... Individuals with ASD and/or ADHD (henceforth ASD/ ADHD) report difficulties in obtaining appropriate support, diagnosis, and treatment for difficulties associated with their conditions (Camm-Crosbie et al., 2019;Hayes et al., 2018;Sayal et al., 2018). This leads to poorer outcomes for the individual and their families, such as significant academic underachievement and educational problems (Arnold et al., 2020;Barry et al., 2002;Estes et al., 2011), increased prevalence of depression and anxiety (Howlin & Magiati, 2017;Stewart et al., 2006), higher rates of offending behavior and imprisonment (Haskins & Silva, 2006;Robertson & McGillivray, 2015;Young & Thome, 2011), divorce (Anastopoulos et al., 2009), driving accidents (Daly et al., 2014;Groom et al., 2015;Ulzen et al., 2018), unemployment (Halleland et al., 2019;Hedley et al., 2017;Howlin & Magiati, 2017), suicidal thoughts and behaviors (Cassidy et al., 2022;James et al., 2004) and other mental health issues (Able et al., 2007;Ómarsdóttir et al., 2021). Undiagnosed adults with ADHD are more likely to present with difficulties at work , substance abuse Folgar et al., 2018) or increased medical incidents and injuries Kittel-Schneider et al., 2019;Swensen et al., 2004). ...