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This article reviews the common used forecast error measurements. All error measurements have been joined in the seven groups: absolute forecasting errors, measures based on percentage errors, symmetric errors, measures based on relative errors, scaled errors, relative measures and other error measures. The formulas are presented and drawbacks are discussed for every accuracy measurements. To reduce the impact of outliers, an Integral Normalized Mean Square Error have been proposed. Due to the fact that each error measure has the disadvantages that can lead to inaccurate evaluation of the forecasting results, it is impossible to choose only one measure, the recommendations for selecting the appropriate error measurements are given.
t tt
e yf= −
MAE e mean e
= =
MdAE median e
() ()
MSE e mean e
= =
World Applied Sciences Journal 24 (Information Technologies in Modern Industry, Education & Society): 171-176, 2013
ISSN 1818-4952
© IDOSI Publications, 2013
DOI: 10.5829/idosi.wasj.2013.24.itmies.80032
Corresponding Author: Shcherbakov, Volgograd State Technical University, Lenin avenue, 28, 400005, Volgograd, Russia.
A Survey of Forecast Error Measures
Maxim Vladimirovich Shcherbakov, Adriaan Brebels,
Nataliya Lvovna Shcherbakova, Anton Pavlovich Tyukov,
Timur Alexandrovich Janovsky and Valeriy Anatol’evich Kamaev
Volgograd State Technical University, Volgograd, Russia
Submitted: Aug 7, 2013; Accepted: Sep 18, 2013; Published: Sep 25, 2013
Abstract: This article reviews the common used forecast error measurements. All error measurements have been
joined in the seven groups: absolute forecasting errors, measures based on percentage errors, symmetric errors,
measures based on relative errors, scaled errors, relative measures and other error measures. The formulas are
presented and drawbacks are discussed for every accuracy measurements. To reduce the impact of outliers, an
Integral Normalized Mean Square Error have been proposed. Due to the fact that each error measure has the
disadvantages that can lead to inaccurate evaluation of the forecasting results, it is impossible to choose only
one measure, the recommendations for selecting the appropriate error measurements are given.
Key words: Forecasting Forecast accuracy Forecast error measurements
Different criteria such as forecast error measurements,
the speed of calculation, interpretability and others have where - y is the measured value at time t, - predicted
been used to assess the quality of forecasting [1-6].
Forecast error measures or forecast accuracy are the most
important in solving practical problems [6]. Typically, the
common used forecast error measurements are applied for
estimating the quality of forecasting methods and for
choosing the best forecasting mechanism in case of
multiple objects. A set of "traditional" error measurements
in every domain is applied despite on their drawbacks.
These error measurements are used as presets in domains
despite on drawbacks.
This paper provides an analysis of existing and quite
common forecast error measures that are used in
forecasting [4, 7-10]. Measures are divided into groups
according to the calculating method an value of error for
certain time t. The calculating formula, the description of
the drawbacks, the names of assessments are considered
for each error measure.
A Review
Absolute Forecasting Error: The first group is based on
the absolute error calculation. It includes estimates based
on the calculation of the value ei
value at time t, obtained from the use of the forecast
model m. Hereinafter referred to as the index of the model
(m) will be omitted.
Mean Absolute Error, MAE is given by:
where n –forecast horizon, mean(•) – a mean operation.
Median Absolute Error, MdAE is obtained using the
following formula
where mean(•) – operation for calculation of a median.
Mean Square Error, MSE is calculated by the formula
() ()
RMSE e mean e
= =
1100 100
MAPE p mean p
= ⋅=
100 i
MdAPE median p
= ⋅
RMSPE mean p
= ⋅
RMdSPE median p
= ⋅
1200 20
sMAPE s mean s
= ⋅=
sMdAPE median s
= ⋅
ii i
msMAPE nyf S
S yy y y
ik k
= −=
= =
World Appl. Sci. J., 24 (Information Technologies in Modern Industry, Education & Society): 171-176, 2013
hence, Root Mean Square Error, RMSE is calculated as:
(5) We note the following shortcomings.
These error measures are the most popular in various is equal to zero.
domains [8, 9]. However, absolute error measures have the Non-symmetrical issue - the error values differ
following shortcomings. whether the predicted value is bigger or smaller than
The main drawback is the scale dependency [9]. Outliers have significant impact on the result,
Therefore if the forecast task includes objects with particularly if outlier has a value much bigger then
different scales or magnitudes then absolute error the maximal value of the "normal" cases [4].
measures could not be applied. The error measures are biased. This can lead to an
The next drawback is the high influence of outliers in incorrect evaluation of the forecasting models
data on the forecast performance evaluation [11]. performance [15].
So, if data contain an outliers with maximal value
(this is common case in real world tasks), then Symmetric Errors: The criteria which have been included
absolute error measures provide conservative values. in this group are calculated based on the value:
RMSE,MSE have a low reliability: the results could
be different depending on different fraction of data
[4]. (11)
Measures Based on Percentage Errors: Percentage errors The group includes next measures. Symmetric
are calculated based on the value PMean Absolute Percentage Error, sMAPE is calculated
Also these errors are the most common in forecasting
domain. The group of percentage based errors includes and the median mean absolute percentage error
the following errors.
Mean Absolute Percentage Error, MAPE
(7) To avoid the problems associated with the division
Median Absolute Percentage Error, MdAPE is more has been proposed. Their denominators have an
resistant to outliers and calculated according to the additional member:
Root Mean Square Percentage Error, RMSPE is
calculated according to:
and the median percentage error of the quadratic
Appearance division by zero when the actual value
the actual [12-14].
according to
by zero, a modified sMAPE - Modified sMAPE, msMAPE
where .
Developing the idea for the inclusion of an additional
terms, more sophisticated measures was presented [16]:
MRAE mean r
MdRAE median r
MASE mean q
RMSSE mean q
World Appl. Sci. J., 24 (Information Technologies in Modern Industry, Education & Society): 171-176, 2013
The following disadvantages should be noted. If naive model has been chosen then division by zero
Despite its name, this error is also non-symmetric
Furthermore, if the actual value is equal to forecasted
value, but with opposite sign, or both of these values
are zero, then a divide by zero error occurs.
These criteria are affected by outliers in analogous
with the percentage errors.
If more complex estimations have been used, the
problem of interpretability of results occurs and this
fact slows their spread in practice [4].
Measures Based on Relative Errors: The basis for
calculation of errors in this group is the value determined
as follows:
where - the predictive value obtained using a reference
model prediction (benchmark model). The main practice is
to use a naive model as a reference model
where l - the value of the lag and l = 1.
The group includes the next measures. Mean Relative
Absolute Error, MRAE is given by the formula
Median Relative Absolute Error, MRAE is calculated
according to
and Geometric Mean Relative Absolute Error, GMRAE),
which is calculated similarly to (17), but instead of mean(•)
the geometric mean is obtained gmean(•).
It should be noted the following shortcomings.
Based the formulas (15-18), division by zero error
occurs, if the predictive value obtained by reference
model is equal to the actual value.
error occurs in case of continuous sequence of
identical values of the time series.
Scaled Error: As a basis for calculating the value of the
scaled errors q is given by
This group contains Mean Absolute Scaled Error,
MASE proposed in [9]. It is calculated according to:
Another evaluation of this group is Root Mean
Square Scaled Error, RMSSE is calculated by the formula
These measures is symmetrical and resistant to
outliers. However, we can point to two drawbacks.
If the forecast horizon real values are equal to each
other, then division by zero occurs.
Besides it is possible to observe a weak bias
estimates if you do the experiments by analogy with
Relative Measures: This group contains of measures
calculated as a ratio of mentioned above error measures
obtained by estimated forecasting models and reference
models. Relative Mean Absolute Error, RelMAE is
calculated by the formula.
where MAE and MAE the mean absolute error for the
analyzed forecasting model and the reference model
respectively, calculated using the formula (2).
Relative Root Mean Square Error, RelRMSE is
calculated similarly to (23), except that the right side is
calculated by (5)
( ) 100
PB MAE mean I MAE MAE=⋅<
() 1.
nRMSE mean e
inRSE mean e
Std AE n
Std APE n
World Appl. Sci. J., 24 (Information Technologies in Modern Industry, Education & Society): 171-176, 2013
In some situations it is reasonable to calculate the over the entire interval or time horizon or defined
logarithm of the ratio (23). In this case, the measure is
called the Log Mean Squared Error Ratio, (LMR)
Syntetos et al. proposed a more complex assessment
of the relative geometric standard deviation Relative
Geometric Root Mean Square Error, RGRMSE [17].
The next group of measures counts the number of
cases where the error of the model prediction error is
greater than the reference model. For instance, PB (MAE)
- Percentage Better (MAE), calculated by the formula:
where I{•} - the operator that yields the value of zero or
one, in accordance with the expression:
By analogy with PB (MAE), Percentage Better (MSE)
can be defined.
The disadvantages of these measures are the
Division by zero error occurs if the reference forecast
error is equal to zero.
These criteria determine the number of cases when
the analyzed forecasting model superior to the base
but do not evaluate the value of difference.
Other Error Measures: This group includes measures
proposed in various studies to avoid the shortcomings of
existing and common measures.
To avoid the scale dependency, Normalized Root
Mean Square Error (nRMSE) has been proposed,
calculated by the formula:
where - the normalization factor, which is usually equal
to either the maximum measured value on the forecast
horizon, or the difference between the maximum and
minimum values. Normalization factor can be calculated
short interval of observation [18]. However, this
estimate is affected by influence of outliers, if outlier has
a value much bigger the maximal "normal" value. To
reduce the impact of outliers, Integral Normalized Mean
Square Error [19] have been proposed, calculated by the
Some research contains the the ways of NRMSE
calculation as [16]:
where .
Other measures are called normalized std_APE and
std_MAPE [20, 21] and calculated by the formula
As a drawback, you can specify a division by zero
error if normalization factor is equal to zero.
Recommendations How to Choose Error Measures:
One of the most difficult issues is the question of
choosing the most appropriate measures out of the
groups. Due to the fact that each error measure has the
disadvantages that can lead to inaccurate evaluation of
the forecasting results, it is impossible to choose only one
measure [5].
World Appl. Sci. J., 24 (Information Technologies in Modern Industry, Education & Society): 171-176, 2013
We provide the following guidelines for choosing the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
error measures.
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procedures were performed (data cleaning, anomaly REFERENCES
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... The evaluation of the models is performed offline. The metrics selected are the Root Mean Square Error [56] (RMSE, equation 5), symmetric mean absolute percentage error [56] (SMAPE, equation 6). ...
... The evaluation of the models is performed offline. The metrics selected are the Root Mean Square Error [56] (RMSE, equation 5), symmetric mean absolute percentage error [56] (SMAPE, equation 6). ...
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... The linear and non-linear models were compared based on goodness of fit statistic (Shcherbakov et al., 2013); coefficient of multiple determination (R 2 ), adjusted R 2 , Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) and Root Mean Square Percentage Error (RMSPE). Assumptions of residuals were also worked out. ...
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Weather-based models were developed to accurately forecast wheat productivity in three districts of Punjab, India, predicting the wheat yield with accuracy as early as two and a half months before the crop harvest. The trends in weather parameters were identified using Mann-Kendal, Sen's Slope and Pettitt's test. Amongst the linear and non-linear models, the logistic model was found to be the most effective in eliminating the influence of technological factors on wheat productivity over time. Forecasting of wheat productivity was done using detrended data derived from fourteen weeks of weather data during the vegetative period. The stepwise regression technique for detrended wheat productivity on weather indices revealed model II best for Amritsar, Ludhiana and Patiala districts, explaining 60%, 67% and 52% variation in the detrended wheat productivity and had root mean square percentage error 8.57%, 6.93% and 6.20% respectively. The model concluded that warm maximum and cool night temperatures of the wheat growing season will increase detrended wheat productivity, whereas an increase in rainfall and relative humidity in the morning will decrease detrended wheat productivity and hence the production.
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The detection of behavioral drifts by applications monitoring daily living activities, is very relevant in health care monitoring systems particularly for older persons. The detection of behavioral drifts can be crucial, as it may indicate the early stages of a disease. Our research objectives are focused on building a model to conduct a continuous and long-term analysis of elderly’s behavior in order to detect slow changes. The first originality of this work is to use rich contextual information such as weather conditions, holidays, seasons, etc. to identify and learn routine behavior patterns. These patterns are updated throughout the aging process of the elderly person by proposing a novel dynamic behavior clustering method through an iterative process using a moving-window mechanism. The routine behavior patterns are then used for comparing each observed day’s behavior to the associated routine behavior pattern in preceding period to define a similarity score. The second originality of this work is to exploit machine learning techniques on previously observed Activities of Daily Living (ADL) to forecast when the future ones should occur. We use this forecast to measure the actual gap with the future ADLs, as soon as they occur, and detect behavioral drifts of the monitored elderly people and thus specify its type (degradation or recovery). Experimental results are proposed to show the superiority of the proposed method compared to the existing state-of-the-art methods.
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The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the accuracy of different forecasting models for monthly wind farm electricity production. This study compares the effectiveness of three forecasting models: Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA), Seasonal ARIMA (SARIMA), and Support Vector Regression (SVR). This study utilizes data from two wind farms located in Poland—‘Gizałki’ and ‘Łęki Dukielskie’—to exclude the possibility of biased results due to specific characteristics of a single farm and to allow for a more comprehensive comparison of the effectiveness of both time series analysis methods. Model parameterization was optimized through a grid search based on the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). The performance of the best models was evaluated using Mean Bias Error (MBE), MAPE, Mean Absolute Error (MAE), and R2Score. For the Gizałki farm, the ARIMA model outperformed SARIMA and SVR, while for the Łęki Dukielskie farm, SARIMA proved to be the most accurate, highlighting the importance of optimizing seasonal parameters. The SVR method demonstrated the lowest effectiveness for both datasets. The results indicate that the ARIMA and SARIMA models are effective for forecasting wind farm energy production. However, their performance is influenced by the specificity of the data and seasonal patterns. The study provides an in-depth analysis of the results and offers suggestions for future research, such as extending the data to include multidimensional time series. Our findings have practical implications for enhancing the accuracy of wind farm energy forecasts, which can significantly improve operational efficiency and planning.
This study aims to enhance active vibration control in a cantilever beam using macro fiber composite (MFC) actuators. To address the challenge of accurately modeling the complex hysteresis behavior of MFC actuators, an advanced hysteresis modeling technique is employed, integrating a non-symmetric Bouc–Wen model with an Auto-Regressive model with eXogenous inputs (ARX). The parameter estimation of this model is optimized using an adaptive mutation factor, and multiple mutation strategy differential evolution (AmFMMDE) algorithm. Additionally, a Variable Step Size Filtered-x Least Mean Square (VSS-FxLMS) algorithm with step size adaptation based on normalized error change is utilized for effective vibration control. This approach shows promising potential for practical engineering applications requiring precise and efficient active vibration control.
Güneş paneli teknolojisi, güneş enerjisini elektrik enerjisine dönüştürerek sürdürülebilir ve temiz enerji üretimini desteklemektedir. Yapay zekâ, bu süreçte veri analizi, enerji yönetimi ve panel verimliliğinin optimizasyonu gibi alanlarda önemli katkılar sunmaktadır. Bu iki teknolojinin entegrasyonu, enerji üretimi ve tüketiminde daha yüksek verimlilik sağlamayı mümkün kılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, sensörler aracılığıyla veri toplayarak güneş panellerinin gerçek performansını yapay zekâ tabanlı tahminlerle karşılaştırmak ve makine öğrenmesi yöntemleri ile güneş paneli kurulumu için en uygun alanları belirlemek amaçlanmaktadır. Elde edilen tahminlerin doğruluğu yüksek olduğu takdirde, sensörler ve yapay zekâ kullanılarak güneş paneli kurulumu olmaksızın da potansiyel enerji üretiminin tahmin edilebilmesi hedeflenmektedir.
Since direct measurement of reference evapotranspiration (ET0) is a complex, time-consuming and expensive process, the most common procedure is to estimate ET0 from climate data. The purpose of this study was to perform reference evapotranspiration calculations based on the data of the state meteorological station Askania-Nova and compare them with the actual ET0 data obtained using an automatic Internet meteorological station. The data for the study were taken from the state meteorological station Askania-Nova (township Askania-Nova, Kakhovsky district, Kherson region, 46.45°N 33.88°E) and the automatic Internet meteorological station iMetos IMT 300 from the company "Pessl Instruments", which is located at the meteorological site of the Askaniysk DSDS (Tavrychanka village, Kakhovsky district, Kherson region, 46.55°N, 33.83°E). Standard evapotranspiration was calculated using the Penman-Monteith method (FAO56-RM). To assess the accuracy of ET0 calculations, mean absolute percent error (MAPE), root mean square error (RMSE) and Standard Error of Estimate (SEE ) were determined. According to the results of the comparison of indicators from two meteorological stations, it was found that the smallest errors are inherent in the daily average and maximum temperature and relative air humidity (MAPE<10%), for the minimum temperature and relative air humidity, the MAPE errors are 18,1 and 13,7%, respectively. The MAPE error for water vapor pressure deficit and solar radiation is 20,2 and 26,3%, respectively. The largest MAPE error of 40,3% was established for wind speed measurements. The average MAPE error between the calculated ET0, based on the meteorological data of the Askania-Nova station, and the actual ET0 data obtained from the automatic Internet meteorological station iMetos is 16,8%, RMSE – 0,65 mm, SEE – 0,56 mm. Applying a coefficient of 0,92 when calculating ET0 reduces the errors of MAPE, RMSE, and SEE by 3,2%, 0,15 mm, and 0,05 mm, respectively, for all calculation periods. For the May-August period, the MAPE error was 10,7%, which brings the calculations close to high accuracy (MAPE <10%). Based on the results of the calculations, it was established that on average over the years of research, the actual ET0 was 68 mm less than the calculated one. The absolute errors of determination of ETc depended on the crop and the average over the years of research ranged from 33 mm (winter wheat) to 68 mm (early tomatoes). The application of the refined value of ET0 in calculations reduces the absolute errors in the determination of c over the years of research, this error did not exceed 6 mm (early tomato). Research results confirm the possibility of using meteorological indicators obtained from state meteorological stations to calculate ET0. To increase the accuracy of calculations, it is necessary to use a refinement coefficient.
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Silicon photonics has become in the past years an important technology adopted by a growing number of industrial players to develop their next generation optical transceivers. However most of the technology platforms established in CMOS fabrication lines are kept captive or open to only a restricted number of customers. In order to make silicon photonics accessible to a large number of players several initiatives exist around the world to develop open platforms. In this paper we will present imec's silicon photonics active platform accessible through multi-project wafer runs.
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We report a high-performance germanium waveguide photodetectors (WPDs) without doping in germanium or direct metal contacts on germanium, grown on and contacted through a silicon p-i-n diode structure. Wafer-scale measurements demonstrate high responsivities larger than 1.0 A/W across the C-band and low dark current of ~3 nA at -1 V and ~8 nA at -2 V. Owing to its small dimensions, the Ge WPD exhibits a high optoelectrical 3-dB bandwidth of 20 and 27 GHz at low-bias voltages of -1 and -2 V, respectively, which are sufficient for operation at 28 Gb/s. The reduced processing complexity at the tungsten contact plug module combined with the high responsivity makes these Ge WPD devices particularly attractive for emerging low-cost CMOS-Si photonics transceivers.
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Owing to the fact that input data for existing PV forecast algorithms are hard to come by, there is the need to develop a method based on data that is relatively easy to obtain and one with a much simpler algorithm which still produces acceptable results. This paper proposes a method for photovoltaic output backcast and forecast using cloud cover and historical data. The method is about five times more efficient than the benchmark model.
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A solution is presented for the short-term electrical energy forecasting in shopping centers located in the Netherlands and Belgium. A forecasting method is proposed on the basis of connectionist systems. General description of the forecasting method is provided, as well as its specific features with respect to the forecasting problem are studied. Several connectionist models are generalized, stated and applied, notably, moving average model, linear regression model, and neural network model. In addition, changes in forecasting quality are demonstrated depending on different input variables. The results of using these connectionist models are discussed, and conclusions regarding specific features of every model are outlined.
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We present a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) polarization-insensitive fiber-to-fiber coupler fabricated on a 200-mm wafer with the standard complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor technology. The coupling losses from a lensed fiber into a 500-nm-wide SOI waveguide were measured to be less than 1 dB in the 1520- to 1600-nm spectral range and below 3 dB between 1300 and 1600 nm.
Conference Paper
Precise dimension control technology for the fabrication of silicon photonics devices was established. The dimension control technology consists of the devices fabrication using 40-nm-node CMOS technology and in-line process monitoring by optical wafer-level probing system. As the results of process optimization in waveguide formation, superior dimension control in 440-nm-wide / 220-nm-thick waveguides was achieved, in which waveguide width deviation of 1.0 nm and height deviation of 0.3 nm were respectively obtained for a single 300 mm wafer. In the characterization of 5th-order coupled resonator optical waveguides (CROWs), remarkably small deviation of resonant frequency 0.7 nm in a single wafer was confirmed, which values agreed with the theoretical estimation from the fabrication error. As for the optical wafer-level probing system, quite small deviation less than 0.2 dB in I/O coupling loss between optical devices under test and fiber probe was confirmed. It was successfully shown that the combination of the precise process control and the in-line optical process control monitor is sufficient to the reproducible device fabrication for wide-bandwidth optical interconnection.
This paper is a re-examination of the benefits and limitations of decomposition and combination techniques in the area of forecasting, and also a contribution to the field, offering a new forecasting method. The new method is based on the disaggregation of time series components through the STL decomposition procedure, the extrapolation of linear combinations of the disaggregated sub-series, and the reaggregation of the extrapolations to obtain estimates for the global series. Applying the forecasting method to data from the NN3 and M1 Competition series, the results suggest that it can perform well relative to four other standard statistical techniques from the literature, namely the ARIMA, Theta, Holt-Winters' and Holt's Damped Trend methods. The relative advantages of the new method are then investigated further relative to a simple combination of the four statistical methods and a Classical Decomposition forecasting method. The strength of the method lies in its ability to predict long lead times with relatively high levels of accuracy, and to perform consistently well for a wide range of time series, irrespective of the characteristics, underlying structure and level of noise of the data.