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A Study of the Human Energy Field
Karen O'Dell, BA, HTP-A
Recent scientific evidence suggests that the varying energies produced by the human organism
resulting from alternating states of coherence within the heart, can have a profound effect on its
own physical reality as well as the physical reality of others, creating very real and scientifically
measurable changes within the body.
This literature review will first begin by discussing the heart's role in executive cognitive functions,
such as emotion and memory, as well as its function in generating an energetic field. Further
studies will be cited noting how the quality, or coherence of this field has a direct effect on overall
health, human cognitive function, emotion and behavior. Additional research will provide supporting
evidence that the psychological state of individuals, which is directly effected by the coherence of
their energy fields, effects not only their psychological and physical health, but those of surrounding
individuals as well.
Heart-Brain Communication
The origins, along with the physiological and psychological effects of human emotion have long
been a topic of research and debate. The brain has been given sole credit in executive cognitive
function for far too long and recent discoveries have unveiled evidence that the heart plays a major
role in these functions as well. Evidence provided by scientific research displays that the heart
generates more energy than any other organ in the body, producing an electromagnetic field that is
5000 times more powerful than that emitted by the brain.1
Additional research indicates that not only does the human heart emit more energy than any other
organ in the body, it also has a working conscious memory, which enables it to have a huge
influence on cognitive function, due to the fact that the heart is equipped with a nervous system
comprised of neurons, neurotransmitters, proteins and support cells like those found in the brain.
This circuitry allows it to function separately from the brain enabling it to learn, sense, feel and
remember. The number of neurons that stem from cognitive and emotional centers, such as the
heart, are far greater than those traveling the other way. The heart communicates information
about the emotional state of the organism through varying heart rhythm patterns, each producing
unique vibrational frequencies, which are received by the medulla and amygdala. These areas of
the brain are connected to the frontal lobes, which are responsible for cognitive executive functions
such as reasoning and decision making. So, these varying heart rhythms not only affect the heart,
but have an effect on the psychological and physiological state of the brain as well. These studies
show that the messages the heart sends can alter brain wave patterns modifying brain function.
Research shows that when heart rhythms are coherent, or in a state of balance and harmony, the
messages sent to the brain can initiate clarity of mind. This increases creativity and improves
1Forrester, M. (2013). The number one cause of health, the number one cause of disease.
Retrieved from Health-
decision making, as well as influencing positive states of emotion which in turn improve overall
health.2 A state of coherence of the heart is described by researchers to be a condition in which
the individual is in psychological balance, both feeling and exuding positive emotions of gratitude,
love and happiness. These findings display that heart rate variability, with its changing rhythms and
vibrational frequencies, has a direct influence on cognitive function and the overall psychological
and physiological health of an individual.3
Effects of the Energetic Field
Science states that the base for all biological life forms is light and energy, which every life form
also produces and emits. Current scientific research has found that these light and energy
emissions, also known as the human aura or energy field, are reflections of an individual's state of
physical and psychological health. Researchers have found that mental and emotional activity
experienced by an individual creates an immediate reaction in this field, which is then relayed to
the brain. Through the use of advanced imaging devices scientists were able to view which areas
of the body were affected by specific emotions. In images provided of individuals in a state of
coherence, or happiness and love, the heart center in the body is brightly aglow with a warm
radiating golden light that spreads throughout the body. Study of the human energy field can
provide information on the processes of human consciousness, which is described as the
operation of interaction between an individual and a collective field. Dr. Konstantin Korotkov has
created an instrument known as a Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) camera, that can be used to
view this field. This instrument works by measuring the electron densities within the various
systems and organs in the body and provides a colored image displaying the shape and size of the
field. The color, shape and size of the human energy field vary depending on the individual's
physical and psychological state of health. For example, images, provided by Dr. Korotkov, display
that stress has an intense impact on this field and causes it to become distorted and hollow in
appearance. Further research shows that when individuals are in positive states of emotion, the
field appears much more whole and vibrant. These findings confirm that energy activity emitted by
the human body can change states of mental and physical health as well as the structure of space,
i.e. the expansion and retraction of the field into the surrounding area, which according to studies,
can be anywhere from three feet to an infinite distance. These findings also display that the
majority of energy influencing this field is emanated by the heart. This ability to view the energy
emissions and determine the effects that varying mental states have on the human energy field
make the study of human energetic fields particularly applicable to the fields of medicine,
neurology and psychology.4
The energy emitted by the body has also been found to change and vibrate in varying frequencies
depending on the individual's physical and emotional state and permeates every cell within the
body. Research shows that this field also flows outward and fills the space around the body and
2McCraty, R., Atkinson, M., and Tomasino, D. (2001). Science of the heart: Exploring the role of the
heart in human performance. Retrieved
3McCraty, R., Atkinson, M., Tomasino, D., and Tiller, W. (2013). The Electricity of Touch: Detection
and measurement of cardiac energy exchange between people. Retrieved from
4Korotkov, K. (2012). Report of the experimental results of the educational sessions of the
International Academy for Scientific Mental Healing (Drossinakis IAWG) under the direction of Prof.
Dr. Konstantine Korotkov. Retrieved from
can be felt by other individuals as well. When the energetic components of this field are not
functioning properly, illness and disease can occur. Science is now finding that a disease such as
cancer cannot occur unless this vibratory field is disrupted by a negative emotional state within the
body. Evidence provided by Forrester (2013), displays that everything in the world, and in the
human body, be it physical or incorporeal, vibrates at varying frequencies and these vibrational
frequencies have a direct effect on an individual's psychological and physiological state of health.
Out of these vibrational frequencies, thought-vibration is the strongest and carries with it a huge
impact on physical and emotional health. When there are negative feelings and emotions within the
individual's thought-vibration it can cause sickness and disease. Therefore, the creation and
development of disease within an individual stems from an unaddressed state of continued
negative thought-vibration. Further research supports these findings stating that an individuals
heart rhythms, which also vibrate at varying frequencies, change depending on the physiological
and psychological state of health they are in. These changing heart rhythms, which are greatly
influenced by emotion, produce varying energetic and electromagnetic waves, which can be
detected not only by the individual's brain, but by the brains and nervous systems of those nearby,
and upon interaction, an individual's brain waves could synchronize with another person's
heartbeat. This is known as entrainment. These findings suggest that the electromagnetic fields
produced by the heart are another source of communication.5
Effects of One Individual's HEF on Another
There is a multitude of scientific evidence displaying that emissions of the electromagnetic and
bioenergy fields of an individual's heart and body can have a profound effect on those of others.
This induces changes on a genetic level which help to improve, or can cause harm, injury and
deterioration to physical and psychological health. Science states that when energy is defined as
the aptitude to cause effect, then it becomes evident that the qualities of one person's energy
waves can have an effect on those of another and when individuals communicate, there is a
constant underlying exchange of energy occurring. The energy emitted by one individual is
received by another and can have a direct influence on their energy qualities, or state of
coherence. When individuals are in close proximity to one another, a phenomenon known as
entrainment or entanglement can occur which is the process whereby one individual's energies
synchronize with another's to where each can receive subtle messages and stimuli through shared
effected brain wave patterns. The possibility of entrainment is especially strengthened when there
is intent to do so.6
Researchers have found that conscious direction of intent of positive emotional states that create
heart coherence within an individual, such as those used by Energy Medicine practitioners, have
an effect on the psychological and physiological state of another. In an experiment conducted by
Tiller and Dibble (2009), two subjects meditated together for ten minutes. After this time one
subject was taken into a separate room where researchers stimulated the subjects’ eyelids with
light. The brain wave signature that appeared in the subject that was stimulated also appeared in
the other subject. This evidence displays that individuals can have a direct influence on each
other's brainwaves. When energy is positively influenced and consciously directed with intent, as in
the practice of an Energy Medicine therapy, it can be delivered to another, producing positive
5Caviness, L., McCarthy, W., McCraty, R., and Atkinson, M. (2012). Mother-Baby study supports
heart-brain interactions. Retrieved from of-the-
heart/mother-baby-study-supports- heart-brain-interactions.html
6Tiller, W. and Dibble, W. (2009). What is information entanglement and why is it so important to
psychoenergetic science? Retrieved from
effects within their energy field.
Effects of Coherence
Research findings display that the states of human consciousness have a direct effect on physical
reality. As a result, consciousness is quickly becoming a significant experimental variable in the
study of psychological and physiological health and human function and response. Tiller (2009),
defines consciousness, as the "unique quality of nature that is ultimately convertible to energy." (P.
5). This evidence suggests that there are two levels of physical reality, one being the body's
physical state and the other being the energy state of the varying energetic fields produced and
emitted by components of consciousness. These components include thought and emotional
vibrational waves through various organs of the body which have a large impact on the body's
physical and psychological state of health.
Other scientific studies found that when positive emotional states are sustained, coherent thought-
vibration frequencies are maintained, which in turn improves psychological and physiological
health. Further research and experimentation findings concurs with this displaying that the
emotional state of the individual has a direct effect on the on the quality of the electromagnetic
energy field emitted by the heart. For example, when an individual's inner emotions are in a
positive state of sincere appreciation, love or caring, this is reflected within the field, and the body,
as a state of increased coherence. When coherence is present, bodily organs and functions
become synchronized and balanced, acquiring the ability to perform at their optimum capacity due
to the positive vibrational quality of the heart's electromagnetic field. If an individual is experiencing
a negative state of emotion and consciously shifts the direction of their cognitive awareness from
one state of emotion to another, alternate synaptic circuits in the brain are activated. With routine
use of cognitive shifting in this manner these synaptic vesicles, ions and neurotransmitters become
strengthened. For example, when positive thoughts patterns are repeated again and again, this
repetition strengthens the synaptic pathway and rewires the brain's circuitry to the favored
pathway. This process of rewiring within the brain is known as neuroplasticity. Through the process
of awareness, and conscious, willful direction of cognitive thought, an individual is able to use the
transformative capacity of thought to shape the brain, thus affording humans the opportunity to
raise the vibrational frequency of their energy field into a state of coherence which, according to
research findings, leads to drastically improved physical and psychological health.7
The implications of these findings suggests that any further research into the fields of physiology,
neurology and psychology needs to consider the entire human organism, taking into account the
scientifically proven effects of the energies of consciousness in order to progress understanding in
this field. Obviously, much more research, experimentation and implementation of these findings
are needed to ascertain the extent of which cognitive redirection of thought energies has on the
capacity to heal and maintain optimum health--not only within ones self, but within others as well.
My own practice of providing Healing Touch therapy to others, both human and animal, has
afforded me with eyewitness evidence that these energies play a monumental role in physical and
psychological healing and has led me to pursue further implementation and investigation into this
field of research and healing.
7Long, W. (2006). Quantum theory and neuroplasticity: Implications for social theory. Journal of
theoretical and philosophical psychology. (P. 78-94). Retrieved from
Caviness, L., McCarthy, W., McCraty, R., and Atkinson, M. (2012). Mother-Baby study supports
heart-brain interactions. Retrieved from of-the-
heart/mother-baby-study-supports- heart-brain-interactions.html
Forrester, M. (2013). The number one cause of health, the number one cause of disease.
Retrieved from Health-
Korotkov, K. (2012). Report of the experimental results of the educational sessions of the
International Academy for Scientific Mental Healing (Drossinakis IAWG) under the direction of Prof.
Dr. Konstantine Korotkov. Retrieved from
Long, W. (2006). Quantum theory and neuroplasticity: Implications for social theory. Journal of
theoretical and philosophical psychology. (P. 78-94). Retrieved from
McCraty, R., Atkinson, M., and Tomasino, D. (2001). Science of the heart: Exploring the role of the
heart in human performance. Retrieved
McCraty, R., Atkinson, M., Tomasino, D., and Tiller, W. (2013). The Electricity of Touch: Detection
and measurement of cardiac energy exchange between people. Retrieved from
Tiller, W. (2009). It is time for a consciousness- inclusive Science. Retrieved
Tiller, W. and Dibble, W. (2009). What is information entanglement and why is it so important to
psychoenergetic science? Retrieved from
... An individual's performance in the workplace is determined by their personal attitude and this depends on the human Aura (Oslie 2000;Karen O'Dell 2015). The Aura-Chakra dependent individuals color category has been related not only to physical reality, emotional makeup, mental attitude and social style, but also to leadership style, financial options and career choices of an individual (Betts 2008;Downie et al. 2008;Clarke 2010;Taylor et al. 2010). ...
Purpose of this research is to find the relationship between Aura-Chakra, spirituality and yoga, and work performance based on 427 respondents using a reliable questionnaire. Results revealed that except the respondents from the textile sector, all other respondents from the academic, hospital, auto component unit, spiritual center and IT fields showed Blue-Throat Chakra that exhibited high spirituality and regularity in practicing yoga. Independent sample t-test expressed a good significance for Blue-Throat Chakra with spirituality and loyalty. The Pearson correlation indicated a significant correlation between Green-Heart Chakra and goal orientation, also workaholism, Blue-Throat Chakra and loyalty, and Red-Base Chakra and workaholism. Spirituality had a significant correlation with Blue-Throat Chakra, loyalty and goal orientation. The research concluded that Blue- Throat Chakra individuals are loyal and goal oriented in achieving the employer’s goal, as they are highly spiritual and regularly practice yoga.
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