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Two new species of the family Phthiracaridae (Acari,
Oribatida) from New Zealand, including keys to all
species of Plonaphacarus and Arphthicarus of the
Australian region
Dong Liua & Zhi-Qiang Zhangbc
a Key Laboratory of Wetland Ecology and Environment, Northeast Institute of Geography
and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun, P. R. China (email: )
b Landcare Research, Auckland, New Zealand (email: )
c Centre for Biodiversity & Biosecurity, School of Biological Sciences, University of
Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Published online: 28 Aug 2015.
To cite this article: Dong Liu & Zhi-Qiang Zhang (2015): Two new species of the family Phthiracaridae (Acari, Oribatida)
from New Zealand, including keys to all species of Plonaphacarus and Arphthicarus of the Australian region, International
Journal of Acarology, DOI: 10.1080/01647954.2015.1084045
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Two new species of the family Phthiracaridae (Acari, Oribatida) from New Zealand,
including keys to all species of Plonaphacarus and Arphthicarus of the Australian region
Dong Liu
and Zhi-Qiang Zhang
Key Laboratory of Wetland Ecology and Environment, Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Changchun, P. R. China (email:;
Landcare Research, Auckland, New Zealand
Centre for Biodiversity & Biosecurity, School of Biological Sciences, University
of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
(Received 31 May 2015; accepted 12 August 2015)
Two new species of the family Phthiracaridae (Acari, Oribatida) from New Zealand are described: Plonaphacarus aitu
sp. nov. from the Middle Island, Mercury Islands, and Arphthicarus minimus sp. nov. from the Capleston Beetle Reserve
and Mt. Moehau. Keys to the species of Plonaphacarus and Arphthicarus known from Australian region are provided.
Keywords: soil mites; Oribatida; ptyctimous mites; Plonaphacarus;Arphthicarus; new species; New Zealand
The present study is based on ptyctimous mite materials
from New Zealand Arthropod Collection, Landcare
Research, Auckland, and includes the data about two
new species of the family Phthiracaridae: one belonging
to the genus Plonaphacarus Niedbała, 1986 and the other
to Arphthicarus Niedbała, 1994.
Plonaphacarus is a genus that was proposed by Niedbała
(1986) with Hoplophthiracarus eximius Niedbała, 1982 as its
type species. This genus was recently reviewed by Liu et al.
(2011). Currently, it comprises 49 species having a cosmopo-
litan distribution (Liu et al. 2011;Niedbała2011,2012,2014;
Niedbała and Ermilov 2013,2014). In Australian region, 12
species of this genus have been recorded, including only one
species recorded in New Zealand (Niedbała2012).
Arphthicarus was proposed by Niedbała(1994) with
Hoplophthiracarus latebrosus Niedbała, 1982 as its type
species. Currently, it comprises 67 species with a distribu-
tion that excludes the Nearctic region (Liu et al. 2014;
Niedbała and Starý 2014). In Australian region, seven
species of this genus have been recorded, including five
species recorded in Australia, one in Pacific Islands and
one in New Zealand (Niedbała2012).
The aim of this paper is to give detailed descriptions of the
two new species. Keys to known species of Plonaphacarus
and Arphthicarus of the Australian region are also provided to
facilitate identification.
Material and methods
Measurements and descriptions are based on specimens
mounted in temporary cavity slides that were studied using a
light microscope equipped with a drawing attachment.
Terminology generally follows Niedbała(1992,2000).
The unit of measurement is micrometre (μm).
Holotype specimens are deposited in the New Zealand
Arthropod Collection, Landcare Research, Auckland
(NZAC). Paratype specimens are deposited in the Northeast
Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy
of Sciences, Changchun (NIGA).
Descriptions of new species
Plonaphacarus aitu sp. nov.
(Figures 1–9)
Surface of idiosoma densely punctate; median crista weak;
posterior furrows and lateral carinae absent; sigillar fields
distinct, median field narrow and long; sensilli short, smooth
and clublike; other prodorsal setae minute and fine; 15 pairs
of notogastral setae present, spiniform, short and smooth;
vestigial setae f
positioned posterior to setae h
of lyrifissures ia, im, ip and ips present; h<h–h; formula of
genital setae: 6(4 + 2): 3; ano-adanal setae similar in shape to
notogastral setae; chaetotaxy of legs complete; setae don
femora I forked distally.
Measurements. Holotype: Prodorsum: length 500, width 350,
height 200, setae: ss 50, ro 31, in 27, le 15, ex 25; notogaster:
length 940, width 658, height 680; setae: c
60, d
60, e
51, h
50, ps
45; ventral region: ad
85, ad
75, ad
40, an
75, an
75; genito-aggenital plate 230 × 200, ano-adanal plate
200 × 365. Paratypes: Prodorsum: length 375–525, width
275–375, height 140–208; notogaster: length 745–1050,
width 470–770, height 460–790.
Integument. Colour grey to brown. Entire surface of idio-
soma densely punctate.
International Journal of Acarology, 2015
© 2015 Taylor & Francis
Downloaded by [Northeast Institute of Geography and Agricultural Ecology], [Dong Liu] at 20:58 30 August 2015
Prodorsum (Figures 1–3).Median crista weak; posterior
furrows and lateral carinae absent; sigillar fields distinct, med-
ian field narrow, longer than laterals; sensilli (ss) short, smooth
and clublike; other prodorsal setae (in, le, ex)minute,smooth
and fine, rostral setae (ro) thickest; comparative length:
ss >ro >in >ex > le; mutual distance: in–in/ro–ro ≈4.3.
Notogaster (Figure 1).Fifteen pairs of setae present, spini-
form, short (c
≈0.3), smooth and attenuate; setae c
further from anterior border than setae c
and c
; vestigial
setae f
positioned posterior to setae h
; four pairs of
lyrifissures ia, im, ip and ips present.
Venter (Figures 1,4–7).Setae hof mentum slightly shorter
than distance between them. Nine pairs of genital setae (g)
present with formula 6(4 + 2): 3; ano-adanal plates each with
five pairs of setae (an and ad), similar in shape to notogastral
setae; comparative length: ad
Legs (Figures 8–9).Setal counts for leg segments: I: 1-4-2
(2)-5(1)-17(3); II: 1-3-2(1)-3(1)-12(2), III: 2-2-1(1)-2(1)-
Figures 1–9. Plonaphacarus aitu sp. nov.: 1, lateral view of body (legs removed); 2, prodorsum, dorsal view; 3, sensillus, dorsal view; 4, right side
of ventral plate; 5, subcapitulum, palpi removed; 6, palp, antiaxial view; 7, chelicera, antiaxial view; 8, femur I; 9, tibia IV. Scale bars: 1 = 200 μm;
2, 4 = 100 μm; 3, 5–9=50μm.
2D. Liu and Z.-Q. Zhang
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10, IV: 2-1-1-2(1)-10; chaetotaxy of legs complete; setae d
on femora I forked distally, positioned near distal ends of
articles, inserted at level anterior to setae lʺ; setae aʺon
tarsi I and setae ftʺon tarsi II curved distally; setae aʺon
tarsi II curved distally; setae sand pvʹon tarsi IV present;
setae son tarsi I and II present.
Material examined
Holotype: Adult (NZAC, in alcohol, 72/214), New Zealand:
CL, Middle I. Mercury Is., from litter, 21 November 1972, leg.
G. W. Ramsay. Paratypes: five adults (NIGA, in alcohol, 72/
214), same data as holotype.
Named after the type locality of this new species: Aitu is the
This new species is close to Plonaphacarus dikros Niedbała,
2000 in having similar shape of sensilli, well developed sigillar
fields, four pairs of notogastral lyrifissures, formula of genital
setae: 6(4 + 2): 3, and setae don femora I forked distally, but it
can be distinguished by the following features: (1) median
crista weak (versus absent in P. dikros); (2) lateral carinae of
prodorsum absent (versus distinct); (3) interlamellar and
lamellar setae minute, fine and smooth, ss >ro >in (versus
all setae much longer, interlamellar setae robust, erect and
barbed, lamellar setae rough, in >ro >ss); (4) notogastral
setae smooth (versus barbed); (5) vestigial setae f
posterior to setae h
(versus anterior); (6) vestigial setae f
situated in normal position (versus between im and ip).
It is also similar to Plonaphacarus forsslundi Niedbała,
1987 with similar length and shape of prodorsal and notogas-
tral setae, sensilli short, posterior furrows and lateral carinae
absent, and same formula of genital setae, but it can be
distinguished by the following features: (1) sigillar fields
longer (versus shorter in P. forsslundi); (2) sensilli clublike
(versus with narrow stalk and fusiform head); (3) vestigial
setae f
positioned posterior to setae h
(versus anterior); (4)
setae ps
situated much above level of setae ps
(versus nearly
at same level of setae ps
); (5) four pairs of lyrifissures ia, im,
ip and ips present (versus two pairs ia and im present); (6) anal
setae closer to each other (versus further); (7) setae don
femora I forked distally (versus not forked); (8) setae lʹon
genua IV present (versus absent).
It is also similar as Plonaphacarus insolens Niedbała,
2000 in having minute and fine prodorsal setae, but differs
by following characters: (1) lateral carinae of prodorsum
absent (versus weak but present in P. i n s o l e n s ); (2) sensilli
spindle-shaped, weakly spinose distally (versus clublike and
smooth); (3) 15 pairs of longer notogastral setae present (ver-
sus 16 pairs and much shorter); (4) four pairs of lyrifissures ia,
im, ip and ips present (versus two pairs ia and im present); (5)
ano-adanal setae longer (versus much shorter); (6) setae don
femora I forked distally (versus not forked).
Key to species of Plonaphacarus known
from Australian region
1. More than 15 pairs of notogastral setae present . . 2
–15 pairs of notogastral setae present . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2. 17 or 19 pairs of notogastral setae; neotrichy of adanal
setae present ..................................... 3
–16 or 18 pairs of notogastral setae; neotrichy of
adanal setae absent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3. 17 pairs of long and flagellate notogastral setae
present . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. difficilis Niedbała, 2014
–19 pairs of minute and fine notogastral setae present
......................... P. feideri Niedbała, 1987
4. 16 pairs of short, thin and smooth notogastral setae
present . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. insolens Niedbała, 2000
–18 pairs of long, thick and spinose notogastral setae
present. . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. grandjeani Niedbała, 1987
5. Setae in, c
and ad
curled distally . . . .
............. P. aduncus Niedbała & Colloff, 1997
–Setae not curled distally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
6. Notogastral setae very long (c
) .........7
–Notogastral setae considerably shorter (c
).. 8
7. Sensilli short and fusiform; interlamellar setae more
than five times longer than lamellar setae . . . . . . . . .
........................ P. berlesei Niedbała, 1987
–Sensilli long and setiform; interlamellar setae less
than twice as long as lamellar setae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
......................... P. trojani Niedbała, 2009
8. Notogastral setae smooth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
–Notogastral setae spinose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
9. Four pairs of lyrifissures ia, im, ip and ips present;
setae don femora I forked distally . . . P. aitu sp. nov.
–Two pairs of lyrifissures ia and im present; setae d
on femora I not forked distally. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
...................... P. forsslundi Niedbała, 1987
10. Four pairs of lyrifissures ia, im, ip and ips present;
setae don femora I forked distally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
......................... P. dikros Niedbała, 2000
–Two pairs of lyrifissures ia and im present; setae d
on femora I not forked distally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
11. Lateral carinae of prodorsum absent; formula of
genital setae: 9(4 + 5):0 P. vicinus Niedbała, 2012
–Lateral carinae of prodorsum present; formula of
genital setae: 6(4 + 2):3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
12. Exobothridial setae vestigial; sensilli without head.
.................. P. toolangiensis Niedbała, 2006
–Exobothridial setae not vestigial; sensilli with swol-
len head . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . P. kugohi (Aoki, 1959)
International Journal of Acarology 3
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Arphthicarus minimus sp. nov.
(Figures 10–17)
Surface of idiosoma foveolate; strong median crista present;
posterior furrows and lateral carinae absent; sigillar fields
distinct, median field narrow with shallow sinus between
rostral setae; sensilli short with fusiform and barbed head;
exobothridial setae vestigial, other prodorsal setae and all
notogastral and ano-adanal setae minute and fine; 15 pairs
of notogastral setae present; vestigial setae f
anterior and lateral to setae h
; four pairs of lyrifissures ia,
im, ip and ips present; setae hof mentum vestigial; formula
of genital setae: 5(4 + 1): 4, g
longer and thicker; adanal
setae close to inner margin; chaetotaxy of legs complete.
Measurements. Holotype: Prodorsum: length 385, width
250, height 185, setae: ss 45, ro 10, in 15, le 12.5;
notogaster: length 640, width 428, height 465; setae: c
Figures 10–17. Arphthicarus minimus sp. nov.: 10, lateral view of body (legs removed); 11, prodorsum, dorsal view; 12, sensillus, dorsal
view; 13, left side of ventral plate; 14, subcapitulum, palpi removed; 15, palp, antiaxial view; 16, femur I; 17, tibia IV. Scale bars: 10–11,
13 = 100 μm; 14–17 = 50 μm; 12 = 25 μm.
4D. Liu and Z.-Q. Zhang
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15, d
13, e
12, h
11, ps
11; ventral region: ad
6, ad
10, ad
11, an
5, an
5; genito-aggenital plate 145 × 133,
ano-adanal plate 205 × 105. Paratypes: Prodorsum: length
395–520, width 262–350, height 160–260; notogaster:
length 660–1000, width 390–683, height 470–720.
Integument. Colour grey to yellowish. Entire surface of
idiosoma foveolate.
Prodorsum (Figures 10–12).Strong median crista present;
posterior furrows and lateral carinae absent; sigillar fields
distinct, median field narrow with shallow sinus between
rostral setae; sensilli (ss) with short, narrow stalk, and
fusiform and barbed head; exobothridial setae (ex) vesti-
gial, other setae (in, le and ro)fine, minute and almost
equal in length; rostral setae thickest; mutual distance of
setae: in–in/ro–ro ≈1.7.
Notogaster (Figure 10).Fifteen pairs of setae present,
similar in shape to interlamellar setae; setae c
from anterior border than setae c
and c
; vestigial setae
positioned anterior and lateral to setae h
; four pairs of
lyrifissures ia, im, ip and ips present.
Venter (Figures 10,13–15).Setae hof mentum vestigial.
Nine pairs of genital setae (g) present with formula 5
(4 + 1): 4, g
longer and thicker than others; ano-adanal
plates each with five pairs of minute and fine setae (an and
ad), adanal setae close to inner margin, all setae minute
and fine.
Legs (Figures 16–17).Setal counts for leg segments: I:
1-4-2(2)-5(1)-17(3); II: 1-3-2(1)-3(1)-12(2), III: 2-2-1(1)-2
(1)-10, IV: 2-1-1-2(1)-10; chaetotaxy of legs complete;
setae don femora I almost in the middle, inserted at
level of setae lʺ; setae aʺon tarsi I and setae ftʺon tarsi
II curved distally; setae aʺon tarsi II curved distally; setae
sand pvʹon tarsi IV present; setae son tarsi I and II
Material examined
Holotype: adult (NZAC, in alcohol, 73/13), New Zealand:
Capleston Beetle Reserve, Redmans CK, B.F.U.P., from litter,
10 January 1973, leg. J. C. Watt. Paratypes: three adults
(NIGA, in alcohol, 73/13), same data as holotype; two adults
(NIGA, in alcohol, 78/273), New Zealand: CL, Mt. Moehau,
760 m a.s.l., from moss, 7 November 1978, leg. B. A.
The new specific name “minimus”is from Latin and refers
to the minute prodorsal, notogastral and ano-adanal setae.
This new species is distinguishable from all congeneric spe-
cies by the following combination of features: prodorsum with
strong median crista; posterior furrows absent; prodorsal,
notogastral and ano-adanal setae minute and fine, except ves-
tigial exobothridial setae; four pairs of lyrifissures present;
setae hof mentum vestigial; adanal setae close to inner margin.
This new species is also close to Notophthiracarus ham-
merae Niedbała, 1987 and Notophthiracarus parvulus
Niedbała, 1998 with the presence of strong median crista on
prodorsum, lateral carinae absent, similar length of prodorsal,
notogastral and ano-adanal setae, and genital setae with for-
mula (4 + 1): 4, but it differs from them by the following
combination of features: (1) exobothridial setae vestigial (ver-
sus not vestigial); (2) four pairs of lyrifissures present (versus
three pairs in N. hammerae and two pairs in N. parvulus); (3)
setae hof mentum vestigial (versus not vestigial); (4) g
longer and thicker than others (versus similar in shape and
length with others); (5) setae ad
close to inner margin (versus
remote in N. parvulus); (6) setae ad
situated above level of
setae an
(versus between level of setae an
and an
); (7) setae
vʹon femora I present (versus absent in N. hammerae); (8)
setae don femora I inserted at level of setae lʺ(versus posterior
to level of setae lʺin N. hammerae andanteriortoinN.
Key to species of Arphthicarus known
from Australian region
1. Notogastral setae heterotrichous in shape (bacilliform
and phylliform) . . . A. heterotrichus Niedbała, 2000
–All notogastral setae more or less similar in shape .2
2. 20 pairs of notogastral setae present . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.......................... A. aokii (Niedbała, 1987)
–15 pairs of notogastral setae present . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3. Median crista of prodorsum strong; notogastral setae
minute and fine ............... A. minimus sp. nov.
–Median crista of prodorsum absent; notogastral setae
much longer and thicker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4. Lamellar setae and setae ad
vestigial . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
..................... A. trivestigius Niedbała, 2012
–Lamellar setae and setae ad
not vestigial . . . . . . . . . 5
5. Notogastral setae long (c
) and flagellate; setae
don femora I forked distally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
........................ A. scuticus Niedbała, 2006
–Notogastral setae short (c
) and not flagellate;
setae don femora I not forked distally . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
6. Interlamellar and lamellar setae similar in length and
shape, femora I with three setae. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.......................... A. tinctus Niedbała, 2000
–Interlamellar rigid setae distinctly longer than minute
lamellar setae, femora I with four setae. . . . . . . . . . . . 7
International Journal of Acarology 5
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7. Lateral carinae of prodorsum present; two pairs of
notogastral lyrifissures ia and im present . . . . . . . . . . .
....................... A. ineptus (Niedbała, 1984)
–Lateral carinae of prodorsum absent; four pairs of
notogastral lyrifissures ia, im, ip and ips present . . . .
........................ A. remotus Niedbała, 1989
We thank all collectors of specimens reported in this paper.
The first author’s work was supported by the Funds for The
Excellent Youth Scholars of “NEIGAE, CAS”
[DLSYQ2012004], the Knowledge Innovation Programs of the
Chinese Academy of Sciences [KSCX2-EW-Z-8], the Major
Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China—
Fauna Sinica [31493021], the key research program of the
Chinese Academy of Sciences [grant number KZZD-EW-TZ-
16], the Scientific and Technological Developing Scheme of
Jilin Province [No. 20130206073], and the State Key Program
of National Natural Science of China [grant number 41430857].
The second author’s research on defining New Zealand mites was
supported by Core funding for Crown Research Institutes from
the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s Science
and Innovation Group.
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6D. Liu and Z.-Q. Zhang
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