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Morphological variations in southern African populations of Myriophyllum spicatum: Phenotypic plasticity or local adaptation?


Abstract and Figures

Variability in aquatic plant morphology is usually driven by phenotypic plasticity and local adaptations to environmental conditions experienced. This study aimed to elucidate which of these drivers is responsible for the morphological variation exhibited by three populations of Myriophyllum spicatum L. (Haloragaceae), a submerged aquatic plant whose status as native or exotic within southern Africa is uncertain. Individuals from three populations on the Vaal River (Northern Cape), Klipplaat River (Eastern Cape) and Lake Sibaya (KwaZulu-Natal) were grown under two nutrient treatments (high: 30mgN/kg sediment and low: sediment only), while all other variables were kept the same. Morphological characteristics were measured at the start of the experiment to obtain a baseline morphology, and again eight weeks later. By the end of the experiment, the individuals from each population had responded to the different growing conditions. In most cases, the individuals from each population were significantly larger under the high nutrient treatment (Stem diameter: F(5,86) =18.435, P< 0.001, Internode length: F(5,86) =5.0747, P< 0.001, Leaf length: F(5,86) =19.692, P< 0.001). Despite these differences in nutrient treatments, the growth pattern of each population remained true to the original starting point indicated by the lack of overlap between populations in the PCA groupings. This suggests that local adaptations are responsible for the differences in morphology between populations of M. spicatum, but shows that phenotypic plasticity does play a role as evidenced by individual responses to the different nutrient conditions. The development of these local adaptations within southern Africa suggests that the populations have had a long evolutionary history in the region and are relatively isolated with little reproductive mixing.
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Morphological variations in southern African populations of
Myriophyllum spicatum: Phenotypic plasticity or local adaptation?
P.S.R. Weyl , J.A. Coetzee
Department of Zoology and Entomology, Rhodes University, P.O. Box 94, Grahamstown 6139, South Africa
abstractarticle info
Article history:
Received 5 June 2015
Received in revised form 24 July 2015
Accepted 28 July 2015
Available online xxxx
Edited by JS Boatwright
Gene ow
Geographic barriers
Isolated populations
Variability in aquatic plant morphology is usually driven by phenotypic plasticity and local adaptations to
environmental conditions experienced. This study aimed to elucidate which of these drivers is responsible for
the morphological variation exhibited by three populations of Myriophyllum spicatum L. (Haloragaceae), a
submerged aquatic plant whose status as native or exotic within southern Africa is uncertain. Individuals
from three populations on the Vaal River (Northern Cape), Klipplaat River (Eastern Cape) and Lake Sibaya
(KwaZulu-Natal) were grown under two nutrient treatments (high: 30 mg N/kg sediment and low: sediment
only), while all other variables were kept the same. Morphological characteristics were measured at the start
of the experiment to obtain a baseline morphology, and again eight weeks later. By the end of the experiment,
the individuals from eachpopulation had responded to the different growingconditions. In most cases, the indi-
viduals from each population were signicantly larger under the high nutrient treatment (Stem diameter:
=18.435,Pb0.001, Internode length: F
=5.0747,Pb0.001, Leaf length: F
0.001). Despite these differences in nutrient treatments, the growth pattern of each population remained true
to the original starting point indicated by the lack of overlap between populations in the PCA groupings. This
suggests that local adaptations are responsible for the differences in morphology between populations of
M. spicatum, but shows that phenotypic plasticity does play a role as evidenced by individual responses to the
different nutrient conditions. The development of these local adaptations within southern Africa suggests
that the populations have had a long evolutionary history in the region and are relatively isolated with little
reproductive mixing.
© 2015 SAAB. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
It is widely accepted that aquatic plants are plastic in their responses
to environmental variables, and their morphology can be extremely
variable between populations and/or between seasons (Barko and
Smart, 1981; Barko and Smart, 1986; Koch and Seeliger, 1988; Barrett
et al., 1993; Idestam-Almquist and Kautsky, 1995; Santamaria, 2002).
Changes in plant morphology and physiology between populations of
the same species are often linked to both physiological stresses, such
as limited resources (De Kroon and Hutchings, 1995; Hutchings and
John, 2004), and to physical/mechanical stresses such as wave action
or current (Strand and Weisner, 2001; Boeger and Poulsan, 2003;
Arshid and Wani, 2013). These species responses are usually driven by
adaptive mechanisms, such as phenotypic plasticity (Grace, 1993;
Barrett et al., 1993; Hofstra et al., 1995) or local adaptations (Sultan,
2000; Kawecki and Ebert, 2004; Ward et al., 2008) that allow them to
adapt to the different climatic and environmental stresses to which
they are exposed.
Local adaptation is a genetic change, primarily driven by natural
selection on a local scale, where specic characters of a plant that en-
hance its tness are selected for in a novel environment (Kawecki and
Ebert, 2004), while phenotypic plasticity is the ability of a single geno-
type to respond with changes in phenotypic characters that will better
suit the population to the prevailing habitat conditions (Bradshaw,
1965). The wide distributional range of many aquatic species is often
coupled with relatively low genetic variation of individuals within
populations, but high variation between populations, probably linked
to clonal or vegetative reproduction (Grace, 1993; Barrett et al., 1993).
In many cases, aquatic plants are thought to have a general purpose
genotypeusually characterised by low levels of genetic variability but
capable of adapting to a diverse range of environmental conditions
through phenotypic plasticity (Baker, 1965; Barrett et al., 1993). There
are two forms of phenotypicplasticity that can be classed as either phys-
iological plasticity, where the responses have a physiological end point,
such as changes in photosynthetic capabilities; or as morphological
plasticity where the responses are manifested as a change in
South African Journal of Botany xxx (2015) xxxxxx
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (P.S.R. Weyl).
SAJB-01385; No of Pages 6
0254-6299/© 2015 SAAB. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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Please cite this article as: Weyl, P.S.R., Coetzee, J.A., Morphological variations in southern African populations of Myriophyllum spicatum:
Phenotypic plasticity or local adaptation?, South African Journal of Botany (2015),
morphology (Bradshaw, 1965). These plastic responses, both physiolog-
ical and morphological, are important for the survival of a species in a
multitude of different environments over the wide geographical ranges
in which they are found (Bradshaw, 1965; Barrett et al., 1993).
Understanding the mechanisms that drive changes in thephenotype
of aquatic plants can prove useful in gaining insights into the genetic di-
versity and evolutionary history of the species in a region. Morphologi-
cal differences in introduced populations of aquatic plants are thought
to be primarily driven by phenotypic plasticity because of the relatively
low levels of genetic diversity and short time spent in the region (Riis
et al., 2010). In a study of three invasive submerged macrophytes in
New Zealand, Riis et al. (2010) concluded that the primary adaptive
strategy of all three species was phenotypic plasticity due to the low
levels of genetic diversity, coupled with the relatively short time period
since the rstintroduction of any of the species. The oldest introduction
was Elodea canadensis Mitch. (Hydrocharitaceae), and at just over 100
years, is considered too young for the development of local adaptations,
especially given the lack of genetic diversity within and between popu-
lations in NewZealand (Riis et al., 2010). Local adaptations are driven by
the process of natural selection, which result in different genotypes
adapted to local conditions and are likely to express differences in mor-
phological characters over much longer time scales (Kawecki and Ebert,
2004). A prerequisite for local adaptations to take place between popu-
lations is a relatively diverse gene pool within populations for natural
selection to act upon (Ward et al., 2008). In the case of introduced spe-
cies, this can be achieved through multiple introductions from different
source populations, and local adaptation can be considered an impor-
tant adaptive mechanism for the successful invasion of a species
(Parker et al., 2003).
Myriophyllum spicatum L. (Haloragaceae) is considered an invasive
species in southern Africa (Weyl and Coetzee, 2014), however, there
are questions as to how long this species has been present in the region.
Understanding the drivers of the morphological differences between
populations can infer how long this species has been here. There are
three distinct varieties or growth forms of M. spicatum which are
found in different regions that have very different climatic conditions
(Jacout Guillarmod, 1979). The differences in the morphology are so
great that it was initially thought that there were at least two species
of Myriophyllum in southern Africa, however, pollen analysis conrmed
a single species (Jacout Guillarmod, 1979). The rst variety is
characterised as large and robust with large leaves and relatively thick
stems (Fig. 1A and D) and is found in the Vaal River, Northern Cape,
South Africa. This is the only population to be recorded as problematic
in South Africa. The second variety is characterised as delicate small
plants, with small leaves and highly branched, thin stems (Fig. 1B and
E). It is found growing in the subtropical environment in Lake Sibaya,
KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The third variety is large plants, and simi-
lar to the rst variety in growth form, but the internode length is very
short so the leaves become tightly packed leading to a bottlebrush
type appearance (Fig. 1C and F), and is found in the high altitude re-
gions, including the Amathola Mountains, Eastern Cape and the
KwaZulu-Natal Midlands, South Africa. These varieties in southern
Africa can be identied in the earliest herbarium specimens from the re-
gions where they originate, for example, the Vaal River variety was rst
collected in 1897, the Lake Sibaya variety in 1966 and the high altitude
variety collected in the Mooi River in 1894 (Fig. 1). These morphological
characteristics are still present in the populationsfound in these biogeo-
graphic regions today (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. The three morphological variations of Myriophyllum spicatum found in southern Africa as recorded by herbarium specimens (AC) and present day photographic representations of
living specimens (DF). The rst A & D: robust large leaf form collected from the Vaal River, Northern Cape, the second B & E: delicate branched form collected in Lake Sibaya, KwaZulu-Natal
and thethird C & F: the large growth formwith very shortinternodelengthsgiving it a bottlebrush appearance,the herbarium specimen collectedin the Mooi River, KwaZulu-Natal Midlands
and the living specimen collected in Hogsback, Eastern Cape.
2P.S.R. Weyl, J.A. Coetzee / South African Journal of Botany xxx (2015) xxxxxx
Please cite this article as: Weyl, P.S.R., Coetzee, J.A., Morphological variations in southern African populations of Myriophyllum spicatum:
Phenotypic plasticity or local adaptation?, South African Journal of Botany (2015),
The aim of this study was to determine whether the morphological
differences between three populations of M. spicatum in southern
Africa are driven by phenotypic plasticity or local adaptations through
underlying genetic variation. If the morphological differences between
the populations are driven primarily by plastic responses to environ-
mental conditions, then plants grown under the same conditions
would respond in a similar way and their morphologies would converge
(Santamaria, 2002; Riis et al., 2010). However, if the differences are local
adaptations within the species, then the morphology of the plants from
the different populations would not converge and the varieties would
remain distinct fromeach other. If the driver of these morphological dif-
ferences is local adaptations, then it would suggest that the populations
have been isolated with limited gene ow for a considerable time
within the different biogeographic regions.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Experimental design
The initial stock plants from the three populations of M. spicatum
used in this experiment were collected from wild populations within a
two week period during the beginning of April 2013. The three
populations collected were 1) Vaal, collected from Vaalharts Weir,
Vaal River, Northern Cape (28°0655.5S 24°5619.1E); 2) Sibaya,col-
lected from Lake Sibaya, KwaZulu-Natal (27°2502.9S 32°4147.4E)
and 3) Hogsback, collected from the Klipplaat River, Eastern Cape
(32°2906.4S 26°5648.5E). Specimens were collected from all three
localities on previous surveys and lodged in the Selmar Schonland
Herbarium (GRA) (Table 1). The plants were returned to a greenhouse
tunnel at Rhodes University, where they were acclimated to the green-
house conditions by oating sprigs freely in borehole water for a period
of at least four days prior to the commencement of the experiment. A
total of 40 sprigs from each population were cut to 10 cm growth tips
with no branches, and initial morphological measurements were
taken from each sprig. The morphological measurements that were
taken included the stem diameter, internode length, leaf length and
number of leaet pairs on each leaf. All measurements were taken at
the 5th internode to standardise the position from where the measure-
ments were taken on each individual and between varieties.
In comparison to the experiments of Santamaría et al. (2003) and
Riis et al. (2010), the environmental conditions that may have played
a role in determining the morphological characters were all kept con-
stant viz. sediment type (the same sediment type used by Martin and
Coetzee, 2014), temperature, light and photoperiod. The sprigs were
then planted in two growth conditions; a low nutrient, pond sediment
only treatment, and a high nutrient pond sediment treatment fertilised
with 30 mg N/kg from Multicote® 15-8-12 N:P:K 89monthformula-
tion fertiliser (Haifa Group, Matam-Haifa, Israel). The sprigs were ran-
domly planted into seedling trays which held approximately 100 ml of
treatment sediment in each pot, and then placed into a plastic pond
(height 60 cm; width 90 cm and length 110 cm) which contained bore-
hole water to a depth of 50 cm. The seedling trays were arranged in a
random block design to rule out any possible location effects of light
and temperature on the plants in the pond. The same morphological
measurements were taken again after an eight week growth period
which is sufcient time to observe differences in growth responses
(Riis et al., 2010), and were compared between populations at both nu-
trient levels.
2.2. Statistical analyses
The morphological measurements, including stem diameter,
internode length, leaf length and number of leaet pairs, between the
three populations of M. spicatum in each nutrient treatment at the be-
ginning and at the end of the experiment were compared using a GLM
Repeated-Measures ANOVA followed by a Tukey Post-Hoc test to
identify homogenous groups, in Statistica V.12 (StatSoft Inc., 2013). To
determine the similarity between the three populations of M. spicatum
at the start of the experiment and 8 weeks later grown under the
same conditions, a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in Primer V.6
(Clarke and Gorley, 2006) was performed using the morphological
characters (stem diameter, internode length, leaf length and number
of leaets) and plotted to visualise the results.
3. Results
By the end of the experiment, the plants from each population
showed a response to the different growing conditions in their mor-
phology when compared to the starting measurements within popula-
tions. The stem diameter (Fig. 2A) for all three populations remained
unchanged under low nutrients but were signicantly larger under
high nutrient conditions (F
= 18.435, Pb0.001). The internode
length (Fig. 2B) showed a similar trend with no change at low nutrient
conditions but signicantly longer for the Vaal and Sibaya population
under high nutrient conditions, while the Hogsback population signi-
cantly decreased in internode length at high nutrient conditions
= 5.0747, Pb0.001). Under low nutrient conditions the leaf
length (Fig. 2C) was signicantly smaller for all three populations,
while under high nutrient conditions it remained unchanged
= 19.692, Pb0.001). The number of leaets (Fig. 2D) remained
unchanged for all three populations irrespective of nutrient level
= 0.4126, P=0.838).
The growth pattern of each population relative to the other popula-
tions, however, did not change based on nutrient condition despite dif-
ferences between nutrient treatments. The stem diameter under both
nutrient treatments was always larger for the Vaal and Hogsback popu-
lations compared to the Sibaya population (F
= 18.435, Pb0.001)
(Fig. 2A). But there was a signicant increase in the stem diameter for
the Vaal (0.15 ± 0.008 cm to 0.23 ± 0.006 cm) and Hogsback
(0.16 ± 0.005 cm to 0.22 ± 0.008 cm) population at high nutrient con-
ditions, while the Sibaya population remained unchanged (0.11 ±
0.003 cm to 0.13 ± 0.004 cm) (F
= 18.435, Pb0.001) (Fig. 2A).
While there was no difference between the internode length for both
the Vaal and Sibaya population under both nutrient levels (ranging
from 1.05 cm to 1.49 depending on nutrient condition), the Hogsback
population was always signicantly smaller ranging between 0.5 and
0.57 cm depending on nutrient treatment (F
(Fig. 2B). Only the Vaal and Sibaya populations showed an increase in
internode length under high nutrient conditions (F
= 5.0747, Pb
0.001) (Fig. 2B). Irrespective of nutrient level, the Sibaya population
had signicantly smaller leaf lengths (1.21 ± 0.027 cm high nutrients
and 0.9 ± 0.028 cm low nutrients) than both the Vaal and Hogsback
Table 1
The most recent herbarium specimens of Myriophyllum spicatum lodged from the three localities where the test plants were collected for the current study.
Country Collector Collector # Date Locality Lat. Long. Herbarium
South Africa P. Weyl PW 1 2012 Lake Sibaya 27.2796 32.68426 GRA
P. Weyl PW 2 2012 Lake Sibaya 27.2796 32.68426 GRA
P. Weyl PW 20 2012 Vaalhaarts Weir 28.0922 24.9686 GRA
P. Weyl PW 24 2012 Klipplaat River 32.4938 26.9496 GRA
3P.S.R. Weyl, J.A. Coetzee / South African Journal of Botany xxx (2015) xxxxxx
Please cite this article as: Weyl, P.S.R., Coetzee, J.A., Morphological variations in southern African populations of Myriophyllum spicatum:
Phenotypic plasticity or local adaptation?, South African Journal of Botany (2015),
populations which ranged between 2.22 cm and 2.76 cm depending on
nutrient level (F
= 19.692, Pb0.001) (Fig. 2C). There was no differ-
ence between the leaf lengths of each variety, except for the Sibayapop-
ulation which had a signicantly longer leaf under high nutrient
conditions (Fig. 2C). The Vaal population always had signicantly
fewer leaet pairs (11.75 ± 0.437 for high and 11.38 ± 0.317 for low
nutrient conditions) than both the Sibaya and Hogsback populations
which ranged between 12.47 and 13.71 leaet pairs (F
= 0.4126,
P=0.838) (Fig. 2D). The leaet pairsremained unchanged between nu-
trient treatments (F
= 0.4126, P=0.838) (Fig. 2D).
The PCA shows nooverlap in the groupings between the populations
at both the start of the experiment when the plants were rst collected
from the eld populations and after the eight week experimental peri-
od, grown under the two nutrient treatments (Fig. 3). The PC1 accounts
for 59.7% of the variation (Eigenvalue = 1.75 × 10
) and the PC2 ac-
counts for 27.3% of the variation (Eigenvalue = 8.02 × 10
4. Discussion
Despite the same growth conditions, nutrient treatments, sediment
type, water depth and light, the three different populations of
M. spicatum did not converge in their morphologies. This suggests that
the differences in the morphological varieties are driven by local adap-
tations and southern Africa has different genotypes of M. spicatum that
have adapted to their current environmental conditions over a long
period of time. This is fairly common in terrestrial plants with wide dis-
tributions, which are often characterised by large genetic variation
(Bradshaw, 1965) and often specialised to local environmental condi-
tions which allows them to cover such wide geographic and climatic
regions (Van Tienderen, 1990). On the other hand, aquatic plants are
often characterised by low levels of genetic variation which makes
phenotypic plasticity extremely important, and while the development
of a general purpose genotypecapable of surviving in a wide range of
environments is common (Baker, 1965; Barrett et al., 1993), this is not
always the case. Several studies on aquatic plants have shown that
Stem diameter (cm)
Low nutrients High nutrients
Internode length (cm)
Low nutrients High nutrients
Leaf length (cm)
Low nutrients High nutrients
Vaal Sibaya Hogsback Vaal Sibaya Hogsback
Vaal Sibaya Hogsback Vaal Sibaya Hogsback
Vaal Sibaya Hogsback Vaal Sibaya Hogsback
Vaal Sibaya Hogsback Vaal Sibaya Hogsback
Number of leaflets
Low nutrients High nutrients
Fig. 2. Thestart (white bars)and end (grey bars)mean measurementsfor A: stem diameter, B: internodelength, C: leaflength and D: numberof leaets of eachpopulation of Myriophyllum
spicatum grown under the two nutrient conditions, high nutrients (30 mg N/kg pond sediment) and low nutrients (pond sediment only).The numbers above the means indicate signif-
icant differences between the start and end values, while the letters indicate signicant differences between treatments at the end of the experiment (Pb0.001) and error bars indicate
standard error of the mean.
-0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3
Vl Vl
Vh Vh
Hh Hh
Sh Sh
Sh Sh
Sh Sh
Stem diameter
Internode length
Leaf length
# leaflets
Fig. 3. Similarity between the populations of Myriophyllum spicatum at the startof the ex-
periment and 8 weeks later, basedon the four morphological characters measured (stem
diameter, internode length, leaf length and number of leaets). PC1 accounts for 59.7% of
the variation (Eigenvalue = 1.75 × 10
) while PC2 accounts for 27.3% of the variation
(Eigenvalue = 8.02 × 10
). The letterscorrespond to the sourcepopulation and growing
condition for an 8 week period; V = Vaal population at start, Vl = Vaal low nutrients,
Vh = Vaal high nutrients, S = Sibaya population at st art, Sl = Sibaya low nutrients,
Sh = Sibaya high nutrients, H = Hogsback population at start, Hl = Hogsback low nutri-
ents, Hh = Hogsback high nutrients.
4P.S.R. Weyl, J.A. Coetzee / South African Journal of Botany xxx (2015) xxxxxx
Please cite this article as: Weyl, P.S.R., Coetzee, J.A., Morphological variations in southern African populations of Myriophyllum spicatum:
Phenotypic plasticity or local adaptation?, South African Journal of Botany (2015),
although phenotypic plasticity is important, local adaptations are possi-
ble and do play a role in the survival and tness of some species across a
multitude of environmental conditions (Barrett et al., 1993; Santamaría
et al., 2003).
The different M. spicatum populations that were grown under the
two nutrient treatments did show some degree of plasticity and a re-
sponse to the growing conditions. All three genotypes that were
grown under the lower nutrient condition (pond sediment only)
adopted a signicantly smaller size in most of the morphological char-
acters measured. This was not surprising as several aquatic plant species
respond to limiting nutrient conditions. For example, Riis et al. (2010)
reported that Lagarosiphon major (Ridl.) Moss and E. canadensis (both
Hydrocharitaceae) had reduced shoot diameter and leaf width under
low nitrogen and phosphorous conditions, while individuals of Ranun-
culus peltatus Schrank (Ranunculaceae) were smaller when grown
under low nutrient conditions, than individuals grown under high nu-
trient conditions, the latter tending to have long branching shoots
(Garbey et al., 2004). Barko (1983) suggested that not only nutrient
composition, but also the interaction with nutrients and sediment
type, play a role in the growth form of M. spicatum, while Barko and
Smart (1981) showed that lightplays a role in the morphology of aquat-
ic macrophytes. Strand and Weisner (2001) also indicated that light and
water depth play a role in the morphological characteristics of
M. spicatum where plants that are light limited (periphyton growth or
depth) are usually longer and more branched. The drivers of the subtle
morphological changes in the current study indicate that nutrient level
was the most important, as this varied across treatments, but the poten-
tial effect of light and water depth on the morphology of M. spicatum
was not tested here.
The ndings from the present study are in contrast to the situation in
North America (Aiken et al., 1979) where M. spicatum was introduced
in the 1940s (Couch and Nelson, 1985). Plants from different regions
in Canada and the USA grown under the same conditions, side by side
in a greenhouse, responded by converging in their morphologies,
which Aiken et al. (1979) attributed to a common clonal origin of the
North American material. This is despite the recent discovery of two ge-
notypes of M. spicatum in North America (Zuellig and Thum, 2012). It is
possible that during the study by Aiken et al. (1979), plants from the
same genotype were inadvertently selected. Riis et al. (2010) had simi-
lar ndings when three introduced submerged aquatic plants, L. major,
Egeria densa Planch. (Hydrocharitaceae) and E. canadensis were grown
under similar conditions. Initially the plants had different growth
forms or morphologies, and physiologies (photosynthetic rates) that
were presumably adapted to the conditions to which they were ex-
posed in the wild populations. The morphologies and photosynthetic
rates of all the species reverted to a similar point or growth form after
a seven-week growing period (Riis et al., 2010). In addition to this,
they tested the genetic diversity between the populations using ampli-
ed fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs), which resulted in very lit-
tle difference between the populations, suggesting that each species
originated from a single introduction (Riis et al., 2010). This suggests
that for introduced species that lack genetic diversity, phenotypic
plasticity may be the most important factor driving the differences
between populations of the same species growing in different climatic
or environmental conditions (Riis et al., 2010).
The three genotypes of M. spicatum identied in southern Africa are
similar to populations from the European range, where in a study by
Aiken et al. (1979), populations from England and the Netherlands
showed slightly different morphologies when grown under the same
conditions. This suggests that these populations also exhibit subtle
local adaptations. The different populations of M. spicatum in southern
Africa are presumably locally adapted to the conditions where they
are found, however, this does not rule out the relative importance of
phenotypic plasticity for these populations to adapt to changing condi-
tions. In a transplanting experiment, Santamaría et al. (2003)
transplanted Stuckenia pectinata (L.) (Syn. Potamogeton pectinatus)
(Potamogetonaceae) populations from different regions of Europe.
Their results suggest that there were strong local adaptations and the
performance of transplanted individuals was much lower in the novel
environment than when grown at the source location. However, despite
the local adaptations, the different populations of S. pectinata also
showed a certain degree of phenotypic plasticity (Santamaría et al.,
2003), suggesting that local adaptation and phenotypic plasticity may
work synergistically. The study by Santamaría et al. (2003) was within
the native range of S. pectinata which suggests a long evolutionary
history in the region and local adaptations are not surprising due to
the relatively high genetic diversity in native populations compared to
introduced populations (Ward et al., 2008). In many introduced
aquatic species, including Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms-Laub.
(Pontederiaceae), E. densa and Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.)
Griseb. (Amaranthaceae), genetic variation is low between populations,
likely linked to their clonal reproduction (Ward et al., 2008) and the
adaptive mechanisms are probably linked to phenotypic plasticity rath-
er than local adaptations (Parker et al., 2003; Geng et al., 2007).
The evolution of locally adapted populations requires an interaction
between divergent selection and other evolutionary forces such as nat-
ural selection and gene ow (Kawecki and Ebert, 2004). The develop-
ment of locally adapted populations of M. spicatum in southern Africa
suggests that the populations are sufciently isolated that there is little
or no gene ow between them. This isolation could be geographic as
there are signicant distances, over major catchments, between the
populations (Weyl and Coetzee, 2014), or it could be reproductive, as
sexual reproduction is not considered very important for M. spicatum
(Patten, 1956; Aiken, 1981), or a combination of both, which would fur-
ther isolate the populations. This compares to North America, where
M. spicatum is characterised by two genotypes with overlapping distri-
butions, however, there is little evidence of sexual reproduction be-
tween them in the eld populations (Zuellig and Thum, 2012). The
development of these locally adapted genotypes also suggests that
there could be a relatively high genetic diversity of the populations in
southern Africa. What is unclear is whether this diversity has resulted
from multiple introductions (Ward et al., 2008; Lavergne et al., 2010)
or a long enough evolutionary history in the region for genetic muta-
tions to occur. It is possible for genetic differentiation to occur quite rap-
idly, for example, despite the low levels of genetic variation, E. densa in
New Zealand is showing signs of genetic differentiation between popu-
lations in less than 100 years since it was rst introduced (Lambertini
et al., 2010). This could suggest that the evolution of locally adapted
populations in E. densa could occur quite rapidly in New Zealand,
under the right conditions (Kawecki and Ebert, 2004; Ward et al.,
2008) despite the low genetic variation inherent in so many species
(Barrett et al., 1993; 2008; Lambertini et al., 2010).
The results from the present study point to local adaptation and not
phenotypic plasticity as the more likely driver of the different morpho-
logical variations of the M. spicatum populations from southern Africa
that were tested. This does not rule out the importance of phenotypic
plasticity in shaping the morphology of these species in the environ-
ments where they occur, and probably explains why they exist in a
wide variety of habitats in southern Africa (Weyl and Coetzee, 2014).
The presence of local adaptations in southern Africa suggests that the
populations have been and still are isolated and it is unlikely that
there is much genetic mixing between the systems where these popula-
tions are found. This is not surprising as the populations are separated
by major catchments, geographical barriers such as mountains and
climatic zones, all of which make dispersal between the populationsex-
tremely difcult. Future in depth genetic studies of the populations of
M. spicatum within southern Africa could shed light on this.
The Working for Water Programme of the Natural Resource Man-
agement Programmes (Department of Environmental Affairs), South
5P.S.R. Weyl, J.A. Coetzee / South African Journal of Botany xxx (2015) xxxxxx
Please cite this article as: Weyl, P.S.R., Coetzee, J.A., Morphological variations in southern African populations of Myriophyllum spicatum:
Phenotypic plasticity or local adaptation?, South African Journal of Botany (2015),
Africa, are thanked for their nancial support of this project. We would
like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments
that have improved the original manuscript.
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Please cite this article as: Weyl, P.S.R., Coetzee, J.A., Morphological variations in southern African populations of Myriophyllum spicatum:
Phenotypic plasticity or local adaptation?, South African Journal of Botany (2015),
... These genotypes guarantee high success rates over an extremely variable range of environmental conditions, as well as significant morphological variations in populations, growing phases, and seasons (Barrett et al., 1993). This exceptional adaptive plasticity supports a rich suite of compensatory responses that involve morphological, physiological and phenological traits (Santamaría et al., 2003;Weyl & Coetzee, 2016 and references therein), which are largely regulated by external physiological stresses (driving factors), including fluctuating resources, eutrophication and hydromorphological disturbance (Hutchings & John, 2004;Arshid & Wani, 2013;Rejmánková et al., 2018). Phenotypic plasticity also emerges as a preeminent mechanism involved in IAAP's dissemination strategy. ...
... Conversely in South Africa, Myriophyllum spicatum L. turned out to be extremely variable in morphological terms. Divergent morphologies were observed to be an effect of specific local adaptations during a long evolutionary history in the region (Weyl & Coetzee, 2016). However, when the experimental growing conditions were changed, different M. spicatum populations displayed a similar behaviour, especially under lower nutrient conditions. ...
... However, when the experimental growing conditions were changed, different M. spicatum populations displayed a similar behaviour, especially under lower nutrient conditions. This confirms the possible evolution of specific local adaptations for aquatic plants ( Barrett et al., 1993;Santamaría et al., 2003), which reinforces their invasive behaviour and the appearance of local bottleneck effects supported by a limited gene flow (Weyl & Coetzee, 2016). ...
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The global and seemingly unstoppable spread of invasive alien plants emerges as one of the main topics of current science. This is due to the multiple repercussions of invasive plants on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, plus huge consequences on human existence. In freshwaters, lots of invaders are extremely competitive by virtue of their idiosyncratic reproductive and adaptive strategies. As “inland islands”, freshwaters seem particularly prone to changes when invaded, such as reorganisation of food webs and biotic interactions. Together, these events are self-reinforcing, implying hardly reversible hysteric phenomena. The intention of this paper is to point out: invasion pathways, driving factors, invasion mechanisms, and noticeable effects mediated by plant invaders in freshwaters through an extensive knowledge review. The growing evidence suggests the dawn of a new epochal phase: a globally alien-dominated “bio-historical horizon”, tentatively called “Exocene”, where invaders play predominant roles that drive freshwaters functioning and successional unexpected stages. In the context of invasion science, Exocene reinforces the need for an ecosystem-based perspective to properly understand the implications of plant invaders in freshwaters. Seven challenging issues emerge to be addressed to better outline the global paths of biodiversity and functioning between biomes when faced with biological invasion.
... Adaptation to long term environmental changes occur via genotypic variation, i.e. the evolution of the genetic code due to somatic mutations, selection pressures and gene flow (Harris et al., 1992;Cao et al., 2017). Genotypic variation can sometimes confer specific life-history traits differing among populations (Reusch and Hughes, 2006;Weyl and Coetzee, 2016;T oth et al., 2017). Recently, it has been shown that genotypic variation strongly influences the resilience of ecosystems after disturbances (Oliver et al., 2015;Ehlers et al., 2016;Timpane-Padgham et al., 2017). ...
... M. spicatum originates from Eurasia, but is present now as invasive species in North America and South Africa (Weyl and Coetzee, 2016). It is used as a model species for rooted aquatic plants in freshwater ecosystems and is the subject of two standardized protocols in ERA since 2014 (OECD tests n 238 and n 239, OECD, 2014a, b). ...
... It is used as a model species for rooted aquatic plants in freshwater ecosystems and is the subject of two standardized protocols in ERA since 2014 (OECD tests n 238 and n 239, OECD, 2014a, b). Its genotypic variation and phenotypic plasticity have been widely documented regarding different populations and their genetic structure, or their plasticity toward environmental variations (Barko and Smart, 1981;Hussner et al., 2009;Li et al., 2010;Cao et al., 2012;Weyl and Coetzee, 2016;T oth et al., 2017). In this study, we exposed seven genotypes of M. spicatum to three Cu concentrations and (1) assessed their difference in their lifehistory traits, (2) studied their difference in sensitivity through physiological and morphological endpoints and (3) linked their differences in life-history traits with their sensitivity. ...
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It has been extensively studied in a context of chemical resistance, but remains poorly studied in response to chemical exposure in a context of global change. As aquatic ecosystems are particularly affected by environmental changes, we aimed to study how genotypic variability could inflect the sensitivity of aquatic plants to chemicals. Seven genotypes of Myriophyllum spicatum were exposed to three copper concentrations at 0, 0.15 and 0.5 mg/L. The sensitivity of the different genotypes was assessed through several endpoints such as relative growth rate (RGR) and morphological traits, as well as physiological markers, such as plant biomacromolecular composition. Our results showed that genotypes exhibited significant differences in their life-history traits in absence of chemical contamination. Some trait syndromes were observed, and three growth strategies were identified: (1) biomass production and main shoot elongation, (2) dry matter storage with denser whorls to promote resource conservation and (3) lateral shoot production. An up to eightfold difference in sensitivity for growth-related endpoints was observed among genotypes. Differences in sensitivity were partly attributed to morphological life-history traits. Our results confirm that genotypic variability can significantly affect M. spicatum sensitivity to Cu, and may influence the outcomes of laboratory testing based on the study of one single genotype. We recommend including genotypic variation as an assessment factor in ecological risk assessment and to study this source of variability more in depth as a possible driver of ecosystem resilience.
... Myriophyllum spicatum L. originates from Asia, Europe and northern Africa (Figure 1.5). Nowadays, this species is considered invasive in South Africa and in Northern America due to its high competitiveness (Weyl and Coetzee 2016). Indeed, M. spicatum can easily spread through clonal reproduction with fragment dispersal, and also through sexual reproduction with seed dispersion through water and animal transport, and grows quickly to form canopies (Gross 2001). ...
... It has been acknowledged to play an important role in species adjustment to short term environmental shifts, via phenotypic plasticity, i.e. the ability of one genotype to produce several phenotypes depending on its environment (Sultan 1995(Sultan , 2000Whitman and Agrawal 2009), and to long term environmental changes, via genotypic variation, i.e. the evolution of the genetic code due to somatic mutations, selection pressures and gene fluxes (Harris et al. 1992;Cao et al. 2017). Genotypic variation can sometimes confer specific life-history traits differing among genotypes and populations (Harris et al. 1992;Hughes and Stachowicz 2004;Reusch and Hughes 2006;Weyl and Coetzee 2016;Tóth et al. 2017). Recently, it has been demonstrated that intraspecific variability, more specifically genotypic variation, strongly inflects the resilience of ecosystems after a disturbance (Reusch and Hughes 2006;Ehlers et al. 2016;Oliver et al. 2015;Timpane-Padgham et al. 2017). ...
... Its genotypic variation and phenotypic plasticity have been widely documented regarding different populations and their genetic structure, or their plasticity toward environmental variations (Barko and Smart 1981;Hussner et al. 2009;Cao et al. 2012;Li et al. 2010;Weyl and Coetzee 2016;Tóth et al. 2017). ...
Intraspecific variability plays a pivotal role in short and long term responses of species to environmental fluctuations. This variability, expressed through different traits of individuals, can potentially influence species sensitivity to chemical contamination. This intraspecific variability is currently not taken into account in ecotoxicological risk assessment, whereas it can mislead its results. To examine this hypothesis, the importance of intraspecific variability in the response to copper (Cu) was quantified in controlled conditions for three aquatic macrophyte species, Lemna minor, Myriophyllum spicatum and Ceratophyllum demersum. Variations among genotypes of each of these 3 species were compared to interspecific variability. Results have highlighted a significant genotypic variability, whose importance depends on the species considered. Indeed, L. minor demonstrated a low variability, contrarily to M. spicatum whose variability in growth inhibition by Cu was higher than interspecific differences. In order to specify the extent and the mechanisms of genotypic variability in M. spicatum, other experiments involving measurements of life-history traits have been conducted on 7 genotypes exposed to Cu. Results showed that some genotypes were up to eightfold more sensitive to Cu than others (at concentrations ranging between 0.15 and 0.5 mg/L). These differences in sensitivity were partly explained by the traits measured, but physiological or transcriptomic endpoints may explain more precisely the source of these differences in sensitivity. Finally, 3 experiments with fluctuations in nutrient concentrations, light intensity and Cu pre-exposure have demonstrated that phenotypic plasticity plays an important role in L. minor sensitivity to Cu. Indeed, the weakening of individuals, as a result of unfavorable environmental conditions, can lead to a two-fold increase in sensitivity to Cu.[...]
... When phenotypic polymorphism is observed, it is likely that fitness has been improved in one habitat by relinquishing some ability in another. Indeed, the intra-specific diversity of many widespread plant species includes local adaptations to a range of environments rather than just an adaptable all-purpose phenotype (Van Tienderen, 1990;Balfourier and Charmet, 1991a;Weyl and Coetzee, 2016). Local adaptations have been shown to emerge in reaction to small-scale and large-scale environmental variations (Clausen et al., 1940;Burdon, 1980;Linhart and Grant, 1996;Macel et al., 2007). ...
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Background and aims: The persistence of a plant population under a specific local climatic regime requires phenotypic adaptation with underlying peculiar combinations of alleles at adaptive loci. The level of allele diversity at adaptive loci within a natural plant population conditions its potential to evolve, notably towards adaptation to a change in climate. Investigating the environmental factors that contribute to maintain adaptive diversity in populations is thus worthwhile. Within-population allele diversity at adaptive loci can be partly driven by the mean climate at population site but also by its temporal variability. Methods: The effects of climate temporal mean and variability on within-population allele diversity at putatively adaptive QTLs were evaluated using 385 natural populations of Lolium perenne L. (perennial ryegrass) collected right across Europe. For seven adaptive traits related to reproductive phenology and vegetative potential growth seasonality, the average within-population allele diversity at major QTLs (HeA) was computed. Key results: Significant relationships were found between HeA of these traits and temporal mean and variability of local climate. Those relationships were consistent with functional ecology theory. Conclusions: Results indicated that temporal variability of local climate has likely led to fluctuating directional selection, which has contributed to maintain allele diversity at adaptive loci and thus potential for further adaptation.
... It is widely accepted that morphological differences in domesticated animal populations of the same species are usually driven by farmer's selection or by adaptive mechanisms, such as phenotypic plasticity and local adaptation (de Jong and Bijma 2002). Phenotypic plasticity is the ability of a genotype to develop different phenotypes that fit better to the environmental conditions, whereas local adaptation to environmental conditions is a genetic change mainly due to natural selection (Weyl and Coetzee 2016). Hence, the morphological traits of cattle, regardless of its genetic type, are influenced by environment. ...
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This study explored the potential role of agro-ecology in shaping the morphology of Lagune cattle population of Benin. A total of 708 adult Lagune cattle were sampled randomly from nine provenances in two agro-ecological zones (AEZs) and were assessed for eight qualitative and twelve linear body measurements. Data were analyzed using generalized linear model procedures (PROC GLM) followed by the multiple comparison of least square means (LSMEAN) according to the Tukey-Kramer method and multivariate analytical methods, including canonical discrimination analysis (CDA) and hierarchical ascendant classification. Irrespective of AEZ and sex, the body length (102.3 ± 9.31 cm) was greater than the wither height (93.1 ± 7.39 cm) and the body index smaller than 0.85. However, there were significant differences between the two AEZs for most of the measured morphometric and qualitative traits. Moreover, a male-biased sexual size dimorphism was recorded. The CDA based on only four basic body measurements (rump height, body length, heart girth, and ear length) and the calculated Mahalanobis distances suggest that the populations from the two AEZs are distinct and could be further considered ecotypes. Nevertheless, the overall moderate classification rate (70%) of the individual animals into their group of origin indicates interbreeding between the two populations. The pairwise Mahalanobis distances between provenances in the same AEZ were also significant. Together, these results provide supporting evidence for the existence of subdivisions in the Lagune cattle populations from South Benin. The high morphological diversity in the Lagune cattle recorded in the present study could serve as a starting point for the development of efficient selection and sound subpopulation management strategies but also for further phenotypic and genetic characterizations.
... Some authors suggested that intraspecific variation could increase ecosystem productivity and resilience when exposed to disturbance (Loreau and Hector, 2001;Reusch and Hughes, 2006). However, intraspecific variation, especially in aquatic plants, has so far been poorly investigated, particularly when it comes to the sensitivity to contamination (Weyl and Coetzee, 2016). The few existing studies have highlighted some differences in terms of sensitivity among strains of a same species, but the importance of intraspecific variation was never compared to interspecific variation (Dalton et al., 2013;Sree et al., 2015). ...
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To limit anthropogenic impact on ecosystems, regulations have been implemented along with global awareness that human activities are harmful to the environment. Ecological risk assessment (ERA) is the main procedure which allows to assess potential impacts of stressors on the environment as a result of human activities. ERA is typically implemented through different steps of laboratory testing. The approaches taken for ERA evolve along with scientific knowledge, to improve predictions on ecological risks for ecosystems. We here address the importance of intraspecific variability as a potential source of error in the laboratory evaluation of pollutants. To answer this question, three aquatic macrophyte species with different life-history traits but with their leaves directly in contact with the water were chosen; Lemna minor and Myriophyllum spicatum, two OECD model species, and Ceratophyllum demersum. For each species, three or four genotypes were exposed to 7-8 copper concentrations (up to 1.9 mg/L, 2 mg/L or 36 mg/L for C. demersum, L. minor and M. spicatum, respectively). To assess species sensitivity, growth-related endpoints such as Relative Growth Rate (RGR), based either on biomass production or on length/frond production, and chlorophyll fluorescence Fv/Fm, were measured. For each endpoint, the effective concentration 50% (EC50) was calculated. Almost all endpoints were affected by Cu exposure, except Fv/Fm of M. spicatum, and resulted in significant differences among genotypes for Cu sensitivity. Genotypes of L. minor exhibited up to 35% of variation in EC50 values based on Fv/Fm, showing differential sensivity among genotypes. Significant differences in EC50 values were found for RGR based on length for M. spicatum, with up to 72% of variation. Finally, C. demersum demonstrated significant sensitivity differences among genotypes with up to 78 % variation for EC50 based on length. Overall, interspecific variation was higher than intraspecific variation, and explained 77% of the variation found among genotypes for RGR based on biomass, and 99% of the variation found for Fv/Fm. Our results highlight that depending on the endpoint, sensitivity can vary greatly within a species, and that pollutant- and species-specific endpoints should be considered in ERA.
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The pervasiveness of threats posed by biological invasions presents significant challenges to human well-being, biodiversity conservation, and natural resource management, which has contributed to the growth of invasion science as a discipline. However, several studies have shown that the social-ecological complexity of invasions, the compartmentalisation of knowledge into disciplines and the lack of integrative research approaches, current invasion research has not informed management decision making effectively. Thus, to maximise the impact of research investments, there is a need to explore and evaluate how research informs management practices and processes linked to biological invasions. Accordingly, this dissertation outlines the state of invasion management-related research in South Africa, using the internationally recognised Working for Water (WfW) programme as a case study. Drawing on insights from science studies and evaluation research, a mixed-method approach is used to assess the processes, conditions and outputs associated with research produced under the programme’s auspices. The research comprised two areas of inquiry 1) the exploration of textual information (journal articles, grey literature, and their content), and 2) the social dimensions of research and decision making linked to invasion science and management, with a specific focus on collaborative relationships amongst scientists and decision makers. It sought to determine the extent to which published research aligned with the programme’s needs, research and management strategies. The research also aimed to identify effective ways for organising and producing knowledge relevant to decision making; and to provide insights into how the social dimensions, the people and organisations, their interactions and impact, have shaped research and decision-making processes. Findings suggest that there are significant gaps in the knowledge base particularly in relation to the social dimensions of biological invasions, which were poorly represented and aligned with the mandate and priorities set by the programme. This research showed significant deficiencies in knowledge management and the uptake of research funded by the programme, despite its potential relevance to decision making as evidenced by the recommendations presented in the research. Moreover, research produced under WfW’s auspices was authored by a handful of key researchers who fulfil a significant role in shaping research collaborations both across disciplines and institutions. The loss of these key individuals, including those involved in management-related decision making, would be detrimental to the stability of collaboration networks and research productivity. Finally, findings show that research productivity, collaborative relationships between scientists within and across research organisations, and between research and decision-making processes are positively influenced by collegiality and cooperation between actors, while increased competition and bureaucratisation in the workplace negatively influence research productivity. To address the shortcomings concerning the invasion research and management identified in this dissertation, efforts towards improving the relationship between researchers and decision-makers and building more resilient collaboration networks need to be implemented. Firstly, institutions must engage in and fund more targeted, long-term transdisciplinary or integrative research that incorporates appropriate structures that foster collaboration, knowledge coproduction and knowledge sharing. Secondly, systems and strategies for monitoring and evaluating research, including the use of bibliometric indicators, social network analyses and qualitative assessments, should be developed to ensure that research relevant to managing biological invasions is not lost to the decision-making process. Such an undertaking would in turn require the development of an integrated research strategy and action plan that accounts for both the knowledge management and the social processes underpinning research and decision making.
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The submerged aquatic macrophyte Myriophyllum spicatum L. (Haloragaceae) has been recorded in southern Africa since 1829. It was first considered problematic in 2005 on the Vaal River, which has highlighted the need for an assessment of the invasion status and an appropriate management strategy to be identified. We used a unified invasion framework to categorise M. spicatum in southern Africa and define appropriate management strategies. Historical records and field surveys were used to assess the invasion status. Populations were considered established if collection records from a particular catchment or river system spanned at least 10 years and in some cases several localities. Of the 21 river systems where it has been recorded, it was evaluated as established in 13 and in the D1-E category of invasion. The disjunct populations suggest that it was point source introductions and thus the major barrier that prevents M. spicatum from proceeding along the invasion framework is its inability to naturally disperse the greater distances between catchments. Appropriate management strategies need to be catchment or river system based depending on the stage or state and category of invasion. Where M. spicatum is in the D1-E stage – established and potentially spreading, the appropriate management strategies include containment, and where possible, mitigation.
Aquatic plant 'managers and scientists have become increasingly interested in the potential for genetic variation to explain differences in the ecology or management response of invasive Eurasian watermilfoil. To date, genetic studies of invasive milfoil populations have focused on genetic identification techniques to distinguish Eurasian from hybrid watermilfoils. However, genetic variation within and among Eurasian and hybrid milfoil populations has been neglected, despite the potential for genetically distinct populations to exhibit unique ecological characteristics (including response to management efforts). Here we fill a gap in genetic studies of Eurasian and hybrid milfoils by employing amplified fragment length polymorphism markers (AFLPs) to assess patterns of genetic variation within and among Eurasian and hybrid watermilfoil. We demonstrate that Eurasian watermilfoil in North America consists of at least two distinct genetic lineages that were introduced to different parts of the continent on separate occasions. We also show that "hybrid watermilfoils" constitute a genetically diverse group that likely reflects a pattern of recurrent hybridization between native northern watermilfoil and both Eurasian lineages. The uncovering of genetic variability in Eurasian and hybrid watermilfoils demonstrates a need for further study of these groups' ecology and management response. Finally, given the increasing interest in molecular identification methods, we compare identifications based on AFLPs to those of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences. We found ITS identifications were commonly congruent with ITS, but a small fraction of ITS identifications incorrectly identified hybrid watermilfoils as Eurasian or northern milfoil.
1 Studies of morphological plasticity in clonal plants have analysed responses to habitat quality in terms of spacer (stolon or rhizome internode) length and branching intensity. The capacity for these parameters to respond to environmental quality has been interpreted as an expression of foraging behaviour, as it confers the potential to intensify the placement of ramets in the more favourable microhabitats (patches) of a heterogeneous environment. This plasticity in clonal morphology is compared with similar responses of individual shoots and roots to habitat quality that have also been accepted as manifestations of foraging behaviour. 2 The most consistent morphological response shown by clonal species is a higher branching intensity-an increased propensity of lateral meristems to grow out and form lateral rhizomes and stolons-under conditions of higher resource supply. In contrast, spacer lengths show a variety of responses to light and nutrient availability, and many species exhibit no significant response. Even in stoloniferous species, where stolon internodes tend to shorten under higher photon flux densities, the degree of shortening may often be insufficient to elicit a significant concentration of ramets in favourable habitat patches. 3 Many clonal and nonclonal species have however, been shown to be very efficient in placing leaves and roots in areas of high resource supply within their environment. This is achieved by a high level of morphological plasticity of the shoot and root branches. 4 We therefore suggest that it is the highly plastic changes in the morphology of individual ramets that enable effective exploitation of local concentrations of essential resources once they have been located. The unresponsive spacer lengths of many clonal species may permit a continuous search of habitat space by the plant, rather than a selective placement of ramets. 5 The foraging concept is reformulated in more general terms relating to resource-acquisition strategies, so that it is applicable to both clonal and nonclonal species of plants.
Under controlled experimental conditions, the influences of light and temperature on the growth and metabolism of Egeria densa Planch, Hydrilla verticillata Royle, and Myriophyllum spicatum L. were comparatively examined. Light was controlled at six levels ranging between 5 and 75% of full sunlight at solar noon. Water temperature was controlled at five levels ranging between 16@? and 32@?C. Growth considerations included morphology, biomass, and nutrition. Photosynthesis, respiration, and CO"2 compensation points were determined to evaluate physiological differences in plant growth as affected by the experimental ranges of temperature and light. External morphology in these species was significantly affected by the different experimental light and temperature conditions. Both low light and high temperature promoted extensive shoot elongation and associated canopy formation. Biomass production and carbon metabolism in all species were influenced more by temperature than by light. Each of the species demonstrated metabolic acclimation to light over a broad range. Conversely, the macrophyte species considered here were not strictly capable of acclimating to temperature. Growth rate and the seasonal progression of senescence were interrelated in these species. Higher temperatures stimulated growth and promoted a compression of the growth cycle. The relationship between photosynthesis and respiration (P:R) was appreciably reduced by senescence, but the CO"2 compensation point did not reflect this condition. In the species examined, CO"2 compensation points decreased with increasing temperature, suggesting adaptations to low free CO"2 levels in the environment. Latitudinal differences in integral seasonal temperature, in relation to species-specific ranges of thermal tolerance, appear to be important in influencing the geographical distribution of the species considered here. Light may be the primary determinant of their depth distribution, but its importance in this regard could be somewhat diminished by their significant abilities to extend to the water surface under low light conditions.
1. This study describes the life cycle of Myriophyllum spicatum L., a serious weed control problem at Lake Musconetcong, New Jersey. 2. Density is determined primarily by substratum particle size and secondarily by depth (light) and temperature (ooze, shallowness and warmth favoring luxuriance). Affinities are for alkaline situations; high acidity is limiting. The species is basic in the economy of Lake Musconetcong because of its abundance. It determines the daily pH cycle and aids in maintaining a high pH. It provides support for the organisms which comprise the base of the food chain: Aufwuchs and tychoplankton. 3. M. spicatum vegetates perennially and flowers during late summer. Pre-seasonal blooming occurs to some extent at the beginning of the summer, but viable fruits are not reproduced. Flowering begins in the shallow, protected coves and extends out into open water as the season progresses. About 57 percent of all stems in the shallow areas and 33 percent in open water flower annually. The fruits drop from the plants in the several months following flowering. Growth and reproduction by fragmentation occur throughout the winter months. Toward early spring, small axillary buds are produced which abscise and germinate into independent plants. There is also considerable sprouting in spring from rhizomes. This and the new growth from small buds are the most significant means of vernal revegetation. 4. Germination is delayed, but a number of conditioning treatments including freezing and drying induce fairly prompt activity. The stony endocarps inhibit germination, and the conditioning treatments presumably decrease their effectiveness in this capacity. Accidental freezing or drying of seed in nature increases the capacity to germinate with the return of favorable conditions. Generally, at least 80-90 percent of achenes produced are viable, and they may remain so for a decade or more. There are very few seed predators. Evidence suggested that achenes ingested by fishes or waterfowl would become more viable instead of being digested. The stony endocarp is essential to the proper germination of the embryo, serving to force the radical through the micropyle. Dispersal of seed within a drainage system occurs by normal downstream carriage of single achenes, and movement of achenes still attached to sexual spikes or frozen into ice. Dispersal to other drainages proceeds in the digestive tracts of waterfowl. 5. Seedlings are very vulnerable to predation and shading. Also, they must effect rapid ecesis. A response favoring the latter is the increased growth of hypocotyl and cotyledons at the expense of epicotyl development in the absence of soil. This indicates considerable plasticity regarding adaptability. 6. The primary root of the seedling serves only for initial attachment following which it aborts. The definitive root system is developed adventitiously. Mechanical support of the stem is provided by the leaves (although the stems themselves are about the same specific gravity as water). The lower leaves are either naturally caducous or shaded out as the plants mature. 7. Sexual reproduction is not significant in the present ecology of Lake Musconetcong in producing new plant material. But continuance of the species is assured by the presence of these very tolerant propagules. The sexual spike emerges from the water by a combination of factors: Increased floatability of the spike produced by its swelling, curvature at the base of the spike in conjunction with the counter-thrust of the stem beneath, and increased rigidity of the spike allowing it to remain erected into the atmosphere. Self-pollination is limited by protogynous dichogamy. Pollination is aerial, somewhat entomophilous, but mostly anemophilous. 8. The production of all new material of M. spicatum in Lake Musconetcong occurs asexually by fragmentation and abscission of vegetative parts (including the small, turion-like buds of spring), and by adventitious sprouting from rhizomes. Even dispersal of the species to other drainage systems is partially achieved in this stage by the adherence of the small, slime-covered spring buds to the feet and plumage of birds. Most dispersal within the drainage is achieved by the downstream movement of floating fragments.
Competition between two globally economic and ecologically important submerged aquatic macrophytes, Lagarosiphon major (Rid.) Moss ex Wage and Myriophyllum spicatum L., was studied in response to growing in different substrate nutrient and sediment treatments. Addition series experiments were conducted with mixed plantings of L. major and M. spicatum grown under two soil nutrient concentrations (high vs. low) and two sediment treatments (sand vs. loam). Competitive ability of the plants was determined using an inverse linear model of the total dry weights as the yield variable. In high nutrient sediment treatments, L. major was the stronger competitor relative to M. spicatum, with one L. major plant being competitively equivalent to 2.5 M. spicatum plants in terms of their respective ability to reduce L. major biomass. In the loam sediment treatments, L. major was an even stronger competitor relative to M. spicatum with one L. major being equivalent to 10 M. spicatum plants. Additionally, L. major had a faster relative growth rate (RGR) than M. spicatum when grown in mixed cultures, a loam sediment type and at both high and low planting densities. The results indicated that L. major is a superior competitor to M. spicatum and that both nutrient and sediment conditions significantly affect the competitive ability of both species. The results contribute to the understanding of competition between submerged invasive macrophytes, and provide insight into the establishment and spread of invasive submerged macrophytes
A review and information from recent research are provided on the biology of Eurasian watermilfoil, a weed species introduced from Eurasia, that occurs in lakes in British Columbia and in lakes and rivers of Eastern Canada, especially those close to the St. Lawrence Seaway. A table of characteristics that distinguish this species from M. exalbescens and M. verticillatum is provided. No single method of control offers the possibility of complete eradication; but the best ones include mechanical harvesting, the use of the selective herbicide 2,4-d, contact herbicides Diquat and Paraquat, rototilling and diver-operated dredges.
Isozymes of six freshwater angiosperm species were examined as a measure of genetic variation within and between populations. Five species (Myriophyllum triphyllum Orchard, Myriophyllum propinquum A. Cunn., Myriophyllum pedunculatum Hook. f., Potamogeton cheesemanii A. Benn., and Potamogeton ochreatus Raoul) are native to New Zealand, while Potamogeton crispus L., is adventive. Species were collected from a wide geographic range of lakes and rivers throughout New Zealand. Myriophyllum triphyllum, Myriophyllum propinquum and Myriophyllum pedunculatum were sampled from 23, 18 and five lakes respectively, while Potamogeton cheesemanii, Potamogeton ochreatus and Potamogeton crispus were collected from a total of 12, nine and four water bodies, respectively. The plants were grown under uniform conditions prior to analysis and analysed by starch gel electrophoresis for the following enzyme systems: PGM, PGD, MDH, GPI, AAT, EST, and IDH. All species studied showed little isozyme genetic diversity between populations and even less variability within populations. On a relative scale, Myriophyllum propinquum displayed the largest degree of genetic differentiation, Myriophyllum pedunculatum and all three Potamogeton spp. were moderately variable, and Myriophyllum triphyllum showed the lowest level of diversity. There was a close correlation between the amounts of intra- and interpopulation genetic variability in all species. No association between geographic and genetic distances between populations could be found for any of the species examined, and the patterns of distribution of isozyme phenotypes and genotypes over populations suggest that populations are often started by a single colonising propagule, or several propagules of identical genotype, and then predominantly grow through vegetative propagation. The apparent lack of genetic variability indicated by the results of this study is consistent with low levels of variability observed amongst aquatic macrophytes in other countries.