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Understanding breakage in curly hair

  • Mane Insights, Inc

Abstract and Figures

Background: In 2005, the L'Oréal Institute for hair and skin research carried out a multiethnic study to investigate hair breakage in women residing in the U.S.A. In this study it was reported that a large percentage (96%) of the African-American respondents experience breakage. A combination of structural differences and grooming-induced stresses seem to contribute to the higher breakage incidence in the African-American group as the chemical composition of African-American hair is not significantly different from other ethnic groups. Some authors have proposed that the repeated elongation, torsion and flexion actions may affect the components of the hair fibre. However, considering the different properties of cuticle and cortex, one would expect a different wearing mechanism of each, leading to the ultimate failure of hair. Knowing in detail how each part of the structure fails can potentially lead to better ways to protect the hair from physical insults. Objective: To investigate crack propagation and fracture mechanisms in African-American hair. Methods: Virgin hair of excellent quality was collected, with informed consent, from a female African-American volunteer. A series of controlled mechanical stresses was applied to 10-mm hair sections using a high-resolution mechanical stage (20 mN) up to the fracture of the fibre. The surface was monitored using scanning electron microscopy imaging during the stress application. X-ray tomographic microscopy images were acquired and quantified to detect changes in energy absorption as a function of applied stress that could be linked to increase in crack density. Results: Analysis of the mechanical response of hair combined with the two imaging techniques led us to propose the following mechanism of hair breakage: cuticle sliding; failure of the cuticle-cortex interface; nucleation of intercellular cracks and growth of cracks at the cuticle-cortex junction; and propagation of intercellular cracks towards the surface of the hair and final breakage when these cracks merge at the cuticular junction. Conclusions: The combination of scanning electron microscopy and X-ray tomography provided new information about the fracture of hair. Mechanical damage from grooming and some environmental factors accumulate in hair creating internal cracks that eventually result in breakage at unpredictable sites and therefore a continuous care regimen for the hair throughout the life cycle of the fibres is recommended.
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British Journal of Dermatology
Understanding breakage in curly hair
G.A. Camacho-Bragado,
G. Balooch,
F. Dixon-Parks,
C. Porter
and H. Bryant
The L’Oreal Institute for Ethnic Hair and Skin Research, Chicago, IL, U.S.A.
L’Oreal Research and Innovation, Clark, NJ, U.S.A
G. Alejandra Camacho-Bragado.
Accepted for publication
11 June 2014
Funding sources
This study was funded by L’Oreal.
Conflicts of interest
All the authors are employees of L’Oreal.
DOI 10.1111/bjd.13241
Background In 2005, the L’Oreal Institute for hair and skin research carried out a
multiethnic study to investigate hair breakage in women residing in the U.S.A. In
this study it was reported that a large percentage (96%) of the African-American
respondents experience breakage. A combination of structural differences and
grooming-induced stresses seem to contribute to the higher breakage incidence in
the African-American group as the chemical composition of African-American hair
is not significantly different from other ethnic groups. Some authors have
proposed that the repeated elongation, torsion and flexion actions may affect the
components of the hair fibre. However, considering the different properties of
cuticle and cortex, one would expect a different wearing mechanism of each, lead-
ing to the ultimate failure of hair. Knowing in detail how each part of the structure
fails can potentially lead to better ways to protect the hair from physical insults.
Objective To investigate crack propagation and fracture mechanisms in African-
American hair.
Methods Virgin hair of excellent quality was collected, with informed consent,
from a female African-American volunteer. A series of controlled mechanical
stresses was applied to 10-mm hair sections using a high-resolution mechanical
stage (20 mN) up to the fracture of the fibre. The surface was monitored using
scanning electron microscopy imaging during the stress application. X-ray tomo-
graphic microscopy images were acquired and quantified to detect changes in
energy absorption as a function of applied stress that could be linked to increase
in crack density.
Results Analysis of the mechanical response of hair combined with the two imag-
ing techniques led us to propose the following mechanism of hair breakage: cuti-
cle sliding; failure of the cuticlecortex interface; nucleation of intercellular
cracks and growth of cracks at the cuticlecortex junction; and propagation of
intercellular cracks towards the surface of the hair and final breakage when these
cracks merge at the cuticular junction.
Conclusions The combination of scanning electron microscopy and X-ray tomo-
graphy provided new information about the fracture of hair. Mechanical damage
from grooming and some environmental factors accumulate in hair creating
internal cracks that eventually result in breakage at unpredictable sites and there-
fore a continuous care regimen for the hair throughout the life cycle of the fibres
is recommended.
©2015 The Authors
BJD ©2015 British Association of Dermatologists
10 British Journal of Dermatology (2015) 173 (Suppl. 2), pp10–16
Hair breakage has been identified as one of the main hair
problems in women of African descent in the U.S.A. as
indicated by an internet survey performed in 2005.
In this
survey, it was found that 96% of the surveyed participants
experience breakage and 23% indicated this condition as their
main concern.
Multiple authors have reported on the potential causes of
increased fragility of curly hair vs. other ethnic types. In some
cases, genetic hair shaft abnormalities can be the origin; how-
ever, this is not necessarily a cause exclusive to curly hair.
most cases, an acceleration of hair degradation is linked to a
combination of structural characteristics of curly hair
grooming practices,
therefore highlighting the importance
of selecting an appropriate routine that can help extend the
life of the fibres keeping the structural integrity of the hair.
In spite of all this information, there has not been a report
on the structural mechanism and process of hair breakage
from a materials science approach; this article discusses a
combination of techniques that were applied to study the
failure mechanism of virgin (nonrelaxed) hair. The hair was
considered to be a reinforced, highly hierarchical natural fibre
with a remarkable tensile toughness (130180 MJ m
method is a combination of in situ tensile testing, scanning
electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray tomography (XTM).
The scale and resolution of these techniques are appropriate
for studying the interaction of the different mesoscopic
components of hair and help describe their individual fracture
steps leading to the catastrophic failure of the structure.
Human hair is a biological material formed, at the nano-
scale, by keratin a-helices coiled into rope-like structures,
which are bound by keratin-associated proteins (KAPs) to
form microfibrils. Microfibril bundles, held together by a
proteinaceous matrix, constitute the macrofibrils. On the
microscopic scale, the macrofibrils aggregate into cortical cells
kept together by the cellular membrane complex (CMC) to
form the cortex. The cortex is protected from direct inter-
action with the environment by the cuticle, which consists of
510 layers of keratinized cells in a roof-tile-like arrange-
Several groups have attempted to elucidate the
mechanical behaviour of hair based exclusively on its molecu-
lar or nanoscopic components (keratin coils, microfibrils and
amorphous protein matrix).
Other authors
use the sur-
face quality and macroscopic geometry (twists, kinks, etc.) of
hair fibres as key parameters in describing the failure of hair
under different stress conditions (uniaxial tensile testing, cyclic
fatigue, flexabrasion, etc.).
However, the series of
phenomena leading to failure cannot be fully established from
the properties of the molecular elements or the presence of
surface defects alone. In the present study it was observed, for
example, that fibres tested in tension (Fig. 1a, b) showed a
step fracture similar to that previously reported.
fatigued fibres resulted in bevelled fracture surfaces (Fig. 1c).
Fig 1. Postmortem (after fracture) scanning electron microscopy images of hair subjected to tensile stress showing stepwise fractures at a twist (a)
and within a homogeneous region (b). (c) Postmortem micrograph of a fatigued fibre revealing a bevelled surface fracture, a different fracture
mode compared with tensile stress, in a region away from a twist (homogeneous region). (d) Fractured fibres collected from panellists that
self-identified as having breakage issues.
©2015 The Authors
BJD ©2015 British Association of Dermatologists
British Journal of Dermatology (2015) 173 (Suppl. 2), pp10–16
Breakage in curly hair, G.A. Camacho-Bragado et al. 11
Moreover, the presence of twists and kinks did not seem
necessarily to increase the frequency of fracture occurrence at
these locations, as the observation of 20 postmortem (after
breakage) specimens revealed only four fractures associated
with a twist or constriction such as the one in Figure 1a. A
similar distribution of ‘at-the-twist’ and ‘away-from-the-twist’
fracture surfaces was observed in hairs collected from panel-
lists who complained of hair breakage (Fig. 1d). These
findings led us to believe that some internal crack propagation
must occur and that stress may be concentrated internally and
not only at the obvious macroscopic constraints and heteroge-
Scanning electron microscopy and XTM (Fig. 2a) were
used for multimodal imaging of the surface and the interior
of the fibres. These techniques combined with in situ mechan-
ical testing provided a better understanding of the evolution
of internal stress distribution upon application of an external
tensile force and the ultimate hair fracture. The combination
of SEM and XTM provides a unique way to analyse the
response of hair to stress and the changes induced by
the strain applied. SEM offered a high-resolution view of the
outer surface of the fibre, while synchrotron XTM allowed
the visualization of the interior of the hair, particularly the
cuticlecortex interface both in a three-dimensional (3D)
view and in virtual cross-sections (Fig. 2d). It must be men-
tioned, that resolving the cuticlecortex interface by XTM
requires special conditions not achievable with bench-top
systems. Synchrotron light is the most viable solution for
performing hard XTM of materials such as hair. In addition,
the monochromaticity of synchrotron light enables accurate
quantification of X-ray absorption coefficients, which can be
linked to localized protein and lipid content.
Virgin hair of excellent quality as indicated by amino acid
analysis (cysteic acid =02, lanthionine =01 and tyro-
sine =20 mg amino acid per 100 g total amino acids) was
collected from a female African-American donor who had
given written consent. The hair was washed with a 10%
ammonium lauryl sulfate solution and the fibres attached to
brass ferrules (n=9).
Tensile test
A Deben microtensile tester, customized by Gatan Inc. (War-
rendale, PA, U.S.A.), was used to strain 10-mm sections of
hair at 1 mm min
with a 2 N load cell (20 mN accuracy).
The strain was applied to each fibre in four stages. Firstly, the
fibres were strained up to the onset of plastic deformation;
the second strain stage was performed to a point within the
plastic region approximately before post-yielding; the third
stage was stopped within the post-yielding region (Fig. 2b);
the fibres were then strained a final time up to fracture. The
hair fibres were imaged during (SEM) and after (SEM and
XTM) each stage of the stepwise tensile test using an FEI
QuantaTM 400 FEG Environmental scanning electron micro-
scope (FEI Company, Hillsboro, OR, U.S.A.). X-ray tomo-
grams of the entire fibre after each strain stage were also
recorded. The final curve for the stepwise test was constructed
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig 2. (a) Schematic showing the combination of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray tomography (XTM) to capture surface and
internal information of the specimen under tensile stress. (b) Stressstrain curve indicating the stages chosen for the stepwise tensile test. Stage 1,
at the onset of plastic deformation; stage 2, within the plastic zone; stage 3, within the post-yielding region; stage 4, fracture. (c) Stressstrain
graph showing the elastic (Ee) and plastic (Ep) strain portions of the curve. (d) Schematic showing typical XTM virtual cross-sections of hair and
the corresponding location within the length of the hair fibre.
©2015 The Authors
BJD ©2015 British Association of Dermatologists
British Journal of Dermatology (2015) 173 (Suppl. 2), pp10–16
12 Breakage in curly hair, G.A. Camacho-Bragado et al.
by shifting the partial curves an amount equivalent to the
plastic deformation, so the elastic strain was accounted for
one time only. Figure 2c shows how the elastic and plastic
portions of a partial curve were defined.
Synchrotron X-ray tomography
X-ray tomography imaging was performed at the Advanced
Light Source on Beamline (8-3-2) at the Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory (Berkeley, CA, U.S.A.). Monochromatic
radiation was used to obtain 2D projections that represent
X-ray attenuation maps. These maps were used to reconstruct
the 3D data volume at a resolution of about 2 lm; the inten-
sity of the signal can be correlated with the local density in
the specimen. Enough slices were captured to reconstruct the
entire hair length. A detailed description of synchrotron XTM
can be found in the literature.
The SEM images taken during the different stages of the
stepwise tensile test indicate that the applied stress led to
increasingly higher cuticle lifting (endocuticle failure). How-
ever, upon stress release, the cuticle closely returned to its
initial configuration. Thus, the surface of the fibre revealed
little evidence of the overall mechanical history of the hair.
Figure 3 shows sequences of SEM images taken at two loca-
tions (close to the root and close to the tip) after different
amounts of applied stress. The proximal end (close to root) is
expected to have about 1 month less of grooming history than
the distal portion. The cuticle lifting became permanent after
the final stress application; the effect is gradually more promi-
nent towards the position of the final fracture as shown in the
postmortem (after fracture) image (Fig. 3b).
On the other hand, XTM 3D reconstructions showed voids
developing along the cuticlecortex junction after the second
application of stress (Fig. 4). Interestingly, the voids were
more noticeable after stage 2 than at the unstrained stage but
did not show significant change after a third stress cycle. This
contrasts with the observed decrease in attenuation coefficient
between the same three stages. The attenuation coefficient is
related to the density of the material under analysis as it is a
measure of how much of the incident beam is scattered or
absorbed by the specimen. In this particular case, cracks and
voids would decrease the attenuation coefficient as the empty
spaces absorb less radiation. Quantitative analysis of the stress
attenuation coefficient (Fig. 5a) showed a steady reduction in
relative energy absorption with increased stress, especially
after stages 2 and 3, where the decrease is statistically signifi-
cant (P<005).
Fig 3. Sequences of scanning electron microscopy images taken after stages 2 and 3 of the stressstrain test compared with postmortem (after
fracture). (a) Proximal section. (b) Distal section and location of failure; the defect enclosed in the square was used as a fiducial to backtrack the
area of failure, the exact location of failure is marked by black arrows.
©2015 The Authors
BJD ©2015 British Association of Dermatologists
British Journal of Dermatology (2015) 173 (Suppl. 2), pp10–16
Breakage in curly hair, G.A. Camacho-Bragado et al. 13
Changes in cross-sectional area and Young’s modulus as a
function of sequential stress applications were also studied.
The cross-sectional area was measured from averaging XTM
data at five different locations along the fibre (Fig. 5b). This
parameter remained relatively constant between baseline and
stage 2. However, after the fibre exceeded 30% strain
(Fig. 5b, stage 3), the cross-sectional area decreased more
noticeably, particularly in the section where the final fracture
occurred. Figure 5c and d shows the stressstrain curves per
stage and the Young’s moduli calculated from these curves;
we observed that the first stress application caused an 18%
decrease in Young’s modulus, while this parameter increased
11% after the second cycle. An additional cycle caused only a
slight decrease of the elastic modulus. The impact of the
changes in this parameter in the overall fracture mechanism
will be discussed later.
In spite of the cuticle splaying and the changes in cross-
sectional area during the stress application, the status of the
fibre surface did not allow the prediction of the location of
failure before it occurred. This could indicate that, under pure
tensile forces, minor surface defects including missing or
chipped cuticle layers and macroscopic heterogeneities
contribute but do not necessarily play a determining role in
Fig 4. Tomographic reconstructions of a hair fibre after different stress application stages. X-ray tomography (XTM) three-dimensional
reconstructions showing multiple internal cracks and voids (white arrows) formed following stage 2 as a result of applied stresses.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig 5. X-ray tomography quantitative analysis and stressstrain curves. (a) Relative energy absorption as a function of stress stages (statistically
significant differences are marked with stars, error bars correspond to standard deviation). Increase in low-density voids causes a decrease in the
energy absorbed by the specimen. (b) Cross-sectional area measurements at five regions along the length of the fibre after each of three stress
cycles (the area values for the location of failure are marked by the arrow); these show a formation of a ‘neck’ at the site of final fracture.
(c) Stress vs. strain curves, the contrast between the maximum value reached in the green vs. the other curves indicates the material has lost
mechanical integrity (weakening). (d) Young’s modulus values showing the changes in elasticity of the hair as stress is accumulated.
©2015 The Authors
BJD ©2015 British Association of Dermatologists
British Journal of Dermatology (2015) 173 (Suppl. 2), pp10–16
14 Breakage in curly hair, G.A. Camacho-Bragado et al.
ultimate hair breakage. One must remember than in real life,
hair is rarely exposed to pure tensile stress and that pulling is
usually accompanied by some sort of surface friction or
abrasion from grooming tools. Based on the lack of surface
breakage indicators, we propose that the critical cracks form
and migrate from the inside out and that catastrophic failure
occurs after the fibre has undergone a relatively large strain.
The behaviour of the cuticle is consistent with adhesion
failure at the cuticlecuticle interface as a first stage leading to
fracture. As described by Robbins et al.,
straining hair at
humidity <65%, corresponding to the humidity regime
inside the microscope chamber, causes fracture at the CMC
between cuticle layers due to weak bonds between hydropho-
bic components, particularly between the side chains of the
fatty acid 18-methyleicosanic acid and the contiguous fibrous
protein layer. This initial partial fracture of the cuticle is
manifested as the initial decrease in elastic modulus. The gen-
eralized internal void formation eventually leads to detachment
of the cuticle from the cortex; failure of the cuticlecortex
interface results in the load being transferred and carried
mainly by the cortex. At these later stages, the Young’s modu-
lus is dictated by the relatively stiff cortex, which is consistent
with the observation of an increase in elastic modulus at stage
3 (Fig. 5c, d). The last small change in elastic modulus could
be linked to propagation of cracks along the cortical CMC. As
the contribution of the CMC to the elastic modulus is rather
small, the corresponding change is expected to be small, as
observed (Fig. 5c, d). The increase in crack density within the
cortex accounts for the decrease in energy absorption at large
strains as the air-filled cracks have a lower density than the
crack-free areas of the fibre.
Crack propagation along the intercellular space would cause
the decrease in cross-sectional area by allowing the cells to
slide and the hair to contract radially; thus one can define a
mesoscopic-level Poisson effect in hair linked to the degrada-
tion of its hierarchical structure. It is not until the fibre has
undergone large strains (>30%) that the load is directly
transferred to the cortical cells and eventually to individual
microfibrils. At these stages, one would expect that fibres with
different cortical cell distribution such as straight vs. curly
would have a different mechanical response as the dif-
ferent cell geometry (ortho- vs. meso- vs. paracortical cells)
and packing could lead to different distribution of areas of
internal stress concentration. As the CMC continues to fracture
and the load is transferred to individual cells, the load-bearing
macrofibrils and microfibrils within the cell start failing. Two
competing processes have been reported to occur during
straining of a-keratin intermediate filaments:
stretching and molecular sliding. Time-resolved small-angle
X-ray scattering data
showed that at low humidity the
sliding process is more likely to occur. Thus, the last stage
leading to failure of hair would be the fracture of intracellular
CMC, which allows the fibrils to slide and eventually break.
From the aforementioned observations, the mechanism of
hair breakage can be summarized as taking place in the
following four steps (Fig. 6): cuticle sliding; failure of the
cuticlecortex interface (Fig. 6a); nucleation of intercellular
cracks and growth of cracks at the cuticlecortex junction
(Fig. 6b); and propagation of intercellular cracks towards the
surface of the hair and final breakage when these cracks merge
at the cuticular junction (Fig. 6c).
In summary, the use of X-ray photon and electron imag-
ing combined with in situ tensile testing provided a new
insight into how human hair breaks, in particular curly hair.
It has helped reconcile previous observations at the molecular
level and at a purely macroscopic statistical level allowing us
to propose a fracture mechanism that takes into consideration
all constituents of hair at different scales. In the particular
case of curly hair, fibres may break in two distinct ways: (i)
at macroscopic constrictions, as they act as points of stress
concentration and are more susceptible to surface-initiated
cracks due to their inhomogeneous macrostructure, or (ii) at
sites of accumulated internal stress; as demonstrated by this
study, internal cracks may accumulate in the hair due to
excessive grooming force without showing surface evidence
of weakened spots; the hierarchical structure of hair is able
to deflect the cracks to extend the life of the fibre up to a
critical crack density and size. In both cases, hair fibres
would benefit from a hair care regimen that reduces the
grooming forces and the friction between grooming tools
and fibres and in between fibres.
The studies were supported by L’Oreal Research and Innova-
tion. XTM was performed at the Advanced Light Source at
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, supported by the
Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy (DE-AC02-
(a) (b) (c)
Fig 6. Schematic representation of the hair-breakage mechanism. (a) Failure of the cuticlecortex interface; observe the crack separating cuticle
from cortex. (b) Formation of intercellular cracks. (c) Propagation of cracks further into the cortex and towards the surface.
©2015 The Authors
BJD ©2015 British Association of Dermatologists
British Journal of Dermatology (2015) 173 (Suppl. 2), pp10–16
Breakage in curly hair, G.A. Camacho-Bragado et al. 15
05CH11231). The authors appreciate the assistance of Candace
Woodson in the preparation of the illustrations.
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©2015 The Authors
BJD ©2015 British Association of Dermatologists
British Journal of Dermatology (2015) 173 (Suppl. 2), pp10–16
16 Breakage in curly hair, G.A. Camacho-Bragado et al.
... (1) To review the literature on the mechanical properties and fracture of human hair, and also of other keratin-based natural materials. (2) To review existing theories on the mechanisms underlying hair breakage and splitting. (3) To devise experiments to generate splitting under laboratory conditions in order to quantify the effects of hair type and treatment on the tendency to form splits. Figure 1 shows the structure of a hair strand, which consists of an outer layer of cuticle surrounding the cortex which takes up most of the volume. ...
... In detail, the structure is complex, involving several hierarchical levels, with fibres bundled together and surrounded by matrix, at scales varying from nanometres to micrometres. Two important scales are (i) the intermediate filaments (IFs), which are assemblies of keratin molecules which form a microfibril of diameter about 7 nm, and (ii) the bundles of fibres known as cells, of diameter about 5 μm, connected together by the cell membrane complex (CMC), where most fractures seem to originate [2]. ...
... Results in the literature vary, and often show considerable scatter even within samples from the same source, especially with regard to the stress and strain at failure [1][2][3][4][5]. Typically, Young's modulus lies in the range 2-4 GPa, yield strength 50-200 MPa, ultimate strength at failure 100-400 MPa and failure strain 20-50%. ...
Full-text available
Splitting of hair, creating ‘split ends’, is a very common problem which has been extensively documented. However, the mechanics underlying the splitting phenomenon are poorly understood. This is partly owing to the lack of a test in which splitting can be generated and quantified under laboratory conditions. We developed three new tests, known as ‘loop tensile’, ‘moving loop’ and ‘moving loop fatigue’, aiming to simulate the mechanical environment of tangles of hair strands during combing. We tested straight strands of human hair, comparing low-quality hair (from a subject who experienced split ends) with hair from a control (non-splitting) subject. Significant differences were found, especially in the moving loop fatigue test where the low-quality hair failed in fewer cycles. Splitting occurred in both types of hair, but with the crucial difference that in the low-quality hair, splits originated inside the hair strand and propagated longitudinally over considerable distances, while in the control hair, splits originated at the strand surface and remained short. Bleaching of the control hair changed its behaviour, making it similar to that of the low-quality hair. Some simple calculations emphasized the role of longitudinal shear stress and shear stress intensity in generating microcracks which could then propagate within the moving loop, paving the way for a future theoretical model of the splitting mechanism.
... which is noticed mainly in the skin appearance. The aging process also presents an effect on the hair which can be observed as a reduction in hair diameter, which can promote the weakening of the hair fiber (20,21). This is reflected primarily as a decrease of the hair break force with the aging process and a decrease in shiny hair appearance (21). ...
... The aging process also presents an effect on the hair which can be observed as a reduction in hair diameter, which can promote the weakening of the hair fiber (20,21). This is reflected primarily as a decrease of the hair break force with the aging process and a decrease in shiny hair appearance (21). Thus, the use of collagen peptides can be used as a support to improve the quality of the skin and its appendices. ...
... However, skin aging differs across skin types, and in addition to ethnicity, regional impacts such as the climate can be key factors that determine how the skin ages (24). The alterations in the hair fiber also differ according to ethnicity and hair type, e.g., it has been reported that curly hair presents more fragility to hair breakage than other hair types (21). Thus, the clinical investigation of the benefits of Bioactive Collagen peptides supplementation in the Brazilian population, which presents excellent diversity in its ethnicity, is a significant contribution to the scientific field. ...
Full-text available
The effect of collagen peptides on various aspects of skin and hair physiology is known but needs further studies. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the clinical changes in skin and hair after 90 days of treatment with oral supplementation of 5 g/day of collagen peptides. For this, 60 healthy female participants were enrolled, aged 45 to 60 years old, with the primary objective of evaluating the effect of the ingestion of a bioactive collagen peptides-based supplementation in the cutaneous microrelief, reduction of wrinkles, thickness, and echogenicity of the dermis, as well as in the mechanical properties of the hair using biophysical and skin imaging techniques. The present study showed important benefits in relevant skin visual parameters, dermis density, and hair strength with the obtained data. In addition, considering that the aging process affects the hair's mechanical resistance due to hair fiber thinner, the proposed treatment was effective for aged hair. In conclusion, the collagen peptides oral supplementation is essential not only for improving skin conditions but also for hair care once it significantly increases the mechanical hair resistance evaluated by objective measurements. Keywords: Collagen peptides, skin aging, skin imaging techniques, hair mechanical properties, clinical study
... Permanent straightening of Afro-textured hair can only be accomplished through the breaking and rearranging of disulfide bonds in the hair shaft [12]. The original method of hair relaxing, also called lanthionization, involved ingredients such as sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide mixed with potato starch [12]. ...
... Permanent straightening of Afro-textured hair can only be accomplished through the breaking and rearranging of disulfide bonds in the hair shaft [12]. The original method of hair relaxing, also called lanthionization, involved ingredients such as sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide mixed with potato starch [12]. Modern curl relaxers can be divided into lye and no-lye formulations, with lye relaxers most common in professional hair salons, and no-lye more popular for at-home use [13]. ...
... Modern curl relaxers can be divided into lye and no-lye formulations, with lye relaxers most common in professional hair salons, and no-lye more popular for at-home use [13]. Lye-based relaxers are found to penetrate the hair shaft more quickly, resulting in rapid straightening and reduced susceptibility to scalp dryness and irritation than the no-lye relaxers [12]. The most frequently cited risks associated with the use of hair relaxers included hair damage, skin irritation, carcinogen exposure, endocrine-disrupting chemical exposure, hair loss, and lack of exercise-friendly hairstyle options. ...
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Hairstyling trends among Black women fluctuate with social, cultural, and environmental pressures. Dermatologists should be aware of current trends and their associated risks in order to provide the best care to this population. In order to summarize the updated trends and associated health risks for the most common hairstyles worn by Black women, a literature review was performed. PubMed and EMBASE were used to identify articles related to hair styling practices, studies on the effects or risks of various styling practices, and magazine articles citing current styling trends among women of African descent. All hairstyles were found to have associated health risks; however, natural styles had the fewest adverse associations of all styles reviewed. Central Centrifugal Cicatricial Alopecia (CCCA) is the most cited hair disorder in this population, possibly linked to both chemical relaxants and traction styles. Additional studies are needed to further establish causality between these styles and CCCA. Additionally, while acceptance of natural hairstyles is on the rise, there is more work to be done throughout society to help protect and encourage women who choose to wear Afrocentric styles. Dermatologists should be well versed in these hairstyles and ready to lend appropriate advice to patients when it is requested.
... Great behavioural variability between fibres and sample sets complexifies absolute intra-and interindividual comparisons (Evans, 2009). Many have demonstrated that, despite sharing similar constituents, straight and curly fibres exhibit significant differences in mechanical behaviour (Wortmann and Wortmann, 2018;Porter et al., de la Mettrie;Leite and Maia Campos, 2017;Camacho-Bragado et al., 2015;(Cloete et al., 2019)). We recently demonstrated a link between mechanical and biochemical properties with hair shape (Cloete, 2020). ...
... Those that fail after a few cycles of loading (<500), having exhibited elastic behaviour, should be included as they elucidate important characteristics about the sample batch. For example, Fig. 6(c), a SEM image of the curly fibre that failed after 37 cycles of loading is similar to the fibre from an individual whose hair was prone to breakage, as presented by Camacho-Bragado et al. (2015). ...
... The straight fibre illustrated in Fig. 6(a) depicts an angle-end fracture mode, consistent with Yu et al.'s findings for low strain rate testing of straight hair fibres (Yu et al., 2017). Camacho-Bragado et al., on the other hand, demonstrated that bevelled fracture was common for curly hairs subject to fatigue (Camacho--Bragado et al., 2015). This finding correlates with the bevelled surface depicted in Fig. 6(b), which illustrates a curly fibre that failed after many cycles of loading. ...
Cyclic testing of human hair reveals important details about the behaviour of fibres over many cycles of loading. Phenomena which are observed under static tensile tests give important clues about the form and behaviour of hair fibres, but these do not necessarily remain constant on the inevitable march to failure. In previous work, we demonstrated that curly fibres exhibited a toe-region during tensile tests. The form of curly fibres could be altered by mechanical manipulation but the curl could be recovered upon immersion in water. In this study, where straight and curly fibres are subject to cyclic loading, this characteristic toe-region was shown to be present in the first cycle of loading (for curly fibres). As the number of cycles increased (and the curly fibres progressively became straighter), the stress-strain response of curly fibres started to resemble that of straight fibres. This observation supports our previous hypothesis, which states that the toe-region can be attributed to the presence of a hydrogen bonding mechanism, which is present in curly fibres only, and can be altered by mechanical force. Interestingly, the alteration in load-bearing pattern in curly fibres did not necessarily translate to increased endurance, demonstrating that the relationship between fatigue and strength is a complex one in hair fibres.
... Recent studies have suggested the existence of a toe region at the start of the stress/strain curve of very curly hair, thus proposing that it exhibits a certain amount of tensile resistance that is not reflected in the stress/strain plot of straight hair [63,64]. Some studies have also reported different fibre breakage patterns for different hair types subjected to tensile stress, but such data need further corroboration [49,65]. A different approach to mechanical hair assessment is offered by fatigue testing, where fibres undergo repeated constant tensile stress cycles until failure. ...
... A common theory as to why African hair is fragile refers to the higher instance of natural constrictions (kinks and coils) along fibres, which are more likely to interact with each other. These interactions generate mechanical stress (tensile, torsional and bending), which could result in a range of damage manifestations acting as points of weakness when the fibre is exposed to higher or repeated loads [7,65,70]. The geometry and packing of cortical cells may also affect the breakage of hair fibres; however, currently, there is no sufficient evidence to confirm this. ...
This review critically appraises the reported differences in human hair fibre within three related domains of research: hair classification approaches, fibre characteristics and properties. The most common hair classification approach is based on geo-racial origin, defining three main groups: African, Asian and Caucasian hair. This classification does not account sufficiently for the worldwide hair diversity and intergroups variability in curl, shape, size and colour. A global classification into eight curl types has been proposed but may be too complex for reproducibility. Beyond that, hair cross-sectional shape and area have been found to have an inverse relation to curl: straighter fibres are circular with larger cross-sectional area, whilst the curlier fibres are elliptical with smaller cross-sectional area. These geometrical differences have been associated with bilateral vs homogenous distribution of cortical cell in curly vs straight hair respectively. However, there is no sufficient data demonstrating significant differences in hair amino composition, but proteomic studies are reporting associations of some proteins with curly hair. Eumelanin’s relative abundance has been reported in all hair colours except for red hair which has a high pheomelanin content. Higher tensile and fatigue strength of straight hair are reported, however, curly hair fragility is attributed to knotting, and crack and flow formations rather than the structural variations. African hair has been found to have the highest level of lipids, whilst the water sorption of Caucasian hair is the highest, and that of Asian hair the lowest. Not all comparative studies clearly report their hair sampling approaches. Therefore, to strengthen the robustness of comparative studies and to facilitate cross-study data comparisons, it is recommended that the following hair defining characteristics are reported in studies: hair cross sectional diameter/area, curl type, hair assembly colour, as well as where possible donor data (age/gender) and sample pooling approach.
... The inherent weakness of textured hair, as compared to straight hair, has led researchers to conduct studies to better understand its mechanical properties and susceptibility to breakage (54)(55)(56)(57). Tensile strength measurements of hair help us to gain insight into the mechanical strength of hair as well as the physicochemical properties of its structural components. ...
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Synopsis In this study, we investigated differences in the various properties of textured hair as compared to straight hair. As representative hair types from both ends of the spectrum, we investigated the morphological and ultra ne structural characteristics of African and Caucasian hair. We took a profound look at African hair using eld emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), examining the exterior of the ber as well as its interior structure by analyzing thin cross-sections of hair. We found that it has unique morphology in both the exterior and interior of the ber. Some key features include the ber morphology at a point of curvature, concavity in the major axis, large distribution of melanin granules, and brillar structures (keratins) heavily coated with biological material (presumably lipids). We further examined the lipid characteristics of African and Caucasian hair using Fourier transform infrared imaging to map the lipid distribution within the cross-section of hair. Using dynamic vapor sorption, we observed the effect of lipid distribution in African hair and its in uence on water management properties. Finally, tensile strength data (break stress, percentage extension at break, etc.) agreed with data previously published in the literature. Expanding on this theme, we monitored the fracture patterns of bers extended to break using FESEM. Overall, African hair was found to exhibit various types of fracture patterns, especially at the point of curvature of the ber. The structures of the broken brillar proteins (intermediate laments) were signi cantly longer in Caucasian hair than in African hair.
Hair care products are widely used to maintain the health, appearance, and condition of hair. Despite their daily use, these products are either unregulated or lightly regulated in many countries. The manufacturer is responsible for ensuring the safety and effectiveness of the products before releasing in the market. Even though most products use approved ingredients, people can still have specific sensitivities to certain ingredients or combinations. With the increasing availability and use of these products, such sensitivities are becoming more common. This makes it essential to adopt thorough methods to ensure product safety and effectiveness. This chapter will provide a detailed summary of how to assess the safety and effectiveness of ingredients and finished products. It will include new alternative methods to animal testing, such as in vitro (test tube), ex vivo (outside a living organism), and 3D cell models. It will also cover techniques for evaluating product sensory performance and functional benefits through instrumental measurements and user feedback, helping to create a comprehensive product assessment strategy.
Background: Highly pigmented African skin and hair have distinct characteristics because of their unique physiology and structure. Twenty years ago, despite an increasing number of dermatology specialists in some African countries, there remained a paucity of collaborative research and workshops on African hair and skin, and there was a need for an inclusive African society to represent dermatologists from all English and French-speaking countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Methods: We documented significant research advances between 2000 and 2021 on African hair and skin physiology, as well as clinical dermatology, in sub-Saharan Africa. Results: The main advances documented include the launch of annual African hair and skin workshops in 2004, the introduction of African research grants and the Africaderm web platform in 2013, and the registration of the African Society of Dermatology and Venereology (ASDV) in 2015, which led to the inaugural scientific meeting of ASDV in 2016. Conclusion: There have been significant research advances in African hair and skin over the past 20 years. As skin physiology and skin conditions are similar across sub-Saharan Africa, scientific and clinical partnerships between companies, academia, and public health care sectors have played a key role in translating new scientific findings on African hair and skin to ensure knowledge is shared. This information has helped educate African specialists, health care workers, and consumers, with a particular focus on the preventable nature of certain dermatoses like skin bleaching-related complications and traction alopecia.
ABSTRACT Due to its curvature and ellipticity, African hair tends to suffer higher level of breakage than other hair types. Its structure becomes compromised due to constant exposure to a variety of stresses such as washing, combing and heat styling, which further increases its propensity for breakage. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to determine the protective effects of two natural oils and two silicone polymers on African hair. The tested materials were: Crambe Anyssinica (Anyssinian) seed oil (ASO), Orbignya Oleifera (Babacu) seed oil (BSO), Bis-Aminopopyl Dimethicone (BAD) and Silicone Quaternium-22 (SQ22). The above active ingredients were applied to hair tresses as pre-treatments to grooming cycles and solar radiation exposure, estimated to be the equivalent to one month of damage. METHODS: The protective effects of the treatments were assessed using the following tests: tensile stress requited to extend a wet fibre by 10%, the changes in hair colour after exposure to a sun simulator, torsional modulus measurements and thermogravimetric analysis. RESULTS: Wet tensile stress testing showed a reduction in tensile stress required for 10% extension in the case of silicone-treated hair, whilst the natural oils did not show a significant effect. There was a visually perceptible change to hair colour (expressed as ΔΕ value) before and after grooming in all tresses, indicating that none of the treatments were able to completely protect hair from solar damage; however, ASO and SQ22-treated hair was less discoloured. The TGA analysis determined that grooming and solar radiation reduced the water content of the hair and that the oil treatments did not have a protective effect. The dry torsional tests showed that ASO softened the hair cuticle. Overall, the results infer that the Anyssinian seed oil offers some benefits to African hair, including maintaining cortex strength, mitigating the solar radiation-induced degradation of melanin, and increasing cuticle softness. It is expected that over extended period of time these effects would contribute to maintaining the fibre’s manageability and reduced breakage, which are critical for keeping African hair in good condition. The remaining three active materials were less effective. Key words: African hair, treatment, protection, oils, silicones
Background Afro hair breakage is most commonly attributed to grooming practices such as braiding, hair extensions and weaves, both for chemically treated hair and natural Afro hair. These grooming practices are also frequently associated with traction alopecia in clinical studies. However, there is little to no quantitative scientific data on the surface and internal hair fibre damage caused by grooming, including combing, on Afro hair. Methods Qualitative and quantitative techniques such as scanning electron microscopy, cuticle cohesion and tensile testing were used to determine the effects of frequent braiding on the integrity of female Afro hair in 15 frequent braiders and 15 occasional braiders (control group) in Johannesburg, South Africa. Frequent braiders were women who braided more than 8 times per year, while occasional braiders typically limit braiding to only twice 2 per year. The severity of traction alopecia was quantified in both groups using the standard Marginal Traction Alopecia Scoring system. Surface damage on naturally curly Afro hair, that was combed but not braided, was assessed as another hairstyle option. Results All measurements showed a relationship between surface and internal hair fibre damage and braiding frequency. Frequent braiders had thinner hair, with more cuticle damage as shown by SEM and cuticle cohesion assessments. Their hair fibres were also significantly weaker (p<0.05), as shown by the tensile testing. In addition, they also had higher traction alopecia severity scores. In the combing impact assessment, a linear trend was observed between surface hair fibre damage and the number of combing strokes. Cuticle damage from 480 combing strokes was more severe than that from frequent braiding. Conclusion Frequent braiding and combing damage natural Afro hair. Quantification of damage caused by different grooming practices, identifies a need to develop products that could help mitigate specific hair damage associated with grooming practices. The degree of damage and subsequent hair loss could also be minimized by education on best braiding practices to protect the hair fibre and avoid hair follicle miniaturization caused by high traction hairstyles.
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Synchrotron radiation X-ray tomographic microscopy (SRXTM) was used to characterize the three-dimensional microstructure, geometry and distribution of different phases in two shale samples obtained from the North Sea (sample N1) and the Upper Barnett Formation in Texas (sample B1). Shale is a challenging material because of its multiphase composition, small grain size, low but significant amount of porosity, as well as strong shape- and lattice-preferred orientation. The goals of this round-robin project were to (i) characterize microstructures and porosity on the micrometer scale, (ii) compare results measured at three synchrotron facilities, and (iii) identify optimal experimental conditions of high-resolution SRXTM for fine-grained materials. SRXTM data of these shales were acquired under similar conditions at the Advanced Light Source (ALS) of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA, the Advanced Photon Source (APS) of Argonne National Laboratory, USA, and the Swiss Light Source (SLS) of the Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland. The data reconstruction of all datasets was handled under the same procedures in order to compare the data quality and determine phase proportions and microstructures. With a 10× objective lens the spatial resolution is approximately 2 µm. The sharpness of phase boundaries in the reconstructed data collected from the APS and SLS was comparable and slightly more refined than in the data obtained from the ALS. Important internal features, such as pyrite (high-absorbing), and low-density features, including pores, fractures and organic matter or kerogen (low-absorbing), were adequately segmented on the same basis. The average volume fractions of low-density features for sample N1 and B1 were estimated at 6.3 (6)% and 4.5 (4)%, while those of pyrite were calculated to be 5.6 (6)% and 2.0 (3)%, respectively. The discrepancy of data quality and volume fractions were mainly due to different types of optical instruments and varying technical set-ups at the ALS, APS and SLS.
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Monilethrix is a congenital hair shaft disorder with associated fragility. Many of the changes seen in monilethrix hair on light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy are also seen in hair weathering and cosmetic damage to hair. We used monilethrix as a model to investigate the relationship between hair protein structure and hair strength and resistance to cosmetic insult. We applied proteomic techniques to identify novel peptide damage markers for chemical oxidative damage to hair. The findings suggest that specific sites in the protein structure of hair are targeted during oxidative damage from bleaching, a unique insight into how chemical damage compromises the structural integrity of the hair shaft at the molecular level. Applying proteomics to the study of congenital and acquired hair shaft disorders can deliver new insights into hair damage and novel strategies to strengthen hair.
Shampoos and hair conditioners function primarily at or near the fiber surface. The primary function of shampoos is to remove soils or dirt from the hair surface, however, hair soils are highly varied from oily to particulate and the mechanisms for removal of these different soils also differ. Secondary functions of shampoos are also varied from conditioning the hair to dandruff control. With increasing damage to hair whether by chemical or photochemical reactions or even by abrasion, the hair surface becomes more hydrophilic and more acidic or anionic in character thus changing the affinity for different ingredients. Shampoos are often perceived as products that do not damage the hair; however damage can occur from some shampoos and such damage is described in detail. Different types of tests from laboratory to half head to tests on consumers are employed to evaluate the functionality of shampoos. These tests are described in detail with contrasts and some useful conclusions and insights. The sorption of shampoo and conditioning ingredients to hair including theories of sorption and diffusion are described in detail. Dandruff including scalp flaking, and skin irritation by surfactants is described in the last part of this chapter.
Human hair consists of proteins, lipids, water, trace elements and pigments. The composition of the first four of these components is the focus of this Chapter. About two decades ago the emphasis on the proteins of hair was on its amino acid constituents which provided important information on the relative amounts of different functional groups in different types of hair and in different regions of the fiber. However, as a result of advances in the characterization and classification of the different proteins and genes of keratins and keratin associated proteins the focus today is on the proteins themselves. Several important new contributions to the composition of the surface layers of hair and the proteins of the cell membrane complex have been and are continuing and therefore are summarized in this Chapter. The current state of changes in the amino acids, proteins and lipids of hair by morphological region (including KAP and keratin proteins and where they reside), chemical and sunlight damage, diet, puberty and menopause, and other factors have been and are being made and are summarized here. An expanded section on metals in hair, where in the fiber these metals reside and the functional groups that they bind to and their effects on hair chemistry, toxicity and disorders are included.
IntroductionA consumer internet survey conducted by our Institute in2005, of over 1200 women that self-identified as AfricanAmerican, Caucasian, Chinese, or Mexican, determinedthat African-American women experience hair breakageat a statistically higher rate as compared with their Chi-nese, Mexican, and Caucasian counterparts. In fact, 96%said they experienced hair breakage while 23% agreed itwas their biggest hair problem. To better understand thisreported phenomenon of increased fragility, one mustconsider that mechanical fragility of hair may be relatedto innate differences in the structure, the result of variousdiseases, or related to grooming habits and practices. Inthis paper, we review some of the previously reportedstructural differences observed in curly hair, laboratorymeasurements used to evaluate fragility, and the potentialimpact of grooming practices.Historically, human hair was classified along raciallines of Caucasian, Mongolian (Asian), and Negroid(African or of African descent). Early studies investigatedhair diameter, geometric shape, strength, and chemicalreactivity.
Human hair is the subject of a remarkably wide range of scientific investigations. Its chemical and physical properties are of importance to the cosmetics industry, forensic scientists and to biomedical researchers. The fifth edition of this book confirms its position as the definitive monograph on the subject. Previous editions were recognized as “concise and thorough” (Journal of the American Chemical Society), “an invaluable resource” (Canadian Forensic Science Society Journal), and “highly recommended” (Textile Research Journal). Chemical and Physical Behavior of Human Hair is a teaching guide and reference volume for cosmetic chemists and other scientists in the hair products industry, academic researchers studying hair and hair growth, textile scientists and forensic specialists. Features of the Fifth Edition: Recent advances in the classification and characterization of the different proteins and genes in IF and keratin associated proteins in human hair are described. The mechanism and incidence of hair growth and loss and hair density vs. age of males & females are described for Asians, Caucasians and Africans in different scalp regions. Details of hair surface lipids and cuticle membranes provide a better understanding of the surface and organization of the CMC and its involvement in stress strain is presented. Recent evidence demonstrates a more bilateral structure in curly hair and a more concentric arrangement of different cortical proteins in straighter hair. SNPs involved in hair form (curl and coarseness) and pigmentation and genes in alopecia and hair abnormalities are described. The latest biosynthetic scheme for hair pigments and structures for these and the different response of red versus brown-black pigments to photodegradation is described. A new method for curvature on 2,400 persons from different countries and groups is used to assign curvature throughout this book. Additional data for age and effects on diameter, ellipticity, elastic modulus, break stress and other parameters are presented with much larger data sets featuring statistical analyses. Hair conditioning, strength, breakage, split ends, flyaway, shine, combing ease, body, style retention, manageability and feel parameters are defined and described. A new section of different life stages by age groups considering collective and individual changes in hair fiber properties with age and how these affect assembly properties.
Synopsis The fracture behavior of Negroid hair was studied to clarify the causes of fiber breakage at low levels of extension. Visual observation and ellipticity measurements reveal frequent twists, with random reversals in direction and pronounced flattening which can lead to stress concentrations during tensile deformation. Simultaneous measurements of the effect of tensile load on extension and on axial angle of untwisting of specimens with a single twist indicate that failure at low extensions is due to the initiation of cracks at numerous flaws near the twists, which relieves torsional stresses in these regions. Extension at failure is higher in wet fibers, probably because plasticization relaxes these stresses. Scanning electron microscopy of fracture ends reveals a predominance of step fractures, indicating a large number of flaws, and a large proportion of fibrillated ends, reflecting poor cohesion between cortical cells. Fatiguing via a method devised to simulate the impact loading occurring during hair grooming appears to accentuate existing fiber damage and/or to reduce intercellular cohesion in the cortex, since fibrillated fracture ends predominate among fibers that fracture during fatiguing. The large number of premature failures in surviving fibers suggests that new damage may be initiated at the highest fatiguing loads and may also occur during combing and picking.
The mechanical behavior of keratin is studied, focusing on the mechanism of failure. For this purpose, a new procedure has been suggested to differentiate the time-dependent and time-independent losses of energy at different strain levels. The matrix of keratin fibers was found to play an important role in the mechanism of failure.
Naturally straight and curved human scalp hairs were examined using fluorescence and electron microscopy techniques to determine morphological and ultrastructural features contributing to single fiber curvature. The study excluded cuticle and medulla, which lack known bilateral structural asymmetry and therefore potential to form curved fibers. The cortex contained four classifiable cell types, two of which were always present in much greater abundance than the remaining two types. In straight hair, these cell types were arranged annularly and evenly within the cortex, implying that the averaging of differing structural features would maintain a straight fiber conformation. In curved fibers, the cell types were bilaterally distributed approximately perpendicular to fiber curvature direction with one dominant cell type predominantly located closest to the convex fiber side and the other, closest to the concave side. Electron tomography confirmed that the dominant cell type closest to the convex fiber side contained discrete macrofibrils composed of helically arranged intermediate filaments, while the dominant cell type closest to the concave side contained larger fused macrofibrils composed of intermediate filament arrangements varying from helical to hexagonal arrays approximately parallel to the longitudinal fiber axis. These findings concur with the current hypothesis of hair curvature formation and behavior.