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......................Pfriem: Thermally Modifi ed Wood for Use in Musical Instruments
DRVNA INDUSTRIJA 66 (3) 251-253 (2015) 251
Alexander Pfriem
Thermally Modified
Wood for Use in Musical
Toplinski modificirano drvo za izradu
glazbenih instrumenata
Review paper • Pregledni rad
Received – prispjelo: 21. 8. 2014.
Accepted – prihvaćeno: 20. 5. 2015.
UDK: 630*835.2; 630*842
ABSTRACT • The unique mechanical and acoustical properties of wood and its aesthetic appeal still make it the
material of choice for musical instruments. Here tropical hardwoods are typically used in musical instruments.
This paper gives an overview of how the use of thermally modifi ed wood can contribute to the use of raw materi-
als for musical instruments. It is shown that a mild thermal treatment leads to clear changes of the measurable
acoustic characteristics, such as Young’s modulus, damping and sound velocity. In conclusion, thermally modifi ed
wood (mild treatment) is a material with favorable characteristics for making musical instruments.
Key words: acoustical wood properties, musical instruments, thermally modifi ed wood
SAŽETAK • Zbog jedinstvenih mehaničkih i akustičnih svojstava te estetskih obilježja drvo se često rabi kao
materijal za izradu glazbenih instrumenata. U radu se opisuje kako uporaba toplinski modifi ciranog drva može
pridonijeti boljoj raspoloživosti sirovine za izradu glazbenih instrumenata. Pokazalo se da blaga toplinska obrada
drva dovodi do jasnih promjena mjerljivih akustičnih veličina kao što su Yangov modul elastičnosti, prigušenje i
brzina zvuka. Zaključno, drvo koje je umjereno toplinski modifi cirano ima poželjna obilježja za izradu glazbenih
Ključne riječi: akustična svojstva drva, glazbeni instrumenti, toplinski modifi crano drvo
Author is professor at Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development - University of Applied Sciences, Eberswalde, Germany.
Autor je profesor Sveučilišta održivog razvoja u Eberswaldu – Sveučilište primijenjenih znanosti, Eberswalde, Germany.
The unique mechanical and acoustical properties
of wood and its aesthetic appeal still make it the mate-
rial of choice for musical instruments. Worldwide, sev-
eral hundred wood species are available for making
wind, string, or percussion instruments (Wegst, 2006).
Here tropical hardwoods are typically used in musical
instruments. Examples for tropical hardwoods in musi-
cal instruments are:
• Ebony (e.g. fretboards)
• Brazilian rosewood (e.g. bottom and ribs of guitars)
• Mahogany (e.g. in guitars and violins)
• Páu brasil (Pernambuco) (bows of stringed instru-
• Grenadilla (e.g. fl ute and clarinets)
These wood species are often illegally cut down.
Some species (e.g. Brazilian Rosewood, some Mahog-
any species, Pernambuco) are protected by CITES
(Convention on International Trade in Endangered
Species). Today, the demand increases to replace tropi-
cal wood in musical instruments. The search for alter-
native wood has to take into consideration anatomical
features, physical, mechanical, acoustical, and chemi-
cal properties.
On the other hand, the desire of musical instru-
ment manufactures to reduce negative characteristics
Pfriem: Thermally Modifi ed Wood for Use in Musical Instruments ......................
252 DRVNA INDUSTRIJA 66 (3) 251-253 (2015)
of the raw material wood by special modifi cation pro-
cesses has existed for a century now. An overview of
different historical modifi cation processes can be found
in the paper by Martius (1999). Many of these process-
es were not further pursued. Today, however, the ques-
tion arises whether some of these historical procedures,
with consideration of new, further developed methods,
can help to satisfy the increasing demand of high-qual-
ity wood for musical instruments.
This paper gives an overview of how the use of
thermally modifi ed wood can contribute to the use of
raw material for musical instruments.
In some scientifi c papers, the effect of heat treat-
ment upon the acoustic properties of wood are de-
scribed. Gadd and D’Arcy (1986) state that the heat
treatment of spruce gives no statistically signifi cant ef-
fect on characteristic values of wood. Such treatments,
with temperatures between 110 °C and 115 °C, result
only in slight changes in material properties.
A study with several producers of guitars from
Finland, conducted between 1998 and 2002, shows the
use of thermally modifi ed wood, made by the fi nish
VTT process, in musical instruments. It was clearly ob-
served that the treatment temperature affects the
achieved sound velocity of wood samples. The conclu-
sion of this research is that when tonewoods are ther-
mally treated in a specifi c manner, the changes in wood
are the same as in naturally aged wood, whereas certain
qualities of wood improve while the wood maintains
its workability and strength. Further, the benefi ts of
thermal-treatment seem more apparent when wood
species of higher quality are treated (results published
in Thompson, 2006).
Obataya et al. (2003, 2006a, 2006b) showed the
infl uence of high temperature kiln drying on the practi-
cal performances of Japanese cedar wood. This heat
treatment is sometimes regarded as an accelerated age-
ing. However, heat-treated wood and aged wood are
qualitatively different with respect to their hygrosco-
picity and vibrational properties.
The aim of the work of Pfriem et al. (2005) and
Wagenführ et al. (2006) was to compare thermally
modifi ed and unmodifi ed twin samples of resonance
spruce wood for sound boards. By a specifi c thermal
treatment, physical-technical characteristics of wood
can be changed in such a way that they correspond bet-
ter to the requirements of wood used for sound boards
than unmodifi ed woods. More serious is the reduced
moisture sorption, larger dimensional stability, better
durability as well as acoustic characteristics. The ef-
fects of the relatively mild thermal treatment (180 °C)
can be compared with an “artifi cial aging”. Due to the
thermal modifi cation, objectively measurable parame-
ters are improved, and hence it can be concluded that
sound characteristics are improved, too.
Pfriem (2006) and Pfriem et al. (2007) built and
tested musical instruments made with thermally modi-
fi ed wood. For the purpose of this study, guitars, vio-
lins, and harmonicas (partly) made from thermally
modifi ed wood were prepared and tested. The analysis
of possible application areas in musical instruments
was not only in the foreground of this investigation.
Rather, the physical changes of material behavior
caused by thermal modifi cation were investigated with
special reference to the general requirements for mak-
ing instruments.
Mohebby et al. (2007) investigated the infl uence
of hydrothermal modifi cation on musical properties of
mulberry wood. This wood is used traditionally for
making instruments in Iran. Due to the improved hy-
drophobicity and dimensional stability, sound proper-
ties became better by hydrothermal modifi cation.
Investigations focused on the use of thermally
modifi ed wood for statically and dynamically highly
stressed components of musical instruments were car-
ried out by Zauer and Pfriem (2010). The cross sec-
tions of thermally modifi ed maple (Acer pseudoplata-
nus L.) were reinforced with carbon fi
bers reinforced
epoxy resin in a single-stage process. The results clear-
ly show that thermal treatment improves the sound
quality of wood. Additionally, the reinforcement with
carbon fi ber increases the static and dynamical proper-
ties of thermally modifi ed wood.
Zauer et al. (2014) modifi ed European beech
(Fagus sylvatica L.) to increase the acoustic and me-
chanical properties similar to Hard maple (Acer sac-
charum) to substitute the latter especially in highly
stressed components of musical instruments. A rela-
tively mild treatment, at temperatures ranging between
140 °C and 160 °C and a treatment time of 12 h, leads
to an improvement of both mechanical and acoustical
properties of beech wood. E.g. the average damping
values of beech wood were improved to the level of
hard maple wood by this mild treatment procedure.
The materials may be used as substitution material in
electric guitars.
Apart from a change of the acoustically relevant
characteristics, thermally modifi ed wood exhibits ad-
vantages concerning the dimensional stability and
sorption in regard to changing climatic conditions. On
the other hand, the modifi cation of wood at high tem-
peratures results in a reduction in strength and tough-
ness. Certainly, a mild thermal treatment (modifying at
160-180 °C in oxygen-poor atmosphere) leads to clear
changes of the measurable acoustic characteristics,
such as Young’s modulus, damping and sound velocity.
In conclusion, thermally modifi ed wood (mild treat-
ment) is a material with favorable characteristics for
making musical instruments. A pre-selection of raw
materials is, however, absolutely necessary. Inappro-
priate materials can hardly be improved by thermal
modifi cation. Due to these investigations, traditional
production technologies for making musical instru-
ments can be adapted to use thermally modifi ed wood
......................Pfriem: Thermally Modifi ed Wood for Use in Musical Instruments
DRVNA INDUSTRIJA 66 (3) 251-253 (2015) 253
in musical instruments. For thermally modifi ed wood
(mild treatment), three application areas are possible:
• Use in instruments, where high dimensional stabil-
ity and low moisture sorption and reduced reaction
to climatic variability are required.
• Use in musical instruments, where specifi c sound
characteristics are required, which otherwise can
only be attained by use of wood stored for a very
long time. A reduction of storage time and in that
way a signifi cant saving on storage costs can be ob-
tained. Thermally modifi ed wood will not replace
wood used so far, but it can be a successful supple-
ment. Through the use of thermally modifi ed wood,
the assortment of musical instrument manufactur-
ers can be widened or extended.
• Since the thermally improved wood shows similar
sound characteristics to naturally aged wood, it is
suited for the restoration and reconstruction of old
musical instruments.
In addition, based on the results obtained, it can
be concluded that thermally modifi ed timber can also
be used for other applications. As musical instruments
represent the “upper class” in the wood processing in-
dustry, such statements regarding the workability and
usability can also be applied to other areas.
1. Gadd, C.; D’Arcy, J., 1986: On the effect of heat treat-
ment upon acoustic properties of spruce. Journal of the
Violin Society of America, 7 (4): 157-166.
2. Martius, K., 1999: Herkunft, Lagerung und Präparation
von Tonhölzern im Spiegel historischer Quellen. Scripta
Artium 1: 23-34.
3. Mohebby, B.; Yaghoubi, K.; Roohnia, M., 2007: Acous-
tic Properties of Hydrothermally Modifi ed Mulberry
(Morus alba L.) Wood. Proceedings of the third Europe-
an Conference on Wood Modifi cation, Cardiff, 283-286.
4. Obataya, E.; Higashihara, T.; Gril, J., 2003: Effects of
heat treatment on the hygroscopicity of wood. Proceed-
ing of the Second International Conference of the Euro-
pean Society for Wood Mechanics, Stockholm, 33-37.
5. Obataya, E.; Shibutani, S.; Hanata, K.; Doi, S., 2006a:
Effects of high temperature kiln drying on the practical
performances of Japanese cedar wood (Cryptomeria ja-
ponica D. Don) I: changes in hygroscopicity due to heat-
ing. Journal of Wood Science, 52(1): 33-38.
6. Obataya, E.; Shibutani, S.; Hanata, K.; Doi, S., 2006b:
Effects of high temperature kiln drying on the practical
performances of Japanese cedar wood (Cryptomeria ja-
ponica D. Don) II: changes in mechanical properties due
to heating. Journal of Wood Science, 52(2): 111-114.
7. Pfriem, A.; Wagenführ, A.; Ziegenhals, G.; Eichelberger,
K., 2005: Use of wood performed by heat-treatment for
musical instruments. Proceedings of the Second European
Conference on Wood Modifi cation, Göttingen, 390-397.
8. Pfriem, A., 2006: Untersuchungen zum Materialverhalten
thermisch modifi zierter Hölzer für deren Verwendung im
Musikinstrumentenbau. Ph.D. thesis TU Dresden.
9. Wagenführ, A.; Pfriem, A.; Grothe, T.; Eichelberger, K.,
2006: Untersuchungen zur vergleichenden Charakter-
isierung von thermisch modifi zierter Fichte für Resonan-
zdecken von Gitarren. Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff, 64:
10. Pfriem, A.; Eichelberger, K.; Wagenführ, A., 2007:
Acoustic properties of thermally modifi ed spruce for use
for violins. Journal of the Violin Society of America:
VSA-Paper 21(1): 102-111.
11. Thomson, H. S., 2006: Thermo-treated Wood... Vintage
Tone or Voodoo from Finland? The ToneQuest, 7(3): 11-16.
12. Wegst, U., 2006: Wood for Sound. American Journal of
Botany, 93(10): 1439-1448.
13. Zauer, M.; Pfriem, A., 2010: Reinforcement of Thermal-
ly Modifi ed Wood for Use in Highly Stressed Compo-
nents of Musical Instruments. Proceedings of the fi fth
European Conference on Wood Modifi cation ECWM5,
Riga, 31-38.
14. Zauer, M.; Sproßmann, R.; Wagenführ, A., 2014: Im-
provement of the acoustic properties of European beech
to substitute hard maple for the use in musical instru-
ments. Proceedings of the Seventh European Conference
on Wood Modifi cation ECWM7, Lisboa, Portugal.
Corresponding address:
Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development -
University of Applied Sciences
Professorship Wood Chemistry, Wood Physics and
Chemical Engineering
Schicklerstraße 5
16225 Eberswalde, GERMANY