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Surgical results with the use of Silicated Calcium Phosphate (SiCaP) as bone graft substitute in Posterior Spinal Fusion (PSF) for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS)


Abstract and Figures

The gold standard iliac crest bone graft (ICBG) used to achieve arthrodesis in spinal fusions is not without complications (donor-site morbidity, iliac wing fractures etc.…). Our objectives were to evaluate the role of silicated calcium phosphate (SiCaP), an osteoconductive synthetic bone graft substitute in conjunction with locally harvested autologous bone in achieving arthrodesis following posterior spinal fusion (PSF) for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) and report clinic-radiological results / adverse events with its use in a prospective single surgeon case series (Level of evidence [LoE] IV) treated by low implant density index (IDI) constructs (i.e., IDI ≤1.5). Thirty-five patients (8♂ & 2727♀) who underwent PSF and followed-up for a minimum of 2 years formed the study cohort. The mean age at surgery was 15 years (range: 11-21y) and pre-op Cobb angle was 60° (range: 40°-90°). SiCaP mixed with locally harvested bone during exposure and instrumentation was laid over instrumented segments. The average SiCaP used per patient was 32mls (range: 10-60mls). Radiographs were assessed for fusion at serial six monthly follow-ups. All clinical adverse events and complications were recorded. The mean follow-up was 2.94 years (range: 2-4y). The post-op Cobb angle improved to 23° (range: 2°- 55°) and the mean in-patient stay was 7.72 days (range: 5-13d). The mean number of instrumented segments was 9.4 (range: 4-13) and implant density index (IDI) averaged 1.23 (range: 1.15-1.5). Radiographic new bone formation was seen within 3 months in all cases. All patients (except two) were highly satisfied at minimum follow-up of 8 years. There were two complications warranting revision surgery (deep infection, and implant failure without any evidence of pseudarthrosis). There were no SiCaP specific adverse events in any of the 35 patients. SiCaP facilitated early bony consolidation in operated cohort of AIS patients treated by PSF. There were no inflammatory reaction or other adverse effects associated with its use. SiCaP is a safe alternative to autologous iliac crest bone graft with reduced complications, morbidity, faster recovery and similar infection/fusion rates reported in the literature.
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R E S E A R C H Open Access
Surgical results with the use of Silicated
Calcium Phosphate (SiCaP) as bone graft
substitute in Posterior Spinal Fusion (PSF)
for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS)
Nanjundappa S. Harshavardhana
and Mohammed H H Noordeen
Background: The gold standard iliac crest bone graft (ICBG) used to achieve arthrodesis in spinal fusions is not without
complications (donor-site morbidity, iliac wing fractures etc.). Our objectives were to evaluate the role of silicated
calcium phosphate (SiCaP), an osteoconductive synthetic bone graft substitute in conjunction with locally harvested
autologous bone in achieving arthrodesis following posterior spinal fusion (PSF) for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS)
and report clinic-radiological results / adverse events with its use in a prospective single surgeon case series (Level of
evidence [LoE] IV) treated by low implant density index (IDI) constructs (i.e., IDI 1.5).
Methods: Thirty-five patients (8&2727) who underwent PSF and followed-up for a minimum of 2 years formed
SiCaP mixed with locally harvested bone during exposure and instrumentation was laid over instrumented segments. The
average SiCaP used per patient was 32mls (range: 1060mls). Radiographs were assessed for fusion at serial six monthly
follow-ups. All clinical adverse events and complications were recorded.
Results: The mean follow-up was 2.94 years (range: 24y). The post-op Cobb angle improved to 23° (range: 2°55°) and
the mean in-patient stay was 7.72 days (range: 513d). The mean number of instrumented segments was 9.4
(range: 413) and implant density index (IDI) averaged 1.23 (range: 1.151.5). Radiographic new bone formation
was seen within 3 months in all cases. All patients (except two) were highly satisfied at minimum follow-up of
8 years. There were two complications warranting revision surgery (deep infection, and implant failure without
any evidence of pseudarthrosis). There were no SiCaP specific adverse events in any of the 35 patients.
Conclusion: SiCaP facilitated early bony consolidation in operated cohort of AIS patients treated by PSF. There were
no inflammatory reaction or other adverse effects associated with its use. SiCaP is a safe alternative to autologous iliac
crest bone graft with reduced complications, morbidity, faster recovery and similar infection/fusion rates reported in
the literature.
Keywords: Silicated Calcium Phosphate (SiCaP),Idiopathic Scoliosis (IS),Posterior Spinal Fusion (PSF),Bone Graft substitutes
* Correspondence:
Twin Cities Spine Center, 1111 S 8th St, Apt 214 N, Minneapolis 55404, MN,
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
© 2015 Harshavardhana and Noordeen.
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Harshavardhana and Noordeen Scoliosis (2015) 10:27
DOI 10.1186/s13013-015-0051-x
Adolescent Idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is characterized
by a frontal plane deformity of the spine and its exact
etiology is unknown. Numerous theories are proposed
to explain its etiology and pathogenesis [1]. Cobb angle
is used to quantify and assess progression of deformity
on standard PA radiographs, which have a three-fold
reduced radiation to breast tissue than AP x-rays [2, 3].
Surgery is recommended and performed when the Cobb
angle is 50°. Surgery addresses the shoulder, flank asym-
metry and arrests progression of deformity. It also en-
hances self-esteem, improving body self-image, overall
appearance and quality of life [4].
The first reported use of instrumentation for scoli-
osis was by Harrington [5]. Emphasis on achieving
sound arthrodesis is attributed to JH Moe who recom-
mended facetal and inter-laminar fusion [6]. Autolo-
gous iliac crest bone graft (ICBG) is considered to be
gold standard in achieving arthrodesis for idiopathic
scoliosis [7]. Numerous studies have reported excessive
blood loss, iliac wing fractures, limited bone stock,
prolonged hospital stay, increased pain and donor site
morbidity with harvest and use of ICBG [8, 9]. Allo-
grafts and other synthetic bone graft substitutes are
commonly used to minimise the risks associated with
useofICBG.Thebiologicalproperties of allografts are
variable and greatly influenced by processing tech-
niques employed. Price reported 28 % pseudarthrosis
rates with use of allografts for spinal fusions in com-
parison to 12 % for ICBG [10].
Silicated calcium phosphate (SiCaP) is a synthetic and
porous bone graft substitute (ACTIFUSE;ApaTech
and Baxter Ltd, Elstree, Hertfordshire; UK) that is man-
ufactured against highly controlled specifications mim-
icking the trabecular architecture of native cancellous
bone as granules. It is available for use in two sizes with
granule diameters of 12and25 mm. The silicate
substitute at 0.8 % concentration by its negative surface
charge significantly improves bone formation by in-
creasing vascularity to host bone [11]. Studies have also
demonstrated accelerated bone formation, enhanced
volume of new bone formed and consolidation with re-
modelling into mature bone in-vivo animal studies [12].
SicaPs use is well-documented and reported for degen-
erative spinal disorders. No published literature exists
till date reporting its use in isolation (i.e., without mix-
ing with vertebral or bone marrow aspirate or ICBG) in
scoliosis surgeries and long spinal fusions. The purpose
of this prospective clinical study was to evaluate the
clinical and radiographic outcomes with its isolated as a
bone graft substitute in conjunction with locally har-
vested bone in AIS patients treated by posterior spinal
fusion (PSF) with low implant density index (IDI)
Thirty five consecutive patients with AIS scheduled for
posterior spinal fusion at our institution were enrolled
into this prospective study against pre-determined strin-
gent inclusion criteria following a research and ethics
committee (REC) approval which were:
i. Age at surgery at least 11 years
ii. Cobb angle of structural thoracic curve 50° and
that of thoraco-lumbar/lumbar curve 40°.
iii. Patients/parents & care givers signed a written
consent form voluntarily agreeing to participate in
the study.
The exclusion criteria included:
i. AIS treated by anterior or combined anterior +
posterior surgery
ii. Revision spinal surgeries and scoliosis secondary to
other etiologies (i.e., congenital/neuromuscular/
syndromic etc.)
iii. Patients with known malignancy or local/systemic
iv. Those who refused to provide consent to participate
in the study.
Information brochure about ACTIFUSEwas provided
to enrolled patients and all questions were convincingly
answered by the surgical team before their surgeries.
The senior author (MHHN) has devised a surgical algo-
rithm that identifies all AIS curves as three main curve
types (I-III). Each curve type is further sub-divided into
sub-type A & B depending on whether the convex
shoulder was higher or lower to inter-clavicular line thus
yielding six curve patterns that all AIS curves fitted into.
The definition of these three curve types with illustrative
line diagram is illustrated in Fig 1.
Surgical procedure
All patients underwent scoliosis correction by third gen-
eration instrumentation through a midline posterior
approach by means of a segmental all pedicle screws or
hybrid construct plus cobalt-chrome rod system. Three
instrumentation systems used were:-
a. Expedium Spine System (De-Puy Spine Inc.,
Raynham, Massachusetts, USA)
b. Synergy Spine Instrumentation (Interpore Cross
International, Irvine, California, USA).
c. K2M Spine Solutions (K2M Inc., Leesburg, Virginia,
After appropriate exposure of the spine by meticulous
subperiosteaal dissection and haemostasis, facetectomies
Harshavardhana and Noordeen Scoliosis (2015) 10:27 Page 2 of 12
were performed. Cell saver and transfusion recycler was
used in all cases and intra-operative estimated blood loss
(EBL) was recorded as percentage of estimated blood
volume (EBV). Pedicle screws were instrumented in the
selected vertebrae after confirming the upper and lower
instrumented vertebrae (i.e., UIV and LIV) with intra-
operative fluoroscopy. Alternating convex and concave
pedicle screws were inserted into the vertebrae (i.e., each
vertebra had only one pedicle screw) except the end ver-
tebrae, which had bilateral pedicle screws in all 35
patients. The implant density index (IDI) was no more
than 1.5 in all cases. A pre-bent and appropriately con-
toured rod in sagittal plane was then inserted and
correction was accomplished by a combination of the
cantilever and translation manoeuvres. The convex
(right sided rod) was inserted first to aid in translation
and application of cantilever forces for correction. Finally,
direct vertebral rotation was performed to correct the
axial deformity. At the end of surgical correction, the spin-
ous processes were resected and outer cortices of laminae
were decorticated. 2060mls of ACTIFUSE(depending
on the no. of vertebral segments to be fused and quantity
of locally harvested bone) was mixed at 60:40 ratio (i.e.,
60 % of SiCaP and 40 % of autograft). The resulting com-
posite material was laid over the prepared bony bed across
the entire instrumented segment of the spine prior to the
closure to facilitate arthrodesis.
Postoperative care and rehabilitation
Swimming, Pilates and gentle stretching was encouraged
at 6 weeks onwards. Cycling and non-contact sports per-
mitted at 6 months postoperatively. Contact sports and
horse riding was prohibited for up to a year. None of the
patient wore any orthosis in the postoperative period.
Radiographic & statistical analysis
All patients had preoperative standardized long-cassette
erect PA and lateral radiographs. Supine side- bending
views were performed to assess flexibility of structural
and compensatory curves to aid decision-making in per-
forming a selective spinal fusion. The senior author has
devised a surgical algorithm and classified AIS into three
curve main types. This simplified surgical algorithm also
aided us in choosing fusion levels and was strictly ad-
hered to for all cases.
The curve characteristics of all patients as per the se-
nior authors algorithm is summarised in Table 1. Serial
post-op radiographs were performed at the time of dis-
charge, 3, 6, 12 and 24 months post-op follow-up. The
radiographs were evaluated for instrumentation failure,
lucency around the screws, anchor pull-out or dislodge-
ment from its initially inserted position and for defects
in the fusion mass as indicators of pseudarthrosis by a
fellowship trained junior colleague with input from an
independent Consultant radiologist who was not in-
volved in the patientstreatment. Cobb angles of struc-
tural and compensatory curves were measured pre and
serial postoperative radiographs using the same vertebral
segments as preoperative x-rays. The degree of postoper-
ative curve correction and loss of correction with time
at final follow-up was diligently recorded. Pseudarthrosis
when present was recorded as definite or probable. A
definite non-union existed when proven by a CT scan
(on 12 mm fine-cut osteo window) and presence of
frank defect during revision surgery Pseudoarthrosis was
considered as probable when:
a. There was loss of correction by >10° in comparison
with immediate postop x-ray
b. Radiologically visible defect in the fusion mass
Fig. 1 The Noordeen AIS curve algorithm: Six curve patterns
Harshavardhana and Noordeen Scoliosis (2015) 10:27 Page 3 of 12
Table 1 Results - Summary of perioperative parameters in all 35 patients
Sex Age at
F/u in
IDI Actifuse wt.
in mls
Total Blood
loss (EBV)
VAS at
Final f/u
Complication Fusion Instrumentation
1001 F 21 48 T2-L1 11 1.18 40 0.2 0 0 2 1 1 None Good Synergy
1002 F 19 30 T3-L3 12 1.16 20 0.3 0 0 2 1 0 None Good Synergy
1003 M 19 30 T2-L2 12 1.16 40 0.4 0 0 1 0 0 None Good K2M
1004 F 14 30 T3-L1 10 1.2 20 0.25 0 0 1 0 0 None Good K2M
1005 F 14 48 T4-L2 10 1.2 20 0.35 0 0 0 0 0 None Good Synergy adult
1006 F 16 48 T3-L1 10 1.2 40 0.3 0 0 0 0 0 None Good K2M
1007 M 14 48 T3-L3 12 1.16 40 0.45 0 0 0 2 0 MRSA deep
Good Synergy
1008 F 14 24 T3-L3 12 1.16 40 0.35 0 0 0 0 0 None Good Synergy
1009 F 12 48 T3-T11 8 1.25 40 0.25 0 0 2 1 0 None Good Synergy
1010 F 14 48 T3-T11 8 1.25 30 0.3 0 0 2 0 0 None Good Synergy
1011 F 13 36 T4-T10 6 1.33 20 0.2 0 0 2 0 0 None Good Synergy
1012 F 13 30 T2-T12 10 1.2 25 0.25 0 0 3 2 0 None Good K2M
1013 M 15 48 T3-L3 12 1.16 40 0.3 0 0 0 0 0 None Good K2M
1014 F 11 30 T2-T12 10 1.2 40 0.3 0 0 0 0 0 None Good K2M
1015 F 13 24 T3-L1 10 1.2 40 0.3 0 0 0 0 0 None Good K2M
1016 F 13 30 T2-L1 11 1.18 30 0.3 0 0 6 2 1 None Good Synergy adult
1017 M 15 30 T3-T11 8 1.25 30 0.25 0 0 2 1 0 None Good K2M
1018 F 14 48 T4-T12 8 1.25 30 0.25 0 0 3 1 1 None Good Synergy
1019 F 19 48 T2-L3 13 1.15 40 0.35 0 0 0 0 0 Right rod at T9 is
Good K2M
1020 F 15 48 T2-L2 12 1.16 60 0.35 0 0 0 0 0 None Good K2M
1021 F 18 24 T4-L2 10 1.2 35 0.28 0 0 0 0 0 None Good Synergy adult
1022 F 12 24 T4-L2 10 1.2 40 0.3 0 0 3 1 0 None Good K2M
1023 M 16 24 T3-T11 8 1.25 40 0.25 0 0 2 1 0 None Good K2M
1024 F 20 24 T10-L3 5 1.4 20 0.25 0 0 0 0 0 None Good K2M
1025 F 13 24 T2-L2 12 1.16 30 0.3 0 0 0 0 0 None Good K2M
1026 F 20 24 T2-T12 10 1.2 20 0.3 0 0 0 0 0 None Good K2M
1027 F 14 24 T3-T12 9 1.22 20 0.25 0 0 3 1 0 None Good K2M
1028 F 14 48 T10-S1 8 1.25 40 0.2 0 0 8 5 2 None Good Expedium
1029 M 17 36 T3-L3 12 1.16 40 0.3 0 0 3 3 0 None Good K2M
1030 M 14 30 T4-L1 9 1.22 30 0.25 0 0 4 4 2 Unhappy with pain
Good K2M
Harshavardhana and Noordeen Scoliosis (2015) 10:27 Page 4 of 12
Table 1 Results - Summary of perioperative parameters in all 35 patients (Continued)
1031 M 15 36 T3-T11 8 1.25 20 0.22 0 0 5 3 2 Had low back pain
Good K2M
1032 F 16 48 T11-L3 4 1.5 25 0.25 0 0 1 0 0 None Good K2M
1033 F 14 42 T4-T11 7 1.28 30 0.35 0 0 0 0 0 None Good K2M
1034 F 13 24 T4-T10 6 1.33 30 0.3 0 0 3 0 0 None Good K2M
1035 F 12 30 T4-T10 6 1.5 20 0.25 0 0 2 1 0 None Good K2M
BT blood transfusion
Harshavardhana and Noordeen Scoliosis (2015) 10:27 Page 5 of 12
c. Persistent axial back pain of intensity severe to
warrant regular intake of pain-killers.
Thus collected clinico-radiological data was analysed
using statistical package for the social sciences v16 (SPSS
Inc. IBM Corp., U.S.A). Statistical significance was set at
p< 0.05.
The study cohort comprised of 8 males and 27 females.
The mean age at diagnosis of AIS was 10.75 years
(range: 10 16). The mean age at surgery was 15 years
(range: 11 21 years). The most common curve pattern
at the time of surgery was structural main thoracic curve
(23 patients). Double structural curve and structural
thoraco-lumbar/lumbar curves comprised of nine and
three patients respectively. The mean preoperative curve
magnitude at the time of surgery was 60° (range: 40° 90°)
Perioperative parameters
The results of all perioperative parameters is sum-
marised comprehensively in Table 1. The average follow-
up was 2.94 years (range: 24y). The mean duration of
surgery was 148 min (range: 98175 min). The VAS
score was reduced from 1.71 (range: 08) to 0.26 at
6 months post-op (range: 02). The mean no. of instru-
mented segments was 9.4 (range: 413) and implant
density index (IDI) averaged 1.23 (range: 1.15 1.50).
The harvest from cell saver on recycling yielded an aver-
age of 95mls (range: 65430mls). None of the 35 pa-
tients needed any postoperative blood transfusions.
Three different instrumentation systems were used in
the study population were: Expedium (1), Synergy (11)
and K2M (23). The mean amount of ACTIFUSEused
was 32mls (range: 2060mls)
Radiographic parameters
The immediate postop Cobb angle improved to 23.2°
(range: 9° 55°) and new bone formation was seen on
plain x-rays as early as 6 weeks in few patients. New
bone formation was seen in all cases by 3 months postop
follow-up radiographs. Loss of curve correction was seen
in 19 patients and remaining 16 had improvement in
final Cobb angle with time. The mean loss of Cobb angle
at end of study was 2.7° (range: 1°5°). No patient in the
study group had loss of Cobb angle correction by more
than 10°. The radiographic parameters in all 35 patients
are summarized in Table 2. Case examples of senior
authors algorithm with three curve types (I - III) show-
ing preoperative, immediate postoperative and final
follow-up x-rays of AIS treated by PSF and use of low
IDI construct (Figs 2, 3 and 4). Instrumentation system
had no effect on fusion rates though the numbers were
small for the three spinal implant systems used.
There were two adverse events in our case series:
Implant failure - Without any evidence of
pseudarthrosis in a 16 year old female. She
presented with a subcutaneously palpable implant
and mechanical pain at 25 months postoperatively
following a T3 L4 PSF. Sound arthrodesis with
good fusion mass was seen on CT and at revision
surgery for exchange of broken rod The relevant
preoperative, postoperative radiographs and at the
time of revision surgery for right sided rod
breakage at 26 months from index surgery are
illustrated in Fig 5.
Late deep MRSA infection warranting removal of
all instrumentation at 47 months post-op in a
15 year old male. Sound arthrodesis was seen at the
time of implant removal and deep cultures grew
MRSA (Fig 6).
We undertook a prospective clinical study to evaluate
the therapeutic efficacy of a novel synthetic osteocon-
ductive bone graft expander (SiCaP) for achieving arth-
rodesis in AIS surgeries. In this group of 35 patients, we
did not observe any inflammatory response or any other
adverse effects in both genders. We observed osteointe-
gration of SiCaP with native host bone as early as 6 weeks
and some evidence of radiographic fusion was seen in all
patients by 3 months post-op. The ACTIFUSEgranules
remained circumscribable on plain x-rays at 9 12 months
and were fully integrated with host bone as solid fusion
mass by 24 months.
Radiographic assessment of spinal fusion by plain x-rays
is fraught with fallacies and may be inaccurate as they
more often tend to over-estimate solid fusion (i.e., false
negative for non-unions) [13]. Despite advances in im-
aging quality, radiographs at best are only two dimen-
sional and dynamic radiographs though helpful in ruling
out instability have their own limitations. The main short-
coming of dynamic x-rays includes measurement reliabil-
ity and disagreement between observers on permissible
motion [14]. Computed tomography (CT) is more sensi-
tive in detecting non-union and is investigation of choice
to confirm or rule out pseudarthrosis [15]. Three dimen-
sional CT reconstructions are helpful in planning revision
surgeries to address symptomatic pseudarthrosis. How-
ever enormous radiation exposure precludes its routine
use in asymptomatic patients and is reserved for patients
with persistent axial back pain and instrumentation fail-
ure. A single lumbar spine CT has the irradiation dose
equivalent to 240 chest radiographs [16]. Though Mag-
netic resonance imaging (MRI) is appealing owing to lack
of irradiation induced risks, its utility in assessing spinal
Harshavardhana and Noordeen Scoliosis (2015) 10:27 Page 6 of 12
fusion is inferior to CT scans [17]. Further research is
needed to define the MR sequences and magnet strength
required to assess spinal fusion in presence of instrumen-
tation and its artifacts.
Lerner et al. compared the osteointegration properties of
beta-tricalcium phosphate (b-TCP) and silicated calcium
phosphate (SiCaP) as bone graft substitutes in PSF for
AIS. Unlike SiCaP, the b-TCP granules were observed
to dissolve rapidly (at 6 months) and underwent faster
degradation [18, 19]. Similar observations were made
by Muschik who reported b-TCP granules to be invis-
ible on radiographs at 8 ± 2 months postoperatively.
Table 2 Results - Summary of radiographic parameters of all 35 patients
AIS Curve Type
MHHN Algorithm
Cobb ^le
3 months f/u
Cobb ^le
Final F/U
Cobb ^le
Total loss of
Cobb ^le
Complication Radiographic
1001 T2-L1 Type I 75 22 25 3 None Good Synergy
1002 T3-L3 Type II 73 & 61 38 & 25 26 & 31 12 None Good Synergy
1003 T2-L2 Type I 56 27 20 7 None Good K2M
1004 T3-L1 Type I 57 15 13 2 None Good K2M
1005 T4-L2 Type I 78 37 30 7 None Good Synergy
1006 T3-L1 Type I 56 22 20 2 None Good K2M
1007 T3-L3 Type I 60 20 22 3 MRSA deep
Good despite
deep infection
1008 T3-L3 Type I 90 12 16 4 None Good Synergy
1009 T3-T11 Type II 80 & 55 35 & 38 40 & 21 5 None Good Synergy
1010 T3-T11 Type I 74 28 25 3 None Good Synergy
1011 T4-T10 Type II 54 & 45 26 & 28 27 & 25 1 None Good Synergy
1012 T2-T12 Type I 64 18 16 2 None Good K2M
1013 T3-L3 Type I 56 19 20 1 None Good K2M
1014 T2-T12 Type II 86 & 56 34 & 26 38 & 42 4 None Good K2M
1015 T3-L1 Type I 60 26 18 8 None Good K2M
1016 T2-L1 Type I 60 22 20 2 None Good Synergy
1017 T3-T11 Type II 53 & 38 34 & 37 29 & 31 5 None Good K2M
1018 T4-T12 Type II 47 & 38 16 & 26 20 & 20 4 None Good Synergy
1019 T2-L3 Type II 68 & 65 32 & 35 30 & 32 2 Right rod
broken at T9
Good K2M
1020 T2-L2 Type I 57 20 16 4 None Good K2M
1021 T4-L2 Type I 64 32 25 7 None Good Synergy
1022 T4-L2 Type I 58 20 22 2 None Good K2M
1023 T3-T11 Type II 46 & 36 21 & 21 21 & 21 0 None Good K2M
1024 T10-L3 Type III 40 9 10 1 None Good K2M
1025 T2-L2 Type I 55 25 28 3 None Good K2M
1026 T2-T12 Type II 53 & 37 17 & 18 22 & 21 5 None Good K2M
1027 T3-T12 Type I 45 2 4 2 None Good K2M
1028 T10-S1 Type III 40 15 18 3 None Good Expedium
1029 T3-L3 Type I 60 16 18 2 None Good K2M
1030 T4-L1 Type I 55 20 22 2 Unhappy with
pain relief
Good K2M
1031 T3-T11 Type I 58 20 16 4 Had low back
Good K2M
1032 T11-L3 Type III 50 20 18 2 None Good K2M
1033 T4-T11 Type I 50 18 15 3 None Good K2M
1034 T4-T10 Type I 55 20 22 2 None Good K2M
1035 T4-T10 Type I 70 55 52 2 None Good K2M
Harshavardhana and Noordeen Scoliosis (2015) 10:27 Page 7 of 12
This faster degradation of b-TCP produced inflammatory
response in an animal model [20]. Such an inflammatory
response would be detrimental for sound fusion as it can
trigger bone resorption. The end volume and quality of
such newly formed bone may have poor trabecular archi-
tecture and susceptible for breaks/fracture. The silicate
substitution at 0.8 % in ACTIFUSEwas observed to pro-
mote accelerated neovascularisation and bone apposition
with formation of normal trabecular architecture [11, 19].
It also significantly promoted bioactivity and facilitated
adaptive remodelling with better bony in-growths in com-
parison to hydroxyapatite (HA). We mixed SiCaP and lo-
cally harvested bone in 60:40 ratio prior to laying over the
instrumented area. Posterior decortication of laminae and
transverse processes exposes the bleeding cancellous bone
creating an ideal environment for new bone formation
facilitating linkage between native bone and bone graft
substitute. Korovessis observed that HA in combination
with local bone and bone marrow aspirates (BMA) did
not produce satisfactory arthrodesis in postero-lateral fu-
sion unlike SiCaP which produced consistent results and
good fusion mass in similar surgeries [21].
Lerner et al. used 20 40mls of SiCaP mixed with lo-
cally harvested bone plus BMA from vertebral bodies in
21 patients who underwent posterior spinal fusion for AIS
[19]. BMA possess osteoinductive properties and the true
role of SiCaP in causing arthrodesis when mixed with
such an osteogenic agent cannot be determined defini-
tively/is questionable [22]. We did not use BMA in any of
our 35 patients in this series and all but one had good/ex-
cellent arthrodesis with similar quantities of SiCaP (aver-
age 32mls). This conclusively establishes that solid fusion
does happen with isolated use of SiCaP when mixed with
locally harvested bone in scoliosis surgeries.
Finally, the gold standard iliac crest bone graft
(ICBG) was associated with significant donor site mor-
bidity in adolescents that limited activities of daily liv-
ing (ADL) in at least 21 out of 87 patients observed by
Skaggs [9]. The mean VAS was 4 and up to 10 % were
on regular analgesics even at 4 years post-op from the
time of index surgery. They concluded that the true
dimensions of pain and suffering from other complica-
tions associated with ICBG was significantly under-
reported in published literature. All patients in our
series were pain-free except two and had stopped all
analgesics by 6 months post-op. Only 14 patients re-
ported mild pain/discomfort at 6 months and the mean
VAS score at final follow-up was 0.23 (range: 0 2).
Fig. 2 Structural thoracic AIS (MHHN curve type I) in 16y/treated with PSF with 66 % correction showing pre-op, immediate post-op and 4 years
post-op radiographs
Harshavardhana and Noordeen Scoliosis (2015) 10:27 Page 8 of 12
Fig. 4 Double structural AIS (MHHN curve type II) in 14.5y/treated with selective thoracic fusion (65 % correction) with f/u of 3.5 years showing
pre-op, immediate post-op and 3.5 years follow-up radiographs
Fig. 3 Double structural AIS (MHHN curve type II) in 15y/treated by PSF of both curves. 66 % and 50 % correction of main thoracic and
compensatory lumbar curves was achieved. The pre-op, immediate post-op and 2.5 years post-op radiographs are shown
Harshavardhana and Noordeen Scoliosis (2015) 10:27 Page 9 of 12
Only two patients had moderate pain that warranted
intake of over the counter NSAIDs.
Implant density index refers to the number of fixation
anchors used to correct the scoliotic deformity. It is
defined as the ratio of number of fixation anchors to the
number of vertebral segments fused [23]. Larger the IDI,
better is the degree of Cobb angle correction and lesser
the loss of correction with time owing to superior fix-
ation and enhanced pull-out strength imparted by the
anchors. Constructs with IDI of <1.5 are considered to
be of lower implant density and many studies have ques-
tioned the need for bilateral screws in every vertebra for
AIS correction [24, 25]. There was negligible loss of
Cobb angle correction at final follow-up and was within
the measurement error (i.e., mean loss of correction was
2° [range: 1°5°]) despite low IDI construct. One patient
with instrumentation failure had exploration of fusion
mass and exchange of broken rod for a prominent im-
plant was found to have sound fusion at the time of revi-
sion surgery (Fig 6).
The use of low IDI constructs yielded significant cost-
savings without any compromise in our clinical results.
The market price of 20mls of ACTIFUSEis equivalent
to that of one pedicle screw. Utilizing the synthetic bone
graft substitute for the entire study cohort amounted to
the price of one and half pedicle screws (i.e., 30mls of
ACTIFUSE= 1.5 pedicle screw in terms of cost) which
was more cost-effective in-comparison to a scenario
wherein one were to have used bilateral anchors at each
vertebral segment.
Our study was not without limitations. Firstly we did
not peform any power analysis to determine the number
of AIS cases treated by PSF that would be needed to de-
tect one pseudoarthrosis. Secondly we did not perform
CT scans in all patients to assess fusion and the role of
CT was confined only for evaluation of symptomatic
patients who had either instrumentation failure or per-
sistent pain. Ethical considerations and hazards of irradi-
ation of asymptomatic patients esp. in reproducible age
group was the main hurdle to the same. We would not
be surprised if any REC would approve such a study.
Thirdly two of our patients with persistent pain used
NSAIDs owing to intolerance to opioid based medica-
tions (severe itching in one and drowsiness in the other).
Fig. 5 Adverse event Radiographs of AIS with right rod breakage at 25 months following T3 L4 PSF
Harshavardhana and Noordeen Scoliosis (2015) 10:27 Page 10 of 12
NSAIDs consumption and nicotine comsumption would
interfere would fusion rates (esp. in early phase of healing)
from many well documented clinical studies [26, 27]. Con-
sumption of nicotine (smoking/chewing) status was not
collected in any of our patients owing to the reluctance of
majority of teenagers to be upfront and disclose inviting
wrath from their parents/care-givers. And finally we did
not have a control group to evaluate the results of SiCaP
used PSF vs. controls who underwent PSF. The control
group would ideally be a age, curve severity and sex
matched AIS patients were operated by PSF with use of
ICBG. Performing such a prospective comparative study
(i.e., at least a LoE II if not a randomized controlled study)
is desired to truly determine the role of SiCaP in spinal
deformity surgeries. This would undoubtedly be grounds
for further research and this pilot study is a first step
towards that goal having established the safety profile of
SiCaP without any untoward adverse events with its
clinical use.
In conclusion, SiCaPs use was safe and it produced a pre-
dictable sound arthrodesis without any adverse effects or
inflammatory response in all 35 patients in our series
treated by PSF. The surgical results were equivalent or su-
perior and consistent with published historical studies as-
sociated with use of gold standard ICBG. Use of SiCaP had
distinct advantages in minimising complications reported
with ICBG harvest. Use of low IDI instrumentation con-
structs was not associated with unacceptable (i.e., >10°) loss
of correction or increase in pseudarthrosis rates at 2 years.
There was substantial cost savings without any comprom-
ise in clinical outcomes.
Competing interests
NS Harshavardhana: No relationships.
Mohammed H H Noordeen: K2M - Consultant and, Ellipse Tech. Inc.
Consultant and stock holder.
ApaTech & Baxter Research funding.
Stryker spine Research & educational support.
The two authors (i.e., NSH & MHHN) hereby declare that: We made substantial
contributions to conception, design acquisition of data, its analysis and
interpretation. We discussed with one another drafting the manuscript and
revising it critically for intellectual content and clinical merit. The senior author
(i.e., MHHN) gave final approval of the version to be published and NSH wrote
the manuscript draft. We take all the responsibility for the contents of this
publication and agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring
that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the presented
and published work. Both authors read and approved the final manuscript.
The authors would like to acknowledge ApaTech & Baxter, U.K for research
support and educational aid/grant in undertaking this project.
Author details
Twin Cities Spine Center, 1111 S 8th St, Apt 214 N, Minneapolis 55404, MN,
Spinal Deformity Unit, Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust,
Brockley Hill-Stanmore, Middlesex HA7 4LP, UK.
Received: 17 March 2015 Accepted: 16 August 2015
Fig. 6 Late deep MRSA infection in a 15/showing pre-op and 47 months post-op x-rays (i.e., immediately prior to implant removal). Solid arthrodesis
was seen at implant removal and final x-rays 6 months post implant removal are depicted
Harshavardhana and Noordeen Scoliosis (2015) 10:27 Page 11 of 12
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Harshavardhana and Noordeen Scoliosis (2015) 10:27 Page 12 of 12
... In the most severe cases, progression of the deformity necessitates surgery to correct the spinal curvature, rebalance the spine and, above all, stop progression [2,3]. Posterior spinal fusion (PSF) is the standard procedure for the treatment of scoliosis [4]. ...
... Posterior spinal fusion (PSF) is the standard procedure for the treatment of scoliosis [4]. In paediatrics, this surgery improves self-esteem and general appearance [3]. PSF is a standard procedure that combines posterior instrumentation with bone grafting to enhance fusion [5]. ...
... Autologous iliac crest bone grafts have long been the gold standard in posterior spine fusion [3,8,9]. However, iliac bone harvesting is associated with increased surgical time and may lead to donor site morbidity, with a risk of infection and loss of sensation or chronic pain [6,10,11]. ...
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Posterior spinal fusion (PSF) is the standard procedure for the treatment of severe scoliosis. PSF is a standard procedure that combines posterior instrumentation with bone grafting and/or bone substitutes to enhance fusion. The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate and compare the post-operative safety and efficiency of stand-alone bioactive glass putty and granules in posterior spine fusion for scoliosis in a paediatric cohort. A total of 43 children and adolescents were included retrospectively. Each patient’s last follow-up was performed at 24 months and included clinical and radiological evaluations. Pseudarthrosis was defined as a loss of correction measuring >10° of Cobb angle between the pre-operative and last follow-up measurements. There was no significant loss of correction between the immediate post-operative timepoint and the 24-month follow-up. There was no sign of non-union, implant displacement or rod breakage. Bioactive glass in the form of putty or granules is an easily handled biomaterial but still a newcomer on the market. This study shows that the massive use of bioactive glass in posterior fusion, when combined with proper surgical planning, hardware placement and correction, is effective in providing good clinical and radiological outcomes.
... All ten studies were deemed to be of high quality and were included in the present review (Table 1) [11,12,[20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27]. The three RCTs met on average 87% of quality indicators (range 77-92%). ...
... None of the RCTs met the requirements of Q5, as the surgeons were not blinded to treatment. The seven case series [11,12,20,22,24,26,27] met an average of 94% of quality indicators (range: 80-100%). ...
... Similarly, there was no difference in fusion rates between single-center and multicenter studies (95% vs. 87%; Fig. 3B). Fusion was achieved more frequently in AIS patients (100%) [20,22] compared to adults (estimate: 90%; 95% CI: [84%, 96%]; p = 0.003; Fig. 4A). Fusion rates were similar across interbody fusion, posterior/posterolateral fusion, and circumferential cervical fusion procedures (!92% for each; Fig. 4B). ...
Pseudarthrosis continues to affect a nontrivial proportion of spine fusion patients. Given its ties to poorer patient outcomes and high reoperation rates, there remains great interest in interventions aimed at reducing the rates of nonunion. Recently, silicate-substituted calcium phosphate (SiCaP) bone grafts have been suggested to improve fusion rates, yet there exists no systematic review of the body of evidence for SiCaP grafts. Here, we present the first such review along with a meta-analysis of the effect of SiCaP bone grafts on fusion rates. Using the PubMed, Embase, and Web of Science databases, we queried the English-language literature for all studies examining the effect of SiCaPs on spinal fusion. Primary endpoints were: 1) radiographic fusion rate at last follow-up and 2) postoperative improvements in Visual Analog Scale (VAS) pain scores and Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) at last follow-up. Meta-analyses were performed for each endpoint using random effects. Ten articles (694 patients treated with SiCaP bone grafts) were included. Among SiCaP-treated patients, 93% achieved radiographic fusion (range: 79-100%), with comparable rates across subgroups. Meta-analysis of the three randomized controlled trials demonstrated no difference in fusion rates between SiCaP-treated patients and patients receiving grafts with recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) (OR: 1.11; p = 0.83). Patients treated with SiCaP bone grafts experienced significant improvements in VAS back pain (-3.3 points), VAS leg pain (-4.8 points), and ODI (-31.6 points) by last follow-up (p < 0.001 for each). Additional high-quality research is needed to evaluate the relative cost-effectiveness of SiCaP bone grafts in spinal fusion.
... The gamechanging instrument to achieve these advancements was the pedicle screw [3,4]. This screw provides superior fixation and allows stronger three-dimensional correction that is maintained during osseous fusion the next 3-12 months [5,6]. We all expect that these advanced corrections will translate into better outcomes, especially on the long term with respect to sagittal balance and less fused segments [7,8]. ...
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Purpose Despite standardized biomechanical tests for spinal implants, we recently recognized pedicle screw failure to maintain the rod fixated as a clinical concern in scoliosis surgery. This occurrence study investigates the risk and magnitude of axial rod slip (ARS), its relation with technique and preventive measures. Methods Retrospective multicenter review of all primary scoliosis cases (2018–2020) with > 1 year FU from three centers, instrumented with uniplanar screws and 5.5 mm CoCr rods (Mesa 2, Stryker Corporation, Kalamazoo, MI, USA). ARS was defined as > 1 mm change in residual distal rod length from the screw in the lowest instrumented vertebra (LIV) and assessed by two independent observers. Slip distance, direction, relation to distal screw density and time of observation were recorded, as well as the effect of ARS on caudal curve increase. To prevent slip, more recent patients were instrumented with a different end-of-construct screw (Reline, NuVasive Inc. San Diego, CA, USA) and analyzed for comparison. Results ARS risk was 27% (56/205) with a distance of 3.6 ± 2.2 mm, predominantly convex. 42% occurred before 4 months, the rest before 1 year. The caudal curve substantially increased three times more often in patients with ARS. Interobserver reliability was high and slip was in the expected direction. ARS was unrelated to distal screw density. Remarkable variation in ARS rates (53%, 31%, 13%) existed between the centers, while there was no difference in mean screw density (≈1.3 screws/level) or curve correction (≈60%). Revision surgery for ARS was required in 2.9% (6/207). Using the different end-of-construct screw, ARS risk was only 2% (1/56) and no revisions were required. Conclusion This study demonstrates the prevalence of axial rod slip at the end of construct in scoliosis surgery and its clinical relevance. While minimal ARS can be subclinical, ARS should not be mistaken for adding on. The most severe ARS predominantly occurred convex at the high-loaded distal screw when L3 was the LIV. Longer constructs (LIV L3 or L4) have a higher risk of ARS. The minimal risk of ARS with another end-of-construct screw underscores the influence of screw type on ARS occurrence in our series. Further research is essential to refine techniques and enhance patient outcomes.
... Bone graft is still mandatory, but the gold standard has switched from iliac crest bone graft (ICBG) to local bone graft (LBG), taken from the spinous processes and lamina decortication, which has been associated with reduced operative time, postoperative pain and blood loss [16]. The adjunction of allograft or bone substitute is often reported, but the differences in terms of outcomes (clinical and radiological) are unclear, and LBG alone has recently proven to achieve successful fusion in 99% of patients undergoing posterior fusion with modern instrumentation [8,22,25]. The use of HCS should therefore be more driven in AIS by the efficient haemostatic properties reported in the series, but the material could also be interesting as a bone substitute in other indications (bone cysts, revision, adult scoliosis and degenerative spine). ...
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PurposePatient blood management has been recently emphasized to avoid perioperative blood transfusion in AIS surgery. Hydroxyapatite charged collagen sponge (HCS) is a bone substitute material made of collagen and ceramized hydroxyapatite, with associated haemostatic properties. The goal of this study was to assess the impact of HCS in the perioperative blood loss in AIS surgery.Methods After IRB approval, all AIS patients undergoing primary correction were prospectively included over a 15-month period. Patients receiving HCS at the end of the procedure were compared to a control group (matched for age, gender, and fusion levels) without any haemostatic agent or bone substitute. The same perioperative blood saving strategies were used in both groups. Two subfascial drains were used for 48 h in all patients. Perioperative blood loss and transfusion rates were analysed.ResultsA total of 34 patients were included in each group. No difference in drainage volume was observed at day 1, but the reduction was statistically different at day 3 (1135 mL [800–1640] versus 930 [480–1510], p = 0.028, 0.63 ml/Kg/h [0.4–0.92] versus 0.46 [0.29–0.7], p = 0.042). Multivariate analysis found that the use of HCS was associated with a decrease in the postoperative blood loss (OR = 1.17 [1.10–1.25]). The transfusion rate was lower in the HCS group [0 (0% vs. 3(8.8%), p = 0.076)]. No infection occurred, and no complication was reported.Conclusion With 27% reduction in drain volume, hydroxyapatite charged collagen sponge can be considered as a blood salving strategy in AIS surgery. The role of the biomaterial in fusion rate still needs to be further assessed.
... A silicate-substituted calcium phosphate (SiCaP) (ACTIFUSE TM ; ApaTech and Baxter Ltd, Elstree, Hertfordshire, UK) contains 0.8% silicon by weight, which is similar to the level found in naturally growing bone. The silicate substitute stimulates new bone formation by increasing vascularity and bony in-growth of host bone (82). In a prospective non-randomised multicentre study from the Republic of Ireland of 102 patients undergoing PLF with SiCaP, the fusion rate (assessed by CT) was 86% at 12 months postoperatively (83). ...
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Background and objective: Recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) has been extensively studied in preclinical, animal, and human studies and has been used widely in spine fusion surgery. Evidence demonstrates that fusion rates with rhBMP-2 are similar to or higher than those achieved with autologous bone graft. However, there have been concerns regarding the cost, optimal dosage, and potential complications of rhBMP-2 use in spine surgery. The objective of this paper is to provide a current review of the available evidence regarding rhBMP-2 and other bone graft substitutes used for spinal surgery. Methods: We searched Ovid Medline, PubMed, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, American College of Physicians Journal Club, and Database of Abstracts of Review of Effectiveness for 2 studies regarding physiology of bone fusion in spine surgery, formulations and indications of rhBMP-2, cancer risk of rhBMP-2, and alternatives to rhBMP-2 published from 1965 to 2022 in English. Key content and findings: The debate regarding indications and cost effectiveness of rhBMP-2 is presented based on increasing data and use criteria. Here, we focus on the effectiveness and economic costs (both direct and indirect) of rhBMP-2 and alternative bone graft substitutes. Based on the cumulative literature, we provide recommendations for rhBMP-2 use in spine surgery. Conclusions: Based on our review of the literature, we recommend the following: (I) clear informed consent processes between surgeons and patients regarding current evidence of the benefits and risks of using rhBMP-2 and available alternative bone graft substitutes. (II) Consideration of rhBMP-2 for spinal fusion surgery (excluding anterior cervical procedures), especially adult spinal deformity (ASD) surgery, lumbar surgery for multilevel degenerative disease, revision surgery for pseudoarthrosis, and surgery in patients with a low-quantity or low-quality autograft. (III) Regulatory oversight of the type, volume, and dose of bone graft substitute (both per level and per procedure) to ensure appropriate indications, prevent excessive usage, and thereby enhance cost containment.
... Harshavardhana et al. 104 ...
Study design: A narrative review of literature. Objective: This manuscript intends to provide a review of clinically relevant bone substitutes and bone expanders for spinal surgery in terms of efficacy and associated clinical outcomes, as reported in contemporary spine literature. Summary of background data: Ever since the introduction of allograft as a substitute for autologous bone in spinal surgery, a sea of literature has surfaced, evaluating both established and newly emerging fusion alternatives. An understanding of the available fusion options and an organized evidence-based approach to their use in spine surgery is essential for achieving optimal results. Methods: A Medline search of English language literature published through March 2016 discussing bone graft substitutes and fusion extenders was performed. All clinical studies reporting radiological and/or patient outcomes following the use of bone substitutes were reviewed under the broad categories of Allografts, Demineralized Bone Matrices (DBM), Ceramics, Bone Morphogenic proteins (BMPs), Autologous growth factors (AGFs), Stem cell products and Synthetic Peptides. These were further grouped depending on their application in lumbar and cervical spine surgeries, deformity correction or other miscellaneous procedures viz. trauma, infection or tumors; wherever data was forthcoming. Studies in animal populations and experimental in vitro studies were excluded. Primary endpoints were radiological fusion rates and successful clinical outcomes. Results: A total of 181 clinical studies were found suitable to be included in the review. More than a third of the published articles (62 studies, 34.25%) focused on BMP. Ceramics (40 studies) and Allografts (39 studies) were the other two highly published groups of bone substitutes. Highest radiographic fusion rates were observed with BMPs, followed by allograft and DBM. There were no significant differences in the reported clinical outcomes across all classes of bone substitutes. Conclusions: There is a clear publication bias in the literature, mostly favoring BMP. Based on the available data, BMP is however associated with the highest radiographic fusion rate. Allograft is also very well corroborated in the literature. The use of DBM as a bone expander to augment autograft is supported, especially in the lumbar spine. Ceramics are also utilized as bone graft extenders and results are generally supportive, although limited. The use of autologous growth factors is not substantiated at this time. Cell matrix or stem cell-based products and the synthetic peptides have inadequate data. More comparative studies are needed to evaluate the efficacy of bone graft substitutes overall.
Purpose: The aim of the current review is to summarize the current evidence on graft materials used in fusion procedures for spinal deformity corrections. Methods: PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane Library were searched for relevant published observational studies and clinical trials using osteobiologics and biomaterials in spinal deformity surgery. Results: The use of autograft in deformity correction surgeries has been reported in a limited number of studies, with the harvest sites including iliac crest, ribs, and local bone. Various allografts and biologics have been used in the treatment of spinal deformities including idiopathic and degenerative scoliosis, either as stand alone or in combination with autograft. Limited number of studies reported no differences in fusion rates or outcomes. Use of rh-BMP2 in anterior, posterior or front/back approaches showed higher fusion rates than other graft materials in patients with spinal deformities. Due to the limited number of quality studies included in the review, as well as alternative factors, such as costs, availability, and surgeon expertise/preference, no definitive conclusion or recommendations can be made as to the ideal graft choice in spinal deformity surgery. Conclusions: Most commonly used grafts included autograft, allograft and rh-BMP2, with new biologics and biomaterials constantly emerging in the market. Limited number of high-quality comparative studies and heterogeneity in study design prevented direct comparisons that can lead to meaningful recommendations. Further studies are needed to prove superiority of any single graft material and/or biologic that is also cost-effective and safe.
* Infection associated with pediatric spinal deformity surgery can cause substantial postoperative morbidity and elevated health-care costs. * Surgical site infections (SSIs) associated with pediatric spinal deformity surgery are multifactorial. * Despite a large body of literature on this topic, there still are relatively few treatment recommendations that are supported by high-level evidence. Additional research focused on homogenous subgroups and funding are needed.
Spine fusion surgery is among the most common orthopaedic procedures performed, with autologous iliac crest bone graft (ICBG) considered the gold standard for achieving arthrodesis. Ceramic-based bone grafts have been widely utilized to replace ICBG secondary to complications associated with graft harvest. This review summarizes the current literature regarding the use of ceramics in a variety of spine fusion surgeries, suggesting that ceramic-based bone grafts, when coupled with an osteoinductive source, represent a promising alternative to ICBG. While few high level studies exist, the preponderance of evidence suggests acceptable fusion rates when used appropriately in a variety of applications.
Marfan syndrome (MFS) is an inherited connective tissue disorder characterised by a mutation involving the Fibrillin (FBN) gene. It is transmitted as autosomal dominant trait with complete penetrance and variable expressivity. The diagnosis is largely clinical guided by Ghent nosology and is characterized by cardinal features that affect predominantly affects three systems: i) Musculoskeletal, ii) Ocular and iii) Cardiovascular.Scoliosis is the most common musculoskeletal manifestation in MFS. Inaddition affected patients may also have basilar impression, cervical kyphosis, dural ectasia, spondylolisthesis and low bone mineral density (BMD). This chapter provides a comprehensive summary of spinal deformities seen in MFS and its treatment thereof. The surgical management of scoliosis that is refractory to non-operative treatment modalities is influenced by age at presentation and the severity of the deformity. Growth guided surgery is recommended for neonatal, infantile and juvenile MFS whilst an instrumented posterior spinal fusion is undertaken for adolescent and adult scoliosis. Magnet-driven growing rods (MdGR) are an attractive novel implant that addresses the early-onset spinal deformity of MFS.
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Study design and objective The purpose of this prospective clinical study is to evaluate the clinical and radiographic outcomes using a silicate-substituted calcium phosphate (Si-CaP) as a bone graft substitute in surgery for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). Summary of background data In posterior corrective surgery for AIS, harvesting autologous bone from the iliac crest still represents the gold standard to augment the local bone graft though it is comparatively invasive and associated with donor site morbidity. Si-CaP enriched with bone marrow aspirate (BMA) might be an appropriate bone graft extender to overcome these difficulties. Methods Eighteen female and three male patients with AIS who underwent corrective posterior instrumentation were observed clinically and radiographically for a minimum of 24 months. In all cases, 20–40 ml Si-CaP granules (ACTIFUSE) mixed with BMA from vertebral bodies was used to extend the local bone graft. Fusion was assessed by standardized conventional radiographs regarding loss of correction and implant failure. Clinical outcome was evaluated with use of the Scoliosis Research Society-22 patient Questionnaire (SRS-22) and a Visual Analog Scale (VAS) for back pain. Results Cobb angle of major curves averaged 63° preoperatively, 22° after surgery, and 24° at final follow-up, with a maximum loss of correction of 7° recorded after 4 months. No adverse effects related to the study material had been observed. In all patients, there was no evidence of implant failure, and formation of an increasingly densifying ‘fusion mass’ was visible, as assessed by conventional radiography. VAS score for back pain averaged 1.7 before surgery, 2.3 at discharge, and 1.5 at final follow-up. Outcome assessment using the SRS-22 revealed a significantly enhanced overall health-related quality of life (84 vs. 74 % before surgery; P = 0.0005) due to a significant improvement of the domains ‘self image’ (77 vs. 59 %; P = 0.0002) and ‘pain’ (88 vs. 80 %; P = 0.02). Patients’ management satisfaction averaged 93 %. Conclusions Si-CaP augmented with BMA from vertebral bodies seems to prove an effective, safe, and easy to handle bone graft extender in scoliosis surgery and thus a suitable alternative to bone harvesting procedures.
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The objective of this study is to compare the clinical and radiographic results of ultraporous beta-tricalcium phosphate (beta-TCP) versus autogenous iliac crest bone graft (ICBG), through prospective randomized pilot study (EBM-Level 1), as graft extenders in scoliosis surgery. In the posterior correction of scoliosis, local bone resected as part of the procedure is used as the base bone graft material. Supplemental grafting from the iliac crest is considered the gold-standard in posterior spinal fusion. However, autograft is not available in unlimited quantities, and bone harvesting is a source of significant morbidity. Ultraporous beta-TCP might be a substitute for ICBG in these patients and thus eliminate donor site morbidity. A total of 40 patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) were randomized into two treatment groups and underwent corrective posterior instrumentation. In 20 patients, ICBG harvesting was performed whereas the other half received beta-TCP (VITOSS) to augment the local bone graft. If thoracoplasty was performed, the resected rib bone was added in both groups. Patients were observed clinically and radiographically for a minimum of 20 months postoperatively, with a mean follow-up of 4 years. Overall pain and pain specific to the back and donor site were assessed using a visual analog scale (VAS). As a result, both groups were comparable with respect to the age at the time of surgery, gender ratio, preoperative deformity, and hence length of instrumentation. There was no significant difference in blood loss and operative time. In nine patients of the beta-TCP group and eight patients of the ICBG group, thoracoplasty was performed resulting in a rib graft of on average 7.9 g in both groups. Average curve correction was 61.7% in the beta-TCP group and 61.2% in the ICBG group at hospital discharge (P=0.313) and 57.2 and 54.3%, respectively, at follow-up (P=0.109). Loss of curve correction amounted on average 2.6 degrees in the beta-TCP group and 4.2 degrees in the comparison group (P=0.033). In the ICBG group, four patients still reported donor site pain of on average 2/10 on the VAS at last follow-up. One patient in the beta-TCP group was diagnosed with a pseudarthrosis at the caudal end of the instrumentation. Revision surgery demonstrated solid bone formation directly above the pseudarthrosis with no histological evidence of beta-TCP in the biopsy taken. In conclusion, the use of beta-TCP instead of ICBG as extenders of local bone graft yielded equivalent results in the posterior correction of AIS. The promising early results of this pilot study support that beta-TCP appears to be an effective bone substitute in scoliosis surgery avoiding harvesting of pelvic bone and the associated morbidity.
Study Design. A retrospective comparison of three different types of bone grafts for posterior spinal fusion in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Objective. To determine the efficacy of bone marrow and demineralized bone matrix as a bone graft substitute for spinal fusion. Summary of Background Data. Several reports have documented a high morbidity associated with harvesting autologous iliac crest bone graft (ICBG) for spinal fusion. Composite bone graft consisting of demineralized bone matrix and aspirated bone marrow may reduce the morbidity and still retain the osteoinductive properties of iliac crest autograft. Methods. Three different bone grafting techniques were used by a single surgeon in 88 consecutive patients who had posterior spinal fusion for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Segmental instrumentation with dual-rod fixation was used in all cases. Selection of type of graft was determined historically by the time when the operations were performed. Autologous ICBG was used in Group A, freeze-dried corticocancellous allograft in Group B, and composite graft of autologous bone marrow and demineralized bone matrix in Group C. Seventy-seven patients were reviewed, with a minimum of 2 years' follow-up ( mean, 3 years 7 months; range, 2 years - 9 years 5 months). Radiographs were assessed for pseudarthrosis and loss of correction of 10degrees or more. Loss of 10degrees of correction has been previously identified as an indicator of potential pseudarthrosis or fusion instability. Both of these criteria were used to compare success of fusion. Results. Failure caused by pseudarthroses was seen in two patients (2.6%), one in Group A and one in Group B. Eleven patients lost greater than 10degrees of correction, but only one demonstrated pseudarthroses. The 13 patients with pseudarthroses or loss of correction constitute the failure group for purposes of graft assessment. The failure rate was 12.5% in Group A ( ICBG), 28% in Group B ( freeze-dried corticocancellous allograft), and 11.1% in Group C ( composite graft of autologous bone marrow and demineralized bone matrix). Eliminating patients with crankshaft phenomenon did not substantially change the results. There was no morbidity associated with bone marrow aspiration. Conclusions. Fusion rates were comparable for Group A (ICBG) and Group C ( composite graft of autologous bone marrow and demineralized bone matrix). The composite graft is our preferred graft for fusions in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.
Study Design. A prospective study was conducted to examine bone graft donor site morbidity in 106 consecutive patients undergoing posterior spinal fusion. Objectives. To perform a prospective analysis of donor site morbidity, to document the incidence of major complications, and to collect information on the impact of autologous bone graft harvesting from the posterior iliac crest on the overall outcome of spinal surgery. Summary of Background. Bone graft harvesting from the posterior iliac crest for spinal fusion is a source of significant morbidity. Previous retrospective case studies indicate that minor complications are common, but they do not define the natural history and complications of posterior iliac crest bone graft harvesting. Methods. A standardized harvesting technique was used. At 3, 6, and 12 months after surgery, the patients completed a proforma questionnaire rating symptoms on a visual analog scale and underwent a postoperative examination by the surgeon. Finally, overall surgical outcome was assessed at 12 months. Results. The major component of morbidity is donor site pain. Mean pain scores were 1.640 at 3 months, 1.812 at 6 months, and 1.207 at 12 months. The pain at 12 months was significantly less than at 3 and 6 months (P = 0.005), with a trend toward the highest scores at 6 months. A pain score of 0 was reported by 55% of the patients. Local sensory loss was found in 10% of the patients. Outcome assessment showed significant differences in morbidity for surgery performed at different spinal levels (P = 0.001), with lumbosacral surgery resulting in worse outcomes than either cervical (P < 0.05) or thoracolumbar (P < 0.05) surgery. Significantly higher visual analog scores were observed at 6 months in patients with poorer overall outcomes. Conclusions. According to this study, it is reasonable to reassure patients that a good result from spinal surgery will not be compromised by severe symptoms or major morbidity secondary to posterior iliac crest bone graft donation. Before surgery, patients may be advised concerning the risks of donor site pain, which improves significantly by 12 months, local tenderness, and uncommonly localized sensory loss.
Background: Adjacent-segment pathology is an important issue involving the cervical spine, but there have been few comprehensive studies of this problem. The purpose of the current study was to determine the risk factors for adjacent-segment pathology and to compare the survivorship of adjacent segments in patients who underwent cervical spine operations including arthrodesis and motion-sparing procedures. Methods: This was a retrospective analysis of a consecutive series of 1358 patients with radiculopathy, myelopathy, or myeloradiculopathy who underwent cervical spine surgery performed by a single surgeon. We calculated the annual incidence of adjacent-segment pathology requiring surgery and, with use of Kaplan-Meier analysis, determined survivorship. Cox regression analysis was used to identify risk factors. Results: The index surgical procedures included cervical arthrodesis (1095 patients; 1038 anterior, twenty-nine posterior, and twenty-eight combined anterior and posterior), posterior decompression (214 patients; 145 laminoplasty and sixty-nine foraminotomy), arthroplasty (thirty-two patients), and a combination of arthroplasty and anterior arthrodesis (seventeen patients). Secondary surgery on adjacent segments occurred at a relatively constant rate of 2.3% per year (95% confidence interval, 1.9 to 2.9). Kaplan-Meier analysis predicted that 21.9% of patients would need secondary surgery on adjacent segments by ten years postoperatively. Factors increasing the risk were smoking, female sex, and type of procedure. The posterior arthrodesis group (posterior-only or combined anterior and posterior arthrodesis) had a 7.5-times greater risk of adjacent-segment pathology requiring reoperation than posterior decompression, and a 3.0-times greater risk than the anterior arthrodesis group. However, when we compared the anterior cervical arthrodesis group, the arthroplasty group (arthroplasty or hybrid arthroplasty), and the posterior decompression group to each other, there were no significant differences. Age, neurological diagnosis, diabetes, and number of surgically treated segments were not significant risk factors. Conclusions: Patients treated with posterior or combined anterior and posterior arthrodesis were far more likely to develop clinical adjacent-segment pathology requiring surgery than those treated with posterior decompression or anterior arthrodesis. Smokers and women had a higher chance of clinical adjacent-segment pathology after cervical spine surgery.
Computed tomography (CT) represents the state of the art for the postoperative verification of the implant position after transpedicular stabilizations. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has not challenged the CT, yet, because of susceptibility artifacts but would be favorable as a diagnostic tool for its excellent soft-tissue qualities. A study that analyzed if an artifact-reduced MRI could overcome this problem and provide sufficient data for the postoperative assessment was conducted. The study design was a radiologic comparison of CT and MRI techniques evaluating pedicle screw placement after spinal fusion. Fifty consecutive patients were given an MRI and a CT after a transpedicular stabilization surgery. Thirty-eight patients suffered from degenerative spinal disorders; three surgeries had become necessary because of spondylodiscitis, eight patients suffered from metastatic vertebrae destruction, and one patient experienced a fracture. Any contact of a malpositioned pedicle screw with the dura and/or radicular structures was identified as an implant-associated complication and was compared with postoperative clinical patient findings. In total, 338 pedicular screws were analyzed in regard to their intrapedicular position. The double-blind evaluation of MRI and CT data was carried out by two radiologists and two spine surgeons. Accuracy of the CT analysis was calculated based on the interobserver agreement of 100%. Magnetic resonance imaging accuracy was calculated. The interobserver accuracy of the CT data amounted to a median of 89.8% and in the MRI data of 86.7%. Intraobserver comparisons showed a significant difference between CT and magnetic resonance evaluations in one observer (kappa=0.293). In all other observers, the results were concordant with kappa values from kappa=0.328 to kappa=0.702. There was a high degree of agreement regarding the diagnosis of malpositioned pedicle screw and corresponding clinical symptoms between both techniques. The presented data show that artifact-reduced MRI is equivalent to CT imaging in the postoperative evaluation of titanium spinal rod-screw systems. We therefore conclude that MRI should be considered as an alternative tool for the golden standard CT for postoperative imaging controls for its advantages in soft-tissue analysis.
Single institution, retrospective cohort study of 49 consecutive patients with Lenke I adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, all operated by a single surgeon using identical surgical technique and type of instrumentation. To evaluate the early coronal and sagittal correction of main thoracic adolescent idiopathic scoliosis using all-pedicle screw instrumentation and to determine whether implant density influences correction. There is an increasing trend in the use of pedicle screws in scoliosis correction surgery, particularly in using segmental all-pedicle screw constructs. No previous studies have investigated whether higher pedicle screw implant density improves correction of scoliosis in vivo. Forty-nine consecutive patients with Lenke I main thoracic adolescent idiopathic scoliosis underwent single stage posterior correction and instrumented spinal fusion with pedicle screw fixation between 2006 and 2008. Pre- and postoperative radiographs were analyzed. Mean patient age at the time of operation was 14.4 years (range: 11-19.7 years). The preoperative main thoracic curve of 60.0 degrees +/- 13.4 degrees was corrected to 17.4 degrees +/- 6.9 degrees (69.9% correction) on the postoperative radiographs. The preoperative thoracic kyphosis of 20.0 degrees +/- 10.2 degrees decreased to 11.6 degrees +/- 4.9 degrees after surgery. There was a significant correlation between decrease in sagittal kyphosis and magnitude of coronal Cobb angle correction (P = 0.002). There was no correlation between implant density and magnitude of coronal or sagittal curve correction, with and without curve flexibility taken into consideration. Pedicle screw constructs provided excellent coronal correction of thoracic idiopathic scoliosis, however, this was at the expense of sagittal contour. Bilateral segmental pedicle screw fixation did not improve curve correction compared with unilateral or alternate segmental fixation.
Clinical and radiologic assessment derived from a prospective multicenter data base of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) patients. We investigated if "implant density" or the number of screws correlated with the major curve (thoracic or lumbar) correction at 2 years in patients with AIS. We also investigated the effect of implant density on the change in sagittal contour before surgery to after surgery. Controversy exists regarding number and type of spinal anchors and the number of implant sites used that result in improved correction in AIS. A prospective database of patients with AIS treated by posterior instrumentation between 1995 and 2004 was analyzed. The major curve correction expressed as % correction (from preoperative to 2 years postoperative) was correlated with the percentage of implants relative to the number of available implant sites within the measured Cobb angle. Correlation of % correction to the number of hooks, wires, and screws was also performed. We also analyzed the change in sagittal contour T2-T12, T5-T12, and T10-L2 before surgery and after surgery. This absolute change was then correlated with implant density, as was the number of hooks, wires, and screws. There were 292 patients included with all 6 Lenke curve types represented (250 with major thoracic curves and 42 with major lumbar curves). The overall % coronal Cobb correction was 64% (range: 11%-98%). The implant density within the major curve averaged 61% (range: 6%-100%). There was a significant correlation between implant density and % curve correction (r = 0.31, P < 0.001). The number of each implant type (hooks, wires, and screws) in the construct did not correlate with the % correction; however, the average % correction of the major curve was greater when the Cobb levels were instrumented only with screws (64%) compared to hooks alone (55%), P < 0.01. The greatest % correction 78% was achieved when bilateral segmental screws were used (100% screw density). The higher the implant density within the major thoracic curve, the greater the postoperative loss of kyphosis at T2-T12 (r = -0.13, P < 0.01) and T5-T12 (r = -0.16, P < 0.001). At T10-L2, increasing screw implant density correlated with decreasing kyphosis (r = -0.40, P < 0.001), whereas increasing hook implant density correlated with increasing kyphosis (r = 0.33, P < 0.001). Major curve correction at 2 years correlates most with the implant density that is correction increases with the number of implants used within the measured Cobb levels. Although the absolute number of screws used did not correlate with correction, there was an advantage in lumbar and thoracic curves to using screws compared to hooks. Sagittal contour in the thoracic spine became less kyphotic than the higher the implant density.
Computerized tomographic scans are routinely obtained to evaluate a number of musculoskeletal conditions. However, since computerized tomographic scans expose patients to the greatest amounts of radiation of all imaging modalities, the physician must be cognizant of the effective doses of radiation that are administered. This investigation was performed to quantify the effective doses of computerized tomographic scans that are performed for various musculoskeletal applications. The digital imaging archive of a single institution was retrospectively reviewed to identify helical computerized tomographic scans that were completed to visualize the extremities or spine. Imaging parameters were recorded for each examination, and dosimetry calculator software was used to calculate the effective dose values according to a modified protocol derived from publication SR250 of the National Radiological Protection Board of the United Kingdom. Computerized tomographic scans of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis were also collected, and the effective doses were compared with those reported by prior groups in order to validate the results of the current study. The mean effective doses for computerized tomographic scans of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis (5.27, 4.95, and 4.85 mSv, respectively) were consistent with those of previous investigations. The highest mean effective doses were recorded for studies evaluating the spine (4.36, 17.99, and 19.15 mSv for the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spines, respectively). In the upper extremity, the effective dose of a computerized tomographic scan of the shoulder (2.06 mSv) was higher than those of the elbow (0.14 mSv) and wrist (0.03 mSv). Similarly, the effective dose of a hip scan (3.09 mSv) was significantly higher than those observed with knee (0.16 mSv) and ankle (0.07 mSv) scans. Computerized tomographic scans of the axial and appendicular skeleton are associated with substantially elevated radiation exposures, but the effective dose declines substantially for anatomic structures that are further away from the torso.