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Miscellaneous New Species and Combinations in the Pleurothallidinae (Orchidaceae) from Brazil and Argentina

  • Marie Selby Botanical Gardens, Sarasota, Florida


In preparation for a series of publications on the pleurothallid genera of Brazil, twenty-four new species have been discovered. They are described and illustrated here. Two new species, Acianthera klingelfusii and Anathallis johnsonii, are described for Argentina, the former also occurring in Brazil. The other 22 species are exclusively Brazilian in distribution. They are listed here in generic alphabetical order: Anathallis crassapex, A. dantasii, A. gutfreundii A. paula, A. pilipetala, A. seidelii, A. velvetina, Pabstiella acrogenia, P. analoga, P. capijumensis, P. decurva, P. discors, P. freyi, P. gossameri, P. lacerticeps, P. melior, P. nymphalis, P. osculator, P. quasi, P. sansonii, P. savioi, and Specklinia erecta. Eleven new combinations are proposed in the Brazilian Pleurothallidinae: Pabstiella bicolor, P. colorata, P. diffusiflora, P. dracula, P. ochracea, P. pantherina, P. punctata, P. purpurea, P. seriata, P. viridula, and Specklinia barbosae.
In preparation for a series of publications on
the pleurothallid genera of Brazil, the following
24 new species are described and illustrated.
The generic circumscription of each species was
not determined with DNA analyses. The species
of this present group fall into four foci within
the DNA tree: Acianthera Scheidw., Anathallis
Barb.Rodr., Pabstiella Brieger & Senghas, and
Specklinia Lindl. The species of Acianthera are
recognized without difculty. Identication of
species of the well-known genus Specklinia
from regions north and west of Brazil poses no
problems, but recognition of some species of
Specklinia from eastern Brazil is still uncertain,
because of marked morphological similarity
to some Brazilian Pabstiella and Anathallis
species. Morphological characters of species
of these three genera overlap, so that visual
determination of individuals is sometimes
uncertain. It has become clear that species of
Anathallis cannot be determined simply by the
presence of free lateral sepals and neither can
the species of Pabstiella simply by the presence
of connate lateral sepals.
Eleven new combinations in the Brazilian
Pleurothallidinae are also proposed herein.
Carlyle a. luer1 and a. l. V. TosCano de BriTo2
Abstract. In preparation for a series of publications on the pleurothallid genera of Brazil, twenty-four new
species have been discovered. They are described and illustrated here. Two new species, Acianthera klingelfusii
and Anathallis johnsonii, are described for Argentina, the former also occurring in Brazil. The other 22 species
are exclusively Brazilian in distribution. They are listed here in generic alphabetical order: Anathallis crassapex,
A. dantasii, A. gutfreundii A. paula, A. pilipetala, A. seidelii, A. velvetina, Pabstiella acrogenia, P. analoga, P.
capijumensis, P. decurva, P. discors, P. freyi, P. gossameri, P. lacerticeps, P. melior, P. nymphalis, P. osculator, P.
quasi, P. sansonii, P. savioi, and Specklinia erecta. Eleven new combinations are proposed in the Brazilian Pleu-
rothallidinae: Pabstiella bicolor, P. colorata, P. diffusiora, P. dracula, P. ochracea, P. pantherina, P. punctata, P.
purpurea, P. seriata, P. viridula, and Specklinia barbosae.
Keywords: Brazil, Pleurothallidinae, Acianthera, Anathallis, Pabstiella and Specklinia.
We acknowledge the services of Coordenação de Proteção e Conservação Florestal, Diretoria de Uso Sustentável da
Biodiversidade e Florestas, IBAMA, Brazil, and the Plant Inspection Station at J. F. Kennedy International Airport, New
York, U.S.A., for issuing the Cites permits which allowed the exchange and transportation of the specimens treated here. The
present paper is part of the project: “The Pleurothallid Orchids of Brazil: Contributions to an inventory and an understanding
of evolution, ecology and conservation,” partially sponsored by the National Geographic Society’s Committee for Research
and Exploration, grant nr. 8906-11.The junior author would like to thank the following organizations, which, during recent
years, have provided funds and facilities that enabled study in the libraries and of historical collections deposited in several
European and American herbaria, as well as the undertaking of eldwork in Brazil: the Kew Latin American Research
Fellowships Programme at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, the Swiss Orchid Foundation at the University of Basel, the
David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies at Harvard University, the Harvard University Herbaria, the Missouri
Botanical Garden, and the National Geographic Society. Financial support received from the following individuals is also
acknowledged: Rudolf Jenny, Dora Gerhard, Peter and Gail Furniss, and Carlyle and Jane Luer.
1 Missouri Botanical Garden; corresponding address: 3222 Old Oak Drive, Sarasota, Florida 34239-5019 U.S.A.
2 The Marie Selby Botanical Gardens, 811 South Palm Avenue, Sarasota, Florida 34236-7726 U.S.A.; Pesquisador
Colaborador at Departamento de Botânica, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil;
Harvard Papers in Botany, Vol. 16, No. 2, 2011, pp. 361– 382.
© President and Fellows of Harvard College, 2011.
new speCies
Acianthera klingelfusii Luer, Toscano &
Baptista, sp. nov. TYPE: BRAZIL. Paraná:
collected near Curitiba, owered in cultivation
in Curitiba, 21 March 2007, by M. Klingelfus
s.n. (Holotype: HUEFS), C. Luer illustr.
21167b. Fig. 1.
Planta pusilla repens, foliis ellipticis
sessilis crassis, racemo paucioro folio plus
minusve aequi longo, sepalis acutis lateralibus
in synsepalum connatis, petalis oblongis
acutis minutissime denticulatis, et labello
ovato anguste obtuso verruculoso ad medium
Figures 1–4. New Species in the Pleurothallidinae. 1, Acianthera klingelfusii Luer, Toscano & Baptista;
2, Anathallis crassapex Luer & Toscano; 3, Anathallis dantasii Luer, Toscano & Baptista; 4, Anathallis
gutfreundii Luer & Toscano. All drawings by C. A. Luer.
bicalloso infra medium lobis lateralibus
rotundis erectis distinguitur.
Plant small, epiphytic, repent, the rhizome
1 mm thick, 3–4 mm long between ramicauls;
roots slender. Ramicauls erect, stout, 10–15 mm
long, enclosed by a tubular sheath and another at
the base. Leaf erect, thickly coriaceous, elliptical,
subacute to obtuse, 17–20 mm long, 7–9 mm
wide, the base cuneate, sessile. Inorescence a
loose, successively 4- to 5- owered raceme ca.
15 mm long including the peduncle 4–5 mm long,
subtended by a spathe 4–5 mm long; oral bracts
1–1.5 mm long; pedicels 0.5–1 mm long; ovary
0.75 mm long; sepals red-brown externally, olive
within, margins and veins minutely ciliate, the
dorsal sepal oblong-ovate, with acute, thickened
tip, 5.5 mm long, 1.5 mm wide, 3-veined, free
from the lateral sepals, the lateral sepals connate
into a concave, ovoid, shortly bid lamina
with acute tips, 5.5 mm long, 3.5 mm wide,
6-veined; petals purple, oblong, acute, 1.75 mm
long, 0.7 mm wide, 1-veined, with the margins
microscopically erose; lip purple, thick, eshy,
ovoid, minutely verruculose with minutely
denticulate margins, 1.75 mm long, 1 mm wide,
the apex narrowly rounded, with erect, rounded
lateral lobes below the middle, with the disc
broadly sulcate between a pair of calli on the
middle third, the base truncate, minutely lobed
at the angles, hinged to the column-foot; column
terete, apex denticulate, 2 mm long, the foot
thick, 1 mm long, the anther and stigma ventral.
Etymology: Named for Marcos Klingelfus of
Curitiba, Paraná, who collected and cultivated
this species.
Paratypes: ARGENTINA. Without collec-
tion data: A. Johnson 026 (MO), C. Luer illustr.
18105; A. Johnson 0144 (MO), C. Luer illustr.
18115. BRAZIL. Without locality, obtained
from D.H. Baptista “02 S. Pedro, Dantas” in
December 2008, A. Toscano de Brito 2739
(HUEFS), C. Luer illustr. 21565.
One of the smallest members of the genus
Acianthera Schweidw., this species from south-
ern Brazil and adjacent Argentina is distin-
guished by a loose, successively few-owered
raceme about as long as a thick, sessile leaf that
arises from a cuneate base. The sepals are cili-
ate-carinate with sharply acute, thick tips. The
petals are oblong, acute and microscopically
erose. The proportionately small lip is thick,
minutely verruculose, and ovate with the apex
narrowly rounded, with a pair of calli on the
middle third, and with erect, rounded marginal
lobes below the middle.
Anathallis crassapex Luer & Toscano, sp. nov.
TYPE: BRAZIL. Without locality, obtained
from D.H. Baptista “01 Dantas,” December
2008, A. Toscano de Brito 2667 (Holotype:
HUEFS), C. Luer illustr. 21555. Fig. 2.
Species haec Anathallis bleyensis (Pabst)
F.Barros afnis, sed racemo laxe paucioro folio
longipedicellato excedenti, sepalis petalisque
supra medium incrassatis, labelli lobis erectis
triangularibus infra medium differt.
Plant small, epiphytic, caespitose; roots
slender. Ramicauls erect, 20 mm long, enclosed
by 3 tubular sheaths. Leaf erect, thick, linear-
elliptical, acute, 22 mm long, 3 mm wide, 1
mm thick, canaliculate, narrowed below into
a subpetiolate base. Inorescence a loose,
simultaneously 3-owered raceme 5 cm long
including the peduncle ca. 20 mm long, from
a node at the apex of the ramicaul; oral bracts
2 mm long; pedicels 4–5 mm long; ovary 1
mm long; sepals glabrous, elliptical-oblong,
narrowly obtuse, subcarinate, thickened above
the middle, the dorsal sepal 4.5 mm long, 1.5
mm wide, 3-veined, the lateral sepals free,
oblique, 4.5 mm long, 1 mm wide, 3-veined;
petals gla brous, narrowly oblong-triangular,
acute, 4 mm long, 0.75 mm wide, 1-veined, thick
above the mid dle; lip glabrous, oblong-trilobed,
obtuse, thick and round at the apex, 2 mm long,
1 mm wide ex panded, the lateral lobes below
the middle, erect, triangular, the disc thick and
shallowly sulcate, the base truncate, hinged to
the column-foot; column semiterete, winged
above the middle, 1.5 mm long, denticulate at
the apex, with the anther, rostellum and stigma
hooded and ventral, the foot thick 1 mm long.
Etymology: From the Latin crassus “thick”
and apex “tip,” referring to the thick tips of all
the oral parts.
This species, apparently endemic in the
Atlantic coastal forest, is supercially similar
to Anathallis bleyensis (Pabst) F.Barros from
Paraná in the south. Both are characterized by
thick, narrowly linear leaves; a ramicaul about
equally long; and few-owered racemes. The
inorescence of A. crassapex is solitary and
exceeds the lead; one or a few, much shorter
inorescences are produced by A. bleyensis.
The petals of A. crassapex are narrowly
triangular and sharply acute. The lobes of the lip
of A. crassapex are erect and triangular, while
the lobes of the lip of A. bleyensis are obtuse
marginal angles continuous to the base.
Anathallis dantasii Luer, Toscano & Baptista,
sp. nov. TYPE. BRAZIL. São Paulo: collected
near Piracicaba, owered in cultivation in
Piracicaba, 14 March 2007, by Ademar Dantas
s.n. (Holotype: HUEFS), C. Luer illustr. 21113.
Fig. 3.
Planta parva longirepens foliis quam
ramicaulibus paulo longioribus, racemo
abbreviato paucioro, sepalis liberis
rubrovenoso, petalis anguste oblongis supra
medium ciliatis, labello oblongo dense cilia tis
apice rotundo infra medium dilatato disco supra
basim anguste calloso et ad basim bilobulato.
Plant small, long-repent, the rhizome 5–6
mm long between ramicauls; roots slender.
Ramicauls slender, ascending-erect, 15–20
mm long, enclosed by 2–3 tubular sheaths.
Leaf erect, thickly coriaceous, elliptical,
subacute, 22–30 mm long including a petiole
2–3 mm long, 5–7 mm wide, cuneate below
into the petiole. Inorescence a successively
6- to 7-owered raceme up to 8 mm long
including the peduncle ca. 1 mm long, from a
node below the abscission layer; oral bracts
1.5–2 mm long; pedicel 2 mm long; ovary 1
mm long; sepals free, eshy, veined in red, the
dorsal sepal shortly ciliate, elliptical-oblong,
acute, 3.5 mm long, 1.3 mm wide, 3-veined,
the lateral sepals glabrous, connate at the
base, elliptical, oblique, acute, 3.5 mm long,
1.3 mm wide, 2–(3–) veined; petals red at the
tip, oblong, narrowly obtuse, 3 mm long, 0.6
mm wide, 1-veined, the distal third slightly
narrowed and ciliate; lip red-purple, densely
ciliate, oblong, rounded at the apex, 1.75 mm
long, 0.6 mm wide, with the margins dilated and
erect below the middle, cellular-papillar, with a
narrow, midline callus below the middle, erect
and minutely bid at the base of the callus, the
base of the lip subtruncate, bilobulate, hinged
to the column-foot; column semiterete, broadly
winged, denticulate, 1.5 mm long, with the
anther and stigma hooded.
Etymology: Named for Ademar Dantas
of Piracicaba, São Paulo, who collected and
cultivated this species.
This species is related to the sympatric, variable
and frequent Anathallis paranaënsis (Schltr.)
Pridgeon & M.W.Chase, but differing in the
repent habit with proportionally narrower and
longer leaves, and a densely long-ciliated lip.
Anathallis gutfreundii Luer & Toscano, sp.
nov. TYPE: BRAZIL. São Paulo: without
specic locality, cultivated by S. Gutfreund at
Orquidário Eco Orquídeas, São Paulo, owered
in cultivation, 19 January 2009, by A. Toscano
de Brito 2622 (Holotype: HUEFS), C. Luer
illustr. 21528. Fig. 4.
Planta parva caespitosa, pedunculis
fasciculatis unioris folio elliptico brevioribus,
sepalis carnosis anguste triangularibus,
petalis anguste triangularibus microscopice
pubescentibus, et labello oblongo-trilobo lobis
basalibus uncinatis minute spiculatis, lobo antico
ad apicem rotundo convexo glabro distinguitur.
Plant small, epiphytic, caespitose, roots
slender. Ramicauls stout, erect, 1–2 cm long,
thick, enclosed by 2 whitish, tubular sheaths.
Leaf erect, thickly coriaceous, elliptical, acute,
1.5–4 cm long, 5–6 mm wide, cuneate below
into a petiole 5–6 mm long. Inorescence a
single ower borne by a peduncle 6–7 mm
long, produced in a fascicle at the apex of
the ramicaul; oral bract 3 mm long; pedicel
4–7 mm long; ovary 1.5–2 mm long; sepals
yellow-green, eshy, glabrous, the dorsal
sepal narrowly ovate-triangular, acute, 7–8
mm long, 2.25 mm wide, 5-veined, the lateral
sepals narrowly triangular, acute, 7–8 mm
long, 2 mm wide, 3-veined, free to near the
base; petals yellow with darker yellow apex,
narrowly triangular, acute, 6–7 mm long, 1 mm
wide, 1-veined, microscopically pubescent; lip
yellow, oblong-trilobed, 2 mm long, 0.75 mm
wide, 1 mm wide expanded, the lateral lobes
basal, uncinate, antrorse, minutely spiculate, the
apical three-quarters oblong, rounded at the tip,
convex, glabrous, the disc spiculate in the basal
quarter, the base truncate, bilobulate, hinged to
the column-foot; column broadly winged above
the middle, denticulate at the apex, 2 mm long,
the anther, rostellum and stigma ventral, the
foot thick, 1 mm long.
Etymology: Named for Sérgio Gutfreund
of São Paulo in whose collection this species
was found.
This small species is related to Anathallis
helmutii (Hoehne) F.Barros, but differs with
the inorescence characterized by a fascicle
of single-owered pedun cles about less than a
centimeter long. Although not seen, a second
ower could sometimes be produced instead
of an elongated lament. As in A. helmutii, the
sepals and petals are narrow and pointed; the
petals are microscopically pubescent; and the
lip has basal, spiculate, uncinate lobes.
Anathallis johnsonii Luer & Toscano, sp.
nov. TYPE: ARGENTINA. Without locality,
received in December 1996, from Andrés E.
Johnson 0171 (Holotype: MO), C. Luer Illustr.
18109. Fig. 5.
Species haec Anathallis brevipes (H.Focke)
Pridgeon & M.W.Chase afnis, sed habitu
multimi nore, partibus orales ciliatis, petalis
acutissimis, labelli disco lamellato ad basim
bipapilloso differt.
Plant very small, epiphytic, caespitose; roots
slender. Ramicauls erect, 2 mm long, enclosed
by 1–2 tubular sheaths. Leaf erect, thickly
coriaceous, elliptical, obtuse, 9–10 mm long,
4–5 mm wide, 2.5 mm thick, cuneate below into
a subpetiolate base. Inorescence a successively
2- to 3-owered raceme up to 4 mm long
including the peduncle 2–3 mm long, from near
the apex of the ramicaul; oral bracts 1.5 mm
long; pedicels 2 mm long; ovary 1 mm long;
sepals eshy, ciliate, the dorsal sepal elliptical
to ovate-triagular, acute, 2.5 mm long, 1.2 mm
wide, 3-veined, the lateral sepals free, oblong,
oblique, acute, 2.5 mm long, 0.8 mm wide,
1-veined; petals narrowly triangular, acute, ci-
liate, 2 mm long, 0.5 mm wide, 1-veined; lip
oblong, 1.8 mm long, 0.6 mm wide, the apex
round, thick, convex, glabrous, the basal 2 thirds
with the margins thin and densely ciliate, disc
with a longi tudinal, shallowly sulcate callus,
bifurcate beyond the middle, cleft at the base
into a pair of minute lobules, the base truncate,
minutely lobulate at the corners, hinged to the
column-foot; column semi terete, denticulate
at the apex, winged above the middle, 1.5 mm
long, with the anther, rostellum and stigma
hooded and ventral, the foot 0.5 mm long.
Etymology: Named for Andrés E. Johnson
of Argentina, who rst collected this species.
This tiny species from Argentina with
ramicauls two millimeters long is related to the
widely distributed Anathallis brevipes (Focke)
Pridgeon & M.W.Chase. The sepals and the
narrowly triangular petals are ciliate, and the
ciliate margins of the lip occupy two thirds
the length. A narrow, channeled, longitudinal
callus below the middle of the disc is minutely
bilobulate at the base. The base of the lip is
truncate with a lobule at the corners.
Anathallis paula Luer & Toscano, sp. nov.
TYPE: BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro: Armação de
Búzios, Praia das Emerências, collected by S.
Pessoa & T. Sampaio Pereira s.n., 30 October
1997, owered in cultivation at the Rio de
Janeiro Bot. Gard., Nr. 307, 20 September 1999,
A. Toscano de Brito 2041 (Holotype: HUEFS),
C. Luer illustr. 21563. Fig. 6.
Planta perparva caespitosa, inorescentia
biora folio elliptico crasso breviore, sepalis
petalisque acutis glabris, labello oblongo-
ovato ecalloso elobato supra medium convexo
ad apicem rotundo distin guitur.
Plant very small, epiphytic, caespitose, roots
proportionally thick. Ramicauls erect, 8–10 mm
long, enclosed by 2 tubular sheaths. Leaf erect,
coriaceous, elliptical, subacute, 8–18 mm long,
6–7 mm wide, 2–2.5 mm thick, cuneate below
into a petiole less than 1 mm long. Inorescence
successively 2-owered, borne by a peduncle
4–6 mm long from near the apex of the ramicaul;
oral bract 1.5 mm long; pedicel 2 mm long;
ovary 0.75–1 mm long; owers yellow-green;
sepals free, glabrous, elliptical-oblong, acute,
the dorsal sepal 4.8 mm long, 1.8 mm wide,
3-veined, the lateral sepals slight ly oblique, 4.8
mm long, 1.4 mm wide, 3-veined; petals yellow-
green, glabrous, narrowly ovate, acute, 3 mm
long, 1.2 mm wide, 1-veined; lip oblong-ovate,
glabrous, 1.8 mm long, 1 mm wide, shallowly
concave below the middle, convex above the
middle with recurved margins, rounded at the
apex, the base truncate, hinged to the column-
foot; column broadly winged, 1.75 mm long,
the anther, rostellum and stigma ventral, the
foot thick, less than 1 mm long.
Etymology: From the Latin paulus, “little,”
referring to the small habit.
This caespitose, little species is characterized
by thick, elliptical leaves about as long as the
ramicauls. The successively two-owered
inorescence is much shorter than the leaf.
The sepals are free and acute; the petals are
ovate and acute; and the more or less oblong,
featureless lip is convex above the middle.
Anathallis pilipetala Luer & Toscano, sp.
nov. TYPE: BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro: Nova
Friburgo, Macaé de Cima, obtained from
Helmut Seehawer, owered in cultivation, 7
December 2008, A. Toscano de Brito 2461
(Holotype: HUEFS), C. Luer illustr. 21575.
Fig. 7.
Figures 5–8. New Species in the Pleurothallidinae. 5, Anathallis johnsonii Luer & Toscano; 6, Anathallis paula
Luer & Toscano; 7, Anathallis pilipetala Luer & Toscano; 8, Anathallis seidelii Luer, Toscano & Baptista. All
drawings by C. A. Luer.
Planta parva caespitosa, racemis paucis
fasciculatis folio elliptico multibrevioribus,
sepalis obtusis lateralibus late sublunatis,
petalis angustissime attenuatis, labello oblongo
ad apicem rotundo marginibus infra medium
ciliatis, disco callo crasso bifurcato, ad basim
minutissime bilobulato distinguitur.
Plant small, epiphytic, caespitose, roots
slender. Ramicauls stout, erect, 20 mm long,
enclosed by 3 tubular sheaths. Leaf erect,
thickly coriaceous, purplish, elliptical, subacute
to obtuse, 35 mm long, 13 mm wide, cuneate
below to the base. Inorescence a fascicle of
5–6 subexuous, successively 4- to 5-owered
racemes 5–8 mm long including the peduncle
2–2.5 mm long, from the apex of the ramicaul;
oral bracts 1–1.25 mm long, minutely
echinate; pedicels 1–1.5 mm long; ovary 0.8
mm long; sepals purple, translucent toward
the base, glabrous, the dorsal sepal elliptical,
obtuse, 3 mm long, 1.3 mm wide, 3-veined,
the lateral sepals free, obliquely elliptical or
semilunate, decurved, obtuse, 2.5 mm long,
1.3 mm wide, 3-veined; petals purple, sparsely
ciliate, very narrowly triangular, attenuate with
the tip capillary, 2.5 mm long, 0.3 mm wide,
1-veined; lip purple, longitudinally yellow
centrally, oblong, rounded at the tip, cellular, the
margins below the middle erect, nely ciliate,
the disc with a thickened callus, erect at the
base, bifurcated in middle third, the base, with
a pair of minute lobules, hinged to the column-
foot; column semiterete, the distal half broadly
winged, nely erose at the apex, 1.8 mm long,
the foot concave, 0.6 mm long, the anther and
stigma ventral.
Etymology: From the Latin pilipetalus,
“with hair-like petals,” referring to the hair-like
tips of the petals.
This little species is related to Anathallis
petropolitana (Hoehne) Luer & Toscano
with a longitudinal, forked callus on the lip.
It is also characterized by a well-developed
ramicaul, and one or more very short racemes.
Most noteworthy is the tip of the petals that is
attenuated into an extremely ne point.
Anathallis seidelii Luer, Toscano & Baptista,
sp. nov. TYPE: BRAZIL. Santa Catarina:
without collection data, probably collected
locally, owered in cultivation at the Seidel
Nursery in Corupá, 22 March 2007, C. Luer
21172 (Holotype: HUEFS), C. Luer illustr.
20562. Fig. 8.
Planta perparva caespitosa, racemo laxo
folio elliptico excedenti, sepalis glabris
ellipticis acutis lateralibus liberis, petalis
glabris ovatis, labello minute pubescentibus
oblongo subtrilobo lobis laterali bus humilibus,
ad apicem rotundo verruculoso, ad basim
minutissime bilobulato distinguitur.
Plant very small, epiphytic, caespitose, roots
slender. Ramicauls slender, erect, 3–4 mm
long, enclosed by 2 tubular sheaths. Leaf erect,
thickly coriaceous, elliptical, subacute, 12–18
mm long, 4–5 mm wide, 2 mm thick, contracted
below into a petiole 2–3 mm long. Inorescence
a subexuous, loose, successively 6- to
8-owered raceme to 25 mm long including
the peduncle ca. 10 mm long, from near the
apex of the ramicaul; oral bracts 1.5 mm
long; pedicels 1.5–2 mm long; ovary 1.5 mm
long; sepals light yellow, glabrous, the dorsal
sepal elliptical, acute, 3.75 mm long, 1.6 mm
wide, 3-veined, the lateral sepals free, except
at the very base, elliptical, oblique, acute, 3.5
mm long, 1.3 mm wide, 1-veined; petals rose,
glabrous, elliptical-ovate, acute, 3.5 mm long, 1
mm wide, 1-veined; lip yellow, minutely short-
pubescent, oblong, rounded and verrucose at the
tip, the lateral lobes red, low, rounded, below
the middle, the disc at, 2 mm long, 0.6 mm
wide, the base, with a pair of minute lobules,
hinged to the column-foot; column semiterete,
broadly winged above the middle, 2 mm long,
dentate at the apex, the foot 1 mm long, the
anther and stigma ventral.
Etymology: Named for Alvin Seidel in
whose nursery this species was discovered.
This little, caespitose species is characterized
by very thick, elliptical leaves that are surpassed
by a loose, successively owering raceme. The
sepals and petals are small, glabrous, acute
and free. The lip is oblong, free from a callus,
minutely pubescent, and minutely verrucose at
the rounded tip.
Anathallis velvetina Luer & Toscano, sp.
nov. TYPE: BRAZIL. Bahia: Munic. Itororó,
Fazenda Nova Guayaquil, alt. ca. 200 m,
19 January 1991, A. Toscano de Brito 762
(Holotype: HUEFS), C. Luer illustr. 20562.
Fig. 9.
Planta parva caespitosa, racemo congesto
folio late elliptico breviore, sepalis intus dense
brevipubescentibus acutis, lateralibus liberis,
petalis ovatis similiter pubescentibus, labello
oblongo breviter cilliatis ad basim minute
calloso et bilobulato distinguitur.
Figures 9–12. New Species in the Pleurothallidinae. 9, Anathallis velvetina Luer & Toscano; 10, Pabstiella
acrogenia Luer & Toscano; 11, Pabstiella analoga Luer & Toscano; 12, Pabstiella capijumensis Luer &
Toscano. All drawings by C. A. Luer.
Plant small, epiphytic, caespitose, roots
slender. Ramicauls slender, erect, 5–12 mm
long, en closed by 2–3 tubular sheaths. Leaf
erect, coriaceous, broadly elliptical, obtuse,
15–20 mm long, 10–13 mm wide, contracted
below into a petiole 1.5 mm long. Inorescence
1–2 erect, congested, suc cessively owered
raceme 5–10 mm long of 8–9 owers, borne by
a peduncle 2–5 mm long, from near the apex
of the ramicaul with a spathe 2 mm long; oral
bracts 1.5 mm long; pedicels 1 mm long; ovary
0.8 mm long; sepals dark purple, white toward
the base, densely short-pubescent within, the
dorsal sepal ovate, acute, 4 mm long, 2 mm wide,
3-veined, the lateral sepals free, ovate, oblique,
acute, 4 mm long, 1.6 mm wide, 3-veined;
petals ovate, acute, similarly pubescent above
the middle, 2.8 mm long, 1 mm wide, 1-veined;
lip oblong, rounded at the tip, minutely ciliate
above the middle, with margins erect below
the middle, 2.25 mm long, 0.6 mm wide, the
disc with a small, cleft callus at the base, with a
pair of narrow, parallel calli extending forward
to near the middle, the base bilobulate, hinged
to the column-foot; column semiterete, broadly
winged above the middle, 1.5 mm long, the foot
1 mm long, the anther and stigma ventral.
Etymology: From the Latin velvetinus,
“velvet-like, referring to the dense, short
pubescence of the sepals.
This little species from south-central Bahia
is characterized by broadly elliptical leaves
longer than the ramicauls, and one or two
shorter densely owered racemes. The sepals
are free, acute, and densely short-pubescent
within. The single-veined, ovate petals are
similarly pubescent. The lip is oblong, obtuse,
ciliate above the middle, and bilobulate at the
base with a small, cleft callus in the center. It is
related to other small species of Anathallis with
a ciliate lip that is bilobulate at the base from
which it differs by the dense, short pubescence
of the sepals and petals, and the minute, cleft
callus of the lip.
Pabstiella acrogenia Luer & Toscano, sp. nov.
TYPE: BRAZIL. Bahia: Vitória de Conquista,
near Planalto, alt. ca. 1000 m, 8 July 2001, A.
Toscano de Brito 2317 (Holotype: HUEFS), C.
Luer illustr. 21345. Fig. 10.
Species haec Pabstiellae conspersae
(Hoehne) Luer afnis, sed petalis minutissime
ciliatis non verrucosis, et labello oblongo ungui
breviore et apice glabro vel verrucoso non
valde verrucoso differt.
Plant small, epiphytic, caespitose; roots
slender. Ramicauls short, erect, 3–5 mm long,
enclosed by 1–2 tubular sheaths. Leaf light
green, erect, coriaceous, narrowly elliptical,
acute to subacute, 10–25 mm long including an
indistinct petiole less than 5 mm long, 3–4 mm
wide, narrowly cuneate below into the petiolate
base. Inorescence a subexuous, distichous,
loosely to densely, successively several-
owered raceme up to 6.5 cm long including
the peduncle 2.5–4.5 cm long, from a node
low on the ramicaul; oral bract 1.5 mm long;
pedicel 3–5 mm long; ovary 1–1.5 mm long;
sepals yellow ish with purple veins, glabrous,
subcarinate, the dorsal sepal oblong, obtuse,
5–6.5 mm long, 2–2.8 mm wide, 3–veined, the
lateral sepals connate to the apex into an oblong,
obtuse synsepal, 6–6.5 mm long, 3.5–4.5 mm
wide, 6-veined, forming a conspicuous mentum
with the collumn-foot; petals col ored as the
sepals, narrowly obovate to subspathulate,
slightly oblique, obtuse, minutely ciliate, 3.5–
3.8 mm long, 1.2–1.8 mm wide, 3-veined; lip
purple, oblong-trilobed, unguiculate 4–4.5 mm
long, 1–1.6 mm wide unexpanded, with erect,
acute to subacute lobes between the middle
and apical thirds, the apical third rounded,
glabrous or slightly rugose, and entire at the
apex, the disc with 2–3 low, parallel, irregular
carinae on the middle and apical thirds that
break into a few low, radiating calli, minutely
pubescent toward the base, the base truncate,
hinged to the column-foot; column yellow,
slender, semiterete, minutely denticulate at the
apex, 2.5–3 mm long, with the foot 2 mm long,
the anther, rostellum and stigma hooded and
Etymology: From the Greek akrogeneios,
“with prominent chin,” referring to the mentum.
Paratypes: BRAZIL. Espírito Santo:
Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, Vargem Alta,
May 1949, A.C. Brade s.n. (RB); without
specic locality, 1982, collected by E.F. Silva,
cultivated by the São Paulo Botanical Garden,
Nr. 13254, 23 May 1986, A. Toscano de Brito
2390 (HUEFS), C. Luer illustr. 11622.
This small species, rst collected by A.C.
Brade in Espírito Santo in 1949, is apparently
endemic in southeastern and northeastern
Brazil. The specimen collected by Brade is
deposited at RB (the herbarium of the Rio de
Janeiro Botanical Garden) where it had been
annotated as the holotype of Pleurothallis
conspersa Hoehne var. glabra by Pabst, but
not published. A detailed illustration of this
specimen was prepared by Brade, and it is now
deposited at Herbarium Bradeanum (HB).
Pabstiella acrogenia is characterized by
narrowly elliptical leaves surpassed by a
twice longer, erect peduncle with a exuous,
successively owered raceme. The lateral sepals
are connate into a broad, obtuse lamina that
forms a conspicu ous mentum with an elongated
column-foot similar to that of P. conspersa
(Hoehne) Luer. However, the petals are only
minutely ciliate, not coarsely verrucose, and the
lip is more shortly clawed with the apex smooth
or only rugose, not coarsely verrucose.
Pabstiella analoga Luer & Toscano, sp. nov.
TYPE: BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro: collected
near Petrópolis, owered in cultivation by
Orquidário Binot, January 1992, C. Luer 18301
(Holotype: HUEFS). Fig. 11.
Species haec Pleurothallidis edwallii
Dusén & Schltr. var. majore Hoehne & Schltr.
[=Pabstiella wacketii (Handro & Pabst) Luer]
similis, sed sepalis angustioribus, petalis
labelloque minoribus, et labello minute
spiculato ad basim sine callo differt.
Plant medium to large in size, epiphytic,
caespitose, roots slender. Ramicauls slender,
erect, 5–7 cm long, enclosed by 3–4 ribbed,
tightly tting, tubular sheaths with thin
margins. Leaf erect, coria ceous, more or less
mottled with purple, 6–7 cm long including
a petiole ca. 0.5 cm long, the blade elliptical,
acute, 1.2–1.6 cm wide, cuneate below into
the petiole. Inorescence a loose, strict, suc-
cessively several-owered raceme, 13–21 cm
long including the peduncle 7–13 cm long,
from near the apex of the ramicaul with a
spathe ca. 5 mm long; oral bracts 4–5 mm
long; pedicels 8–15 mm long; ovary 2.5–3 mm
long; sepals yellow-green, microscopically
pubescent within, subcarinate, the dorsal sepal
oblong, acute, concave, 11–14 mm long, 2.5–3
mm wide, 3-veined, the lateral sepals connate
to near the apex into an elliptical, minutely
bid synsepal, 11–14 mm long, 4–4.75 mm
wide, 6-veined, forming a small mentum below
the tip of the column-foot, the apices acute in
apposition; petals trans lucent yellow-green,
oblong, concave and rounded at the apex, 2.25–
3 mm long, 0.75–0,9 mm wide, 1-veined; lip
purple, thick, oblong, trilobed, arcuate, 3.5 mm
long, 1.5 mm wide, 2.5 mm wide expand ed,
densely spiculate above the middle, rounded at
the apex, with erect, obtuse lobes occupying the
middle third, the disc shallowly channeled into
a claw at the base, 1–1.5 mm long, hinged to the
column-foot; column semiterete, winged above
the middle, denticulate at the apex, 3–3.5 mm
long, the anther, rostellum and stigma hooded,
the foot 2–2.5 mm long, microscopically
Etymology: From the Greek analogos,
“similar to, referring to the similarity to
Pabstiella wacketii (Handro & Pabst) Luer &
Paratype: BRAZIL: Without collection
data, obtained from Floralia by J & L Orchids,
owered in cultivation at Easton, CT, September
1991, C. Luer 15454 (HUEFS).
This species is similar to Pleurothallis
edwallii Dusén & Schltr. var. major Hoehne
& Schltr. [=Pabstiella wacketii (Handro &
Pabst) Luer]. It differs from P. wacketii because
of narrower sepals and smaller petals and lip.
Instead of verrucose, the lip is minutely densely
spiculate above the middle, and the disc is free
of a callus, especially at the basal junction with
the claw.
Pabstiella capijumensis Luer & Toscano, sp.
nov. TYPE: BRAZIL. Espírito Santo: Serra
do Castelo, vicinity of Fazenda Capijuma,
collected by Michel Frey, owered in cultivation
at Capijuma, 6 March 2004, Michel Frey
s.n. (Holotype: HUEFS), C. Luer illustr. 20671.
Fig. 12.
Planta parva caespitosa, racemo paucioro
longipedicellato folio elliptico multibreviore,
sepalis ellipticis intus pubescentibus lateralibus
supra medium connatis, petalis spathulatis
longi-unguiculatis ad apicem acutis, labello
oblongo-subtrilobo distinguitur.
Plant small, epiphytic, caespitose, roots
slender. Ramicauls stout, erect, 1.5–2 cm long,
enclosed by 2–3 tubular sheaths. Leaf erect,
coriaceous, elliptical, subacute, 5 cm long, 2.5
cm wide, cuneate below into a petiole 5–7 mm
long. Inorescence racemose, a loose, 1- to
2-owered raceme, ca. 1 cm long, borne from
near the apex of the ramicaul by a peduncle 2
mm long; oral bracts 2 mm long; pedicels 6
mm long; ovary 1.5 mm long; sepals purple
with small, dark brown, coalescing spots, ellip-
tical, obtuse, glabrous externally, pubescent
within, obtuse, the dorsal sepal 6.5 mm long,
2.5 mm wide, 3-veined, the lateral sepals 6 mm
long, connate 3 mm to form a bid synsepal
4 mm wide, 6-veined; petals spathulate,
glabrous, long-unguiculate, 4 mm long, 1.5
mm wide, 1-veined, the apex acute; lip oblong-
subtrilobed, 4.5 mm long, 1.2 mm wide, the
lateral lobes on middle third, low, erect, broadly
obtuse, with submarginal, longitudinal calli, the
apical third ovate, obtuse, verrucose, the basal
third unguiculate, the base truncate, hinged to
the column-foot; column semiterete, slightly
ar cuate, 3 mm long, the anther pointed, ventral
with the stigma.
Etymology: Named for Fazenda Capijuma
in Espírito Santo where this species was
This small species is characterized by short
ramicauls much shorter than an elliptical leaf.
The raceme is also short, barely reaching the
blade of the leaf. The raceme is only one- or
two-owered with elongated pedicels. The
sepals are obtuse, pubescent within, and the
laterals are connate to above the middle; the
petals are spathulate and acute; and the lip is
oblong, verrucose at the tip, and with low,
marginal angles below the middle.
Pabstiella decurva Luer & Toscano, sp. nov.
TYPE: BRAZIL. Espírito Santo: Ibiraçú, alt.
ca. 800 m, collected and cultivated by Roberto
Kautsky at Domingos Martins, owered in
cultivation 14 April 1997, A. Toscano de Brito
1470 (Holotype: HUEFS; Isotype: MO), C.
Luer illustr. 21336. Fig. 13.
Species haec Pabstiellae ezechiasii (Hoehne)
Luer, sed sepalis lateralibus in synsepalo late
obovato connatis, petalis late spathulatis ad
apicem rotundis minute verrucosis, et labello
oblongo valde exo profunde canalliculato
verrucoso distinguitur.
Plant small, epiphytic, caespitose, roots
slender. Ramicauls relatively stout, erect, 5–9
mm long, enclosed by 2–3 tubular sheaths. Leaf
erect, coriaceous, broadly elliptical, obtuse,
10–13 mm long excluding the petiole, 9–10 mm
wide, cuneate below into a petiole 1.5–2 mm
long. Inorescence a soli tary, lax, subexuous,
successively 8- to 10-owered, long-pedicellate
raceme up to 3.5 cm long, borne from near the
apex of the ramicaul by a peduncle 10–12 mm
long; oral bracts 1.5–2 mm long; pedicels
3–5 mm long; ovary 1 mm long; sepals green
with purple veins, glabrous externally, pubes-
cent within, the dorsal sepal elliptical-obovate,
obtuse, 5 mm long, 2 mm wide, 3-veined, the
lateral sepals connate to near the apex into a
broadly obovate, minutely bid synsepal 4.5
mm long, 4 mm wide expanded, incompletely
6-veined; petals green with purple veins,
spathulate, minutely verrucose at the rounded
apex, 2.5 mm long, 1.3 mm wide, 1-veined;
lip purple, thick, oblong, obtuse, arcuate 90,˚
1.75 mm long (2.5 mm long expanded), 0.75
mm wide, minutely verrucose, the disc deeply
and broadly channeled, the base truncate,
bilobulate, hinged to the column-foot; column
semiterete, winged, minutely erose at the apex,
2.25 mm long, the foot 2.5 mm long, densely
short-pubescent on the front surface, the anther
and stigma ventral.
Etymology: From the Latin decurvus,
“curved down,” referring to the shape of the lip.
The broadly elliptical leaves, which are
slightly longer than the ramicauls, and surpassed
by a longer, long-pedicellate, successively
several-owered raceme, resemble those of
Pabstiella ezechiasii (Hoehne) Luer. The shape
and pubescence of the sepals are also similar.
However, P. decurva differs with spathulate
petals that are minutely verrucose at the rounded
tip, and the lip that is thick, broadly and deeply
channeled, and decurved 90˚ near the middle.
The petals of P. ezechiasii are acute and smooth,
and the lip is sessile, shallowly concave, and
only slightly decurved.
Pabstiella discors Luer & Toscano, sp. nov.
TYPE: BRAZIL. Espírito Santo: Serra do
Castelo, vicinity of Fazenda Capijuma, collected
by Michel Frey, owered in cultivation at
Capijuma, M. Frey s.n., sent to Rio de Janeiro
Bot. Gard., A. Toscano de Brito 2695 (Holotype:
HUEFS), C. Luer illustr. 21554. Fig. 14.
Planta perparva caespitosa, racemo
paucioro folio anguste semitereti longiore,
sepalis lateralibus conna tis, petalis obovatis
minutissime ciliatis, labello unguiculato,
ungue crasso verruculoso, lamina subqua drata
arcuata bicallosa distinguitur.
Figures 13–16. New Species in the Pleurothallidinae. 13, Pabstiella decurva Luer & Toscano; 14, Pabstiella
discors Luer & Toscano; 15, Pabstiella freyi Luer & Toscano; 16, Pabstiella gossameri Luer & Toscano. All
drawings by C. A. Luer.
Plant small, epiphytic, caespitose, roots
slender. Ramicauls slender, erect, 2–3 cm
long, enclosed by 2 thin, tubular sheaths. Leaf
erect, thickly coriaceous, narrowly elliptical,
acute, 12–14 mm long, 3 mm wide, 1.5 mm
thick, narrowed below into a subpetiolate
base. Inorescence a loose, 2- to 4-owered
raceme, 3–4 cm long, including the peduncle
2.5–3 cm long, borne from near the apex of
the ramicaul; oral bracts 2 mm long; pedicels
2–4 mm long; ovary 1.5 mm long; color of
oral parts unknown; sepals glabrous, the
dorsal sepal oblong-ovate, narrowly obtuse,
concave, 6.5 mm long, 3 mm wide, 3-veined,
the lateral sepals connate into an ovate, concave
synsepal 6.5 mm long, 4.5 mm wide, 4-veined,
forming a rounded mentum below the tip of the
column-foot; petals obovate, obtuse, glabrous,
microscopically ciliate, 3 mm long, 1.5 mm
wide, 1-veined; lip long-unguiculate, 3.5 mm
long, the claw thick, papillose, 1.4 mm long,
0.6 mm wide, the blade oblong, obtuse, arcuate,
2.5 mm long, 2 mm wide, with a pair of parallel
calli below the middle, the claw hinged to the
tip of the column-foot; column semiterete, 2.5
mm long, with papillose margins, the anther
pointed, ventral with the stigma.
Etymology: From the Latin discors,
“different, referring to the morphology of
the lip.
This very small species from Espírito Santo is
characterized by narrowly ellip tical, semiterete
leaves borne by much shorter ramicauls, and a
longer, loosely few-owered raceme. The dorsal
sepal and synsepal are concave and obtuse, the
petals are obovate and microscopically ciliate.
The lip is unguiculate with the claw narrow and
papillose, while the blade is thick, suberect and
Pabstiella freyi Luer & Toscano, sp. nov.
TYPE: BRAZIL. Espírito Santo: Serra do
Castelo, vicinity of Fazenda Capijuma, collected
by Michel Frey, owered in cultivation at
Capijuma, 30 November 2002, Michel Frey
s.n. (Holotype: HUEFS), C. Luer illustr. 20397.
Fig. 15.
Planta parva caespitosa, racemo exuoso
laxioro foliis anguste ellipticis multilongiore,
sepalis obovatis obtusis supra medium carnosis
minute pubescentibus, petalis fusiformibus ad
apicem acuminatis, labello oblongo-subtrilobo,
lobis lateralibus infra medium erectis late
rotundis, tertio medio bicarinato, tertio apice
verrucoso distinguitur.
Plant small, epiphytic, caespitose, roots
slender. Ramicauls slender, erect, 10–15 mm
long, enclosed by 2–3 tubular sheaths. Leaf
erect, coriaceous, narrowly elliptical, acute, 2–3
cm long in cluding an ill-dened pedicel less
than 1 cm long, 5–6 mm wide, narrowed below
into the petiole. Inorescence a loose, exuous,
long-pedicellate raceme to 10 cm long, of
8–10 successive owers, borne by a slender
peduncle ca. 5 cm long, from near the apex of
the ramicaul; oral bracts 2 mm long; pedicels
5–6 mm long; ovary 2.5 mm long; sepals brown
externally, yellow within, eshy and pubescent
above the middle, the dorsal sepal obovate,
obtuse, 6.5 mm long, 3 mm wide, 3-veined,
the lateral sepals oblong, 6.5 mm long, connate
4 mm into a bid synsepal, 4 mm wide, 6-veined,
the tips similar to that of the dorsal sepal;
petals purple, glabrous, obovate-spathulate,
unguiculate, acute and acuminate at the tip,
4 mm long, 1.8 mm wide, 3-veined; lip brown,
oblong-subtrilobed, 4 mm long, 1.5 mm wide
unexpanded, the lateral lobes below the middle,
erect, broadly rounded, the apical third ovate,
obtuse, minutely verrucose, the middle third
with a pair of parallel calli within the margins,
the disc broadly channeled between the calli,
the base truncate, hinged to the column-foot;
column semiterete, toothed at the apex, 3 mm
long, the anther, rostellum and stigma ventral,
the foot thick, 1 mm long.
Etymology: Named in honor of the late
Michel Frey, who collected and cultivated this
species at his Fazenda Capijuma in Espírito
This small species is characterized by
narrowly elliptical leaves with shorter ramicauls
that are surpassed by a peduncle twice as long
that bears a loose, exuous, long-pedicellate
raceme. The sepals are eshy and pubescent
within above the middle; the petals are obovate-
spathulate with an acuminate apex; the lip is
oblong with a verrucose tip, with erect, broadly
rounded margins below the middle, and with a
pair of parallel calli on the middle third of the
Pabstiella gossameri Luer & Toscano, sp. nov.
TYPE: BRAZIL. Bahia: Itaruna, owered in
cultivation in São Paulo, 28 Febuary 2004, by
Erwin Bohnke s.n. (Holotype: HUEFS), C. Luer
illustr. 20614. Fig. 16.
Planta perparva caespitosa, inorescentia
uniora longipedicellata folio elliptico acuto
excedenti, sepalo dorsali synsepaloque obtusis
glabris, petalis spathulatis, et labello oblongo
obtuso verruculoso bicarinato distinguitur.
Plant very small, epiphytic, caespitose,
roots slender. Ramicauls slender, erect, 7 mm
long, enclosed by 2 tubular sheaths. Leaf erect,
coriaceous, elliptical, acute, 14–17 mm long, 4–5
mm wide, cuneate below into the subpetiolate
base. Inorescence a single, long-pedicellate
ower, possibly followed by a second, borne
from near the apex of the ramicaul by a
peduncle 28–30 mm long; oral bract 1.5 mm
long; pedicel 4–5 mm long; ovary 1 mm long;
sepals light orange with brown veins, glabrous
externally, microscopically verrucose within,
the dorsal sepal oblong-obovate, obtuse, 4.5
mm long, 1.8 mm wide, 3-veined, the lateral
sepals connate into an oblong, obtuse lamina 4
mm long, 2.5 mm wide, 6-veined, with the tips
minutely apiculate in apposition; petals glabrous,
translucent, spathulate-unguiculate, subacute at
the tip, 2.5 mm long, 1.4 mm wide above the
middle, 0.3 mm wide below the middle, 1-veined;
lip yellow, oblong, obtuse, 3 mm long, 1 mm
wide, minutely verrucose above the middle, with
the margins erect and broadly rounded below
the middle, the disc with a pair of low, parallel,
minutely verrucose calli on the middle third, the
base truncate, hinged to the column-foot; column
semiterete, narrowly winged above the middle,
obscurely dentate at the apex, 2.5 mm long, the
foot 1 mm long, the anther and stigma ventral.
Etymology: From the Old English
gossamery, “like a cobweb oating in air, in
allusion to the tiny habit.
This minute species from the Atlantic forest
is characterized by a single ower in the only
specimen seen, but a vestigial bud suggests that
a second ower could develop. The ower is
held high above the acute, elliptical leaf by a
lamentose peduncle, and the long, drooping
pedicel is equally lamentose. The synsepal is
minutely biapiculate, the spathulate petals are
narrowly unguiculate, and the lip is minutely
verrucose and bicarinate.
Pabstiella lacerticeps Luer & Toscano, sp.
nov. TYPE: BRAZIL. Bahia: without collection
data, owered in cultivation at Eco Orquídeas,
20 December 2008, A. Toscano de Brito 2598
(Holotype: HUEFS), C. Luer illustr. 21567.
Fig. 17.
Species haec Pabstiellae arcuatae (Lindl.)
Luer afnis, sed sepalis glabris, petalis oblongis
triner vis, et labello elobato differt.
Plant small to mediun in size, epiphytic,
caespitose, roots slender. Ramicauls erect, 0.8–
1 cm long, enclosed by a loose tubular sheath
and another at the base. Leaf erect, thickly
coriaceous, suf fused with purple beneath,
elliptical, obtuse, 4–5.5 cm long including an
ill-dened pedicel less than 1 cm long, 1.5–1.7
cm wide, narrowed below into the petiole.
Inorescence racemose, a loose, exu ous,
successively owered, long-pedicellate raceme
to 20 cm long, borne by a slender peduncle 5–10
cm long, from near the apex of the ramicaul;
oral bracts 3–4 mm long; pedicels 8–10 mm
long; ovary 3 mm long; sepals pale red-purple,
yellow toward the base, glabrous, eshy above
the middle, the dorsal sepal oblong, subacute,
9–11 mm long, 3–4 mm wide, 5-veined, the
lateral sepals oblong, acute, connate to near the
tips into an oblong, minutely bid synsepal,
9–10.5 mm long, 4–5 mm wide, 6-veined;
petals green toward the base, purple toward the
tip, glabrous, oblong, thickened across the tip,
4 mm long, 1.5 mm wide, 3-veined; lip dark
purple, elliptical-oblong, 5 mm long, 2 mm
wide, mi croscopically papillose at the round
apex, the disc with a pair of low, subparallel,
minutely papillose calli above the middle, the
lip narrowed toward the truncate, minutely
bilobulate base, hinged to the column-foot;
column semiterete, toothed at the apex, 5 mm
long, the anther, rostellum and stigma ventral,
the foot thick, 1 mm long.
Etymology: From the Latin lacerticeps,
“lizard head,” in allusion to the appearance of
the ower.
This species from Bahia is characterized
by short-stemmed leaves and a long, loose,
long-pedicellate inorescence similar to that
of Pabstiella arcuata (Lindl.) Luer and its
numerous relatives. It differs from P. arcuata
by glabrous sepals and an elliptical lip without
lateral lobes, that is somewhat narrowed toward
the base. A pair of low, minutely papillose calli
is present above the middle, and the rest of the
rounded apex is microscopically papillose. The
base is truncate and minutely lobulate at the
Pabstiella melior Luer & Toscano, sp. nov.
TYPE: BRAZIL. Espírito Santo: Domingos
Martins, collected by R. Kautsky s.n., owered
in cultivation at the Rio de Janeiro Botanical
Garden, Nr. 1508, 14 April 1997, A. Toscano de
Brito 1453 (Holotype: HUEFS). Fig. 18.
Figures 17–20. New Species in the Pleurothallidinae. 17, Pabstiella lacerticeps Luer & Toscano; 18, Pabstiella
melior Luer & Toscano; 19, Pabstiella nymphalis Luer & Toscano; 20, Pabstiella osculator Luer & Toscano.
All drawings by C. A. Luer.
Species haec Pabstiellae sordidae (Kraenzl.)
Luer similis, sed oribus majoribus non-
resupinatis, sepalis petalisque apiculatis et
labelli callo farinaceo differt.
Plant small, epiphytic, caespitose, roots
slender. Ramicauls slender, erect, 15–25 mm
long, enclosed by 3–4 tightly tting, tubular
sheaths with margins of ostia minutely ciliate.
Leaf erect, coriaceous, dotted with light purple,
15–20 mm long including a petiole 2–3 mm
long, the blade ellipti cal, obtuse to rounded at
the apex, 8–10 mm wide, cuneate below into
the petiole. Inorescence a loose, exuous,
successively many-owered raceme of non-
resupinate owers, to 8 cm long including the
peduncle 2–3 cm long, from near the apex of
the ramicaul; oral bracts 1.5–2 mm long;
pedicels 2–3 mm long; ovary 1–1.25 mm long;
sepals purple, green toward the base, glabrous
externally, minute ly pubescent within above the
middle, subcarinate, the dorsal sepal elliptical,
concave, obtuse, minute ly apiculate, 5.5 mm
long, 2 mm wide, 3-veined, the lateral sepals
connate to near the apex into an elliptical,
concave, minutely bid synsepal with acute
tips, forming a small mentum below the tip
of the column-foot, 5 mm long, 2.5 mm wide,
6-veined; petals translucent yellow, purple
toward the apex, elliptical, rounded at the apex,
minutely apiculate, 2.75 mm long, 1 mm wide,
1-veined; lip purple, thick, oblong-trilobed, 1.6
mm long, 0.9 mm wide unexpanded, 1.6 mm
wide expanded, the middle lobe ovate with the
apex rounded, minutely erose, the lateral lobes
below the middle, erect, broadly ovate with
rounded tips, the disc with a pair of oblique
calli from the bases of the lobes, and a low,
mealy callus on the basal third, the base broadly
truncate, hinged to the tip of the column-foot;
column semiterete, 1.25 mm long, with a
pyramidal callus near the middle of the under
surface, the anther and stigma subapical, the
foot 0.8 mm long, microscopically pubescent.
Etymology: From the Latin melior, “better,
referring to the larger size of the ower as
opposed to that of Pabstiella sordida (Kraenzl.)
Luer, a similar-appearing species.
Paratype: BRAZIL. Without locality,
owered in cultivation at the São Paulo
Botanical Garden, Nr. 13604, May 1986, C.
Luer A11608 (HUEFS). Fig. 18.
This species from Espírito Santo is similar
vegetatively to Pabstiella sordida (Kraenzl.)
Luer, but differs with larger, non-resupinate
owers with minutely apiculate sepals and
petals. The petals are without a callus; the lip
has a broad callus above the base of the lip that
is mealy.
Pabstiella nymphalis Luer & Toscano, sp.
nov. TYPE: BRAZIL. Espírito Santo: Serra
do Castelo, vicinity of Fazenda Capijuma,
cultivated at Capijuma by M. Frey 306, sent
to Rio de Janeiro Bot. Gard., owered 13
December 2002, A. Toscano de Brito 2703
(Holotype: HUEFS), C. Luer illustr. 21580.
Fig. 19.
Planta perparva caespitosa, racemo laxe
2- vel 3-oro longipedicellato folio elliptico
excedenti, sepalo dorsali synsepaloque obtusis,
synsepali dimitis lateralibus crassis minutissime
pubescentibus, petalis spathulatis, et labello
oblongo obtuso bicarinato distinguitur.
Plant very small, epiphytic, caespitose,
roots slender. Ramicauls relatively stout, erect,
3–5 mm long, enclosed by 2–3 ribbed, tubular
sheaths. Leaf erect, coriaceous, more or less
spotted with pur ple, elliptical, subacute, 15–20
mm long with the petiole 2–4 mm long, the
blade 5–8 mm wide, cuneate below into the
petiole. Inorescence a lax, successively 2- to
3-owered, long-pedicellate raceme ca. 3 cm
long, borne from near the apex of the ramicaul
by a lamentous peduncle 3–3.5 cm long; oral
bract 2.5 mm long; pedicel 7 mm long; ovary 1.5
mm long; sepals light greenish tan with brown
veins, glabrous externally, microscopically
pubescent within, the dorsal sepal oblong-
obovate, obtuse, 5.5–7.5 mm long, 2–4 mm
wide, 3-veined, the lateral sepals connate to the
apex into an oblong lamina 5–8 mm long, 2–4
mm wide unexpanded, 6-veined, with the lateral
halves abruptly thickened, densely pubescent;
petals glabrous, dull gray with purple,
spathulate-unguiculate, subacute at the tip, 2.5–
3.5 mm long, 1.5–2 mm wide, 1-veined; lip dull
gray mottled with purple, oblong, obtuse, 3–3.5
mm long, 1–1.3 mm wide, microscopically
verrucose, margins erect and broadly rounded
below the middle, the disc with a pair of low,
parallel, minutely verrucose calli on the distal
half, the base truncate, with low lobules at the
corners, hinged to the column-foot; column
semiterete, narrowly winged, obscurely toothed
at the apex, 3 mm long, the foot 1.5 mm long,
the anther and stigma ventral.
Etymology: From the Latin nymphalis,
“pertaining to a nymph,” in allusion to the tiny,
graceful habit.
Paratypes: BRAZIL. Espírito Santo:
collected near Domingos Martins and cultivated
by R. Kautsky at his home in Domingos
Martins, owered 27 September 1996, C. Luer
18062 (MO); Serra do Castelo, vicinity of
Fazenda Capijuma, collected by Michel Frey,
cultivated at Fazenda Capijuma, M. Frey s.n.,
sent to Rio de Janeiro Bot. Gard., A. Toscano
de Brito 2706 (HUEFS), C. Luer illustr. 21581.
São Paulo: without collection data, owered
in cultivation, 19 March 2007, in São Paulo,
by Anderson Hideki Shitara, s.n. (HUEFS), C.
Luer illustr. 21083.
This minute species is another of several
related to Pabstiella arcuata (Lindl.) Luer. The
elliptical leaves are exceeded by a twice longer
peduncle that bears two to three successive
owers on long pedicels. The lateral sepals are
connate into a synsepal with the outer halves
abruptly thickened. The spathulate petals and
bicar inate lip are similar in size and shape to
those of P. arcuata.
Pabstiella osculator Luer & Toscano, sp. nov.
TYPE: BRAZIL. Espírito Santo: Domingos
Martins, collected by R. Kautsky s.n., owered
in cultivation at his home, February 1991, A.
Toscano de Brito 926 (Holotype: HUEFS), C.
Luer illustr. 20559. Fig. 20.
Planta parva caespitosa, racemo paucioro
longipedicellato folio carnoso elliptico plus
minusve longiore, sepalo dorsali ad apicem
callosis marginibus exceptis, petalorum callis
ante columnam conti guibus, et labello crasso
verruculoso bicarinato distinguitur.
Plant small, epiphytic, rhizome lacking,
roots slender. Ramicauls slender, erect, thickened
toward the leaf, 4 cm long, with 2–3 tubular
sheaths at the base. Leaf erect, thickly coriaceous,
narrowly ellipti cal, obtuse, semiterete at the
base, 4 cm long, 0.8 cm wide, narrowed below to
the abscission layer at the apex of the ramicaul.
Inorescence a loose, successively few-owered
raceme, to 4 cm long including the peduncle 2
cm long, from a spathe 4 mm long within the
cleft near the base of the leaf; oral bracts 3 mm
long; pedicels 10–11 mm long; ovary 5 mm long;
sepals yellow, glabrous, eshy, subcarinate, the
dorsal sepal elliptical-obovate, obtuse, minutely
apiculate, 7 mm long, 2.3 mm wide, 3-veined,
with the inner surface toward the apex callous-
thickened, the callus not including the mar-
gins, the lateral sepals completely connate into
an oblong-obovate, concave, obtuse, minutely
apiculate synsepal, 6.5 mm long, 3.25 mm wide,
6-veined; petals yellow, purple toward the apex,
elliptical, rounded at the apex, 4.75 mm long, 2
mm wide, 3-veined, the inner surface toward the
apex callous-thickened and verrucose, excluding
the margins, that are adherent anterior to the
column; lip purple, thick, oblong-subtrilobed,
2.25 mm long, 1 mm wide expanded, the anterior
lobe oblong with the apex rounded, verrucose,
the sides erect, broadly rounded on the middle
third, the disc with a pair of verru cose calli above
the middle, the base truncate, hinged to the tip
of the column-foot; column semiterete, 2 mm
long, bidentate at the tip, the anther and stigma
subapical, the foot 0.8 mm long.
Etymology: From the Latin osculator,
“a kisser,” referring to the adhering calli of
the petals.
This unique, Brazilian species from Espírito
Santo is distinguished by narrow, eshy leaves
and a loose, successively owered raceme,
barely as long as the leaf, of long-pedicellate,
non-expanding owers. The inner surface of
the petals toward the apex is callous-thickened
and minutely verrucose excluding the mar gins.
These rough surfaces adhere anterior to the
tip of the column. The only other species with
petals that adhere anterior to the column is the
Colombian Pleurothallis hemisphaerica Luer
& R.Escobar. The lip is oblong with broadly
rounded sides and a verrucose apex.
Pabstiella quasi Luer & Toscano, sp. nov.
TYPE: BRAZIL. Bahia: forest of southwest
Bahia, owered in cultivation 29 April 1997, in
Vitória da Conquista, by José Carlos Falcon, A.
Toscano de Brito 1586 (Holotype: HUEFS), C.
Luer illustr. 21338. Fig. 21.
Planta parva caespitosa, racemo
longipedicellato folio elliptico breviore, sepalis
crassicarinatis, petalis spathulatis acuminatis,
et labello oblongo ad apicem verrucoso
lateribus erectis late rotundis distinguitur.
Plant small, epiphytic, caespitose, roots
eshy. Ramicauls relatively stout, erect, 1–1.7
cm long, enclosed by 2–3 tubular sheaths.
Leaf erect, coriaceous, elliptical, subacute, 5–6
cm long, 1–1.2 cm wide, narrowly cuneate
below to the base. Inorescence a sublax,
Figures 21–24. New Species in the Pleurothallidinae. 21, Pabstiella quasi Luer & Toscano; 22, Pabstiella
sansonii Luer & Toscano; 23, Pabstiella savioi Luer & Toscano; 24, Specklinia erecta Luer & Toscano. All
drawings by C. A. Luer.
longipedicellate, successively several-owered
raceme 2–2.5 cm long, borne from near the apex
of the ramicaul by a peduncle 6–7 mm long, with
a spathe 4 mm long; oral bracts 3 mm long;
pedicels 5–7 mm long; ovary 3 mm long; sepals
yellow with purple veins, glabrous, thick with
thick carinae, the dorsal sepal elliptical, acute,
concave, 8 mm long, 2 mm wide unexpanded,
3-veined, the lateral sepals connate to near the
apex into a cymbiform, minutely bid synsepal
8 mm long, 3 mm wide expanded, incompletely
6-veined; petals obovate-spathulate, the apex
obtuse, acuminate, 3 mm long, 1.3 mm wide,
3-veined; lip dark purple, oblong, verrucose
at the rounded tip, 3.75 mm long, 1 mm wide
unexpanded, the disc broadly chan neled on
middle third between a pair of parallel calli,
the base truncate, hinged to the column-foot;
column semiterete, denticulate at the tip, 3 mm
long, the foot 1 mm long, the anther and stigma
ven tral.
Etymology: From the Latin quasi,
“simulating,” referring to the resemblance to
Pabstiella ephemera (Lindl.) Luer and relatives.
This species is related to Pabstiella arcuata
(Lindl.) Luer and relatives, but with the thickly
carinate sepals, it is more similar to P. ephemera
(Lindl.) Luer. The raceme is long-pedicellate
and much shorter than the leaf. The petals
are basically similar: more or less spathulate,
unguiculate, and acuminate at the tip. The lip is
basically similar.
Pabstiella sansonii Luer & Toscano, sp. nov.
TYPE: BRAZIL. Espírito Santo: without
specic locality, cultivated in Conceição do
Castelo, 1 December 2002, by N. Sanson s.n.
(Holotype: HUEFS; Isotype: MO), C. Luer
illustr. 20387. Fig. 22.
Planta parva caespitosa, racemo subexuoso
folio elliptico plus minusve aequanti, sepalo
dorsali synsepaloque glabris purpureis
obtusis, petalis spathulatis, et labello oblongo-
subtrilobo obtusis lateri bus ad medium leviter
dilatatis, supra medium microscopice papilloso,
disco ad medium bicalloso distinguitur.
Plant small, epiphytic, caespitose, roots
slender. Ramicauls slender, erect, 4–5 cm long,
enclosed by 2 loose, tubular sheaths near the
middle and another at the base. Leaf erect,
coriaceous, elliptical, subacute, 4 cm long,
1.5 cm wide, cuneate below into a petiole 3
mm long. Inorescence an erect, subexuous,
successively owered raceme 1–1.5 cm long,
borne by a peduncle 1–2 cm long, from near the
apex of the ramicaul; oral bracts, 2–2.5 mm
long; pedicel 2–3 mm long; ovary 1 mm long;
owers purple, sepals glabrous, the dorsal sepal
oblong, obtuse, 5.5 mm long, 1.75 mm wide,
3-veined, the lateral sepals connate to near the
tip into an elliptical, minutely bid synsepal,
slightly thickened along the margins above the
middle, 5.5 mm long, 3.25 mm wide, 6-veined;
petals spathulate, obtuse, 2.25 mm long, 1 mm
wide, incompletely 2-veined, narrowed below
the middle; lip oblong-subtrilobed, obtuse, 3
mm long, 1.5 mm wide expanded, the lateral
margins dilated in the middle third into low,
rounded lobes, microscopically papillose above
the middle, the disc with a low pair of parallel
calli, the base truncate, hinged to the column-
foot; column semiterete, dentate at the apex, 2
mm long, the anther and stigma ventral, the foot
thick, 1 mm long.
Etymology: Named for Nelson Sanson
of Conceição do Castelo, Espírito Santo, in
whose collection of orchids this species was
This species is characterized by a subexuous,
purple-owered raceme that eventually reaches
the tip of the elliptical leaf. The dorsal sepal,
synsepal, and the spathulate petals are glabrous;
the lip is oblong and microscopically papillose
above the middle, and with the sides erect and
slightly dilated on the middle third, and with a
pair of low calli also on the middle third.
Pabstiella savioi Luer & Toscano, sp. nov.
TYPE: BRAZIL. Espírito Santo: Serra do
Castelo, near Venda Nova do Imigrante,
collected and owered in cultivation by Savio
Caliman, November 2002, Michel Frey 614
(Holotype: HUEFS), C. Luer illustr. 20688.
Fig. 23.
Planta parva caespitosa racemo longi-
pedicellato folio elliptico excedenti, sepalo
dorsali oblongo acuto synsepalo breviter bido
acuto, petalis breviter acuminatis et labello
oblongo bicarinato ad apicem rotundo minute
verrucoso distinguitur.
Plant small, epiphytic, caespitose; roots
slender. Ramicauls erect, slender, 12–20 mm
long, enclosed by 2–3 close, tubular sheaths,
not dilated at the ostia. Leaf erect, coriaceous,
elliptical, acute, 3–4.5 cm long including a
petiole 3–5 mm long, the blade 1–1.2 cm wide,
cuneate below into the petiole. Inorescence a
loose, more or less secund, strict, successively
several-owered raceme, to 5 cm long,
including the liform peduncle 3–3.5 cm long,
from near the apex of the ramicaul; oral bracts
2.5 mm long; pedicels 4 mm long; ovary 2 mm
long; sepals light green, suffused with tan to
orange, glabrous, the dorsal sepal oblong, acute,
concave, 7.5 mm long, 2 mm wide, 3-veined,
the lateral sepals connate ca. 7 mm into a
bicarinate, concave, elliptical-obovate, synsepal
with acute, approximate apices, 8 mm long, 4
mm wide, 6-veined, forming a shallow mentum
with the column-foot; petals membranous,
spathulate, obtuse, abruptly acuminate, 3 mm
long, 1 mm wide, 3-veined; lip dull green,
oblong, 4 mm long, 1.5 mm wide, rounded and
minutely verrucose at the apex, the disc with
a low pair of oblique calli above the middle,
the base truncate with a lobule at each corner,
hinged to the column-foot; column semiterete,
winged, bidentate, 3 mm long, the anther and
stigma ventral, the foot thickened and rounded,
1 mm long.
Etymology: Named for Savio Caliman in
whose nursery this species was discovered.
This small species from the Atlantic Coastal
forest of southeastern Brazil is distinguished by
a loose, long-pedicellate, successively owered
raceme that exceeds the elliptical leaf about
twice its length. The sepals are acute, the laterals
being connate to near their tips. The petals are
spathulate and abruptly acuminate at the apex.
The lip is oblong with a pair of low carinae
above the middle, and rounded at the apex.
Specklinia erecta Luer & Toscano, sp. nov.
TYPE. BRAZIL. Espírito Santo: Munic.
Santa Leopoldina, alt. ca. 700 m, collected
and cultivated by R. Kautsky of Domingos
Martins, owered in cultivation 14 April 1997,
A. Toscano de Brito 1451 (Holotype: HUEFS),
C. Luer illustr. 21334. Fig. 24.
Planta perparva caespitosa, inorescencia
racemosa erecta laxe pluriora oribus
erectis folio elliptico multilongiore, sepalo
dorsali synsepaloque ovatis, petalis obovatis
acutissimis, labello oblongo obtuso disco
minute bicarinato, et columnae pede bicallo
Plant very small, epiphytic, caespitose, roots
slender. Ramicauls relatively stout, erect, 3–4
mm long, enclosed by 1–2 tubular sheaths.
Leaf erect, coriaceous, elliptical, obtuse, 9–12
mm long includ ing the petiole ca. 1 mm long,
the blade 3.5–4 mm wide, cuneate below into
the petiole. Inorescence a solitary, erect, lax,
successively 3- to 4-owered raceme with
the owers erect, ca. 2 cm long in cluding an
erect peduncle ca. 1 cm long, borne from near
the apex of the ramicaul; oral bracts 1.5 mm
long; pedicels 1.4 mm long; ovary 0.6 mm
long; sepals glabrous, membranous, the dorsal
sepal ovate, acute, 4.5 mm long, 1.8 mm wide,
3-veined, the lateral sepals connate to near the
apex into an ovate, shortly bid lamina 4 mm
long, 2.2 mm wide, 2-veined; petals glabrous,
obovate, acuminate-acute at the tip, 2 mm long,
0.6 mm wide, 1-veined; lip oblong, 1.3 mm
long, 0.8 mm wide, the margins slightly dilated
below the middle, rounded at the apex, the disc
with a pair of small, low, calli just above the
middle, the base truncate, hinged to the column-
foot; column semiterete, narrowly winged,
bidentate at the apex, 1.5 mm long, the anther
and stigma ventral, the foot 1 mm long, with
a pair of low, ill-dened calli near the middle.
Etymology: From the Latin erectus, “erect,
referring to the position of the owers on an
erect peduncle.
This tiny, caespitose species is characterized
short ramicauls and longer leaves that are
surpassed by an erect raceme with a few erect
owers. The dorsal sepal and the synsepal
are ovate; the petals are obovate and sharply
acuminate; a minute pair of carina are present
above the middle of the disc; and a pair of
calli are present on the column-foot as seen in
Specklinia grobyi (Bateman ex Lindl.) F.Barros
and all its relatives.
new ComBinaTions
Pabstiella bicolor (Barb.Rodr.) Luer &
Toscano, comb. nov.
Basionym: Lepanthes bicolor Barb.Rodr.,
Revista Engen. 3: 110. 1881.
Synonyms: Lepanthes quadridentata Barb.
Rodr., Gen. Sp. Orchid. 2: 50. 1882.
Pleurothallis bicolor (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn.,
Fl. Bras. (Martius) 3(4): 408. 1896 non
Lindl. 1842.
Pleurothallis quadridentata (Barb.Rodr.)
Cogn., Fl. Bras. (Martius) 3(4): 454.
Pleurothallis mouraei Cogn., Fl. Bras.
(Martius) 3(4): 580. 1896.
Pleurothallis mouraei var. brevifolia
Cogn., Fl. Bras. (Martius) 3(4): 581.
Pleurothallis mouraei var. pallida Hoehne
& Schltr., Arch. Bot. São Paulo 1(3): 213.
Pleurothallis palmeirensis Pabst,
Rodriguésia 18–19: 30. 1956 [replaced
name for Lepanthes bicolor Barb.Rodr.].
Trichosalpinx bicolor (Barb.Rodr.) Luer,
Phytologia 54(5): 394. 1983.
Trichosalpinx quadridentata (Barb.Rodr.)
Luer, Phytologia 54: 397. 1983.
Specklinia quadridentata (Barb.Rodr.)
Luer, Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot.
Gard. 95: 263. 2004.
Specklinia bicolor (Barb.Rodr.) Luer,
Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard.
95: 263. 2004.
Pabstiella quadridentata (Barb.Rodr.)
Luer, Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot.
Gard. 112: 120. 2007.
Pabstiella colorata (Pabst) Luer & Toscano,
comb. nov.
Basionym: Pleurothallis colorata Pabst, Arch.
Jard. Bot. Rio de Janeiro 14: 8,1956.
Synonym: Specklinia colorata (Pabst) F.Barros
& V.T.Rodrigues, Bradea 14: 24. 2009.
Pabstiella diffusiora (C.Schweinf.) Luer &
Toscano, comb. nov.
Basionym: Pleurothallis diffusiora
C.Schweinf,. Bot. Mus. Lea. 3: 80. 1935.
Synonym: Pleurothallis sphaeroglossa Hoehne,
Arq. Bot. Estado São Paulo 1: 11. 1938.
Pabstiella dracula (Seehawer) Luer &
Toscano, comb. nov.
Basionym: Pleurothallis dracula Seehawer,
Orchidee (Hamburg) 50: 635. 1999.
Synonym: Pabstiella alexandri Campacci &
Baptista Colet. Orquídeas Brasil. 9: 350.
2011, syn. nov.
Pabstiella ochracea (Porsch) Luer & Toscano,
comb. nov.
Basionym: Pleurothallis ochracea Porsch,
Oesterr. Bot. Z. 55: 156. 1915.
Synonym: Effusiella ochracea (Porsch)
Baptista, Colet. Orquídeas Brasil. 9: 338.
2011, syn. nov.
Pabstiella pantherina (Seehawer) Luer &
Toscano, comb. nov.
Basionym: Pleurothallis pantherina Seehawer,
Orchidee (Hamburg) 49: 130. 1998.
Synonym: Specklinia pantherina (Seehaver)
Luer, Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot.
Gard. 95: 263. 2004.
Pabstiella punctata (Barb.Rodr.) Luer &
Toscano, comb. nov.
Basionym: Lepanthes punctata Barb.Rodr.,
Gen. Sp. Orchid. 2: 52. 1881.
Synonyms: Lepanthes striata Barb.Rodr., Gen.
Sp. Orchid. 2: 59. 1881.
Pleurothallis striata (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn.,
Fl. Bras. (Martius) 3(4): 457. 1896 non
Focke 1851.
Pleurothallis guttulata Cogn., Fl. Bras.
(Martius) 3(4): 467. 1896 [replaced
name for Lepanthes punctata Barb.Rodr.
non Pleurothallis punctata Ker Gawl.
1823 nec P. punctata Lindl. 1835 nec
P. punctata Barb.Rodr. 1877].
Pabstiella purpurea (Seehawer) Luer &
Toscano, comb. nov.
Basionym: Trichosalpinx purpurea Seehawer,
Orchidee (Hamburg) 49(3): 128. 1998.
Synonym: Specklinia purpurea (Seehawer)
Luer, Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot.
Gard. 95: 263. 2004.
Pabstiella seriata (Lindl.) Luer & Toscano,
comb. nov.
Basionym: Pleurothallis seriata Lindl.,
Edwards’s Bot. Reg. 29: Misc. 75. 1840.
Synonyms: Humboltia seriata (Lindl.) Kuntze,
Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 668. 1891.
Specklinia seriata (Lindl.) Pridgeon &
M.W.Chase, Lindleyana 16: 259. 2001.
Panmorphia seriata (Lindl.) Luer,
Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard.
105: 174. 2006.
Anathallis seriata (Lindl.) Luer &
Toscano, Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri
Bot. Gard. 115: 259. 2009.
Pabstiella viridula (Barb.Rodr.) Luer &
Toscano, comb. nov.
Basionym: Lepanthes viridula Barb.Rodr., Gen.
Sp. Orchid. 2: 52. 1881.
Synonyms: Pleurothallis liformis Cogn., Fl.
Bras. (Martius) 3(4): 453. 1896 [replaced
name for Lepanthes viridula Barb.Rodr.
non Pleurothallis viridula Lindl. 1859].
Stelis viridula (Barb.Rodr.) Pridgeon &
M.W.Chase, Lindleyana 16: 267. 2001
non Luer 1981.
Stelis graciliscapa viridula Pridgeon &
M.W.Chase, Lindleyana 17: 99. 2002
[replaced name for Stelis viridula (Barb.
Rodr.) Pridgeon & M.W. Chase].
Specklinia liformis (Barb.Rodr.) Luer,
Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard.
95: 200. 2004.
Pabstiella liformis (Barb.Rodr.) Luer,
Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard.
112: 119. 2007.
Specklinia barbosae (Schltr.) Luer & Toscano,
comb. nov.
Basionym: Pleurothallis barbosae Schltr.,
Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih.
19: 143. 1921 [replaced name for
Pleurothallis trilineata Barb.Rodr. 1877
non Lindl. 1859].
Synonyms: Pleurothallis trilineata Barb.Rodr.,
Gen. Sp. Orchid. 1: 6. 1877 non Lindl.
1859. [Type. BRAZIL. Capões des
champs du Tamanduá, Barbosa Rodrigues
s.n. [Syntype lost; lectotype here
designated: Barb. Rodr., Iconogr. Orchid.
Brésil, orig. illustr. at the Library of Rio
de Janeiro Botanical Garden, cited as
490 A (unpubl.) in Barb.Rodr., loc. cit.;
reprod. in Cogn., Fl. Bras. (Martius) 3(4),
tab. 99, g. III, 1896; and in Sprunger et
al. (eds.), Iconogr. Orchid. Brésil (Barb.
Rodr.)1996, Vol. 3: 198, t.140, g. A].
Lepanthes trilineata (Barb.Rodr.) Barb.
Rodr., Gen. Sp. Orchid. 2: 42. 1882.
Pleurothallis grobyi var. trilineata (Barb.
Rodr.) Cogn., Fl. Bras. (Martius) 3(4):
496. 1896.
... Dryadella (Orchidaceae, Epidendroideae) is an exclusively neotropical genus distributed in humid or seasonally humid forests, from Mexico to southern Brazil, most in the Atlantic Rainforest and the Andean forests (Imig et al. 2020a;Luer compose Over the years, new species were described (e.g., Luer 1978b), and Luer (2005), in his revisions of the genus, recognised fifteen species for the country and proposed new synonyms. The same species are cited in BFG (2015BFG ( , 2018, including D. litoralis Campacci (2007: 154), described later. ...
... In the protologue, the author compares the species with D. lilliputiana (Cong.) Luer (1978b) but differs from the latter only by the smaller size and colour of the flowers. After analysing the protologues and the nomenclatural types, we noticed that D. ataleiensis is a synonym of D. auriculigera, although, in the illustration and image of the protologue, the leaves do not present purple punctuations, as characteristic of D. auriculigera. ...
... It is compared with M. lilliputiana due to the shape of the leaves and the size and morphology of the flowers. Luer (1978b) Figs. 10a-h;16a Epiphyte herb, shortly repent, small, 10-13.5 mm tall. ...
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The present work is a taxonomic revision of the Dryadella species of Brazil. Dryadella comprises 61 species, distributed in humid or seasonally humid forests, from Mexico to southern Brazil, most in the Atlantic Rainforest and the Andean forests. We provide morphological descriptions, taxonomic discussions, illustrations, an identification key, new synonyms, new occurrences and distribution maps for all taxa. Fourteen species are recognised for Brazil, of these D. zebrina recorded also for Bolivia and Peru, D. aviceps in Paraguay, D. lilliputiana in Bolivia, D. gnoma in Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Panama, and Costa Rica and recorded for the first time in Brazil. The others are endemic to the country and, with the exception of D. gnoma, which occurs in the Amazon and D. ana-paulae, which occurs in the Cerrado, the other species are restricted to the Atlantic Rainforest. We propose the synonymisation of D. osmariniana and D. cardosoi in D. gnoma, D. espirito-santensis, D. gomes-ferreirae and D. litoralis in D. aviceps, D. vasquezii in D. ana-paulae and D. xaveriana in D. toscanoi. Nine lectotypes are designed.
... Além das novas ocorrências em diversos grupos vegetais, novas espécies também têm sido descritas com base em espécimes provenientes do município de Vitória da Conquista, como: Ficus caatingae R.M. Castro (Moraceae -Castro;Rapini, 2006); Quesnelia conquistensis Leme (Bromeliaceae, Leme, 2008); Aechmea avaldoana Leme & W.Till (Bromeliaceae -Leme et al., 2014); Pabstiella acrogenia Luer & Toscano e P. quasi Luer & Toscano (Orchidaceae -Luer;Toscano de Brito, 2011); Magnolia brasiliensis C.O. Azevedo et al. (Magnoliaceae -Azevedo et al., 2018) e Miconia bahiana R.Goldenb. & J. Coelho (Melastomataceae, Goldenberg et al., 2020). ...
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Aqui, apresentamos o levantamento das Orchidaceae de Vitória da Conquista, Brasil, e uma análise da similaridade florística entre dez áreas da Bahia e Minas Gerais. Foram encontradas no município 44 espécies de orquídeas, sendo duas novas ocorrências para o Nordeste brasileiro, Acianthera panduripetala e Specklinia hymenantha, além de uma nova ocorrência para o estado da Bahia, Pabstiella seriata. Foram conduzidas análises utilizando o algoritmo UPGMA, coeficientes de Jaccard e Dice, e análise de correspondência. A análise de agrupamento revelou baixos índices de similaridade, exceto para Serra Negra + Parque Estadual do Ibitipoca. Dois grupos se formaram: um de áreas de Florestas Secas e outro grupo que inclui as áreas de Campos Rupestres e de Floresta Ombrófila dos dois estados. Os resultados sugerem que as áreas de mesma fitofisionomia estão mais relacionadas entre si do que com a vegetação do mesmo estado.
... However, the designation of the original Barbosa Rodrigues illustrations as lectotypes has been the course of action adopted by more recent authors (e.g. Barros 2005, Smidt & Borba 2009, Luer & Toscano de Brito 2011, Koehler et al. 2012, Buzatto et al. 2013, Koch et al. 2016, Rojas-Alvarado & Karremans 2020, based on the Articles 9.3-9.4 and 9.11-9.12 of the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi and plants, (Turland et al. 2018). ...
During our taxonomic study of Cleistes, we noticed that some species names published (under the genus name Pogonia) by the Brazilian botanist João Barbosa Rodrigues needed revision. In our search for type specimens, we found the holotypes of Pogonia aphylla and P. paranaensis in the herbarium of the Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro (R), and the holotype of P. monantha at the herbarium of the Swedish Museum of Natural History (S). The remaining type specimens housed at RB herbarium have been lost. Consequently, the designation of lectotypes for those species names is needed. Therefore, the original illustrations are here designated as lectotypes of eleven species names. Furthermore, we also propose 14 synonyms for South American Cleistes.
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Janusia is a South American genus of flowering plants. Most of its 15 described species are centered in Brazil, where they are found in diverse habitats across the Caatinga and Cerrado biomes, and a few other species can be found in the Atlantic Forest region. This paper describes Janusia longibracteolata, a new species endemic to semideciduous forests in the state of Bahia, Brazil, at elevations of 900 to 1000 m. This study was based on fieldwork and a study of herbarium collections, which resulted in photos, dried preserved material, and information about the new species and its environment. The most notable morphological characters that distinguish the new species are its subulate floral bracts and bracteoles, which are the largest known in the genus. This new species is described, illustrated, and compared with the other species in Janusia. This novelty underscores the need to preserve Bahia's remaining semideciduous forests and to increase botanical exploration in this region.
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Three new species of Pabstiella from Espírito Santo and Bahia in Brazil are described and illustrated, with digital plates, comparative figures, and annotations on their ecology provided. The species are compared with similar taxa, and their phylogenetic placement is hypothesized based on their morphology. In addition, five species are proposed as synonyms, P. teschiana and P. henrique-aragonii as synonyms of P. crenata, P. wanderbildtiana as synonym of P. aurantiaca, P. osculator as synonym of P. rhombilabia and P. menegattii as synonym of P. decurva. A respective taxonomic discussion is provided for each case, and a lectotype is selected for P. aurantiaca. Resumo: Três espécies novas do Espírito Santo e da Bahia no Brasil são descritas e ilustradas, com pranchas digitais, figuras comparativas e anotações sobre sua ecologia fornecidas. As espécies são comparadas com táxons similares e seu posicionamento filogenético é hipotetizado com base em sua morfologia. Adicionalmente, cinco espécies são propostas como sinônimos: P. teschiana e P. henrique-aragonii como sinônimos de P. crenata, P. wanderbildtiana como sinônimo de P. aurantiaca, P. osculator como sinônimo de P. rhombilabia e P. menegattii como sinônimo de P. decurva. Para cada caso, é apresentada a discussão taxonômica respectiva. Um lectótipo é selecionado para P. aurantiaca.
Aerial vegetative diaspores — often simply called “bulbils” in the botanical and horticultural literature — are diverse in morphology, origin, position, and modes of dispersal. This review examines their occurrence in the Angiosperms, their morphology and site of origin, and possible ecological and evolutionary advantages. Moreover, a standard terminology is proposed based on three criteria: dormancy, polarity, and whether the storage tissue is leaf or stem. We review the taxonomic and geographic distribution of bulbils, cormlets, tubercles, and gemmae, their modes of dispersal, and whether dispersal mode differs from that of the seeds. We detect geographic biases in the distribution of plantlets and tubercles (mostly tropical in distribution) versus bulbils, cormlets, and gemmae (mostly temperate). We note the physiological differences between seeds and aerial vegetative diaspores, which may account for differences in modes of dispersal, which for aerial vegetative diaspores includes anemochory, epizoochory, endozoochory, barochory, and hydrochory. Additional research is suggested so that gaps in our understanding of this common form of asexual reproduction can be filled.
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Pabstiella hileiaensis, a new species of Orchidaceae from southern Bahia in Brazil, is described and illustrated. The new species is similar to Pabstiella ezechiasi, but can be distinguished by the elliptical leaves, yellow flowers with red to brown veins, petals spatulate, slightly cucullate at the apex, the lip strongly papillose with erect lateral lobes and two, thin, submarginal, papillose, longitudinal calli. This morphology suggests Pabstiella hileiaensis is a member of the Pabstiella sect. Brevicaules. The specific epithet refers to the “Hiléia Baiana”, a megadiverse forest with high levels of endemism present in northern Espírito Santo and southern Bahia states. Digital plates are presented to show the natural intraspecific variation of this taxon.
Pabstiella consists of c. 130 epiphytic species in the Neotropics. We present a phylogenetic analysis based on nrITS, matK and trnH-psbA sequences from 59 species of the genus and 40 Pleurothallidinae and two Laeliinae and one Bletiinae as an outgroup, using maximum likelihood, Bayesian inference and maximum parsimony. We also performed molecular dating, biogeographical analyses and ancestral morphological character reconstruction. Our results confirm the monophyly of Pabstiella with strong support. Ten clades are inferred and are herein proposed as sections. Pabstiella originated in the Andes and the Atlantic Rainforest in the Late Miocene (c. 7.93 Mya) in an epoch when these biomes were probably connected. A main vicariance event divided an early-diverging lineage that inhabited the Andes from an Atlantic Rainforest lineage that diversified in this region during the Pliocene and Pleistocene, mainly in the Serra do Mar in south-eastern Brazil. Our findings also suggest that the Atlantic Rainforest may have played an important role in the origin of subtribe Pleurothallidinae. The morphological character reconstruction showed high levels of homoplasy, with few recognized synapomorphies associated with stems and petals. Other characters related to the habit and stems were identified as important in the evolutionary history of the genus.
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Pabstiella consists of c. 130 epiphytic species in the Neotropics. We present a phylogenetic analysis based on nrITS, matK and trnH-psbA sequences from 59 species of the genus and 40 Pleurothallidinae and two Laeliinae and one Bletiinae as an outgroup, using maximum likelihood, Bayesian inference and maximum parsimony. We also performed molecular dating, biogeographical analyses and ancestral morphological character reconstruction. Our results confirm the monophyly of Pabstiella with strong support. Ten clades are inferred and are herein proposed as sections. Pabstiella originated in the Andes and the Atlantic Rainforest in the Late Miocene (c. 7.93 Mya) in an epoch when these biomes were probably connected. A main vicariance event divided an early-diverging lineage that inhabited the Andes from an Atlantic Rainforest lineage that diversified in this region during the Pliocene and Pleistocene, mainly in the Serra do Mar in southeastern Brazil. Our findings also suggest that the Atlantic Rainforest may have played an important role in the origin of subtribe Pleurothallidinae. The morphological character reconstruction showed high levels of homoplasy, with few recognized synapomorphies associated with stems and petals. Other characters related to the habit and stems were identified as important in the evolutionary history of the genus.
Pleurothallis palmeirensis Pabst, Rodriguésia 18-19: 30
  • Var Pleurothallis Mouraei
Pleurothallis mouraei var. pallida Hoehne & Schltr., Arch. Bot. São Paulo 1(3): 213. 1926. Pleurothallis palmeirensis Pabst, Rodriguésia 18-19: 30. 1956 [replaced name for Lepanthes bicolor Barb.Rodr.].
  • Luer
Luer, Phytologia 54: 397. 1983. Specklinia quadridentata (Barb.Rodr.)
Synonym: Pleurothallis sphaeroglossa Hoehne, Arq. Bot. Estado São Paulo 1: 11. 1938. Pabstiella dracula (Seehawer) Luer & Toscano, comb. nov. Basionym: Pleurothallis dracula Seehawer, Orchidee (Hamburg) 50: 635. 1999. Synonym: Pabstiella alexandri Campacci & Baptista Colet
  • C Schweinf
  • Bot
  • Mus
  • Leafl
C.Schweinf,. Bot. Mus. Leafl. 3: 80. 1935. Synonym: Pleurothallis sphaeroglossa Hoehne, Arq. Bot. Estado São Paulo 1: 11. 1938. Pabstiella dracula (Seehawer) Luer & Toscano, comb. nov. Basionym: Pleurothallis dracula Seehawer, Orchidee (Hamburg) 50: 635. 1999. Synonym: Pabstiella alexandri Campacci & Baptista Colet. Orquídeas Brasil. 9: 350. 2011, syn. nov.
Synonyms: Pleurothallis filiformis Cogn
  • Pabstiella
  • Barb
  • Rodr
  • Toscano
  • Basionym
Pabstiella viridula (Barb.Rodr.) Luer & Toscano, comb. nov. Basionym: Lepanthes viridula Barb.Rodr., Gen. Sp. Orchid. 2: 52. 1881. Synonyms: Pleurothallis filiformis Cogn., Fl. Bras. (Martius) 3(4): 453. 1896 [replaced name for Lepanthes viridula Barb.Rodr. non Pleurothallis viridula Lindl. 1859].
at the Library of Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden, cited as 490 A (unpubl.) in Barb.Rodr., loc. cit.; reprod. in Cogn
  • Orig Brésil
  • Illustr
Brésil, orig. illustr. at the Library of Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden, cited as 490 A (unpubl.) in Barb.Rodr., loc. cit.; reprod. in Cogn., Fl. Bras. (Martius) 3(4), tab. 99, fig. III, 1896; and in Sprunger et al. (eds.), Iconogr. Orchid. Brésil (Barb. Rodr.)1996, Vol. 3: 198, t.140, fig. A].