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Cannabinoids and Terpenes as Chemotaxonomic Markers in Cannabis

  • The Werc Shop
  • The Werc Shop

Abstract and Figures

In this paper, we present principal component analysis (PCA) results from a dataset containing 494 cannabis flower samples and 170 concentrate samples analyzed for 31 compounds. A continuum of chemical composition amongst cannabis strains was found instead of distinct chemotypes. Our data shows that some strains are much more reproducible in chemical composition than others. Strains labeled as indica were compared with those labeled as sativa and no evidence was found that these two cultivars are distinctly different chemotypes. PCA of “OG” and “Kush” type strains found that “OG” strains have relatively higher levels of α-terpineol, fenchol, limonene, camphene, terpinolene and linalool where “Kush” samples are characterized mainly by the compounds trans-ocimene, guaiol, β-eudesmol, myrcene and α-pinene. The composition of concentrates and flowers were compared as well. Although the absolute concentration of compounds in concentrates is much higher, the relative composition of compounds between flowers and concentrates is similar.
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Volume 3 • Issue 4 • 1000181
Nat Prod Chem Res
ISSN: 2329-6836 NPCR, an open access journal
ISSN: 2329-6836 Natural Products Chemistry & Research
Elzinga et al., Nat Prod Chem Res 2015, 3:4
Research Article Open Access
Cannabinoids and Terpenes as Chemotaxonomic Markers in Cannabis
Elzinga S1, Fischedick J2, Podkolinski R1 and Raber JC1*
1The Werc Shop, LLC, Pasadena, CA 91107, USA
2Excelsior Analytical Lab, Inc., Union City, CA 94587, USA
*Corresponding author: Raber JC, The Werc Shop, LLC, Pasadena, CA 91107,
USA, Tel: 855-665-9993; E-mail:
Received June 30, 2015; Accepted July 13, 2015; Published July 20, 2015
Citation: Elzinga S, Fischedick J, Podkolinski R, Raber JC (2015) Cannabinoids and
Terpenes as Chemotaxonomic Markers in Cannabis. Nat Prod Chem Res 3: 181.
Copyright: © 2015 Elzinga S, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and
source are credited.
Keywords: Cannabis; Tetrahydrocannabinol; Cannabidiol;
Marijuana; Terpenoids; Terpenes; Strains; Taxonomy
Cannabis has been used for medicinal and recreational purposes for
millennia. From a taxonomic perspective scientists have been debating
the presence of multiple species for quite some time. Some scientist
delineates 3 species, C. sativa (marijuana type), C. indica (hemp type)
and C. ruderalis (wild type), where others see this as just a variety of 1
species and associated subspecies thereunder [1-4]. is distinction is
exceptionally important as most US States new laws consider Cannabis
sativa L. and subspecies as the only legal cultivars allowed.
It is commonly accepted in cannabis culture to make the distinction
between sativa and indica strains [5]. Indica plantsare said to be short,
densely branched and have wider leaves and are claimed to be sedative
and good for pain relief. Sativa plantsare tall, loosely branched and
have long, narrow leaves. Sativa is claimed to be upliing, stimulating
and recommended for daytime use. is is the typical information
a patient or recreational user will hear when they visit a medicinal
cannabis dispensary or recreational store. However, we only found one
published study that compared indica and sativa strains in patients [6].
is study showed that cannabis was uniformly eective in relieving
symptoms across a wide range of diagnostic categories. Indica strains
appeared superior to sativa strains in improving energy and appetite.
No statistical dierence between sativa and indica was found for pain,
mood, nausea, muscle spasms, seizures, ocular, insomnia, awareness
or neuropathy. Strains were assigned based upon morphology.
is study was not blinded and the observed dierences could be
a result of expectations by the patient.If sativa and indica truly have
dierent physiological eects upon consumption, some compound or
interaction of compounds need to be responsible for this. It has been
shown that cannabidiol (CBD) can inuence the psychoactive eects
of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) [7] and it has been postulated that
the combination of phytocannabinoids and terpenes could result in
complementary or synergistic results oen referred to as the “entourage
eect” [8]. In this paper we use PCA to investigate the analytical results
for cannabinoids and terpenes in 494 cannabis ower samples and
170 cannabis concentrates. is analysis is performed in an attempt
to investigate the potential existence of distinct cannabis chemotypes
that could explain the dierent eects people experience from specic
cannabis strains. Cannabinoids and terpenes were chosen as chemotype
markers as they are considered to be the main physiologically active
constituents in cannabis.Researchers have looked at cannabis from
In this paper, we present principal component analysis (PCA) results from a dataset containing 494 cannabis
ower samples and 170 concentrate samples analyzed for 31 compounds. A continuum of chemical composition
amongst cannabis strains was found instead of distinct chemotypes. Our data shows that some strains are much
more reproducible in chemical composition than others. Strains labeled as indica were compared with those labeled
as sativa and no evidence was found that these two cultivars are distinctly different chemotypes. PCA of “OG” and
“Kush” type strains found that “OG” strains have relatively higher levels of α-terpineol, fenchol, limonene, camphene,
terpinolene and linalool where “Kush” samples are characterized mainly by the compounds trans-ocimene, guaiol,
β-eudesmol, myrcene and α-pinene. The composition of concentrates and owers were compared as well. Although
the absolute concentration of compounds in concentrates is much higher, the relative composition of compounds
between owers and concentrates is similar.
a chemotaxonomic perspective as well. Small and Beckstead split C.
sativa L. into three chemotypes based upon CBD/THC ratio [4]. Type
1 has a CBD/THC ratio of <0.5, type II has an intermediate CBD/THC
ratio of 0.5-3.0 and type 3 has a ratio of >3.0. DeMeijer et al showed
that this could be explained genetically by a model involving one locus,
with two alleles. One allele codes for CBDA synthase where the other
codes for THCA synthase. e alleles where shown to be co-dominant
[9]. Pacico et al later showed that classication using just the CBD/
THC values will mask the existence of chemotypes with relatively
high amounts of other cannabinoids [10]. Various authors have tried
using the secondary metabolites in combination with PCA for forensic
investigation of the geographical origin of the plant material [11-
13]. e most elaborate study was performed by El Sohly et al who
analyzed 157 samples from six geographical regions and classied
them using statistical analysis of 175 GC/MS peaks. Although they
managed to dierentiate samples from dierent countries the success
of this approach was limited as not only geographical location but
many other cultivation variables inuenced the chemical composition
of the owers. Much of the cannabis available in the western world
is grown indoors oen with strict control of variables. e use of
controlled lighting cycles, specialized soil, ne-tuned nutrients and
pest control eliminate many of the environmental variables and will
make geographical assigning of the plant dicult if not impossible.
Fischedick et al analyzed 11 cultivars of cannabis for 36 compounds
and managed to discriminate the various cultivars with PCA [14].
Higher levels of cannabinoids correlated positively to higher levels
in terpenoids (R2=0.7688). e authors of this paper showed that it is
possible to grow cannabis with reproducible terpene and cannabinoid
levels over dierent batches as long as environmental conditions and
genetics are standardized. Alterations in grow cycle time, plant stress
and dierent genotype can cause considerable dierences in the
chemical prole.
Volume 3 • Issue 4 • 1000181
Nat Prod Chem Res
ISSN: 2329-6836 NPCR, an open access journal
Citation: Elzinga S, Fischedick J, Podkolinski R, Raber JC (2015) Cannabinoids and Terpenes as Chemotaxonomic Markers in Cannabis. Nat Prod
Chem Res 3: 181. doi:10.4172/2329-6836.1000181
Page 2 of 9
A study by Casano et al investigated the variability of terpene proles
in 16 plants from dierent strains of C. sativa L. [15]. ey separated
the samples into ‘mostly indica’ and ‘mostly sativa’ based upon the
morphological appearance declared by cultivators of the strain. e
studies showed a large variation of relative content of terpenes between
strains and suggest that terpene variation can be used as a tool for
characterization of cannabis bio types. In this study ‘mostly indica’
strains were characterized by dominancy of β-myrcene with limonene
or α-pinene as the second most abundant terpenes. e ‘mostly sativa’
strains were characterized by more complex terpene proles, with some
strains having α-terpinolene or α-pinene as dominant, and some strains
having β-myrcene as dominant with α-terpinolene or trans-β-ocimene
as second most abundant.To our knowledge this is the rst paper
reporting chemo typical dierences using samples that are available to
patients in the California medicinal cannabis dispensaries. Most of the
previous papers use samples collected worldwide and based upon their
reported cannabinoids levels, are not representative of the cannabis
currently available in the United States to patients and recreational
users. It is important to note that doctors oen specically recommend
an indica or sativa strain to their patient, but that the scientic literature
is lacking evidence to support these recommendations. In this paper we
will take a PCA approach to investigate the variation between strains in
the California medicinal marijuana market and also specically look at
the dierences in composition between indica and sativa strains.
Methanol and water of analytical grade as well as terpene reference
standards were purchased from Sigma Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA.
Analytical standards for the cannabinoids were acquired from Restek,
Bellefonte, PA, USA.
Origin of samples
e samples used for this study have been submitted for analysis
to our laboratory by California medicinal marijuana patients in the
period from the beginning of 2012 to the end of 2013. e strain names
for the samples were the names reported by the submitter at the time
of submission.
Statistical analyses
Strains where classied as indica, sativa, hybrid or unknown based
upon the assignment by the cannabis strain database website Leay.
com on June 11, 2015. For concentrates, the whole data set was used
and divided into three categories (high, medium, low CBD). All data
was modulated to express the various compounds as the contribution
to the sum of compounds.
PCA analysis was performed in excel using a macro written by
Tsugawa et al. and is available for free [16] (
Metabolomics_Soware/StatisticalAnalysisOnMicrosoExcel/). When
scaling was performed the option “auto scale” was selected.
Analytical measurements
Quantication of THC, CBD, cannabigerol (CBG), Δ9-
tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA), cannabidiolic acid (CBDA)
and cannabigerolic acid (CBGA) was performed using a Shimadzu
prominence UFLC system (Shimadzu Scientic Instruments,
Columbia, MD, USA). e acidic analytical method as published by
Hazekamp et al. was used [17]. Calculation of THCmax, CBDmax
and CBGmax where performed as described in our previous paper
[18]. Terpene content was determined using GC-FID according to the
same approach as Fischedick et al using retention time comparison
with authentic reference, mass spectra, and literature data [14]. A
5% diphenyl and 95% dimethyl polysiloxane column (SHRX5, 15 m,
0.25 mm ID, 0.25 µm lm thickness, Shimadzu Scientic Instruments,
Columbia, MD, USA) and helium carrier gas (Airgas, Radnor, PA,
USA) was used for separation. (Table 1) list the terpenes that were
analyzed in each sample.
Description of ower data set
e dataset contained 494 samples. At least 8 dierent samples
were present for each uniquely identiable strain. A total of 35 dierent
strains where present in the dataset. Table 2 shows the amount of
replicates for each strain and the average, minimum and maximum
THCmax concentration found in the samples. It can be noticed that the
THCmax levels can vary widely even within one strain. In 14 out of 35
strains the dierence between the minimum and maximum level found
diered by more than a factor of 2 and in the highest case (OG Kush)
even more than a factor of 5. is indicates that it will be exceptionally
hard to predict the potency of a ower product based solely upon the
strain name.
Table 2 also shows the assignment to sativa, indica, hybrid or
unknown. irteen (13) strains were assigned as indica, 5 where
assigned as sativa and 14 as hybrid. ree (3) strains did not occur in
the Leay database that was used for the assignment.
Figure 1 shows the distribution of the THCmax (%) in the total
data set. e average THCmax (%) in the data set was 16.8% and the
median for THCmax was 17.1% the distribution was not Gaussian but
showed three peaks. e rst peak is at 4.5-5.49%, which correlates
with low THCmax content in high CBD strains. e second peak is at
15.5-16.49 and the third peak is at 18.5-19.49%. Information regarding
cultivation condition was not present, but it is speculated that these
two peaks represent the averages for outdoor and indoor cultivation
Figure 2 shows the distribution of the CBDmax (%) in the total data
set. e Figure 2 shows that 478 out of 494 samples had less than 1.49%
CBD indicating that the medicinal marijuana market in California is
dominated by high THC type strains. e average CBDmax (%) in the
data set was 0.6% and the median was 0.3%
e sum of terpenes was plotted against the sum of THCmax and
CBDmax and a R2 value of 0.4248 which is lower than the correlation of
0.77 found by Fischedick [14]. e graph can be found in supplementary
information (Figure 1). is dierence can be explained by the large
variety of strains used in this study where the study by Fischedick was
performed with a limited amount of strains grown and stored under
standardized conditions.For statistical analysis all data was expressed
as a contribution to the sum of all compounds. is modulation of the
data was performed as it is our experience the relative ratios of terpenes
in a strain are more reproducible than the absolute concentration for
a strain. Supplementary information (Figure 2) shows the eect of this
conversion for the 8 main terpenes in 10 dierent Velvet Kush samples.
Absolute data shows more variation than the standardized data. is
eect is likely a result of trichome density [19]. Part of the plant exposed
to more light will have a higher density of trichomes. Also during
trimming of the dried female owers more or less leafy material can be
le behind inuencing the absolute concentration as the trichomes are
the cannabinoid and terpene producing parts of the plant.It was noted
that many owers had a name containing “OG” or “Kush”. Kush is a
Volume 3 • Issue 4 • 1000181
Nat Prod Chem Res
ISSN: 2329-6836 NPCR, an open access journal
Citation: Elzinga S, Fischedick J, Podkolinski R, Raber JC (2015) Cannabinoids and Terpenes as Chemotaxonomic Markers in Cannabis. Nat Prod
Chem Res 3: 181. doi:10.4172/2329-6836.1000181
Page 3 of 9
reference to strains originating from the Hindu Kush region in Central
Asia. e origin of the term “OG” is unknown. To investigate if this
term has any relationship based on the chemical composition of the
plant matter, PCA analysis was performed comparing OG with Kush
type strains. Eleven (11) strains were assigned to the OG group and 5
strains were assigned to the Kush group.
PCA analysis of complete ower data set
e full data set was analyzed without scaling and the scoring and
loading plot can be found in (Figure 3 and 4). PC1 explained 86.3%
of variance and PC2 explained 7.6%. Examination of the loading plot
reveals cannabinoids are responsible for the dierentiation of the
samples. is is expected as the absolute concentration and variation
of cannabinoids is much higher than that of the terpenes therefore
without scaling the cannabinoids will dominate. A grouping of
Harlequin (red), can be noticed. e loading plot indicates that these
strains are dierentiated due to a high CBDmax content. e original
data showed that Harlequin is indeed a high CBD strain and fairly
unique in this aspect. One OG Kush sample (purple) was mixed in with
the Harlequin group and inspection revealed that this indeed was also
Analyzed Terpenes
α-Bisabolol α-Cedrene Limonene α-Phelladerene
Borneol β-Eudesmol Linalool α-Pinene
Camphene (+) Fenchol Menthol β-Pinene
Camphor Geraniol Myrcene Sabinene
Δ3-Carene Guaiol Nerol α-Terpinene
β-Caryophyllene α-Humulene cis-Ocimene α-terpineol
Caryophyllene oxide Isoborneol trans-Ocimene Terpinolene
Table 1: The terpenes analyzed.
Strain Name Replicates Indica/Sativa/Hybrid or Unknown OG or Kush THCmax(%)
Average Min Max
1st Generation Diablo 16 Indica - 20.8 16.2 24.2
Afghan Kush 10 Indica Kush 17.6 14.7 22.0
Alien OG 8 Hybrid OG 19.7 14.6 23.8
Black Mamba 9 Indica - 21.0 19.4 22.8
Blackberry Kush 11 Indica Kush 15.9 12.5 18.0
Blue Dream 31 Hybrid - 16.9 12.2 21.2
Blue Dream Haze 9Hybrid - 17.4 13.6 21.0
Bubba Kush 9 Indica Kush 15.5 10.2 19.4
ChemDawg 14 Hybrid - 16.9 11.2 23.1
Fire OG 23 Hybrid OG 17.3 9.8 20.2
Girl Scout Cookies 19 Hybrid - 15.7 5.8 20.9
Grand Daddy Purple 14 Indica - 16.9 12.2 23.3
Green Crack 16 Sativa - 15.4 11.0 19.1
Harlequin 15 Sativa - 5.0 2.5 12.6
Headband 8Hybrid - 15.5 5.4 22.1
Jack Herer 24 Sativa - 16.9 13.1 21.4
LA Condential 17 Indica - 15.1 8.9 21.7
Larry OG 8 Hybrid OG 17.1 6.2 24.3
Neptune OG 10 Indica OG 18.0 12.6 22.8
NY Sour Diesel 10 Unknown - 15.9 10.8 20.2
OG Herojuana 11 Unknown OG 18.6 15.3 20.7
OG Kush 28 Hybrid - 16.4 4.9 25.0
Platinum OG 8 Indica OG 18.3 15.6 21.4
Pre '98 Bubba 9 Indica - 14.4 9.3 20.3
Purple Kush 8 Indica Kush 13.9 3.8 18.8
SFV OG 12 Hybrid OG 18.9 14.1 23.3
Skywalker 15 Indica - 19.1 9.6 24.5
Skywalker OG 19 Hybrid OG 18.5 13.8 21.7
Sour Diesel 32 Sativa - 16.6 7.7 22.0
Sour OG 10 Hybrid OG 18.0 14.1 24.1
Strawberry Cough 8 Sativa - 15.3 8.7 18.1
Tahoe OG 14 Hybrid OG 17.5 13.2 21.6
Train wreck 16 Hybrid - 14.0 5.9 19.8
True OG 13 Indica OG 18.5 13.4 22.2
Velvet Kush 10 Unknown Kush 21.6 20.0 23.1
Table 2: Summary of the cannabis ower data set.
Volume 3 • Issue 4 • 1000181
Nat Prod Chem Res
ISSN: 2329-6836 NPCR, an open access journal
Citation: Elzinga S, Fischedick J, Podkolinski R, Raber JC (2015) Cannabinoids and Terpenes as Chemotaxonomic Markers in Cannabis. Nat Prod
Chem Res 3: 181. doi:10.4172/2329-6836.1000181
Page 4 of 9
a high CBD sample which was not characteristic of other OG Kush
samples. e same data set was analyzed with scaling. e scoring and
loading plot can be found in (Figure 5 and 6). PC1 explained 22.1% of
variance while PC2 explained 12.5%. Again a grouping of Harlequin
(red) is observed and the loading plot reveals that relatively high
quantities of CBD, α-pinene, guaiol and β-eudesmol are responsible
for the separation in this plot. A second group is observed consisting
of Trainwreck and Jack Herer. e loading plot reveals that this group
is characterized by relatively high amounts of terpinolene, α-terpinene
and α-phellandrene. It is worth noting that the monoterpenoid proles
of these strains were similar to strains described as ‘sativa’ in other
studies [14,15,20]. Plotting of additional principal components did not
reveal any new groupings. As Trainwreck, Jack Herer and Harlequin
were very dominant in the separation, these strains were removed
from the data set to see if additional groups could be detected. When
scaled PCA was performed, PC1 explained 20.5% of the variation,
PC2 explained 10.9%, PC3 8.7% and PC4 7.9%. e PC1 vs PC2 plot
did not show any specic grouping but a general scattered plot of all
the samples. In the PC1 vs PC3 plot a small cluster of Blue Dream could
be noticed (Figure 7). is group showed only slight separation and was
caused by the relatively high concentration of α-pinene in these samples
(Figure 8). When PC1 vs PC4 is plotted a grouping of Green Crack can
be noticed (Figure 9). is group dierentiates itself due to relatively high
amounts of CBGmax, cis-ocimene and trans-ocimene (Figure 10). No
other groupings were noticed in any of the scoring plots.
Comparison of Indica vs Sativa
All unknown and hybrid samples were removed from the data set
and the remaining samples were categorized as either indica (blue) or
sativa (red). Scaled PCA was performed and the scoring and loading
plot can be found in (Figure 11 and 12). PC1 explained 30.2% and PC2
explained 9.2% of the variation. In the scoring plot a mix of indica and
sativa samples can be noticed, but approximately half of the indica
samples separate from the sativa samples. is group is dominant in
the strains 1st Generation Diablo (1stGD), Black Mamba (BM), True
OG (TruenOG), Neptune OG (NepOG) and Skywalker (SkyW). e
loading plot reveals that this group has higher levels of limonene,
Sample count
THCmax (%)
Figure 1: Distribution of THC max (%) in the Flower data set (N=494).
Sample count
CBDmax (%)
Figure 2: Distribution of CBD max (%) in the Flower data set (N=494).
-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20
Grouping of Harlequin
Figure 3: PCA scoring plot of full cannabis ower data set without scaling.
Eudes mol
cis-Ocime ne
trans-Ocime ne
-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Figure 4: PCA loading plot of full cannabis ower data set without scaling.
-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8
Jack Herer
Figure 5: PCA scoring plot of full cannabis ower data set with scaling.
Volume 3 • Issue 4 • 1000181
Nat Prod Chem Res
ISSN: 2329-6836 NPCR, an open access journal
Citation: Elzinga S, Fischedick J, Podkolinski R, Raber JC (2015) Cannabinoids and Terpenes as Chemotaxonomic Markers in Cannabis. Nat Prod
Chem Res 3: 181. doi:10.4172/2329-6836.1000181
Page 5 of 9
Eudes mol
cis-Ocime ne
trans-Ocime ne
-0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3
Figure 6: PCA loading plot of full cannabis ower data set with scaling.
-8 - 6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8
Blue Dream
Figure 7: PCA (scaled) scoring plot after removing Jack Herer, Train
wreck and Harlequin from the cannabis ower data set PC1 vs PC3.
Eudes mol
cis-Ocime ne
trans-Ocime ne
-0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2
Figure 8: PCA (scaled) loading plot after removing Jack Herer, Train
wreck and Harlequin from the cannabis ower data set PC1 vs PC3.
Figure 9: PCA (scaled) scoring plot after removing Jack Herer, Train
wreck and Harlequin from the sample set PC1 vs PC4.
Figure 10: PCA (scaled) loading plot after removing Jack Herer, Train
wreck and Harlequin from the sample set PC1 vs PC4.
fenchol, α-terpineol, camphene, linalool, THCmax, camphor, geraniol,
β-pinene and ß-caryophyllene.
OG vs Kush
A data set containing only OG type or Kush type sample was
created from the original data (Table 1) and scaled PCA was performed.
e scoring and loading plot can be found in (Figure 13 and 14). PC1
was 29.3%, PC2 was 11.5%. Separation of the two groups can be noticed
although there is an overlapping section. e OG group is dominant
in strains SFV OG (SFV), True OG (True), Tahoe OG (Tahoe), Fire
OG (Fire), Neptune OG (Nept), Larry OG (Larry), Heroijuana OG
(Hero), Platinum OG (Plat) and Skywalker OG (SkyW). is group is
characterized mainly by the compounds α-terpineol, fenchol, limonene,
camphene, terpinolene and linalool. e Kush group is dominant in
strains Velvet Kush (Velv), Blackberry Kush (BB), Purple Kush (Purp).
is group is characterized mainly by the compounds trans-Ocimene,
Guaiol, β-Eudesmol, Myrcene and α-Pinene.
Description of concentrate data set
e concentrate data set consisted of 170 samples. e samples
were assigned to one of three groups. e high CBD group has a
CBDmax/THCmax ratio of >5.0, the medium CBD group had a ratio
of >0.95<5.0 and the low CBD group had a ratio of <0.95. No data was
available regarding the production method of the various concentrates.
e distribution of the THCmax and CBDmax in the concentrate
samples can be found in (Figure 15 and 16). It was noticed that the
frequency of certain THC levels occur more oen. ere appears to be
a peak in frequency at 25-29.9%, 40-44.9, 50-54.9% and 65-69.9%. We
speculate that this is caused by the dierence in production methods
of the concentrates. e concentrates peaking in frequency at 25-
Volume 3 • Issue 4 • 1000181
Nat Prod Chem Res
ISSN: 2329-6836 NPCR, an open access journal
Citation: Elzinga S, Fischedick J, Podkolinski R, Raber JC (2015) Cannabinoids and Terpenes as Chemotaxonomic Markers in Cannabis. Nat Prod
Chem Res 3: 181. doi:10.4172/2329-6836.1000181
Page 6 of 9
Eudes mol
cis-Ocime ne
trans-Ocim ene
-0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Figure 12: PCA (scaled) loading plot for indica and sativa.
Figure 11: PCA (scaled) scoring plot for indica (blue) and sativa (red).
29.9% are expected to represent kief products, the peak at 40-44.9% is
expected to represent hash products, the peak at 50-54.9 are expected
to be mainly super critical CO2 extracts and the peak at 65-69.9 are
expected to be hydrocarbon extracts. As with the owers, it can be
noticed that the presence of high amounts of CBD is relatively rare.
Out of 170 samples, 138 samples had less than 4.9% CBD.
PCA analysis of the concentrate data set
Figure 17 shows the PCA scoring plot for the data when scaling
is not applied. PC1 explained 98.7% of the variation, PC2 explained
0.9%. ree distinct groups can be noticed. e loading plot (Figure 18)
shows that CBDmax and THCmax content are the main parameters
that separate the groups. e presence of a low CBD, medium CBD
and high CBD group supports the model of 1 locus with 2 alleles by
DeMeijer et al [9].Scaled PCA was performed as well and the scoring
and loading plot can be found in supplementary information (Figure 3
and 4). PC1 explains 21.4% of the variation and PC2 explains16.2%. No
distinct grouping could be observed in the scoring plots. is analysis
Volume 3 • Issue 4 • 1000181
Nat Prod Chem Res
ISSN: 2329-6836 NPCR, an open access journal
Citation: Elzinga S, Fischedick J, Podkolinski R, Raber JC (2015) Cannabinoids and Terpenes as Chemotaxonomic Markers in Cannabis. Nat Prod
Chem Res 3: 181. doi:10.4172/2329-6836.1000181
Page 7 of 9
Figure 13: PCA (scaled) scoring plot for Kush (red) and OG (blue).
Figure 14: PCA (scaled) scoring plot for Kush and OG.
was also repeated with just the terpene data, but this did not result
in distinct groups. ree (3) samples separated from the majority of
the samples in the right top eld of the scoring plot. e loading plot
reveals that samples in this region have higher levels of terpinolene,
α-phellanderene, and α-terpinene. It is interesting to note that those
are the same terpenoids that are typical for Jack Herer and Trainwreck
strains. Most likely these concentrates originate from those strains.
PCA analysis of combined ower and concentrate data
To see if the relative chemical composition changes during
processing, PCA was plotted for all the concentrate and ower data. PC1
was 18.6%, PC2 was 13.2%. e scoring and loading plot can be found
in (Figure 19 and 20). No clear grouping of owers vs concentrates
could be noticed but some concentrate samples separate from the
rest of the samples. Inspection of the loading plot and the sample
data revealed these samples have higher relative ratios of β-eudesmol,
guaiol, α-bisabolol and isoborneol. ese terpenes elute relatively late
in GC analyses and it is speculated that these concentrates have been
heated at some time during processing, evaporating part of the more
volatile terpenoids and therefore changing the relative ratio in favor
of the less volatile terpenes. However, the large majority of the owers
and concentrate samples are dispersed among each other in the scoring
plot indicating a similar relative composition of compounds.
Discussion and Conclusions
Cannabis testing labs regularly receive the question “Which strain
has the most THC?”, but as was shown in (Table 1), THCmax content
can be highly variable for a strain. In some cases the level of THCmax
could be 5 times higher in the highest sample compared to the lowest
sample. e data presented shows that strain name cannot be used as
an indication of potency. e observed variation in THC content is
most likely a result of cultivation conditions. is data indicates the
Volume 3 • Issue 4 • 1000181
Nat Prod Chem Res
ISSN: 2329-6836 NPCR, an open access journal
Citation: Elzinga S, Fischedick J, Podkolinski R, Raber JC (2015) Cannabinoids and Terpenes as Chemotaxonomic Markers in Cannabis. Nat Prod
Chem Res 3: 181. doi:10.4172/2329-6836.1000181
Page 8 of 9
Samples counted
Concentration of THCmax (%)
Figure 15: Distribution of THCmax(%) in the concentrate data set (N=170).
Samples counted
Concentration of CBDmax (%)
Figure 16: Distribution of CBDmax(%) in the concentrate data set (N=170).
-120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40
Figure 17: PCA (not scaled) scoring plot for concentrate data.
delta-3-Caren e
(+) Fenchol
cis-Ocime ne
trans-Ocime ne
-0.8 -0.6 - 0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Figure 18: PCA (not scaled) loading plot for concentrate data.
Figure 19: PCA (scaled) scoring plot for scaled ower (red) and concentrate
(blue) data.
importance of testing for potency so the consumer knows what to
expect. Strain name is also not a clear indicator of chemical composition.
Variations in chemical composition of samples with the same strain
name describe the importance of broad based chemical proling. By
providing patients with more information regarding the composition
of the cannabis they can rely on chemical composition for reproducible
physiological results instead of strain names who have been shown
to not necessarily correlate with compounds present in the cannabis
owers. PCA of the ower data did not reveal tight clustering of specic
chemotypes but indicates a continuum of varied chemical composition.
In most cases the replicates of a specic strain did not cluster showing
a highly variable chemical composition even within a strain name.
Some strains specically Harlequin, Jack Herer, Trainwreck, Blue
Dream and Green Crack showed much better clustering and seem to
have a more distinct chemical prole than the majority of the strains.
Perhaps these strains are more easily identied by their smell than
other strains as they had relatively high concentrations of specic
terpenes. As our testing perspective here is one from the patient point
of view it would be interesting to investigate chemically distinct strains
for their physiological properties to see to which extent chemotype
Volume 3 • Issue 4 • 1000181
Nat Prod Chem Res
ISSN: 2329-6836 NPCR, an open access journal
Citation: Elzinga S, Fischedick J, Podkolinski R, Raber JC (2015) Cannabinoids and Terpenes as Chemotaxonomic Markers in Cannabis. Nat Prod
Chem Res 3: 181. doi:10.4172/2329-6836.1000181
Page 9 of 9
Caryophyllene Caryophyllene
(+) Fenchol
cis-Ocime ne
trans-Ocime ne
-0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3
Figure 20: PCA (scaled) loading plot for scaled ower and concentrate data.
might inuence physiological eects. In the comparison of samples
characterized as sativa or indica most of the samples overlapped. No
distinct sativa group clustered independently from indica strains,
however approximately half of the indica samples separated from the
overlapping group. It is likely that many of the strains labeled as sativa
are not in fact pure sativa strains as represented by hemp cultivars (with
relatively higher CBD levels compared to THC) but rather high potency
narrow leaet drug type cultivars with higher THC levels compared to
CBD. is data also indicates another distinct chemotype referred to as
an indica with high levels of limonene, fenchol, α-terpineol, camphene,
linalool, THCmax, camphor geraniol, β-pinene and β-caryophyllene
exists. is chemotype is represented in strains like 1st Generation
Diablo, Black Mamba, Skywalker, Neptune OG and True OG. e
observed data does not support the classication between indica and
sativa as it is commonly presented currently in cannabis culture. A
new classication system is needed to further the medical utility of
cannabis products for patients to enable them to communicate better
with physicians and health care providers.Varieties with the terms OG
and Kush in them are popular in the California medicinal cannabis
market most likely due to their relatively high THC potency and strong
pungent odor. ese strains are also characterized by relatively high
levels of terpenoids with alcohol substitutions. In the comparison of
strains with the term Kush vs OG a dierentiation between the two
categories could be noticed. OG strains had relatively higher levels of
α-terpineol, fenchol, limonene, camphene, terpinolene and linalool
whereas Kush samples were characterized mainly by the compounds
trans-ocimene, guaiol, β-eudesmol, myrcene and α-pinene. Higher
levels of sesquipterpenoid alcohols have been reported to be a potential
distinguishing characteristic of the wide leaet drug type strains
originating from Hindus Kush region of Afghanistan and Pakistan [21].
In media outlets cannabis concentrates are referred to as potentially
more dangerous than herbal cannabis due to higher potency. Although
the average THCmax concentration of concentrates (52.5%) is much
higher than the average concentration in owers (16.8%) the relative
composition is similar. It is therefore expected that physiological eects
should be similar for concentrates and ower if the dose is corrected for
the concentration dierence.
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Citation: Elzinga S, Fischedick J, Podkolinski R, Raber JC (2015) Cannabinoids
and Terpenes as Chemotaxonomic Markers in Cannabis. Nat Prod Chem Res 3:
181. doi:10.4172/2329-6836.1000181
... An analysis utilizing single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 81 marijuana and 43 hemp samples demonstrated significant genome-wide differences, with hemp showing higher genetic similarity to Cannabis indica than to Cannabis sativa [38]. Another study classified 115 hemp germplasm resources into four groups using expressed Interestingly, in addition to the already identified phytocannabinoids, over the years, researchers have determined that terpenoid content, rather than cannabinoid ratios, is the most distinctive marker between different chemovars [30,31]. Terpenoids, which are mainly produced in glandular trichomes on the unfertilized female flowering tops, are being increasingly recognized for their pharmacological importance. ...
... In vivo and in vitro data are included in that review. Although terpenes have well-identified common targets with cannabinoids [2] (Table S2), separate studies have demonstrated that none of the terpenes, including myrcene (14), Although terpenes have well-identified common targets with cannabinoids [2] (Table S2), separate studies have demonstrated that none of the terpenes, including myrcene (14), limonene (17), α-pinene (18), linalool (20), β-caryophyllene (21) in Figure 5, and β-pinene (31), were observed to modify potassium channel signaling in AtT20 cells that express CB2 receptors [2]. Additionally, they did not interact with THC at the receptor [57], and they did not influence intracellular calcium levels at the human transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 (hTRPA1) or human transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (hTRPV1) channel [58]. ...
... The Laws and Smid, 2024 [82], study reveals novel and efficacious neuroprotective and anti-aggregatory effects of α-pinene (18) and β-pinene (31) against β-amyloid-mediated toxicity. The modest inhibition of lipid peroxidation from α-pinene (18), β-pinene (31), and terpinolene (15) may also contribute to the multifaceted neuroprotection of C. sativa-prevalent terpenes. In addition, limited anti-aggregatory effects were observed for terpineol (39), terpinolene (15), α-pinene (18), β-pinene (31), and friedelin (44). ...
Full-text available
This study explores the complementary or synergistic effects of medicinal cannabis constituents, particularly terpenes, concerning their therapeutic potential, known as the entourage effect. A systematic review of the literature on cannabis “entourage effects” was conducted using the PRISMA model. Two research questions directed the review: (1) What are the physiological effects of terpenes and terpenoids found in cannabis? (2) What are the proven “entourage effects” of terpenes in cannabis? The initial approach involved an exploratory search in electronic databases using predefined keywords and Boolean phrases across PubMed/MEDLINE, Web of Science, and EBSCO databases using Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). Analysis of published studies shows no evidence of neuroprotective or anti-aggregatory effects of α-pinene and β-pinene against β-amyloid-mediated toxicity; however, modest lipid peroxidation inhibition by α-pinene, β pinene, and terpinolene may contribute to the multifaceted neuroprotection properties of these C. sativa L. prevalent monoterpenes and the triterpene friedelin. Myrcene demonstrated anti-inflammatory proprieties topically; however, in combination with CBD, it did not show significant additional differences. Exploratory evidence suggests various therapeutic benefits of terpenes, such as myrcene for relaxation; linalool as a sleep aid and to relieve exhaustion and mental stress; D-limonene as an analgesic; caryophyllene for cold tolerance and analgesia; valencene for cartilage protection; borneol for antinociceptive and anticonvulsant potential; and eucalyptol for muscle pain. While exploratory research suggests terpenes as influencers in the therapeutic benefits of cannabinoids, the potential for synergistic or additive enhancement of cannabinoid efficacy by terpenes remains unproven. Further clinical trials are needed to confirm any terpenes “entourage effects.”
... In order to detect even minor activities, compounds were screened at 100 µM, but very few compounds showed activity against CB1R. Amongst the terpenes found to activate CB1R, both (+)β-Citronellol and β-Eudesmol have previously been isolated from cannabis [36,37], and β-Eudesmol showed signaling at high (10 µM) concentrations (Figure 3e). ...
... The authors understand that there are potential security implications to their work and have consulted relevant security and law enforcement contacts about potential misuse of this research. The compound library available from Cayman Chemical does not require a DEA license [37,38]; regardless, this research was carried out in accord with DEA license RE0496895 (Schedule 1 compounds) and RE0562581 (Schedule 2 compounds). Figure A1. ...
... does not require a DEA license [37,38]; regardless, this research was carried out in accord wi license RE0496895 (Schedule 1 compounds) and RE0562581 (Schedule 2 compounds). Figure A1. ...
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Yeast expression of human G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) can be used as a biosensor platform for the detection of pharmaceuticals. Cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1R) is of particular interest, given the cornucopia of natural and synthetic cannabinoids being explored as therapeutics. We show for the first time that engineering the N-terminus of CB1R allows for efficient signal transduction in yeast, and that engineering the sterol composition of the yeast membrane modulates its performance. Using an engineered cannabinoid biosensor, we demonstrate that large libraries of synthetic cannabinoids and terpenes can be quickly screened to elucidate known and novel structure–activity relationships. The biosensor strains offer a ready platform for evaluating the activity of new synthetic cannabinoids, monitoring drugs of abuse, and developing therapeutic molecules.
... However, other scientists have divided Cannabis into three distinct species, namely, C. sativa L., Cannabis indica Lam., and Cannabis ruderalis Janisch. [7]. But it is now generally accepted that the genus is only represented by one polymorphic species, C. sativa L. [3,5,6]. ...
... Only a few authors are inclined to recognise three taxa: C. sativa L., C. indica Lam., and C. ruderalis Janisch. [6,7,55]. In formal botanical nomenclature, C. sativa contains three subspecies, namely C. sativa subsp. ...
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Cannabis sativa L. is a monotypic genus belonging to the family Cannabaceae. It is one of the oldest species cultivated by humans, believed to have originated in Central Asia. In pivotal judgements in 2016 and 2018, the South African Constitutional Court legalised the use of Cannabis within the country for medicinal and recreational purposes, respectively. These decrees opened opportunities for in-depth research where previously there had been varying sentiments for research to be conducted on the plant. This review seeks to examine the history, genetic diversity, and chemical profile of Cannabis. The cultivation of Cannabis by indigenous people of southern Africa dates back to the eighteenth century. Indigenous rural communities have been supporting their livelihoods through Cannabis farming even before its legalisation. However, there are limited studies on the plant’s diversity, both morphologically and genetically, and its chemical composition. Also, there is a lack of proper documentation of Cannabis varieties in southern Africa. Currently, the National Centre for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) has 15 genome assemblies of Cannabis obtained from hemp and drug cultivars; however, none of these are representatives of African samples. More studies are needed to explore the species’ knowledge gaps on genetic diversity and chemical profiles to develop the Cannabis sector in southern Africa.
... Regarding the source of origin, it was noticed that those cultivars labeled as sativa, indica, and hybrid overlap in the same cluster; for example, shown in cluster I, II, and III. This indicates that clustering is irrelevant to the source of origin which is in agreement with a previous study (Elzinga et al. 2015). Therefore, it is impossible Janta and Vimolmangkang Journal of Cannabis Research (2024) 6:41 to track back to their genetics owing to mixed crossbreeding several times. ...
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Cannabis flower scent is one of the key characteristics of the cannabis plant. The diverse scents impact user experiences and offer medicinal benefits. These scents originate from volatile compounds, particularly terpenes and terpenoids. This study characterized the volatile profile of 19 different dried cannabis flowers using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry coupled with headspace-solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME-GC-MS). A total of 75 compounds were identified, including alcohols, aldehydes, benzenes, esters, ketone, monoterpenes, monoterpenoids, sesquiterpenes, and sesquiterpenoids. Cluster analysis was able to group the 19 cannabis cultivars into five clusters based on volatile chemotypes using chemometric techniques of hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and principal component analysis (PCA). Potential discriminant markers of each cultivar were then analyzed using a supervised partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) verified through Variable Importance in Projection values (VIP), identifying twenty discriminant markers. In addition, the correlations among 75 volatile compounds were also obtained. The findings of this study provide a valuable database of single cannabis cultivars, useful for identifying individual strains and verifying their quality. Clustering the cultivars by volatile chemotype can be used for the classification of cannabis in the market. The results of this study are expected to be a starting point for further cannabis breeding programs to expand knowledge of this plant. Furthermore, the proposed method is applicable to other aroma plants in the future.
... In addition to the already identified Phyto cannabinoids, researchers over the years have identified that terpenoid content, rather than cannabinoid ratios, is the most distinct marker between different chemovars (Elzinga S & Fischedick J, 2015;Hillig, 2004). The majority of Cannabis terpenoids are produced in glandular trichomes found on the unfertilized female flowering tops, which are also the main source of Phyto cannabinoids. ...
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This study explores the complementary or synergistic effects of medicinal cannabis constituents, particularly terpenes, concerning their therapeutic potential, known as the entourage effect. A systematic review of the literature on cannabis entourage effects was conducted using the PRISMA model. Two research questions conducted the review: (1) What are the Physiological Effects of Terpenes and Terpenoids found in Cannabis? (2) What are the proven Entourage Effects of Terpenes in Cannabis? The initial approach involved an exploratory search in electronic databases using predefined keywords and Boolean phrases across PubMed/MEDLINE, Web of Science, and EBSCO databases, using Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). Analysis of published studies shows no evidence of neuroprotective or anti-aggregatory effects of α-pinene and β-pinene against β-amyloid-mediated toxicity, however, modest lipid peroxidation inhibition by α-pinene, β pinene, and terpinolene may contribute to the multifaceted neuroprotection properties of these C. sativa-prevalent monoterpenes and their triterpene friedelin. Myrcene demonstrated anti-inflammatory proprieties topically, however, in combination with CBD did not show significant additional differences. Exploratory evidence suggests various therapeutic benefits of terpenes, such as myrcene for relaxing; linalool as sleep aid, exhaustion relief and mental stress; D-limonene as an analgesic; caryophyllene for cold tolerance and analgesia; valencene for cartilage protection, borneol for antinociceptive and anticonvulsant potential; and eucalyptol for muscle pain. While exploratory research suggests terpenes as influencers in the therapeutic benefits of cannabinoids, the potential for synergistic or additive enhancement of cannabinoid efficacy by terpenes remains unproven. Further clinical trials are needed to confirm these constituents' individual and combined effects.
... As medical Cannabis is legally available for patients in several countries, it has become extremely important to develop fast, accurate and efficient analytical protocols to determine not only the contaminants and main bioactive substances, but also terpene identity and concentration levels in different strains [1]. ...
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The development of selective extraction protocols for Cannabis-inflorescence constituents is still a significant challenge. The characteristic Cannabis fragrance can be mainly ascribed to monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes and oxygenated terpenoids. This work investigates the entrapment of Cannabis terpenes in olive oil from inflorescences via stripping under mild vacuum during the rapid microwave-assisted decarboxylation of cannabinoids (MW, 120 °C, 30 min) and after subsequent extraction of cannabinoids (60 and 100 °C). The profiles of the volatiles collected in the oil samples before and after the extraction step were evaluated using static headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME), followed by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Between the three fractions obtained, the first shows the highest volatile content (~37,400 mg/kg oil), with α-pinene, β-pinene, β-myrcene, limonene and trans-β-caryophyllene as the main components. The MW-assisted extraction at 60 and 100 °C of inflorescences using the collected oil fractions allowed an increase of 70% and 86% of total terpene content, respectively. Considering the initial terpene amount of 91,324.7 ± 2774.4 mg/kg dry inflorescences, the percentage of recovery after decarboxylation was close to 58% (mainly monoterpenes), while it reached nearly 100% (including sesquiterpenes) after extraction. The selective and efficient extraction of volatile compounds, while avoiding direct contact between the matrix and extraction solvents, paves the way for specific applications in various aromatic plants. In this context, aromatized extracts can be employed to create innovative Cannabis-based products within the hemp processing industry, as well as in perfumery, cosmetics, dietary supplements, food, and the pharmaceutical industry.
... Notably, the presence of β-sitosterol (Radwan et al., 2009) Both Cannabis sativa and other plants that express secondary metabolites with potential antileishmanial activity are the subject of research interest; therefore, it is necessary to use tools such as chemotaxonomy, that allows the classification of plants at the phylogenetic level from the difference or similarity of their metabolites (Liu et al., 2017). From its methodological utility, chemotaxonomy has the potential to group plant families, genera and species on the basis of characteristic chemotaxonomic markers (Elzinga et al., 2015;Emerenciano et al., 2001;Johnson et al., 1997); sesquiterpene lactones (STL), for instance, are chemotaxonomic markers of the Asteraceae family (Da Costa et al., 2005;Zhao et al., 2015), with high leishmanicidal potential (Barrera et al., 2013;Caldas et al., 2019;de Toledo et al., 2014;Odonne et al., 2011;Tiuman et al., 2005;Wulsten et al., 2017). A similar result was observed with the oxygenated sesquiterpene spatulenol, considered as a chemotaxonomic marker of the Annonaceae family (Costa et al., 2009), which together with other sesquiterpene molecules exhibits antileishmanial activity (Costa et al., 2009;Siqueira et al., 2011). ...
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Context: Cutaneous leishmaniasis is a disease of public health importance; treatment is based on the use of pentavalent antimonials with high toxicity and low efficacy; therefore, it´s necessary to search for therapeutic alternatives derived from natural products, based on the study of medicinal plants as a source of molecules with highly effective leishmanicidal potential. Aims: To carry out a systematic review between 2018 and 2022 on medicinal plants with potential leishmanicidal activity on parasite strains from the New World causing cutaneous leishmaniasis. Methods: The review study was conducted in four phases following the PRISMA methodology. First, research questions and objectives were formulated to establish the topic areas and construct the search algorithm. Second, a search was performed across different databases, including ScienceDirect, Scopus, PubMed, Web of Science, EBSCO, Taylor and Francis, and Scielo. Third, articles were chosen based on specific inclusion and exclusion criteria. Finally, the relevant information for the review was systematically organized. Results: The search yielded 163 articles, and 12 of them were selected as the basis for the construction of the review. Ethanolic and aqueous extracts stand out, as well as biocompounds such as terpenes and flavonoids. Antioxidant activity on reactive oxygen species was the most frequently cited. Conclusions: Promising terpene and flavonoid molecules with high antileishmanial activity (IC50 <2 μM or <10 μg/mL and SI >1) were identified in this study; these findings provide a scientific basis for the traditional use that communities have given to plants as a therapeutic source to treat cutaneous leishmaniasis in the New World.
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Background: Emerging evidence supports cannabidiol (CBD) as a promising therapeutic compound for various health conditions, despite its approval as a medication (product for medical purposes) remaining restricted to a limited range of clinical indications. Simultaneously, the regulation of cannabis-derived products for medicinal and recreational use has expanded their global market availability to meet local community demands. This scenario presents a complex challenge for clinicians, researchers, and industry, as the global appeal of therapeutic uses of CBD is growing more rapidly than the scientific evidence supporting its safety and effectiveness. Outcomes: A narrative review was conducted to discuss the best evidence regarding the pharmacological profile of CBD, its efficacy, and safety within the context of regulation and perspectives on the development of new cannabinoid-based drugs. Key articles addressing the various facets of this issue were selected for comprehensive analysis. Conclusions: Clinicians and researchers may face unique challenges in understanding the pharmacological profile of CBD and the prospects for developing its clinical indications, given the heterogeneity of clinical terminologies and the quality and composition of cannabis-based medical products available on the market. More basic and clinical research that complies with regulatory agencies’ testing guidelines, such as good manufacturing practices (GMPs), good laboratory practices (GLPs), and good clinical practices (GCPs), is needed to obtain approval for CBD or any other cannabinoid as a therapeutic for broader clinical indications.
Introduction: Cannabis cultivars were usually categorized based on their genetic profile as sativa, indica, or hybrid types. However, these three criteria do not allow sufficient differentiation between the numerous varieties of cannabis strains. Furthermore, this classification is based on morphological and bio-geographical properties of the plants and does not represent the chemical composition of different cultivars. The concentration of cannabinoids and terpenes are crucial for the pharmacological effect, not only because of the known entourage effect, and therefore needs to be considered by categorization. Materials and Methods: A total of 140 medicinal cannabis flowers available on the German market were analyzed regarding their individual terpene profile using GC-MS analysis. Statistical evaluation was performed to investigate correlations and data relations as well as for clustering. Results: Multivariate analysis showed correlations between individual terpenes. However, there was no statistical correlation between terpene profiles and their respective genetic profile. Terpene profiles of sativa, indica, and hybrid strains are quite heterogenous and clearly showed that there is no relation between terpenes and the estimated pharmacological effect. As a result, we suggest a new classification system based on individual terpene profiles to faster a comprehensive understanding of the expected medical effect. Discussion: Considering main terpenes, we established a concept of six clusters with various terpene profiles being attributed to different medicinal applications. We excluded tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) content from clustering as most of the strains were THC dominant and therefore distort the results. Our pattern of strains with similar terpene profiles might refine the existing classes of chemotypes with different THC:CBD content. Conclusion: The categorization of cannabis strains based on their terpene profiles allows a clearer, finer and, above all, more meaningful classification than the existing sativa/indica classification. Due to the entourage effect and the interactions between cannabinoids and terpenes, this group of substances is also given the necessary consideration when selecting the right medicine for the individual. Within the next steps, further studies are needed with the aim of mapping clinical validated effects to our chemovars. If it is possible to correlate therapy of symptoms to specific chemical profiles personalized cannabinoid therapy will be possible.
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Future breeding and selection of Cannabis sativa L. for drug production and industrial purposes require a source of germplasm with wide genetic variation, such as that found in wild relatives and progenitors of highly cultivated plants. Limited directional selection and breeding have occurred in this crop, especially informed by molecular markers. Here, we investigated the population genomics of a natural cannabis collection of male and female individuals from differing climatic zones in Iran. Using Genotyping-By-Sequencing (GBS), we sequenced 228 genotypes from 35 populations. The results obtained from GBS were used to perform association analysis identifying links between genotype and important phenotypes, including inflorescence characteristics, flowering time, plant morphology, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content, cannabidiol (CBD) content and sex. Approximately 23,266 significant SNPs of high quality were detected to establish associations between markers and traits, and population structure showed that Iranian cannabis plants fall into five groups. A comparison of Iranian samples from this study to global data suggests that the Iranian population is distinctive and, in general, is closer to marijuana than to hemp, although some populations in this collection are closer to hemp. The GWAS results showed that novel genetic loci, not previously identified, contribute to sex, yield and chemotype traits in cannabis and are worthy of further study.
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Data-independent acquisition (DIA) in liquid chromatography (LC) coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) provides comprehensive untargeted acquisition of molecular data. We provide an open-source software pipeline, which we call MS-DIAL, for DIA-based identification and quantification of small molecules by mass spectral deconvolution. For a reversed-phase LC-MS/MS analysis of nine algal strains, MS-DIAL using an enriched LipidBlast library identified 1,023 lipid compounds, highlighting the chemotaxonomic relationships between the algal strains.
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Cannabis cigarettes (100% cannabis) with various percentages of cannabinoids were smoked through an experimental setup, and cannabinoids in the mainstream, sidestream and ash were collected. The cannabis used for the experiments predominantly contained cannabinoid acids. Less than 0.5% of the originally present tetrahydrocannabinolic acid or cannabidiolic acid was recovered as carboxylic acids in the smoke stream, indicating almost complete decarboxylation of cannabinoid acids upon combustion. Recovery of the theoretically present amount of tetrahydrocannabinol from plant material in the smoke stream varied from 27.5-46.3% and an average over all the experiments of 36.9%. The recovery of the theoretically present amount of cannabidiol showed similar results with a range of recovery from 29.9-42.6%, with an average of 38.4%. On average over 50% of the cannabinoids originally present in the plant material could be recovered in the combined ash, mainstream and sidestream smoke. The missing mass balance is most likely caused by destruction of the cannabinoids upon combustion.
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Chromatographic and spectroscopic data was determined for 16 different major cannabinoids from Cannabis sativa plant material as well as 2 human metabolites of Δ‐tetrahydrocannabinol. Spectroscopic analysis included UV absorbance, infrared‐spectral analysis, (GC‐) mass spectrometry, and spectrophotometric analysis. Also, the fluorescent properties of the cannabinoids are presented. Most of this data is available from literature but scattered over a large amount of scientific papers. In this case, analyses were carried out under standardised conditions for each tested cannabinoid so spectroscopic data can be directly compared. Different methods for the analysis of cannabis preparations were used and are discussed for their usefulness in the identification and determination of separate cannabinoids. Data on the retention of the cannabinoids in HPLC, GC, and TLC are presented.
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Secondary compounds of the plant are indispensable to cope with its often hostile environment and the great chemical diversity and variability of intraspecific and interspecific secondary metabolism is the result of natural selection. Recognition of the biological properties of secondary compounds have increased their great utility for human uses; numerous compounds now are receiving particular attention from the pharmaceutical industry and are important sources of a wide variety of commercially useful base products. Medical and other effects of Cannabis sativa L. are due to concentration and balance of various active secondary metabolites, particularly the cannabinoids, but including also a wide range of terpenoids and flavonoids. A wide qualitative and quantitative variability in cannabinoids, terpenoids, and flavonoids contents in Cannabis species are apparent from reports in the literature. Terpenes are strongly inherited and little influenced by environmental factors and, therefore, have been widely used as biochemical marker in chemosystematic studies to characterize plant species, provenances, clones, and hybrids. This study investigated the variability of terpene profiles in C. sativa. The terpene composition in inflorescences of samples collected from progenies of 16 plants derived from different strains was analysed by GC/FID. The amount of each terpene (in sufficient quantities to be considered in statistical analysis) was expressed as a percentage of total terpenes. Results showed a large variation between different strains in the relative contents for several mono-terpenes (α-pinene, camphene, β-pinene, sabinene, Δ-3-carene, α-phellandrene, β-myrcene, α-terpinene, limonene, 1.8-cineole, γ-terpinene, cis-β-ocimene, trans-β-ocimene, α-terpinolene) and one sesquiterpene, β-caryophyllene. This variability in terpene composition can provide a potential tool for the characterization of Cannabis biotypes and warrant further research to evaluate the drug's medical value and, at the same time, to select less susceptible chemotypes to the attack of herbivores and diseases. INTRODUCTION The psychotropic effects of Cannabis, primarily due to the main psychotropic cannabinoid, Δ9-THC (delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol), have been intensely studied as pure compounds for medicinal activity. The pharmaceutical industry, however, is interested in the plant as a source of raw material and studying the variability and synergy among the various secondary metabolites. Other cannabinoids, terpenoids, and flavonoids may reduce Δ9-THC-induced anxiety, cholinergic deficit, and immunosuppression, while at the same time increase cerebral blood flow, enhance cortical activity, kill respiratory pathogens, and provide anti-inflammatory activity (McPartland and Russo, 2001). Terpenoids possess a broad range of biological properties, including cancer chemo-preventive effects, skin penetration enhancement, antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-hyperglycemic, anti-inflammatory, and antiparasitic activities (Paduch et al., 2007). Plants exhibit dynamic biochemical changes when attacked by diseases and herbivores and in response to abiotic stresses, resulting in the induced production and Proc. XXVIII th IHC – IHC Seminar: A New Look at Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Eds.: Á. Máthé et al. Acta Hort. 925, ISHS 2011
Two thousand five hundred plants, representing 232 diverse populations of Cannabis, were grown under standard conditions in a garden, scored for 47 attributes, and the data used in a numerical taxonomic study of variation. Groups of interest included "nonintoxicant" and "semi-intoxicant" populations (collectively referable to C. sativa), "intoxicant" populations (sometimes called C. indica), fiber and oil cultivars (referable to C. sativa), "wild" populations (sometimes called C. ruderalis), and plants either containing or not containing cannabigerol monomethyl ether. Clustering methodology revealed only a limited tendency for the populations to separate into the above groupings. However, canonical analysis (equally weighted multiple discriminant analysis) of morphological characteristics only proved highly successful in delineating the groups. The analysis resulting from the comparison of wild and cultivated populations when applied to a large sample of populations failed to suggest two discrete groupings, and it is consequently concluded that wild and cultivated populations intergrade so greatly as to preclude recognition of wild plants as a separate species (the so-called C. ruderalis). Those morphological characteristics that successfully distinguish intoxicant populations from other populations in material raised under standardized garden conditions were sufficiently variable to suggest that the intoxicant potential of plants collected in nature cannot be reliably distinguished by morphology; consequently it is judged that there are no grounds for distinguishing intoxicant plants (the so-called C. indica) as a separate species. It is concluded that all plants of Cannabis are assignable to one species, C. sativa.
Cannabis displays substantial effectiveness for a variety of medical symptoms. Seventy-seven patients took part in a study in California to assess the efficacy of organically grown Cannabis sativa and indica strains in treatment of various medical conditions via smoking or ingestion. HIV/AIDS was the most frequent condition reported, at 51%. Standardized rating forms provided 1892 records that were statistically analyzed. Results demonstrated that in the case of nausea and spasm, symptom expressions are definitely affected by various methods of can-nabis administration. However, while Cannabis indica strains increased energy and appetite, it is useful to note that in treating nausea in HIV/AIDS and orthopedic diagnosis groups, Cannabis sativa and C. in-dica strains proved equivalent.
Trichomes, especially the capitate-stalked glandular hairs, are well known as the main sites of cannabinoid and essential oil production of Cannabis sativa. In this study the distribution and density of various types of Cannabis sativa L. trichomes, have been investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Furthermore, glandular trichomes were isolated over the flowering period (8weeks) by laser microdissection (LMD) and the cannabinoid profile analyzed by LCMS. Cannabinoids were detected in extracts of 25-143 collected cells of capitate-sessile and capitate stalked trichomes and separately in the gland (head) and the stem of the latter. Δ(9)-Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid [THCA (1)], cannabidiolic acid [CBDA (2)], and cannabigerolic acid [CBGA (3)] were identified as most-abundant compounds in all analyzed samples while their decarboxylated derivatives, Δ(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol [THC (4)], cannabidiol [CBD (5)], and cannabigerol [CBG (6)], co-detected in all samples, were present at significantly lower levels. Cannabichromene [CBC (8)] along with cannabinol (CBN (9)) were identified as minor compounds only in the samples of intact capitate-stalked trichomes and their heads harvested from 8-week old plants. Cryogenic nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) was used to confirm the occurrence of major cannabinoids, THCA (1) and CBDA (2), in capitate-stalked and capitate-sessile trichomes. Cryogenic NMR enabled the additional identification of cannabichromenic acid [CBCA (7)] in the dissected trichomes, which was not possible by LCMS as standard was not available. The hereby documented detection of metabolites in the stems of capitate-stalked trichomes indicates a complex biosynthesis and localization over the trichome cells forming the glandular secretion unit.