diseases of domestic animals, and further analysis of potential conflict predictors.
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A residual population of Amur tigers Panthera tigris altaica probably survives in the eastern Wanda Mountains (EWM) in China, where the main prey species are red deer Cervus elaphus, eastern roe deer Capreolus pygargus and wild boar Sus scrofa ussuricus. We used 53 snow sample plots each containing about 29 km of transects to detect ungulate presence and determined their total density in EWM in 2002 to be 87.9 ± 8.9 kg km−2. We then applied these data to three published models that predict the relationship between tiger density and prey biomass density to obtain three estimates of tiger carrying capacity in EWM. Existing estimates of tiger density suggest that tigers were below carrying capacity estimates. Relationships between prey density and tiger density from 15 studies indicate a threshold prey biomass of 195 kg km−2 (CI: 33-433), below which a tiger population cannot be sustained. We therefore concluded that the EWM population of tigers is in peril. We compared densities between the years 2002 and 2008 using comparable data and found that the EWM populations of the three ungulate prey species all experienced decreases of 40-45%, apparently due to intense poaching. This rapid decline in prey density and pervasive threats to tigers and their prey in the EWM demands immediate and effective protection of ungulate and tiger populations from poaching if tigers are to persist and recover.