Conference PaperPDF Available

Modern State of the Universal Modeling for Centrifugal Compressors



The 6th version of Universal modeling method for centrifugal compressor stage calculation is described. Identification of the new mathematical model was made. As a result of identification the uniform set of empirical coefficients is received. The efficiency definition error is 0,86 % at a design point. The efficiency definition error at five flow rate points (except a point of the maximum flow rate) is 1,22 %. Several variants of the stage with 3D impellers designed by 6 th version program and quasi three-dimensional calculation programs were compared by their gas dynamic performances CFD (NUMECA FINE TURBO). Performance comparison demonstrated general principles of design validity and leads to some design recommendations.
The 6th version of Universal modeling method for
centrifugal compressor stage calculation is described. Identification
of the new mathematical model was made. As a result of
identification the uniform set of empirical coefficients is received.
The efficiency definition error is 0,86 % at a design point. The
efficiency definition error at five flow rate points (except a point of
the maximum flow rate) is 1,22 %. Several variants of the stage with
3D impellers designed by 6
version program and quasi three-
dimensional calculation programs were compared by their gas
dynamic performances CFD (NUMECA FINE TURBO).
Performance comparison demonstrated general principles of design
validity and leads to some design recommendations.
Compressor design, loss model, performance
prediction, test data, model stages, flow rate coefficient, work
radial velocity
resistance force coefficient
i angle of incidence
specific speed
blade heght
Mach number
gas constant
Reynolds number
blade pitch
blade speed
empirical coefficient
relative velocity
blade angle related to tangential direction
flow angle related to tangential direction
number of blades
Yuri Borisovich Galerkin is with the S.-Peterbugd Poltechnical Yniversity,
Russian Federaton, S-Peresburg, Polytechnical st. 29 (phone: +7-921-942-73-
40; fax: 8-812-552-86-43; e-mail: yuiri_galerkin@
Kristina Valerievna Soldatova is with the S.-Peterbugd Poltechnical
Yniversity, Russian Federaton, S-Peresburg, Polytechnical st. 29 (phone: +7-
905-220-50-70 fax: 8-812-552-86-43; e-mail:
Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Drozdov is with the S.-Peterbugd Poltechnical
Yniversity, Russian Federaton, S-Peresburg, Polytechnical st. 29 (phone: +7-
951-680-59-64; fax: 8-812-552-86-43; e-mail: a_drozdi@
flow rate coefficient
work coefficient
losses efficiency
compressibility coefficient
1 impeller inlet
2 impeller exit
bl blade
des design
m meridional
p pressure side
s suction side
thr throat
OTAL power of centrifugal compressors installed is
measured by dozens and dozens MWt in industrial
countries. The simplest of centrifugal compressors for pipe
line industry is shown in Fig. 1.
These machines have power in range 4-32 MWt, exit
pressure to 12,5 MPa, number of stages up to 8 in one body.
Compressors for other industries are more complicated
Power consumption depends on many factors but the sound
gas dynamic design is the first of them. Design procedure
consisted of more or less proven rules to establish main flow
path dimensions at pre-PC era. Numerous model tests at
special test rigs were obligatory before new compressor
The modern gas dynamic design becomes easier and more
reliable. I.e. given compressor pressure ratio is guaranteed at
given mass flow rate with good efficiency. Experimental
check and improvement followed are not obligatory in many
cases [14], [15]. Three-step numerical procedure is applied
usually. The first step of design consists of some mean line
field type calculations to find the best flow path main
The TU SPb R&D “Laboratory of compressor problems”
was very active in 1960 – 1980
. The TU SPb compressor
school founded by Prof. K. Seleznev is one of the leading
Russian R & D centers [13]. Flow behavior study has lead to
the physical model formulation and its mathematical
description. The design procedure scientific background and
practical application are well presented [1]-[6], [8]-[10]. Fig. 2
shows that measured and calculated velocity diagrams at
impeller blades are rather similar at design flow rate – but the
exit area where the wake is formatted [12].
Modern State of the Universal Modeling for
Centrifugal Compressors
Y. Galerkin, K. Soldatova, A. Drozdov
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering Vol:9, No:1, 2015
150International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 9(1) 2015
International Science Index Vol:9, No:1, 2015
Fig. 1 Typical two-stage pipe line centrifugal compressor
Fig. 2 Measured (solid) and non viscid calculated velocity diagrams
at 2D impeller blades
This similarity has proved Q3D non viscid calculation
effective application. A powder paint inserted in a flow path
sticks to surfaces where shear stress are close to zero. This
way wake and separation zones formation can be visualized.
Fig. 3 demonstrates flow behavior in the 2D impeller with
work coefficient
ψ ≈
3D wake zone at the second part of the suction side of the
blade is visible. Flow separation never occurs at hub/shroud
surfaces and impeller blade pressure sides, etc. Flow
visualization at Fig. 4 demonstrates wake zone and secondary
flows on a suction side of an impeller at close to surge flow
rate and flow separation in a vane diffuser at a design flow
Fig. 3 Low shear stress zones in a 2D impeller
Fig. 4 Flow visualization in stage components
Suction side of a 2D impeller blade, surge flow rate and flow
separation zone in a vane diffuser
Based on the physical model the field type Universal
modeling method is well presented to specialists ([7]-[10],
[14], [15]) so the basic information is presented below only.
The math model identification is based on gas dynamic
performances of model stages. Loss of a head is calculated on
each surface of a flow path and is summarized. Shear stress
force coefficient and mixing loss coefficients are presented as
functions of flow velocity gradients along surfaces and along
normal direction. A velocity diagram of non viscid flow is
described schematically. Inlet and exit velocities at two sides
of a blade are used for calculations (are marked with dots at
Fig. 5).
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering Vol:9, No:1, 2015
151International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 9(1) 2015
International Science Index Vol:9, No:1, 2015
Fig. 5 Velocity diagram of non viscid flow on an impeller blade and a
scheme of flow separation
A friction force coefficient is presented is (a sample for a
suction side):
2 2
2 1
1 4 1
i i
s s
ws f i i
bl s
w u w
c с X X
R D w
 
 
 
= − +
 
 
 
 
. (1)
Two members of (1) present normal
w u
 
 
 
 
 
 
velocity gradients. The basic value of the
drag force coefficient
is the coefficient of a thin plate
1/ 7
f i
с X=
- hydraulically smooth surface, (2)
1.89 1.62 lg /
 
+ ⋅
 
 
f i
с X
Rz l
- rough surface. (3)
Empirical coefficients gradients
are subjects of model
identification by balance of calculation and measured
performance curves. Their numbers
are individual and show
coefficient’s position in the equations. Equations (4), (5)
connect drag force coefficients on both blade surfaces with the
friction loss coefficient of impeller blades and the last one
with an efficiency loss:
2 2
1 1
bl s
fr prof m ws s wp p
thr thr
z S w
c w c w
Ф w w
 
   
 
ζ = ε +
   
 
π   
 
, (4)
fr prof
fr prof
 
∆η =
 
 
. (5)
Friction loss coefficients for hub and shroud surfaces are
calculated on the same principle. The physical model is based
on the absence of flow separation everywhere in an impeller
but a suction side of a blade. The separation point is calculated
by (6):
1 2
1 4 /
s s
s i i
s bl
w w u
w X X
w R D
 
 
 
= = +
 
 
 
 
. (6)
The normalized normal velocity gradient presents in (6) and
reflects Rossby number influence on a boundary layer
condition. Mixing loss coefficient corresponds to scheme of
sudden expansion:
1 1
mix i s
X w
w w
 
= −
 
 
ζ β
. (7)
The empirical equations and the proper coefficients
serve for off-design regimes calculation and take into account
3-D flow character and compressibility influence. The
equations for stator elements of a stage also present in the
math model. The 4th version of computer programs was widely
used in academic and design practice. Several dozens of
compressor with delivery pressure up to 12,5 MPa, number of
stages 1-8, power up to 25 MWt were designed for some
Russian and foreign manufacturers. Amount of compressor
installed exceeds 400 pieces with total power close to
5 000 000 KWt. In all cases the design parameters were
achieved without model tests. But one problem existed for a
The math model basic principle is that empirical
are independent of a stage parameters and
similarity criteria. It means that a single set of
describe gas dynamic performances of any stage at any
condition with accuracy of experiments. The 4th version
accuracy for design point efficiency is inside 2% that is not
sufficient for design practice. There are different sets of
for different types of model stages participated in
identification process. A designer had to choose proper sets
for the designed objects. This disadvantage also pointed out
that the physical and math models do not reflect all important
The situation was revised and several important novels
were introduced in 5th version [7]-[10], [14], [15] and in the
next, 6th one too [10]. The flow path main dimensions input
are more precise and complete – for 3-D impellers especially.
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering Vol:9, No:1, 2015
152International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 9(1) 2015
International Science Index Vol:9, No:1, 2015
Velocity diagram schematization (Fig. 5) is made on the base
of numerical experiment by Q-3-D calculations [7], [8].
Leakage in labyrinth seals is taken into account, etc. The main
novel in the math model is connected with mixing losses
calculation. The empirical coefficient
in (6) is presented
as a function of two gas dynamic parameters of an impeller:
1 1
mix i i T des i
X X X X w
 
 
 
= + ⋅ +
 
 
 
 
. (8)
The new model identification was made with the use of 37
tests of 8 basic model stages with parameters
= 0,028
T d es
= 0,42-0,75 tested at
0,60 – 0,86. Basic
stages have variants with different hub ratio, vaneless diffuser
width, number of diffuser vanes, impeller blade trailing edge
Fig. 6 Results of the 6th version model identification
Measured performances – stroke lines, calculated performances –
solid lines
The identification was made for all tests and a single set of
the empirical coefficients was created. The average accuracy
of efficiency calculation for all 37 tests is 1,09% - all flow rate
range but the stall regime. The last is not important for
industrial compressors. The average accuracy for design flow
rate is 0,88%. Fig. 6 presents graphic information about
matching of measured and calculated performances.
Three compressors were chosen for the new model
verification. The 4-stage booster pipe line compressor – Fig. 7
– with optimal specific speed of stages
0,5 0, 75
ndes des Tdes
K= Φ
[13] was designed by the Universal modeling method.
Fig. 7 Flow path scheme of the 16 MWt compressor with delivery
pressure 7,45Mpa
Good correlation of measured and calculated performances
was expected – Fig 8.
Fig. 8 Sample 1 of gas dynamic performance modeling. Four stage
16 MWt compressor with delivery pressure 7,45M. P▲ –modeling, ♦
- test data
The two stage booster compressor with parameters close
to the compressor above was quite unusual as the higher
pressure rise was achieved in two stages only. As result
specific speed was very far from optimal range. The first stage
parameters were
= 0,028,
T des
= 0,82. As result – very
narrow channels with high level of friction losses and impeller
blades with exit angle
= 1040 – Fig. 9.
The second example compressor was designed by the
Universal modeling method too (4th version), but its stages had
no analogs. Anyway, the compressor demonstrated design
parameters at the plant test and at the installation. The most
satisfactory performance modeling result is shown at Fig. 10.
The third sample compressor was designed by its
manufacturer on the base of model stages designed decades
ago. Fig. 11 shows unusual now a meridian shape of impeller
channels with
2 1
b b
. It leads to excessive flow deceleration
2 1
/ 0,5
w w <
(recommendation [7]
2 1
/ 0,60 0,65
w w ≥ − ).
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering Vol:9, No:1, 2015
153International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 9(1) 2015
International Science Index Vol:9, No:1, 2015
Fig. 9 Scheme of the flow path of two stage 16 MWt compressor
with delivery pressure 7,45MP
Fig. 10 Sample 2 of gas dynamic performance modeling. Two stage
16 MWt compressor with delivery pressure 7,45MP
Fig. 11 Scheme of the flow path of four stage 16 MWt compressor
with delivery pressure 7,45MP. Outdated design
High mixing losses lead to low efficiency. Anyway, the
modeling result is satisfactory in this case too - Fig. 12.
Fig. 12 Sample 3 of gas dynamic performance modeling. Outdated
four stage 16 MWt compressor with delivery pressure 7,45MP
One more object of calculations was the tested stage with
3D impeller and vaneless diffuser. Gas dynamic performances
are compared at Fig. 13.
Results of identification and verification of the 6th version
of the model demonstrate its validity. It gives the possibility to
optimize main flow path dimensions by variants’ comparison.
Several important aspects of design cannot be solved by the
simplified approach of Universal modeling though. The
attractive way is to apply CFD calculations to the problem.
The test results shown at Fig. 14 are compared with
NUMECA FINE TURBO calculated performances – Fig. 15.
The result of the calculation is quite typical. CFD
calculations overestimate work coefficient and underestimated
incidence losses at negative incidence angle (
Φ > Φ
). The
same results were obtained with ANSYS CFX application and
with other types of stages. The common positive result is that
efficiency prediction is quite satisfactory at
Φ ≈ Φ
The stage with
= 0,105,
T des
=0,56 was designed on
principles [13] and optimized by 6th version computer
program. Several approaches of 3D impeller configuration
choice were compared by calculations of efficiency at
Φ ≈ Φ
. The important problem is 3D configuration choice.
The “geometry” principle is quite simple. Blade angles are
linear functions of meridian length. The alternative is to
choose blades’ configuration by velocity diagram
optimization. The compared functions
bl m
f l
presented at Fig. 16. CFD calculation has shown that
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering Vol:9, No:1, 2015
154International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 9(1) 2015
International Science Index Vol:9, No:1, 2015
0,4% higher in the second case and the advantage is higher at
Φ > Φ
Fig. 13 Model stage with 3D impeller and vaneless diffuser gas
dynamic performances. Dots – test, solid – calculation 6
Universal modeling
0.060 0.070 0.0 80 0.090 0.100 0.110 0.120 0 .130
Fig. 14 Model stage with 3D impeller and vaneless diffuser gas
dynamic performances. Red – test, blue – CFD calculation
There is the opinion that increase of the work coefficient
along trailing edge from hub to shroud direction in 3D
impellers can improve flow uniformity and diminish head
losses in diffusers. The impeller variant with
2T des
f b const
= =
was compared with the variant with
T des s T des h
ψ ψ
It appeared that the flow field uniformity is inferior in case
T des
f b
= = but the stage efficiency is higher at
0,2% anyway.
Several other problems were studied by variants’
comparison. It could be concluded that general rules well
proven in previous designs are valid for high flow rate stages
with 3D impellers too. Some details of design are constantly
improved by variants’ comparison and more precise design
recommendations are formulated as result.
Fig. 15 3D impeller meridian shape and two variants of blade
configuration defined by function
bl m
f l
(a) (b)
Fig. 16 Absolute velocity field at the impeller outlet.
T des s T des h
ψ ψ
, (b)
2T des
f b const
= =
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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
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155International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 9(1) 2015
International Science Index Vol:9, No:1, 2015
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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering Vol:9, No:1, 2015
156International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 9(1) 2015
International Science Index Vol:9, No:1, 2015
... The loading factor T ψ des is the design parameter chosen by the designer. The semi-empirical equations checked by the practice of calculations are used in the Universal Modeling Method [2]: ...
... Figure 1 demonstrates that a compressor flow part consists of three types of stages: -suction stage "impeller+diffuser+return channel", -suction stage "impeller+diffuser+exit nozzle". The characteristics' simulation was made by the most modern 8th version of the Universal Modeling Method [2,[7][8][9][10][11][12]. In Table 1 we compare the maximum efficiency obtained through factory testing and by simulating 20 pipe line compressors with different parameters [13]. ...
... Taking into account the pressure losses in the inlet nozzle, the total pressure * 0 p at the inlet to the 1st stage should be calculated. For candidates with internal coolers pressure loss is taken into account.Iterative process for equations(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)) defines values of M that are sufficient to calculate des  by the simplified math model. The results of numerical simulation were compared with experimental data. ...
Full-text available
To calculate the efficiency of a centrifugal compressor, it is sufficient to know the design parameters and similarity criteria: flow rate coefficient, loading factor, relative hub ratio, Mach number. The effect of the inlet nozzle and the diffuser type is also taken into account. The original simplified model was successfully used for calculation of compressors’ candidates in computer programs of the Universal Modelling Method. Recently, the model has undergone significant revision and been remade. The modernized model is used in the program for primary design of centrifugal compressors. The authors verified the new model, comparing the calculated efficiency with the measured efficiency of several dozens of model stages 21CV family and low flow rate model stages. In total, calculations were carried out for more than thirty model stages. The range of design parameters of analysed model stages is quite wide: flow rate coefficient 0.00564 – 0.0676; loading factor 0.384 – 0.742; hub ratio 0.258 – 0.466.
... The database was collected from several literatures, namely the works of (GALERKIN, 2015 ;JIANG, 2006 ;SKOCH, 2003 ;XU, 2010) and it consisted of 10000 datapoints in total. It encompasses data from ten control parameters, which are as follows: Axial displacement; Vibration; Sleeve bearing temperature; Thrust bearing temperature; Lubricating oil pressure; Lubricating oil temperature; Gas seal leak pressure (dry); Differential pressure across the lubricating oil filter; ...
In this work, we have conducted a comparative study among several machine learning techniques with the aim of selecting the best one for classifying faults affecting the compressor system to enable smart monitoring. This study encompasses various machine learning techniques, including Support Vector Machine, k-nearest neighbor, Decision Tree, Naive Bayes, AdaBoost, and Bag ensembles. To determine the optimal classification technique, we applied three distinct criteria: the confusion matrix, error histogram, and mean square error through cross-validation. Based on these criteria, the results indicate a tie for the top position between two classification models: Decision Tree and Bag ensemble. To solidify our choice of a single model, we employed the new AutoML technique to automatically identify the most suitable machine learning classification model for our case study. We evaluated this approach using process data obtained from an operational industrial centrifugal compressor. Consequently, the results presented in this work affirm that Decision Tree is the superior technique for classifying faults in the 3MCL compressor.
Conference Paper
The aim of the research is to optimize the 3D impeller and compare various methods of its design, evaluate the influence of each of the considered parameters, and develop recommendations for the optimal design. The meridional form of the 3D impeller was optimized, as well as the shape of the blade row. The meridional form of 3D impeller was researched using the Universal Modeling Method, the profiling of the impeller blades was carried out in the program of inviscid quasi-three-dimensional calculation 3DM.023. Since experimental verification of all designed impellers is not possible, the model tests were replaced by virtual ones, i.e. by CFD calculations. We have designed ten variants of 3D impeller using the program calculating inviscid quasi-three-dimensional flows, and researched blades height at the impeller exit, "gas-dynamic" and "geometric" approaches of blade profiling, the variation of the exit blade angle along blades height, the exit bulk angle, and the impeller axial length. Using a mathematical model, we have researched the influence of several impeller geometric parameters, such as impeller axial length, impeller inlet diameter, blade leading edge position, exit blade height, and number of blades. The research made it possible to increase the efficiency of the stage in all operating modes, the efficiency of the stage at the design point was increased by 1.02%, and the characteristic efficiency was increased by an average of 0.88%.
Conference Paper
The article covers the issues of digital engineering of low flow rate centrifugal compressors. The additive technologies of parts and assembly units manufacture with the use of 3D-printing by metallic and non-metallic materials mastered by the Russian and foreign enterprises in different fields of industry (including aerospace construction and power engineering) have been revealed, the most prospective materials, achievements and trends of development have been analyzed. The experience in application of air and gas centrifugal compressors has been analyzed, the metallic and non-metallic materials used for their manufacture have been studied. The main factors determining the cost indexes and efficiency of centrifugal compressors have been revealed. Optimum structure and parameters of centrifugal compressors have been determined. The engineering and manufacturing methods providing decrease in the material consumption and increase in the strength of compressor parts and assemblies have been proposed.
Full-text available
The advances in the primary design method of centrifugal compressors of the Universal Modeling Method have led to the need to analyze and revise the recommendations for the optimal size and configuration selection of vaneless diffusers of centrifugal compressor stages. The results of CFD calculations of a family of vaneless diffusers with different relative width, radial length, velocity coefficients and flow angles at the inlet are used to develop new recommendations. The choice of the optimal width of the vaneless diffuser is based on ensuring a non-separable flow in it at the boundary of the surge. The optimal value of the relative radial length of the diffuser is in the range of 1.65–2.0. Considering the above, a formula for selecting the vaneless diffuser outer diameter is proposed depending on the design flow rate coefficient. The developed primary design method of vaneless diffusers is included in the software programs of the Universal Modeling Method and is used in design and research practice.
Conference Paper
The gas-dynamic characteristics of nine single-stage centrifugal compressors of turbo-expander units are approximated with great accuracy by the equations of the new version of the mathematical model of the Universal Modeling Method and are included in the database of model stages. The universal set of empirical coefficients of the model is somewhat modified for each of the compressors, whose dimensionless gas-dynamic characteristics lie within a fairly wide range. The families of characteristics are calculated by varying the similarity criteria for compressibility. The influence of the surface roughness was investigated. The database and computer programs of the Universal Modeling Method make it possible to use the characteristics of model stages for designing compressors by approximate gas-dynamic similarity.
Conference Paper
All gas-dynamic design methods of centrifugal compressor stage are carried out according to the same scheme. A preliminary project of the flow part – primary design is made basing on a set of recommendations. Then the gas- dynamic characteristics of the primary project are calculated by mathematical models. As a rule, the primary project does not provide the required flow rate, pressure ratio and the maximum possible efficiency. Flow path sizes are changed manually or automatically, and characteristics are calculated to obtain the desired result by the mathematical models. The new method of primary design of a vaneless diffuser is developed by the authors of the article. The formation of this method was made possible based on the results of numerical experiments with vaneless diffusers. A new approach to the choice of rational relative width of vaneless diffusers is proposed. At the border of surge the problem of flow angle control in diffuser is solved. Recommendations on the choice of vaneless diffusers radial length are proposed.
A mathematical model of a vaned diffuser of a centrifugal compressor stage can be constructed based on the results of mass CFD-calculations, similar to that of vaneless diffusors. The methods for calculating the annular cascade and the straight cascade differ due to the existence of vaneless diffusor sections in front of the cascade and behind it. The rational dimensions of these sections are determined. The calculations of two-dimensional cascades without restricting walls appear to be irrational. The calculation is effective for a sector with one vane channel, a moderate number of cells, and the turbulence model k–ε. Averaging the flow parameters at the blade cascade exit leads to ambiguous results. To calculate the characteristics of the blade cascade, the parameters in a section with a diameter equal to 1.85 of the diameter of the blade cascade exit should be used. In domestic and foreign literature, it is customary to emphasize the effectiveness of the CFD methods that replace physical experiments. Calculations of the compressor stages are called virtual rig testing, while those of the blade cascade are known as virtual wind tunnel testing. To study stationary flow, as a virtual wind tunnel, it suffices to consider the blade cascade itself, the preceding and the subsequent vaneless spaces.
Conference Paper
Mathematical modeling of gas dynamic characteristics of centrifugal compressor stages is an important part of the modern process of optimal gas-dynamic design. The mathematical model of the vaneless diffuser as of the stage calculates flow parameters at the diffuser exit. In the known Universal Modeling Method the vaneless diffuser model is based on the equations of the process and continuity, on momentum theorem. The objects of calculation are elementary parts of the diffuser. The pressure loss formulae use a number of empirical coefficients. The proposed alternative model is based on the approximation of the results of calculations of diffusers by CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics)-methods. The model showed several advantages and can be used in new versions of mathematical models.
Non-adiabatic performance curves of a small-size turbocharger compressor, which was tested at the Institute of Turbo machines (Hanover, Germany) in a range of periphery Mach numbers 0,73 – 1,44, were modeled using software developed at the Compressor Dept. TU Saint-Petersburg (Russia). The computer models and software, recently updated (the new 6th generation), were applied to small-size high Mach number compressors, along with this several improvements of basic algorithms and iterative processes in thermodynamic calculations were made. The head loss model demonstrated its validity after empirical coefficients’ correlation according to new test data. The practical result of the work is that corrected algorithms and software could be used to model performances curves of small-size turbocharger compressors designed for periphery Mach numbers up to 1,44 rather satisfactorily in a wide range of RPM.
Conference Paper
Expected efficiency of a compressor must be used in engineering calculations as it is not possible to predict head losses in a flow path. Various aspects of efficiency application (flow parameters in control planes definition, power consumption calculation) are shortly discussed. Presented samples show errors of different compressors comparison if inappropriate adiabatic efficiency is applied. The "real" efficiency based on calculation of head losses in elements of a flow path is presented. The "real" efficiency calculated by the Universal modeling method (1,7)) is compared with usual total polytropic efficiency.
Conference Paper
The test data of 16 compressors (2 – 8 stages, power 4,5-25 MW, delivery pressure up to 12,5 MPa) was reduced by the advanced version of Universal modeling computer programs (basic information on the Universal modeling was presented at the Conferences 1999 and 2001). The stages of the compressors can be considered as 99 model stages with the flow rate coefficients 0,025 – 0,064, Euler work coefficients 0,40 – 0,85, relative hub 0,258 – 0,483, outer relative diameter of a diffuser 1,316-1,720. Stages polytropic efficiency is 0,765 – 0,885 and surge limit ratio is 0,30 – 0,93 depending on a stages specific speed.
Industrial centrifugal compressors – gas dynamic calculation and optimization concepts
  • Y Galerkin
  • E Popova
Galerkin Y., Popova E. Industrial centrifugal compressors – gas dynamic calculation and optimization concepts. Texts of the Union of the German engineers. – Aachen. – Germany. – № 1109. – 1994.
Universal Modelling for Centrifugal Compressors-Gas Dynamic Design and Optimization Consepts and Application. Yokohama International Gas Turbine Congress
  • Y B Galerkin
  • K A Danilov
  • E Y Popova
Galerkin Y.B., Danilov K.A., Popova E.Y. Universal Modelling for Centrifugal Compressors-Gas Dynamic Design and Optimization Consepts and Application. Yokohama International Gas Turbine Congress. -Yokohama. -1995.
Design philosophy for industrial centrifugal compressor
  • Y Galerkin
  • K Danilov
  • E Popova
Galerkin Y., Danilov K., Popova E. Design philosophy for industrial centrifugal compressor. // International Conference on Compressors and their systems. -London: City University. -UK. -1999.
Experimental and numerical investigation of flow in industrial centrifugal impeller
  • Y Galerkin
  • V Mitrofanov
  • M Geller
  • F Toews
Galerkin Y., Mitrofanov V., Geller M., Toews F. Experimental and numerical investigation of flow in industrial centrifugal impeller. // International Conference on Compressors and their systems. -London: City University. -UK. -2001.
Pipeline Centrifugal Compressors -Principles of Gas Dynamic Design
  • Y Galerkin
Galerkin Y. Pipeline Centrifugal Compressors -Principles of Gas Dynamic Design. International Symposium «SYMKOM-05».
Theory & Application Areas
  • Turbine Flow Compressor
  • Systems
Compressor & Turbine Flow Systems. Theory & Application Areas. Lodz. – № 128. Vol. 1. – 2005. – Р.195-209.