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Poecilia reticulata (Peters, 1859), a small
benthopelagic fish occupies a wide range of
aquatic habitats, such as estuaries, lakes,
ponds, weedy ditches and canals (Page &
Burr, 1991). The stomach contents of fishes
have been used by many investigators to
determine their feeding habits (Hyslop,
1980). Studies on the food and feeding
habits of fish form the basis for the
development of successful capture and
culture fisheries, world-wide (Adebisi,
1981; Blay & Eyeson, 1982). According to
Ndome & Victor (2002), the correct usage of
fish species for fish culture, ornamental
purp ose and lar val control requir es
fundamental information on the feeding
ecology of the fish. In the past P. reticulata
was widely introduced for mosquito control,
and it is also a popular ornamental fish
because they come in diverse colours and
very attractive in nature which make them a
veritable export product and foreign
exchange earner (McKay, 1984; Allen et al.,
2002). Harrington & Harrington (1982)
reported that Poecilia latipinna, from a high
subtropical salt marsh, are primarily
vegetarians whose diet varies with habitat.
Winemiller (1993) observed that Poecilia
gi lls feed on detri tus, diato ms an d
filamentous algae. P. reticulata feeds on
zooplankton, larvae of small insects and
detritus (Arthington, 1989; Rodriguez,
Despite the value of P. reticulata to the
local populace and its potentials in export
Food and Feeding Habits of the Guppy, Poecilia reticulata,
from Drainage Canal Systems in Lagos, Southwestern
M. O. Lawal*, C. A. Edokpayi and A. O. Osibona
Department of Marine Sciences, University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos, Nigeria
*Corresponding author; E-mail:
The food and feeding habits of the Guppy, Poecilia reticulata, from drainage canal systems in Lagos Metropolis,
Nigeria, was investigated over a period of 24 months. Fish samples were collected monthly from 15 study sites. A
total of 2400 fish stomachs were analyzed using the numerical and frequency of occurrence methods. P. reticulata
fed mainly on algae, organic detritus, diatoms, mosquito larvae parts, protozoan, zooplankton and fish parts while
algae form the most abundant and important food item, constituting 79.03% of food items by numerical and
33.17% by occurrence of stomachs examined. Amongst the algae, Ulothrix sp. was the most preferred,
constituting 33.17% by numerical and 20.82% by occurrence. The least eaten food item was fish parts
constituting 4.46% by numerical and 1.19% by occurrence. There was a significant difference (P < 0.05) in the
number of algae and mosquito larvae consumed, while there was no significant difference (P > 0.05) in the
number of other food items consumed for both seasons. However, by occurrence method there was no significant
difference (P > 0.05) in food items consumed for both seasons. The three size classes of P. reticulata exhibited
similar food habits with the presence of eight categories of food items in their stomachs. The largest size class ate
more of algae, organic detritus and fish parts, followed by the medium size class while the small size class ate less
of these food items. The species is an opportunistic benthopelagic omnivores, whose preference for food
fluctuates with season, with a peak in diversity of food types occurring in the rainy season.
2West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 20 (2), 2012 Lawal et al.: Food and feeding habits of the Guppy from drainage canal systems 3
trade there is paucity of information on the
feeding ecology of P. reticulata from
drainage canal systems of Lagos Metropolis.
This paper investigates the food and feeding
habits of the Guppy, P. reticulata, and it is
hoped that the information provided would
be useful in rational exploitation and aqua-
cultural management of the species.
Materials and methods
Study area
The study areas are non-tidal, polluted
canals, which receive water from surface
run-off and waste water from different
residential buildings, and empty into the
Lagos lagoon through the numerous creeks
in the city. The drainage canals are shallow
with depth ranging from 0.56–1.20 m. They
lie between latitude 06 25.343 N and
longitude 003 24.666 E. The substratum of
the canals is made of soft organic mud,
mixture of fine and coarse sand, mixed with
decaying organic matter. Two climatic
seasons prevail in the study area. The wet
season (May–November) is characterized by
high monthly rainfall, while the dry season
(December–April) is characterized by low
pr ecipitat ion. The domina nt aquat ic
macrophytes include Azolla africana and
Pistia stratiotes, which provide shaded area
favoured by the species.
Fish specimens were collected monthly
from November 2004 to October 2006 using
a long-handled scoop net, made of fiber mesh
(mesh size: 3 mm; length of handle: 1.00 m)
from drainage canal s in th e Lagos
Metropolis (Fig. 1). The method used here is
designated as ‘search and hit’ technique.
Whenever the fish was located, a hit was
made with the swift downward stroke of the
net slicing through the water underneath the
fish and coming out of the water in a smooth
flowing motion. Each monthly sampling
effort lasted for 2 days, and each day’s effort
was executed for a period of 30 min/location.
Fish caught were counted and preserved in
10% formalin, pending further stomach
analysis in the laboratory. The analysis of the
stomach content was carried out by both
numerical and frequency of occurrence
methods as described by Hyslop (1980). Out
of the 2400 fish stomachs examined, 314
(13.08%) were empty. The stomach contents
were examined and scored with regards to
whether they were empty (0/4), 1/4, 1/2, 3/4
or 4/4 full. The stomachs were removed by
slitting the fish from the anus to throat and
then cutting off the intestine. The stomach
contents were emptied into a Petri dish and
examined under a binocular microscope.
Identification of the food items were carried
out with the aid of relevant keys (Needham &
Needham, 1962; Wimpenny, 1966; Whitford
& Schmacher, 1973; Schneider, 1990).The t-
test analysis was performed using PASW
Statistics 18 for windows.
Stomach contents of P. reticulata
The summary of stomach contents of P.
reticulata is presented in Table 1. Green algae
were the most abundant and important food
item by numerical (46.98%) and occurrence
(89.1%) methods. Blue green algae were next
in importance, occurring 32.05% by
numerical and 58.44% by occurrence
methods. Amongst the algae group Ulothrix
sp. constituted the highest values, 20.82%
and 33.17% by numerical and occurrence
methods, respectively, while Scenedesmus
sp. was the least with 3.10% (numerical) and
6.42% (occurrence). Diatoms accounted for
11.20% by numerical and 23.06% by
occurrence methods. The most eaten diatom
Fig. 1. Map of Lagos Metropolis showing sample stations
2West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 20 (2), 2012 Lawal et al.: Food and feeding habits of the Guppy from drainage canal systems 3
trade there is paucity of information on the
feeding ecology of P. reticulata from
drainage canal systems of Lagos Metropolis.
This paper investigates the food and feeding
habits of the Guppy, P. reticulata, and it is
hoped that the information provided would
be useful in rational exploitation and aqua-
cultural management of the species.
Materials and methods
Study area
The study areas are non-tidal, polluted
canals, which receive water from surface
run-off and waste water from different
residential buildings, and empty into the
Lagos lagoon through the numerous creeks
in the city. The drainage canals are shallow
with depth ranging from 0.56–1.20 m. They
lie between latitude 06 25.343 N and
longitude 003 24.666 E. The substratum of
the canals is made of soft organic mud,
mixture of fine and coarse sand, mixed with
decaying organic matter. Two climatic
seasons prevail in the study area. The wet
season (May–November) is characterized by
high monthly rainfall, while the dry season
(December–April) is characterized by low
pr ecipitat ion. The domina nt aquat ic
macrophytes include Azolla africana and
Pistia stratiotes, which provide shaded area
favoured by the species.
Fish specimens were collected monthly
from November 2004 to October 2006 using
a long-handled scoop net, made of fiber mesh
(mesh size: 3 mm; length of handle: 1.00 m)
from drainage canal s in th e Lagos
Metropolis (Fig. 1). The method used here is
designated as ‘search and hit’ technique.
Whenever the fish was located, a hit was
made with the swift downward stroke of the
net slicing through the water underneath the
fish and coming out of the water in a smooth
flowing motion. Each monthly sampling
effort lasted for 2 days, and each day’s effort
was executed for a period of 30 min/location.
Fish caught were counted and preserved in
10% formalin, pending further stomach
analysis in the laboratory. The analysis of the
stomach content was carried out by both
numerical and frequency of occurrence
methods as described by Hyslop (1980). Out
of the 2400 fish stomachs examined, 314
(13.08%) were empty. The stomach contents
were examined and scored with regards to
whether they were empty (0/4), 1/4, 1/2, 3/4
or 4/4 full. The stomachs were removed by
slitting the fish from the anus to throat and
then cutting off the intestine. The stomach
contents were emptied into a Petri dish and
examined under a binocular microscope.
Identification of the food items were carried
out with the aid of relevant keys (Needham &
Needham, 1962; Wimpenny, 1966; Whitford
& Schmacher, 1973; Schneider, 1990).The t-
test analysis was performed using PASW
Statistics 18 for windows.
Stomach contents of P. reticulata
The summary of stomach contents of P.
reticulata is presented in Table 1. Green algae
were the most abundant and important food
item by numerical (46.98%) and occurrence
(89.1%) methods. Blue green algae were next
in importance, occurring 32.05% by
numerical and 58.44% by occurrence
methods. Amongst the algae group Ulothrix
sp. constituted the highest values, 20.82%
and 33.17% by numerical and occurrence
methods, respectively, while Scenedesmus
sp. was the least with 3.10% (numerical) and
6.42% (occurrence). Diatoms accounted for
11.20% by numerical and 23.06% by
occurrence methods. The most eaten diatom
Fig. 1. Map of Lagos Metropolis showing sample stations
was Diatoma sp., accounting for 6.07% by
numerical and 13.81% by occurrence,
followed by Meridion sp. accounting for
5.13% by numerical and 9.25% occurrence.
Mosquito larvae parts occurred 4.10% by
numerical and 11.74% by occurrence
methods. Chlamydomonas sp. accounted
3.08% by numerical and 5.50% by
occurrence methods. Fish parts accounted
1.19% by numerical and 4.46% by
occurrence methods. Cladocera accounted
0.94% by numerical and 3.69% by
occurrence methods while Ostracoda
accounted 0.47% by number and 2.25% by
occurrence methods. Sand grain and organic
detritus occurred 5.61% and 4.07%,
Seasonal variation in stomach contents of P.
The seasonal variation in food items of P.
reticulata during the dry and wet seasons
from drainage canal systems of Lagos
Metropolis is shown in Table 2. Guppy fed
mainly on green algae in both dry and wet
seasons. Green algae consumed were
46.98% by number and 80.57% by
occurrence in dry season and 53.33% by
number and 75.61% by occurrence in wet
season. Blue green algae occurred 32.05%
and 66.96% by number in dry season, and
28.24% by number and 45.59% by
oc currence in w et season. Diatoms
accounted 11.20% and 19.61% by numerical
and occurrence in dry season while it
constituted 8.28% and 15.57% by numerical
and occurrence in wet season, respectively.
Mosquito larvae parts occurred 4.10% by
numerical and 13.78% by occurrence in dry
season and 4.63% by numerical and 10.51%
by occurrence in wet season. Protozoan
accounted 3.08% and 6.36% by numerical
and occurrence in dry season while it
constituted 3.32% and 5.44% by numerical
and occurrence in wet season, respectively.
Fish parts consumed were 1.19% by
numerical and 4.59% by occurrence in dry
season and 1.12% by numerical and 3.56%
by occurrence in wet season. Cladocera
occurred 0.94% by numerical and 3.53% by
occurrence in dry season and 0.67% by
numerical and 3.38% by occurrence in wet
season. Ostracoda accounted 0.47% and
2.65% by numerical and occurrence in dry
season while it constituted 0.43% and 1.88%
by numerical and occurrence in wet season,
respectively. Sand grain and organic detritus
occurrence in dry season were 5.63% and
3.75% while their occurrences in wet season
were 5.61% and 4.07%, respectively. The t-
test showed a significant difference (P <
0.05) in the number of algae and mosquito
larvae consumed, while there was no
significant difference (P > 0.05) in the
number of other food items consumed for
both seasons. However, by occurrence
method the t-test did not show any significant
difference (P > 0.05) in food items consumed
for both seasons.
Summary of the stomach contents of P. reticulata from drainage canal systems of Lagos Metropolis
Stomach contents Numerical Method Occurrence Method
Number % Number %
Blue green algae
Polycystis sp. 7971 12.23 410 19.66
Anabaena sp. 1460 9.93 392 18.79
Phormidium sp. 677 4.61 204 9.78
Coelosphaerium sp. 776 5.28 213 10.21
Green algae
Ulothrix sp. 3059 20.82 692 33.17
Protococcus sp. 1383 9.41 403 19.32
Scenedesmus sp. 455 3.10 134 6.42
Microspora sp. 1435 9.76 477 22.87
Ophiocytium sp. 571 3.89 157 7.53
Meridion sp. 754 5.13 193 9.25
Diatoma sp. 891 6.07 288 13.81
Protozoan :
Chlamydomonas sp. 452 3.08 121 5.80
Mosquito larvae parts 602 4.10 245 11.74
Fish parts 175 1.19 93 4.46
Cladocera (Polyphemus sp.) 138 0.94 77 3.69
Ostracoda (Cypridopsis sp.) 69 0.47 47 2.25
Organic detritus 85 4.07
Sand grains 117 5.61
Seasonal variation of the stomach contents of P. reticulata from drainage canal systems of Lagos Metropolis
(Dec. 2004–Nov. 2005)
Stomach Dry Season Wet Season
contents (December 2004 – May 2005) (June 2005 – November 2005)
Numerical Occurrence Numerical Occurrence
Method Method Method Method
No % No % No % No %
Blue green algae 1673 32.05 379 66.96 860 28.24 243 45.59
Green algae 2307 46.98 456 80.57 1624 53.33 403 75.61
Diatoms 419 11.20 111 19.61 252 8.28 83 15.57
Protozoan 216 3.08 36 6.36 101 3.32 29 5.44
Mosquito larvae parts 279 4.10 78 13.78 141 4.63 56 10.51
Fish parts 49 1.19 26 4.59 34 1.12 19 3.56
Cladocera 44 0.94 20 3.53 20 0.67 18 3.38
Ostracoda 20 0.47 15 2.65 13 0.43 10 1.88
Organic detritus 25 4.42 20 3.75
Sand grains 38 6.71 30 5.63
Lawal et al.: Food and feeding habits of the Guppy from drainage systems 5canal
4West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 20 (2), 2012
was Diatoma sp., accounting for 6.07% by
numerical and 13.81% by occurrence,
followed by Meridion sp. accounting for
5.13% by numerical and 9.25% occurrence.
Mosquito larvae parts occurred 4.10% by
numerical and 11.74% by occurrence
methods. Chlamydomonas sp. accounted
3.08% by numerical and 5.50% by
occurrence methods. Fish parts accounted
1.19% by numerical and 4.46% by
occurrence methods. Cladocera accounted
0.94% by numerical and 3.69% by
occurrence methods while Ostracoda
accounted 0.47% by number and 2.25% by
occurrence methods. Sand grain and organic
detritus occurred 5.61% and 4.07%,
Seasonal variation in stomach contents of P.
The seasonal variation in food items of P.
reticulata during the dry and wet seasons
from drainage canal systems of Lagos
Metropolis is shown in Table 2. Guppy fed
mainly on green algae in both dry and wet
seasons. Green algae consumed were
46.98% by number and 80.57% by
occurrence in dry season and 53.33% by
number and 75.61% by occurrence in wet
season. Blue green algae occurred 32.05%
and 66.96% by number in dry season, and
28.24% by number and 45.59% by
oc currence in w et season. Diatoms
accounted 11.20% and 19.61% by numerical
and occurrence in dry season while it
constituted 8.28% and 15.57% by numerical
and occurrence in wet season, respectively.
Mosquito larvae parts occurred 4.10% by
numerical and 13.78% by occurrence in dry
season and 4.63% by numerical and 10.51%
by occurrence in wet season. Protozoan
accounted 3.08% and 6.36% by numerical
and occurrence in dry season while it
constituted 3.32% and 5.44% by numerical
and occurrence in wet season, respectively.
Fish parts consumed were 1.19% by
numerical and 4.59% by occurrence in dry
season and 1.12% by numerical and 3.56%
by occurrence in wet season. Cladocera
occurred 0.94% by numerical and 3.53% by
occurrence in dry season and 0.67% by
numerical and 3.38% by occurrence in wet
season. Ostracoda accounted 0.47% and
2.65% by numerical and occurrence in dry
season while it constituted 0.43% and 1.88%
by numerical and occurrence in wet season,
respectively. Sand grain and organic detritus
occurrence in dry season were 5.63% and
3.75% while their occurrences in wet season
were 5.61% and 4.07%, respectively. The t-
test showed a significant difference (P <
0.05) in the number of algae and mosquito
larvae consumed, while there was no
significant difference (P > 0.05) in the
number of other food items consumed for
both seasons. However, by occurrence
method the t-test did not show any significant
difference (P > 0.05) in food items consumed
for both seasons.
Summary of the stomach contents of P. reticulata from drainage canal systems of Lagos Metropolis
Stomach contents Numerical Method Occurrence Method
Number % Number %
Blue green algae
Polycystis sp. 7971 12.23 410 19.66
Anabaena sp. 1460 9.93 392 18.79
Phormidium sp. 677 4.61 204 9.78
Coelosphaerium sp. 776 5.28 213 10.21
Green algae
Ulothrix sp. 3059 20.82 692 33.17
Protococcus sp. 1383 9.41 403 19.32
Scenedesmus sp. 455 3.10 134 6.42
Microspora sp. 1435 9.76 477 22.87
Ophiocytium sp. 571 3.89 157 7.53
Meridion sp. 754 5.13 193 9.25
Diatoma sp. 891 6.07 288 13.81
Protozoan :
Chlamydomonas sp. 452 3.08 121 5.80
Mosquito larvae parts 602 4.10 245 11.74
Fish parts 175 1.19 93 4.46
Cladocera (Polyphemus sp.) 138 0.94 77 3.69
Ostracoda (Cypridopsis sp.) 69 0.47 47 2.25
Organic detritus 85 4.07
Sand grains 117 5.61
Seasonal variation of the stomach contents of P. reticulata from drainage canal systems of Lagos Metropolis
(Dec. 2004–Nov. 2005)
Stomach Dry Season Wet Season
contents (December 2004 – May 2005) (June 2005 – November 2005)
Numerical Occurrence Numerical Occurrence
Method Method Method Method
No % No % No % No %
Blue green algae 1673 32.05 379 66.96 860 28.24 243 45.59
Green algae 2307 46.98 456 80.57 1624 53.33 403 75.61
Diatoms 419 11.20 111 19.61 252 8.28 83 15.57
Protozoan 216 3.08 36 6.36 101 3.32 29 5.44
Mosquito larvae parts 279 4.10 78 13.78 141 4.63 56 10.51
Fish parts 49 1.19 26 4.59 34 1.12 19 3.56
Cladocera 44 0.94 20 3.53 20 0.67 18 3.38
Ostracoda 20 0.47 15 2.65 13 0.43 10 1.88
Organic detritus 25 4.42 20 3.75
Sand grains 38 6.71 30 5.63
Lawal et al.: Food and feeding habits of the Guppy from drainage systems 5canal
4West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 20 (2), 2012
Stomach contents of P. reticulata in relation
to size
The guppy, P. reticulate, was grouped
into three size classes based on its stomach
contents. The small size class ranged from
1.50 to 2.40 cm, the medium size class
ranged from 2.50 to 3.40 cm while the large
class ranged from 3.50 to 4.40 cm. The
relative abundance by percentage of each
food items in terms of numerical and
occurrence methods are shown in Fig. 2, 3
and 4. The three size classes of P. reticulata
exhibited similar food habits with the
presence of eight categories of food items, in
their stomachs. P. reticulata fed mainly on
algae irrespective of the size class, with
values ranging from 80 to 82% by numerical
and 51 to 59% by occurrence. Organic
detritus was the next important food item
with values ranging from 21 to 30% by
Fish parts were the least eaten food item
with values ranging from 1 to 2% by
numerical and 1 to 4% by occurrence.
However, the largest size class (Fig. 1) ate
more of algae, organic detritus and fish
parts, followed by the medium size class
(Fig. 2) while the small size class (Fig. 3) ate
less of these food items. Amongst the class
group 1.50–2.40 cm, there was no
significant difference (P > 0.05) in both the
numerical and occurrence values of all the
food items. The class group 2.50–3.40 cm,
showed a significant difference (P < 0.05) in
the numerical va lues of alga e and
crustaceans, while there was significant
difference (P < 0.05) in the occurrence
values of algae and fish parts. Similarly,
among the class group 3.50–4.40 cm, there
was significant difference (P < 0.05) in both
the numerical and occurrence values of
The stomach contents of guppy, P. reticulate,
were categorized into eight groups. These
were algae, diatoms, protozoan, mosquito
larvae, fish parts, crustaceans, organic
detritus and sand grains. The major food item
of P. reticulata, examined during this study,
was green algae with Ulothrix sp. being the
most preferred alga. This agreed with
Dussault & Kramer (1981), who reported that
the digestive tract of wild guppies contained
high proportion of green algae and larvae.
Other food items were the blue green algae,
diatoms, protozoan and mosquito larvae
parts. Similar result was obtained by
Winemiller (1993), who reported that
Poecilia gills feed on detritus, diatoms and
filamentous algae. P. reticulata also feeds on
fish parts, zooplankton and detritus. This
observation equally agreed with Arthington
(1989) and Rodriguez (1997), who reported
similar results for other guppy species
elsewhere. The present study showed that, P.
reticulata is planktophagous (Arthington,
1989; Winemiller, 1993) based on its food
The significant difference that was
recorded in the seasonal variations of algae
and mosquito larvae was due to high load of
organic matter occasioned by anthropogenic
activities from the metropolis in the dry
season. There was continuous flushing of
decaying organic matter out of the drainage
canal systems, resulting in improved
environmental conditions in the rainy season.
Generally, P. reticulata, in terms of feeding
habits, switches between opportunistic
benthopelagic omnivores (Rodriquez, 1997),
detritivores and predators, with food habits
de termi ned b y loc al ab undance and
availability of prey. The presence of
Fig. 2. Stomach contents in small sized (1.50-2.40cm) P. reticulata from drainage canal systems of Lagos
Fig. 3 Stomach contents in medium sized (2.50-3.40cm) P. reticulata from drainage canal systems of Lagos
Lawal et al.: Food and feeding habits of the Guppy from drainage canal systems 7
% Frequency
Food items
Food items
Alae Diatoms Protozoans Mosquito Fish Crustanceans Organic Sand
larvae parts detritus grains
% Frequency
Alae Diatoms Protozoans Mosquito Fish Crustanceans Organic Sand
larvae parts detritus grains
6West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 20 (2), 2012
Stomach contents of P. reticulata in relation
to size
The guppy, P. reticulate, was grouped
into three size classes based on its stomach
contents. The small size class ranged from
1.50 to 2.40 cm, the medium size class
ranged from 2.50 to 3.40 cm while the large
class ranged from 3.50 to 4.40 cm. The
relative abundance by percentage of each
food items in terms of numerical and
occurrence methods are shown in Fig. 2, 3
and 4. The three size classes of P. reticulata
exhibited similar food habits with the
presence of eight categories of food items, in
their stomachs. P. reticulata fed mainly on
algae irrespective of the size class, with
values ranging from 80 to 82% by numerical
and 51 to 59% by occurrence. Organic
detritus was the next important food item
with values ranging from 21 to 30% by
Fish parts were the least eaten food item
with values ranging from 1 to 2% by
numerical and 1 to 4% by occurrence.
However, the largest size class (Fig. 1) ate
more of algae, organic detritus and fish
parts, followed by the medium size class
(Fig. 2) while the small size class (Fig. 3) ate
less of these food items. Amongst the class
group 1.50–2.40 cm, there was no
significant difference (P > 0.05) in both the
numerical and occurrence values of all the
food items. The class group 2.50–3.40 cm,
showed a significant difference (P < 0.05) in
the numerical va lues of alga e and
crustaceans, while there was significant
difference (P < 0.05) in the occurrence
values of algae and fish parts. Similarly,
among the class group 3.50–4.40 cm, there
was significant difference (P < 0.05) in both
the numerical and occurrence values of
The stomach contents of guppy, P. reticulate,
were categorized into eight groups. These
were algae, diatoms, protozoan, mosquito
larvae, fish parts, crustaceans, organic
detritus and sand grains. The major food item
of P. reticulata, examined during this study,
was green algae with Ulothrix sp. being the
most preferred alga. This agreed with
Dussault & Kramer (1981), who reported that
the digestive tract of wild guppies contained
high proportion of green algae and larvae.
Other food items were the blue green algae,
diatoms, protozoan and mosquito larvae
parts. Similar result was obtained by
Winemiller (1993), who reported that
Poecilia gills feed on detritus, diatoms and
filamentous algae. P. reticulata also feeds on
fish parts, zooplankton and detritus. This
observation equally agreed with Arthington
(1989) and Rodriguez (1997), who reported
similar results for other guppy species
elsewhere. The present study showed that, P.
reticulata is planktophagous (Arthington,
1989; Winemiller, 1993) based on its food
The significant difference that was
recorded in the seasonal variations of algae
and mosquito larvae was due to high load of
organic matter occasioned by anthropogenic
activities from the metropolis in the dry
season. There was continuous flushing of
decaying organic matter out of the drainage
canal systems, resulting in improved
environmental conditions in the rainy season.
Generally, P. reticulata, in terms of feeding
habits, switches between opportunistic
benthopelagic omnivores (Rodriquez, 1997),
detritivores and predators, with food habits
de termi ned b y loc al ab undance and
availability of prey. The presence of
Fig. 2. Stomach contents in small sized (1.50-2.40cm) P. reticulata from drainage canal systems of Lagos
Fig. 3 Stomach contents in medium sized (2.50-3.40cm) P. reticulata from drainage canal systems of Lagos
Lawal et al.: Food and feeding habits of the Guppy from drainage canal systems 7
% Frequency
Food items
Food items
Alae Diatoms Protozoans Mosquito Fish Crustanceans Organic Sand
larvae parts detritus grains
% Frequency
Alae Diatoms Protozoans Mosquito Fish Crustanceans Organic Sand
larvae parts detritus grains
6West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 20 (2), 2012
mosquito larvae in the three classes recorded
in the study is an indication that guppy is
predatory which could be harnessed in the
use of the fish for biological control of
Anopheles gambiae in sub-Saharan Africa.
Adebisi A. A. (1981). Analyses of the stomach
contents of piscivorous fishes of the upper Ogun
River in Nigeria. Hydrobiologia 79: 167–177.
Allen G. R., Midgley S. H. and Allen M. (2002). Field
Guide to the freshwater fishes of Australia. Western
Australian Museum, Perth, Western Australia. 394
Arthington A. H. (1989). Diet of Gambusia affinis
holbrooki, Xiphophorus helleri, Xiphophorus
maculatus and P oecilia reticulata (Pisces:
Po ec iliid ae ) i n s tr eams of south- ea stern
Queensland, Australia. Asian Fish. Sci. 2: 193–212.
Blay I. and Eyeson K. N. (1982). Feeding activity and
food habits of the Shad, Ethmalosa fimbriata
(Bowdich), in the coastal waters of Cape Coast,
Ghana. J. Fish. Biol. 21: 403–410.
Dussault G. V. and Kramer D. L. (1981). Food and
feeding behaviour of the guppy, Poecilia reticulata
(Pisces: Poeciliidae). Can. J. Zool. 59: 684–701.
Harrington R. W. Jr and Harrington E. S. (1982).
Effects on fishes and their forage organisms of
impounding a Florida (USA) salt marsh to prevent
breeding by salt marsh mosquitoes. Bull. Mar. Sci.
32: 523–531.
Hyslop E.J. (1980). Stomach contents analysis – a
review of methods and their application. J. Fish.
Biol. 17: 411–429.
McKay R. J. (1984). Introductions of exotic fishes in
Au str alia. In Dist ri but ion , B iol ogy and
Management of Exotic Fishes. (W. R. Jr Courtenay
and J. R. Jr Stauffer, eds), pp. 177-199. The John
Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland,
Ndome C. B. and Victor R. (2002). Food and feeding
habit s of Epipla tys sen egalens is (Pisce s:
Cyprinodontiformes; Cyprinodontidae) in a black
water pond in Benin City, Southern Nigeria. West
Afr J. appl. Ecol. 3: 105–117.
Needham J. G. and Needham P. R. (1962). A guide to
the study of Freshwater Biology. Holden-Day Inc.
San Francisco. 108 pp.
Page L. M. and Burr B. M. (1991). A field guide to
freshwater fishes of North America. Houghton
Mifflin Company, Boston. 432 pp.
Rodriguez C. M. (1997). Phylogenetic analysis of the
tribe Poeciliini (Cyprinodontiformes: Poeciliidae).
Copeia 4: 663–679.
Schneider W. (1990). Field guide to the commercial
marine resources of the Gulf of Guinea. FAO,
Rome, Italy. 268 pp.
Whitford L. A. and Schmacher G. H. (1973). A
manual of freshwater algae. Sparks Press, Raleigh.
324 pp.
Wimpenny R. S. (1966). The Plankton of the Sea.
Faber and Faber Limited, London. 426 pp.
Winemiller K. O. (1993). Seasonality of reproduction
by live bearing fishes in tropical rainforest streams.
Oecologia. 95: 266–276.
Fig. 4 Stomach contents in large sized (3.50–4.40 cm) P. reticulata from drainage canal systems of Lagos
Lawal et al.: Food and feeding habits of the Guppy from drainage systems 9canal
Food items
% Frequency
Alae Diatoms Protozoans Mosquito Fish Crustanceans Organic Sand
larvae parts detritus grains
8West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 20 (2), 2012
mosquito larvae in the three classes recorded
in the study is an indication that guppy is
predatory which could be harnessed in the
use of the fish for biological control of
Anopheles gambiae in sub-Saharan Africa.
Adebisi A. A. (1981). Analyses of the stomach
contents of piscivorous fishes of the upper Ogun
River in Nigeria. Hydrobiologia 79: 167–177.
Allen G. R., Midgley S. H. and Allen M. (2002). Field
Guide to the freshwater fishes of Australia. Western
Australian Museum, Perth, Western Australia. 394
Arthington A. H. (1989). Diet of Gambusia affinis
holbrooki, Xiphophorus helleri, Xiphophorus
maculatus and P oecilia reticulata (Pisces:
Po ec iliid ae ) i n s tr eams of south- ea stern
Queensland, Australia. Asian Fish. Sci. 2: 193–212.
Blay I. and Eyeson K. N. (1982). Feeding activity and
food habits of the Shad, Ethmalosa fimbriata
(Bowdich), in the coastal waters of Cape Coast,
Ghana. J. Fish. Biol. 21: 403–410.
Dussault G. V. and Kramer D. L. (1981). Food and
feeding behaviour of the guppy, Poecilia reticulata
(Pisces: Poeciliidae). Can. J. Zool. 59: 684–701.
Harrington R. W. Jr and Harrington E. S. (1982).
Effects on fishes and their forage organisms of
impounding a Florida (USA) salt marsh to prevent
breeding by salt marsh mosquitoes. Bull. Mar. Sci.
32: 523–531.
Hyslop E.J. (1980). Stomach contents analysis – a
review of methods and their application. J. Fish.
Biol. 17: 411–429.
McKay R. J. (1984). Introductions of exotic fishes in
Au str alia. In Dist ri but ion , B iol ogy and
Management of Exotic Fishes. (W. R. Jr Courtenay
and J. R. Jr Stauffer, eds), pp. 177-199. The John
Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland,
Ndome C. B. and Victor R. (2002). Food and feeding
habit s of Epipla tys sen egalens is (Pisce s:
Cyprinodontiformes; Cyprinodontidae) in a black
water pond in Benin City, Southern Nigeria. West
Afr J. appl. Ecol. 3: 105–117.
Needham J. G. and Needham P. R. (1962). A guide to
the study of Freshwater Biology. Holden-Day Inc.
San Francisco. 108 pp.
Page L. M. and Burr B. M. (1991). A field guide to
freshwater fishes of North America. Houghton
Mifflin Company, Boston. 432 pp.
Rodriguez C. M. (1997). Phylogenetic analysis of the
tribe Poeciliini (Cyprinodontiformes: Poeciliidae).
Copeia 4: 663–679.
Schneider W. (1990). Field guide to the commercial
marine resources of the Gulf of Guinea. FAO,
Rome, Italy. 268 pp.
Whitford L. A. and Schmacher G. H. (1973). A
manual of freshwater algae. Sparks Press, Raleigh.
324 pp.
Wimpenny R. S. (1966). The Plankton of the Sea.
Faber and Faber Limited, London. 426 pp.
Winemiller K. O. (1993). Seasonality of reproduction
by live bearing fishes in tropical rainforest streams.
Oecologia. 95: 266–276.
Fig. 4 Stomach contents in large sized (3.50–4.40 cm) P. reticulata from drainage canal systems of Lagos
Lawal et al.: Food and feeding habits of the Guppy from drainage systems 9canal
Food items
% Frequency
Alae Diatoms Protozoans Mosquito Fish Crustanceans Organic Sand
larvae parts detritus grains
8West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 20 (2), 2012