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Copyright © 2014 IJEIR, All right reserved
International Journal of Engineering Innovation & Research
Volume 3, Issue 4, ISSN: 2277 –5668
Significance of Software Documentation in Software
Development Process
Mr. Vikas S. Chomal
Assistant Professor
The Mandvi Education Society Institute of
Computer Studies, Mandvi, Gujarat, India
Dr. Jatinderkumar R. Saini
Director (I/C) & Associate Professor
Narmada College of Computer Application,
Bharuch, Gujarat, India
Abstract –Incorrect, missing, brief, or out of data
documentation are considered some of major attributes
which can be responsible for poor software quality.
Therefore, software development associations need to have
appropriate document control strategies. For every software
irrespective of its size and complexity software
documentation is generated. Inappropriate generation or
omissions of documentation sometimes even leads to software
failure. Consequently, software engineers should pay
substantial amount of time concentrating on generation of
software documentation. Hence, through this paper our aim
is to focus on the importance of software project
documentation. The paper is divided into four sections; first
section is introductory, followed by literature review. Section
three represents finding and analysis from literature review,
followed by concluding section.
Keywords –Software Documentation, Software
Development, Software Projects.
In broad requisites, documentation is any communicable
matter such as text, video, audio, CD, DVD etc., or
combinations thereof used to describe some characteristics
of an object, system or procedure. It is frequently used in
today’s information period to mean engineering or
software documentation, which is typically paper books or
computer readable files that portray the structure and
components, or on the other hand, operation, of a
Software documentation is an essential feature of both
software projects and software engineering in common. In
piece of evidence, documentation engineering has become
an accepted sub-domain in the software engineering
society. The task of documentation in a software
engineering milieu is to commune information to its
spectators and instils knowledge of the system it describes
Documentation is requisite in software development. Even
though every software development project is exclusive
and produces diverse categories of documents, different
amount of documentation, and may employ different
documentation methods and notations, we need to be able
to control the documentation produced in software
development projects in a uniform manner [2][16].
According to Cock & Visconti [9] a fundamental goal of
software engineering is to produce the best possible
working software along with the best supporting
Software development is partly a learning and
communication process. Software developers need to
communicate with each other and also with various
interest groups of the system to be developed, such as
customers, marketing people, end users, service personnel,
and authorities. Documentation is the basis for
communication in software development organizations as
well as between development organizations and the
interest groups of the system to be developed. To ensure
efficient communication, all communicating parties need
to be able to identify various software documents, and, to
ensure that the right information is found, all
communicating parties should be able to anticipate what
information is in each document [15][22].
According to Sommerville [12], documents associated
with a software project and the systems being developed
have a number of associated requirements:
1. They should act as a communication medium between
members of the development team.
2. They should be a system information repository to be
used by maintenance engineers.
3. They should provide information for management to
help them plan, budget and schedule the software
development process.
4. Some of the documents should tell users how to use and
administer the system.
Documentation produced falls into two classes:
1. Process documentation: These documents record the
process of development and maintenance. Plans,
schedules, process quality documents and organizational
and project standards are process documentation.
2. Product documentation: This documentation describes
the product that is being developed. System
documentation describes the product from the point of
view of the engineers developing and maintaining the
system; user documentation provides a product description
that is oriented towards system users.
Laitinen [15] puts forward that software development is
supposed to be documentation-oriented, which means that
documents are considered to be the most essential and
valuable products of the development process.
Documentation-orientedness involves considering such
computer-process able products as source program
modules and batch-files as documents. On the other hand,
a product such as executable machine code is regarded as
Copyright © 2014 IJEIR, All right reserved
International Journal of Engineering Innovation & Research
Volume 3, Issue 4, ISSN: 2277 –5668
a by-product in the development process, because in a
development environment we can always derive correct
executable machine code when we have the correct
documents. The executable machine code is essential to
the user of a computer system, but it is considered less
important to the software developers. Further Laitinen [15]
classifies software documentation into five types of
classes, which are illustrated in Table –1. There are five
documents classes: 1) Software Descriptions describe a
system "as it is" and the executable machine code is
derived according to those, 2) Utilization Documents are
needed in order that the system derived from Software
Descriptions might be used, 3) Development Plans are
needed to carry out the development of Software
Descriptions and Utilization Documents in a disciplined
manner, 4) Quality Control Documents are needed to
control the quality of the Software Descriptions and
Utilization Documents, and 5) Administrative Documents
are needed to establish the financial basis for the software
development and to control how well the development
proceeds as planned.
Table 1: Classes of Software Documents [15]
Software Descriptions
Development Plans
Quality Control
Main Software
Short System Description
Requirement Description
Architecture Description
Implementation Description
Configuration Description
Software Description Appendices
Terminology Description
Internal Message Description
External Message Description
Record Description
User Interface Description
Process Description
Initialization Description
User's Manual
Operator's Manual
Installation Manual
Service Manual
User's Help
Operator's Help
Installation Help
Service Help
Responsibility Plan
Work Breakdown Plan
Schedule Plan
Expense Plan
Phase Plan
Risk Plan
Test Plan
Acceptance Plan
Manual Plan
Method Plan
Tool Plan
Reporting Plan
Quality Plan
Documentation Plan
Version control Plan
Analysis Request
Information Request
Reader's Report
Review Report
Inspection Report
Test Report
Review Call
Inspection Call
Test Call
Contract Review
Project Meeting
Chomal and Saini [26, 30] in their recent works listed
the causes that lead to software project failures. Chomal
and Saini [28] in another work considered documentation
of software projects prepared by students as a source for
data collection and analyzed it. Chomal and Saini [27, 29]
in still another work had also described how software
documentation can be used as a knowledge management
model for improving quality of software as well as
Cock & Visconti [9] elucidate that empirical data shows
that software documentation products and processes are
key components of software quality. These studies show
that poor quality, out of date, or missing documentation is
a major cause of errors in software development and
maintenance. For example, the majority of defects
discovered during integration testing are design and
requirements defects, e.g. defects in documentation that
were introduced before any code was written.
Hopkins & Jeroow [14] describes documentation as,
“Documentation is the castor oil of programming.
Managers know it must be a good because the
programmers hate it so much”.
Hunt & Thomas [11] explain that communication is
achieved only when information is being conveyed. Based
on the assumption that documentation is communication,
the goal of a particular software document is to convey
information. This information may not necessarily be
completely accurate or consistent. Chapin [8] states that
the value of software can be determined by many factors.
One of the four main issues related to software value is its
documentation. Chapin describes several main concerns
regarding documentation: quality, obsolescence or missing
content. To preserve and enhance software value, Chapin
recommends to “keeping the documentation current and
trustworthy” [8]. It is important to note that merely being
current and trustworthy do not necessarily imply
applicable or useful.
Forward [3] describes the relationship between models,
documents and documentation below in Figure –1.
Fig.1. The relationship between models, documents,
source code, and documentation [3].
Curtis et al [10] believe that documentation should focus
on how requirements and design decisions were made,
represented, communicated and changed over the lifespan
Copyright © 2014 IJEIR, All right reserved
International Journal of Engineering Innovation & Research
Volume 3, Issue 4, ISSN: 2277 –5668
of a software system. As well, documentation should
describe the impact of the current system on future
development processes. Their study involved interviewing
personnel from seventeen large software projects. Their
analysis focused on the problems of designing large
software systems; but many results report directly about
the use (and misuse) of documentation in a software
project. Forward & Lethbridge [1] expresses
documentation as; the software documentation includes
any artefact whose purpose is to communicate information
about the software system to which it belongs. These
artefacts include requirement, specification, and
architectural and detailed design documents. These
documents are geared to individuals involved in the
production of that software, such as managers, project
leaders, developers and customers.
In this section we present the findings from the literature
reviewed in Table 2 about the relevant importance of
software project documentation.
Table 2: Analysis of Literature
Sr No.
Major Contribution
Thomas, Bill, Dennis Smith
and Scott Tilley [24]
They put forward that, software engineers rely on program documentation as an
aid in understanding the functional nature, high-level design, and
implementation details of complex applications. However, no one really knows
what types of documentation are truly useful to software engineers to aid system
understanding. This workshop focuses on issues related to this fundamental
problem, such as what formats the documentation should take, who should
produce it, and when. The juxtaposition of a technical communication audience
with software engineering researchers and practitioners will provide new
insights into the problem.
Andrew Forward, Timothy
Lethbridge [1]
The goals of their survey was to uncover the perceived relevance (or lack
thereof) of software documentation, and the tools and technologies used to
maintain, verify and validate such documents. The survey results highlight the
preferences for and aversions against software documentation tools. Participants
agree that documentation tools should seek to better extract knowledge from
core resources. These resources include the system's source code, test code and
changes to both. Resulting technologies could then help reduce the effort
required for documentation maintenance, something that is shown to rarely
occur. Their data reports compelling evidence that software professionals value
technologies that improve automation of the documentation process, as well as
facilitating its maintenance.
Antonial, G., Canfora, G., De
Lucia, A. and Merlo, E. [4]
Their studies revealed that software system documentation is almost always
expressed informally, in natural language and free text. Examples include
requirement specifications, design documents, user manual pages, system
development journals, error logs and related maintenance reports. They propose
an approach to establish and maintain traceability links between the source code
and free-text documents. A premise of our work is that programmers use
meaningful names for program's items, such as functions, variables, types,
classes and methods. They believe that the application domain knowledge that
programmers process when writing the code is often captured by the mnemonics
for identifiers; therefore, the analysis of these mnemonics can help to associate
high-level concepts with program concepts, and vice versa. In this paper, the
approach is applied to software written in an object-oriented (OO) language,
namely C++, to trace classes to manual sections
Nasution. M.F.F,
Weistroffer. H.R [18]
They proposed that agile software development methods seem inherently
suitable for today's quick-paced business environment as they shorten the time
to develop new systems and typically incur lower development costs compared
to the conventional systems development life cycle (SDLC) approach. Software
development project failures using conventional SDLC are often attributed to
project delays, resulting in budget overruns. On the other hand, a well planned
and documented systems development project is more likely to result in a
system that meets the expectations of both the intended users and the
software engineers. This paper takes another look at conventional SDLC
methodology by focusing on an aspect that is often overlooked in systems
development practice, namely the significance of good documentation.
Copyright © 2014 IJEIR, All right reserved
International Journal of Engineering Innovation & Research
Volume 3, Issue 4, ISSN: 2277 –5668
Sulaiman. S, Sahibudding. S
They explained the importance of documentation stating that,
System documentation (SD) is undoubtedly vital as one of the sources
in software understanding. Despite its importance, practitioners are often
confronted with the problems related to SD. A number of tools have been
introduced in order to assist documenting activities. However such tools are still
not widely used because they generally fail to meet users' needs. Hence we have
conducted a survey in Malaysia with the main goal to study software engineers'
current practice during software development and maintenance in relation with
SD based on four types of data elements: characteristic, behaviour, belief and
attitude. At the very outset, we need to establish what kind of tools should be
introduced, why is it introduced and when or how should it be introduced to
meet their needs in documenting activities. The findings of the study will argue
whether it is relevant to introduce reverse engineering or a document generator
tool to serve required information early in the development stage.
Barker. T. T [5]
He indicated that, the field of software documentation is reviewed by examining
manual writing before and after 1985. Changes in the field include an increased
emphasis on satisfaction of users, improved management strategies and
improved design techniques. Three books on software documentation published
since 1988 are surveyed, and it is argued that the trends after 1985 reinforce a
social constructionist view of documentation
Briand. L. C [7]
Briand states that, it is a well-known fact that software documentation is, in
practice, poor and incomplete. Though specification, design, and test
documents-among other things-are required by standards and capability
maturity models (e.g., SEI CMM), such documentation does not exist in a
complete and consistent form in most organizations. When documents are
produced, they tend to follow no defined standard and lack information that is
crucial to make them understandable and usable by developers and maintainers.
Then a fundamental practical question, which motivated this keynote address, is
to better understand what type of documentation is required, what is needed to
support its completeness and consistency, and what is the level of precision
required for each type of document. These questions cannot be investigated at
that level of generality though. Answers are likely to be very context-dependent
if they are to be precise. They focus our attention here on object-oriented
development and the Unified Modelling Language (UML).
Walters, N.J, Beck, C.E [33]
To discover the similarities and differences between primary and secondary
computer manuals, and to account for the popularity of the secondary texts, two
best-selling books for word processing and spreadsheet programs are compared
to documentation supplied by the manufacturer. A heuristic for
analyzing software documentation based on cognitive and rhetorical principles
is developed and applied to the corporate documentation for (WordPerfect 5.0)
in contrast to Stewart's Using WordPerfect 5 from Que, and the
corporate documentation from `Lotus 1-2-3' in contrast to Gilbert and William’s
`The ABC's of 1-2-3 from Sybex.' It is shown that the trade texts from Que and
Sybex contain more conceptual background information than the
corporate documentation and differ in their rhetorical stance: the writers provide
a richer context by giving more examples for applying the software; the writers
provide global and structural frameworks; the writers use persuasive marketing
techniques to ease the reader's anxieties and remind them of the software's
benefits; and the writers identify themselves
Parnas, D.L., Vilkomir [19]
There experience and research based paper discusses the reasons
that software cannot be trusted and then explains how the use of greatly
improved documentation can make software more trustworthy. It shows how
tabular expressions can be used to prepare software documents that are both
precise and easily used by developers, inspectors, and testers. The paper reviews
a number of "tried and true" ideas and illustrates some new refinements in the
methods that resulted from recent research. It is intended both to tell developers
of techniques available to them and to suggest new research areas.
Remo. C. Boer, Hans van
Vliet [21]
In their work, they focuses on the effectiveness of documentation within a
development process is determined by the way in which the intentions of the
Copyright © 2014 IJEIR, All right reserved
International Journal of Engineering Innovation & Research
Volume 3, Issue 4, ISSN: 2277 –5668
authors correspond to the expectations of the potential readers. Ideally, the
members of a development team share a certain understanding of (the role of)
the different types of documentation. However, since one's expectations of a
document are personal, and part of a tacitly formed mental model, we can
expect different levels of shared understanding between different development
team members. They elicited and analyzed the mental models
of software documentation from eight members of a single development team.
They found indeed different levels of shared understanding between different
people. To their surprise, the levels of shared understanding within the team
appear closely tied to the development process employed. From Conway's law
we know that an organization's structure is mirrored in the structure of
the software that the organization produces. Their findings suggest that the
organization's development process may likewise be mirrored in the extent to
which a development team shares a common frame of reference. Hence, the
development process followed may have implications for the effectiveness with
which development knowledge can be shared through software documentation.
Visconti. M , Cook C. R [32]
A system documentation process maturity model and assessment procedure
were developed and used to assess 91 projects at 41 different companies over a
seven year period. During this time the original version evolved into a total of
four versions based on feedback from industry and the experience gained from
the assessments. This paper reports the overall results obtained from the
assessments which strongly suggest that the practice of documentation is not
getting a passing grade in the software industry. The results show a clear
maturity gap between documentation practices concerned with defining policy
and practices concerned with adherence to those policies. The results further
illustrate the need to recognize the importance of improving
the documentation process, and to transform the good intentions into explicit
policies and actions.
Young F. H [34]
The author describes the development of a course at Rose-Hulman Institute of
Technology that integrates software engineering and software documentation. A
brief evaluation is followed by a discussion of future plans. It is pointed out that
the most significant benefit of the combined course is the
improved software engineering abilities of the students. The students see the
importance of presentation and writing skills in the software development
process. They apply these skills in ways that improve their ability to develop
large software systems
Lethbridge, T.C., Singer, J.
and Forward, A [17]
They delineates Software Engineering and focuses on the importance of
Software Documentation by stating that, Software engineering is a human task,
and as such we must study what software engineers do and think. Understanding
the normative practice of software engineering is the first step toward
developing realistic solutions to better facilitate the engineering process. They
conducted three studies using several data-gathering approaches to elucidate the
patterns by which software engineers (SEs) use and update documentation.
Their objective is to more accurately comprehend and
model documentation use, usefulness, and maintenance, thus enabling better
decision making and tool design by developers and project managers. Their
results confirm the widely held belief that SEs typically does not update
documentation as timely or completely as software process personnel and
managers advocate. However, the results also reveal that out-of-
date software documentation remains useful in many circumstances.
Qian Hu [20]
According to author, the software documentation is unpopular among many
developers at present while the documents are important for the staffs who work
for secondary development and software maintenance. For this phenomenon, a
teaching method of writing software documentation is proposed in this paper, in
which the software maintenance is the driving force to make students fully
understand and grasp the method of software documentation writing through an
upgrade and maintenance software project. And students learn to write
effective software documentation to establish the level and structure of the
Copyright © 2014 IJEIR, All right reserved
International Journal of Engineering Innovation & Research
Volume 3, Issue 4, ISSN: 2277 –5668
Vir Phoha [31]
While there is no universally recognized standard for software documentation,
there is a standard for documenting engineering and scientific software.
Developed by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the
American Nuclear Society (ANS) in 1995, it is called the ANSI/ANS 10.3-1995
Standard for Documentation of Computer Software. The standard provides a
flexible, robust framework for documentation needs. One of its goals is to
encourage better communication between developer and user and to facilitate
effective selection, usage, transfer, conversion and modification of computer
software. The standard is not a rigid set of specifications but a guide that can
apply to most software projects intended for internal or external use. While the
standard cannot cover all documentation problems, it is a good starting point,
even for the most complex software. Similarly, while the standard provides
recommendations for documenting scientific and engineering software, it
doesn't offer guidance for online monitoring, control or safety systems, and
doesn't specifically address the unique requirements of consumer-
oriented software.
Bill Brykczynski [6]
According to author software documentation can be considered as one of the
checklist for inspection of software.
Janicki, Ryszard, David L.
Parnas, and Jeffery Zucker
They describe the use of relations (represented as tables) as a means of
documenting the requirements and behaviour of software. Their work highlights
two key limitations to current documentation practices. They also state, that
documentation continues to be inadequate due to the vagueness and imprecision
of natural languages. These individuals believe that even the best software
documentation is unclear. Further they, suggest that the limitation in natural
languages is a primary cause of informal documentation. They further add that
this informality of the documentation in turn cannot be systematically analysed,
resulting in inconsistent and incomplete information. They also present a
solution to building consistent and complete documentation by describing
software using tabular mathematical relationships.
Tilley Scott [25]
The author comments on the deficiencies of traditional software documentation
techniques. The author also notes that it is extremely inefficient to break down
communication into units so that anyone can
Understand them.
Thus we conclude that documentation is considered as an
essential instrument since it conveys meaningful and
functional information related to software.
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International Journal of Engineering Innovation & Research
Volume 3, Issue 4, ISSN: 2277 –5668
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