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Awareness of Tooth Brushing Techniques and
Proper Oral Hygiene among School Children
Mohammed Ahad1,Gheena.S2
BDS 1st year1, Associate professor of oral pathology2
Saveetha dental college and hospitals,Chennai ,india.
Aim: To study 250 school children on their awareness of proper tooth brushing techniques and related to knowledge of oral
A cross sectional questionnaire study was conducted among school students.
Improved oral hygiene is a result of proper oral hygiene habits and the frequency. A well-balanced diet is also essential
for proper oral hygiene.Frequent snacking and consumption of aeronated beverages can have a detrimental effect on
teeth.All these can form a conducive environment for dental caries.
Reason: This study will be helpful in spreading awareness about tooth brushing techniques and it's desirable frequency among
school children.
The study has exposed a need for further thrust on awareness initiatives concerning oral health concomitant with
parental participation.
Key Words: Tooth brushing techniques,Oral hygiene, Oral health awareness
Diseases affecting oral cavity is one of the major public
health problems which can potentially cause significant
social impact[1].Studies on oral health awareness in rural
areas shows the lack of awareness among them[2].Among
oral diseases, dental caries is a prevalent dental problem
among children[3] ,as they consume lots of sweets and
aerated drinks.Brushing and flossing are practices to
maintain good dental health,along with regular dental
visits[4].Oral health knowledge is essential for proper oral
hygiene and better oral health[5].People living in developing
countries, and concomitantly, of lower socio- economic
status have a lacunae in oral health awareness mirrored in
their practice of oral hygiene habits. This study aimed to
evaluate oral hygiene practices and knowledge among 12-17
year old school going children.
The present study was carried among randomly selected 250
school children from different schools in Chennai which
includes government, aided and private schools.
The students who participated were from 6-12th standard, in
order to aid their understanding of the questionnaire.
Permission was obtained from the relevant school
authorities, to conduct the survey.The study involved around
25 questions which includes personal oral hygiene like
frequency of brushing,cleaning aids used etc and knowledge
like meaning of plaque, calculus,bleeding gums etc.
In this study 250 school children were given the
questionnaire, the data was then analyzed and has been
tabulated along with charts for each question. When asked
about brushing habits, the results show that the majority
(53.20%) brush their teeth twice a day, while 46% brush
once daily. The rest 0.8% are not sure about their brushing
practice(GRAPH:1).Majority of students(94.4%) practice
brushing with tooth paste, only (5.20%) use neem stick for
brushing their teeth. The rest 0.4% i.e. only one student
revealed that he uses his hand for brushing (GRAPH: 2).
34.80% of the student population use random direction
method to brush their teeth, only few (i.e.) 20% of the
students follow specific tooth brushing techniques
(GRAPH: 3). 48.80% of student population said that they
brush for 1-2 minutes and 40.80% of students brush more
than 2 minutes, 14.40% brush their teeth for 30
secs(GRAPH:4).When students were asked how often they
change their tooth brush, 39.20% change their brush within
3 months and 38% of students change their brush every
month, 10% had no reckoning of the event
questioned(GRAPH:5). 80% of student population brush
their teeth to keep it clean, While 14.8% students brush to
avoid pain and only few students (20%) said that it is
important for their aesthetics(GRAPH:6).
79.60% of students said that their mom taught them to brush,
whereas 11.20% said that they learnt from their dad and
4.40% of students said that their teacher taught them to
brush, 4.80% were not aware how they learnt to
brush(GRAPH:7). According to this study majority of
student 56.60% start brushing by themselves at the age of
4-5 yrs under the supervision of their parents(GRAPH:8).
When asked about the kind of tufted brush they use for
brushing,41.60% students said that they use soft tufted brush
while 49.60% use medium tufted brush and rest 8.80% of
students use hard tufted brush for brushing(GRAPH:9).
When asked about the importance of fluoride in dental
health,19.20% thought that it prevents discolouration of
teeth, but majority(36.40%)were aware that fluoride
Mohammed Ahad et al /J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol. 7(6), 2015, 367-372
strengthens their teeth. 17.20% thought that it prevents from
bad breath with 27.20% not being aware about the
importance of fluoride (GRAPH:10). 49.60% of students
know that sugary diet will affect their oral health while
27.20% said it will not cause any problems and rest 23.20%
of students were not aware that sugary diet will cause them
oral health problems(GRAPH:11). 55.60% of students know
that soft drinks will cause dental problems while 36.40%
said it will not cause any problems and rest 8% had no idea
whether it may cause dental caries or not(GRAPH:12).
Graph: 1
Graph: 2
Graph: 3
Graph: 4
Graph: 5
Graph: 6
Graph: 7
Mohammed Ahad et al /J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol. 7(6), 2015, 367-372
Graph: 8
Graph: 9
Graph: 10
Graph: 11
Graph: 12
Only 13.6% of students visit dentist regularly while 32.80%
of students don’t visit regularly, only 20% of students said
that they had never been to a dentist and rest 33.60%
students said that they visit a dentist rarely(GRAPH:13).
21.2% of students had a dental consultation 3 months ago
while 45.4% a year ago and the rest 32.4% recalled their
exact visit to the dentist and few even mentioned that they
didn’t have a dental consultation (GRAPH:14). When asked
why they don’t like visiting a dentist, 23.60% of students
cited fear as the reason whereeas11.6% of students said that
there was no dental clinic or hospital near their locality and
the rest( 64.80%) did not feel the need to (GRAPH:15).
74.80% students said that visiting dentist is important
whereas16.40% thought that the converse with only few
around 8.80% of student being unaware of the importance of
periodic dental consultaions(GRAPH:16).
Questions related to knowledge about oral health were
asked, 29.20% of students are aware that plaque is a soft
deposit on teeth while 21.20% thought it is a hard deposit on
teeth, 19.6% said that it could cause tooth discolouration but
30% of students had no idea about plaque(GRAPH:17).
Graph: 13
Graph: 14
Graph: 15
Mohammed Ahad et al /J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol. 7(6), 2015, 367-372
Graph: 16
Graph: 17
61.6% of students said that improper oral health will affect
their general health, 22.80% of students said that it will not
cause any problems and rest 15.60% of students had no idea
about it(GRAPH:18). When asked about calculus,34.40% of
student said that calculus is a soft deposit on teeth only
25.20% identified it to be a hard deposit on teeth, majority of
student population 40.40% were not aware about the
meaning of calculus(GRAPH:19). 36% of student
population knew the exact meaning of fluorosis t whereas
18.80% of students said that it doesn’t cause any effect on
hard tissue due to low fluoride content and rest 45.20% had
no idea about fluorosis(GRAPH:20). Only 28% of students
knew that gingival bleeding can be a manifestation of
gingivitis while 16.80% of student said that gingivitis refers
to healthy gums, around 24.40% of student thought that it is
the regeneration of gingival tissue and rest 30.80% of
students had no idea about gingival bleeding(GRAPH:21).
77.6% of students were positive that the intake of chocolate
will affect dental health whereas 16.4% of student thought
the converse with 6% of students not being aware of the
effect.(GRAPH:22). The student population when
questioned about the effect of dental caries on aesthetics,
34.40% thought that dental caries would affect their
aesthetics, Whereas 32.80% students opined that it will not
and the rest (32.80%) of students had no idea about
it(GRAPH:23). When asked about adjunct cleaning aids
used by students, 41.20% of students use mouthwash along
with tooth paste as cleaning aids,17.20% uses tongue
cleaner,8.40% uses floss,24.40% uses salt and water and rest
of them i.e.8.80% don’t use any other cleaning aids other
than tooth paste(GRAPH:24).
Only 46.80% of students who participated had some
awareness about dental health, the rest of the student
population had not participated in any awareness program
till now(GRAPH:25).
Graph: 18
Graph: 19
Graph: 20
Graph: 21
Mohammed Ahad et al /J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol. 7(6), 2015, 367-372
Graph: 22
Graph: 23
Graph: 24
Graph: 25
This paper has focused on oral health knowledge and
practices among school children in Chennai. The results
showed that 53.20% brushed their teeth twice a day. A
similar study conducted in kerala by jayakumary
Muttappillymyalil et al [6] reported that more than 75% of
students brush twice a day but the present study result can be
compared with study conducted by zhu et al[7],which shows
that 44.4% student brush twice a day.
Most of the students brush their teeth in random direction
(34.80%) along with a certain set of students using
horizontal(27.20%) and vertical(18%) brush strokes. The
students in knowledge of and practicing specific tooth
brushing techniques amount to only 20%.
A perturbing result came out when students were asked
about various questions on dental knowledge.30% of
students don’t know the meaning of plaque while 19.60%
said it is the discolouration of tooth. Only 30% were able to
answer that plaque means soft deposits on teeth. Similar
result was obtained when asked about calculus, only 25.20%
of student were aware that it means hard deposit on teeth.
Only 34.4% of students were aware that dental caries can
affect their oral health similar to 36.4% of the student
population only knowing that fluoride strengthens teeth, the
rest having erroneous knowledge or being completely
unaware. 46.8% of the student population answered in the
affirmative that they are aware of the importance of oral
hygiene. Only 36% of the students knew the meaning and
the adverse effects of fluorosis and only 28% of the student
population knew that gingival bleeding could be due to
improper oral hygiene practices. These results implicate a
lack of awareness and knowledge of oral hygiene practices
and the impact of it on oral health, thus, bringing to light the
immediate need of vigorous awareness initiative concerning
oral health.
Some of the positive results that were brought out were that
94.40% use tooth brush for cleaning their teeth, though, a
small percentage of children indicate the use of neem stick
and finger. This could be due to low socioeconomic status
and lack of proper oral hygiene knowledge. It coincides with
the results of another study done by prashanth et al
2011[8].A majority of the student population were aware of
the importance of oral hygiene practices exposing a
contradiction in their knowledge component. Almost half of
the student population brush for 1-2 minutes, change their
tooth brush within the stipulated time, use medium tufted
brush and use other aids like mouthwash.
Many participants (64.80% )said that they don’t visit dentist
because they don’t have any dental pain. The results also
showed that a majority of group(49.60%, 55.6%, 77.6%) are
aware that sugary diet, soft drinks, chocolate can affect oral
health respectively. The questionnaire also highlighted the
importance of parental awareness and participation in oral
hygiene practices.
Cumulative analysis exposed a lacunae in the awareness of
oral hygiene and knowledge regarding oral health similar to
a study by Grewal N and Kaur M[9] implying an urgent need
for awareness initiative for oral health at the grassroots level
in primary educational institutions with the co-operation and
participation of parents in the implementation of good oral
health practices.
Mohammed Ahad et al /J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol. 7(6), 2015, 367-372
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