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Abstract and Figures

The Math You Need, When You Need It (TMYN) is a set of online tutorials designed to help students develop and review mathematical skills that are applied in undergraduate geoscience courses. We present results of a three-year study of more than 4000 students in 106 geoscience courses at a variety of post-secondary schools who were assigned TMYN tutorials as supplemental mathematics instruction. Changes in student scores from pre- to post-test suggest that the support provided by programs such as TMYN can begin to reduce the gap between mathematically well-prepared and underprepared students; in essence, TMYN levels the quantitative playing field for all geoscience students. On average, both high- and low-performing students who fully participated in the use of TMYN as a part of their course showed learning gains, although gains were larger for students who performed poorly on the pre-test. Our findings emphasize the conclusion that students who interact with context-specific quantitative problems can potentially improve their mathematical skills, regardless of initial level of mathematical preparation. We suggest that this type of support could generalize to other science courses.
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Advancing Education in Quantitative Literacy
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$e Math You Need, When You Need It
(TMYN): Leveling the Playing Field
Jennifer M. Wenner
University of Wisconsin OshkoshA0880<?A9=30/?
Eric M. D. Baer
Highline College0-,0<342364800/?
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Geoscience courses on post-secondary campuses have long been referred to as
“Rocks for Jocks” (e.g., DeLaughter et al. 1998; Gilbert et al. 2012), implying a
paucity of “real” science and the quantitative skills that go along with the pursuit
of scientific endeavors. Yet, the geosciences encompass the practical application
of biology, chemistry, mathematics, and physics (sciences often perceived to be
more quantitatively rigorous than geosciences) to the study of the Earth. For more
than two decades, the geoscience education community has been pushing for
more realistic representations of the quantitative nature of the geosciences in
college courses (e.g., Shea 1990; Vacher 1998; Bailey 2000; Lutz and Srogi 2000;
Macdonald et al. 2000; Baer et al. 2002; Manduca et al. 2008; Wenner et al.
2009). However, in order to increase the quantitative content of geoscience
classes, faculty must be able to address the wide range of students’ mathematical
preparation, support students as they apply or transfer mathematics concepts in
unfamiliar contexts (Bransford et al. 1999; Fike and Fike 2008; Planty et al. 2008)
and find multiple ways to expose students to the power of mathematics as a tool
to solve problems in STEM disciplines (Manduca et al. 2008).
The challenge that faces faculty who teach quantitative geoscience courses is
to offer adequate opportunities for students to explore the power of mathematics
applied to scientific problems and still retain sufficient class time to cover
appropriate content. Striking a balance between stimulating mathematically
prepared students while assisting those who are underprepared requires creative
solutions that encourage students to succeed at the application of mathematics in
geoscience contexts (Wenner et al. 2009). The use of web-based resources can
afford opportunities for “just-in-time” instruction (Kaseberg 1999; Mueller and
Brent 2004) and provide students with context-rich mathematical problems solved
at the student’s pace with immediate application in the subsequent class meeting.
Providing occasions to apply mathematics to well-conceived contextual examples
throughout science courses can also increase students’ motivation and self-
efficacy (Perin 2011; Wenner et al. 2011). When students are motivated,
supported and effective at addressing quantitative problems, the inequalities in
student skills can be reduced so that students find themselves on a more level
playing field, able to address the quantitative problems necessary for deep
learning in the geosciences.
This paper presents results of multiple successful interventions that employed
web-based, asynchronous tutorials to help students review and apply basic
quantitative concepts to geological problems in geoscience courses. We present a
study of 106 geoscience courses at 37 two- and four-year higher education
institutions between Fall 2010 and Fall 2013. The implementations in this study
demonstrate effective application of geoscience-based mathematics tutorials in
Wenner and Baer: Leveling the Playing Field with TMYN
Published by Scholar Commons, 2015
The Math You Need, When You Need It [TMYN], which provides support to
students enrolled in associated courses. The results suggest that effective
quantitative support should focus on application of mathematics to relevant
STEM disciplinary topics. This disciplinary focus facilitates transfer of pre-
existing and learned mathematics to a wide variety of scientific problems and,
therefore, increases students’ proficiency and success with quantitative science.
The Math You Need, When You Need It
The Math You Need, When You Need It is an online resource1 that provides
quantitative instruction to students enrolled in geoscience courses. Since 2010,
TMYN modules have been implemented in a wide variety classes across the
geoscience curriculum. Through TMYN, students with disparate mathematical
skills learn, review and gain skills, applying basic mathematics to solve
quantitative, contextualized geologic problems. Because the geosciences provide
a breadth of scientific topics, mathematical skills addressed by TMYN (Table 1)
are applied in multiple contexts and can be adapted to a range of geoscience
courses. The range of geoscience topics and the modular nature of TMYN allow
instructors to choose appropriate quantitative modules (Table 1), to assign them in
any order, and to build quantitative activities and assessments around geoscience
topics already in a course syllabus.
Table 1
Quantitative modules available through TMYN
Module Name
Web address
Calculating Density
Graphing (three sub-modules)
Plotting Points
Constructing a Best Fit Line
Reading a Point from a Curve
Hypsometric Curve
Rearranging equations
Slope and topographic maps (two
Calculating Slope from a
Topographic Map
Constructing a Topographic
Unit Conversions
1 (last accessed June 1, 2015)
Numeracy, Vol. 8 [2015], Iss. 2, Art. 5
Student-Oriented Modules
TMYN modules are open-access, student-centered, web-based tutorials designed
to support self-paced, “just-in-time” student learning (e.g., Kaseberg 1999;
Mueller and Brent 2004). Each module includes three student-oriented pages: (1)
an introduction to the quantitative concept, (2) worked practice problems, and (3)
a culminating post-module quiz.
Pages devoted to introducing the quantitative concept are steeped in
online/multimedia theory (e.g., Mayer 2001) and mathematical pedagogies (e.g.,
Harel 1998; Kaseberg 1999; Mueller and Brent 2004). Each page addresses
motivation for learning the concept, introduces a problem-solving algorithm for
approaching geoscience problems with similar mathematical underpinnings
(including steps that require assessment and evaluation), and walks students
through using the “rules” to solve a preliminary contextual problem (Fig. 1). This
initial exposure to a specific mathematical concept and related geoscience topics
is the first opportunity for students to discover, relearn, or review the quantitative
skills needed in their geoscience courses. Providing and supporting the use of an
algorithm promotes struggling students’ success, which can increase confidence
and self-efficacy when solving quantitative problems (Wigfield and Eccles 2000;
Wenner et al. 2011). In addition to the mechanics behind the mathematics,
introductory pages are also designed to support long-term learning by connecting
contextual geoscience knowledge with conceptual mathematics.
Contextual geoscience application and transfer of mathematical concepts are
underscored on the second student-oriented page the practice problems page.
Here, students engage with a page of contextualized practice problems, solved
using the provided algorithm (Fig. 1). Drawing on many sub-disciplines within
the geosciences, each practice-problems page offers at least three distinct
contextual examples, promoting application of math concepts among applications.
The practice problems provide students with the opportunity to immediately apply
the mathematical concept they learned on the introductory page to a new context;
the design of these problems draws on the successful mathematical just-in-time
approach to problem solving (Kaseberg 1999; Mueller and Brent 2004) and the
necessity principlethat students are better poised for learning when there is an
immediate application (Harel 1998, 2000). The geosciences are rich in examples
of basic quantitative skills and provide a breadth of scientific contexts; instructors
often revisit mathematical concepts multiple times in the same course and TMYN
facilitates connections among topics. Repeated exposure to mathematical
concepts in multiple contexts has been shown to increase long-term retention
(Kenyon 2000; Stevens 2000; Steen 2004), boost student motivation (Wigfield
and Eccles 2000; Barkley 2010) and improve transfer of learning (e.g., Salomon
and Perkins 1989; Bransford et al. 1999).
Wenner and Baer: Leveling the Playing Field with TMYN
Published by Scholar Commons, 2015
Figure 1. REARRANGING EQUATIONS: an example module
Equations are widely used in geoscience (as well as other STEM disciplines); from
calculating rates of plate motion or groundwater flow to complex calculations of isostasy.
Students often struggle with this relatively basic mathematical concept because it
involves algebra and unfamiliar variables important in the Earth.
Introduction Page (
The Rearranging Equations module begins by addressing students’ fear of equations and
explaining that equations are important tools for understanding the natural world.
The module emphasizes the importance of manipulating equations before inserting
numbers; thereby creating a "new" equation that can be used in a variety of applications.
This page also includes a review of rules for algebraic manipulation with some
conceptual explanation of why it works. A step-by-step procedure is subsequently
embedded in a worked practice problem (with hidden answers).
Numeracy, Vol. 8 [2015], Iss. 2, Art. 5
Practice Problems Page
When students have completed the introductory page, they are directed to the practice
problem page where they find several other geoscience-related practice problems. A
series of practice problems using the procedure in at least three distinct contexts is linked
from the Introduction Page and are included in a linked PDF file that includes steps for
solving them. The Practice Problem page for Rearranging Equations includes worked
problems involving simple rates, density, and a more complicated isostasy equation. Each
example problem is worked through using the steps outlined on the Introduction Page
(see above) with the answers “hidden” until the student clicks on a “show” button to see
how to do each step. When they have completed the problems, students can follow links
to other examples at similar websites, or to the assessment.
Assessment (post-module quizzes)
( - Requires account, contact authors for information)
Instructors create their own, course-specific assessments. Assessment questions that have
been tested and written by users of TMYN can be found in the WAMAP library. They
include questions in which students choose the rearranged equation they will use and then
apply it to solving the given problem, promoting use of the algorithm (Table 2).
Wenner and Baer: Leveling the Playing Field with TMYN
Published by Scholar Commons, 2015
Table 2
Examples of Problems Used in The Math You Need Assessments
Sample problem
You have noticed that, on a map, a group of islands makes up a small chain that decreases in age toward the southeast. When you
measure the distance and differences in age, you determine that the tectonic plate over the hot spot has moved 30 kilometers in a million
1) Choose one or more conversion factors that can best be used to convert 30 km/Myr (kilometers per million years)
to cm/yr (centimeters per year).
This multi-step quiz question is
one of the most commonly used in
the TMYN question library. Note
that the 30 km/Myr in the
question text is a randomly
selected value between 20 and
200 km/Myr
2) Now convert 30 km/Myr to cm/yr : ______cm/yr
Sample problem
The graph shows the location and age of a volcanic hotspot relative to the location of the present
day volcano. The x-axis (horizontal) has distance (in 100's of km) from present day volcano
plotted and the y-axis (vertical) has age in millions of years. The trend of the data is generally
linear. Estimate the location of the linear trend (plot a best fit line).
Using the software, the student
plots a best-fit line. WAMAP
evaluates the “fit” of the line
based on parameters set by the
instructor. If a student "connects
the dots" (a common
misconception) no credit is given.
Sample problem
The equation for isostasy (the height and thickness of crust based on density) is:
where Htotal is the thickness of the crust, ρcrust is the density of the crust, ρmantle is the density of the mantle, and Habove is the height above
the mantle equilibrium level. 1) Rearrange this equation to solve for Htotal. Choose the correct solution:
Another example of a multi-step
quiz question. Crust and mantle
densities are randomly generated
within a narrow range of
reasonable values.
 = 
 
 = 
 )
 = 
 
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 
2) Using this equation, calculate the thickness of the crust under Mt. Everest (elevation 8.85 km), if H
is 16 km (remember, sea level
is NOT the mantle equilibrium level), ρcrust is 2.67 g/cm3, and mantle is 3.3 g/cm3.
Numeracy, Vol. 8 [2015], Iss. 2, Art. 5
Each TMYN module culminates in a graded online post-module quiz with
questions that include intermediate steps in the algorithm as well as contextual
problems. Quiz questions associated with TMYN are framed in the context of
geoscience application. There are no questions that simply ask the student to
complete mathematical operations (e.g., “solve for x”); instead, quiz (and pre- and
post-test) questions take the form of “word problemsthat require assessment,
decision-making, and evaluation of one’s answer (Table 2). Instructors administer
quizzes using the free, open-source Washington Mathematics Assessment
Program, WAMAP.2 The majority of students in this study were allowed to take
the post-module quizzes multiple times, promoting mastery, success and self-
efficacy at solving scientifically relevant problems.
Study Design
Our study assesses whether the use of TMYN effectively (1) improves geoscience
studentsbasic mathematical skills, (2) helps students apply mathematical skills to
contextual problems, and (3) provides appropriate support and skill development
(i.e., levels the playing field) for geoscience students with diverse incoming skills.
To test the effectiveness of TMYN, we used changes from pre- to post-test at the
student level as a measure of learning gains and thus the effectiveness TMYN.
Participants/Breadth of Sample
This study was conducted from Fall 2010 through Fall 2013 and included 106
courses offered at 37 institutions (Table 3). The institutions are diverse, ranging
from highly selective to open-door; approximately 60% are bachelor’s degree-
granting institutions and offered 56 of the 106 courses in this study (Table 3).
TMYN was used in multiple semesters/quarters across the range of institutions,
illustrating faculty perception that TMYN is a valuable and effective resource for
most students.
Faculty from institutions included in this study attended one or more
workshops focused on incorporating TMYN into a pre-existing course (Wenner et
al. 2011). During the workshop, faculty applied lessons learned from pilot studies
and prior implementations of TMYN, designed an implementation by modifying
their syllabus, and adapted course materials to include appropriate TMYN
modules.3 Workshop participants also designed a protocol for the administration
of pre- and post-tests as well as the implementation of modules and their
associated quizzes. Workshop facilitators guided faculty in effective practices
2 (last accessed June 1, 2015)
3 (last accessed June 1, 2015)
Wenner and Baer: Leveling the Playing Field with TMYN
Published by Scholar Commons, 2015
such as integration of TMYN with the course (Wenner et al. 2011) and revisiting
mathematical concepts multiple times in multiple contexts (Manduca et al. 2008;
Wenner et al. 2009).
Table 3:
Institutions and Number of Classes (n) Implementing TMYN
College or University % admitted total
completers* classes
4-year College or University
Trinity College, CT
SUNY Geneseo
Lafayette College, PA
Baylor University, TX
SUNY Oneonta
California University of Pennsylvania
West Chester University, PA
Boston University, MA
Hofstra University, NY
California State University-East Bay
Eastern Kentucky University
Fitchburg State University, MA
Ursinus College, PA
Fort Lewis College, CO
Central Michigan University
University of Washington - Tacoma
University of Wisconsin - La Crosse
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh†
University of Maine at Farmington
Morehead State University, KY
University of Texas at El Paso
2-year College
Hillsborough Community College, FL
Harold Washington College, IL
McHenry County College, IL
Community College of Baltimore County, MD
North Hennepin Community College, MN
Rochester Community and Technical College, MN
Wake Technical Community College, NC
Bergen Community College, NJ
Ulster County Community College, NY
Linn Benton Community College, OR†
University of South Carolina Lancaster
Lone Star College, TX
Austin Community College, TX
Patrick Henry Community College, VA
Highline Community College, WA
Central Wyoming College, WY
† more than one instructor
* students who completed all or all but one of the assigned modules in their course
Numeracy, Vol. 8 [2015], Iss. 2, Art. 5
Courses included in this study covered a range of geoscience topics; common
first-year introductory courses (Physical Geology, Environmental Geology and
Earth System Science) made up approximately 63% (n=67) of all
implementations. Other introductory courses (n=28) were more varied in topic,
with titles such as Meteorology, Natural Hazards, Physical Geography and
Oceanography. The remaining 11 courses were upper-level courses and included
Hydrology (n=3), Geomorphology (n=1), Structural Geology (n=4) and
Geological Methods (n=3). In total, 4486 students were enrolled in the 106
courses involved in this study; individual course enrollments ranged from 5 to 202
students. Although courses were offered at a variety of levels, we examined all
uses of TMYN in this study because we observed no significant difference
between pre-test scores and subsequent achievement for introductory and upper-
level students (Wenner et al. 2012). The variety of course topics for which faculty
desired additional mathematical support emphasizes the need for resources such
as TMYN in the geosciences at all levels and underscores the diversity of students
who can benefit from the implementation of TMYN.
Use of TMYN
In the courses included in this study, students completed a pre-test prior to
engaging with TMYN; engaged with each module relevant to their course and
took the associated post-module quiz; and then took a post-test when all the
intervention and associated course content were completed. Equivalent pre- and
post-tests consisted of 10-25 questions relating to the assigned modules and
assessed quantitative knowledge and the ability to transfer that knowledge to
geoscience content. Equivalency in pre- and post-test questions was determined
by the format and quantitative skills of the questions; in some cases questions
were identical, but in most cases varied slightly by randomizing specific
numerical values used in questions (Table 2). In all but five cases, the pre- and
post-tests were administered online, sometimes in a computer-equipped
classroom; all post-module quizzes were administered using WAMAP.
Because we wished to provide flexibility for instructors to incorporate
mathematical skills that span the breadth of topics covered in geoscience courses,
instructors designed their own pre- (and equivalent post-) tests, as well as post-
module quizzes so that they included only topics that were covered in the
associated course. Each course varied in assigned modules, pre- and post-test
questions, and course subjects; thus, the student sample was normalized using
standard Z scores (Abdi 2007) so that we could compare results across
implementations. Three to eight modules were used in each implementation. Pre-
test, post-test and post-module quiz scores were converted to percent correct for
Wenner and Baer: Leveling the Playing Field with TMYN
Published by Scholar Commons, 2015
Measuring engagement and effectiveness
If geoscience students are to gain skills from TMYN, they must engage with and
complete the material contained in the modules. Because we wished to assess the
effectiveness of TMYN modules at improving skills, we developed a measure of
student engagement with the material. Only students who took post-module
quizzes for all or all but one of the assigned modules were considered to have
completed the intervention (we call them “completers”) and were included in our
analysis of learning gains due to the application of TMYN in conjunction with a
course. Based on this criterion, 3408 students completed the intervention and
2979 took both the pre and post-test (Table 4A).
In our desire to ensure that all students had maximum access to tools that
could help them to succeed, we chose to administer the intervention to all
students, precluding a formal randomized control sample. However, 311 students
completed both a pre- and post-test but did not engage with a minimum number of
TMYN modules, providing a quasi-control group. Although this group is not a
randomized control, this group of non-completers (1) received the same
information outside of the module as those students who engaged with the
modules; and (2) appears representative of the students in the study because
average pre-test scores for both groups are similar (Table 4). Thus, we use these
non-completers to assess the effectiveness of the intervention at improving
learning gains.
Normalizing pre -test data (Zpre)
Because we wanted to maximize use and allow for flexibility in both topic and
coverage, instructors tailored the pre-test to their implementation. To be able to
compare diverse interventions, we computed a standard Z score (Abdi 2007) using
the individual course pre-test mean and standard deviation to calculate students’
normalized pre-test scores (Zpre):
 =
  (1).
where scorepre is the individual student pre-test score, meancourse is the course pre-
test mean, and SDcourse is the standard deviation of pre-test scores for the
individual course. For the purposes of this study, we subdivided students in the
study into four groups based on their Zpre scores (Table 4): Group 1 with Zpre less
than 1.0 (much below the class mean); Group 2 with Zpre between 1.0 and 0.0
(below the class mean); Group 3 with Zpre between 0.0 and 1.0 (above the class
mean), and Group 4 with Zpre greater than 1.0 (much above the class mean; Table
4). These designations will be used throughout the paper.
Numeracy, Vol. 8 [2015], Iss. 2, Art. 5
Table 4:
A: Pre- to Post-test Gains and Mean Normalized Gain* (Hake, 1998) for Completers Disaggregated by Zpre**
Group ( range of
Zpre**) pre-test
pre- &
NG = 0
Average pre-
test score Average post-
test score
Group 1 (<
1) 506 430 44% 32 394 4 36% 64%
Group 2 (
1 to 0) 1068 915 38% 119 782 12 55% 72%
Group 3 (0 to 1) 1325 1173 25% 311 820 33 11 12
468%) 73% 80%
Group 4 (>1) 509 461 11% 144 237 27 53 20
672%) 85% 88%
Totals (n) 3408 2979 2883 606 2233 76 64 32
B: Pre- to Post-Test Gains and Mean Normalized Gain* (Hake, 1998) for Non-Completers Disaggregated by Zpre**
Group 1 (<
1) 122 80 24% 9 69 2 31% 48%
Group 2 (
1 to 0) 179 95 28% 18 70 7 52% 65%
Group 3 (0 to 1) 158 108 7% 30 69 9 71% 74%
Group 4 (>1) 48 28 -21% 7 10 2 8 1
467%) 83% 80%
Totals (n) 507 311 302 67 215 20 8 1
* Average of normalized gain [eq. (2)] for all students within a given Zpre category (Gery 1972, Hake 1998; Kaiser 1989; Williams and Zimmerman 1996).
**Zpre is the difference between individual pre-test score and course mean divided by standard deviation [eq. (1)]; a standard statistical measure)
*** 32 (~1%) completers and 1 (<<1%) control student with normalized gains below
250% (meaning they lost more than 2.5 times the points between their pre-
test score and 100%) were excluded from these calculations (see text for justification)
Wenner and Baer: Leveling the Playing Field with TMYN
Published by Scholar Commons, 2015
Pre- and post-test scores
Table 4 shows pre- and post-test scores (far right columns) for completers (A) and
non-completers (B) with scores for both. Course means and individual pre-test
scores for 3408 completers and 507 non-completers were used to calculate each
student’s Zpre (Eq. (1); Table 4A). Analysis of student scores based on Zpre group
designations shows the disparity in student abilities at the outset of a geoscience
course. Average completers’ pre-test scores subdivided by Zpre show a nearly 50
percentage point spread. Students in Group 1 (n=506) averaged 36% on the pre-
test whereas students in Group 4 (n=461) scored an average of 85% on the pre-
test (Table 4A). For the non-completers, the spread is only slightly greater (52%)
with Group 1 scoring 31% and Group 4 scoring 83% (Table 4B).
Average post-test scores, which measure student achievement with the use of
TMYN, are also shown in Table 4. Post-test scores for completers range from
64% (Group 1) to 88% (Group 4); each Zpre designation shows improvement from
pre- to post-test. For the non-completers, student post-test scores vary from 48%
to 80%, and Group 4 shows a decline of 3 percentage points from pre- to post-
test. Although pre-test scores are relatively similar between completers and non-
completers in the same group, post-test scores for non-completers are
significantly lower than for their counterparts who completed the intervention.
Normalized gain scores
Normalized gain is a common way to measure learning gains (e.g., Gery 1972;
Hake 1998). It is calculated as a percentage using a student’s increase from pre-
test to post-test divided by the maximum possible gain (Gery 1972, Hake 1998):
 (%) = 
 (2).
where NG = percent normalized gain; scorepost = post-test score (%); and scorepre
= pre-test score (%). Normalized gain scores are used in this analysis rather than
difference scores because the former correlates less well with pre-test scores
(corr. coeff. = 0.221; Fig 2B) than the latter (corr. coeff.= 0.530, Fig. 2A)
(Kaiser 1989). If the difference between the pre- and post-test score were to be
used, initially high-scoring individuals’ changes would be muted (Fig. 2A). An
additional advantage to using normalized gain is that by choosing a change
measurement that is poorly correlated to the pre-test value, the reliability of this
difference is greater (Williams and Zimmerman 1996).
Numeracy, Vol. 8 [2015], Iss. 2, Art. 5
Figure 2. Plots showing Zpre (symbol color) and correlation between pretest score and (A) simple
difference (pre-test - post-test with student scores excluded from calculations of average NG
(Table 4) shown in orange (extreme NG) and black (perfect pre-test) diamonds. This plot
illustrates the muting of small but substantial changes in scores for students who score high on the
pre-test. Note the clustering of green and blue points for high pre-test scores (B) pre-test score vs.
normalized gains (NG). White field shows student with positive gains or no change, approximately
78% (n=2309) of students. Gray field shows students with negative gains. Orange diamonds in A
plot off the bottom of the gray field.
Wenner and Baer: Leveling the Playing Field with TMYN
Published by Scholar Commons, 2015
Normalized gain scores for completers and non-completers in this study with
both pre- and post-test scores (n=2979 and n=311, respectively) were calculated
using Equation (2). Table 4 shows scores subdivided into number of students with
positive, negative or zero NG and average NG for each group. Positive NG scores
record student improvement throughout the semester; negative NG scores indicate
that students had a lower score on the post-test than on the pre-test. Mean
normalized gains for each Zpre group are plotted for comparison in Fig. 3. Note
that NG cannot be computed for students who score 100% on the pre-test
(denominator would be zero); therefore, 64 completers who had perfect pre-test
scores (~2%; Fig. 2A black symbols) and 8 non-completers (2.5%) were excluded
from analysis of NG scores (Table 4; Fig. 3).
Figure 3. Normalized gains (subdivided by Zpre) for completers (black) and non-completers (gray)
with both pre- and post-test scores. See Table 4 for n in each group.
Using normalized gain scores can exaggerate small negative changes for
students with high pre-test scores, resulting in outliers with extreme negative NG
scores (e.g., one student in our sample who scored 99% on the pre-test and 78.8%
on the post-test resulting in a NG = 2020%). Large negative normalized gains,
when included in mean calculations, mask the true effectiveness of the
intervention for the majority of high-scoring students. For the purposes of
assessing learning gains, we omit 32 completers (1.1%; orange symbols Fig. 2A)
and 1 non-completer (0.3%) whose normalized gain scores were equal to or less
Numeracy, Vol. 8 [2015], Iss. 2, Art. 5
than 250%. All large negative gains are for students who scored above the mean
on the pre-test: 12 in Group 3 and 21 (plus one non-completer) in Group 4.
Exclusion of these outliers changes the average NG from 22% to +11% for
Group 4 and from +21% to +25% for Group 3 completers.
Fig. 3 shows calculated mean normalized gains for completers and non–
completers in each group (Table 4). With the exclusion of the students discussed
above, the sample size for NG drops to 2883 completers and 302 non-completers.
Completers show positive mean NGs for all groups, with those who score below
the mean on the pre-test (Groups 1 and 2) showing greater gains (44% and 38%,
respectively) than their higher-scoring counterparts (Group 3: 25%; Group 4:
11%). Non-completers (n=302) who did not fully engage with the intervention
realized diminished normalized gains relative to their fully engaged counterparts
in this study. Although Groups 1, 2 and 3 show nominal learning gains (24%,
28%, and 7%, respectively), Group 4 the highest scoring individuals averaged
negative NG (21%; Fig. 3).
TMYN effectively improves mathematical skills
The effectiveness of TMYN at improving students’ skills is illustrated in Fig. 3.
Faculty included in this study used an integrated approach, requiring all students
to complete the intervention regardless of pre-test score, a decision based on prior
research revealing that completion rates dropped when high-performing students
were given the option to forego the modules (Wenner et al. 2011). Completers
(black bars) show improvement (on average) across all skill levels whereas non-
completers (gray bars) realize much lower gains (and, in Group 4, gains are
actually negative). Non-completers’ average scores on the pre-test (Table 4)
illustrate that these students (although a considerably smaller sample) represent a
relatively good cross-section of the students who participated in the study. Non-
completers and completers received identical course information; yet non-
completers did not fully engage with the tutorials. Students who do not engage
with the program consistently score lower on the post-test (Table 4) and realize
lower normalized gains (Fig. 3) than their engaged counterparts. The combination
of positive learning gains plus consistent learning gains for completers, and lower
NG and post-test scores for the quasi-control group support the conclusion that
learning gains are, at least in part, the result of employing TMYN tutorials in
conjunction with a geoscience class. Furthermore, application of the intervention
to all students seems to be justified by the small sample of students with pre- to
post-test changes who did not engage with the modules.
Wenner and Baer: Leveling the Playing Field with TMYN
Published by Scholar Commons, 2015
TMYN helps students apply mathematical skills to
Mean normalized gains reveal that TMYN modules can help students at all
incoming levels to successfully apply mathematics to contextualized quantitative
science problems (Fig. 3; Table 4). Because pre- and post-tests included
mathematical problems in the context of geoscience, individual learning gains can
illustrate increased transfer of skills from mathematics to geoscience. Individual
normalized gains vs. pre-test scores for completers are plotted on Fig. 2B; points
that fall in the white box represent positive or no change (80%; n=2309; Table
4A); completers with negative NG plot in the gray portion of the plot (20%;
n=574). Students who initially lack quantitative skills (based on low pre-test
scores; red and yellow symbols; Fig. 2B) show the greatest improvements with
the implementation of TMYN; nearly 89% of low-scoring students (1129 of
1345) showed positive normalized gains and cluster in the white field. Although a
larger proportion of Groups 3 and 4 (green and blue symbols respectively; Fig 2)
have learning gains that reflect lower post-test scores (gray box), a majority of
both groups showed positive gains (Group 3=70%; Group 4=51%; Table 4).
Individual student learning gains on pre- and post-test questions suggest that
TMYN supports the successful transfer of students’ basic mathematical skills to
geoscience topics. Thus, a majority of students who engage with the material, no
matter where their pre-test scores fall in relation to their peers, realize learning
TMYN levels the playing field
The use of TMYN reduced the nearly 50 percentage point difference in pre-test
scores between the highest and lowest performing group to less than 25
percentage points between the same groups of students on the post-test (Fig. 4).
The average change from pre- to post-test score for 430 students in Group 1 was
from 36 to 64% a positive change of 28 percentage points whereas the average
post-test score for the 461 students in Group 4 went from 85 to 88% (Fig. 4; Table
4). The intervening groups showed intermediate change – from 55% to 72% for
Group 2 and 73 to 80% for Group 3 students (Fig. 4). Whereas all groups
averaged some improvement between pre- and post-test, students who scored
lowest on the pre-test showed greater gains than higher-performing students
indicating that the integration of TMYN in a course closes the gap between low-
and high-performing students (Fig. 4). Indeed, the gap between high- and low-
scoring students was reduced by more than 50% – from 49 percentage points on
the pre-test to 24 percentage points on the post-test (Fig. 4) – suggesting that
engagement with TMYN helps to “level the playing field” for students of
differential abilities.
Numeracy, Vol. 8 [2015], Iss. 2, Art. 5
Figure 4. Average pre- and post-test scores for completers in 106 courses that used TMYN
(n=2979). Colors represent different groups with warm colors representing low scoring students
and cool colors representing high scoring students: red: Group 1 (more than 1 SD below mean);
yellow: Group 2 (0-1 SD below mean); green: Group 3 (0-1 SD above mean); blue: Group 4 (>1
SD above mean). Note the wide disparity among pre-test scores that is more than halved (from 49-
24 percentage points difference) from pre- to post-test, illustrating the leveling of the playing field
for students using TMYN.
Our findings reinforce the idea that students who interact with context-specific
quantitative problems, such as those embedded in TMYN, realize learning gains
and improve their quantitative skills. Individual learning gains on contextualized
pre- and post-test questions illustrate that, when quantitative problem solving is
integrated into a science course, modules that support quantitative learning can
promote knowledge transfer from mathematical concept to geoscience contexts.
Student improvement from pre- to post-test across all levels of initial quantitative
skills indicate that The Math You Need, When You Need It is effective at
“leveling the playing field,” no matter a student’s prior preparation. Furthermore,
the disparity in post-secondary students’ mathematical preparation is not a
problem specific to the geosciences; many general science courses require basic
quantitative knowledge. Thus, although the current modules are solely in the
context of the geosciences, we contend that the support provided by quantitative
Wenner and Baer: Leveling the Playing Field with TMYN
Published by Scholar Commons, 2015
modules integrated into a course could generalize to a variety of science
This work is supported by NSF grants DUE-0633402 and -0920583 to Wenner,
and DUE-0633755, and -0920800 to Baer. Thank you to Helen Burn for advice
about educational protocol and for some of the data analysis. We are grateful to
all of the users of TMYN and acknowledge the support of Cathy Manduca, Sean
Fox, John McDaris and staff of the Science Education Resource Center at
Carleton College. We would also like to thank H. Lehto, S. Schellenberg and an
anonymous reviewer for constructive and thoughtful reviews, which greatly
improved the manuscript.
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Numeracy, Vol. 8 [2015], Iss. 2, Art. 5
... The role that quantitative skills play in students' success in introductory geoscience courses has been the focus of many studies since the beginning of this century (e.g., [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]). Additionally, in the past decade and a half, many geoscience-discipline-based education researchers have focused on the affective domain as an important aspect of teaching and learning [10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18]. ...
... Geoscience educators, particularly those who teach introductory courses, have been concerned about their students' quantitative skills and literacy for decades (e.g., [2,3,[5][6][7][8][9]). Despite the public misperception of geoscience as being less mathematically intensive than other sciences [24,25], quantitative skills and topics regularly and recurrently appear in geoscience content [7]. ...
... Many studies have shown that students are more likely to succeed at quantitative tasks when mathematical concepts or statistical approaches have a meaningful context [7,9,29,30]. Providing occasions to apply mathematics to well-conceived contextual examples throughout introductory courses can increase students' motivation and self-efficacy [8,31,32]. ...
Full-text available
While the role of affective factors in learning is well understood in geoscience, math attitudes have been overlooked. This study sought to explore the relationships between math attitudes and geoscience attitudes, namely math anxiety, self-efficacy, and geoscience interest. Baseline data were collected from 245 undergraduate students enrolled in introductory geoscience courses at three colleges and universities in the United States, with self-report measures of math anxiety, math self-efficacy, geoscience self-efficacy, geoscience interest, and demographic information. Results show strong relationships and predictive values of math attitudes for students’ geoscience attitudes, particularly for female-identifying students. This research provides important empirical support for the study of math attitudes in geoscience; additionally, educators can use this knowledge to inform their understanding of their students’ math attitudes and possible interest in geoscience.
... Many of these courses are primarily nonquantitative because introductory courses are designed to be low-barrier entry points to the major (Macdonald, Srogi, & Stracher, 2000;Hoisch & Bowie, 2010;Manduca et al., 2008;National Research Council, 2012;Wenner et al., 2009). Yet this reality produces an opportunity: undergraduate students who struggle with quantitative literacy are more likely to succeed if mathematical concepts or statistical approaches have meaningful context (Bailey, 2000;Richardson & McCallum, 2003;Wenner et al., 2009;Wenner & Baer, 2015), and introductory geoscience courses can provide context through real-world applications of mathematical concepts to Earth processes (Wenner et al., 2009;Wenner & Baer, 2015). Increasing the use of quantitative problems and data-rich activities in introductory geoscience courses may therefore provide a pathway to strengthen quantitative literacy of non-STEM undergraduate students Wenner et al., 2009;Wenner & Baer, 2015). ...
... Many of these courses are primarily nonquantitative because introductory courses are designed to be low-barrier entry points to the major (Macdonald, Srogi, & Stracher, 2000;Hoisch & Bowie, 2010;Manduca et al., 2008;National Research Council, 2012;Wenner et al., 2009). Yet this reality produces an opportunity: undergraduate students who struggle with quantitative literacy are more likely to succeed if mathematical concepts or statistical approaches have meaningful context (Bailey, 2000;Richardson & McCallum, 2003;Wenner et al., 2009;Wenner & Baer, 2015), and introductory geoscience courses can provide context through real-world applications of mathematical concepts to Earth processes (Wenner et al., 2009;Wenner & Baer, 2015). Increasing the use of quantitative problems and data-rich activities in introductory geoscience courses may therefore provide a pathway to strengthen quantitative literacy of non-STEM undergraduate students Wenner et al., 2009;Wenner & Baer, 2015). ...
... Yet this reality produces an opportunity: undergraduate students who struggle with quantitative literacy are more likely to succeed if mathematical concepts or statistical approaches have meaningful context (Bailey, 2000;Richardson & McCallum, 2003;Wenner et al., 2009;Wenner & Baer, 2015), and introductory geoscience courses can provide context through real-world applications of mathematical concepts to Earth processes (Wenner et al., 2009;Wenner & Baer, 2015). Increasing the use of quantitative problems and data-rich activities in introductory geoscience courses may therefore provide a pathway to strengthen quantitative literacy of non-STEM undergraduate students Wenner et al., 2009;Wenner & Baer, 2015). ...
Quantitative literacy is a foundational component of success in STEM disciplines and in life. Quantitative concepts and data-rich activities in undergraduate geoscience courses can strengthen geoscience majors’ understanding of geologic phenomena and prepare them for future careers and graduate school, and provide real-world context to apply quantitative thinking for non-STEM students. We use self-reported teaching practices from the 2016 National Geoscience Faculty Survey to document the extent to which undergraduate geoscience instructors emphasize quantitative skills (algebra, statistics, and calculus) and data analysis skills in introductory (n = 1096) and majors (n = 1066) courses. Respondents who spent more than 20% of class time on student activities, questions, and discussions, taught small classes, or engaged more with the geoscience community through research or improving teaching incorporated statistical analyses and data analyses more frequently in their courses. Respondents from baccalaureate institutions reported use of a wider variety of data analysis skills in all courses compared with respondents from other types of institutions. Additionally, respondents who reported using more data analysis skills in their courses also used a broader array of strategies to prepare students for the geoscience workforce. These correlations suggest that targeted professional development could increase instructors’ use of quantitative and data analysis skills to meet the needs of their students in context.
... Building quantitative aspects into geoscience courses is not a new idea Manduca et al., 2008;Powell & Leveson, 2004;Wenner et al., 2009;Wenner & Baer, 2015), but the CG course at USF is unusual to find among geoscience departments. The primary goal of the CG course is to instill students with a sense of QL or an appreciation for appropriate quantitative reasoning (QR) in the context of geology that could be transferred to their future endeavors. ...
... We did not analyze participants' discipline of expertise. The findings suggest tutorials focused on improving geoscience students' basic chemistry skills, similar to "The Math You Need" tutorials (Wenner and Baer, 2015), may be useful for topics of high importance but absent from the general chemistry curriculum. Targeted training can alleviate barriers associated with learning chemistry as a geoscience major. ...
... Though often perceived as less quantitative than other sciences like physics and chemistry [2,3], geoscience regularly draws on and incorporates math skills and knowledge [4], including high-level math (e.g., calculus) [5]. Geoscience educators report that their students struggle with math in their geoscience courses, particularly introductory courses [6][7][8][9][10]. Math-averse students may be drawn to geoscience courses because of their misperception that this science is less "math-heavy" than other natural and physical sciences. ...
Full-text available
Many factors may contribute to women being underrepresented and marginalized in college-level geoscience majors. Limited research has examined students’ math anxiety as a possible factor. To address the dearth of research, we conducted a qualitative study to explore the math anxiety experiences held by students in college-level geoscience classes. Through analysis of students’ written math narratives, we identified three themes capturing students’ integrated math anxiety experiences (IMAEs), which integrated students’ feelings, physiological reactions, and thoughts. Students with Thriving IMAEs liked math and had positive assessments of themselves in math. Students with Agonizing IMAEs had negative feelings and thoughts about math and experienced negative physiological reactions. Students with Persisting IMAEs had positive and negative feelings and thoughts, but thought that, ultimately, they could persist in math. A higher percentage of women than men held Agonizing IMAEs, and a lower percentage of women than men held Thriving IMAEs. Students in introductory geoscience classes had a range of IMAEs, which may have an important role in their success in class and in their decisions to take additional geoscience classes.
... The same is true for first-generation college students, women in male-dominated fields, and students with a low socioeconomic status (Dennehy & Dasgupta, 2017;Macphee et al., 2013). Increases in self-efficacy can lead to higher levels of student persistence and benefit society by retaining capable students (Wenner et al., 2011;Wenner & Baer, 2015). ...
Full-text available
Student retention in college is often expected to be handled by advisers, staff, and administrators. The university classroom—specifically, the pedagogies and practices that are utilized there—is a largely untapped resource in our quest to increase student success and retention. Instructional faculty are the only members of an academic institution that students are required to interact with regularly. For most courses offered in higher education, the contact time between faculty and students is typically three hours per week; faculty can have a significant impact on student outcomes in that time. This paper reviews and discusses scalable and practical teaching practices that span the domains of growth mindset, self-efficacy, metacognition, and belongingness. These teaching practices helped increase student retention by more than 30% in an entry-level core engineering course at our institution. The techniques described in this work can be deployed either simultaneously or in discrete sets to help students remain engaged in the educational process and successfully graduate. Because teaching is a universal practice, the teaching practices can be deployed in nearly every discipline and at every academic level. Most of the practices are independent of which instructional modes are being used, e.g., active learning vs lecturing, large vs small classes, or online vs in-person delivery. The specific implementation and effectiveness of the teaching practices may differ in each of those contexts, particularly with academic age of students, but improvements in student success and retention can be expected if the framework described here is used. We strongly recommend that a reflective process be deployed throughout implementation of the different teaching practices. This will allow for personal and professional growth in the instructor as they deploy the techniques while also improving the efficacy of the techniques themselves over time as they are refined for the local teaching environment.
... One approach is to mimic the just-in-time recitation section by creating online modules that provide students with just-in-time remediation. The success of such an approach in a geoscience course requiring specific mathematics skills in which the students were perceived as weak is described in [21]. The paper highlights the importance of creating highquality modules in order for students to reap the benefits; to our knowledge, no such modules are widely available for calculus prerequisite remediation. ...
Strong prerequisite skills are essential to student success in the calculus sequence; however, many students arrive in Calculus I with weaknesses that are difficult for them to overcome. In this paper, we describe an approach to early incentivized remediation of prerequisite material in a Calculus I course. We present data that supports the idea that a lack of prerequisite knowledge is a significant hurdle for students, but also that participation in the remediation program is correlated with student success. In addition, the program allows for the very early identification of students at high risk of failing. The program is easy to implement, and it would be adaptable to a variety of other courses for which prerequisite knowledge is essential for success including science courses, engineering courses and other mathematics courses.
... 1. "Integrat(ing) quantitative tasks into courses to illuminate students' understanding of geoscience, as well as to enhance their quantitative skills" (Macdonald et al. 2000, as quoted in our Introduction). (For Numeracy papers, see also Wenner et al. 2009, Lehto and Vacher 2012, and Wenner and Baer 2015. ...
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Since 1996, the Geology (GLY) program at the USF has offered “Computational Geology” as part of its commitment to prepare undergraduate majors for the quantitative aspects of their field. The course focuses on geological-mathematical problem solving. Over its twenty years, the course has evolved from a GATC (geometry-algebra-trigonometry-calculus) in-discipline capstone to a quantitative literacy (QL) course taught within a natural science major. With the formation of the new School of Geosciences in 2013, the merging departments re-examined their various curricular programs. An online survey of the Geology Alumni Society found that “express quantitative evidence in support of an argument” was more favorably viewed as a workplace skill (4th out of 69) than algebra (51st), trig (55th) and calculus 1 and 2 (59th and 60th). In that context, we decided to find out from successful alumni, “What did you get out of Computational Geology?” To that end, the first author carried out a formal, qualitative research study (narrative inquiry protocol), whereby he conducted, recorded, and transcribed semi-structured interviews of ten alumni selected from a list of 20 provided by the second author. In response to “Tell me what you remember from the course,” multiple alumni volunteered nine items: Excel (10 out of 10), Excel modules (8), Polya problem solving (5), “important” (4), unit conversions (4), back-of-the-envelope calculations (4), gender equality (3). In response to “Is there anything from the course that you used professionally or personally since graduating?” multiple alumni volunteered seven items: Excel (9 out of 10), QL/thinking (6), unit conversions (5), statistics (5), Excel modules (3), their notes (2). Outcome analysis from the open-ended comments arising from structured questions led to the identification of alumni takeaways in terms of elements of three values: (1) understanding and knowledge (facts such as conversion factors, and concepts such as proportions and log scales); (2) abilities and skills (communication, Excel, unit conversions); and (3) traits and dispositions (problem solving, confidence, and QL itself). The overriding conclusion of this case study is that QL education can have a place in geoscience education where the so-called context of the QL is interesting because it is in the students’ home major, and that such a course can be tailored to any level of program prerequisites.
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This article celebrates H.L. (Len) Vacher, the founding editor of Numeracy. While many readers of this journal are no doubt familiar with Len’s contributions here and to quantitative literacy as a practice and habit of mind, fewer are intimately familiar with Len’s history and impacts as a professor and colleague. This paper analyzes Len's contributions to the advancement of quantitative literacy through his scholarship in the journal and through the careers of former students and colleagues at the University of South Florida. The former observations originate in interview data originally collected as part of research on Len’s computational geology course or from testimonials given at Len’s retirement banquet. This editorial-style paper is not intended as research and makes no attempt to analyze the collected quotes, but rather offers select quotes to shed light on a side of Len Vacher's work that is not observable in his scholarly output alone.
Community colleges are a major entry point for many students to post-secondary education, particularly for minority, first-generation, low-income, and older students. A range of factors including transfer-readiness, curricular alignment, financial barriers, and transfer guidance, influence successful transfer between two-year colleges (2YCs) and four-year colleges and universities (4YCs). One critical factor related to transfer-readiness may be the degree to which students have similar experiences in the development of key skills in their introductory courses. This study uses the 2016 National Geoscience Faculty Survey to compare self-reported teaching practices used by instructors in introductory geoscience courses that support the development of students’ quantitative, data analysis, problem-based, communication, and metacognitive skills in 2YCs and 4YCs. Based on responses of 1,027 instructors (238 in 2YCs and 789 in 4YCs), a majority of the teaching practices in skills development in 2YCs are similar to those in 4YCs. Of the 24 teaching practices analyzed, seven displayed statistically significant differences after accounting for class size and active class time, however, the logistic models do not predict major differences between 2YCs and 4YCs. The findings of this study may serve to initiate discussions and collaborations between 2YCs and 4YCs, which could strengthen the transfer process and reduce challenges for transfer students.
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Pilot studies of an NSF-funded project called The Math You Need When You Need It (TMYN; reveal that online, asynchronous learning modules are effective at remediating students’ quantitative skills in introductory geoscience in both community college and university settings. TMYN uses a just-in-time and necessity approach to mathematical learning, with online modular tutorials assigned prior to students encountering a quantitative concept in a geoscience context. Pre- and posttest scores show that TMYN modules used in conjunction with a geoscience course successfully increase student’s quantitative skills. Survey responses indicate that students perceive the modules as helpful. Variation in student completion rates across the pilots illustrates challenges to effective implementation of online learning modules and suggests that instructional methods and students’ perceptions (and instructor reinforcement) of task value and expectancy of success may influence student interaction with TMYN and, thus, effective mathematics remediation. Class size and focus, concepts covered, and grading stakes seem to have a negligible influence on student completion and success rates, illustrating TMYN’s flexibility in a variety of instructional settings. The modular, asynchronous, and online approach of TMYN represents a promising solution to the challenge of teaching quantitative material that is contextually framed in a science context.
Introductory geology courses taught from a question-based approach that effectively incorporates problem solving demonstrate to students that science is more than a collection of facts. By having students put together observations and calculations to answer questions about the Earth, the course provides opportunities for students to develop more quantitative ways of thinking. Proficiency with quantitative problem solving comes from doing in-class exercises, homework, and exams that include numerical and graphical problems requiring arithmetic, algebra, and geometry. Incorporating quantitative problem solving is hampered by student perceptions about geology courses as well as the lack of introductory geology textbooks with a quantitative focus. However, quantitative materials can be successfully incorporated into large introductory geology courses if the instructor is accessible, engaging, and positive towards students' problem-solving ability.
We offer a course that our majors enroll in concurrently with their calculus course that “shadows” the topics covered by the calculus professor. In the shadow course, the students work collaboratively to build mathematical skills and apply calculus concepts to solve geoscience problems provided by the instructor (two examples are given). Students earn a grade of “pass” by demonstrating their involvement in learning. It is not feasible to assess statistically the effect of the shadow course on students' grades in the calculus courses; however, the shadow course has led to other positive outcomes. Our majors have developed more positive attitudes toward mathematics, including calculus, and get the message that geoscience faculty value and actively support their learning of calculus. We have gained insight into our students' strengths and weaknesses in mathematics that may help us to incorporate mathematics more effectively into geoscience courses. The shadow course is helping to foster active collaboration ...
Do students really enroll in Introductory Geology because they think it is "rocks for jocks"? In this study, we examine the widely held assumption that students view geology as a qualitative and remedial option for fulfilling a general education requirement. We present the first quantitative characterization of a large number of Introductory Geology students, their demographic characteristics and motivations at the start of the course, and their reasons for enrolling. More than 1,000 undergraduate students from seven institutions across the U.S. participated in this study, providing demographic information and responses to the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire. Students taking Introductory Geology either to fulfill a general education requirement (72% of the survey population) or because they thought it would be easy (19%) had relatively low motivation. The youngest students (18 or 19 years, 62% of the survey population) and those who had not declared a major or were planning a nonscience major (79%) also had relatively low motivation. In contrast, students taking the course for a major or minor (26%), because of prior interest in geology (31%), or because of interest in the interactions between humans and the environment (15%) had relatively high motivation. The differences in motivation we identify have important implications for Introductory Geology instructors, particularly those teaching large-enrollment courses, and validate the need for understanding student characteristics when designing course goals and selecting instructional strategies.
Diversity in mathematical preparation is common in quantitative geoscience courses, such as geophysics and hydrology. One way to handle this diversity is to design a sequence of homework assignments in which the mathematical difficulty increases progressively ('stepped homework'). The sequence of assignments for a typical quantitative course should include the following steps: 1) 'plug-ins' 2) algebraic manipulation, 3) graphing, 4) trigonometry and logarithms, 5) multistep problems, and 6) calculus and computer spreadsheets. Examples of problems from an introductory geophysics course are provided for each step. To be effective, this sequence must be coupled with ample opportunity for students who have difficulty to obtain assistance. Possible sources of assistance include tutoring by the instructor, working in a recitation section, and tutoring by peers. In a geophysics course that begins with seismology, a stepped homework sequence can be essentially completed by the end of that unit, leaving the students better prepared for success in the remainder of the course.
For hundreds of years verbal messages - such as lectures and printed lessons - have been the primary means of explaining ideas to learners. In Multimedia Learning Richard Mayer explores ways of going beyond the purely verbal by combining words and pictures for effective teaching. Multimedia encyclopedias have become the latest addition to students' reference tools, and the world wide web is full of messages that combine words and pictures. Do these forms of presentation help learners? If so, what is the best way to design multimedia messages for optimal learning? Drawing upon 10 years of research, the author provides seven principles for the design of multimedia messages and a cognitive theory of multimedia learning. In short, this book summarizes research aimed at realizing the promise of multimedia learning - that is, the potential of using words and pictures together to promote human understanding.