
[The chronic gastritis, the dysbacteriosis and the use of Hylak forte at the treatment]

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High effectiveness of a preparation Hylak forte is shown in the treatment of intestinal dysbacteriosis of patients with the chronic gastritis. The received data gives the basis to recommend the prolonged use of Hylak forte after eliminating an exacerbation in order to prevent the relapse of the chronic gastritis.

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... Numerous empirical clinical investigations have demonstrated the efficacy of this preparation in stimulating the innate immune system. Its primary mode of operation entails stimulating cytokine production [88,89]. Additional investigation is necessary concerning the utilization and physiological benefits of postbiotics in comparison to probiotics in the contexts of the food and pharmaceutical industries. ...
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Celiac disease (CD) can be considered an autoimmune problem, a disease caused by gluten sensitivity in the body. Gluten is found in foods such as barley, wheat, and rye. This ailment manifests in individuals with hereditary susceptibility and under the sway of environmental stimulants, counting, in addition to gluten and intestinal microbiota dysbiosis. Currently, the only recommended treatment for this condition is to follow a gluten-free diet for life. In this review, we scrutinized the studies of recent years that focused on the use of postbiotics in vitro and in vivo in CD. The investigation of postbiotics in CD could be intriguing to observe their diverse effects on several pathways. This study highlights the definitions, characteristics, and safety issues of postbiotics and their possible biological role in the prevention and treatment of CD, as well as their application in the food and drug industry.
... Hylak Forte is prescribed for the treatment of bacterial imbalance in the GI system and associated symptoms constipation. It achieves this by inhibiting the growth of pathogenesis through the reduction of intestinal lumen acidity [118]. Further research is warranted regarding the utilization and physiological merits of postbiotics when juxtaposed with probiotics within the realms of the food and pharmaceutical sectors. ...
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Aflatoxins (AFs) are secondary metabolites produced by fungi, and they are deemed the most perilous mycotoxin and food safety predicament. The exposure of humans to mycotoxins transpires either directly through the consumption of contaminated agricultural commodities or indirectly through the ingestion of items derived from animals that have been nourished with tainted substances of animal origin. To ensure the detoxification of AFs in animal and plant food products and to mitigate the risks they pose to public health and the economy, diverse techniques (physical, chemical, and biological) have been subject to scrutiny. By altering and eradicating the molecular structure of the toxin, all of these approaches impede its transmission to the digestive system and potentially diminish the accessibility of toxins to the target tissue, ultimately eliminating them. Given the pervasive predicaments attributed to the contamination of foods and feeds by AFs, it is of utmost importance to urgently devise cost-effective and appropriate strategies to combat this hazard. This review highlights the concept of AFs, definitions, and benefits of postbiotics and their biological role in the detoxification of AFs, as well as their benefits in the food-pharmaceutical industry.
... Pro-Symbioflor® (SymbioPharm GmbH, Herborn, Germany) is an autolysate of cells and cell fragments of Enterococcus faecalis (DSM 16440) and Escherichia coli (DSM 17252) which help alleviate disturbance of the gastrointestinal function, irritable bowel syndrome, improve the immune system and reduce the incidence of atopic dermatitis(Lau et al., 2012). Hylak® Forte (Ratiopharm/Merckle GmbH, Germany) is a postbiotic liquid containing active metabolites (e.g., such as short-chain fatty acids, amino acids and vitamins) derived from Lactobacillus acidophilus DSM 414, L. helveticus DS 4183, Escherichia coli DSM 4087 and Streptococcus faecalis DSM 4086, used to relieve bacterial imbalance in the gastrointestinal tract and associated symptoms as bloating, diarrhea, and constipation(Omarov et al., 2014;Patil et al., 2019). CytoFlora® (BioRay Inc., Laguna Hills, CA, USA) is a cell wall lysate without microbes from various strains of Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Streptococcus, used to correct intestinal dysbiosis, promote a balanced immune response, and relieves symptoms in children with autism ...
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For a long time, probiotics have been widely used as safe microorganisms that can confers a health benefit effects on the host, directly or indirectly. Recently, postbiotics have gained interest as new health promoters. Postbiotics have recently been defined as complex mixture of functional bioactive compounds secreted by probiotics during a fermentation process (such as biosurfactants, proteins, short chain fatty acids, organic acids, bacteriocins, vitamins etc.). According to current data, postbiotics have advantages over live probiotics with regard to: ease extraction, standardization, and storage, availability for industrial-scale-up, specific mechanism of action, impossible to transfer and acquire antibiotic resistance genes and their interaction with the cellular receptors to trigger the targeted responses. However, several aspects related to postbiotics have not been fully elucidated. Here, we provided a critical review of the postbiotic definition, mechanisms of action, underlying their beneficial effects, as well as current trends for applications in foods and pharmaceuticals.
... Hylak ® Forte (Ratiopharm/Merckle GmbH, Vienna, Austria) contains the metabolites of four bacterial strains, namely Lactobacillus acidophilus (DSM 4149), Lactobacillus helveticus (DSM 4183), Escherichia coli (DSM 4087) and Enterococcus faecalis (DSM 4086), and has been designed to inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria by reducing the intestinal pH [100]. A study in 2014 provided evidence that Hylak ® forte was highly effective in the treatment of intestinal dysbacteriosis of patients with chronic gastritis and supported the prolonged use of Hylak ® forte to prevent relapses of chronic gastritis [101]. While products such as Colibiogen ® oral and Hylak ® forte could have been considered to contain postbiotics under some previous definitions prior to 2021, such products would not fall within the definition of a postbiotic preparation as set out in the recent 2021 ISAPP consensus statement, which now requires cellular biomass to be present within a postbiotic preparation. ...
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Postbiotics are a new category of biotics that have the potential to confer health benefits but, unlike probiotics, do not require living cells to induce health effects and thus are not subject to the food safety requirements that apply to live microorganisms. Postbiotics are defined as a “preparation of inanimate microorganisms and/or their components that confers a health benefit on the host”. Postbiotic components include short-chain fatty acids, exopolysaccharides, vitamins, teichoic acids, bacteriocins, enzymes and peptides in a non-purified inactivated cell preparation. While research into postbiotics is in its infancy, there is increasing evidence that postbiotics have the potential to modulate human health. Specifically, a number of postbiotics have been shown to improve gut health by strengthening the gut barrier, reducing inflammation and promoting antimicrobial activity against gut pathogens. Additionally, research is being conducted into the potential application of postbiotics to other areas of the body, including the skin, vagina and oral cavity. The purpose of this review is to set out the current research on postbiotics, demonstrate how postbiotics are currently used in commercial products and identify a number of knowledge gaps where further research is needed to identify the potential for future applications of postbiotics.
... A sterile liquid postbiotic medication called Hylak ® Forte (Ratiopharm/Merckle, Germany) contains biological metabolites such as organic acids, short-chain fatty acids, and other metabolites. The development of gut-beneficial microbes, regulation of gut environment pH, support for healthy digestion, energy supply for intestinal epithelial cells, control of vitamin K and B balances, and treatment of salmonellosis and intestinal disorders in adults and children with chronic gut disorders are some of the main health effects of Hylak ® Forte [159,180]. ...
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Postbiotics are non-viable bacterial products or metabolic byproducts produced by probi-otic microorganisms that have biologic activity in the host. Postbiotics are functional bioactive compounds , generated in a matrix during anaerobic fermentation of organic nutrients like prebiotics, for the generation of energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate. The byproducts of this metabolic sequence are called postbiotics, these are low molecular weight soluble compounds either secreted by live microflora or released after microbial cell lysis. A few examples of widely studied postbiotics are short-chain fatty acids, microbial cell fragments, extracellular polysaccharides, cell lysates, teichoic acid, vitamins, etc. Presently, prebiotics and probiotics are the products on the market; however , postbiotics are also gaining a great deal of attention. The numerous health advantages of post-biotic components may soon lead to an increase in consumer demand for postbiotic supplements. The most recent research aspects of postbiotics in the food and pharmaceutical industries are included in this review. The review encompasses a brief introduction, classification, production technologies , characterization, biological activities, and potential applications of postbiotics.
... Z kolei inny pozbawiony bakterii produkt zawierający produkty metabolizmu (takie jak: krótkołańcuchowe kwasy tłuszczowe, kwas mlekowy i inne niezidentyfikowane metabolity) z E. coli DSM 4087, Streptococcus faecalis DSM 4086, L. acidophilus DSM 414 i L. helveticus DS 4183 okazał się skuteczny w leczeniu dysbakteriozy jelitowej pacjentów z przewlekłym zapaleniem żołądka [29] oraz w zmniejszaniu częstości i nasilenia biegunki związanej z radioterapią [43]. Jeszcze inny produkt wyizolowany ze zmikronizowanych lizatów ścian komórkowych następujących gatunków bakterii: L. rhamnosus, B. bifidum, L. acidophilus, B. infantis, B. longum, S. thermophilus, L. plantarum, L. salivarius, L. reuteri, L. casei, L. bulgaricus, L. acidophilus DDS-1 i L. sporogenes wykazał działanie polegąjące na zmniejszeniu nasilenia dolegliwości ze strony przewodu pokarmowego u dzieci z autyzmem [53]. ...
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Zaspokajanie głodu poprzez spożywanie żywności jest podstawową potrzebą fizjologiczną człowieka niezbędną do przetrwania. Mikrobiom zasiedlający przewód pokarmowy obejmuje bakterie, a część z nich określana mianem probiotycznych wywiera pozytywny wpływ na zdrowie człowieka. Niektóre z korzystnych właściwości probiotyków można przypisać charakterystycznym metabolitom mikrobiomu, nazywanych postbiotykami, czyli składowym ścian komórkowych określonych szczepów probiotycznych lub też lizatom uwalnianym w wyniku rozpadu komórek bakteryjnych. Sposób i efekty działania postbiotyków na zdrowie człowieka nie zostały jeszcze w pełni poznane. Niemniej jednak pojawia się coraz więcej badań, które wskazują na ich działanie ograniczające stan zapalny i stres oksydacyjny, likwidujące obecność szkodliwych patogenów, czy stymulujące układ odpornościowy człowieka. Ponadto postbiotyki mogą znaleźć zastosowanie w technologii żywności jako środki konserwujące, poprawiające teksturę, czy dodatki funkcjonalne. Niewątpliwą zaletą stosowania postbiotyków jest ich bezpieczeństwo, łatwość dawkowania, a także stabilność podczas przechowywania. W niniejszym opracowaniu omówiono definicje postbiotyków, mechanizmy ich działania i charakterystykę substancji postbiotycznych jako składników żywności oraz ich wpływ na funkcje organizmu człowieka. Na podstawie pogłębionej analizy literatury przedmiotu należy zauważyć, że pomimo wielu obiecujących danych wydaje się, że konieczne są dalsze badania w celu identyfikacji i zrozumienia mechanizmów działania postbiotyków, a także optymalizacji ich skuteczności. Przede wszystkim należy potwierdzić skuteczność oddziaływania postbiotyków na poprawę zdrowia człowieka.
... Hylak ® Forte (Ratiopharm/Merckle GmbH, Blaubeuren, Germany) is a postbiotic liquid containing metabolic products (e.g., SCFA, amino acids, and vitamins) derived from Lactobacillus helveticus DS 4183, Escherichia coli DSM 4087, Streptococcus faecalis DSM 4086, and Lactobacillus acidophilus DSM 414. It is prescribed for the treatment of bacterial imbalance in the GIS and associated symptoms (e.g., bloating, diarrhea, and constipation) as it inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria by lowering the intestinal lumen pH [190]. Given the advantages of postbiotics compared to probiotics, further studies are needed on their use and health benefits in the food and pharmaceutical industry. ...
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Intestinal microbiota interacts with other systems, especially the immune system, which is respon-sible for protecting the body by recognizing “stranger” (pathogen associated molecular pat-terns-PAMPs) and “danger” (damage-associated molecular patterns-DAMPs) molecular motifs. In this manner, it plays an important role in the pathogenesis of various diseases and health. Despite the use of probiotics that modulate the intestinal microbiota in providing health benefits and in the treatment of diseases, there are some possible concerns about the possibility of developing adverse effects, especially in people with suppressed immune systems. Since probiotics provide health benefits with bioactive compounds, studies are carried out on the use of products containing non-living probiotic microorganisms (paraprobiotics) and/or their metabolites (postbiotics) instead of probiotic products. It is even reported that these microbial compounds have more immuno-modulatory activities than living microorganisms via some possible mechanism and eliminates some disadvantages of probiotics. Considering the increasing use of functional foods in health and dis-ease, further studies are needed with respect to the benefits and advantages of parabiotic and/or postbiotic use in the food and pharmaceutical industry as well as immune system modulation. Although probiotics have been extensive studied for a long time, it seems that postbiotics are promising tools for future research and applications according to the recent literature. This review aimed to evaluate the interaction of probiotics and postbiotics with the immune systems and also their advantages and disadvantages in the area of food-pharmaceutical industry and immune system modulation.
... Hylak ® Forte (Ratiopharm/ Merckle, Germany) is a sterile liquid postbiotic product (drops and solutions for oral use) and contains biological metabolites, such as organic acids, short-chain fatty acids and other metabolites, and is derived from Streptococcus faecalis DSM 4086 (12,4741 g), Escherichia coli DSM 4087 (24,9481 g), Lactobacillus helveticus DSM 4183 (49,8960 g) and L. acidophilus DSM 4149 (12,4741 g) [18]. Some main health effects of Hylak Forte include 1) development of the growth of gut beneficial microbes, 2) regulation of gut environment pH and contribution to the normal functioning of the digestive tract, 3) energy supply for intestinal epithelial cells, 4) regulation of vitamins K and B balances, and 5) treatment of salmonellosis and intestinal disorders in adults and children patients with chronic gut disorders [7,73]. ...
... Hylak ® Forte (Ratiopharm/ Merckle, Germany) is a sterile liquid postbiotic product (drops and solutions for oral use) and contains biological metabolites, such as organic acids, short-chain fatty acids and other metabolites, and is derived from Streptococcus faecalis DSM 4086 (12,4741 g), Escherichia coli DSM 4087 (24,9481 g), Lactobacillus helveticus DSM 4183 (49,8960 g) and L. acidophilus DSM 4149 (12,4741 g) [18]. Some main health effects of Hylak Forte include 1) development of the growth of gut beneficial microbes, 2) regulation of gut environment pH and contribution to the normal functioning of the digestive tract, 3) energy supply for intestinal epithelial cells, 4) regulation of vitamins K and B balances, and 5) treatment of salmonellosis and intestinal disorders in adults and children patients with chronic gut disorders [7,73]. ...
... A bacteria-free liquid containing metabolic products is Hylak ® Forte (Ratiopharm/Merckle GmbH, Germany) ( e.g. SCFA, lactic acid other nonidentified metabolites) derived from Streptococcus faecalis DSM 4086, L. helveticus DS 4183, E. coli DSM 4087, and L. acidophilus DSM 414 has been approved to be useful in the salmonellosis management in infants [448] and the intestinal dysbacteriosis of patients with chronic gastritis treatment [449]. ...
... Such activity is associated with the inhibition of the growth of pathogenic bacteria by reducing intestinal luminal pH (Omarov, Omarova, Omarova, & Sarsenova, 2014;Patil et al., 2018). ...
In recent years, new probiotic-related concepts such as postbiotics and paraprobiotics have been coined to indicate that non-viable microorganisms or bacterial-free extracts may provide benefits to the host by offering additional bioactivities to probiotics, including but not limited to anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, anti-proliferative and antioxidant activities. Despite in vitro and in vivo studies that support the promising use of postbiotics and paraprobiotics as health promoters, the mechanism of action and the signaling pathway involved have not yet been fully elucidated. Therefore, the aim of this chapter is to provide an overview of novel probiotic-related concepts and the scientific evidence that supports their bioactivities as well as the possible mechanisms underlying their health-promoting effects. Additionally, current trends in food, feed, and pharmaceutical applications are discussed.
... Hylak® Forte (Ratiopharm/Merckle GmbH, Germany), consists of a mixture of soluble metabolites of E. coli DSM 4087, Streptococcus faecalis DSM 4086, L. acidophilus DSM 414, and L. helveticus DS 4183 used for alleviating symptoms associated with bacterial imbalances in the gastrointestinal tract, including flatulence, diarrhea and constipation (Patil, Sawant, Hauff, & Hampp, 2019). In addition, some studies reported that it is effective in the management of salmonellosis in infants (Rudkowski & Bromirska, 1991), in the treatment of chronic gastritis (Omarov, Omarova, Omarova, & Sarsenova, 2014), and in decreasing the incidence and severity of radiation-induced diarrhea in radio-oncology patients (Timko, 2010). In contrast, there are other commercial products based on cell wall postbiotics. ...
In recent years, new probiotic-related concepts such as postbiotics and paraprobiotics have been used to describe non-viable microorganisms or bacterial-free extracts that may provide benefits to the host by offering bioactivities additional to probiotics. However, several aspects related to these postbiotics and paraprobiotics bioactivities remain unexplored or are poorly understood. Therefore, the aim of this work is to provide an overview of the general aspects and emerging trends of postbiotics and paraprobiotics, such as conceptualization of terms, production, characterization, bioactivities, health-promoting effects, bioengineering approaches, and applications. In vitro and in vivo studies have demonstrated that some postbiotics and paraprobiotics exhibit bioactivities such as anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, anti-proliferative, antioxidant, and antimicrobial. These bioactivities could be involved in health-promoting effects observed in human and clinical trials, but despite the scientific evidence available, the mechanisms of action and the signaling pathways involved have not been fully elucidated. Nevertheless, paraprobiotics and postbiotics possess valuable potential for the development of biotechnological products with functional ingredients for the nutraceutical industry.
... Hylak ® Forte (Ratiopharm/Merckle GmbH, Germany), a bacteria-free liquid containing metabolic products (e.g. SCFA, lactic acid an other non-identified metabolites) from E. coli DSM 4087, Streptococcus faecalis DSM 4086, L. acidophilus DSM 414, and L. helveticus DS 4183, has proved to be effective in the management of salmonellosis in infants (Rudkowski & Bromirska, 1991) and in the treatment of intestinal dysbacteriosis of patients with chronic gastritis (Omarov, Omarova, Omarova, & Sarsenova, 2014). Besides, has shown to significantly reduce the incidence and the severity of the radiationinduced diarrhea in radio-oncology patients (Timko, 2010). ...
Background: It has been recognized that a number of mechanisms mediating the health benefits of beneficial bacterial cells do require viability. However, new terms such as paraprobiotic or postbiotic have emerged to denote that non-viable microbial cells, microbial fractions, or cell lysates might also offer physiological benefits to the host by providing additional bioactivity. Scope and approach: This review provides an overview of the postbiotic concept, evidence of their health benefits and possible signaling pathways involved in their protective effects, as well as perspectives for applications in foods and pharmaceuticals. Key findings and conclusions: Postbiotics refers to soluble factors (products or metabolic byproducts), secreted by live bacteria, or released after bacterial lysis, such as enzymes, peptides, teichoic acids, peptidoglycan-derived muropeptides, polysaccharides, cell surface proteins, and organic acids. These postbiotics have drawn attention because of their clear chemical structure, safety dose parameters, long shelf life and the content of various signaling molecules which may have anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, anti-obesogenic, antihypertensive, hypocholesterolemic, anti-proliferative, and antioxidant activities. These properties suggest that postbiotics may contribute, to the improvement of host health by improving specific physiological functions, even though the exact mechanisms have not been entirely elucidated.
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İnsan gastrointestinal kanalı (GIT), sindirimde, immünolojide ve bazı hastalıkların oluşumunda önemli rol oynayan zengin, karmaşık bir mikrobiyota içerir. Normal şartlar altında, bağırsak mikrobiyotasının bileşimi kararlıdır. Ancak diyetteki değişiklikler, bazı ilaçların kullanımı ve stres gibi faktörler nedeniyle mikrobiyotanın bileşimi değişebilir. Bağırsak mikrobiyotasını düzenlemek amacıyla yeterli miktarda alındıklarında konağa fayda sağlayan bakteri ve maya gibi canlı mikroorganizmalar olarak tanımlanan probiyotiklerin, gıda şeklinde ya da gıda takviyesi olarak alınması günümüzde yaygın ve bilinen bir yöntemdir. Son yıllarda, cansız (inaktif) mikroorganizmalar olan paraprobiyotiklerin veya canlı bakterilerden salınan ya da bakteriyel parçalanma sonrasında ortaya çıkan metabolik yan ürünler olan postbiyotiklerin, probiyotikler yerine alternatif olarak kullanımı söz konusudur. Paraprobiyotik ve postbiyotikler uygulandıkları konakçıda tıpkı probiyotikler gibi başta bağırsak sağlığını düzenleme ve immün sistemini güçlendirme gibi birçok sağlık etkileri göstermektedir. Bu çalışmada, probiyotikler yerine kullanılabilecek ve benzer sağlık etkileri sağlayabilen paraprobiyotikler ve postbiyotikler ile ilgili çalışmalar derlenmiştir.
Background In recent decades functional foods with ingredients comprise of probiotics, prebiotics and postbiotics have been gaining a lot of notice by scientists. Probiotics and postbiotics are usually applied in pharmaceutical formulations and/or commercial food-based products. These bioactive agents can be associated with host eukaryotic cells and have a key role in maintaining and restoring host health. Objective The reviews describe the concept of postbiotics, their quality control and potential applications in pharmaceutical formulations and commercial food-based products for health promotion, prevention of disease and complementary treatment. Results Despite the effectiveness of probiotic products, researchers have introduced the concept of postbiotic to optimize its beneficial effects as well as to meet the needs of consumers to provide a safe product. The finding of recent studies suggests that postbiotics might be appropriate alternative agents for live probiotic cells and can be applied in medical, veterinary and food practice to prevent and to treat some diseases, promote animal health status and develop functional foods. Conclusion Presently scientific literature confirms that postbiotics, as potential alternative agents, may have superiority in terms of safety relative to their parent live cells, and due to their unique characteristics in terms of clinical, technological and economical can be applied as promising tools in the drug and food industry for developing health benefits, and therapeutic aims.
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