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Frank Kügler1, Bernadett Smolibocki1, Denis Arnold2, Stefan Baumann3, Bettina Braun4, Martine Grice3,
Stefanie Jannedy5, Jan Michalsky6, Oliver Niebuhr7, Jörg Peters6, Simon Ritter3, Christine T. Röhr3,
Antje Schweitzer8, Katrin Schweitzer8, Petra Wagner9
1University of Potsdam; 2University of Tübingen; 3University of Cologne; 4University of Konstanz; 5ZAS
Berlin; 6Oldenburg University; 7University of Southern Denmark; 8Stuttgart University; 9Bielefeld University
This paper presents newly developed guidelines for
prosodic annotation of German as a consensus
system agreed upon by German intonologists. The
DIMA system is rooted in the framework of
autosegmental-metrical phonology. One important
goal of the consensus is to make exchanging data
between groups easier since German intonation is
currently annotated according to different models.
To this end, we aim to provide guidelines that are
easy to learn. The guidelines were evaluated running
an inter-annotator reliability study on three different
speech styles (read speech, monologue and
dialogue). The overall high κ between 0.76 and 0.89
(depending on the speech style) shows that the
DIMA conventions can be applied successfully.
Keywords: German, intonation, annotation,
guidelines, inter-annotator reliability.
We present a consensus system for a prosodic
annotation of German, developed by intonologists of
German over the past four years. DIMA stands for
Deutsche Intonation, Modellierung und Annotation
and is rooted in the framework of autosegmental-
metrical (AM) phonology [2, 13, 19, 26]. Our goal is
to gain a phonetically informed phonological
annotation in a way that spans different variants of
the AM framework. The general aim is to achieve
compatible annotations of (corpus) data, thus
facilitating the exchange of data. In order to increase
exchangeability and compatibility in particular with
existing data we envision automatic mappings from
DIMA to the phonological systems used by different
working groups such as GToBI [10], GToBI(S) [20],
KIM [14] and off-ramp analyses like [8, 24].
The motivation for a consensus system for the
annotation of German intonation lies in a diverse
usage of these different phonological models, as
illustrated in (1). The interpretation of the low pitch
before the accentual H* tone is either attributed to a
low leading tone [10] or to a rightward-spreading
low initial boundary tone [24]; the falling pitch after
the accentual H* is either interpreted as a low
boundary tone [10] or as a low trailing tone [20, 24].
The DIMA system is confined to the representation
of those aspects of tonal structure which are
accounted for in all the phonological models
mentioned. In (1), for example, the DIMA
annotation will represent the high tonal target as an
accentual tone and the initial and final targets as
boundary tones, whereas the low targets before and
after the accentual peak will not be assigned to a
specific tone class, such as a leading tone, a trailing
tone, or a phrase accent. We hope that this under-
specification, as firstsuggested in [11], will make it
easier to exchange annotated data and corpora. In
addition, the DIMA system should be easy to learn.
a. L+ H* L-% [10]
Mein ZAHN tut weh. ‘My tooth is hurting.’
b. %L H*L L% [24]
The symbols used for annotation were borrowed
from the classical ToBI system [1]. We propose
three distinct layers of intonational events as well as
one layer for comments as illustrated in Figure 1
using Praat [3]. The distinct layers indicate phrase
boundaries, tones and corresponding diacritics, and
prominences. As a crucial departure from other
systems, these layers are annotated independently of
each other. A prerequisite is labelled text at the
levels of words and (stressed) syllables. Table 1 lists
the inventory of symbols used for DIMA annotation.
Table 1: Symbols for prosodic DIMA annotation.
Layer Symbols
Phrase % -
Tone H* L* L H ! ^ < >
Prominence 1 2 3
Comments e.g. ?
2.1 Phrase boundaries
Two types of phrase boundary are distinguished: A
prosodic phrase with a strong boundary (%) and one
Figure 1: Illustration of DIMA-annotation layers and annotated intonational events for the utterance Er wird von der
Regierung in Peking unterstützt ‘He is supported by the government in Beijing’. Segmental annotations in SAMPA.
with a weak boundary (-). Based on the prosodic
hierarchy [21] we assume that a prosodic phrase
with a weak boundary is dominated by a phrase with
a strong boundary, hence two levels of phrasing.
Auditory-phonetic criteria for the presence of a
boundary are a pause, phrase-final lengthening and
tonal movement, pitch reset, and other prosodic
phenomena such as laryngealisation. The decision
on the type of boundary depends on the number of
co-occurring criteria and thus their perceptual
strength. Figure 1 shows two prosodic phrases with a
strong boundary in one utterance since perceptual
impression suggests a bundle of the mentioned
boundary criteria. The first phrase also contains a
weak phrase break.
2.2 Tones
The tonal layer distinguishes between accentual and
non-accentual tones. Two types of tone, H and L, are
interpreted relative to each other (cf. Fig. 1).
An asterisk marks accentual tones (H* / L*), non-
accentual tones do not carry an asterisk (H / L).
Downstep (!) or upstep (^) indicate the height of
accentual / non-accentual tones relative to a
preceding H tone (!H*, !H, ^H*, or ^H).
The occurrence of a tonal target outside of the tone
bearing syllable is indicated by the displacement
label < (actual target pointing to the associated
syllable to the left; Fig.1) or > (actual target
pointing to the right).
2.3 Prominences
The prominence layer distinguishes three levels of
perceived prominence (cf. [14]). Non-prominent
syllables are not annotated.
1 = Weak prominence:
Typically caused by metrical strength or tonal
events. Examples for level 1 prominence are post-
focal prominences in a reduced pitch register [17],
partial deaccentuation [14], rhythmically
determined accents [4], phrase accents [12][11], or
post-lexical stress (‘Druckakzent’) [9].
2 = Strong prominence:
Typically caused by syllables that are associated
with a pitch accent, irrespective of the position of
the accent in the phrase (cf. accents in first phrase
of Fig. 1).
3 = Emphasis, extra strong prominence:
Assigned for a clear and distinct marking of
prominence beyond the strong prominence of a
pitch accent. This level of prominence does not
refer simply to a prosodically marked focus or the
nuclear accent of the phrase, but often to an
attitudinal, emphatic production [16], [22].
Like in [1] a layer for comments allows to indicate
uncertainties about prosodic labels by means of a
question mark (cf. Fig. 1), or to indicate phenomena
that cannot be captured otherwise.
The prosodic annotation is carried out in a number
of steps, from left to right, in three distinct layers
that need to be annotated independently. For
instance, a prominence label does not necessarily
entail a co-occurring tonal label. The annotation
process is as follows:
1. “Phrase” layer – identify phrase boundaries:
Identify and label the start and end of a strong
boundary (% … %). If any, identify and label a
weak boundary within that phrase (% … - … %).
The hierarchical representation of phrases implies
that a phrase with a weak boundary may never
occur outside of a phrase with a strong boundary.
2. “Prominence” layer:
Add a prominence label within the respective
syllable [25].
3. “Tone” layer – label the tones from left to right:
(a) Assign a left boundary tone below the phrase
label. The default left-edge boundary tone is L. If
the phrase starts with a distinctly high pitch,
assign a high boundary tone (unless the high
contour can be explained by an H tone in the first
syllable). The phrase ends with a tone on the
right boundary below the phrase label (H or L). If
the end of a prosodic phrase coincides with the
beginning of the next phrase, two tone labels
need to be provided – but only if the tonal values
differ. For example, a phrase may end with high
pitch, and the following phrase starts with low
pitch (HL). Otherwise, one tonal label is
sufficient (see the weak boundary in Fig. 1).
(b) Accentual H* or L* tones are labelled at the F0
peak or valley of the accented syllable. If this
target occurs outside of the syllable, label the
accentual tone in the middle of the accented
syllable and use the appropriate displacement
label “<” or “>” (cf. first accent in Fig. 1). Note
that accentual tones must co-occur with a
prominence label; move the prominence label
accordingly if necessary.
(c) Relevant F0 turning points that are perceived
before and/or after the accentual tone indicate the
presence of a tone; these non-accentual tones are
either L or H.
Note some implications and further rules:
H tone labels can be modified with the diacritics
for downstep “!” and upstep “^”, which are
interpreted locally in relation to a preceding H tone
in the same phrase.
Prominence labels can occur with and without a
tonal label.
Prototypically, a prosodic phrase with a strong
boundary contains at least one prominence of level 2
and one accentual tone H* or L*. DIMA allows for
exceptions (e.g. prominences without tones or
phrases without prominences), which are likely to
occur in spontaneous speech data.
To evaluate the quality of the proposed consensus
system we ran an inter-annotator agreement study on
three different speech styles with two annotators.
We thus tested our claim that the annotation
guidelines are transparent and easy to apply, such
that we reach a high inter-annotator agreement.
4.1 Speech data
The data for the inter-annotator agreement study was
composed of three different speech styles, i.e. read
speech, and spontaneous monologue and dialogue.
Read speech examples were taken from a news
broadcast [7] and the dialogues were part of the Kiel
corpus [15], [23]. The monologues were taken from
a corpus of advisory speech in the context of mobile
phones, which in total consists of 13 monologues on
different topics, e.g. multimedia or business
applications of mobile phones [18]. The monologues
were non-scripted speech produced by two
professional salesmen.
4.2 Procedure
Two graduate students who are familiar with the
acoustic analysis of speech, intonation analysis and
GToBI were trained with DIMA in two separate
sessions of about one and a half hours each. The first
session involved a thorough explanation of the
distinct annotation layers and conventions. About 15
phrases from the monologues served as training
materials. Note that in-depth training materials still
have to be developed. The second training session
was a discussion of the training materials and
problems that arose by annotating the training
speech samples. Both annotators annotated
approximately one minute of speech in each data set.
4.3 Reliability measurement
Inter-annotator agreement refers to Cohen’s Kappa
(κ) [6], which calculates the agreement between two
annotators considering the agreement that would be
predicted by chance. Although the interpretation of κ
is under discussion, we consider a κ > 0.8 as high
quality of annotation agreement, and a 0.67 < κ <
0.8 ‘allowing for tentative conclusions’ [5].
4.4 Results and discussion
Table 2 shows an overview of total word counts and
prosodically annotated words across the three speech
styles. The total number of words that received a
prosodic label (annotated words) differs from the
number of words that received a prosodic label by
both annotators (agreed words) showing some
degree of disagreement. Although read speech and
monologue data seem to allow about 10% higher
agreement on average than dialogue, this may be
explained by the fact that the dialogue speech
contained a number of phrases where it was hard to
decide whether prominence and/or tone was present
at all. These phrases contained whispered speech or
repetitions of words as individual prosodic phrases
with a strong boundary.
For the comparison of reliability measures across
the three speech styles, all labels of the three distinct
annotation layers entered the analysis. Results
revealed an overall reliable inter-annotator
agreement (Table 3). Read speech seems to pose
more difficulties to reach inter-annotator agreement
than spontaneous speech, which yields higher
coefficients for annotation agreement.
Table 2: Number of words per speech style split
by total word count, annotated words receiving a
prosodic label, and agreed words labelled by both
annotators (total number and percentage).
Speech style Words Annotated
read news 124 55 40 (72%)
dialogue 289 98 64 (65%)
monologue 171 62 45 (73%)
Table 3: Reliability measures (κ) per speech style.
Speech style Kappa
read news 0.76
dialogue 0.89
monologue 0.83
Table 4: Reliability measures for boundary and
corresponding tones, and prominence and
corresponding tones, according to speech style.
Speech style Boundary
& Tones κ
& Tones κ
read news 0.94 0.65
dialogue 0.93 0.81
monologue 0.92 0.74
Table 5: Reliability measures (κ) and ratio of
actual observed agreement (p0) for boundary, tone,
and prominence layer according to speech style.
κ (p0)
κ (p0)
read news 0.72 0.38 (63%) 0.36 (78%)
dialogue 0.90 0.68 (83%) 0.41 (80%)
monologue 0.77 0.27 (60%) 0.46 (91%)
Comparing the individual prosodic events across
speech styles we calculated reliability measures a)
for prosodic boundaries and their tonal labels, and b)
for prominence ratings and the corresponding tones
separately (Table 4). The agreement for boundaries
and corresponding tones was very high. This shows
that boundaries were detected reliably, both in
general and across different speech styles. The
agreement for prominence and corresponding tones
was lower, yet reliable, for spontaneous speech, as
the κ > 0.67 shows. The reduction of complexity in
annotation as proposed in DIMA thus leads to a high
inter-annotator agreement, as was also shown for
ToBI, where a relatively high agreement was
achieved for accentual tones only [27].
Analysing each layer of annotation separately, we
observe a dramatic reduction of reliability for the
layers of tone and prominence (Table 5). However,
the ratio of actually observed agreement (p0) is high,
which shows a weakness of the Kappa statistics
when analysing data categories with large
differences in their distribution. For instance, level 2
prominence occurs most frequently in annotated data
since, prototypically, each proper prosodic phrase
with a strong boundary contains at least one level 2
prominence. Hence, prominences at levels 1 and 3
are much less frequent. This kind of skewed
distribution leads to a low κ despite the observed
high agreement (p0) of 80 to 90%. A similarly
skewed distribution of tonal categories arises
because accentual tones occur much more frequently
than non-accentual tones, the latter depending on the
presence of an accentual tone.
This paper reported on a consensus system for the
prosodic annotation of German, set-up in order to
achieve compatible data annotations from different
research groups working in the field. The consensus
system represents those aspects of tonal structure
which are accounted for in the different
phonological models used. We obtained high
coefficients for annotation agreement, which are as
good or even better than for similar annotation
systems like [27]. We conclude that the proposed
consensus system can be applied successfully. A
website of the DIMA project presents detailed
guidelines for transcription and will be updated with
further developments of the system and training
This research was supported by German Research
Association (DFG) grants to some of the authors:
SFB 632, projects D5 and T2, SFB 732, projects A4
and INF, SPP 1234, as well as DFG projects GR
1610/5 and BA 4734/1, and a fund from the German
Ministry for Education and Research – BMBF Grant
Nr. 01UG0711.
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