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Collagen peptide supplementation in combination with resistance training
improves body composition and increases muscle strength in elderly
sarcopenic men: a randomised controlled trial
Denise Zdzieblik
, Steffen Oesser
, Manfred W. Baumstark
, Albert Gollhofer
and Daniel König
Department for Nutrition, Institute for Sports and Sports Science, University of Freiburg, Freiburg 79117, Germany
CRI, Collagen Research Institute GmbH, Kiel 24118, Germany
Department of Rehabilitation, Prevention and Sports Medicine, Centre for Internal Medicine, University Hospital Freiburg,
79106 Freiburg, Germany
(Submitted 22 February 2015 –Final revision received 22 June 2015 –Accepted 29 June 2015)
Protein supplementation in combination with resistance training may increase muscle mass and muscle strength in elderly subjects. The
objective of this study was to assess the influence of post-exercise protein supplementation with collagen peptides v. placebo on muscle mass
and muscle function following resistance training in elderly subjects with sarcopenia. A total of fifty-three male subjects (72·2(
SD 4·68) years)
with sarcopenia (class I or II) completed this randomised double-blind placebo-controlled study. All the participants underwent a 12-week
guided resistance training programme (three sessions per week) and were supplemented with either collagen peptides (treatment group (TG))
(15 g/d) or silica as placebo (placebo group (PG)). Fat-free mass (FFM), fat mass (FM) and bone mass (BM) were measured before and after
the intervention using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Isokinetic quadriceps strength (IQS) of the right leg was determined and sensory
motor control (SMC) was investigated by a standardised one-leg stabilisation test. Following the training programme, all the subjects showed
significantly higher (P<0·01) levels for FFM, BM, IQS and SMC with significantly lower (P<0·01) levels for FM. The effect was significantly
more pronounced in subjects receiving collagen peptides: FFM (TG +4·2(
SD 2·31) kg/PG +2·9(SD 1·84) kg; P<0·05); IQS (TG +16·5
(SD 12·9) Nm/PG +7·3(SD 13·2) Nm; P<0·05); and FM (TG –5·4(SD 3·17) kg/PG –3·5(SD 2·16) kg; P<0·05). Our data demonstrate that
compared with placebo, collagen peptide supplementation in combination with resistance training further improved body composition by
increasing FFM, muscle strength and the loss in FM.
Key words: Sarcopenia: Collagen hydrolysate: Collagen peptides: Resistance exercise: Ageing: Protein supplementation
In general, ageing is associated with a decline in motor func-
tion, muscle mass and a decrease in muscular performance
The definition of sarcopenia includes both an age-related
decline in muscle mass and a reduction in functional muscular
performance. Sarcopenia is associated with an increased risk for
falls and an overall prevalence for frailty
. Several investi-
gations have shown that the onset of sarcopenia can be post-
poned and the progress decelerated by regular physical activity,
mainly resistance exercise
. Furthermore, it has been
demonstrated that additional dietary proteins enhance the rate
of post-exercise net muscle protein synthesis and decrease
muscle protein breakdown following resistance exercise
Consequently, the combination of prolonged resistance exer-
cise and post-exercise protein supplementation should increase
fat-free mass (FFM) and/or muscle strength in randomised
controlled trials (RCT). However, although several well-
controlled studies have shown an increase in strength or FFM,
a comparable number of investigations have yielded negative
. In a most recent meta-analysis, Cermak et al.
included twenty-two RCT that have investigated the effect of
resistance exercise and protein supplementation on FFM and
muscle strength in both young and older subjects. Their ana-
lyses showed that protein supplementation increases FFM and
strength to a significantly higher level than placebo and that this
effect of dietary protein was evident in both younger and older
subjects. In most of these RCT, the proteins administered were
whey, milk, soya or casein; in some studies, a mixture of dif-
ferent essential amino acids was administered.
In the present study, we investigated the effect of post-
exercise protein supplementation with collagen peptides on
*Corresponding author: Dr D. König, email
Abbreviations: FFM, fat-free mass; FM, fat mass; PG, placebo group; RCT, randomised controlled trial; TG, treatment group.
British Journal of Nutrition, page 1 of 9 doi:10.1017/S0007114515002810
© The Authors 2015. This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution licence (, which permits unrestricted
re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
muscle mass and muscle function during a 3-month resistance
training programme. Collagen is an extracellular protein that
accounts for 25–30 % of the total protein content within the
human body. The process of hydrolysis yields collagen pep-
tides that are designated as foodstuff. The peptides are rapidly
resorbed in the small intestine, which may be important for
post-exercise recovery, although the existence of the post-
exercise metabolic window has recently been challenged
Moreover, collagen peptides are absorbed in intact form to
some extent, up to 10 kDa
It is generally believed that the protein applied should be
high in branched chain amino acids (BCAA), particularly leu-
cine, which is known to activate several intracellular signal
transduction pathways involved in initiating translation such as
the mTOR signalling pathway
Collagen is generally regarded as having a relatively low
biological value, mainly due to the low amount of BCAA and
lysine (Table 1). Nevertheless, the mixture of amino acids has
been shown to be superior compared with whey protein in
maintaining N balance and body weight during a low-protein
. In addition, collagen contains relatively high amounts of
arginine and glycine, both known to be important substrates for
the synthesis of creatine in the human body
Although hydrolysed collagen is contained in sports drinks
and bars aimed at improving regeneration and post-exercise
muscle recovery, to our knowledge, no controlled study has
thus far investigated the effect of collagen peptide supple-
mentation on FFM, muscle strength and motor control. We
investigated the respective effects in combination with resis-
tance training in a randomised placebo-controlled design in
fifty-three elderly men with sarcopenia class I and II.
A total of 148 subjects (Fig. 1) answered an advertisement in a
local newspaper in which healthy men, aged >65 years, who
experienced a considerable loss in muscular strength or
physical performance within the last 3–4 years, were sought.
Subjects needed to be able to participateinthe3-monthresistance
training and be free of acute diseases or illness-related cachexia.
After a telephone interview, forty-two subjects already met the
exclusion criteria. These subjects had chronic illnesses (liver,
kidney, cancer without recurrence for 5 years, CVD, advanced
arthrosis) or other diseases that made participation in the exer-
cise programme impossible; 106 persons were then invited to
attend our outpatient ward for further examinations. From these
106 subjects, again forty-six of them met the exclusion criteria,
Table 1. Amino acid composition of the collagen peptides
Amino acid Weight (%) Mol (%)
Hydroxyproline 11·39·6
Aspartic acid 5·84·8
Serine 3·23·4
Glutamic acid 10·17·5
Glycine 22·132·3
Histidine 1·20·8
Arginine 7·85·0
Threonine 1·81·7
Alanine 8·510·5
Proline 12·311·8
Tyrosine 0·90·5
Hydroxylysine 1·71·2
Valine 2·42·3
Methionine 0·90·9
Lysine 3·82·9
Isoleucine 1·31·1
Leucine 2·72·3
Phenylalanine 2·11·4
Enrolment Assessed for eligibility (n 148)
Excluded (n 88)
- Not meeting inclusion criteria (n 80)
- Declined to participate (n 6)
- Other reasons (n 2)
Randomised (n 60)
Allocated to intervention (TG) (n 30)
- Received allocated intervention (n 30)
Lost to follow-up (give reasons) (n 4)
(Non-compliance with study protocol, missing
too many training session)
Analysed (n 26)
- No further exclusion from analysis
Analysed (n 27)
- No further exclusion from analysis
Lost to follow-up (give reasons) (n 3)
(Non-compliance with study protocol, missing
too many training session)
Allocated to intervention (PG) (n 30)
- Recieved allocated intervention (n 30)
Fig. 1. Flowchart of subject recruitment and dropouts before and during the study. TG, treatment group; PG, placebo group.
2 D. Zdzieblik et al.
mainly because sarcopenia was absent or because the medical
examination yielded further contraindications to participate in
the resistance training programme. The presence of sarcopenia
was screened using a handheld dynamometer (Trailite; LiteEx-
press GmbH). According to the European working group on
sarcopenia in older people, handgrip strength (<32 kg) is well
suited for detecting low muscle strength
. The presence of
sarcopenia was then assured by dual-energy X-ray absorptio-
metry (DXA) measurement of muscle mass. The diagnosis and
classification of sarcopenia were established by the loss of
muscle mass and muscle function according to current guide-
. Sarcopenia class I was diagnosed if DXA muscle
mass was 1–2SD lower than the sex-specific mean for young
adults, and sarcopenia class II was diagnosed if the muscle mass
was lower than 2 SD.
Among all, sixty subjects gave their written informed consent
after being informed about the nature and the possible risks of
the investigation. All the subjects completed a comprehensive
medical examination and routine blood testing (ESR, haemo-
gram, creatinine, creatine kinase, urea, ALT, AST) to exclude
other chronic diseases.
The study protocol was approved by the ethics committee of
the University of Freiburg.
Study design
The participants of the study were randomly assigned to the
treatment group (TG) (collagen peptide supplementation) or to
the placebo group (PG). Randomisation was performed using a
random number generator
. Blinding of investigators and
participants was not lifted until all the data were entered, the
data set was secured and the statistical analysis was performed.
The primary outcome measure was the change in FFM before
and after the intervention, which lasted for 12 weeks.
Compliance was checked by collecting unused supplements.
In addition, subjects were asked to keep daily records about the
timing of ingestion, side-effects or other problems related to the
training programme or the supplements. In addition, blood
samples were collected at the beginning and at the end of the
study to evaluate the safety of the product and to verify adverse
Protein supplementation
The subjects assigned to the TG (n30) were given 15 g of collagen
peptides/d. The test product with a mean molecular weight of
approximately 3 kDa is derived from a complex multi-step
procedure by the degradation of type I collagen. The product
was provided by GELITA AG (BODYBALANCE
). The amino
acid composition of the collagen peptides is shown in Table 1.
Subjects in the PG (n30) received silicon dioxide (Sipernat
350; Evonik). Silicon dioxide (silica) was chosen because it is a
safe food additive and is absorbed in negligible amounts by the
intestine. Therefore, silicon dioxide induces no metabolic
effects in contrast to, for example, carbohydrates applied in
some of the previous studies in this field.
Collagen peptides as well as placebo were given in powder
form and were dissolved by the participants in 250 ml water.
Subjects were instructed to drink the solution as soon as
possible following each training session but not later than 1 h
after training. During the first hour after training, no other food
was allowed, except for water to compensate for sweat loss.
Subjects also ingested collagen hydrolysate/placebo on the
days without training; they were requested that the time point
when they drank the solution without previous training should
not differ from the days with training.
Exercise intervention programme
The resistance training was carried out at the University of
Freiburg and consisted of a 12-week guided training
programme on fitness devices (pull down, leg press, bench
press, back press, etc.) involving all larger muscle groups.
Subjects took part in the resistance training programme in the
afternoon three times a week over a time period of 60 min.
Individual adaptations of the training protocol were regularly
made as a function of the actual performance. The intensity was
based on the number of possible repetitions (week 1–4: fifteen
repetitions, week 5–9: ten repetitions, week 10–12: eight
repetitions; 4 s/repetition). Subjects were excluded from the
study if they missed >10 % of the training sessions.
Body composition was measured before and after the 3-month
training period using DXA (Stratos DR 2D Fan Beam; Degen
Muscular strength was tested by measuring isokinetic quad-
riceps strength of the right leg before and after the training
programme (Con-Trex) and sensory motor control (SMC) was
determined using a standardised one-leg stabilisation test
(Posturomed; Haider-Bioswing) as described previously
Dietary intake
Dietary intake was evaluated before and at the end of the study
using 4 days’nutritional protocols. Subjects were asked to fill
out the protocols using household measurements. The proto-
cols were analysed using PRODI 6.0 (Prodi).
Statistical methods
All the data in the tables are presented as means and standard
deviations and as means with their standard errors in the bar
charts. Statistical analysis was performed using the Statistical
Package for the Social Sciences Software (SPSS for Windows,
version 20.0.1). Normality of all the variables was tested before
statistical evaluation using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test. All the
variables were normally distributed. Baseline differences were
tested using the unpaired samples ttest. Testing for changes
between examination at baseline and following the 3-month
intervention within groups were performed using the paired
samples ttest. Testing for changes between groups following
the intervention (collagen peptide group=TG v. PG) was
carried out using two-way repeated-measures ANOVA for
Collagen peptides and sarcopenia 3
continuous variables. The factors were TG (collagen hydrolysate/
placebo) and time (levels were pre- and post-intervention).
The strength of relationships was analysed using Pearson’s
linear correlation coefficient r.APvalue of 0·05 or less was
considered to indicate statistical significance. Based on previous
studies, we expected an increase in FFM (primary outcome
measure) by 2 kg with a 2·5SD
. With an αof 0·05 and a
power of 0·80, a number of twenty-five subjects in each group
was considered appropriate. Considering a dropout rate from
20 %, we chose a number of thirty subjects in each group.
A total of fifty-three men with a mean age of 72·2(SD 4·68) years
completed the study (twenty-six men in the TG and twenty-
seven men in the PG). Age did not differ significantly between
the completers in both groups (TG =72·3(
SD 3·7) years and
PG =72·1(
SD 5·53) years).
All seven dropouts were related to incompliance with the
study design and training protocol. Excluded participants pre-
dominantly had missed >10 % of the training sessions due to
various reasons. No dropout was related to side-effects of the
administered collagen peptide supplement or placebo. No
serious adverse events were noted and, especially, no
pathological findings could be observed in the routine
blood tests.
Based on the results of the handgrip test and the DXA mea-
, twenty-one subjects of the total study population
were categorised as having class I sarcopenia and thirty-two as
having class II sarcopenia. Again, data were balanced at
baseline with no statistically significant differences between the
TG and the PG, regarding classification of sarcopenia
(TG =eleven class I and fifteen class II; PG =ten class I and
seventeen class II).
Body composition and muscle strength
In both the groups, a statistically significant (P<0·001) increase
in FFM and a significant loss in fat mass (FM) (P<0·001) could
be observed after 3 months (Table 2). Moreover, muscle
strength and SMC improved significantly (P<0·001) in both
the groups. Moreover, data for bone mass (BM) revealed a
statistically significant (P<0·001) increase in both the groups at
the end of the study.
Fig. 2 demonstrates that the observed increase in FFM of
2·90 (SEM 1·84)kg in the PG was more pronounced after
supplementation with 15 g collagen peptides (+4·22 (SEM 2·31) kg).
The observed group difference was statistically significant
(P<0·05). In addition, the decrease in FM in the collagen
peptide-supplemented group (–5·45 (SEM 3·17) kg) was more
pronounced (P<0·05) compared with the PG (–3·51
(SEM 2·16) kg). Although the difference was not significant, base-
line characteristics showed that subjects in the PGweighedless
in the collagen-supplemented group. In both the groups, the loss
supplemented group, the correlation coefficient (r0·72; P<0·001)
P<0·003) (Figs 3 and 4).
Muscle strength was increased in both the study groups after
12 weeks, but again the effect in the collagen peptide group
(16·12 (SEM 12·9) Nm) was more distinct than in the PG (+7·38
(SEM 13·2) Nm), demonstrating a statistically significant
difference (P<0·05) (Fig. 5). SMC was not significantly different
from that of the PG (Fig. 5).
BM was significantly (P<0·001) increased during the course
of the intervention in both the groups. The difference between
the groups after the intervention did not reach significance.
The analysis of the nutritional protocols revealed that
the subjects consumed a typical western diet and that they were
not protein deficient (protein 16·4(
SEM 4·2) % (0·91 g/kg
Table 2. Body composition, muscle strength and sensory motor control in the subjects before and after supplementation with collagen hydrolysate
or placebo
(Mean values and standard deviations)
Treatment group (n26) Placebo group (n27)
Baseline examination Final examination Baseline examination Final examination
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Significance between groups in
RM ANOVA testing assessing
(treatment × time) interaction (P)
Weight (kg) 88·2†12·187·311·983·114·882·814·5NS
Fat-free mass (%) 64·7†4·26 70·31*** 4·866·84·77 70·4*** 4·94 <0·05
Fat mass (%) 31·63†4·58 25·67*** 5·22 29·55·53 25·4*** 5·55 <0·05
Bone mass (%) 3·6†0·47 4·02*** 0·59 3·81 0·61 4·18*** 0·71 NS
Fat-free mass (kg) 56·9†6·68 61·1*** 6·88 54·96·96 57·8*** 7·46 <0·05
Fat mass (kg) 28·1†7·09 22·7*** 7·08 25·18·69 21·6*** 8·15 <0·05
Bone mass (kg) 3·14†0·36 3·46*** 0·38 3·10·36 3·34*** 0·43 NS
Power (knee extension) (Nm) 123†27·3 140*** 28·3 132 27 139* 27·4<0·05
Sensory motor control (mm) 1205†852 477*** 228 1374 639 516*** 24 NS
RM, repeated measurements; mm, length of path on posturometer.
*P<0·05 within the group from baseline to final examination; *** P<0·001 within the group from baseline to final examination.
†No significant difference at baseline between treatment group and placebo group.
4 D. Zdzieblik et al.
body weight), fat 33·23 (SEM 7·1) % and carbohydrates 43·8
(SEM 8·7) %). Total energy intake was 7757·1 kJ/d (1854 kcal/d),
which is in the lower reference level for this age group; how-
ever, underreporting cannot be ruled out in these subjects
aiming at improving their body compositing. There were no
significant differences between the dietary intake before and
after the intervention period. Dietary intake did not differ
between the groups.
The main finding of the present study is that collagen peptides
further increased the benefits of the 3-month resistance training
in older subjects with sarcopenia. Compared with placebo,
subjects in the collagen-supplemented group showed a higher
increase in FFM and muscle strength as well as a higher
reduction in FM.
The results of the current study are in accordance with
previous investigations, showing that resistance exercise
improves strength, FFM, co-ordination as well as postural con-
trol in the ageing population
However, there is a controversial discussion as to whether
the anabolic effect of resistance exercise can be further
enhanced by protein supplementation, particularly in the
. In experimental settings, it has been clearly
demonstrated that the ingestion of dietary protein following
Δ Fat-free mass (kg)
–12 –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 0 2
Δ Fat mass (kg)
Fig. 3. Correlation (Pearson’sr) between fat-free mass and fat mass changes after a 12 weeks of resistance training in elderly men (age >65 years, n26) in
combination with a daily dosage of 15 g collagen peptides (r0·72; P<0·001).
Fat-free mass
Fat mass
Change in mass (kg)
Fig. 2. Change in fat-free mass and fat mass after 12 weeks of resistance training in elderly men (age>65 years) with collagen peptide supplementation (treatment
group, n26; ) or placebo (placebo group, n27; ). Values are means, with their standard errors represented by vertical bars. Significance was tested by ANOVA
considering time × treatment interactions. * Mean value was significantly different from that of the placebo group (P<0.05).
Collagen peptides and sarcopenia 5
resistance exercise stimulates muscle protein synthesis rates in
the post-exercise period
. Nevertheless, the findings of RCT
investigating this combined effect over a longer period of time
have yielded controversial results. Although a considerable
amount of well-controlled studies have reported an increase in
FFM and muscle strength following the combination of resis-
tance exercise with protein supplementation, other investiga-
tors could not confirm a synergistic effect
. A meta-analysis
by Cermak et al.
analysed the combined effect of protein
and resistance exercise in both younger and older subjects by
pooling twenty-two RCT. The data indicate that protein
supplementation increases the gains in FFM and muscular
strength in both young and elder subjects
. Moreover, a most
recent review supports the efficacy of nutritional supple-
mentation in the treatment of sarcopenia
In the present investigation, the increase in FFM and muscle
strength and the decrease in FM seemed to be more pronounced
compared with previous reports
. This might be explained by
the fact that the training was very extensive. It was designed and
supervised by renowned experts in motor control and resistance
. In addition, the workload was individually adapted
throughout the study, and the main goal of the training
procedure was the induction of muscular hypertrophy. More-
over, the participants of the present study were not suffering
from severe sarcopenia with no signs of frailty or cachexia.
Nevertheless, no significant correlation between the degree of
Δ Fat-free mass (kg)
–12 –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 0 2
Δ Fat mass (kg)
Fig. 4. Correlation (Pearson’sr) between fat-free mass and fat mass changes after a 12 weeks of resistance training in elderly men (age >65 years, n26) in the
placebo group (r0·55; P<0·003).
Motor control
Muscle strength
Fig. 5. Changes in strength output and motor control after 12 weeks of resistance training referred to baseline in elderly men (age >65 years) with collagen peptide
supplementation (treatment group (TG), n26) or placebo (placebo group (PG), n27). Values are means with their standard error of means. Significance tested by
ANOVA considering time × treatment interactions. , PG; , TG.
6 D. Zdzieblik et al.
sarcopenia and the individual response to supplementation and
training in any of the parameters in the subjects investigated
could be observed. All the subjects were living independently
with a normal dietary pattern, and the recorded nutritional
protocols revealed adequate protein intake. Nevertheless, the
subjects did not perform physical exercise, particularly resistance
exercise, on a regular basis (<1 h/week). This could further
explain why the anabolic stimulus of resistance training induced
such a positive effect in this non-frail population.
Other investigations with comparable study designs were not
able to observe an efficacy of protein supplementation in
combination with resistance exercise on body composition and
muscle strength in the elderly
. Beside factors such as age,
health, nutrition status of the subjects and design of the training
programme, the type of dietary protein intake could also play a
role. In a previous study, we could demonstrate that soya
protein together with a resistance training programme, com-
parable with the one applied in the present investigation,
increased muscle mass to a higher extent than in the control
group without protein supplementation
The effects of collagen peptides on body composition and
muscular power output have not been investigated previously.
Thus far, studies have mainly focused on the effects of collagen
peptides on skin health and degenerative joint diseases such as
. The impact on body composition has
not been in the focus, as it is generally believed that the relatively
low biological value of collagen would not favour a significant
improvement on muscular net protein synthesis. The results of
the present investigation do not support this assumption, and the
following findings could contribute to further explain the
increase in FFM and strength following collagen peptides
supplementation: it has been shown that collagen peptide intake
was superior to whey protein in maintaining N balance and body
weight during a low-protein diet
protein digestibility corrected amino acid score, its N content
may be higher compared with whey on a per gram basis due to a
high proportion of amino acids having low molecular weight or
containing more than one N atom.
Furthermore, it has been speculated that the timing of protein
supplementation as well as the absorption kinetic of the
administered protein can have an influence on the efficacy
Some studies revealed that a fast digestion and rapid absorption
kinetic could influence the enhancement of muscle hyper-
trophy by proteins. It has been proposed that the anabolic
window for optimal post-exercise anabolic effects begins to
close after 90–120 min
. In the present study, collagen
peptides were ingested within 60 min after training. Therefore,
it could be possible that the short post-exercise interval and the
rapid digestibility and absorption of collagen peptides following
may have supported the post-exercise
muscle protein anabolism. It has to be critically remarked that a
most recent meta-analysis did not support the hypothesis of this
anabolic window theory
. Therefore, further research in this
area including collagen peptides is necessary.
Another rather speculative explanation for the observed
effects could be that collagen is rich in arginine and glycine,
both known to be important substrates for the synthesis of
creatine in the human body. Creatine supplementation has
been shown to improve both muscle mass and muscular
function in some but not all studies
. In the recent years,
evidence supporting the theory suggesting that creatine
supplementation may also play a role in reducing sarcopenia in
aged subjects is increasing
. Therefore, it would be interesting
to determine the amount of creatine in the muscle cells
following collagen peptide supplementation in future studies.
In addition, Timmerman & Volpi
discussed the positive
effect of an increased microvascular perfusion, and thus
increased amino acid delivery, on enhanced anabolic responses
after protein supplementation. Collagen peptides have shown
to positively influence microcirculation
; therefore, this
might cause an additional beneficial effect in promoting muscle
growth compared with other protein sources.
Finally, several investigations have shown that collagen
peptides significantly reduce pain in subjects with osteoarthritis
as well as functional joint pain
. Therefore, it could be
speculated that the subjects who were supplemented with
collagen peptides were able to perform the resistance exercises
with less pain, and therefore had a better training gain.
The reason for the higher increase in muscular strength
may also be related to one of the above-mentioned factors or
simply goes along with the higher amount of muscle mass. The
existence of a specific effect on muscular recruitment cannot be
assessed on the basis of the design of the study.
Nevertheless, the study has several limitations. The statistical
analysis was a completers’analysis and not an intention-to-treat
analysis. We decided to choose this approach as the dropout
causes were not in direct relationship with the intervention pro-
tocol and the subjects dropped out before the final examination.
Furthermore, we chose a placebo that did not deliver any
extra calories. It could be speculated that the additional amount
of energy provided by the collagen peptides may be responsible
for the respective effects. However, to our knowledge, there are
no data showing that additional calories –for example, by car-
bohydrates –would favour muscle hypertrophy. Therefore, we
do not think that it was simply the lower amount of calories in
the control group that accounts for the differences observed.
Finally, the randomisation yielded two groups with baseline
differences in FM and FFM; although the difference was not
statistically significant, an influence of these baseline differences
on the respective results cannot be ruled out completely.
In conclusion, the findings of the present study have
confirmed previous results that 60 min of resistance exercise,
performed three times per week, is well suited to significantly
increase muscle mass, muscular strength and motor control in
subjects with sarcopenia class I or II. Moreover, the study has
demonstrated that the combination of resistance exercise and
collagen peptide supplementation resulted in a more pro-
nounced improvement of body composition, as indicated by a
significant increase in muscle mass and decrease in FM, com-
pared with placebo. In addition, muscular strength was sig-
nificantly improved after collagen peptide intake compared
with the training programme plus placebo.
Further studies should investigate the effect of combined
resistance training and collagen peptide intake in other study
populations, including sex and different age groups and should
focus on the mode of action as well as on the required dosage.
Collagen peptides and sarcopenia 7
The authors thank the whole team of the Mooswaldklinik in
Freiburg for the realisation of the training programme and the
energy they have put into this project.
Part of the costs were paid by Gelita AG, Uferstraße 7,
Eberbach, Germany.
D. K. was the principal investigator of the study. S. O. and
M. W. B. were involved in the design and execution of the study
and performed the statistical analysis. All the authors read and
approved the final version of the manuscript. The planning,
organisation, monitoring and analysis of the study were per-
formed independently by the investigators.
There are no conflicts of interest.
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