
Applying Dale's Cone of Experience to increase learning and retention: A study of student learning in a foundational leadership course

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... In Indonesia, as of June 15, 2021, the target for COVID-19 vaccination is 40,349,049 people; the target consists of three priority groups, namely health workers, the elderly and public officials, with achievement of 28.95 % of the specified target [6]. On the same date, the achievement of the Covid-19 vaccination target in Southeast Sulawesi Province, which in general only reached 15.5% [7]. Meanwhile, the vaccination achievement in Kendari City, from the vaccination target of 60,595 people, the Covid-19 vaccination achievement only reached 35% on the same date [8]. ...
... The effectiveness of experimental learning is also supported by Davis & Summers (2015) were, from the results of their research, it is stated that experiential learning significantly improves learning outcomes [21]. Activities Experiential learning encourages critical reflection on ways to apply the knowledge gained by participants [7]. ...
... The effectiveness of experimental learning is also supported by Davis & Summers (2015) were, from the results of their research, it is stated that experiential learning significantly improves learning outcomes [21]. Activities Experiential learning encourages critical reflection on ways to apply the knowledge gained by participants [7]. The implications of Dale's Cone of Experience, according to Green, et al. (2020) in health promotion, showed positive perception posttest results and increased youth knowledge [22]. ...
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Background: The achievement of Covid-19 vaccination in Southeast Sulawesi Province until June 15, 2021 is 15.5%, while the City of Kendari has achieved Covid-19 vaccination reached 22%. The lack of information and public perception about the Covid-19 vaccine has led to low public acceptance of the Covid-19 vaccine. Therefore, this study aims to increase the community 's positive perception of the Covid-19 vaccination in Kendari City through the most effective health promotion media. Methods: This quantative study uses a quasi-experimental design with pretest-posttest nonequivalent control group design. The population is 345,107 people, 396 respondents are sampled. This study uses a sampling technique by random cluster sampling. The hypothesis test used is the Wilcoxon signed ranks test and the Kruskal Wallis H test. Result: The results of the Wilcoxon test show that there is a significant difference between perceptions before and after health promotion using booklet media (Asymp. Sig. = 0.000); There is a significant difference between perceptions before and after health promotion using video media (Asymp. Sig. = 0.000); There is a significant difference between perceptions before and after health promotion through the development WhatsApp messages (Asymp. Sig. = 0.000). Based on the Kruskal Wallis H test, the mean rank of health promotion using booklets is the highest (217.59). There was no significant difference between the three media (Asymp. sig 0.156 > 0.05). Conclusion: The booklet is the most effective media in health promotion to increase the positive perception of the community towards the covid-19 vaccination in the city of Kendari, but there is no significant difference between the three promotional media used.
... This study mainly discusses the Cone of Experience framework. The Cone of Experience characterises learners realistically through observing their experience (Davis & Summers, 2015). Edger Dale's Cone of Experience (Figure 1) explains the process of gaining experience from learning, to performing and then applying what they have learnt. ...
... The Cone of Experience theory by Edgar Dale (as shown in Figure 1) focuses on the progression of the experiences from concrete which is at the bottom of the cone, to the most abstract which is at the top of the cone (Davis & Summers, 2015). According to Davis & Summers (2015), these levels describe what the learners will to be 'doing'. ...
... The Cone of Experience theory by Edgar Dale (as shown in Figure 1) focuses on the progression of the experiences from concrete which is at the bottom of the cone, to the most abstract which is at the top of the cone (Davis & Summers, 2015). According to Davis & Summers (2015), these levels describe what the learners will to be 'doing'. The middle cone is where the learner is 'observing' the experience. ...
... The media used is the Genially platform, with this platform learning will be much more interesting because it can present interactive content such as images, animations, and videos. As it is known that multimedia learning can help in explaining abstract material to be concrete with the help of visualization and sound (Davis & Summers, 2015). Meanwhile, the packaging is arranged digitally. ...
... As is known with the help of multimedia, abstract information can be packaged to be more concrete. This is conveyed in the cone of Edgar Dale's experience (Davis & Summers, 2015). ...
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Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pengembangan bahan ajar digital IPS yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis dalam masa pandemi. Dengan fokus dalam, 1) Bagaimana penerapan bahan ajar digital dalam pembelajaran, (2) Bagaimana respon siswa terhadap bahan ajar, dan (3) Bagaimana efektivitas bahan ajar. Data dikumpulkan dengan observasi, wawancara, dan tes. Lokasi penelitian terletak di salah satu SMPN di kota Surabaya. Uji efektivitas menggunakan Mann Whitney pada kelas kontrol (tidak menggunakan bahan ajar yang dikembangkan) dan eksperimen (menggunakan bahan ajar yang dikembangkan). Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan; 1) Pembelajaran IPS lebih optimal dilakukan dengan asinkron, (2) Respon siswa terhadap bahan ajar positif, dan (3) hasil uji beda antara kelas kontrol dan eksperimen menunjukkan perbedaan. Pada kelas kontrol kemampuan berpikir kritis cenderung tetap dan jawaban hasil tes bersifat homogen dan teksbook, sedangkan pada kelas eskperimen menunjukkan peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kritis dan jawaban hasil tes bervariasi sesuai dengan lingkungan siswa masing-masing. Abstract This research aims to explain the development of digital IPS teaching materials that can be used to improve critical thinking skills during a pandemic. With a focus on, 1) How is(X) the application of digital teaching materials in learning, (2) How do(X) students respond to teaching materials, and (3) How are(X) the effectiveness of teaching materials. The Data were collected by observation, interviews, and tests. The research location was located at one of the junior high schools in the city of Surabaya. The effectiveness test used Mann Whitney in the control class (not using the developed teaching materials) and the experiment (using the developed teaching materials). The results of the study show; 1) Social studies learning is more optimally carried out asynchronously, (2) The students' response to teaching materials is positive, and (3) the results of the difference test between the control and experimental classes show a difference. In the control class, the critical thinking ability tends to be constant and the answers to the test results are homogeneous and textbook, while in the experimental class it shows an increase in critical thinking skills and the answers to the test results vary according to the environment of each students.
... Diagram pengalaman belajar Edgar Dale menyatakan bahwa manusia akan semakin memahami hal yang mereka pelajari apabila konsep yang dipelajari dapat dialami secara langsung. Gambar 1. Diagram cone pengalaman belajar Edgar Dale (Davis & Summers, 2014) Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan Davis dan Summers (2015) bahkan menunjukkan bahwa 90% responden yang terlibat dalam penelitiannya sangat setuju, dan 10% nya setuju bahwa pengalaman belajar yang mensimulasikan "aktivitas nyata" lebih efektif daripada metode belajar tradisional (ceramah). Hal ini menunjukkan pentingnya sebuah sumber atau media pembelajaran dalam kegiatan belajar. ...
... Melalui multimedia, konsep disampaikan dengan menghubungkan isi mata plajaran ke situasi dunia nyata dan memotivasi peserta didik untuk membuat keterkaitan pemahaman antara kosnep yang dipelajari di sekolah dengan aplikasinya dalam kehidupan mereka sehingga tercapailah pembelajaran yang bermakna. (Davis and Summers, 2014). Menurut Munir (2012) penerapan penggunaan multimedia dalam pembelajaran di kelas dapat melibatkan tujuh bentuk pembelajaran efektif, yakni, konstruktivisme, pengembangan kemampuan bertanya, mendukung proses inkuiri, pemodelan, refleksi pembelarajan, penilaian autentik, serta pengembangan masyarakat belajar (learning community). ...
This study aims to see the effectiveness of the use of interactive e-book on student performance. Other than that, this study also discusses the integrating of interactive e-book into science learning activity, so that it can provide learning evaluation as material for e-book development in future studies. This study conducted in quasi-experimental pre-test post-test control group design. 88 students that are involved in this study were selected randomly of two classes from eight classes, and grouped into experiment and control class to see the effectiveness of using interactive e-book in science learning activities. Independent t-test was used to find out the effectiveness of the interactive e-books, and questionnaire was used to see student perceptions of interactive e-book that have been used in the science learning activity. From the Wilcoxon test, found that probability value (p)obtained was 0.000 (p<0.05). This result showed that each class showed significant difference in learning outcomes, where the experimental class get better than the control class. This finding also supported by the results of the questionnaire that students in experimental class has better learning experiences than students in control class.
... Aktif öğrenme ile öğrenme ortamlarının eğlenceli olduğu, ders veriminin arttığı, derslerin etkili olduğu, öğrenci güdülenme düzeylerinin yüksek olduğu, öğrencilerin daha hızlı ve keyifli bir şekilde öğrendikleri ifade edilebilir (Respati, Hatip & Devanti, 2023;Ünsal, 2017). Bunun yanında bireyin öğrenme sürecinde aktif olması öğrenmenin hızlı ve etkili olmasına katkıda bulunmaktadır (Davis & Summers, 2014). Bu sebeple okul içinde ya da okul dışında aktif öğrenme süreçlerine sıklıkla yer verilmesi önem taşımaktadır (Hsu & Lin, 2015). ...
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Bu çalışmada üniversite öğrencilerinin aktif öğrenmeye yönelik görüşlerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada nitel araştırma desenlerinden olan olgubilim yönteminden yararlanılmıştır. Çalışmanın katılımcıları Türkiye’nin doğusunda yer alan bir devlet üniversitesinde öğrenim gören 10 öğrenciden oluşmaktadır. Katılımcıların belirlenmesinde kolayda (uygun) örnekleme yönteminden yararlanılmıştır. Bu aşamada çeşitliliğin sağlanabilmesi amacıyla öğrencilerin yükseköğretim seviyeleri (lisans ve lisansüstü) dikkate alınmıştır. Bu sebeple katılımcıların 5’i lisans ve 5’i lisansüstü seviyedeki 10 öğrenciden oluşmaktadır. Çalışma verilerine araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen “Aktif Öğrenme Odaklı Yarı Yapılandırılmış Görüşme Formu” kullanılarak ulaşılmıştır. Çalışma bulguların sunumunda anlaşılırlığın desteklenebilmesi amacıyla tablolardan, doğrudan alıntılardan ve şekillerden yararlanılmıştır. Çalışmanın geçerliği ve güvenirliğinin sağlanabilmesi amacıyla gerekli önlemler alınmış ve elde edilen verilere içerik analizi uygulanmıştır. Sonuç olarak bu çalışmada öğrencilerin aktif öğrenmeye yönelik görüşlerinin 3 tema, 5 alt tema ve 59 kod altında toplandığı belirlenmiştir. Tema, alt tema ve kodlar değerlendirildiğinde; öğrencilerin aktif öğrenme ile yeteri kadar karşılaşmadıkları, özellikle ilkokul ve ortaokulda aktif öğrenmenin daha az uygulandığı ve öğretmenlerin daha aktif olduğu, öğrencilerin en çok karşılaştıkları aktif öğrenme süreçlerinin uygulama faaliyetleri ile gösterip yaptırma olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Öğrencilerin aktif olarak öğrenme süreçlerine katılabilmeleri için çeşitli beklentileri olduğu ve bu beklentilerin başında demokratik, eğlenceli, özgür ve uygulamaya dayalı bir öğretim ortamının yaratılması, bireysel farklılıklara önem verilmesi, okul dışı etkinliklerin eğitim programlarında yer alması gerektiği ve öğretmen-öğrenci etkileşiminin sağlanmasının geldiği anlaşılmıştır. Bunun yanında öğrencilerin aktif öğrenme bağlamında öğretmenlerinden, okullarından ve ailelerinden çeşitli beklentileri olduğu görülmüştür. Çalışmada öğrencilerin aktif öğrenme süreçlerine katılımlarının desteklenebilmesi ve bu konudaki beklentilerinin karşılanarak öğrenme süreçlerinin daha etkili hale getirilebilmesi için araştırma sonuçları doğrultusunda birtakım öneriler geliştirilmiştir.
... Hasil penelitian ini sejalan dengan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Davis & Summers (2015) menunjukkan bahwa dalam kursus kepemimpinan dasar, pembelajaran yang efektif dicapai dengan menerapkan kerucut Dale's bagian bawah, yaitu strategi pengalaman pembelajaran langsung terarah, menstimulasi dengan melakukan hal-hal yang mendekati realitas kehidupan sehari-hari. Dalam penelitian ini media pendidikan kesehatan yang digunakan menggunakan video, penggunaan video dalam kerucut Dale's, memberikan pengalaman belajar melihat dan mendengar, responden dapat menyerap materi yang disampaikan sebanyak 50%. ...
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This study aims to determine the effectiveness of educational videos on teenagers' knowledge about unsafe abortion. The method used was a quasi-experiment with a nonequivalent pretest-posttest non-control group design, which was carried out in July 2022 at IKesT Muhammdiyah Palembang with a sample of 65 people who were given health education about preventing pregnancy emergencies. The results of the research show that statistically, health education can avoid emergencies of pregnancy; unsafe abortion in adolescents is effective in increasing respondents' knowledge with a p-value of 0.000. Conclusion: Educational videos can increase teenagers' knowledge about unsafe abortion Keywords: Video Education, Pregnancy Emergency, Adolescents, Unsafe Abortion
... The concept of the active learning model is known as the "cone of learning". The active learning method enables students to retain the consequences of their learning activities for far longer than the passive learning process of memorization [12]. The active learning management philosophy emphasizes student engagement in which teachers organize learning in a manner that encourages students to participate in class through reading, listening, speaking, writing, discussions, difficult questions, and problem-solving activities. ...
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span lang="EN-US">The purpose was to develop and study the effectiveness and efficiency of an active learning management model for developing active citizenship competencies for primary school students. The sample group was fifth-grade students at a demonstration school. The research instruments included: a manual for the active learning management model, active learning lesson plans, an active citizenship competencies test, and a satisfaction questionnaire. Statistics for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and dependent sample t-test. The research results were: i) A six-step active learning management model was designed for developing active citizenship competencies for primary school students: step 1 situation to the problem, step 2 original knowledge, step 3 collaboration, step 4 information gathering, step 5 active application, and step 6 lead to reflection and assessment. A consistency assessment (item objective congruence (IOC), 5-point scale) of the model by a group of experts resulted in the highest level (mean=4.69, SD=0.47); ii) The efficacy of the active learning management model in developing active citizenship competencies were measured for knowledge, higher-order thinking skills, and attributes. For each of the measured components, the improvement in average score was statistically significant at the 0.05 level; and iii) The satisfaction of students with active learning management was high (mean=4.47, SD=0.74).</span
... Pencapaian edukasi kesehatan yang efektif dapat diraih dengan menerapkan strategi piramida yang dikembangkan oleh Edgar Dele yang memperkenalkan cone of experience. Penyampaian informasi menggunakan video dalam cone of experience menjelaskan bahwa dengan menonton video, individu akan mampu untuk mendemonstrasikan, menerapkan, dan mempraktekkan informasi yang dilihatnya melalui video, sehingga dapat diingat 30% apa yang mereka lihat dan 50% dari apa yang mereka lihat dan dengar (Davis, & Summers, 2014). Penggunaan video dalam melakukan pendidikan kesehatan tentang pencegahan dan penatalaksanaan kasus tersedak tentu sangat sesuai untuk diterapkan, agar mencapai hasil yang efektif dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan dan sikap serta keterampilan dalam pencegahan dan penanganan kasus tersedak pada balita. ...
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Background: Choking is a very dangerous emergency event, this is because within a few minutes a condition will occur where a person can lack oxygen in general so that in just a matter of minutes a person who is choking will lose their breathing reflexes, heart rate, and die permanently from the trunk. brain. Choking is a condition where the respiratory tract is blocked by a foreign object in the form of food, toys, etc. Babies and toddlers are at higher risk of experiencing respiratory emergencies compared to teenagers or adults. Young children often lack coordination, making them vulnerable to choking on food and small objects which can cause the heart and lungs to stop working. Approximately 17,537 children aged 3 years or younger were at risk of choking, of which (59.5%) were food-related (31.4%) were choking on foreign objects and 9.1% had unknown causes.Purpose: To determine the effect of educational choking videos on mothers' knowledge, attitudes and skills in handling choking in toddlers.Method: Quantitative research uses a quasi-experimental design with a one group pre and post test design. This research was conducted to measure practitioners' knowledge, attitudes and skills regarding the management of choking in infants and children before and after intervention. The intervention carried out was in the form of providing education on choking management through the choking educational video method. This research was conducted in June-July 2023. The population in this study were all mothers who had toddlers at the Integrated Health Service Center for toddlers in Betengsari village, Kartasurura, Sukoharjo, with 40 participants with using total sampling.Results: All variables, namely knowledge, attitudes and skills, show that the data is not normally distributed, as evidenced by a significance value of less than 0.05. So it is necessary to carry out the Wilcoxone test to obtain a p-value for the knowledge, attitudes and skills variables of 0.001. The p-value obtained means that learning through choking educational videos influences participants' knowledge, attitudes and skills in dealing with choking in children.Conclusion: Education using choking educational videos has a significant effect on mothers' knowledge, attitudes and skills in handling choking in toddlers as evidenced by the difference in the average score of knowledge, attitudes and skills before and after the intervention. A significant effect was also proven by obtaining a p-value of 0.001. Keywords: Choking; Educational Videos; ToddlersPendahuluan: Tersedak merupakan suatu kejadian darurat yang sangat berbahaya, hal ini disebabkan dalam beberapa menit akan terjadi kondisi dimana seseorang dapat kekurangan oksigen secara general sehingga hanya dalam hitungan menit seseorang yang tersedak akan kehilangan reflek nafas, denyut jantung, dan kematian secara permanen dari batang otak. Tersedak adalah kondisi tersumbatnya saluran pernafasan oleh benda asing berupa makanan, mainan, dan lain-lain Bayi dan balita berisiko lebih tinggi untuk mengalami kedaruratan pernafasan dibandingkan dengan remaja maupun orang dewasa. Anak kecil sering kali kurang koordinasi sehingga membuat mereka rentan tersedak makanan dan benda kecil yang dapat menyebabkan berhenti kinerja jantung dan paru-paru. Sekitar 17.537 anak-anak berusia 3 tahun atau lebih muda sangat berbahaya karena tersedak, sebesar (59.5%) berhubungan dengan makanan (31.4%) tersedak karena benda asing dan sebesar 9.1% penyebab tidak diketahui.Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui pengaruh video edukasi tersedak (viedak) terhadap pengetahuan, sikap, dan keterampilan ibu dalam penanganan tersedak pada balita.Metode: Penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan quasi-experimental dengan rancangan one group pre and post test design. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengukur pengetahuan, sikap, dan keterampilan para tentang penatalaksanaan tersedak pada bayi dan anak sebelum dan setelah intervensi. Intervensi yang dilakukan yakni berupa pemberian edukasi penanganan tersedak melalui metode video edukasi tersedak (viedak). Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan juni-juli 2023, Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh ibu yang memiliki anak balita di posyandu balita desa Betengsari, Kartasurura, Sukoharjo yaitu sejumlah 40 partisipan dengan pengambilan sampel menggunakan total sampling.Hasil: Seluruh variabel yaitu pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan menunjukan datanya tidak berdistribusi normal dibuktikan dengan nilai signifikansi yang kurang dari 0.05. Sehingga perlu dilakukan uji wilcoxon test yang didapatkan p-value variabel pengetahuan, sikap, dan keterampilan bernilai 0.001. P-value yang didapat bermakna bahwa edukasi dengan viedak mempengaruhi pengetahuan, sikap, dan keterampilan partisipan dalam menangani tersedak pada anak.Simpulan: Edukasi menggunakan video edukasi tersedak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan ibu dalam penanganan tersedak pada anak balita dibuktikan dengan adanya perbedaan skor rata-rata pengetahuan, sikap, dan keterampilan sebelum dan sesudah intervensi. Pengaruh yang signifikan juga dibuktikan dengan perolehan p-value 0.001.
... The ENASE delivery design follows the read approach in the form of leaflets delivered using the simulation model. Both approaches are expected to enable health workers to remember and understand the principles of ENASE with a percentage reaching 90% (Davis & Summers, 2015). ...
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The International Labor Organization states that controlling work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) is part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) program to protect labour rights and promote a work environment according to the concept of Ergonomic Function Deployment (EFD). This study aims to map the potential for WMSDs in the Junrejo Community Health Center environment. The study used the Nordic Body Map (NBM) questionnaire presented using data triangulation. The NBM results showed an average score of 32.54. This value informs that workers in the Junrejo community health centre environment have a low risk of WMSDs or do not yet need priority action.
... Sumber: Davis & Summers (2014) Beberapa contoh aktivitas untuk strategi pembelajaran interaktif adalah debat, bermain peran, diskusi grup, brainstorming, belajar dengan peer, asesmen dengan peer, grup laboratorium, think-pair-share, pembelajaran kooperatif, jigsaw, pemecahan masalah, tutorial, interview, konferens, pembelajaran berbasis tim, atau seminar (Weimer, n.d.). ...
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Implikasi positif dari kemajuan teknologi menjadikan sebuah lembaga pendidikan untuk lebih responsif dan inovatif dalam menyikapinya, mengingat perubahan tersebut menjadi karakteristik utama dunia pendidikan termasuk lembaga pendidikan. Buku ini disusun oleh sejumlah akademisi dan praktisi sesuai dengan kompetensi masing-masing. Buku ini membahas seputar desain pembelajaran dengan bentuknya dan model evaluasi yang terdiri dari 11 bab yaitu: Pembelajaran sebagai Sebuah Sistem, Tujuan Desain Pembelajaran, Teori-teori Pembelajaran, Kurikulum dan Desain Pembelajaran, Desain Muatan Instruksional, Kompetensi Dasar, Indikator Pencapaian, Strategi Pembelajaran, Desain Media Pembelajaran, Model-model Desain Pembelajaran, Hakikat Pembelajaran.
... Furthermore, the effects of CSA programs attenuate over time, resulting in the forgetting of knowledge that is no longer used. As a result, CSA programs should be periodically organized, and the shorter the time between two successive programs, the more effective CSA will be [43]. This is why a CSA program should be organized on a regular enough basis to retain its effectiveness while also updating and reinforcing security knowledge. ...
This chapter discusses present and prospective aspects of cybersecurity awareness (CSA) initiatives. Concerning the first, it presents practices suggested by numerous past research studies that involve both CSA and other relevant fields of study in order to build a more effective CSA program. The second segment recommends leveraging the capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to design and deliver a more customized and personalized experience to CSA program audiences. This utilization of AI and ML will presumably contribute to making CSA programs more effective and efficient.
... Dilihat dari Edgar Dale media sparkol videoscribe masuk kedalam kategori watch video dan masih tergolong media yang abstrak. Hanya 30% ingatan peserta didik yang mampu diingat dari penayangan media tersebut (Davis et al., 2015). Hal itulah yang menyebabkan peningkatan aspek kognitif C1 (mengingat) mengalami peningkatan yang rendah. ...
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Program lintas minat yang diterapkan dalam kurikulum 2013 pada kenyataannya belum menghasilkan peningkatan dalam hasil belajar kognitif peserta didik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh media sparkol videoscribe terhadap hasil belajar peserta didik lintas minat pada materi sistem endokrin. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi experiment. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh kelas XI IPS SMAS PGRI 43 Singaparna dengan jumlah peserta didik 42 orang. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 2 kelas yaitu kelas XI IPS 1 sebagai kelas eksperimen yang pembelajarannya menggunakan media sparkol videoscribe dan XI IPS 2 sebagai kelas kontrol yang pembelajarannya menggunakan media power point. Insrumen yang digunakan berupa tes pilihan ganda sebanyak 31 soal. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji ANCOVA dengan taraf signifikan 0,05%. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa penggunaan media sparkol videoscribe mampu meningkatkan hasil belajar pesera didik. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh media sparkol videoscribe terhadap hasil belajar dan pada materi sistem endokrin.
... Second, they have the opportunity to improve their knowledge [30] by teaching mothers how to appropriately monitor the children's growth and development, in addition to IYCF. Third, knowledge accompanied by practicing has a 90% impact on learning outcomes [31]. Another reason for the intervention's success is the effectiveness and satisfaction of face-to-face learning [32], which allows participants and informants to interact socially and provide mutual support [33], in combination with their motivation and enthusiasm for participating [34], a supportive environment, and appropriate infrastructure [33,34]. ...
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Background: Stunting is primarily a public health concern in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMIC). The involvement of Integrated Health Service Post (Indonesian: Posyandu) cadres is among the strategies to combat stunting in Indonesia. Objective: This study aimed to determine the effect of a short course on cadres’ knowledge. Method: A single group pre-test post-test design was conducted in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, from March to May 2022. Thirty cadres were selected based on the following criteria: willingness to participate, the number of stunted children in their Posyandu, able to read and write, and full attendance at the short course. The knowledge scores were measured by a questionnaire using true and false answers after a short course (post-test 1) and 4 weeks later (post-test 2). We apply STATA 16 to calculate the Mean Difference (MD) using a t-test and a Generalized Estimated Equation (GEE). Furthermore, the adequacy of the short course was evaluated with in-depth interviews. Result: GEE analysis showed that after controlling for age, education, occupation, and years of experience, the short course improved cadres’ knowledge significantly on post-tests 1 and 2, i.e., knowledge regarding Children Growth Monitoring (CGM) (Beta = 6.07, 95%CI: 5.10–7.03 and Beta = 8.57, 95%CI: 7.60–9.53, respectively), Children Development Monitoring (CDM) (Beta = 6.70, 95%CI: 5.75–7.65 and Beta = 9.27, 95%CI: 8.31–10.22, respectively), and Infant Young Children Feeding (IYCF) (Beta = 5.83, 95%CI: 4.44–7.23 and Beta = 11.7, 95%CI: 10.31–13.09, respectively). Furthermore, the short course increased their self-efficacy, confidence, and ability to assist stunted children through home visits. Conclusion: The short courses consistently and significantly boosted cadres’ knowledge of CGM, CDM, and IYCF, and appropriately facilitated cadres in visits to the homes of stunted children’s home.
... More changes will occur in the knowledge, skills and attitudes possessed. To be able to absorb or receive learning outcomes from the learning process, Dale's Cone of Experience in Davis B, Summers M. (2015), says that the mastery and memory of learners who learn by listening is 20%, viewing pictures and videos is 30%, seeing and listening (videos, pictures, etc.) by 50%, by what is said and written (simulation from direct/real experience) by 70% and by what is done while doing the task (through direct experience or real experience) by 90% [21]. ...
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is one of computer students' competencies to have. However, students in computers at the University of Technology Mataram have always had more than 50% of their students have grades below B in the last three years. Based on the analysis, literature review, and existing problems, research was carried out by developing a blended learning model by adopting a blended learning lab rotation to improve student learning outcomes in OOP courses. The learning model is supported by learning materials with facilities in the form of learning modules (equipped with practice questions, pre-tests, and post-tests), video tutorials, facilities for discussion and collaboration, and material in presentation slides. The research method used is Research and Development (R&D) by implementing an existing model that combines two learning development models, namely the Borg & Gall Model and the Dick & Carey Model, whose overall steps are called the Step of System Approach Model of Educational Research and Development. The feasibility test was carried out through expert validity tests. The application of this blended lab-rotation-based learning model effectively improved student learning outcomes in OOP courses. This is shown through the product effectiveness test, where the average value of the post-test reached 80.40, with the number of students declared complete in achieving the minimum standard set at 85%. The increase in student learning outcomes in this OOP course is quite significant, reaching 50% of the pre-test average value, only 57.20, with the number of students declared complete by 35%.
... The previous study was about the communicative learning [11]- [13], the various of cooperative learning [14], [15], and learning by digital platform [16]- [22] This study discusses efforts to improve student learning outcomes through classical services for Recognize Your Learning Style. Willing defines, "Learning style is a learning habit that is favored by learners" while Keefe views "learning style as the way a person accepts, interacts, and views his environment.". ...
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This Guidance and counseling action research is motivated by the low average value of the student report cards of class VIII SMP Negeri 1 Kesesi, Kabupaten Pekalongan, Indonesia. This study aims to improve the achievement of learning outcomes through the classical service of recognizing learning style using the Jigsaw Cooperative method which was carried out in two cycles, each cycle carried out in two meetings. This research was conducted from August to September 2019, located in class VIII H odd semester of SMP Negeri 1 Kesesi, Kabupaten Pekalongan, Indonesia for the 2019/2020 school year. The type of research is Guidance and Counseling action research with two cycles consisting of two meetings in one cycle, each cycle consisting of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. Based on the results of the study, the application of the Jigsaw Cooperative learning model in the classical service of Recognize Your Learning Style material can improve learning outcomes for subjects in class VIII H odd semester of SMP Negeri 1 Kesesi, Kabupaten Pekalongan, Indonesia for the 2019/2020 school year. It can be seen from the initial condition to the final condition that there is an increase in average learning outcomes. In the initial conditions, it only showed an average result of 68.67. In the first cycle it rose to 77.75, and in the second cycle it rose to 84.69. This shows an increase from the initial condition to the first cycle of 9.08 points, while from the initial condition to the second cycle there is an increase of 16.02 points. The results showed that the Jigsaw Cooperative learning model could create a fun and effective learning atmosphere so that student learning outcomes increased from the results of the first cycle to the second cycle. In the first cycle the number of students who got a complete score in learning was only 10 students, while there were 23 students who did not complete. In the second cycle, there was an increase in the score, which was 33 students who were complete in learning. It was concluded that the Jigsaw Cooperative method could improve the ability to identify students' learning styles.
... As a solution, a 3D visualization of the disassembling/assembling procedure before the commencement of maintenance work can improve readability compared to conventional manuals [2]. A study has shown that the 3D visualization of the maintenance procedure improves training efficiency by approximately 90% compared to the document method [3]. Moreover, it has been reported that realistic (real behavior) training improves training efficiency by a factor of 2.7 and the concentration by a factor of 2 compared to analog training [4]. ...
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Light maintenance training for electric multiple-unit components of the organization of railway operations is generally conducted using maintenance manuals and work videos, following the guidelines of each organization. These manuals are in the form of booklets, complicated and inconvenient for maintenance operators to carry. Therefore, training content that visualizes maintenance procedures in a three-dimensions (3D) space is necessary to overcome the drawbacks of booklet-type training. In this study, we developed augmented reality (AR)-based training content for railway vehicle maintenance to increase training efficiency. Providing warning signs for risky procedures reduces human error, and transparency control makes trainees check the product hierarchy. A virtual experience based on the maintenance manual is provided to improve maintenance proficiency. An axle-mounted disc brake system maintenance manual is implemented in AR to reflect the requirements of maintenance operators. The convenience of this tool is improved by loading the AR content on a mobile device. Two methods of verification were used: the system usability scale (SUS) survey and training efficiency evaluation. The resulting SUS grade was B (excellent), and the training efficiency improved by 34%.
... Television programs have strong power to stimulate public's perception because the viewers can record the message form some sense organs, including eyes and ear. The two sense organs can increase recall power the message until 60% (13). Television prepare writing messages, videos, images and audios. ...
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Background: The cases of Covid-19 disease continue to rise in Kendari city, Southeast Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. In 2020, the task force of Covid-19 cases reported there were about 3,736 people who got Covid-19 diseases in Southeast Sulawesi Province.To reduce the cases, the Indonesian government have prepared some of covid-19 vaccines. However, the majority of community in this Province are still hesitant to accept covid-19 vaccines. Therefore, this study aimed to understand the relationship between demographic factors and individual perception about covid-19 vaccines surrounding people in Southeast Sulawesi Province. Methods: This study was conducted since January 2020 until October 2020 in Southeast Sulawesi Province of Indonesia. This study recruited 210 respondents with 95% of interval confidence. Dependent variables were demographic factors which comprised age, sex, educational status, mariage status and occupation. Independent variable was individual perception about covid-19 vaccines. Data collection used Google form which was sent through WhattsApp of social media. Statistical analysis used chi-square test and Cramer’s test to understand significant association. Results: This study showed Sex had significant association with individual perception about covid-19 vaccines (P value=0.041<0.05; Cramer’s value=0.174). However, age, educational status, mariage status, and occupation were not associated significantly with the individual perception about covid-19 vaccines. Female had better perception than male about covid-19 vaccines. Conclusions: This study shows that female have more information than male about covid-19 vaccines. This is caused by several media to get information including female organizations in the village such as women organization, islamic women organization and social media groups. Women is more communicative than male.
... Implemented using a mixed educational approach between existing methods and tools [38,56,57], the currently proposed framework is expected to be a sustainable approach to STEM intensive programs for secondary and tertiary education, with high potential of reproducibility. ...
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Sustainability of learning environments is a key pillar of all societal development frameworks. A variety of research address the development of education as a fine balanced relation between flexibility, adaptability, innovation, and efficient resource allocation. The main limitation of current approaches is the lack of correlation between various efficiency analyses and budget expenditure of learning environments. The current research aims at undertaking a comparative evaluation of a sustainable framework in STEM intensive programs for secondary and tertiary education. This was done using several established methods like the Plan, Do, Check, Act cycle for the development main framework, the Analytic Hierarchy Process for efficiency evaluation and Value Analysis for budget expenditure allocations and improvement identification. The main framework is based on learning objectives defined in accordance with Blooms’ revised taxonomy and student feedback was collected through surveys and group feedback. The main results of the study show that the framework had overall efficiencies over the 80% threshold in both secondary and tertiary education, whilst some of the components scored under 65%, identifying immediate improvement features. Further research involves the transition to an online and mixed teaching environment, by adapting the content and framework structure with the aid of smart learning environments.
... Based on the Dale learning experience cone (Jackson, 2016), the discussion method only gives students a learning experience of 70%. Meanwhile, the role-playing method provides students with a learning experience of 90% (Davis, & Summers, 2015). In the discussion method, students only learn the material and then exchange opinions with their friends, while in the role-playing method, they are directly involved in realistic experiences in which there is not only a process of exchanging information, but also involved playing roles to portray various parties or stakeholders when a landslide disaster occurs. ...
... Dale's Cone of Experience is a model that combines several theories related to instructional design and learning processes. During the 1960s, Dale theorized that learners retain more information by what they "do" as opposed to what is "heard", "read" or "observed" (Davis and Summers 2015). At present, this "learning by doing" has become known as "experiential learning" or "action learning" ( ...
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This open access book presents the proceedings of the 3rd Indo-German Conference on Sustainability in Engineering held at Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, India, on September 16–17, 2019. Intended to foster the synergies between research and education, the conference is one of the joint activities of the BITS Pilani and TU Braunschweig conducted under the auspices of Indo-German Center for Sustainable Manufacturing, established in 2009. The book is divided into three sections: engineering, education and entrepreneurship, covering a range of topics, such as renewable energy forecasting, design & simulation, Industry 4.0, and soft & intelligent sensors for energy efficiency. It also includes case studies on lean and green manufacturing, and life cycle analysis of ceramic products, as well as papers on teaching/learning methods based on the use of learning factories to improve students’problem-solving and personal skills. Moreover, the book discusses high-tech ideas to help the large number of unemployed engineering graduates looking for jobs become tech entrepreneurs. Given its broad scope, it will appeal to academics and industry professionals alike.
... Dale's Cone of Experience is a model that combines several theories related to instructional design and learning processes. During the 1960s, Dale theorized that learners retain more information by what they "do" as opposed to what is "heard", "read" or "observed" (Davis and Summers 2015). At present, this "learning by doing" has become known as "experiential learning" or "action learning" ( ...
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The conventional teaching method is mostly as a one-way communication between instructor and students, where students go through rote learning and then appear for written exam. Based on their performance in written exam they are graded and judged. This type of system inculcates exam oriented learning approach than to actual knowledge gain. This is a major issue in the present era where students are fed up with exam oriented approach. So there is immense need to bring innovation in teaching methods. Also, along with education, among the students, there is need of growing social awareness specially towards weaker section of society. In order to impart effective learning experiential and collaborative learning has been incorporated in solar energy related courses by the authors at BITS Pilani. During these courses, the students fabricated do-it-yourself type solar cookers and tested the performance of these cookers in normal conditions. In order to have feel of the usage of the fabricated cookers the students were asked to cook some food items using those cookers. After successful completion of these activities, with the help of a NGO students helped the authors to conduct cheap solar cooker workshop for village women at a village near the institute. During the workshop the students helped the village women to fabricate cheap solar cookers. All the activities fabrication, testing and involvement in the workshop was the part of evaluative components for the courses. It was overall a very successful experiential and collaborative learning experiment with social angle involved in it.
... Materi yang disampaikan hanya sebatas kajian konseptual tanpa diimplementasikan pada tindakan nyata. Hal ini senada dengan apa yang diungkapkan oleh Davis & Summers (2015) yaitu "Action-learning techniques result in up to 90% retention. People learn best when they use perceptual learning styles. ...
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AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji implementasi model pendidikan anti korupsi pada program studi PGMI IAIN Kendari, mengetahui dampak dari implementasi model pendidikan anti korupsi tersebut, dan mengetahui model kurikulum pendidikan anti korupsi mana yang lebih memahamkan mahasiswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan subjek penelitian adalah 75 mahasiswa program studi PGMI IAIN Kendari semester IV. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dan wawancara mendalam kemudian dianalisis dengan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan verifikasi data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi model kurikulum pendidikan anti korupsi tidak 100% murni menerapkan model mata kuliah sendiri, tetapi mengintegrasikan pembelajaran tidak langsung, seperti pembiasaan dan pemberian nasihat. Implementasi model pendidikan anti korupsi tersebut sudah cukup memberikan pemahaman kepada mahasiswa mengenai kajian korupsi. Model kurikulum dengan mata kuliah sendiri masih merupakan model yang paling memberi pengetahuan bagi mahasiswa terhadap materi anti korupsi, namun dengan penambahan program pembelajaran di luar kelas. Abstract This study aimed to analyze the model of anti-corruption education implemented in PGMI (Islamic elementary school teacher) department at IAIN Kendari, to know the impact of the implementation of anti-corruption education model, and to find the most effective curriculum model of anti-corruption education. This research used qualitative descriptive method and the research subject was the 4th semester students of PGMI department at IAIN Kendari. The data collecting used were questionnaire and depth interview. The data were analyzed by data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. The findings indicated that anti-corruption education as regular subject in department of PGMI IAN Kendari was not the only method applied,but it integrated into indirect teaching such as getting them wonted and giving them advice. The implementation of anti-corruption education model made the students understand about corruption studies. Anti-corruption education as regular subject was the effective model to help the students understand the corruption, although an additional teaching method should be considered.
... Brand Activation can be identified as an action learning mechanism which customers get the hands-on experience about the product or the service and which enhance the customer engagement with it. Since action learning retain with the customers mind (Davis & Summers, 2015) more than a simple brand communication. ...
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Brand Activation claimed to be a promotional tool use by organizations in order to induce their customers towards the brand. Literature evidence proves brand activation as an experiential learning technique compels customers to retain brand related information within the minds. The inconclusive literature on brand activation provides the platform further to investigate the area of brand activation with customer driven concepts. The review enlighten the avenues of brand activation in advance, customer engagement use as the outcome variable with brand activation as the predictor variable. The study adopted the literature and case review as the methodology. The review identified that brand activation is as a manipulative factor on customer engagement, and customer loyalty is the final result of it.
... Based on the results of various studies it is known that dynamic visuals or animated videos have a better level of cognitive understanding compared to static visuals [1][2][3][4]. In addition, the cone theory of experience discovered by Edgar Dale in 1946 shows that information obtained through direct experience on the basis of the cone is able to present learning experiences more concretely and at the top of the cone presents more abstract direct experiences [5]. Based on the cone theory of the experience, it is known that animated video is more basic compared to static visuals with the level of information obtained more concrete. ...
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This research was conducted to improve student learning outcomes in Estimated Construction Costs at SMK Negeri 2 Garut which is still low. The low student learning outcomes may be caused by the learning process that always used static visual learning media. Thus, in this study dynamic visual application in the form of animated video is considered to be able to provide a more concrete understanding to students when compared to static visuals. The research method used in this study was the R&D method with quantitative approach, one group pretest-posttest pre-experiment. The results showed that the animation video was valid with a validation value of 88.33% by the content expert and 97.92% by the media expert that falls under very valid criteria and could be used without revision. In addition, the response of 6 students during a small-scale trial was 82.41% that falls under very good criteria. In the large-scale trial phase with 30 respondents, the animated videos application get an average score of 80.61% that falls under very good criteria. However, student’ learning outcomes after the implementation of animated videos application have enhanced, which are classified as low criteria. This can be seen from the value of N-Gain produced which is equal to 0.14.
... (Anderson, 1969) These different types of customer experience also known as SEMs -Strategic Experiential Modules which includes sense, feel, think, act and relate elements (Schmitt, 1999). Hence it enhance the experiential learning (Davis & Summers, 2015). ...
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The purpose of the paper is to investigate the impact of experiential brand activation namely; sensory, affective, behavioral and intellectual on consumer brand trust. The study conducted with the context of door to door promotions in mobile telecommunication sector of Sri Lanka. Data collected by the mean of cross-sectional survey among 208 respondents within the geographical area of western provinceby using convenience sampling, and both inferential and descriptive statistical tools were used to analyze the data. The variable; experiential brand activation and brand trust was indicating a positive relationship. Experiential brand activation is supported to enhance the brand experience and it leads to generate brand trust. The study is having a contribution to the felid of brand activation which is a greenhorn for studying and improving consumer experience. Further the study used the context of door to door promotion which has not yet reported in using evaluating the consumer experience within mobile telecommunication industry.
... Edgar Dale introduces levels of learning experience that students will receive, ranging from direct or concrete experiences (at the bottom of the cone) to verbal or abstract symbols (at the top of the cone) (Ali, 2009). A study conducted by B. Davis & M. Summers regarding student learning in a basic leadership course which states that experiential activities significantly improve student learning outcomes (Davis & Summers, 2015). Thus it can be concluded that the more concrete or tangible use of instructional media, the information conveyed by the teacher will be conveyed well too. ...
... Health education can positively influence the health behaviour of individuals and communities as well as the living and working conditions that affect their health (Tones, Robinson, & Tilford, 2013). Dale said, by using media, such as booklet, the effectiveness of health education can be optimized (Davis & Summers, 2015). ...
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A well-balanced diet is one of the four pillars of diabetes self-management. Patient's culture strongly influences intake food. Diabetic dietary guidelines which fit with the patient's culture is expected to improve patient's self-efficacy and diet compliance. This study was aimed to analyze the effect of ethnic foods diet program in improving self-efficacy and diet compliance among Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) patients. This was quasy experiment research with pre and post-test control design. The population was 112 T2DM patients from Sasak Tribes, West Nusa Tenggara. Samples were 36 respondents, divided into intervention (18) and control (18) groups. The independent variable was the ethnic food diet (EFD) program, while the dependent variables were patient's self-efficacy and diet compliance. Data were collected using self-efficacy questionnaire and a 24-hour dietary recall form. Data were then analyzed using Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test and Mann Whitney U Test. The result showed differences in self-efficacy between pre and post-test in the treatment group (p=0,001), but there were no differences in the control group. There were differences in diet compliance in the treatment group (p=0,001), but there were no differences in the control group. There were differences between treatment and control groups on self-efficacy (p=0,000) and diet compliance (p=0,000). Ethnic foods diet program can improve self-efficacy and diet compliance among T2DM patients because more comfortable and easier to be applied. Nurses can apply ethnic foods diet program as an intervention to promote healthy diet for T2DM patients.
... According to the cone of life, the best teaching follows a path from concrete to abstract and from simple to complex (Yalın, 2006). As the number of sensory organs involved in the learning process increases, one learns better and forgets later (Davis and Summers, 2015). There are studies in literature that have demonstrated that ND individuals are better able to perceive information presented through visual materials, and learning is more effective (Cimsir and Hunt, 2017;Kay and Kletskin, 2012;Lin and Tseng, 2012;Reynolds and Mason, 2002;Schreiber, Fukuta and Gordon, 2010;Zhang et al. 2006). ...
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The purpose of this study was to examine the opinions and suggestions of parents who have children with between the ages of three and seven who have autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and the teachers working with them. A semi-structured interview form was prepared and the final version was validated by seven experts in the field. Easily-accessible case sampling method was applied to determine the participants. Interviews were conducted with 15 selected parents and 15 teachers. The data obtained from the opinions were analyzed descriptively. The findings showed that both parents and teachers defined the play skills as an activity that supports the child's developmental areas. The demonstration of the play skills of children with ASD shows that they find teaching various skills and concepts through games necessary, as well as supporting the play development area of the child. Finally, both parents and teachers were found to need visual material for the teaching of play skills to the child diagnosed with ASD.
... Recent literature has grouped the cone of learning theory with that of experiential learning, (e.g., (Garrett, 1997)). However, many recent authors are still using this theory on its own (Davis & Summers, 2015) and, therefore, we placed it in a separate category. ...
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Researchers have explored the benefits and applications of virtual reality (VR) in different scenarios. VR possesses much potential and its application in education has seen much research interest lately. However, little systematic work currently exists on how researchers have applied immersive VR for higher education purposes that considers the usage of both high-end and budget head-mounted displays (HMDs). Hence, we propose using systematic mapping to identify design elements of existing research dedicated to the application of VR in higher education. The reviewed articles were acquired by extracting key information from documents indexed in four scientific digital libraries, which were filtered systematically using exclusion, inclusion, semi-automatic, and manual methods. Our review emphasizes three key points: the current domain structure in terms of the learning contents, the VR design elements, and the learning theories, as a foundation for successful VR-based learning. The mapping was conducted between application domains and learning contents and between design elements and learning contents. Our analysis has uncovered several gaps in the application of VR in the higher education sphere—for instance, learning theories were not often considered in VR application development to assist and guide toward learning outcomes. Furthermore, the evaluation of educational VR applications has primarily focused on usability of the VR apps instead of learning outcomes and immersive VR has mostly been a part of experimental and development work rather than being applied regularly in actual teaching. Nevertheless, VR seems to be a promising sphere as this study identifies 18 application domains, indicating a better reception of this technology in many disciplines. The identified gaps point toward unexplored regions of VR design for education, which could motivate future work in the field.
... Por otro lado, la pirámide de aprendizaje también tiene sus orígenes en los años 1960's, siendo desarrollada por Edgar Dale y fue en un principio conocida como el Cono del Aprendizaje [12]. Éste muestra la progresión de las experiencias de aprendizaje desde lo más concreto (la base del cono) hasta lo más abstracto (en la parte superior del cono) [13], después en posteriores estudios, ésta se transformó en la Pirámide, donde fuesen añadidos los porcentajes de retención del conocimiento por parte de los estudiantes después de 24 horas [14] De acuerdo a la Pirámide existen 7 escalas con sus respectivos porcentajes de retención del conocimiento, las cuales están divididas en tres (3) clasificaciones. Las dos (2) primeras (Auditiva y Visual) tienen que ver con las cinco (5) primeras escalas de la pirámide (Escuchar, Leer, Utilizar Audiovisuales y Demostrar). ...
... The next step helped the user to plan teaching and training activities. Based on Dale's cone (Davis and Summers, 2015) on teaching activities, the author described a ladder of teaching methods according to the inhabitant's skills level. Although the Dale's theory (Dale, 1969) has been debated (Lord, 2007) and disputed (Subramony, 2002) extensively, it does match the existing method of knowledge training in the community. ...
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The most fundamental struggle for realizing a sustainable built environment still lies in the use of non-renewable resources in its articulation. Although efforts have been taken to increase the use of sustainable materials the vast majority of the building sector still relies heavily on depletable resources. This article debates that the most fundamental contributors to sustainable development are the evaluation and incorporation of inhabitant capacities. Evaluating the available natural materials, inhabitant skills and tools could play a fundamental role in creating sustainable solutions. However, inhabitant capacity-models insufficiently cover all instrumental capacities into one model (both inhabitant and community). Therefore, this article describes: a framework for evaluating inhabitant capacities; how to map available resource capacities; how these capacities can be incorporated into sustainable housing development and planning. The framework was developed as a part of a support tool, which helps designers and engineers to evaluate inhabitant capacities. To describe the framework and support tool a rural Sub-Saharan community is used, as their capacities are relatively less complicated compared to a ‘western’ context. The article concludes that the framework shows great potential in reducing the use of unsustainable materials. Furthermore, that it could enable social sustainability by creating self-reliant and resilient communities. Keywords: Capacities, Resource capacities, Social sustainability, Resilient communities, Self-reliance
... Dale in Davis & Summers (2015) said: "one's learning outcomes are obtained through direct experience (concrete), the reality that exists in one's living environment than through artificial objects, to verbal symbols (abstract). Increasingly to the top of the cone, the more abstract the message media is. ...
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This study aims to produce a valid product in the form of learning media of a microscope digital portable auto design, using the Dick and Carey development model. Media portable digital microscope learning auto design was developed to enhance the scientific creativity and problem-solving abilities of students in light material and optical devices. However, at this writing focused on the process of validation testing through validation tests on the development of learning media. The final result of this research is to produce a learning media development product in the form of a valid portable digital design microscope. Based on the results of the validation test by 3 material experts and the validity media, the media were at an average of 97.78% with very good criteria. Keywords: Learning Media; Microscope Digital Portable; Problem-Solving
An increasing number of students are becoming interested in learning about the Internet of Things (IoT) space. However, today, we lack scalable and efficient ways to bring hands-on IoT learning to many due to hardware accessibility, system complexity, and deployment environment constraints. This paper presents ThingVisor, an IoT learning platform that enables hands-on IoT development in an immersive virtual space. Specifically, it allows users to design, test, and deploy IoT devices virtually in a simulated IoT world with static and dynamic software verification as a complementary tool to IoT education. ThingVisor consists of (1) a Device Design Stack to configure virtual IoT devices, (2) an Immersive Runtime Stack to interact with devices and environment, and (3) a Device Emulator, which is a runtime environment used to execute virtual devices to get their behaviors. Our experiments confirm the learning effectiveness and user satisfaction of our platform. Additionally, we have demonstrated the scalability and usability of the system through load testing and application of the System Usability Scale. Our results indicate that students can achieve up to a 32% improvement in their scores after engaging with ThingVisor for two weeks, irrespective of their prior experience.
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Pembelajaran secara kontekstual atau pembelajaran etnosains belum terlaksana, sehingga membuat kurangnya pengetahuan peserta didik mengenai hubungan konsep IPA dengan peristiwa kehidupan sehari – hari. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk (1) menganalisis bahan ajar IPAS dengan Model Project Based Learning (PjBL) bermuatan etnosains untuk meningkatkan berpikir kreatif siswa SD, (2) mendesain bahan ajar IPAS dengan Model Project Based Learning (PjBL) bermuatan etnosains untuk meningkatkan berpikir kreatif siswa SD, (3) mengetahui pengembangan bahan ajar IPAS dengan Model Project Based Learning (PjBL) bermuatan etnosains untuk meningkatkan berpikir kreatif siswa SD dan (4) mengetahui keefektifan bahan ajar IPAS dengan Model Project Based Learning (PjBL) bermuatan etnosains untuk meningkatkan berpikir kreatif siswa SD di Kabupaten Tegal. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian pengembangan Research and Development (R&D). Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah model pengembangan ADDIE yang terdiri atas lima tahapan yaitu Analysis (analisis), Design (perancangan), Development or production (pengembangan), Implementation (Implementasi), dan Evaluation (evaluasi) (Sugiyono, 2016:38). Namun penilaian yang dilaksanakan hanya sampai tahap Development. Teknik pengumpulan data atau subjek uji coba yang digunakan adalah teknik observasi, tes tertulis, angket dan dokumentasi. Sampel sumber data yang menjadi pertimbangan pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas V SDN Argatawang Kecamatan Jatinegara Kabupaten Tegal berjumlah 24 siswa. Berdasarkan pemaparan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan pada bab sebelumnya, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa: 1) proporsi ketuntasan kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa di kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol lebih dari 75%, 2) rata-rata kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa pada pembelajaran PjBL bermuatan etnosains lebih besar sama dengan nilai KKM individu, 3) analisis uji dua pihak membuktikan penerapan bahan ajar model PjBL bermuatan etnosains berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa, 4) analisis uji N-Gain kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol menunjukkan peningkatan sedang yaitu 0,4 dan 0,3. pembelajaran yang mengeksplorasi, mengimplementasikan, dan melestarikan potensi lokal dapat membangun identitas dan karakter siswa yang berbudaya. Wawasan lokalitas dengan keanekaragaman budaya dapat menciptakan karakter persatuan dan keragaman di setiap wilayah. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa bahan ajar model pembelajaran PjBL dengan etnosains dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa.
With the development of science and technology, computer applications are changing with each passing day, changing our lives in all aspects. Computers have become an indispensable tool in life, and learning programming languages to operate computers has become a major focus of education. From low-level languages to high-level languages to visual programming languages, and finally to generative artificial intelligence to generate code. Program development tools are constantly updated as computers advance. This has the benefit of lowering barriers to learning, but also results in a weaker understanding of how the program works. This article designs a programming language learning strategy that combines the above programming development tools to lower the threshold for programming language learning and improve learning efficiency.
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Bu çalışmanın amacı, bilgiyi görselleştirme stratejisinin Türkçe ders kitaplarındaki kullanım durumunu belirlemektir. Doküman incelemesi tekniğinin kullanıldığı bu çalışmada; araştırmanın veri kaynağını 5, 6, 7 ve 8. sınıf Türkçe ders kitapları oluşturmaktadır. Verilerin çözümlenmesinde betimsel çözümleme tekniği kullanılmıştır. Çözümleme sonucunda bilgiyi görselleştirme stratejileri çerçevesinde grafik düzenleyicilerin 219, resimlerin 78 kez kullanıldığı belirlenmiştir. İncelenen kitaplarda en çok bilgi haritası, tablolar ve görüntüsel resimlerin kullanıldığı bulgulanmıştır. Bilgi ve görsel arasındaki ilişkiden çözümleme, açıklama, eşleştirme, tahmin etme ve sınıflandırmanın çoğunlukla kullanıldığı belirlenmiştir. Bu bulgulara bağlı olarak incelenen Türkçe ders kitaplarında bilgiyi görselleştirme stratejilerinin hem sınırlı hem de çeşitlilik açısından asgari düzeyde olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
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Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan buku ajar berbantuan Augmented Reality (AR) yang efektif, valid, dan praktis untuk dimanfaatkan selama BDR di jenjang sekolah dasar. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan Research and Development (RD). Prosedurnya dimulai dari studi literatur, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan perencanaan, penilaian ahli, uji coba lapangan awal, revisi, dan uji coba lapangan utama. Efektivitas buku ajar ditentukan melalui pengujian lapangan, sedangkan validitasnya ditentukan melalui penilaian ahli (ahli materi, ahli bahasa, dan ahli media). Adapun praktikalitasnya ditentukan melalui respon siswa dan respon guru. Pengukuran atas tiga indikator tersebut dilaksanakan di kelas IV SDN Jetisjogopaten, dan SDN Pandowoharjo. Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran, buku ajar berbantuan AR termasuk dalam kategori “layak”. Artinya, buku ajar yang dikembangkan melalui penelitian ini bisa digunakan karena telah memenuhi standar kelayakan menurut ahli, direspon baik oleh guru dan siswa, dan efektif untuk meningkatkan aktivitas dan prestasi belajar siswa kelas IV SD. Atas dasar temuan dan pembuktian di atas, penelitian ini merekomendasikan kepada guru dan orangtua untuk memfasilitasi anak dengan buku ajar berbasis AR sebagai media pembelajaran di rumah.Augmented reality-based textbook innovation as learning media for learning from homeThis research and development aimed to generate effective, valid, and practical Augmented Reality (AR)-assisted textbooks during Learning From Home for the elementary school level. The development procedure started with a literature study, then continued with planning, expert assessment, preliminary field testing, revisions, and primary field testing. The effectiveness of the textbook was determined through field testing, while the validity was determined through expert judgment (experts of material, language, and media). The practicality was determined through the responses of the students and the teachers. This study was carried out in grade IV SDN Jetisjogopaten and SDN Pandowoharjo. AR-assisted textbooks are included in the “feasible” category based on the measurement results. It means that textbooks developed through this study can be used since they meet the eligibility standards according to the expert, are responded to by both teachers and students, and effectively increase fourth-grade elementary school students' activity and learning achievement. Based on the findings and evidence above, this study recommends that teachers and parents facilitate children with AR-based textbooks as learning media.
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Abstrak Salah satu masalah kesehatan yang menjadi tantangan masyarakat di dunia adalah kehamilan pada remaja. Faktor yang menyebabkan tingginya angka kehamilan pada remaja adalah kurangnya pengetahuan hingga mengambil sikap yang keliru dalam mencegah terjadinya kehamilan. Tujuan penelitian adalah diketahuinya pengaruh permainan ular tangga tentang pencegahan kehamilan pranikah terhadap pengetahuan dan sikap siswi SMP. Penelitian ini menggunakan quasi experiment non-equivalent dengan rancangan pretest-posttest control group design. Sampel penelitian adalah siswi kelas VIII SMP Muhammadiyah Kasihan Bantul dan siswi kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Kasihan Bantul yaitu sebanyak 35 orang dengan sistematic random sampling. Analisis bivariat menggunakan Mann Whitney U. Selisih rata-rata peningkatan pengetahuan pada kelompok intervensi setelah diberikan permainan sebesar 9,91 dan pada kelompok kontrol sebesar 7,37. Sedangkan selisih rata-rata peningkatan sikap pada kelompok intervensi setelah diberikan permainan sebesar 15,63 dan pada kelompok kontrol sebesar 8,69. Peningkatan pengetahuan dan sikap pada kelompok yang menggunakan metode permainan ular tangga lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan metode ceramah. Saran penelitian agar materi tentang pencegahan kehamilan pranikah dapat dipertimbangkan sebagai materi wajib untuk anak sekolah khususnya usia remaja di seluruh sekolah yang ada di Indonesia dengan menggunakan permainan ular tangga edukatif tentang pencegahan kehamilan pranikah. Kata kunci: Kehamilan Pranikah, Pengetahuan, Permainan Ular Tangga, Sikap Abstract One of the health problems that are a global challenge is pregnancy in adolescents. Factors that cause high pregnancy rates in adolescents are a lack of knowledge to do wrong actions in preventing pregnancy. The purpose of the study was to find out the effect of playing snake and ladder on the prevention of premarital pregnancy on the knowledge and attitudes of junior high school students. This study uses a non-equivalent quasi-experimental design with a pretest-posttest control group design. The research sample was eighth-grade students of Junior high school 1 Muhammadiyah Kasihan Bantul and eighth-grade students of Junior high school 1 Kasihan Bantul as many as 35 students with systematic random sampling. Bivariate analysis using Mann Whitney U. The difference in the average of knowledge improvement in the intervention group after being given the game was 9.91 and, in control, the group was 7.37. While the difference in the average attitude improvement in the intervention group after being given the game was 15.63 and, in control, 8.69. The knowledge and attitudes improvement in the group using the snake and ladder game method was higher than the lecture method. This study suggests that the material on preventing premarital pregnancy can be considered mandatory for students, especially teenagers in all schools in Indonesia, by using the educational snake and ladder game about preventing premarital pregnancy.
The Department of Education Order 105, s. 2009 stated that as this country advances through the 21st - century, the use of technology to research, organize, evaluate and communicate information has grown. In response to this, the use of E-book or Electronic Book is one of the 21st - century educational tools that provide opportunities to practice learning fundamentals in as many as possible. Moreover, this study aimed to assess the use of e-book as an instructional material in science learning among the junior high students of the University of Batangas, Batangas City, Philippines with the end purpose of developing activities that will enhance the teaching-learning process. It determined the usefulness of ebook in improving students’ achievement, study habits and acquired skills including the common problems met by teachers and students in using an e-book. The descriptive method was used with a questionnaire as the main data gathering instrument with an interview. The respondents were composed of two groups, 40 Grade 10 students and 42 teachers are selected through purposive sampling. The statistical tools used were t-test and weighted mean. The results of the study revealed that teachers agreed that the content presents a series of activities in each section or unit, while students agreed that the contents have comprehensive and appropriate topics. The teachers agreed that the graphics use contrasting colors to the background for easy reading, while students agreed that it uses varying fonts and sizes. There are no significant differences between the assessment of teachers and students on the use of e-book as instructional material in learning Science in terms of contents, design, and graphics. The teachers and students agreed that e-book helps in enhancing student’s achievement in the attainment of the content standard. The teachers agreed that students enhanced their acquired skills by demonstrating independent learning, while students agreed that their skills improved because they can transfer specific print-based reading skills to interactive. The common problems met by the respondents are the compatibility and design limitation of the software. The proposed activities have interactive visual features, varying fonts, sizes and color that can sustain the interest of the learners.
This study aimed to identify the effects of pre-chemotherapy education with audio visual methods on the self-efficacy of symptom management in patients with cancer who received chemotherapy. The various side effects of chemotherapy could affect the self-efficacy of symptom management. Providing pre-chemotherapy education is important to improve the self-efficacy of symptom management. Nowadays, pre-chemotherapy education is only given by using print media, which can restrict transferring information to patients with cancer. This study was based on pre- and post-test, 2 group, quasi-experimental design. A total of 80 respondents were recruited with consecutive sampling between January and March 2019. Participants in the intervention group received video pre-chemotherapy education, while participants in the control group received education with a booklet (usual care). Patients completed self-efficacy symptom management questionnaires before and 1–2 weeks after chemotherapy. The analysis used the Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney tests and by counting Cohen’s d effect size. The mean scores of pre- and post-test self-efficacy of symptom management increased in the intervention group to 1.77 (p = 0.000) and in the control group to 0.64 (p = 0.001). The comparative test between the two groups showed p = 0.005 (p < 0.05) with an effect size of 0.4 (66%). This result indicates that pre-chemotherapy education had medium effect on the self-efficacy of symptom management. Pre-chemotherapy education with audio visual methods can increase the self-efficacy of symptom management in patients with cancer.
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The purpose of this study was to develop a learning video media to increase the knowledge of clean and healthy living in kindergarten children in group B. This research conducted in three kindergartens in Banten Province, namely TK Al Aziz - Tangerang, TK Al Kautsar - Serang and Raudhatul Jannah - Cilegon. This research took place from January 2017 to June 2019. This research used the J. Moonen prototype development model. Learning evaluation is carried out in stages, namely expert reviews consisting of learning design experts, material experts, and instructional media experts. After reviewing from experts, I continued with one to one trials, small group trials, and field tests for kindergarten B group children. Based on the trial, the results of the development were obtained, which proved that learning video products are suitable for media use in improving knowledge of the clean and healthy life of children. The novelty of this research is to produce an appropriate and exciting healthy living behavior (HLB) Learning Media Video for teachers to use in conducting teaching and learning activities in schools, which consists of 4 episodes of HLB at the end of each episode reinforced by an expert reviewing the core of each chapter and also equipped with music as an introduction.
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Providing students with a responsive classroom and relevant learning activities are vital in developing among them the 21st century skills and competences. Because schools are viewed as a compulsory place to hone these, undergraduate students must be provided with tasks and assessment that equip them with skills to facilitate a 21st century classroom. This posttest-only true experimental research study was conducted to analyze the performance of the respondents in a performance task assessment as supported by the principles of the design thinking process. Particularly, it examined and compared the performances of the experimental group and the control group in demonstration teaching. The results showed that the experimental group posted remarkably higher mean scores in the performance task and they significantly outperformed the control group. The study concluded that the implementation of the design thinking process can facilitate teachers in creating a creative, interactive, engaging and learner-centered classroom.
Lecture method is often used in teaching large classes and is the most popular teaching method in higher education institutions. However, the traditional lecture method of teaching is associated with inefficiency due to lack of opportunities for students to engage in the learning process. In this context, the use of interactive lectures that provide a learning environment that encourages students’ active participation has the potential to improve the quality of teaching and learning in large classrooms. The rapid development of ICT infrastructure and the existence of various web-based applications can be exploited to assist the implementation of interactive lectures in large classes. This chapter discusses the concept and benefits of interactive lecture method and the use of web-based applications to support the implementation of an interactive lecture method. Initiatives carried out in Malaysia under the Leadership Academy of Higher Education, Ministry of Education (AKEPT, MOE) in the development of Interactive Lecture training modules for the academic staff in higher education will also be discussed.
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The title mentioned above is discussed to overcome the difficulties of learning when facing Covid-19 for PAUD (Early Childhood Education Students) in Indonesia because they are the basic and the main level for success in Education. In fact, with the change from studying at school to learning at home, many parents face problems and difficulties, not just the teacher as a delivery of material to students and as teachers. The changes that occur are very sudden without proper preparation, because the arrival of the covid-19 pandemic is also very sudden. However, teachers and parents are required to be able to overcome the problem of learning and education for students as the successor to the nation in order to be able to successfully achieve future achievements for their future. The learning model is created immediately and by adjusting the situation, reality and situation. The model used is the Online and Environmental models. Over time learning in the face of a covid-19 pandemic, is faced with a focus that needs to be overcome and must be completed simultaneously. How learning can take place well, success according to objectives, and measuring learning success are also special things that need attention. How to measure the success of online learning at home is needed, because by measuring what has been done so far through direct teacher observation it is not possible to do, because students learn at home, so the role of parents is crucial. Therefore, in this paper, it is necessary to find out how to measure the success of PAUD students in their studies at home under the supervision of parents and deal directly with the main school with the teacher.
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In this research, it was aimed to develop a model for associating 6th grade Turkish lessons with caricature literacy education. Action research design was used in the research. Throughout the research, data were collected through scales, activity papers, student diaries, semi-structured interview form, researcher diary and observation form developed by the researcher. In the research, a study group of 21 students was formed from the sixth grade students of a secondary school in the city center of Afyonkarahisar. Prior to the application studies identified in the literature and related curriculums were examined in order to create a caricature literacy module. As a result of the content analysis of these studies and curriculums, caricature literacy module was created, in which the findings of the 151 acquisitions associated with caricature literacy education are divided into two categories as "reading caricature messages" and "creating caricatures". The implementation process of the created caricature literacy module took 11 weeks (22 sessions). After measuring the level of students ' caricature literacy skills and their attitude to the Turkish lesson, the application phase was started. While sometimes using induction, deduction and analogy from reasoning methods to gain caricature literacy skills, mainly direct teaching of skills has been adopted. The application process was carried out in six stages: presentation, modeling, guided vii application, feedback and correction, independent application and evaluation. In the process, the activities in the student workbook prepared in line with the model developed by the researcher were used. The arithmetic averages and standard deviations of the scores obtained by the students in the study group as a result of the pre-test, post-test and retention test were calculated, and in-group comparisons were made depending on the research questions. “T-test (paired sample test) was used in intra-group comparisons. Activity papers, student diaries, semi-structured interview form, researcher diary and observation forms were analyzed with the qualitative data analysis program named Maxqda ©. Between the pretest and posttest scores of the achievement test developed for the skill of reading caicature messages 21,81; a difference of 1.82 points between posttest and retention test; Between the pretest and posttest scores of the rubric developed for the skill of creating caricatures 22,29; A difference of 0.38 points was found between the posttest and retention test. According to these results, it is possible to say that the practice carried out contributed to the caricature literacy of students. Caricature literacy supported lessons had a positive effect on students' attitudes towards Turkish lesson and ensured that students had a more positive attitude towards Turkish lessons. The activities carried out on the axis of caricature literacy add a new extent to basic language skills, enable the transition of Turkish lessons from alphabet-based single literacy to new literacy based on 21st century skills, enrich the lessons with visual literacy skills, contribute to the creative and critical thinking skills of students, It has been understood that it facilitates the transition to the text, gives the opportunity to compare, exhibit a critical approach, analyze and synthesize, develop the skills of producing products, and increase the motivation of the students. It was understood that caricature-supported Turkish lessons will positively affect the solution of skill-based questions and achievements of LGS, and students with visual-spatial intelligence can be supported through caricatures. Caricature can be used in the transfer of knowledge and skills in other lessons other than Turkish lesson, caricature can be used as an important and effective lesson material because it facilitates remembering and supports permanent learning, caricatures can be used in viii activities and practices within the scope of values education and certain days and weeks, caricature is an abstract subject that is difficult to understand and It has been observed that the caricature in which the concepts materialized feeds the students' sense of achievement, the students who are pacified in the classroom environment, the students who are excluded by their friends have the opportunity to express themselves through caricatures, and the humor and fun in the caricature contributes to the motivation of the students. As a result, it can be said that the applications made in the research process contributed to the development of students' caricature literacy skills.
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Bu çalışmanın temel amacı Phillips makinesinin iktisat öğretimine olan katkılarını incelemektir. İncelemede analiz aracı olarak Edgar Dale’nin yaşantı konisi ile öğrenme piramidi kavramları kullanılmıştır. Buna göre iktisat derslerinin sözel ve grafiksel yolla anlatımı yaşantı konisi kapsamında öğrenimin karmaşık, soyut ve daha çok başkaların yardımıyla edinilen bilgi bütününden oluştuğunu göstermektedir. Bu yolla öğrenme piramidi açısından %20 oranında akılda kalıcılık sağlanmaktadır. İktisat öğretiminde Phillips makinesinin kullanılmasıyla soyut iktisadi ilişkilerin görsel yolla anlaşılması mümkün olmaktadır. Cihaz yardımıyla kontrollü deneylerin yapılabilmesi tüm duyu organlarını kapsayan, daha somut ve kendi kendine öğrenme yoluyla gerçekleşen öğrenme sürecini ifade etmektedir. Dolayısıyla Phillips makinesinin iktisat öğretiminde kullanılması yaşantı konisinin tabanında bulunan doğrudan doğruya edinilen yaşantılar ile model ve numunelerle elde edinilen tecrübeler sınıflandırmasında yer almaktadır. Bu durum öğrenme piramidi açısından katılımcı öğrenme sürecini göstermekte olup öğrenilen bilgilerin %75 oranında akılda kalıcılığı sağlanmaktadır. Sonuç olarak Phillips makinesine benzer cihazların ve simülasyonların geliştirilmesi iktisat öğretiminin somutlaştırılması bakımından faydalı olacaktır.
Nach einer kurzen Erklärung der Begrifflichkeiten und der geschichtlichen Entwicklung hin zum aktuellen Stand der Technik rund um die Thematik künstlicher Realitäten befasst sich der Artikel im zweiten Teil mit einer VR Lösung der Firma Innoactive zur Erstellung und Verwaltung von VR Trainings- und Simulationsumgebungen. Der Innoactive Hub ist eine Plattform bestehend aus drei Ebenen, einem SDK zur VR Content Erstellung; ein Content Management System (CMS) für zentralisiertes Management und ausrollen der Apps und eine VR App für kollaborative Content Discovery. Anhand von Beispielen aus vielfältigen Branchen wie etwa Automotive, Luftfahrt oder Pharmazie wird das Potential und der Nutzen eines derartigen Entwicklungs- und Verwaltungstoolkits für Virtual Reality Applikationen dargestellt. Dabei werden die einzelnen Funktionalitäten und Features beschrieben und erklärt, wie ein VR Content Management System als Lösung für Trainings und zur Simulation von virtuellen Arbeitsplätzen und Prozessabläufen dienen kann und welchen Mehrwert eine solche Plattform für international Unternehmen liefern kann.
Introduction: A mythical Pyramid of Learning, usually attributed to Edgar Dale (or the National Training Laboratories [NTL]) and giving student learning retention rates, has been cited in a wide range of educational literature. A 2013 literature review indicated that medical education literature similarly cites this Pyramid. It was hoped that highlighting this myth in that review would reduce references to the Pyramid in future medical education literature. This study aimed at determining what change in Pyramid citation has occurred in the past 5 years. Methods: A documented literature review, following the same process as the original review, was conducted. The search dates were September 2012 to April 2018, and the databases were Academic Search Complete, CINAHL, Medline and Google Scholar. Sources were from peer-reviewed journals or conferences, in English. Results: From an initial search result of 992 documents, 41 were found to match the criteria. Trends discovered are: the number of Pyramid citations in medical education literature is increasing dramatically, new sources of the Pyramid are now being used, refutations of the Pyramid are being used to support it, and even researchers who acknowledge the weakness of the Pyramid still cite it. Discussion and conclusion: In spite of the 2013 review, the situation has become worse. One possible reason is that refutations use too polite academic wording, and other researchers then consider the Pyramid to be merely "disputed" or "debated." To kill the myth of the Pyramid, it is necessary for this article's Abstract to state unequivocally: The Pyramid is rubbish, the statistics are rubbish, and they do not come from Edgar Dale. Until the NTL can provide details about the original research, their version must also be treated as rubbish.
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The research reported here derives from the general field of learner-centred teaching and learning, with specific reference to undergraduate chemistry. It documents the use of student-generated questions as diagnostic of their willingness to engage in classroom interactions. It explores four ways of gathering students' written questions and their relative effectiveness. It examines students' capacity to design and present 'quality questions' during phases of their learning and the extent to which these questions are indicative of particular styles of interaction in the classroom, both with tutors and with other students. The results are drawn from data collected through written questions posted into a question box, the 'hits' recorded on a computer software system, and through one-to-one interviews with a sample of 32 students. The results provide an opportunity to discuss the quality of interactions within fairly formalized systems of teaching and learning of chemistry in a university setting and to suggest further research required in this field.
Following teacher-presented science lessons, pairs of fourth and fifth graders studied the material by asking and answering each others’ self-generated questions. In one condition students’ discussion was guided by questions designed to promote connections among ideas within a lesson. In a second condition discussion was guided by similar lesson-based questions as well as ones intended to access prior knowledge/experience and promote connections between the lesson and that knowledge. All students were trained to generate explanations (one manifestation of complex knowledge construction). Analysis of post-lesson knowledge maps and verbal interaction during study showed that students trained to ask both kinds of questions engaged in more complex knowledge construction than those trained in lesson-based questioning only and controls. These findings, together with performance on comprehension tests for material studied, support the conclusion that, although both kinds of questions induce complex knowledge construction, questions designed to access prior knowledge/experience are more effective in enhancing learning.
Addresses two empirical issues: (1) what are the observed characteristics of student question-asking? and (2) under what conditions do students exhibit questioning behavior? Reports the results of a study of question-asking in 27 classrooms and examines the conditions of student questioning which are related to student training, curriculum materials, pedagogical dispositions, and systemic conditions. (GEA)
Explores the extent to which student questions are indicative of understanding as well as strategies for encouraging questioning. Student questions are categorized as consolidation questions, exploratory questions, and elaboration questions. (DDR)
In this study, an anthropological perspective informed by sociolinguistic discourse analysis was used to examine how teachers, students, and scientists constructed ways of investigating and knowing in science. Events in a combined fourth- and fifth-grade elementary class were studied to document how the participating teacher provided opportunities for students to diverge from the intended curriculum to pursue their questions concerning the behavior of sea animals in a marine science observation tank. Analysis of the classroom discourse identified ways that particular teaching strategies provided opportunities for student engagement in scientific practices. Implications of this study for the teaching of science in elementary classrooms include the value of student-initiated science explorations under the conditions of uncertainty and for topics in which the teacher lacked relevant disciplinary knowledge. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 37: 237–258, 2000.
This study employed problem-based learning for project work in a year 9 biology class. The purpose of the study was to investigate (a) students' inspirations for their self-generated problems and questions, (b) the kinds of questions that students asked individually and collaboratively, and (c) how students' questions guided them in knowledge construction. Data sources included observation and field notes, students' written documents, audiotapes and videotapes of students working in groups, and student interviews. Sources of inspiration for students' problems and questions included cultural beliefs and folklore; wonderment about information propagated by advertisements and the media; curiosity arising from personal encounters, family members' concerns, or observations of others; and issues arising from previous lessons in the school curriculum. Questions asked individually pertained to validation of common beliefs and misconceptions, basic information, explanations, and imagined scenarios. The findings regarding questions asked collaboratively are presented as two assertions. Assertion 1 maintained that students' course of learning were driven by their questions. Assertion 2 was that the ability to ask the right'' questions and the extent to which these could be answered, were important in sustaining students' interest in the project. Implications of the findings for instructional practice are discussed.
Some issues relating to children's questions and explanations. LISP(P) working paper
  • F Biddulph
  • R Osborne
Biddulph F, Osborne R. Some issues relating to children's questions and explanations. LISP(P) working paper, No. 106. Hamilton: University of Waikato; 1982.
The right question at the right time
  • J Elstgeest
Elstgeest J. The right question at the right time. In: Harlen W, ed. Primary Science: Taking the Plunge. London: Heinemann; 1985.