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Abstract and Figures

Glucose is the key metabolic substrate for tissue energy production. In the perinatal period the mother supplies glucose to the fetus and for most of the gestational period the normal lower limit of fetal glucose concentration is around 3 mmol/L. Just after birth, for the first few hours of life in a normal term neonate appropriate for gestational age, blood glucose levels can range between 1.4 mmol/L and 6.2 mmol/L but by about 72 h of age fasting blood glucose levels reach normal infant, child and adult values (3.5–5.5 mmol/L). Normal blood glucose levels are maintained within this narrow range by factors which control glucose production and glucose utilisation. The key hormones which regulate glucose homoeostasis include insulin, glucagon, epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol and growth hormone. Pathological states that affect either glucose production or utilisation will lead to hypoglycaemia. Although hypoglycaemia is a common biochemical finding in children (especially in the newborn) it is not possible to define by a single (or a range of) blood glucose value/s. It can be defined as the concentration of glucose in the blood or plasma at which the individual demonstrates a unique response to the abnormal milieu caused by the inadequate delivery of glucose to a target organ (eg, the brain). Hypoglycaemia should therefore be considered as a continuum and the blood glucose level should be interpreted within the clinical scenario and with respect to the counter-regulatory hormonal responses and intermediate metabolites.
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What is a normal blood glucose?
Maria Güemes,
Soa A Rahman,
Khalid Hussain
Genetics and Genomic
Medicine Programme, UCL
Institute of Child Health,
London, UK
Department of Paediatric
Endocrinology, Great Ormond
Street Hospital for Children
NHS, London, UK
Correspondence to
Professor Khalid Hussain,
Genetics and Genomic
Medicine Programme,
UCL Institute of Child Health,
30 Guilford Street, London
Received 29 June 2015
Revised 24 August 2015
Accepted 27 August 2015
To cite: Güemes M,
Rahman SA, Hussain K. Arch
Dis Child Published Online
First: [please include Day
Month Year] doi:10.1136/
Glucose is the key metabolic substrate for tissue energy
production. In the perinatal period the mother supplies
glucose to the fetus and for most of the gestational
period the normal lower limit of fetal glucose
concentration is around 3 mmol/L. Just after birth, for
the rst few hours of life in a normal term neonate
appropriate for gestational age, blood glucose levels can
range between 1.4 mmol/L and 6.2 mmol/L but by
about 72 h of age fasting blood glucose levels reach
normal infant, child and adult values (3.55.5 mmol/L).
Normal blood glucose levels are maintained within this
narrow range by factors which control glucose
production and glucose utilisation. The key hormones
which regulate glucose homoeostasis include insulin,
glucagon, epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol and
growth hormone. Pathological states that affect either
glucose production or utilisation will lead to
hypoglycaemia. Although hypoglycaemia is a common
biochemical nding in children (especially in the
newborn) it is not possible to dene by a single (or a
range of) blood glucose value/s. It can be dened as the
concentration of glucose in the blood or plasma at
which the individual demonstrates a unique response to
the abnormal milieu caused by the inadequate delivery
of glucose to a target organ (eg, the brain).
Hypoglycaemia should therefore be considered as a
continuum and the blood glucose level should be
interpreted within the clinical scenario and with respect
to the counter-regulatory hormonal responses and
intermediate metabolites.
Blood glucose is the key substrate for energy pro-
duction during the perinatal, neonatal and post-
natal periods. Apart from the rst few days of
life, normal fasting blood glucose concentrations
are kept within a narrow physiological range of
3.55.5 mmol/L. Continuous blood glucose moni-
toring shows that blood glucose concentrations
may ickeron either side of these two values
(especially post meal) but then rapidly and spon-
taneously revert to within this normal range.
Fasting and postprandial normal blood glucose
levels are maintained within this narrow range by
a complex interplay of hormones which control
glucose production and glucose utilisation. The
liver produces glucose through glycogenolysis
(breakdown of stored glycogen) and gluconeogen-
esis (formation of glucose from non-carbohydrate
sources such as lactate, alanine and glycerol).
Apart from the liver, there is now evidence to
show that the kidney also plays an important role
as a gluconeogenic organ.
The key hormones
which regulate glucose homoeostasis include
insulin, glucagon, epinephrine, norepinephrine,
cortisol and growth hormone (GH). Insulin typic-
ally regulates glucose homoeostasis in the post-
prandial state whereas the other hormones
control blood glucose levels during the fasting
state. Glucagon and epinephrine are the main line
of defence against hypoglycaemia whereas cortisol
and GH have a permissive role in regulating
blood glucose levels.
During the perinatal period, the continuous fetal
supply of glucose comes from the mother.
In a
normal fetus there is no endogenous glucose pro-
duction, however under conditions where there is
reduced glucose supply, the fetus has the capability
to generate glucose endogenously.
The rate at
which the fetus undertakes glucose utilisation and
oxidation is determined by the maternal arterial
blood glucose concentration.
After birth, the continuous glucose delivery to
the fetus is disrupted and for the rst few hours
after birth, there is a transitional phase of physiolo-
gically low normal blood glucose levels (transitional
neonatal hypoglycaemia) which normalise around
72 h after birth. It is during these rst few hours
after birth that blood glucose concentrations show
marked physiological variability and this represents
a normal transition phase of glucose physiology.
Any pathological states which affect glucose pro-
duction or utilisation will lead to hypoglycaemia. In
the neonatal, infancy and childhood periods, the
nding of biochemical hypoglycaemia is common.
However, despite the commonality of hypogly-
caemia, in our current state of knowledge about
glucose physiology, it is not possible to dene hypo-
glycaemia by a particular blood glucose value/s. The
brain is the key organ for glucose utilisation and
there is no doubt that low blood glucose levels can
lead to neuronal energy deciency and hence lead to
brain injury.
There are no evidence-based studies
that dene a particular blood glucose which leads to
irreparable brain damage.
Having an understanding of the physiological
and biochemical mechanisms that regulate normal
blood glucose levels will help in the diagnostic
approach to a child with hypoglycaemia. A low
blood glucose level has to be interpreted within the
clinical scenario, the presence or absence of alterna-
tive substrates, the method used to measure blood
glucose and in the neonatal period in relation to
As hypoglycaemia is a common biochemical
nding, making the correct diagnosis is extremely
important as this will guide the clinician in patient
management. Any child presenting with unex-
plained hypoglycaemia will need a full biochemical
diagnostic workup searching for the underlying
cause of the hypoglycaemia.
The aims of this review are to highlight the dif-
culty in dening hypoglycaemia, to describe the
physiological and biochemical mechanisms that
Güemes M, et al.Arch Dis Child 2015;0:16. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2015-308336 1
ADC Online First, published on September 14, 2015 as 10.1136/archdischild-2015-308336
Copyright Article author (or their employer) 2015. Produced by BMJ Publishing Group Ltd (& RCPCH) under licence. on September 16, 2015 - Published by from
regulate blood glucose levels during the perinatal, neonatal and
infancy periods and to review what normalblood glucose
levels are during these periods.
Hypoglycaemia cannot be dened by a particular blood glucose
value especially in the newborn period. The majority of appro-
priate for age term newborns show transient low blood glucose
concentrations (transitional neonatal hypoglycaemia, discussed
below) and this is a normal physiological adaptation process.
Several different methods have been used to dene hypogly-
caemia but none of these are satisfactory.
A single low blood
glucose value cannot be applied unanimously to all the patients.
In the newborn and infancy periods, hypoglycaemia cannot
be dened by the onset of signs and symptoms as these tend to
be non-specic and are not easy to recognise in this age group
(unlike older children and adults). Hypoglycaemic symptoms
can be non-specic, like lethargy, poor feeding and irritability,
to more specic ones, such as apnoea, seizures or coma. Hence,
the relevance of a carefully detailed clinical assessment is of the
utmost importance. The responses of the brain to hypogly-
caemia (neuroglycopaenic symptoms arise when insufcient
glucose is available to fuel the brain) occur over a range of
blood glucose levels and these responses can be modied by pre-
vious episodes (antecedent) of hypoglycaemia and by the pres-
ence of alternative brain fuels (like ketone bodies and lactate). It
is impossible to establish a single blood glucose value which
leads to brain damage as this will depend on the severity, fre-
quency and duration of hypoglycaemia.
In adults, clinical hypoglycaemia is dened as a blood glucose
level which is sufciently low to induce symptoms and signs of
impaired brain function.
Guidelines in adults emphasise the
value of Whipples triad for conrming hypoglycaemia, that is,
signs and/or symptoms consistent with hypoglycaemia, a docu-
mented low blood glucose concentration, and relief of signs/
symptoms when blood glucose level is restored to normal. The
same approach has been recommended for older children who
are able to describe their symptoms.
However, this cannot be
applied to the younger infants and of course neonates, as they
cannot convey their symptoms.
When interpreting a blood glucose result, the method of col-
lection of the blood sample will be important as some methods
(especially bedside test strips) may be inaccurate. Whole blood
glucose values are about 15% less compared with those in the
serum and plasma. On the other hand, venous blood glucose
concentrations are 10% lower than arterial. To measure the
plasma glucose, the sample of blood should be collected into a
tube containing uoride so as to inhibit glycolysis.
A single number cannot be applied unanimously to all the
individuals to dene signicant hypoglycaemia. Preferably, there
is a value(s) unique to each person, which varies with the state
of physiological maturity and the presence of pathology.
Therefore, signicant hypoglycaemia would be the blood or
plasma level of glucose at which the individual displays a unique
response to the anomalous circumstances caused by the reduced
supply of glucose to a target organ (for instance, the brain). The
uniqueresponse refers to the biochemical changes which are
activated when the blood glucose level is lowered with/without
the accompanying clinical manifestations. This response will be
modulated by the availability of alternative fuels, the counter-
regulatory hormonal responses and any episodes of antecedent
hypoglycaemia. Hence, it is impossible to establish a blood
glucose concentration that requires intervention in all newborns
as there is uncertainty over the duration and level of
hypoglycaemia that can lead to brain damage. Also, there is not
much known regarding whether the brain of infants at different
gestational ages, is vulnerable, or not, to such harm. It is thus
clear that hypoglycaemia is a continuum and the blood glucose
level should be interpreted within the clinical scenario and with
respect to the presence of alternative fuels (counter-regulatory
hormones and intermediate metabolites (fatty acids and ketone
bodies)) and in relation to feeds.
The mother supplies glucose to the placenta and fetus with the
placenta regulating the transfer of glucose and nutrients to the
fetus. For placental glucose to be transported from the maternal
circulation to the fetus there has to be a net maternal-to-fetal
plasma glucose concentration gradient that is determined by pla-
cental as well as the fetal glucose consumption.
Glucose is trans-
ferred to the placenta where it is partitioned between the glucose
consumption by the placenta and that transferred to the fetus.
GLUT 1 transporter protein takes up glucose from the mater-
nal plasma transporting it to the fetus by facilitative diffusion
following concentration-dependent kinetics.
GLUT 1 is the
main glucose transporter protein isoform in maternal-facing
microvillus and fetal-facing syncytiotrophoblast membranes. The
increased placental glucose transport in the latter part of preg-
nancy is due to the augmented surface area and the presence of
a high GLUT 1 density.
Studies in sheep showed that in the
second half of pregnancy, fetal glucose demand grows much
more rapidly (about a 10-fold increase) than placental glucose
transfer capacity and this then requires a decrease in fetal
glucose levels to balance glucose supply and demand.
increased glucose transport leads to, especially in the third tri-
mester, signicant deposition of glycogen and fat stores.
The fetus consumes glucose as its principle metabolic fuel for
energy production. The fetal glucose concentration is a function of
the maternal glucose concentration and gestational age. At around
20 weeks of gestational age there is a linear relationship between
maternal and fetal glucose concentrations.
For most of the gesta-
tional period (and especially after 20 weeks) the fetus is exposed to
circulating glucose concentrations only slightly below those of
maternal plasma. With a normal maternal glucose concentration of
3.55.5 mmol/L, the mean fetal-maternal plasma glucose differ-
ence at term is only 0.5 mmol/L, thus in the term healthy fetus the
normal glucose concentration is around 3 mmol/L.
Glucose contributes to nearly 80% of the total energy needs of
the fetus and the remaining 20% is supplied by lactate, amino
acids and glycerol.
The fetus uses glucose at a higher rate than
that observed in adults (57 mg/kg/min vs 23 mg/kg/min).
Under normal conditions there is no fetal glucose production
(by glycogenolysis or gluconeogenesis), but glucose production is
stimulated in the fetus exposed to prolonged periods of low
glucose supply (eg, during fasting or placental insufciency).
Glycogenic enzymes are present in fetal liver from 8 weeks of
gestation and the hepatic glycogen content increases from
3.4 mg/g at 8 weeks of gestation to 50 mg/g at term.
Insulin is the main anabolic hormone in fetal life and islet pan-
creatic β-cells can be detected in the pancreas by the 1012th
weeks of gestation.
Fetal pancreatic β-cells release insulin
poorly in response to changes in the blood glucose concentration
and the response to a glucose load is blunted. Insulin becomes
detectable around 1012 weeks of gestation in the fetus and
during the perinatal period insulin is more important for regulat-
ing growth rather than regulating glucose metabolism.
2 Güemes M, et al.Arch Dis Child 2015;0:16. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2015-308336
Review on September 16, 2015 - Published by from
The healthy term newborn needs to adjust to an independent
existence at birth. The transplacental glucose and nutrient deliv-
ery is discontinued and the newborn will have to initiate endo-
crine and metabolic responses to maintain appropriate blood
glucose concentrations. Appropriate glycogen stores, intact and
functional glycogenolytic, gluconeogenic, lipogenic and keto-
genic mechanisms and adequate counter-regulatory hormonal
responses are required for extrauterine adaptation. Figure 1
shows the metabolic, endocrine and physiological changes
which occur at the time of birth to allow a normal term
newborn to adapt to an independent existence.
An appropriate for gestational age normal infant will have an
instantaneous postnatal drop (physiologically normal) in blood
glucose concentrations during the rst 24 h of life. During this
transitional phase, normalblood glucose values can range from
as low as 1.4 mmol/L to as high as 6.2 mmol/L.
17 18
The lowest
mean blood glucose documented within the rst few hours of
birth can be as low as 2.3 mmol/L.
Studies that have documen-
ted normalblood glucose concentrations in healthy, appropri-
ate for gestational age newborns in the rst hours of life are
listed in table 1.
Healthy term breastfed newborns have signicantly lower
blood glucose concentrations (mean 3.6 mmol/L; range 1.5
5.3), than those who are bottle-fed (mean 4.0 mmol/L; range
but their ketone body concentrations are raised in
response to breast feeding.
18 24
Figure 2 shows the results of a
with the serial mean and±SD plasma glucose levels
within the rst 72 h of life in exclusively breastfed infants and
gure 3 shows the distribution of these blood glucose levels.
Blood glucose concentrations in the rst few hours of life
appear lowat the time of sampling in the absence of clinical
signs of hypoglycaemia. Nevertheless, concentrations increased
immediately after a breastfeed or after 72 h of age. This is all
suggestive of an appropriate metabolic response to satisfy the
energy needs of term, breastfed infants.
In addition to the low blood glucose levels, the serum insulin
concentrations are inappropriately high during this transitional
phase of normal glucose physiology, suggesting a transient alter-
ation in the set point for insulin secretion during this
25 26
However, despite the marked variability in
the blood glucose levels and transient alteration in the set point
for insulin secretion during the rst few hours of life, after
about 72 h of age, all term healthy newborns reach
fasting blood glucose levels comparable to those of children and
adults (3.55.5 mmol/L). The above endocrine and metabolic
proles observed in appropriate for gestational age normal
infants in the rst few days of life suggest that these are rela-
tively low blood glucose levels in comparison to older babies
where the glucose set point for suppression of insulin secretion
is reduced.
The drop in the glucose levels noted after birth appears essen-
tial to facilitate physiological transition for neonatal survival,
which includes increased glucose production by glycogenolysis,
gluconeogenesis, stimulation of appetite, adaptation to fast/feed
cycles, and promotion of oxidative fat metabolism using lipid
from fat stores and ingested milk feeds.
A rise in the secretion
of catecholamines and glucagon is considered important in
glucose control, although the ultimate trigger for the endocrine
and metabolic adaptation is unknown. At birth, the plasma
insulin to glucagon ratio is reversed permitting glucagon to
activate adenylate cyclase and increase the activity of cAMP-
dependent protein kinase A, which activates phosphorylase
kinase facilitating the release of glucose into the circulation.
Figure 1 The metabolic, endocrine and the physiological changes which occur at the time of birth to allow a normal term newborn to adapt to an
independent existence.
Güemes M, et al.Arch Dis Child 2015;0:16. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2015-308336 3
Review on September 16, 2015 - Published by from
The catecholamine increase and a surge in thyroid stimulating
hormone stimulate lipolysis and lipid oxidation, leading to aug-
mented concentrations of free fatty acids and glycerol.
Delivery of free fatty acids to the liver will entail the production
of ketone bodies that are an alternative energy fuel. The
newborn can adjust to postnatal nutrition because important
modications in the function of various physiological systems
happen after birth. Healthy term neonates will successfully tol-
erate enteral feeds that stimulate the production of gut hor-
mones, which in turn trigger a cascade of developmental
changes in gut function and structure, and in the relation of
pancreatic hormone production to intermediary metabolism.
Consequently, full-term neonates are programmed to func-
tionally and metabolically evolve from the intrauterine depend-
ent ambience to the extrauterine habitat without requiring
metabolic vigilance or interference with the natural breastfeed-
ing. Conversely, in premature or small for gestational age infants
this complex hormonal and metabolic adaptation process is
immature and underdeveloped.
Normal fasting blood glucose levels in infants, children and
adults are maintained within a narrow range (3.55.5 mmol/L)
despite the frequent feed and fasting cycles. Insulin plays a major
role in regulating glucose production and utilisation during
feeding and fasting states. After food ingestion, the plasma
glucose level begins to rise within 15 min.
This increase in the
plasma glucose level and the stimuli from neurogenic and enter-
oinsular axis (gastric inhibitory peptide and glucagon-like
peptide 1) stimulates insulin production from the pancreatic β
cells. Peak concentrations of plasma glucose are reached around
3060 min following ingestion after which it starts to decrease
Table 1 Studies that have published normal blood glucose concentrations (BM) in healthy, AGA newborns in the first hours of life
author, year,
Study size
(hours of
BM in mmol/L,
Feeding mode
when sampled Subjectscharacteristics
Study design
Method of analysis
Acharya and
Payne, 1965
14 0 4.0±0.9 (2.55.3) Not specified Term, AGA, no maternal or neonatal
Not specified
photometric assay, (assay also
measures other reducing
14 1 3.5±1.1 (1.75.9)
14 2 3.3±1.0 (1.75.2)
14 3 3.5±1.1 (2.26.2)
14 5 3.5±1.2 (2.25.4)
14 7 3.3±1.1 (1.94.9)
14 9 3.3±0.8 (1.84.9)
14 11 3.6±1.5 (2.37.9)
14 18 3.5±0.9 (2.35.8)
14 24 3.2±0.8 (1.64.3)
14 36 3.1±0.9 (1.65.0)
14 48 3.3±0.7 (2.25.0)
Srinivasan et al,
52 1 3.11±1.06 (0.96.6) Not fed Full term, AGA (2.54.0 kg), no maternal
or neonatal complications
Beckman glucose oxidase
52 2 3.33±0.61 (2.175.33)
51 3 3.89±0.72 (2.25.4)
Heck and
Erenberg, 1987
113 1 3.33±1.00 Not fed Term (3742 weeks), no maternal or
neonatal complications
Beckman glucose oxidase
107 2 3.39±0.83
Hawdon et al,
9 NVD 0 4.3 Breast or
Term (>37 weeks), AGA, white ethnicity,
born by NVD or C-section, no maternal or
neonatal complications
Cobas fast centrifugal
24 C-section 0 3.4
11 NVD 112 3.1
11 C-section 112 3.3
9 NVD 1224 3.7
10 C-section 1224 3.3
27 Day 2 3.5
27 Day 3 3.4
21 Day 4 4.1
20 Day 5 4.0
20 Day 6 4.2
Sweet et al,
22 1 2.34±0.91 Breast Babies >37 weeks, normal Apgars, not
admitted to NICU, no maternal diabetes
HemoCue B-Glucose system24 1 2.52±0.84 Formula
29 1 2.58±0.94 Not fed
Hoseth et al,
22 1 2.9±0.7 (1.44.0) Breast Term (3742 weeks), AGA, normal Apgars,
no maternal or neonatal complications
Glucose dehydrogenase
photometric method
27 2 3.2±0.8 (2.04.9)
Dollberg et al,
50 24 3.97±0.76(1.85.8) Not specified Term (3841 weeks), AGA, normal Apgars,
no maternal or neonatal complications
Nova Stat
Profile M glucose oxidase
Diwakar and
Sasidhar, 2002
200 3 3.0±1.05 (1.48.3) Fed and not fed Term (3742 weeks), AGA, normal Apgars,
no maternal or neonatal complications
Hitachi 902 Nova Biomedical
6 2.95±0.75 (1.65.4)
24 2.89±0.79 (1.37.6)
72 3.0±0.79 (1.47.1)
*When available.
Whole blood values reported using Nova Stat were adjusted to plasma glucose values using a correction factor of 1.135.
AGA, appropriate size for gestational age; NVD, normal vaginal delivery; C-section, caesarean section; NICU, neonatal intensive care unit.
4 Güemes M, et al.Arch Dis Child 2015;0:16. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2015-308336
Review on September 16, 2015 - Published by from
until absorption is complete, generally after 45 h, with a similar
time pattern of the plasma insulin concentrations.
Following the ingestion of a meal, the insulin and glucagon
responses will determine the magnitude of the suppression of
endogenous liver glucose production.
Endogenous glucose
production may be suppressed up to 5060% with about 25
grams less glucose being secreted into the bloodstream.
Postprandially, blood glucose concentrations are determined
by a balance between the rates of glucose removal from the sys-
temic circulation and the rate of glucose being delivered into it.
Also, postprandially the processes of glycogenolysis, gluconeo-
genesis, lipolysis and ketogenesis are all suppressed. The main
tissues that account for the removal of glucose from the blood-
stream include the liver, brain, muscle, small intestine and
adipose tissue. Except for the brain, it is the plasma insulin con-
centration that largely determines the magnitude of glucose
uptake by the tissues.
The uptake of glucose by the brain is
independent of the plasma insulin concentration and is deter-
mined by the plasma glucose concentration.
The postabsorptive state,reects the 46 h interval following
the ingestion of a meal.
During this interval, a steady state is
reached where plasma glucose concentrations are maintained
within a normal range since the rate of glucose production equals
that of glucose consumption.
During this state, it is estimated
that glucose turnover (glucose production and utilisation) is
roughly 10 mmol/kg/min.
In this state, 80% of glucose utilisa-
tion is non-insulin dependent, especially by the brain (which
accounts for 50% of the total), renal and gastrointestinal systems
and red blood cells. During this phase, interactions between
insulin and the counter-regulatory hormones (glucagon, cortisol,
GH, epinephrine and norepinephrine) will maintain glucose con-
centrations. The release of hepatic stored glycogen is controlled
by glucagon while insulin limits the effects of glucagon by pre-
venting lipolysis and proteolysis. Counter-regulatory hormones
such as cortisol and GH participate in setting the sensitivity of
the peripheral tissues to glucagon and insulin.
As the period of the fast is lengthened, the tissues increase the
utilisation of free fatty acids and ketone bodies while that of
glucose decreases.
There is a reduction in glucose output from
the liver, which is accounted for mainly by a decrease in glyco-
genolysis, with an increase in the rate of gluconeogenesis. It is
speculated that increased gluconeogenesis is explained by the
augmented secretion of counter-regulatory hormones such as
glucagon, and the reduction in insulin secretion.
The augmen-
ted glucagon production is associated with diminished insulin
secretion permitting fat deposits to be converted into glycerol
and fatty acids, and allowing the degradation of proteins into
amino acids for gluconeogenesis. Released free fatty acids bind
to albumin to be transported to the liver, where they participate
in mitochondrial β-oxidation or they are re-esteried to triacyl-
glycerols and phospholipids.
β-oxidation generates acetyl-Co
that can be turned into ketone bodies (acetoacetate and
3β-hydroxybutyrate) via the hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme A
pathway, or it can be oxidised in the Krebs cycle.
Following a nocturnal fast, the main gluconeogenic precursors
are lactate, glycerol and alanine. Recycling of carbon atoms
from plasma glucose generates the majority of the overnight
fasting lactate and alanine.
In gluconeogenesis, the rst reaction
converts pyruvate to oxaloacetate to phosphoenolpyruvate.
The second reaction is the rate-limiting step for the process of
gluconeogenesis, and implicates the conversion of fructose-1,
6-biphosphate to fructose-6-biphosphate. In the last step
glucose-6-phosphate is transformed into free glucose.
Young children differ from adults in that glycogen stores are
limited and only sufcient for approximately 12 h of starvation,
after which gluconeogenesis will be responsible for the mainten-
ance of a normal blood glucose concentration.
et al
showed that after a 30 h fast, children had lower glucose
and alanine concentrations than adult men and women. For this
reason, children do not tolerate long fasting periods.
Childrens brain in relation to body size, is much larger than
in adults. That is why the glucose production rates are higher in
children, so as to meet the brains higher metabolic demands.
Bier et al
measured glucose production rates in infants and
children using 6,6-dideuteroglucose and showed that the brain
size was the principal determinant of factors that regulate
hepatic glucose output throughout life.
Sunehag et al
have shown that children between the ages of
8 years and 9 years have a higher rate of gluconeogenesis, on a
body weight basis, than adolescents between the ages of 14 years
and 16 years. Interestingly, the fraction of glucose produced from
gluconeogenesis was almost the same between the two groups.
The same study showed that gluconeogenesis contributed to
50% of glucose production in the childhood period. A higher
glucose utilisation rate per kilogram body weight is demonstrated
in neonates and young children when starved, compared with
adult requirements.
Hence for these reasons, children are more
susceptible to hypoglycaemia in comparison to adults.
Figure 2 Plasma glucose concentrations measured serially in 200
term appropriate size for gestational age and exclusively breastfed
infants, at 3 h, 6 h, 24 h and 72 h of age (adapted from Diwakar and
Figure 3 Plasma glucose concentration distributions at the time of
sampling in 200 term appropriate size for gestational age and
exclusively breastfed infants, at 3 h, 6 h, 24 h and 72 h of age
(adapted from Diwakar and Sasidhar
Güemes M, et al.Arch Dis Child 2015;0:16. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2015-308336 5
Review on September 16, 2015 - Published by from
As the period of fast becomes more prolonged, the ongoing
energy requirements of muscle and other tissues rely progres-
sively more on free fatty acids and ketone bodies. Hepatic fatty
acid oxidation generates ketone bodies, which are transferred to
peripheral tissues for use as an alternative fuel.
It is mainly the
brain that has no other substantial non-glucose-derived energy
source but ketone bodies. The brains continuous requirement
of energy allows ketone bodies to replace glucose as the pre-
dominant fuel for nervous tissue during prolonged fasting.
During the period of a fast there is a complex interaction of
metabolic and hormonal mechanisms, which leads to important
uctuations in the concentrations of the counter-regulatory hor-
mones and intermediary metabolites. Children differ in their
response to fasting in comparison to adults.
For example,
studies in adults have shown that the blood concentrations of
free fatty acids, glycerol and ketones progressively rise as the star-
vation period is prolonged.
Children exposed to a short fast
develop ketosis and ketonuria quickly, suggesting that children
convert more rapidly to a fuel economy based largely on fat.
Thus infants and children develop hypoglycaemia more readily.
Apart from the immediate neonatal period, the normal range of
fasting blood glucose concentration is 3.55.5 mmol/L. Blood
glucose concentrations are kept within this range by a complex
interplay of hormones which control glucose production and
utilisation. In term appropriate for age healthy newborns within
the rst few hours of life, normalblood glucose concentrations
can range between 1.4 mmol/L and 6.2 mmol/L, but by about
72 h of life they reach values of 3.55.5 mmol/L.
Hypoglycaemia should be considered as a continuum and the
blood glucose level should be interpreted within the clinical
scenario and with respect to the counter-regulatory hormonal
responses and intermediate metabolites.
Contributors MG wrote the section on neonatal glucose physiology and created
table 1 and gure 1. SAR wrote the section on perinatal glucose physiology and
drew gures 2 and 3. KH wrote the rest of the manuscript and checked the
completed manuscript. He completed all the references.
Competing interests None declared.
Provenance and peer review Commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
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6 Güemes M, et al.Arch Dis Child 2015;0:16. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2015-308336
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What is a normal blood glucose?
Maria Güemes, Sofia A Rahman and Khalid Hussain
published online September 14, 2015Arch Dis Child
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... The range of GLU in normal people ranges from 3.5 to 5.5 mmol/L. 8 We also included postprandial 2-hour glucose levels (GLU_2H). Generally, GLU_2H lower than 7.78 mmol/L is considered within the normal limit. ...
... It is helpful to remind parents to positively prevent these related factors and thereby prevent precocious puberty in children (7). Glucose is a crucial metabolic substrate for the production of tissue energy (8). Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), a glycated form of hemoglobin, can develop when glucose is elevated in the blood (9). ...
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Objective This study analyzed the changes in blood glucose and lipid metabolism levels in children with central precocious puberty (CPP) and the correlation between CPP and obesity. Methods In total, 88 children with CPP aged 6–10 years who were admitted to our hospital between January 2023 and June 2024 (the CPP group), and 88 children without CPP in the same age group who received health check-ups (the non-CPP group) were retrospectively enrolled in this study. General data [gender, age, bone age, and body mass index (BMI)] were collected. Levels of blood glucose metabolism indicators [fasting plasma glucose (FPG), 2-h postprandial blood glucose (2hPG), and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c)] and blood lipid metabolism indicators [triglyceride (TG), total cholesterol (TC), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C)] were compared. The incidence of obesity was calculated, and the Tanner stages of the obese group and the non-obese group were compared. The correlation between CPP degree (measured by Tanner staging) and obesity degree (measured by BMI) was analyzed using Spearman’s correlation analysis. Results The differences in gender and age between the CPP and non-CPP groups were insignificant (P > 0.05). Bone age and BMI in the CPP group were higher than in the non-CPP group (P < 0.05). The CPP group had higher serum FPG, 2hPG, HbA1c, TG, TC, and LDL-C levels and lower serum HDL-C levels than the non-CPP group. The incidence of obesity was higher in the CPP group (21.59%, 19/88) than in the non-CPP group (6.82%, 6/88). The Tanner staging scores in the obese group for the boys (testes and pubic hair), girls (breasts and pubic hair), and as a whole (testes/breasts and pubic hair) were elevated compared to those in the non-obese group (P < 0.05). Spearman’s correlation showed that the CPP degree (measured by Tanner staging) was positively correlated with the obesity degree (measured by BMI) in boys, girls, and the study sample as a whole (P < 0.001). Conclusion Children with CPP had abnormal levels of blood glucose and lipid metabolism, and the CPP degree in these children was positively correlated with the degree of obesity.
In children, perinatal asphyxia remains a frequent cause of disability and death. Increased catabolism of tryptophan through the kynurenine pathway, occurs in the human brain and systemic tissues alongside immune activation. The aim of this study was to determine the interaction between changes in the tryptophan pathway as well as cerebral and systemic inflammation triggered in asphyxic neonates and correlate these molecular changes with clinical parameters of asphyxia. The levels of the tryptophan catabolites, kynurenine, and quinolinic acid, as well as cytokines, were quantified in CSF and plasma of asphyxic neonates at 0 and 7 days after birth. Since macrophages and microglial cells are the source of quinolinic acid, we also measured chitotriosidase activity, which is a marker for monocytic activation. Significantly higher concentrations of IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, and IL-10 and a non-significant increase of TNF, and IFN-γ were found in CSF of asphyxiated infants at day 1 compared to day 7. Most of the inflammatory parameters normalized at 7 days, but chitotriosidase activity remained elevated. The children were followed up for an average of a 4-5 years period, and only in one case, the evaluation of general movements showed an absent fidgety.
BACKGROUND Diabetes-related distress (DRD) is a common psychological disorder specifically associated with diabetes, its cross-talk with depression, and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) was discussed controversially. Interventions addressing DRD were shown to improve HbA1c. However, the primary concern is to investigate the association of DRD with glycemic control. No meta-analyses have compared the effects of depression and diabetes distress on HbA1c. AIM To assess the relationship between DRD, depression, and glycemic control. METHODS We systematically searched PubMed MEDLINE, Google Scholar, and Cochrane Library from inception up to May 2024. The keywords diabetes distress, depression, psychopathology, glycemic control, HbA1c, glycated hemoglobin, fasting, and postprandial blood glucose were used. A datasheet was used to extract the author’s name year and country of publication, diabetes distress, depression, and HbA1c among patients with DRD, depression, and control subjects. RESULTS Out of the 2046 studies retrieved, 55 full texts were screened and 22 studies were included in the final meta-analysis. Diabetes distress was associated with poor glycemic control, odd ratio = 0.42, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.17-0.67, and P value < 0.001, and odd ratio = 0.52, 95%CI: 0.38-0.72, and P value < 0.001 respectively. No significant difference was observed between depression and DRD regarding the impact on HbA1c, odd ratio = 0.13, 95%CI: 0.15-0.41, P value = 0.37, I 2 for heterogeneity = 76%. However, when heterogeneity was eliminated, diabetes distress influenced the HbA1c more compared to depression, odd ratio = 0.29, 95%CI: 0.17-0.41, and P value < 0.001. CONCLUSION DRD negatively influenced the HbA1c and glycemic control more than depression. Further studies using more specific measures (ecological momentary assessment) to assess DRD are recommended.
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Studying adipogenesis and adipocyte biology requires the isolation of primary preadipocytes from adipose tissues. However, primary preadipocytes have a limited lifespan, can only undergo a finite number of divisions, and often lose their original biological characteristics before becoming senescent. The repeated isolation of fresh preadipocytes, particularly from young pups or aged animals, is costly and time consuming. Immortalization of these cells offers a solution by overcoming cellular senescence and maintaining proliferative capacity, allowing for long‐term studies without the continuous need to isolate new cells from animals. Immortalized cell lines thus provide a consistent and reproducible experimental model, significantly reducing variability across different animals. However, successfully establishing immortalized preadipocyte cell lines presents challenges, including selecting appropriate adipose tissue depots, isolating primary preadipocytes, and choosing an effective immortalization strategy. In this article, we present optimized protocols and share first‐hand experiences establishing immortalized brown and white preadipocyte cell lines from young and aging mice. These protocols offer a valuable resource for researchers studying adipogenesis and metabolism. © 2024 Wiley Periodicals LLC. Support Protocol 1 : Retrovirus production Basic Protocol 1 : Isolation and culture of primary brown and white preadipocytes from mouse interscapular brown adipose tissue (iBAT) and subcutaneous white adipose tissue (sWAT) in the same region Basic Protocol 2 : Immortalization of mouse brown and white preadipocytes Basic Protocol 3 : Selection of immortalized preadipocytes Basic Protocol 4 : Selection of single‐cell clones of immortalized mouse preadipocytes Basic Protocol 5 : Single‐cell sorting in a 96‐well plate using a flow cytometer for the selection of single‐cell clones of immortalized preadipocytes Support Protocol 2 : Cryopreservation of immortalized mouse preadipocytes Support Protocol 3 : Thawing and culture of cryopreserved immortalized mouse preadipocytes Support Protocol 4 : Subculture and expansion of immortalized mouse preadipocytes Basic Protocol 6 : Differentiation of immortalized mouse brown and white preadipocytes Support Protocol 5 : Identification of differentiated white and brown adipocytes
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A Committee of the Pediatric Endocrine Society was recently formed to develop guidelines for evaluation and management of hypoglycemia in neonates, infants, and children. To aid in formulating recommendations for neonates, in this review, we analyzed available data on the brief period of hypoglycemia, which commonly is observed in normal newborns during the transition from fetal to extrauterine life, hereafter referred to as transitional neonatal hypoglycemia in normal newborns. The goal was to better understand the mechanism underlying this phenomenon in order to formulate recommendations for recognizing neonates requiring diagnosis and treatment during the first days of life for disorders causing severe and persistent hypoglycemia.
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Fetus exists in a complex, dynamic, and yet intriguing symbiosis with its mother as far as fuel metabolism is concerned. Though the dependence on maternal fuel is nearly complete to cater for its high requirement, the fetus is capable of some metabolism of its own. The first half of gestation is a period of maternal anabolism and storage whereas the second half results in exponential fetal growth where maternal stores are mobilized. Glucose is the primary substrate for energy production in the fetus though capable of utilizing alternate sources like lactate, ketoacids, amino acids, fatty acids, and glycogen as fuel under special circumstances. Key transporters like glucose transporters (GLUT) are responsible for preferential transfers, which are in turn regulated by complex interaction of maternal and fetal hormones. Amino acids are preferentially utilized for growth and essential fatty acids for development of brain and retina. Insulin, insulin like growth factors, glucagon, catecholamines, and letpin are the hormones implicated in this fascinating process. Hormonal regulation of metabolic substrate utilization and anabolism in the fetus is secondary to the supply of nutrient substrates. The knowledge of fuel homeostasis is crucial for a clinician caring for pregnant women and neonates to manage disorders of metabolism (diabetes), growth (intrauterine growth restriction), and transitional adaptation (hypoglycemia).
Understanding gene expression profiles during early human pancreas development is limited by comparison to studies in rodents. In this study, from the inception of pancreatic formation, embryonic pancreatic epithelial cells, approximately half of which were proliferative, expressed nuclear PDX1 and cytoplasmic CK19. Later, in the fetal pancreas, insulin was the most abundant hormone detected during the first trimester in largely non-proliferative cells. At sequential stages of early fetal development, as the number of insulin-positive cell clusters increased, the detection of CK19 in these cells diminished. PDX1 remained expressed in fetal beta cells. Vascular structures were present within the loose stroma surrounding pancreatic epithelial cells during embryogenesis. At 10 weeks post-conception (w.p.c.), all clusters containing more than ten insulin-positive cells had developed an intimate relationship with these vessels, compared with the remainder of the developing pancreas. At 12-13 w.p.c., human fetal islets, penetrated by vasculature, contained cells independently immunoreactive for insulin, glucagon, somatostatin and pancreatic polypeptide (PP), coincident with the expression of maturity markers prohormone convertase 1/3 (PC1/3), islet amyloid polypeptide, Chromogranin A and, more weakly, GLUT2. These data support the function of fetal beta cells as true endocrine cells by the end of the first trimester of human pregnancy.
Acetoacetate (AcAc) and 3-hydroxybutyrate (3HB), the two main ketone bodies of humans, are important vectors of energy transport from the liver to extrahepatic tissues, especially during fasting, when glucose supply is low. Blood total ketone body (TKB) levels should be evaluated in the context of clinical history, such as fasting time and ketogenic stresses. Blood TKB should also be evaluated in parallel with blood glucose and free fatty acids (FFA). The FFA/TKB ratio is especially useful for evaluation of ketone body metabolism. Defects in ketogenesis include mitochondrial HMG-CoA synthase (mHS) deficiency and HMG-CoA lyase (HL) deficiency. mHS deficiency should be considered in non-ketotic hypoglycemia if a fatty acid beta-oxidation defect is suspected, but cannot be confirmed. Patients with HL deficiency can develop hypoglycemic crises and neurological symptoms even in adolescents and adults. Succinyl-CoA-3-oxoacid CoA transferase (SCOT) deficiency and beta-ketothiolase (T2) deficiency are two defects in ketolysis. Permanent ketosis is pathognomonic for SCOT deficiency. However, patients with "mild" SCOT mutations may have nonketotic periods. T2-deficient patients with "mild" mutations may have normal blood acylcarnitine profiles even in ketoacidotic crises. T2 deficient patients cannot be detected in a reliable manner by newborn screening using acylcarnitines. We review recent data on clinical presentation, metabolite profiles and the course of these diseases in adults, including in pregnancy.
The brain is dependent on glucose as a primary energy substrate, but is capable of utilizing ketones such as β-hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate, as occurs with fasting, starvation, or chronic feeding of a ketogenic diet. The relationship between changes in cerebral metabolic rates of glucose (CMRglc) and degree or duration of ketosis remains uncertain. To investigate if CMRglc decreases with chronic ketosis, 2-[(18)F]fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose in combination with positron emission tomography, was applied in anesthetized young adult rats fed 3 weeks of either standard or ketogenic diets. Cerebral metabolic rates of glucose (μmol/min per 100 g) was determined in the cerebral cortex and cerebellum using Gjedde-Patlak analysis. The average CMRglc significantly decreased in the cerebral cortex (23.0±4.9 versus 32.9±4.7) and cerebellum (29.3±8.6 versus 41.2±6.4) with increased plasma ketone bodies in the ketotic rats compared with standard diet group. The reduction of CMRglc in both brain regions correlates linearly by ∼9% for each 1 mmol/L increase of total plasma ketone bodies (0.3 to 6.3 mmol/L). Together with our meta-analysis, these data revealed that the degree and duration of ketosis has a major role in determining the corresponding change in CMRglc with ketosis.Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism advance online publication, 5 June 2013; doi:10.1038/jcbfm.2013.87.
IntroductionBlood glucose homeostasis in the fetusMechanisms maintaining a normal blood glucose concentrationIntegration of the changes associated with feeding and fastingGlucose and the brainDifferences in blood glucose regulation between children and adults [35]Overview of the different causes of hypoglycemia in childhoodNew syndromes
According to current textbook wisdom the liver is the exclusive site of glucose production in humans in the postabsorptive state. Although animal and in vitro studies have documented that the kidney is capable of gluconeogenesis, glucose production by the human kidney has been regarded as negligible. This knowledge is based on net balance measurements across the kidney. Recent studies combining isotopic and balance techniques have demonstrated that the human kidney is involved in the regulation of glucose homeostasis by making glucose via gluconeogenesis, taking up glucose from the circulation, and by reabsorbing glucose from the glomerular filtrate. The human liver and kidneys release approximately equal amounts of glucose via gluconeogenesis in the postabsorptive state. In the postprandial state, although overall endogenous glucose release decreases substantially, renal gluconeogenesis actually increases by approximately 2-fold. Following meal ingestion, glucose utilization by the kidney increases. Increased glucose uptake into the kidney may be implicated in diabetic nephropathy. Normally each day, ∼ 180 g of glucose is filtered by the kidneys; almost all of this is reabsorbed by means of sodium glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2), expressed in the proximal tubules. However, the capacity of SGLT2 to reabsorb glucose from the renal tubules is finite and when plasma glucose concentrations exceed a threshold, glucose begins to appear in the urine. Renal glucose release is stimulated by epinephrine and is inhibited by insulin. Handling of glucose by the kidney is altered in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM): renal gluconeogenesis and renal glucose uptake are increased in both the postabsorptive and postprandial states, and renal glucose reabsorption is also increased Since renal glucose release is almost exclusively due to gluconeogenesis, it seems that the kidney is as important gluconeogenic organ as the liver. The most important renal gluconeogenic precursors appear to be lactae glutamine and glycerol.