
Child pornography and sex rings

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... All 10 survivors reported the widespread creation of CSAM by their familial abusers for eventual distribution among CSEA communities with non-familial perpetrators (Lanning & Burgess, 1984;Burgess et al., 1984;Itzin, 2001;Salter et al., 2021;Seto et al., 2018). Some participants added that their familial abusers would also keep the CSAM as "trophies" in their "collections," a behavior reported in other CSEA studies (FBI & Lanning, 1992, p. 23-27). ...
... The act of pairing spiritual abuse (Oakley, Kinmond, & Humphreys, 2018) with sexual abuse distorts the child victim's ability to develop their own personal morality and religious beliefs. A familial abuser with ties to a religious institution can weaponize the child victim's relative lack of knowledge in religious texts and practices to groom and coerce them through psychological abuse exhibiting religious ideology (Lanning & Burgess, 1984;Oakley et al., 2018). Familial perpetrators can thus force the victim's compliance in the CSEA and trafficking through the "weaponization" of real (Oakley et al., 2018) or fabricated religious practices to induce fear, shame and guilt. ...
... Participants widely reported being disbelieved by medical staff, mental health professionals and law enforcement officers and experiencing explicitly biased reactions characterized by overt skepticism of male victimization and familial (especially female) perpetrators. This finding is consistent with earlier studies suggesting that biases driven by gender stereotypes may inhibit the detection and acknowledgement of CSEA targeting males (Beech et al., 2018;Berelowitz et al., 2013;Lanning & Burgess, 1984;Cashmore & Shackel, 2014;Cockbain et al., 2017;Hill & Diaz, 2021;Holmes & Offen, 1996;McNaughton Nicholls, Harvey, & Paskell, 2014;Turton, 2010) and consequently impair the degree of support provided to victimized boys. For decades, survivors' recollections of CSA/CSEA have often been dismissed by the skepticism of journalists, scholars, criminal courts, and frontline professionals (Everson & Boat, 1989, p. 235;Salter, 2012a,b, p. 441;Salter, 2017a, pp. ...
Background Boys subject to intrafamilial child sexual exploitation and abuse (CSEA) - in particular, cases which begin as incest and later evolve into child trafficking for sexual exploitation - face many barriers in disclosing their exploitation, often leaving victims and survivors feeling isolated from society and dismissed or mishandled by service providers such as law enforcement officers, child protection specialists, medical staff and mental health professionals. Objective This study explores the unique characteristics of intrafamilial CSEA through the sex trafficking of boys, and the barriers to disclosure and recovery experienced by male victims and survivors. Participants and setting Ten adult male survivors of intrafamilial child trafficking for sexual exploitation were interviewed multiple times to gain a deeper understanding of intrafamilial CSEA and how it compares and contrasts with non-familial CSEA. Participants in this study primarily came from North America. Methodology Multiple semi-structured online interviews were conducted with these 10 adult male survivors because they experienced 1) intrafamilial CSEA and 2) being trafficked by their families to be sexually exploited by non-familial perpetrators. The participants were then asked to compare and contrast intrafamilial and non-familial CSEA. The research team employed a descriptive phenomenological approach and interview transcripts were coded, analyzed, and compared to identify patterns of non-verbal CSEA indicators and thematic narratives. The study also explored the internal and external barriers to disclosure reported by participants. Trauma-informed, person-centered practices were used throughout the entirety of the study to minimize harm to participants. The research team employed a co-productive approach using participants' initial interviews and feedback to formulate new questions for later rounds of interviews and by having the participants confirm the accuracy of their respective quotes and case summaries. Results and discussion This study highlights several CSEA modalities, such as “boy-swap” events and local/national/transnational trafficking rings engaged in CSEA of boys. It also discusses how survivors' experiences differed between intrafamilial and non-familial CSEA and trafficking, and how familial settings may facilitate concealment of CSEA. Participants described various modus operandi used by abusers, traffickers, and buyers of all genders. While all 10 intrafamilial CSEA cases included male perpetrators, female perpetrators were also present in nine of them. In addition, participants identified various psychological and physiological CSEA and trafficking indicators that evidenced their victimization during their childhood years. All 10 survivors reported long-term health consequences into adulthood and scored highly on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) questionnaires. Recommendations and conclusion Findings underscore the importance of trauma-informed practices for identifying, liberating, and rehabilitating victims and survivors. Participants reported receiving more effective assistance from service providers that exhibited trauma-informed practices. Traditional gender stereotypes may hinder the ability of service providers to recognize and provide support to boys victimized and trafficked by their families for CSEA. Consequently, service providers may stand to benefit from training on 1) trauma-informed, person-centered practices and 2) conscious and unconscious biases, particularly those related to gender. Survivors in recovery require expanded support services, such as the provision of safe housing, online/in-person support communities, and professional/life skill training. Co-productive research methods that integrate the views and experiences of CSEA and trafficking survivors are also recommended.
... Šāda sakarība tika novērota arī pētījuma gaitā, analizējot lietotāju augšupielādēto failu nosaukumus. Lietotāju augšupielādētajos failos konstatēta tāda deviācija kā incests, kas pēc vairāku autoru pētījumos gūtajiem rezultātiem pastiprina risku, ka bērni tiks seksuāli izmantoti ģimenē [38,[1][2][3]. Daudzi pētījumi un statistika liecina par to, ka seksuālos noziedzīgos nodarījumus pret bērniem nodara tieši zināmas personas [38, 1-2; 28], kas var būt tēvs, patēvs, onkulis. ...
... ASV ir gūta statistika, ka katrs sestais, kas uzkrāj bērnu pornogrāfisko materiālu, ir veicis arī reālu noziedzīgu nodarījumu pret bērnu [22]. Visbiežāk pedofila upuris savu varmāku pazīst [38,[2][3]. Piemēram, Lielbritānijā 2015. ...
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Līdz ar epidemioloģisko drošības pasākumu ieviešanu COVID-19 infekcijas izplatības ierobežošanā plašsaziņas līdzekļos tiek ziņots par pieaugošu interesi par pornogrāfiju. Diemžēl aktualizējas interese arī par bērnu pornogrāfisko materiālu, kas saskaņā ar virkni tiesību aktu ir aizliegta. Krimināllikuma 166. panta otrajā daļā ir noteikts, ka par šīs informācijas aprites noteikumu pārkāpumiem, tostarp glabāšanu, soda ar brīvības atņemšanu uz laiku līdz trīs gadiem. Šī pētījuma mērķis ir noteikt kiberpedofilu aktivitāšu esamību datu apmaiņas platformā DC++ un raksturot potenciālo kiberpedofilu personības profilu, analizējot faktiskās situācijas problēmas nacionālā un reģionālā mērogā. Lai realizētu darba mērķi, tika izvirzīti divi darba uzdevumi: 1) novērtēt nacionālā un reģionālā mēroga ietekmi uz bērnu pornogrāfiskā materiāla apriti datu apmaiņas platformā DC++, 2) noteikt tipiskā kiberpedofila portretu, raksturojot DC++ lietotāju, kas veic bērnu pornogrāfiskā materiāla lejupielādi, aktivitātes un pieejamo informāciju par tiem. Šajā darbā izmantotās zinātniskās pētniecības metodes: empīriskā datu vākšanas metode, statistiskā datu apstrādes metode, sintēzes metode, novērojuma metode un salīdzinošā metode. No iegūtajiem datiem secināts, ka bērnu pornogrāfiskā materiāla glabāšanas kriminalizēšanai valstī ir būtiska ietekme uz šajā valstī esošo lietotāju aktivitātēm datu apmaiņas sistēmā DC++ un tās tiek ierobežotas. Starptautiskie un reģionālie tiesību akti ir efektīvs veids cīņai ar bērnu pornogrāfiskā materiāla apriti, taču tie negarantē pilnīgu problēmu atrisināšanu – tā tas ir novērots Rumānijas gadījumā, kur ir salīdzinoši augsta aktivitāte. Noskaidrots, ka tipiska DC++ platformas lietotāja vecums ir lielāks par 35 gadiem un tas ir vīrietis, kas strādā algotu darbu. Viņam vienlaikus ir arī citas parafiliskas intereses. With the introduction of epidemiological security measures to limit the spread of COVID-19 infections, adult interest in pornography is reported in the media. Unfortunately, there is also a renewed interest in child sexual abuse material, which is illegal under several laws. In Latvia, according to the second paragraph of Section 166 of the Criminal Law, for a person handling of such materials the applicable punishment is the deprivation of liberty for a period of up to three years. The aim of this study is to identify the existence of cyber paedophile activities in the peer two peer (P2P) system Direct Connect DC++ and to characterise the personal profiles of potential cyber paedophiles by analysing the actual problems at national and regional level. In order to realise the objectives of the work, two tasks have been identified: 1) to assess the national and regional impact on the circulation of child sexual abuse material on the P2P system DC++; 2) to define a portrait of the typical cyber paedophile, describing the activities and available information of P2P system DC++ about system users. The scientific research methods used in this work are: the empirical data collection method, the statistical data processing method, the synthesis method, the observation method, the comparative method. It has been concluded that the criminalisation of the storage of child sexual abuse material in a given country has a significant impact on the activities of users in that country in the DC++ system. International and regional legislation is an effective way of combating the circulation of child sexual abuse material, but it does not guarantee full resolution of the problems, such as the case observed in Romania, which has a relatively high activity. The typical user age of the DC++ system has been found to be more than 35 years, an employed mail. At the same time, he also has other paraphilic interests.
... Des réseaux organisés de production et de distribution de contenus pédophiles ont été identi és et analysés dès 1984 [47], bien avant que l'informatique ne devienne grand public. En revanche, dans la seconde moitié des années 1990, di érents travaux ont commencé à laisser entendre que la généralisation de l'accès à l'Internet avait permis à ces réseaux d'accroître leur dimension et avait ainsi facilité l'accès à la pédopornographie [34,45]. ...
... La littérature sur la pédophilie parle souvent des « communautés » d'utilisateurs pédophiles, généralement sous l'aspect sociologique ou criminologique [16,47]. À l'aide des données dont nous disposons, il est envisageable de réaliser cette caractérisation des utilisateurs pédophiles de plusieurs façons. ...
L’objectif de cette thèse est d’utiliser de grands ensembles de requêtes collectés sur des systèmes P2P pour étudier l’activité pédophile au sein de ces réseaux. En effet, malgré l’importance de ce problème pour la société, il existe peu de connaissances fiables en la matière.Nous procédons dans un premier temps à la mise au point d’un outil capable de détecter les requêtes qui ciblent des contenus à caractère pédopornographique, en assez faible quantité dans l’ensemble des requêtes. Après avoir identifié quatre catégories de requêtes pédophiles, nous établissons les listes de mots-clefs et tests lexicaux requis pour les distinguer. Nous faisons ensuite classer des requêtes à un ensemble d’experts, afin d’évaluer les performances de notre outil. Celui-ci disposant d’une précision élevée et d’un bon rappel, nous l’utilisons pour estimer de façon fiable la fraction de requêtes pédophiles, proche de 0,25%.Nous abordons ensuite la quantification des utilisateurs entrant ces requêtes. Dans un tel contexte, où l’on ne dispose que de l’adresse IP et éventuellement d’un port de communication, identifier des utilisateurs est difficile. Nous proposons plusieurs méthodes pour ne pas mélanger les requêtes d’utilisateurs différents. La fraction d’utilisateurs pédophiles est proche de 0,22%.Nous analysons ensuite la dynamique temporelle de l’activité pédophile. La fraction de requêtes pédophiles a significativement augmenté entre 2009 et 2012. Nous examinons également l’intégration sociale des utilisateurs pédophiles et constatons qu’ils privilégient la fin de la nuit pour effectuer ce type de requêtes, ce en quoi ils diffèrent des autres utilisateurs, notamment ceux soumettant des requêtes pornographiques.Enfin, nous confrontons les résultats obtenus sur le réseau eDonkey avec ceux du réseau KAD, après avoir défini une méthodologie permettant d’obtenir des données comparables. Nous supposons initialement que le niveau d’anonymat offert par KAD, complètement décentralisé, permet aux utilisateurs de participer à davantage d’échanges pédopornographiques. Nous constatons au contraire que l’activité pédophile est plus importante sur eDonkey et estimons que la fraction de requêtes pédophiles sur KAD est proche de 0.1%.
... Instead of force, children were manipulated through the most effective combination of attention, affection, kindness, gifts, alcohol, drugs, money, and privileges. The two previously mentioned articles in the January 1984 FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin specifically described offenders gaining control of their victims through well-planned seduction and children being seduced by games, gifts, and trips (Goldstein, 1984;Lanning & Burgess, 1984). ...
... Although acquaintance child molesters are sometimes violent, to avoid discovery, they tend to control their victims primarily through this seduction or grooming process. In early training (e.g., Advanced Seminar on Sexual Exploitation of Children, 1987;Dallas Child Sexual Exploitation Seminar, 1987; National Law Enforcement Seminar on Sexual Exploitation of Children, 1983; Protecting Our Children: The Fight Against Molestation: A National Symposium, 1984; Sexual Exploitation of Children Seminar, 1985) and publications (e.g., Campagna & Poffenberger, 1988;Frost & Seng, 1986;Goldstein, 1984Goldstein, , 1987Lanning, 1986;Lanning & Burgess, 1984) on the sexual exploitation of children, the term seduction was used most often to refer to this particular access and control technique. It is important to recognize that at this time it was understanding of the technique and process and not a specific name or label that was most important. ...
This discussion is not intended to be a detailed analysis of the complexities and dynamics of grooming. Instead, it will focus on the evolution of the concept and the term. More than an historical narrative, however, this evolution provides valuable insight into recognizing the diverse nature of contact sex offenses against children and important differences among types of cases. In this victimization context, the term grooming generally refers to specific nonviolent techniques used by some child molesters to gain access to and control of their child victims. The techniques a child molester employs are most influenced by the relationship between the offender and the victim. Although acquaintance child molesters are sometimes violent, to avoid discovery, they tend to control their victims primarily through this seduction or grooming process. I believe the term was first used by a group of law enforcement investigators beginning in the late 1970s to describe aspects of a seduction pattern of offender behavior that was poorly understood by most professionals. The term grooming then evolved, as language does, and spread into more common usage by law enforcement, other professionals, and then by the media and laypersons. The term grooming has pretty much supplanted seduction as the term of choice for this behavior pattern. Hopefully, understanding the evolution of the concept of grooming, the diversity of cases, the need for precise and consistent definitions, and the use of nonviolent grooming techniques to access and control victims will help interveners to better respond to and evaluate cases.
... Several different types of child sex rings have been identified. Burgess (1984) distinguishes between solo sex rings (involving a single perpetrator and multiple victims), transitional sex rings, and syndicated sex rings. Transitional sex rings are comprised of multiple adults who are sexually involved with pubescent children. ...
... A number of characteristics of child sex rings have been identified by Burgess (1984). Burgess found that 11% of the 55 sex rings were transitional rings, 31% were syndicated rings, the remaining were solo rings (56%) and one ring that could not be classified as any of those described. ...
This review provides a current description of a number of contexts in which multiple perpetrator sexual offending occurs. Specifically, seven sub-categories of offences are examined under two main themes of ‘rape of peers/adults’ and ‘multiple perpetrator offenses against children.’ This is complimented by a discussion of psychological theories and factors that contribute to the understanding of multiple perpetrator sexual offenses within a multifactorial framework. Individual, sociocultural and situational levels are examined to provide an explanation for the commitment of sexual offenses with others, with particular emphasis on theories and processes of group aggression. This review provides tentative ideas to stimulate thought and further research in this area
... Whereas child pornography is not a new phenomenon, the advent of the Internet has changed its nature as a crime problem. Child pornography possession, which used to be seen as a low-incidence crime committed almost exclusively by those with an enduring sexual interest in children (Lanning & Burgess, 1984), has evolved into a more general crime problem with an increasingly diverse array of offenders who can access and circulate images easily and privately from home computers (Wolak et al., 2005a). The small amount of research about the motivations of child pornography possessors suggests that, among other purposes, it is used to fuel sexual fantasy, enhance masturbation, and groom and seduce victims (Jenkins, 2001;, and sometimes it is accessed out of curiosity or for its shock value. ...
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The publicity about online “predators” who prey on naive children using trickery and violence is largely inaccurate. Internet sex crimes involving adults and juveniles more often fit a model of statutory rape—adult offenders who meet, develop relationships with, and openly seduce underage teenagers—than a model of forcible sexual assault or pedophilic child molesting. This is a serious problem, but one that requires approaches different from those in current prevention messages emphasizing parental control and the dangers of divulging personal information. Developmentally appropriate prevention strategies that target youths directly and acknowledge normal adolescent interests in romance and sex are needed. These should provide younger adolescents with awareness and avoidance skills while educating older youths about the pitfalls of sexual relationships with adults and their criminal nature. Particular attention should be paid to higher risk youths, including those with histories of sexual abuse, sexual orientation concerns, and patterns of off- and online risk taking. Mental health practitioners need information about the dynamics of this problem and the characteristics of victims and offenders because they are likely to encounter related issues in a variety of contexts.
... The motivations for CSAM use could roughly be organized into satisfaction of sexual attraction to children and into emotional purposes in the sense that CSAM allows the escape from negative feelings, such as loneliness, depression, anxiety, sexual frustration, or boredom (Babchishin et al. 2018;Merdian, et al., 2013; Morgan and Lambie 2019). The online era has also brought new motivations into picture, such as using CSAM out of curiosity or for collecting different types of grotesque materials (Hartman et al. 1984;Jenkins 2001;Krone 2004;Soldino et al. 2020). ...
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Online communities on darknet contribute to sexual violence against children. They provide offender access to Child Sexual Abuse Material and to a group of peers that supports criminal activities. This article sheds light on online child sexual abusers and their justifications for Child Sexual Abuse (CSA). It describes different offender profiles and motivations for CSA, followed by a section on policing these offences. The article then lays out psychological models, such as cognitive distortions, that are used to understand pedophiles’ behavior. The discussion is complemented by direct citations from a darknet community of CSA offenders, showing that these models are not just theoretical considerations. The last part of the article concentrates on online communities of CSA offenders. It describes different types of members of such communities and explains how the communities support individual offenders and how they provide learning models that facilitate criminal behavior. The article concludes with a short reflection of its findings, including novel insights for investigators of these crimes and proposed venues for further research.
... Lastly, an offender may groom the community by becoming a respected and established member of the community before sexually abusing children (Van Dam 2001, 2006Winters and Jeglic 2017). Offenders may also engage in institutional grooming whereby they seek careers or volunteer positions that provide access to children (e.g., Catholic Church, Boy Scouts of America, schools, foster care, sports teams, babysitting; Lanning and Burgess 1984;Leclerc and Felson 2016;McAlinden 2006;Sullivan and Beech, 2002) thus circumventing the need to gain access to or groom the child's family, or exploiting organizational weaknesses to facilitate child sexual abuse (O'Leary, Koh, and Dare 2017). ...
It is estimated that 30–45% of child sexual abusers use sexual grooming tactics. While sexual grooming is considered integral to the child sexual abuse process, there has yet to be a universally accepted definition of the construct that condenses and summarizes this complex process. Based upon a thorough evaluation and critique of prior definitions and research on a content validated model of sexual grooming, a new operational definition of sexual grooming is proposed. An easily understood and applied definition of sexual grooming is needed for measurement of the construct. Further, having a common language to describe sexual grooming is necessary for research, communication, detection, prevention, and intervention of child sexual abuse.
... Not surprisingly, the cognitions of the participants in our study also reflected the idea that they were, or felt that they were, incapable of controlling themselves in relation to their offending behavior (see the uncontrollability-i-version). This finding is in line with previous studies that have reported CSEM users feeling "addicted" to the illegal content they collected (Lanning & Burgess, 1984;Seto et al., 2012;Winder et al., 2015) and uncontrollably driven to increase their collection and acquire increasingly extreme child exploitation material (Fortin et al., 2018). Our participants' statements of being out of control and "addicted" resemble, but are not identical to, the core concept represented in the self as uncontrollable implicit theory by Bartels and Merdian (2016). ...
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Although offense-supportive cognitions are related to the maintenance of contact sexual offending behavior, it is unknown whether this finding also applies to online sexual offending behavior. A few studies have examined the cognitions of men convicted for using child sexual exploitation material, but findings remain limited due to important methodological limitations. Furthermore, fewer studies have investigated the cognitions of men who use the internet to solicit sexual activities with children. The objective of this study was to examine the nature of the cognitions that support online sexual offending against children. The content of police interviews was analyzed using a thematic analysis to identify the cognitive themes present in the offense-related views expressed by 20 men who consumed child sexual exploitation material, 15 who sexually solicited children, and 18 who committed both types of online offenses. Results revealed eight cognitive themes that reflected four underlying themes related to interpersonal relationships, the sexualisation of children, perceptions of the self, and perceptions of the virtual environment. Findings indicate that while the cognitive themes of the three groups are similar, their specific content varies according to the types of offenses. Implications for future research are discussed.
... There is evidence of these rings abusing children offline in contexts such as residential care homes [38], "child sex tourism" in South East Asia [39], as well as delivering abuse in online settings, for example the Orchid Club in North America [34]. Burgess [40] distinguished between transitional (unorganised) and syndicated (highly organised) sex-rings; however, his theory precedes the introduction of the Internet, and thus may not (fully) apply to cyberspace-enabled offending. In a more recent paper on groups that sexually abuse children, Cockbain, Brayley, and Laycock [10] described pathways to group involvement, the perceived benefits derived from group involvement, and the evolution of the group. ...
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The phenomenon of men who travel across international borders to engage in child sexual abuse presents significant public health, legal, diplomatic, cultural, and research challenges. Briefed in the current scope of this issue by relevant stakeholders across legislation, research, and social policy, a roundtable discussion held in London aimed to synthesise plenary discussions from multidisciplinary attendees across law enforcement, academia, non-profit, and industry sectors with direct relevance to the UK. Specifically, the roundtable discussions aimed to gather the central themes relating to attendee discussions on the key challenges, affected countries, response strategies, and knowledge gaps. Four key themes were identified from the data, relating to the definition of Transnational Child Sexual Abuse (TCSA), criminal justice, geographical considerations, and issues surrounding tourism/hospitality. The data highlighted four priorities for future development and research, namely developing offender typologies, victim-centric investigative practice, prevalence and definitions, and collaborations. These themes provide insight into the issue of transnational child sexual abuse from the perspective of different disciplines and offer a strategy to prioritise, and collaborate, in the efforts against transnational child sexual abuse.
... The victimization of children by nonparental caretakers is a subject of increasing concern, perhaps as a consequence of the broad attention given to child sexual abuse in day care centers. In some cases, especially when several staff members are involved, this may reflect the larger, linked problems of pedophilia, child pornography, and sex rings (22,23). Many pedophiles are oriented to children in a particular age bracket and sex. ...
... Aggression and Violent Behavior 39 (2018) 33-41 new items results in what addiction research has termed a "fix" (Belk, 1994). Some CSEM collectors are driven to ceaselessly increase the size of their collection (Lanning & Burgess, 1984;Winder et al., 2015) and acquire increasingly extreme material. This requires painstaking work that leaves nothing to chance, and logical categorization of items in terms of multiple variables (age group, sex, type of act, etc.) (McLaughlin, 2000). ...
Script theory explains how different types of crime may be committed in a particular sequence. While researchers have traditionally been interested in crimes against property and crimes against persons, this study analyzes a new form of crime: sexual crimes committed on the Internet. The objective of the present study was to review the scientific literature and investigate how viewing and creating Child Sexual Exploitation Material (CSEM) can be understood dynamically. It is suggested that a motivated CSEM user, in acquiring new knowledge and techniques, goes through many stages and obstacles that lead ultimately to the contact sexual abuse of children. It is important to note that only a small proportion of individuals who follow the scripts described move on to the next step. The focus here is on the context and not on any causality between the steps, as the latter has not been demonstrated. Specifically, this study looked at the offenders’ path from consumption of adult pornography, to consumption of CSEM, to its distribution, to child luring, and, finally, to child sexual abuse and production of CSEM. The limitations and implications of the study are discussed.
... However, to meet the definitions of Commonwealth online offences, a video on a videocassette would need to be transferred to a digital format, and additional proof of the use or intended use of a carriage service in relation to that digital material would be necessary. Material that would now be considered CEM was previously produced in various ways, including in print and in film and videocassette formats (Burgess 1984). ...
... Auch werden Missbrauchsdarstellungen zum Teil innerhalb von Grooming-Prozessen (vgl. 2.1) genutzt (Webster et al., 2009 (Lanning & Burgess, 1989). ...
... Le fait de collectionner du matériel de pornographie juvénile incite certains individus à vouloir augmenter sans cesse le volume de leur collection (Lanning et Burgess, 1984) et à acquérir du matériel dont le contenu devient de plus en plus extrême. Le processus est très minutieux, ne laissant rien au hasard, les acquisitions étant classées logique-ment selon une variété de critères (par groupes d'âge, sexe, types d'actes, etc.) (McLaughlin, 2000). ...
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La théorie des scripts permet une compréhension séquentielle de la criminalité sous différentes formes. Alors que traditionnellement les chercheurs se sont intéressés aux crimes contre la propriété puis aux crimes contre la personne, la présente étude vise l’analyse d’une nouvelle forme de criminalité, soit celle commise au moyen d’Internet. L’objectif de cet article est d’examiner, à partir d’une recension des écrits scientifiques, la manière dont la consommation de pornographie juvénile peut être comprise selon une perspective dynamique. Il y est avancé que le consommateur de pornographie juvénile motivé, en acquérant de nouvelles connaissances et techniques, traverse nombre d’étapes et d’obstacles le menant ultimement à l’agression sexuelle d’enfants. Il est toutefois important de noter que seule une petite partie des individus s’engageront dans les étapes subséquentes du script et que l’accent est mis sur le contexte et non sur les liens de causalité qui unissent les étapes puisque leur existence reste à démontrer. Plus précisément, les cheminements de la consommation de pornographie adulte à la pornographie juvénile, à la distribution de ce type de matériel, au leurre d’enfant et, enfin, au basculement dans le réel, soit l’agression d’enfant et la production de pornographie juvénile seront détaillés. Les limites et les implications de l’étude seront discutées.
... Acquaintance molesters have often pursued careers or sought out paid or volunteer work with organizations through which they can meet children (Atkinson, 1939;Goldstein, 1984;Illinois Legislative Investigating Commission, 1980;Lanning & Burgess, 1984;Wolf, 1982). Some of these offenders fit the popular stereotype of the "evil pedophile" who intends to commit offenses at the time of targeting such an organization by taking advantage of the credibility, legitimacy, and well-populated hunting ground it provides. ...
This article is based not only on the research literature but also on the extensive field experience of the authors in consulting with investigators, attorneys, and organizations on the prevention, investigation, prosecution, and civil litigation of molestation of children within or in connection with youth-serving organizations. Acquaintance molesters have often pursued careers or sought out paid or volunteer work with organizations through which they can meet children. To address the problem of such offenders, it is necessary for youth-serving organizations to recognize the diversity of sexual activity, the phenomena of "nice-guy" offenders and compliant child victims, and the grooming/seduction process, each of which is reviewed here. The four most important protection practices for organizations are screening; management, and supervision; response to suspicions, allegations, and complaints; and prevention and awareness programs. The authors recommend general approaches to each of these and describe the reasons many organizations resist implementing available preventive measures.
... There is the frequent claim, for example, that large private pornography collections are often found by authorities in the residences of persons arrested for sexual crimes (Cline, 1994;Reed, 1994), especially pedophiles (Lanning & Burgess, 1989). There is also evidence indicating that some rapists and child molesters use sexually explicit materials both before and during some sexual assaults (Marshall, 1988). ...
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The diagnostic criteria for substance dependence used by psychologists and psychiatrists are applied to known features of habitual television viewing behavior. The case is made that for some persons, television viewing habits may constitute psychological dependence. Methods aimed at controlling media habits are offered as is advice for those responsible for children. Consideration is also given to contemporary challenges posed by media violence, pornography, and computer and videogame habits. A section on media education is included.
... Although images of pubescent children fall within federal and most state statues, they may be less likely to lead to legal action. Lanning and Burgess (1989) note that adolescent victims of sex crimes generally elicit less sympathy than younger children. ...
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This study examines law enforcement dilemmas in child pornography possession investiga-tions in which no offender was arrested. A mail survey of US law enforcement agencies identified a sample of Internet child pornography possession cases where no arrest was made. Telephone surveys with law enforcement investigators were used to collect case-specific data and information on dilemmas in these investigations. Law enforcement inves-tigators reported that determining whether or not images fit within statutory limits and ascertaining the age of children in images impacted arrest outcomes in child pornography possession cases. January 1999 with concentrations in quantitative methods, women's health, and family violence. Dr Mitchell's research interests include youth Internet victimization, juvenile prostitution, and missing children.
... For example, there have been reports of satanic ritual abuse, often associated with diagnoses of DID, and often arising in the context of psychotherapy (Qin, Goodman, Bottoms, & Shaver, 1998;Mulhern, 1992). Following years of investigation into claims of horrific child abuse (e.g., human sacrifice, baby-breeding), American law enforcement agencies, including the FBI (Lanning & Burgess, 1989), were unable to garner any evidence to support the allegations. Mulhern (1992) conducted a sociohistorical analysis and concluded that there is no credible evidence to suggest that memories of ritualistic torture and abuse are veridical. ...
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Repression and DissociationReports of Amnesia for Life EventsDissociation, Trauma, and MemorySuggestive Therapeutic TechniquesConcluding Comments and Clinical ImplicationsReferences
... Each of these crimes trespasses into the juvenile age spectrum and does so particularly boldly in the areas of slave labour and prostitution, as witnessed by the increasing prevalence of juvenile sex tourism, particularly in the Far East (Singh, 2002; Lindstrom, 2004). The introduction of the Internet has unquestionably played a significant role in the incidence of child pornography and the sharing of illegal images by increasingly large and sophisticated paedophile rings (Lanning and Burgess, 1989; Jones and Skogrand, 2005; O'Donnell and Milner, 2007). In addition to the taking, holding and sharing of illegal images, is the nature of the content of those images and whether there is any degree of physical sexual interaction with the child as this will impact significantly on the severity of the criminal sentence. ...
IntroductionDental DevelopmentSkeletal MaturationSecondary Sexual DevelopmentConclusion References
... However, data from law enforcement agencies suggest that a considerable number of CP producers do not circulate images to others (Wolak et al., 2005b). Many offenders produce CP solely for their own use-for example, as souvenirs of sexual experiences or to use in masturbatory fantasies (Klain, Davies, & Hicks, 2001;Lanning & Burgess, 1989;Wolak et al., 2005b). ...
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This study collected information on arrests for child pornography (CP) production at two points (2000-2001 and 2006) from a national sample of more than 2,500 law enforcement agencies. In addition to providing descriptive data about an understudied crime, the authors examined whether trends in arrests suggested increasing CP production, shifts in victim populations, and challenges to law enforcement. Arrests for CP production more than doubled from an estimated 402 in 2000-2001 to an estimated 859 in 2006. Findings suggest the increase was related to increased law enforcement activity rather than to growth in the population of CP producers. Adolescent victims increased, but there was no increase in the proportion of arrest cases involving very young victims or violent images. Producers distributed images in 23% of arrest cases, a proportion that did not change over time. This suggests that much CP production may be primarily for private use. Proactive law enforcement operations increased, as did other features consistent with a robust law enforcement response.
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TRAUMATIC SYNDROMES OF INCESTUOUS AND NON-INCESTUOUS RAPE Jean-Michel DARVES-BORNOZ The role played by sexual assaults in the onset of mental disorders is a point which has long been debated in psychiatry. And yet disbelief and ignorance of the facts have long hampered the development of research and therapeutic treatments in this area. This work first provides a historic overview of the notion of psychological trauma of sexual origin and then describes the typology of trauma in sexual abuse. The main points concerning the epidemiology of sexual abuse are then dealt with. Indeed, over the past decade, major epidemiological surveys have reported high levels of sexual abuse taking place in childhood or adulthood. Four clinical studies are presented investigating the psychopathological aftermath of incestuous or non-incestuous rape. The first of these is a year-long prospective study involving one hundred and two subjects over thirteen years of age who were victims of incestuous or non-incestuous rape, and who presented consecutively in the forensic center for victims of rape and incest, within the department of gynecology at the University teaching hospital in Tours, France (chapter IV). The subjects were regularly interviewed by a psychiatrist using a standardized battery of clinical instruments for the diagnosis of mental disorders, and more generally for the assessment of their clinical condition. This study showed that three traumatic syndromes were very frequently observed following rape. These we called : 1. Syndrome Secondary to Traumatic Stress : this nosographic entity was previously termed traumatic neurosis, and is elsewhere called Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) ; 2. Dissociative and Phobic Traumatic Syndrome : this syndrome includes somatoform disorders and specific phobias, but also and especially dissociative disorders, in Pierre Janet's meaning of that term, and agoraphobia ; 3. Borderline-like Traumatic Syndrome : this syndrome accounts for the alteration in identity and personality, secondary to the narcissistic wound caused by rape. We moreover determined that the early onset of one of these two latter syndromes, the incestuous nature of the rape and experiences of physical violence apart from rape were factors predictive of chronic Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder one year after rape. This work further presents specific studies giving an account of the clinical forms of disorders following rape, in incestuous rape, in adolescents, in males and psychiatric patients : 1. for incestuous rape (chapter V), the Tours cohort is studied from this point of view ; 2. for adolescents (chapter VI), firstly those subjects from the Tours cohort are presented for whom rape took place before the age of twenty (78% of the cohort) ; next INSERM1 survey data on rape in adolescence are presented, as studied Marie Choquet, Jean-Michel Darves-Bornoz and Sylvie Ledoux ; the INSERM survey was carried out using a representative sample of 8255 teenage schoolgoers from the general population ; 3. for rape in males (chapter VII), the results from the Tours cohort are presented first ; data on rape in boys as found in the INSERM survey by Marie Choquet, Jean-Michel Darves-Bornoz and Sylvie Ledoux are then presented ; 4. for the psychiatric patients (chapter VIII), two systematic studies are presented. The first deals with ninety women suffering from schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. The second study deals with ninety women consecutively admitted to the Psychiatric Department in the Tours University Hospital. This study attempts to explain why psychiatric patients as a whole, and whatever their initial diagnosis may be, are frequently rape victims, and so with a comorbidity frequently presenting the three above-mentioned syndromes. The work then shows that several approaches (neuropsychological, psychodynamic, behavioral and psychobiological) can contribute to an understanding of the etiology in these disorders. Finally, different methods of treating the victims are considered, and the principles applied at the Victims of Psychological Trauma Consultation Unit at the University Teaching Hospital in Tours, set up by Jean-Michel Darves-Bornoz in 1992, are illustrated through a single case study (chapter X). The work firmly concludes that rape and incest form part of the more general field of trauma. However, it is also noted that, in rape and incest, it is a narcissistic wound that causes the trauma, and that it is the subject's psychological survival that is at stake. The significant change in impact of the trauma can therefore be linked to both its specific cause and target. 1. National Institute of Health and Medical Research
This chapter examines the crowdsourcing model of Europol’s ‘Stop Child Abuse—Trace an Object’ (SCATO) platform on collecting tips provided by the public to tackle online child sexual exploitation. The chapter investigates the effectiveness of the platform with the most prominent sharing economy/crowdsourcing variables; low barrier accessibility, transaction cost and trust-building. Based on Europol documents and semi-structured elite interviews, the chapter’s core argument is that the SCATO provides a low barrier entry for the crowd to share tips with LEAs. However, to reduce the transaction cost of intelligence gathering, the item pictures shared on the platform should stimulate high-value reporting without compromising the victim’s anonymity. The platform also needs a clear guideline and feedback mechanism to encourage more public contribution.KeywordsCrowdsourcingPublic–private partnershipEuropolCybercrimeOnline child sexual exploitation material
The following literature review broaches the subject of the sexual abuse of children by categorizing sexual victimization into the general areas of intrafamilial and extrafamilial sexual abuse. Generalizations are drawn from existing data regarding both victims and perpetrators. Sex and age related findings are discussed relative to victims while the analysis of incidence data paints a picture of the perpetrators of sexual abuse of children.
Internet child pornography is a topic which is eliciting greater attention from society and the media, as parents and caregivers become more aware of the risks to their children and law enforcement agencies become more aware of the techniques and strategies used by offenders. Sheldon and Howitt (2007) indicate that at least in terms of convictions, internet child pornography is the major activity that constitutes Internet related sex crimes. However, the distribution of child pornography in itself is not a new offence, but rather one which has been facilitated by the introduction of new technologies such as digital photography and the internet. Before the popularity of the internet, public concern and academic interest in child pornography was quite low as it was considered to be a small and specialist issue. However, the proliferation of images of child sexual abuse online has altered public opinion considerably. This chapter considers how online distribution of child pornography is different to offline distribution. It also considers the psychology of the online child pornography offender and considers the difference between these individuals and contact offenders, attempting to determine if online offenders later progress to offend offline as well. The chapter will then examine what psychological effects child pornography can have on the victims involved, and finally examines the rehabilitation techniques that have been used on these offenders.
Young people can potentially be exposed to sexual material from a variety of sources, both accidentally and purposefully. One such source, the internet, plays host to a vast array of information and imagery, among which sexually explicit material and pornography are in high concentration. Indeed within this virtual catalogue of material it is possible to find both adult and child pornography, particularly if one is aware of the correct methods of accessing such content. This chapter provides an in-depth overview of current knowledge regarding young people’s exposure to and experiences of sexual material and sexual predators online, including those particular aspects of young people’s online interactions that make them vulnerable to receive unwanted sexual material and solicitation. The authors then discuss the use of the Internet for the sexual exploitation of children and young people both in the nature of sexual material to which they are exposed to online including the transmission of images of child pornography and molestation, the processes by which young people access sexual material online, the solicitation of children by sexual predators in targeting young people and how young people in turn come to interact with sexual predators online. Finally they address current mechanisms designed to protect children and young people as they engage in online activities.
The production, marketing, and consumption of sexually explicit materials are contested issues for marketers, consumers, policymakers, and the general public. Analysis of the current controversies about sexually explicit material is provided through consideration of (1) the nature of such materials in their various forms, (2) the consumer-protecting versus the choice-enhancing dilemma posed by them, (3) the value-based segments involved in this dilemma, and (4) the available research on the material's alleged “harms” and “benefits.” Finally, alternative policy formulations and remedies are considered in terms of seeking the appropriate degree of legal/regulatory invasiveness and applying various marketing-derived and/or related options.
In an age of globalization and rapid technological advancement, our society faces an increasing challenge in protecting our future generations from sexual exploitation. The inability of dealing with the scale of the much-heralded development of online anonymity-granted services surrounding this phenomenon presents contrasting repercussions. Technology has created a virtual embankment of anonymity and encrypted technologies allowing for widespread of sexual exploitation of children on a global scale. While regions are hindered by borders and conflicting governance the issue of child sexual exploitation gains notoriety. Despite the constant progress, our society has remained far behind in matters of combating child sexual abuse and pornography online. Regardless of the fact that this societal issue is more visible today, we have not managed to invest enough to tackle it. Lack of sustainable laws for the protection of children, misuse of terminology defining child abuse, lack of education, and training for LEA keeps our society uninformed and incapacitated. Thus, with the rise of anonymizing services provided by technologies like Tor and the use of Dark Net encrypted services, and the use of virtual currencies, the hope of tackling this issue seems close to impossible but not quite. Although these criminal offenses have deeply entrenched its roots into our society, the battle is not yet lost. This research is designed around the qualitative methodology for the purpose of understanding the issue of dissemination of child abusive content on the Dark Net. Grounded theory analysis was employed throughout the course of this study, allowing the voices of the interviewees to be heard throughout the research. This study aims to assemble a tool-kit of measures for tackling the issue of child abuse and the dissemination of these mischievous materials. Through embedding the puzzle pieces into a black box and thoroughly analyzing them as a whole the results are diversified but tightly connected. Staring with society acknowledgment, darkened services, education, imbalances and finally beyond border collaboration. Henceforth we understand that the nature of this issue is societal and ubiquitous that needs to be eliminated at its very foundation. To best counter, these obscure cybercrimes, law enforcement agencies, governments, policymakers, academia, social workers and other stakeholders should work together closely. Thus by embedding emancipatory practices and tight collaboration the possibilities to withstand these crimes becomes more attainable.
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La recherche scientifique ayant porté sur les agresseurs sexuels d’enfants avec contact a mis en lumière l’importance des facteurs cognitifs en lien avec le passage à l’acte délictueux et la récidive sexuelle (p. ex., Helmus, Hanson, Babchishin et Mann, 2013). Les premières recherches portaient sur l’identification des produits cognitifs, aussi nommés distorsions cognitives, des agresseurs sexuels d’enfants, ainsi que sur le développement d’instruments psychométriques pour la mesure des distorsions cognitives (p. ex., l’Échelle de molestation ; Bumby, 1996). Plus récemment, un pan de la recherche a contribué au développement des connaissances sur les structures cognitives (c.-à-d., schémas cognitifs, également nommées théories implicites), lesquelles sont présumées représenter les croyances profondes des délinquants sexuels à propos du monde et de leurs victimes. Ces recherches portent toutefois une attention particulière sur les agresseurs sexuels avec contact, négligeant ainsi d’examiner les individus qui s’engagent dans des délits sexuels en ligne. Les résultats préliminaires des études s’y étant intéressées suggèrent que les cyberdélinquants présenteraient des structures cognitives distinctes de celles agresseurs sexuels avec contact (Bartels et Merdian, 2016), indiquant ainsi la nécessité d’étudier davantage ce construit psychologique auprès de cette population. La présente thèse vise donc à contribuer au développement des cognitions qui soutiennent la cyberdélinquance sexuelle commise envers les enfants. Cette thèse présente les résultats de trois études distinctes, mais complémentaires, ayant tentées de faire la lumière sur la nature, la mesure et le rôle des cognitions qui soutiennent la cyberdélinquance sexuelle. À partir d’un échantillon de soixante interrogatoires policiers de cyberdélinquants sexuels, une analyse thématique de discours a permis d’identifier huit théories implicites partagées par les consommateurs de matériel d’abus sexuels d’enfants et par les auteurs de leurre d’enfants : 1) les délits sexuels ne causent pas de torts aux enfants ; 2) le monde est incontrôlable ; 3) les enfants sont des êtres sexuels ; 4) le droit d’agir à sa guise ; 5) le monde est dangereux ; 6) les enfants sont des partenaires de vie ; 7) l’univers virtuel n’est pas réel et ; 8) l’internet est incontrôlable. Les résultats issus de cette analyse ont servi de base pour le développement, suivant la Théorie classique des tests et la Théorie de la réponse à l’item, du questionnaire psychométrique intitulé Cognitions sur les crimes sexuels sur l’internet (C-CSI), lequel a été validé auprès d’un échantillon indépendant constitué de 241 délinquants sexuels en ligne et avec contact ainsi qu’auprès de délinquants non sexuels. L’examen de l’échelle a révélé d’excellentes propriétés psychométriques, incluant une vaste gamme d’items représentant un continuum de difficulté à être en faveur des cognitions soutenant la cyberdélinquance sexuelle, en plus d’une bonne capacité à discriminer parmi les sous-groupes de délinquants. La troisième étude visait à examiner l’association de ces cognitions, combinées à la sexualité atypique, l’autorégulation problématique et la perception de l’anonymat, à la cyberdélinquance sexuelle commise envers les enfants. Les résultats révèlent que les cognitions soutenant les comportements sexuels en ligne sont associées à la cyberdélinquance sexuelle, alors que les cognitions soutenant l’agression sexuelle sont associées à la commission de délits sexuels commis avec contact envers les enfants. De plus, les résultats indiquent que les cognitions modèrent la relation entre la préoccupation sexuelle et la cyberdélinquance sexuelle chez les hommes fortement préoccupés par la sexualité. Les résultats issus de cette thèse ont de nombreuses retombées, tant pour le bénéfice de la recherche scientifique que pour la pratique clinique. D’abord, cette thèse a permis de contribuer à l’avancement des connaissances concernant la nature des cognitions en identifiant les structures cognitives des cyberdélinquants sexuels liées aux délits des consommateurs de matériel d’exploitation sexuelle d’enfants et des auteurs de leurre d’enfants. Ensuite, elle a fourni le premier outil psychométrique spécifiquement validé pour la mesure des cognitions soutenant la cyberdélinquance sexuelle, lequel permettra entre autres, une mesure du changement en contexte thérapeutique. Enfin, une meilleure connaissance cognitions qui supportent la cyberdélinquance sexuelle contribuera à l’élaboration de meilleures cibles de traitement pour les hommes qui s’engagent dans l’exploitation sexuelle des enfants sur l’internet.
The number of incidents of juveniles and adults using the Internet to befriend and exploit children is rapidly increasing. This chapter examines the current best practice of implementing treatment and intervention techniques with online sex offenders. It also examines interventions and treatments for these offenders, and explores who are online sex offenders, whether these offenders are really different from other sex offenders, and what models may explain why offenders engage in online sexual exploitation behaviours. The chapter reviews existing theories that have been applied to understand the processes among online offenders. It focuses on the application of the principles of correctional rehabilitation and two approaches that offers specific programming for online offenders: i-SOTP and Inform Plus. A psychological understanding of online offending is crucial for valid appraisal of risk for re-offending and for effective rehabilitative programming.
An Evolving IssueTechnology in the WorkplaceAbusive ImagesSextingGroomingStalkingAdult PornographyMisuse of Social MediaThe Individual and Organisational AbuseSituational Factors and Technology Mediated Organisational AbuseGuidelines on Child Protection Policies and Procedure in Relation to TechnologyConclusion References
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In 2003 Congress enacted the Prosecutorial Remedies and Other Tools against the Exploitation of Children Today Act to discourage trafficking in child pornography. The Act contained, among other provisions, a pandering provision that prohibited offers to provide, or requests to obtain, child pornography. Against a challenge of overbreadth and vagueness, the Supreme Court in United States v. Williams held that the pandering provision did not prohibit a substantial amount of protected speech, and that the language of the statute, along with its intent requirement, created a sufficiently clear fact-based scheme. In reaching its decision, the Court focused on the illegality of the materials described in the pandering provision as justifying the limitations on speech. This article argues that rather than focus on the nature of the materials underlying a proposed transaction, the Court could have rendered a more persuasive decision had it instead focused on the nature of the speech itself.
This article was written to introduce readers to the bodies of work that inform experts who conduct evaluations of plaintiffs or offer generic testimony in cases involving claims of psychological injuries in the aftermath of sexual trauma, including childhood sexual abuse, adult sexual assault, and sexual harassment. In addition to summarizing the research literatures on those three areas of maltreatment, it reviews what mental health experts should know about our laws, about professional standards for evaluations, and about other relevant areas of research, such as assessment of posttraumatic stress symptoms, disclosures by young children, “normal” childhood sexual behaviors, “repressed” or “recovered” memories, memory and trauma, memory distortions, and resilience.
China’s Internet development has experienced an explosive growth in the last two decades. As China became the largest Internet user in the world, cyber crimes presented a new challenge. In its efforts to combat cyber crimes, the Chinese government singled out online pornography and labeled it “online narcotics.” Using the reports of online pornography found in the People’s Daily, a leading national newspaper, this study examines the extent and nature of online pornography in China’s unique context and how the Chinese government has worked to counter such crimes. The analyses of the official reports indicate that the number of China’s porn users has reached millions and continues to grow. To combat such behavior, the Chinese government has adopted a number of countermeasures such as increased law-making, strengthened law enforcement, and the use of new technology. While these countermeasures parallel those of other nations, China’s regulation also presents a number of unique features, such as its broad and sweeping control of online pornographic and unhealthy material for both adults and juveniles, its campaign-style policing, and its emphasis on building consensus with little dissenting opinion. China’s overreaching and proactive approach indicates substantial differences in national standards, value systems, and legal practices between China and many other nations.
Child sexual abuse is a largely invisible enigma. The persistence and pervasiveness of two forms of child sexual abuse in particular, pornography and prostitution, undoubtedly lie in the perpetuation of societal norms that unwittingly support such tragic behaviors. Rooted in the eroticization of power and control in Western culture, as well as in many other countries, it produces a complex set of social problems of unknown scope and magnitude. For the millions of children at risk throughout the world, the overall problem of child sexual abuse must be reconceptualized, and in-depth, long-term investigations of both child pornography and child prostitution must be undertaken.
The twenty-first century brings with it some of the dark realities of the last century with respect to the commercial sexual exploitation of children. Worldwide, untold numbers of children are being systematically deprived of their human rights, dignity, and childhood through child prostitution, child pornography, and other sexploitation. Many of these children are routinely subjected to rape, beatings, displacement, drug addiction, psychological abuse, and other trauma, including exposure to the AIDS virus and a life with no future. This study examines the current state of international trafficking of children and other child sexual exploitation. Child sex tourism plays a major role in the child sex trade as prostituted youths are routinely lured or abducted into sexual slavery and sex-for-profit. Other prostitution-involved girls and boys are at the whim of pimps, pornographers, and other sexual exploiters. The global exploitation of children continues to plague society, in spite of international efforts to combat the proliferation of the child sex trade industry. Organizations such as ECPAT remain committed to addressing the central issues pertaining to the prostituting and sexual exploitation of children.
This paper uses a case study (the experience of having been sexually abused as a child) and a review of the relevant literature as the basis for developing a conceptual model of the relationship between intrafamilial and extrafamilial child sexual abuse and child sexual exploitation, and the role of adult and child pornography in it. The paper illustrates some of the characteristics and effects of pornography and child sexual abuse including: gender; intra- and intergenerational patterns of victimization; coercion and compliance; the sexualization of the child; pornography and prostitution; and the function of incest as a form of pimping for the perpetrator and as grooming for extrafamilial abuse. It also illustrates the way in which pornography is a part of all forms of intrafamilial and extrafamilial abuse and is itself a form of organized abuse. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Illich (1975) saw the secularisation of life in Western society, a waning of the power of tradition and religion, as an essential pre-condition for this philosophical development. Human suffering, until then accepted and explained as the will of God, had become a problem for scientists to solve, an undesirable condition. Thus a major feature of 20th century Western culture- gathering pace in the last 2 decades- has been the way that medicalised ways of seeing have displaced religion as the source of everyday explanations for the vicissitudes of life, and of the vocabulary of distress. The impact of violence and other morally shocking types of suffering are now framed through the (morally neutral) sciences of memory and psychology (Hacking, 1996). There is nothing quintessential about a particular traumatic experience. The attitudes of wider society (which may change over time) shape what individual victims feel has been done to them and the vocabulary they use to describe this, whether or how they seek help, and their expectations of recovery. The more a society sees, for example, the trauma of rape (which generally refers not to physical trauma but emotional trauma) as a serious risk to the present or future health and well-being of the victim, the more it may turn out to be. In other words, societally constructed ideas about outcomes, which include the pronouncements of the mental health field, carry a measure of self-fulfilling prophecy.
This study compared two groups of child pornography offenders participating in a voluntary treatment program: men whose known sexual offense history at the time of judicial sentencing involved the possession, receipt, or distribution of child abuse images, but did not include any “hands-on” sexual abuse; and men convicted of similar offenses who had documented histories of hands-on sexual offending against at least one child victim. The goal was to determine whether the former group of offenders were “merely” collectors of child pornography at little risk for engaging in hands-on sexual offenses, or if they were contact sex offenders whose criminal sexual behavior involving children, with the exception of Internet crimes, went undetected. Our findings show that the Internet offenders in our sample were significantly more likely than not to have sexually abused a child via a hands-on act. They also indicate that the offenders who abused children were likely to have offended against multiple victims, and that the incidence of “crossover” by gender and age is high.
Trabalho apresentado ao Centro Universitário de Brasília (UniCEUB/ICPD) como prérequisito para a obtenção de Certificado de Conclusão de Curso de Pós-graduação Lato Sensu em Direito Penal e Processual Penal Aplicado à Atividade Profissional Orientador: Prof. Dr. Luís Wanderley Gazoto Visa explorar a dinâmica, os conceitos, os problemas e os desafios existentes quanto à pornografia infantil na Internet. Para isso, fez-se uso da metodologia de revisão bibliográfica e pesquisa documental, estudando-se não somente o que se fala sobre o tema, mas também as legislações, tratados e decisões jurídicas a respeito. Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ).
"Summer 1990." Thesis (M.S.)--California State University, Sacramento, 1990. Includes bibliographical references (p. 61-68). "AFIT/CI/CIA-90-121"--Rept. doc. p. "AD-A227 638"--Rept. doc. p. Photocopy.
Inevitably, in a wide ranging review, there will be some important omissions. The main difficulties in assessing the available information have been the lack, in so many studies, of analysis along gender lines, the lack of control groups, and, in many instances, too small sample size. Despite these limitations there has, over the past decade, been an upsurge of interest in and awareness of the significance of the sexual abuse of boys. It permits us to identify a number of important trends and to draw certain conclusions. Firstly, the scale of the sexual abuse of boys is much greater than was believed 10 years ago. There is no reason to think this is simply an artifact of definition, or information gathering, or indeed of an increased willingness to recognize abusive behaviour between children, even though these will all have an effect. Whilst the trend is clear, the actual prevalence rate is difficult to determine, with a reported range of between 3% and 31%. A current 'best guess' suggests contact abuse in the range of 2-5% in the male population. As each study controls for its own definition of abuse, the narrowing in the ratio of boys to girls abused can be accepted as quite reliable, and additional evidence of a delayed recognition effect. Retrospective community evidence shows 1 boy is abused for every 2-4 girls abused. In contrast, the highest clinical ratios are for 1 boy to every 4 girls. Those who work with runaways, male child prostitutes, or child and adolescent psychiatric inpatient units appear particularly likely to encounter abused boys. Secondly, a variety of explanations have been advanced to explain the apparent under-reporting or under-detection of the sexual abuse of boys. Prominent among them have been the boy's fears of disbelief and of being labelled homosexual. Police patterns of reporting extra-familial abuse may mask its extent from protection or health agencies, which is important because extra-familial abuse does appear to be more common in boys, especially older boys, than girls. Although there has been some diminution of the cultural denial that girls can be abused, a parallel decrease of denial regarding boys has lagged behind. This is particularly true of father-son and of the much less common mother-son abuse. It is plausible that certain 'alertors' are more relevant for boys. The recent development of aggressive behaviour, homophobic anxiety, co-abuse of a sibling and abusing behaviour in particular deserve consideration.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)
This article identifies, through a critical review of current research, several factors that may account for the reluctance of male children to disclose details of sexual abuse. The factors then are related to implications for practice and research that are relevant for child and adolescent mental health nurses.
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