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Permian-Triassic Extinctions and Rediversifications



Ammonoids were a major component of Permian marine faunas, but were on the verge of extinction during the Permian-Triassic crisis ~ 252 myr ago. Despite the severity of this extinction, their recovery was explosive in less than 1.5 myr. By Smithian time, they had already reached levels of taxonomic richness much higher than those of the Permian. The causes for the rapid Early Triassic diversification and proliferation of these organisms still remain elusive, but the evolution of their spatio-temporal diversity and disparity patterns closely correlates with the numerous environmental changes recorded during this time interval.
Chapter 17
Permian-Triassic Extinctions
and Rediversifications
Arnaud Brayard and Hugo Bucher
© Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2015
C. Klug et al. (eds.), Ammonoid Paleobiology: From macroevolution to paleogeography,
Topics in Geobiology 44, DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-9633-0_17
A. Brayard ()
UMR CNRS 6282 Biogéosciences, Université de Bourgogne, 6 boulevard Gabriel,
21000 Dijon, France
H. Bucher
Paläontologisches Institut und Museum, Universität Zürich, Karl-Schmid Strasse 4,
8006 Zürich, Switzerland
17.1 Introduction
At the boundary between the Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras (~ 252 myr), the end-
Permian mass extinction was the most devastating global-scale event ever recorded,
resulting in the loss of more than 90 % of marine species (Raup 1979) and the dis-
appearance or severe reduction in diversity of typical Paleozoic organisms (e.g.,
trilobites, tabulate and rugose corals, brachiopods). The ecological recovery of
the benthos is traditionally assumed to have spanned the entire Early Triassic (i.e.
~ 5 myr), thus strikingly contrasting with that of pelagic environments and their
dwellers. Whether or not this difference is the result of a selective preservation bias
against the benthos cannot be excluded. However, extreme diversity fluctuations of
nekto-pelagic organisms (e.g., ammonoids and conodonts) during the entire Early
Triassic indicate major environmental upheavals in the ocean in the wake of the
end-Permian extinction(s). In support of markedly unstable Early Triassic times,
several major events are known from the sedimentary, geochemical and palynologi-
cal records (e.g., Payne et al. 2004, 2010; Galfetti et al. 2007a, b, c; Hermann et al.
2011, 2012; Sun et al. 2012; Grasby et al. 2013; Romano et al. 2013; Fig. 17.1a),
suggesting profound global changes in climate, sea-level and oceanic geochemistry
(e.g. anoxia, euxinia, acidification). The initial low resolution time frames of these
recurrent environmental deterioration events after the Permian-Triassic boundary
(PTB) crisis were therefore first lumped into a “delayed recovery” model which
is still the standard in effect in some recent reviews (e.g., Chen and Benton 2012).
466 A. Brayard and H. Bucher
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46717 Permian-Triassic Extinctions and Rediversifications
Contrasting with this early view, recent analyses of nekto-pelagic taxa such as am-
monoids and conodonts document an explosive Early Triassic rediversification (Or-
chard 2007; Brayard et al. 2009c). Indeed, although ammonoids were among the
organisms most affected by the PTB mass extinction, Triassic ammonoids actually
reached levels of diversity much higher than in the Permian less than ~ 1.5 myr after
the PT boundary (Brayard et al. 2009c). In this chapter, we provide a brief overview
of the present state of our knowledge of the ammonoid record around the PTB crisis
and during the recovery interval.
17.2 Late Permian Events
Four major clades of Permian ammonoids (Goniatitida, Prolecanitida, Tornocera-
tida and Ceratitida; Fig. 17.1a; e.g., Ruzhencev 1960; Glenister and Furnish 1981;
Leonova 2002, 2011) are globally characterized by relatively slow and uncoupled
origination and extinction dynamics (Brayard et al. 2009c). Goniatitida were the
dominant group during the Early-Middle Permian interval (e.g., Ruzhencev 1960;
Glenister and Furnish 1981; Leonova 2002, 2011). Following a diversity peak dur-
ing the Middle Permian, all ammonoid groups show a protracted, two-step decline
in diversity during the Late Permian (Capitanian and Changhsingian extinctions;
Glenister and Furnish 1981; Stanley and Yang 1994; Zhou et al. 1996). The first ex-
tinction event in the Capitanian is now generally agreed to have been triggered by the
eruption of the Emeishan flood basalts (Bond et al. 2010). Remarkably, Ceratitida
did not follow this trend and flourished during the Wuchiapingian with the notable
rapid diversification of the morphologically-singular Otocerataceae (Brayard et al.
2009c; Leonova 2002, 2011; Zakharov and Abnavi 2013). This time interval also
corresponds to a marked restriction of global ammonoid morphological disparity
(e.g., Saunders et al. 2008; Villier and Korn 2004; Leonova 2005). With blossoming
Xenodiscidae and Pseudotirolitidae, Ceratitida also largely embodied the taxonomic
diversity of Changhsingian ammonoids. The PTB mass extinction was most probably
triggered by eruption of the Siberian traps (Reichow et al. 2009; Svensen et al. 2009).
Fig. 17.1 a Total ammonoid generic richness ( black bold line: all ammonoids; color lines: major
ammonoid groups; Permian bold line: data from; Permian dotted line: alternate data
from the Ammon database (Korn and Ilg 2007); Triassic bold line modified after Brayard et al.
(2009c) based on an updated database) and mean Chao2 estimate of the overall generic richness
with its 95 % Confidence Interval (large circles with vertical bars; see Brayard et al. 2015). PTB:
Permian-Triassic boundary. E.T.: Early Triassic. Note that the end-Smithian ammonoid extinction
event discussed in the text is not illustrated here due to its short time duration. b Chronostrati-
graphic subdivisions of the Early Triassic (radiometric ages by Ovtcharova et al. 2006; Galfetti
et al. 2007b and Shen et al. 2011) with simplified trends of geochemical (δ13Ccarb; data from
Galfetti et al. 2007b) and Tethyan relative temperature fluctuations during this period (data from
Romano et al. 2013 [black line] and Sun et al. 2012 [grey line]). c Temporal distribution of some
Early Triassic representative families (modified after Tozer 1981; Brayard et al. 2006, 2009c).
Ammonoid illustrations from Brayard and Bucher (2008), Brayard et al. (2013) and Guex et al.
(2010). d Simplified trend of the formation of a latitudinal diversity gradient during this period
(modified after Brayard et al. 2006, 2007b, 2009b)
468 A. Brayard and H. Bucher
The Goniatitida and Tornoceratida completely disappeared with this event (Glenis-
ter and Furnish 1981; Tozer 1981; Leonova 2002, 2011) and apparently, only one
Prolecanitida genus ( Episageceras) survived the crisis (Kummel 1972; Tozer 1981;
Dagys and Ermakova 1996; Leonova 2011; Zakharov and Abnavi 2013). Among the
Ceratitida, only two main ammonoid clades survived across the PT boundary: the
Otoceratidae and Xenodiscidae. Otoceras rapidly disappeared after the mass extinc-
tion, before the end of the Griesbachian. However, after a gap spanning the entire
Dienerian, Otocerataceae probably had their final appearance with Proharpoceras
in the Smithian (Brayard et al. 2007a). Thus, with very exceptions ( Episageceras,
Otoceras, Proharpoceras) and a still ambiguous case (Sagecerataceae) (e.g., Glenis-
ter and Furnish 1981; Tozer 1981; Becker and Kullman 1981; Brayard et al. 2007a;
McGowan and Smith 2007), Triassic ammonoids are usually agreed to root into a
single and morphologically very simple clade, the Xenodiscidae and are therefore
interpreted as a monophyletic clade (Tozer 1981; Brayard et al. 2006; McGowan and
Smith 2007). Following this hypothesis, all Mesozoic ammonoids are consequently
derived from the xenodiscids, which went unscathed across the PTB mass extinction.
17.3 Early Triassic Events
Early Triassic times are commonly divided into four stages or substages of highly
uneven duration (Griesbachian, Dienerian, Smithian and Spathian), which are very
well defined by ammonoid zones and events (Fig. 17.1b; see Jenks et al. 2015 and
Monnet et al. 2015). Based on ammonoids, the PTB is traditionally defined by the
first occurrence of Otoceras (e.g., Tozer 1994, 2003; Dagys and Ermakova 1996;
Zakharov 2002; Shevyrev 2006). Although knowledge of Griesbachian and Die-
nerian ammonoids is still limited, proptychitids and meekoceratids originated dur-
ing the Dienerian. In their first steps, these Dienerian originations did not lead to
any spectacular taxonomic diversification (e.g., Tozer 1974; Shevyrev 2001; Brüh-
wiler et al. 2008; Ware et al. 2011; Fig. 17.1c). The beginning of the Smithian is
defined by the origination of new families such as the highly speciose Flemingitidae
and Kashmiritidae. Ammonoid richness first peaked during the middle Smithian
through the evolution of extremely short-lived species (Brayard et al. 2009c; Brüh-
wiler et al. 2010). The beginning of the Spathian witnessed an explosive radiation
rooted in the latest Smithian Xenoceltites. Tirolitidae first quickly diverged from
Xenoceltites and formed the basal group of from which the next radiation that began
in the early Spathian and continued onward at a very high pace.
The tempo of recovery after the PTB mass extinction has recently been estimated
thanks to new U-Pb radiometric ages allowing for more accurate and precise time
calibrations (Ovtcharova et al. 2006; Galfetti et al. 2007b; Shen et al. 2011). The
rediversification was explosive for some marine groups such as the ammonoids
(Brayard et al. 2009c) and conodonts (Orchard 2007), spanning less than ~ 1.5 myr
(Fig. 6.21a). Ammonoids reached levels of taxonomic richness in the Smithian
that were already much higher than those of the Permian (see also Tozer 1981;
Leonova 2002). Their recovery did not follow Sepkoski’s (1978) classical logistic
46917 Permian-Triassic Extinctions and Rediversifications
diversification model, for which major assumptions are required about the carrying
capacity of the environment, but it instead has been re-interpreted as a hierarchical
model periodically interrupted by brief but significant extinction events (e.g., end-
Smithian; Brayard et al. 2009c).
The global first-order trend in increasing ammonoid diversity was accompanied
by a progressive change from cosmopolitan to latitudinally-restricted distribution
during the Early Triassic with the formation of a clear latitudinal diversity gra-
dient during most of the Smithian and Spathian sub-stages (Fig. 17.1d; Brayard
et al. 2006, 2015). Marked intertropical faunal exchanges across the Tethys and
Panthalassa are obvious at that time with the occurrence of identical ammonoids on
opposite sides of Panthalassa, illustrating latitudinally-restricted faunal exchanges
during the Smithian (Brayard et al. 2007b, 2009a, b, 2013; Jenks et al. 2010), and
the Spathian (Galfetti et al. 2007b; Guex et al. 2010; Monnet et al. 2013).
The global recovery trend was not a continuous process. It was interrupted at
least once during a brief episode of ammonoid cosmopolitanism combined with a
marked extinction event during the end-Smithian (e.g., Tozer 1982; Dagys 1988;
Brayard et al. 2006). This extinction event was the most important one within the
entire Triassic and its intensity compares with that of the PTB extinction. Only four
species-poor families (the xenoceltitids and the sageceratids, but also virtually the
palaeophyllitids and the proptychitids) survived the late Smithian extinction.
Similarly, conodonts reached their highest Triassic generic diversity during the
middle Smithian, but only a very few species went through the end-Smithian crisis.
On land, floras underwent a drastic ecological turnover with a middle Smithian
spore peak comparable to the end-Permian one, followed by an early gymnosperm
recovery during the late Smithian (Hermann et al. 2011). An abrupt, global change
from hygrophytic to xerophytic associations characterizes the Smithian-Spathian
boundary (Galfetti et al. 2007c; Hermann et al. 2011). The global carbon isotope
record also reached a marked negative peak during the middle Smithian, followed
by an abrupt positive shift in the late Smithian (e.g., Payne et al. 2004; Galfetti et al.
2007b). In the Tethys, the oxygen isotope record from biogenic phosphate tends to
track the carbon isotope record and indicates a temperature drop of ca. 7.5 °C close
to the Smithian-Spathian boundary (Romano et al. 2013).
It is well known by ammonoid workers (e.g., Kummel and Steele 1962) that
the Early Triassic ammonoid radiation is represented by numerous homeomorphic
taxa. Trends in morphological disparity and richness were especially decoupled
during the Griesbachian and Dienerian with persisting low disparity values in the
Dienerian whereas richness shows a weak increase (McGowan 2004, 2005; Brosse
et al. 2013). The first disparity peak occurred early in the Smithian (Brosse et al.
2013). The end-Smithian extinction had obvious consequences with a marked con-
traction of the previously occupied morphospace. The Spathian corresponds to a
second disparity peak with a morphospace analogous to the early-middle Smithian.
However, Spathian superfamilies occupied more restricted portions of the morpho-
space (Brosse et al. 2013).
Ammonoid recovery during the Early Triassic therefore appears as the com-
bined outcome of (i) the classical rapid refilling of a vacated ecospace after the
mass extinction, and (ii) the successive extinction events and recurrent stressful
470 A. Brayard and H. Bucher
environmental conditions that may have enhanced their high turnover rates. Most
likely explanations for the end-Smithian extinction call upon the combined con-
sequences of the concentration of carbon dioxide of volcanic origin (e.g., Galfetti
et al. 2007b) and sea-level changes. Whatever the precise cause(s), it had a deep im-
pact on the biotic rediversification, especially for ammonoids, conodonts and plant
ecological assemblages as well. We cannot exclude the possibility that a few other
Early Triassic biotic events are still hidden due to the insufficient knowledge of
intervals such as the Griesbachian and Dienerian. However, significant results and
new questions on the Early Triassic recovery will certainly arise from further stud-
ies of ammonoids and their spectacular evolutionary rebounds, which are hardly
reconcilable with the alleged persistence of globally devastated ecosystems.
Acknowledgments We thank D. Korn, J. Jenks and K. Bylund for their constructive comments
and suggestions. The CNRS INSU Interrvie supported A.B. for his study. This is also a contribu-
tion to the ANR project AFTER (ANR-13-JS06-0001). H.B. acknowledges the support of the
Swiss National Science Foundation (project 200021_135446).
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... Zoneibe Luz 1 , Marc Leu 2 , Oluwaseun Edward 1 , Aymon Baud 3 , Hugo Bucher 2 , Torsten Vennemann 1 1 Institut des Dynamiques de la Surface Terrestre, Université de Lausanne, Géopolis, CH-1015 Lausanne (;; 2 Paläontologisches Institut und Museum, Universität Zürich, Karl-Schmid-Strasse 4, CH-8006 Zürich (; 3 Institut des Sciences de la Terre, Université de Lausanne, Géopolis, CH-1015 Lausanne ( In the aftermath of the largest mass extinction, the Early Triassic comprised major environmental perturbations during which nektonic marine organisms (e.g., ammonoids, conodonts) underwent a series of extinction-origination cycles (Brayard & Bucher 2015;Widmann et al. 2020). Early Triassic palaeotemperatures were not invariably hot and varied along with changes in the carbon cycle (e.g., . ...
The Early Triassic Smithian and Spathian time intervals are characterized by perturbations in the global carbon cycle, fluctuations in sea surface temperature, high turnover rates of marine nekton, and a change in terrestrial vegetation. Despite the importance of this time interval, comprehensive multiproxy investigations from Early Triassic high and middle latitude regions remain scarce due to the difficulty in accessing sections. The objective of this study is to increase our understanding of regional and local palaeoenvironmental and carbon cycle perturbations from a middle Smithian to late Spathian middle latitude section from Central Spitsbergen. Geochemical analyses show an increase in phosphorus and nitrogen just at and above the Smithian–Spathian boundary (SSB). High primary productivity led to increasingly anoxic conditions in bottom waters during the middle and late Spathian, enhancing the preservation of organic matter in the sediments. Anoxic conditions restrain phosphorus remineralization, allowing it to be recycled within the water column. This increase in anoxia is consistent with observations in other Arctic basins, demonstrating larger regional similarities in palaeoenvironmental conditions. The fluctuations in isostatic and eustatic sea levels affected organic carbon sequestration by regulating organic matter mineral interactions via the control of grain size within the sediment. This study demonstrates that local organic carbon sequestration in the Barents Sea shelf during the Spathian was influenced by a multitude of factors, including sedimentology, redox conditions, nutrient availability, and primary productivity.
Mercury (Hg) enrichment recorded in Smithian to Spathian (Olenekian) marine sedimentary successions has been used to link putative renewed Siberian Traps Large Igneous Province (STLIP) magmatism to climatic and environmental perturbations during this interval. To assess the potential for massive volcanism as a trigger for marine environmental disturbances across the Smithian – Spathian boundary (SSB), the patterns and provenance of Hg sequestration in four Tethyan marine sedimentary successions are investigated in the current study. We present a diverse array of new, temporally calibrated geochemical data including Hg concentrations and isotopic compositions, strontium, and neodymium isotope records, as well as major and trace element concentrations from carbonate-poor and -rich strata alike, including volcanic ashes. Results indicate that Hg anomalies in middle to late Smithian strata vary in magnitude and age. Based on several lines of evidence, the Hg anomalies recorded for the investigated PaleoTethyan successions are interpreted to have been sourced from subduction-related arc volcanism, with potential contributions from terrestrial Hg reservoirs. In contrast, a low-magnitude mercury enrichment interval recorded for NeoTethyan late Smithian strata is attributed to hydrothermal fluid or submarine volcanic activity. These results, together with previously published Smithian to Spathian Hg records, provide evidence that Smithian Hg anomalies cannot be attributed to a singular source such as renewed STLIP activity. Instead, the stratigraphically variable mercury anomalies reflect local patterns of enhanced mercury sequestration from various sources during the middle Smithian to SSB. Consequently, evidence for STLIP magmatism during the Smithian – Spathian transition is still lacking, and regional volcanic activity may have been influential in causing marine environmental upheavals in the Tethys region across the SSB.
Introduction Whole-genome duplication (WGD) is one of the most sudden and dramatic events rarely reported in invertebrates, but its occurrence can lead to physiological, morphological, and behavioral diversification. WGD has also never been reported in barnacles, which is one of the most unique groups of crustaceans with extremely speciallized morphology (calcareous shells) and habits (intertidal sessile lifestyle). Objectives To investigate whether WGD has occurred in barnacles and examine its potential role in driving the adaptive evolution and diversification of barnacles. Methods Based on a newly sequenced and assembled chromosome-level barnacle genome, a novel WGD event has been identified in barnacles through a comprehensive analysis of interchromosomal synteny, the Hox gene cluster, and synonymous substitution distribution. Results We provide ample evidences for WGD in the barnacle genomes. Comparative genomic analysis indicates that this WGD event predates the divergence of Thoracicalcarea, occurring more than 247 million years ago. The retained ohnologs from the WGD are primarily enriched in various pathways related to environmental information processing, shedding light on the adaptive evolution and diversification of intertidal sessile lifestyle. In addition, transcriptomic analyses show that most of these ohnologs were differentially expressed following the ebb of tide. And the cytochrome P450 ohnologs with differential expression patterns are subject to subfunctionalization and/or neofunctionalization for intertidal adaptation. Besides WGD, parallel evolution underlying intertidal adaptation has also occurred in barnacles. Conclusion This study revealed an ancient WGD event in the barnacle genomes, which is potentially associated with the origin and diversification of thoracican barnacles, and may have contributed to the adaptive evolution of their intertidal sessile lifestyle.
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Some 2.7 myr after the Permian-Triassic boundary mass extinction, a stepwise extinction of the nekton (am-monoids and conodonts) ended at the Smithian-Spathian boundary (SSB) during an episode of climate cooling. SSB records from continental shelves are usually affected by an unconformity, suggesting a forced regression of glacio-eustatic origin. Here, we document a new 30-m-thick SSB section from Jebel Aweri (Batain Plain, Oman) that provides an exceptionally complete and expanded record preserved in an exotic block. Most of this SSB section consists of microbial boundstone build-ups with a framework of metazoan bioclasts that formed in shallow water on an offshore seamount. In Wadi Musjah (Hawasina nappes, Oman), another exotic block records the SSB in a deeper water setting represented by Hallstatt-type facies. These two sections provide a unique perspective on the early Spathian rapid re-diversification of conodonts. They led to a thorough revision of conodont taxonomy around the SSB and to the construction of the highest resolution biochronological scheme for this time interval in the Tethys. A total of five SSB sections from Oman representing both offshore seamounts and lower slope deposits were included in a high-resolution, quantitative unitary associations (UA) analysis. The resulting 8 conodont biozones are intercalibrated with ammonoid zones and with the carbonate carbon isotope record ultimately placing the SSB in the interval of separation between UAZ 3 and UAZ 4. Only the association of Novispathodus pingdingshanen-sis with Icriospathodus crassatus can be used to unambiguously characterize the base of the Spathian.
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Unlabelled: The Smithian-Spathian boundary (SSB) crisis played a prominent role in resetting the evolution and diversity of the nekton (ammonoids and conodonts) during the Early Triassic recovery. The late Smithian nektonic crisis culminated at the SSB, ca. 2.7 Myr after the Permian-Triassic boundary mass extinction. An accurate and high-resolution biochronological frame is needed for establishing patterns of extinction and re-diversification of this crisis. Here, we propose a new biochronological frame for conodonts that is based on the Unitary Associations Method (UAM). In this new time frame, the SSB can thus be placed between the climax of the extinction and the onset of the re-diversification. Based on the study of new and rich conodont collections obtained from five sections (of which four are newly described here) in the Nanpanjiang Basin, South China, we have performed a thorough taxonomical revision and described one new genus and 21 new species. Additionally, we have critically reassessed the published conodont data from 16 other sections from South China, and we have used this new, standardized dataset to construct the most accurate, highly resolved, and laterally reproducible biozonation of the Smithian to early Spathian interval for South China. The resulting 11 Unitary Association Zones (UAZ) are intercalibrated with lithological and chemostratigraphical (δ13Ccarb) markers, as well as with ammonoid zones, thus providing a firm basis for an evolutionary meaningful and laterally consistent definition of the SSB. Our UAZ8, which is characterized by the occurrence of Icriospathodus ex gr. crassatus, Triassospathodus symmetricus and Novispathodus brevissimus, is marked by a new evolutionary radiation of both conodonts and ammonoids and is within a positive peak in the carbon isotope record. Consequently, we propose to place the SSB within the separation interval intercalated between UAZ7 and UAZ8 thus leaving some flexibility for future refinement and updating. Supplementary information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s13358-022-00259-x.
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Synopsis Stability–maneuverability tradeoffs impose various constraints on aquatic locomotion. The fossil record houses a massive morphological dataset that documents how organisms have encountered these tradeoffs in an evolutionary framework. Externally shelled cephalopods (e.g., ammonoids and nautiloids) are excellent targets to study physical tradeoffs because they experimented with numerous conch morphologies during their long-lived evolutionary history (around 0.5 billion years). The tradeoff between hydrostatic stability and maneuverability was investigated with neutrally buoyant biomimetic models, engineered to have the same mass distributions computed for their once-living counterparts. Monitoring rocking behavior with 3D motion tracking reveals how stability influenced the life habits of these animals. Cephalopods with short body chambers and rapid whorl expansion (oxycones) more quickly attenuate rocking, while cephalopods with long body chambers (serpenticones and sphaerocones) had improved pitch maneuverability. Disparate conch morphologies presented broad functional opportunities to these animals, imposing several advantages and consequences across the morphospace. These animals navigated inescapable physical constraints enforced by conch geometry, illuminating key relationships between functional diversity and morphological disparity in aquatic ecosystems. Our modeling techniques correct for differences in material properties between physical models and those inferred for their living counterparts. This approach provides engineering solutions to the obstacles created by buoyancy, mass distributions, and moments of inertia, permitting more lifelike, free-swimming biomechanical models and aquatic robots.
Cosmopolitanism represents the formation of globally homogenous biotas, usually of low-diversity, and normally form under unusual environmental conditions. But the factors driving such important biogeographic states remain unclear. The Carboniferous to Triassic encompasses the Late Paleozoic Ice Age (LPIA) and a hothouse beginning in the latest Permian and persisting through the Early Triassic. These dramatic environmental changes caused complex paleobiogeographic changes and were also associated with such severe biological events as the mid-Carboniferous biotic crisis, and the end-Permian and end-Triassic mass extinctions. This interval is a unique natural window for studying biogeographic patterns under different climate backgrounds and with greatly changed taxonomic composition. In this study, we apply multiple biogeographic indices to examine two episodes of cosmopolitanism based on global marine invertebrate fossil records during the Carboniferous to Triassic. The LPIA cosmopolitanism event was characterized by high faunal similarity at middle latitudes generated by diversity loss and complex glacial/interglacial climatic changes. By contrast, the EPME cosmopolitanism event was characterized by high faunal similarity globally resulting from a faunal changeover, when communities characterized by high richness were replaced by widespread and monotonous communities with high evenness and extremely low richness. The two cosmopolitanism events differed in durations, taxon preference and geographic influence, but in both cases their driving mechanisms were linked to extreme icehouse and hothouse climates. These two episodes illustrate the complexity of deep time marine ecosystem response to climatic changes and the multiple drivers of cosmopolitanism in the marine biosphere.
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Externally shelled cephalopods with coiled, planispiral conchs were ecologically successful for hundreds of millions of years. These animals displayed remarkable morphological disparity, reflecting comparable differences in physical properties that would have constrained their life habits and ecological roles. To investigate these constraints, self-propelling, neutrally buoyant, biomimetic robots were 3D-printed for four disparate morphologies. These robots were engineered to assume orientations computed from virtual hydrostatic simulations while producing Nautilus-like thrusts. Compressed morphotypes had improved hydrodynamic stability (coasting efficiency) and experienced lower drag while jetting backwards. However, inflated morphotypes had improved maneuverability while rotating about the vertical axis. These differences highlight an inescapable physical tradeoff between hydrodynamic stability and yaw maneuverability, illuminating different functional advantages and life-habit constraints across the cephalopod morphospace. This tradeoff reveals there is no single optimum conch morphology, and elucidates the success and iterative evolution of disparate morphologies through deep time, including non-streamlined forms.
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Globacrochordiceras transpacificum gen. et sp. nov. is an ammonoid (Ammonoidea, Cephalopoda) with a shell characterized by plicate ribbing (rounded and undulating ribs strengthening on the venter without interruption), increasing involution through ontogeny, overhanging and deep umbilical wall, absence of tuberculation, subtriangular whorl section, globose adult shape with a closed umbilicus followed by an abrupt egressive coiling, and a subammonitic adult suture line. This new taxon occurs in Nevada (USA) and in Guangxi (South China). It has its typical occurrence within the Neopopanoceras haugi Zone of late Spathian age (Early Triassic). The plicate ribbing, suture line and general shell shape are diagnostic of the family Acrochordiceratidae. The large adult size, high degree of involution and subammonitic suture line of Globacrochordiceras markedly contrast with the next younger genus of the family (Paracrochordiceras of early Anisian age, Middle Triassic), which is evolute and displays a ceratitic suture shape. Shell coiling and suture line of Globacrochordiceras are closer to that of the youngest member of the family: Acrochordiceras carolinae (late middle Anisian). The latter is the end-member of a long-term morphological evolutionary trend of the family during the early and middle Anisian. This trend composed of classical increases in adult size (Cope's rule), shell involution and suture indentation, lasted ca. four Myr. The sudden morphological evolutionary jump between Globacrochordiceras and Paracrochordiceras at the Spathian/Anisian (Early/Middle Triassic) boundary may correspond to a generalized morphological reset of long-term trends, a process that differs from classic paedomorphic transformations. A dramatic global sea level change and carbon isotope positive excursion at the Early/Middle Triassic boundary both indicate stressful environmental changes that may have triggered this evolutionary jump. doi:10.1002/mmng.201300010
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Changes in the taxonomic, morphological, and morphoecological structure of the ammonoid biota in the Permian are studied. The diversity dynamics and the evolution of sutures, morphotypes, and adaptive types through the ages and in larger periods recognized in the history of this group are discussed. The relative rates of morphogenesis and assemblage renewal are calculated. The dependence of these rates on the abiotic events of that time and the biological history of the group is suggested. The evolutionary changes are interpreted in the view of eustatic and climatic fluctuations.
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Paleozoic ammonoids have attracted much less attention from professional and amateur paleontologists than Mesozoic ammonoids. Because of the Variscan folding in Europe, the classical area of investigation, Devonian and Carboniferous material from Europe is often rather poorly preserved. As a result, few collectors of the 19th and early 20th century have focused their attention on these fossils. In recent decades, however, as our knowledge of Paleozoic ammonoids has expanded, it has become more and more apparent that the evolution and systematics of Paleozoic forms are as complex as those of Mesozoic ones. For example, the number of Devonian genera rose from about 80 in the Treatise of 1957 to a present figure of more than 200.
A simple equilibrial model for the growth and maintenance of Phanerozoic global marine taxonomie diversity can be constructed from considerations of the behavior of origination and extinction rates with respect to diversity. An initial postulate that total rate of diversification is proportional to number of taxa extant leads to an exponential model for early phases of diversification. This model appears to describe adequately the “explosive” diversification of known metazoan orders across the Precambrian-Cambrian Boundary, suggesting that no special event, other than the initial appearance of Metazoa, is necessary to explain this phenomenon. As numbers of taxa increase, the rate of diversification should become “diversity dependent.” Ecological factors should cause the per taxon rate of origination to decline and the per taxon rate of extinction to increase. If these relationships are modeled as simple linear functions, a logistic description of the behavior of taxonomie diversity through time results. This model appears remarkably consistent with the known pattern of Phanerozoic marine ordinal diversity as a whole. Analysis of observed rates of ordinal origination also indicates these are to a large extent diversity dependent; however, diversity dependence is not immediately evident in rates of ordinal extinction. Possible explanations for this pattern are derived from considerations of the size of higher taxa and from simulations of their diversification. These suggest that both the standing diversity and the pattern of origination of orders may adequately reflect the behavior of species diversity through time; however, correspondence between rates of ordinal and species extinction may deteriorate with progressive loss of information resulting from incomplete sampling of the fossil record.
Taxonomic diversity is only one possible biodiversity metric. Studies of taxonomic and morphologic diversity indicate that the two need not be closely linked. Mass extinctions, and their associated recovery periods, can be viewed as natural experiments for testing the link. After the Permian-Triassic mass extinction (ca. 253 Ma), ammonoid taxonomic diversity rapidly recovered to preextinction levels. Morphologic diversity, measured as variance, was used to compare taxonomic and morphologic recovery patterns of ammonoids after the Permian-Triassic. Morphologic diversity decreased significantly between the first and second stages of the Triassic (Griesbachian and Dienerian, respectively), despite an increase in taxonomic diversity and a tripling of sample size. During the third stage (Smithian), morphologic diversity returned to Griesbachian levels. The loss of representatives from two morphologically distinctive lineages at the end of the Griesbachian, followed by the evolution of many morphologically convergent forms, explains this pattern. These findings strengthen the case that morphologic metrics are valuable complements to taxonomic metrics in characterizing evolutionary patterns.
Induan ammonoid fauna from North-Eastern Asia including 20 species of 9 genera is revised. One new genus, Aldanoceras, and three new species, Aldanoceras tenue n. sp., Metophiceras allarense n. sp., and Wordieoceras tompoense n. sp. are described. A biochronology of the Boreal Induan is proposed. New paleontologic and stratigraphic data permit the recognition of 8 zones in the Induan Stage of Siberia. Correlation of the zonal schemes of Induan from different regions is given.