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The End of the Virtual

The End of
the Virtual
Digital Methods
Richard Rogers
The End of
the Virtual
Digital methods may be contrasted with what has come to be known as
virtual methods, a currently dominant approach to the study of the
Internet. Virtual methods, rooted in the U.K. Virtual Society? program
(1997-2002), sought to ground cyberspace by demonstrating how it was
hardly a realm apart. Whereas virtual methods have made great strides,
they rely on methods imported from the humanities and the social scien-
ces. Do the methods have to change, owing to the specificity of the
medium and its objects? With the end of the virtual, Richard Rogers
proposes that Internet research may be put to new uses, given an emphasis
on natively digital as opposed to digitized methods. How to capture and
analyze hyperlinks, tags, search engine results, archived websites, and
other digital objects? What may one learn from how online devices make
use of the objects, and how may such uses be repurposed for social and
cultural research? Ultimately, Rogers proposes a research practice that
grounds claims about cultural change and societal conditions in online
Richard Rogers is Professor of New Media & Digital Culture at the
University of Amsterdam.
Faculty of Humanities
Oratiereeks 339
The End of the Virtual
Vossiuspers UvA is an imprint of Amsterdam University Press.
This edition is established under the auspices of the Universiteit van Amsterdam.
This publication was made possible in part by a grant received from the Mondriaan Interregeling
for the Digital Methods Initiative.
This is inaugural lecture 339, published in this series of the University of Amsterdam
Cover design: Crasborn BNO, Valkenburg a/d Geul
Lay-out: JAPES, Amsterdam
Cover illustration: Carmen Freudenthal, Amsterdam
ISBN 978 90 5629 593 6
e-ISBN 978 90 4851 128 0
© Vossiuspers UvA, Amsterdam, 2009
All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this book
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The End of the Virtual
Digital Methods
Inaugural Lecture
delivered on the appointment to
the Chair of New Media & Digital Culture
at the University of Amsterdam
on 8 May 2009
Richard Rogers
Geachte aanwezigen,
Situating Digital Methods in Internet Research
Arguably, there is an ontological distinction between the natively digital and the
digitized; that is, between the objects, content, devices and environments born
in the new medium, as opposed to those which have migratedto it. Should the
current methods of study change, however slightly or wholesale, given the focus
on objects and content of the medium? The research program proposed here there-
by engages with virtual methodsimporting standard practices from the social
sciences and the humanities. The distinction between the natively digital and the
digitized also could apply to current research methods. What type of Internet
research may be performed with digitized methods (such as online surveys and
directories) compared to those that are natively digital (such as recommendation
systems and folksonomy)?
Second, I propose that Internet research may be put to new uses, given an
emphasis on natively digital methods as opposed to the digitized. I will strive to
shift the attention from the opportunities afforded by transforming ink into bits,
and instead inquire into how research with the Internet may move beyond the
study of online culture alone. How to capture and analyze hyperlinks, tags, search
engine results, archived websites, and other digital objects? What may one learn
from how online devices (e.g. engines and recommendation systems) make use of
the objects, and how may such uses be repurposed for social and cultural research?
Ultimately, I propose a research practice which grounds claims about cultural
change and societal conditions in online dynamics, introducing the term online
groundedness.The overall aim is to rework method for Internet research, devel-
oping a novel path of study: digital methods.
To date, the methods employed in Internet research have served to critique the
persistent idea of the Internet as a virtual realm apart. Such thinking arose from
the discourse surrounding virtual reality in the late 1980s and early 1990s, and the
Internet came to stand for a virtual realm, with opportunities for redefining con-
sciousness, identity, corporality, community, citizenry and (social movement) pol-
Indeed, in 1999, in one of the first efforts to synthesize Internet research,
the communications scholar Steve Jones invited researchers to move beyond the
perspective of the Internet as a realm apart, and opened the discussion of meth-
How would social scientists study the Internet, if they were not to rely on the
approaches associated with it to date: human-computer interaction, social psychol-
ogy and cybercultural studies?
In their ground-breaking work on Internet usage in
Trinidad and Tobago, the ethnographers Daniel Miller and Don Slater challenged
the idea of cyberspace as a realm apart where all inhabitingit experienced its
identity-transforming affordances, regardless of physical location.
Slater and
Miller grounded the Internet, arguing that Trinis appropriated the medium to fit
their own cultural practices. Although it was a case study, the overall thrust of the
research was its potential for generalization. If Trinis were using the Internet to
stage Trini culture, the expectation is that other cultures are doing the same.
The important Virtual Society? program (1997-2002) marked another turning
point in Internet research, debunking the myth of cyberspaces transformative ca-
pacities through multiple empirical studies about Internet users. The program ul-
timately formulated five rules of virtuality.
In what is now the classic digital
divide critique, researchers argued that the use of new media is based on ones
situation (access issues), and the fears and risks are unequally divided (skills is-
sues). With respect to the relationship between the real and the virtual, virtual
interactions supplement rather than substitute for the real,and stimulate more
real interaction, as opposed to isolation and desolation. Finally, the research found
that identities are grounded in both the online as well as the offline. Significantly,
the program settled on approaches subsequently characterized as virtual methods,
with an instrumentarium for studying users. Surveys, interviews, observation and
participant-observation became the preferred methods of inquiry. In the huma-
nities, subsequent user studies concentrating on the amateur, the fan, and the
produser’–also are grappling with the real and virtual divide, seeking to demon-
strate and critique the reputational status of online culture.
The argument ad-
vanced here is that virtual methods and user studies in the social sciences and the
humanities have shifted the attention away from the data of the medium, and the
opportunities for study of far more than online culture.
Richard Rogers
How may one rethink user studies with data (routinely) collected by software?
User studies to date have relied on accounts favoring observation, interviews and
surveys, owing, in one reading, to the difference in armatures between social
scientific and humanities computing, on the one hand, and the large commercial
companies, with their remarkable data collection achievements, on the other. In a
sense, Google, Amazon and many other dominant Web devices are already con-
ducting user studies, however infrequently the term is used. User inputs (prefer-
ences, search history, purchase history, location) are captured and analyzed so as to
tailor results. Taking a lead from such work, new media theorist Lev Manovich has
called for a methodological turn in Internet research, at least in the sense of data
collection. With cultural analytics,named after Google Analytics, the proposal is
to build massive collection, storage and analytical facilities for humanities comput-
One distinguishing feature of the methodological turn is its marked departure
from the reliance on (negotiated) access to commercial data sets, e.g. AOLs set of
userssearch engine queries, Linden Labs set of the activities of millions of users
in Second Life, or Sonys for Everquest, however valuable the findings have been.
In a sense, the research program is one answer to the question, what would
Google do? The programs could be situated in the larger context of the extent
and effects of googlization. Until now, the googlization critique has examined
the growing creepof Google; its business model and its aesthetics, across infor-
mation and knowledge industries.
Library science scholars in particular concern
themselves with the changing locus of access to information and knowledge (from
public shelves and stacks to commercial servers). The Google effectalso may be
couched in terms of supplanting surfing and browsing with search. It also may be
studied in terms of the demise of the expert editor, and the rise of the back-end
algorithm, themes to which I will return later. Here, however, the point is that
they also may be studied in terms of models for research ones that seek to
replicate the scale of data collection as well as analysis.
The proposal I am putting forward is more modest, yet still in keeping with
what are termed registrational approaches to user studies. Online devices and soft-
ware installed on the computer (e.g. browsers) register userseveryday usage.
Browser histories would become a means to study use. The larger contention is
that data collection, in the methodological turn described above, could benefit
from thinking about how computing may have techniques which can be appro-
The End of the Virtual
priated for research. Thus the proposal is to consider first and foremost the avail-
ability of computing techniques.
I would like to suggest inaugurating a new era in Internet research, which no
longer concerns itself with the divide between the real and the virtual. It concerns
a shift in the kinds of questions put to the study of the Internet. The Internet is
employed as a site of research for far more than just online culture. The issue no
longer is how much of society and culture is online, but rather how to diagnose
cultural change and societal conditions using the Internet. The conceptual point of
departure for the research program is the recognition that the Internet is not only
an object of study, but also a source. Knowledge claims may be made on the basis of
data collected and analyzed by devices such as search engines. One of the more
remarkable examples is Google Flu Trends, a non-commercial ( pro-
ject launched in 2008, which anticipates local outbreaks of influenza by counting
search engine queries for flu, flu symptoms and related terms, and geo-locating
the places where the queries have been made. It thereby challenges existing meth-
ods of data collection (emergency room reports), and reopens the discussion of the
Web as anticipatory medium, far closer to the ground than one might expect.
Where did the grounded Web,and its associated geo-locative research prac-
tice, originate? The end of cyberspaceas a placeless space (as Manuel Castells put
it) may be located in the technical outcomes of the famous Yahoo lawsuit, brought
by two non-governmental organizations in France in 2000.
At the time, French
Web users were able to access the Nazi memorabilia pages on in the
United States, and the French organizations wanted the pages blocked in France.
IP-to-geo (address location) technology was developed specifically to channel con-
tent nationally; when one types into a browser in France, now google.
fr is returned by default. This groundingof the Web has been implemented by
major content-organizing projects such as YouTube; online television is served
geographically, too.
Diagnostic work such as Google Flu Trends, whereby claims about societal
conditions are made on the basis of captured Internet practices, leads to new the-
oretical notions. For the third era of Internet research, the digital methods pro-
gram introduces the term online groundedness, in an effort to conceptualize research
which follows the medium, captures its dynamics, and makes grounded claims
about cultural and societal change. Indeed, the broader theoretical goal of digital
methods is to rethink the relationship between the Web and the ground. Like the
Richard Rogers
ethnographers before them, the researchers in the UK Virtual Society? program
needed to visit the ground in order to study the Web. Here the digital methods
research program actually complicates the sequence in which ones findings are
For example, journalism has methodological needs, now that the In-
ternet has become a significant meta-source, where the traditional question nor-
mally concerns the trustworthiness of a source. Snowballing from source to source
was once a social networking approach to information-checking, methodologically
speaking. Who else should I speak to? That question comes at the conclusion of the
interview, if trust has been built. The relationship between who I should speak to
and who else do you link tois asymmetrical for journalism, but the latter is what
search engines ask when recommending information. How to think through the
difference between source recommendations from verbal and online links? Is
search the beginning of the quest for information, ending with some grounded
interview reality beyond the net, whereby we maintain the divide between the
real and the virtual? Or is that too simplistic? Our ideal source set divide (real
and virtual, grounded or googled) raises the question of what comes next. What
do we look upupon conclusion of the interview to check the reality? The Inter-
net may not be changing the hierarchy of sources for some (i.e. the restrictions on
citing Wikipedia in certain educational settings), but it may well be changing the
order of checking, and the relationship of the Web to the ground.
I developed the notion of online groundedness after reading a study conducted
by the Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad. The investigation into right-wing and
extremist groups in the Netherlands explored whether the language used was
becoming harsher over time, perhaps indicating a hardeningof right-wing and
hate culture more generally. Significantly, the investigators elected to use the In-
ternet Archive, over an embedded researcher (going native), or the pamphlets,
flyers and other ephemera at the Social History Institute.
They located and ana-
lyzed the changes in tone over time on right-wing as well as extremist sites, find-
ing that right-wing sites were increasingly employing more extremist language.
Thus the findings made about culture were grounded through an analysis of web-
sites. Most significantly, the online became the baseline against which one might
judge a societal condition.
The End of the Virtual
Follow the Medium: The Digital Methods Research Program
Why follow the medium? A starting point is the recognition that Internet research
is often faced with unstable objects of study. The instability is often discussed in
terms of the ephemerality of websites and other digital media, and the complex-
ities associated with fixing them, to borrow a term from photography. How to
make them permanent, so that they can be carefully studied? In one approach,
vintage hardware and software are maintained so as to keep the media undead.
Another technique, as practiced in game environments, addresses ephemerality
through simulation/emulation, which keeps the nostalgic software, like Atari
games, running on current hardware. The ephemerality issue, however, is much
larger than issues of preservation. The Internet researcher is often overtaken by
events of the medium, such as software updates that scoopones research.
As a research practice, following the medium, as opposed to striving to fix it,
may also be discussed in a term borrowed from journalism and the sociology of
science –‘scooping.Being the first to publish is to get the scoop.’‘Being scooped
refers to someone else having published the findings first. Sociologist of science
Michael Lynch has applied this term to the situation in which ones research sub-
jects come to the same or similar conclusions as the researchers, and go on record
with their findings first. The result is that the [research subjects] reconfigure the
field in which we previously thought our study would have been situated.
Internet research, being scooped is common. Industry analysts, watchdogs and
bloggers routinely coin terms (googlization) and come to conclusions which shape
ongoing academic work. I would like to argue, however, that scooping is also done
by the objects themselves, which are continually reconfigured. For example, Face-
book, the social networking site, has been considered a walled gardenor rela-
tively closed community system, where by default only friendscan view infor-
mation and activities concerning other friends. The walled garden is a series of
concentric circles: a user must have an account to gain access, must friendpeo-
ple to view their profiles, and must change privacy default settings to let friends of
friends view ones own profile. Maximum exposure is opening profiles to friends
of friends. In March 2009, Facebook changed a setting; users may now make their
profile open to all other users with accounts, as opposed to just friends, or friends
of friends, as in its previous configuration. Which types of research would be
scoopedby Facebooks flipping a switch? Facebook serves as one notable example
Richard Rogers
of the sudden reconfiguration of a research object, which is common to the me-
More theoretically, following the medium is a particular form of medium-spe-
cific research. Medium specificity is not only how one sub-divides disciplinary
commitments in media studies according to the primary objects of study: film,
radio, television, etc. It is also a particular plea to take seriously ontological dis-
tinctiveness, though the means by which the ontologies are constructed differ. To
the literary scholar and media theorist Marshall McLuhan, media are specific in
how they engage the senses.
Depth, resolution and other aesthetic properties
have effects on how actively or passively one processes media. One is filled by
media, or one fills it in. To the cultural theorist Raymond Williams, medium
specificity lies elsewhere. Media are specific in the forms they assume forms
shaped by the dominant actors to serve interests.
For example, creating flow,
the term for how television sequences programming so as to keep viewers watch-
ing, boosts viewer ratings and advertising. Thus, to Williams, media are not a
priori distinct from one another, but can be made so. To Katherine Hayles, the
specificity of media resides in their materiality; a book specifies, whilst text does
Her proposal for media-specific analysis is a comparative media studies pro-
gram, which takes materially instantiated characteristics of media (such as hyper-
text in digital media), and enquires into their (simulated) presence in other media
(such as print). One could take other media traits and study them across media.
For example, as Alexander Galloway has argued, flow is present not only in radio
and television, but also on the Web, where dead links disrupt surfing.
Hayles point of departure may be seen in Mathew Fullers work on Microsoft
Word and Adobe Photoshop, which studies how particular software constrains or
enables text.
To Fuller, a Microsoft document or a Photoshop image are specific
outputs of software, distinctive from some document or some image. An accom-
panying research program would study the effects of (software) features, as Lev
Manovich also points to in his work on the specificity of computer media. With
these media Manovichs ontology moves beyond the outputs of media (Hayles
hypertextual print, Fullers Word document and Photoshop image).
media are metamedia in that they incorporate prior media forms, which is in
keeping with the remediation thesis put forward by Jay David Bolter and Richard
Yet, to Manovich, computer media not only refashion the outputs of
other media; they also embed their forms of production.
The End of the Virtual
The medium specificity put forward here lies not so much in McLuhans sense
engagement, Williamss socially shaped forms, Hayless materiality, or other theo-
ristsproperties and features. Rather, it is situated in method. Previously I described
such work Web epistemology.
On the Web, information, knowledge and soci-
ality are organized by recommender systems algorithms and scripts that prepare
and serve up orders of URLs, media files, friends, etc. In a sense, Manovich has
shifted the discussion in this direction, both with the focus on forms of production
(method as craft) as well as with the methodological turn associated with the
cultural analytics initiative. I would like to take this turn further, and propose that
the under-interrogated methods of the Web also are worthy of study, both in and
of themselves as well as in the effects of their spread to other media, e.g. TV
shows recommended to Tivo users on the basis of their profiles.
Initial work in the area of Web epistemology arose within the context of the
politics of search engines.
It sought to consider the means by which sources are
adjudicated by search engines. Why, in March of 2003, were the US White House,
the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Heritage
Foundation and news organizations such as CNN the top returns for the query
terrorism? The answer lies somewhat in how hyperlinks are handled. Hyper-
links, however, are but one digital object, to which may be added: the thread,
tag, PageRank, Wikipedia edit, robots.txt, post, comment, trackback, pingback,
IP address, URL, whois, timestamp, permalink, social bookmark and profile. In
no particular order, the list goes on. The proposal is to study how these objects are
handled, specifically, in the medium, and learn from medium method.
In the following, I would like to introduce a series of medium objects, devices,
spaces, as well as platforms, first touching briefly on how they are often studied
with digitized methods and conceptual points of departure from outside the me-
dium. Subsequently, I would like to discuss the difference it makes to research if
one were to follow the medium by learning from and reapplying how digital
objects are treated by devices, how websites are archived, how search engines
order information and how geo-IP location technology serves content nationally
or linguistically. What kinds of research can be performed through hyperlink ana-
lysis, repurposing insights from dominant algorithms? How to work with the In-
ternet archive for social research? Why capture website histories? How may search
engine results be studied so as to display changing hierarchies of credibility, and
the differences in source reliance between the Web, the blogosphere and news
Richard Rogers
sphere? Can geo-IP address location technology be reworked so as to profile coun-
tries and cultures? How may the study of social networking sites reveal cultural
tastes and preferences? How are software robots changing how quality content is
maintained on Wikipedia? What would a research bot do? Thus, from the micro to
the macro, I treat the hyperlink, website, search engine and spheres (including
national webs). I finally turn to social networking sites, as well as Wikipedia, and
seek to learn from these profiling and bot cultures (respectively), and rethink how
to deploy them analytically. The overall purpose of following the medium is to
reorient Internet research to consider the Internet as a source of data, method
and technique.
The Link
How is the hyperlink most often studied? There are at least two dominant ap-
proaches to studying hyperlinks: hypertext literary theory and social network the-
ory, including small world and path theory.
To literary theorists of hypertext,
sets of hyperlinks form a multitude of distinct pathways through text. The surfer,
or clicking text navigator, may be said to author a story by choosing routes (multi-
ple clicks) through the text.
Thus the new means of authorship, as well as the
story told through link navigation, are both of interest. For small world theorists,
the links that form paths show distance between actors. Social network analysts
use pathway thought, and zoom in on how the ties, uni-directional or bi-direc-
tional, position actors.
There is a special vocabulary that has been developed to
characterize an actors position, especially an actors centrality, within a network.
For example, an actor is highly betweenif there is a high probability that other
actors must pass through him to reach each other.
How do search engines treat links? Arguably, theirs is a scientometric (and
associational sociology) approach. As with social network analysis, the interest is
in actor positioning, but not necessarily in terms of distance from one another, or
the means by which an actor may be reached through networking. Rather, ties are
reputational indicators, and may be said to define actor standing. Additionally, the
approach does not assume that the ties between actors are friendly, or otherwise
have utility, in the sense of providing empowering pathways, or clues for successful
The End of the Virtual
Here I would like to explore how engines treat links as markers of impact and
reputation. How may an actors reputation be characterized by the types of hyper-
links given and received? Actors can be profiled not only through the quantity of
links received, as well as the quantity received from others who themselves have
received many links, in the basic search engine algorithm. Actors may also be
profiled by examining which particular links they give and receive.
In previous
research, my colleagues and I found linking tendencies among domain types, i.e.
governments tend to link to other governmental sites only; non-governmental
sites tend to link to a variety of sites, occasionally including critics. Corporate
websites tend not to link, with the exception of collectives of them industry
trade sites and industry front groupsdo link, though. Academic and educational
sites typically link to partners and initiatives they have created. Taken together,
these linking proclivities of organizational types display an everyday politics of
For example, in work my colleagues and I conducted initially in
1999, we found that while Greenpeace linked to governmental sites, government
did not link back. Novartis, the multinational corporation, linked to Greenpeace,
and Greenpeace did not link back. When characterizing an actor according to
inlinks and outlinks, one notices whether there is some divergence from the
norms, and more generally whether particular links received may reveal some-
thing about an actors reputation. A non-governmental organization receiving a
link from a governmental site could be construed as a reputation booster, for
Apart from capturing the micro-politics of hyperlinks, analysis of links also may
be put to use in more sophisticated sampling work. Here the distinction between
digitized and natively digital method stands out in greater relief. The Open Net
Initiative at the University of Toronto conducts Internet censorship research by
building lists of websites (from online directories such as the Open Directory
Project and Yahoo). The researchers subsequently check whether the sites are
blocked in a variety of countries. It is important work that sheds light on the scope
as well as technical infrastructure of state Internet censorship practices world-
In the analytical practice, sites are grouped by category: famous bloggers,
government sites, human rights sites, humor, womens rights, etc.; there are ap-
proximately forty categories. Thus censorship patterns may be researched by site
type across countries.
Richard Rogers
The entire list of websites checked per country (some 3000) is a sample, cover-
ing of course only the smallest fraction of all websites as well as those of a parti-
cular subject category. How would one sample websites in a method following the
medium, learning from how search engines work (link analysis) and repurposing it
for social research? My colleagues and I contributed to the Open Net Initiative
work by employing a method which crawls all the websites in a particular cate-
gory, captures the hyperlinks from the sites, and locates additional key sites (by
co-link analysis) that are not on the lists. I dubbed the method dynamic URL
sampling, in an effort to highlight the difference between manual URL-list com-
pilation, and more automated techniques of finding significant URLs. Once the
new sites are found, they are checked for connection stats (through proxies initi-
ally, and later perhaps from machines located in the countries in question), in
order to determine whether they are blocked. In the research project on social,
political and religiouswebsites in Iran, researchers and I crawled all the sites in
that ONI category, and through hyperlink analysis, found some thirty previously
unknown blocked sites. Significantly, the research was also a page-level analysis (as
opposed to host only), with one notable finding being that Iran was not blocking
the BBC news front page (as ONI had found), but only its Persian-language page.
The difference between the two methods of gathering lists of websites for analysis
manual directory-style work and dynamic URL sampling shows the contribu-
tion of medium-specific method.
The Website
Up until now, investigations into websites have been dominated by user and eye-
ball studies,where attempts at a navigation poetics are met with such sobering
ideas as dont make me think.
Many methods for studying websites are located
over the shoulder, where one observes navigation or the use of a search engine,
and later conducts interviews with the subjects. In what one may term classic
registrational approaches, a popular technique is eye-tracking. Sites load and eyes
move to the upper left of the screen, otherwise known as the golden triangle. The
resulting heat maps provide site redesign cues. For example, has
moved its services from above the search box (tabs) to the top left corner of the
page (menu). Another dominant strand of website studies lies in feature analysis,
The End of the Virtual
where sites are compared and contrasted on the basis of levels of interactivity,
capacities for user feedback, etc.
The questions concern whether a particular
package of features result in more users, and more attention. In this tradition,
most notably in the 9/11 special collection, websites are often archived for further
study. Thus much of the work lies in the archiving of sites prior to the analysis.
One of the crucial tasks ahead is further reflection upon the means by which
websites are captured and stored, so as to make available the data upon which
findings are based. Thus the digital methods research program engages specifically
with the website as archived object, made accessible, most readily, through the
Internet Archives Wayback Machine. The research program specifically asks
which types of website study are enabled and constrained by the Wayback
In order to answer that question, the work first deconstructs, or unpacks, the
Internet Archive and its Wayback Machine. In which sense does the Internet Ar-
chive, as an object formed by the archiving process, embed particular preferences
for how it is used, and for the type of research performed using it? Indeed, Web
archiving scholar Niels Brügger has written: [U]nlike other well-known media,
the Internet does not simply exist in a form suited to being archived, but rather is
first formed as an object of study in the archiving, and it is formed differently
depending on who does the archiving, when, and for what purpose.
The idea
that the object of study is constructed by the very means by which it is tamed, and
captured by method and technique, is a classic point from the sociology and philo-
sophy of science and elsewhere.
Thus the initial research questions are, which
methods of research are privileged by the specific form assumed by the Web ar-
chive, and which are precluded? For example, when one uses the Internet Archive
(, what stands out for everyday Web users accustomed to search en-
gines is not so much the achievement of the existence of an archived Internet.
Rather, the user is struck by how the Internet is archived, and, particularly, how
it is queried. One queries a URL, as opposed to keywords, and receives a list of
stored pages associated with the URL from the past. In effect, the Internet Ar-
chive, through the interface of the Wayback Machine, has organized the story of
the Web into the histories of individual websites.
Which research approaches are favored by the current organization of websites
by the Internet Archive? With the Wayback Machine, one can study the evolution
of a single page (or multiple pages) over time; for example, by reading or collect-
Richard Rogers
ing snapshots from the dates when a page was indexed. How can such an arrange-
ment of historical sites be put to use? Previously I mentioned the investigative
reporting work done by NRC Handelsblad in their analysis of the rise of extremist
language in the Netherlands. The journalists read some hundred websites from the
Internet archive, some dating back a decade. It is work that should be built upon,
methodologically as well as technically. One could scrape the pages of the right-
wing and extremist sites from the Internet Archive, place the text (and images) in
a database, and systematically query it for the presence of particular keywords
over time. As NRC Handelsblad did, one could determine changes in societal con-
ditions through the analysis of particular sets of archived sites.
How else to perform research with the Internet Archive? The digital methods
program has developed means to capture the history of sites by taking snapshots
and assembling them into a movie, in the style of time-lapse photography.
demonstrate how to use the Internet archive for capturing such evolutionary his-
tories, my colleagues and I took snapshots of Googles front pages from 1998 up to
the end of 2007. The analysis concerned the subtle changes made to the interface,
in particular the tabs. We found that the Google directory project, organizing the
Web by topic, undertaken by human editors, has been in decline. After its place-
ment on the Google front page in 2001, it was moved in 2004 under the more
button, and in 2006 under even more.By late 2007, with the removal of the
even moreoption, one had to search Google in order to find its directory.
larger issue of the demise of the human editor, read in this case from the evolution
of Googles interface, has far-reaching implications for how knowledge is collected
and ordered. Indeed, after examining Google, researchers and I turned to Yahoo,
the original Web directory, and found that there, too, the directory had been
replaced by the back-end algorithm. In examining the outputs of a query in the
directory, we also learned that at Yahoo the results are no longer ordered alphabe-
tically, in the egalitarian style of information and source ordering inherited from
encyclopedias. Yahoo is listing its directory sources according to popularity, in the
well-known style of recommendation systems more generally.
Are the histories of search engines, captured from their interface evolutions,
indicating changes in how information and knowledge are ordered more generally?
A comparative media studies approach would be useful, with one of the more
poignant cases being the online newspaper. With the New York Times, for example,
articles are still placed on the front page and in sections, but are also listed by
The End of the Virtual
most emailedand most blogged, providing a medium-specific recommender
system for navigating the news. The impact of recommender systems the domi-
nant means on the Web by which information and knowledge are ordered may
also be studied through user expectations. Are users increasingly expecting Web-
like orderings at archives, libraries, tourist information centers and other sites of
knowledge and information queries?
The Search Engines & the Spheres
The study of search engines was jolted by the now infamous AOL search engine
data release in 2006, where 500,000 userssearches over three months were put
online, with frightening and often salacious press accounts about the level of inti-
mate detail revealed about searchers, even if their histories are made anonymous
and decoupled from geography (no IP address). One may interpret the findings
from the AOL case as a shift in how one considers online presence, if that remains
the proper term. A person may be googled, and his or her self-authored pre-
sence often appears at or towards the top of the returns. Generally speaking, what
others have written about a person would appear lower down in the rankings.
However, with search engine queries stored, a third set of traces could come to
define an individual. This opens up intriguing policy questions. How long may an
engine company keep search histories? Thus search engines are being studied in
the legal arena, especially in terms of how data retention laws may be applied to
search histories.
Previously, I mentioned another strand in search engine studies, summed up in
the term googlization. It is a political-economy style critique, considering how
Googles free-service-for-profile model may be spreading across industries and
(software) cultures. I have covered the critique elsewhere, striving to propose a
research agenda for googlization scholars which includes front-end and back-end
googlization. Front-end googlization would include the study of the information
politics of the interface (including the demise of the human-edited directory).
Back-end googlization concerns the rise of the algorithm that recommends sources
hierarchically, instead of alphabetically, as mentioned above. The significance of
studying the new information hierarchies of search engines also should be viewed
in light of user studies. A small percentage of users set preferences to more than
Richard Rogers
ten results per page; typically they do not look past the first page of results; and
they increasingly click the results appearing towards the top.
Thus the power of
search engines lies in the combination of its ranking practices (source inclusion in
the top results) together with the usersapparent respectfor the orderings (not
looking further). Googles model also relies on registrational interactivity, where a
users preferences as well as history are registered, stored and employed, increas-
ingly, to serve customized results. Prior to the Web and search engine algorithms
and recommendation systems, interactivity was consultational,with pre-loaded
information called up.
A query would return the same information for all users
at any given time. Now the results are dynamically generated, based on ones
registered preferences, history and location.
The different orders of sources and things served by engines are under-studied,
largely because they are not stored, and made available for research, apart from
the AOL data release, or other negotiated agreements with search engine compa-
nies. Google once made available an API (application programming interface) al-
lowing data collection. A limited number of queries could be made per day, and
the results repurposed. Researchers relying on the API were scooped by Google
when it discontinued the service in late 2006. With its reintroduction in a different
form in 2009, Google emphasized, however, that automated queries and the per-
manent storage of results violated the terms of service. How to study search en-
gine results under such conditions? Now we scrape Google, and post a notice
appreciating Googles forbearance.
What may be found in Googles search engine results? As I have remarked,
search engines, a crucial point of entry to the Web, are epistemological machines
in the sense that they crawl, index, cache and ultimately order content. Earlier I
described the Web, and particularly a search engine-based Web, as a potential
collision space for alternative accounts of reality.
The phrasing built upon the
work of the sociologist C. Wright Mills, who characterized the purpose of social
research as no less than to present conflicting definitions of reality itself.
engines placing alternative accounts of reality side by side, or do the results align
with the official and the mainstream? Storing and analyzing search engine results
could answer such questions. Such has been the purpose of the software project
called the Issue Dramaturg, so called for the potential drama within the top re-
sults, whereby sites may climb to or suddenly fall from the top. It is important to
point out that top engine placements are highly sought after; organizations make
The End of the Virtual
use of search engine optimization techniques so as to boost site visibility. There are
white hat and black hat techniques; that is, those accepted by engines and those
that prompt engines to delist websites from results until there is compliance again
with engine etiquette.
In the Issue Dramaturg project, my team stored Google search engine results
for the query 9/11as well as other keywords for two purposes. The one is to
enquire into source hierarchies, as described above. Which sources are privileged?
Which are winningthe competition to be the top sources returned for particular
queries? The other purpose has been to chart particular sources, in the approach
to engine studies I have termed source distance. For the query 9/11, how far
from the top of the engine returns are such significant actors as the New York City
government and the New York Times? Are such sources prominent, or do they ap-
pear side by side with sources that challenge more official and familiar views?
Apart from the New York City government and the New York Times, another actor
we have monitored is the 9/11 truth movement ( For months be-
tween March and September 2007, the 9/11 truth movements site appeared in
the top five results for the query 9/11, and the other two were well below result
fifty. In mid-September 2007, around the anniversary of the event, there was dra-
ma. fell precipitously to result two hundred, and subsequently out of
the top one thousand, the maximum number of results served by Google. We
believe that is one of the first fully documented cases of the apparent removal of a
website in Google from a top five placement for six months to a sub-one thou-
sand ranking.
The case leads to questions of search engine result stability and
volatility, and opens up an area of study.
However dominant it may be, there are more search engines than Googles
Web search. What is less appreciated perhaps is that there are other dominant
engines per section or sphere of the Web. For the blogosphere, there is Technor-
ati; for the newssphere, Google News; and for the tagosphere or social bookmark-
ing space, Delicious. Indeed, thinking of the Web in terms of spheres refers initi-
ally to the name of one of the most well-known, the blogosphere, as well as to
scholarship that seeks to define another realm, the Web sphere.
The sphere in
blogosphere refers in spirit to the public sphere; it also may be thought of as the
geometrical form, where all points on the surface are the same distance from the
center or core. One could think about such an equidistant measure as an egalitar-
ian ideal, where every blog, or even every source of information, is knowable by
Richard Rogers
the core, and vice versa. On the Web, however, it has been determined that cer-
tain sources are central. They receive the vast majority of links as well as hits.
Following such principles as the rich get richer (aka Pareto power law distribu-
tions), the sites receiving attention tend to garner only more. The distance be-
tween the center and other nodes may only grow, with the ideal of a sphere being
a fiction, though a useful one. I would like to suggest an approach examining the
question of distance from core to periphery, and operationalize it as the measure of
differences in rankings between sources per sphere. Cross-spherical analysis is a
digital method for measuring and learning from the distance between sources in
different spheres on the Web.
Conceptually, a sphere is considered to be a device demarcated source set, i.e.
the pure PageRank of all sources on the Web (most influential sites by inlink
count), or indeed analogous pageranks of all sources calculated by the dominant
engines per sphere, such as Technorati, Google News and Delicious. Thus, to
study a sphere, we propose first to allow the engines to demarcate it. In sphere
analysis, one considers which sources are most influential, not only overall but per
query. Cross-spherical analysis compares the sources returned by each sphere for
the same query. It can therefore be seen as comparative ranking research. Most
importantly, with cross-spherical analysis, one may think through the conse-
quences of each engines treatment of links, freshness, tags, etc. Do particular
sources tend to be in the core of one sphere, and not in others? What do compar-
isons between sources, and source distances, across the spheres tell us about the
quality of the new media? What do they tell us about current informational com-
mitments in particular cultures?
In a preliminary analysis, my colleagues and I studied which animals are most
associated with climate change on the (English-language) Web, in the news and in
the blogosphere. We found that the Web has the most diverse set of animals asso-
ciated with climate change. The news favored the polar bear, and the blogosphere
amplified, or made more prominent, the selection in the news sphere. Here we
cautiously concluded that the Web may be less prone to the creation of media
icons than the news, which has implications for studies of media predicated upon
a publicity culture. The blogosphere, moreover, appeared parasitically connected
to the news as opposed to providing an alternative to it.
The End of the Virtual
The Webs
As mentioned above, Internet research has been haunted by the virtual/real di-
vide. One of the reasons for such a divide pertains to the technical arrangements
of the Internet, and how they became associated with a virtual realm, cyberspace.
Indeed, there was meant to be something distinctive about cyberspace, technolo-
The protocols and principles, particularly packet switching and the end-
to-end principle, initially informed the notion of cyberspace as a realm free from
physical constraints. The Internets technical indifference to the geographical loca-
tion of its users spawned ideas not limited to placeless-ness. In its very architec-
ture, the Internet also supposedly made for a space untethered to the nation-
states, and their divergent ways of treating flows of information. One recalls the
famous quotation attributed to John Gilmore, co-founder with John Perry Barlow
of the Electronic Frontier Foundation. The Internet treats censorship as a mal-
function, and routes around it.
Geography, however, was built into cyberspace
from the beginning, if one considers the locations of the original thirteen root
servers, the unequal distributions of traffic flows per country, as well as the allot-
ment of IP addresses in ranges, which later enabled the application of geo-IP ad-
dress location technology to serve advertising and copyright needs. Geo-IP tech-
nology, as well as other technical means (aka locative technology), also may be put
to use for research that takes the Internet as a site of study, and inquires into what
may be learned about societal conditions across countries. In the digital methods
research program, my colleagues and I have dubbed such work national Web
Above I discussed the research by British ethnographers, who grounded cyber-
space through empirical work on how Caribbean Internet users appropriated the
medium to fit their own cultural practices. This is of course national Web studies,
although with observational methods (from outside of the medium). To study the
Web, nationally, one also may inquire into routinely collected data, for example by
large enterprises such as Alexas top sites by country (according to traffic). Which
sites are visited most frequently per country, and what does site visitation say
about a countrys informational culture? Alexa pioneered registrational data col-
lection with its toolbar, which users installed in their browsers. The toolbar pro-
vided statistics about the Website loaded in the browser, such as its freshness. All
websites the user loaded, or surfed, also would be logged, and the logged URLs
Richard Rogers
would be compared with the URLs already in the Alexa database. Those URLs not
in the database would be crawled, and fetched. Thus was born the Internet Ar-
The Internet Archive (1996- ) was developed during the period of Internet
history that one could term cyberspace. (I have developed periodizations of Inter-
net history elsewhere, and will not further elaborate here.)
To illustrate the de-
sign and thought behind the Internet Archive, and the national Web archives
sprouting up in many countries, it may be useful to point out that the Internet
Archive was built for surfing an Internet usage type that arguably has given way
to search.
At the Wayback Machine of the Internet Archive, type in a single
URL, view available pages, and browse them. If one reaches an external link, the
Internet Archive looks up the page closest in date to the site one is exiting, and
loads it. If no site exists in the Internet Archive, it connects to the live website. It
is the continuity of flow, from Website to Website, that is preserved.
Web archives, on the other hand, have ceased to think of the Web in terms of
cyberspace. Instead, their respective purposes are to preserve national Webs. For
the purposes of contributing method to Internet research, the initial question is,
how would one demarcate a national Web?
At the National Library in the Netherlands, for example, the approach is similar
to that of the Internet censorship researchers, discussed above. It is a digitized
method, that is, a directory model, where an expert chooses significant sites based
on editorial criteria. These sites are continually archived with technology origin-
ally developed in the Internet Archive project. At the time of writing, approxi-
mately one thousand national websites are archived in the Netherlands a far cry
from what is saved in the Internet Archive.
In accounting for the difference in
approaches and outcomes of the two projects, I would like to observe that the end
of the virtual, and the end of cyberspace, have not been kind to Web archiving; the
return of the nation-state and the application of certain policy regimes (especially
copyright) have slowed efforts dramatically. Would digital methods aid in redres-
sing the situation? I would like to invite national Web archivists to consider a
registrational approach, e.g. the Alexa model adapted for a national context.
The End of the Virtual
Social Networking Sites & Post-demographics
We define social networking websites here as sites where users can create a pro-
file and connect that profile to other profiles for the purposes of making an expli-
cit personal network.
Thus begins the study of American teenage use of such
sites as MySpace and Facebook, conducted for the Pew Internet & American Life
Project. Surveys were taken. 91% of the respondents use the sites to manage
friendships; less than a quarter use the sites to flirt. Other leading research into
social networking sites considers such issues as presenting oneself and managing
ones status online, the different social classesof users of MySpace and Facebook,
and the relationship between real-life friends and friendedfriends.
Another set
of work, often from software-making arenas, concerns how to make use of the
copious amounts of data contained in online profiles, especially interests and
tastes. I would like to dub this latter work post-demographics.Post-demo-
graphics could be thought of as the study of the data in social networking plat-
forms, and, in particular, how profiling is, or may be, performed. Of particular
interest here are the potential outcomes of building tools on top of profiling plat-
forms. What kinds of findings may be made from mashing up the data, or what
may be termed meta-profiling?
Conceptually, with the postprefixed to demographics, the idea is to stand in
contrast to how the study of demographics organizes groups, markets and voters
in a sociological sense. It also marks a theoretical shift from how demographics
have been used bio-politically(to govern bodies) to how post-demographics are
employed info-politically,to steer or recommend certain information to certain
The term post-demographics also invites new methods for the study of
social networks, where the traditional demographics of race, ethnicity, age, in-
come, and educational level or derivations thereof such as class give way to
tastes, interests, favorites, groups, accepted invitations, installed apps and other
information comprising an online profile and its accompanying baggage. That is,
demographers normally would analyze official records (births, deaths, marriages)
and survey populations, with census-taking being the most well known of those
undertakings. Profilers, however, have users input data themselves in platforms
that create and maintain social relations. They capture and make use of informa-
tion from users of online platforms.
Richard Rogers
Perhaps another means of distinguishing between the two types of thought and
practice is with reference to the idea of digital natives, those growing up with
online environments, and unaware of life prior to the Internet, especially with the
use of manual systems that came before it, like a library card catalog.
The cate-
gory of digital natives, however, takes a generational stance, and in that sense is a
traditional demographic way of thinking. The post-demographic project would be
less interested in new digital divides (digital natives versus non-natives) and the
emergent narratives surrounding them (e.g. moral panics), but rather in how pro-
filers recommend information, cultural products, events or other people (friends)
to users, owing to common tastes, locations, travel destinations and more. There
is no end to what could be recommended, if the data are rich and stored. How to
study the data?
With post-demographics, the proposal is to make a contribution to Internet
research by learning from those profilers and researchers who both collect as well
as harvest (or scrape) social networking sitesdata for further analysis or software-
making, such as mash-ups. How do social networking sites make their data avail-
able to profilers? Under the developersmenu item at Facebook, for example, one
logs in and views the fields available in the API (or application programming inter-
face). Sample scripts are provided, as in get friends of user number x,where x is
yourself. Thus the available scripts generally follow the privacy culture, in the
sense that the user decides what the profiler can see. It becomes more interesting
to the profiler when many users allow access, by clicking I agreeon a third-party
Another set of profiling practices are not interested in personal data per se, but
rather in tastes and especially taste relationships. One may place many profiling
activities in the category of depersonalized data analysis, including Amazons semi-
nal recommendation system, where it is not highly relevant which person also
bought a particular book, but rather that people have done so. Supermarket loy-
alty cards and the databases storing purchase histories similarly employ depersona-
lized information analysis, where like Amazon, of interest is the quantity of par-
ticular items purchased as well as the purchasing relationships (which chips with
which soft drink). Popular products are subsequently boosted. Certain combina-
tions may be shelved together.
While they do not describe themselves as such, of course the most significant
post-demographic machines are the social networking platforms themselves, col-
The End of the Virtual
lecting user tastes, and showing them to others, be they other friends, everyday
peoplewatchers or profilers. Here I would like to describe briefly one piece of
software my research team built on top of the large collection device, MySpace,
and the kinds of post-demographic analytical practices which resulted. is the outcome of reflecting on how to make use of the profiles
on the social networking platform, MySpace. At, enter a single
interest, and the tool creates a new profile on the basis of the profiles of people
expressing that single interest. One may also compare the compatibility of inter-
ests, i.e. whether one or more interests, tunes, movies, TV shows, books and
heroes are compatible with other ones. Is Christianity compatible with Islam, in
the sense that those people with one of the respective interests listen to the same
music and watch the same television programs? Elfriendo answers those sorts of
questions by analyzing sets of friendsprofiles, and comparing interests across
them. Thus a movie, TV show, etc. has an aggregate profile, made up of other
interests. (To wit, Eminem, the rapper, appears in both the Christianity and Islam
aggregate profiles, in early February 2009.) One also may perform a semblance of
post-demographic research with the tool, gaining an appreciation of relational
taste analysis with a social networking site, more generally.
It is instructive to state that MySpace is more permissive and less of a walled
garden than Facebook, in that it allows the profiler to view a users friends (and
his/her friendsprofiles), without your having friended anybody. Thus, one can
view all of Barack Obamas friends, and their profiles. Here, in an example, one
queries Elfriendo for Barack Obama as well as John McCain, and the profiles of
their respective sets of friends are analyzed. The software counts the items listed
by the friends under interests, music, movies, TV shows, books and heroes. What
does this relational taste counting practice yield? The results provide distinctive
pictures of the friends of the two presidential candidates campaigning in 2008.
The compatibility level between the interests of the friends of the two candidates
is generally low. The two groups share few interests. The tastes of the candidates
friends are not compatible for movies, music, books and heroes, though for TV
shows the compatibility is 16%. There seem to be particular media profiles for
each set of candidates friends, where those of Obama watch the Daily Show, and
those of McCain watch Family Guy, Top Chef and Americas Next Top Model.
Both sets of friends watch Lost. The findings may be discussed in terms of voter
post-demographics, in that the descriptions of voter profiles are based on media
Richard Rogers
tastes and preferences as opposed to educational levels, income and other standard
Wikipedia & Networked Content
At present, approaches to the study of Wikipedia have followed from certain qua-
lities of the online encyclopedia, all of which appear counter-intuitive at first
glance. One example is that Wikipedia is authored by so-called amateurs, yet is
surprisingly encyclopedia-like, not only in form but in accuracy.
The major de-
bate concerning the quality of Wikipedia vis-à-vis Encyclopedia Britannica has raised
questions relevant to digital methods, in that the Web-enabled collective editing
model has challenged the digitized work of a set of experts. However, research has
found that there is only a tiny ratio of editors to users in Web 2.0 platforms,
including Wikipedia. This is otherwise known as the myth of user-generated con-
Wikipedia co-founder Jimbo Wales, has often remarked that the dedicated
community is indeed relatively small, at just over 500 members. Thus the small
cadre of Wikipedia editors could be considered a new elite, leading to exercises in
relativizing the alleged differences between amateurs and experts, such as through
a study of the demographics of Wikipedians.
Another example of a counter-
intuitive aspect of Wikipedia is that the editors are unpaid, yet committed and
highly vigilant. The vigilance of the crowd, as it is termed, is something of a
mythical feature of a quality-producing Web, until one considers how vigilance is
performed. Who is making the edits? One approach to the question lies in the
Wikiscanner project (2007- ), developed by Virgil Griffith studying at the Califor-
nia Institute of Technology. The Wikiscanner outs anonymous editors by looking
up the IP address of the editor and checking it against a database with the IP
address locations (geoIP technology). Wikipedia quality is ensured, to Griffith, by
scandalizing editors making self-serving changes, such as a member of the Dutch
royal family, who embellished an entry and made the front-page of the newspaper
after a journalist used the tool.
How else are vandals kept at bay on Wikipedia, including those experimenters
and researchers making erroneous changes to an entry, or creating a new fictional
one, in order to keep open the debate about quality?
Colleagues and I have
contributed to work about the quality of Wikipedia by introducing the term net-
The End of the Virtual
worked content.
It refers to content held together by human authors and non-
human tenders, including bots and alert software which revert edits or notify
Wikipedians of changes made. Indeed, when looking at the statistics available on
Wikipedia on the number of edits per Wikipedian user, it is remarkable to note
that the bots are by far the top editors. The contention, which is being researched
in the digital methods program, is that the bots and the alert software are signifi-
cant agents of vigilance, maintaining the quality of Wikipedia.
From the Wikiscanner project and the bots statistics related above, it is worth
emphasizing that Wikipedia is a compendium of network activities and events,
each logged and made available as large data sets. Wikipedia also has in-built re-
flection or reflexivity, as it shows the process by which an entry has come into
being, something missing from encyclopedias and most other finished work more
generally. One could study the process by which an entry matures; the materials
are largely the revision history of an entry, but also its discussion page, perhaps its
dispute history, its lock-downs and re-openings. Another approach to utilizing
Wikipedia data would rely on the edit logs of one or more entries, and repurpose
the Wikiscanners technical insights by looking up where they have been made.
The places of editsshow subject matter concerns and expertise by organization
and by country.
Conclusion. The End of the Virtual Grounding Claims
My aim is to set into motion a transformation in how and why one performs
research using the Internet. The first step is to move the discussion away from the
limitations of the virtual (how much culture and society are online) to the limita-
tions of current method (how to study culture and society, and ground findings
with the Internet).
I would like to conclude with a brief discussion of these limitations in Internet
research as well as a proposal for renewal. First, the end of cyberspace and its
placeless-ness, and the end of the virtual as a realm apart, are lamentable for
particular research approaches and other projects. In a sense, the real/virtual di-
vide served specific research practices.
Previously I mentioned that Internet ar-
chiving thrived in cyberspace, and more recently, it suffers without it. Where
Richard Rogers
cyberspace once enabled the idea of massive website archiving, the grounded Web
and the national Webs are shrinking the collections.
Indeed, I have argued that one may learn from the methods employed in the
medium, moving the discussion of medium specific theory from ontology (proper-
ties and features) to epistemology (method). The Internet, and the Web more
specifically, have their ontological objects, such as the link and the tag. Web epis-
temology, among other things, is the study of how these natively digital objects are
handled by devices. The insights from such a study lead to important methodo-
logical distinctions, as well as insights about the purpose of Internet research.
Where the methodological distinction is concerned, one may view current Inter-
net methods as those that follow the medium (and the dominant techniques em-
ployed in authoring and ordering information, knowledge and sociality) and ones
that remediate or digitize existing method. The difference in method may have
significant outcomes. One reason for the fallowing of the Web archiving efforts
may lie in the choice of a digitized method (editorial selection) over a digital one
(registrational data collection), such as that employed in the original Internet Ar-
chive project, where sites surfed by users were recorded. Indeed, I have employed
the term digital methods so that researchers may consider the value and the out-
comes of one approach over another. As a case in point, the choice of dynamic
URL sampling over the editorial model could be beneficial to Internet censorship
research, as I discussed.
Third, and finally, I have argued that the Internet is a site of research for far
more than online culture and its users. With the end of the virtual/real divide,
however useful, the Internet may be rethought as a source of data about society
and culture. Collecting it and analyzing it for social and cultural research requires
not only a new outlook about the Internet, but method, too, to ground the find-
ings. Grounding claims in the online is a major shift in the purpose of Internet
research, in the sense that one is not so much researching the Internet, and its
users, as studying culture and society with the Internet. I hope you will join me in
this urgent project.
Ik heb gezegd.
The End of the Virtual
1. Barlow, 1996; Benedict, 1991; Dibbell, 1998; Rheingold, 1991; Rheingold; 1993;
Shaviro, 2008; Stone, 1995; Turkle, 1995.
2. Jones, 1999.
3. Hine, 2000.
4. Slater & Miller, 2000.
5. Woolgar, 2002.
6. Jenkins, 2006; Keen, 2007; Bruns, 2008.
7. Manovich, 2007. See also Manovich, 2008.
8. Contractor 2009; Lazer et al., 2009.
9. Jeanneney, 2007; Vaidhyanathan, 2007; Rogers, 2009.
10. Rogers, 2003.
11. Castells, 1996; Goldsmith & Wu, 2006; Rogers, 2008.
12. Marres & Rogers, 2008.
13. NRC Handelsblad, 2007.
14. Lynch, 1997.
15. McLuhan, 1964.
16. Williams, 1974.
17. Hayles, 2004.
18. Galloway, 2004.
19. Fuller, 2003.
20. Manovich, 2008.
21. Bolter & Grusin, 1999.
22. Rogers, 2004.
23. Introna & Nissenbaum, 2000.
24. Landow, 1994; Watts, 1999; Park & Thewall, 2003
25. Elmer, 2001.
26. Krebs, 2002.
27. cf. Beaulieu, 2005.
28. Marres & Rogers, 2000; Rogers, 2002.
29. The Issue Crawler software, with particular allied tools, has been developed specifi-
cally to perform such hyperlink analysis. The software crawls websites, and links are
gathered and stored. The crawler-analytical modules are adaptations from sciento-
metrics (co-link analysis) and social networking analysis (snowball). Once a network is
located with the Issue Crawler, individual actors may be profiled, using the actor pro-
filer tool. The actor profiler shows, in a graphic representation, the inlinks and out-
links of the top ten network actors. The other technique for actor profiling relies on a
scraper that would capture all outlinks from a site, and a scraper of a search engine, the
Yahoo inlink ripper, which provides a list of the links made to a website.
30. Diebert et al, 2006.
31. Krug, 2000; Dunne, 2005.
32. Foot & Schneider, 2006.
33. Brügger, 2005, 1.
34. Latour & Woolgar, 1986; Knorr-Cetina, 1999; Walker, 2005.
35. Screen-capturing software has been employed previously for the analysis of Wikipedia
pages, showing the evolution of entries and thus how Wikipedians build knowledge.
36. The even morebutton returned to the interface of in 2008.
37. Spink & Jansen, 2004.
38. Jensen, 1999.
39. The notice appears on the credits page of the Issue Dramaturg, http://issuedramaturg.
40. Rogers, 2004.
41. C. Wright Mills, 1971, 212; Rogers & Marres, 2002.
42. Rogers, 2009.
43. Foot & Schneider, 2002; Schneider & Foot, 2002.
44. Chun, 2006.
45. Boyle, 1997.
46. Rogers, 2008.
47. Shirky, 2005.
48. Galloway, 2004.
49. Weltevrede, 2009.
50. Lenhart & Madden, 2007.
51. Boyd & Ellison, 2007.
52. Foucault, 1998; Rogers, 2004.
53. Prensky, 2001.
54. One gains a sense of how analysis may be performed, and the kinds of findings that may
be made, because Elfriendo captures the top 100 profiles, thus providing an indication,
as opposed to a grounded finding from a proper sampling procedure.
55. Giles, 2005.
56. Swartz, 2006.
57. Van Dijck, 2009.
58. Chesney, 2006; Read, 2006; Magnus, 2008.
59. Niederer, 2009.
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... 13 This scraper pulls information from the search engine Google, extracting parts of the query return pages from it. The Google Scraper has been explicitly presented as a way of repurposing Google as a 'research tool' (Rogers 2009; Weltevrede, forthcoming). 14 This scraper provides a way to collect and analyse Google return pages over time, as it allows researchers to automatically query Google for specific keywords. ...
... Many professions are looking for and finding solutions to this problem. This does not only mean that social research is likely to be scooped in its efforts to make online data amenable to research (Rogers 2009). Rather, we may have to define the very field of online data creation, management, disclosure and analysis in terms of on-going processes of data formatting and extraction. ...
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This paper investigates the device of scraping, a technique for the automated capture of online data, and its application in social research. We ask how this ‘medium-specific’ technique for data collection may be rendered analytically productive for social research. We argue that, as a technique that is currently being imported into social research, scraping has the capacity to re-structure research in at least two ways. Firstly, as a technique that is not native to social research, scraping risks introducing ‘alien’ analytic assumptions such as a pre-occupation with freshness. Secondly, to scrape is to risk importing into our inquiry categories that are prevalent in the social practices and devices enabled by online media: scraping makes available already formatted data for social research. Scraped data, and online social data more generally, tend to come with analytics already built in. The pre-ordered nature of captured online data is often approached as a ‘problem’, but we propose it may be turned into a virtue, insofar as data formats that have currency in the practices under scrutiny may serve as a source of social data themselves. Scraping, we propose, makes it possible to render traffic between the object and process of social research analytically productive. It enables a form of ‘live’ social research, in which the formats and life cycles of online data may lend structure to the analytic objects and findings of social research. We demonstrate this point in an exercise of online issue profiling, and more particularly, by relying on Twitter and Google to track the issues of ‘austerity’ and ‘crisis’ over time. Here we distinguish between two forms of real-time research, those dedicated to monitoring live content (which terms are current?) and those concerned with analysing the liveliness of issues (which topics are happening?).
... Hine does not deem this approach to be proper ethnography, rather an ethno- graphic technique, "yet compatible with an ethnographic urge to understand the object of inquiry from multiple perspectives" (2015,15) and strategic for opening up new paths of in-depth investigation both online and offline as well as for stimulating the ethnographer's imagination. Introducing mobile ethnography, Hine also puts forward an interesting methodological intuition, suggesting taking advantage of the Internet's native techniques (Rogers 2009;Thelwall 2005), that is, the "variety of ready-to-hand tools such as the Internet search engine to locate relevant connections and explore some of the mean- ing-making practices that unfold in diverse settings" (Hine 2011, 8). In par- ticular, Hine insists on the importance of triangulating the outputs of some online digital devices (such as the TouchGraph SEO Browser) with the insights emerging from traditional qualitative techniques (e.g., face-to-face interviews and/or virtual interviews via mailing lists) in order to identify which key participants to contact as well as topics to investigate (Hine 2015). ...
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The aim of this article is to introduce some analytical concepts suitable for ethnographers dealing with social media environments. As a result of the growth of social media, the Internet structure has become a very complex, fluid, and fragmented space. Within this space, it is not always possible to consider the “classical” online community as the privileged field site for the ethnographer, in which s/he immerses him/herself. Differently, taking inspiration from some methodological principles of the Digital Methods paradigm, I suggest that the main task for the ethnographer moving across social media environments should not be exclusively that of identifying an online community to delve into but of mapping the practices through which Internet users and digital devices structure social formations around a focal object (e.g., a brand). In order to support the ethnographer in the mapping of social formations within social media environments, I propose five analytical concepts: community, public, crowd, self...
... Second, they represent the basic empirical units the digital researcher has to cope with. Finally, they represent those natively digital objects that the Digital Methods framework normally starts from in order to comply with the theoretical foundation of their approach, that is to follow the medium (Rogers, 2009). Chapter 2 focuses on the fundamental environments that our toolkit makes possible to observe: social media. ...
... Second, they represent the basic empirical units the digital researcher has to cope with. Finally, they represent those natively digital objects that the Digital Methods framework normally starts from in order to comply with the theoretical foundation of their approach, that is to follow the medium (Rogers, 2009). Chapter 2 focuses on the fundamental environments that our toolkit makes possible to observe: social media. ...
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This book offers a toolkit of methods and technologies to undertake qualitative research on digital spaces. Unlike commonly used traditional methodological strategies, which are ‘retrofitted’ to digital spaces, Qualitative Research in Digital Environments offers researchers a set of ‘digitally native’ tools that are designed for online social environments. Thanks to a broad range of cases including Louis Vuitton, YouTube and the concept of ‘hipsterism’, this text illustrates the practical applications of techniques and tools over the most popular social media environments. This book will be a valuable guide to qualitative research for marketing students, researchers and practitioners, as well as a central reference point for tutors in the growing field of Digital Sociology.
... L'apparto concettuale dei Digital Methods viene formalizzato nell'articolo seminale The End of The Virtual: Digital Methods (Rogers 2009). In questo articolo Rogers comincia col sancire la fine del Virtuale. ...
... Personal activities, conducted solitarily in one's office (such as writing a paper, answering emails, or making a telephone call), were not observed. In concrete terms of methodology, we observed different activities by means of three different notebooks: one acting as a consequentially in terms of the impact of such tools on these practices (Gere, 2008;Rogers, 2009;Verbeek, 2011). Analyzing the digital likewise often results in principled discussions in favor or precisely in rejection of the adoption of digital elements in educational practices (e.g. ...
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This article reports of an ethnographic study conducted in two academic research centers. The article is centrally directed at the role of digital technologies and devices in contemporary academic work, and more particularly at the role of the screen in the daily composition of this work. Three central questions are raised. First, which positional relations do academics need to uphold with the screen in order for the screen to be able to operate? Second, in which forms do these digital devices come into being? Third, which sorts of (in)compatibility between activities are established because of the mutual interplay between academics and screens? By adopting a relational, sociomaterial approach, the study gives an account of the established choreographies that are enacted likewise, provides an overview of the role and operations of the screen in contemporary academic work, and analyzes which sorts of time and space are generated likewise.
... The real consequences of virtual communities were such as not to declare the end of virtual communities, but to convert their statutes from virtual communities to online communities (Green 1999). Later, over the past 10 years, the patterns of interpretation of the network have led to a paradigm of action of the network (Castells 2002, Rivoltella 2003) and to new methodological perspectives (Rogers 2009). We therefore consider fundamental to recall the definitions of community in classical sociology (mostly taken in opposition to the concept of society), those better known of online communities and eventually those of social network 'sites (SNSs). ...
Conference Paper
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Within a broader study, published in the book Drugs and Women, we conducted a research on the Internet, drugs and women. We have thus tried to go back to the same online communities explored for other research on drugs and the Internet, conducted 3 years ago. However, among the 7 communities analysed, we have observed online that most of those active in 2009 have become extinct. From the remaining websites and in those that have changed domain, various social media channels have been opened. This may mean that the discussions have moved to external social networks, and that websites or parts of websites dedicated to forum and not to other services were closed. Only two websites still have a virtual community: the first one provides content, information and services, but also a lot of pornography, while the other one has the structure and functioning, in fact, completely identical to a social network based on user-generated content. This seems to indicate the possible end of virtual communities as they were encoded by Rheingold [1994]. As already shown in the 2009 study, those who participate in discussion on a social network site could not perceive themselves as specific members of the community, but as users of social media that can provide them contact for other pages in which they intervene, to which they adhere or for which they click "I Like". The user does not even have to looking for news or information but simply subscribe to the RSS feed to receive news on his custom web page or smartphone [Vergani 2009]. If the feeling of belonging disappears as geopolitical-identity phenomenon in more technologically integrated society, we might imagine that the same is happening to the "traditional" online communities. Finally, we wonder if in the web it is occurring something like a passage from mechanical solidarity community to organic solidarity society.
... Today the proliferation of digital technologies means that similar methods are deployed much more widely to analyse and visualise issues in digital networked media (Rogers and Marres, 2000). Indeed, network and textual analysis tools are now routinely deployed in digital culture, in the form of search engines that rely on hyperlink analysis to capture evolving relevance relations (Google), and of blogs that use clouding software to disclose 'dynamic content' (Worldle) (Van Couvering, 2007; Rogers, 2009, see also Marres, 2012). And this proliferation of network and textual analysis across social life in the guise of 'digital methods' has consequences for the social analysis of public controversy. ...
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This paper examines the limits and possibilities of topological approaches in the social analysis of technology. It proposes that topology should be considered not just as a theory to be adopted, but equally as a device that is deployed in social life in a variety of ways. Digital technologies help to make clear why: these technologies have facilitated the spread of a topological imagination, but they have also enabled a weak form of topological imagination, one that leaves in place deterministic ideas about technology as the principal driver of social change. This paper examines this situation and alternatives to it through an empirical case, that of smart electricity meters. On the one hand, these technologies enable only a limited ‘expansion of the frame’ on technology, one in which the primacy of technology is maintained. But they are also used to render relations between technology and society more complexly. I explore topological devices deployed in this second way, such as the digital visualization tool of tag clouding and propose that this device enables an empirical mode of critique: here, topology does not just help to foreground the entanglement of the social and the technical, it also helps to dramatize the contingent, non-coherent unfolding of issues.
Conference Paper
This paper describes Netvizz, a data collection and extraction application that allows researchers to export data in standard file formats from different sections of the Facebook social networking service. Friendship networks, groups, and pages can thus be analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively with regards to demographical, post-demographical, and relational characteristics. The paper provides an overview over analytical directions opened up by the data made available, discusses platform specific aspects of data extraction via the official Application Programming Interface, and briefly engages the difficult ethical considerations attached to this type of research.
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Does the information on the Web offer many alternative accounts of reality, or does it subtly align with an official version? In Information Politics on the Web, Richard Rogers identifies the cultures, techniques, and devices that rank and recommend information on the Web, analyzing not only the political content of Web sites but the politics built into the Web's infrastructure. Addressing the larger question of what the Web is for, Rogers argues that the Web is still the best arena for unsettling the official and challenging the familiar. Rogers describes the politics at work on the Web as either back-end—the politics of search engine technology—or front-end—the diversity, inclusivity, and relative prominence of sites publicly accessible on the Web. To analyze this, he developed four "political instruments," or software tools that gather information about the Web by capturing dynamic linking practices, attention cycles for issues, and changing political party commitments. On the basis of his findings on how information politics works, Rogers argues that the Web should be, and can be, a "collision space" for official and unofficial accounts of reality. (One chapter, "The Viagra Files" offers an entertaining analysis of official and unofficial claims for the health benefits of Viagra.) The distinctiveness of the Web as a medium lies partly in the peculiar practices that grant different statuses to information sources. The tools developed by Rogers capture these practices and contribute to the development of a new information politics that takes into account and draws from the competition between the official, the non-governmental, and the underground.
The use of the Web in U.S. political campaigns has developed dramatically over the course of the last several election seasons. In Web Campaigning, Kirsten Foot and Steven Schneider examine the evolution of campaigns' Web practices, based on hundreds of campaign Web sites produced by a range of political actors during the U.S. elections of 2000, 2002, and 2004. Their developmental analyses of how and why campaign organizations create specific online structures illuminates the reciprocal relationship between these production practices and the structures of both the campaign organization and the electoral arena. This practice-based approach and the focus on campaigns as Web producers make the book a significant methodological and theoretical contribution to both science and technology studies and political communication scholarship. Foot and Schneider explore the inherent tension between the desire of campaigns to maintain control over messages and resources and the generally decentralizing dynamic of Web-based communication. They analyze specific strategies by which campaigns mitigate this, examining the ways that the production techniques, coproducing Web content, online-offline convergence, and linking to other Web sites mediate the practices of informing, involving, connecting, and mobilizing supporters. Their conclusions about the past decade's trajectory of Web campaigning point the way to a political theory of technology and a technologically grounded theory of electoral politics. A digital installation available on the web illustrates core concepts discussed in the text of the book with examples drawn from archived campaign Web sites. Users have the opportunity to search these concepts in the context of fully operational campaign sites, recreating the Web experience of users during the election periods covered in the book.
From the perspective of a citizen-Web user, what forms of political action might the presidential campaign sites in 2000 have catalysed? This article explores the online structure - conceptualised as an electronic space within which an individual is given an opportunity to act - for political action engendered by presidential campaign Web sites in the 2000 U.S. election. The Web sites of the thirteen presidential campaigns that were active in the 2000 American election are surveyed and analysed. We find that the online structure facilitated both online and offline political action, and illustrate several dimensions of this phenomenon.