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Digital Cloning for an Increased Feeling of Presence in Collaborative Virtual Reality Environments


Abstract and Figures

Embodying an avatar in virtual reality (VR) experiences is very important to reach a high feeling of presence. This is even more important in a collaborative VR scenario where multiple users must interact to achieve a certain task. In this paper, we present a new VR platform combining 3D body scanning, motion capture and head mounted display allowing people to walk freely in a virtual environment, look at their own body, and interact with other users and physical objects. Instead of being represented by generic avatars, users can embody a digital clone of themselves obtained by a 3D scanner.
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Digital cloning for an increased feeling of presence in collaborative
virtual reality environments
Sylvain CHAGUE*
1 Artanim Foundation, Geneva, Switzerland
Embodying an avatar in virtual reality (VR) experiences is very important to reach a high feeling of
presence. This is even more important in a collaborative VR scenario where multiple users must
interact to achieve a certain task. In this paper, we present a new VR platform combining 3D body
scanning, motion capture and head mounted display allowing people to walk freely in a virtual
environment, look at their own body, and interact with other users and physical objects. Instead of
being represented by generic avatars, users can embody a digital clone of themselves obtained by a
3D scanner.
Keywords: virtual reality, body scanning, avatars, character animation
1. Introduction
The key point to an effective and natural virtual reality (VR) experience is a strong feeling of presence.
According to Jason Jerald [1], this sensation can be divided into four sub-components: 1) the illusion
of being in a stable spatial space, 2) the illusion of self-embodiment, 3) the illusion of physical
interaction, and 4) the illusion of social communication. The first element is considered the most
important and is relatively easy to reach with current consumer VR hardware [2] [3] [4] and game
engines. Indeed, the combination of high definition screens, low latency and high framerate with head
tracking can easily fool the users’ brain into thinking that he is in a physical environment. However, the
limited tracking range and the lack of full body tracking currently limit the level of presence that can be
achieved in a VR experience.
This latter fact, the illusion of self-embodiment, i.e. the illusion of having a body in the virtual space,
requires the use of virtual avatars. If the user can physically move, a tracking system must compute
his body motion and transfer it to the avatar so that the motion of the avatar matches the user’s one.
Our brain is very skilled at detecting and reading human motion. This means that this illusion can be
easily broken if the animation or the appearance of the avatar is not plausible. This is even more
important when multiple users share the same VR experience in the same physical space and have to
interact together.
By combining motion capture with head mounted displays (HMD), the user has the possibility to
impersonate an avatar, improving a lot the illusion of self-embodiment [5] [6] [7] [8]. The impact of the
realism of the avatar on the feeling of body ownership is still an open question. A previous study by
Kilteni et al. [6] showed that this illusion can be intensified by the realism of the avatar (e.g., correct
shape, volume or color of the skin). On the other side, another study by Lugrin et al. [8] showed that a
realistic human appearance was not a critical factor in the illusion of virtual body ownership. People
can also rapidly learn how to use a body completely different from their own (e.g., a body with 3 arms)
One of the main difficulties encountered while trying to animate virtual avatars lies in the retargeting of
the user’s motion on the avatar’s animation rig, which can be challenging if the sizes of the user and
character greatly mismatch. This could lead to unrealistic motion and thus a lower feeling of presence.
The past years have seen a huge increase in 3D body scanning solutions ranging from affordable
solutions [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] to high-end expensive systems [16] [17]. The ability to scan
human bodies has been democratized. Solutions to transform raw body scans into game ready digital
*; +41 22 596 45 39;
avatars have also been studied and multiple solutions are now available [10] [12]. We believe that
using a digital clone of his self as an avatar in virtual reality can lead to an increased feeling of
embodiment and thus an increased feeling of presence.
In this paper, we present a novel multi-user VR platform combining 3D body scanning, optical motion
capture and HMD. In this platform, users are represented in the virtual world by a 3D digital clone of
themselves created from scan data and whose motion accurately matches their motion. They can also
see and physically interact with the other users or with physical objects.
2. Methods
2.1. 3D body scanning
Before stepping in the VR experience, it is necessary to obtain a realistic digital clone of the users.
Usersbodies were hence first 3D scanned using a custom-made photogrammetric 3D scanner (Fig.
1) consisting of 96 Canon Powershot A1400 cameras (12 poles of 8 cameras). Each pole had a
dedicated 8 port USB hub connected to the workstation and a 3.3V power supply for the cameras.
Two LED strips were positioned on each pole to provide an even illumination of the subject, which is
very important to capture a good texture.
The cameras were running the Canon Hack Development Kit [18] (CHDK), an open-source alternate
firmware allowing each camera’s parameters and tasks to be controlled by a LUA script. In addition,
the USB extension chdp-ptp [19] was used to remotely control the cameras from a single computer,
trigger synchronized shoot and automatically download the pictures to the computer. This allowed the
scanner to be controlled by a simple user interface. The synchronization mechanism was software
only which resulted in a maximum sync error of about 100 ms. This can be considered as sufficient for
scanning people standing in a specific position. Better synchronization could have been achieved by
using a more complicated hardware sync mechanism [20] but this solution was not implemented in our
application. Users were asked to stand in an A pose (arms inclined at roughly 45°), which facilitated
the post processing of the 3D scan at a later stage of the pipeline (see template fitting below).
Fig. 1. Photogrametric 3D scanner consisting of 96 Canon Powershot A1400 cameras
The 96 x 16 million pixel colored images were then processed in Agisoft Photoscan Professionnal [21],
a complete photogrammetry suite capable of generating detailed textured meshes from a set of
overlapping pictures (see Fig. 3A). However, 3D scans generated by photogrammetric techniques
result in meshes of too high density for real time animation. Moreover, since the 3D body scans are
often incomplete and exhibit holes, topological errors need to be corrected. Therefore, the next step
was to fit a template to the scans in order to tackle these problems.
2.2. Template fitting
We first developed two base anthromorphic human avatars: a male and a female. The avatars were
composed of two layers: a texture mesh (skin) used for the rendering of the surface of the avatar and
an animation rig (skeleton) which is a hierarchical tree structure to deform the mesh. Each mesh
was then attached to the virtual skeleton using the standard Skeletal Subspace Deformation technique
[22]. Skinning weights were defined for every vertex of the template mesh. The two avatars were
modeled in A-Pose which is the pose users were asked to keep during the 3D scan with a
relatively small number of polygons (15K triangles) in order to be easily rendered in real time.
The 3D scans obtained at the previous step were then used as input to a topology transfer tool [23]
which was in charge of fitting the template mesh to the 3D body scan. Two steps were necessary to
complete the fitting. First, the template was rigidly aligned to the scan. Second, the template was used
as the initial state of an as-rigid-as-possible deformation loop which tried to align the template topology
to the input scan while preserving as much as possible the initial shape of the template. The texture
from the 3D scan was finally re-projected on the fitted template, yielding a digital clone of the user
ready to be integrated in the game engine (Unity 3D [24] for the current application).
Once the template mesh was fitted to the 3D scan, the template skeleton was adapted to the user’s
dimensions using simple geometric considerations. Skin weights were also copied from the template
to the user’s avatar.
2.3. Motion capture and VR setup
Capturing the motion of an actor using an optical motion capture system usually requires wearing a
specific suit with a large number of markers (more than 50) and calibrating a virtual skeleton to the
actor’s dimensions by capturing and analyzing a complete range of motion. This actor setup is
complex and time consuming (around 15 min per user), and the suit itself is not hygienic if multiple
persons need to use it during the same day.
In order to maintain the setup time under one minute, the users were equipped with a set of rigid
bodies positioned on their feet and hands. Each rigid body was a cluster of reflective spherical
markers 14 mm) arranged in a unique geometrical pattern allowing the motion capture system to
identify it (e.g., left hand player 1) and to compute its absolute position and orientation in the 3D
space. The users were also equipped with a mobile and wireless VR system consisting of a small
computing unit located in a backpack coupled with a standard HMD (Oculus Rift DK2 [2]) and a pair of
headphones. Both the HMD and the user’s backpack were covered with a cluster of markers.
Additional reflective markers were fixed to physical props and other interactive objects (e.g., a torch or
a door that needs to be opened). The complete setup can be seen in Fig. 2.
Motion capture was performed using a MXT40S motion capture system (Vicon system [25], Oxford
Metrics, UK), including 16 cameras recording at 120 Hz. A central server running Vicon Tracker 3.0
[25] was used to track all the rigid bodies in the scene and to stream obtained data via Wi-Fi to each
computing unit. At the beginning of the VR experience, users were first asked to stay in a calibration
pose (T-Pose with arms up and parallel to the floor). This allowed the system to determine the position
of the rigid bodies with respect to the user’s avatar and to calibrate the avatar to the user’s
dimensions. Once the calibration was achieved, the position and orientation of the rigid bodies were
used to drive the inverse kinematic effectors of the avatar and hence derive full body animation (Fig.
3C). The world position and orientation of the HMD, as well the pose of the avatars, were thus
adequately updated at each time instant. The various props were tracked and their digital counterparts
updated in the same manner. The rendering of the 3D environment was handled by the Unity3D [24]
game engine.
Fig. 2. VR and motion capture setup
3. Results
Two demonstration scenarios using this VR platform were developed showcasing different use cases
of 3D scans in virtual reality environments. The setup was installed in our motion capture studio
allowing the users to navigate in a 6 x 6 meters space.
Fig. 3. A) Post-processed 3D scan, B) VR setup, C) View from the 3D game engine.
3.1. Scenario 1
The first scenario was a multi-player virtual visit of an Egyptian tomb. The users were able to walk
through the tomb using a virtual torch to light the way and illuminate their surroundings. In this
scenario, users had the choice to impersonate a standard avatar or to use their own avatar obtained
by 3D scanning. Figure 3 illustrates this scenario. Fig. 3A shows the 3D scan of the user, Fig. 3B
shows the user with the equipment and Fig. 3C shows a third person view of the 3D environment.
3.2. Scenario 2
The second scenario was an experimental virtual contemporary dance performance and experience.
Two dancers were first 3D scanned (Fig. 4A). A choreography was then captured using state of the
art motion capture technique (Fig. 4B). The motion capture data was then applied to the two avatars
created from the 3D scans. A simple 3D environment was then created in which the dancing avatars
were integrated (Fig. 4C). As in scenario 1, users could choose to be their own avatar or a generic
one. They were then able to freely walk around the virtual dancers and at the same time see their own
avatar and the other users. This scenario demonstrated the use of 3D body scan both for the user
representation and for the content creation.
Fig. 4. A) & B) Post-processed 3D scan, B) Motion capture, C) View from the 3D game engine.
4. Discussion
4.1. Reaching a high level of presence
The setup presented in this paper was an attempt to create a VR experience reaching a high level of
presence by answering point by point to the 4 foundations of presence in VR explained in the
introductory section.
The combination of a very accurate HMD tracking with the freedom to move in a large space without
being wired easily gave the user the illusion of being in a stable spatial space. This worked very well
for the two different environments proposed.
By embodying their own virtual avatar and seeing its motion matching their own, users reached a
strong feeling of embodiment. Furthermore, having a digital clone of the user limited possible issues
arising when retargeting motion capture data with inverse kinematics to an avatar of different size,
thus allowing a more faithful reproduction of the user’s motion on his avatar. As previously discussed
in the introduction, the quality of the motion reproduction is very important and errors at this stage can
easily break the illusion.
The illusion of physical interaction was achieved by tracking various physical props and allowing each
user to interact with them. For instance, the torch in the Egyptian tomb proved to be a very important
element of the experience. The sense of touch and the reactivity of the virtual lighting and shadowing
allowed a high feeling of presence.
Lastly, being able to see the other players avatars fully animated and being able to physically interact
with them (shake hands, exchange physical elements like the torch) provided a strong feeling of social
communication. Users could easily communicate by gestures or by voice while collaborating on
specific tasks.
4.2. Limitations & future work
Several limitations were observed while testing this setup. The lack of finger tracking was sometimes
breaking the illusion. Users while looking at a digital version of their hands were expecting their
virtual fingers to move as their real ones. Future work will study the integration of finger tracking
technologies in this setup.
For the face, the feeling was similar. In particular the view of a static face, while discussing with
another user, was problematic. Incorporating eye [26] and facial [27] tracking in the setup could be
interesting but the hardware setup and the necessity to rig the avatar’s face makes these elements
complicated to integrate and implement. This would also increase the risk of falling into the uncanny
valley [28]. Indeed, this is a common issue arising when trying to render realistic humans in VR.
Humans have a life time experience looking at other humans so they detect very quickly when
something is wrong with the digital character. This is even more important with facial animation.
Finally, we were not able to provide a definitive answer whether users reached a higher level of
presence when they embodied their digital clone compared to a generic humanoid avatar. Further
tests including a measure of the feeling of presence (via questionnaire [29]) could be very interesting
in order to understand the importance of the embodied avatar during a VR experience.
5. Conclusion
We presented a new VR platform combining 3D body scanning, motion capture and head mounted
display allowing people to walk freely in a virtual environment, look at their own body, and interact with
other users and physical objects. 3D body scanning can provide effective tools to increase the feeling
of virtual body ownership as well as facilitate the creation of realistic digital characters in VR
This framework opens up new digital experiences. For instance, users can jointly explore long lost
historical sites (e.g., a Pharaoh’s tomb before it was looted, Maya temples), participate in collaborative
games or interactive story-telling experiences. Future work should focus on improving and simplifying
the avatar creation and on adding finger animation and simple facial animation on the avatars to
increase the feeling of self-awareness and multi-users presence.
We would like to thank Kenzan SA for the creation of the 3D content of the Egyptian tomb and Cie
Gilles Jobin, Gilles Jobin and Susana Panades Diaz for the dance performance.
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... ArtAnim's Walking Through a Pharaoh's Tomb's high level virtual subjectiveness is the first person's point of view of a human (female or male) exploring a low-lit Egyptian tomb. Before entering the experience, "users had the choice to impersonate a standard avatar or to use their own avatar obtained by 3D scanning" (Chagué & Charbonnier, 2015) [2], which could then include their own clothing. ...
... ArtAnim's Walking Through a Pharaoh's Tomb's high level virtual subjectiveness is the first person's point of view of a human (female or male) exploring a low-lit Egyptian tomb. Before entering the experience, "users had the choice to impersonate a standard avatar or to use their own avatar obtained by 3D scanning" (Chagué & Charbonnier, 2015) [2], which could then include their own clothing. ...
... Users looking at themselves or their limbs would recognize them as theirs, since their motion is the same as the virtual avatar which they embody. By doing so, the immersion allows the player to feel more present in the virtual world (Chagué & Charbonnier, 2015, 2006 [2] [3]. ...
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... [Fleming et al., 2017;Zell et al., 2015]. À l'issue de notre série d'expérimentations, nous serons en mesure d'analyser les bénéfices potentiels liés à l'observation et au contrôle de notre représentation virtuelle reconstruite en 3D ( Figure 5.3) [Chagué et Charbonnier, 2015;Jo et al., 2017]. Bien que des travaux antérieurs aient démontré que la confrontation à un double virtuel en environnement immersif pouvait impacter le comportement des utilisateurs [Bailenson et Segovia, 2010], peu d'études ont investigué l'impact du contrôle en temps réel (synchronisation visuomotrice) de notre propre représentation, notamment sur le sentiment d'incarnation. ...
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Les travaux entrepris dans le cadre de cette thèse de doctorat portent sur l'impact de différentes modalités perceptives et graphiques pouvant affecter l'expérience utilisateur en environnement virtuel immersif. Le positionnement de nos recherches s'inscrit dans un contexte où une majorité d’applications de réalité virtuelle reposent sur une reconduction de la vision à la première personne induisant un transfert naturel de nos mécanismes perceptifs. Cependant, il est fréquent que ces applications recourent à une représentation partielle, voire omettent l'intégration d'entités visuelles figurant la présence de l'utilisateur et limitant dès lors l'induction d'un sentiment d'incarnation au sein de l'environnement virtuel. Dans ce contexte, notre étude contribue à étendre les connaissances concernant l'influence du point de vue et de la fidélité visuelle des avatars sur l'expérience utilisateur. Sur un plan théorique, nos travaux proposent une articulation des notions de présence et d'incarnation au travers d'un méta-modèle reposant sur des intrications identifiées entre ces concepts lors de notre revue de littérature. Sur un plan expérimental, les trois études menées dans le cadre de nos recherches permettent d'identifier plusieurs facteurs impactant les sentiments de présence et d'incarnation, le comportement des utilisateurs, ainsi que les performances en ce qui concerne la navigation et les interactions. Notre première expérimentation démontre la possibilité d'avoir recours au point de vue à la troisième personne en réalité virtuelle tout en conservant un sentiment d'incarnation élevé. Nos résultats permettent également d'identifier les potentialités octroyées par les points de vue à la première et à la troisième personne en matière de perception, de navigation et d'interaction. Nous avons conduit par la suite une seconde étude portant sur la fidélité visuelle qui démontre l'impact positif de la similarité entre l'apparence des utilisateurs et celle de leur avatar sur l'évaluation de l'attractivité des modèles et sur le processus de sélection de personnages. Enfin, les résultats de notre troisième expérimentation démontrent l'impact positif de la véracité des avatars sur le sentiment d'incarnation, ainsi que son effet sur l'expérience subjective et le comportement des utilisateurs en environnement virtuel immersif.
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The methods to determine air gap thickness and contact area are limited for stationary position of the manikin. In this study, 3D garment simulation software was quantitatively validated by comparing these parameters obtained from this tool with the ones obtained from accurate 3D scanning method to assess the capability of 3D garment simulation software. Moreover, for the first time, these parameters were calculated for garments on walking male avatar wearing t-shirt and sweatpants. The agreement between two methods were within a range of 23 mm and 65%, and 10 mm and 45% for the air gap thickness and contact area of upper and lower body garments, respectively. Furthermore, the adapted post-processing method could discriminate the differences in the observed parameters over the body regions and among the phases of the movement. The introduced post-processing method can be used to improve 3D garment software for the determination of the regional parameters.
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The principle of immersion has been a key factor in the success of many visual attractions since the 19th century, such as the cinema, reaching a new dimension with virtual reality devices for the general public. It is especially because it allows for interaction with the simulated environment, and the powerful sense of reality created by its device, that this technology is used in museum contexts. In addition to the perspectives that its use opens in terms of conservation, its ability to transport the visitor elsewhere and into another time invites us to question its geographicity: does its immersive effect come from an "organizing valence of the space"? Or is it only a simple special effect, as spectacular as it may be? This article aims to identify the modalities of "spectatorial" appropriation of this technology in a heritage context, based on an ethnographic study conducted at a virtual reality installation presented at the Museum of Art and History in Geneva (MAH). It proposes a theoretical framework for the hypothesis of an immersive and instrumented geographicity regime.
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This paper details the development and use of a scientific experimental apparatus providing participants with an immersive experience of flight by means of a head-mounted display showing them hovering in a virtual world. It aims to understand the technological and human mechanisms at work when users identify themselves with a self-avatar perceived from a third-person perspective. The design principles that made it possible to manufacture this device are explained for each aspect. Then, two sets of raw results obtained by questionnaires or interviews will be presented, concerning respectively 43 test subjects in a controlled setting and 91 festival goers, in order to show how the methodology and the gathered data have confirmed the capacity of our experience to highlight different adaptation strategies in the face of one's self-avatar and the effects of bilocation.
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There are currently no solutions for enabling direct face-to-face interaction between virtual reality (VR) users wearing head-mounted displays (HMDs). The main challenge is that the headset obstructs a significant portion of a user's face, preventing effective facial capture with traditional techniques. To advance virtual reality as a next-generation communication platform, we develop a novel HMD that enables 3D facial performance-driven animation in real-time. Our wearable system uses ultra-thin flexible electronic materials that are mounted on the foam liner of the headset to measure surface strain signals corresponding to upper face expressions. These strain signals are combined with a head-mounted RGB-D camera to enhance the tracking in the mouth region and to account for inaccurate HMD placement. To map the input signals to a 3D face model, we perform a single-instance offline training session for each person. For reusable and accurate online operation, we propose a short calibration step to readjust the Gaussian mixture distribution of the mapping before each use. The resulting animations are visually on par with cutting-edge depth sensor-driven facial performance capture systems and hence, are suitable for social interactions in virtual worlds.
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The goal of this review is to illustrate the emerging use of multimodal virtual reality that can benefit learning-based games. The review begins with an introduction to multimodal virtual reality in serious games and we provide a brief discussion of why cognitive processes involved in learning and training are enhanced under immersive virtual environments. We initially outline studies that have used eye tracking and haptic feedback independently in serious games, and then review some innovative applications that have already combined eye tracking and haptic devices in order to provide applicable multimodal frameworks for learning-based games. Finally, some general conclusions are identified and clarified in order to advance current understanding in multimodal serious game production as well as exploring possible areas for new applications.
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3D scanning pose change output reconstruction textured reconstruction large variety of examples 3D print Figure 1: With our system, users can scan themselves with a single 3D sensor by rotating the same pose for a few different views (typically eight, ⇠45 degrees apart) to cover the full body. Our method robustly registers and merges different scans into a watertight surface with consistent texture in spite of shape changes during repositioning, and lighting differences between the scans. These surfaces are suitable for applications such as online avatars or 3D printing (the miniature shown here was printed using a ZPrinter 650.) Abstract We develop an automatic pipeline that allows ordinary users to cap-ture complete and fully textured 3D models of themselves in min-utes, using only a single Kinect sensor, in the uncontrolled lighting environment of their own home. Our method requires neither a turntable nor a second operator, and is robust to the small defor-mations and changes of pose that inevitably arise during scanning. After the users rotate themselves with the same pose for a few scans from different views, our system stitches together the cap-tured scans using multi-view non-rigid registration, and produces watertight final models. To ensure consistent texturing, we re-cover the underlying albedo from each scanned texture and generate seamless global textures using Poisson blending. Despite the mini-mal requirements we place on the hardware and users, our method is suitable for full body capture of challenging scenes that cannot be handled well using previous methods, such as those involving loose clothing, complex poses, and props.
Virtual reality (VR) can provide our minds with direct access to digital media in a way that seemingly has no limits. However, creating compelling VR experiences is an incredibly complex challenge. When VR is done well, the results are brilliant and pleasurable experiences that go beyond what we can do in the real world. When VR is done badly, not only is the system frustrating to use, but it can result in sickness. There are many causes of bad VR; some failures come from the limitations of technology, but many come from a lack of understanding perception, interaction, design principles, and real users. This book discusses these issues by emphasizing the human element of VR. The fact is, if we do not get the human element correct, then no amount of technology will make VR anything more than an interesting tool confined to research laboratories. Even when VR principles are fully understood, the first implementation is rarely novel and almost never ideal due to the complex nature of VR and the countless possibilities that can be created. The VR principles discussed in this book will enable readers to intelligently experiment with the rules and iteratively design towards innovative experiences.
Immersive virtual reality allows people to inhabit avatar bodies that differ from their own, and this can produce significant psychological and physiological effects. The concept of homuncular flexibility (Lanier, 2006) proposes that users can learn to control bodies different from their own by changing the relationship between tracked and rendered motion. We examine the effects of remapping movements in the real world onto an avatar that moves in novel ways. In Experiment 1, participants moved their legs more than their arms in conditions where leg movements were more effective for the task. In Experiment 2, participants controlling 3-armed avatars learned to hit more targets than participants in 2-armed avatars. We discuss the implications of embodiment in novel bodies.
We demonstrate a method of acquiring a 3D model of a human using commodity scanning hardware and then controlling that 3D figure in a simulated environment in only a few minutes. The model acquisition requires four static poses taken at 90° angles relative to each other. The 3D model is then given a skeleton and smooth binding information necessary for control and simulation. The 3D models that are captured are suitable for use in applications where recognition and distinction among characters by shape, form, or clothing is important, such as small group or crowd simulations or other socially oriented applications. Because of the speed at which a human figure can be captured and the low hardware requirements, this method can be used to capture, track, and model human figures as their appearances change over time. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.