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Phytochemical and pharmacological profile of lagenaria siceraria



Cucurbitaceae family is major source of medicinal agents since ancient time. Various plants parts including fruits of this family have been established for their pharmacological potential. Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) standley (family Cucurbitaceae) commonly known as lauki (Hindi) and bottle gourd (English) is a medicinal plant. It is used as medicine in India, China, European countries, Brazil, Hawaiian island, etc. for its cardiotonic, general tonic and diuretic properties. Further the antihepatotoxic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory, hypolipidemic, antihyperglycemic, immunomodulatory and antioxidant activities of its fruit extract have been evaluated. It is used as vermifuge purgative diuretic and it is also recommended for increasing lactation for lactating women..Fruits are also used in treatment of cancer, pain, ulcer, fever, pectoral cough, asthma and other bronchial disorders. In many countries, this plant has been used traditionally as a single treatment for diabetes mellitus possess immunosuppressive, antitumour, antiviral, antiproliferative and anti-HIV activities. This study is an attempt to compile an up-to-date and comprehensive review of Lagenaria siceraria that covers its traditional and folk medicinal uses, phytochemistry and pharmacology profile.
Nidhi Tyagi et al. IRJP 2012, 3 (3)
Page 1
Review Article
Nidhi Tyagi*, Ganesh N Sharma, Vikas Hooda
Department of Pharmaceutical Science, Jaipur National University, Jaipur-302001, India
Article Received on: 03/01/12 Revised on: 17/02/12 Approved for publi cation: 09/03/12
Cucurbitaceae family i s major source of medicinal a gents since ancient time. Various plants parts including fruits of this family have been established for their
pharmacological potential. Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) standley (family Cucurbitaceae) commonly known as lauki (Hindi) and bottle gourd (English) is a
medicinal plant. It is used as medicine in India, China, European countries, Brazil, Hawaiian island, etc. for its cardiotonic, general tonic and diuretic
properties. Further the antihepatotoxic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory, hypolipidemic, antihyperglycemic, immunomodulatory and antioxidant activities of
its fruit extract ha ve been evaluated. It is used as vermifuge purgative diuretic and it is also recommended for increa sing lactation for la ctating women..Fruits
are also used in treatment of cancer, pain, ulcer, fever, pectoral cough, asthma and other bronchial disorders. In many countries, this plant has been used
traditionally a s a single treatment for diabetes mellitus possess immunosuppressive, antitumour, antiviral, antiprolifera tive and anti-HIV activities. This study
is an attempt to compile an up-to-date and comprehensive r eview of Lagenaria siceraria that covers its tra ditional and folk medicinal uses, phytochemistry
and pharmacology profile.
KEYWORDS: Lagenaria siceraria, Cucurbitaceae, Traditional uses.
Cucurbitaceae family is commonly known as gourd, melon
and pumpkin family. This family is composed of 118 genera
and 825 species which are widely distributed in the warmer
region of world1. Among all the plants of Cucurbitaceae
family Lagenaria species is the most popular. The bottle
gourd belongs to the genus Lagenaria that is derived from the
word lagena, meaning the bottle. In the older literature it is
often referred to as Lagenaria vulgaris (common) or
Lagenaria leucantha (white flowered gourd), but now it is
known as Lagenaria siceraria. Lagenaria siceraria (Molina)
standley (family Cucurbitaceae) commonly known as lauki
(Hindi) and bottle gourd (English) is a medicinal plant2. .The
plant is widely available throughout India. It is a climbing or
trailing herb, with bottle- or dumb-bell shaped fruits. Both its
aerial parts and fruits are commonly consumed as a
vegetable. Traditionally, it is used as medicine in India,
China, European countries, Brazil, Hawaiian island, etc. for
its cardiotonic, general tonic and diuretic properties3.The
cultivated form of L. Siceraria is considered to be of African
and Asian origin. Lagenaria siceraria is a popular vegetable,
grown almost all the year round, particularly in frost free
areas. It can be cultivate in all kinds of soil, but thrives best in
heavily manured loams. It requires warm humid climate or
plenty of water when grown during dry weather. Seeds may
be sown in nursery beds and seedlings transplanted when
they have put forth 2-3 leaves. They may be also sown
directly, 4-5 seeds together, in manured beds or pits 5-6ft.
Apart; the strongest among the seedlings is retained, while
others are removed and transplanted. Seedling transplantation
is where an early crop is desired, generally two crop raised in
India; the summer crop is sown from the middle of October
to the middle of March and the later crop, from the beginning
of March to the Middle of July. Round fruit types are usually
sown for the early crop and bottleshaped types for the
second crop. Vines are allowed to trail on the ground or
trained over walls. Trees, or other support trailing over to
give high yield of fruit4.
L. siceraria
Alabu, Tumbi Ishavaaku, Katutumbi, Tiktaalaabu,
Laus, Lokitumbi
Bottle Gourd
Dudi, Tumbadi
Lauki, Ghia
Isugumbala, Tumbi
Chorakka, Churan, Choraikka, Piccura,Tumburini,
Cura, Tumburu
Tumbi, Dani
Shorakkai, Surai, Suraikkai
Sorakaya, Anapakaya
Ghiya, Lauki
Characteristics of Lagenaria siceraria
Transverse section of upper epidermis of Lagenaria siceraria
leaf consists of elongated parenchymatous cells, covered by
cuticle. It shows few stomata, which are of anisocytic type,
palisade cells at upper and hexagonal to polygonal at lower
epidermis. Thin walled contains colourless cells, which are
may be water storing. Mesophyll is made up of 3-4 layered
chloroplast containing, compactly arranged, oval to circular
cells. It is interrupted by vascular bundles of various sizes.
Vascular bundles are surrounded by 2-3layered
Nidhi Tyagi et al. IRJP 2012, 3 (3)
Page 2
sclerenchyma. They are conjoint, collateral and closed.
Xylem is placed towards lower epidermis lower epidermis
contains elongated wavy walled parenchymatous cells
covered by cuticle. Number of covering and collapsed
trichomes is present, while very few glandular trichomes are
also present6.
Phytoconstituents of Lagenaria siceraria
Analysis of edible portion of the fruit gave following values:
moisture, 96.3; protein, 0.2; fat (ether extract), 0.1;
carbohydrates 2.9; mineral matter 0.5; calcium 0.02; and
phosphorus < 0.01%. Other mineral elements reported to be
present are: iron (0.7 mg/ 100g.), sodium (11.0 mg./100g).,
potassium (86.0 mg/100g.) And iodine (4.5 mcg/ kg.).
Glucose and fructose have been detected. The amino acid
composition of the fruit is as follows: leucines 0.8;
Phenylalanine 0.9; valine 0.3; tyrosine 0.4; alanine 0.5;
threonine 0.2; glutamic acid 0.3; serine 0.6; aspartic acid 1.9;
cystine 0.6; cysteine 0.3; arginine 0.4; and proline 0.3mg/g.
The fruit is a good source of B vitamins and a fair source of
ascorbic acid. Bitter fruits yield 0.013% of solid foam
containing cucurbitacins B, D, G and H, mainly cucurbitacin
B; these bitter principles are present in the fruit as aglycones.
Leaves contain cucurbitacin B and roots, cucurbitacins B, D
and E7. Phytochemical screening of the fruit revealed two
steroids were isolated from the petroleum ether fraction and
they were identified as fucosterol and campesterol8. Sugar
and phenolic content of the fresh product were assayed,
providing a partial nutritional characterisation of this
vegetable. Glucose and fructose (about 1:1 ratio) and traces
of sucrose were found; in Addition, a small amount of
unidentified mono- and dicaffeoylquinic Acid derivatives
was detected9 . Flavonoid complexes occurring in the
medicinal plants Lagenaria siceraria were found to be flavone
Cglycosides10. Four new D:C-friedooleanane-type
Triterpenes isolated, 3b -O-(E)-feruloyl-D:Cfriedooleana-
7,9(11)-dien-29-ol, 3b -O-(E)-Coumaroyl-D:Cfriedooleana-
7,9(11)-dien-29-ol, 3b-O-(E)-coumaroyl-D:Cfriedooleana-
7,9(11)-dien-29-oic acid, and methyl 2b ,3b - dihydroxy-D:C-
friedoolean-8-en-29-oate11. A water-soluble polysaccharide,
isolated from fruiting bodies of Lagenaria siceraria, is
composed of methyl-á-d-galacturonate, 3-O-acetyl methyl-á-
d-galacturonate, and â-d-galactose in a ratio of nearly 1:1:1.
This polysaccharide showeds cytotoxic activity in vitro
against human breast adenocarcinoma cell line (MCF-7)12.
Seeds are reported to cotain saponin. Analysis of seed kernals
(68% of seed wt.) Gives following values: moisture, 2.47;
protein,30.72; oil,52.54; carbohydrates,8.3; fiber, 1.58;
ash,4.43; cao,0.11; and P2O3 , 2.46%. The oil obtained from
seed kernals is clear and pale yellow. Kernels from ripe seeds
gave 45% of oil with the following characteristics: n40d ,
1.4711; sap.equiv., 301.6; iodine value ,126.5; free fatty
acids,0.54%; and unsaponified matter , 0.67% . The
components of free fatty acids are: linoleic acids 64.0; oleic,
18.2; and saturated fatty acids, 17.8% 2. Seeds are reported to
contain Lagenin13. Atriterpene bryonolic acid an antiallergic
compound was reported from callus culture of lagenaria
siceraria roots24. Bitter fruits yield 0.013% of a solid form
containg cucurbitacins B,D,G and H mainly cucurbitacin B.
These bitter principles are present in the fruit of agalycones.
The leaves contain cucurbitacins B,D and traces of E. The
fruit juice contains beta glycosidase (elasterase)14.The
mucilage is also present in the fruit, which can be extracted
by microwave assistant extraction15.
Pharmacological Activity
Antidiabetic activity
Saha et al.,(2011), evaluated the methanolic extract of
Lagenaria siceraria aerial parts for antidiabetic activity
,using streptozotocin induced diabetes in rats and proved that
the aerial part of the Lagenaria siceraria posses potent
antihyperglycemic activity which is probably attributable to
its rich flavanoid content and concluded that MELS
(methanolic extract of Lagenaria siceraria) supplementation
is quite beneficial in controlling the blood glucose level,
without producing hypoglycemia; additionally, it improves
lipid metabolism and represents a protective mechanism
against the development of atherosclerosis, and prevents
diabetic complications from lipid peroxidation by improving
the antioxidant status in experimental diabetic rats17.
Antihyperlipidemic activity
Nainwal et al.,(2011), evaluated the juice of fresh fruits of
Lagenaria siceraria for antihyperlipidemic activity by
evaluating the blood cholesterol level of atherogenic diet rat
and proved that juice of the fresh fruits of Lagenaria
siceraria have the potent effect to cause a blood cholesterol
lowering effect and the serum biochemistry changes may
suggest that the juice extract has a tonic effect on the kidneys
and the liver and their organs play central role in drug
Ghule et al.,(2009), evaluated antihyperlipidemic effect of
the methanolic extract from Lagenaria siceraria fruit in
hyperlipidemic rats and proved that at the 30th day most
significant reduction in lipid levels in the LSFE treated rats as
compared to the rats fed with high-fat diet at the 0th day and
shows that the increase in weight in rats administered with
LSFE was less when compared to rats fed with high-fat
Mohane et al.,(2008), evaluated the fruits of Lagenaria
siceraria for antihyperlipidemic activity of isolated
constituent using the solvents according to the polarity in
ascending order i.e. by using chloroform, acetic acid,
methanol, pyridine and water. Thin layer chromatography
used active fraction obtained by column chromatography for
further isolation .four spots were obtained and were named as
LSN-1, LSN-2 ,LSN-3 and LSN-4and TLC isolated
compound were tested for antihyperlipidemic activity and
compound has shown significant result. The study exhibited
that evaluated levels of blood cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL
were significantly reduced and decreased HDL was
significantly increased by the administration of fraction of
Lagenaria siceraria fruit juice19.
Ghule et al.,(2006), evaluated the antihyperlipidemic effect
of four different extract
via. petroleum ether, chloroform, alcoholic and aqueous
extracts from the Lagenaria siceraria in triton induced
hyperlipidemic rats and their hypolipidemic rats and proved
that chloroform and alcoholic extract exhibited more
significant effect in lowering total cholesterol, triglycerides
and low density lipoprotein along with increase in HDL as
compared to other20.
Diuretic activity
Ghule et al.,(2007), evaluated the vacuumed dried juice
extract and methanolic extract of the fruit of Lagenaria
siceraria for diuretic activity using total urine volume and
urine concentration of electrolyte method in albino rats and
proved that the vacuum dried juice extract and methanolic
Nidhi Tyagi et al. IRJP 2012, 3 (3)
Page 3
extract showed higher urine volume when compared to
respective control.21
Analgesic activity
Shah and Seth (2010), evaluated methanolic and aqueous
extract of Lagenaria siceraria for analgesic activity, using
tail immersion method in rats and proved that methanolic
extract posses moderate analgesic activity, while the aqueous
extract shows significant analgesic activity.22
Central nervous system activity
Pawar et al., (2010), evaluated the crude petroleum ether ,
chloroform , and methanolic extract of leaves of Lagenaria
siceraria for analgesic and central nervous system activity
using writhing , hot plate , tail flick method in rat and proved
that the petroleum ether , methanol , and chloroform extract
shows significant analgesic activity but petroleum ether
extract shows maximum analgesic activity among them23.
Hypertensive activity
Mali et al.,(2010), evaluated the antihypertensive activity of
Lagenaria siceraria fruit powder in dexamethasone induced
hypertension in rats and proved that the Lagenaria siceraria
pretreatment partially reversed dexamethasone induced
hypertension where as Lagenaria siceraria reduced mean
arterial blood pressure and heart rate and concluded that
Lagenaria siceraria fruit powder pretreatment for 51 days
partially reverse dexamethasone induce hypertension in
Anticancer activity
Saha et al., (2010), Evaluated the methanolic extract of
Lagenaria siceraria (Mol.) Standley aerial parts for
anticancer activity using Enrlich Ascites carcinoma model in
mice and proved that the Lagenaria siceraria possess
significant anticancer activity which may be due to its
cytotoxicity and antioxidant activity25.
CNS depressant activity
Ananga et al.,(2010), Evaluated the aqueous fruit extract of
Lagenaria siceraria for pharmacological activity in vitro and
in vivo and proved that the Lagenaria siceraria have been
shown to certain potent bioactive compound with potent
analgesic effect and non specific C.N.S depressant activity ,
among other and may be of value in psychotherapy as
narcoleptic agent and also confirmed some of the folkloric
Antioxidant and hepatoprotective activity
Saha et al., (2011), Evaluated the methanolic extract of the
aerial parts of the Lagenaria siceraria for antioxidant and
hepatoprotective activity using DPPH, nitric oxide,
superoxide, hydrogen peroxide and total phenolic and
flavanoid content estimation method in rats and proved that
methanolic extract of aerial parts show the significant in vitro
antioxidant and potent hepatoprotective activity27.
Cardioprotective activity
Fard et al., (2008), evaluated the cardioprotective effect of
Lagenaria siceraria fruit powder against the cardiotoxicity of
doxorubicin in wistar male . and proved that the Lagenaria
siceraria possessed cardioprotective effect against
doxorubicin induced cardiotoxicy in rats28.
It is used as medicine in India, China, European countries,
Brazil, Hawaiian island, etc. for its cardiotonic, general tonic
and diuretic21 properties. Further, the antidiabetic17,
antihyperlipidemic18-20 antihepatotoxic, analgesic22, CNS
activity23, hypertension24, anticancer25, CNS depressant26,
Cardioprotective28, antiinflammatory, antihyperglycemic,
immunomodulatory and antioxidant27 activities of its fruit
extract have been evaluated . A novel protein, lagenin, has
also been isolated from its seeds and it possesses antitumor,
immunoprotective and antiproliferative properties13.
Although extensive studies have been carried out on its fruits
and seeds, the pharmacology of the aerial parts of L. siceraria
has not been studied yet. In many countries, this plant has
been used traditionally as a single treatment for diabetes
Traditional uses
Cooked lauki is cooling, calming and acts as diuretic. It
makes you relax after eating. But dont eat the vegetable raw
as it can harm the stomach and intestines.It plays a very
important role in treating urinary disorders. Prepare a glass of
fresh juice by grating lauki and then mixing it with limejuice.
Drink it once a day to combat the burning sensation caused
by the high acidity of urine. It can be had along with sulpha
drugs to treat urinary infection as it acts as an alkaline
diuretic. Lauki juice is an excellent remedy for excessive
thirst caused by diarrhea, over consumption of fatty or fried
foods, and diabetes. Drink a glass of this juice with a little
salt added to it to treat this condition. A glass of lauki juice
with a little salt added to it prevents excessive loss of sodium,
satiating thirst and keeping you refreshed in summer.If you
are on a low calorie diet, suffering from digestive problems,
are diabetic or convalescing, then lauki is must for you as it is
easily digestible and low in calories30.
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... It has several medicinal properties such as skin protection, cancer prevention, and tumor prevention. [82,83] Barhang kabir (P. major L.) is an important medicinal plant for cancer treatment that has compounds such as phenol compounds (caffeic acid derivatives), flavonoids, alkaloids, and terpenoids. ...
... The main flavonoid compound in Plantago species is the Luteolin 7-glucoside compound that has important role in cancer prevention. [82,83] Recently, there are many reports based on the Plantago species in traditional medicine against cancer in different countries around the world such as Mexico and Argentina. [84] P. major in the Canary Islands, Chile, Venezuela, and Panama are applied for tumor treatment. ...
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Medicinal plants have special importance around the world. Further, they have been noticed for nutrition and illness treatment such as preparation of anticancer new drugs. Therefore, a wide range of studies have been done on different plants, and their anticancer effects have been investigated. Nowadays, cancer is the most important factor of death rate in the developed and developing countries. Among them, stomach cancer is one of the most common malignancies around the world. At present, it is recognized as the fourth common cancer and the second factor of death rate due to cancer. So far, there has been wide range of effort for cancer treatment; however, in most cases, the response to the treatment has been very weak and often accompanied improper subsidiary effects. The present problems as a consequence of chemical treatment and radiotherapy and many subsidiary problems created due to their use for patients, and also, the resistance to the current treatment has motivated researchers to apply new medicines with more effect and less toxicity. The secondary metabolisms existent in the plants have an important role in the treatment of several diseases such as cancer. This study was conducted to investigate and collect scientific results for stomach cancer and to clarify the role of medicinal plants and secondary plant compounds on its treatment.
... The bottle gourd (lagenaria siceraria; also known as calabash), is an edible plant of the Cucurbitacae family, which also includes pumpkin, cucumber, and squash ( Fig. 1) [1]. It is ingested as a complementary and alternative medicine in many cultures due to its many purported health benefits [2]. Cucurbitacae naturally produce the tetracyclic terpene cucurbitacin as they ripen; this toxic pheromone repels pests and has a bitter taste which often prevents humans from eating it as well. ...
... While only few crops are commercialized on a significant global scale (FAO, 1997), most other species are neglected and thus underutilized. Among such species are the Cucurbits, the gourd fruits of the Cucurbitaceae family with about 120 genera and 825 species (Tyagi et al., 2012). ...
... The family has approximately 118 genera and 825 species. L. siceraria is originally native to India and Africa (45). The extract of L. siceraria has numerous compounds, such as cucurbitacin, licorice (lagenin), polysaccharide, flavonoids. ...
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Cisplatin is a powerful chemotherapy drug that is administered to treat a wide range of cancers. However, its clinical use is limited due to kidney damage and the reduction in glomerular filtration rate that occurs in 15% to 30% of patients. Several mechanisms lead to renal dysfunction after cisplatin administration, including direct damage to proximal tubular epithelial cells that causes necrosis and apoptosis. Cisplatin administration is accompanied by the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which causes lipid peroxidation, proteins and nucleic acids oxidation, cell membrane degradation, and finally reduction in glomerular filtration. The most prominent effect of cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity (CIN), which can be progressive, is hypomagnesemia, Fanconi syndrome and anemia. Cisplatin nephrotoxicity is more prominent in individuals who received higher doses of this drug, or in patients who had previous chemotherapy regimen and presence of renal dysfunction. This paper is sought to describe cisplatin nephrotoxicity and the protective role of medicinal plants in preventing the renal toxicity. In this regard, the role of antioxidants will be specifically addressed.
... Anti-hyperglycemic, Anti-hyperlipidemic, Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory, Antimicrobial, Hepatoprotective, Anxiolytic, Anti-cancer, Anti-diabetic, Anti-tumor, Anti-HIV [21] 18 Cabbage Brassica oleracea var. captita Family Cruciferae ...
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Free radicals or other reactive oxygen species produced during aerobic metabolism in the body. These oxidative species react with cell components such as lipids, proteins, mitochondria and DNA, can cause oxidative stress and contribute to more than one hundreds of diseases in humans including atherosclerosis, arthritis, ischemia, abnormal neurogenesis and neuronal degradation, gastritis, aging, liver diseases, cancer and AIDS. Antioxidants, both exogenous and endogenous help to neutralise the effect of free radicals via prevention of the free radical formation by scavenging free radical scavengers, preventing the radical chain reaction of oxidation and inhibiting the oxidation process. Antioxidant may be synthetic and natural. But some synthetic antioxidants have been reported unsafe for human health.
... The edible portion (mesocarp) of fruit contains riboflavin, thiamine and ascorbic acid. The fruit skin (peel) contains 18.1% cellulose, 17.5% crude protein and 8.0% lignin ( Prajapati et al., 2010;Sivannarayana et al., 2013;Tyagi et al., 2012). ...
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p>In batch mode, the adsorption characteristics of S2- ions on Lagenaria siceraria mesocarp, pedicle and peel as raw materials have been studied in comparison to remove sulfide ions from tanneries waste water, under various parameters such as adsorbent dosage, contact time, agitation speed and pH. Maximum removal efficiency (70.96%) was observed on L. Siceraria peel followed by pedicle (51.58%) and mesocarp (29.57%) for adsorbent dosage of 0.10 g/L peel for 50 ml solution of sulfide (20 mg/L). The adsorption process was rapid, and it reached equilibrium in early 20-35 min for all adsorbents. Freundlich and Langmuir adsorption isotherms were employed for mathematical description of the adsorption equilibrium and to explain mechanism of adsorption. The maximum amounts of sulfide ions adsorbed, as evaluated by Langmuir isotherm, was 1.0436 mg/g of LS pedicle, 0.886 mg/g of peel and 0.843 mg/g of pedicle. The adsorption process conforms well to a pseudo second order kinetic model with best adsorption results at pH 8. Bangladesh J. Sci. Ind. Res. 52(4) , 309-320, 2017</p
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IJPPE is a multidisciplinary, open-access, peer-reviewed journal that aims to present to you the most recent progress in Medical Research and Pharmaceutical Sciences and to give an information exchange platform and proposal for a great audience of researchers and authors with interest in Phytomedicine and Phytochemistry as well as professionals or academicians working in the field. IJPPE has an editorial policy of publishing original, high scientific quality and interesting Reviews, Research Articles, Methods, Techniques and Evaluation Reports, Editorials and Short Communications to publish in all areas of Biosciences, Medicine, Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences including Natural Product, Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry Research. If you are pharmaceutical researchers, doctors, clinical pharmacists, pharmacologists, chemists, nutritionists, basic science researchers or any other scholar with interest in pharmacy-related research, you are more than welcome to contribute your study to the IJPPE. Dr. Boukhatem Mohamed Nadjib Editor-in-Chief
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Lagenaria Scieraria (Mol.) standley fruit (bottle gourd), a commonly used vegetable in india is descried as cardiotonic and as a general tonic in Ayurveda. The cardiotonic activity of aqueous extract of fruit peel Lagenaria Scieraria (Mol.) was studied by using isolated frog heart perfusion technique (IFHP). Ringer solution was used as a vehicle for administration of aqueous extract as test and digoxin as standard. As significant increase in force of contraction (positive ionotropic effect) and decrease in heart rate (negative chronotropic effect) was observed at smaller doses. The effect increased as dose was increased. The test extract is compared to standard of digoxin.
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The leaf of Lagenaria siceraria is considered as a hypolipidemic in folklore medicine. In present investigation, the detailed pharmacognostic study of Lagenaria siceraria leaf is carried out to lay down the standards which could be useful in future experimental studies. The study includes macroscopy, microscopy, preliminary phytochemical screening and physicochemical evaluation. INTRODUCTION Herbal medicines are promising choice over modern synthetic drugs. They show minimum/no side effects and are considered to be safe. Generally herbal formulations involve use of fresh or dried plant parts. Correct knowledge of such crude drugs is very important aspect in preparation, safety and efficacy of the herbal product. Pharmacognosy is a simple and reliable tool, by which complete information of the crude drug can be obtained [1-4]. Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standley (family cucurbitaceae), commonly known as lauki (Hindi) and bottle gourd (English), is a medicinal plant and utilizable species. The plant enjoys the reputation of being one of the earliest plants to be domesticated on the earth. It is a climbing or trailing herb with bottle, oval or dumbbell shaped fruit. Lagenaria siceraria fruit is traditionally used for its cardioprotective, cardiotonic, general tonic and aphrodisiac properties. It is also used in treatment of various allergic and inflammatory disorders like bronchial asthma, rhinitis, bronchitis, and rheumatism. Various extracts of fruit of Lagenaria siceraria were found to have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, hepatoprotective, antihyperlipidemic, diuretic and antibacterial activities. These properties of Lagenaria siceraria fruit have been attributed to its saponins, carbohydrates and flavonoids. However there is paucity of data available on the effect of the phytoconstituents of Lagenaria siceraria fruit on immune system. Previously we reported the immunomodulatory activity of different extracts of Lagenaria siceraria fruits in experimental animals [5]. In literature details of morphology, phytoconstituents, medicinal properties and uses of Lagenaria siceraria is very sparce therefore, in present study pharmacognostic standards of the leaves of Lagenaria siceraria are studied. These standards are of utmost importance not only in finding out genuity, but also in detection of adulterants in marketed drug [6].
The present study was carried out to evaluate the antihyperglycemic activity of methanol extract of Lagenaria siceraria aerial parts (MELS) for its purported use in diabetes. Hyperglycemia was induced by streptozotocin (50 mg/kg, i.p.) in rats. Treatment was done by MELS at doses of 200 and 400 mg/kg, p.o. for 14 days. Glibenclamide (500 μg/kg) was used as a reference drug. Antihyperglycemic potential was assessed by fasting blood glucose (FBG) measurement (on days 0, 4, 8 and 15), biochemical tests (SGPT, SGOT, ALP, total cholesterol, triglycerides), antioxidant assay (lipid peroxide, catalase and glutathione) and histologic study of the liver, kidney and pancreas tissue. Significant reduction (P<0.001) in FBG levels was observed with treatment duration. Antioxidant and biochemical parameters were significantly improved by MELS and glibenclamide treatment. Histologic observations showed good correlations with the results obtained. The study explored the potent antihyperglycemic activity of MELS, which is probably attributable to its rich flavonoid content.
The calabash gourd or bottle gourd, Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standley, is a minor vegetable crop cultivated in South Italy for its immature fruits and young shoots used as food. A substantial increase in consumption could come from processing. This research provides preliminary information on suitability of preparation for frozen and 'ready to use' products. Slices of 1 cm thickness were blanched for 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180 and 240 seconds in boiling water at 100 °C. Peroxidase and polyphenoloxidase activity were evaluated in relation to blanching period. Total enzymatic inactivation of blanched samples (residual peroxidase activity < 1%) was obtained in 180 seconds. Moreover, sugar and phenolic content of the fresh product were assayed, providing a partial nutritional characterisation of this vegetable. Glucose and fructose (about 1:1 ratio) and traces of sucrose were found; in addition, a small amount of unidentified mono- and di-caffeoylquinic acid derivatives was detected. Fresh 1 cm thick slices were dipped for 90 seconds in ascorbic or citric acid solution at 0.2-0.5 and 1% concentration and stored in sealed plastic bags at 4°C for 15 days. Organoleptic characteristics and colour parameters were evaluated on fresh and stored product. The best results were obtained dipping the slices in 0.2 % citric acid solution.
The effect of juice of the fresh fruits of Lagenaria siceraria on the blood cholesterol level of atherogenic diet rats was evaluated. Twelve adult male Wistar rats divided into 3 groups of 4 animals each were used and were treated orally with normal saline (Control group), atherogenic diet (Positive control) and 200mg/kg of AP seed juice extract (treatment) over a 4-week period. The present study was undertaken to assess body weight, total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), low density lipoprotein (LDL), high density lipoprotein (HDL) and very low density lipoprotein (VLDL). They were significantly lower in the juice extract treated groups compared to the control group. Phytochemical screening showed that the juice extract contained cardiac glycosides, tannins, saponins, alkaloids and flavonoids. The study showed that juice of the fresh fruits of Lagenaria siceraria have the potential to cause a blood cholesterol lowering effect. The serum biochemistry changes may suggest that the juice extract has a tonic effect on the kidneys and the liver and these organs play central role in drug metabolism. Absence of significant lesion in the kidney, liver and testes may indicate that the plant is safe for medicinal use.
The antihepatotoxic activity of different fractions of the ethanolic extract of Lagenaria siceraria fruit, administered orally to different groups of rats was evaluated using the CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity test. All fractions tested, in a dose of 250 mg/kg showed significant activity, with the petroleum ether traction exhibiting comparatively higher activity. Two steroids were isolated from the petroleum ether fraction and they were identified as fucosterol and campesterol.
Cancer is one of the leading causes of mortality worldwide. Many of the cucurbitaceae plants possess antitumor activity. On the basis of traditional use, the present study was carried out to evaluate the anti-cancer activity of methanol extract of Lagenaria siceraria (Mol.) Standley [Cucurbitaceae] aerial parts (MELS) on Ehrlich's Ascites Carcinoma (EAC) model in mice. After inoculation of EAC cells into mice, treatment with MELS (200 and 400 mg kg-1) and standard drug, 5-Fluorouracil (20 mg kg-1) were continued for 9 days. Evaluation of the effect of drug response was made by the study of tumor growth response including increase in life span, study of hematological parameters, biochemical estimations and antioxidant assay of liver tissue. Experimental results revealed that L. siceraria possesses significant anticancer activity which may be due to its cytotoxicity and antioxidant properties. Further research is ongoing to find out the bioactive principle(s) of MELS for its anticancer activity.