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Orangutan mating behaviour and strategies


Abstract and Figures

Orangutans are a species with a very pronounced sexual dimorphism, in that fully grown males are about twice the size of females, but adult, sexually mature males come in two distinct morphs. Unflanged males lack the secondary sexual characteristics (e.g., cheek flanges, throat sack, long call) of the flanged males, but are sexually active, fertile and known to sire offspring. In some males, full development may be delayed until they are over 30. This ‘bimaturism’ is hypothesized to have arisen as a result of sexual selection in which female choice, male–male competition and male coercion have all played important roles. The data reviewed here show that male–male competition is highly affected by the reproductive condition of the females and female preference for associating with particular males. Potentially reproductive female orangutans are widely dispersed in space and time. Consequently, dominant flanged adult males cannot easily exert permanent control over access to reproductive females.
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least one sex  nd the other. The mating system of
orangutans is of interest because it is based on an
interaction between female choice and male har-
assment and coercion, against a background of
16.1 Introduction
In species where both sexes are more or less soli-
tary, such as orangutans, mating requires that at
Orangutan mating behaviour
and strategies
S. Suci Utami Atmoko, Tatang Mitra Setia, Benoît Goossens,
Sheena S. James, Cheryl D. Knott, Helen C. Morrogh-Bernard,
Carel P. van Schaik and Maria A. van Noordwijk
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male–male competition predominate (Schürmann
and van Hooff, 1986; Rodman and Mitani, 1987).
Between-male contest competition must clearly
have contributed to t he developme nt of th e ext reme
s ex ua l di mo r ph is m o f t h is sp e ci es . I n de ed , R od m an
and Mitani (1987) proposed it as the sole factor.
However, because females selectively approach
or allow themselves to be approached by anged
males when they are in their fertile periods, ‘female
choice’ must also play a critical role in maintaining
male physical characteristics.
Another unusual feature of the mating system
of orangutans is the occurrence of forced mat-
ings (rapes’) (Rijksen 1978; Galdikas 1979, 1985b, c;
Mitani 1985a, b; Fox 1998, 2002). Even though pre-
mating aggression and physical coercion to mate
are seen in other primates, orangutan females seem
to resist mating attempts by particular males much
more strongly than seen in other species. Mating
resistance, in which a female struggles and attempts
to prevent intromission while the male attempts to
restrain the female by grabbing and holding on
to her arms, legs and body, can result in a erce
physical ght between a male and a female (and
sometimes her youngest offspring). These inter-
actions may involve hitting, pushing and biting by
all involved and whimpering, squealing, grumph-
ing, kiss-squeaking and other vocalizations by the
fema le and/or her off sprin g. Th e level an d ti min g of
female cooperation and resistance is variable: some
male mating attempts may star t with resistance and
continue passively or even cooperatively, others
may start cooperatively but end with resistance
(Fox 1998), making classi cation complicated. Since
females resist mating attempts by particular males
even when no other males are present (and may not
even be within hearing distance) this behaviour
is unlikely to incite direct male–male competition
as suggested for other species with conspicuous
female mating resistance (e.g. Cox and LeBoeuf
1977; Boness et al. 1982) but seems to be an honest
re ection of female preference (Fox 1998, 2002). So
far, in all populations females have been observed
to engage in a wide range of mating interactions
from female-initiated active participation to  ercely
contested, with many variations in between.
Perhaps the most unusual feature of orang utans
is the remarkable individual variation in the age
intense malemale competition, which has pro-
duced extreme sexual dimorphism and is accom-
panied by very unusual male bimaturism.
The aim of this chapter is to assess how these
three aspects of sexual selection (male competition,
female choice and mating con ict) interact to pro-
duce the mating behaviour of orangutans. After
a theoretical introduction and a review of what
is known about orangutan mating behaviour, we
present a compilation of basic data from various
sites in order to assess whether the broad picture
built up over the years is similar throughout the
orangutan’s geographic range.
Orangutans have a semi-solitary life style.
Individuals usually live alone in highly overlap-
ping home ranges, and at some sites they occasion-
ally aggregate in large fruit trees or groves (see
Chapter 17). During times of high fruit abundance,
these aggregations develop into travel bands, in
which individuals travel together in a coordinated
fashion (Sugardjito et al. 1987; Utami et al. 1997;
van Schaik 1999; Singleton and van Schaik 2002).
Consortships, a form of travel band in which a
male–female pair may range together in a coordi-
nated way for several days, weeks or even months
and engage in sexual behaviour, are seen at all
sites. Other individuals (females, un anged males
and adolescent individuals) may also associate
around a consort pair (Schürmann and van Hooff
1986), although fully mature,  anged males never
associate together and usually behave antagonis-
tically towards each other (see Chapter 15).
Orangutans have three striking features for pri-
mates: (1) extreme sexual dimorphism in body size,
(2) forced matings, and (3) bimaturism among males.
As in many other dimorphic primate species, the
se xu al di mo rph is m i n bo dy s iz e ar is es bec au se m al es
continue to grow beyond the age at which females
stop growing. In orangutans, male growth con tinues
gradually until well after the twentieth year of age
(‘indeterminate growth’, Leigh and Shea [1995]). In
addition to larger body size, the male secondary sex-
ual characters (SSCs) consist of  anged cheeks and a
throat sack, with which they can produce long calls
to advertise their presence (MacKinnon 1974; Rijksen
1978; Rodman 1984; Galdikas 1985b).
Hypotheses to explain sexual dimorphism
invoke sexual selection in which female choice or
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This chapter considers the mating strategies of
males and females and their interactions, based on
eld studies in Ketambe (Sumatra), Suaq Balimbing
(Sumatra), Gunung Palung (West Kalimantan),
Tanjung Puting (Central Kalimantan), Sabangau
(Central Kalimantan), Tuanan (Central Kalimantan),
Kutai (Eas t Ka l i m a ntan) an d Ki n abat a ngan (S a bah).
Table 16.1 gives an overview of the database used
for this chapter.
16.2 Mating behaviour of orangutans
16.2.1 Ontogeny of mating behaviour
Mating behaviour is not unique to adult and ado-
lescent individuals. In Ketambe, infants as young
as two years of age, of either sex, already show
keen interest in sexual behaviour. For instance,
the infant male Yossa sometimes masturbated as
part of his play behaviour, sometimes using his
own hands or feet, once using a stick, and occa-
sionally even thrusting into his mother’s vagina
while she was hanging. Immatures also directed
sexual behaviour at each other, especially when
they were playing. For instance, 6-year-old female
Tati had 3-year-old Yossa masturbate her, and after
that she masturbated him. During rest, orangutan
mothers often licked their infant’s genitals to clean
them, and this may be the  rst sexual experience
at which sexually mature males develop their
SSCs—a phenomenon called bimaturism (Uchida
1996; Maggioncalda et al. 1999, 2002). In some
males, at least in Sumatra, this development may
be delayed until the male is well over 30 years old
(Utami Atmoko 2000; Utami et al. 2002), some 20
years after reaching sexual maturity and at least
15 years after reaching the size of adult females.
Although these un anged or ‘arrested’ males lack
SSCs, they are fertile, sexually active and able to
sire offspring (Kingsley 1982; Maggioncalda et al.
1999, 2002; Utami Atmoko 2000; Utami, et al. 2002).
This bimaturism leads to the coexistence of two
adult, sexually mature morphs: anged and unf-
langed males.
The presence of an uncontested  anged male
has been proposed as a key proximate factor main-
taining developmental arrest in un anged males,
at least in captivity (Kingsley 1982; Graham and
Nadler 1990; Maggioncalda et al. 1999, 2002; Utami
Atmoko 2000). However, this is unlikely to work
in the wild, where the two kinds of males inhabit
large ranges widely overlapping with those of
many others,  anged and un anged. Utami et al.
(2002) could show that two early hypotheses for
the evolution of bimaturism were inconsistent
with the data. The data reviewed in this chapter
can be used to evaluate other hypotheses (see
Table 16.1 Overview of the database used for this chapter
Site Period Researchers
Ketambe 1972–1978 H.D. Rijksen, C.L. Schürmann
1979–1996 Ketambe orangutan project Universitas Nasional
Jakarta—Utrecht University Netherlands
Suaq Balimbing 1994–1999 Suaq Balimbing orangutan project Universitas
Indonesia Jakar ta—Duke University USA
Kinabatangan 2000–2003 M. Ancrenaz, S.S. James
Kutai NP 1981–1982 J. Mitani (1985b)
Sabangau 2003–2005 H. Morrogh-Bernard
Tuanan 2003–2006 Tuanan orangutan project Universitas Nasional
Jakarta—University of Zürich, Switzerland
Tanjung Puting 1971–1975 B.M.F. Galdikas (1979, 1981, 1985a, b)
Gunung Palung 1994–2003 C.D. Knott
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search for females. Thus the mating strategies of
the two different male morphs differ considerably
in the way they  nd potential mates.
To see whether males have more copulations
with females who are potentially receptive than
with females in a non-reproductive stage (clearly
pregnant or nursing a dependent infant), we
counted the number of their copulations with
females in either stage. Figure 16.1 shows that, at
all sites, anged males copulate more with poten-
tially fertile females than with non-fertile females.
Un anged males show a weaker tendency, but
more detailed data are needed to detect whether
there are real differences between male morphs
and populations.
A consortship occurs when a male and a female
travel together and show coordination in their
behaviour for several days or weeks, up to a month,
during which interactions, including copulations,
may take place (MacKinnon 1974; Rijksen 1978;
Utami Atmoko 2000). Data from several sites sug-
gest that adult (parous) females prefer anged
males as consort partners (Galdikas 1979, 1981;
Mitani 1985b; Rodman and Mitani 1987; Mitra Setia
1995; Fox 2002). This is con rmed by the available
quantitative data for Ketambe, Sumatra (Fig. 16.2):
almost one half of the copulations by un anged
for young individuals. They also acquire early
knowledge of mating behaviour by watching their
mothers copulate with males. Especially un anged
males occasionally try to mate with mothers with
small infants; infants almost always respond to
these attempts by struggling with the male.
16.2.2 Male mating behaviour
Male–male competition has been cited as a major
determinant of orangutan social organization,
in which males compete for access to females
(Rodman 1973b, 1988; Rijken 1978; Galdikas 1979;
Mitani 1985a; Utami Atmoko 2000; Utami Atmoko
et al. in preparation; see Chapter 15). In support of
this argument, anged males are highly intoler-
ant of each other, and theirlong calls function
as a spacing mechanism (Mitani 1985a; Mitra
Setia and van Schaik 2007; see Chapter 15). These
same long calls also function as a locator call to
females, and attract receptive females (Mitra Setia
and van Schaik 2007; see Chapter 17). Receptive
females may initiate association by approaching a
male’s long call, or accept his initiative to associate
(Schürmann and van Hooff 1986; see Chapter 17).
Un anged males, on the other hand, cannot attract
females through vocalizations and have to actively
N 164 N 353
N 55 N 15 N 42 N 24
% Reproductive females
ke Su
Sumatra Borneo
Tu Sa GP Kn
Figure 16.1 Percentage of copulations by fl anged and unfl anged males with reproductive (sexually active) females in six dif ferent sites.
Numbers above columns indicate total number of copulations observed and stars indicate signifi cant difference between fl anged and
unfl anged males in Gadj -test: * P 0.05; ** P 0.01.
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Utami Atmoko 2000). Un anged males were never
observed to have an ECC in either site.
In Ketambe, females were found more often
in the proximity of the dominant male than of
other  anged males; their associations with him
lasted longer as well (Utami and Mitra Setia
1995; Mitra Setia 1995). Likewise, in Suaq, non-
dominant  anged males were very rarely found
in consortship and had negligible mating success
(van Schaik 2004). However, Ketambe females
maintained a good relationship not only with a
dominant  anged male but also with some unf-
langed males (Utami Atmoko 2000). Tolerance of
un anged males by anged males was sometimes
observed, even during consortships of a anged
male and a receptive female (cf. Rijksen 1978;
Galdikas 1985b, c; Mitani 1985b; van Schaik and
van Hooff 1996). In Ketambe, for example, it has
been observed that the anged male Jon allowed
the un anged male Boris to travel within 20 m dis-
tance for several days while he was in consort with
the adult female Yet (Utami Atmoko 2000; Utami
Atmoko et al. in preparation). In such situations
females have been seen to have ECCs with an unf-
langed male (Utami Atmoko 2000; Utami Atmoko
et al. in preparation).
16.2.3 Female mating behaviour
Female orangutans mate promiscuously, not only
with  anged males other than the dominant male
but especially with un anged males (Rijksen 1978;
Galdikas 1985b, c; Rodman and Mitani 1987). Early
reports suggested that females mated coopera-
tively with the  anged male that is resident within
her home range (Schürmann 1982; Galdikas 1985b;
Schürmann and van Hooff 1986), whereas unf-
langed males usually obtained matings by force
(Galdikas 1985b; Rijksen 1978; Rodman and Mitani
1987). However, occasionally, females demon-
strated the reverse pattern, displaying proceptiv-
ity toward some un anged males (Fox 1998; Utami
Atmoko 2000) and resisting mating attempts by
anged males (Rijksen 1978; Mitani 1985b; Knott
and Kahlenberg 2007).
Quantitative data from multiple sites (Fig. 16.3)
show more variation in mating patterns than previ-
ously thought: females in the Sumatran and at least
males are not linked to consortships (of at least 5
hours duration), roughly three times as much as
for anged males. The very limited sample from
Sabangau suggests the same pattern there as well.
The reason is that un anged males are frequently
unable to successfully mate-guard a female for a
long time, since the consortships are often involun-
tary, maintained only by the male, and an encoun-
ter with a more dominant male (either un anged
or  anged) terminates the consortship. However,
even un anged males in Ketambe and Sabangau
achieve the majority of copulations in consortships
rather than during brief encounters. This suggests
that both male morphs attempt to mate-guard
when they get the chance, but anged males may
be more successful because they have no or fewer
competitors and they may be preferred company
by females who endure less sexual harassment in
their proximity (Fox 2002).
Even when males mate-guard a particular female
this relationship does not completely exclude oth-
ers: in Ketambe, Sabangau and Gunung Palung
anged males occasionally engage in extra-consort
copulations (ECC), that is, during a consortship
they copulate not only with their consort partner,
but also with another female (temporarily) present
in the same party. In Ketambe, most ECCs hap-
pened while the consort pair visited a large fruit
tree (most often g trees) in which other orang-
utans were already aggregated (Utami et al. 1997;
ed Unflan
Proportion copulations
Figure 16.2 Distribution of copulations by fl anged and unfl anged
males over three different contexts (ECC, extra-consort copulation)
in Ketambe. Even though the two male morphs have a signifi cantly
different distribution over three categories (Gadj 22.0 P 0.001),
the proportion of copulations during consort vs other context did
not differ signifi cantly (Gadj 2.07 NS).
16-Wich-Chap16.indd 23916-Wich-Chap16.indd 239 7/7/2008 4:01:05 PM7/7/2008 4:01:05 PM
in the proximity of a  anged male. Thus, despite a
vulnerability to harassment caused by their semi-
solitary lifestyle, orangutan females not only resist
particular mating attempts, they also can manipu-
late mating success of non-preferred males by
manoeuvering themselves under the protective
umbrella of a dominant male. This reasoning also
implies that the un anged males are in a ‘waiting-
room’ situation, making the best of the bad job.
In other words, the un anged stage is not a per-
manent alternative tactic but a transitional stage
(Utami Atmoko and van Hooff 2004).
16.3 Paternity
So far, only two studies described the genetic con-
sequences of the mating strategies of anged and
un anged males, one in Sumatra (Utami et al.
2002), and one in Borneo (Goossens et al. 2006b).
These studies used human-derived microsatellites
to estimate paternity, and showed that both unf-
langed and  anged males are successful in siring
offspring. In Ketambe, paternity analysis of 11 off-
spring born over a 15-year period was carried out
and 6 out of 10 offspring could be attributed to 3
un anged males and 4 to 3 anged males in the
area at the time of conception of these offspring
(the father for the eleventh offspring could not be
two of the Bornean sites cooperate in the majority
of all copulation attempts. In both Sumatran and
most Bornean sites, except for Gunung Palung,
cooperative matings by females are signi cantly
more likely with  anged males than with unf-
langed males (see Fig. 16.3). However, in most
Bornean sites, females do resist a higher propor-
tion of mating attempts by anged males than in
Sumatra, supporting the idea that females in both
Sumatra and Borneo have a preference for mating
with anged males. However, the differences in
female cooperation rates for mating with the two
male morphs are variable and for the Bornean
sites based on small numbers of females. Whether
a female resists a particular mating attempt prob-
ably depends not only on the status and morph of
the male, but also on other factors, such as female
parity and the relationship between the partners.
Females in association with a non-preferred
male can play an active role in ending the asso-
ciation, even when they cannotoutrun an agile
un anged male, who tends to intercept her when
she  ees (e.g. van Schaik 2004). Females can travel
in the direction of recent long call by dominant
males and thus orchestrate a male–male encounter
(Utami and Mitra Setia 1995; Fox 2002). Fox (1998,
2002) found in Suaq a clear decrease in mating
attempts by un anged males when females stayed
N 164 N 353 N 43 N 15 N 42 N 52 N 179
*** *** *** ****
% Copulations cooperative
Ke Su
Sumatra Borneo
Tu Sa GP TP Ku
Figure 16.3 Percentage of copulations by both fl anged and unfl anged males that are cooperative (i.e. non-resisted by females) in seven
sites. Numbers above columns indicate total number of copulations observed and stars indicate signi cant difference between fl anged and
unfl anged males in Gadj -test: * P 0.05; ** P 0.01; P 0.001.
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These two latter points may well be related. At
Ketambe, Schürmann (1982) studied the socio-
sexual development of an adolescent female. He
noted a slow and very gradual process of develop-
ing relations between the maturing young female
and males. Young un anged males were the rst
to show interest in her and they formed volun-
tary consortships with her. The adolescent female,
however, showed a clear preference for the bigger,
anged males, in particular for the biggest one in
the area, who in turn only gradually developed an
interest in her. It took a long time, at least 5 years,
for the adolescent female to build up a relationship,
which involved consortship and mating with the
dominant local anged male using various kinds
of soliciting behaviour. It was not until the last
year before she conceived that this dominant local
anged male started to react to her elaborate pro-
ceptive behaviour with ‘male presenting’. Flanged
males appeared much more interested in older
parous females, who showed less pronounced pro-
ceptive behaviour (Schürmann, 1982). Observations
identi ed) (see Table 16.2). At least, the available
data show that most or all infants were sired dur-
ing voluntary consortships, even if these were not
with  anged males.
The results from Ketambe suggest roughly equal
per capita siring success of un anged and  anged
males (Utami et al. 2002), but this conclusion needs
some quali cation. First, six offspring were sired
by three (of at least six known) un anged males.
One of these un anged males sired three infants
and eventually developed SSCs and became the
dominant  anged male in the area. Second, ve
of the ten offspring with an identi ed father were
from matrilines whose founding females were
ex-rehabilitants released at Ketambe in the 1970s
(see Rijksen 1978). Only one of these  ve was sired
by a  anged male and none by the then-dominant
anged male in the area. Third, at least four of the
six offspring sired by un an ged ma les were bo rn to
primiparous mothers, and only one  anged male is
known to have sired a possibly  rst-born offspring
(of a wild mother) in this sample.
Table 16.2 Overview of the data used for this chapter: sites, periods during which mating behaviour was studied, and major researchers
Her Eib
Yos Set
Gen Kel
Dominant male
Yea r bo rn
1988 1991
1992 1993
1997 1996
Jon P P * P PPP 19721990
Nur P P P * P * 1991–1995
I P P P Old male?
Jan P1995 attempt?
Boris PP1995?
Bobby P *
Boris P * P PP * P * P PP
Wiba P
Dedi PP
Aldo P * P
See the Preface and Chapter 7 for descriptions of habitat. Identified sires for 10 infants born during study period in Ketambe. Infants (columns)
in bold are from wild local matrilines, others from rehabilitant matrilines. Males (rows) present in year of conception in study area; names in
capitals refer to flanged males, in lower case to unflanged males. P, present, P *, identified as sire.
16-Wich-Chap16.indd 24116-Wich-Chap16.indd 241 7/7/2008 4:01:05 PM7/7/2008 4:01:05 PM
or aversion to particular males (Fox 2002). Thus,
females select their sexual partners and choose
when to cooperatively consort and mate. A close
social relationship built up during consorts seems
to be of importance for cooperative and probably
also for successful copulation. Since female orang-
utans show no visible oestrus signs, it must be the
changes in their behaviour and additionally olfac-
tory signals that induce the male to mate or at least
to cooperate (Schürmann 1982).
Genetic paternity studies in the eld (Utami
et al. 2002; Goossens et al. 2006b) con rm observa-
tions from zoos that un anged males are able to
sire offspring. However, even though more data
are needed, it appears un anged males were most
successful in siring offspring with primiparous
females. Other studies rely ing on behaviour to esti-
mate paternity suggested that the resident domin-
ant anged male fathered all or most offspring of
females within his home range (Rodman 1973b;
Galdikas 1985b; Schürmann and van Hooff 1986).
Even though all males are seen to mate (Galdikas
1978; Mitani 1985b; Utami et al. 2002) they appar-
ently differ in their timing relative to conception,
and in the Sumatran sites subordinate anged
males do not seem to be successful at all (this chap-
ter; van Schaik 2004).
The reproductive success of  anged males is
made possible by the females’ preference. The
dominant  anged male in an area may be able to
exclude other  anged males from his immediate
ranging area, but he certainly does not exclude all
un anged males. Also, a dominant  anged male
cannot prevent un  anged males from formi ng con-
sortships with females in the same area. However,
his dominant position allows him to maintain a
consort, whereas un anged males may be forced
by bigger males to give up a consort.
The picture that emerges from these data indi-
cates an interaction between the three compo-
nents of sexual selection. Male–male competition
is intense, in particular among anged males.
Females prefer mating with the dominant  anged
male, who is therefore likely to have the highest
siring success in the local population. They have
an aversion to mating with un anged males, espe-
cially when they are receptive, who must there-
fore resort to coercion and have a lower per capita
at Suaq (van Schaik, unpublished data) paint very
much the same picture, and concur with ndings
for chimpanzees (Muller et al. 2006), and primates
in general, that males prefer parous over nul-
liparous females (Anderson 1986). Rehabilitant
females, being better fed than their wild counter-
parts, may have matured faster (cf. Knott 2001), and
thus have become pregnant while still in the phase
of voluntary consortships with un anged males.
In conclusion, then, the high siring success of unf-
langed males may be due to a high proportion of
rstborns, especially to females of the ex-rehabili-
tant matrilines.
Furthermore it should be noted that three of
four infants sired by a  anged male were offspring
of the local dominant and wild local females, the
fourth was the offspring of an ex-rehabilitant
mother. Since one to four other  anged males were
present in the area during the conception periods,
this suggests a clear advantage to the dominant
anged male over non-dominant anged males in
achieving paternity.
Goossens et al. (2006b) performed a simi lar pater-
nity analysis in the 4-km2 study site in the lower
Kinabatangan  oodplain. Parentage was analysed
for 16 individuals, but paternity could be assigned
for only ve offspring (compared to 10 in Utami
et al. 2002). One out of  ve offspring could be attrib-
uted to an un anged male, the four others could
be attributed to anged males, but no additional
information on the mothers was available.
16.4 Discussion
16.4.1 Male–male competition and
female choice
Flanged males advertise their location by giving
long calls and can thus attract females to come to
them, whereas un anged males have to actively
travel through an area to locate potentially fertile
females. Overall, and certainly in Sumatra, the
majority of sexual interactions were coopera-
tive and occurred during a consort relationship.
However, females everywhere resist a proportion
of mating attempts. Since these resisted matings
generally occur in the absence of other males they
are assumed to re ect honest female preference for
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but mainly with females not (yet) effectively mate-
guarded by  anged males, for example because of
their unpredictable fertility (nulliparous females).
Thus, if the new interpretation of the Ketambe data
hold s (and if the observational estimates from most
other orangutan observers are correct), un anged
males have lower per capita success than the domi-
nant a ng ed ma le, but h ig he r s ucc es s t ha n t he ot he r
anged males. Paternity data from more sites and
of larger samples are needed to assess the differ-
ence in reproductive success within and between
the two male morphs, but at our present state of
knowledge the morphs do not seem to yield equal
reproductive success.
A second possibility is that the phenomenon of
developmental arrest represents a ‘waiting room
strategy in which anged males bide their time
until they can assume, without too much risk, the
highly contested role of anged male (Schürmann
and van Hooff 1986; van Hooff 1995). In the mean-
time they can make the best of a poor job by engag-
ing in sexual interactions, even though this offers
only limited reproductive success. This idea leaves
out one critical issue, however: most anged males
are spectacularly unsuccessful at achieving mat-
ings. To deal with this omission, van Schaik (2004)
argued that a anged male who is not dominant
over other  anged males in the same area is worse
off than an un anged male in acquiring matings.
The large  anged males have high costs of loco-
motion and maintenance and cannot inde nitely
maintain a consortship when the female does not
cooperate, as she does with a preferred male. If such
males give long calls to attract females they run a
high risk of a confrontation with a more dominant
anged male. Un anged males travel faster and
roam more widely (see Chapter 18), and can also
endure longer associations (e.g. Wich et al. 2006b).
They are therefore better able to gain some poten-
tially fert ile copulations through chance encounters
wit h fer ti le fem al es and by c lo sel y fo ll owi ng con so rt
pairs and engaging in sneak matings. Thus, only
when a male is likely to achieve dominance in an
area would the mat ing bene ts of SSCs outweigh its
costs. It is possible that a male may need to wait for
a long time for such an opportunity to arise, which
would explain the developmental arrest.
mating success than the dominant  anged male.
Th us, f ema le prefe rence s se t the s cene f or the ma le
male competition; if they had no preferences at all,
un anged males would be much more successful
than anged males due to their higher mobility.
At least in Sumatra, other anged males achieve
very few matings, and almost certainly sire very
few offspring. Whether this is also true for Borneo
needs to be assessed in future work.
16.4.2 Male bimaturism
Utami et al. (2002) discussed (and reject) two pre-
viously untested hypotheses, advanced to explain
male reproductive behaviour and bimaturism in
Pongo sp., and proposed a third hypothesis. The
‘range-guardian’ hypothesis (MacKinnon 1974)
as se rts t hat t he ang ed m ales ar e po st- rep rod uct ive
and defend a range in which they tolerate sexually
active un anged male relatives. This hypothesis
could be rejected because the un anged males
are not clearly related to the dominant  anged
male, and the latter sires offspring. The ‘female
choice’ hypothesis asserts that anged males tol-
erate un anged males in their range because they
rely on female preference to favour  anged males.
However, un anged males also sire offspring, and
all males compete heavily for access to females.
Utami et al.’s (2002) preferred hypothesis was that
the two male morphs represent coexisting alter-
native male reproduct ive strategies, ‘sitting, call-
ing, and waiting’ for anged males versusgoing,
searching, and nding’ for un anged males.
While clearly consistent with the known data on
mating behaviour, this idea leaves unexplained
why un anged males may remain un anged for
so long.
The evolutionary strategy of delayed matura-
tion could then be understood in two ways. One
possibility is that the timing of the switch is due
to frequency-dependent bene ts. Then the two
strategies would be alternatives yielding equal
reproduct ive success in an equilibrium situation
(Galdikas 1985b; Maggioncalda et al. 1999; Utami
et al. 2002; Utami Atmoko and van Hooff 2004;
Knott and Kahlenberg 2007). However, current data
suggest than un anged males can sire offspring,
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We gratefully acknowledge the cooperation and
support of the Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI,
Jakarta), the Indonesian Nature Conservation
Service (PHKA), the Economic Planning Unit (EPU,
Kuala Lumpur) and Sabah Wildlife Department
(SWD, Kota Kinabalu) for giving the permission to
perform research in the various research sites. We
also thank Fakultas Biologi Universitas Nasional
(Jakarta), Leuser International Foundation;
Sumatran Orang-utan Conservation Programme,
the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation and
its Mawas programme, Centre for International
Cooperation in Management of Tropical Peatland
(CIMTROP), the University of Palangkaraya, the
Universitas Tanjungpura (UNTAN), the NGO
HUTAN and their Kinabatangan Orangutan
Conservation Project (KOCP), and the Universiti
Malaysia Sabah (Kota Kinabalu) for their logis-
tical support. We thank WOTRO (the Netherlands
Foundation for the Advancement of Tropical
Research), Wildlife Conservation Society, L.S.B.
Leakey Foundation, A.H. Schultz Foundation,
University of Zürich, National Geographic Society,
Conservation, Food and Health Foundation,
Orangutan Conservancy, US Fish and Wildlife
Service, National Science Foundation, Wenner-
Gren Foundation, Harvard University, Cambridge
University, Primate Conservation Inc., Leverhulme
Trust, Royal Society and Darwin Initiative for the
Survival of Species for major  nancial support. We
especially thank all the eld assistants, students
and other researchers who have collected data over
many years.
16.4.3 Island differences
Much of the above account is based on intensive
observations at Ketambe with additional data col-
lected at Suaq, whereas the data from the Bornean
sites is still less detailed. It is possible that some
aspects of sexual behaviour and male mating strat-
egies differ between Sumatra and Borneo, and
perhaps even within islands. A  rst indication for
this is the observed difference in local ratios of
anged to un anged males between Sumatra and
Borneo (Delgado and van Schaik 2000): for every
anged male observed at Suaq or Ketambe, there
are about two un anged males, whereas for all
known Bornean sites the opposite holds, showing
roughly two known  anged males for each known
un anged male. This observation suggests that
developmental arrest is certainly more prominent
among Sumatran orangutans, and perhaps even
limited to them. One possible explanation for this
is that dominant Sumatran anged males may be
more effective at mate guarding tha n their Bornean
counterparts because they can afford to maintain
longer consortships (Delgado and van Schaik 2000).
Thus non-dominant Sumatran anged males are at
a disadvantage compared to more agile un anged
males in acquiring matings. However, if Bornean
anged males cannot maintain long consorthips,
other  anged males could sire offspring as well at
any given time at a particular site, whereas unf-
langed males will be virtually excluded (except
from nulliparous females). More work is needed to
establish any rm island differences, but on cur-
rent information some meaningful differences are
to be expected.
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... Paternity data are available (Table 1) for both species: P. abelii (Utami et al., 2002; see also the same data in Utami Atmoko et al., 2009); and P. pygmaeus (Banes et al., 2015). For P. abelii, the paternity data are presented in two different ways: (a) with an observed consort (flanged or unflanged) to the female as the Designated Male; and (b) with the female's local, flanged, dominant, and territorially resident male as the Designated Male. ...
... One concern expressed by the authors of the different studies was that a proportion of the orangutans involved in each study had either been released into the wild or were the descendants of such rehabilitated individuals (Banes et al., 2015;Utami Atmoko et al., 2009). ...
... Another concern was that the dominant male which was the main focus of the study by Banes et al. (2015) received veterinary assistance for the last few years of his waning dominance. Finally, a concern was expressed that dominant males appear relatively uninterested in nulliparous females who therefore consort more with subordinate males, particularly unflanged (Utami Atmoko et al., 2009). ...
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Objectives: The phrase "level of sperm competition" is used only vaguely in the primate literature. There is also little distinction between the important elements of frequency and intensity of sperm competition, largely because the two current forms of measurement (socio-sexual system and relative testes size) are both proxies which allow neither precision nor fine distinctions. Both measures have critics, socio-sexual system in particular being branded subjective, misleading, and changeable. Testes size is considered the more reliable despite its validation resting on correlations with the other, less reliable, proxy. Recently, genetic paternity studies have been mooted to provide a potentially superior third measure of sperm competition but so far lack a formal interpretive framework. Here we use the published and relatively comprehensive genetic field studies of the Hominoidea to develop such a framework. Materials and methods: Formulae are derived to convert paternity data into a direct measure of the frequency, intensity, and overall level of sperm competition. We then compare these measures with relative testes size at the study, species, and phylogenetic levels. Results: A significant correlation between level of sperm competition and relative testes size was obtained at each level. These correlations provide independent support for the continuing use of testes size as a proxy measure when such a measure is sufficient. However, they also suggest that paternity data and our formulae yield a viable alternative measure. Discussion: This alternative measure based on paternity data has a number of advantages. Not only is it a potentially direct measure of the level of sperm competition but it also allows the roles of frequency and intensity to be studied separately when of interest.
... The pattern of semen characteristics in different age groups provides valuable insight into the potential of breeder selection based on age, flange status, and testicular biometry. Although male orangutans had shown to be interested in sexual activities as young as 2 years of age (Atmoko et al. 2009), it is unknown whether these young individuals would yield semen. Orangutans reach puberty around the age of seven to nine years but remain in the subadult stage under the presence of other more dominant adult males (Maggioncalda and Sapolsky 2002). ...
... Eventually, this leads to the unflanged males mating attempts with females even during the low fertilization probability (Knott et al. 2010). Moreover, females often try to resist mating attempts by unflanged males, which results in forced mating (Atmoko et al. 2009). This unusual combination of strongly resistant females and forced copulations is a reflection of the cryptic female choice (Knott and Kahlenberg 2007). ...
Bornean orangutan is a critically endangered non-human primate; however, the threat of extinction is not merely from poaching and habitat loss. Orangutan survival is also threatened by the genetic loss and genetic bottleneck due to the low effective population, prompting the dire need for an immediate genetic preservation program through systematic biobanking and assisted reproductive technology (ART). This study aims to provide integral data to the semen characteristics, extension, and cryopreservation of the Bornean orangutan and the potential relationship to male traits. Five captive orangutans from Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre (SORC) with a mean body weight of 52.81 ± 7.00 kg were used for this study. Semen collection was performed using electroejaculation (EE) under complete general anesthesia. Semen was subjected to macroscopic and microscopic evaluation while testicular measurement was obtained using digital calipers. The semen characteristics of the orangutans are volume (778 ± 250.21 µl), pH (7.80 ± 0.25), concentration (32.38 ± 17.40 × 106 sperm/ml), total motility (61.00 ± 12.88%), adjusted motility index (48.76 ± 11.32%), live spermatozoa (77.75 ± 6.94%) and normal spermatozoa (11.48 ± 11.34%). Analysis of variance statistical analysis test was used to compare the significant difference between means, at (p < 0.05). Spermatozoa concentration was the only significant different parameter between individuals. Testes biometry parameters are statistically significant between the flanged and unflanged individuals. Live spermatozoa are different in adult and sub-adult individual while teratospermia was found to be consistently high in all individuals. Chilled and post-thaw quality after cryopreservation suggests promising survivability of spermatozoa. Semen collection with EE yields a consistent and acceptable quality of spermatozoa for cryopreservation, biobanking purposes, and potential application of ART.
... Despite their limited gregariousness, orangutans do not lack social organization nor do they associate randomly. Whereas adult males range over very large distances in search of receptive females and areas with high fruit availability (Spillmann et al., 2017;Galdikas, 1985a;Galdikas, 1985c;Dunkel et al., 2013;Utami Atmoko et al., 2009), female orangutans are philopatric and form 'clusters' of maternally-related females whose home ranges overlap (Singleton & van Schaik, 2002;Singleton et al., 2009;Arora et al., 2010;Morrogh-Bernard et al., 2011;Arora et al. 2012;van Noordwijk et al. 2012). Because they are not territorial, female orangutans have opportunities to associate with other related (maternally) and unrelated adult females, but they preferentially associate with their relatives (Singleton and van Schaik 2002;Knott et al. 2008;Morrogh-Bernard et al., 2011;van Noordwijk et al. 2012;Ashbury et al. 2020). ...
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As climate change continues to fundamentally alter resource landscapes, the ability to flexibly respond to spatio-temporal changes in the distribution of preferred food sources is increasingly important for the overall health and fitness of animals living in seasonal, variable, and/or changing environments. Here, we investigate the effects of an uncharacteristically long period of fruit scarcity, following widespread thick haze caused by peat and forest fires in 2015, on the behaviour and sociality of female Bornean orangutans ( Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii ). We collected data from 2010 to 2018 at Tuanan, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, and compared the activity, diet, and association patterns of adult females during low-fruit periods before the fires, i.e., regular, seasonal periods of low fruit availability (“pre-fire”), and after the fires, i.e., during the extended period of low fruit availability (“post-fire”). First, we found that, post-fire, female orangutans adopted a more extreme energy-saving activity pattern and diet — resting more, travelling less, and diet-switching to less-preferred foods — compared to pre-fire. Second, we found that the probabilities of association between females and their weaned immature offspring, and between related and unrelated adult females were lower, and the probability of agonism between unrelated females was higher, post-fire than pre-fire. This change in energetic strategy, and the general reduction in gregariousness and social tolerance, demonstrates how forest fires can have lasting consequences for orangutans. Fission–fusion species such as orangutans can mitigate the effects of changes in resource landscapes by altering their (sub)grouping patterns; however, this may have long-term indirect consequences on their fitness.
... Orangutans differ from other apes, and rhesus monkeys, in life history as well as brain volumes. Orangutans live comparatively solitary lives and have less complex social organization compared with many other primates, including rhesus monkeys and the other apes (Knott 1999;Utami Atmoko et al. 2009). The relatively solitary life of orangutans might explain why an area of prefrontal cortex closely associated with social cognition is smaller in orangutans compared with other apes. ...
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The prefrontal cortex is larger than would be predicted by body size or visual cortex volume in great apes compared with monkeys. Because prefrontal cortex is critical for working memory, we hypothesized that recognition memory tests would engage working memory in orangutans more robustly than in rhesus monkeys. In contrast to working memory, the familiarity response that results from repetition of an image is less cognitively taxing and has been associated with nonfrontal brain regions. Across three experiments, we observed a striking species difference in the control of behavior by these two types of memory. First, we found that recognition memory performance in orangutans was controlled by working memory under conditions in which this memory system plays little role in rhesus monkeys. Second, we found that unlike the case in monkeys, familiarity was not involved in recognition memory performance in orangutans, shown by differences with monkeys across three different measures. Memory in orangutans was not improved by use of novel images, was always impaired by a concurrent cognitive load, and orangutans did not accurately identify images seen minutes ago. These results are surprising and puzzling, but do support the view that prefrontal expansion in great apes favored working memory. At least in orangutans, increased dependence on working memory may come at a cost in terms of the availability of familiarity.
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Developmental plasticity is particularly important for humans and other primates because of our extended period of growth and maturation, during which our phenotypes adaptively respond to environmental cues. The hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) and hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axes are likely to be principal targets of developmental "programming" given their roles in coordinating fitness-relevant aspects of the phenotype, including sexual development, adult reproductive and social strategies, and internal responses to the external environment. In social animals, including humans, the social environment is believed to be an important source of cues to which these axes may adaptively respond. The effects of early social environments on the HPA axis have been widely studied in humans, and to some extent, in other primates, but there are still major gaps in knowledge specifically relating to males. There has also been relatively little research examining the role that social environments play in developmental programming of the HPG axis or the HPA/HPG interface, and what does exist disproportionately focuses on females. These topics are likely understudied in males in part due to the difficulty of identifying developmental milestones in males relative to females and the general quiescence of the HPG axis prior to maturation. However, there are clear indicators that early life social environments matter for both sexes. In this review, we examine what is known about the impact of social environments on HPG and HPA axis programming during male development in humans and nonhuman primates, including the role that epigenetic mechanisms may play in this programming. We conclude by highlighting important next steps in this research area. K E Y W O R D S developmental programming, hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis, hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis, male primates, social environment
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Behavior is the interface through which animals interact with their environments, and therefore has potentially cascading impacts on the health of individuals, populations, their habitats, and the humans that share them. Evolution has shaped the interaction between species and their environments. Thus, alterations to the species-typical “wild-type” behavioral repertoire (and the ability of the individual to adapt flexibly which elements of the repertoire it employs) may disrupt the relationship between the organism and its environment, creating cascading One Health effects. A good example is rehabilitant orangutans where, for example, seemingly minor differences from wild conspecifics in the time spent traveling on the ground rather than in the forest canopy can affect an individual's musculoskeletal and nutritional health, as well as social integration. It can also increase two-way transmission of infectious diseases and/or pathogens with local human populations, or potentially with neighboring wild populations if there are no geographical barriers and rehabilitants travel far enough to leave their release area. Primates are well known ecosystem engineers, reshaping plant communities and maintaining biodiversity through seed dispersal, consuming plants, and creating canopy gaps and trails. From the habitat perspective, a rehabilitant orangutan which does not behave like a wild orangutan is unlikely to fulfill these same ecosystem services. Despite the importance of the diversity of an ape's behavioral repertoire, how it compares to that of wild conspecifics and how it alters in response to habitat variation, behavior is an often under-appreciated aspect of One Health. In this review, focusing on orangutans as an example of the kinds of problems faced by all captive great apes, we examine the ways in which understanding and facilitating the expression of wild-type behavior can improve their health, their ability to thrive, and the robustness of local One Health systems. Highlights • Behavior is the interface between great apes and their environment: small changes to their natural behavioral ecology has cascading effects. • Interventions in captivity to mitigate these changes should be part of a One Health, systems-based approach.
The reproductive success of male primates is not always associated with dominance status. For example, even though male orangutans exhibit intra-sexual dimorphism and clear dominance relationships exist among males, previous studies have reported that both morphs are able to sire offspring. The present study aimed to compare the reproductive success of two male morphs, and to determine whether unflanged males sired offspring in a free-ranging population of Bornean orangutans, using 12 microsatellite loci to determine the paternity of eight infants. A single flanged male sired most of the offspring from parous females, and an unflanged male sired a firstborn. This is consistent with our observation that the dominant flanged male showed little interest in nulliparous females, whereas the unflanged males frequently mated with them. This suggests that the dominant flanged male monopolizes the fertilization of parous females and that unflanged males take advantage of any mating opportunities that arise in the absence of the flanged male, even though the conception probability of nulliparous females is relatively low.
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Brindle & Opie. Postcopulatory sexual selection influences baculum evolution in primates and carnivores. Supplementary information on data, methods and analyses
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Brindle & Opie. Postcopulatory sexual selection influences baculum evolution in primates and carnivores. Supplementary information on data, methods and analyses
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