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The Rise of the Drones in Agriculture


Abstract and Figures

For years now, drone advocates have cited precision agriculture - crop management that uses GPS and big data - as a way to increase crop yield while resolving water and food crises. Unfortunately, drones haven’t had a significant impact on agricultural practices, at least until recently. A lot is happening lately on the subject of drone applications in agriculture and precision farming. From the ability to image, recreate and analyze individual leaves on a corn plant from 120 meters height, to getting information on the water-holding capacity of soils to variable-rate water applications, agricultural practices are changing due to drones delivering agricultural intelligence for both farmers and agricultural consultants.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Frank Veroustraete*
Department of Bioscience Engineering, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Received: September 15, 2015; Published: September 16, 2015
*Corresponding Author:
Frank Veroustraete, Department of Bioscience Engineering, University of Antwerp, Groenenborgerlaan 171,
2020 Antwerp, Belgium.
The Rise of the Drones in Agriculture
Frank Veroustraete. “The Rise of the Drones in Agriculture”. EC Agriculture 2.2 (2015): 325-327.
Drones Create the Expectation of a Large Swing in the Way We Grow Crops
For years now, drone advocates have cited precision agriculture - crop management that uses GPS and big data - as a way to increase
until recently. A lot is happening lately on the subject of drone applications in agriculture and precision farming. From the ability to im-
age, recreate and analyze individual leaves on a corn plant from 120 meters height, to getting information on the water-holding capacity
of soils to variable-rate water applications, agricultural practices are changing due to drones delivering agricultural intelligence for both
farmers and agricultural consultants.
Unfortunately, many of the promises being made to farmers, drone service providers simply couldn’t deliver, even backed up by
proper research yet. Until now airspace controllers did not open segments of airspace above agricultural areas for commercial drone ag-
are in a start-up phase - to assist both large and small farming operations with water and disease management and a charge for these
and crop rotation strategies and to provide a higher degree of all-around monitoring of how crops are progressing on a day-to-day basis
   -
Figure: 1.
The Rise of the Drones in Agriculture
Frank Veroustraete. “The Rise of the Drones in Agriculture”. EC Agriculture 2.2 (2015): 325-327.
or region. Once crops like corn begin reaching certain heights, mid-season inspections of the nozzles and sprinklers on irrigation equip-
ment that deliver the much-needed water really becomes a painstaking exercise.
ate areas of high-intensity weed proliferation from healthy crop areas growing right alongside them. Historically, many farmers haven’t
realized how pronounced their weed problem is until harvesting was performed.
Though many will argue that ground-based inspections combined with satellite imagery, along with a dedicated grid soil sampling
  
the farmer can apply 300 kg/ha of fertilizer to struggling areas, 200 kg/ha to medium quality areas, and 150 kg/ha to healthy areas,
decreasing fertilizer costs and increasing yield.
Many growers during periods of depressed commodity prices made the call to diversify their farms by adding cattle or swine opera-
 
They are especially helpful for night-time monitoring due to a human’s eye’s inability to see in the dark.
A widely-cited drone report released by the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International predicts that the legalization
of commercial drones will create more than €70 billion in economic impact (such as revenues, job creation) between 2015 and 2025,
infrared (NIR) sensors is, thus far, the premier application for drones in farming. This was a task traditionally performed by often-reluc-
in a much shorter time stretch, as well as the capturing of data that cannot be seen by the human eye (like the NDVI or near-infrared).
Moreover, it removes much of the human error aspect of traditional inventory work, though a physical inspection of an area of concern
after viewing the imagery is still recommended.
Irrigation Equipment Monitoring
Mid-Field Weed Identification
Variable-Rate Fertility
Cattle Herd Monitoring
Figure: 2.
Mid-Season Crop Health Monitoring
Drone Applications in Agriculture
The Rise of the Drones in Agriculture
Frank Veroustraete. “The Rise of the Drones in Agriculture”. EC Agriculture 2.2 (2015): 325-327.
As conclusion, it can be stated that as the calendar starts to turn to 2016, the examples given in this Editorial are current and com-
mon uses for drones in precision agriculture. This application list is bound to undergo quite some growth in the near-future as more
equipped agricultural service providers.
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grammetry and Remote Sensing 92 (2014): 79-97.
2. Jenkins D and Vasigh B. The AUVSI Economic Report (2013). The Economic Impact of Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration in
the United States (2013). Association for Unmanned Vehicles Association International.
3. Robert Pierre C. “Precision agriculture: new developments and needs in remote sensing and technologies”. Ecosystems’ Dynamics,
Agricultural Remote Sensing, Modelling and Site-Specific Agriculture 5153 (2004).
4. Stehr Nikki J. “Drones: The Newest Technology for Precision Agriculture”. American Society of Agronomy, Natural Sciences 44.1
(2015): 89-91.
5. Urbahs Aleksandrs and Jonaite Ieva. “Features of the use of unmanned aerial vehicles for agriculture applications”. Aviation 17.4
(2013): 170-175.
Volume 2 Issue 2 September 2015
© All rights are reserved by Frank Veroustraete.
... Planting: Drones equipped with seed-dropping mechanisms demonstrated efficient seed dispersal, achieving high planting rates and significant cost reductions (Rani et al., 2019). Start-ups developed drone planting systems with high uptake rates, revolutionizing traditional planting methods (Veroustraete., 2015). ...
... 12. Crop Spraying: Drones outperformed traditional machinery in aerial spraying, completing tasks up to five times faster (Veroustraete., 2015). The use of drones for pesticide spraying demonstrated significant savings in operating time, water consumption, and pesticide use (Aguilar et al., 2018;Călina et al., 2020;Filho et al., 2020;Rani et al., 2019). ...
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Uncrewed aircraft, commonly known as drones, are deployed manually by a ground-based pilot through remote control or autonomously through pre-programmed flight sequences. This paper explores the multifaceted applications of drone technology within agriculture. The scope of this technology extends to various crucial facets, including managing water resources in agricultural systems, detecting water stress, identifying diseases and pests, estimating crop yield and maturity, detecting weed flora, workforce monitoring, livestock maintenance, and logistical concerns. Integrating drone technology in agriculture yields notable benefits, enhancing operational efficiency, task precision, and cost-effectiveness by reducing inputs such as land, water, seeds, agro-chemicals, and manual labor.
... These drones are popular for remote sensing for precision farming [16] often equipped with hyper-spectral cameras that can quickly capture multiple images of the field. From these images, the drones can preform crop monitoring and weed detection [17]. | ...
... Multiplying Eqs. (16,17), we get the transformation to the Soil in the Universal frame. ...
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This work presents the development and system integration of a ground agricultural mobile manipulator robot that is capable of traversing a field in order to monitor the health of the field and crops. The robotic platform consists of a 4-wheeled drive base rover that has a 6 degrees of freedom (DOF) robotic manipulator attached to it, which is equipped with a multitude of sensors that are used for navigation, crop inspection, and soil monitoring. To accurately measure the moisture of the soil using the moisture probe, the insertion process is very important, as the probe has to be inserted to the correct depth and be flush with the soil. It is for this reason, that the insertion process is difficult, as the field can be rough and uneven terrain. Utilizing a camera attached to the wrist of the robotic manipulator, the soil insertion process can be adjusted to more accurately insert the soil probe into the terrain with a varying degree of slopes. Along with detecting the slope of the soil to perform an accurate soil insertion, the robotic system is capable of detecting plants in various stages of development, and capture images to visually determine the crops health. The successful operation of the robot for in-situ soil measurements, crops image capturing, plant’s physical characteristics detection, and an autonomous soil slope alignment for sensor insertion have been demonstrated.
... Various studies have indicated that UAVs stand out as one of the most effective technologies in precision agriculture, currently in widespread use and deployment [10][11][12][13][14]. These devices are extremely versatile and can perform remote sensing tasks quickly and accurately, even under adverse weather conditions, offering spatial and temporal resolutions that most satellite systems cannot achieve [15]. ...
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Precision agriculture has recently experienced significant advancements through the use of technologies such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and satellite imagery, enabling more efficient and precise agricultural management. Yield estimation from these technologies is essential for optimizing resource allocation, improving harvest logistics, and supporting decision-making for sustainable vineyard management. This study aimed to evaluate grape cluster numbers estimated by using YOLOv7x in combination with images obtained by UAVs from a vineyard. Additionally, the capability of several vegetation indices calculated from Sentinel-2 and PlanetScope satellites to estimate grape clusters was evaluated. The results showed that the application of the YOLOv7x model to RGB images acquired from UAVs was able to accurately predict grape cluster numbers (R2 value and RMSE value of 0.64 and 0.78 clusters vine−1). On the contrary, vegetation indexes derived from Sentinel-2 and PlanetScope satellites were found not able to predict grape cluster numbers (R2 lower than 0.23), probably due to the fact that these indexes are more related to vegetation vigor, which is not always related to yield parameters (e.g., cluster number). This study suggests that the combination of high-resolution UAV images, multispectral satellite images, and advanced detection models like YOLOv7x can significantly improve the accuracy of vineyard management, resulting in more efficient and sustainable agriculture.
... Os sintomas de exposição podem incluir irritação dérmica leve, anomalias congênitas, condições cancerígenas, mutações genéticas, distúrbios hematológicos e neurológicos, disfunções endócrinas, perda de consciência ou até mortalidade (RANA, 2018). No entanto, os processos de triagem de campo, aplicação de pesticidas e distribuição de fertilizantes podem ser automatizados por meio da implementação da tecnologia de drones (VEROUSTRAETE, 2015). ...
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O uso de drones na pulverização agrícola está se tornando uma alternativa sustentável e eficiente em comparação aos métodos tradicionais. A pulverização aérea com drones oferece várias vantagens, incluindo maior uniformidade na aplicação de produtos químicos, menor impacto ambiental e redução de danos às culturas. Além disso, os drones podem operar em áreas de difícil acesso, otimizando o tempo e minimizando a exposição dos trabalhadores a substâncias tóxicas. Essa tecnologia utiliza sensores e câmeras multiespectrais para ajustar a quantidade e o tipo de produto aplicado, aumentando a precisão e reduzindo o uso excessivo de insumos. Estudos destacam que a pulverização por drones reduz significativamente a deriva de pesticidas, garantindo uma aplicação mais controlada e diminuindo o risco de contaminação ambiental. A eficiência energética também é uma vantagem, com a diminuição do consumo de água e produtos químicos. Contudo, a implementação de drones enfrenta desafios, como a curta duração da bateria, limitações regulatórias e a necessidade de infraestrutura tecnológica para processar grandes volumes de dados. Condições climáticas adversas também podem afetar a operação dos drones, impactando a eficácia da pulverização. No geral, a adoção de drones na agricultura representa um avanço significativo rumo a práticas mais seguras e sustentáveis, mas ainda requer ajustes e regulamentações específicas para maximizar sua eficiência. Drone, pulverização agrícola, eficiência, insumos agricolas
... 6. Livestock Monitoring Drones with thermal cameras can be used to monitor livestock by their respiration temperature in large pastures [157]. This helps farmers to identify health issues, locate missing animals, and optimize grazing patterns [158]. 7. Irrigation Management Drones with thermal, multispectral cameras and soil moisture, crop moisture and temperature sensors can identify crop water stress levels, evapotranspiration and leak detection. ...
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In India, there is an urgent need to meet the food production due to the country's rapidly expanding population. There is a downturn in the farming sector and the farmers are shifting to other firms due to insufficient output in the sector. Furthermore, traditional agricultural practices followed in India are insufficient to meet the increasing food demand. The costs and operational times generally increase as the majority of agricultural activities depend significantly on human labor. The increasing prevalence of machinery on farms is not a substitute for the necessity for human labor completely. This highlights the critical importance of agricultural automation. This study highlights the significant impact of UAVs on precision and smart agriculture through automation. The implementation of drones in diverse agricultural tasks has the potential to reduce labor demands and streamline operational efficiency. This review offers a comprehensive overview of conceptual design, command flow operation, micro-controller boards, remote-control systems, and attachments such as sensors, cameras, and motors in UAVs, aimed at automating agricultural activities. The integration of the Internet of Things (IoT) in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), alongside artificial intelligence and machine learning, enhances accuracy and precision in agricultural operations. This study also addresses future advancements, limitations, and challenges that farmers face in adapting to UAVs.
... In recent years, drone technology, initially developed for military purposes, has significantly expanded to various industrial sectors [1,2]. In agriculture, drones equipped with advanced imaging sensors and AI algorithms monitor crop health with precision, detecting early signs of nutrient deficiencies or water stress to optimize yields [3,4]. By integrating various sensors and working alongside other rescue equipment, drones enhance the effectiveness of disaster response efforts. ...
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This paper presents a drone system that uses an improved network topology and MultiAgent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) to enhance mission performance in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) swarms across various scenarios. We propose a UAV swarm system that allows drones to efficiently perform tasks with limited information sharing and optimal action selection through our Efficient Self UAV Swarm Network (ESUSN) and reinforcement learning (RL). The system reduces communication delay by 53% and energy consumption by 63% compared with traditional MESH networks with five drones and achieves a 64% shorter delay and 78% lower energy consumption with ten drones. Compared with nonreinforcement learning-based systems, mission performance and collision prevention improved significantly, with the proposed system achieving zero collisions in scenarios involving up to ten drones. These results demonstrate that training drone swarms through MARL and optimized information sharing significantly increases mission efficiency and reliability, allowing for the simultaneous operation of multiple drones.
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Drones are used in many applications, including continuous surveillance and monitoring. They can be used in cases, when the deployment time of surveillance system should be as fast as possible, or when a centralized electric grid is not available: accompanying fire extinguishing and liquidation of emergencies, 24/7 surveillance of the border area, monitoring of open-air events. They also can be used as stationary cameras, carrier of means of radio-electronic intelligence, weather conditions intelligence in airport areas, monitoring of crops, etc. The optimal solution for surveillance of large areas, such as critical infrastructure facilities (nuclear power plants, dams), and military facilities (field bases, ammunition warehouses), is the utilization of a group of drones when a single drone will observe his sector. The development of such systems and analysis of conditions for continuous surveillance taking into account the limitations of drone batteries require deep studies of drone energy consumption in various operation modes. The paper proposes a comprehensive investigation of operation modes of continuous surveillance systems, based on drones with electric-supplied propulsion systems, and optimization of its parameters. In the study, a comprehensive analysis of drones’ energy demands was done and conditions for continuous surveillance were found. Based on the parameters of DJI Mavic 2 Enterprise drone and with the use of regression analysis, the optimal flight profile was introduced, for which the maximal achievable distance to the observing point was calculated for the “ideal” case. The case of increasing the drone number for extension of achievable distance to the observation point was investigated and the optimal number of drones for each distance was found. A set of experiments with drone flights was conducted to update and improve the prediction of the drone’s energy consumption during the flight. Finally, the conclusion was set that external parameters, such as wind speed and direction, can significantly decrease the achievable distance to the observing point.
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The agricultural sector is vital to the economy. Agricultural automation is a subject that is getting more and more attention and interest around the world. With the growing number of people, the need for both food and work is rising quickly. The farmers' tried-and-true ways of doing things didn't meet these standards, though. So, high-tech, machine-based methods have come into being. Not only did these new ways of doing things meet the need for food, but they also gave jobs to billions of people. AI has changed the way farming is done in a big way. The effects of climate change, population growth, an unstable job market, and food shortages have been lessened by this new idea. The main goal of this study is to take a look at all of the different ways AI can be used in farming, such as putting cameras and other tools on robots and drones to help with irrigation, weeding, and spraying. These innovations cut down on the wasteful use of water, pesticides, and herbicides. They also protect the soil's nutrition, help people work more efficiently, and increase both output and quality. This study is a summary of what many researchers have found about the state of automation in agriculture, especially in terms of how robots and drones can be used to get rid of weeds. In addition to the different soil water sensing systems, there are also two automatic ways to get rid of weeds. This study talks about drones and the many ways they can be used to spray crops and keep an eye on them. It also talks about how they can be used.
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Micro-UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) with a total weight below 5 kg are interesting alternative carriers for agricultural applications. Compared to standard airborne aerial surveys, UAVs are much more flexible and weather independent. As a result, micro-UAV surveys will pave the way for affordable, current and accurate geo-information. This article deals with the general conditions and challenges for unmanned aerial vehicles that can be used for agricultural land monitoring. The article includes an overview of the structural characteristics and parameters of a UAV that has been developed for environmental monitoring by the Institute of Transport Vehicle Technology of Riga Technical University, and a detailed review about surveying fields with UAV systems is carried out.
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We discuss the evolution and state-of-the-art of the use of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) in the field of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (PaRS). UAS, Remotely-Piloted Aerial Systems, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles or simply, drones are a hot topic comprising a diverse array of aspects including technology, privacy rights, safety and regulations, and even war and peace. Modern photogrammetry and remote sensing identified the potential of UAS-sourced imagery more than thirty years ago. In the last five years, these two sister disciplines have developed technology and methods that challenge the current aeronautical regulatory framework and their own traditional acquisition and processing methods. Navety and ingenuity have combined off-the-shelf, low-cost equipment with sophisticated computer vision, robotics and geomatic engineering. The results are cm-level resolution and accuracy products that can be generated even with cameras costing a few-hundred euros. In this review article, following a brief historic background and regulatory status analysis, we review the recent unmanned aircraft, sensing, navigation, orientation and general data processing developments for UAS photogrammetry and remote sensing with emphasis on the nano-micro-mini UAS segment.
Precision agriculture, a holistic approach to micro-manage agricultural landscapes based on information, knowledge, and new technologies, will accelerate the application of remote sensing techniques to agricultural management. In recent years there has been a wealth of new research developments, particularly based on ground platforms, but also on airborne and spatial platforms. The paper provides a summary of applications by platform. Presently, utilizations by producers are still rare but, in the past few years, several new programs have been offered for nutrient management, particularly nitrogen, crop status monitoring, and irrigation management. There are specific and unique technical and managerial barriers and requirements for the application of remote sensing to soil and crop management. The four principal requirements relate to: spatial resolution, timeliness, coverage frequency, and imagery management infrastructure. Through precision agriculture, specialists trained in imagery analysis, efficient infrastructure for the transfer and management of imagery, better sensor systems, all needed to successfully use remote sensing to precision agriculture include various aspects of soil monitoring, crop condition monitoring and management, and machinery performance evaluation. This will bring a more profitable and sustainable agriculture where optimal agricultural production is made while protecting environmental quality.
The Economic Impact of Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration in the United States
  • D Jenkins
  • B Vasigh
Jenkins D and Vasigh B. The AUVSI Economic Report (2013). The Economic Impact of Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration in the United States (2013). Association for Unmanned Vehicles Association International.