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An Approach to the Efficient Assessment of Safety and Usability of Computer-Based Control Systems (VeNuS 2)

  • Hochschule Schmalkalden, University of Applied Sciences


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... The " ManPro " framework for the Generation and Assessment of Documentation for Nuclear Facilities has been recently developed to assuage the concern related to the safety systems of nuclear facilities. " ManPro " facilitates the generation of user manuals through a computer aided process that guides the technical writer through the different system components [2, 3] . A User Interface (UI) is generated from a modeling specification in the Unified Modeling Language (UML), which defines the components of a system. ...
... This paper extended the content of earlier research in the field of instructions manuals for nuclear power plants [2, 3, 12] and examined the " ManPro " approach for the semiautomatic generation of instructions manuals from an ergonomic point of view. It showed that a complete software analysis can be achieved by making use of the EKIDES tool. ...
Instruction manuals have a direct impact on the efficiency of processes within nuclear facilities directly affecting the productivity and safety of employees. Operation handling must therefore be specified in an accurate manner that avoids ambiguity and prevents errors. To support this process, a framework was implemented for the computer based creation of instruction manuals for the operation of technical systems in nuclear facilities ("ManPro"). The tool is based on a modeling specification in the Unified Modeling Language (UML), which defines the components of a system. This paper extends the "ManPro" approach examining the ergonomic aspects for its system components and interactions.
... There are seven Indicators of dialogue principles in ISO 9241-110, they are [11]: 1) suitability for the task; 2) selfdescriptiveness; 3) conformity with user expectations; 4) suitability for learning; 5) controllability; 6) error tolerance; and 7) suitability for individualization. ...
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Nuclear plant operators must act in accordance with a number of requirements which are specified in the technical documentation that describes handling, functionality and architecture of the systems. Due to these many specifications to be considered, it is crucial to create technical documentation in order to improve the operation efficiency of such facilities and prevent human errors whenever possible. In this work, we propose a procedure (ManPro) for the computer-based creation of instruction manuals for the operation of technical systems. The "ManPro" approach is semiautomatic, which underlines its reproducibility and efficiency. Feasibility of the approach and its effects on usability are assessed and outlined.
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Usability does not exist in any absolute sense; it can only be defined with reference to particular contexts. This, in turn, means that there are no absolute measures of usability, since, if the usability of an artefact is defined by the context in which that artefact is used, measures of usability must of necessity be defined by that context too. Despite this, there is a need for broad general measures which can be used to compare usability across a range of contexts. In addition, there is a need for "quick and dirty" methods to allow low cost assessments of usability in industrial systems evaluation. This chapter describes the System Usability Scale (SUS) a reliable, low-cost usability scale that can be used for global assessments of systems usability.
Confusing, inadequate instructions for setting up and using consumer products are not only unhelpful, but potentially dangerous. They may contain wrong information, poor warnings, and no pictures or illustrations. Standards are either non-existent or little known, even though the U.S. government has developed and tested standards for the past thirty years. This book presents a set of guidelines written by The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society that have been tested by human factor specialists. This expert advice is applicable to writing assembly procedures, operational procedures, and user, shop, and repair manuals.
On the Project, An Approach to the efficient assessment of safety and usability of computer-based control systems
  • G Glöe
  • T Hadler
G. Glöe, T. Hadler, " Final Report, On the Project, An Approach to the efficient assessment of safety and usability of computer-based control systems ", TÜV NORD, June 2008. [2]
Integral Assessment Approach within the project, An Approach to the efficient assessment of safety and usability of computer-based control systems
  • G Glöe
  • B A Gran
  • T Hadler
  • H Miedl
  • Ch Raspotnig
G. Glöe, B. A. Gran, T. Hadler, H. Miedl, Ch. Raspotnig, "Technical Report, On WP 4.3, Integral Assessment Approach within the project, An Approach to the efficient assessment of safety and usability of computer-based control systems", TÜV NORD, IFE, ISTec, May 2007.
Report on the research project VeNuS, An Approach to the efficient assessment of safety and usability of computer-based control systems, Report on workpackage 4.1.2, Processing of requirements on development and proof of safety from technical standards
  • G Dahl
  • B A Gran
  • E.-U Mainka
  • J Märtz
  • H Miedl
G. Dahl, B. A. Gran, E.-U. Mainka, J. Märtz, H. Miedl, " Report on the research project VeNuS, An Approach to the efficient assessment of safety and usability of computer-based control systems, Report on workpackage 4.1.2, Processing of requirements on development and proof of safety from technical standards ", TÜV NORD, IFE, ISTec, April 2007. [4]
On WP 4.2.1, Configuration Management supporting the Software Development Process within the project, An Approach to the efficient assessment of safety and usability of computer-based control systems
  • K Pataki
  • M Thüring
K. Pataki, M. Thüring, "Technical Report, On WP 4.2.1, Configuration Management supporting the Software Development Process within the project, An Approach to the efficient assessment of safety and usability of computer-based control systems", TU Berlin, April 2006.
HWR-1051 HALDEN RM (Requirements Manager) -Supporting the Management of Requirements Traceability
  • T Sivertsen
T. Sivertsen, "HWR-1051 HALDEN RM (Requirements Manager) -Supporting the Management of Requirements Traceability", OECD Halden Reactor Project, 2013.