
Research in transportation business and management: Logistics and intermodal transport

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... In Research in Transportation Business & Management, two previous Themed Volumes have been devoted to intermodal freight transport and some further 50 articles published in the subject area. Both Volume 5 (Browne, Woodburn, & Woxenius, 2012) and Volume 14 (Monios & Bergqvist, 2015) included articles in the broad field of intermodal transport research and Volume 19 on Port Competitiveness (Meersman, Van de Voorde, & Vanelslander, 2012), included articles addressing modal transfer. Topics dealt with in these Volumes include network design, transport service provision, market analysis and policy and governance evaluation. ...
Intermodal freight transport has developed into a significant sector of the transport industry in its own right. This development has been followed by an increase in intermodal freight transportation research. We contend that a new transportation research application field is emerging; and that, while still in a pre-paradigmatic phase, it is now time to move on to a more mature independent research field. An independent research field can be justified because intermodal transport is a complex system that has characteristics which distinguishes it from other transport systems. We have reviewed 92 publications in order to identify the characteristics of the intermodal research community and scientific knowledge base. This paper will discuss aspects of this research, assessing the status quo and seeking directions for the future. To conclude, we will propose an intermodal research agenda which can direct the intermodal research field towards a period of “normal science”.
Glossary of statistical terms. Paris: Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
  • Oecd
OECD (2002). Glossary of statistical terms. Paris: Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (