
[The use of verospiron and the degree of platelet aggregation in arterial hypertension with abdominal obesity]

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Aim: Comparative analysis of effects of hypothiazide and verospiron on platelet aggregation in patients with arterial hypertension and abdominal obesity. Materials and methods: Hypothiazide and verospiron were prescribed to 28 and 23 patients respectively for 16 weeks. The parameters estimated included dynamics of blood lipid profile, lipid peroxidation in plasma and platelets, antioxidant protection of the blood liquid fraction and platelets, platelet aggregation. The results were treated with the use of Student's t-test. Results: Verospiron had positive influence on peroxidation syndrome and platelet aggregation. Its prolonged application maintained the achieved effect. Hypothiazide did not change the parameters of interest. Conclusion: Combined verospiron and non-medicamental therapy is recommended to reduce body mass in patients with arterial hypertension and abdominal obesity.

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Background: For practice it is still very important to search ways of early correction of arterial hypertension displays with the help of non-medication. In this connection it seems to be important to identify the impact of regular athletic exercise on early developing of arterial hypertension, hemostatic and rheological abnormalities in persons of young age.Methods: We investigated 99 young patients with arterial hypertension of the 1st degree. The patients were divided into two comparable groups. The first experimental group consisted of 57 persons who regularly - one hour a day, six times a week, during a year - experienced athletic exercises. The second experimental group consisted of 42 persons and was composed of patients who had no wish to train physically and take medicines. Control group was composed of 43 healthy persons of the same age. In all the examined patients we fulfilled the investigation of basic indices of hemostasis, blood viscosity, erythrocytes' aggregation and deformability. The data were processes by Student's t-criterion.Results: Patients of both experimental groups initially were noted to have hemostasis activation and negative changes of blood rheological features. In a year of regular athletic exercise patients of the first experimental group reached normalization of arterial pressure. They also had decrease of platelets' aggregative ability (aggregation with ADP 2.13±0.16 Un) and activity weakening of hemostasis plasma link (INR 1.12±0.05, APTT 29.8±0.37 s) to control level. Avoidance of exercise in the second experimental group promoted further increase of functional activity of platelets and plasma hemostasis at simultaneous worsening of relevant blood rheological features.Conclusion: At initial stages of arterial hypertension development in case of regular athletic exercise fulfilled by young patients it is quite possible to reach normalization of arterial pressure level, hemostasis activity and hemorheology.Keywords: arterial hypertension, hemostasis, platelets, erythrocytes, blood viscosity, exercises.
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Background: In this connection, we put in our work the following aim: to define the potential of simvastatin and non-medication combined impact on regular blood elements' aggregative features of patients with arterial hypertension and dyslipidemia.Methods: In our investigation, we took 55 patients of middle age with arterial hypertension of 1-2 degree, risk 3 with dyslipidemia of IIb type. For dyslipidemia correction, all the patients were prescribed simvastatin, hypolipidemic diet and graduated exercise. Registration of clinical and laboratory indices was made before the start of treatment, in 6, 12, 18, 52 and 104 weeks of therapy. We applied biochemical, hematological and statistical methods of investigation. Control group was composed of 26 healthy volunteers of the middle age examined once.Results: Application to patients of simvastatin, hypolipidemic diet and graduated exercise during 104 weeks positively influenced lipid composition and level of lipid peroxidation in plasma and regular blood elements taking the given indices on the control level for 12 weeks. Fulfilled therapy normalized in patients with arterial hypertension and dyslipidemia erythrocytes' aggregative abilities (aggregates' quantity decreased by 47,1% during 6 weeks, and ability to platelets' aggregation (aggregation inhibited with ADP on 74,1%, with collagen - on 47,1%) and neutrophils (aggregation weakened with lectin on 58,3%, with phytohemagglutinin - on 37,2% during 12 weeks.Conclusion: Simvastatin reception on the background of non-medication by patients with arterial hypertension and dyslipidemia normalizes lipid composition and level of lipid peroxidation in plasma and regular blood elements for 12 weeks of investigation. These patients' therapy lowers erythrocytes' aggregative abilities for 6 weeks, and platelets' and neutrophils' - for 12 weeks of therapy.
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