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Using Gamification to Enhance Staff Motivation in Logistics



Logistics is concerned with effectively managing the flow of materials and supplies for production, commerce and other purposes (Christopher, 2003). Transport logistics deals with resource flows on a large scale level, as it involves transport by land, water, and air. A second domain of logistics is intralogistics, which is concerned with the internal handling of materials and supplies within specific production sites or intermediate storage facilities (Arnold, 2006). This paper focuses on intralogistics or, more specifically, on one of its central tasks, order picking.
Using gamification to enhance staff motivation
in logistics
Jan Hense1, Markus Klevers2, Michael Sailer1, Tim Horenburg2, Heinz
Mandl1 and Willibald Günthner2
1Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Empirical Education and Educational
Psychology, Germany
2Technische Universität München, Institute for Materials Handling, Material Flow and
Logistics, Germany
1 Staff motivation as a key challenge in logistics
Logistics is concerned with effectively managing the flow of materials and sup-
plies for production, commerce and other purposes (Christopher, 2003). Transport
logistics deals with resource flows on a large scale level, as it involves transport
by land, water, and air. A second domain of logistics is intralogistics, which is
concerned with the internal handling of materials and supplies within specific pro-
duction sites or intermediate storage facilities (Arnold, 2006). This paper focuses
on intralogistics or, more specifically, on one of its central tasks, order picking.
Despite ongoing automation efforts, order picking still frequently involves in-
tensive and repetitive manual labour. For fulfilling a customer order, workers
typically receive lists of items to be picked from storage and combined in a ship-
ment. Orders have to be fulfilled under time constraints with as few errors as pos-
sible in shifts which can easily involve dozens of orders. Due to these challenges
and context conditions, and taking into account that order picking is typically per-
formed by low-paid unskilled workers, it is not surprising that staff motivation and
high turnover rates are recurrent problems for efficiency in intralogistics. How-
ever, most optimization approaches in order picking concentrate on technical as-
pects, leaving out the human factor (cf. Coffey, 1999).
This paper introduces gamification as an innovative approach to enhance staff
motivation in intralogistics. Gamification is a recent trend (originally from mar-
keting) that quickly spread to other areas of application such as education and
training, traffic control, or influencing environmental behaviour. Conceptually,
gamification denotes the application of game elements for engagement, motiva-
tion, learning, or problem-solving purposes in non-gaming, real world contexts
(cf. Kapp, 2012, p. 10). As games continually succeed in luring players into in-
vesting large amounts of time and effort, it is expected that some of the mecha-
nisms making them effective entertainment devices can also be used in non-
gaming environments.
This paper presents the theoretical background and concept of “GameLog”
(Gamification in intralogistics Fostering motivation and productivity in order
picking), which is aimed at developing a gamification approach for enhancing mo-
tivation in intralogistics. We first analyze current approaches to staff motivation in
logistics (section 2), afterwards discuss psychological perspectives on fostering
motivation in logistics (section 3) and then introduce gamification and analyze its
potential for motivation in logistics (section 4). Subsequently, we describe the
GameLog project in detail (section 5) and conclude by giving an outlook on its
expected outcomes from practical and research perspectives.
2 Current approaches to staff motivation in logistics
Workers in conventional intralogistical processes like manual order picking (see
Figure 1) or operating fork lifters are faced with the monotonous fulfilment of
steady, recurring tasks. This can lead to fatigue and especially a loss of motivation
in the long-term (ten Hompel, Sadowsky & Beck, 2011). This is supported by a
case study from 2012 in which the motivation of workers in intralogistics is speci-
fied as very low compared to other business tasks (Link, Müller-Dauppert & Jung,
move to the
place of
put into
move between
places of
move to place
of delivery
Repetitive Processes
get information
move to the (first)
place of picking
identify place of
identify place of
discharge into
confirm position
get information
move to (next)
place of picking
get information
transport to place
of delivery
completed order
Figure 1: Process Overview of manual order picking
Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation can be distinguished while designing a moti-
vation system for logistic processes (see chapter 3). The most important variables
(Pfohl, 2004a) within extrinsic motivation salary and working time are primarily
the focus of companies’ management practices. Those salary-based incentive sys-
tems can be divided into performance-related and potential-related salary systems
(Wagner, 1995). While potential-related systems take the qualification for the cer-
tain work task as a basis, performance-related systems rely on surveyed key per-
formance indicators and their correlation to the salary (Pfohl, 2004a). Thus, per-
formance measurement must lead to methodically accepted and reproducible
results. Objective measurement is a basic prerequisite for a salary-based incentive
system (Pulverich & Schietinger, 2009). Additionally, a transparent composition
of basic salary and bonus is essential for the success of the system (Zaunmüller,
Most production companies just concentrate on extrinsic monetary incentives
to increase motivation, but those incentives are commonly considered short-term
instruments (Pfohl, 2004a). In the long-term, motivation-enhancing tools like job
rotation, job enlargement, job enrichment and group work (Jünemann & Sc hmidt,
2000) are rarely used in intralogistics (Link et al., 2012). Comprehensive intrinsic
models are rarely found. The only findings that could be made while reviewing the
literature and applying the research for the GameLog project were the creation of
communication areas such as coffee corners to improve the corporate atmosphere,
the honouring of staff with innovation prices for good ideas and the sensitization
for the produced good to emotionalize the worker and create a certain level of en-
thusiasm (Bundesverband Materialwirtschaft, Einkauf und Logistik, 2008). A
comprehensive incentive system directly connected to the working process and the
measured performance indicators could not be found while working on this re-
search project, although this could influence the motivation of staff in intralogis-
tics more than a simple extrinsic system (Link, Müller-Dauppert & Jung, 2012;
Pfohl, 2004b).
3 Psychological perspectives on fostering motivation in logistics
As current approaches to fostering staff motivation in logistics seem deficient, we
used an explicitly psychological perspective in grounding our gamification ap-
proach described below. Generally speaking, motivation refers to those psycho-
logical processes that are responsible for initiating and continuing goal directed
behaviors (Schunk, Pintrich & Meece, 2007).
Within our context, the two variants learning motivation and work motivation
are relevant. While conceptually different, both are closely related to each other.
Learning motivation is important when instructing new staff, while work motiva-
tion is crucial for their ongoing order-picking activities. The role of motivation in
these processes can be summarized by the simplifying formula “(ability + skills)
X motivation”. This expresses that motivation is an essential component for realiz-
ing a person’s potential abilities and skills in a given situation.
An important distinction in motivation research concerns intrinsic and extrinsic
motivation (Ryan & Deci, 2000). While extrinsic motivation relies on incentives
or expected consequences of an action, intrinsic motivation stems from fulfilling
the action itself. Here, contents and execution of an action are so attractive that no
further external motivational sources are needed. Empirically, it could be shown
that intrinsic motivation is positively associated with learning and work outcomes,
while extrinsic motivators do not necessarily result in better perfor mance. In fact,
existing intrinsic motivation can be corrupted by additionally providing external
motivators. As the manual and repetitive tasks encountered in intralogistics offer
relatively little opportunity for intrinsic motivation, we expect that gamification
can provide additional options for making order picking more attractive.
In motivation research, five principal perspectives can be differentiated. These
do not necessarily contradict each other but can become relevant in varying de-
grees in different contexts (Krapp, 1993). They can also be used to analyze possi-
ble motivational effects of different gamification elements (cf. Section 4).
1. The trait perspective investigates individual characteristics as sources of moti-
vation, which are relatively stable over time and contexts. Corresponding re-
search tries to identify general classes of motives, needs and characteristics,
such as achievement motive, need for recognition, sensation seeking, or need
for affiliation.
2. In the behaviourist learning perspective, motivation is interpreted as the result
of previous experiences. Therefore, past positive and negative reinforcements
influence the probability of a specific behaviour in the future. Examples are
providing monetary incentives, or positive and negative feedback.
3. The cognitive perspective understands motivation as a rational deliberation of
ends and means, and emphasizes the role of internal processes such as expec-
tancies, estimation, and assessment. Accordingly, motivation is dependent
upon situation-specific goals, expectancies regarding the consequences of
one’s actions and the subjective value of these consequences.
4. Self determination theory provides a further perspective in motivation re-
search. It focuses on the three universal psychological needs for competence,
autonomy, and social relatedness. According to this perspective, people will be
motivated to work and learn if they encounter feelings of being competent in
dealing with a situation or task, it they are free to make their own choices, and
if they are part of a community with relevant others.
5. Contrary to the previous approaches, the perspective of interest emphasizes in-
dividual preferences and content aspects. It is expected that motivation results
from the specific relation of a person to the contents or subject matter of a task.
Ideally, this can lead to feelings of flow, i.e. of being fully immersed in an ac-
Given the above analysis of current approaches to staff motivation in logistics,
it is evident that the predominant approach is behaviourist. Most often we find in-
centive systems based on performance measures and predefined time standards,
which are subject to dynamic adaption to normal performance. As elaborated in
the following section, we expect that our gamification approach will open addi-
tional opportunities for increased motivational leverage in intralogistics.
4 Gamification as an innovative approach to enhance motivation
Because of the broad spectrum of gamification variations, there is no universal
definition of the term. Deterding, Dixon, Khaled & Nacke (2011) propose a work-
ing definition for gamification as “the use of game design elements in non-game
contexts” ( Deterding et al., 2011, p. 2). The simplicity of this definition bears a
potential risk of trivializing the gamification phenomenon. It is more than adding
game elements like points, badges and leader boards, it is also about the use of
game-design techniques (Werbach & Hunter, 2012).
Depending on their level of abstraction, game elements the tools to create
gamification scenarios can be subdivided into three non exhaustive categories.
(1) Dynamics are the highest level of abstraction and stand for the big picture of a
gamification system, yet they cannot be added directly (Werbach & Hunter, 2012).
Dynamics can be constraints, emotions, narrative, progression or relationships. (2)
Mechanics are basic gamification processes that can be challenges, chance, com-
petition, cooperation, feedback or rewards. (3) Components are specific forms of
elements, which arise from the dynamics or mechanics. These components can be
achievements, avatars, collections, levels, quests or virtual goods (Werbach &
Hunter, 2012). Levels (components), for example, give the player feedback (me-
chanics) and create a sense of progression (dynamics).
To show how gamification can address staff motivation (in logistics), exem-
plary gamification elements will be considered more precisely in regard to the
psychological context in which they function. Therefore, the above-mentioned
perspectives will be used.
1. From a trait perspective, the need for self-fulfilment, recognition and affiliation
can be seen as stable sources of motivation. By creating a strong attachment to
a meaningful and awe-inspiring story that personally involves the player, the
need for self-fulfilment can be met. This so-called epic meaning (cf. McGoni-
gal, 2011) gives the player the feeling of doing something meaningful and im-
portant. Recognition and affiliation can be illustrated by badges. They work as
virtual status symbols and function as group identification by communicating
shared experiences and activities (Antin & Churchill, 2011).
2. A quite common principle in gamification is reinforcement and punishment. In
the sense of a behaviourist learning perspective, this can be called operant con-
ditioning. Leveling up or loosing a virtual life can be examples of that. Here,
the role of immediate reinforcing feedback is an important element, which
should be considered for the effective design of motivating gamification sce-
3. From a cognitive perspective, motivation depends on means-ends analysis.
Clear goals and a high value of consequences can facilitate motivation. By pro-
viding a goal in form of a quest, the players experience challenges with clear
objectives and rewards. Within these quests, the player has to use problem-
solving activities to choose between potential solutions or alternative paths
(Hense & Mandl, 2012). Additionally, the value of consequences can be sup-
ported by badges because they show other users what a player has performed
and what the player is capable of (Antin & Churchill, 2011).
4. Being in control and master a situation fosters the players’ self-efficacy, which
relates to the feeling of competence (Hense & Mandl, 2012). Offering different
opportunities and choices can be a way to provide autonomy. Relatedness re-
fers to options for cooperation, as well as possibilities to share achievements
and to give the player the feeling of being part of a community (cf. Antin &
Churchill, 2011). These psychological needs for competence, autonomy, and
relatedness are crucial for intrinsic motivation, as a self-determination perspec-
tive suggests.
5. Gamification scenarios should offer many choices. Regarding the story and the
resultant quests, in particular, players should have the opportunity to hit their
own preferences. This can foster intrinsic motivation and facilitate flow. From
a perspective of interest, this relation between the player and the context is cru-
cial for motivation.
To foster staff motivation in logistics, it is important to look trough the lens of
more than one of these perspectives when designing a gamification system. The
next section introduces the interdisciplinary GameLog project, which aims to im-
plement the above-mentioned concepts in logistics.
5 The GameLog project
The GameLog research project as an interdisciplinary approach combines percep-
tions and problem-solving methods from the fields of Logistics, Motivational Psy-
chology and Gaming Science. It is operated by the Institute for Material Handling
Material Flow Logistics of the Technische Universität München and the chair for
Empirical Pedagogy and Educational Psychology of the Ludwig-Maximilians-
Universität München. The project covers both theoretical basic research and a p-
plied science. Acquired insights will be implemented in a test environment for
functional testing and feasibility studies and close cooperation with the participat-
ing industrial companies will be maintained to obtain an application-oriented and
viable result.
The project pursues two major objectives, one applied and one research objec-
tive. On the one hand, the feasibility of a value-adding integration of professional
gaming elements into intralogistical processes should be evaluated. On the other
hand, a gamification system for order picking (see Fig.1) should be implemented
in a laboratory environment and examined in trials with test subjects to see how it
influences a user’s motivation. The GameLog project is divided into 9 major work
packages: (1) Analysis of current approaches to staff motivation in logistics; (2)
Feasibility study of gamification elements in order picking processes; (3) Devel-
opment and evaluation of gaming concepts; (4) Development of story, mechanics
and reward structure; (5) Selection of soft- and hardware; (6) Development and
implementation of a prototype test environment; (7) Evaluation of the test envi-
ronment; (8) Validation and improvement of the test environment; (9) Documenta-
tion and Transfer of the project results;
After assessing the test environment, we expect to be able to implement the
gamification system in other order picking processes of our project partners as
6 Outlook
Gamification has quickly become a popular trend in many contexts recently.
While examples of uses for a multitude of goals in diverse settings are abundant,
fostering staff motivation in logistics is still an innovative application. We expect
that our project will bring forth results on several levels.
For the practice of intralogistics, we expect to develop readily applicable solu-
tions for alleviating motivational problems in order picking. It is anticipated that
this can contribute to an increased productivity and reduced costs for breaking in
new staff.
On a research level, we intend to gain detailed insights into the general appli-
cability of gamification approaches in labour contexts. In doing so, we consider
gamification not as a monolithic construct. Instead, our approach is to differentiate
between specific gamification elements and analyze their respective potentials and
limits within a given practical labour setting. Beyond the general question ‘will it
work?’, we aim to address the question “what gamification elements work by
which motivational mechanisms in a given context?” on a conceptual an empirical
On a general note, we share the expectation that gamification has an inherent
potential for positively impacting learning and behaviour. However, as noted by
others (Deterding, 2011), the games themselves are not the solution, but well de-
signed games. This emphasizes the need for a well planned approach grounded in
gamification and psychological theory, if one seeks to fully realize the potentials
of gamification for motivation.
Work on this paper was partly funded by the German Federal Ministry of Eco-
nomics and Technology via the German Federal Logistics Association (grant no.
456 ZN)
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... Currently, optimization approaches for process improvement are mostly limited to technical aspects, forgetting about the human factor. As a result, the motivation of pickers is crucial for an efficient logistics system [6]. ...
... Nevertheless, motivation plays an important role in ensuring a fast and precise working method. In fact, the logistics industry is enhancing its efforts to identify more intrinsic rewarding systems such as gamification [6]. ...
Conference Paper
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A high percentage of total logistics costs can be attributed to order picking. Since order picking is characterized as rather monotonous, pickers often struggle with motivation due to the monotony. This article provides insights into the acceptance of gamification in order picking by using gamified feedback features for motivation. We conducted a vignette study with order pickers to investigate the individual perceptions of motivation, job characteristics and gamifica-tion. The findings indicate that gamification in the order-picking sector appears to be a suitable approach to increase motivation and performance of pickers. The use of gamified feedback features was positively rated for both individual and group performance and showed no significant preference of one type. More research is needed to generalize the findings to a greater population.
... GE's moderating role GE in supply chain activities creates game-like systems, supporting positive experiences (Tomé Klock et al., 2021;Winkelhaus and Grosse, 2020), which can be combined to create a powerful mechanism, motivating and improving supply chain performance. Many tasks in supply chain practices, such as production and process engineering, production planning (Korn and Schmidt, 2015;Neto et al., 2014), factory floor-related operational tasks, warehousing, production execution, supply chain design and planning, transportation planning, and execution (Hense et al., 2014), utilize gamification to improve individual behavior and organizational performance (Huotari and Hamari, 2017). Gamification essentials, such as reward points, leaderboards, and badges can be extensively used in business environment practices to foster better engagement and motivation, creating a sense of competition and progress (Pereira et al., 2022). ...
... The results of the investigations generally conclude that games are almost always effective and, when the results of the application of edutainment are unexpected, this is usually attributed to failures of design and not the platform itself (Hamari and Keronen 2017;Koivisto and Hamari 2014;Hense et al. 2013;Su and Cheng 2015;Klock et al. 2021). Nonetheless, Jagušt et al. (2018); Lee et al. (2020) stated that, although edutainment is gaining popularity in educational context, there is still a lack of empirical evidence about the reasons for its success or either its failure. ...
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The research finds justification given the incidence and magnitude they currently have in the human social sphere in the framework of the so-called Society 2.0. Derived from this framework, this approach must specially consider education as a vital social process. The same happens with information and communication technologies since they are frequently and increasingly used as mediation in educational contexts and because of their undeniable mediation in human interactions. Consequently, one of the most relevant questions tackled in this research refers to the disciplines required to provide a sufficiently broad theoretical and conceptual background for the scientific basis of the convergence between communication, edutainment, coexistence and otherness to effectively transform the last two concepts into measurable variables. The paper results from the content and a systemic analysis using ATLAS.ti software of published scientific documents for the last two decades about the phenomena of coexistence and otherness. As a main result, the researchers present a taxonomy that includes dimensions and indicators that enable the conversion of both constructs into measurable variables. Thus, a convergence to address the scientific study of coexistence and otherness from communication and edutainment emerged. The review also provides a theoretical basis for designing intervention models aimed at promoting coexistence. Edutainment is also incorporated as a novel tool to promote pro-social attitudes.
... Es muss der Individualität der Benutzerinnen und Benutzer Rechnung getragen werden. Gamification-Elemente werden gegebenenfalls als störend empfunden und sollten daher immer optional sein (Stieglitz, 2015, S. 824 (Buggie, Pluck und James, 2014;Hense et al., 2014;Meister, 2013;Post, 2014;Sayeed & Meraj, 2013;Werbach, 2014;Wood & Reiners, 2012). ...
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Besonders im höheren Bildungsbereich zeichnet sich seit Jahren ein Digitalisierungstrend ab. Anbieter wie Coursera kämpfen dabei um die Gunst potentieller Kundinnen und Kunden, die sich bequem über digitale Endgeräte weiterbilden möchten. Auch Schulen und Universitäten dringen immer mehr in den digitalen Raum vor. Speziell aber vor dem Hintergrund der Fernlehre, die im Zeichen von COVID-19 bedeutungsvoller ist als je zu vor, wird viel in den digitalen Raum verlagert, was die Bedingungen des Lernens stark verändert. Zum Teil wird im Zuge solcher digitaler Lern-Initiativen an Universitäten in Österreich aber auch international die Technologie der "Gamification" zur Anreicherung von Lernangeboten mit spielerischen Elementen eingesetzt, die das Ziel hat, mehr Lernmotivation zu erzeugen und damit an Erfolge anzuschließen, die viele Betriebe mit der Technologie bereits erwirkt zu haben scheinen. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Erfahrungen und Meinungsbilder von Professorinnen und Professoren einiger österreichischer und anderer europäischer Universitäten, hinsichtlich des Potentials der Technologie im Kontext von Universitäts-Kursen und versucht einen ersten Vergleich dieser Grundeinstellungen miteinander.
... Focusing on industrial applications, the conducted literature review found two application areas of gamified manual work: assembly [17,18] and intralogistics [17,19,20]. ...
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While bringing new opportunities, the Industry 4.0 movement also imposes new challenges to the manufacturing industry and all its stakeholders. In this competitive environment, a skilled and engaged workforce is a key to success. Gamification can generate valuable feedbacks for improving employees’ engagement and performance. Currently, Gamification in workspaces focuses on computer-based assignments and training, while tasks that require manual labor are rarely considered. This research provides an overview of Enterprise Gamification approaches and evaluates the challenges. Based on that, a skill-based Gamification framework for manual tasks is proposed, and a case study in the Industry 4.0 model factory is shown.
... While gamification has become one of the most popular trends of electronic markets and commerce, understanding it from the service marketing perspective could bring proven models from service marketing to the development of Bgamified^services. Currently, gamification has already been employed and researched in majority of the above mentioned domains such as commerce (Bittner and Shipper 2014;Cechanowicz et al. 2013;Hamari 2013;Hamari 2015;Terlutter and Capella 2013), education (Denny 2013, Hakulinen et al. 2013Domínguez et al. 2013;de-Marcos et al. 2014;Farzan and Brusilovsky 2011;Simões et al. 2013;Christy and Fox 2014;Filsecker and Hickey 2014;Bonde et al. 2014), healthcare (Jones et al. 2014;Hamari and Koivisto 2015), and logistics (Hense et al. 2014;Klemke et al. 2014). However, even though empirical research is accumulating on the deployment of gamification in several areas, we have still had a gap in our conceptual understanding about what gamification is and how it can be defined. ...
“Gamification” has gained considerable scholarly and practitioner attention; however, the discussion in academia has been largely confined to the human–computer interaction and game studies domains. Since gamification is often used in service design, it is important that the concept be brought in line with the service literature. So far, though, there has been a dearth of such literature. This article is an attempt to tie in gamification with service marketing theory, which conceptualizes the consumer as a co-producer of the service. It presents games as service systems composed of operant and operand resources. It proposes a definition for gamification, one that emphasizes its experiential nature. The definition highlights four important aspects of gamification: affordances, psychological mediators, goals of gamification and the context of gamification. Using the definition the article identifies four possible gamifying actors and examines gamification as communicative staging of the service environment.
... Activities such as order picking are very monotonous and repetitive and thus very demotivating in the long run. This leads to very high staff turnover rates and thus to rising costs for hiring new employees [3]. One way to create motivation in such situations is gamification. ...
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In gamification research, most game design elements are currently being tested simultaneously. To gain more detailed knowledge about the effect of game design elements in non-game contexts, the impact of individual elements should be considered more closely. Also, the interactive experience of using augmented reality in real-world environment is being explored increasingly in a range of commercial environments. This article is about an experimental study (N=80) which investigates the effects of two game design elements (badges and leaderboards) in an augmented reality supported warehouse setting, on user's motivation and task completion time. The implementation of the leaderboard significantly increased performance, but both game design elements generate mixed results about the influence on motivation. The results show that gamification can help to make working in warehouses more interesting and possibly more efficient. Nevertheless, it should be taken into account that the use of game design elements can have negative side effects.
... Many authors of empirical studies and theoretical papers assume that one essential outcome of gamification is the motivational benefit (e.g. Aparicio, Vela, Sanchez, & Montes, 2012;Hanus & Fox, 2015;Hense et al., 2014;Nicholson, 2012). Furthermore, several performance indicators as outcomes of gamification have been one of the main investigated factors in gamification literature (e.g. ...
Gamification experiences further growth in our society with broad practical implications of game design elements in applications, activities, and services. In our study, we focus on one single element in the form of digital achievements, one cornerstone of gamification, to gain unconfounded insights into the effects and working mechanisms of digital achievements. In a controlled experimental environment we investigate their impact on motivation and performance. Three research questions were investigated, first, if achievements are effective in enhancing motivation and performance, second, how achievements need to be designed to be effective, and third, if achievements’ underlying working mechanisms resemble classical goal-setting. In three experiments, a total of 245 participants worked on different cognitive tasks. We experimentally manipulated several aspects of achievements, such as quantity and difficulty. We also compared achievements directly with classical goal-setting instructions. Results showed that achievements enhanced performance. Achievements also improved motivation, however only regarding persistence, not self-reported interest and enjoyment. The effectiveness of achievements was highly dependent on the design. Results suggest utilizing achievements with high difficulty and in low quantity. Results also support our assumption that achievements provide a direct goal-setting function. We conclude that achievements do benefit motivation and performance if designed properly.
This paper presents the current state of research for and an outlook of Gamification for Manufacturing (GfM), particularly manufacturing operations in industrial settings. This in-depth analysis examines the recent trends in published conceptual design works, case studies, experiments, and literature reviews that are shaping the future design work of gamification in the manufacturing sector. Gamification, as a general area of research, has been a fast-growing topic of interest for many years across various industries and academic research groups. Although the benefits of gamification are likely to apply to the manufacturing sector, limited research has been conducted as it relates to GfM operations outside of academic settings. Additionally, there is a limited number of scientific publications available that address the body of research as a whole to understand the current state and outlook of GfM. This review paper works to close this research gap by firstly synthesizing the body of knowledge of GfM, and secondly, based on the findings obtained, providing four concrete recommendations for the continuous exploration of gamification trends and opportunities for manufacturing operations.
Einkauf und Logistik sind entscheidende unternehmerische Stellschrauben. Die 2. völlig neue und erweiterte Ausgabe 2008 stellt nach der Erstausgabe im Jahr 2004 wieder nachweislich erfolgreich eingeführte Projekte und Maßnahmen deutscher Top-Unternehmen vor. Im Buch kommen rund 50 Praktiker und Wissenschaftler zu Wort. Alle Autoren sind ausgewiesene Einkaufs-Experten. Ein Highlight des Buches sind innovative Konzepte, die der Bundesverband Materialwirtschaft, Einkauf und Logistik e.V. (BME) 2006 und 2007 mit Auszeichnungen bedacht hat. In dem Buch machen die Gewinner ihre Erfolgslösungen transparent. Der BME steht als neutrale Instanz für den Qualitäts-Prüfung der hier vorgestellten Lösungen. Entscheider, die nach Hebeln suchen, um ihr Unternehmen profitabler zu machen erhalten einen Überblick über Innovationen und Strategien sowie wertvolle Anregungen und praktische Tipps für das eigene strukturierte Vorgehen. Das Buch wurde um die Schwerpunkte Lieferantenmanagement, Global Sourcing, Public Procurement sowie um die Rubrik „Lösungen und Tools“ erweitert und behandelt Themen wie Integrationsprojekte, IT-Beschaffung, nicht-traditionelle Beschaffungsfelder, Risiko- und Compliance Management, Durchführung von Auktionen, Analyse weltweiter Beschaffungsmärkte, Messelogistik sowie „Make or Buy“ logistischer Dienstleistungen. Zielgruppe: Entscheider in den Bereichen Einkauf und Logistik in Industrie, Handel, Dienstleistung, öffentliche Beschaffung; Vorstände, Geschäftsführer; Marketingexperten; Wissenschaftler und Studierende. Herausgeber: Der Bundesverband Materialwirtschaft, Einkauf und Logistik e.V. (BME), 1954 gegründet, fördert als bedeutende Fachorganisation für Einkauf und Logistik in Europa die Entwicklung neuer praktischer und strategischer Ansätze und treibt den Know-how-Transfer voran.
Logistikmanagement in und zwischen Unternehmen verlangt ein verändertes Denken sowohl auf der operativen als auch auf der strategischen normativen Handlungsebene. In dem vorliegenden Werk werden die Funktionen des Logistikmanagements eingehend erläutert und hinsichtlich ihrer Ausgestaltung diskutiert. Die Ausführungen basieren auf der Darstellung des Zusammenspiels der normativen, strategischen und operativen Handlungsebene und des Beitrags der Logistik zur Erreichung der Unternehmensziele. Wesentliche Bausteine zur Implementierung der Logistikkonzeption sind die strategische Logistikplanung und das Logistik-Controlling. Neben den aufbau- und ablauforganisatorischen Fragestellungen gewinnt zunehmend die interorganisatorische Realisierung der Logistikkonzeption an Bedeutung, denn gerade aus der Zusammenarbeit und Kooperation erwachsen zusätzliche Potentiale zur Wertsteigerung des Unternehmens durch die Logistik. Zur Nutzung dieser Potentiale kommt es darauf an, die geeigneten Mitarbeiter gezielt zu fördern. Daher schließt das Buch mit der Betrachtung der besonderen Aspekte der Personalführung und Personalwirtschaft in der Logistik. Das Buch wendet sich an den Praktiker, der die hier vorgestellten Konzepte gewinnbringend umsetzen will. Studenten, die an den managementbezogenen Fragestellungen der Logistik interessiert sind, erhalten wertvolle Hinweise für ihr weiteres Studium und die berufliche Tätigkeit. Professor Dr.Dr. h.c. Hans-Christian Pfohl lehrt an der Technischen Universität Darmstadt und vertritt im Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre insbesondere die Gebiete Logistik und Unternehmensführung. Er hat außerdem eine Professur am Chinesisch-Deutschen Hochschulkolleg der Tongji-Universtität Shanghai, China.
Die Intralogistik umfasst die Organisation, Steuerung, Durchführung und Optimierung des innerbetrieblichen Materialflusses, der Informationsströme sowie des Warenumschlags in Industrie, Handel und öffentlichen Einrichtungen. Die Aufgaben und Bedeutung der Intralogistik wird an Praxisbeispielen erläutert. Anerkannte Experten aus dem Kreise der Hersteller und Anwender sowie aus Forschung und Lehre beschreiben die Potentiale und die Perspektiven der Intralogistik und stellen ihre Prognosen zu den Entwicklungschancen in diesem Zukunftsmarkt zur Diskussion. Die Themen der Beiträge decken exemplarisch die ganze Breite der Intralogistik ab, aus strategischer, aus funktionaler und aus technischer Sicht informiert das Buch über den Stand und die Potentiale für gestalterische Kreativität in der Intralogistik.
Wissen stellt nicht mehr nur einen wichtigen Produktionsfaktor dar, sondern ist eine notwendige Schlüsselressource für nachhaltigen Unternehmenserfolg geworden. Die Motivation der Mitarbeiter für ein erfolgreiches Wissensmanagement ist im Unternehmen daher ein zentrales Thema. Mittels eines Schreibtisch- und Aktionsforschungsansatzes arbeitet Hannah Zaunmüller die Gestaltungsbereiche - d.h. Festlegung der Wissensziele, der Geltungsbereiche und der Anreizinstrumente sowie Messung und Bewertung der Mitarbeiterleistungen - von Anreizsystemen für die Wissensbereitstellung im Rahmen des Wissensmanagements in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen aus. Sie entwickelt außerdem eine Vorgehensweise - bestehend aus Situationsanalyse, Konzeptentwicklung und -ausarbeitung, Einführung und Systemüberprüfung - zur Implementierung solcher Anreizsysteme. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die Identifizierung von Ansatzpunkten zur Verbesserung der Wissensbereitstellung durch Anreize bzw. Anreizinstrumente.
Intrinsic and extrinsic types of motivation have been widely studied, and the distinction between them has shed important light on both developmental and educational practices. In this review we revisit the classic definitions of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in light of contemporary research and theory. Intrinsic motivation remains an important construct, reflecting the natural human propensity to learn and assimilate. However, extrinsic motivation is argued to vary considerably in its relative autonomy and thus can either reflect external control or true self-regulation. The relations of both classes of motives to basic human needs for autonomy, competence and relatedness are discussed.
Millions play Farmville, Scrabble, and countless other games, generating billions in sales each year. The careful and skillful construction of these games is built on decades of research into human motivation and psychology: A well-designed game goes right to the motivational heart of the human psyche. In For the Win, Kevin Werbach and Dan Hunter argue persuasively that game-makers need not be the only ones benefiting from game design. Werbach and Hunter, lawyers and World of Warcraft players, created the world's first course on gamification at the Wharton School. In their book, they reveal how game thinking--addressing problems like a game designer--can motivate employees and customers and create engaging experiences that can transform your business. For the Win reveals how a wide range of companies are successfully using game thinking. It also offers an explanation of when gamifying makes the most sense and a 6-step framework for using games for marketing, productivity enhancement, innovation, employee motivation, customer engagement, and more.