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Populations of Acropora cervicornis have collapsed throughout the Caribbean. This situation has prompted the initiation of many restoration efforts; yet, there are insufficient demographic data and analyses to effectively guide these initiatives. In this study we assessed the spatiotemporal variability of A. cervicornis vital rates. We also developed a population matrix model to (1) evaluate the risk of population extinction, (2) estimate population growth rates (k) considering different rates of colony fragmentation and fragment survival, (3) determine the demographic transition(s) that contribute the most to spatiotemporal differences in ks, and (4) analyze the effectiveness of outplanting coral fragments of different sizes. The model was parameterized by following the fate of 300 colonies from 2011 to 2013 at two localities in Puerto Rico. Demographic transitions varied spatiotempo-rally, with a significant interaction between location and time period on colony fate. Spatiotemporal variations in k were also observed. During the first year, populations exhibited ks below equilibrium (0.918 and 0.948), followed by a dramatic decline at both sites (0.535 and 0.709) during the second year. The lower ks were caused by a decrease in the probability of stasis of large-sized colonies coupled with lack of sexual recruits and a meager contribution of asexual recruitment. Spatial variations in ks were largely due to differences in the probability of medium-sized colonies advancing to the largest size class. The viability analysis forecasts that the populations will reach quasi-extinction levels of 25 % of the initial population size in B16 yrs. Numerical simulations indicate that outplanting fragments C250 cm in total linear length (TLL) would result in a higher asymptotic population size than out-planting smaller fragments. We argue, however, that transplanting colonies B100 cm TLL will be a better management strategy because they can be produced faster and in higher numbers at coral nurseries.
Demography of the threatened coral Acropora cervicornis:
implications for its management and conservation
Alex E. Mercado-Molina
Claudia P. Ruiz-Diaz
Ruber Rodrı
Alberto M. Sabat
Received: 6 October 2014 / Accepted: 24 August 2015
ÓSpringer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015
Abstract Populations of Acropora cervicornis have col-
lapsed throughout the Caribbean. This situation has prompted
the initiation of many restoration efforts; yet, there are insuf-
ficient demographic data and analyses to effectively guide
these initiatives. In this study we assessed the spatiotemporal
variability of A. cervicornis vital rates. We also developed a
population matrix model to (1) evaluate the risk of population
extinction, (2) estimate population growth rates (k)consid-
ering different rates of colony fragmentation and fragment
survival, (3) determine the demographic transition(s) that
contribute the most to spatiotemporaldifferences in ks, and (4)
analyze the effectiveness of outplanting coral fragments of
different sizes. The model was parameterized by following the
fate of 300 colonies from 2011 to 2013 at two localities in
Puerto Rico. Demographic transitions varied spatiotempo-
rally, with a significant interaction between location and time
period on colony fate. Spatiotemporal variations in kwere
also observed. During the first year, populations exhibited ks
below equilibrium (0.918 and 0.948), followed by a dramatic
decline at both sites (0.535 and 0.709) during the second year.
The lower ks were caused by a decrease in the probability of
stasis of large-sized colonies coupled with lack of sexual
recruits and a meager contribution of asexual recruitment.
Spatial variations in ks were largely due to differences in the
probability of medium-sized colonies advancing to the largest
size class. The viability analysis forecasts that the populations
will reach quasi-extinction levels of 25 % of the initial pop-
ulation size in B16 yrs. Numerical simulations indicate that
outplanting fragments C250 cm in total linear length (TLL)
would result in a higher asymptotic population size than out-
planting smaller fragments. We argue, however, that trans-
planting colonies B100 cm TLL will be a better management
strategy because they can be produced faster and in higher
numbers at coral nurseries.
Keywords Acropora cervicornis Coral demography
Population viability analysis Reef restoration
Coral reefs are among the most threatened ecosystems on
earth. The structural and ecological integrity of approxi-
mately 60 % of coral reefs has been severely impacted by
anthropogenic activities (e.g., water pollution), biological
factors (e.g., diseases), and physical disturbances (e.g.,
bleaching events associated with elevated seawater tem-
perature); by 2030, 90 % of reefs are expected to be com-
promised (Burke et al. 2011). Today, approximately half of
the acroporid species, which are among the major reef-
building corals worldwide, are listed as threatened by the
International Union for Conservation of Nature (Carpenter
Communicated by Biology Editor Dr. Mark Vermeij
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this
article (doi:10.1007/s00338-015-1341-8) contains supplementary
material, which is available to authorized users.
&Alex E. Mercado-Molina
Department of Biology, University of Puerto Rico,
PO Box 23360, Rı
´o Piedras, Puerto Rico
Sociedad Ambiente Marino,
PO Box 22158, San Juan 00931-2158, Puerto Rico
Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Puerto
Rico, PO Box 70377, Rı
´o Piedras, Puerto Rico
Department of Mathematics, University of Puerto Rico,
PO Box 70377, Rı
´o Piedras, Puerto Rico
Coral Reefs
DOI 10.1007/s00338-015-1341-8
et al. 2008). This list includes Acropora cervicornis, one of
the most depleted species in the wider Caribbean. Popula-
tions of this coral have been decreasing dramatically (up to
97 % decline in abundance) throughout its geographical
range since the late 1970s (Aronson and Precht 2001; Miller
et al. 2002), and currently, it is considered a threatened
species under the US Endangered Species Act (NMFS 2006).
This is of concern not only because A. cervicornis is a major
contributor to reef accretion but also because its branching
morphology serves as nursery ground for multiple vertebrate
and invertebrate species, thereby promoting coral reef bio-
diversity (Precht et al. 2002; Quinn and Kojis 2006).
Due to the decline of A. cervicornis and its ecological
importance, efforts have been undertaken to revert its pop-
ulation decrease. In the USA and its territories, critical
habitats have been protected, restoration programs have been
launched, and research and monitoring programs have been
initiated. Surprisingly, none of these conservation and
restoration efforts are based on solid quantitative demo-
graphic analyses (Williams et al. 2006). The few population
studies available have focused on estimating rates of colony
growth, survival, and recruitment (Tunnicliffe 1981;
Knowlton et al. 1990), but none have evaluated how varia-
tion in these demographic parameters affects local popula-
tion growth (k). This hinders the effectiveness of
conservation efforts because initiatives intended to improve
the persistence of a population may fail to target those vital
rates that have the greatest contribution to k. Conservation
management strategies also depend on quantitative predic-
tions that can only be achieved by employing demographic
analysis and modeling. Indeed, the lack of such analyses has
been identified as an area of particular concern by the NOAA
Acropora Biological Review Team (ABRT 2005) and the
National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS 2015).
Among the major goals of conservation and manage-
ment efforts are first to arrest the decline of threatened
populations and then to increase the rate of population
growth until a ‘‘safe’’ population size is reached. The rate
at which a population grows or declines is inevitably linked
to its individuals’ survival, growth, and reproduction.
Therefore, effective conservation initiatives require
knowledge of how variations in vital rates relate to varia-
tions in population growth. In this respect, population
matrix models have become an important tool in conser-
vation (Caswell 2001). However, relatively few scientists
have applied population matrix models to answer specific
management questions focusing on coral conservation (but
see Linares et al. 2008; Vardi et al. 2012). Multiple factors
make corals a complex subject for demographic studies. In
many instances, corals are physically and practically hard
to measure. Branching corals, for example, can form
thickets that make it difficult to identify the physical
boundaries of individual colonies. In fact, the literature
focusing on the relationship between scleractinian coral
vital rates and their population growth rates is scarce.
In this study, we examined the demography of A. cer-
vicornis at two localities in northeastern Puerto Rico from
2011 to 2013. The aims were to measure the spatiotem-
poral variability in vital rates and to use the demographic
data to perform a population viability analysis. For the
viability analysis, a size-based population matrix model
was constructed to (1) determine whether the studied
populations were stable (k=1), increasing (k[1), or
decreasing (k\1), (2) estimate quasi-extinction proba-
bilities, (3) identify the demographic transition(s) that
accounted for the observed spatiotemporal differences in k
by performing life table response analyses, (4) estimate k
under different rates of colony fragmentation and fragment
survival, and (5) analyze the efficacy of different out-
planting scenarios through numerical simulations. The
numerical simulations were performed to assess (not pre-
dict) possible population trajectories of A. cervicornis for
given conditions (Caswell 2001). This study is the first to
use demographic modeling to better understand the popu-
lation dynamics of the threatened coral A. cervicornis
while evaluating the effect of different transplanting sce-
narios on population growth.
Materials and methods
Demographic data
We surveyed suitable habitats within an area covering
approximately 150 km
along the northeast coast of Puerto
Rico to identify localities with a relatively high abundance
of A. cervicornis colonies. The surveyed area encompassed
coral reefs within La Cordillera Nature Reserve (LCNR),
the Canal Luis Pen
˜a Nature Reserve (CLPNR), and the reef
areas around the west side of the island of Culebra, zones
where this coral has historically been prevalent (Wirt et al.
2015). We found very few extant populations and only two
localities—Canal Luis Pen
˜a (CLP) and Palomino (PAL)—
with an adequate number of discernible colonies (no
thickets) to study the demography of A. cervicornis. CLP
(18°1801400N, 65°2001500 W) is located within CLPNR on
the island municipality of Culebra, approximately 30 km
east of the Puerto Rico Island. PAL (18°210300 N,
65°3305800W) is located within LCNR, 6 km from the
coastal municipality of Fajardo on the Puerto Rico main-
land. The reef structure at both sites has a northeast ori-
entation and is exposed to the easterly trade winds and
long-period swells during the winter. Consequently, both
sites are frequently exposed to moderate to strong wave
action. Water quality is good (i.e., low turbidity, no ter-
rigenous sediments) as none of the sites are directly
Coral Reefs
influenced by river-derived sediment, nutrient discharges,
or coastal development. At the two sites, A. cervicornis
colonizes a zone that was previously dominated by A.
palmata but is currently dominated by octocorals and
characterized by a low topographic relief. As mentioned
above, the studied populations are not thickets as defined
by the NMFS (2015), but rather have moderate densities of
easily identified individual colonies distributed throughout
the area. In this sense, the study can be understood as
describing the demography of two populations in the pro-
cess of forming (or not) a thicket. As A. cervicornis
thickets are currently rare, these two populations are likely
to be representative of the current state of populations of
this coral within its range.
One hundred and fifty colonies were tagged at each site,
at a depth of 3–5 m using numbered tags fixed with
masonry nails to non-living substrate adjacent to the col-
ony. Their survival, growth, and branch fragmentation
were measured annually from 2011 to 2013. Colonies were
considered dead if no live tissue was distinguishable or if
the colony disappeared during the study period. Growth
rates were estimated by comparing changes in total linear
length (TLL) between surveys. Initial and final colony sizes
were calculated as the sum of the lengths of all live por-
tions of branches (Knowlton et al. 1990). To do this, a set
of photographs was taken in situ from different angles with
a scale by side (Mercado-Molina et al. 2014), which
allowed us to measure all branches fully extended. This
approach is an accurate estimate of the actual colony size
of A. cervicornis as demonstrated by Mercado-Molina et al.
(2014). The free software CPCe version 4.1 (Kohler and
Gill 2006) was used to make all measurements.
Recruitment and natural fragmentation
At the two study sites, we randomly established thirty 1 m
permanent quadrats along a 60 m
belt transect to assess
sexual and asexual recruitment rates. All quadrats were
marked with nails to facilitate relocation in subsequent
surveys. Following Tunnicliffe (1981) and Knowlton et al.
(1990), we defined sexual recruitment as a small crust
showing a round or ellipsoidal morphology and measuring
less than 10 cm in height with a vertical orientation.
Asexual recruits were differentiated from sexual recruits by
their orientation (horizontal vs. vertical), signs of obvious
fragmentation, and size (TLL C10 cm) (Tunnicliffe 1981;
Knowlton et al. 1990; but see Williams and Miller 2006).
Rates of natural fragmentation were also estimated in situ
by counting the number of broken branches and/or scars
within a given colony and by comparing images between
surveys to determine the number of branches that were lost
(Tunnicliffe 1981; Mercado-Molina et al. 2015).
Visual inspections of the studied areas were performed
every 3–4 months to evaluate the overall health of the
marked colonies (looking for signs of disease or outbreaks
of coral-feeding snails).
Demographic analysis
A size-based matrix population model was constructed to
analyze and simulate the dynamics of A. cervicornis at the
study sites (Eq. 1).
Sss þðPfÞdðÞRsm þðPfÞdðÞ Rsl þðPfÞdðÞ
Gms Smm Rml þðPfÞdðÞ
Gls Glm Sll
The number of small-sized colonies [s](B100 cm TLL),
medium-sized colonies [m] (101–250 cm TLL), and large-
sized colonies [l]([250 cm TLL) at time t?1 (one year
into the future) equals the current number of colonies in
each of the three size classes multiplied by a 3 93 matrix
of the transition probabilities among the size classes. The
diagonal elements in the matrix are the probabilities of
colonies surviving and remaining in their current size class.
In the case of small-sized colonies, this value is given by
the sum of two terms: (1) the probability of surviving and
not growing to the next size class (stasis, S
) and (2) the
product (Pf)(d), which represents the probability of a
small-sized colonies producing another small-sized colo-
nies by means of branch fragmentation (Pf), multiplied by
the probability of the fragment surviving one year (d). For
each size class, the probability of colony fragmentation (Pf)
was estimated as the number of colonies that fragmented
divided by the total number of colonies. Annual fragment
survival rates of 24 % at CLP and 32 % at PAL were
estimated by following the fate of 100 loose fragments at
each site between February 2012 and August 2013 (Mer-
cado-Molina et al. 2014). The supradiagonal elements
represent the contribution of the large-sized colonies clas-
ses to smaller ones by regressing in size due to partial
mortality (R
). medium-sized colonies and large-sized
colonies also contribute to the small-sized colonies size
class by branch fragmentation as described above. Lastly,
the subdiagonal elements represent the probabilities of a
colony growing to the next size class (G
). Sexual
recruitment was not included in the transition matrix
because no larval-derived recruits were observed during
this study. With respect to asexual reproduction, we plan-
ned for two independent estimates of asexual recruitment
(branch fragmentation and the appearance of colony
Coral Reefs
fragments in the recruitment plots) because we did not
know a priori which would provide better data. Given that
no asexual recruits were observed in these plots, we only
use rate of branch fragmentation in the model. The tran-
sition probabilities were estimated by constructing transi-
tion frequency tables (Caswell 2001) for each locality and
census period (2011–2012 and 2012–2013; Electronic
Supplementary Materials, ESM, Table 1). The three size
classes were chosen to incorporate size-specific patterns of
vital transition rates while maintaining a sample size
greater than 25 colonies for each size category.
Four transition matrices were generated, one for each
site and census period. To determine whether the transition
probabilities in these four matrices were independent of
time and location, log-linear models were applied to a four-
way contingency table. Following Caswell (2001), fate
(F) was set as the response variable and time (T) and
location (L) were set as the explanatory factors, conditional
upon initial colony size (S). The model that best fit the data
was determined by means of the scaled Akaike information
criteria (AIC), calculated for log-linear models as
-2(df) (Caswell 2001), where G
is the
goodness-of-fit log-likelihood ratio statistic obtained from
comparing the model with the saturated model and df is the
degrees of freedom of the test. Log-linear models were also
applied to a three-way contingency table developed for
each of the size classes to examine the effect of time and
location on the fate of colonies within each size class. As
suggested by Fingleton (1984), 0.5 was added to each cell
value within the contingency tables to avoid estimation
problems for values equal to 0.
For each matrix, the dominant eigenvalue was calcu-
lated to obtain the asymptotic finite rate of increase in the
population (k) (Caswell 2001). Transition matrices were
subject to a bootstrapping re-sampling procedure (10,000
simulations) to obtain the 95 % confidence intervals for k.
To determine the demographic transition(s) that accounted
for most of the observed spatio-temporal differences in k,a
life table response experiment (LTRE) analysis was per-
formed rather than an elasticity analysis. LTRE is a ret-
rospective analysis that provides information on how much
variation in a particular life cycle transition actually con-
tributed to the observed differences in kbetween treat-
ments (years and localities in this study). Elasticity, on the
other hand, is a prospective (predictive) analysis that looks
at how kcould respond when a particular life cycle tran-
sition is perturbed (Caswell 2001).
Environmental stochasticity (Morris and Doak 2002)
was modeled by randomly selecting one of the two tran-
sition matrices constructed for the time periods 2011–2012
and 2012–2013. A total of 50,000 iterations (Stubben and
Milligan 2007) were performed in which the selected
matrix was post-multiplied by the initial population vector
to obtain the stochastic lambda (k
). During the iterations,
transition matrices had equal probability of being selected.
These stochastic trajectories were used to (1) estimate the
probability of populations reaching quasi-extinction
thresholds of 10, 15, 20, and 25 % of the initial population
size, (2) estimate ks for probabilities of colony fragmen-
tation and fragment survival varying between 0.10 and 1.0,
and (3) analyze the effectiveness of fragment transplanta-
tion as a management tool to aid in the recovery of A.
cervicornis populations. In the latter case, we modified
Eq. 1by adding a recruitment vector as expressed in Eq. 2,
where the elements R
, and R
represent the numbers of
small-sized colonies, medium-sized colonies and large-
sized colonies to be transplanted, respectively. Equation 2
is an open population model, in which coral transplants
come from an external source (e.g., coral nurseries). To
determine the most effective number and size of fragments
to maintain a population equal or larger than the initial
population size, Eq. 2was projected for 20 yrs considering
the outplanting of 25, 50, 75, or 100 small-sized colonies,
medium-sized colonies, or large fragments per year.
Sss þPfðÞdðÞRsm þPfðÞdðÞ Rsl þPfðÞdðÞ
Gms Smm Rml þPfðÞdðÞ
Gls Glm Sll
R.3.0.1 package popbio (Stubben and Milligan 2007;R
Development Core Team 2014) was used to perform all
demographics analyses. For log-linear analyses, the pack-
age MASS was used (Venables and Ripley 2002).
Transition rates
During the first census period (2011–2012), the most fre-
quent transition was stasis (colonies remaining within their
original size classes), with large-sized colonies showing the
highest transition value at both sites (Table 1). At CLP, the
percentage of colonies (medium-sized colonies ?large-
sized colonies) that retrogressed to a lower size class
(28 %) was similar to the overall number of colonies
(small-sized colonies ?medium-sized colonies) that grew
to a larger size class (29 %). In contrast, at PAL more
colonies grew (38 %) than shrank (13 %). At both sites,
shrinkage occurred more frequently on medium-sized
colonies, whereas rates of size progression were similar
between small-sized colonies and medium-sized colonies
classes. Colony survival did not differ statistically between
Coral Reefs
size classes, varying between 82 and 96 % at CLP
=3.77, df =2, p[0.05) and between 84 and 96 % at
PAL (v
=4.74, df =2, p[0.05). Overall survival rates
(size classes pooled) did not differ significantly between
sites (CLP: 88 %; PAL: 89 %; v
=0.0955, df =1,
During the second year (2012–2013), shrinkage
became the most frequent transition, as both medium-
sized colonies and large-sized colonies experienced rela-
tively high rates of tissue loss. In this time period, 46 and
37 % of the colonies (medium-sized colonies?large-
sized colonies) transitioned to a smaller size class at CLP
and PAL, respectively. On the other hand, the percentages
of colonies (small-sized colonies ?medium-sized colo-
nies) growing into the next size class were lower than the
previous year, 9 % at CLP and 21 % at PAL. Differences
between sites in the proportion of colonies that progressed
in size were associated with the low number of medium-
sized colonies that grew to the largest class at CLP, as
rates of progression of small-sized colonies were similar
between sites (CLP: 13 %, PAL: 14 %). Significant dif-
ferences in survival rates between size classes were evi-
dent during the second year (CLP: v
=13.27, df =2,
p\0.05; PAL: v
=15.19, df =2, p\0.05). This was
mostly due to the low number of small-sized colonies that
survived from 2012 to 2013 (ESM Table 1). When
comparing between time periods within study sites, sur-
vival rates differed significantly (CLP: v
df =1, p\0.05; PAL: v
=9.15, df =1, p\0.05).
Overall survival rates (size classes pooled) differed sig-
nificantly between sites during the period 2012–2013,
being significantly lower at CLP (CLP: 60 %; PAL:
75 %; v
=13.13, df =1, p\0.05).
When considering the whole study period (2011–2013),
only 53 % of the tagged colonies survived at CLP, com-
pared with 67 % at PAL (v
=5.90, df =1, p\0.05).
Survival was size independent at CLP (v
=5.44, df =2,
p[0.05) but varied with respect to size at PAL
=17.99, df =2, p\0.05).
Log-linear analysis
Results from the four-way contingency table indicate that
both time (T) and location (L) had a significant effect on the
demographic rates of A. cervicornis colonies (ESM Table 2).
When comparing each model to the saturated model (TLSF),
the model that considered the effects of time and location
simultaneously (TLS, FST, FSL) was the one with the best
goodness of fit (ESM Table 2). That is, transitions among
size classes are better explained by the interaction between
location and time than by the independent effect of each
factor. Nevertheless, the model that included the effect of
location while excluding the effect of time (TLS, FSL) had
comparable AIC values to that of the model TLS, FST, FSL
(ESM Table 3); therefore, TLS, FSL could also be consid-
ered a good approximation of the observed data. Indeed, the
DAIC value for TLS, FSL was below 2 indicating that the
model has better support than the models TLS, FS and TLS,
FST (ESM Table 3). This result suggests that location may
be a more parsimonious (‘‘better’’) predictor of colony fate
than time. This is supported by the fact that, in contrast to
location, time did not have a significant effect on the fate of
small-sized colonies and large-sized colonies (ESM
Table 2), either when tested against the null model (TL, F) or
when tested against the model in which the factor location
was included (ESM Table 2).
Table 1 Size class transition probabilities of small-sized colonies
sized (S: B100 cm in TTL), medium-sized colonies (M: 101–250 cm
in TTL) and large-sized (L: [250 cm TTL) colonies of Acropora
cervicornis at two localities (Canal Luis Pen
˜a reef, CLP, and
Palomino reef, PAL) in eastern Puerto Rico during two annual time
Size class 2011–2012 2012–2013
S 0.5010 0.3309 0.0581 0.3029 0.4262 0.3041
M 0.3272 0.3225 0.1851 0.1276 0.2325 0.2500
L 0 0.2580 0.7407 0 0.0465 0.2500
k0.918 (95 % CI 0.852–96) 0.535 (95 % CI 0.455–0.599)
S 0.4710 0.1456 0.0387 0.4365 0.3584 0.2507
M 0.3134 0.5000 0.1515 0.1428 0.2156 0.1951
L 0.0895 0.3400 0.7575 0 0.2549 0.4390
k0.948 (95 % CI 0.892–981) 0.709 (95 % CI 0.664–0.778)
k=estimated population growth rate; numbers within ( ) represent the lower and upper 95 % confidence intervals
Coral Reefs
Recruitment and colony fragmentation
We did not observe the establishment of any sexual recruits
or colony fragments within permanent quadrats. Branch
fragmentation was rare. At CLP, only 7 % of the colonies
fragmented during the first year, whereas 8 % of the
colonies fragmented during 2012–2013. At PAL, 7 % of
colonies showed signs of fragmentation during 2011–2012,
while 10 % of the colonies fragmented during 2012–2013.
The total number of fragments produced during the whole
study period (2011–2013) was 26 and 25 at CLP and PAL,
respectively. All resulting fragments were small-sized
colonies (\100 cm TLL).
Population growth
During the first year of the study (2011–2012), populations
at both localities exhibited growth rates that were close to,
but significantly below 1.0, with no differences between
locations (based on 95 % CI), at 0.91 for CLP and 0.94 for
PAL (Table 1). During the second year, ks decreased
considerably at both sites (Table 1), with the decline being
more dramatic at CLP than at PAL. Growth rates differed
significantly between sites during 2012–2013 as well as
when comparing between time periods (2011–2012 vs.
2012–2013) within locations (Table 1).
LTRE analyses indicate that at both sites, temporal
differences in ks (2011–2012 vs. 2012–2013) were largely
related to a reduction in the stasis of large-sized colonies
; Fig. 1a, b). The spatial difference in ks observed
during 2012–2013 can be explained mostly by differences
in growth between medium-sized colonies and large-sized
colonies (G
), but also with an important contribution
from differences in the stasis of small-sized colonies and
large-sized colonies (P
; Fig. 1c).
The estimated stochastic population growth rates were
0.717 (CI 0.715–0.718) and 0.844 (CI 0.843–0.845) at
CLP and PAL, respectively. At these rates of decline, the
population at CLP would reach any of the proposed quasi-
extinction levels in less than 14 yrs, whereas at PAL it
would take between 16 and 20 yrs (Fig. 2). Numerical
simulations indicate that the observed rates of colony
fragmentation are not sufficient to maintain populations at
equilibrium, even if all produced fragments show an
annual survival rate of 100 % (Fig. 3a). On the other
hand, given the observed fragment survival rates of 24 %
at CLP and 32 % at PAL, the population at CLP would
fail to reach equilibrium even for a probability of frag-
mentation of 1.0, whereas at PAL kC1 can be obtained
if the probability of fragmentation is greater than 80 %
(Fig. 3b).
Figures 4and 5show the projected size of A. cervicornis
populations under different outplanting (management)
scenarios. Transplanting large-sized colonies resulted in a
higher asymptotic population size in all cases. Neverthe-
less, the analysis also indicates that transplanting fewer
than 25 colonies per year at CLP, regardless of size, would
result in abundances below the initial population size. In
contrast, at PAL, transplanting 25 colonies measuring more
than 100 cm TTL would be sufficient to attain an asymp-
totic population size that surpasses the initial number of
colonies. Transplanting small-sized colonies would be
effective in attaining population viability (kC1) as long
as the number of transplants is C50.
Fig. 1 Results of the life table response experiment analysis showing
the contribution of each life cycle transition to the population growth
rate of Acropora cervicornis after accounting for the effect of time,
2011–2012 versus 2012–2013, at Canal Luis Pen
˜a(a) and Palomino
(b) and between locations during the 2012–2013 period (c). Positive
and negative values indicate transitions that contribute to and
suppress local population growth, respectively. Note the difference
in scale in the y-axis in (c). S =stasis, G =growth, R =retrogres-
sion; s =small, m =medium, l =large
Coral Reefs
Spatiotemporal variability in vital rates
Studies directed at understanding the population dynamics
of A. cervicornis have been relatively scarce. Knowlton
et al. (1990) found that the rates of survival and growth of
this coral varied both temporally and spatially. Our results
support these findings. The spatiotemporal variability
observed in this study is, however, somewhat surprising.
Knowlton et al. (1990) attributed most of the mortality they
observed to high predation rates by the snail Coralliophila
spp. and the polychaete Hermodice carunculata. In con-
trast, the 2 yrs in which we measured the vital rates can be
categorized as ‘‘normal’’ in the sense that no major dis-
turbances such as hurricanes, bleaching, predator out-
breaks, or epizootic events directly impacted the two study
sites. Moreover, the conditions at the study localities
remained similar in terms of water quality, wave exposure,
and biotic composition. Thus, this study suggests that even
in the absence of a major disturbance, the vital rates of this
species can be susceptible to minor or moderate local
variations in environmental parameters. The only poten-
tially stressful event that occurred during the study period
was a heavy rainfall event (356 cm, an anomaly of 215 %
in relation to mean monthly rainfall) during June 2013
´ndez-Delgado et al. 2014), 4 months before the last
survey. Extreme rainfall events have been associated with
high mortality of scleractinian corals, including A. cervi-
cornis, due in part to a drop in seawater salinity (Morton
2002; Herna
´ndez-Delgado et al. 2014). There is evidence
that a reduction in salinity can limit the capacity of a coral
to survive short-term increases in seawater temperature
(Coles and Jokiel 1978). Low salinity can also impair coral
physiological efficiency (Kerswell and Jones 2003) with
possible costs to colony development. However, we cannot
Fig. 2 Population viability
analysis for Acoprora
cervicornis populations studied
at Canal Luis Pen
˜a (CLP) and
Palomino (PAL). Each
trajectory represents the
cumulative probability of quasi-
extinction over time. Various
trajectories are explored based
on the threshold at which the
population would be considered
functionally (or quasi-)
extinct—from 10 % (a 90 %
reduction) to 25 % of the
population size in 2011
Fig. 3 Estimated population
growth rate for the two
Acropora cervicornis
populations studied as a
function of afragment survival
assuming the observed rates of
fragmentation at Canal Luis
˜a (CLP; solid line) and
Palomino (PAL; dashed line)
and bprobability of
fragmentation based on
fragment survival of 24 and
32 % at CLP (solid line) and
PAL (dashed line), respectively
Coral Reefs
determine the specific causal factors for the significant
decline in survival and growth rates during the period
Life history trade-offs may explain the apparently high
susceptibility of this species to low/moderate levels of
environmental variation. It is understood that A. cervicor-
nis allocates most of its energetic resources toward rapid
growth at the expense of other biological functions (Palmer
et al. 2010). The resource allocation trade-off hypothesis
postulates that an individual’s energetic budget is finite and
that resources invested in one function cannot be used for
another (Bazzaz et al. 1987). Hence, it is likely that A.
cervicornis’ poor ability to cope with environmental
changes is a result of a resource allocation strategy favor-
ing rapid colony growth over other life history traits
directed to assure colony survival, such as maintenance,
tissue regeneration and repair, and a stronger immune
response (Palmer et al. 2010; Ruiz-Diaz et al. 2013). The
literature on life history trade-offs in corals is very limited;
nonetheless, the immune response of acroporids appears to
be weaker in relation to that of slower-growing massive
corals (Palmer et al. 2010).
Results of the log-linear analysis suggest that spatial
variation in the demography of A. cervicornis may be larger
than temporal variation within the same location. Such dif-
ferences were more evident in medium-sized colonies.
During 2011–2012, the probability of a medium-sized
colonies remaining within its size class or retrogressing into
the smaller size class was noticeably lower and higher,
respectively, at PAL. In contrast, during the second year,
Fig. 4 Simulated trajectories of the Acoprora cervicornis population size
over time at Canal Luis Pen
˜a using different numbers and sizes of
transplanted colonies based on the stochastic mean matrix. Solid line =
initial population size (N
=144); closed circles =population trajectory
with no outplants; open circles =small-sized outplants; closed trian-
gles =medium-sized outplants; open triangles =large-sized outplant
Coral Reefs
most of the spatial variation in the dynamics of medium-
sized colonies could be attributed to differences in their
probability of advancing to the large size class. It is unclear
why medium-sized colonies were more susceptible than
small-sized colonies and large-sized colonies to spatiotem-
poral variability. Nevertheless, we noticed that at the
beginning of the study, and particularly at CLP, medium-
sized colonies exhibited the highest proportions of dead
tissue. It has been suggested that differences in the ratio of
live to dead tissue can have important implications for the
demographic performance of corals (Meesters et al. 1997;
Oren et al. 1997; Ruiz-Diaz et al. unpublished data). For
instance, there is an inverse relationship between the
potential of a colony to regenerate lost tissue and the ratio
between the size of a lesion (e.g., dead tissue) and size of the
colony (Sousa 1984; Oren et al. 1997; Ruiz-Diaz et al.
unpublished data). Lower regeneration capability not only
limits the growth of a colony but also increases its probability
of dying (Meesters et al. 1997; Hall 2001).
The significant spatiotemporal variability of A. cervi-
cornis demographic rates observed in this study contrasts
with rates for A. palmata in Florida (Vardi et al. 2012).
That study estimated higher and more stable population
growth rates (ks=0.97–1.05) over 6 yrs (with the
exception of a hurricane year, k=0.71), and transition
rates that did not vary considerably among reefs. This
suggests, as previously noted by Williams et al. (2006), that
the demography of A. cervicornis is more dynamic and
variable than that of A. palmata, which is unexpected given
that the two species share similar life history traits. Con-
sidering the differences observed here, although only based
on two sites and 2 yrs, conservation recommendations and
initiatives should be species specific, not generic, when
Fig. 5 Simulated trajectories of Acoprora cervicornis population size
over time at Palomino using different numbers and sizes of transplanted
colonies based on the stochastic mean matrix. Solid line =initial
population size (N
=150); closed circles =population trajectory
with no outplants; open circles =small-sized outplants; closed trian-
gles =medium-sized outplants; open triangles =large-sized outplant
Coral Reefs
Population dynamics and viability analysis
During the first year of this study, colony survival varied
between 88 and 89 %. These annual rates are comparable
to those found by Knowlton et al. (1990) during the initial
years of their study. Yet the lack of sexual recruitment, as
well as relatively low rates of colony fragmentation,
resulted in a population decline at both sites (k\1). The
absence of sexually derived recruits was not a surprise, as
this coral is characterized by limited sexual reproduction
(Tunnicliffe 1981; Knowlton et al. 1990). On the other
hand, the rarity of natural fragmentation was unexpected as
it is accepted that colony fragmentation is the main mode
of reproduction in A. cervicornis, even in areas where the
degree of wave exposure is low (Tunnicliffe 1981;
Knowlton et al. 1990). A possible explanation for the low
rates of fragmentation is that current size structures are
below a threshold at which water-related drag forces or
mechanical instability can induce branch breakage (High-
smith 1982). Tunnicliffe (1982) identified 40 cm as the
minimum colony height at which waves can induce branch
breakage in A. cervicornis; at our study sites, only ten
colonies exceeded that height (eight at CLP and two at
PAL). Mean colony height varied between 19.42 cm
(±8.88; SD) at PAL and 23.00 cm (±9.26; SD) at CLP.
During the second year, reductions in population growth of
*24 and 38 % were documented at PAL and CLP, respec-
tively. These lower ks were due not only to insignificant rates of
recruitment but also to the combination of lower colony sur-
vival, little colony growth, and higher levels of colony
shrinkage. As indicated by the life table response analysis, the
lower probability of large-sized colonies surviving and
remaining within the largest size class was the demographic
transition that contributed most to the observed temporal
reduction in ks. Although large-sized colonies survived better
than small-sized colonies- and medium-sized colonies, they
exhibited higher transitions to smaller size classes, particularly
to the smallest size class. Higher proportions of colonies
\250 cm TTL may increase the risk of population extinction.
First, small-sized colonies survive poorly compared with large-
sized colonies. Second, it is recognized that there is a positive
linear relationship between sexual reproductive output and
colony size (Hughes 1984). Third, large-sized colonies tend to
produce a greater number of branches than small-sized colonies
(Mercado-Molina et al. 2015), which is essential for a species
that relies mostly on branch fragmentation for propagation. It
can be argued that populations are currently shifting toward
smaller populations dominated by small-sized colonies, which
are generally characterized by low demographic performance.
This exacerbates the poor prospect of population persistence.
Determining the minimum viable size at which a pop-
ulation is capable of recovering is critical for its conser-
vation. We know that the number of colonies required to
maintain a coral population needs to be large, particularly
for broadcast spawners (Herna
´ndez-Pacheco et al. 2011);
but determining an exact number is not currently possible.
Quasi-extinction thresholds are a way of estimating the
probability of extinction without knowing the critical level
at which a given population becomes functionally extinct.
Four different quasi-extinction thresholds were considered
for the studied populations, and even under the most con-
servative scenario (10 %), the studied populations can
become functionally extinct in B20 yrs. This result pro-
vides quantitative support to the generalized perception
that populations of A. cervicornis continue to decline
rapidly throughout their geographical range (NMFS 2015).
Therefore, populations of A. cervicornis should be of
conservation concern, especially when our analyses did not
consider the consequence of possible extreme events such
as hurricanes or disease outbreaks. The insignificant con-
tribution of asexual reproduction to local population
growth together with the fact that loose fragments of A.
cervicornis survive poorly (Mercado-Molina et al. 2014)
leads us to believe that the studied populations will not
recover or sustain themselves without intervention. This
underscores the need for human involvement to ensure the
viability of A. cervicornis in northeastern Puerto Rico.
Outplanting nursery-grown coral fragments (colonies) to
selected sites using stabilization techniques such as epoxy/
cement and cable ties has been considered an effective tool
for restoring depleted populations of Caribbean acroporid
species (Bowden-Kerby 2001; Williams and Miller 2010;
Mercado-Molina et al. 2015). Simulations indicate that
transplanting large fragments would result in higher
asymptotic population sizes. Nevertheless, considering that
coral nurseries are usually initiated with coral fragments
B15 cm TLL (Quinn and Kojis 2006; Herlan and Lirman
2009; Lirman et al. 2010,2014), it would take at least 3 yrs
in a good growth environment for a colony to reach
C250 cm TLL (Lirman et al. 2010,2014; Herna
Delgado et al. 2014). This time lag may be critical for the
persistence of the targeted populations, if, as shown in this
study, populations experience a ‘bad’ year in which
approximately half of the colonies are lost. An alternative
approach is to focus the management plan on transplanting
at least 50 (*33 % of the initial population size in the case
of this study) small (B100 cm TLL) colonies per year.
Results from Mercado-Molina et al. (2015) suggest that
25 cm TLL is an effective initial size for colony trans-
plantation as the coral outplants survive, grow, and produce
branches relatively well. Nursery-reared fragments can
reach this size in less than 5 months (Herna
et al. 2014).
Coral Reefs
Coral conservation initiatives can be costly (Edwards
et al. 2010; Vardi et al. 2012). Yet reef restoration projects
could be both economically and logistically feasible as
long as members of the local community are part of the
effort (Herna
´ndez-Delgado and Suleima
´n-Ramos 2014;
´ndez-Delgado et al. 2014; Forrester et al. 2014). In
Puerto Rico, for instance, the community-based non-gov-
ernment organization Sociedad Ambiente Marino (SAM)
outplanted over 2000 colonies per year (employing nails
and cable ties) with an initial budget of US$90,000 yr
compared with *US$600,000 yr
estimated for a similar
(but not community-based) project in the Florida Keys (see
Vardi et al. 2012). Taking into consideration the total cost
of the SAM operation, the unit cost of a transplant is
estimated at US$45.
In conclusion, this study is based on demographic data
collected for 2 yrs at two localities. It is likely that this data set
has not captured all of the temporal and spatial variability in
vital rates that this species can exhibit. Particularly, the
impacts of hurricanes, mass bleaching, and disease outbreaks
are absent from our analyses because none occurred during the
study period. In spite of these limitations, this study has
identified important aspects of the demography and dynamics
of A. cervicornis. (1) This study highlights significant spa-
tiotemporal variability in vital rates, even in the absence of a
major disturbance. This stresses the apparent susceptibility of
this species to low/moderate levels of environmental vari-
ability. (2) The overall effect of spatial variation on the
demographic fate of A. cervicornis was stronger than the
effect of temporal variation. Accordingly, restoration efforts
should be partitioned among several small projects rather than
allocating all the resources into one site. This action will
enhance the persistence of the species if localized extirpation
occurs due to spatial variability. Such results also imply that
continuous demographic monitoring is essential, as real-time
knowledge of the spatial and temporal variation may be nec-
essary to fine-tune management plans in accordance with the
observed population trends and/or conditions. (3) The
observed contribution of asexual recruitment is meager and
therefore not a significant factor in the population dynamics of
the species. This challenges the generalized but insufficiently
demonstrated belief that under current coral reef conditions,
colony fragmentation is capable of sustaining local popula-
tions (NMFS 2006). (4) Rather, it is variation in the stasis of
large-sized colonies, plus the growth and partial tissue mor-
tality of medium-sized colonies that contributes most to
variations in population growth rates.
The numerical projections performed in this study are
not aimed at predicting what will happen to the population,
but rather at evaluating the possible influences of the
observed spatiotemporal demographic attributes on the
population dynamics of A. cervicornis (Caswell 2001).
Such projections are informative in guiding management
and conservation strategies given that they incorporate the
effects of the prevailing environmental conditions on col-
ony vital rates (Caswell 2001). In this sense, even in the
absence of a major perturbation, population growth rates
are below equilibrium and the population viability analysis
indicates quasi-extinction in less than two decades.
Including the effect of major disturbances in the analysis
will only make more ominous an already dismal scenario
for A. cervicornis. Restoring populations by outplanting
fragments is a feasible strategy, but one that requires sus-
tained human intervention (Mercado-Molina et al. 2015).
Finally, this study raises the first quantitatively supported
red flag with regard to the long-term persistence of A.
cervicornis. Major restoration efforts along the lines pro-
posed in this study are necessary at a regional scale if we
want to reverse the demise of this important Caribbean
coral. We understand, however, that only through the
collective publication of demographic data and analyses
from other Caribbean localities and time periods by other
research groups will we start to gain a comprehensive
appreciation of the spatial and temporal variability in the
demography and dynamics of this species.
Acknowledgments This project was partially funded by UPR Sea
Grant (PD-294), institutional funds of the UPR-RP, UPR Sea Grant
(NOAA award NA10OAR41700062, Project R-92-1-10), the Center
for Applied Tropical Ecology and Conservation (NSF grant HRD
#0734826), Puerto Rico Center for Environmental Neuroscience
(NSF-HRD #1137725), and Idea Wild Foundation. Logistical support
was provided by the SAM. Thanks to all members of SAM.
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Coral Reefs
... For instance, the survival and growth of A. cervicornis can be compromised if tissue consumption exceeds 20 % of the total colony size (see Mercado-Molina et al., 2018). Moreover, predation can result in population decline if large colonies retrogress into smaller sizes (Mercado-Molina, Ruiz-Diaz, Pérez, et al., 2015). In fact, in Jamaica, H. carunculata was linked to the extinction of an A. cervicornis subpopulation (Knowlton et al., 1990). ...
... As demonstrated in previous demographic studies on A. cervicornis (Mercado-Molina, Ruiz-Diaz, Pérez, et al., 2015;Mercado-Molina et al., 2020), the stasis of large colonies was the most important transition rate for population growth in PMEL. Large colonies are better able than smaller ones to withstand the negative demographic effects of partial mortality (Hernández-Delgado et al., 2018;Mercado-Molina, Ruiz-Diaz, Pérez, et al., 2015;Mercado-Molina et al., 2018) explaining, in part, the importance of large colonies for population viability. For instance, when a small colony of A. cervicornis loses more than 20 % of its living tissue, its survival is ~ 33 % lower than when a large colony loses the same amount of tissue . ...
... We witnessed some colonies predated by the corallivorous snail Coralliophila abbreviata; however, the population-level effect of snail predation may be limited because very few colonies were affected. It is known that A. cervicornis could be very susceptible to minor or moderate local variations in environmental parameters (Mercado-Molina, Ruiz-Diaz, Pérez, et al., 2015); thus, it is possible that changes in environmental conditions not perceptible to us (e.g., light incidence, temperature) led to the mortality of colonies not predated by H. carunculata. Goergen et al. (2019) and Miller et al. (2014) found that colony attacks by H. carunculata did not follow a consistent temporal pattern. ...
Full-text available
Introduction: The fireworm Hermodice carunculata is a widespread polychaete that can prey upon many coral species. However, few studies have examined the effect of fireworm predation on coral demographics during non-outbreak periods. Objective: To determine whether predation by H. carunculata compromised the growth, survival, and population performance of the threatened coral Acropora cervicornis. Methods: Nursery-reared coral fragments (n = 99) were fixed to the bottom of Punta Melones reef in the Island Municipality of Culebra, Puerto Rico. Predation activity and its demographic consequences on coral outplants were assessed from December 2020 to August 2022. Susceptibility to predation was compared between colonies collected directly from the reef and those originating from outside sources (e.g., coral nurseries). With the demographic data, simple size-based population matrix models were developed to 1) examine whether fireworm predation led to a significant decline in population growth rate (λ), 2) determine the demographic transition(s) that contribute the most to λ, and 3) determining the demographic transition(s) that accounted for differences in λ when comparing scenarios that considered either only predated colonies or both predated and non-predated outplants. Results: Predation increased over time, being more frequently observed in the area with the highest topographic relief and on colonies foreign to the study site. Outplants that were partially consumed grew significantly slower than non-predated colonies; however, predation did not threaten their survival. The likelihood of being attacked by the fireworm increased with branching complexity. The estimated λ for a scenario considering only predated colonies was 0.99, whereas, for a scenario where both predated and non-predated colonies were considered, λ was 0.91. Population growth, under the two scenarios, was mainly influenced by the probability of a large colony surviving and remaining at the largest size. Conclusions: Although predation can negatively impact coral growth, the relatively high survival rate of predated colonies compensates for the adverse effect. Since survival is the demographic transition that contributes most to population growth, it could be concluded that under a non-outbreak scenario, fireworm predation may not be the primary cause of A. cervicornis population decline.
... Even in the absence of perceptible disturbances, survival and growth of acroporids (e.g. Acropora cervicornis) can be compromised (Mercado-Molina et al., 2015a). As ocean health continues to deteriorate, it could be argued that growing fast at the expense of a "poor" defence and maintenance system (immunology) and reproduction, puts the viability of acroporid populations at risk. ...
... The population was divided in three size classes based on TLL (small: 100 cm; medium: 101-250 cm; large: > 250 cm; following Mercado-Molina et al., 2015a; see Eq. 1). These three size classes were chosen to incorporate size-specific patterns of vital transition rates while maintaining a sample size of a least 15 colonies for each size category (Mercado-Molina et al., 2015a). The diagonal elements in the matrix represent the probabilities of colonies surviving and remaining in their current size class (e.g. ...
... The data for the reference population was obtained from Mercado-Molina et al. (2015a), who conducted a comprehensive study of the demography of A. cervicornis in Culebra. Transition matrices were subject to a bootstrapping re-sampling procedure (10,000 simulations) to obtain the 95% confidence intervals for λ (Caswell, 2001;Mercado-Molina et al., 2015a;Stubben and Milligan, 2007). Population trajectories were based on an initial vector of 1000 colonies with a colony size distribution characteristic of a healthy population (see Mercado-Molina et al., 2015a;Riegl et al., 2018). ...
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Chronic coral reef degradation has been characterized by a significant decline in the population abundance and live tissue cover of scleractinian corals across the wider Caribbean. Acropora cervicornis is among the species whose populations have suffered an unprecedented collapse throughout the region. This species, which once dominated the shallow-water reef communities, is susceptible to a wide range of stressors, resulting in a general lack of recovery following disturbances. A. cervicornis is a critical contributor to the structure, function, and resilience of Caribbean coral reefs. Therefore, it is essential to identify the factors that influence their demographic and population performance. Diseases are one of the factors that are compromising the recovery of coral populations. In this chapter, we use size-based population matrix models to evaluate the population-level effect of a Shut Down Reaction Disease (SDR) outbreak, one of the less-understood diseases affecting this coral. The model was parameterized by following the fate of 105 colonies for 2 years at Tamarindo reef in Culebra, Puerto Rico. SDR, which affected 78% of the population, led to a rapid decline in colony abundance. The estimated population growth rate (λ) for the diseased population was more than six times lower than would be expected for a population at equilibrium. It was found that colonies in the smaller size class (≤ 100 cm total linear length) were more likely to get infected and succumbing to the disease than larger colonies. Model simulations indicate that: (1) under the estimated λ, the population would reach extinction in 5 years; (2) an SDR outbreak as intense as the one observed in this study can lead to a notable decline in stochastic λs even when relatively rare (i.e. 10% probability of occurring); and (3) disease incidence as low as 5% can cause the population to lose its ecological functionality (e.g., reach a pseudo-extinction level of 10% of the initial population size) 33 years before disappearing. SDR and probably any other similarly virulent disease could thus be a major driver of local extinction events of A. cervicornis.
... Coral demographic performance improves with larger out-planting clipping size [74]. Variable effects of fragment size on survival have been observed for restored Acroporid coral fragments, suggesting enhanced survival of larger fragments [71,76,[97][98][99]. Upwelling dynamics were also found to play a vital role in promoting improved heterotrophy in restored A. palmata [100]. ...
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In response to the severe fragmentation of Elkhorn coral, Acropora palmata (Lamarck, 1816), stands caused by a major winter swell (“Holy Swell”) in March 2008, an emergency community-based low-tech restoration was initiated in Vega Baja, Puerto Rico. Over a 15-year period, coral demographic performance and fish assemblages were monitored across four restored and four control (non-restored) 100 m2 plots. The restoration effort proved to be highly successful, leading to successful coral survival and growth, and to sustained recovery of fish assemblages, particularly herbivore guilds. Significantly increased abundance, biomass, and diversity were observed across all trophic functional groups, fishery target species, and geo-ecological functional groups in both restored and control plots. These positive outcomes were attributed to enhanced spatial complexity by long-term coral growth, “nutrient hotspots” within restored plots, the refugia effect from enhanced benthic spatial complexity, and the recovery of fish dispersal paths promoting spillover effects from restored to adjacent non-restored areas. Restoring herbivore guilds and geo-ecological functional groups played a crucial role in restoring vital ecological processes promoting reef ecosystem resilience. Recommendations include integrating fish assemblage recovery into coral restoration strategies, establishing natural coral nursery plots for future coral sourcing, and incorporating the concept of nursery seascapes for a holistic and ecosystem-based approach to restoration.
... Coral reef restoration aims to boost coral reef conditions by, among other actions, increasing the population size of reef-forming stony (Scleractinia) corals through the outplanting of nursery-reared colony fragments (Lindahl, 2003;Bayraktarov et al., 2020;Vardi et al., 2021). Outplanting (taking corals from the nursery back into the wild) nursery-reared corals not only increases the probability of population persistence (Mercado-Molina et al., 2015a) but also leads to higher biodiversity (Yap et al., 2009;dela Cruz et al. 2014;Chomitz et al., 2023) and improves ecosystems services (Bayraktarov et al., 2019). ...
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The threatened staghorn coral Acropora cervicornis is an important reef-builder species in the Caribbean. Its ecological importance and critical status have prompted efforts to restore degraded populations. In this respect, nursery-based programmes have effectively propagated A. cervicornis and helped to increase population sizes. Despite many advances in low-cost coral nursery designs, there is still a need to increase productivity while reducing costs. This study evaluates A. cervicornis demographic performance in two propagation structures: floating trees (FT) and floating horizontal frames (HF). Two equal-sized fragments were collected from 50 healthy staghorn coral colonies. Each fragment was placed into an FT or HF design. Survival, growth, branching, and productivity were recorded for seven months. To address the cost-effectiveness of the coral propagation techniques, we compared the total cost of producing corals between the two designs. Survival was similar, with 91% and 92% of the coral fragments surviving in the FT and HF, respectively. Although colonies in HF nurseries grew faster and produced more branches than those in FT nurseries, these differences were not statistically significant. Likewise, productivity did not differ statistically between nursery designs despite fragments in HF nurseries being 1.5 times more productive than those in FT nurseries. Because of the similarity in demographic performance, the selection of nursery designs could be based solely on their cost-effectiveness. In this respect, the cost-effectiveness analysis shows that producing corals using HF costs about 70% less than FT. Thus, we conclude that floating horizontal frame (HF) nurseries are better for propagating A. cervicornis and accelerating coral restoration activities.
... Coral reef restoration aims to boost coral reef conditions by, among other actions, increasing the population size of reef-forming stony (Scleractinia) corals through the outplanting of nursery-reared colony fragments (Lindahl, 2003;Bayraktarov et al., 2020;Vardi et al., 2021). Outplanting (taking corals from the nursery back into the wild) nursery-reared corals not only increases the probability of population persistence (Mercado-Molina et al., 2015a) but also leads to higher biodiversity (Yap et al., 2009;dela Cruz et al. 2014;Chomitz et al., 2023) and improves ecosystems services (Bayraktarov et al., 2019). ...
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The threatened staghorn coral Acropora cervicornis is an important reef-builder species in the Caribbean. Its ecological importance and critical status have prompted efforts to restore degraded populations. In this respect, nursery-based programmes have effectively propagated A. cervicornis and helped to increase population sizes. Despite many advances in low-cost coral nursery designs, there is still a need to increase productivity while reducing costs. This study evaluates A. cervicornis demographic performance in two propagation structures: floating trees (FT) and floating horizontal frames (HF). Two equal-sized fragments were collected from 50 healthy staghorn coral colonies. Each fragment was placed into an FT or HF design. Survival, growth, branching, and productivity were recorded for seven months. To address the cost-effectiveness of the coral propagation techniques, we compared the total cost of producing corals between the two designs. Survival was similar, with 91% and 92% of the coral fragments surviving in the FT and HF, respectively. Although colonies in HF nurseries grew faster and produced more branches than those in FT nurseries, these differences were not statistically significant. Likewise, productivity did not differ statistically between nursery designs despite fragments in HF nurseries being 1.5 times more productive than those in FT nurseries. Because of the similarity in demographic performance, the selection of nursery designs could be based solely on their cost-effectiveness. In this respect, the cost-effectiveness analysis shows that producing corals using HF costs about 70% less than FT. Thus, we conclude that floating horizontal frame (HF) nurseries are better for propagating A. cervicornis and accelerating coral restoration activities.
... However, an increasingly robust literature on nurseries, reintroduction, conservation, and even assisted evolution of corals is emerging [36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52]. As the field expands from understanding why corals die to how we can promote restoration of these important ecological niches in a changing world, studies increasingly look to successful reefs to understand robustness, resilience, and temporal persistence [10,33,49,[53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62][63][64][65][66][67]. If we can identify the 'reefs that work' in spite of recent anthropogenic and environmental change we may be able to better characterize their features and facilitate reef expansion, cultivate nurseries, re-seed reefs, and conserve a dwindling ecological resource [63,68,69]; providing hope for the future of Caribbean coral reefs [70] and possibly beyond. ...
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Caribbean Acropora spp. corals have undergone a decline in cover since the second half of the twentieth century. Loss of these architecturally complex and fast-growing corals has resulted in significant, cascading changes to the character, diversity, and available eco-spaces of Caribbean reefs. Few thriving Acropora spp. populations exist today in the Caribbean and western North Atlantic seas, and our limited ability to access data from reefs assessed via long-term monitoring efforts means that reef scientists are challenged to determine resilience and longevity of existing Acropora spp. reefs. Here we used multiple dating methods to measure reef longevity and determine whether Coral Gardens Reef, Belize, is a refuge for Acropora cervicornis against the backdrop of wider Caribbean decline. We used a new genetic-aging technique to identify sample sites, and radiocarbon and high-precision uranium-thorium (U-Th) dating techniques to test whether one of the largest populations of extant A. cervicornis in the western Caribbean is newly established after the 1980s, or represents a longer-lived, stable population. We did so with respect for ethical sampling of a threatened species. Our data show corals ranging in age from 1910 (¹⁴C) or 1915 (²³⁰Th) to at least November 2019. While we cannot exclude the possibility of short gaps in the residence of A. cervicornis earlier in the record, the data show consistent and sustained living coral throughout the 1980s and up to at least 2019. We suggest that Coral Gardens has served as a refuge for A. cervicornis and that identifying other, similar sites may be critical to efforts to grow, preserve, conserve, and seed besieged Caribbean reefs.
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The climate crisis poses a grave threat to numerous small island developing states (SIDS), intensifying risks from extreme weather events and sea level rise (SLR). This vulnerability heightens the dangers of coastal erosion, chronic water quality degradation, and dwindling coastal resources, demanding global attention. The resultant loss of ecological persistence, functional services, and ecosystem resilience jeopardizes protection against wave action and SLR, endangering coastal habitats’ economic value, food security, infrastructure, and livelihoods. Implementing integrated strategies is imperative. A thorough discussion of available strategies and best management practices for coastal ecosystem restoration is presented in the context of SIDS needs, threats, and major constraints. Solutions must encompass enhanced green infrastructure restoration (coral reefs, seagrass meadows, mangroves/wetlands, urban shorelines), sustainable development practices, circular economy principles, and the adoption of ecological restoration policies. This requires securing creative and sustainable funding, promoting green job creation, and fostering local stakeholder engagement. Tailored to each island’s reality, solutions must overcome numerous socio-economic, logistical, and political obstacles. Despite challenges, timely opportunities exist for coastal habitat restoration and climate change adaptation policies. Integrated strategies spanning disciplines and stakeholders necessitate significant political will.
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The numerous socioeconomic and ecological challenges that coral reef degradation poses in the Greater Caribbean have led to a surge in restoration efforts. In this context, outplanting nursery-reared coral colonies has emerged as one of the most common strategies used to rejuvenate degraded reefs and reinstate critical ecosystem processes such as coral recruitment. However, the extent to which coral outplanting promotes the recruitment of coral species remains a subject of ongoing debate. This study tested the hypothesis that reintroducing the threatened coral Acropora cervicornis to a degraded coral reef promotes coral recruitment. To test our hypothesis, a series of recruitment quadrats were established in an area populated with A. cervicornis outplants and in a reference location devoid of the coral. To further investigate the relationship between A. cervicornis and coral recruitment, an experiment was implemented in which half of the quadrats in the restored area received a coral outplant, while the other half were left undisturbed. After one year, all coral recruits located within the quadrats were counted and identified. It was found that in the restored area the mean recruit density exceeded that of the reference location by a factor of 2.15. Results also unveiled a positive association between coral recruitment and the presence of A. cervicornis. Specifically, the mean recruit density in quadrats that received an A. cervicornis colony was 2.21 to 4.65-times higher than in the quadrats without coral outplants. This intriguing observation underscores the pivotal role of A. cervicornis in shaping the recruitment dynamics of corals within degraded reef areas, highlighting the potential of active coral outplanting to enhance the resilience of deteriorating coral reef ecosystems.
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Acropora cervicornis is one of the most important coral species in shallow reefs of the Caribbean as it provides habitat and structural complexity to several species of invertebrates and fish. However, the distribution range of A. cervicornis has shrunk and collapsed considerably in the last five decades, due to a combination of factors including the increase of disease prevalence, storm frequency, and anthropogenic threats. Despite being classed as “Critically Endangered” in the IUCN Red List, information regarding its population status and condition across large Caribbean coralline areas is limited. Herein we conducted the first Marine Protected Area (MPA) scale survey for this species at the Los Roques archipelago, which included visual census across 127 sites to determine the abundance, spatial distribution, habitat type, and patch morphology of A. cervicornis. We selected 11 sites, where this species was predicted and reported to be ubiquitous, to determine live A. cervicornis cover, its recent and old mortality cover, and white band disease prevalence as proxies for coral health. We found Acropora cervicornis in only 29% of the surveyed sites, with dispersed and scattered patches prevailing upon continuous patches. Moreover, the latter were located near the largest human population settlements, and inside the low protection zones of the MPA where fishing and touristic activities are permitted. The photomosaic survey showed that more than 75% A. cervicornis patches showed an average live cover above 27%, low prevalence of white band disease (<7%), and low macroalgal abundance (<10%); suggesting that Los Roques still holds healthy populations. Our results indicate that the persistence of this species urgently requires re-evaluating current MPA zoning, especially following recent evidence of overfishing and inadequate law enforcement. This study provides a baseline of A. cervicornis populations in Los Roques and Southern Caribbean that can be later used for local population management and conservation.
Little to no recovery in Acropora cervicornis populations has been documented since the 1970s and 1980s widespread disease events, and disease and predation appear to remain significant drivers of mortality. However, to date, demographic studies of A. cervicornis lack data temporally or spatially sufficient to quantify factors limiting recovery. Acropora cervicornis populations in three regions [Broward County (BWD), Middle Keys (MDK), and Dry Tortugas (DRTO)] of the Florida Reef Tract were surveyed up to three times per year from 2011 to 2015. Temporal and spatial differences were evaluated for colony size, live tissue volume, and prevalence and impact of disease and predation. Significantly larger colonies were reported in BWD, and at relatively deeper or more sheltered sites. At least 43% of colonies in each region were of reproductively capable size. Mean relative change in colony size between surveys (3–5 months) ranged from − 20% to 19%. Disease and predation were consistently present in all regions, but levels varied significantly across space and time. Disease prevalence was the most variable condition (ranging from 0% to 28% per survey), increasing after periods of elevated temperatures and environmental disturbances, and caused significantly more partial mortality than fireworm (Hermodice carunculata) or snail (Coralliophila spp.) predation. Recovery potential and long-term persistence of this species may be limited due to the persistent presence of disease and predation, and reproductive limitations. However, there is still potential at sites of greater depth and/or more protection hosted larger and healthier colonies creating potential refugia for this species.
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Mass bleaching events have become a major cause of coral decline at a global scale. In the summer/fall of 2005 the northeastern Caribbean experienced a record-breaking sea surface warming that resulted in a prolonged mass bleaching event and significant percent coral cover decline of the principal Caribbean reef-building coral Montastraea annularis. In this study, we measured changes in the vital rates of a M. annularis population before, during, and after the 2005 mass bleaching event; stochastically projected the population with different bleaching regimes using a 100 year horizon; and quantified the population level effect of the bleaching event using a life table response experiment. Size-based transition matrices from 2001-2009 were constructed following 399 colonies through time in 17 permanent photo-transects located in Culebra Island, Puerto Rico. Temporal variation in the population growth rate indicates the population (1) was in demographic equilibrium before the event (λ ≈ 1.0), (2) suffered a significant decline in growth rate for two consecutive years after the event (λ < 1.0), and (3) demographically recovered three years after the event (λ ≈ 1.0). Partial tissue mortality due to bleaching caused dramatic colony fragmentation that resulted in a population made up almost entirely of small colonies by 2007 (97% were <50 cm2). The stochastic simulation indicates that an annual probability of bleaching in excess of 6% would result in a decreasing population (λs < 1.0) with a reduction of more than 54% in colony abundance after 100 years of projection. The life table response experiments reveal that most of the effect that bleaching had on the population growth rate comes from changes in the survivorship of small colonies. Recent trends in population decline, as well as the life history traits of M. annularis, suggest that recovery of affected populations by sexual recruitment alone is unlikely. Our findings indicate that survival of small colonies will determine the viability of the M. annularis populations within the context of rising sea surface temperatures. We conclude that the demography of M. annularis is highly susceptible to bleaching and that its viability is seriously compromised under the predicted global warming scenarios.
There has been a surge of interest in methods of analysing data that typically arise from surveys of various kinds of experiments in which the number of people, animals, places or objects occupying various categories are counted. Such observations are known variously as category counts, contingency tables, or cross-tabulated or cross-classified categorical data. In this textbook, first published in 1984, Dr Fingleton describes some techniques centred on the log-linear model from the perspective of the social, behavioural and environmental scientist. His aim is to provide a route from conceptual appreciation to the practicalities of fitting models to data, and he therefore gives some consideration to appropriate computer software. The emphasis throughout is on data analysis and interpretation. Recently developed methods are clearly explained and mathematics has been kept to a minimum.
A guide to using S environments to perform statistical analyses providing both an introduction to the use of S and a course in modern statistical methods. The emphasis is on presenting practical problems and full analyses of real data sets.
Disturbance is both a major source of temporal and spatial heterogeneity in the structure and dynamics of natural communities and an agent of natural selection in the evolution of life histories. This review emphasises the impact of disturbance on the numerical abundance of populations and on the relative abundance of species in guilds and communities. Disturbance also has an important influence on ecosystem-level processes, eg primary and secondary production, biomass accumulation, energetics, and nutrient cycling. Assemblages of sessile and mobile organisms are subject to disturbance with rather different responses. -from Author
Elkhorn and staghorn corals (Acropora palmata, Acropora cervicornis) were listed in 2006 as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. The goal of this study was to create model potential-habitat maps for A. palmata and A. cervicornis, while identifying areas for possible re-establishment. These maps were created using a database of reported field observations in combination with existing benthic habitat maps. The mapped coral reef and hardbottom classifications throughout Florida, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Island reef tracts were used to generate potential-habitat polygons using buffers that incorporated 95% and 99% of reported observations of Acropora spp. Locations of 92% of A. palmata observations and 84% of A. cervicornis observations coincided with mapped coral reef or hard-bottom habitat throughout the study area. These results indicate that potential habitat for A. palmata is currently well defined throughout this region, but that potential habitat for A. cervicornis is more variable and has a wider range than that for A. palmata. This study provides a novel method of combining data sets at various geographic spatial scales and may be used to inform and refine the current National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration critical habitat map.