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Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (2014). Peril Classification and Hazard Glossary

IRDR was established by the International Council for Science (ICSU) in 2010 in cooperation with the International Social
Science Council (ISSC) and the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR). IRDR’s main
legacy will be an enhanced capacity around the world to address hazards and make informed decisions on actions to
reduce their impacts. This will include a shift in focus from response–recovery towards prevention–mitigation strategies,
and the building of resilience and reduction of risk through learning from experience and the avoidance of past mistakes.
Suggested citation: Integrated Research on Disaster Risk. (2014). Peril Classification and Hazard Glossary (IRDR DATA
Publication No. 1). Beijing: Integrated Research on Disaster Risk.
Cover Photos: Eoghan Rice (Trócaire), U.S. Department of Agriculture, Don Becker (U.S. Geological Survey), and Michael
D. Kennedy (U.S. Geological Survey); all photos are in the public domain.
Peril Classification and Hazard Glossary
March 2014
1. Introduction 4
2. Background 5
The Integrated Research on Disaster Risk Programme 5
Why Loss Database Standards are Important 5
3. Peril Classification 7
Classification Structure 7
Glossary 12
4. Conclusion 18
References 19
Appendices 20
1. Introduction
Understanding and documenting impacts from natural hazards is the foundation for decision-
making and policy-setting in disaster risk reduction. The impacts range from human effects such
as displacement, homelessness and fatalities, to environmental (wetland loss, desertification) and
economic losses (damage to property and crops). Documenting impacts in a standardised and
comprehensive way is challenging largely due to the lack of common terminologies for perils,
measurement methodologies, and human loss indicators. The inability to compare losses across
hazards, space, and time hampers the assessment of the burden of disasters at global to local
To overcome these challenges, the Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) programme
established a project on disaster loss data (DATA) to “study issues related to the collection,
storage, and dissemination of disaster loss data” (IRDR 2013, 10). A recent product of the DATA
Project Working Group is a standard hazard terminology as well as peril classification for opera-
tional use in loss databases, which was agreed upon by all members of the Working Group. The
peril glossary offered in this document provides guidelines on event classification and a unified
terminology for operating loss databases only. It is not intended as a comprehensive list of perils
or as a conclusive definitional standard of hazards. This technical paper details the classification
scheme and hazard definitions used in loss databases, which will be implemented over time in
global databases such EM-DAT, NatCatService and Sigma, as well as in national databases such as
DesInventar and SHELDUS (see Annex).
2. Background
2.1 The Integrated Research on Disaster Risk Research Programme
The IRDR initiative is a decade-long research programme to better understand the challenges
associated with environmental hazards originating from both natural and human-induced
processes and actions. IRDR was established in 2008, and is jointly sponsored by the International
Council for Science (ICSU), the International Social Science Council (ISSC) and the United Nations
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR). The overarching objective of IRDR is to
work across disciplinary boundaries and to integrate “research expertise from the natural, socio-
economic, health and engineering sciences, as well as policy-making, coupled with an
understanding of the role of communications, and public and political responses to reduce the
risk” from disasters (IRDR 2013, 3; ICSU 2008, 18).
The goals of IRDR are to (IRDR 2013:6ff):
• Promote integrated research, advocacy and awareness-raising by developing and
promoting integration and collaboration within the disaster risk reduction community to avoid
unnecessary duplication and to maximise research outcomes.
• Characterise hazards, vulnerability, and risk by identifying hazards and vulnerability
leading to risks, and forecasting, assessing, and dynamic modeling of risk.
• Understand decision-making in complex and changing risk contexts by identifying
decision-making systems, their contexts, and their interactions, and improving the
quality of decision-making practices.
• Reduce risk and curb losses through knowledge-based actions such as vulnerability
assessments, and the analysis of effective approaches to risk reduction.
2.2 Why Loss Database Standards Are Important
In recent years the international community has made significant advances in improving the
documentation of losses from natural hazards. These advancements are first and foremost visible
in the significantly increased number of countries that now operate disaster loss databases, either
through governmental, non-governmental, academic and/or private organisations. At present
there are three global loss databases (CRED’s EM-DAT, MunichRe’s NatCatSERVICE, and SwissRe’s
Sigma) of which the latter two have limited public accessibility (see Annex). At the national level
there are currently more than 55 loss databases although they vary in data quality, temporal
coverage, loss indicators, and update frequency (see Annex). About 35 national databases that
offer loss data through 2010 could only do so through financial and/or technical support provided
by UNISDR for GAR 2011 and GAR 2013 (UNDP/BCPR 2013). Thus, database sustainability and
long-term maintenance are critical needs for many database operators (Wirtz et al. 2014).
For many databases data gaps are common. There are gaps regarding: a) temporal coverage with
missing years and/or months; b) spatial coverage with missing reports from some regions, com-
munities, etc.; c) loss estimation with no losses reported for some events, particularly low
impact/high frequency events; and d) loss indicators with inconsistent completeness across
Most databases record some form of human and economic losses (e.g., property damage,
number of people killed) but there is neither a common set of loss indicators across all databases
nor are these indicators defined based on a common understanding or standard. Agreement on
common definitions and measures of human and economic loss is therefore a key objective of the
IRDR DATA Project, and will be addressed in the future.
To improve the comparability of existing loss databases, event classifications must be
standardised. If event and peril categories diverge from each other any subsequent efforts to
standardise human loss indicators will be futile. A consistent peril classification will allow data
users to compare losses from, for example, landslides in database A with losses from landslides in
database B, thereby illustrating that differences are due to estimations of loss, not different
definitions of landslides or how they were categorised.
Some members of the IRDR DATA Project Working Group have promoted the idea and concept of
peril classifications for operational use in loss databases for many years. A preliminary classifica-
tion scheme proposed by CRED and Munich Re (Below et al. 2009; Wirtz et al. 2014) was imple-
mented in select databases to test its operational feasibility. The Working Group concluded that
the preliminary framework was difficult to implement, particularly for national databases (e.g.,
DesInventar, SHELDUS) that operate specifically at the peril level. As a result, further revisions of
the framework were necessary to reduce inconsistencies and better adhere to scientific hazard
classifications and terminologies.
This report summarises the agreement on peril classifications and hazard definitions by the IRDR
DATA Project Working Group. This new and revised framework is implementable by loss data-
bases with either a high level of hazard aggregation (only includes categories such as meteoro-
logical or geophysical) that do not distinguish specific perils, as well as databases that use perils
(hurricane, tsunami, earthquake) rather than the more general categories. In this way, the classifi-
cation serves the needs of multiple types of loss databases often managed for very different
3. PERIL Classification
The classification schema is designed to serve multiple types of databases—global, national and
sub-national—in order to make loss information more comparable. The list of perils is not com-
prehensive and includes only the most common events. For perils not included in this list, loss
database operators will decide on peril naming and classification on a case-by-case basis. Further-
more, only perils that cause measurable damage (e.g., fatalities, crop loss, etc.) are considered
It is important to note that the association between perils and main events is not a one-to-one
relationship. A peril can be linked to one or more main event categories. It is highly recommended
that decisions about classification and aggregations from perils to main events be made on a
case-by-case basis. For instance, a snow avalanche may be triggered by an earthquake, which
would be considered a mass movement/geophysical event, or a snow avalanche may be caused
by the weight and/or instability of the snow pack, which would define it as a
landslide/hydrological event.
The revised classification distinguishes three classification levels moving from the most gener-
alised (family) to the most specific (peril), or from the most specific (peril) to the most gener-
alised (family). Although an attempt was made to follow scientific classifications and terminology
as much as possible, in some cases a more pragmatic approach was chosen to align with the
needs of the loss database operators. For example, mass movements are frequently subsumed
under geophysical/geological hazards. The peril classification proposed here distinguishes
between geophysical and hydrological mass movements. Landslides following earthquakes or
volcanic eruptions fall into the geophysical main events category, whereas perils such as debris or
mud flows fall under hydrological hazards.
The peril classification system is not intended as a hierarchical top-down approach. Many data-
bases, especially at the national and subnational levels, only document perils. For analytical
purposes these perils are often aggregated into broader categories, a feature captured in our
classification system. On the other hand, some databases operate with a top-down approach,
starting with the most general category and then becoming more specific. The approach taken
by loss databases varies depending on the original purpose or mission, user audience, and struc-
ture of the database. The peril classification system proposed here attempts to accommodate
both approaches.
3.1 Classification Structure
This revised classification system distinguishes three levels: family, main events and perils. There
are six broad hazard categories within the family group (Figure 1), the most generalised level:
Geophysical: a hazard originating from solid earth. This term is used interchangeably
with the term geological hazard.
Hydrological: a hazard caused by the occurrence, movement, and distribution of
surface and subsurface freshwater and saltwater.
Meteorological: a hazard caused by short-lived, micro- to meso-scale extreme weather and
atmospheric conditions that last from minutes to days.
Climatological: a hazard caused by long-lived, meso- to macro-scale atmospheric processes
ranging from intra-seasonal to multi-decadal climate variability.
Biological: a hazard caused by the exposure to living organisms and/or their toxic substances
(e.g. venom, mold) or vector-borne diseases that they may carry. Examples are venomous
wildlife and insects, poisonous plants, algae blooms, and mosquitoes carrying disease-causing
agents such as parasites, bacteria, or viruses (e.g., malaria).
Extraterrestrial: a hazard caused by asteroids, meteoroids, and comets as they pass near-
earth, enter the Earth’s atmosphere, and/or strike the Earth, or changes in inter planetary
conditions that effect the Earth’s magnetosphere, ionosphere, and thermosphere.
Figure 1: Peril classification at the Family level.
Each hazard family can be further classified by a set of generic hazards – or what we term, main
events (Figure 2). For example, the geophysical hazard category can be further subdivided into
earthquake, mass movement and volcanic activity. The hydrological hazard category is further
differentiated into flood, landslide, and wave action. The meteorological hazard category includes
convective storms, extratropical storms, tropical storms, extreme temperature, and fog. The
climatological main event is further refined to include drought, glacial lake outburst and wildfire.
The biological hazard family details animal incidents, diseases, and insect infestation. And lastly
the extraterrestrial hazard family encompasses impacts, airburst and space weather.
Figure 2: Peril classification at the Family and Main Events levels.
Whenever more detailed or specific hazard information is available, loss data can also be reported
at the peril level (Figures 3 and 4). A peril is the specific cause of the loss, such as lightning or a
tornado. It is important to note that perils are associated with one or more hazards in the main
event category. For example, lightning could be associated with convective storms in the main
event but could also be associated with tropical cyclones. In other words, there is not an exclusive
one-to-one relationship between perils and main events (a departure from the preliminary peril
classification proposed by CRED and Munich Re). Finally, some peril terms are artificial (e.g., fire
following earthquake (EQ), landslide following earthquake (EQ) but were included in this system
due to the operational needs of database operators.
Main Event
Mass Movement
Volcanic Acvity
Convecve Storm
Extratropical Storm
Extreme Temperature
Tropical Cyclone
Wave Acon
Glacial Lake Outburst
Animal Incident
Insect Infestaon
Space Weather
Avalanche: Snow, Debris
Bacterial Disease
Coastal Erosion
Coastal Flood
Cold Wave
Debris/Mud Flow/Rockfall
Energec Parcles
Expansive Soil
Fire following EQ
Flash Flood
Forest Fire
Fungal Disease
Geomagnec Storm
Ground Movement
Heat Wave
Ice Jam Flood
Land Fire: Brush, Bush,
Landslide following EQ
Lava Flow
Parasic Disease
Prion Disease
Pyroclasc Flow
Radio Disturbance
Riverine Flood
Rogue Wave
Sandstorm/Dust Storm
Storm Surge
Viral Disease
Main Event
Mass Movement
Volcanic Acvity
Convecve Storm
Extratropical Storm
Extreme Temperature
Tropical Cyclone
Wave Acon
Glacial Lake Outburst
Animal Incident
Insect Infestaon
Space Weather
Winter Storm/Blizzard
Figure 3: Peril classification at the Family, Main Event and Peril levels without a
pre-determined association of perils with a main event.
Figure 4: Peril classification at the Family, Main Event and Peril levels. The association of perils
with main events is solely a suggestion. Some perils may change their main event association based
on the actual event and loss trigger.
Main Event
Mass Movement
Volcanic Acvity
Convecve Storm
Extratropical Storm
Extreme Temperature
Tropical Cyclone
Wave Acon
Glacial Lake Outburst
Animal Incident
Insect Infestaon
Space Weather
Ash Fall
Fire following EQ
Ground Movement
Landslide following EQ
Lava Flow
Pyroclasc Flow
Avalanche: Snow, Debris
Coastal Flood
Coastal Erosion
Debris/Mud Flow/Rockfall
Expansive Soil
Flash Flood
Ice Jam Flood
Riverine Flood
Rogue Wave
Cold Wave
Heat Wave
Sandstorm/Dust storm
Storm Surge
Winter Storm/Blizzard
Forest Fire
Land re: Brush, Bush,
Energec Parcles
Geomagnec Storm
Bacterial Disease
Fungal Disease
Parasic Disease
Prion Disease
Viral Disease
Radio Disturbance
3.2 Glossary
To facilitate the adoption and implementation of the peril classification scheme, a standardised
set of definitions was developed. These definitions (Table 1) are based on descriptions developed
by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
; the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC)
; the U.S. National Weather Service
; the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
; the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
; Keller and DeVecchio (2012); as well as
definitions published by Below et al. (2009) in their preliminary peril classification document.
Table 1: Definitions of perils, main events, and families.
Term Denition
Airburst An explosion of a comet or meteoroid within the Earth’s atmosphere
without striking the ground.
Animal Incident Human encounters with dangerous or exotic animals in both urban
and rural environments.
Ash Fall Fine (less than 4 mm in diameter) unconsolidated volcanic debris
blown into the atmosphere during an eruption; can remain airborne
for long periods of time and travel considerable distance from the
Avalanche A large mass of loosened earth material, snow, or ice that slides, ows
or falls rapidly down a mountainside under the force of gravity.
Snow Avalanche: Rapid downslope movement of a mix of snow
and ice.
Debris Avalanche: The sudden and very rapid downslope
movement of unsorted mass of rock and soil. There are two
general types of debris avalanches - a cold debris avalanche usually
results from an unstable slope suddenly collapsing whereas a hot
debris avalanche results from volcanic activity leading to slope
instability and collapse.
An unusual increase in the number of incidents caused by the
exposure to bacteria either through skin contact, ingestion or
inhalation. Examples include salmonella, MSRA, and cholera, among
A hazard caused by the exposure to living organisms and their toxic
substances (e.g. venom, mold) or vector-borne diseases that they may
carry. Examples are venomous wildlife and insects, poisonous plants,
and mosquitoes carrying disease-causing agents such as parasites,
bacteria, or viruses (e.g. malaria).
A hazard caused by long-lived, meso- to macro-scale atmospheric
processes ranging from intra-seasonal to multi-decadal climate
Coastal Erosion The temporary or permanent loss of sediments or landmass in coastal
margins due to the action of waves, winds, tides, or anthropogenic
Coastal Flood Higher-than-normal water levels along the coast caused by tidal
changes or thunderstorms that result in ooding, which can last from
days to weeks.
Cold Wave A period of abnormally cold weather. Typically a cold wave lasts two
or more days and may be aggravated by high winds. The exact
temperature criteria for what constitutes a cold wave vary by location.
A type of meteorological hazard generated by the heating of air and
the availability of moist and unstable air masses. Convective storms
range from localised thunderstorms (with heavy rain and/or hail,
lightning, high winds, tornadoes) to meso-scale, multi-day events.
Debris Flow,
Mud Flow,
Rock Fall
Types of landslides that occur when heavy rain or rapid snow/ice melt
send large amounts of vegetation, mud, or rock downslope by
gravitational forces.
Derecho Widespread and usually fast-moving windstorms associated with
convection/convective storm. Derechos include downburst and
straight-line winds. The damage from derechos is often confused with
the damage from tornadoes.
Disease Either an unusual, often sudden, increase in the number of incidents of
an infectious disease that already existed in the region (e.g., u, E.
coli) or the appearance of an infectious disease previously absent
from the region (e.g., plague, polio).
Drought An extended period of unusually low precipitation that produces a
shortage of water for people, animals and plants. Drought is dierent
from most other hazards in that it develops slowly, sometimes even
over years, and its onset is generally dicult to detect. Drought is not
solely a physical phenomenon because its impacts can be exacerbated
by human activities and water supply demands. Drought is therefore
often dened both conceptually and operationally. Operational
denitions of drought, meaning the degree of precipitation reduction
that constitutes a drought, vary by locality, climate and environmental
Earthquake Sudden movement of a block of the Earth’s crust along a geological
fault and associated ground shaking.
Emissions from solar radiation storms consisting of pieces of matter
(e.g., protons and other charged particles) moving at very high
speed. The magnetosphere and atmosphere block (solar) energetic
particles (SEP) from reaching humans on Earth but they are
damaging to the electronics of space-borne technology (such as
satellites) and pose a radiation hazard to life in space and aircrafts
travelling at high altitudes.
Expansive Soil Earthen material, particularly clays that, upon wetting, freezing, or
drying will alternately expand or contract causing damage to
foundations of buildings and other structures. Shrinkage is generally
referred to as desiccation.
A hazard caused by asteroids, meteoroids, and comets as they pass
near-earth, enter the Earth’s atmosphere, and/or strike the Earth, and
by changes in interplanetary conditions that eect the Earth’s
magnetosphere, ionosphere, and thermosphere.
A type of low-pressure cyclonic system in the middle and high latitudes
(also called mid-latitude cyclone) that primarily gets its energy from
the horizontal temperature contrasts (fronts) in the atmosphere.
When associated with cold fronts, extratropical cyclones may be
particularly damaging (e.g., European winter/windstorm, Nor’easter).
A general term for temperature variations above (extreme heat) or
below (extreme cold) normal conditions.
Fire following
Urban res triggered by earthquakes. Particularly susceptible areas
include densely spaced, wooden buildings that dominate local
architecture, and where the earthquake has damaged or ruptured
water and gas pipelines. Small local res have the potential to merge
into conagrations destroying many city blocks.
Flash Flood Heavy or excessive rainfall in a short period of time that produce
immediate runo, creating ooding conditions within minutes or a
few hours during or after the rainfall.
Flood A general term for the overow of water from a stream channel onto
normally dry land in the oodplain (riverine ooding), higher-than-
normal levels along the coast and in lakes or reservoirs (coastal
ooding) as well as ponding of water at or near the point where the
rain fell (ash oods).
Fog Water droplets that are suspended in the air near the Earth’s surface.
Fog is simply a cloud that is in contact with the ground.
Forest Fire A type of wildre in a wooded area.
Frost, Freeze Frost is the consequence of radiative cooling resulting in the
formation of thin ice crystals on the ground or other surfaces in the
form of needles, feathers, scales, or fans. Frost occurs when the
temperature of surfaces is below freezing and water vapor from
humid air forms solid deposits on the cold surface.
Freeze occurs when the air temperature is at (32˚F/0˚C) or below over
a widespread area for a climatologically signicant period of time.
Use of the term is usually restricted to advective situations or to
occasions when wind or other conditions prevent frost. Frost and
freeze are particularly damaging during the crop growing season.
Fungal Disease Exposure to fungi either through skin contact, ingestion or inhalation
of spores resulting in an unusual increase in the number of incidents.
Examples are fungal pneumonia, fungal meningitis, etc.
A type of extraterrestrial hazard caused by solar wind shockwaves
that temporarily disturb the Earth’s magnetosphere. Geomagnetic
storms can disrupt power grids, spacecraft operations, and satellite
A hazard originating from solid earth. This term is used
interchangeably with the term geological hazard.
Glacial Lake
A ood that occurs when water dammed by a glacier or moraine is
suddenly released. Glacial lakes can be at the front of the glacier
(marginal lake) or below the ice sheet (sub-glacial lake).
Surface displacement of earthen materials due to ground shaking
triggered by earthquakes or volcanic eruptions.
Solid precipitation in the form of irregular pellets or balls of ice more
than 5 mm in diameter.
Heat Wave A period of abnormally hot and/or unusually humid weather. Typically
a heat wave lasts two or more days. The exact temperature criteria for
what constitutes a heat wave vary by location.
A hazard caused by the occurrence, movement, and distribution of
surface and subsurface freshwater and saltwater.
Ice Jam Flood The accumulation of oating ice restricting or blocking a river’s ow
and drainage. Ice jams tend to develop near river bends and
obstructions (e.g., bridges).
Impact A type of extraterrestrial hazard caused by the collision of the Earth
with a meteoroid, asteroid or comet.
The pervasive inux, swarming and/or hatching of insects aecting
humans, animals, crops, and perishable goods. Examples are locusts
and African Bees.
Lahar Hot or cold mixture of earthen material owing on the slope of a
volcano either during or between volcanic eruptions.
Independent of the presence of water, mass movement may also be
triggered by earthquakes.
Lava Flow The ejected magma that moves as a liquid mass downslope from a
volcano during an eruption.
Lightning A high-voltage, visible electrical discharge produced by a
thunderstorm and followed by the sound of thunder.
Liquefaction The transformation of (partially) water-saturated soil from a solid
state to a liquid state caused by an earthquake. Liquefaction reduces
the strength and stiness of soil causing buildings to topple over.
Any type of downslope movement of earth materials.
A hazard caused by short-lived, micro- to meso-scale extreme weather
and atmospheric conditions that last from minutes to days.
Exposure to a parasite–an organism living on or in a host–causes an
unusual increase in the number of incidents. Exposure to parasites
occurs mostly through contaminated water, food or contact with
insects, animals (zoonotic), pets, etc. Examples are malaria, chagas
disease, giardiasis and trichinellosis.
Prion Disease A type of biological hazard caused by prion proteins. Prion diseases or
transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) are a family of rare
progressive neurodegenerative disorders that aect both humans and
animals characterised by long incubation periods and neural loss.
Examples are Bovine Spongiform Encephalophathy (BSE), Creutzfeldt-
Jakob-Disease (CJD), Kuru, etc.
Extremely hot gases, ash, and other materials of more than 1,000
degrees Celsius that rapidly ow down the ank of a volcano (more
than 700 km/h) during an eruption.
Triggered by x-ray emissions from the Sun hitting the Earth’s
atmosphere and causing disturbances in the ionosphere such as
jamming of high and/or low frequency radio signals. This aects
satellite radio communication and Global Positioning Systems (GPS).
Rain Water vapour condenses in the atmosphere to form water droplets
that fall to the Earth.
Riverine Flood A type of ooding resulting from the overow of water from a stream
or river channel onto normally dry land in the oodplain adjacent to
the channel.
Rogue Wave An unusual single crest of an ocean wave far out at sea that is much
higher and/or steeper than other waves in the prevailing swell system.
Dust Storm
Strong winds carry particles of sand aloft, but generally conned to
less than 50 feet (15 m), especially common in arid and semi-arid
environments. A dust storm is also characterised by strong winds but
carries smaller particles of dust rather than sand over an extensive
Seiche A standing wave of water in a large semi- or fully-enclosed body of
water (lakes or bays) created by strong winds and/or a large
barometric pressure gradient,
Shockwave A shockwave carries energy from a disturbance through a medium
(solid, liquid, gas) similar to a wave though it travels at much higher
speed. It can be a type of extraterrestrial hazard caused by the
explosion (airburst) or impact of meteorites that generate energy
shockwaves capable of shattering glass, collapsing walls, etc.
Sinkhole Collapse of the land surface due to the dissolving of the subsurface
rocks such as limestone or carbonate rock by water.
Snow, Ice Precipitation in the form of ice crystals/snowakes or ice pellets (sleet)
formed directly from freezing water vapour in the air. Ice accumulates
when rain hits the cold surface and freezes.
Space Weather A general term for extraterrestrial weather conditions driven by solar
eruptions such as geomagnetic storms, radio disturbances, and solar
energetic particles.
Storm Surge An abnormal rise in sea level generated by a tropical cyclone or other
intense storms.
Subsidence Subsidence refers to the sinking of the ground due to groundwater
removal, mining, dissolution of limestone (e.g., karst, sinkholes),
extraction of natural gas, and earthquakes.
Tornado A violently rotating column of air that reaches the ground or open
water (waterspout).
A tropical cyclone originates over tropical or subtropical waters. It is
characterised by a warm-core, non-frontal synoptic-scale cyclone with
a low pressure centre, spiral rain bands and strong winds. Depending
on their location, tropical cyclones are referred to as hurricanes
(Atlantic, Northeast Pacic), typhoons (Northwest Pacic), or cyclones
(South Pacic and Indian Ocean).
Tsunami A series of waves (with long wavelengths when traveling across the
deep ocean) that are generated by a displacement of massive
amounts of water through underwater earthquakes, volcanic
eruptions or landslides. Tsunami waves travel at very high speed
across the ocean but as they begin to reach shallow water they slow
down and the wave grows steeper.
A type of volcanic event near an opening/vent in the Earth’s surface
including volcanic eruptions of lava, ash, hot vapour, gas, and
pyroclastic material.
Wave Action Wind-generated surface waves that can occur on the surface of any
open body of water such as oceans, rivers and lakes, etc. The size of
the wave depends on the strength of the wind and the traveled
distance (fetch).
Wildre Any uncontrolled and non-prescribed combustion or burning of plants
in a natural setting such as a forest, grassland, brush land or tundra,
which consumes the natural fuels and spreads based on
environmental conditions (e.g., wind, topography). Wildres can be
triggered by lightning or human actions.
Wind Dierences in air pressure resulting in the horizontal motion of air. The
greater the dierence in pressure, the stronger the wind. Wind moves
from high pressure toward low pressure.
Winter Storm,
A low pressure system in winter months with signicant
accumulations of snow, freezing rain, sleet or ice. A blizzard is a severe
snow storm with winds exceeding 35 mph (56 km/h) for three or more
hours, producing reduced visibility (less than .25 mile (400 m).
Over the course of the next months and years, the peril classications and denitions
proposed by the IRDR DATA Project will be implemented in member databases (see Annex).
This harmonised peril classication system and denitions serve the international disaster
risk reduction community and contributes to the Hyogo Framework for Action in regard to
improving information on key hazards and their impacts.
4. Conclusion
Below, Regina, Angelika Wirtz, and Debarati Guha-Sapir. 2009. “Disaster Category Classification
and Peril Terminology for Operational Purposes.” Louvain-la Neuve: Centre for Research on the
Epidemiology of Disasters and Munich Reinsurance Company.
ICSU. 2008. A Science Plan for Integrated Research on Disaster Risk: Addressing the Challenge of
Natural and Human-Induced Environmental Hazard. Paris, France: International Council for
IRDR. 2013. “Integrated Research on Disaster Risk Strategic Plan 2013-2017.” Beijing, China.
Keller, Edward A, Duane E. DeVecchio, and Robert H. Blodgett. 2012. Natural Hazards: Earth’s
Processes as Hazards, Disasters and Catastrophes. 3rd ed., Uppder Saddle River, New Jersey:
Prentice Hall.
UNDP/BCPR. 2013. “A Comparative Review of Country-Level and Regional Disaster Loss and
Damage Databases.” New York, NY.
Wirtz, Angelika, Wolfgang Kron, Petra Löw, and Markus Steuer. 2014. “The Need for Data: Natural
Disasters and the Challenges of Database Management.” Natural Hazards 70 (1): 135–157.
Databases at a Glance
Spatial Coverage Global Global Global Global National National
Spatial Resolution Country Country Country Country County, municipality U.S. county
Temporal Coverage 1900 present 79 AD
1930 present Varies by country,
more than 30
countries operate
1960 present
Number of Records >20,000 >33,000 >5,000 Varies by country >800,000
≥10 fatalities,
≥100 affected,
declaration of
state of
emergency, or
call for
≥10 fatalities, ≥100
affected, declaration
of state of
emergency, or call
for international
≥1 human loss or ≥$1
in economic loss
≥1 human loss or
≥$1 in economic
Data Sources U.N agencies,
IFRC, World
Bank, reinsurers,
press, news
agencies, etc.
claims service,
clients, U.N
World Bank,
U.N agencies, IFRC,
World Bank,
reinsurers, press,
news agencies, etc.
U.N agencies,
weather services,
geological services,
press, etc.
U.S. National
Climatic Data
Center, National
Data Center,
U.S. Geological
Survey, etc.
Audience Humanitarian
Loss database
hazard mitigation
planning, academia
Download URL
Owner Centre for
Research on the
Epidemiology of
Disasters (CRED),
Catholique de
Louvain, Belgium
Swiss Re,
Asian Disaster
Reduction Center
(ADRC), Japan
Varies by country Hazards and
Research Institute
(HVRI), University
of South Carolina,
Loss Indicators
Killed x x x x
Injured x x x x x
Missing x x x
Affected x x x
Evacuated x x
Relocated x
Property Loss x x
Crop Loss x x
Environmental Loss x
Insured Loss
Relocated x
Displaced x
Property Loss x x
Crop Loss x
Insured Loss x x
Economic Loss
x x x x
x x x
Economic Sector
x x x
Peril Coverage
Hydrological x x x x x x
Meteorological x x x x x x
Climatological x x x x x x
Technological x x x x
Terrorism x
About IRDR
The impacts of natural hazards continue to increase around the world; the frequency of recorded
disasters affecting communities has risen significantly over the past century. Although earth-
quakes and tsunamis can have horrific impacts, most disaster losses stem from climate-related
hazards such as hurricanes, cyclones, other major storms, floods, landslides, wildfires, heat waves,
and droughts.
The Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) programme is a decade-long integrated research
initiative co-sponsored by the International Council for Science (ICSU), the International Social
Science Council (ISSC), and the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
(UNISDR) – the Co-Sponsors. It is a global, trans-disciplinary research programme created to
address the major challenges of natural and human-induced environmental hazards. The complex-
ity of the task is such that it requires the full integration of research expertise from the natural,
socio-economic, health and engineering sciences as well as policy-making, coupled with an under-
standing of the role of communications, and public and political responses to reduce the risk.
Unfortunately, there is a great shortfall in current research on how science is used to shape social
and political decision-making in the context of hazards and disasters. Addressing this problem
requires an approach that integrates research and policy-making across all hazards, disciplines,
and geographic regions. The IRDR programme endeavours to bring together the natural, socio-
economic, health, and engineering sciences in a coordinated effort to reduce the risks associated
with natural hazards.
The programme is guided by three research objectives:
1. Characterisation of hazards, vulnerability and risk.
2. Understanding decision-making in complex and changing risk contexts.
3. Reducing risk and curbing losses through knowledge-based actions.
Three cross-cutting themes support these objectives:
• Capacity building, including mapping capacity for disaster reduction and building self-
sustaining capacity at various levels for different hazards.
• Development and compilation of case studies and demonstration projects.
• Assessment, data management, and monitoring of hazards, risks, and disasters
Attainment of these objectives through successful projects will lead to a better understanding of
hazards, vulnerability and risk; an enhanced capacity to model and project risk into the future;
better understanding of decision-making choices that lead to risk plus how they may be influ-
enced; and how this knowledge can better guide disaster risk reduction.
Members of the IRDR DATA Project Working Group
• Susan L. CUTTER (Co-Chair), University of South Carolina
• Daniele EHRLICH (Co-Chair), EU Joint Research Center
• Sisi ZLATANOVA (Co-Chair), Delft University
• Robert S. CHEN, Columbia University
• Regina BELOW, Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED), Université
Catholique de Louvain
• Lucia BEVERE, Swiss Re
• Jan EICHNER, Munich Re
• Julio SERJE, United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR)
• Carlos VILLACIS, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
• Adam SMITH, U.S. National Climatic Data Center/NOAA
• Wei-Sen LI, Taiwan National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction (NCDR)
• Maria PATEK, Austrian Government
• Frederic ZANETTA, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
• Ricardo ZAPATA MARTI, United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America (UNECLAC)
• Francis GHESQUIERE, The World Bank
• Melanie GALL (Ex-Officio), University of South Carolina
Integrated Research on Disaster Risk IPO
B713, No. 9 Dengzhuang South Road
Haidian District, Beijing 100094, P.R. China
+86 10 8217 8917
© 2014
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Hundreds of natural catastrophes occur worldwide every year—there were 780 loss events per year on average over the last 10 years. Since 1980, these disasters have claimed over two million lives and caused losses worth US3,000billion.Thedeadliestdisasterswerecausedbyearthquakes:thetsunamifollowingtheSumatraquake(2004)andtheHaitiearthquake(2010)claimedmorethan220,000liveseach.TheGreatEastJapanEarthquakeof11March2011wasthecostliestnaturaldisasterofalltimes,withtotallossesofUS 3,000 billion. The deadliest disasters were caused by earthquakes: the tsunami following the Sumatra quake (2004) and the Haiti earthquake (2010) claimed more than 220,000 lives each. The Great East Japan Earthquake of 11 March 2011 was the costliest natural disaster of all times, with total losses of US 210 billion. Hurricane Katrina, in 2005, was the second costliest disaster, with total losses of US$ 140 billion (in 2010 values). To ensure that high-quality natural disaster analyses can be performed, the data have to be collected, checked and managed with a high degree of expertise and professionality. Scientists, governmental and non-governmental organisations and the finance industry make use of global databases that contain losses attributable to natural catastrophes. At present, there are three global and multi-peril loss databases: NatCatSERVICE (Munich Re), Sigma (Swiss Re) and EM-Dat (Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters). They are supplemented by numerous databases focusing on national or regional issues, certain hazards and specific sectors. This paper outlines the criteria and definitions relating to how global and multi-peril databases are operated, and the efforts being made to ensure consistent and internationally recognised standards of data management. In addition, it presents the concept and methodology underlying the NatCatSERVICE database, and points out the many challenges associated with data acquisition and data management.
A Comparative Review of Country-Level and Regional Disaster Loss and Damage Databases
  • Undp Bcpr
UNDP/BCPR. 2013. " A Comparative Review of Country-Level and Regional Disaster Loss and Damage Databases. " New York, NY.
Integrated Research on Disaster Risk Strategic Plan
  • Irdr
IRDR. 2013. "Integrated Research on Disaster Risk Strategic Plan 2013-2017." Beijing, China.