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The Arctic Ocean harbours an ice driven ecosystem which is characterized by multiple unique life forms with highly adapted life histories, ecology and physiology, which enables them to survive in the extreme conditions and strong seasonal changes. The Arctic Ocean is currently one of the key regions where the effect of climate change is most pronounced. Massive reduction of sea ice thickness and extent will result in large cascading changes for the entire Arctic ecosystem and will affect all levels of marine biodiversity from taxonomic and genetic to functional, physiological and community diversity. Shifts in biodiversity can directly and indirectly affect resources and ecosystem services. Any change in biodiversity is therefore of critical concern. An increasing human presence in the Arctic requires that we have good knowledge of marine biodiversity on multiple temporal and spatial scales and how it will respond to multiple pressures. These scales should include: biological scales, ranging from genetics to organisms and populations; spatial scales, ranging from local through regional to pan-Arctic; and temporal scales, ranging from seasonal and interannual to decadal. Importantly, there needs to be integration and connections between these various scales. Within this framework, microbial and benthic ecosystems, deep sea regions and sea ice associated (sympagic) habitats, as well as the winter period and adaptations to low temperature were identified as the major knowledge gaps. Ultimately, we need to unify and integrate indicators and monitoring systems to be able to track impacts of biodiversity changes, as well as the response of biodiversity to pressures and environmental change within the Arctic marine system.
The Arctic Ocean harbours an ice driven ecosystem which is characterized by multiple unique life forms
with highly adapted life histories, ecology and physiology, which enables them to survive in the extreme
conditions and strong seasonal changes. The Arctic Ocean is currently one of the key regions where the
effect of climate change is most pronounced. Massive reduction of sea ice thickness and extent will
result in large cascading changes for the entire Arctic ecosystem and will affect all levels of marine biodi-
versity from taxonomic and genetic to functional, physiological and community diversity.
Shifts in biodiversity can directly and indirectly affect resources and ecosystem services. Any change in
biodiversity is therefore of critical concern. An increasing human presence in the Arctic requires that we
have good knowledge of marine biodiversity on multiple temporal and spatial scales and how it will
respond to multiple pressures. These scales should include: biological scales, ranging from genetics to
organisms and populations; spatial scales, ranging from local through regional to pan-Arctic; and tem-
poral scales, ranging from seasonal and interannual to decadal. Importantly, there needs to be integra-
tion and connections between these various scales. Within this framework, microbial and benthic
ecosystems, deep sea regions and sea ice associated (sympagic) habitats, as well as the winter period
and adaptations to low temperature were identified as the major knowledge gaps. Ultimately, we need
to unify and integrate indicators and monitoring systems to be able to track impacts of biodiversity
changes, as well as the response of biodiversity to pressures and environmental change within the Arctic
marine system.
Sanna Majaneva (, Ilka Peeken2, Emily Choy3, Carmen David2, Renate
Degen2, Barbara Górska4, Lis Jørgensen5, Dubrava Kirievskaya6, Mikolaj Mazurkiewicz4, Fanny Narcy7,
Joêlle Richard7, Samuel Rastrick5, Monika Kedra4, Jørgen Berge8 and Bodil Bluhm8
Fig. 1. Expected Arctic biodiversity changes in response to recent changes in non-Arctic species distributions and/or in Arctic
species population sizes that have been attributed to global climate change (Peeken, based on Bluhm et al. 2011). Photo
credit: Carin Ashjian, WHOI, Hauke Flores, Ilka Peeken, Björn Rost, Sebastian Menzelall AWI, AWI-web site, Magnus Elander, CC
BY-NC-ND 4.0, ITAW/Carsten Rocholl, Rolf Gradinger, Website: Centre for Marine Biodiversity (CMB).
Framework questions
How can we best contribute towards a better understanding of the present Arctic marine biodiversity?
How is biodiversity related to ecosystem function and ecosystem services on multiple temporal and
spatial scales?
How is Arctic biodiversity responding to multiple and cumulative pressures?
What is the resilience, plasticity and adaptation capacity of the Arctic marine species?
The ISTAS interdisciplinary and international workshop (Integrating spatial and temporal scales in the changing Arctic System: towards future research priorities) was
organized in October 2014 by the Arctic in Rapid Transition (ART) network at the IUEM in Plouzané, France. The overarching objective of the workshop was to bring
together Arctic scientists of different areas of expertise and experience level in order to discuss future research priorities for the Arctic Ocean and adjacent coasts from
an early and mid career researchers’ perspective. This set of priority sheets summarizing the workshop’s discussions is one of the contributions of the ART network to
the 3rd International Conference on Arctic Research Planning (ICARP III) in Japan.
ISTAS workshop session :
Marine Biodiversity: From Individuals to Pan-Arctic
Arctic in Rapid Transition Priority Sheets Future Directions of Arctic Sciences
Increase biodiversity knowledge on spa-
tial scales, especially in deep sea and
sympagic ecosystems and on a pan-Arctic
Integrate and connect scales: Local – Regional –
Fill spatial gaps, especially for the sea-ice asso-
ciated ecosystems, and the deep-sea pelagic
and benthic systems.
Integrate confirmed species absence data into
up-to-date biodiversity inventories.
Improve methods to combine field data and
remote sensing data.
Integrate traditional and modern tools and
improve technological capability to fill some of
the above identified gaps.
Build international knowledge exchange and
partnership platform for pan-Arctic integration.
Expand biodiversity knowledge on tem-
poral scales, with special focus on the
dark/winter season and building multi-
decadal time series
Include year-around studies that cover the dark
Emphasize the importance of monitoring/time
series and continue to build on existing time-
Focus on the full life histories.
Improve biodiversity knowledge on
microbial communities and benthic eco-
systems including molecular approach
Apply modern tools to existing samples.
Approach existing monitoring programs to
include microbial and benthic sampling.
Expand current pan-Arctic sampling network
(Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring System).
Integrate functional and physiological
diversity with taxonomic and genetic
diversity: biological traits, cold and dark
Understand responses, adaptations and
resilience of species to environmental change.
Describe physiological tolerance limits of
species, their plasticity and adaptation capa-
Focus on the full life histories: do different life
stages respond differently and does this change
over multiple generations?
Integrate the existing functional trait
knowledge in a pan-Arctic trait-database.
Develop indicators for response(s) to
pressures and changes
Establish key drivers that control the rapid
transition of Arctic ecosystems.
Integrate the effects of multiple and cumulative
Include more biological data in new and exis-
ting models.
Integrate among disciplines (e.g., chemistry,
oceanography, and ecology; see also
ART priorities ‘Arctic Oceanography’).
Identify what causes the biggest negative
effects for the human society?
Fig. 2. Schematic illustration of the scaling and connectivity
affected by climate change induced stressors.
Arcc Ocean
Physiology (e.g.
Funconal traits (e.g.
growth, reproducon)
Arctic in Rapid Transition Priority Sheets Future Directions of Arctic Sciences
► ►
research priorities
Approaches and Recommendations
1 University of Helsinki, Finland
2 Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany
3 University of Manitoba, DFO, Canada
4 Institute of Oceanology PAS, Poland
5 Institute for Marine Research, Norway
6 University of Utah, USA
7 LEMAR/IUEM, France
8 UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Norway
... Also the integration and connections between these various scales is important taking into consideration all biological levels varying from genetics to organisms and populations. Importantly, we need to elaborate the resilience, plasticity, and adaptation capacity of Arctic marine species and the response of the (changing) Arctic biodiversity to multiple and cumulative pressures ( Majaneva et al., 2015b). To achieve this, we suggest to: ...
Understanding and responding to the rapidly occurring environmental changes in the Arctic over the past few decades require new approaches in science. This includes improved collaborations within the scientific community but also enhanced dialogue between scientists and societal stakeholders, especially with Arctic communities. As a contribution to the Third International Conference on Arctic Research Planning (ICARP III), the Arctic in Rapid Transition (ART) network held an international workshop in France, in October 2014, in order to discuss high-priority requirements for future Arctic marine and coastal research from an early-career scientists (ECS) perspective. The discussion encompassed a variety of research fields, including topics of oceanographic conditions, sea-ice monitoring, marine biodiversity, land-ocean interactions, and geological reconstructions, as well as law and governance issues. Participants of the workshop strongly agreed on the need to enhance interdisciplinarity in order to collect comprehensive knowledge about the modern and past Arctic Ocean’s geo-ecological dynamics. Such knowledge enables improved predictions of Arctic developments and provides the basis for elaborate decision-making on future actions under plausible environmental and climate scenarios in the high northern latitudes. Priority research sheets resulting from the workshop’s discussions were distributed during the ICARPIII meetings in April 2015 in Japan, and are publicly available online.
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