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Actual Therapeutic Indication of an Old Drug: Urea for Treatment of Severely Symptomatic and Mild Chronic Hyponatremia Related to SIADH

Journal of Clinical Medicine

Abstract and Figures

Oral urea has been used in the past to treat various diseases like gastric ulcers, liver metastases, sickle cell disease, heart failure, brain oedema, glaucoma, Meniere disease, etc. We have demonstrated for years, the efficacy of urea to treat euvolemic (SIADH) or hypervolemic hyponatremia. We briefly describe the indications of urea use in symptomatic and paucisymptomatic hyponatremic patients. Urea is a non-toxic, cheap product, and protects against osmotic demyelinating syndrome (ODS) in experimental studies. Prospective studies showing the benefit to treat mild chronic hyponatremia due to SIADH and comparing water restriction, urea, high ceiling diuretics, and antivasopressin antagonist antagonist should be done.
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J. Clin. Med. 2014, 3, 1043-1049; doi:10.3390/jcm3031043
Journal of
Clinical Medicine
ISSN 2077-0383
Actual Therapeutic Indication of an Old Drug: Urea for
Treatment of Severely Symptomatic and Mild Chronic
Hyponatremia Related to SIADH
Guy Decaux 1,*, Fabrice Gankam Kengne 2, Bruno Couturier 1, Frédéric Vandergheynst 1,
Wim Musch 3 and Alain Soupart 1,4
1 Departments of Internal Medicine, Erasmus University Hospital, Route de Lennik, 808,
Brussels B-1070, Belgium; E-Mails: (B.C.); (F.V.); (A.S.)
2 Departments of Nephrology, Erasmus University Hospital, Brussels B-1070, Belgium;
3 Department of Internal Medicine, Bracops Hospital, Brussels B-1070, Belgium;
4 Department of Internal Medicine, Jolimont/Tubize Hospital, Tubize 1480, Belgium
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; E-Mail:;
Tel.: +32-2-555-38-06; Fax: +32-2-555-31-11.
Received: 25 July 2014; in revised form: 26 August 2014 / Accepted: 9 September 2014 /
Published: 18 September 2014
Abstract: Oral urea has been used in the past to treat various diseases like gastric ulcers,
liver metastases, sickle cell disease, heart failure, brain oedema, glaucoma, Meniere disease,
etc. We have demonstrated for years, the efficacy of urea to treat euvolemic (SIADH) or
hypervolemic hyponatremia. We briefly describe the indications of urea use in symptomatic
and paucisymptomatic hyponatremic patients. Urea is a non-toxic, cheap product, and
protects against osmotic demyelinating syndrome (ODS) in experimental studies.
Prospective studies showing the benefit to treat mild chronic hyponatremia due to SIADH
and comparing water restriction, urea, high ceiling diuretics, and antivasopressin antagonist
antagonist should be done.
Keywords: hyponatremia; urea; V2 antagonist; ODS; SIADH; high ceiling diuretics
J. Clin. Med. 2014, 3 1044
1. Introduction
Urea is the main nitrogen-containing substance in the urine of man. It is highly soluble in water
and practically non-toxic (LD50 is 15 g/kg for rat). It represents about half of our daily osmotic load
eliminated in the urine. It is synthesized in the liver (“urea cycle”) and corresponds to the catabolism of
amino-acids in excess of our needs (coming from food) and which are not used by the organism (mainly
protein synthesis) [1].
Urine therapy is an old-age practice, still use by millions of people over the world with the belief that it
has a positive impact on health. Oral urea has been used to treat gastritis and gastric ulcers (even during
bleeding) in the past, and, for years [2,3], liver metastases [4], prophylactic treatment of sickle cell
disease [5], hematuria related to drepanocytosis [6], and heart failure [7,8].
It has been mainly used to treat brain oedema [9–11], glaucoma [10], and Meniere disease [12]. Urea
has also been proposed to treat euvolemic [13–15] or hypervolemic hyponatremia [16–18]. It can be
used orally [13] or intravenously [19]. We will briefly discuss the use of urea in the acute or chronic
treatment of euvolemic hyponatremia, mainly orally.
2. Use of Urea in Severely Symptomatic Hyponatremia
Urea has been used orally or intravenously over time as an osmotic diuretic drug and as an agent to
reduce intracranial and intraocular pressure [10].
As opposed to mannitol, urea enters intracellular spaces rapidly (in less than one hour) throughout
the body, decreasing the immediate risk of sudden cardiac decompensation due to rapid intravascular
volume expansion and does not induce a transient decrease in serum sodium (SNa) as observed with
mannitol (translocation hyponatremia) [9].
However, because urea penetrates into the central nervous system (CNS) only about one-tenth
as quickly as into muscle, a significant intravascular to CNS urea gradient occurs (during 4 to
10 h) [20]. Decreases in brain water content and intracranial pressure during urea administration have
been measured experimentally and/or clinically [10].
High doses of urea can be given on a long-term basis without renal toxicity, which is not the case
for mannitol.
In individuals with previously normal baseline renal function, the mean total dose of mannitol that
precipitated acute renal failure was 626 ± 270 g over two to five days [21] (which represents about
209 ± 90 g urea on an equimolar basis). With persistent syndrome of inappropriate secretion of
antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) (which is frequent with different brain diseases) urea can also be used in
a long-term without toxicity [22,23].
We are using urea, mainly orally (by gastric tube if needed). Oral urea is less expensive than the
intravenous route [24]. Figure 1 shows the evolution of SNa (mean ± SD) every four hours in
10 patients with severe hyponatremia (<115 mmol/L) due to SIADH and neurological symptoms
(somnolence, confusion, etc.) treated with 1 L isotonic saline over 12 h and urea (0.5 g/kg) administered
by gastric tube over 5–10 min. In these patients, mean SNa increased by 7 mmol/L in eight hours. All
the patients made a rapid neurological recovery [25]. At the present time, severe symptomatic
hyponatremia, particularly if epileptic seizures are present, should be treated with hypertonic saline
J. Clin. Med. 2014, 3 1045
(consensus conference) [26]. Hypertonic saline will theoretically increase SNa more rapidly than urea.
We can expect that acute administration of urea at 0.5 g/kg body weight (b.w.) intravenously over one
hour, or orally, will rapidly (one hour) increase serum osmolality by 15 mOsm/kg/H2O during a few
hours (renal elimination) [25] and will decrease intracranial pressure during a few hours [10]. We advise,
even in acute hyponatremia (<48 h), a daily increase of SNa of less than 10 mmol/L/24 h.
Figure 1. Evolution of SNa and urea (mean ± SD) each four hours in 10 patients with severe
hyponatremia (<115 mEq/L) related to SIADH of various origins (adapted from
reference [25] with permission from the authors, Decaux et al.).
3. Treatment of Chronic Hyponatremia Related to SIADH by Urea
It is well known that urea induces water loss by increasing the daily osmotic charge eliminated in the
urine. During the initial phase of the treatment with urea, normalization of the serum sodium is due to the
“antinatriuretic” and osmotic property of urea [13]. During the first days of urea therapy (at daily dose
equivalent to those used during chronic therapy) concomitant water restriction is necessary to obtain a
negative water balance. A body loss of 1 to 3 kg is necessary usually to normalize the serum sodium.
Higher doses of urea can be used during the first day (for example 3 × 30 g/day) if water intake can not be
restricted. It the daily urinary osmotic excretion is, for example 700 mOsm/kg/H2O/day, an additional
osmotic charge of 500 mOsM provided by the administration of 30 g of urea will result in a diuresis of
1500 mL for a fixed urine osmolality of 800 mOsm/kg/H2O. If water intake is limited from 1500
to 2000 mL/day, 30 g of urea, either in one or in two divided doses (2 × 15 g), is generally sufficient to
maintain a normonatremia. One can calculate, with the aid of the measured urine osmolality, the daily
dose of urea required to obtain the additional volume of urine necessary to maintain normonatremia,
J. Clin. Med. 2014, 3 1046
e.g., 30 g urea (500 mOsm) allows the excretion of 1 L free water if urine osmolality is fixed at
500 mOsm/kg/H2O. Oral crystalline urea is dissolved in 100 mL water and is taken after meals to avoid
gastric intolerance. The poor palatal taste of the preparation could be avoided by addition of fruit syrup.
For patients who do not tolerate oral urea (~15% of patients) we usually prescribed an effervescent
solution, used in the past to treat gastric ulcer [2,3] (urea 10 g, NaHCO3 2 g, citric acid 1.5 g and sucrose
200 mg to be dissolved in 50 mL to 100 mL water). Urea can been used for years without toxicity and
is an alternative to vasopressin V2 antagonist ([27,28], see Figure 2). In animals, it has also been shown
that treatment of hyponatremia with urea has a protective effect against osmotic demyelinating syndrome
(ODS) [28–33]. Despite the protective effect of urea, we advise to correct hyponatremia with a daily
increase of less than 10 mmol/day [26]. For the patients who are overtreated or present early symptoms
of ODS we advise to rapidly decrease SNa so that the daily increase in SNa stays lower than
10 mmol/L [26,34–36]. Prospective studies showing the benefit to treat mild chronic hyponatremia due
to SIADH and comparing water restriction, V2 antagonist, high ceiling diuretics, and urea should be
done [26,37].
Figure 2. Evolution of diuresis, urine osmolality and urine sodium in three patients with
urea, furosemide or V2 antagonist (satavaptan) (data adapted form References [22,25,37]).
4. Conclusions
These data show that urea is a simple and inexpensive therapy to treat euvolemic hyponatremia.
Author Contributions
Every authors participate to the discussion and to the redaction of the chapters in the text regarding
their own contribution (see references).
J. Clin. Med. 2014, 3 1047
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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© 2014 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article
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... If U/P > 1.0, fluid restriction is not advisable [141]. Furthermore, urea, as a non-toxic substance, is a potential second-line treatment used in combination with low-dose diuretics and is used off-label in SIADH patients due to its cost to promote water loss by increasing the daily osmotic charge eliminated in the urine [77,142]. As such, the efficacy of urea in treating euvolemic hyponatremia secondary to SIADH is reflected in its protection against ODS [142]. ...
... Furthermore, urea, as a non-toxic substance, is a potential second-line treatment used in combination with low-dose diuretics and is used off-label in SIADH patients due to its cost to promote water loss by increasing the daily osmotic charge eliminated in the urine [77,142]. As such, the efficacy of urea in treating euvolemic hyponatremia secondary to SIADH is reflected in its protection against ODS [142]. Furthermore, a retrospective analysis of cancer patients with SIADH found that urea was well-tolerated and effective in correcting chronic hyponatremia within the first month of therapy in almost all (86.1%) patients [60]. ...
Full-text available
Hyponatremia is the most prevalent electrolyte imbalance encountered among hospitalized patients, athletes, the elderly, patients with chronic ailments, postoperative patients, and a few asymptomatic individuals. Clinical manifestations of hyponatremia can be diverse, with characteristic neurological symptoms. Depending on in-depth medical history, physical examination (including volume status assessment), laboratory investigation, and drug history, patients can be classified broadly as undergoing hypervolemic, euvolemic, or hypovolemic hyponatremia. However, patients with hypervolemic hyponatremia often present with distinctive signs such as edema or ascites, and the clinical presentation of hypovolemic and euvolemic hyponatremia poses significant challenges for clinicians. The convolution in clinical manifestations of patients is due to the varied etiologies of euvolemic hyponatremia, such as syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH), adrenocortical insufficiency, hypothyroidism, psychogenic polydipsia, different classes of drugs (chemotherapeutics, antipsychotics, antidepressants), endurance exercise events, and reset osmostat syndrome (ROS). The management of hyponatremia depends on the rate of hyponatremia onset, duration, severity of symptoms, levels of serum sodium, and underlying comorbidities. Over the last decade, the clinical understanding of hyponatremia has been scattered due to the introduction of innovative laboratory markers and new drugs. This article will be a conspectus of all the recent advancements in the field of diagnosis, investigations, management, and associations of hyponatremia, along with traditional clinical practices. Subsequently, a holistic overview has been laid out for the clinicians to better understand and identify knowledge deficiencies on this topic.
... The main problem associated with urea treatment is its poor palatability. Different studies reported distaste as the principal adverse effect associated with urea therapy [26] responsible, in some cases, for the discontinued use of urea [21]. In addition is important to consider that hyponatremia is often correlated to other medical conditions such as malnutrition. ...
... These characteristics make urea useful in those patients unsuitable for tolvaptan (i.e., without possibility of hospitalization or at high risk of hepatotoxicity), even in enteral nutrition [14], probably making it easier to manage than other therapeutic strategies in most patients with cancer or with severe comorbidities [15]. ...
... It is practically non-toxic (LD 50 is 15 g kg -1 for rats) and it acts as a natural moisturizing factor (approximately 7wt.%) and the risk of allergic reactions is very low (Decaux et al., 2014;Kapuscinska, 2014). Despite its advantages, however, urea's thermal instability and a possible sensation of tingling or burning on sensitive skin can cause problems for cosmetic formulations mainly when urea is used in high concentration (Kapuscinska, 2014). ...
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Urea’s thermal instability and burning on sensitive skin can cause problems for cosmetic formulations. To overcome these drawbacks, urea was incorporated into ordered mesoporous silica (SBA-15). SBA-15 was synthesized using tetraethyl orthosilicate and Pluronic® P123 in an acid medium. Urea (20 wt.%) was incorporated into calcined SBA-15 by the incipient wetness impregnation method. Several techniques were used to characterize the samples. Skin hydration and transepidermal water loss were measured using Corneometer® CM 825 PC and Tewameter® 300 TM. Results showed that the structural properties of SBA-15Urea were similar to pure SBA-15, indicating that SBA-15 remained structured even after urea incorporation. Nitrogen physisorption data showed the volume and surface area of the pores in SBA-15Urea were much lower than those in SBA-15, demonstrating that urea was deposited inside the mesopores. In vivo moisturization studies revealed that SBA-15Urea was not able to reduce transepidermal water loss compared to the other products and control, while forming a non-occlusive surface film on the skin. We conclude that incorporation of urea in the pores of the inorganic SBA-15 matrix is a promising approach to enhancing its stability and providing a prolonged moisturizing effect.
Importance: Hyponatremia is the most common electrolyte disorder and it affects approximately 5% of adults and 35% of hospitalized patients. Hyponatremia is defined by a serum sodium level of less than 135 mEq/L and most commonly results from water retention. Even mild hyponatremia is associated with increased hospital stay and mortality. Observations: Symptoms and signs of hyponatremia range from mild and nonspecific (such as weakness or nausea) to severe and life-threatening (such as seizures or coma). Symptom severity depends on the rapidity of development, duration, and severity of hyponatremia. Mild chronic hyponatremia is associated with cognitive impairment, gait disturbances, and increased rates of falls and fractures. In a prospective study, patients with hyponatremia more frequently reported a history of falling compared with people with normal serum sodium levels (23.8% vs 16.4%, respectively; P < .01) and had a higher rate of new fractures over a mean follow-up of 7.4 years (23.3% vs 17.3%; P < .004). Hyponatremia is a secondary cause of osteoporosis. When evaluating patients, clinicians should categorize them according to their fluid volume status (hypovolemic hyponatremia, euvolemic hyponatremia, or hypervolemic hyponatremia). For most patients, the approach to managing hyponatremia should consist of treating the underlying cause. Urea and vaptans can be effective treatments for the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis and hyponatremia in patients with heart failure, but have adverse effects (eg, poor palatability and gastric intolerance with urea; and overly rapid correction of hyponatremia and increased thirst with vaptans). Severely symptomatic hyponatremia (with signs of somnolence, obtundation, coma, seizures, or cardiorespiratory distress) is a medical emergency. US and European guidelines recommend treating severely symptomatic hyponatremia with bolus hypertonic saline to reverse hyponatremic encephalopathy by increasing the serum sodium level by 4 mEq/L to 6 mEq/L within 1 to 2 hours but by no more than 10 mEq/L (correction limit) within the first 24 hours. This treatment approach exceeds the correction limit in about 4.5% to 28% of people. Overly rapid correction of chronic hyponatremia may cause osmotic demyelination, a rare but severe neurological condition, which can result in parkinsonism, quadriparesis, or even death. Conclusions and relevance: Hyponatremia affects approximately 5% of adults and 35% of patients who are hospitalized. Most patients should be managed by treating their underlying disease and according to whether they have hypovolemic, euvolemic, or hypervolemic hyponatremia. Urea and vaptans can be effective in managing the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis and hyponatremia in patients with heart failure; hypertonic saline is reserved for patients with severely symptomatic hyponatremia.
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The aim of this work is to examine our experience in the use of urea in patients with SIADH. Observational retrospective analysis of 48 patients with SIADH that have been treated with urea in a third-level hospital. Pre-post analysis of serum sodium levels. The 48 patients with SIADH had a median age of 78.5 (range 26–97 years). The serum sodium nadir was 119.8 ± 5.0 mmoL/L and at the beginning of treatment 125.6 ± 4.1 mmoL/L. The patients continued the treatment for a mean time of 2.95 ± 6.29 months, being the treatment still active in 4 patients. In all patients there was an improvement in serum sodium, being the final serum sodium at the end of treatment 134.4 ± 4.9 mmoL/L (p < 0.01). This improvement was observed from the first week. Adverse events were only detected in 2 patients with mild digestive symptomatology and 2 patients refused the treatment due to the low palatability of the urea. There was an economic cost reduction of 87.9% in comparison with treatment with tolvaptan. Urea has shown to be a safe and cost-effective option for the treatment of hyponatremia caused by SIADH.
Background Hyponatremia is a common electrolyte disorder in older people. We investigated management of hyponatremia, and association between admission hyponatremia, fall at admission, and other adverse outcomes in older in-patients, a group less extensively studied to date. Methods This retrospective observational study included consecutive older medical patients ≥75 years admitted over a six-week period. Primary outcome measure was fall at admission. Secondary outcomes included fractures, functional dependence/assistance to mobilize at discharge, and death. Results Amongst 452 included patients (mean age 83.9 years), serum sodium at admission ranged from 113mmol/L to 163mmol/L, median 139mmol/L (interquartile range [IQR] 136-141 mmol/L). In total, 16.7% (72/432) had hyponatremia at admission, and was mild (134-130mmol/L) in 86%. Most (44/72) cases of hyponatremia remained uncorrected by discharge. In the hyponatraemic group, ‘routine investigations’ were variably performed-renal/liver profiles (98.9%), thyroid profiles (55.6%), serum glucose (87.5%), chest X-ray (91.7%). Other hyponatremia-specific investigations- urinary sodium and osmolarity (13.9%), serum osmolarity (15.3%) and serum cortisol (6.9%)- were not commonly checked, although osmolarity and urinary variables were assessed more frequently when sodium<130mmol/L than if milder hyponatremia. Management appeared to be sub-optimal, with risk medications ceased infrequently and remedial treatment infrequently initiated; we did not have data regarding fluid restriction. On adjusted analyses, hyponatremia was not associated with fall at admission (aOR 0.54, 95% CI 0.24-1.22, p=0.10) or other secondary outcomes. Conclusions Although hyponatremia was under-investigated and sub-optimally managed, it did not appear to be associated with adverse outcomes in this cohort. Interventional trials should target the association between hyponatremia management, rectification and longer-term outcomes.
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Hyponatremia is a common electrolyte disorder that carries significant morbidity and mortality. However, severe chronic hyponatremia should not be corrected rapidly to avoid brain demyelination. Vasopressin receptor antagonists (vaptans) are now being widely used for the treatment of hyponatremia along with other alternatives like hypertonic saline. Previous reports have suggested that, in some cases, urea can also be used to correct hyponatremia. Correction of severe hyponatremia with urea has never been compared to treatment with a vaptan or hypertonic saline with regard to the risk of brain complications in the event of a too rapid rise in serum sodium. Here, we compared the neurological outcome of hyponatremic rats corrected rapidly with urea, lixivaptan, and hypertonic saline. Despite similar increase in serum sodium obtained by the three drugs, treatment with lixivaptan or hypertonic saline resulted in a higher mortality than treatment with urea. Histological analysis showed that treatment with urea resulted in less pathological change of experimental osmotic demyelination than was induced by hypertonic saline or lixivaptan. This included breakdown of the blood-brain barrier, microglial activation, astrocyte demise, and demyelination. Thus, overcorrection of hyponatremia with urea resulted in significantly lower mortality and neurological impairment than the overcorrection caused by lixivaptan or hypertonic saline.Kidney International advance online publication, 6 August 2014; doi:10.1038/ki.2014.273.
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Hyponatraemia, defined as a serum sodium concentration <135 mmol/L, is the most common disorder of body fluid and electrolyte balance encountered in clinical practice. Hyponatraemia is present in 15-20 % of emergency admissions to hospital and occurs in up to 20 % of critically ill patients. Symptomatology may vary from subtle to severe or even life threatening. Despite this, the management of patients remains problematic. Against this background, the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, the European Society of Endocrinology and the European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association, represented by European Renal Best Practice have developed a Clinical Practice Guideline on the diagnostic approach and treatment of hyponatraemia as a joint venture of three societies representing specialists with a natural interest in hyponatraemia.
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Vaptans (vasopressin V(2)-receptor antagonists) are a new approach for the treatment of hyponatremia. However, their indications remain to be determined, and their benefit compared with that of the usual treatments for the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH) have not been evaluated. This prospective, long-term study compared the efficacy, tolerability, and safety of two oral vaptans with those of oral urea in patients with SIADH. Patients with chronic SIADH of various origins were treated first with vaptans for 1 year. After an 8-day holiday period, they received oral urea for an additional 1-year follow-up. Serum sodium was measured every 2 months, and drug doses were adjusted accordingly. Thirteen participants were initially included in the study (serum sodium, 125±3 mEq/L); 12 completed the 2-year treatment period. Treatment with vaptans (satavaptan, 5-50 mg/d, n=10; tolvaptan, 30-60 mg/day, n=2) increased natremia (serum sodium, 135±3 mEq/L) during the 1-year vaptan period without escape. Hyponatremia recurred in the 12 participants when vaptans were stopped (holiday period). Urea improved the natremia with the same efficacy (serum sodium, 135±2 mEq/L) as vaptans during the 1-year urea treatment period. One participant treated with tolvaptan withdrew from the study early because of excessive thirst. Another patient receiving urea developed hypernatremia without complications. Urea has efficacy similar to that of vaptans for treatment of chronic SIADH. Tolerance is generally good for both agents.
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Hyponatremia in the intensive care unit (ICU) is most commonly related to inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH). Fluid restriction is difficult to apply in these patients. We wanted to report the treatment of hyponatremia with urea in these patients. Two groups of patients are reported. The first one is represented by a retrospective study of 50 consecutive patients with mild hyponatremia treated with urea. The second group is presented by a series of 35 consecutive patients with severe hyponatremia acquired outside the hospital (≤ 115 mEq/L) who where treated by isotonic saline and urea (0.5 to 1 g/kg/day), administered usually by gastric tube. In the first group with mild hyponatremia (128 ± 4 mEq/L) the serum sodium (SNa) increased to a mean value of 135 ± 4 mEq/L (P < 0.001) after two days of urea therapy (46 ± 25 g/day), despite a large fluid intake (> 2 L/day). The mean duration of urea therapy was six days (from 2 to 42 days). Six patients developed hyponatremia again once the urea was stopped, which necessitated its reintroduction. Six patients developed hypernatremia (maximum value 155 mEq/L). In the second group, SNa increased from 111 ± 3 mEq/L to 122 ± 4 mEq/L in one day (P < 0.001). All the patients with neurological symptoms made a rapid recovery. No side effects were observed. These data show that urea is a simple and inexpensive therapy to treat euvolemic hyponatremia in the ICU.
This report presents some of our results of the prolonged use of large amounts of urea in cases of cardiac dropsy. We shall emphasize, among other matters, chiefly three points; first, that the diuretic properties of this drug do not weaken during months and several years of practically uninterrupted use; second, that there follow no demonstrable deleterious effects on the patient; more specifically, the renal structures remain unaltered and their function unimpaired, and third, that urea acts, alone or in combination with other agents, in selected cases, as an excellent prophylactic in preventing the reaccumulation of edema. Of the many patients in our wards who were subjected to treatment with urea, we are reporting at this time the cases of five in full. These cases will illustrate the methods and results. METHODS Nearly all the patients in this study have been at the Montefiore Hospital for many months or several
In the syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH), rapid elevation of serum sodium concentration may be imperative to correct neurological symptoms. Seven patients with hyponatremia secondary to SIADH were treated by oral intake of two to three doses of 30 g of urea over 24 hours or infusion of 80 g of urea as a 30% solution over six hours, water restriction (500 mL/24 hr), and sodium supplements (120 to 360 mmole/24 hr). Serum sodium concentration increased from 117±2 to 126±1.4 mmole/L (mean±SEM) after eight hours, to 130±1.3 mmole/L after 12 hours, and to 134.5±1.2 mmole/L after 24 hours. The normalization of serum sodium was secondary to osmotic diuresis and to sodium retention induced by urea. Use of urea should be considered when symptomatic hyponatremia in SIADH must be quickly corrected.(JAMA 1982;247:471-474)
Nephrogenic syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis (NSIAD) is a disorder of water balance linked to gain-of-function mutation of arginine vasopressin receptor type 2 (AVPR2) resulting in free water reabsorption and episodes of hyponatremia. To review the long-term treatment of NSIAD. In the first part of this paper, we report 3 cases of male patients presenting with hyponatremia due to NSIAD. The second part consists of a comprehensive review of all published case reports. Results: In our experience, long-term fluid restriction (FR) and treatment with low doses of urea are efficient and well tolerated. Episodic intake of urea seems sufficient in some patients. Treatment data were available for 13 of the 16 hyponatremic patients reported in the literature. Each of these 13 patients had regulated fluid intake. Six of the patients received urea with no reported failure to correct hyponatremia and 5 received NaCl supplementation with varying efficacy. The AVPR2 antagonists tolvaptan and satavaptan (prescribed before the diagnosis of NSIAD was made) showed no efficacy in 1 patient. NSIAD is quite easy to treat with FR and urea in adults as well as in children, with good compliance and efficacy. Of note, FR is well tolerated, suggesting that NSIAD may differ from other causes of syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion by reduction of thirst intensity due to lower levels of AVP (which stimulates thirst). In eventual refractory cases, furosemide (associated with NaCl supplementation) would represent a valuable therapeutic option by analogy of its efficacy in syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion.
HE possibility that ammonia in the stomach may play some part in the protection of the gastric mucosa and the neutralization of gastric acid has been suggested for some time (Linderstrom-Lang and Ohlsen 1936; FitzGerald 1946). The ammonia is derived mainly from the action of gastric urease on urea, producing ammonia and carbon dioxide, and to a lesser extent from blood ammonia (Fleschler and Gabuzda 1965). Whether effective acid neutralisation occurs by increasing gastric ammonia production by the oral administration of urea is still in doubt (FitzGerald and Murphy 1950; Von KorlI, Ferguson and Glick 1951; Burke and Page 1954; Lieber and Lefevre 1959; Mossberg, Thayer and Spiro 1963; Fleschler and Gabuzda 1965; Fillastre 1965). The encouraging results, however, obtained by the use of an oral urea preparation in peptic ulcer therapy, prompted the organisation of this trial. Methods Carbamine, an effervescent preparation of urea was used. The drug was presented in 6 G. packets and eaoh contained: